Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
MAS by CPAs - considered in the practice of professional accounting and are bound by the
Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
Advantages of CPAs over other professionals in MAS practice:
- familiar with the client and his business, and enjoy the client’s confidence
- members of a profession with recognized standing and equipped with technical know-
how in accounting and taxation.
Characteristics of MAS:
services are rendered for management
involves problem solving
relates to future
broad in scope
involves varied assignments
engagements are usually non-recurring
engagements require highly qualified staff
human relations play a vital role in each engagement
Scope of MAS:
Is usually related to services rendered by CPA’s in areas of auditing, tax and accounting,
and may involve activities such as:
counseling management in its analysis, planning, organizing, operating and controlling
reviewing and suggesting improvement of policies, procedures, systems, methods,
organizational relationships;
introducing new ideas, concepts, and methods to management; and
conducting special studies, proposing plans and programs, and providing guidance and
technical assistance in their implementation.
Broad Areas of MAS:
A. Normally Related to Accounting and Finance Functions:
1. Financial Accounting Systems Design and Development
2. Management Accounting Systems Design and Development
3. Development and Establishment of Budgeting Controls:
a. Cost Accounting
- development of Standard Cost System
- Cost Analysis and Control
- Variance Analysis
b. Financial Management
- establishment of Capital Budgeting procedures
- study of Cost of Capital and Cost of Debt
- Financial Analysis for project studies
- establishment of Operating and Cash Budgets
- Valuation of common stocks for purposes of mergers and sale
B. Not Normally Related to Accounting and Finance Functions:
1. General Management Consultation
a. Management/Operations Audit
b. Measurement of Operating Performance
c. Merger and Acquisition studies
d. Development of Compensation Programs
e. Pension Plan Review
f. Special Studies on industry potential
g. Long-Range Planning
2. Project Feasibility Studies - involves financial, technical, and marketing evaluation of
proposed projects.
3. Organization and Personnel
a. Review of existing organization structure
b. Organization and Administrative Manual Preparation
c. Job Evaluation and Salary Administration
d. Development of Personnel Ratings Programs
e. Retirement Plan Studies
f. Studies of Office Cost Reduction Systems
g. Determining Cost of Alternatives in CBAs
4. Industrial Engineering
a. Production, planning, scheduling and control
b. Plant Layout Studies
c. Inventory Management Studies
d. Materials Control System Design and Development
e. Development of Work Standards
f. Purchasing Management, including Value Analysis
5. Marketing
a. Product Profitability Analysis
b. Pricing Policy Determination
c. Market Forecasting
d. Distribution Cost Analysis
e. Salesmen’s Incentive Compensation Evaluation
6. Operations Research - involves use of mathematical techniques, such as linear
programming, PERT/CPM, Queuing Theory, Simulation, etc. to solve operational
* The List is not necessarily exhaustive or complete. Practitioner may offer other services.
MAS Classifications based on Required Expertise:
1. USUAL Services
evaluation of form of business organization
analysis of financial and operating statements
design and installation of accounting systems
design and filing systems for storing accounting records
suggestions for improvements in internal control
establishment of control to assist management and expedite the audit process
preparation of insurance claims in case of business interruption
research and evaluation of alternative methods of handling a transaction for its effect
on finance and tax consequences
assistance in preparation of forecasts and budgets
presentation and explanation of statements
assisting clients in purchase or sale of business
testifying in client’s behalf
determination of the effect of various employee compensation plans on net income
aid in labor union negotiations
2. Somewhat SPECIALIZED Services
assisting in the installation of mechanized accounting system
making control analysis of operations
finding sources of capital and figuring the approximate cost of small business loans,
bonds issue, and stock issuance
giving advice on dividend policy and plans for expansion
calculations on government contracts and allocating costs in compliance with reporting
advising on accounting and tax matters relative to state planning
surveying credit losses
assisting in bankruptcy and receivership proceedings
recruiting accounting and bookkeeping personnel for the client
preparing an analysis of paper flow
presenting and analyzing the pros and cons of various retirement and profit-sharing
advising on various wage incentive plans
reviewing the organization structure
auditing management policies
conducting motion studies
surveying an industry of trade for current trends
evaluating the desirability of a particular area of pant location
preparing market analysis
reviewing an insurance program
advising on data processing allocation
1. Ascertaining the pertinent facts and circumstances
2. Seeking and identifying objectives
3. Defining the problem or opportunity for improvement
GENERAL Standards:
1. Professional Competence - undertake only engagements which one can reasonably
2. Due Professional Care - when performing an engagement
3. Planning and Supervision - work is conducted in accordance with the understanding with
the client and with professional standards and rules of conduct
4. Sufficient Relevant Data - provide reasonable basis for making conclusions and formulating
5. Forecasts - not permit his name to be used in connection with any forecast
TECHNICAL Standards:
1. Role of MAS Practitioner - should maintain his independence to enable him to render
professional judgment and opinion objectively
2. Understanding with the Client - concerning the nature, scope, and limitations of the
enggment to be performed
3. Client Benefit -obtain an understanding of possible benefits the client wishes to achieve
4. Communication of Results -communicate to the client principal findings, conclusions,
recommendations, or other results of the engagement including the major facts and
assumptions used, limitations, reservations, or other qualifications.
Management Functions and the Need for Managerial Accounting Information: (All involves
a. PLANNING, involves:
Setting of immediate, as well as long range goals
Predicting future conditions
Considering different means or strategies by which goals may be achieved
Deciding which strategies should be used
b. DIRECTING and MOTIVATING, involves overseeing the day to day activities
c. CONTROLLING, involves checking the performance of activities against the plans or
standards set and deciding what corrective actions
Education Qualification
To be certified as a CMA or CFM, candidates must fulfill both an education requirement and an
experience requirement. Verification of one of the following must be presented to complete
the education requirement:
1. Bachelors Degree, in any area, from an accredited college or university.
a. View a partial listing of international accredited institutions accepted without an
evaluation. Degrees not from accredited foreign institutions must be evaluated by an
independent agency approved by the ICMA.
b. All transcripts must be admitted in English and show the official seal of the college or
2. Score in the 50th percentile or higher on either the Graduate Management Admission Test
(GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
3. Professional qualification comparable to the CPA, CMA, CFM, etc. Included in the global
listing of professional credentials that qualify is being a CPA member of PICPA. The
professional credentials qualify as an entrance credential for the CMA/CFM programs.
Applicants must arrange to have confirmation of professional credentials sent directly to
the ICMA from the certifying organization.
Experience Qualification
The CMA and CFM programs are designed to distinguish professionals engaged in management
accounting and financial management. Candidates for certification must complete two
continuous years of professional experience in management accounting or financial
management. This may be completed prior to application or within seven years of passing
Qualifying experience consists of positions requiring judgments regularly made employing the
principles of management accounting and financial management. Such employment includes
financial analysis, budget preparation, management information system analysis, financial
management, management accounting, and auditing in government, finance or industry,
management consulting, auditing in public accounting, research, teaching or consulting related
to management accounting or financial management.
