Ink Characterizationand Dating Analysis

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Blue and Black Ballpoint Pen Inks: a Systematic Review for Ink
Characterization and Dating Analysis

Article  in  Brazilian Journal of Forensic Science Medical Law and Bioethics · January 2019
DOI: 10.17063/bjfs8(3)y2019113


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8 authors, including:

Roberta Gorziza Carina Bello

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Marina González Rafael S Ortiz

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Polícia Federal


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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences,

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Blue and Black Ballpoint Pen Inks: a Systematic Review for Ink
Characterization and Dating Analysis

Roberta Petry Gorziza¹,*, Carina Maria Bello de Carvalho²,³, Marina González¹,

Leandra Borba Leal¹, Taísa Korndörfer¹, Rafael Scorsatto Ortiz²,³,
Tatiana Trejos4, Renata Pereira Limberger¹,³

¹ Department of Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

² Rio Grande do Sul Technical and Scientifical Division, Brazilian Federal Police, Brazil
³ INCT Forense, Porto Alegre, Brazil
4 Department of Forensic and Investigative Science, West Virginia University, USA
* Corresponding author. Phone: +55 51 99172-3787, e-mail:

Received 15 February 2019

Abstract. Documents are frequent targets of fraud and adulteration. Sometimes it is not
enough to determine the document’s authenticity or authorship, but it is also necessary to
demonstrate when the document was signed or written. Determining the age of a document,
also known as ink dating analysis, is still a challenge for the forensic examiners. There are
two main approaches for the dating of ballpoint pen inks: the static method, which is based
on the characterization and identification of the ink composition and comparison to a
reference collection, and the dynamic method, which involves the study of ink’s processes
and alterations that occur with time, considering environmental aging factors such as light
and humidity. This article aims to provide a comprehensive systematic review of the studies
regarding ballpoint ink characterization and dating, in the last ten years. There are several
methods, destructive and non-destructive, which are capable of characterizing and
differentiating blue and black ballpoint pens that have shown applicability to the static
approach. Regarding the dynamic dating methods, most studies quantified the loss of 2-
phenoxyethanol (2-PE) solvent over time using GC-MS, or studied the dyes degradation
through different methods. Although ink dating approaches offer relatively good accuracy,
there is still more research to be done, such as the documents’ storage conditions
evaluation, the influence of initial ink quantity variation between different pen brands and
writing fists, and the type of paper.
114 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

Keywords: Ballpoint pens; Ink characterization; Ink dating analysis.

1. Introduction
The Forensic Documentoscopy aims to identify information regarding the document
history, as well as its authenticity and the detection of a variety of alterations. With
respect to the graphoscopic confrontation, sometimes it is not enough to determine
only the document’s authenticity and authorship, but it is also necessary to
demonstrate the potential age of a document. Pen ink dating analysis can be
instrumental in those instances, but still a challenging task for forensic scientists due
to the variety of factors that can influence the analysis1-3. A document’s dating
analysis involves the chemical, optical and physical examination of ink and paper.
This review will focus on approaches for ink analysis.
There are two major groups of writing instruments: the ballpoint pens,
containing oil-based inks, and the non-ballpoint pens, which are water-based inks.
Ballpoint pens are composed of dyes, vehicles, resins, and additives 1,4. Dyes are
responsible for imparting color to the ink. The vehicles are the substances
responsible for the homogenization of the ink’s compounds, primarily solvents. The
resins confer viscosity, paper adherence, lubricant properties and durability to the
ink. Finally, additives are compounds with specific characteristics, improving the ink’s
The ink dating of ballpoint pen inks is performed by two main approaches:
the static method and the dynamic method1,2,5. The static profile is based on
characterization or identification of the ink composition, which is often compared to
other pen ink known sources. The dynamic one, however, involves the elucidation of
ink’s processes and changes that occur over time, as a result of ink interaction with
environmental factors such as light and humidity.
In the static approach, inks of known manufacturing history are identified by
visual, microscopic and chemical methods, and compared to the questioned ink. The
static approach requires that the standard reference ink specimens are traceable with
known manufacturer’s information and date of the first production6. Since the static
approach assumes the measured profiles of the ink have not changed over time, it is
critical that the comparison standards are representative and stable. A superior
accuracy in dating estimations is possible when more extensive and comprehensive

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 115

ink collection sets are used. Likewise, the ink dating uncertainty improves when
highly informative and discriminating analytical methods are used for examination.
Studies of the dating of writing inks have been reported since the 1960s
when Hoffman began the first ink reference collection and characterized their profiles
by ultraviolet fluorescence, near-infrared reflectance, luminescence and thin layer
chromatography (TLC). In the early 1970s, Brunelle started one of the largest
international writing ink libraries, first developed at the ATF and later maintained at
the United States Secret Service (USSS). The inks were characterized by semi-
quantitative TLC, HPLC, FTIR, and GC. In 2009, Neumann et al. developed an
automated method to search and identify writing inks using high-performance thin
layer liquid chromatography (HPTLC), mathematical algorithms and automated
software. This project helped with the creation and standardization of the USSS
Digital Ink Library and probabilistic interpretation models for the interpretation of ink
Regarding the dynamic profile, various studies have evaluated techniques to
estimate how long the pen ink has been on paper, following these principles 1,11,12: a)
dyes degradation: dyes degrade under light exposition on the ink. On theory, it’s
possible to compare the intact dyes inside the pen cartridge, or recent writing, with
dyes on the paper for some time, which suffered light exposition and degradation; b)
solvent evaporation: since all pen inks contain volatile compounds, right after ink
deposition on paper, those solvents begin to evaporate. This process does not occur
inside the pen’s cartridge. The solvent quantity decreases over time; c) resin
polymerization: at the moment when the ink is on paper, its solubility begins to
diminish, and with the time elapsing, it is more difficult to extract those compounds
from the paper.
Briefly, once the ink is on paper, transformations begin to occur: the solvents
evaporate, the dyes degrade, and the resins polymerize, until the moment when a
balance is established and no more modification happens 1,4. The dynamic ink dating
analysis is based on the comparison between the intact ink, inside the pen cartridge
or on recent application, with the ink placed on paper for some time 12. Based on the
transformations, it is possible to verify for how long the ink has been on paper 12,13.
There are three groups of instrumental methods for ink dating and analysis: the
separation techniques, the mass spectrometry and the spectroscopy techniques 13.

