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Saab 900


2:3 Fuel system,

injection engine
M 1981-93
022 Technical data
102 Special tools
200 Technical description
232 Air induction system
233 Fuel system

234 Fuel tank and fuel lines

rER ~ [E
240 Fuel injection system, CI (240- .
MJ~ U l
t; ," I
240 Fuel injection system, 'LH (240-6

:2 ~3 f[JJ]e~ ~y~~em
~ Iri1n®<C~B ©)Q1l ®llllgJ ~ flil@
M ~981-93

1 - - - - - - - - . - -....·----.." . - -

The basic and derived units used throughout the Service Manual are in
accordance with the SI system. (Systeme Internatio.nal d'Unites)

For users not familiar with the SI units. some non-Continental units are
given in brackets after the respective SI unit.

The following symbols and abbreviations are used:

51 unit Equivalent unit and symbol·

Millimeter (0101) inch (in)
Kilograms (kg) pound (Ib)
Newton (N) pound-force (Ibf)
Newtonmeter (Nm) foot pound (ft Ib)
Atmosphere (bar) pound-force per square inch (lbf/in 2 )
. (Also abbreviated: psi)
Liter (I) US liquid quart (liq qt)
(Also abbreviated: qts)
US gallon (USgal)
°Celcius eq °Fahrenheit (OF)

Conversion factors
1 in = 25.4 mOl 1 0101 = 0.039 in
1 tb = 0.45 I<g 1 I<g = 2.20 Ib
1 Ibf = 4.45 N 1 N = 0.231bf
11bfft = 1.36 Nm 1 Nm = 0.74 Ibf ft
1 psi = 0.07 bar 1 bar = 14.5 Ibf/in 2
1 US Iiq qt = 0.83 UKqt 1 r = 1.05 Iiq qt
1 USgal = 0.83 UKgal
" of = °C x 9/5 + 32 °C = eF - 32) x 5/9

The codes refer to market specifications

AT Austria GB Great Britain

AU Australia GR Greece
BE Belgium IS Iceland
CA Canada IT Italy
CH Switzerland JP Japan
DE Germany ME Middle East
m< Denmarl< NL Netherlands
ES Spain NO Norway
EU Europe SE Sweden
FE Far East US USA
FI Finland UC US California
I \
FR France
... I

© Saab Automobile AB 1992

Production: Service Support, Saab Automobile AB, Trollhattan, Sweden
Technical data 022-1

Fuel system, Setting of idling speed. . . . ••• 022-'11

8201 fuel injection engine. . • • . • • . . 022-1
Fuel system,
8202 fuel injection engine. • • • . • • • • 022-4

fOJ@~ $ys~em~ B20l~ ~1Iil9JnliiJ~

Turbo Other engines
System pressure, checking value bar (psi) 5:1-5.8 (74-84) 4.5-5.2 (65-75)
setting value bar (psi) 5.3-5.5 (77-80) 4.7-4.9 (68-71)
Tightness test, minimum pressure bar (psi) '1.5 (2'1.5) '1.5 (21.5)
al'ter 20 min.
Control pressure, engine at normal bar (psi) 3.4-3.8 (46-55) 3.4-3.8 (46-55)
operating temperature
Control pressure at full load, engine bar (psi) 2.4-2.8 (35-41)
at normal operating temperature,
boost pressure >0.4 bar (5.8 psi)

Turbo, '1981-82 Bosch No. 0438140: ...085

'1983 Bosch No. 0438140: ...084 (US)
'1982- Bosch No. 0438140: ... 102
1984- Bosch No. 0438140:
Other -1982 Bosch No. 0438140:
1982 Bosch No. 0438140: ...085 (CA, manual gearbox)
...020 (CA, automatic transmission)
Bosch No. 0438140: ...084 (US)
1983 Bosch No. 0438140: ...011
1983-84 Bosch No. 0438140: ... 111 (superseded by ... 020 in '1984)
1984- Bosch No. 0438140: ... 136 (US,~.cA)
1985- Bosch No. 0438140: ...020

*) Earlier 1984 cars:

Bosch No. 0438140084 with green colour code.

Saab 900
022-2 Technical data

Croll1tro~ PJll'essu.urs 9 (CO~dJ eli1goll1e

bar n--,---.-----.~-r_-,----r:;;;::;r__;r~ bar rr----,-----.---,--~-r__.------.----,...-____r__,
(ps i) n--+--+--+---+---t----t----; 11----1---1--+---1--1-+--1--+--+---1
3.0 II-------~-I---+--+--t-..., 2.5 1I----I---I--+---I--t--+--I--"I---I----1
(43.5) If--+--+--+--t-- 11---+---+----+--+-+-1---:

2 .5 11--I---t--+----t7rr 2, a II--+--+--+---+--+::
(36.3) Il--+__+--h {29,O,ll------+---+--l-_

2.0 n--t---1-7. 1,5 Il--f--+-----,

(29.0) 11--1----' (2.:1,8}'l------f-

'1.5 !1--.J-~+--+-_j__+_+-+__+-. 1, 0 I l - - - - f -
(21.8) ~ (114,5)11---1---1---1---+_+--+---+--+--+_ ~
1.0 :=b~b=:b:=~='==:=h=='="==d===(f) \b=~.b="=="==d=d=~±'=~
(14.5) 10 20 30 40°C (7,'3) 10 20 30 40°C
(50) (68) (86) (104) (oF) (50) (68) (86) (104) ("11=

Bosch No. 0438140084 . Bosch No. 0438140084: 020


bar ...-.----.-----.~-r__.------,-~~--;
(ps i) II----I----f--l---f-----+-----i-

Date code
3.0 I-+---t--+--t----/---+
(43.5) II-----I---I--I--+_+_~
2.5 D---+--+--+----/-~
(36.3) Il----l____+--l____~&'_+__+__l____t____l

Bosch No. 2.0 II--+----I--~

(29.0) 11--+---+----,1
1.5 1l--+--1~ r--
( (21 .8) n--t--*ii'-+--t--+---+----+----+---+----ti
1.0 lb=d=~~~::be='==='=='==!==l
(14.5) 10 20 30 40°C
(50) (68) (86) (104) (oF)

Bosch No. 0'438140: 084 (with green c%ur code)


Opening pressure bar (psi) 3.0-4.1 (44-60) 3.7 (53.7)

Tightness test* bar (psi) 2.4 (35) 2.7 (39.2)
Bosch No. 0437502012 0437502056
*) No leakage is permissible at this pressure during
a 15-second period.
The test should be carried out at the residual

Saab 900
Technical data 022-3

Sensor plate in rest position.

, The ignition must be switched off during the test.

Stop bracket retaining bolts Nm (Ibf ft) 4.7-5.3 (3.5-3.9)

Counterweight retaining screw Nm (Ibf ft) 4.7-5.3 (3.5-3.9)
Sensor plate retaining bolt Nm (Ibf ft) 5.0-5.5 (3.7-4.1)
Fuel-flow meter retaining screws Nm (Ibf ft) 3.2-3.8 (2.3-2.8)
Screw plug for line pressure regulator Nm (Ibf ft) 13-15 (9'.6-11.0)
M8 bolts Nm (Ibf ft) 10-12 (704-8.9)
M10 bolts Nm (Ibf ft) 13-15 (9.6-11.0)
M12 bolts Nm (Ibf ft) 20-24 (14.8-17.7)
M14 bolts Nm (Ibf ft) 15-20 (11.0-14.8)
M12 cap nuts Nm (Ibf ft) '15-20 (11.0-14.8)
M'14 cap nuts Nm (Ibf ft) 25-30 (18.5-22.0)

Type Boost-pressure influenced full-load enrichment

Simulated boost pressure when drop
in control pressure occurs . bar (psi) 0.33-0.40 (4.8-5.8)
Reduced control pressure (at boost
pressure in excess of 004 bar) bar (psi) 2.4-2.8 (3.5-4.0)
CO value at idling speed with
simulated boost pressure in excess of
0.4 bar %CO approx.4-6

Total capacity, model year -'1989 litres (qts) 63 (66)

1990- Iitres (qts) 68 (71)
Capacity when fuel level warning
lamp lights up -1989 litres (qts) approx. 7 (7.4)
Capacity when fuel level warning
lamp lights up 1990- litres (qts) approx. '10 (10.6)
Capacity - measured in return pipe min 900 (54.9)

Saab 900
022-4 Technical data

tFue~ sY$tem~ 202 engone

lPreSSllJllre lregu~a~oD' '" checki~g vah.nes
Turbo -1986 Turbo 1987- B202i 1986-
System pressure, bar 2.5 (36) 2.8 (40) 3.0 (43)
+0.2 (+2.9) 2.7 (39) 3.0 (43) 3.2 (46)
+0.4 (5.8) 2.9 (42) 3.2 (46) 3.4 (49)
+0.6 (8.6) }.1 (4~)_~3._4...l...(4;,.;;..9)'-----.:3:..:..;.6:..:..;(~52=)_ _
atm bar (psi) . ,~.:..5j36) _ _2:-.8=_,":(4~0):__-_:_3.~0-,-(4 __3,:,"_)_-
-0.6 (8.6) 1.9 (28) 2.2 (32) 2.4 (35)
-0.4 (5.8) 2.1 (30) 2.4 (35) 2.4 (35)
-0.2 (2.9) 2.3 (33) 2.6 (37) 2.8 (40)
Tolerance range:
2.5 + 0.25/-0. "15 bar (36 + 3.6/-2.3 psi)
2.8 + 0.25/-0.15 bar (40 + 3.6/-2.3 psi)
3.0 + 0.25/-0.15 bar (43 + 3.6/-2.3 psi)
Permitted tolerances when the test is carried out us-
ing workshop equipment and taking into account the
temperature, fuel grade and the tolerance and cali-
bration of the instrument: +5%.


Designation 9357021 (Bosch 0280130026)

Resistance at ooe (32°F ohms 5800
20 e (68°F)
ohms 2600
80 e (176°F)
ohms 320
Designation 7485006 (Lucas 73355)
Resistance at -1O oe ±1° (14°F) ohms 7000-11600
20 e ±1 ° (68°F)
ohms 2100-2900
80 e ±1 ° (176°F)
ohms 270-390

Resistance at 20 0 e (68°F) ohms I 40-60
.. l'·1

Saab 900
Technical data 022-5

3 4 5

..•. S 1/138

Resistance at 20°C (68 OF), LH2.2 ohms 20 ± 5

LH2.4 ohms 7±5
LH2.4.2 (M91-) ohms 12 ± 3

Throttle switch (LH 2.2, 2.4) (butterfly angle

when switch is closed) degrees (0) approx.72
CO value under simulated full-load
conditions % 1-2
Throttle potentiometer, LH2.4.2. Ignition
on, voltage across pins 2 and 3
Idling V 0.25
Full load V 4.0

lambda sellilSOIi'
Signal voltage 0-1 V when system in operation. Pre-
heater resistance 4 ± 2 ohms.
Lambda sensor for Lucas fuel injection system:
Signal voltage 0-1 V when system in operation. Pre-
heater resistance <10 ohms.


Flow capacity

Fuel pressure regulator opening pressure (bar) min

(ml/30 s)

2.5 (turbo, not cat. 84.5-86 and turbo cat. 85-) 104

2.8 (turbo not cat. 86-89) 1'10

3.0 (i) 90

3.0 (Lucas) 145

Checl, that all injectors have the same flow capacity.
These values apply at room temperature (20± 1°C). \ ;
Injector opening times are proportional to engine load;
higher engine load = longer injector opening time.

Saab 900
022-6 Technical data

Capacity min. 900 (54.9)

Total capacity, model year -1989 litl'es (qts) 63 (66)

model year 1990- Iitres (qts) 68 (71)
Capacity when fuel level warning lamp
lights up -1989 litres (qts) approx. 7 (7.4)
'1990- litres (qts) approx. 10 (10.6)

§llJJmmaU1f of l~ c©mp nlSlf'\) $

To facilitate the handli!lg of LH components, we
have compiled a clear and simple summary of all
those in existence.
The summary covers Saab 900 models and is di-
vided into two tables. Table A covers cars with a
catalytic converter and table B cal's without a cat-
alytic converter.

Tab~e A. Specnfi«::atDoD1s 7 fuel injecUon system .

Call's wolin a cata~yftoc COO1lyer err ~ ~~ -l[~

Version Model Engine LH Pressure regulator HLM Injectors LH module

year Bar Bosch 5MB
Bosch SAAB Bosch SAAB Bosch SAAB
900iM, iA . 86 B202 2.2 3.0 -256 7564123 1l_G05 9375643 -711 7560162 -514 7525140
" 87 " " " " " " 11 11 11 11 11

2>-013 7538655 -536 75~8689

11 11 11 11 11 11
88 2.4 "
" e8B
11 11 11 11
-760 7487028 -564 7487135
Ii u u 11
89 " " " U
" " -564 7487135
11 11 11 U 11 JI u
" 90 " " - - I -580 9119447 \
11 u 11 11 11 11
" 91 " " " " "
" 92- " - - "- " " " u
" " " " "
" 91 B212 2.4.2 11
-706 748692 3>-019 9113838 -'008 8788523 -901 8788507
u u 11 11 11 11 'Jj~.
" 92- ..
-944 9128117 "
900 LM, LA 85 B202 2.2 2.5 -214 7501646 1l_005 9375643 -706 7509862 -515 7525595
" 86
11 11 11 11 11
" 11 11 11
* -537 7532146
11 11 11 u u
87 " " " -7'12 7560170 -538 7536709
" 88 " 11
" " u 11 11
" 11
u - ':,S' "l"
2.4 11 11
" 2l_013 753865'3 -7b1 74B7C"\O -570 8978348 ;<~i.~, ~~
- ~-
, .'
" 89
11 11 U
" "
11 11
~- .)
" 90 "
11 11 11
" " 11 JI
" -5b,j :: 1', ;'454
_u_A) u 11 11 U 11
" U U
" " -582 ,91 D462
11 11 11 11 11 11 11
900 LM, L.:A. . ..:.
" " -5$5 9119454
_"_A}l,~' ~-~ 11 11 U 11 11 11
" ... 11-
-582 9119462
~ r'';''
92":' -585 911945~.
11. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
900 LM, I:A "
1)HLM 1, alum., 1000
, .
2lHLM 2/4.7, plastiG, 120 0 'Il .
~ ..- 3lHLM 2/4.7; plastic, 1550
AlEGR (US/Cal)
"') also 7560170

Saab 900
Technical data 022-7
.... ~.-<•. ""\'

Taro~e [8. SlPecifocatooa1s, fue~ DU1~ec~o«;»1l'\1 system

CalJ"s WOUll(o)lUl~ a (Cata~yt~(C (C(l)Il'\1VPIl"!1kV
'" 1),
Yer~ion Model Engine LH Pressure r~gulator HLM Injectors LH module
year Bar Bosch ,SA~fF Bosch 5MB Bosch SAAB Bosch SAAB
900iM -89 B202 2,2 3.0 '-256 7564123 1)-017 8978280 ' -760 7487028 -573 9'1'14703
900 IA _"_ '\Ii
" " " " ". " " " -568 8975443 _~J_

_u_ h
900 1M 90 - " " .:,"- " fI
" " -573 9114703
,~":II~ , ..
900 iA _'~ " "
, .. _u_
" -"'.68 89754.43 1
" "
900 iM 91 " " " " " " " " " ":J~J, 9'1';470~1

900 iA' fI
" " " .. fI,- " " " " " ..568 8975443
900 iM ,
92-~ " " " " " " " " " -573 9'1'14703
__ u_
900 IA 92- " " " " " " " fI
-568 8975443
u \.
900 LM 84.5 " 2.5 -214 7501646 21-005 9375643 -706 7509862 -517 75'14904
900 LM, LA 85 " " " " " " " " " -521 75,26114
90g LM 86 " " -255 7564131 " " " " * -53S' 7529092
" 87 " " 2.8 -264 7568041 -",.. " -712 7560170 -547 7536683
" 88 " " " " " " -"- " " " "
" 89 " " " " " 11-017 8978280 -761 7487010 -569 7487119

1}HLM 2/4.7, plastic, 120 0 3}Lucas

2}HLM 1, alum., '100 0 *) also 7560'170

'Component LH system Car versions Bosch Saab

2.2 2.4 :2.4.2
Temperature sensor x x x All -026 9357021
Lambda sensor x Cat. cars -85 -009 7925603
Lambda sensor x x x Cat. cars 86- -028 ~392762
Knock sensor1) x 84.5-86 to engine No. G122318, -001 9358037
: inclusive ~:'l

Knock sensor1), x Gt~23'19,

x x 87- all from engine No.
-006 7568801
, .
Throttle switch, OKS x x All except 2.4.2 -300 7501612
Throttle poteQJiom., OKG x 2.4.2 M91- -001 8857195 .,', .....;..

Ielle air control valve, . x Cat. cars -502 7516792

. t
Idle' air contr. 'valve, EWO
, I

/ x i~~ -516 7586019

Idle air control valve, )( -505 8857179
;;'0.' lif~ ZWD3 ,)f
." t." Auxiliary air'valve x , '900 It\ 85 EU 1 -153 :;' 7518673
Auxiliary air. valve )( ~ 900 LM, 900 iM EU 1 -107 8357832

AI),I(iliary air valve x gOOJ~.EU 1 -122 ' 9313909
, Cold-start valve,. KSV )( x
900i B202, B212 Market EU 2 -432 . 7486129
Evaporative emis,sion x Cat. cars. Marl<et ME - 7532054
canister, complete
Evaporative emissioJ1'..·~j. v
x All - 75392~6
canister, excl. TEV
Tank breather valve, TEV x x All -157 7539257 !'
By-pass valve )( x x All turbo -103 9390022
, ,
1)Part of APC and Ignition system

Saab 900
022-8 Technical data

Version Mode Engine CU

. oprBssure regulator Mass air
flow sensor
Injectors Control module

Bar Lucas 5MB Lucas 5MB Lucas SAAB Lucas SAAB

900 SM, SA 90 8202 14.0 3.0 3358 ) 7485030 73350 897762"1 73356 7485022 80105 8789661
" II
" II
" II
" -. -
84905 89776.'39
" 91 " 14.1 " " II
" P1152 7872351 80147 7872336
" 92- " " " " " " " " II II

900 LM, LA 90 14.0 " 73356 7485022 84905 8977639
900 LM, LA 91 . " 14.'1 " II II
" " D115~ 7872351 80147 7872336
92- " " " "

1) Of Plerburg manufacture

Cars without 'a cata~ytic converter

Version Mode Engine CU Pressure regulator Mass air Injectors Control module
year flow sensor
Bar Lucas 5MB Lucas 5MB Lucas SAAB Lucas SAAB
900 LM 90 B202 14.0 3.0 3358 1 ) 7485030 73350 8977621 73356 7485022 84940 9117789
D115~ 787~~351 80146 7872328
91 14.1 " " "
92- " " II II II
-- -
" " " II

1) Of Plerburg manufacture

Othel!' lucas ccmponents

Component CU Car versions Lucas Saab
14.0 14.1
Compensating resistor x x 73360 7485642
Lambda. sensor x x Cat. cars 73367 7485600
Idle air control valve x )( 73357 7485634
Temperature sensor x x 73355 7485006
Throttle potentiometer x x 78161 7486723
Knocl< sensor . ,
x x- 900 LM, LA Bosch

\ .

-, , \

. ,

Technical data 022-9

CO val~es and! udling speeds~

engine at operating temperatl!ue
(not cat)
Engine Model year Market CO% CO value Idlhlg speed
<, . test rpm Test rpm at idling· . :lt50 ~pm
Normally 198'1 Swedeh ;1.0-2.0 2000 max. 4.5% 875
aspirated Others 0.5-2.5 850 - . 875

1982- Sweden 0.5-1.5 850 max. 4.5% 850

, Others 0.5-'1.5 850 - 850'
- .~
Turbo (B201) 1981 Sweden '1.0-2.0 850 max. 4.5% 850 .....
Europe 0.5-2.5 850 - 850 "

1982- Sweden 0.2-1.0 850 max. 4.5% 850
Others 0.2-1.0 850 - 850

Turbo (B202) 1985- Sweden 0.9-1.6 850 max. 4.5% 850

Others 0.9-1.6 850 - 850

Pulse r~tio/rpm (cat)

Model year Pulse ratio") Rpm Remarks

1981 55-65 875
1982- 45-55 875

198" 850 CA, not turbo

'1982-83 850 CA
1984 45-45 875 CA

") Measured with pulse-ratio gauge

Saab 900
Special tools 102-1

83 92 482 CO ~djusting key 83 93 852 Pressure gauge set for measuring fuel,
pressure in the LH system
83 93 860 Spare set of hoses for gauge set
83 92 852
83 93 878 Connector (spare part for gauge set
83 93' 852)

83 92 5-16Fuel pressure gauge set (comple\:~)

for CI system
83 92 607 Hose
83 92 615 Fitting
83 94 389 Adapter for connection to 820"1
Turbo, from model year 1987 83 93 886 Jumper lead for 'rorced operation of
inclusive fuel pump during LH system fault
diagnosis (-Mi989)

Saab 900
102-2 Special tools

83 93 183 Test hose for CI system 83 93 894 Jumper earthing lead for fault-tracing
in the LH system

@ SAAS @
"'... s .......l'rttono·

@ 8393597 @

83 93 597 Pulse ratio meter for measuring the 83 94 i 32 Wiring harness for connection of pulse
pulse ratio of the modulating valve on ratio meter
cars with the Lambda system (certain
markets only)

83 93 514 Pressure gauge set 83 94 322 Key for throttle adjusting screw locl<-

Saab 900
Special tools 102-3

;J 83 94 314 Key for adjusting CO

83 94 348 35-pin signal lead for LH 2.4

83 94 405 Test hose for checking fuel flow

83 94 223 U-I system tester

Saab 900
102-4 Special tools

r:- ------Jf~--:.
\ -- _ ....... - - _ .. q: -==-,-.

83 94 397 Tool for fuel pump (Walbro), 83 94 462 Tool for fuel pump
M1989 ' (Bosch), M1990-

83 94 330 Key for fuel pump (Bosch), 83 94 504 Test cable for built-in fault diagnosis
-M1988 system, M1990-


86 10 834 ISAT basic measuring equipment

Saab 900
Technical description 200-1

CI fuel injection system lH multiport fuel injection system

18201 injeciion engine . . . . . . . . . . . 200-3 8202 injection engine . • . . . . . . . . 200-35

C~ ffllne~ llll1l]ect~~uil ~ys~em

B20J ~ e fi1l 91Sfi!l'Y:J lFllJIe~ boostung system
Turbo engines, -1982 (not BPC) 200-31
General.. . 200- 3
Heavy load (not full throttle) 200-32
Fuel tanl< and fue: lJ.. !t7;J 200- 5 Full throttle 290-32
Fuel tank with pre~.sur}zad ! acc,>'el 200- S
Turbo BPC, 1982- 200-33
Fuel accumulator 200- 6
Full load enrichment, 1988 200-33
Fuel filter 200- 7
Fuel distributor 200- 7
Fuel line pressure regulator 200- 9
Warm-up regulator 200-10 OVSU' Il'SVVftullg jpIl'OltleCU01li'il, TUti'lbO

Regulation of control pressure 200-11 slJ1lgu01les 200-34

Cold-start valve 200-11
Thermostatic time switch 200- '11
Injectors 200-12

.AUU" UIJU.h.uCUOlO1l system

Air cleaner. 200-13
Mass air flow sensor 200-13
Rubber duct connector 200-13 lH mlUl~tll ~rrt hne~ DIftl]eC B~B'il
Throttle body 200-14
Inlet manifold : 200-14
sys ·em,
Auxiliary air valve 200-14 18202 elrllguUile
General 200-35
Injection system, EU (1984-) 200-36
lLamlbdls sEmsor (oxygen ssll1sor)
c c
Injection system, cars with
(i"egUJJ~ated fll.!le~ system 200-16 catalytic converter 200-37
. Oxygen sensor (Lambda sensor) 200-17 Principle of operation 200-38
Catalytic converter 200-18 LH system 2.4 200-40
Modulating valve 200-19 LH system 2.4.2 200-40
Fuel distributor 200-20
Summary 200-21
Fuel enrichment 200-21 Components
Fuel tank 200-4'1
Fuel tank ventilation and
fFl!le~ sBllruchmeU1lt sys~em7 198~ =83 overfill protection 200-41
Cold-start function 200-23 Fuel pump, 1984- 200-42
Hot-start function 200-23 Fuel pump, cars with catalytic
Fuel enrichment on acceleration 200-24 converter (-1988) 200-43
Fuel enrichment pressure switch 200-24 Fuel filter 200-43
Electrical function, cold engine 200-25 Fuel pump 900i/S16, 1989- 200-44
Electrical function, hot engine 200-25 Fuel tank and fuel pump,
900 Turbo (1990-) 200-46
Fuel pump (introduced in 1990) 200-47
Pressure regulator 200-48
lFUJJe~ sll1l1'ichmslrnt svs~em9 1984= Injectors 200-48
Starting system 200-27 Fuel injection manifold 200-49
Acceleration system 200-29 Throttle position switch 200-49
Connecting pins, P11 relay 200-30 Throttle position sensor (1991-) 200-50
Auxiliary air valve 200-50

Saab 900
200-2 Technical description

Idle air control valve., lAC (LH 2.2) 200-51

lAC valve with integral Limp-Home
function (LH 2.4) 200-52
lAC valve (LH 2.4.2), 1991- 200-52
Adaptive idling control system
(LH 2.4) 200-52
Temperature sensor (NTC resistor) 200-53
LH control module (LH 2.2) 200-53
Control meo' \Ie with expanded memory
(LH 2.4) ' . 200-54
Control mar lie C i': 4.!) 200-54
Mass air flO\I sensor 200-55
Air cleaner 200-56
Adaptive Lambda system (LH 2.4) 200-56
Integrated deceleration function (LH 2.4).200-56
Shift indication ~ 200-56
Fuel evaporation CP 200-57
Integrated fault diagnosis system 200-57
Integrated pressure sensor 200-57

Saab 900
Technical description 200-3

Fue~ s'Ysftem 9 18201 oRiljectD(()ft1

The fuel injection system for the engine is the Bosch
CI (Continuous Injection) system.
An electric fuel pump delivers fuel at constant pres-
sure to the fuel distributor. The mass air flow sen-
sor, which measures the mass of air drawn into the
engine, acts mechanically on the fuel distributor and
so ensures that the correct amount of fuel is·metered
to the four injectors. The fuel is injected continuously
into the intake pipe immediately upstream of the in-
let valves.

Injection engine

1 Fuel filter 8 Cold-start valve

2 Fuel distributor 9 Thermostatic switch
3 Mass air flow sensor 10 Injectors
4 Air cleaner 11 Auxiliary air valve
5 Rubber duct connector 12 Main fuse box
6 Warm-up regulator 13 Thermostatic time switch
7 Throttle body

Saab 900
200-4 Technical description



Fuel system (not US spec.)

~ Line pressure 1 Fuel tanl( 6 Warm-up regulator
~Line pressure -0.1 bar (-1.5 psi) 2 Fuel pump 7 Cold-start valve
1''''fi':MffiM Injection pressure 3 Fuel accumulator 8 Injectors
~\\\\\,'t'Control pressure 4 Fuel filter 9 Line pressure regulator
'[[fll1.LlIIIlJ Return, no pressure 5 Fuel distributor

Saab 900
Technical description 200-5

Fue[ tank all"6dJ ~QJel !pump

The fuel pump is an electric rotary pump mounted
inside the tank. The pump and motor are totally en-
closed and cannot be dismantled for repair. The re-
lief valve is fitjed to the fuel pump and is actuated
when the pressure is excessive. A non- return valve
in the fuel pump outlet prevents the line pressure
from dropping to zero as ,soon as the pump ·stops.

Pue~ tan~{ wuth plressUlrnzedJ '

r~ceiver (cars with cata.lytic
A feed pump and pressurized receiyer were intro-
duced on 1983 models. ., ,
The function of the pressClrized receiver is to main-
tain pressure on the suction side of the fuel pump to
prevent vaporization of the fuel. '
This system supersedes the earlier design in which
the entirj3 fuel, tank was pressurized.

• "t·,
The system consisfuiod' pump, a main pump
and a pressurized:rec~(~~Ji-1~he feed pump delivers
fuel from the tank t9 th~';r'eceiver in which the main
pump is mountea. When tlie receiver is full, pres-
suire builds up in it and the main pump is supplied
with fuel under pressure,

1 Pressurized receiver 5 Safety valve

2 Main pump 6 Feed pump
3 Return fuel 7 Filter
4 To fuel accumulator,

, ,I
200-6 Technical description

IFlUIs~ aC<ClUlmUl~ait(Jl11'
The fuel accumulator is connected to the fuel line
from the fuel pump and is situated underneath the
floor in front of the 'fuel tank.

The fuel accumulator has three main functions.

1 The fuel accumulator delays the build-up of
pressure in the fuel system on starting. This
gives the control plunger in the fuel distributor
time to reach the bottom of its travel before the
injectors open and so prevents too much fuel
from being injected.
2 The accumulator absorbs any pressure fluctua-
tions or surges occurring in the system.

, ".....

Fuel accumulator with fuel pump in operation

~ Line pressure

3 After the engine has been switched off. the pres-

sure in the fuel system drops to about 2 bar (29
psi) and is held at this pressure by the quantity
of fuel contained in the accumulator. As a result,
the fuel system remains pressurized while the
engine cools down, preventing the formation of
air locks due to vaporization of the fuel and pos-
sible starting difficulties when the engine is hot.

Fuel accumulator when the engine has been switched off.

.1111111111111.11 Shut-off pressure

Saab 900
Technical description 200-7

Fuel filter
THe fuel filter is fitted in the circuit between the fuel
accumulator and the fuel distributor. The filter con-
tains a paper filter cartridge and. a nylon strainer

Fuel filter
1 Outlet
2 Nylon strainer
3 Paper filter cartridge
4 Arrow indicating flow direction
5 Inlet

F8Jle~ d1Ds~lribu or
The fuel distributor distributes the fuel to the injec-
tors and consists of a fuel control unit and four pres-
sure regulating valves (two of which are shown), one
for each cylinder.

rz<i7~ Line pressure Fuel distributor

'::.::"""'!<O{<!Line pressure -0.1 bar (-1.5 psi) " Control plunger
I':':':':':{~ Injection pressure
2 Pressure regulating valve
~ Control pressure 3 Line pressure regulator
111"""11 11 "11 Return, no pressure

Saab 900
200-8 Technical description

The skirt of the control plunger is in continuous com-

munication with the line pressure which also acts on
the bottom of the pressure regulating valve. When 1 •

the control plunger is raised by the mass air flow

sensor's lever, four metering slots (one for each cyl-
inder) which feed the fuel to the top of the pressure
regulating valves, will open ..
The pressure above the spring-loaded diaphragm
actr 'n the latter, deflecting it downwards and open-
ing tl 3 r . 'let tn the injectors. A pressure differential
of 0 '. Lar ('I.:', psi) then arises between the line
pressure and the ~)ressure above the diaphragm.
This constant pressure differential is required to en-
sure that the injected quantity of fuel always remains
proportional to the open area of the metering slots Pressure regulating valve, partial load
and is the same for all four cylinders.
The fuel distributor also contains a line pressure
regulator, passages for the control pressure, and
fuel inlets and outlets.

Pressure regulating valve, fufl load

~ Line pressure
t:':':':';':';':';"':j Line pressure -0.1 bar (-1.5 psi)
0lIJJ.IlIIIlj Injection pressure
~ Control pressure

Saab 900
Technical. description 200-9

line pll"essulre !l'egtll~at08'

The line pressure regulator ensures that the pres-
re in the circuit remains constant when the fuel
pump is in operation and also controls the recircu-
- (ation of fuel to the tank. When the· fuel pump is
switched off, the regulator closes the return line at a
pressure of about 2.5 bar (36 psi) - the rest pressure
- which is maintained by means of an O-ring and the
.quantity of fuel in the fuel accumulator. The purpose
of the rest pressure is to prevent the fuel from va-
porizing in the circuit when the engine is warm,
.i which·~,would
make restarting di'fficult.
... - ~

Line pressure regulator with fuel pump in operation

.I ''''' ,~ .... "" " .... .1 ... .11" I
- I
-~ I
r' t', " ,'\ " ",\,J


Line pressure regulator, engine switched. off

~ Line pressure
~ Return, no pressure
f@Wia>olill Rest pressure

The line pressure regulator forms an integral unit

with a shut-off valve to which the return fuel line from
the control pressure regulator is connected. When
the fuel pump is in operation" the shut-off valve is
actuated mechanically by the line pressure regula-
tor so that the return fuel from a control pressure
regulator can by-pass the shut-off valve to the re-
turn line.

Line pressure regulator, fuel pump in operation

Line pressure regulator
Shut-off valve
A Line pressure
B Return line
C Control pressure return


Saab 900
200-10 Technical description

When the fuel pump stops and the line pressure

regulator valve is pressed into its seating, the shut-
off valve is also pressed into its seating. This pre-
vents the fuel from flowing back through the control
pressure return line.

Line pressure regulator, fuel pump id[u

A Line presslIre
B Return line
C Control pressure return

Wallrm"'llJp Il'sgulatolr
When the engine is warm, the warm-up regulator (a
spring- loaded diaphragm valve) maintains a con-
stant control pressure above the control plunger.
When the engine is cold and requires a richer fuel-
air mixture, the control pressure is reduced. This al-
lows the control plunger in the fuel distributor to rise
so that more fuel can be supplied to the injectors.
The warm-up regulator consists of a diaphragm
valve which is actuated by a compression spring. 1
When the engine is cold, a bi-metal strip presses
against the compression spring and reduces tre
force of the spring acting on the diaphragm. The di-
aphragm then opens and exposes the return line to 3
the fuel tank, thus reducing the control pressure:
When the engine is running, current flows through
the heating coil surrounding the bi-metal strip.As the
bi-metal strip heats up it bends away from the spring arm-up regu a or, co engme
and so causes the pressure on the diaphragm, and
~Control pressure
also the control pressure, to increase. When a warm
IIlIlllIlIIDl Return , no pressure
engine is started, no reduction in the control pres-
sure takes place as the bi- metal strip is then af- 1 Diaphragm
2 Plunger
fected by the engine temperature.
3 Compression spring
4 Bi-metal strip
5 Heating coil

Warm-up regulator, warm engine
~ Line pressure
mrrmrrn Return, no pressure
Technical description 200-11

Reglll~aaO(()1l1l Ol~ CO)lJ1ltll'«j)~ pll"eSSllJllre

Fuel under control pressure is removed from the
system via an orifice (a) in the fuel distributor. The
control pressure is reduced to 3.7 bar (54 psi) and
0.5-3.7 bar (7".2-54 psi) during the warm-up period
due to the pressure drop across the orifice (a), which lb .\

is determined by the amount of fuel flowing through

the orifice and the warm-up regulator. An additional
orifice (b), located between the control pressure
passage and the top of the control plunger, is de-
signed to eliminate rapid oscillation of the mass air
flow sensor lever.

Control pressure regulation

~Line pressure
pressure -0.-1 bar (--1.5 psi)
~Injection pressure
~Control pressure

ftUle~ roiQ)OlS~elJ' <co~d

SaSUi't) va~"e .
The cold-stali valve, located inside the throttle body,
is in communication with line pressure. Actuated by
a solenoid, the valve is controlled by a thermostatic
time switch that senses engine temperature. The
fuel booster valve is actuated when the starter mo-
tor is engaged or the fuel booster pressure switch
contacts are energized. At a temperature of -20°C
(- 4°F) or below, the valve can inject fuel for a max-
imum period of 9.5 seconds. At higher engine tem-
peratures the injection time becomes progressively
sho'rter and the. valve, ceases to operate at a tem-
perature of about 45°C (113°F). .

Fuel booster (cold start) valve

Thell'moS~a~llC UiITr~O S%~(g ich

When the engine is cold and has a temperature be-
low 45°C (113°F), the switch will close and allow
current to flow for some time (depending on the ac-
tual temperature) while the starter motor is engaged.
Check that the switch closes when the starter motor
is engaged by connecting a test lamp in series with
the terminals of the cold-start valve's connector.
It is not possible to make a more accurate check of
the temperature or of the time the switch remains
closed. If in doubt, fit a new switch.

Saab 900
200-12 Technical description

The injectors, fitted in the inlet manifold, inject fuel
continuously upstream of the engine inlet valves.
A spring-loaded disc and needle valve inside each
injector open when the fuel pressure reaches ap-
prox. 3.3 bar (47 psi).
Also incorporated inside the valve is a fuel strainer.

1 Fuel strainer
2 Valve disc
3 Needle valve

Air induction system

1 Air cleaner 4 Throttle body

2 Mass air flow sensor 5 Inlet manifold
3 Rubber duct connector 6 Auxiliary air valve

Saab 900
Technical description 200-13

Air C~ea81ISII"
The air cleaner, which contains a folded paper ele-
ment, is fitted to a bracket on the front of the LH
wheel arch. The air flows through the inlet pipe into
tile air cleaner, through the air filter and upwards to
the mass air flow sensor, which is bolted to the top
of tile air cleaner.

- '.16 mass air flow sensor cC"dsisis {If an air wmturi

b; iY',Si je which ~m air flo\ " ~~·.;ms Jr plat\9 I11CNes.
.he alrtlowing i, to the ven uri from the air cleaner
underneath lifts the air flow sensor plate, allowing
the air to flow past it at the sides. The greater the
flow of air, the higher the sensor plate is raised.
The air flow sensor plate'is connected to a lever
which is balanced by a counterweight. The lever
acts on the control plunger in the fuel distributor,
which is pressed down by the control pressure and
Mass air flow sensor
so counteracts the lifting force of the air flow sensor
The fuel distributor's control plunger is actuated by
the levervia a Iinl< fitted with a neec;lle bearing at the
contact point. The basic fuel setting, and with it the
CO setting, is adjusted by means of the adjustment
screw on the link. This adjustment is made by
means of a special tool and access to the screw can
be gained through a hole in the mass air flow sensor
between the air venturi and the fuel distributor.
, The fuel-air mixture varies with the load. The incli-
nation of the venturi walls therefore varies in stages
in order to provide the correct fuel-air mixture under The venturi in the mass air flow sensor
all load conditions. This results in a somewhat richer
mixture being obtained at full load.

RlUlrobslr d1lU1ct COlRilll1lectorr

The rubber duct connects the mass air flow sensor
to the throttle body.

Saab 900
200-14 Technical description

T~6"Olttle [bO)dy
The throttle body is connected to the intake pipe
and, in addition to the throttle butterfly, contains the
idling air passage with idling adjustment screw, con-
nections for the auxiliary air valve hoses and for the
cold stare valve, and the vacuum outlet for ignition

~nR~' Oil"il. 1l1l8fOl~dI

Tlla )r.jec(ors, mounted in the inlet manifold, inject
the fuel into the inlet passages at the joint between
the inlet manifold and the cylinder head. A thermo-
static time switch or simple thermostatic switch is fit-
ted inside the inlet manifold, which also incorporates
outlets for vacuum Boes to the brake servo unit and
for crankcase ventilation.

Au.mmary air vahle

The function of the auxiliary air valve, together with
the warm-up regulator, is to compensate for losses
due to friction and condensation in the inlet manifold
and combustion chamber on cold starting, so that
the required idling speed will be obtained.
The valve is located in a passage which by-passes
the throttle butterfly. Since the air flowing through
Ij the auxiliary air valve has also passed through the
1, mass air flow sensor, the quantity of fuel obtained
1 corresponds to the air flow.

'I 2

Auxiliary air valve, cold engine

1 Bi-metal strip with heating coil
2 Valve
3 Auxiliary air port

Saab 900
Technical description 200-15

The valve is actuated by a bi-metal strip which

opens the valve 'completely when the engine is cold.
When the engine is started, current flows through a
coil and heats up the bi- metal strip, gradually clos-
ing the valve. When a hot engine is to be started,
the engine temperature acts on the bi-metal strip
and the valve remains closed.


Auxiliary air valve, warm engine




Saab 900
200-16 Technical description

la fb) i3} c SeHilS@!r ({Q)}{ygell1l",secrJ)sow) ThE

Iregu~a~ed f e~ system an<
In addition to the standard components of the CI fuel Via
injection system, the lambda-sensor regulated (ox- ule
ygen) system also incorporates the following com- trib
ponents: Lal
1 Electronic control module Lal
2 Throttle position switch
3 Oxygen sensor (Lambda sensor)
4 Catalytic converter
5 Modulating valve


l t t
J t

S 5709

Saab 900
Technical description 200-17
The oxygen sensor, fitted in the exhaust manifold,
senses the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases
arld ,sends this information to the control module.
Via the modulating valve, the electronic control mod-
ule regulates the pressure difference in the fuel dis-
tributor to kS'ep the fuel-air mixture within the
Lambda 1 range.
Lambda 1 is the optimum fuel-air mixture for com-
plete combustion. Lambda, the Greek letter, ciq-
notes the ratio between the actual (delivered) ar ,J
theoretical fuel-air mixture.


Ideal mixture

13 14,5 16 kg air/ltg fuel

S 5700

lLamrilbda sensor (oxygen sell1lsor)

Outwardly, the oxygen sensor is reminiscent of a
spark plug but consists of a primary cell and a solid
electrolyte. The electrolyte is a ceramic material-
(zirconium oxide)-which has been temperature
stabilized by the addition of a small amount of yt-
trium oxide.

Saab 900
200-18 Technical description

It is tubular in shape, with one of the ends blanked IN

off, and its surface has a platinum coating to make
it electrically conductive.
3 or
The qutside of the electrolyte is in contact with the a~
exhaust gases and the inside in communication with
the ambient air. When there is a difference in the ._$- te
partial oxygen pressure between the inside and out- ., •.........:':". }:::::~:'::':':::t·.: .•.~ ..•'
. side of the tube, the signal voltage from the Lambda 5) f) "
3 55716
sensor rises. 2
When the sensor signals a high level of oxygen (lean
mixture) to the control module, the control module
'j Electrolyte
compensates by changing the pulse ratio of the
2 Exhaw;t gas€. s
modulating valve to enrich the mixture or vice versa 3 Ambieni air
when the sensor signals a low level of oxygen (rich
mixture). .
The oxygen sensor does not become operative until
the working temperature exceeds 300°C (570°F).
Because the accuracy of the sensor deteriorates A
with age, it must be replaced at 40,000 I<m (25,000 in
mile) intervals. This does not apply to electrically 31
heated sensors. A


Catalytnc convertsr
The final phase of exhaust emission control consists
of a catalytic converter located in the front section of
the exhaust pipe.
It consists of a horiey~omb ceramic insert, the walls
of which are coated with catalytic material (platinum
and rhodium).
Cars equipped with a catalytic converter must never
be run on anything but unleaded petrol as lead de- Catalytic converter
stroys the active constituents of the catalyst and is
1 Ceramic insert
also detrimental to the oxygen sensor.
2 Passages
3 Catalytic coating
Technical description 200-19

MiOdlUl~a1tUrJlg va~ve
The modulating valve is a solenoid valve which
opens and closes at a constant frequency (70 Hz)
as soon as the engine has started.
How long the valve remains open and closed is de-
termined by the pulse ratio.


Location of modulating valve

A long opening time (e.g. a 70/30 pulse ratio) results

in a rich mixture and a short opening ti!:ne (e.g. a
30170 pulse ratio) a lean mixture.
A pulse ratio of 70/30 is known a.s a 70%ratio and
means that the modulating valve is open for 70 per
cent and closed for 30 per cent of the time.
Stepless adjustment of the pulse ratio of the mod-
ulating valve is made continuously by the control 70t30
module to provide the fine-tuning of the mixture re-
quired in cars equipped with a catalytic converter. 50/50


Frequency of 70 Hz
A Open
8 Closed

Saab 900
200-20 Technical description

!FlUj(e~ distributor
When the pUlse ratio of the modulating valve is high, 1
a larger quantity of fuel will flow from the chamber ~
below the steel diaphragm in the pressure- C
regulating valves, thereby momentarily reducing the E
pressure below the diaphragm by about 0.2 bar (2.9 r
psi). This pressure drop increases the flow of fuel t
through the pressure-regulating. valves and, since c
the opening of the metering slots remains constant, tl
a richer mixture is delivered to the engine.
If the oxygen sensor signals a low oxygen level (rich
mixture), the opGning r.hases will be shorter and a
smaller quantity of fuel will be drawn from the cham-
ber below the diaphragm in the pressure-regulating
valve. This results in a reduction of the pressure dif-
ference and fuel flow, resulting in a weakening of the

~ Line pressure Fuel distributor

Upper chamber pressure 1 Injector
I, . ~~ Lower chamber pressure 2 Control pressure regulator
€ijt4ilM<%1 Injection pressure 3 Inlet
~' Control pressure 4 Return line
1IID.IIIIIIilI Return, no pressure 5 Modulating valve

Saab 900
Technical description 200-21

The'pressure difference across the diaphragm in the
prElssure- regulating valves is controlled by variation
of the pulse ratio. Variations in the pressure differ-
ence give rise to a richer or weaker mixture. The
magnitude of the rise or fall in pressure is governed
b~ the signal voltage from the Lambda sensor.
Since the Lambda sensor does not become opera-
tive below a temperature of 300°C, enri: "ment to
;>92%(via terminal 11 of the cOntrol moaL \) 'ii'lill 8!-
ways be obtained while the starter motor i~ llg'i,g.&d
and for three seconds arier starting. At Em:o:Jine tem-
peratures <'19°C the pulse ratio will be 60%ror the
first three seconds after starting. Following this, the
mixture will be enriched via the cold- start valve
(temperatures below 45°C}-or via P11 (above 45°C).
A ratio of 50/50 is that prevailing under normal con-
ditions of engine load. If the Lambda sensor should
fail to emit a signal for any reason, the system will
revert automatically to this ratio.

1F1!J.j(e~ sll1IlrolCfrumerr[
The following types of fuel enrichment occur:
Cil Cold-start enrichment (via the cold-start valve or
via P11, depending on temperature)
o Acceleration enrichment (via the fuel booster
pressure switch for 140 ± 20 seconds after start-
o Rpm-governed enrichment (via the speed relay
('/38) at engine speed >3800 rpm (4600 rpm on
model year 1988 and later cars). Provides a fixed
pulse ratio of 85%. Applicable to Turbo cars only)
o Full-load enrichment (via the throttle position
Model year 1987 and earlier Turbo cars: a throttle
butterfly angle >72° gives a fixed pulse ratio
>92%, or rpm >3800 (4600 rpm on model year
1988 and later cars) gives a fixed pulse ratio
I) Pressure-governed full-load enrichment, model
year 1988 and later
At an inlet manifold pressure of 0.25-0.30 bar a
pressure switch is actuated to effect full-load en-
richment (fixed pulse ratio of 85%).
I Normally aspirated engines in model yeaI' 1987

J and later cars do not have full-load enrichment.

