Dynamic CMOS Circuits: Chapter 4a: Draft - NOT TO BE REPRODUCED
Dynamic CMOS Circuits: Chapter 4a: Draft - NOT TO BE REPRODUCED
Dynamic CMOS Circuits: Chapter 4a: Draft - NOT TO BE REPRODUCED
Historically, dynamic CMOS was used sparsely by using the property of dynamic
nodes. If the transistor leakage current is relatively low so that a circuit node can retain its
charge for a relatively long time, the presence and absence of charge can be used to
interpret particular information. This is similar to the principle used in dynamic memories
and it brings the same benefits of simpler and therefore denser and more economical
circuit. A typical use of dynamic CMOS circuit was to store the information. A dynamic
CMOS latch is shown in Fig. 1.
I1 I2 I1 I2 I3
In X Out In X Y Out
Cx Cx Cy
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Dynamic CMOS Latch (b) Dynamic CMOS Master-Slave Latch
that the node X will eventually loose its charge. Therefore the logic that uses dynamic
node properties must be refreshed from time to time as a re-assurance that the
information does not get lost. In Fig.1.b. we see a dynamic Master-Slave Latch. The
Master latch is a dynamic latch consisting of the inverters I2 and dynamic node X. The
Slave latch consists of dynamic node Y and inverter I3. While Clk=1 the Master latch is
sampling, while the Slave latch is outputting the value stored on the node Y. When the
clock changes to Clk=0 the logic value at the output of the inverter I2 changes the node Y
accordingly and it is propagated to the Output. It should be noticed that inverters I2 and I3
could be replaced by a gate, implementing useful logic function. The latching function
does not take any logic stages, thus virtually coming for free.
pi p i +1 pi+ 2 pi+3
Ci C i+3
Gi G i +1 G i+ 2 Gi+3
It is assumed that all the Propagate Pi and Generate Gi signals are kept at logic
zero level during the precharge phase and that they change monotonically (only a
transistion from zero to one is allowed). This feature helps to avoid any possible signal
conflicts during the precharge phase. Using dynamic CMOS combined with pass-
transistor logic yields one of the simplest and fastest implementation of the carry function
and it has been widely used for implementing VLSI adders.
Though efficient and simple, dynamic CMOS also brings certain problems and
risks associated with its use. One of them is the stability of the node. If left for a
sufficiently long time the transistor leakage currents can discharge the node, thus the
information will be lost. However, designers are aware of those limitations and they do
provide frequent refreshing of the information which prevents this from happening.
Radiation and alpha particles are more of a problem. If the particle hits the node X, it
generates many pairs of electron and acceptor atoms which can discharge the node X,
fully or partially. Radiation induced charge problem is illustrated in Fig. 3.
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Chapter 4 / Oklobdzija, Yano / filename: Chpt-2.doc
- +
- + C in
+ -
“0” - - +
α -particle
Another problem can be caused by the capacitive and inductive coupling between
the signal lines. One such a problem is illustrated in Fig. 4.a. If the line coupling causes a
positive going spike on the signal linked to the node Y, an accidental charge of the node
X can occur, in spite of the node X being disconnected from the node Y. When the node
Y becomes positive beyond Vdd, the transistor MP1 turnes ON, because its source is now
positive with respect to the gate. If the overshot on the node Y is of sufficient duration
and has sufficient energy, it can charge the node capacitance of the node X, thus turning
the signal from 0 to 1 and causing a false operation. In order to prevent that, an inverter is
always inserted to precede the transistor switch as shown in the Fig. 4.b. when the switch
is connected to long lines or to the nodes that are exposed to excessive capacitive or
inductive coupling. An overshot at the input of the inverter can not cause its output to
Line1 MP1 (open)
v(Y) +++
ON ”0"
Fig. 4.(a) Accidental charge caused by capacitive or inductive coupling between the signal lines Y and Z.
(b) prevention by inserting and inverter between the affected line and the pass-transistor switch.