R. P. Gorziza et al.
116 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

Given the high judicial demands involving documents’ age, this article aims to
review the leading scientific publications regarding ballpoint ink characterization and
dating, in the last ten years. This data can help forensic experts to improve their
scientific reports, as well as can support new research in this area.

2. Methods
This systematic review was performed in August 2018 on the following databases:
Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct and The strategy for this
research is presented in Figure 1. The descriptor used was “ballpoint pen inks”. The
inclusion criteria were: a) papers that studied blue and black ballpoint pen inks, for
characterization or dating analysis; b) articles published in the last 10 years. Those
criteria were chosen to review the most recent methods used for the most common
pens used in all kind of documents.
The initial research identified 112 non-redundant papers publications, and 63
of those fit the inclusion criteria.

Search descriptor: “ballpoint pen inks”

Google Pubmed Science Direct

991 citations 74 citations 127 citations 165 citations

91 Selected 28 Selected 39 Selected 40 Selected

Articles Articles Articles Articles

63 articles with the chosen criteria

Figure 1. Strategy for the systematic review

3. Results
3.1. Ink characterization
Over the past few years, different methods have been developed for the ballpoint pen
inks characterization regarding mainly the dyes and additives of the inks. Table 1
shows 49 recent published papers in this area14-61, in chronologic order. For some
methods, it is necessary to cut off a piece of the paper containing the ballpoint pen
ink and proceed with an extraction, and the most used solvent is methanol. Those
are destructive methods and there were required for the following techniques:

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 117

HPTLC (High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography)14,16,27,29,31,43,44,47,50,58,59,61,

Capillary Electrophoresis33,57, ESI-MS (Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry)
18,55, LDI-MS (Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry)53, UV-Vis (UV-Vis
Spectroscopy)17,31,40-42,48,50,58,61 and Orbitrap Mass Analyzer15,20. The non-destructive
methods, when the ink is analyzed directly from the paper, include the Luminescence
Spectrometry60, ToF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)54,56,
FTIR (Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy)16,21,25,28,37,38,41,45,46,48,50,51,52,
Raman Spectroscopy21-23,34,38,48, X-ray fluorescence41,42, LIBS (Laser Induced
Breakdown Spectroscopy)26,39,49, Video Spectral Comparator VSC®600035,36, PS-MS
(Paper Spray Mass Spectroscopy)30, DSA (Direct Sample Analysis)24, MAT 253
isotope ratio mass spectrometer32 and digital images obtained from an iPhone19.
Some of those techniques used the ink directly from the pen for the analysis.
Mass Spectroscopy (MS) and Spectroscopic methods are the main
approaches for ink analysis. In MS, chemical species are ionized and separated
according to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). Different ionization sources can
determine the MS’s versatility, adapted for different samples’ use. Spectroscopic
methods use electromagnetic radiation to transform the molecule from a ground-state
energy level to an excited-state one62. Both spectroscopy and mass spectrometry
chemical data can be visualized as a pattern in the multivariate space. Samples with
similar pattern group together and those with distinct pattern will be separated in the
multivariate space. By knowing this concept, the multivariate statistics or
chemometrics (a mathematical tool used to maximize information that can be
extracted from a data set) is an important tool which was widely used for the ballpoint
pen inks differentiation and characterization. For the pen inks discrimination two
statistical analysis were reported in the literature: the Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) and the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA)63. PCA consists in a data matrix
transformation, in order to represent the largest variations of the data through a small
number of factors. HCA is a useful analysis to determine the object resemblance and
to identify similar and non-similar samples63.

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118 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

Table 1. Published studies on ink characterization. iHPTLC: High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography; iiGC-MS: G Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry; iiiATR-FTIR: Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy; ivUV-Vis-NIR: Diffuse Reflectance UV–Vis
NIR Spectroscopy; vLC–DAD–ESI–MS system: Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Diode Array Detection and Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometry; viLC-DAD-Orbitrap MS: Liquid Chromatography Diode Array Detection-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry; viiLC-MS: Liquid
Chromatography Mass Spectrometry; viiiLIBS: Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy; ixUPLC: Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography;
HPLC: High Performance Liquid Chromatography; xiPS-MS: Paper Spray Mass Spectroscopy; xiiUV-Vis: Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy;
VSC®6000: Video Spectral Comparator VSC®6000; xivPLS-DA: Partial least squares-discriminant analysis; xvTLC: Thin-layer
Chromatography; xviLA-ICP-MS: Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry; xviiLDI: Laser Desorption Ionization Mass
Spectrometry; xviiiToF-SIMS: Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry; xixESI–MS: Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
NACE: Non-aqueous Capillary Electrophoresis.
Samples (Available data Sample
in each study) Preparation Method Main Conclusions Reference

Saini and
78 ballpoint pens (40 red Extraction from the HPTLCi and “All the samples were completely differentiated using HPTLC. GC-MS
and 38 black pen inks) paper with methanol GC-MSii discriminated red and black ballpoint pen inks with discrimination potential of
32.85% and 63.58%, respectively”