Fuel enrichment is provided to improve drivability
during the warm-up period and on acceleration. On
Turbo engines it is also designed to ensure sufficient
internal cooling of the engine under maximum load
conditions and at speeds above 3800 rpm (4600
rpm on model year 1988 and later cars). Full-load
and rpm enrichment, Turbo only.

Saab 900
Oxygen-sensor blocking Operation of cold-start and boosting systems i'J
I ~
Cold-start valve
I r o I
• G I I I 1 ~ f'-.)
Cold-start P11 for max. 120 s -f
valve + P l l ! I I I fuel shut-off
Enrichment functions triggered
I c~ Cold-start valve J. L e:::-
by fuel booster pressure switch
I CoIG-5~art I I P11 for max. 120 s
valve + P11 fuel shut-off CD
I I (J)

I 0
Cold-start valve
I P=-
I I Cold-start I I P11 for max. 120 s :::::::l

valve + P11 fuel shut-off

I I r to I C:=-
I I I P11 I P11 for max. 120 s
fuel shut-off
I I , I Pll
e p-
P11 for max. 120 s
fuel shut-off

I ! I I
Closing temp • .: Opening temp Closing temp , i
Opening temp
~ Coolant temperature, DC
19t2 S±3 J8i3
~ Regardless of temperature, P11 boosting has been running for 1.4 s. This function is
(pulse ratio 92% minimum) always tal~es operative when the 45 DC thermostatic switch
place while the starter motor is running and and/or TIK is/are open.
for three seconds after starting.
o Oxygen-sensor blockfng (P12) results' in a
{) Pulsed signal (0.10 s open and 0.3 s closed) fixed pulse ratio of 60% (also that obtaining
to cold-start valve occurs after starter motor during fuel shut-off).

CJ)u:=;:;=~<OQ~::::;;tm ..Q <8 (Q_ ~1- ::j" ~ .=r 3 --1 ~ "d" "Til
Technical description 200-23

FlU1e~ eli1lr~©!hlm~nJft sY$~em~

1981 83 0

A C@~oj~stcalll't ffQJIHlCiiUOtrll
The cold-start valve can open only when the starter ,2
motor is engaged. The time the valve remains open,
injecting fuel, is governed by the thermostatic time
switch which senses engine temperature. The max-
imum injection time of approx. 9.5 seconds occurs
at temperatures below -20°C (-4°F). At higher en-
gine temperatures the injection time becomes pro-
gressively shorter and the cold-start valve ceases to
operate at temperatures above 45°C (113°F).

1 Thermostatic time switch

2 Cold-start valve
:> 3 Starter motor
n 4 Cold-start/hot-start relay ,
:> B H@t=start function
:> •
, ......o
, I
If the engine is slow to start when hot because of
-~ ......
vapour in the fuel lines, the cold-start valve will be
J .c controlled by pulses from a hot-start relay. The en-
- C/)
-Q) gine will then start on fuel provided by the cold-start
) ......
:::J valve and faster purging of the vapour in the fuel
l.1lO lines is obtained.
, c
) '':
::::J If the engine fails to start after 1.4 seconds, injection
pulses lasting 0.4 seconds will be obtained at 0.3-
second intervals.

, >-
i;!= SOI311
l. >-
)~ " Starter motor
)0 2 Cold-start valve
IQ) 3 Hot-start relay
200-24 Technical description

C Accelell"atioll1 elnl1'ftchmell1~ lEI

This function provides better drivability after starting. Th
Acceleration enrichment, which. is brought about by
a fuel booster pressure switch and the cold-start
valve, takes place when the load on the engine in-
Engine cold
Enrichment remains effective until the engine tem-
perature rises above 45°C (-j '1 3°F).
Engine hot
Enrichment for about 100 seconds if the engine has /7;
been switched off for more than 30 minutes.

QJle~ b())(Q)s e p eSSlIJD'S swotclhl

When the car is travelling at a constant speed, the
negative pressure is the same on either side of the
diaphragm. On acceleration, the negative pressure 5
diminishes. The change in pressure will be delayed
belqw the diaphragm on account of the constriction.
The "absolute" pressure above the diaphragm then
increases momentarily, forcing the diaphragm down
and so activating the contact arm which closes the
switch contacts.


6 \'.]]!.
lap ragm
2 Spring m
3 Constriction
4 Spring contact arm If
5 Vacuum connection n;
6 Electrical terminals :~I


Saab 900
Technical description 200-25

e~~C~li'oca~ iflUJll1l(CtD(Q)II'ilS~ SlI'1lgillilE! C(j)~~

The cold-start valve is energized when the fuel
booster pressure switch closes. The circuit is
grounded via terminals 30 and 87a of the cold-start!
h'ot-start relay and the thermostatic time switch.





1 Thermostatic time switch

2 Cold-starVhot-start relay
3 Cold-start valve
4 Fuel booster pressure switch

lE~ec Il'DCtal~ iUIIiICtftOlIl1lS: erngulI111S hot

Enrichment for 100 seconds will be obtained when
engine temperature exceeds +45°C (113°F) (ther-
mostatic switch on thermostat body closed) and if
the engine has been switched off for more than
about 30 or 10 minutes. Current from the fuel pump
.relay passes through the coil and terminal 85 in the
cold-start!hot-start relay, through the diode and ter-
minal 31 to ground via the thermostatic switch. The
cold-start!hot-start relay is activated.
If the time relay, has not been energized for 30 or 10
minutes, the contact in the relay will be closed. The
'Cold- start valve will then be grounded via terminals
30 and 87 of the cold-startlhot-start relay, terminals
87 and 31 of the time relay, and the thermostatic
200-26 Technical description

In model year 1981 Turbo cars and model year 1982

Turbo cars with automatic transmission, this system
would deliver an excessive quantity of fuel. These
cars are therefore fitted with an additional relay to
restrict the flow of fuel by pulse modulation of the
cold-start valve. The relay is activated by the fuel
booster pressure switch and is connected in circuit
between the time relay and the cold- start/hot-start

4 ~I'lJI7l-.-11


1 Thermostatic time switch

2 Cold-start valve
3 Fuel booster pressure switch
4 Time relay
5 Cold-startlhot-start relay
6 Thermostatic switch
7 Fuel pump relay
8 Pulse relay

Saab 900
Technical description 200-27

Fue~ @!1'i1WO©hniHBU1lt sys em~

A new fuel enrichment system was introduced was
introduced on model year 1984 cars.
The system is controlled by a P11 relay. This relay
replaces the time relay, the cold-s~artlhot-start relay 14
TKK I5 16
and the pulse relay incorporated hi the. earlier sys-
tem. TIP ='-==
The system consists of two main functioi~;';;: l10 11 112
A Starting system
B Acceleration syst~m hs '00'..... 11 8
[ 17

P11 relay

1 Cold starting, engine temperature below

+18°C (+65°f)
a. When the starter motor is engaged the cold-start
valve provides fuel enrichment.
Operation of the cold-start valve is controlled by
the thermostatic switch and the thermostatic time
The maximum injection time is about 9.5 sec-
onds, which is obtained at an engine tempera-
ture of -20°C (-4°F). At higher engine tempera-
tures the injection time is progressively shorter.


1 Thermostatic switch
2 Thermostatic time switch
3 Cold-start valve

Saab 900
200-28 Technical description

b. When the starter motor is engaged, the P11 relay B

also receives a signal and grounds terminal 11 of
the Lambda control module. The control module
sets the modulating valve to a fixed pulse ratio
greater than 92%(fully open). More fuel is deliv-
ered via the injectors. This function continues to
operate for three seconds after the engine has
1 Thermostatic time switch tt
2 Modulating valve b
3 Lambda control module tt
4 P11 relay tf
- ti

2 Hot starting, engine temperature above 25°C

a. In the same way as when the engine is started
from cold, the P11 relay receives a signal from
the starter Illotor. The modulating valve opens
fully and enrichment takes place via the injectors,
which deliver a boost of fuel. This function con-
tinues to operate for three seconds after the en-
gine has started.
b. If the engine fails to start after "1.4 seconds, the
hot-start relay is energized. This relay is a pulse
relay and enrichment takes place via the cold-
start 'a've in the form of fuel injection pulses
having a duration of (;.1 seconds.

1 Cold-start valve
2 Hot-start relay

Saab 900
Technical description 200-29

B Ac(Ce~elra~n«:»1nl system
This system of fuel enrichment improves the driv-
-ability of the car after starting. It is controlled by a
fuel booster pressure switch which senses pressure
.changes in the intake pipe.

Driving withe cold engine, below +18°C (+65°1F)

Fuel enrichment tak~s place via the cold-start valve'.
When the fuel booster pressure switch closes,
power is supplied. to the cold-start valve. This valve
is grounded via the, thermostatic switch and the ther-
mostatic time switc_h. Enrichment ceases when the
engine temperature reaches +25°C, at which tem-
perature the thermostatic switch breaks the circuit.
If engine temperature reaches +25°C (77°F) within
two minutes of starting, the p-'-j relay will operate.
The modulating valve then opens fully so that addi-
'1 Fuel booster pressure switch
tional fuel is delivered to the engine through the in-
2 Cold-start valve
3 Thermostatic switch

Dr'iving with a hot engine, above i'25°C (i'77°F)

Each time the fuel booster pressure switch closes, a
signal is sent to the P11 relay which senses that the
thermostatic switch is open and no enrichment can
be provided via the cold-start valve. The P'I1 relay
therefore grounds terminal 11 of the Lambda con-
trol module. The modulating valve opens fully and
enrichment takes place as a boost of fuel is deliv-
ered via the injectors. Thiu cycle is repeated every
time the fuel booster pressure switch closes, but not
after two minutes has elapsed from st~rting.

l 2


+ + N


1 Thermostatic time switch

2 Starter motor
3 Lambda control module
4 Modulating valve
5 Fuel booster pressure switch
6 P11 relay

Saab 900
200-30 Technical description

Connectill1lg puns om the 11 relay IF

The relay has eight connecting pins, as follows:
87 = Feed to relay 11
31 = Relay grounding point (<0
11 Connecting pin for control of Lambda con- n
trol module. Each time pin "Ii is grounded, aE
the modulating valve opens fully and pro- is
vides full-load enrichment. pr
50 = Signal from starter motor. This signal ini- (V') tic
tiates the time function of 140 ± 20 sec- Fl
onds, during which time full-load enrich- % W,
ment takes place.. (f) pI
TKK = Thermostatic switch
Through this pin the relay senses whether
the switch is open or closed.
TIP Fuel booster pressure switch
Through this pin the relay receives a signal
from the starter motor (pin 16), which ini-
tiates fuel enrichment each time the starter
motor is engaged. Enrichment continues
for three seconds after the engine has
Through this pin the relay also receives a
signal when the fuel booster pressure
switch closes (acceleration boost).
Cars with a manual gearbox also have:
TRK = Throttle positicn switch
Senses whether the throttle is open or
X2 Signal to fuel shut-off relay, which prevents
fuel shut-off when the engine is cold.
Together with the throttle position switch,
this function inhibits enrichment through
the P11 relay during deceleration (over-

Saab 900
Technical description 200-31

Fuel b@«'»sftntl1g system

Turbo ell1lgDllu~s wiUlllDJlJli IBPC
1'I'ite fuel boosting system performs two functions: it
assists in the internal cooling of the engine when it
is subjected to sustained periods of load and it also
provides the extra fuel required for rapid accelera-
fiJel boosting is achieved by means of a special
warm-up regulator which is actuated by the com-
l3r8-ssor pressure via a control system.

Fuelboosting system
1 Pressure vessel
2 Electric control valve
3 Delay valve (6 s) (manual gearbox cars only)
4 Non-return valve



Tl7e control system consists of:

1 Pressure outlet In th.. tl1mltle body (!~pstream of the
2 Delay valve (6 s) (manual. gearbox cars only)
3 Non-return valve
4 Pressure vessel
5 Electric control valve
6 Throttle position sensor (62 throttle opening)

7 Warm-up regulator with pressure control function

8 Constriction0 2 mm (automatic transmission cars

Saab 900
200-32 Technical description
The control system has the following 'tWo func- lUI
tions: ~""" ani
o 0 Turt
~ Heavy ~oadl (not fl!J~~ UuoU~e) recti
Air from the compressor flows via the delay valve
through the electric control valve which, in its nor-
mal position, allows the pressurized air to pass to
the warm-up regulator so that enrichment tal<es
"The delay valve ensures that the fuel boosting sys-
tem is not activated for temporary increases in load
Which would otherwise result in unnecessarily high
petrol consumption and unnecessary hydrocarbon
Deviations, cars with automatic transmission of tl
(Double connections to the throttle body) bi-n
Under load, cars with automatic transmission pro- whi
duce a more powerful signal in front of the throttle '::on
butte"rfly. This signal is reduced to the desired level bar
by a constriction inside the throttle. phr
Cars with automatic transmission are not equipped in t
with a delay valve because temporary load in-
creases (pressure surges) do not occur to the same
extent as on cars with a manual gearbox.


~~ full throttle
Via the non-return valve, the pressure vessel is in
communication with the pressure generated by the - - - - - - --I Tu
compressor, thereby increasing the residual pres- I
sure enough to maintain the same level over a long Pn
period. mE
When the throttle is fully open, the electric control by
valve is activated via the throttle position sensor, re- S\i\
sulting in immediate regulation of the control pres-
sure and corresponding fuel enrichment due to the A
"residual pressure" in the pressure vessel. Sa
51296 su

Technical description 200-33

Turb>Ol ~mgDrues wnfth BPe, 1982

On model year 1982 and later cars equipped with
Turbo BPC, the warm-up regulator is connected di-
rectly to the intake pipe.

S 2 034

'j Frnss\.JrEt outlet in throttle body downstream of butter-

~~ Koss
3 Warm-up f!3gulator

The special warm-up regulator on Turbo engines in-

corporates a steel diaphragm valve. The pressure
of the spring in the valve is'influenced not only by a
bi-metal regulator but also by a rubber diaphragm
which responds to the pressure generated by the
compressor. I-\t a charging pressure of approx. 0.4
bar (5.8 psi), the spring pressure on the steel dia-
phragm Is reduced and there is a consequent drop
in the control pressure.

F'lUi~ .. ~o>ad eli'i1li"ic~mellilt, 1988

(CI fOJe~ BrBjett6'«)rD sysiem, B2[j)~
'Woth cata~yltic cO>U1lVell'~er)
Pressure-controlled full-load enrichment supple-
ments the speed-controlled full-load enrichment
function and also the enrichment that is controlled
by the throttle butterfly via ~he throttle position
A pressure switch in parallel with the speed relay
senses the pressure in the inlet manifold. At pres-
sures between 0.25 and 0.30 bar, pin 7 of the con-
trol module is grounded via the pressure switch and
full-load enric~m~nt takes place (fixed pulse ratio
, The Gi1gine speed 8.t which the speed relay oper-
ates unci activates the full-load enrichment function
has been changed from 3800 rpm to 4600 rpm (pin
7 of the control module is grounded via the relay).
, Activation of the enrichment function takes place
only at throttle angles less than 72°.
At full throttle (throttle angle greater than 72°), pin
i" of the control module is grounded and a fixed
pulse ratio of 92%is then obtained.

200-34 Technical description

\fer", evvillilg ~imo er Oil"

l' bo e gall1es
The safety function designed to breal, the circuit to
the fuel pump when the engine stops consists of a Gra
pulse sensor in the pump relay which is actuated by The
the ignition pulses. If the ignition pulses fail to occur itzdl
for a period of one second or more, the relay will flow
break the circuit so that the fuel pump and other 'fuel sor)
system components receive no current. jecli
The relay incorporates an over-rewing limiter which ,i.e
breaks the circuit to the iue! pump at. ;s.pprox. 6000 cou
rpm. in it
by t
air I
In i

I) J
o I
o I
o I

Technical description 200-35
L,H f e~ ~lJIlje«;~a@11il $Ys cem~
8202 UUIl]®C o(Q)f!1l ~D1lgh1~
The Bosch LH-Jetronic IL uftmassenmesser Ii
itzdraht) fuel injection system, comprising a mass air
fh:/w sensor incorporating a filament (hot-wire sen-
sor), combines the best features of different fuel in-
jection systems with measurement of the air mass
, Le. the density of the induction air is taken into ac-
count - unlike earlier fuel injection systems.
in the LH-Jetronic system, the air mass consumed
by the engine is measured, which means that allow-
ance is made for the composition of the air (temper-
ature, pressure and humidjty). Measurement of the
~ir mass is performed by the mass air flow sensor
with the hot- wire sensor, which measure the air up-
stream of the inlet manifold.
This method provides a more exact measure of the
quantity of oxygen supplied to the engine by the air
mass, which determines the quantity of fuel required
for efficient combustion.
In all previous fuel injection systems, only the air
volume (quantity of air) and/or the atmospheric pres-
sure has been taken into account.
The LH system has the following advantages over
earlier types of fuel injection:
o _Compensation for temperature variations.
o Adjusts the quantity of fuel to the quantity of ox-
ygen at high altitudes.
e, Fewer components.
, Lighter.
~ Fewer moving parts.
o Wider scope for adapting the quantity of fuel to
actual needs (warm-up period/acceleration

Saab 900
200-36 Technical description


Fuel injection system, EU (1984-)

1 Fuel tank
2 Fuel pump
3 Feed pump
4 Fuel filter
5 Fuel Injection manifold
6 Fuel pressure regulator
7 Control module
8 Distributor
9 Ignition coil
10 Coolant temperature sensor
11 Injector
12 Vacuum line
13 Intake pipe
14 Throttle position sensor
15 Auxiliary air valve
16 Mass air flow sensor
17 Pressure switch
18 Main relay
19 Fuel pump relay
20 Battery
21 Ignition switch

Saab 900
- Technical description 200-37

<,.. -<l-

l 0(>-


Ir--l W
n "

12 ~20


Fuel injection system, cars with catalytic converter

1 Fuel tank
2 Fuel pump
3 Feed pump
4 Fuel filter
5 Fuel injection manifold
6 Fuel pressure regulator
7 Control module
8 Distributor
9 Ignition coil
°10 Coolant temperature sensor
11 Injector
12 Vacuum line
13 Intake pipe
14 Throttle position sensor /

15 Auxiliary air valve

16 Mass air flow sensor
17 Oxygen sensor
18 Pressure switch (Turbo only)
19 Main relay
20 Fuel pump relay
21 Battery
22 Ignition switch

Saab 900
200-38 Technical description
Prnncipie of operation In tl
The operating principle of the system is as follows. air f
An electric fuel pump pumps fuel from the fuel wirE
tank, building up pressure in the fuel system. The the
level of the pressure is governed by the pressure moe
regulator , which maintains a constant ratio be- with
tween the- fuel pressure and the pressure in the in- moc
take pipe. As a result, the quantity of injected fuel is the
unaffected by variations in the inlet manifold pres-
sure and is influenced only by the amount of time
the injector is open.
Th,:; ·rue.1 ::" injected by the injectors (electrically
co.lytlulled solenoid valves) fitted in the intake pipe
close to the inlet valves and connected by a com-
mon fuel injection manifold .
The time the injectors remain open is determined by ThE
the engine load. ane
On M1989 and later cars the injectors are fitted with niti(
a plastic sleeve. A nozzle of new design improves fror
the long-term characteristics. cor

The mass air flow sensor consists of an alumin-
ium housing enclosing an air duct. On M1989 and
later Saab 900 Turbo models with catalytic con-
verter (LH2.4), the mass air flow sensor housing is
made of plastic: Located in the centre of the duct is Th
a tube which houses the platinum filament (hot wire). ule
The temperature of the hot wire is maintained at ap-
prox. 100°C (212°F) above the temperature of the 011
inlet air, regardless of the coniposition of the air or thr
the air flow. tin
The device for controlling the current required to
maintain the hot wire at a constant temperature con-
sists of a bridge circuit and a detector resistor, the Th
voltage variation across which is directly propor- . to
tional to the magnitude of the inlet air mass. alii
The electrical components are located in a module Or
on the mass air flow sensor housing. Since the hot au
wire is sited inside the inlet duct it can become idl
coated with dirt which reduces its sensitivity and af- sa
fects the results of measurement. To keep the hot en
wire free from dirt, it is heated to a temperature of B~
about 100DoC (183D O F) for one second. This takes lie
place four secollds after the engine has been
switched off.

Saab 900
Technical description 200-39

In the event of a break in the signal from the mass

air flow sensor (MAF sensor)caused by a brol<en hot
w.ire, for instance, an emergency system built into
the control module and known as the "Limp- Home"
mode will take over, enabling the car to be driven
with impaired performance. When the Limp-Home
mode is in operation, the CHECI·< ENGINE lamp on
the instrument panel will light up.

The electric signals from the temperature sensor

and throttle position sensor (two positions), the ig-
nition pulses from the ignition system and the signal
from the mass air flow sensor are all fed into the
control module's microprocessor which then pro-
cesses the information and determines the time that
the injectors remain open. The hot wire burn-off
function is also controlled by the control module's
Other functions stored in the control module include
full- load enrichment at different engine speeds, ex-
tta acceleration enrichment when the engine is cold,
rl and idlinc~ control on cars equipped with lAC.
rl The tem~erature sensor is of NTC (Negative Tem-
N perature Coefficient) type and it sends a continuous
engine temperature signal direct to the control mod-
ule. If there is a break in the signal from the tem-
perature sensor, a signal is simulated by the control
module and the system functions on the assump-
tion that engine temperature is +20°C (68°F).
The throttle position switch tells the control mod-
ule whetherthe throttle butterfly is in the fully open
or idling position.
On M'I991 and later cars with a 82'12 engine, the
throttle position switch has been replaced by a
throttle position sensor which continuously and
steplessly informs the control module of the current
throttle butterfly angle.
The auxiliary air valve compensates for losses due
to friction when the engine is started from cold by
allowing air to bypass the throttle butterfly,
On cars equipped with a catalytic converter, the
auxiliary valve has been replaced by an
Idle air control (lAC) valve which also compen-
sates for momentary increases in the load when the
.engine is idling. On M199"' and later cars with a
8212 engine, this valve is of new design, see under

Saab 900
200-40 Technical description
UHI 2.4 fuel injectUol1l system Co
The LH 2.4 fuel injection system has been intro-
duced on all M1988 and later cars with a 8202i en- IFl\JJE
gine and on all M19988 and later Turbo cars. This
system is a further development of the earlier LH 2.2
and I
fuel injection system. The improvement consists pri-
marily of an expanded memory capacity for the con-
trol module, as a result of which the module is fitted The
with a 35-pin connector. oven
fuel I
Special LH 2.4 functions:
o Control module with expanded memory
e lAC valve with integral Limp-Home system pi. (
o Adaptive (intelligent) idling control system Whe
o Adaptive Lambda system tially
o Integral deceleration function (fuel shut-off) An a
the I
o Improved function for shift-up indication
o New CP valve "on
o Integrated fault-diagnosis system LIppI
Pressure-switch function integrated in control raph
module fuell
M1990 and later cars have additional LH 2.4 func-
o Wider scope for diagnosis with the integrated
fault- diagnosis system
o new control module
o Possibility of carrying out fault diagnosis and fault
tracing using an ISAT ( I ntelligent SA ab Tester)
On M1-991 and later cars a number of new diagnos-
tic trouble codes, which can be read on an ISAT,
have been included in the fault diagnosis system.

llHl 2.4.2 fllJe~ HlI1jectooll1 system

The LH' 2.4.2 fuel injection system was introduced
on M1991 cars with all versions of the 82-12 engine.
The most important changes are the wider scope for
fault diagnosis made possible by a new control mod-
ule and the substitution of a throttle position sensor
for the throttle position switch.
The lAC valve is also of new design.

Saab 900
Technical description 200-41

Fuel tank
The fuel tanl~ is made of injection-moulded plastic
and houses theiuellevel transmitter, the pump inlet
line and a connection for the fyel return line.
The tank is equipped with a breather system and
overfill protection, which ~'Iows for expansion of the
fuel inside the tank.

Fue! tank veB~th1l:~/ ·~b.!Ira O>~~il"fm

protecUoril .
When fuel is added to the tank air is evacuated par-
tiall,y through the breather pipe (3).
An air cushion is formed at the top of the tank when
the level of fuel reaches the lower opening of the
breather pipe (3), owing to the action of a coristric-
tion (5) positioned in the breather hose (4) for the
upper section of the tank. The constriction inhibits
rapid changes in volume when the car is being re-
fuelled but does not affect gradual changes in vol-
ume occasioned by temperature variations or the
movement of the car when it is being driven.

I .~7
i : a

11 n
L .

.-- - ---- 001111


Fuel tan/( ventilation and breather system

1 Fuel tank 6 Vent hose
2 Filler pipe 7 Filler cap
3 Breather pipe 8 Vacuum valve
4 Breather hose 9 Expansion space
5 Constriction 10 Return fuel line

Saab 900
200-42 Technical description

The tank is vented externally through the vent hose lFue

(6) which runs from the filler pipe up the rear corner
pillar and along the roof (above the headlining) down
through the left front corner pillar and into the en- The fl
gine bay. On late-production model year 1985 and the fu
later cars the vent hose is connected to a spigot on and r<
the outer end of the filler pipe. tied fc
Under normal conditions, the filler cap makes a tight relief
seal with the filler pipe. However, the cap incorpo- pres e
rates a vacuum valve which will prevent the fuel tank the pi
from collapsing as a result of the pressure difference medic
that could arise if the ventilation system should be- An ell
come blocked. fuel 11
l matic

fLUe~ pump, lEU (1984..)

The electric fuel pump is fitted inside the fuel tank
and a filter is connected to the pump inlet. The pump
1nd motor form an integral unit and cannot there-
fore be repaired. The pump is fitted with a relief valve
which opens if the fuel pressure becomes excessiv8 fUE
for any reason. .
A non-return valve in the pressure line from the
pump prevents the pressure in the fuel line from
dropping immediately after the pump stops running.
2 4 5
Fuel pump
1 Inlet
2 Relief valve (safety pressure)
3 Pump unit
4 Rotor
5 Non-return valve
6 Outlet

Saab 900
- - Technical description 200-43

fuel pump~ cars wuth a catalytic

converter (~1988)
The fuel pump (1), housed in a container (2) inside
the fuel tanl<, is an electric rotary pump. The pump
..\ and rotor are factory-sealed and cannot be disman-
tled for overhaul or repair. The pump incorporates a
relief valve which opens if the pressure exceeds a
preset limit,. A non-return valve in the feed line from
the pump prevents the pressure from dropping im-
mediately after the pump has stopped running.
An electric feed pump (3) supplies the container with
fuel from the tanl<. The container acts as a pressure
ves,sel and, since the main fuel pump is always sup-
piled with fuel under pressure, this prevents the for-
rnation of vapour locks.


fjl.\Or-=~ VI

Fuel pump
1 Fuel pump
2 Container (pressure vessel)
3 Feed pump

Fuel filter
On model year 1985 and earlier cars the fuel filter is
mounted on the left-hand wheel arch, in the pres-
sure line between the fuel pump and the fuel injec- 2 3
tion manifold.
On model year 1986 and later cars the fuel filter is
mounted underneath the car on the right-hand side
forward of the fuel tank. .
The filter consists of an aluminium housing holding
a nylon filter and a paper element.

1 P~per slement
2 Fitt~r
3 Nylon strainer

Saab 900
200-44 Technical description

fue~ pump, 9000/516 (~989 ..) Thl

On model year 1989 and later cars, all Saab 900i/S thE
models with a 8202 engine have been fitted with a
fuel pump of new design. It is of ejector type. The thE
pump is clamped between the top and bottom of the pu'
tank, located by ribs on the bottom of the tank and Th
secured at the top by means of a screw top (7). me
Any flexing of the tank is absorbed by the fuel pump tio
spring element (9). fUE
9 n
6 wI

Fuel pump, Saab 900il8 (1989-)
1 Main pump
2 Ejector pump
3 Filter
4 Reservoir
5 Pump delivery line
6 Return line
7 Screw top
8 8.6al
.. ,9 'Spring
"fa Breather pipe, filter
Th,e design of the tank has been modified to accom-
modate the new pump.
The pump cannot be fitted in fuel tanl~s of earlier
pattern. \

Modified design of tank to accommodate the new fuel


Saab 900
- ......

The principle of operation of the pump is basically

Technical description 200-45

the same as in earlier pumps having a main pump

and a feed pump. However, in the new fuel pump
the feed pump has been replaced by an ejector
pump which is driven by the flow of return fuel.
The function of the ejector pump is to ensure the
main pump with a supply of fuel. Owing to the loca-
tion of the main pump in the reservoir, the supply of
8 fuel to the engine is maintained during cornering and
acceleration, even when only a small q'J:?l1tity of fuel
remains in the tank.
The pump unit, with the ejector pump at ti'le bottom,
is seated in a sump in the bottom of the tank. This
ensures that the ejector pump will not run dry, even
when only a small amount of fuel remains in the tank
and when the car leans ov,er heavily.

The siting of the main pump in the reservoir ensures a

continuous supply of fuel to the engine.
When the fuel system is completely drained and the
tank is empty, at least five litres of fuel must be
poured into the tank before any of it can run into the
The engine is always supplied with fuel in the fol-
lowing situations:
1 The car is tilted 10%to the front and 10%to the
left. Quantity of fuel at least five litres.
2 The car is tilted 10%to the right. Quantity of fuel
at least 13 litres.
3 The car is standing on a level surface. Quantity
of fuel 2.6 litres.
4 When the car is tilted to the left, the space where
the pump is located fills with fuel so the engine
can be supplied with fuel until the tank is as good
as empty.
The position of the reservoir and the design of the tank
combine to ensure a continuous supply of fuel to the
engine in most situations.


200-46 Technical description

f'llIei tank and fuei plUlmp~ fu

SOO 1'1lI11'b© (1990..) Ear
The pump is of the same type as earlier with an
ejector pump feeding the main pump, but with a witt
number of modifications. e P
Mounting in the tanl< has been simplified by the in- o f-
troduction of a new screw top and a new type of o f-
rubber seal. This means that a simpl"!" tool can be
used l'or removal and fitting at the sal 1 iim8 as the Thi
risk of leakage is further reduced. car
The fuel pump filter is fitted \"ah a vent lJi e to evac-
uate any vapour !Jvhich migU form.
The fuel tank has been adapted to the new pump,
in 1
including a modification of the design of the retain-
ing ring.

~~ !===~-4


Fuel tank and fuel pump (M1990)

1 Reinforcement ring
2 Sealing ring
3 Fuel pump
4 pump cover
5 Screw top
6 Alignment marl<s
7 Fuel tank

Saab 900
Technical description 200-47

Fuel pum (introduced in 1990)

Earlier fuel pumps have been replaced by a fuel
pump with a line pressure ejector (positive ejector)
with effect from the following chassis numbers:
1I ,AL 3007857·
" AL 50030'12
• AL 7021651
This fuel pump is also a replacer ~nt pump for 900i
cars with a 8202 engine (M'198:j ) a nd all 900 cars
with a 8202 engine (M1990-)
The fuel pump's ejector is connected across the line
pressure side and the non-return valve is positioned
In the fuel pump's feed line. In other respects it is
similar to the fuel pump that was introduced before
the above chassis numbers.

fuel pump with positive ejector

1 To fuel filter
'2 Non-return valve
3 Feed line
4 Return line

Saab 900
200-48 Technical description
Fuel pressure regulatoD' fue
The fuel pressure regulator is located immediately The f
adjacent "to the fuel injection manifold and is 5 tion '"
mounted on a bracket bolted to the inlet manifold
and cylinder head.
The purpose of the regulator is to maintain a con-
stant ratio between the fuel pressure immediately
upstream of the injectors and the pressure in the in-
let manifold.
The regulator comprises two chambers, separated
by a diaphragm which is held against a valve by a
spring and tile negative pressure in the inlet mani-
Tile regulator has three connections: one for the fuel
line from the fuel injectio(l manifold, one for the re-
turn fuel line to the tank, and one to the inlet mani-
Fuel pressure regulator
fold. T~llB
1 To inlet manifold
2 Spring
3 Diaphragm "l.CCC
4 Valve rJas~

5 Return fuel for tl

6 Fuel injection manifold vaCL
'~01jectors mine
The injectors are of solenoid type and the quantity whic
of fuel that is injected, i.e the opening duration of the buttl
valves, is determined by the control module. The in- 7 Insil
jectors all open and close simultaneousl)'. thra
When the engine is running they open once each On
for revolution of the engine, when starting from cold idlin
they open twice for each engine revolution. tuat
The injectors are fitted in the inlet manifold, one for At f
each cylinder. and inject the fuel immediately above sitic
the mating surfaces of the inlet manifold and cylin- tact
der head. rich
The opening duration of the valves is regulated
within very tight limits: 2-12 milliseconds (1 millisec-
ond = 1/1 OOOth of a second).

i Body
2 Nozzle
3 Insulation
4 Spring
5 Coil
6 Electrical terminal
7 Filter

Saab 900
Technical description 200-49

Fuel injection manifold!

The fuel injection manifold is in direct communica-
tion with the injectors. Also connected to the fuel in-
j~ction manifold are the fuel line and fuel pressure

Tn oU~e pOSiotoOlfl1 s'Woictn

The throttle body is bolted to the inlet manifold and
accommodates the throttle butterfly, the idling air
passage with idling adjustment screw, connections
for the auxiliary air valve hoses and an outlet for the
vacuum control unit on the distributor. 3
The throttle position switch is screwed to the throttle
body and consists of a casing incorporating a ter-
minal for the connection of the built-in contacts
which send signals on the position of the throttle
butterfly to the control module.
r Inside the casing is a cam plate tlla! is linked to the
throttle butterfly spindle and acts on the contacts. 1--~~-+- -.J-.a..u..--4
On idling, the throttle butterfly is in the position for
idling and the idling contacts are closed by the ac-
At full throttle, the butterfly is in the full throttle po-
si~ion and the cam plate closes the full throttle con- rott e position switch
tacts and the engine receives extra full-load fuel en- 1 Actuator
riohment. 2 Cam plate
3 Full throttle contacts
4 Microswitch (butterfly closed)
5 Butterfly spindle

200-50 Technical description
TlluotUe posotioll1 sensoli' (1991=) Idle
The earlier throttle'position switch has been super- {lH
seded by a throttle position sensor which provides
the control module with continuous and stepless in-
of air
formation on the angle of the throttle butterfly. This
air is
information is used for various purposes, including
idle a
fuel shut-off.
The throttle function is adaptive, i.e. the control mod-
TIle il
ule "learns" which signal corresponds to idling and
a bui
which signal corresponds to full throttle. This means
ous r
that manual adjustment is unnecessary.
G stE
o be
Auxmary air valve o inc
The auxiliary air valve is mounted on the engine's co
thermostat housing and acts as a by-pass passage co
enabling air to flow past the butterfly in the throttle he
body when the engine is cold. tel
The auxiliary air valve consists of an aluminium body hi!
with a connector for the internal heating coil and o a
spigots for the hoses from the throttle body.Running For
through the aluminium body is an air passage which 254
is opened and closed by a valve disc operated by
the bi- metallic strip.
When the engine is cold,....the air passage is fully
open. When the engine is started, the heating coil is
energized and heats the bi-metallic strip which then
gradually. closes the valve.
If the engine is hot when started, the heat given off
by it acts on the bi-metallic strip and the valve re-
Auxiliary air valve
mains almost closed, opening only very slightly.
1 Bi-metallic strip
2 Coil
3 Electric terminals
4 Valve disc

Saah 900
Technical description 200-51
Idle air control (~AC) valve
(LH 2.2)
The idle air control valve allows a controlled volume
Qf .air to by-pass the throttle butterfly. The volume of
air is determined by the degree of opening of the
idle air control valve, which is controlled by signals
from-the LH control module.
-rhe idle air control valve is a rotary slotted valve with
a built-in two-stage motor thc,:~ maintains a continu- 2
/ ous reciprocating action, turni:~g ttl!; valve t wough a
maximum angle o'f 90 0 •
Together with the mass air flow sensor system, au-
tomatic idle control has been introduced to give:

• steadier engine speed 4

l\l better cold-starting and warm-up performance ~-/'+I-+--5
• increased idling speed on engagement of the air
conditioning system
• compensation for reduced engine speed due to a
heavier load from the steering servo pump and al-
ternator charging and when the car is driven at
high altitudes L----6
• a deceleration function. Idle air control valve
For a description and fault diagnosis, see section 1 Valve body
254 in Service Manual 2:4. 2 Valve
3 Casing
4 Solenoid
5 Electric motor casing
6 Three-pin connector


Saab 900
200-52 Technical description
~AC va~ve with oIl"lltsgral limp" "fa"
[Home fu.on1lctuCOJIl"ll (llHl 2,,4) resn
The Limp-Home function, which comes into opera- The t
tion when a fault occurs in the lAC system, such as manif
a loose connection, causes the valve to give a fast modu
idling speed of 1200 rpm. the e
The earlier three-pin connector has been replaced quani
by a two- pin COrl'~ctor because the connector on ture.
the lAC valve is 0, wn-pin type. Wher
the v
to co
As tr
of fUI
~AC vahve 9 llHl 20402 ( 1991 ..) mCi
As distinct from earlier versions, the lAC valve now
has two windings which correspond to each other in
the event of a voltage drop, such as occurs when If th
the AC system is engaged. ruptl
Whenever necessary, a spring in the valve sets it in
Limp- Home mode with a small opening which gives
an engine speed of about 850 rpm when there is no
load on the valve. ~ J69



LH 2.4.2 ThE
on i
Adaptive idl~ull1g c(l)rntro~ StOI
system (lH 2.4) Ar
The adaptive (intelligent) idling control system var- ma
ies the idling speed and lAC setting continuously the
and automatically compensates for all normal vari- ing
ations. Thl
The microprocessor "remembers" the opening the tiar
lAC valve had the last time the engine was run at inl
idling speed. This system reduces the need for ser- pel
vice and the setting is constantly maintained at a
high lev~1.

Saab 900
- --
Technical·description 200-53

Temperrail:lUIre sensor ( Te
The temperature sensor is screwed into the inlet
2 3
manifold flange. Its function is to provide the control
module with information about .the temperature of
tns engine. The control module then regulates the
quantity of fuel injected according to the tempera-
When starting from cold and during the first part of
the warm-up period, the engine requires a much
richer fuel-air mixture on account of the losses due
to condensation in the combustion chambers and
Temperature sensor (NTC resistor)
intake pipe.
1 Resistor
As the temperature of the engine rises, the quantity 2 Body
oi fuel injected is decreased proportionately. 3 Connector
The temperature sensor consists of a brass body
which holds a resistor of NTC type. NTC (Negative
Temperature Coefficient) resistors have a low resis-
tance at high temperatures and a high resistance at
low temperatures. The temperature sensor sends a
continuous signal to the control module.
If the signal from the temperature sensor is inter-
rupted, a signal will be simulated in the control mod-
ule which gives a function on the assumption that
engine temperature is +20°C (68°F).

lH clOntro~ mOlo1LO~e (lH 2.2)

The LH control module is located inside the cabin
on the right-hand side underneath the dash panel.
All necessary reference data, such as maximum
rpm, full-load enrichment, hot wire burn-off, etc., is
stored in the control module's memory.
A microprocessor processes the signals from the
mass air flow sensor and other sensors, as well as
the data from the memory, and calcu.!ates the open-
ing duration of the injectors.
The LH control module also contains auxiliary func-
tions for emitting fixed signals in the event of a break
in the signals from the mass air flow sensor or tem-
perature sensor.:
e Mass air flow sensor: the Limp-Home function.
Temperature sensor: a simulated signal for an
assumed engine temperature of 20°C (6BOF).

Saab 900
200-54 Technical description
--------:~l\! -
COl tlrO~ module wuth expalilHdledl Mas·
memory (lH 204) The IT
The expanded memory of the control module en- filter a
ables new monitoring and control functions to be in- It conE
corporated in it. from
To accommodate the new functions, a 35-pin con- the air
nector replaces the earlier 25-pin connector. filarne

The t
The LH 2.4.2 control module is adapted to system
changes resulting from changed components but abov,
also contains software changes which affect other
the c
additional functions.
Engagemel"!t of the Lambda sensor when the engine beco
is started from cold is a function of time instead of ityar
temperature as it was before. This means that the the ~
theoretical limit at which control can start is reduced aturE
from 16°C to DOC. take~
AC engagement is governed by the LH control mod- switc
ule. The
The AC relay is discontinued. The

In tl
air 1

Saab 900
Technical description 200-55
---.. -"'"'"'.- -----------------------------------

Mass ,air f~ow sellilsou-

The mass air flow sensor is fitted between the air
fIlter and the intake pipe. 5
It ~onsj,sts of an aluminium body (plastic with effect-
ilr01iTl 1989) enclosing an air duct. Centred inside
the ai~ duot is an inner tube incorporating a platinum
filament (hot-wire sensor). On both the inlet and
outlet sides the hot wire is protected by a fine-mesh

Mass air flow senior

1 Fine-mesh filter
2 Detector resistor
3 Hot wire (filament)
4 Inner tube
5 CO adjusting screw

The temperature of the hot wire is maintained at a

constant level of approximately 10aoC (212°F)
al90ve the temperature of the inlet air, regardless of
lhe. composition of the air or the air flow.
Sirlce the hot wire is sited inside the inlet duct it can
become coated with dirt which reduces its sensitiv-
ity and affects the results of measurement. To keep
the hot wire free from dirt, it is heated to a temper-
ature of about 1aoo°c (1830°F) for one second. This
takes place four seconds after the engine has been
sWitched off.
The main relay releases after filament burn-off.
The device for controlling the current required to
maintain the hot wire at a constant temperature con-
sists of a bridge circuit ,and a detector resistor, the
voltage variation across which is directly propor-
tional to the,magnitude of the inlet air mass.
The electrical components are integrated in the
mass air flow sensor housing which also contains a
potentiometer, accessible from the outside, for ad-
jwsting the CO content at idling speed. This adjust-
ing screw was discontinued on the LH 2.4 system
with e'11ect from '1989 since the function is incorpo-
rated in the new LH control module. The plug which
previously covered tlle hO~',3 fer tile CO ~,djusting
screw has therefore also beef'l discontinued.
In the event of a breal< in the signal from the mass
air flow sensor caused by a broken hot wire, for in-
stance, an emergency system built into the control
module and known as the "Limp-Home" mode will
take over, enabling the car to be driven but with im-
paired performance.

Saab 900

Aui" cleaner
Technical description
The air cleaner, mounted on a bracket on the left- (lH
hand wheel arch, consists of a cylindrical container Gase(
to which an air intake is connected. Inside the con-
tainer is a folded paper element and the removable
cover is secured by means of four toggle fasteners.
gine v
The cover incorporates a connecting sleeve 'for the
mass air flow sensor which is secured by means of
by si!
two toggle fasteners.
Adlap~nve lambda system (LH 2.4)
The adaptive (intelligent) Lambda system compen-
sates for variations in the fuel-air mixture.
This compensation is carried out by raising or low-
ering the basic setting according to the variations
occurring in the system, which can be caused by air
leaks, fluctuations in the quality of the fuel or normal
wear and tear.
No basic setting or adjustment of the Lambda sys-
tem is necessary.

Integrated! decelel1'atUoD1l fUD1lction

(lH 2.4) Int.
The deceleration function shuts off the supply of fuel The
during engine overrun. The system supersedes the impr
throttle dashpot function and results in reduced fuel fault
consumption and cleaner exhaust emissions. laml
, dun:
The mechanical throttle butterfly damper has been

Shnft=up DlI1dicaftion Int

Now that shift-up indication is built into the new con-
trol module, the relay and all sensors and switches
that were previously incorporated in earlier shift-up
indication systems have been discontinued.

Saab 900
- - Technical description 200-57

E",aPO>Il'Bl~hi'ea~(Q)S$ c(Q)lnl~rro~ device

{LH 2.4)
Gaseous hydrocarbons from the fuel tank are
tr.aRlDed in the charcoal canister. They subsequently
pass through the canister purge valve into the en-
~ine where they are burnt.
'ifil;Je purge valve on the charcoal canister is activated
D¥~)f'\nals from the control module. The purging
'f!~f1C n Is dependent on engine load conditions and
f' l"f.+. ~i' ! '" ~~~erj.
,I, '\

Integlraltedl ffallUl~tc(Onaglnlosns syslteD'i1i1

The integrated fault-diagnosis system facilitates and
improves fault diagnosis. The system displays a
fault code by flashing the CHECK ENGINE warning
lamp a varying number of times and with varying
duration. By consulting the list of fault codes, the lo-
cation of the fault can be narrowed down or pin-
pointed. See also "Fault diagnosis system LH 2.4".

Integrated! rPll'eSSQ.lHre selrBsOJIl"

Should a fault arise in the Turbo pressure regulating
system, the LH control module will interrupt the sig-
nals to the injectors.
The earlier pressure switch has been discontinued.

Saab 900

air i'
air I


Air induction system 232-1


preheating . . . . . • . . . • . . . • . 232-1 Function check of preheater
valve (-1985) . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . 232-3

Air clea.ner
The air cleaner, mounted on the LH wheel arch, has
;fWo functions: in addition to cleaning the induction
air it also dampens the noise made by the air being
(lrawn in. The filter element, made of special paper,
lll1ust not be washed or moistened.
l1/fte mass air flow sensor is mounted on top of the
air cleaner.
1 ;\{'Ii f)'

Prehle~to Iillg
The following applies to all cars equipped with CI
fuel injection and a catalytic converter (US, EU), to
6201 engines with Clan 1984 and earlier models
and to Turbo 8201 engines on 1985 and earlier
Inside the air cleaner intake is a thermostatic valve
which regulates the temperature of the induction air.
111e valve housing has two inlets, one for cold air
and one for preheated air. The preheated air flows
through an insulated .hose from a hot spot on the
exhaust manifold.

The preheater hose must be tied or clipped to the
wastegate valve on Turbo engines to keep it clear of
t~e battery.

Saab 900
232-2 Air induction system
On normally aspirated engines the valve is actu-
ated by means of a cable attached to the body of a
thermostat fitted upstream of t~e. throttle housing.
The thermostat senses the temperature of the ArOl
blended induction air, which is maintained at a tem- by nl
perature of between 23°C and 37°C (73-98°F) by mOV I
the valve butterfly, which oscillates continually be- Fore
tween the cold air and preheated air inlets. pletE
~ priat
~'~_/ posi'
":>-. ? ~\


On Turbo engines the thermostat body is fitted in- WhE
side the preheater valve and senses the tempera- cabl
ture of the ambient air. The valve maintains an air the
temperature of between -SoC (23°F) and +SoC



Saab 900
- Air induction system 232-3

Prehe©lter v21~Ve fl\JBl1c~n(i)n1

~heck (c 1985)
'b. rough ched< of the valve operation can be made
by noting its movement with the cold air intake re-
'Por a more accurate check, remove the valve com-
plete with cable (not on Turbo engines) and thermo-
) s1at. Immerse the thermostat in water at the appro-
priq,te temperature (see below) and check the
'fDosition of the butterfly.