Employment requiring the occasional application of management accounting principles
(computer operations, sales and marketing, manufacturing, engineering, personnel, and
general management) will not satisfy this requirement. Similarly, internships, and trainee,
clerical, or non-technical positions do not provide appropriate experience to fulfill this
-Mainly responsible for the accounting aspect of management planning and control.
1. Planning for Control
2. Reporting and Interpreting
3. Evaluating and Consulting
4. Tax Administration
5. Government Reporting
6. Protection of Assets
7. Economic Appraisal
Planning and Control Provision for Capital
Reporting and Interpreting Investor Relation
Evaluating and Consulting Short-term Financing
Tax Administration Banking and Custody
Government Reporting Credit and collection
Protection of Assets Investments
Economic Appraisal Insurance
Factors that contributed to CHANGES:
1. Inventory Cost Savings - saves cost of maintaining and carrying inventories.
2. Release of Facilities – investment property
3. Prompt delivery of goods and services; and quick response to customer needs
4. Reduction of defective output resulting into minimization of wastage and losses; and
greater satisfaction of customers
Quality Costs – costs incurred on quality related processes; costs incurred to prevent defects, or
incurred as a result of defects occurring.
a. Conformance Costs – incurred to prevent key defective units from falling into the hands
of customers
1. Prevention – relate to activity that reduces number of defects
2. Appraisal – relate to inspection
Business Process –any series that are followed to carry-out some tasks or activities in a business
PR Procedures – business process is diagrammed in detail, analyzed, and then completely
OBJECTIVES: - simplification of business process
Elimination of non-value added activities
Reduction of opportunities for errors
Cost reduction
Basic Steps:
1. Identify the constraint (internal/external)
2. Study the constraint and decide how to overcome or exploit such limitation
3. Prioritize effective management of existing constraint
4. Introduce improvement to break the constraint
5. If the constraint is identified in Step 1 is broken, repeat Step 1. Find another weak point
or constraint
1. Process mapping and process value analysis
Process mapping (input/output) lines up activities from the start to the end of the
process cycle to show the connections of different activities in completing a particular
cycle (production, specific department/unit cycle)
Process value analysis shows the relevance of the interrelationships and
interdependence of activities in a given process to determine their usefulness,
identifying possible areas where improvements could be done, and creating options on
how to make the process more relevant and feasible
Throughput time/ manufacturing time is the sum of all activities from input to output
which includes the process time, wait/queue time, move time and inspection time
2. Process re-engineering – is a macro-approach to process improvement; creates new
standards, beliefs, goals, practices, procedures, and system of doing things
3. Kaizen – a Japanese term which refers to the process of continuously improving
systems, relationships, processes, set-ups, policies, and other details of activities
4. PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle/Deming Wheel is “management by fact” or a scientific
approach to continuous improvement model based on a process-centered approach.
Careful planning precedes doing in a small-scale manner, checking the outcome of the
experiment and adopting the model in larger-scale if found successful.
5. Benchmarking identifies the best practices in the organization and make the benchmark
could either financial or non-financial in nature, Internal or external in source.
Benchmark – is the best in- the-class or the best performance in a given environment.
6. Product-Life Cycle Costing - estimates and determines the total cost of a product over its
life cycle.
gets the average unit cost over the entire life span of the
Infancy/Start-up stage
Growth stage
Expansion Stage
Maturity/decline stage
INFORMATION SYSTEM is the network of all methods used in communicating information
within the organization. It is a collection of procedures, programs, equipment, and methods
that process data and make it available to management for decision making.
a. Provide means by which interested parties may be given information on the financial
position and results of operations of an organization.
b. Facilitate management planning, control, ands decision making.
c. Comply with various laws and government requirements.
d. Protect the organization and safeguard its assets.
a. Set of interrelated activities.
b. Written records and reports.
c. Equipment and devices used.
d. Personnel directly involved.
Business Papers and Forms
Business Machines
Journals and Ledgers
Chart of Accounts
Organizational Charts
Financial Reports
Internal Control
FLOWCHART is a pictorial presentation of flow of work and/or documents through a
department or an entire organization.
a. SYSTEMS Flowchart shows a logical diagram of the flow of data through all parts of the data
processing system; identifies which functions are manual, mechanical, and computerized.
b. DOCUMENT Flowchart traces the flow of documents and reports for a particular function or
activity through the system from origin to destination.
c. PROGRAM Flowchart shows the different operation and decisions required in a specific
ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS shows the lines of authority, responsibility, control, and functions in
a business organization.
→ Hardware
→ Software
→Data resources
→model resources
→people resources
COST – monetary measure of amount of resources given up or used for some purpose.
monetary value of goods and services expended to obtain current or future benefits.
Cost Object - anything for which cost is computed. Ex. product, product line, segment
Cost Driver - any variable (level of activity/volume) that usually affects cost over a period of
time. Ex. production, sales, number of hours
Cost Pool - grouping of individual cost items; an account in which a variety of similar costs
are accumulated. Ex. WIP, Factory Overhead Control
Activity - an event, action, transaction, task, or unit of work with a specified purpose.
Ex. Value-Adding Activities - activities are necessary to produce the product.
Non Value-Adding Activities -do not make product/service more valuable to the
customer. (moving materials or equipment)
As to TYPE
1. PRODUCT Cost-incurred to manufacture the product.
* Product Cost of units sold during the period are recognized as expense (COGS/COS) in the
Income Statement.
* Product Cost of unsold units become costs of inventory and treated as an asset in the
Balance Sheet.
2. PERIOD Cost-nonmanufacturing costs that include selling, administrative, and Research
and Development cost. These are expensed in the period of incurrence and do not become
part of inventory.
1. MANUFACTURING Cost-all costs incurred in the factory to convert raw materials into
finished goods.
* Direct Manufacturing Costs – Materials and Labor
* Indirect Manufacturing Costs - Manufacturing OH or Factory OH Costs
2. NON-MANUFACTURING Cost- all costs which are not incurred in transforming materials
to finished goods.
* R & D – incurred in designing and bringing new products to the market
* Marketing Cost – advertising and promotion
* Distribution Cost – costs incurred in delivering products to customers
* Selling Cost – sales staff salaries and commissions and other selling expenses
* After-Sales Cost – incurred in dealing with customers after sales, such as warranty, repair
costs, costs incurred in receiving, entertaining and acting on customer complaints
* General and Administrative Costs – all non-manufacturing costs not falling under any
other category
1. DIRECT Cost – related to particular cost object and be effectively traced to cost object.
2. INDIRECT Cost – related to a cost object, but cannot practically economically, and be
effectively traced to such object. Cost assignment is done by allocating indirect cost to be
related cost object.