33 blue and 36 black Q-Exactiveii Orbitrap “The analysis of ballpoint pen samples in a Q-Exactive® Orbitrap mass
Carvalho et al.,
Extraction from the
ballpoint pens of different Mass Analyzer / analyzer in positive and negative mode was able to differentiate the samples,
paper with methanol 201815
brands Chemometrics even for inks of very similar color, and the method proved to be very
“Pen ink samples were characterized by ATR–FTIR spectroscopy and
57 blue ballpoint pens of Kumar &
Direct analysis of the iii i discriminated on the basis of HPTLC and ATR–FTIR spectroscopy coupled
different brands and/or FTIR and HPTLC Sharma,
ink line on paper with multivariate analysis. The approach of ATR–FTIR has proven out to be
models 201716
an effective tool for characterization of complex ink formulation”

57 blue ballpoint pens of “It is concluded through this study that all the 57 blue ballpoint pen ink Kumar &
Direct analysis of the UV–Vis-NIRiv/
different brands and/or samples were differentiated on the basis of combined approach of diffuse Sharma,
ink line on paper Chemometrics
models reflectance UV–Vis-NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics” 201717

LC–DAD–ESI–MS “As a result, a novel approach for the identification of dyes in the ballpoint
21 ballpoint pen inks (18
Extraction from the pen inks by flow injection analysis with LC–ESI–MS and UV detection without Akhmerova et
blue, 1 red, 1 black, and systemv/ UV al., 201718
paper with methanol using standard dye samples has been established. It can be an effective
1 green) Detection alternative to the existing LC–DAD–MS and IR spectroscopy methods”

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 119

Digital images
“The proposed method was tested for discrimination between 42 blue pen
20 blue ballpoint pens and Digital images of the obtained from Valderrama &
inks of different types and brands and validated by independent validation (or
22 other types of pens ink lines on paper an iPhone and Valderrama,
test) samples”
Chemometrics 201619

Direct analysis from

10 blue roller ball pens and LC-DAD-Orbitrap “The results showed that the established method is capable of detecting and Sun et al.,
small cuts of the ink
20 blue ballpoint pens
line on paper MSvi identifying potential dyes in blue writing inks” 201620

“This article has presented the potential combination of RS and FTIR with the
FTIRiii / Raman statistical technique of PPMC and chemometric techniques of PCA, which
Asri et al.,
11 black ballpoint pens Direct analysis of the
Spectroscopy / can offer a powerful approach for source determination of unbranded
from 11 different places ink line on paper 201621
Chemometrics ballpoint pen inks, compared with conventional direct visual examinations of
the Raman and FTIR spectra alone”
30 ballpoint pens – 3 blue, Direct analysis of the “The results of this study demonstrate that PCA can be used to objectively Asri et al.,
Spectroscopy /
3 red (of 5 brands each) ink line on paper. interrogate ballpoint-pen inks of similar colour and, more importantly, of 201622
different brands”
14 blue ballpoint pens of Raman
“The combination of Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics has proven to Borba et al.,
different brands and/or Direct analysis of the Spectroscopy /
be useful to differentiate among different kinds of pen inks in complex 201523
models ink line on paper. Chemometrics
multiclass problems”
Direct sample “Of the three techniques utilized, DSA provided the greatest number of ink
20 black and 20 blue
Direct analysis from analysis (DSA)/ GC- compound identifications and in more samples. However, no single method
ballpoint pens of different Nguyen &
small cuts of the ink detected all the components of the ink formulations. For profiling purposes, it
brands and/or models,40 MSii/ Moini, 201524
line on paper is therefore necessary to utilize more than one method, such as the
non-ballpoint pens LC-MSvii combination of DSA, LC-MS, and GC–MS presented in this study”
15 blue and 15 red ballpoint Analysis from small “Ballpoint pen inks of two different colours i.e. blue and red of five different
FTIRiii / Asri et al.,
pens of 5 different brands cuts of the ink line on brands were successfully resolved and differentiated after undergoing
Chemometrics 201525
and/or models paper chemometric treatments of PCA”
“The LIBS method provided comparable discrimination powers for the
selected sample sets when compared to those obtained using LA-ICP-MS
105 black and blue ballpoint Direct analysis from
(discrimination from 99.8 and 100% of the sample pairs, depending on the Lennard et al.,
pens from 12 different small cuts of the ink LIBSviii
sample subset under examination). LIBS is a suitable technique for the 201526
brands line on paper
determination of elemental composition as part of a protocol for the
examination of questioned documents”
Extraction from the
12 black ballpoint pens of 4 paper with UPLCix / Lee et al.,
“The approach proposed here has successfully differentiated all pen pair thus
different brands acetonitrile. Chemometrics 201527
achieving 100% discrimination power”