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+Vcc +Vcc
fD network
N f
N f n-typetransistor
f network
f network
(a) (b)
To overcome this inherent CMOS problem it was suggested to build CMOS logic
containing only n-type transistors implementing the switching function f.
This logic is a dynamic type because there are two clock-phases necessary for its
proper operation. First, there is a precharge phase during which the clock is low,
followed by the evaluation phase during which the clock is high. During the precharge
phase, all of the nodes N are precharged via the p-type transistor Q1. The nodes N will
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stay charged if there is no discharge path in the switching function f during the evaluation
phase when the transistor Q2 is conducting. However, if the nodes N were taken directly
as outputs, thus driving the inputs of the next logic blocks, all of the subsequent blocks
would start to discharging immediately following the precharge phase, simply because
all of the outputs are at the logic one. Therefore, the final state of the functional blocks
would be undetermined. Domino Logic resolves this problem by passing all of the nodes
N through the regular CMOS inverters. Only the output of an inverter can drive the next
logic block. In Domino logic, all of the outputs are at logic zero immediately following
the precharge stage. Therefore, no discharge can exist in the logic blocks that are
themselves driven by other Domino logic blocks. The evaluation phase starts by the logic
blocks being driven by the primary inputs. Some of the blocks will be selectively
discharged, if a path to ground is established by the logic function represented by that
particular block. This would change their outputs from logic zero to one driving the
inputs of subsequent logic blocks. Now if this change in turn, creates a discharge path in
the subsequent logic blocks, they would discharge, changing their outputs from zero to
one. This change would further propagate through the logic from the primary inputs to
the primary outputs like falling dominos. This is where the logic obtained its name:
Domino Logic.
The benefits of CMOS Domino Logic were not obtained without a cost. First, a
part of the cycle used for precharge is essentially lost because no logic operation is
possible during this time. Ability to rapidly discharge the output node N via the n-type
MOS transistor switching network was supposed to offset this loss. This feature is
implementation dependent and not always true. Further, CMOS Domino is inherently
non-inverting logic which represents difficulties (e.g. XOR gate implementation with
Domino as described by Krambeck, Lee and Law is not possible). This inability is to be
to some extent compensated by using dual polarity latches at the inputs.
However, another feature plagued CMOS Domino logic. This is a charge re-
distribution problem described in the paper by Oklobdzija et al. Charge re-distribution is
manifested by the loss of charge from the node N, due to the creation of paths leading
into the previously discharged parts of the transistor switching network f, but not to the
ground node. The output of the Domino logic block was to stay at logic zero level,
because there is no path in the switching network f leading to ground. However, due to
the distribution of charge from the node N into the various nodes in the switching
network the voltage of the node N will drop (Fig.1.2.). This voltage drop might exceed
the threshold voltage of the inverter INV and its output will assume the logic one. The
logic one value of the output might in turn discharge the next block (though it was not
supposed to do so) leading to the erroneous value. One of several techniques to alleviate
the charge re-distribution employs a small feedback p-type transistor Qf connected to the
node N whose function is to replenish the charge lost in the re-distribution and return the
node N back to the logic one value. If the amount of re-distributed charge was not large
this might be sufficient. However, depending on the amount of charge that was lost from
the node N, a negative voltage glitch of a different magnitude will result on the node N.
This glitch may be amplified in the inverter (INV) and it might be sufficient to discharge
the next logic block. The charge re-distribution mechanism is illustrated in Fig.1.3.
The problem posed by the non-inverting property of the CMOS Domino logic was
treated in the paper by Goncalves and De Man in which they have proposed a new type
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of Domino logic consisting of p-type as well as n-type switching networks which are
employed alternatively. Both n-type logic and p-type logic are in the precharge phase
where the output node of the n-type switching function is precharged to logic one while
the output of the p-type switching function is discharged to logic zero. This is achieved
by clocking the n-type and p-type switching functions with the two opposite clock
phases. During the evaluation phase, n-type logic blocks will discharge their output to
logic zero, if there exists a path in the n-transistor switching function connecting the
output to ground. In turn, this may create a path to Vcc in a p-type transistor switching
network of the next block bringing the output to logic one.