1. RELEVANT Cost – future costs that will differ under alternative courses of action.
2. DIFFERENTIAL Cost – difference in costs between any two alternative courses of action.
* INCREMENTAL Cost – increase in cost from one alternative to another
* DECREMENTAL Cost – decrease in cost
3. OPPORTUNITY Cost – income or benefit given up when one alternative is selected over
4. SUNK, PAST, or HISTORICAL Cost – already incurred and cannot be charged by any
As to BEHAVIOR (Reaction to Changes in Cost Driver)
1. VARIABLE Cost – within relevant range and time period under consideration, the total
amount varies directly to change in activity level/cost driver, and the per unit amount is
2. FIXED Cost – within relevant range and the period under consideration, total amount
remains unchanged, and per unit amount varies inversely/indirectly with change in cost
* Committed FC – long-term is nature and cannot be eliminated even for a short period of
time without affecting profitability or long-term goals. Ex. Depreciation
* Discretionary/Managed FC – arise from periodic decision of management to spend certain
fixed costs. Maybe changed by management from period to period, if circumstances
demand. Ex. Research, Advertising, maintenance contracts
3. MIXED Cost – cost has both variable and fixed components.
4. STEP Cost – when activity changes, step cost shifts upward or downward by certain
* Step Variable Cost – have small steps
* Step Fixed Cost – have huge steps
RELEVANT RANGE - range of activity that reflects the company’s normal operating range.
Y = a + bx
Y = Total Cost b = Variable Cost per driver
a = Total Fixed Cost x = activity level/cost driver
LINEARITY ASSUMPTION - within the relevant range, there is strict linear relationship
between the cost and cost driver. Costs may therefore be shown graphically as lines.
1. HIGH-LOW Method - cost components from two data points. The data points, taken
from historical data, represent the highest and lowest activity levels during the period
under consideration.
* do not select data points distorted by abnormal conditions
* activity level is the cost driver
a) Graphical approach b) Mathematical approach
- is a more accurate way of separating variable and fixed cost components.
- Abnormally high and low points can easily be seen.
However, method is subjective. Results of analysis may differ. No two analyses are likely
to draw the same regression line.
3. LEAST SQUARES Method - uses mathematical formulas to fit the regression line, unlike
scattergraph where the line is fitted by visual inspection. The procedure involves a
computation of regression line that minimizes the sum of squared errors/deviations.
come up with the cost function Y = a + bx
values of a and b may be computed solving the ff:
∑y = na + b∑x
∑xy = a∑x + b∑x2
4. MULTIPLE REGRESSION Analysis – used when dependent variable (cost) is caused by more
than one factor. In other words, the dependent variable (cost) is related to more than one
independent variable (units, machine hours, etc.)
r = -1≤ 0 ≤ 1
when r is POSITIVE, there is positive or direct relationship between the dependent (y) and
independent (x) variables. That is, the value of y increases when the value of x increases.
The regression line slopes upward to the right.
Break-Even Point – Sales Volume level (Pesos/Units) where total revenues equal total costs.
a) Graphical Method
FC P Sales
b) Formula Approach
1. BEP = FC
2. BES= FC
Other Formulas:
CM = S – VC VC% = VC/S VC% = 1 – CM%
CMu = SP – VCu 1 = CM% + VC%
CM% = CM/S CM% = 1 – VC%
c) Multiple Product
1. BEP = FC
2. BES= FC
MARGIN OF SAFETY – amount of Peso Sales or number of units by which actual/budgeted sales
may be decreased without resulting into a loss.
A. SINGLE Product
a. To earn desired amount of RSu = FC + DP RSP = FC + DP
profit before tax CMU CM%
b. To earn desired amount of RSu = FC + NP RSP = FC + NP
profit after tax 1 + TxR 1 + TxR
a. To earn desired amount of RSu = FC + DP RSP = FC + DP
profit before tax WaCMU WaCM%
b. To earn desired amount of RSu = FC + NP RSP = FC + NP
profit after tax 1 + TxR 1 + TxR
COST ACCOUNTING - part of accounting system that measures costs for decision-making and
financial reporting purposes.
* PROCESS Costing - used by firms that produce many units of a single product (or
nearly identical products) for long periods of time.
In this system, costs are accumulated in a particular operation or department for an
entire period. Total Cost incurred in each operation or department is then divided by total
number of units produced to determine the average cost per unit of product.
Ex. Softdrinks company, toy manufacturers
* STANDARD Costing - used with other cost accounting systems, such as JOB ORDER
Costing and PROCESS Costing.
This method uses predetermined factors (quantity and price) to compute the standard
cost of materials, labor and factory overhead, so that such costs may be assigned to various
inventory accounts and COGS/COS.
* BACKFLUSH Costing - streamlined cost accounting method that simplifies, speeds up, and
reduces accounting effort/procedures in accumulating product costs.
Eliminates the detailed tracking of cost of work in process.
* ACTIVITY-BASED Costing - uses multiple drivers to predict and allocate costs to products
and services.
In ABC System, the various activities performed in a business segment or in an entire
organization are identified, costs are collected on the basis of the underlying nature and extent
of such activities, and costs are assigned to the products or services based on consumption of
such activities by products or services.
Quantity Standards –indicate the quantity of Raw Materials/Labor Time required producing a
Only variances that are material or significant in amount, whether favorable/unfavorable,
should be investigated.
Types of Standards
IDEAL – attainable under the best circumstance; also called Theoretical/Maximum
Efficiency Standards
PRACTICAL – Currently Attainable Standards; tight but attainable standards; attainable
under normal though highly efficient operating conditions
Normally used for product costing and cash budgeting purposes
MATERIAL Standards:
Standard Price/unit x Standard Quantity/hour = Standard Cost of Materials
STANDARDS and BUDGETS are predetermined amounts. However, Standard is a unit amount,
whereas Budget is total amount.
Direct Materials
Actual Qty. @ Actual Price
Spending/Price Variance
Actual Qty. @ Std. Price Materials Price Variance
Efficiency/ Quantity Variance
Std. Qty. @ Std. Price
Direct Labor
Actual Time @ Actual Rate
Spending/Price Variance
Actual Time @ Std. Rate Labor Cost Variance
Efficiency/ Quantity Variance
Std. Time @ Std. Rate
Factory Overhead
Actual Actual
Spending/Price Variance
Budgeted Std. Rate x Actual Hrs. Controllable
Efficiency/ Qty. Variance
Budgeted Std. Rate x Std. Hrs.
Volume Variance
Standard Standard
Disposition of Variances:
1. Insignificant – closed to COGS/COS
2. Significant/Material – Pro-rata adjustment to COGS/COS
In Delivery Cycle Time, only the process time is value-added time, the rest are non-value added
1. DELIVERY CYCLE TIME – the length of TIME between RECEIVING an order from customer to
the TIME when Completed Order is DELIVERED to such customer.
-only process time is value added time, the rest are non-value added.
Composed of:
Process Time – time work is actually done on the product
Inspection Time – time spent to check if product is defective
Move Time – time required to move materials and WIP from one workstation to another
Queue Time – amount of time product spends waiting to be processed, moved,
inspected, and shipped.