R. P. Gorziza et al.
120 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

“The score plot of the PCA reveals seven clusters (five homogenous and two
heterogeneous clusters) while the dendrogram of the HCA reveals six
11 black ballpoint pens Direct analysis of the FTIRiii / clusters (two homogenous and four heterogeneous clusters) which indicate Kamil et al.,
from different places ink line on paper Chemometrics that the unbranded black ballpoint pen inks may share similar ink 201528
formulations which can complicate their identifications”
9 blue ballpoint inks and 3 A portion of pen and
“The developed method proved to be a powerful, low cost, and simple tool
blue pen inks of different inks were HPLCx that allowed discriminating between different inks”
Hosu et al.,
brands dissolved in ethanol 201529
“The results of these tests revealed distinct degradation behaviors which
were reflected on the typical chemical profiles of the studied inks, attesting
that PS-MS may be also useful to verify the fading of dyes thus allowing the
12 blue ballpoint Direct analysis of the
PS-MSxi discrimination of entries on a document. As proof of concept experiments, Ferreira et al.,
pens of different brands ink line on paper
PS-MS was successfully utilized for the analysis of archived documents and 201530
characterization of overlapped ink lines made on simulated forged
“UV-Vis spectral data were mainly produced by the colorant components
48 blue ballpoint pens of 12
Extraction from the (i.e., dyes) found in inks and UPLC may detect ink components other than
different brands UV-Visxii / Lee et al.,
paper with methanol. dyes, i.e., additives. The Discrimination Power for UV-Vis and UPLC were
UPLCix 201531
determined to be 72.12% and 98.48%, respectively”
MAT 253 isotope
27 ballpoint ink pens and “The capacity of stable isotope ratios to differentiate among ballpoint inks as
Ink taken directly from ratio mass Chesson et al.,
19 gel ink pens of different well as gel inks shows that stable isotope analysis may be a useful and
the pen spectrometer 201532
brands and colors quantifiable investigative technique for questioned document examination,
although current sample size requirements limit its utility”
“A 100% of discrimination was achieved between pen technologies, brands,
34 different classes of blue Extraction from the Capillary and models, although non-reproducible zones in the electropherograms were Calcerrada et
pens paper with methanol electrophoresis found for blue gel pen samples. The two different batches of blue oil-based al., 201533
pens were also differentiated”
14 blue ballpoint pens of Raman
Direct analysis of the “The combination of Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics has proven to
different brands and/or Spectroscopy / Borba et al.,
ink line on paper be useful to differentiate among different kinds of pen inks in complex
models Chemometrics 201534
multiclass problems”
“The method showed to be robust in relation to different paper types and
25 different classes of blue Direct analysis of the VSC®6000xiii/ batches of pens. The analysis of a blind test indicates that the method is also Silva et al.,
pens ink line on paper PLS-DAxiv free of biased judgments of the analyst and robust regarding the handwriting 201435
of different individuals”
55 different
“The results showed that PLS-DA presented a high discrimination power
classes of black pens of 6 Direct analysis of the VSC®6000xiii/
when associated with the spectra obtained by the VSC®6000. The method Silva et al.,
different brands and/or ink line on paper PLS-DAxiv enables the correct discrimination of black inks of different pen types, brands 201436
and pen models”

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 121

“Micro-ATR FTIR was found to be feasible for differentiating ballpoint pen

inks used for signatures in documents; differentiating the inks used for
63 ballpoint pens (black Direct analysis of the
different signatures written with ballpoint pens will be useful for judging the Nam et al.,
and colored) of different ink line (signatures) FTIRxi
authenticity of signatures in questioned documents. The origin of the ballpoint 201437
brands and/or models on paper
inks as well as the sequence of intersecting lines between signatures with
two different ballpoint pen inks could be determined using micro-FTIR”
“The result indicated that Raman spectroscopy could easily remove the
interference caused by the paper which could hardly be removed with
infrared spectroscopy. No sample preparation was required and only 30s was
71 blue ballpoint pens
Direct analysis of the FTIRiii / Raman needed for each sample in the optimized method. The method proved to be
Liu et al.,
ink line on paper Spectroscopy 201438
fast, accurate, non-destructive and could be easily applied to the real cases.
The primary survey on inks from different market indicated five kinds of inks
could be identified”
34 blue, 30 black and 21 It was determined that the LIBS method is capable of revealing qualitative
red pens (40 ballpoint pens, Direct analysis of the elemental differences between ink samples. The discrimination power of this
29 gel pens, 6 porous point ink line on paper. LIBSviii method was found to be 83, 82 and 61% for blue, black and red inks, Kula et al.,
pens and 10 rollerball pens) respectively. Inks produced by the same producer were able to be 201439
of 17 brands differentiated in some cases”
12 blue, 12 black and 12 “The results of this study demonstrates that conventional and low cost UV-
Extraction from the UV-Visxii / Ismail et al.,
red ballpoint pens of 2 Vis spectroscopy when coupled with chemometrics techniques can became a
paper with ethanol Chemometrics 201440
different brands powerful tool that can be employed for forensic question document analysis”
“After the author knowledge, this is the first time when a comparative
UV-Vis-NIRiv/ trichromatic analysis of some colored samples registered such as and for
Ink line on paper and their extracts has been applied in order to assess the contributions of
7 ballpoint pens (4 blue and ink line on paper FTIRiii/ pigments and organic dyes used as chromophore agents. This original Feraru et al.,
3 black) of different brands extracted with X-ray fluorescence approach seems to be very efficient in discriminating various brands of 201441
methanol spectroscopy/ ballpoint pen inks when it is sustained by complementary data provided by
TLCxv infrared spectroscopy, thin layer chromatography and elemental analysis
performed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy”
“Corroboration of trichromatic analysis, particularly that performed in
Ink line on paper and
X-ray fluorescence/ methanolic extracts, with TLC data provides a valuable tool for discriminating
ink line on paper Feraru et al.,
6 ballpoint pens (3 red and of ballpoint inks within the same coloristic pallet and also for assessing some
3 black) of different brands
extracted with TLCxv/ UV-Vis-NIRiv components by comparing with reference dyes available from adequate data
“The composition of black pen inks was found to be homogeneous and the
12 black ballpoint pens of Extraction from the proposed method showed good repeatability and reproducibility. The Lee et al.,
different brands paper with methanol proposed HPTLC technique is useful for the precise discrimination of black 201443
ballpoint pen inks”

