Atika Restuningsih 4317500212 TRADE - CONFIRMATION
Atika Restuningsih 4317500212 TRADE - CONFIRMATION
Atika Restuningsih 4317500212 TRADE - CONFIRMATION
1. RG ADHI - ADHI KARYA(PERSERO)Tbk I 1 100 730 73,000 0
Please transfer the due amount to your qq account : Gross Amount 73,000 0
BSIM 0014592229
Brokerage Fee 0.1450% 71 0
for effective value date on Wednesday, 18-Nov-2020 (good
fund). VAT Brokerage Fee 7 0
Please process payment not later then 4.00 P.M.WIB JSX Levy 24 0
Penalty of 45% pa from the due amount will be charged for KPEI 4 0
any delayed payment.
Total Charges 106 0
This transaction is taken as confirmed if no discrepancies
Sales Tax 0
are reported within 24 hours.
Total Amount 73,106 0
Minimal Fee untuk Transaksi Negosiasi Mulai Tanggal 01 September 2018 adalah Rp. 10.000,- (Sepuluh Ribu Rupiah)
if you need assistance or further information please contact us (62-21) 3925-550 (Hunting) or email