WHen pefiorming this check, make sure that the Checking the preheater valve (normally aspirated engine).
carole adopts roughly the same position as it has in
the car.

F,'or Turbo engines:

) ':5°C (23°F)-preheated air only.

+-5°C (41°F)-eold air only.
Normally aspirated engines:
'''3 ,23°C (73°F)-preheated air only.
S7°C (98°F)-eold air only.

,--- -_....",-_. . "


Checking the preheater valve (Turbo engines).

________-'-- -=---=-==:-- ~I' "0:(0";;

Saab 900
. pl
Fuel system 233-1

feed pump function check . • . . . . . . 233-1 !Fuel pump, 900/516 (1989~) •. . 233-10
ChJinging the fuel pump (with feed fuel pump, Turbo (1990·) .•. . 233-30
pump), ~M19a8 . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • 233-3'
Cbanging the vuel pump (without feed
pump)• • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233-7

. ~t~e~;' [p)l\.IJmp ffQ1l C~~(!}rrn <clhec~(

'(.,L~ 988)

There is an acute danger of fire due to fuel
atomization when carrying out this test. Do not
smoke. Mal<e sure that the area is well venti-

Make sure that the tank is at least 3/4 full before \
starting this test.

1. Remove the luggage compartment floor and

floor panel and also the cover (lver the fuel
2 Disconnect the electric leads frQIJl"Jhe main
pu mp. ':;J~

Take care to prevent the leads from touching each
other or any metalworlc

3 Slacken the clip on the pump using a flexible

socket driver.

Saab 900
233-2 Fuel system

4 Cars with LH injection system (cars with CI in-

jection system, see point 5):
Remove fuse No. 30. Connect test lead with the
switch 83 93 886 between the input of fuse po- me
sition No. 30 and fuse No. 27, 28 or 29 to supply
the fuel pump with power.

N e:
Mah SUi'e that the switch is set to OFF.
5 Cars with CI injection system: sel
Remove the fuel pump relay. Connect test lead
with switch 83 93 886 between terminals 30 and
87 to supply the .fuel pump with power.
Mal,e sure that the switch is set to OFF. fa
6 Start the feed pump by setting the switch to ON. 2
7 Carefully raise the edge of the rubber collar and
check that fuel is discharged through the safety
valve on top of the receiver. 3

Since a large volume of fuel may be dis-
chargE!d, take precautions to prevent it from
getting into the luggage compartment. If fuel
does get into the luggage compartment, make
sure that all petrol fumes are expelled.

8 If no fuel is discharged through the safety valve

when the feed pump is running, fit a new feed
pump. If the feed pump does not wort" check the
electric leads connected to it.


Saab 900
Fuel system 233-3
Always turn off the pump's power supply by setting
the switch to OFF before connecting any test instru-

9 Fit in reverse order.

Make sure that the area round the hole for the c! ler
over the fuel tank is clean and perfectly dry 1:J'fi','iim3
seduring the clip on the fuel pump collar.

ChBlDilgi 9 !he fu~~ lUImp

(with feed )~ c~ 988

To rsmove
1 Disconnect the battery cables.
2 Remove the luggage compartment floor and
floor panel and also the circular cover over the
fuel pump.


3 Disconnect the electric leads from the fuel

6-if "'--.2} _ .
I. ..,

·Q~J.~7" ','

1 Rubber collar
2 Main pump
3 Filter
4 O-ring
5 Re,ceiver
6 Feed pump
7 Filter

4 Disconnect the fuel lines from the pump. When

un<.''1ing the banjo fittinp, use a ~panner to stop
the pump from turning.

Saab 900
233-4 Fuel system

5 Slacken the clip on the pump using a flexible

socket driver. To fi
1 Co
2 Fit

6 Lift out the pump complete with pressurized re-

7 Disconnect the electric leads from the tanl<.
8 Disconnect the return hose from the receiver.
9 Withdraw the main pump and remove the feed
pump retaining screws. Disconnect the electric

Note: 5
On earlier pump variants, the existing feed pump
filter must be replaced with the latest version. Ac-
cordingly, plug (1), washer (2), filter (3), clip (4) and
a-ring (5) will become redundant.
+ 3 e

Feed pump variant fitted to cars with chassis numbers I
from AE1021336 and AE2009858, inclusive.
Earlier feed pump variant
1 Plug 5
2 Washer
3 Filter
4 Clip
5 O-ring

Saab 900
-- -
To fit
Fuel system 233-5

1 oonnect the electric leads to the feed pump:

white lead to the positive (+) terminal and black
lead to the negative (-) terminal.
2 fit the feed pump and press it right up against
the stop.
1 Black
2 White

3 Scribe a mark on the new main pump, A mm

from the end.
On cars with CI injection, dimension A = 46 ±2
(1.81 ± 0.08 in)
On cars with LH injection, dimensions A = 42 ±
2 mm
("1.65 ± 0.08 in)
Dimension B = 222 mm (8.74 in)
4 Slide the rubber collar up to the scribed mark
and tighten the G;lip.
5 Fit the pump in the receiver and position it ac-
cording to measurement B. Turn the pump so
that the positive (+) terminal is towards the front
of the car.

Saab 900
233-6 Fuel system
6 Fit the return hose and plug in the connector.
Lower the receiver into the tanl, with the feed
pump facing rearwards.

-j [

2 F
3 [
4 L

7 Connect the electric leads.

8 Connect the fuel line. Use a spanner to prevent
the pump from turning when tightening the banjo
fitting. On cars with an LH injection system, use
spanner 83 94 330
9 Refit the cover over the fuel pump and replace
the floor panel and luggage compari.'1lent floor.
10 Connect th~ battery cables.

Ctnangill1lg -thJe nOIi1H'stlUlli'D1l valve

foil' the flUe~ plUmp
1 Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2 Remove the luggage compartment floor and
floor panel and also the circuiar cov~r over the
fuel pump. 6
3 Disconnect the electric leads from the fuel
I.) Us:;; a spannm to hold the fuel pump steady and
remove the cap nut. Lift off the banjo fitting.
5 Remove the banjo fitting with integral non-return
Use a spanner to hold the fuel pump steady.
Fit in reverse order.

Saab 900
Fuel system 233-7
- -
F~el plUlm~, W8U~@nJJt ~ee<dl
pwmp {rrBO~ (cal~tal~ytD(c ©@!l1lV®!rfter
Tp remove
'j Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2 Remove the luggage compartment floor and
floor panel and also the circul~.r cover over the
fUel pump.
3 Disconnect the electric leads from the fuel
4- Use a spanner to 110Id the fuel pump steady and
remove the cap nut. Lift off the banjo fitting.

5 Using a flexible socket driver, slacken the clip

on the pump mounting.

6 Lift up the fuel pump assembly.


Saab 9QO
233-8 Fuel system

To ~it To cl1
1 Fit the pump to the mounting so that the distance The non
between the base of the suction strainer and the can be
upper edge of the rubber mounting is 236 mm screwdr
(9.2913 in).
Avoid 9
Later version fuel pumps have a new type of damage
pump bracket and clamp to eliminate noise from 3 Tighten
the pump. On refitting these parts, dimension "A"
should be 2-6 mm (0.0787-0.2362 in).
e l.D
E ..!,
l!: n 1---- 6
N <t

1 Non-return valve
2 Fuel pipe
3 Pump bracket
4 Clip
5 Pump
6 Cap nut

2 Check that the fuel return line is mounted on the

splash guard holder at the bottom of the fuel

3 Install the pump assembly in the tank as follows:

G Hol,d the pump with the positive (+) terminal fac-
ing the left- hand side of the car
G Align the suction strainer inlet diagonally rear-
wards at an angle of 45° towards the right-hand
side of the car. On ml

A Front of car

Saab 900 -
Fuel system 233-9
---- To change the l11lorn=trsturrn va~ve 9mm

The flon-return valve in the outlet from the fuel pump

2 can be removed by means of a specially shaped
screwdriver, see Fig.
AVoId gripping the valve too tightly, as this may +-----+A1
~ +---I-Ho-....I CJ
damage it.
TIghtening torque, 0.4-0.6 Nm (0.30-0.44 Ibf tt)

On model year 1922 2 d later cars, the non-return

valve is incorporated in\the banjo coupling

Saab 900
233-10 Fuel system

f e~ ump 900/515 (1989 a

Chec king th~ fuel pum p (Dr!! situ) To r
-I Oi
There is an acute danger of fire due to fuel 3 El
atomization when carrying out this test. Do not
4 Ai
smoke. Make sure that the area is well venti-
5 Ti
6 A
7 R
Note: BU
The tanl< must be at least 3/4 full.

Remove the return line of the pressure regulator

and fit in its place a section of fuel hose about -I
metre long. .
2 Remove fuse No. 30 and connect a test cable
with switch between fuse position 30 and fuse
No. 27.
Check that the switch is set to OFF.
3 Connect a multimeter to measure the voltage
across the fuel pump connecting pins.
4 Insert the end of the fuel hose into a 2-litre mea-
suring glass.
5 Start the pump and note the time it takes to fill
the measuring glass with 1 litre of fuel. Maximum
time 40 seconds.
At the same time, check the voltage at the pump.
It should be between 11 and 13 V. Other volt-
ages result in an incorrect flow rate.

. _r~

Saab 900
-- OlUUl.giD1g the ~W~~ pump
Fuel system 233-11

10 remove
1 Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2 EJepressurize the fuel system.
:!l Expose the fuel pump.
4 Remove ti-le locking clamp, disconnect the elec-
tric leads c. -J -ruel lines.
5 Tie the fue i n;:;.s Qut of ;~1'':\ 'May.
{3 Apply tool f.,J 94397.
7 Remove the SGfeW
, top.
8 Lift: up the pump.

. )


233-"12 Fuel system
-------~----------------------------......:.;.~ -
9 Place the pump in the tank.
10 Fit a new rubber seal. CAli'
11 Refit the screw top. WilE
i 2 Apply the tool and tighten the top. suet
13 Reconnect the fuel lines.
i 4 Reconnect the electric leads and refit the lock- If al
ing clamp. fum l
15 Reconnect the negative battery cable. We,
'IS Check the operation of the pump. with
'17 Refit the cover and the luggage compartment

2 I

Saab 900
Fuel system 233-13
---, 'l:"""'
......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , , . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When carrying out any work on the fuel tank,
.such as replacing the fuel pump or fuel level
transmitter, make sure that the area is well
If approved extraction equipment for petrol
fumes is provided, make use of it.
Wear suitable gloves, as prolonged contact
with fuel can cause dermatitis.

To Il'em@ve
1 Disconnect the negative battery cable.

2 Depressurize the fuel system by undoing the

nipple on the fuel distribution pipe. Retighten the
nipple afterwards.

Saab 900
233-14 Fuel system

3 To gain access to the fuel pump, remove the 6 Al

luggage compartment floor panel and the cover
over the fuel pump.

4 Remove the clamp and disconnect the pump's

electric leads and the fuel lines.
Although the fuel system has been depressurized, a.
small amount of fuel will still escape from the con-

5 Move the fuel lines aside and secure them by 7

means of a cable tie to the rear wiring harness.

Saab 900
- Iii Apply tool 83 94 397 as shown in the Fig.
Fuel system

Pass the chain through the load-securing brack-

ets on the luggage compartment floor. Secure
the chain by means of a screwdriver as shown
in the Fig.

7 Loosen the screw top and put the tool aside.


Saab 900
233-16 Fuel system

Unscrew the screw top by hand. Remove the

rubber seal and lift up the pump while tilting the
To fi
top part of it fOlwards and to the left. Allow as 1 Po
much fuel as possible to run out of the pump be- so
fore lifting ft up.

8 Lift the pump out of the tanl, and transfer it to a

receptacle where the remaining fuel can run out.

2 :


Saab 900
- ~--
Fuel system 233-17

ft) fit
1 Position the pump before placing it in the tank
so that the pressure and return lines are in align-
ment with the longitudinal axis of the car. Tilt the
pump assembly so that the ejector part is intro-
duced into the tank first.
Position the pump inside the tank. Make sure
that it is centred between the ribs on the bottom
of the tan;'

and so that the mark on the top of the pump lines

up with the marl( on the tanlc

2 Smear a new seal with acid-free petroleum jelly

(Vaseline) and fit it inside the screw top as
shown in the Fig.
The seal can also be fitted on the top of the
pump if great care is- taken to ensure that it is
accurately positioned.
New rubber seal fitted inside the screw top.

Saab 900
233-18 Fuel system
3 Position the screw top so that the markings are
in alignment. Press down hard and rotate the top
half a turn.


4 Change the chain attachment points so that the

chain is correctly positioned for tightening.

Apply the tool and press down on it so that th·}

screw top is brought into contact with the flange
of the tank opening.
Press down on the tool to bring the screw top into
contact with the tanI,.

Fuel system 233-19
1'0 prevent the ejector pump from being damaged,
the pump must be correctly positioned and not aiD
rowed io tum when the screw top is tightened.
iT'ighten it as far as it will go.
I il:j1e position of the pump must not deviate by more
than ±30° from the alignment marl,s.

5 Connect the fuel lines and fit the couplings with

new 0- rings.
The return line ('I) incorporating a non-return
valve in the fitting is connected to the_ outlet
nearest the front of the car and the pump line (2)
to the outlet nearest the rear of the car.

6 Connect the electric leads and fit the locl<ing


Saab 900
233-20 Fuel system

7 Connect the negative battery cable.

1 R
2 R
3 S
4 F
5 F
6 F

8 Check the operation of the pump and also checl,

it for leaf<age.

9 Refit the circular cover and the luggage com-

partment floor panel.

Saab 900
Fuel system 233-21
10 replace the fuel pump fUter
1 Remove the fuel pump, see page 11.
2 Remove the ejector pump.
3 Separate the reservoir and filter unit from the top
4 Fit a new reservoir with filter iind O-ring.
5 Fit the ejector pump with a new O-ring.
6 Fit the fuel pump, see page 12.


Saab 900

Fuel system

lUmp fn~tef1'
3 Se~

1'0 lrelP~aCe
The filter and reservoir are an integral unit and can-
not be replaced individually.
1 Remove the pump, see "Fuel pump, removal
and fitting" on page 13.

4 Fit

2 Remove the ejector pump from the reservoir by

using a screwdriver to ease back the prongs that
prevent the ejector pump from turning.

5 F

Rotate the ejector pump a quarter-turn and with-

draw it.

Saab 900
- -
Fuel system 233-23

3 Separate the reservoir with filter from the top


4 Fit a new reservoir complete with filter unit and

O-ring to the pump assembly.

5 Fit the ejector pump with a new O-ring. Insert the

pump with 1he lugs facing outwards and then ro-
tate it a quarter-turn so that the prongs engage
the "pimple" on the reservoir.

6 Fit the pump, see "Fuel pump, removal and fit-
ting" on page 17.

Saab 900
233-24 Fuel system
------.:........--------------------------441 ___
To replace the fuei pump To rl
reservoir 1 RE
See "To replace the fuel pump filter", page 21. 2 RE
4 Cc
5 Fi1
6 Fij

Saab 900
- Fuel system 233-25

1~ relP iace ttlhe ejectolJ' IrnllMIPl

1 Remove the fuel pump, see page 11.
2 Remove the ejector pump, see page 22.
;3. Disconnect. the return line from the top section.
4 Connect the return line of the new ejector pump.
5 Fit the ejector pump, see page 23.
€l Fit the fuel pump, see page 12.

Saab 900
233-26 Fuel system
5 Fi
Ejector pump
To Irep~ace
1 Remove the fuel pump, see "Fuel pump, re-
moval and fitting" on page 13.

6 I

2 Remove the ejector pump, see ''To replace the

fuel pump filter", page 22.

3 Disconnect the return line from the top section.

Take care not to damage the knurls on the fitting
if you have to use a knife or other tool.

4 Connect the new ejector pump's return line by

clamping it in a vice and then pressing the fitting
(on the top section of the pump assembly) into

Saab 900
Fuel system 233-27
- -
5 Fit the ejector pump, see "To replace the fuel
pump filter", page 23.

6 Fit the fuel pump, see "Fuel pump, removal and

fitting" on page 17.
233-28 Fuel system
- Rc
Cleaning the ejectolt' pump dr:
Ii is possible for the ejector pump inlet strainer to
become clogged by contaminants that get into the
fuel tank either with the petrol or when filling.
Signs of this include poor running on cornering or
accelerating when the tank is less than half full.
"I Remove the fuel level transmitter to release any
air pressure and to check ~he position of the
ejector pump.
Disconnect the fuel return 1:J1(J 1'm,11 \1 Ie pun;J
and blow compressed air ill'X> the pump's Inlet
for return fuel.
If this fails to clear the strainer, remove the pump
(see "Changing the fuel pump", page 11). 3 B


2 Remove the ejector pump from the reservoir by

using a screwdriver to ease back the prongs that
prevent the ejedtor pump from turning.

4 I

Saab 900
Fuel system 233-29
- Rotate the ejector pump a quarter-turn and with-
-clraW it.

;3 Blow compressed air into the nozzle to remove

any dirt or other foreign bodies.
Inspect the filter for the main pump and, if nec-
8$Sary, fit a new filter and reservoir unit.

Always fit new O-rings.

4 ,Assemble and refit the pump, see page 17.

Check that it is in proper working order.

Saab 900
233-30 Fuel system
~ T r 0 ( 99 on) 6 1

Do not smoke.
Be mindful of the danger of sparks being
caused by short circuits, when connecting and
disconnecting live circuits, etc.
Make sure that a suitable fire extinguisher is
alwavs near at hand and work only in a well-
ventHated area.

To remove
1 Disconnect the negative battely cable. 7
2 Undo the nipple on the fuel distribution pipe to
reduce the pressure in the fuel system. Use pa-
per or a cloth to absorb the fuel that runs out.
Retighten the nipple.

3 Remove the luggage compartment floor panet:
4 Undo and bend aside the cover over the pump.
5 Remove the locl<ing clamp and unplug the con-

Saab 900
- 6 Disconnect the fuel lines from the pump. Move
Fuel system 233-31

them out of the way and secure them by means

of a cable tie.

7 Remove the screw top, using special tool 83 94


8 Lift out the pump. Hold paper or a cloth ready to

catch surplus fuel.

9 Transfer the pump to a suitable receptacle and

pour out the fuel.

233-32 Fuel system

T@ fit 4
-I Fit a new O-ring on the pump.

2 Place the pump assembly in the tank and line

up the positioning marks.

3 Fit the screw top and tighten it with tool

8394462 and a torque wrench.
Tightening torque 75 Nm (55 Ibi it).
Make sure that the positioning marks are still in

Saab 900
Fuel system 233-33

4 Fit new O-rings on the fuel line fittings and con-

nect them to the pump.

5 Plug in the connector and fit the locking clamp.

6 Connect the negative battery cable.

Check the operation of the pump and also checl<
it for leal<age.
7 Refit the cover and the luggage compartment
floor panel.


Saab 900




Fuel tank and fuel lines 234-1
IIIl es
Removal of tan!{ . . . . . • 234-1 Fuel level transmitter . . . . . • 234-7
fitting of tank . . • . . . • 234-3 Replacing the roll-over valve . . 234-8
Fuel lines. . . . " • . . . 234-4
Replacing f1uel lines inside cal' . • •. 234-5

• I
Do not smol". [-'3 mindful of t:1e danger of , ,
sparks beintl t. lused by shOT:: circuits, when
connecting and disconnecting live circuits, etc,
t." Make sure that a suitable 'fire extinguisher is

always near at hand.

Work only in a well-ventilated area.

The fuel tanl< has no drain plug. When work on the

fuel system requires the tank to be drained, this can
be done with a separate tank draining unit or by us-
ing the car's fuel pump.

i Remove the luggage compartment floor, floor

panel and cover over the fuel pump.
2 Use the fuel pump to drain the {uel tank. To pre-
vent the emission of hydrocarbons into the work-
shop, use a closed system.
, .
Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel pump, con-
nect a special line to the pump and fit the other
end to a suitable receptacle, The receptacle
should be. closed and equipped with a vent hose,
which should be run back into the fuel filler pipe.

Do not run the fuel pump without any fuel in the tank.


234-2 Fuel tank and fuel lines

Remov e the fuel pump relay and run the pump by

connecting it to terminal No. 301-87 (CI) until the tank
To f
is empty. 1 Me
For cars with an LH system, see the Fig. the

2 Ch
3 Lifi

27 30 5 RE
6 RE
Connec t the fuel pump's switche djumpe r lead 83 93 886
across fuses 27 and 30.
7 Lc
3 Discon nect the negative battery cable.
4 Remov e the cover from the fuel level transmit-
5 Discon nect all electrical leads from the tank.
6 Raise the rear of the car.
7 Remov e the filler pipe and breathe r tubes from
the fuel tanl<.
Discon nect the pressu re and return fuel lines
from the fuel accum ulator and tank and undo the
fuel line clips.
8 Remove the securing strap nuts under the tank.
9 Lower the tank.

Saab 900 -
Fuel tank and fuel lines 234-3
- -
To fit
1 Make sure that all seals are correctly fitted on
the tank.
'2 Check that the straps are correctly fitted and
blank off the ends of the filler pipe and breather
tl:lbes with masking tape.
3 Lift the tank into position and support it by the
two straps.
4 Adjust the lateral position of the tank and tighten
the straps. Remove the masking tape from the
filler pipe and breather tubes.
5 Reconnect the fuel lines, filler pipe and breather
e Reconnect the leads for the fuel level transmit-
ter and fuel pump and refit the cover over the
fuel pump.
7 Lower the car.
B Reconnect the negative battery cable.

Saab 900
234-4 Fuel tank and fuel lines

IFUJle~ ~nD1le II'UJlns the (c,

Fuel lines must not be run where there is a risk of The

r---------:e~;;:---------l alongfuel

The dange r is particu larly great where pipes run
adjace nt to plastic compo nents subject to engine To rei
vibration (e.g. other fuel lines, the dipstick tube, 1 Rem
throttle cable, etc.). pet f
When working inside the engine bay, lift the fuel 2 Ren
lines well clear to prevent chafing and sheath the
pipes with PVC sleeves if contaCt is unavo:.dable. 3 Ren-
4 Disc
the I
5 Und
CheckRII191 nne u.ael ~irBes 'le
Follow the pipe runs and check for signs of chafing. the'
Pay special attention to places where the lines ~hafe fuel
or are in contact with nearby plastic components.
Wall thickness, fuel pipes: To fi1
Pipes to 1 Cle
injectors: 2 mm (0.079 in) thrc
Other pipes: 1 mm (0.039 in) rna!
Re-route the pipes and fit PVC sleeyes if chafing is 2 Insl
detected. If the wear is greater than half the thick- bull
ness of the pipe wall, fit a new pipe. nee
3 Fit
Checking fllle~ line COlluuectiOIl1S he.
Check all fuel line connections and joints for leal<s. br2
Always fit new sealing washers each time a joint is 4 Fel
v Fit

Saab 900
Fuel tank and fuel lines 234-5
ReplBl~oUilg fQJl®~ ~ul!1le$ D!J'i15)u@.l®
the Calrr
'fhe. fuel lines from the tank to the engine bay run
alelilg the left-hand sill inside the car.

fa rem¢))ve
1 Remove the scuff plates and turn bad, the car-
pet from t! 'Fa sill.
2 Remove th3 ~ELe '·oJ' inq 6e :uelline·.
:3 RemO\le the InsuICI~1o;1 'felt from tile bUIl\hc-ad,
4 Disconnect the fuel lines in the engine bay,
press out the grommets and pull the lines into
the cabin,
Disconnect the return fuel line from the fuel flow
meter and the pressure line from the fuel filter.
5 Undo the clips and disconnect the fuel lines from
the fuel tank. Disconnect the pressure line from
the fuel accumulator and release the clips on the
fuel tank.

To fot
'j Clean the fuel lines by blowing compressed air
through them. Sianl, off the ends of the lines with
masldng tape.
2 Insert the fuel lines through the holes in the
bulkhead and the spring link bracl<et and con-
. nect the lines in.t~e engine bay.
3 Fit the rubber grommets in the holes in the bulk-
head and in the front holes in the spring link
4 Feed the fuel lines through the cabin, connect
them to the lead-through adapters at the rear
and secure them with tape at two points along
the sill.
5 Fit the insulating felt to the bull<head and replace
the carpeting and sill scuff plates.

Saab 900
234-6 Fuel tank and fuel lines

Replacing banjo fitting on fuel Mal

line Mate

Tc remove e Or
1 Burn through the old fuel line with a soldering GO Or
iron. 1 (

2 ~
3 (
S 5192 '

2 Withdraw the fuel line from the banjo fitting. Do

not use a knife to cut the fuel line and this could
damage the 'fitting and cause leakage.

, Tc
To fit
1 Use a knife to cut off a short section of the fuel
line. Cut off as short a length as possible.
2 Slide a piece of thick' rubber hose with a slit in it
onto the fuel line and clamp it in a vice. Allow
the free end of the fuel line to protrude the length
of the fitting plus 2 mm.
3 Use a hammer to drive the fitting home. Hold the
line to prevent the fitting from twisting.


Saab 900
- Fuel tank and fuel lines 234-7

Making a fuel line fit ing tool

• One pair of pliers
• One valve gUide
1 C\.It the valve guide to a length of 25 mm (0.984-
2 Split the valve guide so that two semicircular
halves are obtained.
3 Carefully deburr all edges.
4 Solder the two halves to the pliers with the part-
ing line running along the centre line of the pli-
ers. S 5196

Hold the halves in place while soldering them by

gripping an old valve between them.

Fue~ ~eve~ trans i tell"

Different versions of the fuel level transmitter are in
use - for 1981-1982 cars and for 1983 and later
model year cars. The different versions are not in-
terchangeable. Since the different transmitters have
a different resistance, fitting the wrong version will
~ause the gauge to give faulty readings.

To change the fu,Jlel level

1 Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2 Remove the rubber plug from the transmitter
and disconnect the electric leads.
, 3 Undo the cover using special tool 83 93 365.

4 Unscrew,.the cover and lift out the transmitter.

• ~'r

Note: '
Transmitters intended for model year 1981 and
1982 cars cannot be fitted in model year 1983 and
later cars, and vice versa.

Saab 900
234-8 Fuel tank and fuel lines

5 Remove the transit safety from the new trans-

mitter (as from 1983 models).
6 Inspect the rubber seal.
7 Fit the transmitter and tighten the cover. -
8 Reconnect the electric leads.
9 Refit the rubber plug and reconnect the battery Fu
l\ 3
Air 1
To remove Inje
-I Remove the trim on the right-hand side of the Col
luggage compartment.
2 Remove the screws and withdraw the valve. ct
3 Disconnect the valve from the hose. Ge


1'0 fot 51
1 Attach the valve to the vent hose (with the long
outlet at the top). Make sure that the lugs on the Cl
valve are in line with the screw holes in the body Gl
panel. s{
2 Screw the valve in place and refit the trim in the
luggage compaliment.
5 2/382 - -

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-1
-- --..,..-----------------------=----------

Fue~ ~n]eC~n(Q)li1 $ys~®m~ C~

CheclldlJ1lgl BlIl11d1 adljlUlstmslI1llts falUn «J1nagl/1osis~ C~ sys em
('. . ;·1 '(~,f;i1eral 240-3 Starting trouble: engine cold 240-20
' ,1'.'" ',\.' ,;:l. •:.~ Ieakage
, .' ,'. . I ' " 240 -3 Starting trouble: engine hot 240-21
.."j~ .,', '.
.; .. "":f' I 240 4
.~I\:,:'lea'(age...................................................... - Poor running during'the w1;irm-up
" • '~'i ~ Mass air flow sensor lever mounting 240-4 period ' 240-23
Mass air flow sensor plate clearance 240-5 Poor running - engine hoL 240-24
~ass air flow sensor plate rest position 240-5 Poor performance. low top speed 240-25
Auxiliary air valve 240-6 Excessive fuel consumption 240-27
Warm-up regulator 240-6 Erratic CO content and idling speed.
Tbermostatic time switch 240-7 hard to adjust 240'-28
Fuel pump capacity 240-7
V<:>ltage across fuel pump 240-8 Air c~eafl1le!i' eiem~li1t ~
lriljectors - performance and sealing 240-8
Ireplacemslnt 240-29
C9ld-start valve - function and sealing 240-9

Mixture rcO)[llltrr©~ lUlrDnt

CheckUliilQ pll"essull'ss To remove 240-29
General .. , 240- '10 To fit 240-30
@0titrol pressure: engine cold 240-11 Fuel distributor 240-30
Centrol pressure: engine hot 240-1·1 Line pressure regulator 240-30
kine pressure 240-12

le'\felr~ adljaJlsimefl1l~ arm 881ldl

IdUnQl adjll.lls1tmell1t SSII1S01l' p~ate
Setting idling speed 240-14
To remove 240-31
eo adjustment 240-14
To fit 240-32

COll1lli1ectingL the exlhslLDst ~ril~ectotrs t~ Il"ep~ace 240-34

extractu@rD StqlllHOpmeli1ft


~1I'b]ect©lI's '" t<OJ c~eaH1l 240-35

S~nnli1Q1 the l1QJ1e~oaorr mixtlllll"e~
caD'S wDthl a ca~a~ytuc COrDVSlrt®1l'
Warm"'llIfP Irl!gllJl~at(Q)1l' ~
General 240-16 ~@ U'eplace ~ 240-36
Setting a new mass air flow sensor 240-16

AUJlxmall'}f aDD" vahrs?

CheckulJ1Qj fl\,He~ elI'Bll'ichmelnlt~ t@ rrep~ace 240-36
T\L8lt'b~ ",1982 (nl~t IBPC) 240-H

lFl\,He~ aCClUlRnl!JJ~atOIl'
Checkoli1g ~he resBdI a~
Removal/fitting 240-37
pll'eSSlIJIll'te 240-·18

flUle~ fD~~er~ ~© Irtep~ace 240-37

ClhrsckUll1gj f\Ule~ ell"Dll'ochJmelnl~~
.Q.Bll'bo SIPle; (~982"') 240-18

Thfi'@U~<eltnJlUerUy st@p '"

ad]lUIstmell1lt 240-20

240-2 Fuel injection system

C~ flllel Bll"Djectioll1 system)." Ell»

(US specification)
Fuel shut-off on overrun : 240-38 Gen
Throttle position switch, not Turbo 240-40
Throttle position switch, Turbo 240-40
Thermostatic switch (45/38°C) and
thermostatic time switch 240-41
Thermostatic switch 240-41
Lambda control module 240-42
out 01
Fuel booster pressure switch 240-43
P11 time relay 240-44 nectE
Deceleration relay, not Turbo 240-45
Speed relay 240-46
Electrical system - principle of operation 240-47
Component locatio'ns 240-49
Checking 240-50
Fault diagnosis schedule, CIA(EU) 240-51

.. con
Fit I

Saab 900

- Fuel injection system 240-3


Before testing and fault tracing of the CI system is
started, it must first be established that there are no
mechanical faults in the engine and that the ignition
system is in proper worl<ing order. Scrupulous
ct3''Inliness must be observed while work is carried
0U1 f1 the system. The surrounding area should be
tho r uGh"! cleaned \: "fore any lines are discon-
net d.

There is an acute danger of 'lire due to fuel
atomization in this test. Make sure that the
I area is well ventilated and that nobody is
- smoking.

Fuel ieakage
Check that there is no leakage at
connections and in the fuel lines. Check around the
ft!Jel tank, inside the cabin and in the engine bay.
F.it new seals to any leaky connections.
Damaged fuel lines should be replaced.
Check that fuel lines do not chafe against other ob-
jects (particularly those made of plastic).
Oontinuous chafing (e.g. against the dipsticl< tube,
other fuel lines or the throttle cable) can result in
damage to the fuel line.

Saab 900
240-4 Fuel injection system

ilr ~ealkage Mal

Check for leakage in the induction system between Chec
the mass air flow sensor and the engine. mas!
Air leaking -into the system may result in poor en- form
gine performance since it by-passes the mass air
flow sensor and so causes the mixture to be exces-
sively lean.
~."\~al'Cage can occur int he following places:

~ \t ',e rubber du':t between the mass air flow sel1-

,01 .If j tl18 ~hr ... l"tIe body

eo At the gasket on the fl"mge of r-~e co~t-start valve

o At the gasket between the throttle body and the
intake pipe
At the gasket between the intake pipe and the cyl-
inder head
o At the hose connections on the throttle body, aux-
iliary air valve and intake pipe 'ViE
Unwanted air can also be inducted via the crank- pO
case ventilation hose, the oil filler cap, dipstick tube
or camshaft cover gasl<et.
ass aDD" f~o>w samsoll' ~evell' the
mtOlunio81lQ res'
Remove the rubber ducts and check the movement she
of the lever in the mass air flow sensor. As the lever turi
is lifted, steady resistance should be felt as a result ser
of the damping action of the control plunger. No re- ed~
sistance should be felt when the lever is suddenly
pushed down away from the plunger. If the mass air the
flow sensor has not been removed, use a pair of pli-
ers or a magnet to lift the lever. If any binding is felt,
the mass air flow sensor must be repaired.


Saab 900
- _. Fuel injection system 240-5

Mass 2lurr f~~w senS(())!F p~a~e c~eauallilce

Ghecl< that the clearance between the edge of the
maSS air flow sensor plate and the air venturi is uni-

A St.:4R9

Mass air flow sensor plate clearance

A Correct
B Incorrect

Mass auif' ff~OlW sell'ilsoU' fP~ate reslt

Oheck the rest position of the mass air flow sensor
plate with the ignition switched off (fuel pump not
working). This prevents fuel from being it:1jected into
Ute cylinders when the sensor plate is lifted from its
fest position. The upper edge of the sensor plate
sRould be level with the bottom edge of the air ven-
~wrL This is the highest permissible position for the
sensor plate. A position slightly beneath the lower
eclge of the venturi, max. 0.5 mm (0.0197 in), is per-
mi9_sible. The measurements should be taken from
the middle of the lever.

The rest position can be adjusted by bending the clip

(A) for the spring-loaded arm on the underside of the
mass air flow sensor. The mass air flow sensor must
fl~st be removed.


Saab 900
240-6 Fuel injection system

Auxiliarry air valve 1

(Checking can only be done when the engine is V'
cold.) 4
If a check of the control pressure with the engine
cold is later to be carried out, disconnect the leads
from the warm- up regulator to prevent the bi-metal
strip from heating up. L
Using an inspection lamp and a mirror, check that P
the orifice in the auxiliary air valve is elliptical.
Remove the fuel pump relay. To provide current for
the pump and the CI system, connect a jumper lead
between terminals 30 and 87 of the relay board.
Tile aperture in the auxiliary air valve should be (
completely closed in about five minutes.
If the auxiliary air valve has not closed, check
whether it is supplied with current. If it is, measure
the resistance across its terminals, which should be
about 40 ohms. If the valve is defective, fit a new

Walrm~l!Ip lregLll~ator
Check the electrical leads running to the warm-up
regulator as follows:
Unplug the connector on the warm-up regulator and
connect a multimeter across the connector pins.
Remove the fuel pump relay and connect a jumper
lead between terminals 30 and 87 on the relay board
to supply the fl lei pump (and the rest of the CI sys-
tem) with power. Read off the voltage at the con-
nector, which should not be below 11.5 V.
o Check the continuity of the warm-up regulator coil
by connecting a multimeter in series with it. If
there is an open-circuit in the heating coil, fit a new
warm-up regulator.

Saab 900
- fhermosftatoc ~om® SWH elm
Fuel injection system 240-7

.·hen the engine is cold, with a temperature below

1;f§'oC (113°F), the thermostatic time switch should
Giese for a shorter or longer period (depending on
lhe temperature) to allow current to flow while the
srarter motor is engaged,
~sing a test lamp connected in series across the
~ins in the connector of the cold-start valve, check
that the switch closes when the starter motor is en-
Jt is not possible to carry out a more accurate check
of the time the switch is closed or 0'1 the tempera-
I1!llire, If in any doubt, fit a new switch.
(In model year 1986 and later cars the thermostatic
time switch is fitted on the thermostat housing.

ermostatlc SWltC cars Wit

2 Thermostatic time switch ~

3 Auxiliary therrT!,0statlc switch

Fue~ pump C8Ipacoty

The capacity of the fuel pump can be checked by
IT\easuring the return fuel flow as described in the
following, provided that the fuel filter is not clogged
and that trle battery is fully charged. '. .
Attach a length of hose to the fuel return connection
on the fuel distributor. Place the other end of the
hose in a suitable receptacle,

Remove the fuel pump relay and connect a jumper

lead between terminals 30 and 87 on the relay board
to supply the fuel pump (and the rest of the CI sys-
tem) with power.
Run the pump for 30 seconds, measure the amount
of fuel collected and check it against the minimum
quantity specified in the ''T8clll1ical Data" section
If the amo',mt OJ hiel c,)!lo ,ted is be:ow that speci-
fied, the following possible causes should be inves-
Q Defective fuel pump
17 o Voltage drop in power supply to pump
o Clogged filter or blockage in fuel lines

Saab 900
240-8 Fuel injection system
Voltage across the fuel pump
Remove the circular cover plate over the fuel pump c
in the luggage compartment and measure the volt-
age across the positive and negative terminals of the
pump while it is running. The lowest permissible
voltage is 11.5 V.

Injectors performance all1ld

sealnng 81
Checl< the injectors as follows: Ur
1 Remove the rubber duct from the mass air flow lei
sensor. frc
2 Remove the injectors from the inlet manifold and PI
place them in a suitable receptacle. The fuel ric
lines should remain connected. er
3 Remove the fuel pump relay and connect a
jumper lead between terminals 30 and 87 on the
relay board to supply the fuel pump (and the rest
of the CI system) with power.
4' Fuel atomization: Raise the mass air flow sen-
sor lever and observe the spray patterns of the
injectors. If atomization is poor, refer to the "In_
jectof8 - ~o clean" section.

- - Fuel injection system 240-9

I"'" ,-
'There is an acute danger of fire due to fuel
atomization in this test. Make sure that the
area is well ventilated and that nobody is

,f, ~ Valve sealing: Switch off the ignition. Th\:1 "'Jel

, I, system is now under shut-off pressure. Wipe. ',;h~:;
I ,(, ;
nozzles dry, lift the mass air flow S8' 3(,;
lev€r GI;c! check to see whether any leal~s oc.,;ur.
It Sllould take at least "15 seconds for a drop of
fuel to form on the tip of the injector. In the case
; 70S>.
of excessive leal<age, refer to the "Injectors - to
clean" section.

Coldlcstart ~f(ahfe .. perrfoll'matlilce

anid seaJUInQ1
Unplug the connector from the cold-start valve,
[eave the fuel line connected and unscrew the valve
from the throttle body.
Plug the connector on one end of a test cable (fab-
ricate) into the cold-start valve and connect the other
nds of the test cable leads to the full beam terminal
01 a headlamp and to ground.
Remove the fuel pump relay and connect a jumper
lead between terminals 30 and 87 oh the relay board
to supply the fuel pump (and the rest of the CI sys-
tem) with power.
Place the cold-start valve in a receptacle and get an
assistant to switch the headlamps on full beam for a
short time (not more than 30 seconds). Fuel should
spray out of the valve during this period.
Wipe the cold-start valve noz~le dry and run the fuel
pump for a further 60 seconds. No fuel should
emerge from the valve during this time.

Saab 900
240-10 Fuel injection system
Geli1lerraJ plain
Connect pressure gauge 83 92 516 as follows: poor
Disconnect the control pressure line from the fuel
distributor and connect the pressure gauge between
the fuel distributor and the line running to the
warm-up regulator.
the 1
If th

Note: Car
The safety device for running the fuel pump is con- per
trolled by a pulse sensor in the pump relay which is nor
actuated by the ignition pulses. OPI
If tl

Remove the fuel pump relay and connect a jumper

lead between terminals 30 and 87 on the relay board
to supply the fuel pump (and the rest of the CI sys-
tem) with power.
Bleed the pressure gauge by repeatedly opening
and closing its valve with the fuel pump running
while pointing the pressure gauge downwards.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Saab
- -900- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- . . . .- -:.....----------------------=-------------
control pressure: engine cold
Fuel inje.ction system 240-11

This test is to be carried out in the event of com-

plaints about poor cold starting performance and
poor running performance during the warm-up pe-
riod. The test must be carried out with the engine
cold. Do not run the engine immediately prior to the
lest and make sure that it has been left standing for
several hours beforehand (preferably overnight) so
that it is at ambient temperature before the test is
started. Open the pressure gauge valve, unplug the
connector from the warm-up regulator and switch on
the ignition.
CeTnpare the pressure gauge reading with the rec-
ommended pressure given in the temperature/ pres-
sure graph. See "Technical data", section 022.
If the pressure differs, fit a new warm-up regulator.

Control pressure: engone hot

Carry out this test if poor performance has been ex-
perienced when driving the car with the engine at
normal operating temperature.
Open the pressure gauge valve.
Plug in the warm-up regulator's connector.
Leave the ignition switched on until the pressure has
Consult "Technical data", section 022.
If the figures differ, fit a new warm-up regulator.

Saab 900
240-12 Fuel injection system

Une pressure If tl
Close the pressure gauge valve. the
Run the fuel pump.
If tl
Refer to the test figures in ''Technical data", section cal
If the line pressure differs from the recommended •
figures, this may be due to one or more of the fol- II

lowing: o

In ihe case of insufficient line pressure: re{
(ll Insufficient pressure from the fuel pump "FI
I) Clogged filter in the tank tic

e leal{age in the fuel line

El Faulty line pressure regulator I

In the case of excessive line pressure:

o Blocked return line
o Faulty line pressure regulator
To adjust the line pressure, see "Adjusting the line
pressure" below. Al
leakage tests on the whole system re
This test should be performed in the event of com- ac
plaints about starting trouble when the engine is hot. Tt
If the engine is cold, the bi-metal strip in the warm-up st
regulator must be heated and kept hot throughout a\
the test. Unplug the connector from the warm-up m
regulator and connect a fabricated test cable be- b,
tween the warm-up regulator and the battery. \A
Open the pressure gauge valve. Run the fuel pump is
until a reading equal to that for "Control pressure: Ti
engine at normal operating temperature" (Technical 1:
data section) is reached and then disconnect the
Note any drop in pressure on the pressure gauge. A
leak will generally become evident within 3-4 min-
utes. When in doubt, maintain the system under
pressure for 20 minutes (see "Technical data", sec-
tion 022). If the pressure drops too rapidly, the fault
can be located by performing the test with the pres-
sure gauge valve shut.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-13

rf the figures obtained in this test are correct, then

tRe shut-off valve in the warm-up regulator is defec-
ff tile pressure drop is still excessive, the following
C0mponents could be the faulty:
ill The fuel pump non-return valve
• The fuel distributor
• 'fhe cold-start valve
teflkage can occur if the O-ring in the line pressure
te@ulator is damaged. To replace the O-ring, see the
"fiiuel distributor" and "Line pressure regulator" sec-

Adjusting the line pressure

After replacement of the O-ring in the line pressure
rregulator, the line pressure much be checked and
adjusted, if necessary.
The pressure can be increased by fitting additional
shims and decreased by removing shims. Shims are
available in thicknesses of 0.1 ana 0.5 mm. A 0.1
mrn shim brings about a change in pressure of 0.15
bar (2.2 psi).
When measuring and adjusting the line pressure it
is assumed that the fuel pump capacity is correct.
Tightening torque for the valve screw plug:
13-15 Nm (9.6- 11.1 Ibf it)
Line pressure regulator
1 Piston with O-ring
2 Spring
3 Shims
4 Screw plug with O-ring and sealing washer (contains
a shut- off valve for the return fuel from the control
pressure circuit)

240-14 Fuel injection system
~dl ~ lli1gj talC JlUIS mern lUi
(elll1g~llile speed! 8[IjJ CO
~©lrrn en )
Run the engine until it reaches normal operating
temperature and then connect the CO meter and ta-

SettRB1lg 8cdl~ifi1g speed

Adjust the idling speed by means of the adjusting
screw for the hV-pHSS pc.ssafl"'3 in the throttle body.

Note: Afl
If rough idling or difficulty in reducing the idling pll
speed is experienced, check the setting of the de-
celeration valve.
See section 254 in Service Manual 2:4.

Adjusting the CO contell1t

The adjusting orifice in the fuel dL,tributor is sealed
by means of an anti-tamper plug which must be re-
moved (and consequently destroyed) before adjust-
ment can be carried out. (
A suitable tool can be made by brazing a 5 mm (0.2
in) self- tapping screw onto a screwdriver. Grind a E
fine point on the screw and use the tool as an ex- VI
tractor. 'h
Remove the Allen key from the adjusting
screw after each adjustment. If the key is left in
place when the engine is rewed up, the lever
could be damaged. -

Saab 900
- ------------------------------------
Fuel injection system 240-15

Turning clockwise-richer mixture

Turning anticlockwise-Ieaner mixture

Ater adjustment, seal the orifice by means of a new


©f exhaust
e){tlractoOlIli1 <eq] lUJ~ pmsnt '1i:......._-
When using exhaust extraction equipment in the
workshop, avoid excessive depressurization of the
car's exhaust system as this could affect the results
of CO measurement.
If excessively powerful exhaust extraction
equipment is connected to a Turbo car, oil may
escape through the seals in the turbo unit.
This will result in the exhaust system becoming sat-
urated with oil and blue smoke will be emitted in the
exhaust for some considerable time afterwards. To
avoid excessively powerful exhaust extraction, A Right
conn0ct an extract hose with an open coupling. BRight
C Wrong

240-16 Fuel injection system

Set ~trOg] he fue~=air ·xt e,

cars with a ca a~y RIC
co vell"terr
Genera~ 1 R
The mass air flow sensor adjusting screw is sealed IT
by a metal plug to prevent inadvertent alteration of t~

the setting. The mixture screw is preset at the fac- 2 [

tory and should not normally require adjustment un- [1
til a new mass air flow sensor has been fitted.
It may of course be necessary to reset the mixture C
in conjunction with repairing the mass air flow sen- c
sor or if the mixture is found to be incorrect during 3 F
the course of fault diagnosis. i

Setting a new mass aili" f~ow

sen SOli'
To gain access to the adjusting screw, remove the
mass air flow sensor and sensor plate lever to .en-
able the metal plug to be removed. See the relevant
section under "Repairing the mass air flow sensor".
1 Warm up the engine to normal operating tem-
perature and then connect the pulse ratio meter. 5
2 Adjust idling speed to 875 ± 75 rpm.
3 Set the specified pulse ratio by means of the
mass air flow sensor's adjusting screw (use tool 6
83 92 482). Rev up the engine and allow the
idling speed to stabilize before each reading of
the pulse ratio meter.
The specified pulse ratio is given in the ''Tech-
nical data" section

On completion, refit the metal plug in the mass

air flow sensor using a punch to drive it home.