12 blue ballpoint pens of Extraction from the “The discrimination power (DP) of HPTLC technique to analyses blue Lee et al.,
different brands paper with methanol. ballpoint pen inks was determined to be around 89.40%” 201444

R. P. Gorziza et al.
122 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

blue pens of 3 types:

“Infrared Spectroscopy associated with linear discriminant analysis, using
ballpoint (5 brands), roller Direct analysis of the FTIRiii / SPA, GA and SW algorithms for variable selection were successful employed
Silva et al.,
ball (2 brands) and gel (3 ink line on paper Chemometrics 201345
to classify blue ink pens by type (gel, rollerball and ballpoint) and by brands”

56 black ballpoint pens, of Direct analysis of the FTIRiii/ “Micro-ATR FTIR spectroscopy is reproducible and can potentially be used Lee & Jemain,
14 different brands ink line on paper Pearson correlation to differentiate pens of the same make, but different models” 201346

“The results suggest that the HPLC profile of inks of different brands differ
1 cm of each ink x due to their similarities and differences in the chemical compositions. The
13 black ballpoint pens of HPLC / Halim et al.,
barrel and extraction results concurred with the PCA. Combination of HPLC and chemometric
different brands Chemometrics 201347
with ethanol techniques provided a more objective interpretation of the results for the
analysis of black ballpoint pen inks for forensic purposes”
UV–Visxii / “The methods used in this study such as reflected infrared, infrared
18 ballpoint pens (10 blue, Direct analysis of the FTIRiii / luminescence, FT-IR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis Feraru et al.,
3 red, 3 black and 2 green) ink line on paper Raman spectrometry and chromatic analyses in CIE-L*a*b* are efficient methods in 201348
Spectroscopy document analyses, since these methods do not alter the documents”
“The LA-ICP-MS methodology has provided higher DPs than other
21 blue ballpoint pens of 10 Direct analysis of the conventional methods or techniques, such as visual comparison that lead to Alamilla et al.,
different places ink line on paper more subjective results or separation techniques which require tedious 201349
sample preparation”
Ink line on paper and UV–Visxii/
10 blue ballpoint pens of “The results proved that the UV–Vis spectra are effective and powerful tool to
ink taken directly from FTIRiii/ Senior et al.,
different brands separate blue ballpoint pen ink in most cases rather than IR and TLC”
the pen HPTLCi 201250

“The results of the study have demonstrated the ability of micro-ATR-FTIR

155 black ballpoint pens of Direct analysis of the FTIRiii/ spectroscopy to produce an informative spectrum for classification, Lee et al.,
9 different brands ink line on paper Chemometrics differentiation and identification of inks via multivariate analysis techniques” 201251

“All six different pen varieties could be grouped into three clusters according
24 black ballpoint pens, of 6 Direct analysis of the FTIRiii/ Lee et al.,
to their brands via DA. Discrimination power of the proposed methods was
different brands ink line on paper Chemometrics 201252
Gallidabino et
33 blue ballpoint pens of Extraction from the “This study has confirmed the high discrimination potential of LDI-MS
LDI-MSxvii al., 201153
different places paper with ethanol combined to minimal preparation and analysis time”
“Minimal sample preparation and analysis time, the simultaneous acquisition
24 blue ballpoint pens of 7 of organics and metals, and ability to analyze trace amounts gives this
Direct analysis of the
models and 5 different
ink line on paper ToF-SIMSxviii technique advantages over others currently utilized in the forensic field. It Denman et al.,
brands was indicated that pens from the same manufacturer, but discrete batches, 201054
can be significantly different”

R. P. Gorziza et al.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 123

“The results of this study provide a reliable method of collecting writing ink
Extraction from the
samples with minimal destruction to the document, an efficient extraction
18 black pens (6 ballpoints, paper with methyl Williams et al.,
ESI-MSxix method, and an ESI-MS detection method which can be used to distinguish
6 gels, and 6 rollerballs) alcohol, ethyl alcohol 200955
between freshly deposited inks and to tentatively identify vehicles and dyes
or benzyl alcohol
contained within the ink formulation”
“TOF-SIMS can be used for the analysis of ballpoint pen inks producing
mass spectra that were highly characteristic of the constituent dyes and
Direct analysis of the Coumbaros et
13 blue ballpoint pens TOF-SIMSxviii inorganic substances used in their formulations. TOF-SIMS was also shown
al., 200956
ink line on paper
to be capable of analyzing ink containing a mixture of dyes, initially separated
by thin-layer chromatography, directly on the chromatographic material”
“The black ballpoint pens from the same group may be further distinguished
120 black ballpoint pens of Extraction from the Zou et al.,
different brands paper with methanol NACExx by cluster analysis based on the content of different dyes and some unknown
36 ballpoint pens (6 blue, 6 UV–Visxii / “Ballpoint pen inks that were difficult to discriminate previously on the basis of
Extraction from the Dzulkiflee et
red and 6 black) of 2
paper with ethanol HPLCx / their UV-Vis spectra alone, were successfully discriminated and resolved
al., 200858
different brands Chemometrics after undergoing chemometrics treatments”

41 blue ballpoint pens of Extraction from the HPLCx “This new method allowed discriminating among different pen inks with a Djosan et al.,
different brands paper with methanol Image analysis high reliability and the discriminating power of 92.8%” 200859
“The application to inks was evaluated on a pair-wise basis, through
examination of both calibrated and handwritten ink-lines. In the former case,
excellent discrimination was obtained with a discriminating power across this
10 black ballpoint pens of Direct analysis of the set of pens of 78% at the 99% confidence level and 87% at 95% confidence.
Spectrometry/ Adam, 200860
different brands ink line on paper For written samples, discrimination was less good, though still better than
filtered light, with discriminating powers of 60% and 64% respectively. This
difference is attributed to poorer spectral quality and increased sample
inhomogeneity when dealing with ink-line writing”
“For the UV-vis spectroscopy data, the interpretation of the loadings for the
UV–Visxii /
25 black ballpoint pens of Ink line on paper first few principal components showed that both the pen inks and the Adam et al.,
different brands extracted with ethanol HPLCx / extracted ink lines may be classified in an objective manner and in 200861
Chemometrics agreement with the results of parallel thin layer chromatography studies”