Absorption (Full) Costing is a product costing method that includes ALL manufacturing costs in
the cost of a unit product. It is the traditional method of product costing in which direct
materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead are treated as
product costs and are charged to inventories.
Note: Fixed Manufacturing Costs are only attached to beginning and ending inventories under
absorption costing.
Throughput (Supervariable) Costing treats direct materials as the only variable costs.
Only material costs are inventoriable; WIP or FG inventories are not recorded.
Direct labor and FOH are treated as period costs
COGS id the cost of materials put in process
Sales less COGS(purely materials) = Throughput
Results in lower income than Variable Costing when production exceeds sales.
Penalize High Production and rewards low production. Hence, in tune with JIT and other
philosophies that seeks lower inventories.
Superabsorption Costing treat costs from all links in the value chain as inventoriable cost.
Advantages Disadvantages
Total FC is reported in the income statement Variable Costing is not acceptable for external
when incurred. This highlights the effect of FC and income tax reporting.
on net income.
FC is not accounted for as inventoriable cost. Costs are required to be separated into fixed
This simplifies the record keeping and and variable. This can be very difficult and
provides a better basis for accounting and often subject to individual judgment.
control of the total FC incurred.
Net income is not influenced by production Costs are not properly matched with revenues
and inventory changes. Net income varies with in accordance with GAAP.
The income statement-reporting format is Too much attention may be given to VC at the
extremely useful for management purposes expense of disregarding FC.
like determining cost-volume relationships
and contribution margin data.
Product Components:
Direct Materials Direct Materials
Direct Labor Direct Labor
Variable FOH FOH
Fixed FOH
Sales XX Sales XX
Less: COGS XX Less: Variable Cost XX
Gross Profit XX Contribution Margin XX
Operating Expense XX Less: Fixed Cost XX
Net Income XX Net Income XX
Benefits of ABC:
a. Improved product or service cost data.
b. Improved decisions about pricing, service mixes and product strategies based on more
accurate cost information.
c. Cost reduction by eliminating non-value added activities.
d. Greater control of costs because of its focus on the behavior of costs at their origination,
both short term and long-term.
e. More accurate evaluation of performance by programs and responsibility center.
COST POOL – Means indirect cost pool. Refer to groupings or aggregations of costs, usually for
subsequent analysis.
Cost Pools Group Costs into either:
a. Plants, which are entire factories, b. Department within plants
stores, banks, and so forth c. Activity centers.
PLANTWIDE ALLOCATION – Uses the entire plant as a cost pool. Then, allocate all costs from the
pool to product using a single overhead allocation rate, or one set or rates, to all of the
products of the plant, independent of the number of departments in the plant.
DEPARTMENTAL ALLOCATION – Each department is a separate cost pool, which accumulates
costs. Then using separate rates, for each department, allocate from each cost pool to products
produced in that department.
Steps in ABC:
a. Identify the activities that consume resources, and assign costs to those activities.
b. Identify the cost driver/s associated with each activity.
c. Compute a cost rte per cost driver unit.
d. Assign costs to products by multiplying the cost driver rate times the volume of cost
drivers consumed by the product.
Decision Making is the function of selecting courses of action for the future.
Decision Model is a forward method used by managers for making a choice, which involves
both quantitative and qualitative analyses.
Basic Steps:
Only relevant factors should be considered
The best alternative will give the highest income or the lowest loss
To maximize profit/target margin
To meet desires dales returns/market share
To maintain stable relationship between the company and industry leader’s prices
To enhance the image that the company wants to project
1. Internal Factors
All relevant costs
Company’s marketing objectives, as well as, its marketing mix strategy
Company’s capacity
Peak Load Pricing – prices may vary inversely with capacity usage. Company’s
products would be sold at higher prices if it does not operate at full capacity.
2. External Factors
Type of market where the products/services are sold
i. Perfect competition – a firm can sell as much of a product it can produce, all
at a single market price.
ii. Imperfect competition – a firm’s price will influence the quantity it sells.
iii. Monopolistic market – a monopolist is usually able to change to a higher
price because it has no competitors
Supply and demand
Customer’s perception of value and price
Price elasticity of demand - effect of price changes on sales volume
i. High elastic demand – small price increases cause large volume declines.
ii. High inelastic demand – prices have little or no effect on volume
Legal requirements –both local and international
1. Cost-Based Pricing –starts with the determination of cost, then a price is set so that such
price will recover all costs in the value chain and provide a desired return on investment.
Cost-Plus Price = Cost + Markup
Prices may be based on:
i. Total Cost: Price = Total Cost + (Total Cost*MU %)
ii. Absorption Product Cost: Price = APC + (APC*MU %)
iii. Variable Manufacturing Cost: Price = VMC + (VMC*MU %)
iv. Total Variable Cost: Price = TVC + (TVC*MU %)
2. Market-Based Pricing (Buyer-Based Pricing) – are based on product’s perceived value and
competitor’s actions
Target Price – is the expected market price for a product/service, considering the
consumer’s perceptions of the value and competitor’s reactions
Target Price Less Target Profit = Target Cost
i. Target Costing – first determines the Target/Market Price at which it can sell its
product /service, and then design the product/ service that can be produced at
the target cost to provide the target profit.
ii. Value Engineering involves a systematic assessment of all aspects of the value
chain costs of a product/service from R&D, Design, Process Design, Production,
Marketing, Distribution, and Customer Service. The object is to minimize cost
without sacrificing customer satisfaction.
iii. Life-Cycle Costing involves determination of a product’s estimated revenue and
expense over its expected life cycle.
R & D Stage
Introduction Stage
Growth Stage
Mature Stage
Harvest/Decline Stage
iv. Whole-Life Cost are composed of:
Life Cycle; and
After purchase costs incurred by customers.
Reduction of Whole-Life Cost provides benefits, both to buyer and the seller.
Customers may pay a premium to a product with a low after-purchase cost.
CENTRALIZED Organization – top management makes most decisions and controls most
activities of the organizational segments.
DECENTRALIZED Organization – there is employee empowerment; top management
grants subordinates managers a significant degree of autonomy and independence.
BENEFITS of Decentralization:
1. Greater awareness of needs of people involved in sub unit.
2. More timely decisions.
3. Faster management development.
4. Greater initiative.
5. Improvement of employee’s morale.
6. Sharper management focus.
SUB-OPTIMIZATION – occurs when one segment takes action in its best interest but detrimental
to the organization as a whole.
Managerial Performance should be evaluated on the basis of those factors controllable
by the manager being evaluated. To achieve this, it is best to use the CONTRIBUTION
APPROACH to performance measurement.
A B Total
Less: Variable Mftg. Cost
1 Mftg. Contribution Margin
Less: Variable Non-Mftg. Cost
2 Contribution Margin
Less: Controllable Fixed Cost
3 Short-run Performance Margin
Less: Direct Non-Controllable FC
4 Segment Margin
Less: Common Cost Allocated to Segment
5 Operating Income
7. Residual Income is the excess of income earned by an investment center over the desired
income or return in invested capital.