·b .
Saab 900
- -
Fuel injection system 240-17

Checkirrug' flUe! ell1lr( chmell1lt .

\. '
Turbo, c 982 (waot
:.~ C)

J -

A ties,,)! ~oadl (lnot h.HI:~ throttle)

1 Run the engine at idling speed with the CO
meter cQnnected (engine at n'ormal operating
temperature) ~

2" Disconnect the pressure hose: from the throttle

body and connect gauge 83 93 514 (pressure
gauge for checking charging pressure) and a
cooling-system tester to the hose. Plug the end
of the spigot on the throttle body.
bOl6U 3 Pwmp up the pressure to 0.8 bar (11.6 psi) (ow-
·ing to the' action of the delay valve, keep check-
ing the reading on the gauge until the pressure
has stabilized).
4 Check that the CO reading has risen to about

B Full thrott~e
5 Disconnect the pump and che,ck to see whether
the CO reading on the gauge returns to what it
,was before.
. .
6 Push in the throttle position switch lever..

7 Check to see whether the CO reading increases

to 4-6%.


Saab 900
240-18 Fuel injection system
Checki 91 he rres8dUJla~ "I-t
If acc;:eleration enrichment is to be obtained during ..
0 0
the initial phase of acceleration, the pressure vessel o 0

and its connections must be tightly sealed. In the

event of extensive leakage, fuel enrichment will not
take place until charging pressure has built up.
1 Connect pressure gauge 83 93 514 (for check-
ing charging pressure) between the non-return
valve and the pressure vessel.
2 Connect a cooling system tester upstream of the S 7299
non-return valve and pump up the pressure to
0.8 bar (11.6 psi).
3 Wait five minutes and then check whether the
pressure has not dropped below 0.6 bar (8.6

Checking f el enric!hment~
Tur 0) PC (1982)
" Q Run the engine at idling speed with the CO meter
connected (motor at normal operating tempera-
o Disconnect the pressure hose from the throttle
body and connect gauge 83 93 514 (pressure
gauge for checking charging pressure) and a
cooling-system tester (air pump) to the hose. Plug
the end of the spigot on the throttle body.
o Pump up the pressure to 0.6 bar (8.6 psi).


A Plug

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-19

, Check that the CO content increases to about


-', ' .

S 7156

CheckoIT1lg Une opelratnoll"8 (Q)f Une

warmclUlp lieglUl~altoll'
eQn'nect pressure gauge 83 92 516 as follows:
ID!sconnect the control pressure line from the fuel
) €ilstributor and connect the pressure gauge between
the fuel distributor and the line running to the
wa~m-up regulator.

• Disconnect the pressure hose from the throttle

body and connect gauge 83 93 514 (pressure
gauge for checking charging pressure) and a
cooling-system tester (air pump) to the hose. Plug
the end of the spigot on the throttle body.

tl Start the engine and run it until it reaches normal

operating temperature.
.. Pump up the pressure to 0.6 bar (8.6 psi).
Check that the control pressure drops, see graph. (bar)


2,6 1'1

11 0,16 I
0,32 B
!-~I.r--..LI-4""i_--;-_--y _

0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 (bar)

A Control pressure
B Boost pressure

Saab 900
240-20 Fuel injection system
dJlIS Ulil1gl he ~hlw(Q)t ~® 3 C
lblUlUe8"f~y sft©p
., Check that the throttle butterfly is accurately
centred in the throttle body.
2 Turn the adjusting screw until it just mal<es con-
tact with the stop (throttle fully closed).
3 Turn the adjusting screw another 1/3 turn and
locl< it. This provides a clearance of approx. 0.05
mm (0.002 in) between the buttetily and the
throttle body.

5 (
lFalll,ll~t d1HagBllosD~~ C~ ~ystem
In the fault diagnosis procedure described below it S~~
is assumed that the engine has no mechanical faults
'f th
and that the ignition system is in proper working or-
Starting trouble: engine cold 240-20
Starting trouble: engine hot 240-21
Poor running during warm-up
period 240-23
Poor running, engine hot 240-24
Poor performance, low top speed 240-25
Excessive fuel consumption 240-27
Erratic CO content and idling speed
hard to adjust " 240-28

StartDIng trolUlbie: engine cold

1 Check the operation of the cold-start valve. Re-
move the valve and place it in a receptacle. Fuel
should spray out when the starter motor is
turned on if engine temperature is below 45°C
(118°F). Injection duration depends on the tem-
In the event of a fault, check:
The cold-start valve
The thermostatic time switch
The electrical system

2 Measure the control pressure with the engine

See the "Technical data" section for the correct

Fuel injection system 240-21
;3 Checl< that the auxiliary air valve is open when
the engine is cold.
4 a Check the CO content (engine hot)

b Check the pulse ratio, see the relevant section

in Service Manual 2:4 (US specification).
5 Check for air leakage between the mass air flow
senS9r and the engine.

Starting trouble: el1lgnne het

If the pressure in the injection lines drops too low
while the engine is still hot, vapour locks will form in
the system. This will give rise to starting trouble be-
cause the vapour locks are difficult to evacuate.
1 a First check whether the connections on the in-
jectors and fuel injection lines are tight.
b Perform a leakage test.
First checl< with the pressure gauge valve open.
If leat'\age is detected, perform the test with the
valve closed (warm-up regulator disconnected).

Possible leakage points:

Fuel pump non-return valve
Line pressure valve a-ring
Cold-start valve
External leakage
Shut-off valve for return fuel from warm-up reg-

240-22 Fuel injection system

2 Open the valve and check the control pressure

(engine hot).
1 C

2 a

-- S 2/126

4 (
3 a Check the CO content (engine hot). I
b Check the pulse ratio, see section 254, Ser- t
vice Manual 2:4 (US specification)
Ched< the hot-start reiay, see "Cold-start valve -
performance and sealing" on page 240-9.

4 Check the rest position of the mass air flow sen-

sor plate in the mass air flow sensor. (The top of
the sensor plate should be level with the lower
edge of the air venturi or slightly below it, max.
0.5 mm.) Adjust by means of the spring slip (A).

Saab 900
- Fuel injection system 240-23

poor rlJlll1l1'i1ong durong the warm=up

1 Check the control pressure with the engine cold.
Excessive control pressure during the warm-up
period results in a fuel-air mixture that is too
Measure the control pressure with the engine
2 a Check the CO content (engine hot).
b Check the pulse ratio, see section 254 of Ser-
vice Manual 2:4 (US specification).
Check the hot-start relay, see "Cold-start valve -
performance and sealing" on page 240-9.
3 Checl< that no air leakage occurs between the
, mass air flow sensor and the engine.
4 Check that the engine warm-up period is normal.
An abnormally long warm-up period may be due
to a faulty thermostat.

5 Check the fuel enrichment system, see "Cold-

start valve - performance and sealing" on page

240-24 Fuel injection system

lPoor IrLmU1ing, engine hot

1 Check the CO content (engine hot). 1 (
2 Check the pulse ratio (engine hot), see section
254 of Service Manual 2:4 (US specification).
3 With the valve open, checl, the control pressure
(engine hot).

4 Check that no air leal<age occurs between the

mass air flow sensor and the engine.

o 1

Saab 900
- Fuel injection system 240-25

fle'or peli'f({j)lrmall1lce~ ~({j)w ~op spsedl

1 Check that the throttle butterfly opens fully when
the accelerator is fully depressed.

S 5206

2 Check that the fuel flow rate is sufficient by mea-

suring the quantity of return fuel obtained during
a 3D-second period. See "Fuel pump capacity",
page 240-7.

3 Check whether binding occurs in the mass air

flow sensor as follows:
• Run the engine until it reaches normal operating
temperature and then connect a CO meter.
D Switch off the engine and start it again without
touching the accelerator. Read off the CO con-
Il "Rev up the engine to about 3000 rpm and then
allow it to return to idling speed. If the CO content
is now different to the earlier reading, then either
the control plunger or the lever is sticking.
• Check that the lever moves freely.

Saab 900
240-26 Fuel injection system
o If the control plunger is sticl~ing, separate the fuel E~
distributor from the mass air flow sensor, taking 1
care to prevent the control plunger from falling out.
Remove and inspect the control plunger (avoid
touching the sealing surfaces). Wash the plunger
in clean petrol, refit it and also refit the fuel dis- 3
tributor. Do not dismantle the fuel distributor more
than this.

4 Check the CO content (engine hot).

5 Checl< the pulse ratio, see section 254, Service
Manual 2:4 (US specification).
6 Check the fuel atomization of each injector. The
deposits on the spark plugs can give an indica-
tion qf poor atomization by any injector.


Fuel injection system 240-27

EXCS§$ove fQ)je~ COlIrDSlUIlmrp>tOOlIril

1 Checl< the CO content (engine hot).
g Check the pulse ratio (engine hot), see section
254, Service Manual 2:4 (US specification).
3 Check the control pressure with the engine hot.
Insufficient control pressure results in a rich fuel-
air mixture.
4 Check the fuel atomization of each injector. The
deposits on the spark plUgL, C8.11 give an indica-
tion of poor atomization by L1r1J ii'!~'ilc:Qr.


5 Check that the cold-start valve does not leak.

S 5212

'6 Check that there is no external leakage of fuel.


Saab 900
240-28 Fuel injection system

lEnatoc CO cOll1ltent and oomll'ilg

3 (
speed], hard! to adjust
i Checl< that no air leakage occurs between the
.' mass air flow sensor and the engine.

2 Check whether any parts of the mass air flow
sensor are sticking, as follows: 3

o Run the engine to normal operating temperature

and then connect a CO meter. Dt..
o Switch off the engine and start it again witliJt
I.'t5l.l},ching the accelerator. Read off the CO con-
171eR'~ 1- ~ "","('-k cMo
o ReJ~1f1e engine to about 3000 rpm and then
allow it to return to idling speed. If the CO content
f~~,., is now different to the earlier reading, then either 7
the control plunger or the lever is sticking.
o Check that the lever moves freely.

If the control plunger is sticking, separate the fuel
distributor from the mass air flow sensor, taking care 11
to prevent the control plunger from falling out. Re- 1
move and inspect the control plunger (avoid touch-
ing the sealing surfaces). Wash the plunger in clean ,.
petrol, refit it and also refit the fuel distributor. Do
not dismantle the fuel distributor more than this.

Saab 900
- 3 Check that the disc in the auxiliary air valve is
Fuel injection system 240-29

not sticking.

Rep~ cong he air c~eall1le

f,Utelr e~®melin~
, Remove the rubber duct between the mass air
flow sensor and the throttle body.
2 Remove the bolts securing the lower section of
the mass air flow sensor to the air cleaner.
3 Raise the fuel distributor slightly and remove the
filter. Take care not to damage the fuel lines.
4 Remove the filter element holder from the bot-
tom of the air cleaner and clean the air cleaner
5. Fit the cleaner element holder and the new el-
6 Bolt the mass air flow sensor to the air cleaner.
10 7 Fit the rubber duct between the mass air flo q
sensor and the throttle body.

To remove ~
1 Thoroughly clean the area round the fuel con-
nections on the fuel distributor.
2 Disconnect the fuel lines from the fuel distribu-
tor. Disconnect the lines to the injectors before
disconnecting the control pressure line to avoid
damaging adjacent lines when the control pres-
sure line is removed.
3 Remove the rubber duct between the mass air
flow sensor and the throttle body.
4 Undo the retaining bolts and remo,·'e the Ttlef
distributor from the air cleaner.

Saab 900
240-30 Fuel injection system
1'0 fit La
1 Make sure that the air cleaner element is cor-
rectly positioned and then bolt the fuel distribu- se
tor to the air cleaner.
2 Connect the fuel lines to the fuel distributor. l'(»
3 Fit the rubber duct between the mass air flow 1
sensor and the throttle body.

Fue~ distri IUItor
The fuel distributor must not be dismantled for re-
pair but should be replaced if it is faulty.
~..--.._---- -,-.-_.
When separating the fuel distributor from the mass
air flow sensor, take care to prevent the control
plunger from falling out.
If the control plunger has been removed, it must be
cleaned thoroughly in petrol and reassembled.
Avoid touching the plunger sealing surfaces.
When fitting the fuel distributor, make sure that the
O-ring is located in its groove. Tighten the three re-
'.' taining bolts to a torque of 3.2-3.8 Nm (2.4-2.8 Ibf

UIl"bS IPreS~lUIlre ll'egUJJ~S\to)ll'

The line pressure regulator is located inside the
screw plug by the return line and return connection
from the warm-up regulator.
The regulator consists of:
1 Piston with O-ring
2 Spring
3 Shims
4 Screw plug with O-ring and washer. (The screw
plug contains a shut-off valve which closes the
return line from the warm-up regulator when the
fuel pump is not operating. The socl~et head
screw in the plug should not normally be re-

Saab 900
- Fuel injection system 240-31

Lever~ Bld]LIIstmell1l arm and

senso!i" ~a e
To remove
1 Remove the mixture control unit and unscrewthe
. plastic lower sectionand fuel distributor.
2 Undo the retaining screw and remove the sen-
sor plate.
3 Remove the circlips from the lever pivot, fol-
lowed by the shims, rubber seals, spring (one
side) and balls.
4 Undo the counterweight retaining screw and
press out the spindle.
5 Remove the lever, counterweight and adjust-
ment arm.

6 Tap out the plug over the adjusting screw. !.':

The plug must be refitted when the fuel-air mix-

ture has been set.
See "Setting the fuel-air mixture" on
page 240-16.

1t Saab 900
240-32 Fuel injection system

7 Fit
fo fit it.
1 Place the counterweight on the lever but do not piE
tighten the screw fully.
2 Place the adjustment arm in the lever so that the
soc!<et head of the adjusting screw is visible.

3 Pack both bearings with Bosch Ft2v2 silicon

grease or the equivalent.
4 Place the lever assembly in the mass air flow 8 A
sensor housing and fit the spindle. bl
1 2 3 4 5

5 Coat the balls with silicon grease and fit them in
place, followed by the springs, seals, shims and 9 P
circlips. a
Note: p
The circlips are stamped out and must be fitted with n
the sharp edge facing outwards. 1 Clrclip
2 Shim
3 Seal
4 Spring
5 Ball

6 Fit the sensor plate in the air venturi. Centre the 10 I

lever so that the threaded hole is aligned with I
the hole in the sensor plate. j

Tighten the counterweight screw.

Tightening torque: 4.7-5.2 Nm (3.5-3.8 Ibf ft)


Saab 900
- ..----------------------
1 Fit the sensor plate retaining screw and tighten
Fuel inJection system 240-33

it. Checl< that the lever can move freely, com-

pletely without resistance.
Tightening iorque: 5.0~5.5 Nm (3.7-4.1 I[OY tt)

8 Adjust the rest position of the sensor plate by

I:!iending the spring clip on the stop bracket un-
derneath the mass air flow sensor.
@ Preset the position of the adjustment arm. Using
a depth gauge, measure the distance between
the joint surface of the fuel distributor (across the
screw holes) and the needle bearing roller. The
distance should be 18-19 mm (0.7'1-0.75 in).
Adjust by turning the mixture adjusting screw by
means of an Allen key.

1 Q Fit the a-ring and the fuel distributor. Fit the

lower plastic section of the mass air flow sensor
together with the gasket.
Tightening torque, fuel distributor screws:
3.2-3.8 Nm (2.4- 2.8 Ibf ft)
Fit the mixture control unit in the car. Carry out
fine adjustment of the basic fuel flow by means
of a CO meter after warming up the engine.
Fir:te-tune the fuel-air mixture and refit the plug over
the adjusting. screw in the mass air flow sensor.
,"!' See "Setting the fuel-air mixture", page 240-16.

Sash 900
240-34 Fuel injection system

~R1]ec ors c (Q) Il"SP ace Inj

1 Clean the area round the injector and its con- If a
nection. leal
Of t
2 Disconnect the fuel line from the injector. Pre- ten l
vent the injector from turning by holding it with a refT
spanner. jeci

3 Remove the retaining plate.

4 Withdraw' the injector and pull off the rubber 4-
Fit in reverse order.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system. 240-35
IMjec~©Il'S Q ft(Q) c~eaUl1
If an injector atomizes the fuel imperfectly or if it
leaks under opening or closing pressure, the cause
of this could be small particles of dirt having fas-
tened in the valve seat. It is sometimes possible to
remove such particles by forced flushing of the in-
Jector, asfollows:

SSblIfj .
Perfect atomization Acceptable atomization

Disconnect the rubber duct from the mass air

flow sensor.
2 Remove the injectors from the inlet manifold and
place them in a suitable receptacle. Do not dis-
connect the fuel lines.
3 Remove the pump relay and connect a jumper
cable across terminals 30 and 87 on the relay
holder to supply power to the fuel pump.
4 Raise the mass air flow sensor lever a few times Examples of poor atomization
to its highest position. This will have the effect of
force-flushing the injector.
Injectors that have been removed from the engine
can also be cleaned by means of an injector tester
such as the Bosch KDJE P400 (KDJE 7452). Clean-
ing with compressed air is not recommended. If the
fault persists, fit a new injector.

Saab 900
240-36 Fuel injection system

Warm",Ulp regu~at()r.. 0 replace

1 Clean the area round the warm-up regulator and
its connections. To
2 Disconnect the electrical leads and both fuel '1
lines from the regulator. 2
3 Remove the regulator.


Fit in reverse order.


uxn~Oalfi1f aarf va \Ie '" (Q) Ire~~ace

1 Pull off the hoses and unplug the electrical con-
2 Unscrew the auxiliary air valve.

Fit in reverse order.

- Fuel injection system 240-37

To remove
1 Clean the ~rea round the fuel connections.
2 Undo the connections and remove the fuel ac-

To fit
1 Mount the fuel accumulator on the bracket.
2 Connect the fuel lines. The line from. the fuel
pump should be fitted to the connection nearest
the edge of the fuel accumulator.
Position the fuel line from the pump so that it cannot
chafe against the car body.

F ®~ fo~t@R' co ~tQ) lrelP~a<ce

1 Clean the area round the two connections.
2 Prevent the filter from turning by holding it with a
spanner applied to the flats. Disconnect the fuel
lines and remove the filer.

Avoid loosening the fitting on the outlet side to pre-
vent aluminium swarf from the threads entering the

• L

Fuel filter, 8201 engine

3 Fit the new filter with the arrow pointing in the

direct,ion of flow and connect the fuel lines.

Fuel filter, 8202 engine

Saab 900

C~ ~8.!le
Fuel injection system

D jeC BO sys ~mA~ lEU

The v:
cel era
(US s ecnfnccal O@ ) 8irf;: tlvate(
tio of
A general description of the oxygen-sensor
(Lambda) system fitted to cars with a catalytic con-
'i' The d
verter is given on page 200-16.
When reading the component descriptions and fault- ·atul
diagnosis chart included in this section, refer at the
same time to the corresponding wiring diagram in • the
Service Manual 3:2.
• en~

Fuel shv)Jtc(J~f on f~eceleratiolil 9 tlie

(1981) The (
Non-Turbo cars having a manual gearbox are fitted 1 as SC
with a system which shuts off fuel injection during off ac
engine overrun. That is done to reduce fuel con- The!
sumption and also the content of unburned hydro- has c
carbons (He) in the exhaust. The system consists
of a vacuum valve and a deceleration relay. 52075

Air cleaner and fuel distributor

1 From deceleration relay
2 Vacuum valve
3 From inlet manifold
4 Sensor plate in rest position
5 By-pass line
6 Rubber duct
7 Flter
8 Fuse

Principle of operation
The deceleration system causes the induction air
that normally passes the mass air flow sensor plate
to by-pass the plate via a hose and vacuum valve.
As a result, the sensor plate remains in its rest po-
sition and so shuts off the supply of fuel to the cyl-

Saab 900
- --._---------------------_......:..------------
Fuel injection system 240-39

The vacuum valve acts as a by-pass when the de-

celeratjon system is engaged. When the relay is ac-
fivated. the control module selects a fixed pulse ra-
tio of 60%.
The deceleration relay is activated when:
• the thermostatic switch is closed (coolant temper-
ature above 45°C)
• the timo ie.lay (P 11) is not activated (relay in rest
• engine Sf ;ed '5 '1! hsr tl1ail 1575 ± "175 rpm
• the throthB position switch is closed.
lihe deceleration system shuts off the supply of fuel
as soon as the throttle position switch closes (foot
Qff accelerator).
lhe supply of fuel is resumed once engine speed
has dropped below 1375 ± 75 rpm.


Fuel shut-off system, principle of operation .

. 1 Time relay for acceleration enrichment
2 Deceleration relay' (manual gearbox cars)
3 Throttle position sensor
4 Lambda control module
5 Vacuum valve
6 Hose from inlet manifold
7 Fuse
8 Ignition coil

Vacuum valve principle of operation


When current flows through the vacuum valve so- 31

lenoid (4) from the fuse board (2) via the decelera- 3
tion relay (3) to ground, the pressure in the inlet 87
manifold acts on the diaphragm in the valve, thus
opening a by-pass port.

Vacuum valve

Saab 900
240-40 Fuel injection system
Closing function The tl
The throttle position switch is closed across termi- low L
nals i and 2 only in the idling position. 111ghe
As a result, terminal 30 of the deceleration relay and tempi
the TRK terminal of the time relay receive a ground [T1ost l
<::r nal (see the description of the relevant relay func- most.
r, 1 fIJf fUri:her details). Cons
C :e 'hc"! \mttle t"Jitelily has opened beyond 72°, cold-
th .. s\l1/itch closes acro~s terminals 2 pnd 3 and a (106:
ground signal is receivea ;r{\m the T <. Kr minal of the
AC relay (156). This causes disengag;:;ment of the
electromagnetic clutch on the AC compressor (cars
with AC).

Throttle position switch on a normally aspirated engine Thl

Dual function
The throttle position switch is closed across termi- Not
nals 1 and 2 from the idling position until the butter- The
fly opening angle is greater than 72°. of tl
During this time, terminal 31 A of the speed relay re- dec
ceives a ground signal (see the description of the At '
TIP relay function for further details). sig~
When the butterfly opening angle passes 72°, the tra\
throttle position switch changes over and a connec- sar
tion is made across terminals 2 and 3. As a result, a Atl
ground signal is received on terminal TK of the AC sw
relay (156) (disengaging the electromagnetic clutch lec
of the AC compressor), terminal 11 of the deceler-
ation relay (106) and terminal 1i of the Lambda Tu
control module, which produces a pulse ratio of Throttle position switch on a Turbo engine
more than 92%. Th

Saab 900
- --~---------------------~-----------
Fuel injection system 240-41

hermostaiic swu~clhJ
45/38°(; aB101
therMostaitnc Urns switch
TM thermostatic switch closes at temperatures be-
low 45°C (112°F). If the temperature has been
higher than this, the switch will not close until the
.emperature has dropped to 38°C (1 GO°F). The ther-
mostatic switch is connected in series with the ther-
mostatic time switch (92).
Consequently, no grounding is available for the
cold-start valve or terminal TKK o'f the time relay
(106) at temperatures above 45°C (112°F). '.

., Thermostatic switch (99)

2 ThermostEltic time switch (92)

Thsll'MostaUc SWD clh 25/18

The thermostatic switch closes at temperature be-
low 25°C (7JOF). If the temperature has been higher
than this, the switch will not close until the temper-
ature has dropped to 19°C (66°F).

Normally aspirated engines

The switch is connected in parallel with terminal 12
.of the Lambda control module via terminal )(1 of the
deceleration relay.
At temperatures below 25°C (77°F), an grounding
signal is applied to terminal 12 of the Lambda con-
trol module and a pulse ratio of 6G%is obtained (the
same as during fuel shut- off via P12).
At temperatures above 25°C (7JOF) the thermostatic
switch is open and the preset pulse ratio is not se-
~ lected.

Turbo ~ngines
The function is the same except that the thermo-
static switch is connected directly to terminal 12 of
the Lambda control module. A fixed pulse ratio of
60%is obtained.

3 Therm0static switch 97

Saab 900
240-42 Fuel injec~ion system
lambda COIntIl'O~ mo«:h.!l~e
Pin 2
The control module regulates the Lambda system
by means of the following main functions: Pin 4
Pin 'I
o Lambda sensor monitoring
Pin '\
o integrator Brcl/I
o output stage Pin !
Pin ~
:(l Pin

I ----, I


I 5 I Fu
L -~
6 ThE

1 Lambda sensor 4 Integrator A Control module 135

2 Lambda sensor monitoring 5 Output stage B Exhaust gases
3 Comparator 6 Modulating valve

The monitoring function checks that the operation of crease, thereby enriching the mixture.
the Lambda sensor and the regulating function of At a preprogrammed control speed, the integrator
the modulating valve coincide within given param,')- controls the signal voltage from the output stage to
ters. If incorrect values are received or a malfunc- enrich or weaken the fuel-air mixture.
tion is detected in the Lambda SenS(;lr, for instance, The control speed is optimized to provide tile best
the regulating function is disabled and a fixed pulse possible conversion of the exhaust gases in the cat-
ratio of 50%is selected for the modulating valve. alytic convel1er. The Lambda value is kept within
Different fixed pulse ratios can also be obtained by extremely narrow limits and as close tOA-as possi-
grounding certain terminals of the control module. ble.
The control function of the comparator is governed
by the relationship between the actual sensor volt-
age and the reference voltage programmed in the
If the fuel-air mixture is lean, the sensor voltage will
be lower than the reference voltage and cause the
opening duration of the modulating valve to in-

Saab 900 '

- -
Terminal pins - lambda control module
Fuel injection system

Pin 2 Lambda sensor 136 signal. Green (GN).

Pin 4 Lambda sensor, screened. Braided.
Pin 15 Modulating valve 139. Pulsed ground con-
nection, depending on pulse ratio: Violet (VL).
Pin 17 +12 V via fuse 8, main fuse box +54 supply.
BrownlWhite (BRNT).
Pin 8 +12 V when 'fuel pump relay '102 activated.
Yellow/Red (GURD)
Pin 26 Internal jumper connection. Yellow (GL).
Pin 7 When grounded, fixed pulse ratio of 85%.
RedlWhite (RDNT).
Pin 12 When grounded, fixed pUlse ratio 01 60%.
-Yellow/Red (GURD).
Pin 11 When grounded, fixed pulse ratio above 92%.
Red (RD).
Pin 16 Grounding point. SlaclVWhite (SVNT).
Pin 5 Grounding point. Brown (SR).

Fue booster pressure switch

When the car is travelling at a constant speed, the
negative pressure is the same on either side of the
diaphragm. On acceleration, the negative pressure
diminishes. The change in pressure will be delayed
below the diaphragm on account of the constriction.
The "absolute" pressure above the diaphragm then
increases momentarily, forcing the diaphragm down
and so activating the contact arm which closes the
switch contacts. .

1 Diaphragm
2 Spring
at- 3 Constriction
lin 4 Spring contact arm
si- 5 Vacuum connection
6 Electrical terminals

Saab 900
240-44 Fuel injection system
Tome rre~alY 1P11 DE
Time function· 3 seconds as
For a period of three seconds after starting, terminal Thl
11 of the Lambda control module is grounded and a Wll'
fixed pulse ratio of 92%ls selected (starting enrich- abc
ment). 45'
Time iunciion • i 40 ± 20 seconds aftt
" For a period of -140 seconds after starting, the wt
fuel shut- off function during deceleration is dis- pie
abled (no grounding via terminal X2 of the re- po
lay). This applies to non-Turbo cars \!\lith a man- lay
ual gearbox only. thE
2 Cold engine (below 45°C) se
Acceleration enrichment is available when the co
fuel booster pressure switch (79) has been ac- La
tivated via the cold-stali valve (94), which is
grounded via the thermostatic switch (97) and
thermostatic time switch (92). A grounding sig-
nal is also applied to the TKK terminal of the re-
lay at the same time
3 Hot engine (above 45°C)
Acceleration enrichment is available for 140 sec-
onds if the fuel booster pressure switch (79) has
been activated. There will be no grounding sig- pi
nal applied to the TKK terminal via the thermo-
static switch (97) and the thermostatic time
switch (92). Terminal TIP is activated and ap-
plies a grounding signal to terminal 11 ;)f the
Lambda control module, resulting in a pulse ra- p
tio of 92%being selected.

Deceleration relay Time relay P11 Speed relay, 4600 rpm

(non-Turbo engine) (Turbo)

1112 b 14
TKK IS 16 X2 Ii 31 12 Xl b
liO -11

31 19 87\
12 30 4 S

113 ~ Its Its UL 118 h ~ 19

14 17 8

Relav fit 1 t. rruni~lfoll pins

pin 87 +12 V supply when fuel pump relay pin 50 +12 V supply when starter motor en-
102 activated gaged

pin TIP +12 V supply +54 when vacuum switch pin 31 Ground
pin 11 Grounded when above functions acti-
pin TKK Ground via cold-start valve 94, thermo- vated (for i 40 seconds only)
static switch 97 and thermostatic time
switch 92 pin)(2 Same as pin ii, not connected

pin TRK Grounded via throttle position switch,

not connected

Saab 900
- Fuel injection system 240-45

Dece~ell'a~ll4j)n Il'eIial'V 9 1i1l00B'ma~~y

aSJ»olrated engines
The deceleration function shuts off the supply of fuel
when the accelerator is released at engine speeds
above i 575 rpm and at engine temperatures above
45°C or, alternatively, during a -140-second period
after starting.
When the accelerator is released, grounding takes
't; ''1C8 via terminal '1 (idling position) of the throttle
~ ,sf non semior to t(~rminal 30 of the deceleration re-
" I', j (5), i:tnd a signal from terminal 87 is applied to
),is fuel shut-off valve (260). Further, a signal from
terminal Xi is applied to terminal 12 of the Lambda
sensor and a pulse ratio of 60%is then obtained (to
compensate for the weaker mixture sensed by the
lambda sensor).

Terminal pins

pin 15 +12 V supply when fuel pump relay X2 h 31 12 Xl b

102 activated.

pin TO Ignition pulses from terminal TF-O of PIa! TD~ 87

ignition pulse amplifier 147. 30 4 5 16
pin 30 Grounding via terminals )(2 and 31 of
time relay -106. h ~ 19
pin 31 Ground.

pin Xi Grounds terminal 12 of the Lambda Deceleration relay

control module subject to the above (non- Turbo engine)
functions having been activated, throttle
position sensor 203 making contact be-
tween terminals 1 and 2, and engine
speed having been higher than 1575
rpm. The function ceases to operate
when engine speed drops below 1375

pin 87 Grounding of fuel shut-off valve 260 via

terminal Xi.

, '.,' pin X2 Grounding via terminals X2 and i 1 of

the time relay.

Saab 900
240-46 .Fuel injection system

Speed relay (speedadepeO"ftdlent

enrichment~ Turbo only)
Speed-dependent fuel enrichment takes place at
engine speeds above 3800 rpm (model year 1987
and earlier) or above 4600 rpm (model year 1988 C~
and later). Pulse ratio 85%or 92%. WI'
At engine speeds above 3800 rpm (model year 1987 tior
and earlier) or above 4600 rpm (model year 1988 swi
and later) and before the throttle butterfly has If tt
ph~sad tIn 72° position, a signal from terminal 1 of the
tl e tllmt\l'~ position switch is applied to terminal 31 A call
of the speed relay (138). As a result, terminal 7 of frol
the Lambda control module is grounded via terminal gro
87 of the relay and terminal 31 of the time relay en!
(106), which gives a pulse ratio of 85%. nin
If the throttle buttelily passes the 72° position, the coi
circuit to terminal 31 A of the speed relay will be bro-
ken, terminal 11 of the Lambda control module will
12 Th
be grounded via terminal 3 of the throttle position
switch (203), terminal n< of the AC relay (156) and
X2 h 31 Xl b igr
terminal 11 of the time relay (106). which gives a
pulse ratio of 92%. 31Cl
30 4
I TD.1l1!
(1 t
Speed relay (138) terminal pins (Turbo only)
h -1..k. 19 Li
pin TO Ignition pulses from terminal TO-O of 8 Th
TD amplifier 147. TO-O se
pin 15 +12V via +54
Speed relay 3600 rpm (model year 1987 and earlier) or thE
pin 31A Ground via throttle position switch 203. above 4600 rpm..{modeJ year 1988 and later). Turbo en- si~
gines only. se
pin 87 Ground for terminal 7 of the Lambda an
control module via terminal 31 and (1 :
ground of time relay 106. mi
Turbo cars, model year 1988 and later su
Pressure-controlled full-load enrichment supple- TI
ments speed- dependent full-load enrichment and cu
also the enrichment that is controlled by the throttle in
butterfly via the throttle position switch. pI
A pressure switch connected in parallel with the cc
speed relay senses the pressure in the inlet mani- TI
fold. When the pressure is between 0.25 and 0.30 pI
bar, the pressure switch grounds pin 7 of the control +:
module and so causes full-load enrichment to take Ve
place (fixed pulse ratio 85%).

Saab 900 .
Fuel. injection system 240-47

Ele~trr8ca~ system .. !PB"oflilcnp~e

of ©pelra R«lDil
CI system
When the ignition switch is turned to the Start posi-
tion, the starter motor (4) and the thermostatic time
switch (92) are supplied with current (+50 supply).
If the engine is cold (temperature below 45°C), the
thermostatic time switch (92) will be closed. The
cold-start valve (94), which is supplied with current
from, terminal 16 of the starter motor (4), is then
grounded. This causes the valve to open and the
engine receives extra fuel (for up to a maximum of
nine seconds) while the starter motor is engaged.
When the ignition switch is in the Start/Drive posi-
tion, the fuel pump relay receives current (+15 sup-
ply) via fuse 22. Relay 102 operates and the fuel
"pump (103), which receives current via fuse 30,
starts to run. Current is also supplied to the heating
coils in the auxiliary air valve (95) and the warm-up
regulator (96).
The fuel pump relay and the Lambda system receive
ignition pulses from the ignition pulse amplifier
(147). If the engine stops, the pulses cease to be
emitted, causing the relay to release and the supply
of current for the fuel system components is cut off.

The Lambda system itself incorporates a Lambda
sensor (136) which continuously supplies the con-
trol module (135) with data on the oxygen content of
or the exhaust gases. On the basis of this data and the
n- signals received from the Lambda system's various
sensors and relays, the control module regulates the
amount of fuel injected via the modulating valve
(139). (The valve is controlled by grounding of ter-
The control unit (135) and relays 105 and 106 are
supplied with current from terminal 87 of relay 102.
The time relay (106), which is supplied with control
current (+50 supply) when the ignition switch (20) is
in the Start position, is used during the starting
phase. This relay increases the supply of fuel via the
control module and the modulatii"g ial'/8 (139).
The thermostatic switch (97) senE uS (;IG ell[Jiri") It:m-
perature and opens when the temperature is above
+25°C, thus breaking the circuit to the cold-start
valve (94).
The fuel booster pressure switch (79) is used to
control fuel enrichment during acceleration. When
the engine is cold, the switch opens the cold-start
valve (94). When the engine is hot, a signal goes
instead to the time relay (106), which increases the
supply of fuel via terminal 11 of the control module
(active for a maximum of 140 ± 20 seconds after

Saab 900
240-48 Fuel injection system
The speed relay (105) is used in conjunction with Cc
the solenoid valve (260) and throttle position switch Thl
(203) to shut off the fuel during engine overrun. en!
When the accelerator is released, the throttle posi- ter
tion switch grounds relay 105. This function is also
operative if engine speed exceeds approx. "1375
rpm. Note that this relay is fitted only on cars with a
manual gearbox.
The thermostatic switch (99) opens at +45°C and
closes at +38°C. One 0'1: the purposes of this switch
is to improve the fuel enrich'ment function.
Socl<et 120 is provided for the connection a special 2C
measuring instrument and is used in connection with
setting the pulse ratio. The socket is live when the 2~
ignition switch is in the Drive position.

Fuel injection system 240-49
- -_.-------------------------=------------
component locatiorns
The component locations are the same for 8-valve
engines with CI fuel injection and the Lambda sys-
tem (EU), fuel injection engines and Turbo engines.
For further details of component locations, see Ser-
vice Manual 3:2.

4 Stalier motor on LH (induction) side of 139 Modulating valve (Lambda) in engine bay
engine on inside of LH tie plate
7 Grounding point on radiator member 1L:4 Pressure switch under dash to left of
9 Grounding point in luggage compartment steering wheel behind knee shield (be-
20 Ignition switch on centre console be- hind flasher relay holder)
tween front seats 147 Ignition pulse amplifier in main fuse box
22A Fuse holder in main fuse box in engine in engine bay on LH wheel arch
bay on LH wheel arch 152A 29-pin connector (white)
59 Two-pin connectors '152C 29-pin connector (blacl<) in main fuse box
one in main fuse box in engine bay on in engine bay
LH wheel arch, one in luggage compart- 156 AC compressor relay in main fuse box in
ment adjacent to fuel pumps engine bay on LH wheel arch
one socket (120) in engine bay on LH 158 Distribution terminal block, negative
wheel arch 159 Distribution terminal block, positive 15, in
60 Single-pin connectors main fuse box in engine bay on LH. wheel
one in main fuse box in engine bay on arch
LH wheel arch 201 Grounding point, engine
one in engine bay on RH wheel arch 203 Throttle position switch on throttle body
77 Starter interlock switch (automatic trans- 260 Fuel shut-off solenoid valve (Lambda) on
mission) under centre console adjacent rubber duct above air cleaner
to selector lever
79 Fuel booster pressure switch in engine
bay on inside of LH tie-plate adjacent to
fuel filter
82 Thermostatic time switch on coolant ther-
mostat housing
-94 Cold-start valve above throttle body
95 Auxiliary air valve adjacent to thermostat
housing at front of engine
96 Warm-up regulator on thermostat housing
at front of engine
97 Thermostatic switch, 45°C (Lambda), on
inlet manifold
99 Thermostatic switch, 25°C (Lambda), on
thermostat housing
100 Diode (Lambda), adjacent to deceleration
relay 105 and time relay 106
102 Fuel pump relay in main fuse box in en-
c;n.3 ba)l on LH wheel arch
\'08 iu"f pump in mel tank under luggage
compartment floor
105. Deceleration relay, injection engines only,
behind trim forward of RH front door
106 Time relay behind trim forward of RH
front door
'135 Control module (Lambda) on RH side
under rear seat
136 Lambda sensor on exhaust manifold
138 Speed relay (manual gearbox Turbo cars
only) behind trim forward of RH front



Saab 900
240-50 .Fuel injection system
Checking Fa
1 Connect pulse meter 8393 597.
2 Turn the ignition I<ey to the Drive position. The
pulse meter should indicate 100%. The modu-
lating valve and fuel punlP should start and run
for a short time. .
3 Start the engine. 2
.aJ Cold engine (below 19°C):
The pulse meter first indicates 0%, then
90%and after three seconds a steady pulse 3
ratio of 60%.
b) Hot engine:
The pulse meter first indicates 0%, then
90%and after three seconds a fluctuating 4
pulse ratio of around 50%.
4 Checking full-load enrichment (Turbo)
a) Rev up the engine to more than 3850 rpm. 5
The pulse meter should indicate 85%.
b) Actuate (close) the throttle position switch.
The pulse meter should indicate 92%.

Checking the Lambda system A

1 Connect pulse meter 83 93 597. b
2 Run the engine at idling speed. EI
3 Unplug the Lctmbda sensor connector from the W
main wiring harness (located on the RH Inner is
wheel arch in the engine bay). di
4 Ground the signal lead to the control module. tI·
The pulse meter should now indicate 92%. s'
5 Hold the signal lead in your left hand and grip a
the positive battery terminal with your right hand.
The pulse meter should now drop to a reading
of 0%.

Checking the Lambda sensor's signal level

Connect a multimeter between the Lambda sensor's
signal lead and ground. If the Lambda sensor is OK,
a reading of between 0.1 and 1.0 V should be ob-
tained on the meter, depending on the temperature
and OXir.:m content of the exhaust.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-51
Fal.iJ~~ ©]Dag~l}(OSOS (C~alr~, C~

Fau~~ sympttoms
1 Starting difficulty (engine cold): see checking/
fault diagnosis
"A Starting with cold engine, below 4!'.i"C".
? Erratic idling/poor response during the: 1Jl1::Jnn-up
, ne, 'Ot:: see checl<ing/fault diagnosis '\:l Em;d1-
l ment during the warm-up period, bel'me<f 4S0C",
9 Poor acceleration in first few minutes after
starting/backfiring in inlet manifold: see
checking/fault diagnosis "C Enrichment via the
cold-start valve, below 45°C".
4 Stalling on overrun: see checldng/fault diagno-
F "Deceleration function".
5 Fuel starvationlbackfiring above 3800 rpm- or
, at full throttle: see checl{ing/fault diagnosis
"G Enrichment at engine speeds above 3800

fi., Starting wnth c~~dl ell1goll1le~

be~ow 45°C
Enl'ichment via cold-start valve:
When the starter motor is engaged, fuel enrichment
is provided by the cold-start valve which injects ad-
ditional fuel. The cold-start valve is controlled by the
thermostatic time switch (92) and the thermostatic
sWitch (97). Maximum injection time is 9.5 seconds
at -20°C (-4°F).

1 Connect a test lamps between the cold-start
valve's brown (BR) lead and ground. The lamp
should light up when the starter motor is en-
gaged. .

2 Remove the fuel pump relay (102). Connect the

test lamp between + 12 V and the cold-start
valve's (94) green (GN) lead. The lamp should
light up.

The thermostatic switch (97) must be closed (tem-
perature below 38°C).

Saab 900
240-52 Fuel injection system

3 Connect the test lamp between +12 V and the

green (GN) lead of the thermostatic time switch

Note: b
The connector must be plugged in during this test.

If the engine temperature is below 45°C (113°F) the

lamp should be on. When the starter motor is en-
gaged, the lamp should go out for a few seconds.
This indicates that the thE)lT\1os::£'I(I~ t;Tne switch has
interrupted the ground circui~ c.md t2; thus working
4· To check the operation of the cold-stalt valve,
see Service Manual 2:3, section 240.

18 FUle~ enrichmell1t '\fua the c@idl..

start valve and control modu~e
(92%pl/l~se ti'8tDO)
Mode of operation I
The cold-start valve continues to inject fuel as long
as the starter motor is engaged. At the same time, a
signal is applied to time relay P11 (106) which
grounds terminal 11 of the control module (135). The
control module adjusts the frequency of the modu-
lating valve to a steady pulse ratio of more than
92%(fully open). This function remains in operation
for three seconds.

Checking c
1 Connect pulse meter 83 93 597 to the test
socket. Remove the ignition switch relays (E)
from the main fuse box and connect a jumper Nor
lead between pins 3 and 4. The
2 When the starter motor is engaged the pulse ra- forI'
tio should be 92 ± 10%. con
3 After three seconds the pulse ratio should
change to 60%(cold engine. temperature below
25°C) or 50%(engine temperature above 25°C). FU{
fault diagnosis (97
(Electrical testing) swi
1 Remove time relay P11 (106) and connect one
lead of a test lamp to +12 V.
2 Normally aspirated engine:
a) Connect the other test lamp lead to pin 31.
The lamp should light up (connection to
b) Connect the other test lamp lead to the TRK
pin. The lamp should light up only when the
throttle butterfly is fully closed.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-53

3 Connect one of the test lamp leads to ground (-).

a) Connect the other test lamp lead to pin 50.
The lamp should light up when the starter
motor is engaged (Turbo).
b) Connect the other test lamp lead to the TIP
pin. The test lamp should light up briefly
when the fuel booster pressure switch (79)
CIOSH~l and then opens again. Connect a
vacuo 1 pump to the fuel booster pressure
switcl, [:2'.3)-, ?,WXCI-I. ell the ignition and raise
a vac' 1.1111. When tl-,e vacuum is eliminated,
the iiU0/ booster pressure switch closes
briefly, during which period the test lamp
should light up.
c) Connect the other test lamp lead to pin 87.
The test lamp should light up when the en-
gine is running.
d) Connect a jumper lead between pin "Ii and
ground. With the engine idling, the pulse ra-
tio should be 92 ± "10%.
4 Use a multimeter to check for circuit continuity
a) Pin X2 of time relay P11 (106) and pin X2 o'f .
the deceleration relay (105) (not on cars with
automatic transmission).
b) The TKK pin on time relay Pi i (106) and
thE:! 45° thermostatic switch (97) and be-
tween the thermostatic switch 45° (97) and
the thermostatic time switch (92).

C Fuel enrichme01lt V08 Une "," ,-

co~d1astart valve (engine
temperature be~(O)w 45°C)
Normally aspirated engine:
'The 'fuel enrichment system improves engine per-
formance immediately after starting. The system is
controlled by vacuum, temperature and time.

Mode of operation
Fuel enrichment is effected by the cold-start valve
(~4) 'and controlled by a 45°C thermostatic switch
'97), a thermostatic time switch (92) and a pressure
switch (79).

Saab 900
240-54 Fuel injection system
Checking Chi
1 Connect a test lamp to the brown (BR) lead of 1
the cold-start valve (94) and ground and connect
pulse meter 8393597. Start the engine.
2 Cold engine (below 45°C)
When the throttle is opened rapidly the test lamp
should light up briefly. Pulse ratio 60%.
3 Engine cold on starting, warms up during the 2
Wf~en the throttle is opened rapidly the test lamp
should light up. When the 45 Q C thermostatic
switch (97) opens, the lamp should go out. Each
time the throttle is opened rapidly the pulse ratio
should change to 92%. This function continues F211
in operation for a period of 140 seconds after
starting. i
4 Hot engine (above 45 C)Q

When the throttle is opened rapidly, the pulse

ratio should change to 92%. This continues for
140 seconds after starting. The test lamp should
not light up.

Fault diagnosis (electrical testing)

1 Check whether the red/white (RDNT) and white 2
(VT) leads of the fuel booster pressure switch
(79) are live.
2 Check whether a voltage pulse is applied to the
brown (BR) lead of the fuel booster pressure _
switch (79) when the throttle is opened rapidly.
3 With the engine running, ground pin 11 of time
relay P11 (101). The pulse meter should give a
reading of 92%.

D Fuel enrichment during the Me

W81l'm=1U1P period, below 45°C A
(lPlLB~S® raiio 600/0) S\f\
Mode of operation co
900 Turbo:
the 25 C thermostatic switch (99) grounds terminal
12 of the control module and fixes the pUlse ratio at CI
60%. thi
the 25 C th(:JilTlostatlc switch (99) grounds terminal

i 2 of the control module (via terminal Xi of the

speed relay (105) on cars with a manual gearbox)
and fixes the pulse ratio at 60%.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-55

1 Cold engine
Run the engine at idling speed. After three sec-
onds the pulse ratio should be 60%and remain
steady at this figure until the temperature rises
above 25°C. The pulse meter should then begin
to fluctuate.
2 Hot engine
Disconnect the red/yellow (RD/GL) lead from the
thermostatic switch (99) and connect it to
The pulse ratio should be fixed at 60%.