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):114-138 (2019) 124

3.2. Ink dating

Despite the static dating method, which is related to ink characterization, there are
two possibilities for ink dating, considering the inks’ components transformations with
(a) Relative dating methods, when there is a suspicion that the document
was partially forged at a different date. In this case, the document must contain two
questionable inks and the inks’ components concentration are measured and
(b) Dynamic dating method, based on the ink’s components concentration
measurement, considering the ink transformations over time (like the remaining
solvent quantity or the detection of dyes’ degradation).
For both relative and dynamic dating methods, it is necessary to have
methods that are capable to detect the ink changes over time. Table 2 shows the
most recent studies involving those methods64-78. The majority of the studies are
based on the monitoring of solvents as they evaporate over time, but there are also
studies based on the degradation of the dyes or resins.
Several studies have been using the 2-PE solvent quantification according to
the inks’ age, and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) or
coupled with Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) is still the established method for
the 2-PE quantification64,65,67,71-73,78.
As for the dyes degradation with time, the following methods have been
recently evaluated in the literature: UV-Vis Spectrophotometry66,68,76; HPLC-DAD
(High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Diode Array Detection)67; Paper
Spray Mass Spectrometry69; DART-MS (Direct Analyses in Real Time Mass
Spectrometry)74; EASI-MS (Easy Ambient Sonic-spray Ionization Mass
Spectroscopy)75; LDI-MS (Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectroscopy)76 and
Capillary Zone Electrophoresis/Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography/MALDI-TOF-
MS (Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 125

Table 2. Studies on ink dating by separation and spectrometric techniques. iGC-MS: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry; iiUV-Vis-NIR:
Diffuse Reflectance UV–Vis NIR Spectroscopy; iiiHPLC-DAD: High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection; ivUV-Vis:
Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy; vPS-MS: Paper Spray Mass Spectroscopy; viGC-FID: Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detection;
DART-MS: Direct Analyses in Real Time Mass Spectrometry.

Main Compound for

Ink Dating and Technique / detector Main Conclusions Reference
Sample preparation
“This study performed the figures of merit evaluation of the
quantification of 2-PE using GC/MS, testing the main parameters
involved in the reliability of the method (linearity, repeatability,
Standard 2-
Ink line cut from paper limits of detection and quantification, accuracy and robustness).
phenoxyethanol Carvalho et al.,
extracted with methanol. GC–MSi After, based on a full factorial design with four factors and two
(solvent) 201864
repetitions, the authors tested kind of paper, grammage of paper,
ink color and three ink ages, to verify the paper influence on the
quantity of 2-PE from ink, trough GC/MS analysis”
The results showed that all ageing parameters were significantly
influenced by the ink composition and a wide range of values
were obtained for each parameter over the studied time range.
The ageing parameters using PE and artificial ageing in their
2-phenoxyethanol calculation (PE quantity, R%, R%* and RNORM) presented a
(solvent) - 25 descending trend over the whole time range, demonstrating their
different inks chosen Ink line cut from paper GC–MSi potential to date a document created a few weeks to a few Koenig et al.,
as representative of extracted with chloroform months before the analyses. The PE quantity and RNORM 201865
the different ageing ageing curves distributions were highly correlated and influenced
behaviours by inks containing a high concentration of PE. Thus, these two
parameters would mainly work to date younger inks up to a few
weeks. From the two, RNORM showed the strongest differences
between young and old samples and is thus more promising to
estimate the age of ink entries of unknown origin”
“UV–vis-NIR spectrometry combined with Partial Least-Squares
(PLS) method for ink dating reported in this paper named
Total ink - 48 Extract of the ink from DATUVINK demonstrates that diffuse reflectance UV–vis-NIR
samples of a the cartridge and then spread UV–vis-NIRii / spectroscopy combined with chemometrics is a powerful tool for Ortiz-Herrero et
commercial ink on white paper using a Chemometrics predicting the age of inks deposited on paper. In addition, it is al., 201866
(Inoxcrom®) different brush for each ink worth noting the advantage of this methodology in this type of
analysis since it would be rapid and non-invasive, needing little to
no sample treatment”
Solvents and dyes - “The combined GC–MS and HPLC-DAD method that we propose
GC–MSi /
8 samples from a Ink line cut from paper allows the quantification, with a single extraction of ink on paper, Diaz-Santana et
blue ballpoint pen extracted with methanol HPLC-DADiii of 17 solvents and 13 dyes typically used in modern ballpoint pen al., 201767
and 8 samples from inks. The possibility to measure both solvents and dyes from a

