Potential Use of Tawa Tawa: A Schematic Review of Literature
Potential Use of Tawa Tawa: A Schematic Review of Literature
Potential Use of Tawa Tawa: A Schematic Review of Literature
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5 authors, including:
Shafaq Nisar
University of Agriculture Faisalabad
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Euphorbia hirta is an annual herb belongs to Euphorbiaceae family. It has been found at warm and tropical regions mostly on
roadsides and waste land throughout the world and used as traditional medicines. Tawa tawa contains lycosidal substance,
terpenoids, tannin, phorbic acid, fatty acids and sterols, Flavonoids including quercitrol, quercetin, and its derivatives. The extent
or amount of these chemical constituents varies in different parts of the tawa tawa plant and also depends on soil and climate
condition. Recently published reports showed that tea of tawa tawa plant is helpful as anti-malaria and anti-dengue. Euphorbia
hirta has been used for the remediation of respiratory disease, some female disease and also other such as dysentery, jaundice,
gonorrhoea, pimples, tumors, digestive problems and children infections.
Key words: Euphorbiaceae, Flavonoids, derivatives, jaundice, Medicines
Full length article *Corresponding Author, e-mail: shafaqnisar12@gmail.com, Tel: +923237628206
growth of tawa tawa [2]. Warm climate is the key parameter friedlin, β- amyrin, and esters of it are 11α-oxidotaraxerol,
for the growth of the Tawa tawa [3]. 12α-oxidotaraxerol, cycloartenol, euphorbol hexacosoate
4. Botany, Morphology, Ecology and 24-methylene-cycloartenol. Roots of tawa tawa plant
Several species of Euphorbia are succulent. The possess components such as 12-deoxyphorbol-13-
central stem of tawa tawa and other side branches of this phenylacetate-20-acetate-ingenol triacetate, 12-
species are fleshy and thick, 6- 36 inches (15-91 cm) tall. It deoxyphorbol-13-dodecanoate-20-acetate as well as highly
is branched frequently four angled, covered with long toxic resiniferonol derivative. Besides these, other isolated
yellowish hairs. The short leaves are elliptical, opposite, terpenoids are sterols including cholesterol, β-sistosterol,
oblong or oblong-lenceolate, alternate or in whorls with a stigmasterol and campesterol.
slightly toothed or rough margin, pale beneath and dark
green on upper side. Base of the leaves of this plant is
commonly unequal, rounded or acute. The main veins are 3-
4 and distinct. The petioles are short in length about 2-3mm
with long stipules pectinate. Leaves are mostly short-lived
and small in succulent species. The stipules are generally
small, somewhat changed into glands or spines. Flowers are
numerous, small and crowed together in thick cymes having
one cm diameter [4]. Just like all members of
Euphorbiaceae, flowers of Euphorbia hirta are unisexual. Fig.1. Structure of Galic acid
Male flowers of these plants are sessile, absent perianth
along with fringed or linear bracteoles and own one stamen.
The female flowers of the Euphorbia hirta have superior
ovary, short pedicel, rimmed perianth, covered with tiny
hairs, holds three styles, three-celled, and the apex is two-
fid. The fruit of this plant is intensely three-lobed, covered
in short hairs, base truncate and three-seeded. The seeds of
E. hirta are oblong, slightly wrinkled, pinkish brown, four-
sided prismatic, and caruncle absent. Duration of flowering
of individual herb is generally throughout year [2].
5. Chemistry Fig.2. Structure of Myriceten
5.1. Chemical composition 6. Uses
Euphorbia hirta contains tannin, lycosidal Several plants and herbal species contribute
substance, fatty acids, Jambulol melissic acid, phorbic acid, remarkably to the pharmaceutical industries [10-11]. A
eciphosterol, sterols, and small amount of alkaloids and number of constituents isolated from medicinal plants
sugars. Chemical composition varies with different season showed antimicrobial activities against numerous pathogens
[5]. Aerial parts of Euphorbia hirta contain terpenoids. [7-12-13]. Some secondary metabolites and the phenolic
Study of leaves of this plant shows the presence of compounds are the bioactive components and act as
phytochemicals such as flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, membrane permeables. Euphorbia hirta play noteworthy
steroids, carbohydrates and glycosides. But fats, saponins role in remedial field including and act as anti-
and protein are absent [6]. inflammatory, anti-oxidant, diastolic, diuretic, anthelminthic
5.2. Phytochemistry and antibacterial agents [14].
Phytochemicals (secondary metabolites) are found 6.1. General uses
in one or several parts of therapeutic plants. GC-MS Euphorbia hirta also known as E. pilulifera L.