Faul~ diagnosis (electrical testing)

1 Remove the speed relay/deceleration relay
("1381'105) and start the engine.
connect terminal )(1 of the relay ("105) to ground.
The pulse ratio should change to 60%.
900 Turbo:
connect the thermostatic switch (99) to ground.
The pulse ratio should change to 60%.
2 Connect terminal 12 of the control module to
ground. The pulse ratio should change to 60%.
3 Check the thermostatic switch (9J), including all
the wiring and connections.

E FlUlel enrich men UI to 140

seconds after startD81g~ engoll19
temperSlture abOlve +45°C (not
TlUlrlbo sngoll1lss)
l\Iiode of operation
A signal applied· across the fuel booster pressure
switch (79) to the TIP terminal of the time relay (106)
fixes the pulse ratio at 92%via terminal 11 of the
control module.

Check whether fuel enrichment continues for more
than -140 seconds.

The 45°C thermostatic switch (97) and the 25°C
thermostatic time switch (99) must be open and
three seconds must have elapsed after the engine
has been started.

Saab 900
240-56 Fuel injection system
Fault diagnosis (electrical testing) Fau
1 Remove time relay Pi 1 (106). 1
2 Connect one of the leads of a test lamp to +12 2
V. 3
3 Connect the other lead to:
pin 31 - the test lamp lights up
the TRK pin - the test lamp lights up when the
throttle position switch closes

f Decelelra:lioT~ (fl~~~j ~hutaOff)

function (gOm ~a8'$J1 rllJDth
manual gearbox ()B1lly) 4
Mode of operation 5
Fuel shut-off cannot take place when the thermo-
static switch (94) is closed or while fuel enrichment
is in progress (i 40 seconds).
When the vacuum valve (260) opens, the pressure
difference between each side of the mass air flow
sensor plate is equalized. The sensor plate as-
sumes its rest position and fuel injection into the fuel
distributor via the control plunger ceases. A fixed
pulse ratio of 60%is selected.

1 Start the engine and nm it for 140 seconds.
2 Connect a test lamp to the red lead of the fuel
booster pressure switch (79) and ground, and·
connect pulse meter 8393597.
3 Slowly increase engine speed to 1600 rpm.
4 Close the throttle rapidly.
The test lamp should light up until the engine
reaches a speed of about 1375 rpm. The pulse
meter should first indicate 60%and then 50%.

The fuel shut-off function will not operate during the
first 140 seconds after starting.

Fuel injection system 240-57

Fault diagnosis (electrical testing)

1 Run the engine at idling speed.
2 Connect one 0'1 the test lamp leads to +12 V.
3 Connect the other lead in turn to the following
pins of the deceleration relay (105):
31 :
the test lamp should light up
the test lamp should Ii~ ht up when the throttle
position switch is closed
the test lamp should light up after 140 seconds.
4 Cbnnect'one of the test larrip leads to .grqu·nd.
5' Connect the oth'er lead in turn to 'the following' ' ..
. pins of the deceleration relay (105):
the lamp should flash (ignition pulses)
the lamp should light up (+12 V)
the pulse ratio should be 60%
Fuel shut-uff should take place (on decelera-

Component possibly defective


c:<D .l:
E :t: 'C
Fault diagnosis ~ 0 ==
<Il ~ ell E
I:: iii >
2! I::
<D' 0
,." > 'iii ~c::
c: c:: 'iii :t:: >
0 0 0
2:J Ol
c: 8
~(I) ii c..
(I) .c ~ ltl
ffi E <Il '3
2i0 e Qj
0 E
Cl « ~ u. 2 j

Fuel shut-off function inoperative

Ib5 Ib5 Ib5 Ib5

, Incorrect pUlse ratio when the system

.. Ib5 Ib5 Ib5 Ib5 Ib5
is in operation

240-58 Fuel injection system

G nrichmell1t at engine spee s I~

above 3800 rpm (4600 rpm on (
model year 1988 and later
cars) (Turbo) , Ge
Mode of operation 58;
The speed signal goes from terminal 1 of the igni- jl,ls
tion coil via the ignition pulse amplifier (147) to the sh
TD pin of the speed relay (138). rei
A signal then goes from pin 87 of the relay ("138) to CO
terminal 7 of the control module, WI1!dl fixes the RE
pulse ratio at 85%. ho
Checking se
Connect pin 7 of the control module to ground. The
pulse ratio should increase to 85%.
Fault diagnosis (electrical testing) Ie'
Check circuit continuity between:
a. pins 1 and 2 of the throttle position switch
b. pin 2 of the throttle position switch and pin 31 A of
the speed relay (138)
c. pin 87 of the speed relay (138) and pin 7 of the
control module (135).

H fuel enrichment governed by

pulse ratio (throttle butterfly
opera more than 72°)
Mode of operation
Pin 3 of the throttle position switch (203) grounds
pin 11 of time relay P11 (106), which governs fuel
enrichment via terminal 11 of the control module
(when the throttle butterfly is open at least 72° and
engine temperature is above 45°C).

When the throttle butterfly closes, the pulse ratio
should rise to 92%.

Fault diagnosis (electrical testing)

1 Remove time relay P1"l (106).
2 Connect one lead of a test lamp to +12 V.
Connect the other lead. to pin 11 of the P11 re-
lay. The lamp should light up when the throttle
butterfly is open more than 72°.
3 Connect one of the test lamp leads to ground
and the other to terminal 11 of time relay P11.
The pulse ratio should rise to 92%(engine run-

Saab 900
l- Fuel injection system 240-59

I Settoll'ilg the fue~=airr muxhJlll's

(pa,n~$® U'alto@)

The adjusting"screw on the mass air flow sensor is
seated by a metal plug to prevent inadvertent ad-
ll,lstmeni.. The mixture is preset at the factory and
shculd not R]I(1JJ'~1iVi1llly require readjustment unt81
replacement 01 "lr:: i1'\l.ass aii' flow sensor Ole-
.comes necess3u'l, .
Readjustment 0)' . e rrlix1'.ll'l.3 may be necessary,
however, if the mas", ail' flow sensor has been re-
paired or if fault diagnosis shows that the mixture
setting is incorrect.

,setting a new mass air flow sensor

Remove the mass air flow sensor, the sensor plate
lever and then the metal plug. See the Service Man-
ual section describing repairs to the mass air flow
1 Warm up the engine to normal operating tem-
perature and connect the pulse meter.
2 Adjust the idling speed to 875 ± 75 rpm.
3 Set the recommended pulse ratio by means of
the mass air flow sensor adjusting screw, using
tool 83 92 482. Rev up the engine and allow
the Idling speed to stabilize ~ach time before
tal<lng a meter reading.
4 Refit the metal plug, using a suitable punch.
Pulse ratio setting: 45-55%.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-61

Fuel injection system, LH (8202, 8212 engines)

safety precautions for the LH Fault diagnosis rapid reference

sYstem 240-63 chart 240-143

Check'~~:nl~" ult diagnosis

connection of exhaust extraction Fuel syst/.;.!'n 24a~154·
e~ui·pment. 240-64 Line p(e r " \1l!J ~ : :.240-·!54
Fuel prest>"'l"e Fqgufator 240·_·155
HesidIJal pfessure , :.. 1 240-155
FU~I pump delivery .
Cslour codes 240-64

pressuJe : : : 240-156
Fuel pump delivery
flow :~ , 240-156
Hult diagnosis using the LH
system tester; LH 2.2 and LH
2..4 240-65 Checking the electrica:1 system
Diagnostic trouble codes, LH 2.2 240-67 Main relay 240-158
Diagnostic trouble codes, LH 2.4 240-68 Fuel pump relay 240-159
Fault diagnosis chart, LH 2.2 240-69 Pressure switch " 240-160
Fault diagnosis chart, LH 2.4 240-75 Temperature sensor : 240-160
Throttle position switch
(checking/adjusting) 240-161
ault diagnosis with integrated Injectors 240-163
Mass air flow sensor 240-164
fallJt diagnosis system, LH 2.4,
Hot wire (filament) burn-off,
9005 (US) 240-80
function 240-165
Diagnostic trouble codes, CO content (checking/adjusting) 240-166
LH 2.4 (M1989-) 240-87 Fuel injection system, basic setting
Diagnostic trouble codes, (cars with catalytic converter) 240-1.66
LH 2.4 (M1990-) 240-89 Signals to control module ; 240-168
Input signals to control module 240-1.6.8
Control module connections 240.-1069
. Fault diagnosis using an ISAT, Control module signals to
injectors 240-171
LH 2.4 (M1990-) 240-94
Diagnostic trouble codes, .. Fuel shut-off on starting
Full-load enrichment
LH 2.4 (M1990), ISAT .240-99 Warm-up period 240-174
Fault diagnosis chart, LH 2.4 (M1990), . Idling compensation on start of
ISAT 240-100 AC compressor (cars with auxiliary
~ontrol commands, LH 2.4 (M1990),
air valve) 2.40-175
ISAT 240-105 Idling speed compensation on start of
AC compressor (cars with idle air
control (lAC) valve) 240-175
Fault diaga (J,s'$; uS3ng an ISAT, Lambda (oxygen) sensor 240-176 ..,
LH 2.4.2 and LH 2.4 Induction system 240-177
Auxiliary air valve 240-179
(M1991-} 240-106
Idle air control valve (lAC) 240-179
Control module connections, LH 2.4.2, Basic setting of throttle butterfly, LH 2.2.240-180
test data 240-107 Basic setting of throttle butterfly
Fault diagnosis, LH 2.4 and LH 2.4.2 240-110 (LH 2.4) 240-180
Diagnostic trouble codes, LH 2.4 Idling speed adjustment (not cars with
and LH 2.4.2 240-116 catalytic converter) 240-181
Command codes, LH 2.4 and LH Idling speed adjustment
Fault diagnosis chart, LH 2.4 and (cars with catalytic converter) 240-182 p

LH 2.4.2 240-119

Saab 900
240-62 Fuel injection system

Component replacement
Control module 240-185
Main relay and pump relay 240-185
Temperature sensor 240-186
Throttle position switch 240-186
Fuel injection manifold with If
injectors 240-187 v
Mass air flow sensor 240-188 V
Fliel filter 240-189 \/I
Fuel pressure regulator ·.240-189
Auxiliary air valve 240-190
Idle air control valve, lAC 240-190 j
Air cleaner : 240-191 i:

Mass air flow sensor

connections 240-192 Sa
Wiring diagrams
for main relay and pump relay ...240- 2

,- 3

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-63

When carrying out any work involving fuel, fuel
supply systems or fuel injection, make sure
that the area is well ventilated.
If approved extraction equipment for fuel
vapour is available, use it.
Wear suitable gloves, as prolonged contact
with fuel can cause dermatitis.
No smok.ing anywhere in the vicinity.
Alway1.3 mcM~; sure a suitable fire extinguisher
is nearby.

'Safety precautions for the LH

1 Never start the engine unless the battery is prop-
erly connected to the car's electrical system.
2 Under no circumstances should an attempt be
made to start the engine using an external power
source, such as batteries connected in series
(24 V) or a fast-boost charger (16 V), with the
battery connected ·to the car's electrical system.
3 If a fast-boost charger is used, mak~ sure that
the battery cables are disconnected.
4 Never disconnect the battery while the engine is
running. '
5 Make sure that all electric cable connections
make good electrical contact.
6 Never plug in or unplug the control module con-
nector with the ignition switched on.
7 Before cohducting a compression test, unplug
the connector on the output stage of the ignition
8 At temperatures above +80°C (176°F), such as
occur in connection with stove enamelling and
drying of paintwork, the control module must be
removed from the car:
9 Always remove the control module before caJ-
'j rying out any electric welding.
't~.' 10 Tuke care never to transpose th~ connections
, on the fuel pump. .

240-64 Fu.el tnjection system

Connection of exhaust
extraction equipment A
When using exhaust extraction equipment in the
workshop, avoid excessive depressurization of the

car's exhaust system as this could affect the results Whe
of CO measurement. cert~
If excessively powerful exhaust extraction
equipment Is connected to a Turbo car, 011 may
escape through the seals in the turbo' unit.
This will result in the exhaust system becoming sat-

uratod wllh oil G..,d Jlue smoke win be emitted in the
....... .. exha",st 10r some \.oonsiderat?Je time afterwards. To Befe
avoid ljlxce.sslv~Ly."power.fu"exhaust extraction, ·testE
connect an' extract hose with an open coupling. , Ri~ht 'on l
BRight ,. tent
C Wron.g "FaL
It is
_H t
Colour codes ule'~
The following colour codes are used in the Service , infol
Manual. Colour codes can be used alone or in com- the I
bination with each other, e.g. BURD, GUVT, etc. be II
-M1991 M1991- Thi~
BL blue Code English
BR brown BK Black
it to
GL yellow BN Brown testl

GN green BU Blue Be
GR grey GN Green Mar
OR orange GY Grey elee
RD red OG Orange
• 8
SV black RD Red
VL violet VT Violet • I(
VT white WH White
YE Yellow • IiE
PK Pink
• F
It i~


Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-65

fault diagnosis with LH

system tester,
LH 2.2 and LH 2.4
When c~rrying out fault diagnosis, make absolutely
eertain that you refer to the appropriate wiring dia-
gram for the model year and LH system concerned,
see Service Manual 3:2.

:Before starting fault diagnosis with the lH systl1'lTI
,ester, it is advisable to use the integrated function
,(in I.H 2.4 cars for identifying data on any intermit-
teAt faults recorded in the control module. See under
l(Fault diagnosis with integrated fault diagnosis sys-
lem, LH 2.4".
It is important to do this first, since connection of the
(H tester to the control module interrupts the mod-
ule's power supply, with the result that any fault

information stored in its memory will be erased and
the opportunity to identify any intermittent faults will
be lost.
This will also occur if either of the battery cables is

for details of the LH system tester, how to connect

it to the car, etc., see "Service Manual LH system

Before st~rting work

'Many faults that are blamed on the fuel injection
system can be traced to other unrelated engine or
~Iectrical faults. Therefore, before starting any fault
aiagnosis work, always check the following first:
• Battery condition
• Charging system
• Ignition system (timing, spark plugs, cables (HT
leads), distributor cap, rotor, etc.)
• Battery connections and grounding points
• Engine conditions (compression; inlet ·manifold
vacuum, etc.)
• Possible air leaks in the turbo/induction system
It is often advisable to perform a quick check on the
main and pump relays, as follows:
1 Unplug the connectors on the LH control mod-
ule and mass air flow sensor.
2 Remove the cover from the connector for the LH
control module.
3 Connect pins 17 and 21 to ground via pin 25.
4 Check whether current is present on:
pins 9 and 13 (LH control module)
Pin 2 or pin 5 (mass air flow sensor, 9000i M 88)
Fuse 14 (fuel pump relay)

Saab 900
240-66 Fuel injection system

Fault diagnosis work· general

The words "Check the wiring between xx and yy" are ~
used frequently in the fault diagnosis charts. Some-
times the wiring may run through different types of
conliector and, by implication, these must also be
checked for circuit continuity and short circuiting.

Be alert to the possibility of interference from com- FO O:
ponents connected to the wiring concerned. Also E10:
check that the wiring is in good condition and not
the cause of defective grounding.
Always make absolutely certain that you refer to the
correct wiring diagram for the car model, model year EOO
and type of LH system concerned. 'EOC
r' EO(
Reference values for some of the parameters that
are to be checked are preprogrammed in the micro- EOI
processor incorporated in the LH system tester. E1
In some cases the nominal values fall within very EO
narrow limits. Consequently, under certain condi- E1
tions, a fault may be indicated when, in fact, no fault
This can only happen in extreme situations which EC
are far removed from normal driving conditions. E(
Examples of spurious faults that may be indicated E'
under such extreme conditions include the following: El
LH 2.2 LH 2.4 E
E002 Excessive warm-up period, e.g. E
thermostat fault or prolonged E
idling in extremely cold
weather. E
E020 E020 Prolonged engine braking,
faulty signal level from Lambda E
sensor. (
E207 E207 Prolonged full-throttle accelera- . I
tion, HLM voltage abnormally
high I
E113 E118 Engine overrewed, overrev
cut-out triggered, excessive
boost pressure

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-67

fault codes: lH 2.2 (25-pin connector)

Fault Pin No. Malfunction indicated Action - see

code page

1=001 1 No ignition pulse on pin 1 69

E101 1 Starter motor revs too low 69
E002 2 Temperature sensor, no signal 69
£102 2 Temperature sensor, circuit shorted 69
" 'E003 3 Idling contacts constantly open 69
.tilt;,' .
}" ,t103 3 Idling contacts constantly closed 70
1;005 5 Control module pin 5 not grounding 70
S006 6 Mass air flow sensor not grounding 70
Mass air flow sensor, no signal
Mass air flow sensor, signal too high
Mass air flow sensor, signal too low
~008 8 Mass air flow sensor, no burn-off function 70
E108 8 Mass air flow sensor, burn-off function constantly activated 71
E009 9 Main relay, no 12 V supply 71
E109 9 Main relay, 12 V supply too low 71
E010 10 lAC valve, no signal from pin 10 71
E911 1'1 Control module pin 11 not grounding 71
EQt2 12 Full-throttle._contacts constantly open 71
E112 12 Full-throttle contacts constantly closed 72
E013 13 No injection pulses 72
E113 13 Injection pulses erratic 72
E014 14 Mass air flow sensor, break in CO adjusting circuit 72
E017 17 Pump relay control circuit faulty 72
E018 1.8 No +15 supply 72
E020 20 Lambda sensor, no signal 73
E120 20 Lambda sensor, signal too low 73
E220 20 Lambda sensor, signal too high 73
E021 21 Main relay control circuit faulty 73
E023 23 lAC valve, no signal from pin 23 74
AIC 23 lAC valve, pulse.'ratio faulty 74
E024 24 No load signal " 74
E025 25 Control module pin 25 not grounding 74

The following may also appear on the tester display:

"GLOU" Mass air flow meter filament e'I!.:'l-"J£ ) burn-off function

"C 1" Turbo
"C 2" Turbo with lAC
"C 3" Turbo with lAC and catalytic converter
"C 4" Turbo with lAC and Saab EI
'''C 5" Non-turbo engines with lAC
"F PU" Fuel pump relay and mairy1elay operated
"FUEL" Fuel mode ,-
"OFF" Starting point for injectorltest
"F IN" Injectors open
"MON" Monitor mode

240-68 Fuel injection system -

Fault codes: LH 2.4 (35-pin connector) Ff

The following fault codes are used for the LH 2.4 Fal
Fault Pin No. Malfunction indicated Action· see trit
code page

EOO-1 1 No ignition pulse on pin 1 75

E101 1 Starter motor revs too low 75
E002 2 Idling contacts constantly open 75
E102 2 Idling contacts constantly closed 75
E003 3 Throttle position switch contacts constantly open 75
E103 3 Throttle position switch contacts constantly closed 76
E005 5 Control module pin 5 not grounding 76
E006 6 Mass air flow sensor not grounding 76
E007 7 Mass air flow sensor, no signal 76
E107 7 Mass air flow sensor signal too high 76
E207 7 Mass air flow meter signal too low 76
E008 8 Mass air flow sensor, no burn-off function 76
E108 8- Mass air flow sensor, burn-off function constantly activated 77
E009 9 Main relay, no 12 V supply 77
E109 9 Main relay, 12 V supply too low 77
E018 18 No injection pulses 77
E118 13 Injection pulses erratic 77
E020 20 Pump relay control circuit faulty 77
E021 21 Main relay control circuit faulty 78
E024 24 Lambda sensor, no signal 78
E124 24 Lambda sensor signal too high 78
E224 24 Lambda sensor s1gnal too low 78
E025 25 No load signal 79
E033 33 lAC valve, no signal from pin 33 79
E035 35 No +15 supply 79

The following may also appear on the tester display:

"GLOU" Mass air flow meter filament (hot-wire) burn-off function

"C 6" Non-turbo engines with lAC and catalytic converter
"F PU" Fuel pump relay and main relay operated
"FUEL" Fuel mode
"OFF" Starting point for injector test
"F IN" Injectors open
"MON" Monitor mode

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-69

Fault diagnosis\ chait: LH 2.2

Fault codes in brackets in the fault-diagnosis
charts denote that the faults concerned are at-
tributable to the primary fault.

Fault code Control Malfunction indi- Action

module pin cated
EOO1 1 No ignition pulse. A Check ignition system.
- , 8 Check the wiring between. pin 1 of the control mod-
ule and: M1985- onwards: pin 1 of the ignition coil
I' (5)
M1986- onwards, (Turbo): pin TO-O of the ignition
pulse amplifier (147)

i/S Mi,988- onwards (Turbo): pin 17 of the EZK con-
trot module (176), pin 7 of amplifier (147) (Turbo).
C Fit a new LH control module.

E101 Starter motor revs A Check battery voltage and capacity:

too low. 8 Check the wiring between the positive terminal of
,'I} Note: the battery and pin 30 of the starter motor and be-
Engine temperature tween the negative terminal of the battery and
above +10°C grounding points 7 and 211.
C Check the operation of the starter motor.
;Ii '.

E002 2 Shorting in temper- A Check the wiring between pin 2 of the control mod-
ature sensor (NTC) ule (200) and pin 1 of the temperature sensor (202)
It circuit. . and between pin 2 of the temperature sensor (202)
and grounding point 201.
,. ',:
., B Check for good ground at grounding point 201 .
C Check the temperature sensor (202).
'. o Fit a new ~H control module.
'00 ~

E102 2 Shorting in temper- See E002

ature sensor (NTC) ,
•. '
~ circuit.

E003 3 Throttle po~ition A Release the accelerator immediately after starting

sensor (203) con- for at least 20 seconds.
~ Ii' B Check operation of throttle butterfly damper (dash-
tacts constantly
open pot).
C Check settin,u and operation of throttle position ,sen-
I' sor.
It o Check the wiring between pin 3 of the control mod-
ule (200) and pin 1 of the throttle osition sensor
E Check the wiring between pin 2 of the throttle posi-
tion sensor (203) and grounding point 201.
F Check for good ground through engine grounding
point (201).

Saab 900
240-70 Fuel injection system

Fault code Control Malfunction indi- Action

module pin cated
E103 3 Throttle position A Check setting, and operation of throttle position sen-
sensor (203) con- sor.
tacts constantly 8 Check th~ wiring between pin 3 of the control mod-
closed (when en- ule (200) and pin 1 of the throttle position switch
gine revs increased (203). I,
from idling to 2500 C 900i/900S
rpm). Check the wiring between pin 3 of the control mod- . EI
ule (200) and pin 7 of the EZK control module (176) '. '
, via connector 57.
D Check the EZK ignition system. ~:' '
E005 5 Control module A Check the wiring between pin 5 of the control mod- I'
(200) pin 5 not ule (200) and grounding point 201.
grounding. 8 Check for good ground through the engine ground-
ing point (201). d~

E006 6 Mass air flow sen- E
A Model year 1988 and later: check the wiring be-
I sor (205), no signal. tween pin 3 of the mass air flow sensor (205) and
pin 2 and grounding point 201 (not Turbo).
8 Check the wiring between pin 4 of the mass air flow
sensor (205) and the engine grounding point (201).
Check for good ground at the grounding point.
C Fit a new mass air flow sensor (205).
E007 7 Mass air flow sen- A Check the wiring between pin 7 of the control mod- -I!i
sor (2 5), no signal. ule (200) and pin 5 of the mass air flow sensor ~,

8 Check the wiring between engine grounding point
201 and pin 4 of the control module (200).
C Fit a new mass air flow sensor (205).

E107 7 Mass air flow sen- A Check the wiring between pin 7 of the control mod-
: sor (205), signal too ule (200) and pin 5 of the mass air flow sensor
high (205). ~
8 Check by eye that mass air flow sensor hot wire 1\
(filament) burn-off takes place.
C Fit a new mass air flow sensor (205).

E207 7 Mass air flow sen- See E107

sor (205), signal too

E008 8 Mass air flow sen- A Repeat t1?, \'c:::;t. Rev up the engine to 2500 rpm for
sor (205), no hot at least 3 se\" 'I'lds ("SET 2500 RPM").
wire (filament) burn- 8 Check the wiring between pin 8 of the control mod-
off function ule (200) and pin 1 of the mass air flow sensor
C Fit a new LH control module (200).

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-71

Fault code Control Malfunction Indi- Action

modl,lle pin cated
E108 8 Mass air flow sen- A Check the wiring between pin 8 of the control mod-
sor (205), burn-off ule (200) and pin 1 (p>hn 4 on model year 1988 and
function constantly later cars) of the mass qir flow sensor (205).
activated. B Fit a new LH control module (200)

E009 9 Main relay, no 12 V A Check for 12 V supply on the +30 distribution termi-
supply nal (230).
B Check the wiring between the +30 distribution termi-
nal (230) and pin 30 of the main relay (229).·
C Check the wiring between pin 87 of the main relay
(229) and pin 9 of the control module (200).
o Check the wiring between pins 30 and 86 of the
main relay (229).
E Fit a new main relay (229).
E109 9 Main relay, 12 V A Check battery voltage at distribution block (75)- is
supply too low at least 10 V.
B Check the wiring between the distribution block (75)
and pin 30 of the main relay (229).
C Check the wiring between pin 87 of the main relay
(229) and pin 9 of the control module (200).
~, o Fit a new main relay (229).
E010 10 lAC' valve, no signal A Check the wiring between pin 1 of the lAC valve
from pin 10. (272) and pin 10 of the control module (200).
B Check whether +12 V battery voltage is applied to
pin 2 of the lAC valve (272) (ignition switched on).
C Check the wiring between pin 2 of the lAC valve
(272) and pin 87 of the pump relay (102).
o Check the wiring between pin 30 of the pump relay
(102) and the +30 supply terminal (230).
E Fit a new pump relay.
F Fit a new lAC valve (272).
G Fit a new LH control module.
E011 11 LH control module A Check the wiring between pin 11 of the control
(299) not ground- module (200) and grounding point 201.
ing. B Check for good ground at the engine grounding
point (201).

E012 12 Throttle position A Check operation by flooring accelerator on com-

sensor (203), full- mand from LH system tester. Check display to see
throttle contacts whether throttle butterfly opens.
constantly open B Check operation and setting of throttle position sen-
C Check the wiring between pin 12 of the control
module (200) and pin 3 of the throttle position sen-
sor (203).
o Check the wiring between pin 2 of the throttle posi-
tion sensor (203) and grounding point 201.
E Check for good· ground at engine grounding point
(201 ).

Saab 900
240-72 Fuel injection system

Fault code Control Malfunction indi. Action ,

module pin csted
E112 12 Throttle position A. Release- aGcererator on starting.
sensor (203), full- B Check seltiNg and operation of throttle position sen-
throttle contacts sor (203),
constantly closed. C 900 Wit", .AIC~
Check the wiring between pin 12 of the control
modul.e .(2QO) ana. pin 3 of the throttle position sen-
sor (203)..
D Chetk'thaf the tonnectar (60) is not grounded.
E Check. the winn§ between the connector (60) and
phi·f2,of the, cqntr,ol mol;1ule (200).
F Chedk:c1the Wirirn@ 'berNeen pin 12 of the control
modtlle,'(2~~~'aJjEl the TKpin of the AC relay (156).
H Check tha(the Ac relay' (156) is not grounded.
E013 13 No pulses to injec- ( ~Check the wiring between pin 18 of the control
. . tors (206) module (200) and pin 2 of the injectors (206) .
B Check the wiring, between pin 1" of the injectors
(206) and pin 87 01 the pump relay (102).
C Check whether a +12 V ,supply is applied to pin 30
of the pump relay ('102);
D Fit a new fuel pump relay '{1 02).
E Fit a new LH control module.

E113 13 Erratic injection See E013


E014 14 Mass air flow sen- A Check the wiring between pin 14 of the control
sor, break in CO module (200) and pin 6 of t~e mass' air flow sensor
adjusting circuit. (205).
B Fit a new mass air flow sensor (205).

E017 17 Pump relay (102) A Check the wiring between pin 17 of the control
control circuit faulty. module ,(200) and pin 85 of the pump relay (102).
B Check the wiring between pin 86 of the pump relay
(102) and pin 87 of the main relay (229) (Turbo: via
pressure switch 144).
C Check the wiring between pin 30 of the main relay
(229) and the +30 distribution terminal (230).
D Fit a new fuel pump relay (102).
E Fit a new main relay (229).
F Fit a new LH control module.

E018 18 No +15 supply. A Check the wiring between pin 18 of the (;-:)(1,,"01
. module (200) and the distribution terminal ('. ';9).
: 8 Check whether +12 V battery voltage is applied to
the distribution terminal (159) when the ignition is
switched on.

Saab 900
Fue! injection system 240-73

'Fault code Control Malfunction indi-

module pin cated
E020 20 Lambda sensor A Check the wiring between pin 20 of the control
(136), no signal. module (200) and the connector (60).
8 Check the wiring between pin 5 of the control mod-
If', , , ule (200) and the braided screening round the sig-
. C Fit a new L~mbda sensor.
," I I

E120 20 Lambda sensor A Set the Lambda system to the corret;l value.
(136), signal too .8 Check the voltage across the Lambda sensor be-
low, tween the connector (60) and ground.
C Check whether a +12 V supply is present- across

;J t'
pins 1 and 2 of the connector (59)
D Check the wiring between pin 5 of the control mod-
ule (200) and the braided screening round the sig-
E Check the Lambda sensor (136) preheating func-
F Check the fuel pressure (line pressure)
G Check the induction system for air leakage.
H Check for air leaks in the exhaust system between
the engine and the Lambda sensor.
I Check the operation and delivery flow of the injec-
-,' tors.
. , J Fit a new Lambda sensor.
K Fit a new LH control module (200).

E220 20 Lambda sensor A Set the Lambda system to the correct value.
(136), signal too 8 Check the voltage across the Lambda sensor be-
high tween the connector ,(60) and ground. I

C Check whether +12 V battery voltage is present I

, across pins 1 and 2 of the connector (59)

D Check the Lambda sensor (136) preheating func-
: E Check the fuel pressure (line pressure). I

F Check the oper.ation and delivery flow of the ,injec-
. G Fit a new Lambda sensor (136). I

H Fit a new LH 'control modwle '(200).

E021 21 Main relay '(229) A Check for 12 V battery voltage ·on the +30 distribu- I

: control circuit faulty tion terminal '(230).

8 Check the wiring between the +30 distribution termi-
'I nal (230) and pin H'3 ·of the main relay (229).
C C eck the wlrif'g l ,Meen pin 85 of the main relay
,I; (229) and pin 21 c' ~he ,control modUle (200).
, , D Fit a 'new main re~< {229).
E Fit a new LH control module.

Saab 900
240-74 Fuel injection system

Fault code .Control Malfunction indi-

module pin cated
E023 23 lAC valve, no signal A ChecK the- wiring between pin 3 of the lAC valve
from pin 23. (272) an9.pin 23 of the control module (200).
B Check whether +12 V battery voltage is applied to
pin 2 of ttfe lAC valve (ignition switched on). on).
C Check the wiring between pin 2 of the lAC valve
(272) and pin 8.7 of the pump relay (102).
D Check the wiring between pin 30 of the pump relay
~I' . I
(102) and the +.30 supply terminal (230).
'I" 1. j
E Fit a new pump relay. ';\' }
F Fit a new lAC valve (204).
G Fira new LH control module.
AICa 23 lAC valve, pulse A Adjust the lAC system to the correct setting.
ratio faulty

E024 24 No load signal to A Check the wiring between pin 24 of the LH control
ElK (not Turbo) module (200) and pin 8 of the ElK control module
B Fit a new LH control module (200).

E025 25 Control module pin A Check the wiring between pin 25 of the control
25 not grounding. module (200) and grounding point 201.
B Check for good ground at engine grounding point

Fuel injection system 240-75

Fault diagnosis chart: LH 2.4

Fault code Control Malfunction indi- Action

module pin cated
E001 1 No ignition pulse A Check ignition system.
S Check the wiring between pin 1 of the control mod-
ule and pin 17 of the EZK control module (176).
" r, If the engine fails to start, the ignition switch must
I:~ be left in the Drive position for about 20 seconds. If
this is not done, the instrument will not be able to
detect the fault.


E101 Starter motor revs
too low.
A Check battery voltage and capacity.
B Check the wiring betWeen the positive terminal of
the battery and pin 30 of the starter motor and be-
Engine temperature tween the negative terminal of the battery and
above +10°C grounding points 7 and 211.
: C Check the operation of the starter motor.

E002 2 Throttle position A Release the accelerator immediately after starting

sensor (203) idling and do not touch it for at least 20 seconds.
contacts constantly B Check the setting and operation of the throttle posi-
open. tion sensor.
C Check the wiring between pin 2 of the control mod-
1 I'i
o ule (200) and grounding point 201 via the throttle
position sensor (203).
D Check for good ground at grounding point 201.

E102 2 Throttle position A Check the setting and operation of the throttle posi-
sensor (203) con- tion sensor.
tacts constantly B Check the wiring between pin 2 of the control mod-
closed (when en- ule (200) and pin 1 of the throttle position sensor.
gine revs increased C Check the wiring between pin 2 of the control mod-
from idling to 2500 ule (200) and the EZK control module.
I' rpm). D Check the operation of the EZK ignition system.

E003 3 Throttle position A Check operation by flooring accelerator on com-

sensor (203) full- mand from LH system tester. Check display to see
throttle contacts whether throttle butterfly opens.
I_ constantly 9pen B Cheek operation and setting of throttle position sen-
C Check the wiring between pin 3 of the control mod-
ule (200) and grounding point the throttle position
sensor (203).
,'r, D Check for good ground at engine groundin~J point

Saab 900
240-76 Fuel injection system

Fault code Control Malfunction indi· Action

module pin cated
E103 3 Throttle position A Rele~13e accl;llerator on starting.
sensor (203), full- B Check 'operation and setting of throttle position sen- '\
throttle contacts sor.
constantly closed. C Che'ck the wiring between pin 3 of the control mod-
ule (200) an¢ pin 3 of the throttle position sensor
(203) and also between pin 3 of the control module
and the TK pin oHhe AC relay (156).
o Check that the TI< pin of the AC relay (156) is not '

E005 5 LH control module A Check the wiring between pin 5 of the control mod-
pin 5 not grounding ule and gro\.mding point 201.
to grounding point B Check for good. ground at grounding point 201.

E006 6 No cO!l.,inuity in dr- A Check the wiring between pin 6 of the control mod-
cuit between LH ule (200) and pin 2 of the mass air flow sensor
Control module pin (205).
6 and pin 2 of the S Check the wiring between pin 1 of the mass air flow
mass air flow sen- sensor (205) and the engine grounding point (201).
sor (205) C Fit a new mass air flow sensor (205).

E007 7 No signal between A Check the wiring between pin 7 of the control mod-
pin 7 of the control ule (200) and pin 3 of the mass air flow sensor
module and pin 3 of (205).
the mass air flow B Fit a new mass air flow sensor (205).
sensor (205). C Check whether a +12 V supply is present across
pins 1 and 5 of the mass air flow sensor (205)
Fit a new LH control module.

E107 7 Signal from pin 3 of Same procedure as above.

the mass air flow
sensor (205) to pin
7 of the control
module too high.

E207 7 Signal from pin 3 of Same procedure as above.

the mass air flow
sensor (205) to pin
7 of the control
module too low.

E008 8 Mass air flow sen- A Repeat the "SET 2500 RPM" test for at least 3 sec-
sor (205), no hot onds.
wire (filament) burn- S Check the wiring between pin 8 of the control mod-
off function. ule (200) and pin 4 of the mass air flow sensor
C Check the wiring between pin 5 of the mass air flow
sensor (295) and pin 87 of the main relay (229).
Fit a new LH control module (200).

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-77

Fault code Control Malfunction indi- Action
module pin cated
E108 8 Hot wire (filament) A Check the wiring between' pin 8 of the control mod-
burn-off function ule (200) and pin 4 of the mass air flow sensor
constantly acti- (205).
vated. B Fit a new LH control modl,.lle

E009 9 Main relay (229), no A Check whether +12 V battery voltage is present at
power supply. the +30 distribution terminal (230).
B Cheek the wiring to pin 30 of the main relay (229)

. and fl' :;11 pin 87 of the main relay to pin 9 of the

control module.
C Fit a new main relay.

E109 9 Main relay (229),
supply voltage too
A Check the battery voltage at the +30 distribution
terminal (23).
low. B Check the' wiring to pin 30 of the main relay (229)
, and from pin 87 of the main relay to pin 9 of the
control module.
, C Check the alternator and charging system for low
charging voltage.

E018 18 No pulses to injec- A Check the WiFing between pin 18 of the control
, tors (201;». - module (200) and pin 2 of the injectors (206).
B Check the wiring between each injector and pin.87·
of the main relay (229).
" C Check whether a +12 V supply is present at pin 30
1 of the main relay (229).
o Fit a new main relay (229).
E Fit a new LH control module.

E118 18 Pulses to injectors See above.

(206) erratic in rela- .
tion to ignition
" pulses.

E020 20 Pump relay (102) A Check the wiring between pin 20 of the control
control circuit faulty. module (200) and pin 85 of the pump relay (102).
B Check the wiring between pin 86 of the pump relay
, (102) and pin 87 of the main relay (229) and be-
tween pin 30 of the main relay and the +30 distribu-
tion terminal (230).
C Fit a new p~lmp relay (102).
C Fit d l1'aw main relay (229).
E Fit a new LH control module (200).

240-78 Fuel injection system


Fault code Control Malfunction indi· Action f

module pin cated I'
E021 21 Main relay (229) A Check wRether a +12 V supply Is present at the
control circuit faulty. +30 distribution terminal (230).
B Check the wiring to pin 86 of the main relay (229)
and from pin 85 of the main relay to pin 21 of the
control module (200). j

C Fit a new main relay. '\

D Fit a new control module.

E024 24 Lambda sensor, no A. Check the wiring between pin 24 of the control
signal. module (200) 'and the connector (60).
B Check tHe wiring between pin 5 of the control mod- ~

ule (200) and the braided screening round the sig-

C Fit a new Lambda sensor (136).
D Fit a new LH control module.

E124 24 Lambda sensor, A Check the voltage across the Lambda sensor be-
signal too low. tween connector 60 and ground. ~
B Check whether a +12 V supply is present between
pins 1 and 2 of the connector (59).
C Check the wiring between pin 5 of the control mod-
ule and the braided screening round the signal I:,'
, lead.
, D Check the Lambda sensor preheating function.
E Check the wiring between pin 24 of the control
module (200) and the connector (60) and between
the connector (60) and the Lambda sensor (136).
F Check for leakage in the induction system.
G Check for air leaks in the exhaust system between .
the engine and the Lambda sensor.
H Check injector operation and delivery flow.
I Fit a new Lambda sensor (136). if
E224 24 Lambda sensor, A Check the voltage across the Lambda sensor be-
signal too high. tween connector 60 and ground. 1'1'
B Check whether a +12 V supply is present between 'j

pins 1 and 2 of the connector (59).

C Check the Lambda sensor (136) preheating func-
tion. ';
- D Check the fuel pressure (line pressure). ,I
E Check the Lambda sensor (136) preheating func- I

F Check injector operation and delivery flow. "
G Fit a new Lambda sensor.

L ~ll :j

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-79

Fault code Control Malfunction indi- Action ~
module pin cated ,',
E025 25 No load signal to A Check the wiring between pin'25,of the LH control
EZK (176). module (200) and pin 8 of the E?K control module
B Fit a new LH control module (200)'.

I", £033 33 lAC valve, no signal A Check whether the throttle butterfly is correctly ad-
, from pin 33. justed (as near to the closed position as possible
without binding).
B Check the operation and setting of the throttle posi-
~. tion sensor (203).
C Check the wiring between pin 33 of the control

I, module (200) and pin 2 of the lAC valve (272).
D Check whether a +12 V supply is present across ,
pin 1 of the lAC valve (272) and ground.
E Check the wiring between pin 1 of the lAC valve
(272) and pin 87 of the main relay (229).
F Check the wiring between pin 30 of the main relay
i (229) and the +30 distribution terminal (230).
I, G Fit a new main relay (229).
H Fit a new lAC valve.
I Fit a new LH control module.
E035 35 No supply from the A' Check the wiring between pin 35 of the control
+15 distribution ter- module (200) and the +15 distribution terminal
minal (159). (159).
B Check whether a +12 V supply is present at the dis-
t tribution terminal '(159) when the ignition Is switched


Saab 900
240-80 Fuel injection system

Fault diagnosis using the Cc

integrated fault-diagnosis system T.hi
(LH 2.4), 90'05 (US) wit
The fault-diagnosis system has two principal appli- Te:
cations: cal
• Fault di'agnosis, faults detected and stored in the
In 1
• Component and signal testing. eVI
Faults stored ,in the memory '\".
Faults that oCcur Intermittently are often hard to Fa
trace. The LH 2.4 has an integral memory that stores COl
information on such faultS so that you can later iden- 'liol
tify and rectify them. sh'
By following the instructions below which describe in~
how to activate the system's memory facility, the in~
"CHECK ENGINE'" lamp On the car's 'instrument
panel will flash and provide information on any faults
that have been detected.
A certain combination of short flashes, e.g.
1+2+3+2+2, stands for a particular fault. By consult-
ing the list of fault codes to find out what the fault
code 1 2 3 2 2 stands for, you can identify the fault
and rectify it. This p-rocedure can be repeated for
fault No.2 and fault No.3, whereupon the CHECK
I ENGINE lamp will flash new codes which enable
_you to identify the faults from the list of fault codes.

II Up to three faults can be stored at a time in the con-

trol module memory, which can be accessed as de-
\ scribed-above-and provide information on the nature
of the 'fault. SeriouS faults are given priority, which
t- means that these must first be rectified before the

memory can store information on minor faults.

) - Note:
If a serious fault occurs repeatedly, each occurrence
I will be recordedih the memory and the "CHECK
, ENGINE" lamp will light up. Once the fault has been
I. rectified, it may-be necessary to clear the memory by
erasing all its contents to delete any additional
codes for the same fault. In doubtful cases, take the
car out on a road test.

Fue.l injection system 240-81

Component and signal testing

This testing can best be carried out in conjunction
with diagnosis of stored faults.
Jesting incorporates a function check of certain key
'l!:0mponents in the LH system and a check of im-
fJortant signals from the control module.
In these cases,. the "CHECK ENGINE" lamp flashes
'Codes in the same way as for stored faults. How-
,i.8ver, this time the code is not a fault code but an
identifioation code for the component or signaJ be-
ing tested.
For instance, if the "CHECK ENGINE" 't3m}f ashes
celi>de 1 2.4 1 3, reference to the table Cif ieL tifica-·
tion codes for component arid· signal· testing will
ahow that the CP valve on the charcoal filter is b.e-
Iilg tested and that you should hear the valve open-
ing' and closing.

All code indication and testing will.be abortedwhefl!
:the ignition is switched off.

I • "

• I



\ - +. , ',.~

• ~ '. I

• ~... ..=~ .....

Saab 900

240-82 Fuel injection system .

Fault diagnosis '. stored faults 5

(9Ground pin NO.3 of the 3-pin test socket in the
engine bay on the RH side. Use the jumper ca-
ble with switch, part No. 83 93 886.
(J) Read off the fault codes flashed by the "CHECK
ENGINE" lamp.
~ On model year 1990 and later cars, obtain the
~ flash codes from the ISAT socket under the rear
seat on the RH side using the test cable, part
No. 83 94 504.

3 Switch on the ignition.

The "CHECK ENGINE" lamp will light up.
4 Set the switch to "ON" (grounding pin 16 of the
control module).

:n:e "CHECK ENGINE" lamp will go out.

,;~~tn ...
If') \J~ttv\NO~ Iwttk;~~.1 t~e. Wi.. 3 .-foI;'t:, +"co~lAGl
~ ~ovpi"¥t \r~) N'~ ~+V'l\U (, f\~ ~ Vou~\',k ~k \14"'"
-. N(
tlc..b~l ~. v~rllJ~ Dt~ ~ fA'itA (] 1:l fJ>(, of
@Q? f <.CUk \Ld et~ lL..ktt\ b \4' k l'! ~ en

IwtJ~ kl (L\A.<Nt ~LJ~ ,~)

@ iJIA lA,likUA. v- v- l~q,O 0.. 41.CicA1 \ \ I ;1/
. . ~'( ke/k b l'-/'<.,c. Itdelt -2:. 1<;.A:7i
Ct-( (OL~el- . Check
.~ roof t:Ge..(),.l~/,r.- 'swte d ~ PI ~ V\Jf'tI • . Engine
1t-L+ \"ov~,\lh" teb+ ~W-.#.Y. q4ro~

@r~ftJ~-k ~~10<.l I ,~
. ", \ULkt c;l {. u~\IA.v ).t, 'to l~(,I.1 'hI

(9.' /J1J\..!p. uk
\J)fj'U ~C 1Jc,. ~ 0 0 {6fl lr\<k~~__ r ~ B

;,~ ~%-elJl\t~t- kol.(l llo ~~-~-<. /t.o \iw'~:tAJ ~ __ C

".~ 'fMJ~ 1

().(jlAt ~" ~\J~~ ~ ')"'<'

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-83
~ uk i~~~"'t ~~< ~.t.1k~.-+ ~ '2.S:,.. ,
~.{k-...~:'1 l&~e!,}u i"~ ~U<Vc.i"( P~IJ""
5 Watch the "CHECK ENGINE" lamp carefully. 'Af-
ter about 2.5 seconds itwill.flasl1 brief!y,t sig~i­
fying that the first fault code is to be activateCl.

As soon as the lamp has flashed, set the switch

. -, 'Po' ~ 10 V rM. ev~NO v~ ~ I

immediately to "OFF".
f6 ~\"ll}f ttt( ~ '5a),~'4~' Vj~lJ+
N tAw 60 -t.f 1 .

I ;'

:;;:2,.5 S I

Note: I
,The fault codes starts and finishes with a long flash
of the "CHECK ENGINE" lamp.
!These long flashes have nothing to' do with the code
itself but serve merely to ind:,,~ate the 'begi(lning and
ehd 'of the code. '.:1 '';,


---0 ;.

" .};
'h '~
• l.:" . ,
Fault code,
The, entire sequence takes place as shown in the
diagram. .

240-·84 Fl)el injection system '

In the example, the fault code is "1 2 1 1 2". "Refer-

ence to the table shows that the fuel-air mixture on
idling is incorrect.
When the switch is set to "OFF", fault code "1 21 1
2" will be flas,hed repeatedly and the next fault code,
if any, in the control module memory will not be ac-
tivated. .