8. Economic Value Added (EVA) is a more specific version of Residual Income. It represents the
segment’s true economic profit because it measures the benefit obtained by using
resources in a particular way.
Equity Spread (ES) = Equity Capital, Beg. X (Return on Equity – Percentage Cost of Equity)
Total Shareholder Return (TSR) = Change in Stock Price + Dividend per Share
Initial Stock Price
Market Value Added (MVA):
Market Value of Equity (Outstanding Shares x Market Price) xx
Less: Equity Supplied by Shareholders xx
Market Value Added (MVA) xx
BREAK-EVEN TIME is the time when the cumulative Present Value of Cash Inflows is equal to
the cumulative Present value of Cash Outflows.
CUSTOMER RESPONSE TIME (DELIVERY CYCLE TIME) is the time period from the placement of
the order to the delivery of goods/services composed of:
Order Receipt Time – period of time between placement of an order to its readiness for
Manufacturing Cycle Time /Manufacturing Lead Time/Throughput Time – period of time
from the moment the order is ready for setup to its completion.
Order Delivery Time
Budget – is a realistic plan, expressed in quantitative terms, for a certain future period of time.
Used by management to communicate their plans and goals.
Force management to plan for the future.
Resources are appropriately allocated.
Potential bottlenecks are discovered before they occur.
Promotes coordination of activities
Goals and objectives identified in the budgeting process serve as benchmarks/standards
for evaluating performance.
Budget Committee is composed of key management who are responsible for overall policy
matters relating to the budget program and fro coordinating the preparation of the budget.
Master Budget encompasses organization’s operating and financial plans for a certain future
period of time (Budget Period). It is composed of operating and financial budget.
Financial Statement Analysis involves careful selection of data from financial statements in
order to assess and evaluate the firm’s past performance, its present condition, and business
The primary purpose of FS Analysis is to evaluate and forecast the company’s financial
health. Interested parties can identify the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses and
know about:
PROFITABILITY of the business
Firm’s ability to MEET OBLIGATIONS
* Difference between companies
* Difference in accounting methods and estimates
* Valuation problem – Historical Cost do not reflect Current Market Value of Firm’s Assets.
The effects of price level changes must be considered.
* The timing of transactions and use of averages in applying various techniques
Ratios are not sufficient, thus, other factors must be considered, such as:
Industry trends
Changes in technology
Changes in consumer tastes
Change in the economy
Changes within the company
STEPS in FS Analysis:
2. STUDY THE INDUSTRY where the firm belongs
3. STUDY THE FIRM’S BACKGROUND and quality of its management
4. EVALUATE THE FIRM’S FS using the evaluation techniques
5. SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS of the studies and evaluation
6. DEVELOP CONCLUSIONS relevant to established objectives
B. VERTICAL Analysis (Common Size Statements) is the process of comparing figures in the
Financial Statements of a single period. This is accomplished by expressing all figures in the
statements as percentages of an important item such as Total Assets (BS) or Total/Net Sales
(IS). These converted statements are called common-size statements or percentage
composition statements.
C. RATIO Analysis provide users with relevant information about the firm’s Liquidity, use or
leverage, asset management, cost control, profitability, growth and valuation.
a. LIQUIDITY Ratios provide information about the firm’s ABILITY TO PAY its CURRENT
OBLIGATIONS and continue operation.
FINANCING LEVERAGE (trading on equity) – the use of debt to finance assets and operations. It
is advisable to trade on equity when earnings from borrowed funds exceed the cost of
- as leverage increases, the risk borne by creditors, as well as the risk that the firm may not be
able to meet maturing obligations.
- since interest expense is tax deductible, leverage increases the company’s return when it is
f. GROWTH Ratios measure the CHANGES IN ECONOMIC STATUS of a firm over a period of time.
Income Available to Common Reflect the company’s earning
Basic Earnings per Share
Shareholders power.
Ave. Common Shares Outstanding
Earnings per Share Shows the relationship of
Earnings Yield Market Price per Share earnings per share to market
price per share.
Cash provided by Operations less Indicator of short term
Preferred Dividends capacity to make capital
Cash flow per Share
Common Shares Outstanding outlays and dividend
Cash Dividends per Common Shows whether firm pays out
Dividend Payout Ratio Share most of its earning s in
Earnings per Share dividends or reinvests it.
Cash Dividend per Common Share Shows the relationship of
Dividend Yield Market Price per Common Share common dividends per share
to market price per share.
Net Cash provided by Operations Measures the ability to pay
Ratio of Operating Cash flow
Cash Dividend dividends from current
to Cash Dividend
operating sources.
Amount Retained Measures the percentage
Internal Growth Rate Asset Base increase in assets kept in the
Return on Common Equity * (1- Measures the relationship of
Sustainable Equity Growth
Dividend Payout Ratio) earnings retained and the
return thereon.
g. VALUATION Ratios measure of SHAREHOLDER VALUE as reflected in the price of firm’s stock
Measures amount of net
Book Value per Share assets available to
Shares Outstanding
Measures how high is the
shares’ market price in
Market to Book Ratio or Market Price per Share
relationship to Book Value.
Price to Book Ratio Book Value per Share
Well-managed firms should
sell at High multiples.
Price Earnings Ratio Market Price Measure relationship
Earnings per Share between the shares’ market
price and earnings per share.
Growth companies likely to
have high PE ratio.
Measures what shareholders
Dividend Yield + Capital Gains
Return to Shareholders actually earn over a specified
Measurement Period
Reflects the market valuation
of new investment.
Market Value of All Securities
Q Ratio Q Ratio > 1 means the firm is
Replacement Cost of Assets
earning return greater than
the amount invested.
Dividends per Share + Market Calculation of return or the
Return on Shareholder’s
Value of Reinvented Earnings price of common shares.
Investments (ROSI)
Price per Share
The General Price Level is inversely related to the purchasing
power of money.
* Higher rates of inflation lead to higher interest rates which discourage investments.
* Inflation increases prices of resources, increasing demand for capital.
* If tax structure is not indexed for inflation. Taxpayers may be pushed to higher tax brackets
ever though real income has not increased
* Inflation distorts profit
* Accuracy of business planning prediction is reduced
* Inflation hurts creditors, fixed income groups, and savers, but benefits debtors.
E. CASH FLOW Analysis is a detailed study of net change in cash as a result of operating,
investing, and financing activities during the period.
STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW is the basic FS prepared and used in analyzing cash flows.
CASH EQUIVALENTS are short term, highly liquid investments that are:
readily convertible to known amounts of cash; and
so near their maturity date that their market value is relatively insensitive to
changes in interest rates.