analysis is generally used in order to find chemical profile have positive effect on diverse female disorders and in the
[7-9]. Polyphenols including Gallic acid, 3,4-di-O- cure of respiratory illnesses including bronchitis and asthma
galloylquinic acid, 2,4,6-tri-O-galloyl-Dglucose, 1,2,3,4,6- moreover it has character for cumulative milk flow because
penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose and myricitrin are present in of having its milky latex. In India this plant is used for the
this plant. Flavonoids that present in the tawa tawa plant are treatment of worm infections in kids and also for gonorrhea,
euphorbianin, quercitrin, leucocyanidol and quercitol. dysentery, jaundice, pimples, tumors and digestive
Phytosterols and triterpenes including β-Amyrin, 24- problems. On the warts and wounds, the fresh milky latex
methylenecycloartenol and β-Sitosterol while tannin obtained from tawa tawa plant is used. Roots are used in
including tuphorbins. Furthermore, n-nonacosane and inflammation, sprains, miscarriage, epilepsy and irregular
heptacosane are the Alkanes present in tawa tawa. The arial growth of teeth.
part comprising of triterpenes including taxaxerol, α-amyrin, 6.2. Pharmacological uses
Tawa tawa whole plant extracts is known to Various extracts from different parts of nine
possess strong antioxidant potential. It has been reported medicinal plants were used in traditional medication for the
that tawa tawa extracts possess anticancer, anti-tyrosinase cure of malaria. Out of these plant species, Euphorbia hirta
and antimicrobial properties. Despite these reported whole plant including stem, leave, roots and flower cause
properties and action mechanism it is necessary to be aware more than 60% inhibition of the plasmodium growth [18].
that tawa tawa contain milky latex which may be skin The antiplasmodial action of tawa tawa may be correlated to
irritant. There is great diversity in the constituents of the the presence of some components including steroids,
tawa tawa that are responsible for their properties. The terpenes, coumarins, lignans, flavonoids, phenolic acids,
pharmacological properties of the whole plant including anthraquinones and xanthones.
stem, leaves, roots and flowers, results from the combination 6.2.5. Anti-inflammatory activity
of several different bioactive phytochemicals [15]. It was Main components of the isolated from aerial parts
demonstrated by some researcher that dichloromethane of E. hirta such as β-amyrin, triterpenes, β-sitosterol and 24-
extracts of tawa tawa have inhibitory effect of cancer cell methylenecycloartenol showed anti-inflammatory effects.
line at 50% concentration. Taraxerone isolated compound Both the triterpenes and the extract exerted major and dose-
from the tawa tawa exhibited the antimicrobial activities dependent anti-inflammatory action in ear inflammation
against several pathogens [15]. induced by phorbol acetate as a model in mice. The aqueous
6.2.1 Prophylactic agent extracts also showed anti-inflammatory activities [19].
Tawa tawa is broadly used as infusion or decoction 6.2.6. Sedative and Anxiolytic activity
to treat numerous disorders including intestinal diarrhoea, Lyophilized extract of E. hirta L. showed sedative
parasites, peptic ulcers, vomiting, heartburn, amoebic, and anxiolytic activity. Sedative characteristics can be
bronchitis, dysentery, asthma, laryngeal spasms, hay fever, established and verified with high doses by a decrease of
coughs, emphysema, colds, menstrual problems, kidney interactive considerations measured in unfamiliar or
stones, venereal and sterility diseases. Furthermore, this unknown environment, whereas anticonflict response
plant can also be applied to treat skin affections and mucous seemed at lower doses, by an improvement of behavioral
membranes, like warts, tinea, scabies thrush, fungal parameters dignified in the light/dark choice condition test.
