Alabama Wing - Sep 2010
Alabama Wing - Sep 2010
Alabama Wing - Sep 2010
Major Bill Compton led the Squadron Leadership Major Jay Jerman led the Unit Commanders
School and had 38 participants and 8 instructors Course and had 9 participants and 9 instructors
in the course. The back-to-back lectures involved in the course. The program covered
covered topics such as Introduction to such topics as Command Responsibility and
Professional Development, Officership and Accountability, Setting Goals and Objectives,
Public Trust and Creative Thinking and Problem Successful Units, Successful Leaders,
Solving amongst its topics. The courses allowed Motivation and Recruitment and Retention.
for interaction among the members and working
as teams on CAP related issues.
From Alabama
Lt. Col John P Ward AL 127 From Alabama
Capt Cliff Chambliss AL 034
2010 Alabama-Mississippi
Cadet Holliman stated that SUIPTFC allowed Honor Guard Academy Year 2 Course 2 -
him to experience things most people never get Westminster MD
to such as flying in a T-6 simulator and touring a Joseph J Kimble (AL-090)
jet aircraft maintenance facility. He
commented," SUPTFC was the best Civil Air Engineering Technologies Academy Basic -
Patrol even I have been to. Visit Auburn University, Auburn AL for more details on this Hannah Pearson (AL-117)
National Cadet Special Activity.
Air Force Space Command Familiarization -
Patrick AFB FL
Sarah A Folse (AL-119)
Cadet Officer School Basic - Maxwell AFB AL "The difference between a pilot and an aviator,"
Michael J Bentley (AL-005) according to Cadet Forrest Shaffer, "is that a
SM Don Rohar
L-23 Super Blanik Gliders Lined Up On the The cadets learned about the use of helicopters
NCSA's Runway 7 Preparing For Their Daily by the USAF and were given opportunities to
Flight Operation. Cadets Wing-Runners and experience some of the training undergone by
Student Pilots Are Completing the Last of Their helicopter pilots.
Pre-Flight Checklists before Departure
Cadet Second Lieutenant Paulson is 17 years C/Capt Sarah Folse recently attended the Air
old and is a senior at the new Enterprise High Force Space Command Familiarization Course
School in Enterprise, AL. She joined Civil Air (AFSPCFC) at Patrick AFB, Florida which
Patrol in Dothan, Alabama in July 2008 where provided a behind-the scenes look into the 45th
she has held positions as squad leader Space Wing and NASA facilities. The course
and flight sergeant. included tours of today’s Air Force and NASA
Launch facilities, historical sites and briefings
given by talented men and women that support
the U.S. Force Space Command.
All CAP participants in this exercise performed At the Pathways Academy graduation
admirably and professionally. This was noted by ceremony, Randy led the Gadsden Squad in the
those in the other agencies involved in the posting of the colors. Having graduated, he is
exercise. Many complimented CAP on their looking into opportunities of the Air Force and
contributions to COMEX 2010, especially on the Navy for the future and plans to follow in his
imagery and airborne repeater capabilities. father's and sister's footsteps in obtaining his
Excellent relationships with numerous state pilot’s license. But for now, Randy's goal is to
agencies were established and developed continue to be an active cadet in both the
during the exercise planning sessions, the two Gadsden and Springville CAP squadrons and
days of training leading up to the exercise, and work towards being a SR member in a few
the two days of the exercise itself. This should years. Randy is currently a volunteer with the
provide an excellent foundation for CAP to Ball Play Fire Department and has been
further develop its relationship with the various employed by the Alabama International Dragway
state agencies. in Steele since 2007. He will begin attending
Gadsden State Community College this fall
Capt Ernie Blair working towards a degree in
Huntsville Squadron Communications Electronics.
On the job training is successful, but next year Maj. Jerry Ford
some should plan on being at NESA for this
training. Capt John Garlick
Gerald Koellsted
Lt Jason Lane
1st Lt. Ronnie Allen
Capt. Jonathan Lartigue
Maj. Ed Barnes
Maj. Jerry Lusk
1st Lt Michele Basso
J. Brad Lynn
Maj. Anthony Beresford
Capt. Thomas E. Lyon
Maj. J. Gary Bishop
1stLt. Rumaasha Maasha
Maj. Gary Bishop
2nd Lt Joel Mason