Value Added Tax
Value Added Tax
Value Added Tax
Learning Outcomes
Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning Learn the concept of onerous transfers and the Value Added Tax (VAT).
Outcomes Identify the transactions subject to Value Added Tax.
Differentiate the VAT taxable, exempt and zero rated transactions from each other.
Learn the concept of Output tax on Sales of Goods or Properties (Actual Sales, Deemed
Sales and Zero-rated Sales).
Learn the concept and computation of Output tax on Sales of Services and Lease of
Properties (Actual Sales, Deemed Sales and Zero-rated Sales) and on Importation.
Learn the concept of Input Tax.
Identify and Differentiate the different types of input taxes.
Illustrate the computation of Net Value Added Tax
Illustrate the computation of VAT Refundable
Learn and Illustrate the Quarterly VAT Computation
Determine the Mandatory and Optional registration under the VAT system
Identify the applicable Invoicing Requirements of VATable Transactions
Prepare the VAT Return, Learn the deadline for the payment of VAT and the legal
implications for its non-payment
Targets/ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Objectives Compute the Value Added Tax due and payable of a business transaction.
Prepare and accomplish the VAT Return.
Note: The insight that you will post on online discussion forum using Learning Management
System (LMS) will receive additional scores in class participation.
1. VAT-Subject Transactions
Transactions Tax Base
a. Sale of goods or properties in the course of trade or
Gross selling price
b. Sale of services and lease of properties in the course of
Gross receipts
trade or business
c. Importation Total landed cost
3. Goods or properties
The term “goods or properties” refers to all tangible and intangible objects which
are capable of pecuniary estimation and shall include, among others:
a. Real properties held primarily for sale to customers or held for lease in the
ordinary trade or business;
b. The right or the privilege to use patent, copyright, design or model, plan,
secret formula or process, goodwill, trademark, trade brand or other like
property or right;
c. The right or the privilege to use any industrial, commercial or scientific
d. The right or the privilege to use motion picture films, films, tapes and discs;
e. Radio, television, satellite transmission and cable television time.
1) The lease or the use of or the right or privilege to use any copyright, patent,
design or model, plan secret formula or process, goodwill, trademark, trade
brand or other like property or right;
2) The lease or the use of, or the right to use of any industrial, commercial or
scientific equipment;
3) The supply of scientific, technical, industrial or commercial knowledge or
4) The supply of any assistance that is ancillary and subsidiary to and is
furnished as a means of enabling the application or enjoyment of any such
property, or right as is mentioned in subparagraph (2) or any such
knowledge or information as is mentioned in subparagraph (3);
5) The supply of services by a nonresident person or his employee in
connection with the use of property or rights belonging to, or the
7. VAT on Importation
a. When Importation begins when the carrying vessel or aircraft enters
importation the jurisdiction of the Philippines with intention to unload
begins and therein.
terminated Importation is deemed terminated upon payment of the duties,
taxes and other charges due upon the articles, or secured to be
paid, at a port of entry and the legal permit for withdrawal shall
have been granted, or in case said articles are free of duties,
taxes and other charges, until they have legally left the
jurisdiction of the customs.
8. Output VAT
a. Meaning of output Output tax means the value-added tax on sale or lease of
tax taxable goods or properties or services by any person
registered or required to register.
b. Determination of In a sale of goods or properties, the output tax is computed
output tax by multiplying the gross selling price by the regular rate of
12. Zero-rated Sales of Goods or Properties Which Shall Be Subject to 12% VAT
Upon Satisfaction of Certain Conditions (under the TRAIN)
a. Items subject to the 1. Sale of raw materials or packaging materials to a
twelve percent (12%) nonresident buyer for delivery to a resident local
value-added tax and export-oriented enterprise to be used in
no longer be manufacturing, processing, packing or repacking in
considered export the Philippines of the said buyer’s goods and paid for
sales subject to zero in acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in
Pursuant to EO 226 and other special laws, even without actual exportation, the
following shall be considered constructively exported:
a. sales to bonded manufacturing warehouses of export-oriented manufacturers;
b. sales to export processing zones pursuant to Republic Act (RA) Nos. 7916, as
amended, 7903, 7922 and other similar export processing zones;
c. sale to enterprises duly registered and accredited with the Subic Bay
Metropolitan Authority pursuant to RA 7227;
d. sales to registered export traders operating bonded trading warehouses
supplying raw materials in the manufacture of export products under
guidelines to be set by the Board in consultation with the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC);
15. Zero-rated Sale of Services and Lease of Properties Which Shall Be Subject to
12% VAT Upon Satisfaction of Certain Conditions (under the TRAIN)
a. Items subject to 1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking of goods for
the twelve other persons doing business outside the Philippines
percent (12%) which goods are subsequently exported where the
value-added tax services are paid for in acceptable foreign currency and
and no longer be accounted for in accordance with the rules and
considered regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP);
export sales 2) Services performed by subcontractors and/or
subject to zero contractors in processing, converting, or
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall determine the appropriate tax base
where the gross selling price is unreasonably lower than the actual market value
(lower by more than 30% of the actual market value).