afflictions, aphthae, measles, Guinea-worm and as an These lead the traditional use of tawa tawa as a sedative and
antiseptic to treat wounds, conjunctivitis and sores. Tawa expose original anxiolytic characters [20].
tawa plant has a character to treat severe toothache, 6.2.7. Anti-diarrhoeal activity
headache, colic, rheumatism and pains during pregnancy. It Tawa tawa plant extract by decoction was used to
is used as pain relief and antidote of snakebites and scorpion understand the antidiarrhoeal activity in mice. A flavonoid
stings [2]. glycoside component, quercitrin isolated from E. hirta,
6.2.2. Anti-dengue showed anti diarrhoeal activity against castor oil induced
Dengue fever is initiated by the arbovirus known as diarrhoea in mice. It also seems to delayed small intestinal
dengue virus, transferred by the mosquito named as Aedes transit. But, aglycone of quercitrin, in the occurrence of
aegypti. It is a big approach to treat this fetal fever using secretagogue composites, improved colonic liquid
traditional or herbal medicines. Euphorbia hirta in the absorption signifying that the antidiarrhoeal action of
Philippines, natively known as “tawa tawa” has applications quercitrin component is only because of its aglycone,
in herbal medicine to treat dengue fever in rural areas. The released by the glycoside present in intestine [18].
exact mechanism is yet unknown but it has considerable 6.2.8. Anticancer activity
significance for the treatment of the dengue fever. Extracts of tawa tawa have been seemed to
6.2.3. Antioxidant activity demonstrate selective cytotoxicity action against numerous
Commercial antioxidants may show unwanted side cancer cells. This plant is beneficial in effective cure of
effects so customer interested in herbal antioxidant during cancer, especially squamous cell carcinomas and malignant
the current years [16]. Antixidant properties of plant are due melanomas.
to the presence of phenolic or flavonoid components [16]. 6.2.9. Diuretic activity
The extract of Euphorbia hirta L. plant prepared in hot The diuretic activity of E. hirta leaf was evaluated
water was used for the determination of antioxidant in rats using furosemide and acetazolamide as standard
potential. The crude extract exhibited noteworthy free diuretic medications. Electrolyte excretion and urine output
radical scavenging action [17]. Flavonoids, components are considerably affected by ethanol and water extract of the
existing in tawa tawa extract have ability to scavenge the plants. Study of tawa tawa plant reveals that active
free radicals. Phenols and flavonoid components present in constituents in the water extract has analogous diuretic
Euphorbia hirta extract are responsible for the antioxidant spectrum as of acetazolamide [20].
properties [4]. 6.2.10. Antiamoebic activity and Antispasmodic activity
6.2.4. Anti-malarial activity or anti-plasmodium activity
Tawa tawa whole plant show inhibition in The larval mobility and mortality was detected after 24 h of
the growth of unicellular organism including Entamoeba tawa tawa extract exposure. E. hirta extract showed
histolytica with a lowest active concentration of almost 10 larvicidal activity against C. quinquefasciatus and A.
pg/ ml or less. The alike extract also displayed more than aegypti. Petroleum extract of E. hirta showed maximum
70% inhibition of induced KCI solution contractions and larvicidal activity such as 272.36ppm.
