Effect of Technology On Children
Effect of Technology On Children
Effect of Technology On Children
Report writing project
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Date : 19/11/2020
Effect of technology on children
The report is about how use of technology can effect daily life and how it effect specifically
children as children are most easily affected by it. The report covers all aspects and fact of
different researches. There are both positive and negative effect it all depends on method of use
and parents can control all type of use .The survey was conducted in which different questions
are asked from children and students which shows what percent of children use technology and
to what extent.
1. Relationships and Social Skills Issues.................................................................................................2
2. Health Problems..................................................................................................................................3
3. Browsing Online Can Be Dangerous...................................................................................................3
4. Mobile Device Overuse Reduce Sleep Quality....................................................................................4
Effect of technology on mental health........................................................................................................4
Positive effects of technology on young children....................................................................................5
Data analysis...............................................................................................................................................7
Technology has changed every thing.in our lives technology has brought many great things to us.
Smartphones, tablets, personal computers, video games and so on our life is surrounded by
technology and our children are also using it at home, at school, everywhere. Our children will
learn many things we have not even dream about it right now. We know this is an important
positive impact of technology.
So as technology is in every aspect of life it has also affected our life,
But there are some negative impacts from technology overuse too, having serious consequences
into our children’s life.
On this report we will discuss negative aspects and positive aspects
The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of technology on children
Research objective
The objective of this research is to raise awareness among people how use of technology effects their
children, their consequences and how to deal with them.
Technology effects students in following ways like there are negative effect and how technology
is destroying something also there are thing that cannot be achieved without help of technology
Technology has completely changed every aspect of our society over the past few years, from the
way we work to the way we socialize and everything else. One of the differences that have been
most noticeable is the change in the way that children play and interact with each other. It can
have several negative effects on child development and quality of life.
Spending too much time online weakens the bond between the parents and the child as child
always wants to be in front of screen so he spends less time with his parents.
The second most prominent problem is effect on health
2. Health Problems
they use mobile devices, the less physical activities they do. The problem is that
while playing games online child continues to eat snacks and remain on bed for
almost all day. As children spend more time in front of those screens so less time
they spend outside playing, running and burning off calories. This may not be
problem for now but after some time it can become serious health issue.
Not forgetting how harmful it is for the eyes. We can solve this by
Teaching our children that there is time for everything, even to play games online.
When someone is online they can search anything on internet it can any malicious
software or virus
Most of the time it is disguised as some advertisement or sort adult may be able to
A study from 2005 says that 70% of teens aged between 15-17 have accidentally
A lack of sleep can have very major effects on our brain. Sleep is very important for proper growth of our
brain especially children.so it is must for children to get proper sleep to make proper progress. During the
sleep, the brain does some works to wake up again ready for a next day. But sleeping less means that
“Kids Are Being Kept Awake by Their Phones Even When They’re not Using them” over 72% of all
People think there are only negative effects but technology is more helpful than than its
Explains Shelley Pasnik, director of the Center for Children & Technology. Pasnik’s research
has shown that when kids watch shows like PBS’s or Dora the explorer which teaches early
math skills, and ask for response with parents they retain significantly more than when they
watch alone. “The more parents were involved and used the strategies, the more likely kids were
going to experience the benefits of the media,” she notes in her research
Watching media together also gives parent and child a shared language which help In relation
In addition, technology, when used correctly, can actually have a very positive effect on your
child’s development. Studies have found that our ability to identify info buried within a bunch of
characters are greater. In addition, regular interfaces with technology can lead to improved hand-
eye coordination, multi-tasking, and reaction time. Technology can never be bad it only should
be controlled
Technology can have many benefits it all depends on their use people use technology so that they
don’t have to pay attention to their kids and take care of their kids
A research was conducted to see how technology effect students study
In this research some student use tech means to study and others did not their marks are as
The students were given same questions and they did use different means to prepare the students
who used technology scored higher
1) male or female (circle one)
2) Grade level __ _
3) Define technology (what does it mean to you?)
4) What forms of technology have you used in the classroom?
5) What forms of technology do you use outside the classroom?
6) What types of technology do you use in math class?
7) Do calculators make your job easier in math? Why?
8) What types of technology would you like to see used in school?
9) Do you feel more confident in math class when you can use calculators to help you?
10) Give some suggestions as how to make math more fun. (list 3 ideas)
Data analysis
This pyramid structure shows how over use of technology effect one life
Some facts:
As a group, children under eight spend an average of 25 minutes per day playing video
66% of all children under the age of two have watched television.
Television watching typically begins at 9 months of age.
Compared to watching television, playing video games starts later, but nearly half of all
two to four year olds have played video games. This increases dramatically just a few years
later – 81% have played video game console games and 90% use computers.
10% of children under eight year’s old use educational software and 6% use a computer
for homework.
11% of children under eight years old use a cell phone, iPod, or iPad / tablet.
Listening to music actually decreases from birth to age eight. Children up to a year old
spend an average of 39 minutes per day listening to music, 30 minutes at age’s two to four,
and just 23 minutes at age’s five to eight.
By age eight, 96% of children have watched TV, 90% have used a computer, 81% have
played console video games, and 60% have played games or used apps on a portable device
(cell phone, handheld gaming system, iPod, or tablet).
above 2
uder age 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Series 1 Series 2
67% of children own a video game system (24% own a portable video game system)
29% of children own an educational gaming system
10% of children live in a home in which the television is left on all the time (29% live in
a home in which the TV is on “most” of the time)
9% of households have an
So after all of the research we can conclude that technologies can be both useful and dangerous it
all depends on its use if we use it in controlled manner it is very helpful
The bottom line is that too much screen time and not enough other activities, such as reading,
playing games, good and imaginative play, will result in your children having their brains wired
in ways that may make them less, prepared to prosper in this crazy world of technology. Let
your kids play with their toys, let them go outside, get their thoughts working, and it's okay for
them to get bored. They will learn how to play again. It's good for them and builds their brains.
1. It is recommended that equal time should be given to technology and physical activities’
2. Parents should monitor child online activities
3. Controlled use of technology is not harm full
4. It is also recommended that technology should be used to help learn as it is faster and
more interactive ways
5. Parents shoyld provide opportunities for their children to get involved in all kind of
healthy activities including technological activities .
Thompson, D.A., & Christakis, D. (2005).