3-way Analysis:
4-way Analysis:
SALES Variance
PRICE Factor = Difference in Selling Price x Actual Units
VOLUME/QUANTITY Factor = Difference in Units x [Budget/Standard/Base]SPrice
COST Variance
PRICE Factor = Difference in Cost x Actual Units
VOLUME/QUANTITY Factor = Difference in Units x [Budget/Standard/Base]Price
6-way Analysis:
SALES Variance
PRICE Factor = Difference in Selling Price x [Budget/Standard/Base] Units
VOLUME/QUANTITY Factor = Difference in Units x [Budget/Standard/Base]Price
PRICE-VOLUME Factor = Difference in SP x Difference in Units
COST Variance
PRICE Factor = Difference in Cost x [Budget/Standard/Base] Units
VOLUME/QUANTITY Factor = Difference in Units x [Budget/Standard/Base]Cost
PRICE-VOLUME Factor = Difference in SP x Difference in Units
This chapter discusses innovative ways to evaluate performance “beyond the numbers”.
Performance evaluation begins with an understanding of the organization’s goals.
The organization’s mission statement communicates its guiding principles, beliefs, and
values. It helps people in the organization identify priorities. This guides employees as they
make decisions that help the organization achieve its goals. Communicating what the
organization stands for and what it needs to do to be successful is the foundation of the
organizational performance.
Sometimes different stakeholders have different wants. The organization must balance
those competing wants. Hence, the concept of a balanced scorecard is to measure how well the
organization is doing in view of competing stakeholder wants.
For many years, organizations focus only on financial results, which reflected mainly the
shareholders’ interests. In recent years, organizations have shifted attention to customer issues,
such as quality and service, to employees, and to the community.
The balanced scorecard has been developed and used in many companies. Mostly, it has
been used at the top management level where it supports the company’s strategic
management system.
The balanced scorecard concept has been helpful for top and middle management to
shape and clarify organizational goals and strategy. It has been useful at the worker level, when
the complex trade-offs implied by the balanced scorecard are translated into simple
performance measures.
Competitive benchmarking involves the search for, and implementation of, the best way to do
something as practiced elsewhere in one’s own organization or in other organizations.
Benchmarking identifies an activity that needs to be improved, finds an organization that is the
most efficient at that activity, studies its process, and then utilizes that process. Companies also
use benchmarking to make dramatic one-time breakthroughs.
There is no single set of right performance measures that can be espoused in a textbook.
Performance measures must be based on the organization’s goals and strategy, which are likely
to be different for each organization.
The value chain provides a good place to begin identifying the most useful factors to measure.
Recall that the value chain is the linked set of activities that an organization undertakes to
produce a good or service. Use the value chain activities that, if measured, would give
managers and workers the best incentives to achieve the organization’s goals.
Customer satisfaction reflects the performance of the organization on quality control and
delivery performance.
Quality Control The objective is to increase customer satisfaction with the product, reduce the
costs of dealing with customer complaints, and reduce the costs of repairing products or
providing a new service.
Delivery Performance The objective is to deliver goods and services when promised so
customers will continue to buy goods and services from you and provide word-of-mouth
The total time it takes to produce a good or service is called production cycle time. The cycle
time includes processing, moving, storing, and inspecting. It is commonly believed that a
product’s service, quality, and cost are all related to cycle time. A cycle time increases, so do
the costs of processing, inspection, moving, and storage, while service and quality decrease.
Organizations may also find value in knowing the amount of time it takes to complete a
sequence of activities. Many believe that by eliminating long cycle times, the costs of
nonproduction personnel, equipment, and supplies would be reduced. Also, customers value a
prompt response and a short processing time.
Production Cycle Efficiency measures the efficiency of the total production cycle. This formula
produces a percentage that represents the time that is actually spent processing the unit. The
higher the percentage, the less time-and costs-spent on nonvalue-added activities such a
moving and storage.
Many companies are concerned about environmental issues and attempt to measure their
performance and provide incentives for good performance.
Many organizations involve workers in creating ideas for improving performance. In some
Japanese companies, every worker is expected to submit an idea for improvement at least once
a week. Competent managers know that workers have good ideas for improving the operations
of a company. After all, the workers are much closer than the managers to an organization’s
production and sales activities.
Steps in Simulation:
a. Defining an Objective.
b. Formulating a Model – variables, their behavior, and their interrelationships are spelled
out in precise logical/mathematical terms.
c. Validating the Model – to ensure realistic results.
d. Designing the Experiment – involves sampling the operation of the system.
e. Conducting the Simulation and Evaluating the Results.
Types of Probabilities:
1. Objective Probabilities - is calculated from either Logic or Actual Experience.
2. Subjective Probabilities – are based on Judgment and Past Experience.
Probability Distribution – specifies the values of variables and their respective probabilities.
→ EXPECTED VALUE - is calculated by multiplying the probability of each outcome by its payoff
and summing the products.
Represents the Long-term Average Payoff from repeated trials.
→ PAYOFF (DECISION) TABLE – presents the outcomes (payoffs) of specific decisions when
certain states of nature (non-controllable events) occur.
Is a helpful tool for identifying the best solution given several decision
alternatives and future conditions that involve risk.
→ EXPECTED VALUE OF PERFECT INFORMATION (EVPI) – is the difference between Expected
Value without Perfect Information and the result, if the Best Course of Action is taken.
Perfect Information – the knowledge that a future state of nature (event) will occur with
Assumed that no probability distribution is an accurate representation.
Cost of Perfect Information:
Management may have the opportunity to acquire additional information that may help
in choosing the best alternative. However, obtaining information requires incurrence of cost.
Facilitate evaluation of alternatives by May be difficult to determine all possible
giving a visual presentation of expected events, outcomes, and their probabilities
results of each alternative
Useful when sequential people are A case involving many events and
involved sequential decisions may result into a more
complex decision tree which may not be
easy to use
Steps in Preparing:
1. Identify the decision points and chance points.
2. Determine events that may result from chance points
3. Estimate outcomes (payoffs) of each event, as well as their estimated probabilities.
4. Compute expected value of outcomes.
5. Evaluate the results and choose the best course of actions.
C. GANTT CHART (Bar Chart) – shows the different activities or tasks in a project, as well as
their estimated start and completion times.
Simple to construct and use, can be used does not show interrelationships among
on small type of projects. activities in a project
Very useful control tool Only simple relationships can be shown
Can be used to monitor activities in a
D. LEARNING CURVES (Experience Curve) – a mathematical expression of phenomenon that
incremental unit cost to produce (or incremental unit time to produce) decrease as
managers and labor gain experience from practice.
The Learning Curve Model shows constant percentage reduction (from 20% to 40%) in
average direct labor input time required per unit as Cumulative Output Doubles.
OBJECTIVE: To minimize total cost involved, both service and waiting cost.
Costs involved:
1. Faculty and Operating Costs – cost of providing service
2. Waiting Cost – cost of idle resources waiting on line, including income foregone
(opportunity cost) in case of waiting customers.
N=average no. of work units waiting in line/serviced Nq=average no. in waiting line
B=average no. of work units arriving in one unit time W=average waiting time before
T=average no. of work units serviced in one unit time service
i. N= B ii. Nq = B2 iii. W = Nq
T-B T (T-B) B
-Node - can be called an event when all activities leading to a node are finished.