acetylcholine on isolated pig ileum at a concentration of 6.2.18. Antibacterial activity
about 80 μg/ ml [21]. E. hirta demonstrate noteworthy action against the
6.2.11. Molluscicidal activity bacteria such as K. pneumonia. This plant seems to have
The aqueous extracts of leaf, stem and bark of herb great antibacterial potential against various medically
Euphorbia hirta have strong molluscicidal action. Sub-lethal significant bacterial strains including Staphylococcus
doses of these extracts considerably change the levels of free epidermidis [24], Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas
amino acid, total protein and nucleic acids. Also change the pseudoalcaligenes, Salmonella typhimurium, E.coli [24],
action mechanism of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and Proteus vulgaris. The antibacterial potential of
and enzyme protease in different tissues of the Lymnaea methanol and aqueous extracts was examined by well
acuminata a vector snail by changing dose and time of tawa diffusion and disk diffusion methods [20]. The capability of
tawa extracts. tawa tawa plant in methanol extracts towards antibacterial
6.2.12. Anti-fertility activity activity is more than other solvents. The methanol extract of
Tawa tawa has exhibited significant anti-fertility tawa tawa plant showed more activity against Gram-positive
activity. Tawa tawa (50 mg/kg of body weight) reduces the stain. The bacteria which exhibit most resistant are P.
density and sperm mobility or motility of cauda epididymal vulgaris. The presence of Citronellal in Euphorbia hirta
and lead to testis sperm interruption considerably, ultimately might be responsible for having potential of antibacterial
cause 100% infertility. activity [24]. Ag nanoparticles manufactured using the
6.2.13. Anti-platelet aggregation and anti-inflammatory leaves of tawa tawa are also used for Antibacterial activity
Aqueous extracts of Euphorbia hirta strongly [25].
reduced the release or freedom of prostaglandins I2, D2 and 6.2.19. Anti-diabetic activity
E2. Moreover tawa tawa extracts also exhibits an inhibitory Anti-diabetic activity is the one of the important
activity on platelet accumulation and lower the development activities of the tawa tawa plant. Diabetes mellitus is such a
of carrageenin in rats. metabolic ailment in which hyperglycemia caused
6.2.14. Repellent and antifeedant effect imperfections in insulin action, insulin secretion or both.
The alcoholic extracts of Euphorbia hirta exhibit Chronic hyperglycemia is related with long-term
considerable the antifeedant and mosquito repellent effect. impairment. Various studies have exposed that diabetes
The extracts of tawa tawa contain quercitrin and mellitus is concomitant with the decrease in antioxidant
polyphenols which might be responsible for the antifeedant activity and increased creation of free radicals. So, free
effect and repellent activity. radicals have to be scavenged for its antidiabetic action. The
6.2.15. Immunomodulatory activity anti-diabetic action of E. hirta flower extracts may consider
Aqueous-alcoholic and aqueous extracts, possesses due to the presence of tannins, flavanoids, and other
polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes and sterols, shown phenolic constituents but exact mechanism is still unknown.
immunostimulant effect. The aqueous extract affects It has lowered the side effects related with synthetic
lymphoblast transformation which is lectin-induced and medicines.
showed 45% Immunomodulatory action [22]. 7. Summary
6.2.16. Antifungal activity Euphorbia hirta is an annual herb belongs to
The alcoholic extract revealed significant Euphorbiaceae family. It has been found at warm and
antifungal activity when verified against various plant tropical regions mostly on roadsides and waste land
pathogens including Fusarium pallidoroseum, throughout the world and used as traditional medicines.
Colletotrichum capsici, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Tawa tawa contains lycosidal substance, terpenoids, tannin,
Penicillium citrinum, Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger phorbic acid, fatty acids and sterols, Flavonoids including
and Phomopsis caricae-papayae through paper disc quercitrol, quercetin, and its derivatives. The extent or
diffusion method [23]. It is reported that antifungal activity amount of these chemical constituents varies in different
of E. hirta may be due to the cell membrane leakage of parts of the tawa tawa plant and also depends on soil and
cellular protiens. climate condition. Recently published reports showed that
6.2.17. Larvicidal activity tea of tawa tawa plant is helpful as anti-malaria and anti-
Tawa tawa have exhibited significant larvicidal dengue. Euphorbia hirta has been used for the remediation
activity. Euphorbia hirta (tawa tawa), was tested against the of respiratory disease, some female disease and also other
larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) and Aedes aegypti L.
such as dysentery, jaundice, gonorrhoea, pimples, tumors, Asian Region. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL
digestive problems and children infections. SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN. 30(3): 400-405.
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