,I"'r .J
If testing is carried ,out with the engine switched off, \
'l~~ ~i\-\V~
'. ~ \
I~ \W, V~~~
the first code flashed will be "1 2 2 3 1" (no speed ~"\{)~ ~:., 1 \t ~ \,u) fA ~ ~ 11 'L 'J J
signal). Engage the starter motor for about 5 ( , ,n
seconds.1m-If the fault code disappears, the ignition \pt..~ ~~Iv'-~ \r~ wlv oS},' .)
signal is OK and the fault is elsewhere in the sy~tem. (i rv
{il L.J' ~ II\-.A-. b _~ Ih< \ lAW r' f} t.
As soon as acknowledgement has been received, I. .I"v "'\.OW 'l,,~' \I "'" VV\ VI ,~
allow the ignition switch to return to the Drive posi- ~111.t-~ IA-/)\
f\ . (.,~ ~ k itO M~ 'VtvIJ.~,)
tlon and testing will continue. ~lovJ~ tt.
1/ \>'O\t,~ ill \,., 6\

ext faUll' co e ,
CkJ·&,(\ ()A iJ~ ~~ ~t. V[ lulU t~1tAo4.t r
\ , ~. -- \
To check whether there are any additional faults in '\ Uk fIh.:,~, ~ "~t., \0\1>.: '(11) +v~ 1s1,ttov
o~cJ\i. W·~ ~(i\ (Jo~.~.
I'r(.~e system, continue~escribed below.
V :it ~[e ~ftch to "ON" ,
8 After a short flas
. ~ 0 ~ V-tt.l~~ l: ~ the swi.!Shd~1"
CtL ~ i\lt1
, -~
~ ~
'1:~ ( 0 ~tt~~ "
\\ 1/
, Check
:=02,5 s

\l.d~ ~ ~~ ~4W; ~ \6t.1.w lQ 'f'Sl\ F '1 u

Fault code ~o. 2 will then be flashed in same f Ie' \ r. \Jl n A \. , I" J
way as the first one. ~ II '" \v- ~ 0 "--.... U() vV'--
If an additional fault is stored it will be flashed in
the same way as the first fault but with its own
fault code.

Fuel injection system 240-85
t;13~ l1lmu~~ tf\rn ~(j{ 3) . -:1,(~"'~\~ baA j VIA-F.U~
9 Follow the sa\n~vprocedure to obYainthe fault t\. III e-lo..o tCl-H f% ef~lA..t( to/7L
code for a third stored faUlt, if any. If no third f a u l t , . ('"' ~
has been stored, or all the faults have been rec- \:.~Lt.. ~\Md':t
tified, this will be indicated by a continuous se- ~. 'U
r}~ b \ i ~ ~)
ries of long flashes. hiA.{ ~{D V . rd ~ ~l .

~ --~--=----~-l)

~---------------.Q I ,

~tIOJv ~ lf~~ . I,
To restart the test procedure I
If for any reason you want to obtain the fault codes
again, starting from the first fault, proceed as fol- II
lows: • ~ . ~
1 Set the switch to "ON", V~ rtl.,,(,r~ /,Uti ~U
2 After two short flashes, set the switch to "OFF" " /'1 . 1'- (I ~L. ( Ii' I. '- r .
and.the code for fault No. 1 will be flashed once ~0 {;t V011 k:-ttt r- J ~ lC> fA (P.cM n ~
j;N~ Vdl <.t rJFf'" 't ~ov1 ~1 ~4~ !f:tJOuv' ~~"~J

\1/ \1/
Check Check
=2,5 s Engine

Code ,


Set the switch to "OFF" immediately after the

second flash of the "CHECK ENGINE" lamp.

240-86 Fuel injection system

To clear the memory

1 Set the. switch to "ON".
2 After 'three short flashes, set the switch to

\1/ \1/,\1/
0=1(=\(=1 L..-_ _---,


The memory has now been cleared, which is indi- ...

cated by a continuous series of long flashes of the

d, ._.,_ _,., r..

~ ~ 10sek ... . \ .. f' A V

~. I-------Q
'-----------~. 5211424.

Note: '--p..

The contents of the memory cannot be cleared be-

fore code "00000" has been displayed (indicating
end of fault codes).

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-87

LH 2.4 fault codes (M1989-)

The proposed action given in the following table
should be regarded primarily as the starting point for
further fault diagnosis. The self-diagnosis function
incorporated hi the LH 2.4 system has two advan-
tages: the ability to store data on occasional (inter-
mittent) faults; and the ability to check the effect of
action taken to rectify a fault.



Malfunction indicated

No ignition signal. Always appears

Preliminary action

Check the input signal on pin 1 of the con-

as the first fault code if the engine trol module and check the wiring between
is switched off. Engage the starter pin 1 and the ignition system.
motor for 5 seconds. Check the ignition system.
If the code disappears, the ignition
signal is OK and the fault is else-
'On Mass air flow sensor, no signal. Check mass air flow sensor connections
Car goes into emergency mode. and wiring. Try a new mass air flow sensor.
(Limp-Home). . Note: Take care to distinguish between ...
plastic and aluminium mass air flow sensor
• 'l
On Temperature sensor signal fa~lty. Check ~he resistance of the NTC resistor
(temp.eratures below -90°C or and the resistance between pin 13: of the
above +160°C) control' module connector and ground. Cor-
rect resistances are 2280-2720 ohms at
20°C or 290-365 ohms at 80°C, measured
with the connector unplugged from the con-
trol module.
Off Battery voltage incorrect (below 10 Check battery condition, charging system,
V or above 16 V when engine run- grounding points, etc.
ning) ..
12225 On Lambda sensor, signal faulty or Check whether voltage is present across
preheating function inoperative (en- the Lambda sensor connector pins.
gine temperature.,must be above Check the preheater fuse (M88: also that
+70°C; MB8: +80°C). the line-fuse connections make good con-
Check whether the sensor signal fluctual:Bs
between 0 and 1.5 V (sensor hot).
Fit a new Lambda sensor. Try a new control
12223 On Fuel-air mixture too lean. Check all screws, hoses, hose clips,
12224 Fuel-air mixture too·rich. a-rings, etc. to ensure that they are not.
loose and that no leakage occurs. Check
the induction system for leaks and also that
it is in proper working order.
See also fault code 12225 above.

Saab 900
I 240-88 Fuel' inject~on system

Fault CHECK Malfunction indicated Preliminary action

12232 Off Memory voltage more than 1 V. Check that voltage is present on the
pins of tt'!e control module (even when the
ignition is switched off).
12212 Off Throttle position sensor idling con- Check and adjust the throttle position sen-
I. ' .... tacts sor
malfunctioning, shorting to ground - contacts. Check the wiring between the
when throttle-
the car is being driver. position sensor contacts and the control
module for
shorting to grotlnc1l. .
, Try a new ·throttle position sensor.
Tf:)' a new control module.
12213 : Off Throttle position sensor full-throttle Check~r'1d adjust the ·throttle position
contacts sensor. Check the wiring- between the throt-
malfunctioning. shorting to ground tIe
on low pesition sensor and the control module for
engine load (idling). shQrting to ground.
Try- a new throttle position sensor.
I Try a new control module.
•I. 12222 Off 'Idle air control (lAC) system faulty. Check tl:Je cor:lRections and wiring to
J the lAC valve.. Fit a new valve.
Try a new control module.
12111 Off Lambda adaptation fault Check the system for
(fuel-air mixture on, idling). air or fuel- leaks and
the Lambda sensor preheating
function. Check the induction- system for
leaks and
.. - also check that it is in proper working order;,
Try- a new contr:or module.
12112- Off Lambda adaptation fault Check the system for
(fuel-air mbcture when car is being air or fuel leaks and
.. driven). the Lambda sensor preheatif:i9 function.
Check the induction systelTT'for reaks and
also check that it is in, proper working order.
Try a new control module.
12113 Off Idle air control adaptation fault, . Check and adjust the throttle butterfly for
pulse ratio too ·Iow. air leaks.. Fit a new lAC valve.
T!)' a new control module.
12114 Off Idle.aln::ontr.e\ adaptatiof,l fault. Check for
pulse ratio too high. sticking lAC valve. Also check
for other mechanical defects.
Try a new control module.
000.00 Off No more faults or no faults . Note: Until this cod-e has be~r:1 displ~y'ed
detected _the fault memory cannot cleared. . be
:' :;

, I


Fuel 'injection system 240-89

lH 2.4 fault codes (M1990-)

Fault CHECK Malfunction indicated Action


12243 Off Speed transmitter sensor, no sig- A With the cOntrol module connector
nal (USA-West and LH 2.4.1) plugged in:
(9000) Check the volta~e across pin 34 of the
control module aRd ground. When -either
of -tllS' ftont wReels is rotated, the voltage
Shi ,'d'~ wing between about 1 and 11 V.
~1 nolo '
ChecK'the ,gr.een lead (GN) be!W,een the

speed transmitter sensor (132) 'and pin
34 of the control module.
Also check the black lead (SV) from the
sensor to ,grownding point 3 and the
green-white!ead (GNNT) to pin 15 of the
ignition switch (20).
B Try a new speed transmitter sensor.
C Try a new control module.
12245 On EGR function faulty (USA-West) A With the ignition switch in the Drive posi-
tion (engine switched off) enter command
555 on an ISAT.
Check whether the modulating valve
works. ' .
If not:
Check the yel:ow-white lead (GUVT) be-
tween pin 19 of the control module and
connector 394 and also the white lead
(VT) between the connector and the
modulating valve ,(390).
Atso check the green-white lead _
(GNNT) between the modulating valve
and the injector distribution block, green-
red lead (GN/RD).
B Try a new modulating valve:
C Check the yellow-white lead (GUVT) be-
tween the thermostatic switch (389) and
pin 23 of the control module and the
black lead (SV) between the\thermostatic
switch and grounding point 201.
D Try a new thermostatic switch.
E Try a new control module.

*) Depending on how serious the fault is.

Saab 900
240-90 Fuel injection system

When faults arising in the LH 2.4 system can be

classed as "a,daptation faults", the car must be run
for about 1Q-minutes to prevent the same fault codes
recurring after: the fault has been rectified. This is
because the system always endeavours to compen-
sate for any changes that can affect its performance
in one way or another.
When the system compensates for values that are
outside the permitted limits, a fault code is gener-
ated. After the fault codes have been read and any
faults rectified, the fault codes generated by the
adaptive function of the system when compensating
for the faults will remain in the memory. Such codes
cannot be cleared until the system has been re-
adapted to new compensation parameters.
It takes the system a certain amount of time to re-
adapt to these new compensation parameters, de-
pending on the type of fault concerned. However,
driving the car for ten minutes with the engine at
normal operating temperature is long enough for the
system to re-adapt itself.
The following fault codes are affected by this adap-
tive function:
12223, 12224 and 12225 (Lambda sensor signal/
12111 and 12112 (Lambda adaptation faults)
12113 and 12114 (lAC adaptation faults)

Occasional (intermittent) faults

Intermittent faults of a serious nature will cause the
CHECK ENGINE lamp to light up at times when the
fault occurs. When the fault disappears temporarily,
the CHECK ENGINE lamp will go out but the rele-
vant fault code will remain stored in the memory.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-91

Component and signal testing

Testing is started at point 1 and runs through all the
points up to point 7!/see table. Connections are the
same as for "Fault diagnosis - storeo faults".

In this testing mode, the switch must be set to "ON"
before the ignition is switched on.

1 Set the switch to "ON".

2 Switch on the ignition and wait for a short flash
of the CHECK ENGINE lamp, then immediately

set the switch to "OFF",

u V.

Engine Check

At the same moment the lamp starts flashing,

the fuel pump should start running (unless it is
defective). Listen for the sound of the pump or,
if necessary, check the fuel pressure.

The fuel pump will run for less than a second. No 10
code will be obtained during this ~est.

Saab 900
240-92 Fuel injection system'

3 To mOlle on to test No.2 (injectors), set the

switch to "ON".
I. 4 After a short flash, set the switch to "OFF".

\ \ /

\ /


A code will now be displayed in the same way

as for "Fault diagnosis - stored faults", Le. first a
long flash to indicate the start of the code, then
a series of short flashes comprising the actual
fault code, and finally another long flash to indi-
cate the end of the code.
Check by listening for the sound of the injectors

A Fuel pump running

8 Code' start
C Injectors working .

5 Run through the remaining points in the table in

the same way. Set the" '-jwitch to "ON", - wait for
a short flash - and the: i set the switch to "OFF".

Fuel injection system 240-93

Table for component and signal

testing .

10 code CHECK Component/Signal Remarks


Fuel signal Listen (pump runs for about 1 second).

12411 Injectors Listen.
12412 lAC valve The valve switches between open and
closed positions
once a second. Listen.
12413 CP valve The valve switches between open and
closed positions
once a second. Listen.
12421 "Drive" signal, automatic The lamp stops flashing on shifting from
transmission "N" to "0".
12424 Throttle position sensor, idling The lamp stops flashing when the
signal accelerator
is depressed.
12431 Throttle position sensor, full-throttle The lamp stops flashing when the
signal accelerator
is floored.


240-94 Fuel injection system

Fault dia.gnosis with an ISAT, 8

LH 2.4 (M1990-) ,
Model year 1990 and later cars with a 8202 engine
and the LH 2.4 fuel injection system have additional
diagnostic facilities and are consequently equipped N
with new control modules. A number of new fault 01

codes have been added to the self-diagnosis func- c(

tion using ENGINE CHECK lamp flashes, and it will tn
also be possible to carry out fault diagnosis by
means of an ISAT. AI
However, use of the ISAT im'olves the addition of a SI

number of control command codes by means of

which the operation and cun-ent status of compo-
nents can be checked. ·S
As before, fault diagnosis can also be carried out by fL
means of an LH system tester. jo
The fault diagnosis schedule with an ISAT does not
include more fault codes than are incorporated in the
self-diagnosis function, but will be fully developed
for model year 1991 cars.


Saab 900
Fl:Iel.injection system 240-95

Before starting fault diagnosis

Never unplug the connector from the control module
or disconnect any of the battery cables before the
contents of the control module memory have been
transferred to the ISAT.

Apart from a thorough know 1i 3¢';;8 of the system,

successful fault diagnosis on the LH system also re-
quires the use of Saab's LH system tester or an
ISAT diagnostics instrument.
Since the LH system's integrated self-diagnosis
function continuously monitors and records the rna·-
'jority of possible faults, both permanent and inter-
mittent, it is extremely easy to use an 'SAT to iden-
tify the fault, rectify it and afterwards check that the
,\ I
system is in perfect working order., 'I

The system's integrated self-diagnosis functions,

combined with the facilities provided by an ISAT,
<, make for faster and above all more accurate fault
diagnosis. The risk of replacing good components is
reduced while service and repair costs can be kept

The ISA T is an invaluable aid for efficient and accurate

fault diagnosis.

Is the fault in the lH system?

Sometimes the LH system is suspected of being
faulty when the fault really lies in the engine or some
other auxiliary system. For this reason, remember
bcheck the following points before starting fCilult di-
agnosis on the system.
•' Battery condition
• Engine condition
• Charging system
• Other auxiliary systems
• Cable connections
• Grounding points

Saab 900 ,
240-96 Fuel injection system

Fault di~gnosis using an 'ISAT

For details of how to use the diagnostics instrument,
see Service Manual 1:4 "ISAT".

Observe the following:
• Never unplug the connector from the control mod-
ule or disconnect any of the battery cables before
the contents of the control module memory have
been transferred to the ISAT.
• The 1O-pin diagnostics socket is located under tile
rear seat on the RH side. It is protected by a plas-
tic cover.
• Turn the Ignition switch to the Drive position.

• The LH system has been assigned system No. 1

in the ISAT.

LH # 1

• If communication between the ISAT and the con-

trol module cannot be established, first check the
wiring between 'pins 12 and 16 of the control mod-
ule and the diagnostics socket (347) .
. ~ ...
Also check that power and ground are present at
the diagnostics socket and that the pins of the
connector are undamaged.
When the contents of the system's fault memory
have been transferred and stored in the ISAT, the
actual diagnosis has been completed. The faults
are now available in the form of five-digit codes,
following which furtheriault diagnosis work can be
continued as described in the "ISAT fault- diag-
nosis chart", page 100.

F~~~I injection system 240-97

Test read'ngs on the control

module connector
Before starting any fault diagnosis work on the LH
system, the contact strip in the control module con-
nector must first be exposed. All test readings must
subsequently be taken from the side where the
. , ' . leads are connected to the pins in the connector.
1 Remove the control module, located inside the
car on the RH wheel arch.

c I

2 Unplug the connector.

3 Remove the protective .coverand. rubber dust
4 Withdraw the rubber gasket and lift up the con-
tact strip.

5 Plug in the connector.

Saab900 .
240-98 Fuel injection system·

Checking the wiring

The words "Check the wiring between xx and yy" are
used frequently in the fault-diagnosis charts. Some-
t"imes the wiring may run through different types of
connector and, by implication, these must also be
checked for circuit continuity and shorting.
Also check by eye that leads and connectors, etc.
are undamaged.
Be" alert to the possibility of interference from com-
pbhents connected to, or adjacent to, the wiring

How are the results displayed on

I the ISAT?
I··· When an ISAT is used to simulate signals or func-
I tions by means of command codes issued to the
control module, the.results are shown on the display
as a combination of numbers and letters (alphanu-
meric code). 8Bl00
The result is displayed in the form of five characters.

Example 1:
, To check the position of the throttle butterfly, we en-
I ter the command 201 on the ISAT keypad.'With the
,, I, engine idling, the five alphanumeric characters ap-
pearilJg on the ISA1's display should be 8B101 .
t See also "ISAT control commands, LH 2.4 (M1990)"
1 page 105. .8Bl0l

Example 2:
Sometimes we want to check whether a signal is
high or low. To check the DRIVE signal, we enter
the command 203 on the ISAT keypad.'
If the signal is not activated the dis.~Jay will show
8BOOO, signifying that the signal is low.lf the signal
is activated the signal should be high and the ISATus
display ought to show 8B1 03.
See also "ISAT control commands, LH 2.4 (M1990)"
page 105.
The five characters in the combination of letters and
numbers (alphanumeric code) show the result of the
entered command.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-99

Fault codes: LH 2.4 M1990, ISAT

Perma- Inter- Malfunction indicated

nent mittent
67192 OOM~~ ~
45771 25771 Throttle position sensor: idling contacts not breaking circuit on increas.e of
engine revs and load (constantly closed to ground).
45772 25772 Throttle position sensor: full-throttle contacts constantly closed.
46261 26261 Temperature sensor: constant sionn\.
46271 26271 Temperature sensor: temperature e..bove +160°C (constantly grounded).
46221 26221 Temperature sensor: temperature below -90°C.
Control module pin 4: voltage below 10 V or above 16 V.
Control module pin 4: voltage too low (below 1 V).
Mass air flow sensor: no hot wire (filament) burn-off function.
45691 25691 Mass air flow sensor: signal faulty (too high or too low).
42491 22491 Fuel-air mixture faulty over a lengthy period (idling additive).
42492 22492 Fuel-air mixture faulty over a lengthy period (multiplicative when car being
42450 22450 Fuel-air mixture too lean.
42440 22440 Fuel-air mixture too rich.
42460 22460 Lambda sensor: signal faulty.
58321 38321 lAC valve malfunctioning.
45723 25723 DRIVE signal malfunctioning.
58371 38371 Injectors: injection pulses malfunctioning.

Saab 900
240-100 Fuel injection system'

Fault diagnosis chart, LH 2.4

(M1990), ISAT

Perma- Inter- Malfunction indicated Action

nent mittent

67192 ROM faulty (control module fault). Try a. new control module.

45771 25771 Throttle position sensor (203): A Enter command 201 on the ISAT. De-
idling contacts not breuf-ing circld press the-accelerator slowly from idling to
when engine speed increased from full-throttle position.
idling to 2500 rpm. The display, should then show
881 01 ~88001 ~88301.
If 88001 is shown constantly, there i~ no
continuity in the wiring to the throttle po-
sition sensor. Continue with points C and
If 88103 is shown, codes appear in the
wrong place or do not change:
Unplug the throttle position sensor con-
88001 should now appear on the dis-
play. If it does not, continue with point C,
D or E.
8 If 88001 is shown, try a new throttle po-
sition sensor.
C If 88101 is shown, check the wiring be-
tween pin 2 of the control. module (200)
and pin 1 of the throttle position sensor
(203) and also between pin 2 of the con-
trol module and pin 7 of the EZK control"
module (176).
D If 88301 is shown, check the wiring be-
tween pin 3 of the control module (200)
and pin 3 of the throttle position sensor
(203) and also the TK pin on the AC re-
lay (156).
E If 88103 is shown, check the wiring as
described in points C and D.
F Try a new LH control module.

45772 25772 Throttle position sensor (203): full- See fault code 45771/25771 above.
throttle contacts constantly closed.
46261 26261 Temperature sensor (202): signal A Check the wiring between pin 13 of the
constantly activated. control module (200) and pin 1 of the
t1m,. 3rature sensor (202).
8 (;h·e,~·.'( the wiring between pin 2 of the
temr ~\ature sensor and grounding point
C Check for good ground at the grounding
D Check the temperature sensor.
E Try a new LH control module.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-101

Perma- Inter- Malfunction indicated Action

nent mittent

46271 26271 Temperature sensor (202): temper- Check the resistance of the NTC resistor
atur'e above +160°C. and ,the resistanoe between pin 13 of the
control module and grownd.
The resistance should be 2280-2720 ohms
at 20°C or 290-365 ohms at 80°C, mea-
sured with the connector unplugged from
the control module.

46221 26221 Tempereture sensor (292): temper- See fault code 45721 /2"J~17i 2' ~Ne. ~-

ature below -90°C.

42291 22291 Control module pin 4: voltage

below 10 V or above 16 V.
Check the condition of the battery, charging
system, grounding points, etc. I
42251- 22251 Control module pin 4: voltage too Check the condition of the battery, charging
low (below 1 V). system, grounding points, etc.

58121 38121 Mass air flow sensor (205): no hot A Check the wiring between pin 8 of the
wire (filament) burn-off function. control module (200) and pin 4 of the
mass air flow sensor (205).
B Check the wiring between pin 5 of the
mass air flow sensor and pin 87B of the
main relay (229).
C Try a new mass air flow sensor.
o Try a new LH control moaule.

45691 25691 Mass air flow sensor:-signal faulty. A Check for leakage in the induction sys-
tem between the mass air flow sensor
and the engine.
B Check pin 1 (ground) and pin 5 (positive
supply) of the mass air flow sensor.
C Try a new mass air flow sensor.
D Try a new LH control module.


240-102 Fuel injection system .

Perma~ Inter- Malfunction indicated Action

nent t:nittent
42491 22491 Fuel-air mixture faulty for lengthy A First check the system for air or fuel
period on idling (additive adaptive leakage or, 'alternatively, the preheating
fault, Lambda system) function of the Lambda sensor.
8 Check the induction system for leaks and
also check that it is in proper working
C Try a new control module.

42492 22492 Fuel-air mixture faulty for length~' A First che I< the sys~em \or air or fuel
period when car is being driven leakage,or, alternatively, the preheating
(multiplicative adaptive fault, function of the Lambda sensor.
Lambda system) 8 CheQk the induction system for leaks and
qJso check that it is in proper working
C Try a new control module.

42440 22440 Fuel-air mixture too rich. A Check all screws, hoses, hose clips,
O-rings, etc. for leaks and make sure
that they are properly tightened.
8 Check the induction system for leaks and
also check that it is in proper working
C Check whether voltage is present across
the pins on the Lambda sensor connec-
D Check the fuse for the Lambda sensor
preheating function.
E Check whether the Lambda sensor fluc-
tuates between 0 and 1.5 V (sensor hot).
F Fit a new Lambda sensor.
G Try a new control module.
Check: enter command 205 on the ISAT.
During the engine warm-up period, 88105
(lean) and 88305 (rich) should be shown on
the display alternately (about 20 seconds

42450 22450 Fuel-air mixture too lean. See fault code 42440/24440 above.

45723 25723 DRIVE signal malfunctioning. A Check fuse No. 13.

8 Check whether battery voltage is present
on pin 2 of the. switch (31) (ignition
switch in Drive position).
If it is not: check the wiring between the
+54 distribution terminal (231) and pin 2
of the switch.
C Check the operation of the switch.
D Check the wiring between the switch and
pin 30 of the control module (200).
Check: enter command 203 on the ISAT.
Move the selector lever slowly from P to
On the display, 88003 (P and N posi-
tions) should change to 88103 (Drive

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-103

Perma- Inter- Malfunction indicated Action

nent mittent
46391 26391 EGR function faulty (USA-West). A With the ignitio'n switch in the Drive posi-
tion (engine sWitched off), enter com-
mand 555 on the ISAT.
Check that the modulating valve is work-
If it is not:
Check the yellow-white (GUVT) lead be-
tween pin 19 of the control module and
connector 394 and the white (VT) lead
between the connector and the modulat-
ing valve (390).
Also check the green-white (GNNT) lead
between the modulating valve and the
injector distribution point, green- red
(GN/RD) lead.
B Try a new modulating valve.
C Check the yellow-white (GUVT) lead be-
tween the thermostatic switch (389) and
pin 23 of the control module and the
black (SV) lead between the thermostatic
switch and grounding point 201.
D Try a new thermostatic switch.
E Try a new control module.

42460 22460 Lambda &ensor (136) signal faulty. A Check the operation of the Lambda sen-
sor preheating function (check that bat-
tery voltage is present across pins 1 and
2 of connector 59).
B Check the wiring between pin 24 of the
control mOQule (200) and connector 60.
C Check the wiring between pin 5 of the
control module and the braided screen-
ing round the Lambda sensor lead.
D Run the engine to warm it up. Discon-
nect the lead from the Lambda sensor at
connector 60 and measure the signal
voltage. It should be 0.5 V.
E Try a new Lambda sensor.
F Try a new LH control module.
Check: enter command 205 on the ISAT.
Run the engine to warm it up and check
that the display alternates between .
8B105 (lean) and 8B305 (rich) at 20 sec-
ond intervals.
If the display shows 8B005, then the sen··
sor is not activated.

Saab 900
240-1 04 Fuel injection system

Perma- Inter- Malfunction Indicated Action

nent mittent
58321 38321 lAC valve, no signal from pin' 33. A With the ignition switch in the Drive posi-
tion (engine switched off), enter com-
mand 553 on the ISAT: .
The valve should have a pulse rate of
about one per second.
S Check that battery voltage is present at
the distribution block 75.
C Check the wiring between distribution .
block 75 and pin 30 of the main relay
(229) .
. D Check the wiring between pin 87 of the
l<meiiQ relay and pin 1 of the lAC valve
E Check that battery voltage is present
across pin 1 of the lAC valve (272) and
F Check the wiring between pin 33 of the
control module and pin 2 of the lAC
G Check the setting and operation of the
throttle position sensor (203).
H Check that the throttle butterfly is cor-
rectly adjusted (as near as possible to
the closed position with binding).
I Try a new main relay.
J Try a new lAC valve.
K Fit a new lH control module.

'58371 . , 38371 Injectors (206) - injection pulses A With the ignition switch in the Drive posi-
malfunctioning tion (ermine switched off), enter com-
mand 552 on the ISAT.
The injectors should have a pulse rate of
about 15 per second.
S Check whether battery voltage is present
'on pin 30 of the main relay (229).
C Check the wiring between pin 87 of the
main relay and pin 1 of the injectors.
~O~. .
D Check the wiring between pin 18 of the
control module (200) and pin 2 of the
E Try a new main relay.
F Try a new lH control module.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-105

, Control commands - lH 2.4

(M1990), ISAT

Code Function Display

550 Activates the AC function (0.2 Hz) (LH 8A550

2.4.1 ).
200 Checks status of AC (not TCS). 88100 (activated)
201 Checks position of throttle butterfly. 88101 (idling position)
88001 (normal position)
8P;3G I null-throttle position)
88103 (idling + full-throttle)

552 Activates injectors (15 Hz and 1.5 ms 8A552
opening duration)
Disconnects the fuel pump.
553 Activates the lAC valve (1 Hz). 8A553
554 Activates the CP valve (1 Hz). 8A554
202 Checks position of CP valve. 88002 (open)
88102 (closed)
555 Activates EGR valve (1 Hz) 8A555
(USA-West only).
203 Checks status of DRIVE signal. 88103 (activated)
88000 (not activated)
205 Checks status of Lambda sensor. 88105 (lean)
88305 (rich)
88005 (inactive)
900 Clears all fault codes and resets all 11111
"adaptive" values to the basic levels.
930 Resets all "adaptive" values to basic level. 11011
100 Transfers ,all fault codes from the control
module memory to the ISAT.
207 Displays control module identification code At the request of Saab Automobile A8
(last 4 digits of 80sch spare part number).

Saab 900
240-106 Fuel injection system'

Fault diagnosis with' the

ISAT, LH 2.4.2 and LH 2.4
The lH 2.4.2 fuel injection system is fitted to all vari-
ants of the 8212 engine.
Tne most important changes on the new LH 2.4.2
fuel injection system are the fitting of a new control
mQdule (providing an expanded fault diagnosis fa-
cility when, using the ISAT) and the replacement of
'the throttle position ,switch by a throttle pos.ition sen-
sor. ; ,

An lAC valve c:>f new design is ,also fitted.



1 •

",; ::-!
. ',-

'---_ _---'I .

<> ~
z ::>
....... II]

~ on

.~ J69
'"on Cl'----/--_

15 J3

, 200
'LH 2.4.2

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-107

LH 2.4.2 control module connections, test data -

Pin Colour Component/function In- Out- Voltage Remarks

of lead put put (V)
BU Engine rpm signal from ignition system x 6.5 When starter motor en-
>8 V gaged
When idling
2 GY Throttle position sensor x "
0.2 Idling
- ll- 1-, Ct. I ~(j':''''1 c,w~M . 4.0 ..0 Full throttle

3 Not used
4 RD +30 supply x battery

5 BK Signal ground ·0 Gro",nd connection sepa-
!:.' rate from
chassis ground
d, BUIWH Mass air-.flow sensor~ ground signal x 0
7 OG Mass 'air .flow sensor, signal x 2 . Idling with engine ."
Full throttle with engine
8 RDIWH Mas~ ·Eiir. flow sensor, hot wire (fiIa- x 4" On Durn-off
ment) bUfr.r 6ff 0 In other cases
9 BUIWH Voltage supply from main relay x battery

10 GN/RD Throttle position sensor, reference volt- x 5

age.. ..~'= ( (1... 4.

11 RDiWli, AC relay, Go'~hor circuit x battery AC .off

voltage AC'on
, I 1/.... ~, 0

12 BUIWH Diagnostics lead K (PWM) x x

."; '~~ '.
13 YEo ·TemP13~a.ture sensor, engine tempera- o. x 4-0.5. -20 DC (+80 DC)
. fure .. :.:.~- ,,: I

14 ~L!IWH AC ! Ib~d:.signal
.. j x 12 AC on
I :• •
0 AC off
15 GViRD ·.I~C,
ppening·.: control signal x 7-11 No-load idling and
,.'1 hot engine

16 GYIWH . Diagmqsties··lead-L x x ~WM'signal-

17 BKIWH yhassis ground 0

18 GN/RD Injectors x Use the ISAT"s
pulse measurement func-
tion and
check that the frequency
incre9.ses as the throttle is

Saab 900
240-108 Fuel injection system '

Pin Colour Component/function In- Out- Voltage Remarks

of lead put put (V)

19 WH EGR valve x battery not activated

voltage activated

20 VT Fuel pump relay, control circuit x 1, Activated '1-

battery Ignition on

21 YEIWH Main relay, control circuit x i ig!1\tion on

battery ignition off

22 VTIWH CHECK ENGINE lamp x "battery off (1.-

voltage on

23 YEIWH EGR, temperature sensor x 4.5 EGR closed

<4.5 V EGR open

24 GN Lambda sensor signal x 0.6-1.0 rich

0-0.4 fean

25 BU/RD Load signal, Tq ,. , ' x .)

26 YE Shift-up lamp (US manual gearbox) x battery not activated
\ voltage activated
. '-~'" 0
27 YE/RD Tank vent valve x battery valve open to
voltage valve closed

28 Not used

29 GYIWH Coding x Not used

30 OG DRIVE signal x battery R, D, 1, 2 and 3

voltage P, N and man vxl

31 Not used

32 BN Cold-start valve (some variants) x battery not activated

voltage activated «-15"C)'

33 BUIWH lAC, closing signal x 5-11 No-load idling

34 GN Signal from speed sensor x 6 Rotating wheel

o or 12 Stationi;iry wheel
35 GNIWH +15 supply x battery ignition on

.) Use the ISAT"s pulse measuring function and check that pulse duration and
frequency change as the throttle is opened.

Saab' 900
Fuel injection system 240-1 09

Differences in test data,

control module connection~
The differences are In respect of:
• LH 2.4
LH 2.4 control module connections, test data

Pin Colour Component/function In- Out- Voltage Remarks

of lead put put (V)

2 GY Throttle position sensor, idling contacts 0 at idling speed

battery above idling speed

3 GN/RD Throttle position sensor, full-throttle·

at idling speed
above idling speed I
10 Not used

11 Not used

15 GNNE ·Coding for cold-start valve 12 valve fitted

0 valve not fitted

33 BUIWH lAC, control signal 5-12

34 Not used

.. ~

240-110 Fuel injection system

Fault diagnosis,
LH 2.4 and LH 2.4.2
Addition'al fault codes and
command codes
On model year 1991 and later cars, the LH 2.4 and
LH 2.4.2 fuel injection systems incorporate a num-
ber of additional fault codes that can be retrieved by
means of an ISAT.
There f),fa also more command codes, so that the
numb6r IJi usable codes now amounts to more than
Like the table of command codes, the fault code ta-
ble contains all the codes but those that have been
added for model year 1991 are specially marked.
All fault codes beginning with 4 or 5 are permanent
faults wtiile those beginning with 2 or 3 indicate that
the fault is of an occasional or intermittent nature.

Fault diagnosis using the

Before starting fault diagnosis
Apart from a thorough knowledge of the system,
successful fault diagnosis on the LH system also re-
qtlires the use of an ISAT diagnostics instrument.
Since the LH system's integrated self-diagnosis
function continuously monitors and records the ma- '
jority of possible faults, both permanent and inter-
mittent, it is extremely easy to use an ISAT to iden-
tify the fault, rectify it and afterwards check that the
system is in perfect working order.
The system's integrated self-diagnosis functions,
combined with the facilities provided by an ISAT,
make for faster and above all more accurate fault
diagnosis. The risk of replacing good components is
reduced while service and repair costs can be kept
down. '

Fuel injection system 240-111

Is the fault in the lH system?

Sometimes the LH system is suspected of being
faulty when the fault really lies in the engine or some
other auxiliary system. For this reason, remember
tD check the follDwing pDints befDre starting fault di-
agnDsis Dn the system.
8 battery conditiDn
• engine cDndition
8 charging system
o other auxiliary systems
8 cable cDnnectiDns
• grounding pDints
• ignition system

Some important points to

1 When carrying Dut fault diagnDsis on
microprDcessDr- cDntrolled systems, memory
sectDrs may be cDrrupted and give unusual
To erase all unusual symptDms, switch Dff the
ignition for at least 35 seconds.
2 Read and make a note of all fault cDdes stored
in the memory before disconnecting the battery
or cDntrol mDdule.
Never disconnect the control mDdule while the
ignition is switched on as this will very likely ruin
3 When carrying out fault diagnosis on a car's
electronic systems, always check first and fore-
most that the ground cDnnections of the control
module concerned are OK and that all supply
voltages are correct. This is strDngly recom-
4 Always check the CDnnector connections before
starting fault diagnosis in other areas.
Unplug the connectors and check that the pins
• undamaged and secured with their
,I barbs.
Plug in the connectDrs again and clear all fault
codes. Start the car and drive it to check whether
the fault or faults persist.
S On 'irst bfo)ing detected, every fault is assigned a
fault codo corrr.-,sj'J(J!1d! :'.g to a permanent fault. If
the f,,·ut( disapp-98SF, it I,'\fill be assigned an inter-
mittent iauit code inst~~, ,d.

Saab 900 -
240-112 Fuel injection system .

6 Since all signals round the 12 V level· are pro-

portional to .battery voltage, the levels should
only be used as guidance.
7 0 V signals denote ground but readings slightly
above 0 V may be obtained on a sensitive mul-
B Readings of the voltage on inputs and outputs
must only be taken with the ignition switched on
or with the engine running.
9 The black diagnostics socket is located under
the rear seat on the RH side.
It is protected by a plastic CO~Jer.
10 The ignition switch should always be turned to
the Drive position when carrying out diagnosis.
11 The LH system has been assigned system No.
1 in the ISAT.
12 If communication between the ISAT and the
control module cannot be established, first
check the wiring between pins 12 and 16 of the
control module and the diagnostics socket (347).
Also check that power and ground are present
at the diagnostics socket and that the pins of the
connector are undamaged.
13 When the contents of the system's fault memory
have been transferred and stored in the ISAT,
the actual diagnosis has been completed. The
fa,ults are now available in the form of five-digit
codes, following which further fault diagnosis
work can be continued in accordance with the
fault-diagnosis chart for the system concerned.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-113

Test readings on the control

module connector
Before taking any test readings on the LH system,
the contact strip in the control module connector
must first be exposed. All test readings must sub-
sequently be taken from the side where the leads
are connected to the pins in the connector.
1 Remove the control module, located inside the
car on the RH side between the wheel arch and
the front door pillar.
2 Unplug the connector.
3 Remove the protective cover and the rubber
dust excluder. .

4 Withdraw the rubber gasket and lift up the con-
tact strip.
S Plug in the connector.

Checking the wiring

The words "Check the wiring between xx and yy" are
used frequently in the fault-diagnosis charts.
Sometimes the wiring may run through different
types of connector and, by implication, th~,se must
also be checked for circuit continuity and shorting.
Also check by eye that leads and connectors, etc..
are undamaged.
Be alert to the possibility of interference from com-
ponents connected to, or adjacent to, the wiriri'£/
. concerned.

Saab 900
240-114 Fuel injection system .

Breakout' box I:
For taking test readings on the control module, pri- V
marily in the TC/ABS system, a breakout box is now fl
available to. facilitate fault diagnosis. This breakout n
box, which has part No. 86 11 006, can of course SAAS III a
also be used for diagnosing faults in the LH system. et
2 3 04 5 6 1 8 !I 10 11
12 13
,. 15 16 n 1& 19 20 21 22.

e e e e.. e. e,. e3' e e
2' 25 2li 21 32 33 ..

0 e e e e e.... G'l., a 0 G
'" "
e .. ~1l .e .. eso e.. (} "Ii]} I~) ,.~J
'" :IS !IIi 31 3a

e 4S 41 • !l~ S:> ~I


Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-115

ISAT command codes

When the ISAT is used for simulating signals or
functions by sending command codes to the control
module, the results will be shown on the display as
a combination of numbers and letters (alphanumeric
The result is shown in the form of five characters.


Example 1:
To check the position of the throttle butterfly we en-
ter command 201 on the ISAT keypad.
With the engine running, the last five characters on
the ISAT display should read 88101.

Example 2:
Sometimes we want to check whether a signal is
high or low. To check the DRIVE signal we enter the
command ~03 on the ISAT keypad..
If the sig~al is not activated, 88000 will appear on
the display to indicate that the signal is low.
If the signal is activated, it should be high and the
ISAT display should show 88103.

Saab 900
240-116 Fuel injection system

Fault codes· LH 2.4 and LH 2.4.2

Perma- Intermit- Faulty component/signal Action, see

nent tent page

42241 22241 M1991-: Voltage too high, above 16 V 119

42251 22251 Control module pin 4, voltage too low (less than 1 V) 119
42252 22252 M1991-: Voltage too low, below 10 V 119
42291 22291 Battery voltage, voltage below 10 V or above 16 V 119
42440 2...::440 Fuel-air mixture too rich, Lambda sensor unable to act -i20
42441 22441 M1991-: Fuel-air mixture too rich when engine idling 120
42442 22442 M1991-: Fuel-air mixture too rich when car being driven 120
42450 22450 Fuel-air mixture too lean, Lambda sensor'unable to act 120
42451 22451 M1991-: Fuel-air mixture too lean when engine idling 120
42452 22452 M1991-: Fuel-air mixture too lean when car being driven 120
42460" 22460" Lambda sensor, signal faulty 120
42491 22491 Fuel-air mixture faulty when engine idling 120
42492 '22492 Fuel-air mixture faulty when car being driven 120
44221 ?422.1 M1991-: No speed pulses 123
44261 24261 M1991-: Speed sensor, signal faulty 124
45641" 25641" M1991-: Mass air flow sensor, signal too high 125
45651 25651' M1991-: Mass air flow sensor, signal too low 125
45691' 25691' Mass air flow sensor, signal faulty (too high ono'o low) 125
45723 25723 QR1VE signal, function faulty 127
45771* 25771 Throttle position sWitch/throtl~,p.osition sensor, indicates idling 128
position when car being driven (ittling contacts constantly
closed and grounded)
45772" 25772 Throttle position switch/throttle position sensor, indicates full 128
throttle and idling positions simultaneously
46221' 26221 Temperature sensor, temperature below -90°C (break) when 132
car being driven
" 46271' 26271 Temperature sensor, temperature above +160°.c (constantly 132
, Electronic EGR 134
58121 38121 Mass air flow sensor, no hot wire (filament) burn-off function 137
58321 38321 lAC valve, function faulty 138
58322" 38322 CP valve, function faulty 142
58371' 38371 Injector faulty 140
58372" 38372 M1991-: CP valve, 0Pf'f1 ci"cuitlshorting to ground 142
58382 38382 M1991-: CP valve, sh(,itil\~_l to positive supply 142
67192" ROM fault

") In connection with these faults, the CHECK ENGINE

lamp lights up.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-117

Command codes
LH 2.4 and LH '2.4.2

Code Function/signal Display text/example

22A Mass air flow sensor, signal 803.6' = 3.6 V

804.7 = 4.7 V

228 8attery voltage 8010.6 = 10.6 V

8007.3 = 7.3 V

23A EGR, pulse ratio 80000 = 0 %(valve closed)

100 All fault codes transferred

80012 = 12 %
200 Checks AC status 88100 = activated
88000 = not activated

201 Throttle butterfly position 88101 (idling position)

88001 (normal position)
88301 (full-throttle position)
88103 (idling + full-throttle)

202 CP valve position 88002 (open)

88102 (closed)

203 DRIVE signal status 88103 = active

88003 = not active

204 Shift-up indication 88104 = lamp on

88004 = lamp off

205 Lambda sensor status 88105 (lean)

88305 (rich)
88005 = not active

206 PRE-IGNition signal' 88106 = enrichment pre-ignition

88006 = enrichment knocking

207 Ignition pUrses 88001 (no pulses)

88107 (pulses present)

239 lAC, pulse ratio 80035 = 35%

80043 = 43%

*) when functioning normally, the ISAT should alternately show 88006 and

240-118 Fuel injection system .

Code Function/signal Display ~extlexample

249 Speed 801000 = 1000 rpm

805500 = 550Q rpm

250 Coolant temperature 800-30 = -30°C

80+130 = +130°C

279 Throttle butterfly angle in degrees (0) Ex. 80030 = 30°

382 Control module 'code (The last four digits o( he Bosch

spare part No.)

550 Activates the AC function 8A5,550 = activated

552 Activates injectors 8A552 (15 Hz and 1.5 ms opening duration) -

553 Activates lAC (1 Hz) 8A553

554 Activates CP (1 Hz) 8A554 from control module memory to ISAT

555 Activates EGR (1 Hz) 8A555 = activated (USA-West only)

800 Ends communication

900 Clears all fault codes and resets all 11111

"adaptive" values to basic level

930 Resets adaptive values to basic level 11011

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-119

Fault diagnosis chart, LH 2.4 and LH 2.4;2

Fault codes 2/42241, 2/42251, 2/42252, 2/42291

2/,:12 .~91

11 cv

., '"
7 Cl' 4.0


C'l' 10.0
RO " . r' -la



BlJ 25.0


- I

I' J' 2.0 19 2J



I I\....
LH 2.4.2

=12 Volt

Malfunction indicated
Incorrect voltage level (below 10 V or above 16 V)
applied to pin 4 of the control module.

Fault symptom
Car runs poorly or will not start.

Test procedure
1 Check the battery and also the starting and
charging systems. "
2 With the ignition switched off, check that battery
voltage is present on pin 4 of the control mod-
f" ; ule.
l If it is not, check the red lead and yellow lead
connected to distribution block 75 adjacent to
the battery tray for continuity.
3 Clean and check the connections at the follow-
ing grounding points:

• battery
.. grounding point G2 behin'd the battery
• grounding point G25 on the gearbox
• grounding point G7 on the engine

Saab 900
240-120 Fuel injection system .

Fault codes 2/42440, 2/42441, 2/42442, 2/42450, 2/42451, 2/42452,

2/42460, 2/424'91, 2/42492

2/42440 ' \ \ 1 / /
2/42442 CHECK
2/42460 //I\'\.
2/42441 !


20 24 0-0,4 Volt
LH 2.4.2
(0,6-1,0 Volt) i

. I
J 2.
GI ... n l

Malfunction indicated • 88105 (lean)

Incorrect fuel-air mixture • 88305 (rich)
• 88005 (inactive)
Fault symptom
Poor drivability because the fuel-air mixture is too If any of the codes is displayed continuously, it in-
rich or too lean. dicates that the Lambda sensor is not working prop-
CHECK ENGINE lamp alight. erly.

Test procedure

During the car's running-in period (up to 500 km),
any of trese fault codes may be generated without
an~ fn.U actually existing.
In th~::;e ,ases, check carefully to see whether the
fault co _, is generated again after it has been

1 With the engine warmed-up, enter command

code 205 on the ISAT. The following codes
should appear on the display one after the other
in a continuous cycle.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-121

Fault codes 2/42440, 2/42441, 2/42442, 2/42450,2/42451, 2/42452,

2/42460, 2/42491, 2/42492g

2/42440 '\\1//
2/42442 CHECK
2/42460 /11\'\


20 24 0-0,4 Volt
200 (0,6-1,0 Volt)
LH 2.4.2
. J 28

2". Check whether batt lY voltage is present across

·the pins of the Lamb~a sensor connector.
If voltage is present, go to point 3.
If not, check:
• fuse No.1 of the Lambda sensor.
• the BU/RD lead between pin 1 and fuse No.1 of
the Lambda sensor connector for continuityl
• the BK lead between pin 2 of the Lambda sensor
connector and ground for continuity/sh.orting.

:Saab 900
240-122 Fuel injection system

Fault codes .2/42440, 2/42441, 2/42442, 2/42450, 2/42451, 2/42452,

2/42460, 2/42491, 2/42492

2/42440 '\.\1//
2/42442 CHECK
2/42460 //1\'-
2/42441 ,

.20 ,. 0-0,4 Volt

LH 2.4.2
(0,6-1,0 Volt)
J ,.