Event - represents a specific accomplishment at a particular instant in time; represents
the start or finish of an activity.
→-Branch – represents the activities in a project.
Activity – task to be accomplished; represents the time and resources necessary to move
from one node/event to another.
Types of Activity:
Series – an activity cannot be performed unless its predecessor activity is finished.
Parallel – activities can be performed simultaneously.
to = optimistic time; tm = most likely time; tp = pessimistic time; te = expected time
te = to + 4tm + tp
CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) – may be considered as a subset PERT. CPM is a network
technique that uses deterministic time and cost estimates. Aside from cost estimates, CPM
includes the concept of crash efforts and crash costs.
Slack Time – the length of time by which a particular activity can Slip (be delayed) without
having any delaying effect on the end event.
Activities along the critical path have a slack of 0.
All non-critical activities have positive slack.
Crash Time – time required to complete an activity assuming that all available resources are
devoted to such activity.
Crashing the Network – determining the minimum cost for completing the project in minimum
time so that optimum trade-off between time and cost is achieved.
Activity time and activity cost are estimated for both normal and crash efforts.
Very useful technique in planning and Reliable time and cost data may not be
controlling activities. readily available and obtaining them may be
In harmony with accountant’s budgetary Persons involved may overstate budgeted
tasks and in application of responsibility costs and time estimates to avoid
accounting system. unfavorable variances and pressure from
May be used to solve managerial problems
pertaining to project scheduling,
information systems designs, and
transportation system design.
Keep the project on schedule and provide
feedback to management.
CURRENT LIABILITIES – liquidation requires the use of current assets or incurrence of other
current liabilities.
1. Conservative/Relaxed Policy –operations are conducted with too much working capital;
involves financing almost all asset investments with long-term capital.
Reduces risk of illiquidity Less profitable because of higher financing
Eliminates firm’s exposure to fluctuating
loan rates and potential unavailability of
short-term credit
4. Balanced Policy – balanced the trade-off between risk and profitability in a manner
consistent with its attitude toward bearing risk.
Cash Conversion Cycle (Operating Cash Conversion Cycle) – is the length of time it takes for the
initial cash outflows for goods and services to be realized as cash inflows from sales.
Aspects of Float:
1. Time a company takes to process checks internally.
2. Time consumed clearing the check thru the banking system.
Types of Float:
1. Negative Float = Book Balance > Bank Balance, which means there is more cash tied up
in the collection cycle and it earns 0% rate of return.
Mail Float – peso amount of customer’s payments have been mailed by a customer but
not yet received by the seller.
Processing Float – peso amount of customer’s payment have been received by the
seller but not yet deposited.
Clearing Float – peso amount of customer’s checks have been deposited but not yet
Good cash management dictates that above floats must be minimized, if not eliminated.
OC = 2TD
to have both optimal amount of receivables outstanding and optimal amount of bad debts.
this balance requires trade-off between:
a. benefit of more credit sales
b. cost of AR
The formulation and administration of plans and policies; to efficiently and satisfactorily
meet production and merchandising requirements; and minimize costs relative to inventories.
Objective: to maintain inventory at a level that best balances the estimates of actual savings,
the cost of carrying additional inventory, and the efficiency of inventory control.
A basic inventory model exists to assist in two inventory questions:
1. How many units should be ordered?
2. When should the units be ordered?
ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY – the quantity to be ordered, which minimize the sum of
ordering and carrying costs. The total inventory cost function includes:
Demand occurs at constant rate
Lead time on receipt of orders is constant
Entire quantity ordered is received at one time
Unit cost of items are constant
No limitation on the size of the inventory
Safety Stock = (Maximum Lead Time – Normal Lead Time) x Average Usage
REORDER POINT, if there is Safety Stock Required: Normal Lead Time Usage + Safety Stock
or Maximum Lead Time x Average Usage
REORDER POINT, if there is No Safety Stock Required: Normal Lead Time Usage
SHORT-TERM FINANCING – Short-term credit; debt scheduled to be paid within one (1)
Factors considered in selecting the source of Short-term Financing:
1. Cost – less expensive
Rates are usually lower than long-term rates
So not usually involve flotation or placement costs
2. Availability when needed
3. Risk - short-term debts are riskier, due to fluctuation on interest rates and more
frequent debt servicing.
4. Flexibility – usually more flexible
5. Restrictions – certain lenders may impose restrictions.
6. Effect on Credit Policy – sources may negatively affect credit rating
7. Expected Money-market conditions
8. Inflation
9. The company’s profitability and liquidity position, as well as stability
I. Spontaneous Sources
a. Trade Credit/Accounts Payable – considered as spontaneous financing because it is
automatically obtained.
A continuous source of financing.
More readily available.
COST: Usually bears no interest, but cost is implicit (the discount policy and credit
i. No Trade Discount - purchase on credit without trade discount are usually priced higher
than cash purchases.
ii. Trade Discount – implicit cost is incurred if discount is not availed.
b. Accruals/Accrued Expenses – represent liabilities for services that have been already
provided to the company.
COST: None
Regular Interest Rate = Interest
Borrowed Amount
Discounted Interest Rate = Interest
Borrowed Amount - Interest
Effective Interest Rate = Interest
Usable Loan Amount*
Usable Loan Amount* =
Loan – Discount Interest – Compensating Balance
Effective Annual Interest Rate = Interest Cost per Period
Usable Loan Amount
360 or 365 days
No. of days funds are borrowed
b. Pledging Inventories – part or all of borrower’s inventories are provided as collateral for
a short-term loan.
→ Classification of Inventory Claims:
i. Floating Lien – creditor has general claim on all the borrower’s inventory.
ii. Trust Receipt – lender holds title to specific units of inventory pledged.
iii. Warehouse Receipt – inventory pledged is placed under the lender’s physical and
legal possession.
c. Other Sources.
i. Factoring – a factor buys the Accounts Receivable and assumes the risk of collection.
ii. Banker’s Acceptance – a guarantee of payment at maturity.
Often used by importers and exporters.
→ Objective – maximize the market value of the firm thru an appropriate mix of long-
term sources of funds.
→ Composition – Long-term Debt, Preferred Stock, Common Stockholders’ Equity
Optimal Capital Structure – mix of long-term sources of funds that will minimize the firm’s
overall cost of capital.
Cost of Capital – cost of using funds; also called the Hurdle rate, Required Rate of Return, Cut-
Off Rate.
Weighted Average Rate of Return the company must pay to its long-term
creditors and shareholders for the use of their funds.
R = RF + β (RM - RF)
Where: R = Rate of Return RM = Market Return
Β = Beta Coefficient RF = Risk Free Rate
a. Cost of RE = D1 + G
b. Cost of New CS = D1 +G
P0 (1 – Flotation Cost)
LEVERAGE – refers to that portion of fixed costs which represents a risk to the firm.
a. Operating Leverage – measure of operating risk.
refers to fixed operating costs found in the firm’s Income
↑Operating Leverage, ↑Business Risk, ↓Optimal Debt Ratio
a. Debt Financing
Advantages Disadvantages
Basic control is not shared with creditor Risk of not meeting the obligation
Cost is limited Adds risk to a firm
Reduces cost of capital Has a maturity date
Substantial flexibility Affect risk profiles
Clearly specified and fixed Certain managerial prerogatives are given up
Maybe paid in cheaper pesos Clear cut limits to amount of debt
Preferred Stock – a hybrid security because some of its characteristics is similar to common
stock and bonds.