R. P. Gorziza et al.
126 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

a black ballpoint pen single sample using a combined method enables the
concentrations obtained to be normalized, eliminating the effect
of variations in sample mass between sample extractions, a
factor that results from variations in the thickness or pressure of
application of pen strokes”
Total Ink – Samples “In the proposed study, UV–Vis spectroscopy along with the
Ink line cut from paper UV–Visiv / Sharma et al.,
from a blue ballpoint multiple linear regression analysis is used for predict the dating of
extracted with methanol Chemometrics 201768
pen ink”
“The feasibility of the method on forensic investigations was also
Ink lines cut from the paper demonstrated in three different applications: (1) analysis of
Total ink - 6 black Amador et al.,
without any sample PS-MSv overlapped fresh ink lines, (2) analysis of old inks from archived
ballpoint pens 201769
preparation documents, and (3) detection of alterations (simulated forgeries)
performed on archived documents”
“We could show that some inks contain luminescent components
Total ink -
that migrate/diffuse into the paper material, preferably detectable
Luminescent ink Intersecting lines of different
Pictures were taken in the area of an intersected primary ink line. This propagation
components from inks and one ink without any
with the aid of a video continues for several months, probably even years. Migration Hofer and Bako,
blue and black intersection were applied on
comparator apparatus speed curves give logarithmic functions. An individual ink ageing 201670
ballpoint pens and different paper qualities
curve can be drawn for any questioned document, as soon as
ink pads
there is a luminescent zone beside the visible ink line”
“This work confirmed that ink dating methods using liquid
extraction followed by GC/MS analysis were easily applicable in a
laboratory, proved to be sensitive enough for dating purpose and
allowed measuring a wide range of concentrations corresponding
to the concentrations commonly found in ink strokes. Four
different ageing parameters were evaluated: the quantity of PE,
2-phenoxyethanol the relative peak area (RPA) between different solvents and two
(solvent) - 3 different solvent loss ratios calculated respectively from the PE quantity
Ink line on paper extracted
inks labelled 1688, (R%) and the RPA values (R%*). Among those, two particularly Koenig et al.,
with chloroform GC–MSi
1774 and 1892, interesting parameters, RPA and R%* values for slow, medium, 201571
supplied in pen and fast drying inks were reported for the first time in the
cartridges literature. In terms of variability, R% proved to be the most
repeatable parameter as the maximal RSD obtained was 16%. In
opposition, the R% showed the highest variability with RSD
values going up to 38% for older samples. Thus, when RPA can
be calculated, the R% should always be preferred to the R% in
order to reduce significantly the variability for the analysis of older
ink samples”
Solvents – 2 blue “The results of this investigation showed that the volatile
Multiple solid-phase San Roman et
and 2 black ballpoint
microextraction (MHS-SPME) GC–MSi components of ballpoint pen inks can be easily monitored by HS-
al., 201572
pens SPME technique”

R. P. Gorziza et al.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 127

(solvent) – 8 blue Ink line on paper extracted The analyzed pens did present differences in the initial quantity of Carvalho,
and 8 black ballpoint with methanol GC–FIDvi 2-phenoxyethanol. Black pens had more homogeneous quantities 201473
pens than blue pens, which had higher variability
“During the first few months after an ink is written on paper, its
Total ink - 1 black The analysis was performed Jones &
DART spectrum changes as the more volatile components of the
ballpoint pen and directly from the ink line on DART-MSvii McClelland,
ink are lost, but the changes have generally attenuated before a
other types of pens paper 201374
year has passed”
“Using EASI-MS performed directly on paper surfaces, we have
been able to collect fingerprint spectra with characteristic dye
Dyes – blue and red Ink lines directly from the profiles for different inks. A linear correlation for accelerated
Lalli et al.,
ballpoint pens/real paper surface without any EASI-MSviii aging and degradation products for some of the most typical ink
aged documents sample preparation dyes has been obtained, demonstrating that this cascade of
products works as a reliable ‘chemical clock’ for ink aging,
particularly when relative ages are compared”
“Significant differences have been observed in the products and
the kinetics of the degradation. N-demethylation, an expected
decomposition process, was found to take place only in aqueous
solution and kinetics calculations showed that the degradation
Compare the degradation occurred 2.5 times faster in ethanol compared to water. The
Crystal Violet (dye) – pathways of the pure dye in UV-Visiv / degradation of crystal violet in inks from four ballpoint pens on Weyermann et
3 blue ballpoint pens water and ethanol upon LDIix paper was also studied for entries made over 2–3 years. It was al., 200976
exposure to xenon light observed that degradation reactions were quenched by the
presence of another dye due to competitive absorption. It was
also observed that the thickness of a stroke (concentration of ink)
influenced the degradation process. In the absence of light only
one ballpoint pen showed slight degradation”
“This study successfully evaluated different methods of pen ink
Commercial Crystal Violet Capillary Zone analysis, CE (under CZE and MEKC modes) and MALDI-TOFMS.
Electrophoresis / Shih et al.,
Standard blue analyzed before and after light Various N-demethylation products of CV were separated using
ballpoint pen dyes exposure MALDI-TOF-MSx CZE and identified by means of MALDI-TOFMS. These methods
are useful in dating inks”
“The results demonstrate that heating ballpoint ink on paper
influences the chemical composition, suggesting a reason for the
(solvent) – 15 Ink line extracted from the Thermal Desorption / Bugler et al.,
observed age-dependent behavior. The application range of the
different blue and paper, heated at 200ºC GC-MSi proposed procedure was studied by analyzing 85 different types
black ballpoint pens
of ballpoint pen inks over a period of 1.5 years”