3 With the ignition switched off, unplug the If it does not, check the GN and BK leads be-
Lambda sensor preheating connector and mea- tween pin 24 of the control module and the
sure the resistance across the sensor connec- Lambda sensor for continuity/shorting.
tions (WH-WH). 7 If the fault persists in spite of the above tests, fit
The resistance should be 4-8 ohms. a new Lambda sensor and check system oper-
ation afresh by entering command code 205 on
In the event of an open circuit or high resistance, the ISAT.
fit a new Lambda sensor.
8 Try a new control module.
4· Check the induction system for leaks by listen-
ing for the sound of air escaping.
5 Check the fuel pressure and operation of the fuel
pressure regulator.
Relative to the pressure in the inlet manifold, the
fuel pressure should be:
• 3.0 bar (all· LH 2.4.2)
• 2.5 bar (LI-:I 2.4 Turbo)
• 3.0 bar (LH 2.4 i) .
If the fuel pressure is incorrect, fit a new pressure
regulator. "
6 With the engine idling, measure the sensor sig-
nal across pin 24 of the control module and a
good grounding point.
The signal should swing between 0 and 0.4 V
(lean) and 0.6- 1.0 V (rich) when the engine is

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-123

Fault code 2/44221

rLrU1J1Jl 88107
I 1 I I 1
I I ~l
6 7• 21 27 9 20 ,.
LH 2.4.2
1 25 J

01 .... nl


"E "f
~ ~

"" "" 1i "
~ ~ 0

;:: N

H1D-7! ~117 • •
~ ~

~ ~ ~ "" ~

"" "" i30

g ;:: ;::
,..2936- -,
1 >1'6,
1 343 1
1 01, 01/APe ,

Malfunction indicated
No speed signal received by the control module from
the ignition system.

I Fault symptom ~;

Engine fails to start. ·~~t?¥::

Test procedure
1 Check whether the voltage on pin 1 of the con-
trol module is higher than 6.5 V while the starter
motor is engaged.
If it is not, check the BU lead between pin 1 of
the LH control module and the ignition system
for continuity/shorting. .
2 If necessary, further fault diagnosis should be
carried out as described for the relevant ignition
system in Service Manual 3:2.

Saab 900
240-124 Fuel rnjection system

Fault code 2/44261


CU/WH 2.5 123U
ell WH D,7,S
~/WH 1~



GNfwH 2.5
;; 0-75 Volt

0/12 Volt 6 Volt



Malfu'nction indicated
Speed sensor signal faulty or absent.

Fault symptom
Poor idling.

Test procedure
1 Check that the speedometer is working properly,
2 With the control module connector unplugged,
measure the voltage across pin 34 of the con-
nector and ground.
The voltage should swing between 0.5 and 5.0
V when either of the front wheels is spun round.
If it does not, check the GN lead between the
speed sensor and pin 34 of the connector.
3 Check whether the Cruise Control func ion (if fit-
ted) works properly (the speed signal is taken
from the same sensor in the speedometer).
4 Try a new sensor in the speedometer.
5' Try a new control module.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-125

Fault codes 2/45641, 2/45651, 2/45691

4 11 "-\1//
e'N \;229
tJ---~ CHECK
e7B 57

J 2
2(45651 ENGINE
:. 2145691

S f
~ Ii S
~! ~ ~

850 rpm:802.2 =2,2 Volt

~12 Volt :' 5000 rpm:805.0 =5,0 Volt

13 Ii 7 B 21 27 Q 20 24

LH 2.4.2
.., 125328

': .. , •• 0;.. ....

Malfunction indicated ,.". If it is not, check the BNIWH lead between pin 5
Signal from mass air flow ser:tsPF:mGIt~ or absent. of the mass air flow sensor and pin 87 of the
. " a:; ;'O~ main relay for continuity/shorting.
,'.r 1

Fault symptom, :,:,:,,/.. ' -.

Poor drivability, startjn:g-'C1ifficulty and high fuel con- ;~~,
, .t·
sumption. Fault code often appears together with
other fault codes.

Test procedure
1 Enter command code 22A on the ISAT and
check that the display shows the following:
-802.0 = 2.0 V on idling
• 805.0 = 5.0 V on full throttle
2 Chec\~ t~e induction system for leaks by pres-
sw;izhg J miid listening for the sound of air es-
3 Check that ~)lil 1 of the mass air flow sensor has
a ·good connection to ground.
If not, check the BK lead between pin 1 of the
mass air flow sensor and ground for continuity/
4 With the ignition switch in the Drive position,
check whether battery voltage is present on pin
5 of the mass air flow sensor.

Saab 900
240-126 Fuel injection system .

Fault codes 2/45641, 2/45651, 2/45691

2/45651 ENGINE


850 rpm:802.2=2,2 Volt

=12 Volt 5000 rpm:805.0 =5,0 Volt

13 lS 7 IS 2' 27 II 20 2.

., 115328
LH 2.4.2

5. Enter command code 22A on the ISAT and

check that the signal vari.es between 2 and 5 V,
depending on the load (the display should show

If it does not, check the OG lead between pin 7

of the control module and pin 3 of the mass air
flow sensor for continuity/shorting.
6 Check tnat pin 2 of the mass air flow sensor is
properly grounded.
If it is not, check the BUIWH lead between this
pin and pin 6 of the control module for continuity/
7 If no faults have been found after carrying out
the above tests, clear the fault codes and take
the car out on a road test. Afterwards check
w'le 'her ~le fault codes have been recorded
8 Fit a nev.- nass air flow sensor and repeat the
procedure described in point 6.
9 Try a new LH control module.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-127

Fault code 2/45723



~L JO ...L. 26 J
~12 Volt
LH 2.4.2

Malfunction indicated If it is not, but is present on pin 1, fit a new se- ": ~;
DRIVE signal absent or faulty. lector lever switch. 1~:.

Fault symptom 5 With the selector lever in position D, check

whether battery voltage is present on pin 30 of
No engine rpm increase on selecting D, R, 1, 2 or 3 the control module.
(cars with automatic transmission).
If it is not, check the OG lead between pin 30 of
Test procedure the control module and the selector lever switch
for continuity/shorting.
1 Enter command code 203 on the ISAT and
check that the display shows the following:
• With the selector lever in position D: 88103 (ac-
• with the selector lever in position P or N: 88003
(not activated)
.2 Check fuse No. 13.
3 Check whether battery voltage is present on pin
2 of the selector lever switch contacts (31, 76).
If it is not, check the WH and GNIWH leads be-
tween the switch and the fuse and also the GN
lead between the fuse and the +54 distribution
4 With the selector lever in position D, check
whether battery voltage is present on pin 1 of
the selector lever switch.

S~ab 900
240-128 Fue.l injection system

Fault codes 2/45771, 2/45772

2/45771 CHECK
2/45772 ENGINE


n 1,1-1,5 kO~d7
2,6-3,0 kO~
Malfunction indicated If the resistance is not correct, fit a new throttle
position sensor.
Signal from throttle position sensor (LH 2.4.2) or
throttle position switch (2.4) absent or faulty. 3 With the ignition switch in the Drive position.
measure the voltage on pin 1 of the throttle po-
Fault symptom sition sensor's connector.
Idle control not working properly. It should be 5 V.
CHECK 'ENGINE lamp ,alight.
If it is not, check the GN/RD lead between pin 1
of the throttle position sensor's connector and
Test procedure (LH2.4.2) pin 10 of the control module for
1 With the ignition switch in the Drive position, en- continuity/shorting.
ter command code 279 on the ISAT.
The following throttle openings should be shown
on the display:
with the accelerator floored: 80085 = approx.
85 degrees (open)
• with the accelerator untouched: 80000 =. approx.
o degrees (closed)
2 Measure' the resistance across pins 1 and 3 of
the throttle position sensor.
The correct resistance is as follows:
IIwith the accelerator floored: approx. 1.1-
1.5 kohms
• with the accelerator untouched: approx. 2.6-3.0

Fuel injection system 240-129

Fault codes 2/45771, 2/45772

2/45771 CHECK
2/45772 ENGINE


200 =0,2 Volt ~
LH 2.4.2

JI 22

=4,0 Volt

4 With the ignition switched off, check that pin 2 of

the throttle position sensor's connector is prop-
erly grounded.
If it is not, check the BKIWH lead between this
pin and ground for continuity/shorting.
5 With the control module connected and with the
ignition switch in the Drive position, check the
voltage across pin 2 of the control module and
It should be:
• accelerator untouched (idling): approx. 0.2 V
• accelera,or ~Ioored: approx. 4 V .
If it is not, check the GY lead between.pin 3 of the
throttle position sensor's connector and pin 2 of
the control module for continuity/shorting.
6 Try a new control module.

Saab 900
240-130 Fuel injection system

Test procedure, LH 2.4

2/45771 CHECK
2/45772 ENGINE


19 '8 20 H

I 200

LH 2.4A
25 28 1

~ ~dJ8BOO1
~dJ \~8B301

1 With 1he ignition switch in the Drive position, en-

ter command code 201 on the ISAT.
8efore continuing with further fault diagnosis, make
The following codes should then be shown on sure that the throttle position switch is correctly ad-
the ISAT's display: justed. With the engine idling, there should be con-
• accelerator untouched (idling): 88101 tinuity across pins 1 and 2 of the switch,
• accelerator pressed halfway down: 88001
• accelerator floored (full throttle): 88301 2 With the throttle position switch (in idling posi-
tion) connected and with the control module con-
If 88001 is displayed continuously, check the cir- nector unplugged, check that pin 2 of the control
cuit for continuity. module connector is properly grounded.
88103 indicates that the throttle position switch . If it is not, check the GY lead between pin 2 of
signals idling and full throttle simultaneously. If the control module and pin 1 of the throttle po"
88103 is displayed continuously, unplug the con- sition switch for continuity/shorting.
nector. If the display now shows 88001 instead,
fit a new throttle position switch.
If the code'does not change from 88103 to 88001
when the connector is unplugged, check the cir-
c:uit wiring for shorting.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-131

Test procedure, LH 2.4

2/45771 CHECK
2/45772 ENGINE

,--_=====~~/ / I \ '.

19 18 20 H
~ 8B101
LH 2.4},

\~ 8B301

3 With the throttle position switcltt!{i'n full-throttle

position) connected and with U:llfcontrol module
unplugged" check that pin 3"01 the control mod-
ule connector is properly grounded.
If it is not, check the GN/RD lead between pin 3
of the control module and pin 3 of the throttle
position switch for continuity/shorting.
4 Check that pin 2 of the throttle position switch is
properly grounded.
5 Try a new control module.

Saab 900
240-132 Fuel injection system

Fault codes 2/46221, 2/46271

2/46221 ENGINE



;; r. 7 :; "
~ C7 ~ ~
n ~ ~

I ~I I' l

~ ~



n ..

29 I. >
IJ ., .
LH 2.4.2
" "

Malfunction indicated
Temperature sensor, signal faulty or absent

Fault symptom
Poor drivability, q-lECK ENGINE lamp alight.

Test procedure
1 Enter command code 250 on the ISAT.
The engine temperature should now be shown
on the display, e.g. 80+080 if the temperature is
2 With the temperature sensor connector un-
plugged, measure the resistance of the temper-
ature sensor. See the table on the next page.
nthe' 3sista ICE ., not OK, fit a new temperature
3 If the resistance.3 OK, plug in the temperature
sensor 'connector and unplug the control mod-
ule connector.
Measure the resistance across pin 13 (YE) at the
rear of the connector and a good ground.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-133

Fault codes 2/46221, 2/46271

2/46271 CHECK
2/46221 ENGINE


ci '"ci
"m ~

:0'" -

2. ,e • 13
•, e
LH 2.4.2

4 The resistance should be that shown in the ta- Table

ble (a few ohms higher is acceptable).
If it is not, check the YE lead between pin 13 of of
°C Ohms (± 10 %) ~. ~.

the connector and pin 1 of the temperature sen- ....,
sor connector for continuity/shorting. r: ,~, -
-20 -4 14000
5 Check the BK lead between pin 2 of the temper-
ature sensor connector and the grounding point -10 14 9000
on the engine for continuity/shorting.
0 32 5800
6 Try a new control module.
10 50 3800

15 58 3000

20 68 2600

25 76 2000

30 86 1700

80 176 320

240-134 Fuel injection system

Electronic EGR
Since component faults have occurred on several
EGR systems and in order to comply with the emis-
sion control requirements that are met by the elec-
tronic EGR system in the cars concerned, an im-
Pr.oved solution has been developed which consists
primarily of modifications to the LH control module

Cars Ccli1cemed
All model year "\ i;"90-91 California-specification
Saab 900 Turbo cars as well as model year 1992
cars up to and including chassis numbers:
• N2002860 (Trollhattan)
• N7002782 (Uusikaupunki)

Remove the EGR system and fit a new LH control
module as follows:
1 Remove the EGR valve retaining screws, re-
move the EGR pipe from the exhaust manifold
and lift away the valve and pipe.

Plug the pipe connection in the exhaust mani-

fold by means of plug 81 23739 and replace the
EGR valve by flange 93 58177, seal 75 07 973
and two screws 80 19 895.

Fuel injection system 240-135

2 Remove the modulating valve and vacuum


3 Remove the vacuum tank and its vacuum hoses.
Plug the hose outlet on the intake pipe and the
outlet on the pressure pipe by means of rubber
plug 83 35 614.

4 Fit an LH control module having part No.

43 00 083.


Saab 900
240-136 Fuel injection system

5 Affix a new exhaust emission control label on top

of the old one on the LH wing liner in front of the
fuse box. as follows:
• M199O-Iabel No. 43 92 700
• M1991-label No. 4392718
• M1992-label No. 43 74252

Fuel injection system 240-137

Fault code 5/38121

5/38121 CHECK


=12 Volt

1J 6 7 D 21 27 8 20 2"

LH 2.4.2

Malfunction indicated If grounding is not OK, check the BK lead be-

Mass air flow sensor, hot wire (filament) burn-off tween pin 1 of the mass air flow sensor and
function out of order. grounding point G7 on the intake pipe.

Fault symptom 3 If the fault persists, fit a new mass air flow sen-
Starting difficulty, poor drivability and high fuel con- sor, clear the fault code memory arid take the
sumption car out on a road test. Afterwards check whether
CHECK ENGINE lamp alight. the fault code is generated afresh.
4 If the fault code is generated afresh after fitting a
Test procedure new mass air flow sensor, fit the old one back in
If fault code 2/45691 occurs at the same time, it is place again and try a new LH control module in-
advisable to deal with that fault code first stead.
1 With the connectors unplugged from ·the control
module and mass air flow sensor, .check the
RDIWH lead between pin G of the control mod-
ule and pin "~ (}"{ the mass c.;r flow sensor.
2 With the connectors plugge." in and the ignition
switch in the Drive position, t:;i1eck that battery
voltage is present on pin 5 01 the mass air flow
sensor and that pin 1 is properly grounded.
If no voltage is present, check the BNIWH and
GNIWH leads between pin 5 of the mass air flow
meter and pin 87B of the main relay.

Saab 900
240-138 Fuel injection system

Fault code 5/38321


I. • 13 6 7 & 21 21 g 20 24

LH 2.4.2
r 1 25 J 28

Malfunction indicated The resistance of each winding should be 10-15

lAC valve malfunctioning
If it is not, fit a new lAC valve.
Faulty symptom
Poor running when idling. 4 Check the !3UIWH lead between pin 33 of the
control module and pin 1- of the lAC valve and
the GN/GY lead between pin 15 of the control
Test procedure, LH 2.4.2 module and pin 3 of the lAC valve for continuity/
1 With the ignition switch in the Drive position, en- shorting.
ter command code 553 on the ISAT.
5 Try a new control module.
Check whether the lAC valve is working (1 Hz)
by listening to it.
2 With the ignition switch in the Drive position,
check whether battery voltage is present across
pin 2 of the lAC valve connector and a good
If it is not, check the m WH+GY/RD lead be-
tween pin 2 of the lAC \ .lve and pin 87 of the
main relay for continuity/shorting.
3 With the ignition switched off and the lAC valve
connector unplugged. measure the resistance of
both valve windings across pins 1 and 2 and pins
2 and 3.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-139

Test procedure, LH 2.4


GR/VT 0.75

~tfJ 88001
LH 2.4A I
, 1 With the ignition switch in the Drive position, en- 6 Try a new !IAC valve and repeat the test as de-
ter command code 553 on the ISAT. Check scribed in point 5 . ' .
whether the lAC valve is working (1 Hz) by lis- 7 Try a new control module.
tening to it.
2 Check the adjustment of the throttle position
switch by entering command code 201 on the
With the accelerator untouched the ISAT should
show 8B1 01, which should change to 8B001
when the accelerator is floored (when the idling
contacts open).
3 With the ignition switch in the Drive position and
the control module connected, check whether
battery voltage is present across pin 1 of the lAC
' .. valve connector and a good ground.
If it is not, check (with the ignition switched off)
the BUlRD+GYIWH lead between pin 2 of the
lAC valve and pin 87 of the main relay for
4 With the ignition switched off, check the BUIWH
lead between pin 2 of the lAC valve and pin 33
of the control module for continuity/shorting.
5 If no fault can be found, clear the fault memory
and drive the car. Check whether the fault code
is generated afresh: .

Sasb 900
240-140 Fuel injection system"

Fault code 5/38371

J67 '\\1//
5/38371 CHECK


~12 Volt

10-20 Ohm

18 ~ lJ 6 ..

LH 2.4.2

Malfunction indicated If it is not, check the BUiRD lead between pin 1

of each connector and pin 87 of the main relay
Injectors malfunctioning
for continuity/shorting.

Fault symptom
Poor drivability, engine misfires.
CHECK ENGINE lamp alight.

Test procedure

The fault may also be due to lack of sparking in one
of the cylinders. It may therefore be necessary to
carry out fault diagnosis on the ignition system, see
the relevant section in the Service Manual.

1 With the ignition switch in the Drive position, en-

ter command· code 552 on the iSAT.
Check that all injectors are working (15 Hz) by
listening to them.
If the injectors are working, continue fault diag-
nosis but be alert to the possibility of intermittent
2 With the ignition switch in the Drive position,
check whether battery voltage js present on pin
1 of each injector connector.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-141

Fault code 5/38371

J67 '\\1//
5/38371 CHECK


~12 Volt

10-20 Ohm
18 ~ 1.1 6 1

LH 2.4.2

3 With the connectors unplugged, measure the

resistance across the connecting pins of the in-
It should be 10-20 ohms.
If any of the injectors does not have this resis-
tance, fit a new injector.
4 With the ignition switched off and the control
module disconnected, check the GN/RD lead
between pin 2 on each injector and pin 18 of the
connector for continuity/shorting.
5 If the fault still persists, try a new control mod-
ule. '

Saab 9.00
240-142 Fuel injection system

Fault codes 3/58322, 3/58372, 3/58382

3/58372 ENGINE


27 g 20 24,

LH 2.4.2

(114ft ']1

Malfunction indicated 4 With the ignition switched off and the control
module and valve connectors unplugged, check
Malfunctioning of the evaporative emission canister
the YE/RD lead between pin 1 of the valve con-
purge valve (CP).
nector and pin 27 of the control module connec-
tor for continuity/shorting.
Fault symptom 5 Try a new control module.
". Poor drivability and poor idling control.
CHECK ENGINE lamp alight.

Test procedure
1 With the ignition switch in the Drive position, en-
ter command cope 554.
Check that the valve is working by listening to it
(1 Hz).
2 Check whether battery voltage is present across
pin 2 of the valve and a good ground.
If i! is not, check the GYIWH lead between pin 2
of the valve connector and pin 87 of the main
relay for continuity/shorting.
3 Measure the resistance of the valve across pins
1 and 2.
It should be 40-60 ohms.
If it is not, fit a new valve.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-143'

Fault diagnosis chart for manual diagnosis, LH 2.2

Key to quick-reference· chart

E1 - Main relay Replacement, see page 240-185

E2 Pump relay Replacement, see page 240-185
E3 Pressure switch
E4 Temperature sensor (NTC resistor) Replacement, see page 240-186
E5 Throttle position switch Replacement, see page 2/tt)-186
E6 = Injectors Replacemen , see Pi-1~':: { 0-187
E7 = Mass air flow sensor Replacement, see page 240-188
E7A Mass air flow sensor, hot wire (filament)

E7B = BUrn-off
E7C CO content, %
E7D = Fuel system basic setting
(cars with catalytic converter)
E8 Control module Replacement, see page 240-185
E8A Control module input signals
E8B = Control module signals to injectors
E8C Fuel shut-off on starting
E8D = Full-load enrichment
E8E Warm-up period
E9 AC compressor
E10 = Oxygen (Lambda) sensor

B1 Fuel system Replacement of fuel injection manifold,

see page 240-187
Replacement of fuel filter, see page 240-
B1A Line pressure
B1B Fuel pressure regulator Replacement of fuel pressure regulator,
see page 240-189
B1C = Residual pressure
B1D Fuel pump delivery pressure
B1E Fuel pump delivery flow .
11 = Leakage in induction system
12 Auxiliary air valve Replacement, see page 240-190
.M1 Basic eettin'J -of thrc,ttle- butterfly
M1A 'J'
Adjustment ,idling {:ipu:}d (not cars with cata-
lytic conv;ertel)
M1B = Adjustment of idling speed (cars with catalytic

E = Electrical
B Fuel
I Induction
M = Mechanical: removing and fitting of
constituent components

240-144 Fuel injection system

Fault symptom Note:

1 Engine will not start. Before starting any fault diagnosis work on the LH
2 Engine starts but immediately stops. system, check that the engine, ignition system and
3 Erratic idling. electrical system comply with the specifications.
4 Poor throttle response. Example of ''Test procedure":
E1 = check the main relay, and so on.
5 Engine runs unevenly in all speed ranges.
6 High fuel consumption.
7 Maximum revs unobtainable (weak engine).
8 CO content too low.
e CO oontent too high.

Malfunction Test procedure Test reference
indicated/possible cause

1 2 5 Main relay or pump relay de- Check the voltage E1, E2

1 Fuel pump inoperative Check the fuse for the fuel B1, E1, E2, E3
pump, power supply, fuel
relay and pressure switch
123 Auxiliary air valve (idling con- Check operation of the 12
trol valve) defective valve
3 EGR valve defective Check operation of the
2 6 Throttle position switch Check by connecting an E5
defective/enrichment ammeter across pins 2 and
3 of the throttle position
3 456 7 9 Mass air flow sensors (HLM) Check that the hot wire (fila- E7A
ment) is intact, that the
burn- off function is OK, and
that the connections are
12345 7 8 Induction, system Check the vacuum using a 11
vacuum gauge
345 7 8 9 Fuel pressure too low or no Check the pressure, filter, 81
fuel pressure fuel lines and pressure reg-
6 9 Fuel pressure too high Check the intermediate B1
hose and suction hose to
the' pressure regulator.
Check for blockage in the
fuel line or a pinched hose.
Pressure regulator defective
4 5 7 8 Fuel delivery flow too low Check the fuel pump deliv- B1 D81 E
ery capacity

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-145

Fault symptoms that can be traced to points 4 and 5
may also be attributable to the "Limp-Home" func-

Malfunction Test procedure Test reference

indicated/possible cause

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Temperature sensor (NTC Use an ohmmeter to check E4


6 7 Throttle butterfly does not

open or close fully
Check the throttle body.
throttle position switch, spin-
dle and cable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Poor grounding or connection Check engine and battery E8A

wrongly wired grounding or connections

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Electrical leads and connec- Check the leads and con- E8A
tions broken nections and remedy as

234 8 CO content too low Check idling speed and CO E7C

content as per specifications
Check the resistance of the
mass air flow sensor
234 6 9 CO content too high Check idling speed and CO E7C
content as per specifications
Check the resistance of the
mass air flow sensor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Control module and control Check all control module E8A

module signals input signals, connections

Saab 900
240-146 Fuel injection system .

1 Engine fails to start

System or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test procedure


a. Electrical system a. Low voltage, break in wiring, a. Check battery voltage. Minimum
poor connection, faulty relay, acceptable: 11.5 V.
pressure switch. Check the main relay and pump
relay (see sections E1, E2).
Check the wiring and connections
for continuity, good Ctlll~act,
corrosion (see sec ion E8).
Check the pressure switch (Turbo)
(see section E3).

b. Fuel pump b. Fuel pump inoperative, poor b. Check fuel pump operation,
delivery capacity. pressure, delivery capacity
delivery flow.
(See sections B1 D, B1 E.)

c. Fuel system c. Leakage, faulty pressure c. Check the fuel system for leakage
regulator, blockage in return (see section B1).
line. Check the line pressure (see
section B1).
Check the pressure regulator (see
section B1 B).

d. Induction system d. Air leakage. d. Check the induction system for air
leaks downstream of the throttle
butterfly using pressure testing
equipment and by eye between
the mass air flow sensor and the
throttle butterfly.
(See section 11.)

e. Injectors e. Opening duration, leakage. e. Check the opening duration and

resistance of the injectors, using a
.- multimeter. (See sections E6,

f. Temperature sensor f. Inoperative, break in wiring, poor f. Check the temperature sensor,
(NTC resistor) connection. using a multimeter.
(See section E4.)

g. Control module g. Poor contaCi:, n~l input signals, g. Check all control module input
inoperative. signals, using a multimeter.
(See section EBA.)

h. Auxiliary air valve h. Malfunction, leakage. h. Check the auxiliary air valve using
a multimeter. (See section 12.)

Fuel injection system 240-147

2 Engine starts but stops immediately

System or component Malfunction indicated/Possible Test procedure

a. Electrical system a. Low voltage, break in wiring, a. Check the battery 'voltage.
poor connection, faulty relay, Minimum acceptable: 11.5 V.
pressure switch. Check the main relay and pump
relay (see sections E1, E2),
Check the wiring and connections
(see section E8).
Check the pressure switch (Turbo)
(see section E3).

b. Temperature sensor
(NTC resistor)
b. Inoperative, break in wiring,
poor connection, .
b..Check the temperature sensor
using a multimeter.
(See section E4.)
c. Induction system c. Air leakage. c. Check the induction system for air
leaks downstream of the throttle
butterfly using pressure testing
equipment and by eye between
the mass air flow sensor and the
throttle butterfly.
(See section 11.)

d. Control module d. Poor contact, no input signals. d. Check all control module input
signals, using a multimeter.
(See'section E8A.)

e. Auxiliary air valve e. Malfunction, leakage. e. Check the auxiliary air valve
(idling control valve), using a
multimeter. (See section 12.)

f. CO content too low or too f. Incorrect setting. f. Check the idling speed and CO
high content as per specifications.
Check the resistance of the mass
air flow sensor.
(See section E7C.)

g. Basic setting incorrect g. Incorrect setting. g. Check the idling speed and pulse
(cars with catalytic ratio as per specifications. Check
converter). the resistance of the mass air flow
(See section E7D.)

h. Throttle position switch h. Incorrectly adjusted or h. See "Checking the throttle position
defective. switch".
(See section E5.)


240-148 Fuel injection system

3 Erratic idling

System or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test p~ocedure


a. Temperature sensor a. Inoperative, break in wiring, a. Check the temperature sensor

(NTC resistor) poor connection. using a multimeter.
(See section E4.)

b. Mass air flow sensor/CO b. CO content too low or too high, b. Check the mass air flow sensor
content hot wire (filament) broken. for insufficient or excessive CO
content. Check whether the hot
wire (filament) is intact.
(See section E7C.)

c. Basic setting incorrect c. Incorrect setting. c. Check the idling speed and pulse
(cars with catalytic ratio as per specifications. Check
converter). the resistance of the mass air flow
(See section E7D.)

d. Induction system d. Leakage. d. Check for leakage in the induction

system using pressure testing
equipment. .
(See section 11.)

e. Injectors e. Opening duration, leakage e. Check the opening duration and

resistance of the injectors using a
(See sections E6, E8B.)

f. Fuel system f. Pressure too low. 1. Check fuel system line pressure
and operation of the pressure
(See section B1.)
g. Control module g. Poor contact, no input signals. g. Check all control module input
signals using a multimeter.
(See section E8A.)

h. Auxiliary air valve h. Malfunction, leakage. h. Check the auxiliary air valve.
(See section 12.)

i. Electrical system i. Break in wiring or poor i. Check the wiring and connections
connections. Poor grounding. (see section E8).
Check the' ground connections or
engine and battery grounding

j. EGR valve j. Inoperative. Sticking valve. j. Check the EGR system, see
section 254 in the Service Manual.

k. Oxygen (Lambda) sensor k. Poor contact. Incorrect k. Check the oxygen (Lambda)
resistance. sensor.
(See section E10.)

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-149

4 Poor throttle response.

System or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test procedure


a. Mass air flow sensor/CO a. CO content too low or too high. a. Check the mass air flow sensor
content hot wire (filament) broken. for insufficient or excessive CO
content. Check whether the hot
wire (filament) is intact.
(See section E7.)

b. Basic setting incorrect b. Incorrect setting. b. Check the idling speed an pulse
(cars with catalytic ratio as per specifications. Check
converter). the resistance of the mass air flow
(See section E7D.) I
c. Induction system c. Leakage. c. Check for leakage in the induction
system using pressure testing
(See section 11.)

d. Inject'ors d. Pulse ratio, leakage. d. Check the pulse ratio and

resistance of the injectors.
(See sections E6, E8B.)

e. Fuel system e. Quantity, delivery flow, e. Check the fuel system line
pressure. pressure and delivery flow.
(See section B1.)

f. Control module f. Poor contact, no input signals or 1. Use a multimeter to check all
signals weak. control module input signals.
(See section E8.)

g. Temperature sensor g. Inoperative, break in wiring, g. Use a multimeter to check the

(NTC resistor) poor connection. temperature sensor.
(See section E4.)

h. Electrical system h. Broken 'Wiring or connections. h. Check the wiring and connections
Poor grounding or ground (see section E8).
connections. . Check the grounding and the
engine and battery grounding

i. Oxygen (Lambda) sensor i. Poor conta '.. Incorrect i. Check the oxygen (Lambda)
resistance. sensor
(see section E10).



Saab 900
240-150 Fuel injection system

5 Engine runs erratically at all speeds

Symptom or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test procedure

a. Control module a. Defective wiring in the a. Check that control l'Dodule pins 9,
connector. 11, 13, 17 and 25 make good
(See section E8.)

b. Electrical system b. Alternator. Low voltage, break b. Check the electrical system in
in wiring, poor grounding. regard to open:Jioil I]'f '18
alternJtcr {see trtJ !::h::;tr~~;.
system section) and check bculery
voltage E1, E2, E8.

c. Injectors d. Opening duration. c. Use a multimeter to check the

opening duration of the injectors.
(See section E6, E8B.)

d. Turbo/APC d. Malfunction d. Check the operation of the turbo.

See the Turbo section.
Check the operation of the BPC
See the BPC section.

e. Throttle position switch. e. Incorrectly adjusted, throttle e. Check the throttle position switch
butterfly sticks. using a multimeter. Check that the
microswitch is correctly adjusted
and that the throttle butterfly does
not stick.
(See section E5.)

f. Mass air flow sensor f. Hot wire (filament) burn-off f. Check the mass air flow sensor to
function inoperative, broken hot see whether the hot wire (filament)
wire (filament). is intact and that the burn-off
function is working properly.
(see section E7.)

g. Induction system g. Air leakage. g. Check the induction system for air
leaks downstream of the throttle
butterfly using pressure testing
equipment and by eye between
the mass air flow sensor and the
throttle butterfly.

h. Fuel system h. Fuel pre:..sU! too low or too h. Check the line pressure in the fuel
high. Poor ct.rJacity. system.
(See section B1.)

i. Temperature sensor i. Inoperative, break in wiring, poor i. Check the temperature sensor
(NTC resistor) connection. using a multimeter.
(See section E4.)

j. Oxygen (Lambda) sensor j. Poor contact. Incorrect j. Check the oxygen (Lambda)
resistance. sensor.
(See section E10.)

Saab 900
Fuel injection'system 240-151

6 Excessive fuel consumption.

Symptom or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test. procedure

cause .

a. Fuel system a. Pressure regulator a. Check the pressure in the fuel

system ami the fuel pump
(See sectic 'S [\1, 131 B.)

b. t:ljectors b. Malfunctioning. b. Check the injectors by

disconnecting the leads one at a
time, which should cause a
noticeable drop in engine speed.·
(See sections EG, EBB.)
c. Temperature sensor c. Inoperative. c. Use a multimeter to check the
- (NTC resistor) temperature sensor.
(See section E4.)

d. Throttle position sensor d. Incorrectly adjusted. d. Check the microswitch in the

throttle position sensor.
(See section E5.)
e. Mass air flow sensor e. Hot wire (filament) broken. e. Check the mass air flow sensor to
CO content too high. see whether the hot wire (filament)
is intact and that the burn-off
function is working properly.
(See sectic1 E7.)

1. Basic setting incorrect f. Incorrectly adjusted. f. Check the idling speed and pulse
(cars with catalytic ratio as per specifications. Check
converter) the resistance of the mass air flow
(See section E7D.)

g. Electrical system g. Broken wiring or connections. g. Check the wiring and connections.
Poor grounding. (See section EB.)
Check the grounding of engine
and battery.

h. Control module h. Poor ·contact, no input signals h. Check all control module input
or signals weak. signals, using a multimeter (see
section EB).

Saab 900 .
240-152 Fuel injection system

7 Engine cannot attain

maximum revs (lack of power)

Symptom or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test procedure

cause .

a. Induction system a. Leakage a. Check for leakage in the induction

system, using pressure testing
(See section 11.)

b. Throttle butterfly b. Incorrectly adjusted. b. Check whether the throttle

butterfly opens fully.
(See section E5.)

c. Fuel system c. Insufficient fiow/low voltage. c Check the fuel pump delivery flow.
(See section 81 E.)
Check the voltage supplied to the
fuel pump. Minimum acceptable:
11.5 V
(See section B1 E.)

d. Injectors d. Malfunctioning. d Check the injectors by

disconnecting the leads one at a
time, which should cause a
noticeable drop in engine speed.
(See sections E8B, E6.)

e. Mass air flow sensor. e. Broken hot wire (filament). e. Check the mass air flow sensor to
Burn-off function inoperative. see whether the hot wire (filament)
is intact and that the burn-off
function is working properly.
(See section E7.)

f. Turbo/APC f. Malfunctioning. 1. Check the operation of the turbo,

see Turbo section. Check the
operation of the BPC valve.
(See the BPC section.)

g. Temperature sensor g. Inoperative, break in wiring, g. Check the temperature sensor,

(NTC resistor) poor connection. using a multimeter.
(See section E4.)

h. Electrical system h. Break in wiring or connections. h. Check the wiring and connections.
Poor grounding or ground (See section E8.)
connections. Check the grounding and the
engine and battery grounding

i. Control module i. Poor contact, no input signals or i. Check all control module input
signals weak. signals, using a multimeter.
(See section E8.)

Fuel injection system 240-153

8, 9 CO content too low or too high

Symptom or component Malfunction indicated/possible Test procedure

a. Induction system a. Leakage a. Check for leakage in the induction
system, using pressure testing
(See section 11.)

b. Fuel system b. leril~'

.ge, pressure regulator b Check the line pressure.
defective, blockage in return (See section B1.)
line/delivery flow. Check the pressure regulator by
slowly squeezing the return line.
(See section B1 B.)
Check the delivery flow.
~See sections B10, B1 E.)
c. Mass air flow sensor c. Broken hot wire (filament), c. Check the mass air flow sensor to
burn-off function inoperative. see whether the hot wire (filament)
is intact and that the burn-off
function is working properly.
(See section E7.)

d. Temperature sensor d. Malfunctioning. d. Check the temperature sensor,

(NTG resistor) usir.lg a multimeter. .
(See section E4.)

e. Electrical system e. Broken wlring or connections. e. Check the wiring and connections.
Poor grounding. (See section E8.)
Check the grounding of the engine
and battery.

f. Control module f. Poor contact, no input signals or f. Check all control module input
weak signals. signals, using a multimeter.
(See section E8.)

g. EGR valve g. Inoperative. Valve sticking. g. Check the EGR system. See
Service Manual, section 254.

Saab 900
240-154 Fuel injection system

Checking/fault diagnosis
81 Checking the fuel system
• LH fuel pressure gauge equipment 83 93 852
• Test hose for return flow
• Graduated measuring beaker, 2 litre
• Jumper lead with switch 83 93 886
• Cooling system tester with hose
• Vacuum pump
• Pressure testing equipment No. 83 93 514
• Multimeter

1 Disconnect the banjo coupling at the inlet to the

fuel injection manifold and connect the fuel pres-
sure gauge using the existing seals. Tie up the
pressure gauge so that it hangs vertically to ob-
viate reading errors.
2 Remove fuse No. 30. Connect the jumper lead
with switch between fuse No. 30 and fuse No.
27, 28 or 29 to supply the fuel pump with cur-
Check that the switch is set to "OFF".

81A Checkftog the line pressure

1 Start ~he pump by setting the switch to "ON". The
line pressure should now rise to that specified in
the "Technical data" section.

Line pressure too high:

Stop the fuel pump by setting the switch to "OFF".
Disconnect the return line from the fuel pressure
regulator and blow through the line.
If the line is clear:
Fit a new fuel pressure regulator.
If the line is blocked:
Unblock it or fit a new return line.
Line pressure too low:
• Check the level of fuel in the tank.
• Check for leaks in the fuel system.
• Check the fuel pressure regulator (see "Checking
the fuel pressure regulator~I).

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-155

818 Checking the fuel pressure

Connect pressure testing equipment 83 93 514
to the inlet and outlet of the fuel pressure regu-
lator. Tie up the pressure gauge so that it hangs
vertically to obviate reading errors.
Connect either the cooling system tester or the
vacuum pump to testing equipment 8393514.
2 Start the fuel pump by setting the switch to "ON".
The line pressure should now rise to that spec-
ified in "Technical data".
Use the vacuum pump to increase the vacuum
in the fuel pressure regulator. The line pressure
should now drop by as much as corresponds to
the movement of the needle on the pressure
gauge, see "Technical data". I
Use the cooling system tester to raise the pres-
sure in the fuel pressure regulator. The line pres-
sure should now increase by as much as corre-
sponds to the movement of the needle on the
pressure gauge, see 'Technical data".

B1C Checking the residual

Start the fuel pump by setting the switch to "ON".
Read off the line pressure. See "Technical data" for
the correct pressure.
Stop the fuel pump by setting the switch to "OFF".
The pressure should now drop immediately by 0.1-
0.2 bar (1.5-2.9 psi). If the residual pressure drops
by more than this after about 10 minutes, check for
leakage in the fuel pressure regulator and the fuel
pump non-return valve.
Check the pressure and flow delivered by the fuel


240-156 Fuel injection system

810 Checking the fuel pump

delivery pressure
Start the pump by setting the switch to "ON". Pinch
the return line closed momentarily.

The pressure must not exceed 6.0 bar (83 psi).

There should be an immediate noticeable rise in the

line pressure.

Insufficient delivery pressure:

II Check that the voltage across the fuel pump ter-
minals is at least 11.5 V. "
• Check that the fuel lines are not pinched or
• Check that the fuel filter is not clogged.

If the fuel filter has been fitted the wrong way round
it cannot be refitted but must always be replaced by
a new one.

• Check the relief valve in the pump. If it is defec-

tive, fit a new pump.

81 E Checking the fuel pump

delivery flo~
1 Stop the pump by setting the switch to "OFF".
Disconnect the return line at the fuel pressure
2 Connect one end of the return flow test hose to
the fuel pressure regulator and place the other
end in the 2-litre graduated beaker.
3 Start the fuel pump by setting the,switch to "ON".
Allow the pump to run for 30 seconcjs and then
read off the volume of fuel in the beaker. It
should be at least 0.9 Iitres (0.96 qts).
4 If the pressure drops by more than 0.1-0.2 bar
(1.5-2.9 psi) and the delivery flow is correct, fit a
new fuel pressure regulator.
ti ~'f the f\!et ,urnp delivery flow is no: correct carry
'Jut t8; , P' ocedure B1D.



Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-157

Checking the electrical

Quick check of the main relay
and pump relay (E1, E2)
1 Unplug the control module and mass air flow
sensor connectors.
2 Connect pins 17 and 21 of the control module
com;ector to ground.
3 ChdCK whether '0.1' age is present at:
• The tes sticket
e Pin 9 of the control module connector
• Pin 2 of the mass air flow sensor
• Fuse 14
If voltage is present at these points, the main relay
and fuel pump relay with their associated wiring are
If it is not, continue as described in sections E1 and

To remove the main relay/fuel

pump relay
The relay is mounted in a relay holder on the RH
wheel arch.
1 Unscrew and remove the sill scuff plate.
2 Remove the weatherstrip from the front door pil-
lar. Undo the screws retaining the anchor plate
for the carpet on the inner wheel arch panel.
3 Unscrew the air duct and fold it down together
with the carpet.
4 Unscrew and withdraw the relay holder.

240-158 Fuel injection system

E1 Checking the main relay

• Multimeter

Jumper lead with crocodile clips 83 93 894.

1 Disconnect the control module and the mass air
flow sensor. Peel back the cover on the control
module connector. All readings should be taken
from the rear of the connector.
Checl< whe_her pin 11 of the connector is con-
nected i,) . ,found.
2 Switch on the ignition.
3 Use the jumper lead with crocodile clips (83 93
894) to connect pin 21 (yellow/white; GUVT) of
the control module connector to ground. Check
the operation of the relay by ascertaining
whether voltage is present across pins 9 (brown/
white; BRNT) and 11 (black; SV) of the control
module connector.
If no voltage is present, gain access to the relay
by removing the sill scuff plate, weatherstrip and
Check for voltage across pin 30 (red; RD) of the
relay and ground and across pin 86 (red; RD) of
the relay and ground.
If no voltage is present, check the wiring be-
tween pin 30 (red; RD) and the positive terminal
and between pin 86 (red; RD) and pin 30 (red;
If voltage is present, use jumper lead 83 93 894
to connect pin 85 (yellow/white; GUVT) to
ground. Check for voltage at pin 87
(brown/white; BRNT) and pin 87b (brown/white;
BRNT) of the relay. If no voltage is present, fit a
new relay.
If voltage is present, use jumper lead 83 93 894
to check the brown/white (BRNT) lead from pin
87 of the relay to pin 9 of the control m·odule, the
black (SV) lead from. pin 11 of the co·ntrC:>1 mod-
ule to ground, and the yellow/white (GUVT) lead
from pin 21 of the control module to pin 85 of the
Check for voltage at pin 2 (brown/white; BRNT)
of the mass air flow sensor. If no voltage is
present, check the wiring up to pin 87b of the
main relay.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-159

E2 Checking the fuel pump relay

• Multimeter
Jumper lead with crocodile clips
• Jumper lead with switch 83 93 886

Remove fuse 30. Connect the jumper lead with

switch (83 93 886) between fuse No. 30 and fuse
No. 27,28 or 29 so that current can be supplied to
the fuel pump. Make sure that the switch is set to
1 Unplug the control module, mass air flow sensor
I n
and auxiliary air valve connectors.
2 Connect jumper lead 83 93 894 between pins
17 and 25 of the control module connector.
··u. '27, 30
Connect the jumper lead wffh switch (83 93 886) between
fuses 27 and 30.

3 Ascertain whether the relay operates by check-

ing for voltage between the Limp-Home connec-
tor's grey/red (GRJRD) lead and ground (at the
wiring harness on the RH wheel arch).
If no voltage is present, fold back the carpeting
and remove the relay.
Check for' voltage between relay pin 30 (red; RD)
and ground and between relay pin 86 (brown/
white; BRNT) and ground.
If no voltage is present, check the red (RD) lead
between pin 30 and the positive terminal, and
the brown/white (BRNT) lead between pin 86
and main relay pin 87 (pressure switch, Turbo).
If voltage is present, use jumper lead 83 93 894
to connect pin 85 (violet; VL) to ground.
Check for voltage on relay pins 87 (blue/red;
BURD) and 8lb (grey-red; GR/RD). .'
If no voltage is present, fit a new relay.
If voltage is present, check the grey/red (GR/
RD) lead from the Limp-Home connector to re-
. lay pin 87b.

Saab 900
240-160 Fuel injection system

E3 Checking the pressure

switch (Turbo only)
• Multimeter
• Pressure testing equipment 83 93 514
• Cooling system tester

1 Connect the pressure testing equipment to the

intake pipe and the cooling system tester to the
branch connection on the prer-:.sure ga 1ge.
2 Start the engine. Raise the pressure until it cor-
responds to that at which the switch should open
and break the circuit. The engine should now
If the engine does not stop, check the breaking
pressure of the pressure switch as follows:
Connect the multimeter to pin 87 of the main re-
lay and pin 86 of the fuel pump relay.
3 Raise the pressure. The power supply circuit
should be broken when the opening pressure of
the pressure switch is reached.
See 'Technical data" in Service Manual 2:4 for
the correct breaking pressure.
If the pressure switch breaking pressure is in-
correct, fit a new pressure switch.

E4 Checking the temperature

sensor (NTC resistor)
• Multimeter

1 Unplug the control module connector and re-

move the cover.
2 Measure the resistance of the NTC resistor as
shown in the table by connecting. the multimeter
test prods to the control module connector pins
2 (yellow; GL) and 11 (black; SV). Alternatively,
unplug the NTC resistor connector and simply
measure the resistance across the pins.
The resistance varies wit coo ant temperature as 0 ows:
O°C (32°F) - • 5800 ohms
20°C (68°F) - 2600 ohms
100°C (212°F) - 180 ohms

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-161

3 If incorrect readings are obtained, disconnect

the NTC resistor leads.
Measure the resistance of the NTC resistor as
shown in the table above by connecting the mul-
timeter test prods to the NTC resistor connect-
ing pins.
If the reaqings obtained are still incorrect, fit a
new NTC resistor.
If the NTC resistor is OK, check the wiring be-
tween pin 11 (black; SV) of the control module
and ground, and between the NTC resistor and

Checking and adjusting the
throttle position sensor I
• Multimeter

1 Unplug the control module connector and re-

move the cover.
2 Connect the multimeter between control module
connector pins 3 (grey; GR) and 11 (black; SV).
Check that the circuit is closed.
If there is a break in the circuit, check the grey
lead from pin 3 of the connector to the throttle
position sensor and the black lead from pin 11
of the connector to ground, and the black/white
lead from the throttle position sensor to ground.
3 Move the throttle butterfly and check the read-
ing on the multimeter. If the sensor is in proper
working order, the circuit should be broken the
moment the butterfly leaves its idlingposition. If
it is not, adjust the position of the throttle butter-
fly (see M1, "Basic setting of throttle butterfly".)
Adjust the throttle position sensor by slackening
the screws securing it to the throttle body. Turn
the throttle position sensor until it abuts against
the integral idling position stop. Tighten the
throttle position sensor retaining screws.
Check that the circuit between control mOdule
pins 3 (grey; GR) and 11 (black; SV) is broken
when the thmttle butterfly leaves its idling posi-
tion stop.

