The YHVH Astrological Mandala (Expanded Edition)
The YHVH Astrological Mandala (Expanded Edition)
The YHVH Astrological Mandala (Expanded Edition)
The Zohar is a collection of writings that together
form a mystical commentary on the Pentateuch. It first
appeared in printed form in the 16th century, and is the
main source for much of what is now called „kabbalah‟. For
an English translation see: The Zohar, Vols 1-5. Soncino
Edition, 1984.
It is usually pronounced Yahweh, or Jehovah. A good
example of the veneration held for the name YHVH occurs in
the Shema—probably the most famous of all Jewish prayers.
(In an undertone:)
Barukh Shem k'vod malkhuto l'olam va-ed.
“Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever
and ever.”
These are the first two lines of the Shema. The first
verse of the prayer comes from Deuteronomy 6:4-9. The name
Adonai is reverently substituted for the unpronounced YHVH.
Each verse has six Hebrew words that are said (in the
Zohar) to represent the upper and lower firmaments of
Heaven, and they could also be said to allude to the twelve
signs of the zodiac. [For more information see: The Zohar.
Soncino Edition, 1984. Vol 1, pp 77-78.]
See also:
It is said by the Master Djwal Khul that average
mankind are crucified on the Mutable cross, disciples on
the Fixed cross, and initiates on the Cardinal cross. (See
Esoteric Astrology, by Alice Bailey.) That is because the
Great Mother (H) is the initiating principle in the lives
of average humanity up until the first initiation. It is
then that they symbolically climb onto the Fixed cross and
the Son principle (V) becomes the motivating influence.
After the third initiation the Cardinal cross is
consciously mounted by the initiate and the Father
principle (Y) becomes the initiator of experience. The
Daughter (h) does not have her own cross because she is a
purely 'external' manifestation, and the direct focus of
the evolutionary and creative forces of the other three
This seven-fold division (consisting of an inner three
and an outer four) reflects the theosophical division of
the seven planes into a higher three ('arupa', or formless)
and a lower four ('rupa', or form-based). Similarly, the
seven rays are divided into three greater 'rays of aspect'
and four lesser 'rays of attribute'. The accompanying
tables also divide the seven into three interior
„principles‟ and four exterior „elements‟ which is another
way of expressing this concept.
In the English transliteration of YHVH, the second Heh
(i.e. the Daughter principle) is sometimes depicted as a
lower-case 'h' in order to distinguish it from the upper-
case 'H' of the first Heh (i.e. of the Mother principle).
In the table I have listed the signs in order from
Pisces to Aquarius so they are grouped according to their
associations with the four „directions‟.
The implantation of the Father‟s seed (Y) within the
Consciousness principle (V) is fully realised at the sun‟s
highest point in the Heavens—that is, in the sign of
Capricorn (YV).
The Mother principle (as here defined) approximates
the shekinah (hnyk#) of kabbalistic literature.
The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley. Chapter 2,
Verse 3. Samuel Weiser, 1987. A similar metaphor is
attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
Please do not conclude from this that the YHVH
couplets ascribed to the signs are indicators of them being
'masculine' or 'feminine' in the traditional astrological
sense applied to those terms. The Father, Mother, Son, and
Daughter principles are extremely complex and are therefore
beyond the simple gender associations of traditional
astrology. For example, the Daughter principle corresponds
with the 'personality' aspect of a human-being and
therefore has both masculine and feminine qualities. Put
simply, the Daughter represents the hierarchical position
of the personality aspect in the 'family' dynamic of YHVH—
that is, in the Father-Mother-Son-Daughter scheme.
The union that occurs between the Father (Y) and
Mother (H) principles is especially symbolised by the sign
Libra (YH). Libra is the sign symbolically positioned on
the western horizon.
The Mother (H) in Her role of „supreme material
resource‟ is especially represented by the sign Virgo (HH)
and at a subtler level, by the sign Pisces (HY). Master
Djwhal Khul mentions in Alice Bailey‟s book „Esoteric
Astrology‟ that Virgo “stands… for the womb of form and for
the nurturing mother, guarding the Christ principle within
her own material substance until in „the fulness of time‟
she can give birth to the Christ child”. (Esoteric
Astrology, by Alice Bailey. Pg, 262.)
See: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, by Alice Bailey.
Lucis Press, 1989. Pp 225-231.
In a sense, the purest expression of the Son
principle (V) is found in the sign Aquarius (VV).
This soul-personality relationship is particularly
exemplified by the sign Leo (Vh).
In the sign Cancer (Yh)—the „darkest‟ of the signs—
the personality aspect (h) has, symbolically speaking,
little contact with the light of the soul (V). Instead, in
Cancer the emphasis is on contact with the Father principle
(Y), but because the Father principle is so remote from the
consciousness of the personality aspect it is generally
experienced as an external archetype. The personality
aspect (h) experiences the soul (V) primarily in the sign
Leo (Vh).
Notice that the horizontal axis (East-West) of each
cross is aligned towards the two macrocosmic principles
(i.e. the Father and Mother) while the vertical axis
(Above-Below) is directed towards the two microcosmic
principles (i.e. the Son and Daughter).
See: The Rays and the Initiations, by Alice Bailey.
Lucis Press, 1988. Pp 687-692.