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Josiah Q, Vino

BSA 3-3

1. Study the biography of Miles White, CEO of Abbot Laboratories, Include his
childhood. If there is something significant, his interests, his educational
attainment, professional and career orientation, and other facts that might have
contributed to the success he is enjoying now.
Miles White, was born in March 10, 1955 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, he is an
American businessman and he currently serves as chairman and CEO of Abbot
Labaratories, at the age of 13 Miles White went to Culver Military Academy in
Indiana, and he graduare in Stanford University with a Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering and MBA. Miles White start his career as a consultant at Mckinsey and
Company and he joined in Abbott Laboratories in 1984 serving as Senior Vice
President of Diagnostic Operation and Executive Vice President, and in April 1998 he
was elected to Chief Executive Officer and the next year he became chairman of the
board. Miles White also serve as Board of director of Mcdonalds and Catterpilar, he is
a former Chariman of the federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and He is the chairman of
the board of trustees of the Culver Educational Foundation and he also former
Chairman of the Field Museum of Natural History board of trustees. And Miles White
awarded as Americas Most powerful People and he recognized as one of the world 30
best CEO by Barron for 11 Consecutive year.

2. Study the beginnings of Abbot Laboratories, the challenges it encountered

through the years, its journey toward success.
The second-largest settlement of its kind, pharmaceutical giant Abbott
Laboratories agreed to pay more than $1.5 billion to settle civil and criminal charges
related to unlawful marketing of the drug Depakote. The case began with four
whistleblower actions under the federal False Claims Act, which allows insiders with
knowledge of fraud against the U.S. government to bring lawsuits and share in the
government’s recovery. The settlement consists of an $800 million civil settlement, of
which the qui tam plaintiffs can receive 15 to 30 percent, and a $700 million criminal
fine. Abbott’s CEO and Board of Directors are also subject to court-supervised
probation and reporting requirements.
3. From the management, result-driven, practical, and inspirational strategies
implemented by White at Abbot Laboratories, which struck you as something
worth imitating? Explain your answer

The best thing that Miles white did during challenges of the Abbott Laboratories is to
calm and settle the problem. He is very determine that the company did nothing bad
and under his leadership Abbot management their work has been improved in order to
attract and retain the best scientific talent.

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