20. Differences Between Sale of Goods or Properties and Sale of Services or Lease
of Properties
Sale of Services or Lease of
Sale of Goods or Properties
a. Tax Base Gross selling price (accrual basis) Gross receipts (cash basis)
b. Sources of a. Actual regular sales a. Actual regular sales
output tax b. Actual zero-rated sales b. Actual zero-rated sales
c. Deemed sales
Performance Tasks
Exercise C.
1) (Phil.CPA Modified) The Pastry Shop sells cakes and pastry items to well-known hotels around the
Metro Manila area. The hotels are allowed credit based on the track record of the hotels. The total
amounts received or receivable from sales by the Pastry Shop in April,2018 were P224,000,
including the value-added tax. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the sales are normally on account
How much is the value-added tax on the sales for the month of April,2018?
2) The following data are taken from sales of a real estate dealer on January 2, 2018:
Consideration in the Deed of Sale P5,000,000
Fair market value per tax declaration 4,800,000
Fair market value per BIR 5,200,000
Selling price of an adjacent lot sold on the same date 6,000,000
Payments on the consideration:
January 2, 2018 1,000,000
January 2, 2019 2,000,000
January 2, 2020 2,000,000
How much is the output tax for January 2, 2018, January 2, 2019 and January 2, 2020 using 12%
VAT rate?
3) The following data are taken from the books of a dealer in securities:
Selling price, shares held as inventory P3,000,000
Selling price, shares held as investment 2,000,000
Acquisition cost, shares held as inventory 1,000,000
Acquisition cost, shares held as investment 1,500,000
Other income, shares held as inventory 200,000
4) A VAT-registered contractor has the following selected VAT exclusive data for the month of July
Collections from contracts completed in June, 2018 P500,000
Advances from contracts completed in August, 2018 300,000
Collections from contracts completed in July, 2018, net of 10% retention
on billings transferred by the payor to the account of the contractor 198,000
Materials charged with the services rendered, July, 2018 100,000
Payments for services rendered by a sub-contractor, July, 2018 200,000
5) A VAT-registered taxpayer has the following VAT-exclusive data for the month of January 2018:
Accounts receivable, January 1, 2018
Sales on account for the month of January
Cash sales for the month of January
Accounts receivable, January 31, 2018
Cash purchases for the month of January 2018
How much is the output tax for the month of January, 2018 using 12% rate assuming the taxpayer
is a:
a. trader; b. service provider
6) Mr. Cris T. Rosales, not VAT-registered, imported an article from Japan for his personal use. The
invoice value of the imported article was Y1,000,000(Y1=P0.35). the following were incurred in
connection with the importation:
Insurance P15,000
Freight 10,000
Postage 5,000
Wharfage dues 7,000
Arrastre charges 8,000
Brokerage fees 25,000
Facilitation fee 3,000
The imported article was subject to P50,000 custom duties and to P30,000 excise tax. How much
was the VAT on importation using 12% rate?
Exercise D. Determine whether or not the following sales of goods are subject to regular VAT or
(2 conditions (2 conditions
not satisfied) satisfied)
Exercise E. Determine whether or not the following sales of goods are subject to regular VAT or
(2 conditions (2 conditions
not satisfied) satisfied)
a. Processing, manufacturing or repacking of goods for
other persons doing business outside the Philippines
which goods are subsequently exported paid for in
acceptable foreign currency
Exercise F. Determine whether or not the VAT can be passed-on and the treatment of the
passed-on VAT.