1. Priority to assets and earnings
2. Always have a par value
3. Most provide cumulative dividends
4. Some are convertible into common stocks
Advantages Disadvantages
No default risk Not tax deductible
Dividend is limited to stated amount Makes payment of dividends mandatory
No voting rights
No call features and provision of sinking
Lease Financing
Lease – rental agreement that typically requires a series of fixed payments that extend over
several periods.
Benefits of Leasing:
1. Increased flexibility
2. Maintenance at known cost
3. Lower administrative cost
4. Tax shield
Types of Leases:
a. Operating Lease – usually short-term and cancelable.
Maintenance provided by lessor
Treated as expense
Obligation is not shown in the Balance Sheet
b. Financial/Capital Lease – non-cancelable, longer term lease that fully
amortizes lessor’s cost of asset.
Maintenance is usually provided by the lessee.
c. Sale-Leaseback Arrangement –assets owned by firm are purchased by lessor and leased
back to the firm.
d. Direct Leases – identical to Sale-Leaseback Arrangement, except that
lessee does not necessarily own the asset.
e. Leveraged Leases – special lease arrangement under which the lessor
borrows substantial portion of acquisition cost of leased asset.
Convertible Securities - are preferred stock or debt issue that can be exchanged for a specified
number of shares of common stock at the will of the owner.
Advantages Disadvantages
Give investors opportunity to realize May be thought of selling common stock
capital gains at higher than market price
Provide a way of selling common stock at If firm’s stock price rises sharply, it would
prices higher than currently prevailing have been better-off if it waited and sold
common shares at a higher price
Option – a contract that gives the holders the right to buy (sell) stocks at some
predetermined price within a specified period of time.
PLANNING is done at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Strategic Planning
is the domain of top management, Tactical Planning of the middle management, and
Operational Planning of the lower management. One of the strategic management techniques
in the field of financial management is Capital Budgeting.
The process of identifying, evaluating, planning and financing capital investment projects of
an organization.
Seals with analyzing the profitability and/or liquidity of a particular project proposal. It is
premised on the following assumptions:
a. Funds are available
b. Business opportunities abound waiting to be tapped
c. Business opportunities are subject to quantitative evaluation
a. Identification and definition
b. Search for potential investments
c. Information gathering - qualitative and quantitative
d. Selection - choosing investment projects
e. Financing
f. Implementation and monitoring
COST OF CAPITAL/Hurdle Rate/Required Rate of Return/ Cut-off Rate – the cost of using
funds; weighted average Rate of Return must pay to its long-term creditors and shareholders or
the use of their funds.
1. Accounting Net Income
2. Net Cash Inflows
Depreciable Life – period used for accounting/tax purposes over which the asset’s depreciable
cost is systematically and rationally allocated.
Terminal Value/End of Life Recovery Value – net cash proceeds expected to be realized at the
end of project’s life.
In business, many investors prefer liquidity than yield as a concept of net returns.
However, long-term and institutional investors prefer yield on investments while short-term
investors prefer liquidity on investments.
Project Investments are evaluated on their liquidity or profitability. Net cash inflow is
used to measure liquidity while net income is used to measure profitability. Generally, the more
liquid the proposed project, the better it is. The higher profitability, the better the investment
Evaluating proposed investments mayor may not consider the time value of money,
hence, the classification of evaluation models as to traditional models and discounted models,
as follows:
1. PAYBACK Method
Simple to compute and easy to understand Do not consider time value for money
Gives information about project’s liquidity Emphasis on liquidity over profitability
Good surrogate for risk Do not consider salvage value
Ignores cash flows after payback period
Payback Period – otherwise known as Unadjusted Breakeven Time; refers to the length of time
before an investment is recovered. It is the time period where the cumulative cash inflows is
equal to the cost of investment.
Payback Period = Net Cost of Initial Investment
Annual Net Cash Inflows
3. PAYBACK BAIL-OUT Period – cash recoveries include operating net cash inflows, salvage
value and proceeds from sale.
also determines the number of years to recoup the investment. Investment is recovered
when the total cash (cash to date plus salvage value) equals the cost of investment.
Equation: Cash to date + Salvage Value = Cost of Investment
Closely parallels concepts of income Do not consider time value for money
measurement and investment return
Facilitates re-evaluation of project’s Effect of inflation is ignored
Considers income over life of the project
Indicates project’s profitability
a. Based on Original Investment:
ARR = Net Income/Original Investment
Present Value of Cash Inflows*
Less: PV of Cash Outflows; PV of COI; or COI
Net Present Value
Emphasizes cash flows Assumes IRR as re-investment rate of
Recognizes time value of money Includes negative earnings
Computes true return of project
The Profitability Index and the NPV Index are normally used to rank projects that are
acceptable (projects having positive NPVs). The ranking of acceptable projects is done when
there is a constraint on resources such as money, manpower, and materials. The process of
allocating available money to the most prioritized investment proposals is known as “Capital
Rationing”. In the ranking process, the project that has the highest index has the highest
3. PAYBACK RECIPROCAL – reasonable estimate of Internal Rate of Return, provided that the
following conditions are met:
a. Economic life of project is at least twice the payback period.
b. Net cash inflows are constant throughout the life of the project.
Payback Reciprocal = Net Cash Inflows or 1
Investment Payback Period
The Discounted Payback Period also computes the number of years before an
investment is recouped. However, the time value of money is considered in the recomputation
where future cash streams are discounted to their present values.
Project Evaluation Technique Concept of Net Returns Basic Formula/Principles
Traditional Models
PP = COI/ACI; or where:
Payback Period Net Cash Inflows
Cash to Date = Cost of Investment
Salvage Value is added to cash
inflows in operations to get the total
Payback Bailout Period Net Cash Inflows
cash; or where:
Total Cash = Cost of Investment
Payback Reciprocal Net Cash Inflows PR = 1/PP
a. Based on Original Investment:
b. Based on Average Investment:
ARR = NI/AI*; where:
AI* = OI + SV
Accounting Rate of Return Net Income 2
c. Based on Average Book Value in
a given year:
ARR = NI/ABV*; where:
ABV* = BV-beg. + BV-end.
Discounted Models
Net Present Value Net Cash Inflows Less: COI
Profitability Index Net Cash Inflows PI = PVCI/COI
NPV Index Net Cash Inflows NPV Index = NPV/COI
Internal Rate of Return Net Cash Inflows NPV = 0
PI = 1
Where: Cumulative PVCI = COI
Discounted Payback Period Net Cash Inflows or