The change would propagate from the primary inputs to the primary outputs
alternating between n-type and p-type of switching blocks. If a particular output is
destined to be an input in the next logic block of the same type, the inverters make its
operation very similar to Domino circuit which consist of n-type and p-type switching
networks. The operation of NORA logic is illustrated in Fig.1.4. A tri-state buffer at the
output of a logic section holds its logic value during precharge phase, thus enabling
pipelining of logic section. NORA logic is also sensitive to charge re-distribution and the
large p-type switching transistor blocks do not add to its performance. Though a very
interesting concept, even today, this type of logic has not found many applications.
CMOS Domino family was further enhanced by Heller, Griffin and Thoma of
IBM, which resulted in CVSL logic. The IBM authors developed two types of CMOS
logic which they called Cascode Voltage Switch: static and dynamic, shown in Fig.1.5.
The first of these types of CMOS logic: static CVSL, consists of two n-type transistor
switching functions f and f which are connected to Vcc via a cross-coupled p-type
transistor combination. The advantages of this logic over regular CMOS are obvious.
While CVSL implements two functions f and f , so does CMOS except that in CMOS f is
implemented with p-type transistor switching network. Given the inferior speed of p-type
transistors, the p-type transistor switching function will usually end up being twice as
large as the one implemented with the n-type transistors. In terms of the transistor
numbers, CVSL contains two p-type transistors in the cross-coupled combination that are
in excess of the number of transistors used by regular CMOS. It can be argued that in
terms of size CVSL is not larger than regular CMOS, though this is dependent on the
complexity of the logic function implemented. Certainly operation involving only n-type
transistor switching function is faster. Further, Heller, Griffin, Davis and Thoma showed
that implementation of f and f does not necessary mean duplication. A number of
transistors in the switching functions f and f can be shared, therefore, setting duplication
only as an upper limit. Creation of CVSL circuits was supported by an automated
synthesis tool (one of the first of that kind) that would create optimal and shared n-type
transistor switching functions f and f as shown in the example in Fig.1.5.(a).
The second type of the new CMOS logic, dynamic CVSL, is a clocked version of
static CVSL and in essence it represents a dual output CMOS Domino logic. Transistor
Qf is added to ensure more robust operation of the dynamic CVSL circuit. If charge re-
distribution occurs resulting in the loss of charge at the inverter's input, the output voltage
will drop toward zero. This will in turn activate the transistor Qf and the charge will be
restored pulling the output back to logic one. In order to discharge this node the pass-
transistor network implementing the function f has to overcome the transistor Qf. Qf is
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made to be a weak transistor, thus its dimensions are smaller compared to the rest of the
transistors implementing the switching function.
An interesting new concept is presented in the paper by Leo Pfennings on
Differential Split-Level CMOS Logic. This is essentially a very clever enhancement of
CVSL, which allowed the use of one micron devices at that time and under a reduced
voltage of operation. The logic transistors were made of Leff = 1µ devices, operating at
2.5 V, while the entire circuit operates on the commonly used VDD = 5 V. The logic
swing of the interconnection lines was reduced to 2.5 V allowing for a sub-nanosecond
speed (in 1985). The essence of DSL logic can be best understood from the Fig.1.6. The
difference between DSL and CVSL is in introduction of the two n-MOS transistors Q3
and Q4 between the load transistors Q1 and Q2 acting as source followers. Therefore the
impedance seen from the side of the logic is low, allowing for a fast change of state,
while their output resistance is high, allowing for the use of small devices Q1 and Q2
representing the load transistors. This enables for a fast change of the logic state, further
facilitated by the reduced voltage swing of 1/2 VDD. The load transistors Q1 and Q2 are
not completely turned off due to their gates being driven from the lower voltage potential.
This makes an active loop capable of switching the state in a rapid manner. However, this
also represents a power problem because DSL contains a static power component.