Can pass on VAT? Treatment
a. Sale by a VAT-registered seller to a VAT-registered trader
b. Sale by a VAT-registered seller to a VAT-exempt trader
c. Sale by a VAT-registered seller to IRRI
d. Sale by a VAT-registered seller to Development Bank of the
e. Sale by a VAT-exempt seller to a VAT-subject trader
Exercise G. Determine whether the following qualify as VAT-subject deemed sale transactions
or not (Y/N)
a. VAT-registered person withdraws goods from his business for his personal use
b. Property dividends which constitute stocks in trade or properties primarily held for sale
or lease declared out of retained earnings
c. Consigned goods returned by the consignee within the 60-day period
d. Goods on hand when a single proprietorship incorporates
e. Proprietor of a single proprietorship sells his entire business
f. Goods on hand upon the dissolution of a partnership and creation of a new partnership
which takes over the business
Exercise I.
The following information taken from the books of a VAT-registered enterprise was provided to you:
Domestic sales of goods P3,000,000
Sales of packaging materials to an export oriented enterprise whose export sales
exceed 70% of the total annual production
Local sales of goods to Asian Development Bank (ADB) 500,000
Consignment of goods (not returned within 60 days following the date of
Consignment of goods (returned within 60 days following the date of consignment) 150,000
Goods transferred for the personal use of the owner (cost is P90,000), market value 100,000
Goods transferred to creditor as payment of debt of the enterprise (cost, P100,000),
market value
Goods transferred to owners as share in the profit of the enterprise, market value 80,000
How much was the total taxable sales and the output VAT using 12% rate?
Exercise J.
A VAT subject real estate dealer sold a residential lot. The following information was made available
on the terms of the sale:
Gross selling price P3,000,000
Down payment, January 15, 2018 900,000
Balance to be paid in equal installment starting February 15, 2018 2,100,000
Zonal Value 2,800,000
Value per tax declaration 2,500,000
Question 1 – Does the sale qualify under installment sale? Why or why not?
2 – How much is the tax base for VAT purposes?
3 – How much is the output VAT on January 15, 2018 using 12% tax rate?
Exercise K.
A VAT-registered corporation has the following data taken from the books of accounts for the first
calendar quarter of 2018:
Gross sales P5,000,000
Sales returns and allowances 100,000
Sales discount given at the time of sale 400,000
Sales discount given to cover prompt payment 200,000
Sales allowance to cover roll back in prices 120,000
Cost of sales 1,500,000
Office equipment purchased January 1, 2018 1,100,000
Vehicle for land transport imported January 1, 2018 2,500,000
Purchase of goods for sale (included in the cost of sales above) 300,000
Operating expenses (40% with passed-on VAT) 500,000
Office supplies purchased (wholly used) 90,000
VAT payments for January and February 40,000
Exercise L.
A VAT-registered service contractor has the following data for the month of January, 2018:
Cash received for buildings completed on January 2018 with a
contract price of P5,000,000 P3,800,000
Cash advances received for building to be constructed on February, 2018 300,000
Cash received from VAT-registered supplier on materials returned to the supplier 100,000
Cash received from owners of building for materials charged with the services 1,000,000
Cash received from owners of building to be used to pay building permit fees 200,000
Cash received from VAT-registered sub-contractors for overpayments 300,000
Payments to subcontractors for the electrical job 500,000
Purchase of supplies and materials used in the construction 100,000
How much is the gross receipts for the month and the output tax using 12% VAT?
Exercise M.
Candice Corp. imported an article from Japan. The total value of the imported article representing
dutiable value (cost, insurance and freight) was $50,000 ($1=P50). The following were incurred in
connection with the importation:
Bank charges in connection with the importation of goods P150,000
Expenses in opening letters of credits 100,000
The imported article was subject to P500,000 customs duties and to P300,000 excise tax. After the
release from the Bureau of Customs, Candice Corp. paid P50,000 (net of VAT) for trucking to a
warehouse in Quezon City. It also paid warehousing rent of P80,000, net of VAT.
Question 1 – How much are the total charges prior to release from Customs custody?
2 – What is the tax base of the VAT on this importation?
3 – How much is the VAT on importation?
4 – Assuming Candice Corporation is not VAT-registered, will it be required to pay the VAT
on importation? Why or why not?
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