R. P. Gorziza et al.
128 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):114-137 (2019)

4. Discussion
Ballpoint pen inks’ characterization and dating are frequently requested analysis in
judicial cases, and most commonly for blue and black ballpoint pens. There is no
standard formula for the ballpoint pens manufacturing, so the components’ quantities
and even solvents, dyes and resins may vary between different brands of pens, and
this may vary between different regions too4,78. In that context, it is very important to
have methods to differentiate the ballpoint pens from each other. Sometimes the fact
of proving that two different pens were used in the same document may even lead to
some answers in a specific case; for example, the adulteration of a document’s
writing part through the erasure and re-writing with a ballpoint pen of similar color79. It
is also possible to proceed with indirect dating using the chemical analysis of an ink
followed by comparison with known samples in a reference collection; some ink
formulas may be discontinued or known to be characteristics of a particular sale’s
period – this is the static dating method3,80.
This manuscript discusses technological advances and novel methods that
have shown potential to improve discrimination and characterization of ink profiles.
Every one of those listed articles in Table 1 reported good characterization and
differentiation between ballpoints originating from different sources, indicating there
are several possibilities of methods to analyze and differentiate ballpoint pen inks.
Those methods can provide answers when it is necessary to determine if an ink was
written in a document at a later date (backdating) or to determine date authenticity.
For Forensic application, non-destructive methods are much better techniques,
because the analysis is performed directly in the document without the need to cut or
consume a part of it, which guarantees the possibility of counterproof. Also, since all
methods has shown good results, it is not necessary for Laboratories to have the
most expensive equipment to perform ballpoint pen inks analysis.
Fewer articles have addressed both, the methods' ability to distinguish
different ink formulas and to associate those from the same formulations. A thorough
evaluation of the method’s application and validity should address false positive and
false negative error rates. Moreover, most of the studies have a limited number of
specimens or manufacturing information not fully traceable. Therefore, these findings
should be considered as proof of principle, but larger ink collections would be
necessary to expand their full assessment for ink dating.

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Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 129

Regarding the dynamic dating methods, which evaluate the ink’s

transformations with time, GC-MS is the prevalent method used for the quantification
of 2-PE solvent loss over time using traditional sampling or SPME (Solid-phase
Microextraction). The most recently published article, Koenig and Weyermann
(2018)65 analyzed 25 different ballpoint pen inks, to quantify the 2-PE through GC-
MS method. They evaluated 7 different aging parameters, in order to establish an
interpretation model to its ink dating’ legal use. Nevertheless, there are still more
studies to be done, to proper evaluate all the variation that influences the 2-PE
evaporation over time and how to use that as a standard protocol. First of all, once
on paper, 90% of the ballpoint pen ink solvents’ evaporate in a few minutes, but the
rest of it continues to evaporate and can take up to only two years4. As the ballpoint
pens’ formulas vary among different pen brands, different initial quantities of ink’s
components might influence in the analysis conclusion. It is also known that different
writing fists have different pen pressures on the support paper, releasing more or
less ink quantity, so it could also change the ink’s age analysis results. For
destructive techniques such as GC-MS, it is necessary to extract the same amount of
samples, standard and questioned, because the analysis is based on inks
components’ quantities. Another aspect to consider is the document’s paper type and
its influence on the ink’s component extraction2,71,72.
Approaches that evaluate the dyes’ degradation have gained attention
through different techniques. Although good results have been shown, there are still
some precautions to be aware of. For instance, dyes degrade in contact with light
and high temperatures, so the document’s storage conditions are critical for the ink’s
age behavior. Aginsky (1998)81 has compared two ink-dating methods: the first one
analyzing the solvents’ evaporation and the second one using the dyes’ degradation,
and both methods were measured with a substance extraction coefficient, as a
function of inks’ age. In order to extract the volatile ink components, which are fully
immersed on resins, it is necessary the complete resins dissolution and they are
resistant to it. The resins extractions do not vary between ink from the pen cartridge
and ink from the paper, so the observed variation between old and recent pen
strokes is related to the remaining solvent quantity extracted from old ink strokes’
resins, correlating with the age. To extract dyes, although, it is known that the dyes
composition is the same inside and outside the pen cartridge. Dyes are not bonded
to resins and are easily extracted. The extraction percent obtained by Aginsky shows

R. P. Gorziza et al.
130 Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019)

that the dyes extraction coefficient are always higher than the real value because its
extraction is easy, unlike the solvent’s extraction, and this does not correlates with
the ink age. Consequently, the dyes extraction is vulnerable to unknown factors.
Andrasko and Kunicki (2005)82 also studied the differences about the ink
composition, and concluded that there were no changes between dyes from the pen
cartridge and dyes from a pen stroke on paper with 6 years old. Additionally, they
concluded that different brands of pens have different Crystal Violet, Methyl Violet
and Tetramethyl Pararosaniline quantities. Some pens presented 6% of Tetramethyl
Pararosaniline, commonly used as a degradation marker, while other pens presented
15% of this substance, even though those pens had the same age. In this same
paper, authors analyzed one pen from 1997 to 2004 and found no differences in
Tetramethyl Pararosaniline proportion, so there was no degradation of this dye in
seven years.
Lastly, another aspect to consider in ink dating is the possibility of artificial
aging, which have a large number of factors that might be used to make a document
looks older than it is, like the excessive light exposure and the high temperature

5. Conclusion
This systematic review presented different method approaches for ink-dating
analysis. However, currently, only a few answers may be given regarding ink’s age,
and most of the performed exams are relative dating methods, when it is possible to
evaluate two inks and compare their ages. The methods’ improvement and
interpretation, with research, might provide a possible working protocol in the future
for Forensic Document Laboratories and its legal use. It is also essential to provide
forensic experts with proper training for the analytical methods, data analysis, quality
control, and interpretation of the evidence.

The authors wish to thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de
Nível Superior (CAPES) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq) Brazilian Institutions, the Brazilian National Institute of Forensic
Science and Technology and the Brazilian Federal Police.This study is a part of
MCTI/CNPQ/CAPES/FAPS nº 16/2014 – Programa INCT, CNPq 465450/2014-8

R. P. Gorziza et al.
Brazilian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Medical Law and Bioethics 8(3):113-138 (2019) 131

Brazilian Public Call Project, entitled “Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia


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