03cheiloscopy AReview
03cheiloscopy AReview
03cheiloscopy AReview
Cheiloscopy - A review
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Abstract History
Cheiloscopy, deals with the identification of Humans based The biological phenomenon of systems of furrows on the
on Lip traces, is based on the fact that the pattern of lines on red part of human lips was first described by Anthropologists
the red part of human lips are unique for each human being. R. Fischer in 19023.
It plays a major role as a Stomatological means of identification In 1961, the first research in Europe was carried out on
in addition to Bite marks, Tooth Morphology, Restorations and the subject of Lip Prints in Hungary. The examination started
Palatal rugae patterns. Research indicates the existence of when lip traces were found on a glass door at the scene of
heredity in the Lip prints. This article presents a review and murder3.
scope of Cheiloscopy in Forensic Odontology. In Poland, the interest in lip prints started in 1966, when
accidentally a lip print was revealed on the window glass at
the scene of burglary3. Research was carried out later and its
Key words results were comparable to those achieved in Japan and
Lip prints, Identification, Forensic Odontology In August 1966, during the fourth international
symposium of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen, Dr. Martin
Santos from Brazil presented his own classification of Lip
furrows and lines and showed how these characteristic features
Introduction can be used for Identification4.
In the period of 1968 – 1971, two Japanese scientists Yasuo
Identification of an individual is a pre-requisite for
Tsuchihashi and Tazuo Suzuki examined 1364 persons at the
personal, social and legal reasons and for the certification of department of Forensic Odontology at Tokyo University. Based
death. The traditional methods for Personal identification
on this research, it was established that the arrangement of
include Anthropometry, Finger prints, DNA finger typing, Bite lines on the red part of human lips is individual and unique for
marks, Identification by blood groups, etc. In particular,
each human being1.
Odontology has been used extensively for Personal In 1974, Tsuchihashi carried out another study with greater
number of participants as well as family groups. By comparing
‘Cheilos’ is a Greek word meaning Lip and ‘Scopy’ means the lip prints of the twins with their parents, he found that
to examine. Cheiloscopy is the study of Lip Prints. It was
they closely resembled one parent which adds strength to the
differently described by various authors carrying out research. theory of heredity of lip prints. He also found that following
It was thought of as a method of identification of a person
trauma to a lip, it resumed the groove pattern after healing1.
based on the characteristic arrangement of lines appearing on In 1982, a project was launched in the Forensic Institute
the Red part of the lips. Tsuchihashi named the wrinkles and
of Warsaw University Criminal law department in cooperation
grooves visible on the lips as ‘Sulci Labiorum Rubrorum’ and with the former Forensic Institute of Milita in Warsaw with the
the resulting pattern as ‘Figura Liniae Labiorum Rubrorum’.1
aim of developing one cohesive Cheiloscopic system practicable
However, it is safe to assume that Cheiloscopy in its present in forensic cheiloscopy. Lip prints were collected from 1500
stage of development has surpassed the limits of a method –
persons (including 107 women) coming from various locations
it has become a means of Criminalistic identification dealing around the country. The age of volunteers varied from 5 to 60
with lip prints.
years and altogether more than 7000 traces of red part of lips
Lip prints are unique and do not change during the entire were examined. The examination determined methods for
life of a person1. It has been verified that lip prints recover
revealing and securing the traces of the lips, methods of
after undergoing alterations like Trauma, Inflammation and acquiring the comparative material and more importantly,
diseases like Herpes etc. The disposition and form of furrows
detailed methods of cheiloscopic expertise3.
does not vary with environmental factors. The lip prints of In 1985, the methods of finding and recovery of lip traces,
parents and children and those of siblings have shown some
recovering comparative material and the techniques employed
similarities1. It has also been suggested that variation in pattern to carry out that expertise have been introduced into case work
among males and females could help in personal identification
of Fingerprint department of the Central Forensic Laboratory
and sex determination2,11. of Police in Warsaw, Poland3.
Utsuno H et al recently had done a study to clarify
characteristics of lip prints from cadavers with various causes
of death and to determine the effects of fixation on post
Corresponding address: mortem changes in lip impressions5.
Dr. Mukesh Asrani
Post Graduate Student, K M Shah Dental College & Hospital,
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University, Piparia 391 760 Classification of lip prints
Vadodara, Gujarat
Ph.: +91 - 9879417217, +9179 - 22775841 1. Martin Santos Classification (1966)4
e-mail: drmukeshasrani@yahoo.co.in, I. Simple Wrinkles
drchandramanimore@rediffmail.com a. Straight lines
Chandramani More / Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine Toxicology. January-June, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1 17
Fig. 1: Lip Prints. Fig. 2: Division of Lip prints in four quadrants.
A combination of these grooves may be found in any given A lip print at the scene of the crime can be a basis for
set of lips (Fig. 1). To simplify recording, the lips are divided conclusions as to the character of the event, the number of
into quadrants similar to Human dentition – a horizontal line people involved, sexes, cosmetics used, people habit,
dividing upper and lower lip and a vertical line dividing right occupational traits, and pathological changes of the lips
and left side (Fig. 2). By noting the type of groove in each themselves.
quadrant, the individual’s lip print pattern may be recorded. Traces of lip prints should be looked for on cutlery and
Thus, it helps in differentiation of lip print patterns in any two crockery items, particularly if a meal is taken at the scene of
individuals. crime. In practice, lip prints have also been revealed on the
The anthropometric landmarks present on the lips can surface of windows, paintings, doors, plastic bags and cigarette
also be recorded and measured. These landmarks are Cheilion ends.
(ch), most lateral points of oral opening; Labrale superius (lbs), The following methods can be used for tracing lip prints
highest point of upper lip margin in mid sagittal line; Stomion, at the crime scene.
contact point of upper and lower lips in mid sagittal line; Labrale 1. Direct photography if the prints are on a glass surface6,7.
inferius (lbi), lowest point of lower lip margin in mid sagittal 2. Use of fingerprint powders and fixing on foil. (Aluminum
line5. powder, Silver metallic powder, Silver nitrate powder,
Recently, only a 10mm portion of the middle part of the Cobalt oxide and Magnetic powder) 6,7,13
lower lip is used for the basis of the classification as this
18 Chandramani More / Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine Toxicology. January-June, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1
Fig. 3: Suzuki and Tsuchihashi’s Classification. a paper until the lipstick has exhausted.
4. Applying special creams on the lips and then transferring
Type of Figure it.
Lip Print The print taken is directly photographed or covered by a
cellotape to maintain a permanent record. Nowadays,
Softwares are used for the recording of lip prints.
Type I
Lip prints as an aid
1. For Personal identification:
The specific grooves on the Human Lips play a great role
in identification of a Human being and many studies have
proven that10.
Type I ’ 2. In Sex Determination:
In a study conducted by Vahanwala - Parekh,2,11 it was
suggested that certain pattern trends were prevalent in either
¾ Type I and I’ are dominant in Females in third and fourth
quadrants i.e. lower lip.
Type II ¾ Type II is common in Males in the second quadrant i.e.
upper lip, left side.
¾ Individuals with all quadrants having different pattern
were common in males whereas having same pattern in
all quadrants were seen in females.
Chandramani More / Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine Toxicology. January-June, 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1 19
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