Saab" 900
240-162 Fuel injection system·

4 Connect .:the multimeter across pins 11 (black;

SV) and 12 (green/red GN/RD). If the sensor is
in proper working order, the circuit should be
closed when the throttle butterfly is turned
through 72°, Le. approaching full throttle.
If the circuit is not closed, check the green/red
(GN/RD) lead between pin 12 of the connector
and pin 3 of the throttle position sensor, the
black lead between pin 11 of the control module
and ground, and the black lead between pin 2 of
the throttle position sensor and ground.
If the wiring is OK but the sensor is not working
properly, fit a new throttle position sensor.

Throttle position sensor connections:

No. Should be connected to:

Control module conne'ctor pin 12
(green/red; GN/RD)
Grounding point on engine (black/white;
Control module connector pin 3 (grey; GR)
3 2 1

Fuel injection system 240-163

E6 Checking the injectors

• Multimeter

Before starting any checking work on the injectors,

unplug the control module and mass air flow sensor


Readings m~\st be taj(en rr: tile rear of the control

module connec..10r lJliilh ns cover. removed.

Unplug the control module and mass air flow

sensor connectors. Remove the cover from the
control module connector. I
2 Measure the resistance across pin 13 (green/
red; GN/RD) of the control module and pin 87 6f
the pump relay. The resistance should be 4
ohms. If it is not, continue as described below.
3 Unplug the injector connector.
Measure the resistance of the injector by con- 25 13

necting the multimeter to its connecting pins. 24

11 SV
The reading should be 16 ohms at 2QoC (68°F) 10 BlNT
if the injector is OK. ' 21
If a correct reading is not obtained, fit a new in- 19
7 OR
jector. 1B
5 sv
4 If the correct reading is obtained, check the wir- 17 OR
ing between pin 13 (green/red; GN/RD) of the 15 3
control module and the injectors (via the distri- 14
1 BL
bution points). Peel back the rubber dust exclud-
ers and, from the rear of the connector, check
'the blue/red lead between pin 87 of the fuel
pump relay and the injectors via the distribution

Saab 900
240-164 FueJ injection system·

E7A Checking the mass air

flow sensor
• Multimeter

Start the engine and let it run at idling speed. Check

the CO content. If it is higher than 6%it cannot be
adjusted by means of the CO adjusting screw.
Switch off the engine.
1 Remove the mass air flow sensor from the air
cleaner side. Ch S' . whe.ther t e hot wire (fila-
men.) is \n~t\ct.
Hot wire (filament) defective:
Change the mass air flow sensor.
Hot wire (filament) OK:
Check the mass air flow sensor connector and
wiring by:
• Unplugging the mass air flow sensor and control
module connectors and removing the cover from
the control module connector.
• Check that the wiring and connections are OK.
• If the wiring is OK, plug in the control module con-
2 Check the hot wire (filament) burn-off function.
(See "Checking the hot wire (filament) burn-off
function", section E78.)



Mass air flow sensor connector

Pin To component
1 Control module connector pin 8 (red/white; RD/
2 Main relay pin 87b (brown/white; BRIVT)
3 Control module connector pin 6 (blue/white; BU
4 Engine grounding point 552 (black; SV)
5 Control module connector pin 7 (orange; OR)
6 Control module connector pin 14 (white; Vn
Fuel injection system 240-165

E7B Checking the hot wire

(filament) burn-off function
Detach the mass air flow sensor from the air
cleaner and check whether the hot wire (fila-
ment) is OK.
2 Start the engine and warm it up to a tempera-
ture of at least 65°C (149°F) and then-let it idle.
Rev the engine up to 2500 rpm, release the ac-
celerator and let it return to idling speed again.
3 Switch off the ignition. The hot wire (filament)
should glow brightly about four seconds after-
wards for about a second. If nothing happens,
check the wiring (see section E7A).
4 Start the engine and rev it up to 2500 rpm. Con-
nect the test prods to pins 1 and 4 of the mass
air flow sensor connector. Switch off the engine.
Four seconds later the voltage should rise to 4 V
for about one second.

5 If nothin~happens, check the red/white (RDIVT)

lead bet'f~een pin 1 of the mass air flow sensor
connector and pin 8 of the control module con-
nector, and the black (SV) lead between pin 4 of
the mass air flow sensor connector and one of
the engine grounding points.
If the wiring is OK, test the system using a dif-
ferent control module.
6 Start the engine and repeat the above test pro-
cedure. If the correct voltage is now obtained but
the burn-off function does not come into opera-
tion, fit a new mass air flow sensor.

The Limp-Home function takes over automatically' if
the hot wire (filament) breaks.

240-166 Fuel injection system· .

E7C Checking and adjusting

the CO content
1 Connect the CO meter, exhaust extraction
equipment and tachometer.
2 Start the engine and warm it up. Check the CO
content, see "Technical data".
If the CO content is not to specification, turn the
adjusting screw:
clockwise-if it is too low
anticlockwise-if it is too high. ,'--------------------,
3 If the CO content is higher than 6%and cannot
therefore be adjusted, switch off the engine. Un-
plug the mass air flow sensor connector and
connect the multimeter across pins 3 and 6 of
the mass air flow sensor.
Turn the adjusting screw as many turns as re-
quired to obtain a reading of 380 ohms.
2 1
If you cannot obtain this reading, fit a new mass
air flow sensor. On obtaining the correct read-
ing, 380 ohms, plug in the mass air flow sensor
connector. Start the engine and warm it up.
Check the CO content again and adjust it further
until it is exactly right. If the correct CO cofiient
still cannot be obtained, check the mass air flow
sensor wiring and connections as described in
point E7A.
4 If the wiring is OK and the CO content still can-
not be adjusted, try a new control module.

E7D Checking the basic setting

of the fuel injection system
(cars with catalytic

There are no specified intervals at wti'ich the basic
setting of the fuel injection system shou.ld be
checked or adjusted. .

This setting establishes a reference point for the LH

system and does not affect vehicle performance.
Recalibration is necessary only if the performance
of the engine has been disturbed by major work on
it, such as replacement of the electronic control
module, the NTC resistor or the mass air flow sen-
sor, or by a major overhaul, cylinder head work or
timing chain replacement.


Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-167

1 Remove the plug from the potentiometer screw

on the side of the mass air flow sensor.
2 Unplug the wiring harness connector from the
mass air flow sensor.
3 Connect the multimeter to pins 3 and 6 as shown
in the figure. The instrument should read 380
ohms. Adjust as necessary by turning the po-
tentiometer screw. This is the first step in check-
ing and adjusting the basic setting.


4 Plug the wiring harness into the mass air flow
sensor again.
5 Connect pulse ratio meter 83 93 597 to the test
point adjacent to the evaporator housing by
means of the adapter lead in 83 94 132.
6 Start the engine and run it until the radiator fan
cuts in.
7 If the basic setting is correct, the meter needle
will swing back and forth between both ends of
the scale.

The movement of the needle will not be rapid and
there may be a pause between each movement.

8 If adjustment is necessary, turn the p'otentiom- ( ,.,

eter screw in the mass air flow sensor as follows: J

a If the needle remains stationary at the higher

end of the scale or spends most of its time at
this end, turn the screw anticlockwise until the
needle stays roughly the same lengtp of time at
both ends of the scale.
b If the needle remains stationary on the left-
hand side of the scale, turn the potentiometer
screw until it stays roughly the same length 01
time at bcith ends of the scale.
9 Fit the plug 'back in the mass air flow sensor.

240-168 Fuel injection system

E8 Checking the control

module input signals
• Multimeter
• Jumper lead with crocodile clips 83 93 894

Before carrying out any checking work on the con-

trol module, unplug its connector. Also unplug the
mass air flow sensor connector and the connector
between the ignition system and the distributor.

Instrument readings must be taken at the rear of the
control module connector with the cover removed.

E8A Checking the control

module input signals
1 Unplug the control module connector. Remove
the cover from the connector. Disconnect the
Hall sensor lead.
2 Switch on the ignition.
Check whether voltage is present on pin 18
(g~e,~!)/white; GRNT) of the control module con-
If it i.s not, check the lead running from pin 18
(green/white; GRNT) of the control module con-
nector to the fuse box via the 6-pin connector
and distribution t~rminal. Also check that the
fuse i's intact.
3 Connect the jumper lead with crocodile clips be-
tween pin 21 of the control module and ground.
Check for voltage on pin 9 of the control mod-
ule. If there is no voltage, check the yellow/white
(GUVT) lead between pin 21 of the-'control mod-
ule and pin 85 of the main relay', ~nd tlile.j,o~town/
white (BANT) lead between pin 9 of the 'control
module and pin 87 of the main relay.
4 With the ignition switched on, check that voltage
is present across pins 18 and 11 of the control
module. If it is not, check the black (SY) lead
running from pin 11 of the control module to one
of the engine grounding :points.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-169

Control module connections


GN X-test·
VI: 17
SV 15
v.r 14 BL

Pin No. Component/circuit Pin No. Component/circuit

1 Ignition pulse. Ignition coil pin 1, blue 13 Injector control signal, green/red (GR/RD)
~W . 14 Mass air flow sensor pin 6, white.(VT)
2 Temperature sensor (NTC resistor) pin 2,. 15 Ehgine grounding p.pint, black (SV)
yellow (GL) 16 AC, red/white (RDNT)
3 Throttle position sensor pin 1 grey (Gil)
I 17 Pump relay pin 85, violet (VL)
4, . Idling speed increase switch, automatic 18 Ignition switch, +15 pin, green/white (GR/
transmission, orange (OR) VT)
5 Engine grounding point, black (SV) 19 Limp-Home mode, violet/white (VUVT)
6 Mass air flow sensor pin 3, blue/white 20 Lambda
(BUVT) , 21 Main relay pin 85
7 Mass air- flow. sensor p'in 5, orange (OR) 22 Lambda test, green (GN)
8 Mass air flow ,sensor pin 1, red/white 23 lAC valve, yellow/red (GURD)
(RONT) ',' 24 EZK, blue/red (BURD)
9 Main relay Jilin 87, brown/white (BRNT) 25 Engine grounding point, black/white (SV/
10 lAC valve VT)
11 Engine grouf!I,difig Ploint, black (SV)
12 Throttle pQs.i,tjelil selilsor Jilin 3, green/red
(GN/RD) ,
Saab900 .
240-170 Fuel injection system

5 Connect the jumper lead with crocodile clips to b )C;t'c>lltc>vL l,JlF'~D~ I 'P'-'" fa \ ~ I' k -1 .....i---
pin 17 of the connector and ,ground. Se le v..-, ,I G... u~clt;:' t.,,-,,"':.. " '.. , '--, t, ,,\f:..j.,)~
With the ignition switched on, check for voltage \. r:::.'~ t' J ('" ~t~q:: ?,~Oo-lc,uc.~ ,.,' ?c'F\\" -)-. \r-
~n pins 87 and 87b of the fuel pump. relay (or )\s..DI.J. ..... "'\'-\\o?~-\.~\ ?~"" 21- ?-g'i-b
listen for th.e sound of the pump ~tartlng up). If \.J~'-L>.. lu..~ "'-0. \.>::: ~ \ "'-~ l-.cle C. t'v-?v-,A \\1'-.. .
no voltage. IS present, check the violet (VL) lead Vo-U v-oo.... ~ v'e\..e ~~~Qu.tk.C;;J -\- (? W\2 lAD,J\
between pm 17 of the control module connector

l?'"'->' '- s\~L,'~ L 'i '~\
..... ,
\.. I ' _~
~s;,-l, , 2lE' c:: ~
\ - "<
and pin 85 of the fuel pump relay. L'·' I'" { \ 1 , ' -....
V&I:> '\"::>"C' u... ""o.S?c: ,,-, \ <\!I.oD\A'\ '-"0 \'-,' ,\.1:;'
6 With the ignition switched on, check whether -J 'i I ~
voltage is present between pin 18 of the control (. VL..j l}@'&.:? .......... \ \f...6'2. \' f< I..... "1:1_
modul~ c?nne(' or an? pin 25 f the c?ntrol mod- Cc~~{ L '
~ L\o 4..-~dt~ l IJ-,., c.-... r'': ~
ule. If It IS net, GI,3CK th3 r lcklwhlte (SVNT) \.AL>-. v--e-(\l? t!C'I"-po-d,Lo.- ~t.' ~ .\
lead between pin 25 of the I,;ontrol module and I \ I~ . i.e " - I )

one of the grounding points on the engine. b ~~<;"i t \<;~ '-c...<'" 2.c...f'(c~c..'~
. ~e 2.G. ~ L\......, \ 21..1!>'-.-\.v. L . i- '
7 Plug in the distributor connector. Check for· an _ i' '-, - , ~ ~ 1..0.. ..\ I?' \\ ~
ignition pulse on pin 1 of the control mo~ule by ~fe'\... ~""':<" ~:--- .Ill k()\..-~ Vook)",
connecting a test lamp to ground and pin 1 of ~J.-.l.>..\ '-'- \ G... 1>,
\ r
V' '2~ J '" \ I '\ .
ll"-lv....",,-,oJ \..,'\ "'-J.
the control module connector. Switch on the Ig- ~ e-l, '"'- ~ v.... ,~~.V "'-C' \:2 \." ,~'--..\. 00 ) '-'.j~)r
nition. 10ev...~ G-- ~\\.~ \s.\J IlJt j ~tt"Ltf'\.., .-,? '
Model year 1985 and earlier cars: lA.-..&<z.. l ? t' 2. S- l~o LJ v.o l" ,'Lo ""'-

The test lamp should light up weakly for about a vv.6A..L,...\.,.v..... ~ -\<?O~~ /> -
lJo-c..( '>.-\..... \-..~,~ '" .L- v 2t? h. \.-- 0-
second and then shine with a brighter light. If It • ~\JJ~""v... '-',. C) 1 Cv"'~. ,.
does not, check the blue (BL) lead between pin ¥I 2L"ffAra-~~,-,-t::' I J . h_ \ ....
1 of the control module connector and terminal ~,~-qP\1 -LZ ( .J( ,,(:It.,.. \"C)2..~~t" IlDv!'- Lf">
1 on the ignition coil ~~ ~ ~~-\-~I.J $.
-:- C> .

Model year 1986 and later cars: -\ I.-v-. '? (.,.,~ ~ 20- ~ \?\:... v.. ~ : p; Y\ "'v.. 1\
~<1;> _kou\lA.' l--.,-.:) '-'-..e-J-v..-\. ""'- .1 ~ \."" 3.e-
The test lamp should light up. If it does not, l"\ \ I I 1

check the blue (BL) lead between pin 1 of the 1lJ-.<> \;':>li::> ,.\ ....;:,-
\J -
2\.ct)",--~e('\.,. \ \c\ ",. D\..;-
\ ._

control module and the TD-O pin of the ignition· ~c crt: L--...-" to... ~~ \..-. \2 l~, /\ l.' \ \ .
\ ( \ 'I' \ l>. '(0'" t> I<
pulse amplifier. ",'C L_' V-C' <- \ , -c L- t::>( ' ' - f.,r.t A
..;y. \ \ • tx'
8 Use the multimeter to check other wiring func- ;: 6- PG..; {.c"-. :2 (" r:.-:r, ! I '6f ~/~, I , .\
fr ,
,~.A l, '
tions (broken leads or corrosion) between the I}-, p / 1\i 0 - ' ,
'Y . connecting pins ~f the control module. V1...0O"!?j ~,~ Iv <;;.:fl ~ (\

?C()<--~~ " "l~=~

C'LL- /(",
~ ~
!::, ~{''.1. ~~\; \A.,.
~ C'C><:;" ?\O~ U, 1-, - - ~\.:.,_ II £.r- C".
G:.. PCL.~ ~<:" foC'..,21..' , .l' I (' 'I, .... , -'
. IP {--' {r' [ ; . , ,T -; / ~""f- j ,
~t.,.r (t..-c?' '2 fJ 0 L, T t~ \,'\ ( '.\ ~ l .
~'\A\- J, ~ Us C) \J ~cQl("'''''''~ t ,<--.:?, ,
~<.. L-.. '1
l.<::L, 1, "."(,,.' L ~ ,-.. .
'~ l'<--c"-l.-.K(,
C~ Le{)C,( <:'u("" "
, '-J't vI ' ' _ ~'r' J
·r.~., "-
C\ \.J \~"-.,.) -t, ',-\ ,

~~L"'~ It ~(, (,\ 3. [, ()..L-.C)

"2lL'l ''S.C:'
' c '-I ( '-)'~ ....-~c,- -t:.q-
\)lAC' ~(1 \.,.,. (;,L ',-U \' ~ ,I \ - . ~
D ~. \ ,_ \ P- r
1\ \~.\... c.~ .... r L"~
( \
, '-.\.0\..\ \} \ -...; l"'-
\c;IJ.~ t \
"'" "'--\l ~ \...~ c\ e"V-

V\......... n
\ C~}
.,..:.. '...\.0

b.';' t?' ~.-?

, ......
r j . (J\"- v \
teoL..-\. ~ L . . . @\. \}~(i\.,?v.-' ~C'2.-:' ti'--'~ \(()\..h'C\,,,IL,~
ltv--.. E:> 0.. ~ \. '-"- e-, I" b -0 'I; '->
v\,..v.. ~G-~>-Q-\.c,\)e-.c..·, ' . \
'IN- iu.. ,,'\-

'-.J""-- ~\
~ t\)..~\..c.-.... .
Fuel injection system 240-171

EBB Checking control module

output signals to the
• Screwdriver or stethoscope :::'---C""""(( A-uL ,1-' L".)Jv~
• Multimeter
• Tachometer ~ p~ I.>·/'-?J\./'--;.)l....
1 Plug in the control module and mass air flow
sensor connectors and connect the Hall sensor
lead to the distributor (if previous y unplugged or
disconnected). Connect the tachometer.
2 Pull up the rubber dust excluder over the con-
nector on one of the injectors.

Do not use a test lamp when checking the control
module's output signals to the injectors.

3 Connect the multimeter test prods to the injector

terminals. I .

~ vI...\!l pc:<\ -lc \,v" l L, L.><?k '" ~:.

~ \\. u<<.v \.Jc." \F..4- v- lx. Cve ' . <:-

Polarity: Red (+) prod to the blueired (BURD) lead
and black (-) test prod-to the green/red (GR/RD)
lead rT'l.~; , / ' /. /
~ ~~ (..'-l:'- "<J ......- A.. '..~ -(~ '- r.=; ( . . . tJ~ ':' C" •
(7 c.ev.. j . ko
lA l,...,_ _ It' J .-;>ti~ :~/,~", ,,- I (" r"1. lIr>-l~.p\... ~,

4 Start the engine and check the voltage reading

against the table below.
Lo.~ v-.: I,AA.;", f 0 c~ ,e-' ~ C, '':I~J "" (' (", j ,
'IGL~L' "2 -Jo.~" l. O(j- \ fcA.. \ \ I."",

Engine temperature Voltage

DoC (32°F) 1V
20°C (68°F) 0.6 V NOTEI
80°C (176°F) 0.3 V approx.

5 If the engine runs erratically when idling, check ,:s,) ..... ,,_ ....... ,c--t........
during the warm-up period that all injectors ~re
working properly. This can be done by placing a
sr.rewdriver or stethoscope against the black
metal part of the injector. A clicking sound
sh uld be heard if the injector is working.

Saab 900
240-172 Fuel injection system

a If no clicking sound can be heard from one or

.' \ \
I I'
T- ~
I· f \
C", ("'0'....
I "'-"'

mor~ .injecto~s, refer to section E6 "C~,ecking )... \e~ v.,CL. l-,~~.~, \.) \ \ \-.;>
the Injectors . 1 ~,,'
\l ~ \"'-.l"",- \ , ~ J _ • i .t· C .r \1
(. t'-I, ,~l ~t~ 1.., c..~ 1.1' ,....
b If th,e inje,ctors can b~ heard clic~in,g but the \)~\.,), ~ l.:.£>l.J)c .... ::..
engine stili runs erratically when Idling: ""1 ~ \1;;'.".:\\: ~~'\1. ' U<>...t: -h. L.
Remove one connector at a time from the in- lv-.. ~ \ <:>l,: 1(, l... \ \:; ,"-
• • Q>~~ 3 ..... k L.::\:::~\ "'c. '
jectors. Use a small screwdnver to relieve the I.Ac... ~ ), c\. '-e'f"",~,:"",~l':';.-"'"
tension in the spring clips. This should cause F"\ Q I \ '- J . ; ~ :" , • •

engine revs to drop. vv.. c;.."rV<s~<~.~u ~""\D '5'

2e v \ I '«S:>"'c...c~ ,c·...~.?\~l ..
c If engine revs do not drop, make a thorough \?Q~~ 'v-.fr.J.-:J..~\.(;. \;,.t
inspection of the following systBms: \ . I • ..! 0 .;'(..\ • A,riN"~ \ ..- ', .
• The fuel system V'-~\.., r ~~- ..... :. v
• The induction system '_ fV0--.2. LA. I. L\?, 't ~ \;,~, 0-;: ,,:'...1'::<i" r--A1o,'" E
.. The electrical system ~ ~-...-c~- ..<e4 ~c;~~-(9~~,\'1
t fL.'\, ~t-_~
6 When the engine has reached normal operating
temperature, rev it up to 3000 'E!!!: Measure the
voltage across' the injector;-whlalshould rise to
0.8-0.9 V. Let the engine revert to idling speed
and then rev it up rapidly to 3000 rpm again. The
voltage should now rise above 0.8-0.9 V mo-
mentarily before dropping back to 0.8-0.9 V.

. -._-.~

E8C Fuel shut-off on starting
When the starter motor is turning the engine over,
the fuel supply will be shut off if the accelerator is
floored (72° butterfly angle).
1 lift up the dust excluder on one of the injectors
and connect the test prods to the two injector
Polarity: red test prod (+) to the blue/red (SURD)
lead and black-test prod to the green/~ed (GRI
RD) lead. .
2 Engage the starter motor and check for voltage
across the injector.
3 Press the accelerator to the floor.

b/~!1 - 0 F! V
~0 C,~ V'- v-£ \"j t':>\ V.... ,~ b,::: \.-,.
G... ~('- ~ ~""v~Ql..\.L- 2:
~~bG--\ &~1d.c' \A \..A <1> '10
\r'~ V>A ~ju ~ l,1
\Ar-e.L~ , ~ rC.. [,.\'~D '->0.. -\.
\,.,. '1('-",

(){~- °t~ \) ,.
Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-173

4 The injectors should remain without current as

long as the starter motor is engaged. If not,
check the operation of the throttle position sen-
sor, see E5. If the throttle position sensor is de-
fective, fit a new one.
Check the green/red (GN/RD) lead between pin
3 of the throttle position sensor and pin 12 of the
control module. Che.ck the lead between pin 2 of
the throttle position t msor and one of the en-
gine grounding point~

ESD Checking the full-load

enrichment function (not

cars with catalytic
converter) I
• CO meter
• Multimeter
1 Connect the CO meter and exhaust extraction
2 Start the engine and warm it up.
3 Peel back the rubber dust excluder on the con-
nector of one of the injectors.
Unplug the throttle position sensor connector
and pull up the rubber dust excluder. Connect a
jumper lead to pins 3 and 18 of the throttle po-
sition sensor connector.
4 Check whether the CO content rises by about
1%. If it does not, connector the multimeter test
prods to the injector connecting pins.

Polarity: Red test prod (+) to the blue/red (SURD).
lead and black test prod (-) to the green/red (GRlRD)

Check whether the voltage rises by about 0.1 V.

5 If. it does not, check the leads running to the
control moduLe. See section E5 "Checking the
- throttle position sensor". If these leads are OK,
, -try another control module.
6 Check and adjust the CO content as described
in section Eye.

Saab 900
240-174 Fuel injection system

E8E Checking the warm-up

• Multim eter
• CO meter
• Tachom eter
1 Conne ct the tachometer, CO meter and exhaus t
extraction equipment.
2 Start the engine.
3 Pull up the rubber dust excluder on the connec-
tor of one of the injectors:
4 Conne ct the multim eter test prods to the injector
connec tor pins.

Polarity: Red test prod (+) to the blue/red (SURD )
lead and black test prod (-) to the green/red /GR/RD)

5 Check engine speed during the warm-u p period.

It should decrea se as the engine warms up.
6 Measu re the voltage across the injectors and
compa re the readings with the data in the table.

Engine temperature Voltage

O°C (32°F) 1V
20°C (68°F) 0.6 V NOTE!
BO°C (176°F) 0.3 V approx.

If the readings obtained are incorrect, check the

CO setting (see E7C) and temperature sensor
(see E4). Also check the hot wire (filament) burn-
off function (see E7S).
If these are OK, try anothe r control module.
7 Check the CO conten t and adjust 'as 'ne~essary
as described in E7C.

Fuel injection system 240-175

EgA Checking the idling-speed

increase on cut-in of AC
compressor (cars with
auxiliary air valve)
• Multimeter
• Tachometer
1 Connect the tachometer and exhaust extraction
equipment. Start the engine and warm it up.
2 Press the AC button. E~lgine spee I s!-ltJuld then
drop noticeably and then return to n<'/~:mal idling
speed again.

3 If it does not:
Check whether voltage is present at the AC com-
.pressor's single-pole connector at the compres-
sor (red; RD).
• Check the AC unit's electrical system (power sup-
ply to the electromagnetic clutch).
• Check whether voltage is present at the lAC valve
and whether it opens (see section 854, Service
Manual 8:3).
• Check whether voltage is present at the AC unit's
115°C (240°F) thermostat (see section 854, Ser-
vice Manual 8:3).
• Also check that the yellow (GL) lead between the
lAC valve and the AC unit's 115°C (240°F) ther-
mostat and the black (SV) lead to the alternator
grounding point are OK.

E9B Checking the idling-speed

increase on cut-in of AC
compressor (cars with lAC
idle air control valve.
1 Connect the tachometer and exhaust extraction
equipment. Start the engine and warm it up.
2 Press the AC button Ther'El should not be any
noticeab',e change in ~r!".\irle sp(~eoj.

240-176 'f.
Fuel injection system .

3 If engine speed drops noticeably, check the fol-

o The current supply to pin 16 (red/white; RDNT)
on the LH control module.
It If no current is present, check the red/white (RD/
VT) lead from pin 16 of the LH control module to
pin 16 of the AC relay. Also check the operation
of the relay.
• If current is present, check the yellow/red (GURD)
lead between pin 3 of the lAC valve and pin 23 of
the control unit connec or, end fhe blue/white (BU
VT) lead between pin 'd of thE: IA .:; v<:tlve connec-
tor and pin 10 of the control module connector.
• Check the lAC valve as described in point 13.
It If the lAC valve is OK, try a new control module.

E10 Checking the oxygen

(Lambda) sensor
The oxygen (Lambda) sensor provides one of sev-
eral input signals that are processed by the control
module to determine the correct fuel-air mixture.
Other input signais incl~de en~ine rpm, e~gine tem-
p~ratUf.~. ~ccelerator position and air mass.
The i:>xyg~n (Lambda) sensor used in the LH sys-
tem. incorporates an electric preheating function
which ena'Jles the temperature to' be raised quickl)
so that accurate monitoring of the composition of the
'. exhaust gases is ensured.
1 Unplug the two-pin connector from the wiring
2 Use the multimeter to measure the resistance
across the two white connections of the oxygen
(Lambda) sensor. The correct resistance is
about 4 ohms.

~71 ri ~.
II, 1.1 dL'I' .. ~ -, (71 ~!-rr i·~
; t' I
(Til (1~J-(""'t'i


Fuel injection ~ s'ystem 240-177

3 Connect the multimeter (2-V DC scale) prods to

the black lead of the oxygen (Lambda) sensor
and grou~~.
Start the engine.
As the temperature of the sensor rises, it starts
to emit a signal of between 100 and 900 mY. The
act~al signal will vary with the f~el-air ~]xture,
so that a lean mixture of the kind caused by a
slight vacuum leak will give a Lambda value>1
and a signal voltage of about 100 mY.
A rich mixture will give a Lambda value>1 and
a signal voltage of about 900 mY.

11 Checking the induction "-

• Pressure gauge set 83 93 514

There must ~e no leakage of air between the mass

air flow sensor and the engine.
1 Check the hose connections on:
• the auxiliary valve
• the brake s'arvo unit
• the vacuum tank
• the pressure switch
• the EGR thermostatic valve
• the EGR valve
• the fuel pressure regulator
and also check that the butterfly closes and that
the three throttle body retaining bolts are tight.
2 Check that the injectors are properly seated in
the inlet manifold and that
the O-rings are un-
If air leakCj.ge is still suspected after these checks
have been carried out, carry out further check-
ing as follows:

. ....

Saab900 I
240-17.8 Fuel injection system

3 Connect pressure gauge 83 93514 to the inlet

manifold downstream of the throttle butterfly and
hang the pressure gauge from the rear-view mir-
ror inside the car.
4 Start the engine and let it run at idling speed (850
± 50 rpm).
Check the vacuum which, if the system is oper-
ating correctly, should be between -0.4 and -0.8
bar (-5.8 to -10.2 psi).
If the vacuum is less than -0.4 bar (-5.8 psi), this
indicates a leak in the induction system. Cheo!~
the system again as described in point 1.
5 Use the pressure gauge to check the induction
system for air leakage downstream of the throt-
tle butterfly and check the system by eye be-
tween the mass air flow sensor and the throttle
butterfly. The vacuum should be above -0.4 bar
(- 5.8 psi).
6 Check for leaks by eye between the throttle body
and pressure pipe, between the pressure pipe
and the turbo, between the turbo and the inlet
manifold, or at the inlet manifold connections for
crankcase ventilation and the BPC return hose.
Also check that no leakage occurs between the
inlet manifold connection to the rubber duct and
the mass air flow sensor, between the mass air
flow sensor and the air cleaner, and at the air
cleaner cover.
Also chnck the connection of the air intake to the
air cleaner and its position.

Fuel injection system 240-179

12 Checking the auxiliary air

• Multimeter
• Torch
• Mirror or sheet of white paper

Before starting to check E', J ;"U}dliai)~ air valve, un-

plug the control module ar-'j t :J:;\i1aI'Y air valve con-

Checking is to be carried out when the engine is cold
(below 30°C/86°F).

1 Using two separate jumper leads with crocodile

clips, connect pin 21 (yellow/white; GUVT) and
pin 17 (violet; VL) of the control module connec-
tor to ground.
2 Check that voltage is present across the pins in
the auxiliary air valve connector. If it is not, check
the operation of the main relay and pump relay,
see sections E1 and E2, and the grey and black
(GR and SV) leads to the auxiliary air valve.
3 Detach the rubber hoses and plug in the auxil-
iary air valve connector. Check that the valve
opens by shining the torch through one of the
hose spigots and holding the mirror or sheet of
white paper close to the opposite hose spigot.
The valve should close fully after about five min-
utes (depending on engine temperature).
4 If it does not, check the resistance of the auxil-
iary air valve by connecting the multimeter test
prods to its pins. The resistance should be 40-60
If this reading is not obtained, fit a new auxiliary
air valve.


13 Checking the lAC idle air

control valve
8 Unplug the idle air control valve connector.
Measure the resistance of the lAC valve across
pins 3 and 2 (the middle pin) and across pins 2
and 1. See "Technical data" for the correct resis-
If the correct resistance reading is not obtained,
try a new lAC valve.

Saab 900 I
240-180 Fuel injection system
M1 Basic setting of throttle
butterfly, LH 2.2
1 Make sure that the butterfly is mounted centrally
in the throttle body.
2 Screw in the adjusting screw until it touches the
stop (butterfly fully closed).
3 Turn the adjusting screw a further 1/3 turn and
secure it in this position with a locknut. This will
ensure a clearance between buttf3rf1y and throt-
tle body of approx. 0.05 mm (0.002 in).
4 Check that the length of the throttle cable does
not prevent the .iDutterfly from reaching the idling
speed position, nd that there is no play at the
accelerator pedal.
5 Check that the butterfly opens fully when the ac-
celerator is floored.
Check and adjust the throttle position sensor.

Basic setting of throttle butterfly

(LH 2.4) , \i f) , I I
Basic setting should be carried out: '~1~~.(\'-t'L'l\ \ (VV:\.-o\l ;.;, (...

• after repair work on the engine induction system

• if idling speed is too high (engine cold or at nor-
mal operating temperature)

Basic setting should always be carried out with the
engine cold; temperature about 20°C (68°F), and r;)1~~",","": /h-L,,('(.""
the ignition switched off.
"2.3 l,-/
.'t,£~~ l.. !
Basic setting cannot be carried out accurately when
the engine is hot due to excessive clearance be-
tween the throttle butterfly and the throttle body (be-
cause the inside diameter of the throttle body in-
creases more than the diameter of the throttle
butterfly as the temperature rises). .' .
1 Undo the throttle position sensor retaining
screws and rotate the sensor clear of the thrdttle
Make sure that the throttle cable is slack.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-181

2 Undo the butterfly locknut, using nut driver

83 94 332 and turn the adjusting screw until the
throttle butterfly is fully closed (abuts firmly
against the inner wall of the throttle body).
Then turn the adjusting screw half a turn (180°)
clockwise and tighten the locknut, taking care
not to alter the setting.

3 Reset the throttle position sensor (closed in the

idling position) and tighten the retaining scre'{\'s.
Check the setting. When the butt,erfly leaves the
idling position a clicking sound should be heard .'-
from the sensor.

M1 A Adjusting the idling speed

(not cars with catalytic
To adjust the idling speed, turn the adjusting screw
on the throttle body by-pass passage. Adjust the
idling speed in conjunction with setting the CO con-
, tent.
Idling speed: 850 ± 75 rpm.

The engine must be at normal operating tempera-

240~ 182 F~~I injection system

M1 B Adjusting the idling

speed (cars with catalytic
(For cars with the LH 2.2 fuel injection sys-
• TSI tachometer
Nut driver for the butterfly adjusting screw lock-
Jumper leacf"with switch 83 93 886
1 Remove the induction hose from the throttle
Open the throttle butterfly fully and wash the in-
side of the throttle body· round the butterfly, us-
ing a cloth soaked in ben~ine or the equivalent.

2 Start the engine and warm it up.

It is extremely important for the gearbox oil to be at
normal operating temperature.
,,;,- .

3 Undo the locknut on the throttle'and fower. the

dashpot clear of the throttle lever.

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-183

4 Unplug the throttle position sensor connector

and connect a jumper lead across pins 1 and 2
at the rear of the connector. (This sends a signal
to the LH control module corresponding to
closed contacts for the idling position, which is
necessary for obtaining an accurate setting
when carrying out adjustment.)

5 Undo the two throttle position sensor retaining

screws and rotate the sensor clear of the throttle
Also make sure that the throttle cable does not
interfere with the movement of the throttle but-
terfly (cable slack).

6 Start the engine and disconnect current-

consuming items like the AC, headlamps, seat
heating elements, etc.
Note also that adjustment must not !;>e carried
out when the radiator fan is running.
7 Connect the jumper lead with switch (83 93 886)
to the single-PQj81est socket focated adjacent to
thn r}gh>hal1d wheel arch (green/red lead).
I I .• _
~ ~'L, ,-\ A"'b:'j :"'';\'(.jt.·tj~, .
(' r -." , , '
jJ! ror
' I
l"I,,_,'2/et_.. ..... -t...' ,
"'V" ."C,;:.I
" ,. ...;'
t. I' ---;,
/ . . . .
; ~~.

'1 oJl,r?-v"'-"'~
. ~~
(. t ~... _
1.-(-'.. 1,
"( ,,·t, ~
> •• J

... ~.

Saab900 '
240-184 Fuel injection system
f)f, I ==:tr:lL~
~cr 'i"" u,~
, ., 'rJ..I_~ ,flo N"\P'-"'\.,91
1'/'-'" v ~-" I!

Cars not fitted with adjusting screw (air bleed

8 Undo the locknut on the throttle butterfly adjust-
ing screw, using nut driver 83 94 32.2, and turn
the adjusting screw until the 'butterfly is fully
closed. e
Set the switch to "ON" (the lAC valve closes).
Adjust idling speed to 775 ± 25 rpm and then
secure the adjusting screw in this position by
~ means of the I~cknut. ( ,_ tI..Arlu,i}L
rrwt tu.J~cJ~_ 1\, ¢-l. CL.,i~/el)\.t~ J"l """ ,~, (
I tJ2J'?,~ I.Q.~ t'JJY:"'). " ......... '0 )

~ Ifi&YI!,vft-Ci~tVJ- rrJ,/A-r,. ON ({~t ~e.~

/~wvv- ~T ~ ( ~A. ~l-rj;'Lr /1.~~ f1'10.
()01fv"~ Ju'~.cJ.- . rf~. 0;~1!-V"- .
V"P(J- {If'- (fh f-
~ Set t~e mitch tp "OFF".
. --t.-S ;-I..I0-h {'~ J[.:. t'r
?r-' Ij . [Cheek th t engine speed changes and when
~~ .....
'/ stabilized settles down to a steady idling speed
/ of 850 ± 75 rpm.
Cars fitted with an adjusting screw (air bleed
/ screw):
Turn the adjusting screw clockwise until it reaches
the stop (fully seated) and tighten it by means of
the locknut.
Then continue adjustment as described in poinj 8.
f br~4~' ~ ~~~"--/ ~h ~ vi~~~ir~~~~~·.f..r.~!:,U
~ .~ J~' ~';,z-, -~;;;'~- ~~ ~-~ gL ~AJ .
{\;M-J,-evv ~ f I'~ ~r'\4..J ~;:fftf'r.-\-' t,..p.Jl--u--~ .
Do,Xt f"Nu-';v.. t' r).t., k~J~ f ~

10 Switch off the engine. ;i' ...

11 Adjust the throttle position sensor. to th~ correct

setting (closed in idling position). .
Check that the sensor makes a clicking sound
when the butterfly lever is moved away from the
idling position. Do not confuse this sound with
the click produced by the shift- up swi'cll.
I '

03 j;:;vrJ..'- 2t--"'''-L'-j~)1 t,}o/J-1 ~ ~t,».".-.( fi//l ' d -

_ /vr-.v'J~""
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~ (I1v. ~)~ '(

r.,J,.!..1o.JfV ,,-JI.·
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IJ J~.,-:: 1:\
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. .. r . (' ,W< CQ / ~)
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f' /

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,~... V.A 0
I'J<jd"'-"'~:"'; yf",,_{LJl/vf . , J'v-...,.'

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-185

12 Adjust the throttle dashpot so that it closes within

a period of 2-3 seconds.
Tighten the locknut.
13 Remove ttle jumper lead from the throttle posi-
tion sensor connector and connect it to the sen-

Component replacement
Control module
1 Di.sconnect the negative battery cable.
2 Remove the sill scuff plates from the right-hand
, oJ the car.
Phil away the door weatherstrip at bottom front.
3 Remove the plate holding the carpet in place on r
tf;1e wheel arch and fold back the carpet.
4 UFlplug the control module connector by releas-
the clip and lifting it diagonally upwards and tl-L
5 Remove the control module retaining screws
from the whee~ arch.
..Fit in reverse order.
f2e.~( ~tr
MaIn r~lay and pump relay
1 Remove the air. duct retaining screws and move
the duct out of the way.
'. , '

2 Fold the sound inSUlating felt aside.

3 Pull. the relays out of their holders.
To check the operation of t~f'} relays, remove the
relay holder froom thewhe'eJ"arch and pull the re-
. "lays forward, providing easier access to, the
electrical connections.
Fit in reverse o.rder.

. ,¢
.ff:': t-.~ '6
~' ........
, .-

240-186 Fuel injection system

Temperature sensor
1 Remove the clips for the crankcase ventilation
hose from the camshaft cover.
f .
2 Remove the fuel pressure regulator complete
with bracket from the cylinder head.
3 ~nplug the temperature sensor connector.
4 Drain off about 4 Iitres of coolant so that it will
not run out of the aperture when the tempera-
ture sensor is removed.
[j Un~crew ~f-:e temperature sensor and remove it,
.:isllY,) a. r 4" drive long socket..
Before refitting, thoroughly clean the mating sur-
faces and temperature sensor.
Also check the condition of the copper washer.
Fit in reverse order.
Temperature sensor tightening torque: 20
Nm (14.8 Ibf ft).

Do not forget to reconnect the ground leads for the
LH injection system at the point where the fuel pres-
sure regulator is fastened to the cylinder head.

Throttle position sensor

1 Unplug the electrical leads from the throttle po-
sition sensor.
2 Remove the inlet manifold retaining screws and
lift off the throttle position sensor.
Fit in reverse order.
Adjust the throttle position sensor to the correct
position, see section E5 "Checking and adjust-
ing the throttle position sensor".


Fuel injection system 240-187

Fuel injection manifold and

To remove

Scrupulous'cleanliness must be observed when car-
rying out work on the fuel injection manifold and
Wash the areas round the injectors, the fuel injection
manifold and the intake mari.fold. Blow clean and
dry with compressed air.

1 Remove the crankcase ventilation hose from the

camshaft cover.
2 Unplug the electrical connectors from the injec-
.' .
3 Free the wiring harness by undoing the cable tie
at the point where the injection manifold is fas-
tened to the intake manifold.
4 Undo the fuel injection manifold hose connec-
tions (banjo fittings) at both ends.

Use a spanner on the flats at each end to hold the
injection manifold steady.

In the event of fuel leakage, always wipe up the fuel
with a cloth or the like.

5 Remove ·the bolts securing the fuel injection

manifold to the intake manifold.
6 Lift up the fuel injection manifold complete with
7 Remove the clips between the injectors and the
injection manifold.
8 Remove the injectors from the injection manifold
by twisting and then withdrawing therr ,

Saab 900
240-188 Fuel injection system .

To fit
Before refitting, inspect the O-rings. If damaged, fit
new ones.
To facilitate fitting and reduce the risk of damage,
smear the O-rings sparingly with petroleum jelly (Va-
1 Fit the injectors in the fuel injection manifold.
2 Mount the fuel injection manifold complete with
injectors on the intake manifold.
Check that the injectors are correctly located
and pushed fully hOJl1B in tilE: ir([~.:·e manifold,
and that the flange of the fuel injection manifold
lines up with the groove for the clip in the injec-
tor. Fit the clips.
Fit in reverse order.

Mass air flow ¥nsor

1 Undo the hose clip securing the rubber duct to
the mass air flow sensor.
2 Unplug the connector and the two clips for the
air cleaner housing cover.
S Lift the mass air flow sensor clear of the cover
and th.e rubber duct.
4 Fi.t the n~w mass air flow sensor, making sure
that thE} ridge in the sensor lines up with the re-
cess itl t.he cover. Secure the clips.
5 Conn's,ot lhe rubber duct to the mass air flow
sensor. Tighten the hose clip.
6 Plug in the connector.


Fuel injection system 240-189

Fuel filter
1 Thoroughly clean the area round the two fuel line
2 Prevent the filter from turning by applying a
spanner to the flats on the filter and banjo fitting
and disconnect the fuel lines. Remove the filter.

To prevent swarf from the threads from getting into
the fuel system, do not remove the fitting on the
discharge side.

3 Fit the new filter with the arrow pointing in the

direction of flow and reconnect the fuel lines.
If the filter has been fitted the wrong way round it
must not be refitted. Fit a new one instead.

Fuel pressure regulator

Fuel still under pressure. Wipe up any escaping fuel
with a cloth or the like.

Disconnect the hose between the fuel injection

manifold and the fuel pressure regulator at the
nipple on the pressure regulator.
2 Remove the hose between the intake manifold
and the diaphragm side of the pressure regula-
3 Remove the fuel pressure regulator complete
with bracket from the cylinder head.
4 Disconnect the return fuel hose from the pres-
sure regulator.
5 Remove the pressure regulator from the
Fit in rev 15;2, 01der.

Do not forget to reconnect the LH injection system
ground leads at the point where the pressure regu-
lator is fastened to the cylinder head.

Saab 900 .
240-190 Fuel injection system

Auxiliary air valve

1 Undo the hose clips and pull off the hoses.
2 Disconnect the electrical leads.
3 Unscrew the auxiliary air valve.
Fit in reverse order.

IAC(fdle air control valve

1 Unplug the connector.
2 Undo the hose clips and pull off the hoses.

3 Undo the valve retaining screws and lower the

valve from its holder.

Fit in reverse order.

To adjust the setting of the lAC valve, see section

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-191

Air cleaner
1 Unplug the mass air flow sensor connector and
release the two clips securing the air cleaner
housing cover. Withdraw the mass air flow sen-
sor and tum it to one side out of the way.
2 Remove the air cleaner housing cover by undo-
ing-the four clips.
3 Lift off the housing cover.
4 Lift out the filter element.
S Fit a new filter element, making sure: :it:, {~<m~\I2:d
in the air clear er housing.
6 Refit the housing over. Turn the cover to line up
the clips and to bring the spigot for the mass air
flow sensor in line with the inlet to the turbo unit.
Fasten the clips.
7 Reconnect the mass air flow sensor, lining up its
ridge with the groove in the air cleaner housing
cover. Fasten the clips.
8 Plug in the mass air flow sensor connector.

, '

Saab 900
240-192 Fuel injection system

Mass air flow sensor connector pins

537 RONT

536 OR
557 BRNT

535 BLNT

537 RONT

557BR NT B
536 OR
535 BLNT

A. Mass air flow sensor connector (on meter)

B. Mass air flow sensor connector (on wiring)

The connections from the mass air flow sensor go to:

531 (1 )-tCont rol module pin 14
536 (2)-tCo ntrol module pin 7
552 (3)-tGro unding point on engine
535 (4)-tCo ntrol module pin 6
557 (5)-tMa in relay pin 87b
537 (6)-tCo ntrol module pin 8

Saab 900
Fuel injection system 240-193

Wiring diagrams for main

relay and pump relay

30~ ~, •• 07 30~ ~ ••


87- 87
o o o L..-1----I o
0.. D 0..
o 0 .' 30


A Main relay Key: Pump relay

B Pump relay 30 = 559 red (RD) = Battery
85 = 545 violet (VL) = To control module pin 17
Key: Main relay 86 = 560A brownlwhlte (BRIVT) = To pressure switch pin
30 = 559a red (RD) = Battery 15
85 = 548 yellow/white (GUVT) = To control module pin 21 87 = 561 blue/red (BURD) = To injector and
86 = 559b red (RD) = Battery .
558 blue/red (BURD) to auxiliary air valve or idle air con-
87 = 538 brown/white (BRIVT) = To control module pin 9
trol valve
87b = 557 brown/white (BRIVT) = Hot wire (filament)
burn-off function 87b = 261 a grey/red (GRlRD) = To fuel pump and
564 grey/red (GRlRD) = LIMP-HOME socket



Saab Automobile AS o
Trollhattan, Sweden

Printed in Sweden, Graphic SystDms AB, Gbg 1992.20274

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