The Ladder To Heaven

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Some of the key takeaways from praying are that it is important but realizing the truth of God and becoming one with God is the ultimate goal in life. Different people pray to God for different reasons like helplessness or desires.

According to the author, while praying to God is important, the purpose should be to realize the truth about God and become one with God rather than just praying out of helplessness or for desires and aspirations.

The author says the ultimate goal of life is to realize we are imprisoned by ignorance and suffering and to achieve liberation from ignorance and find true enlightenment.



Discover a step by step way to God


Discover a step by step way to God


Copyright © AiR Institute of Realization 2020

AiR asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this book.

ISBN 978-93-5406-168-4

Second Edition

All rights reserved.

No part of the content of this publication (except images) may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the
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Printed in India by Navya Graphics

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Publisher: AiR Institute of Realization

Kemp Fort Mall, No-97, Old Airport Road, Bangalore-560017
Discover a step by step way to God












01 Belief 01-07

02 Prayer 08-12

03 Faith 13-17

04 Hope 18-23

05 Trust 24-28

06 Enthusiasm 29-34

07 Love 35-40

08 Going on a Quest 41-46

09 Silence and Contemplation 47-51

10 Importance of a Guru 52-57


11 Overcoming Ignorance 58-64

12 Going beyond Karma 65-70

13 Realization of the Truth 71-77

14 Winning the War Within 78-83

15 Liberation 84-88

16 Unification 89-94


POEM 101-104


Many of us believe in God,
But we never start our search.
All we do is pray to our Lord,
In temple, mosque or church.

Prayer is important, we must love God,

With body, mind, and Soul.
But realizing the truth, becoming one with Lord,
Is our life's Ultimate Goal.

Even as an 8 year old child, I used to visit God in the temple.

I was devout in my belief and used to fast every Monday to
please my God. As a child, I had faith, hope, and belief that
one day I will go to heaven.

We all want to go to heaven. We all want to become one with

our Lord. Whether we are Hindus who call God, Bhagwan or
Muslims who refer to God as Allah or Christians who pray
to the Heavenly Father, we all pray to God for a reason.

Some people pray because they are helpless. They have no

choice. They are suffering in misery and pain. Thus, they
pray to God to save them. Others are fortunate and while
they are not suffering, they have desires and aspirations, and
they go to God with folded hands to make their dreams come
true. Most of the world prays to God, barring a few who are
atheists - they don't believe in God or they are agnostics - they
are not sure about the existence of God. The rest of humanity
prays to a God, a power who is the Creator and the preserver
of this universe.

While we pray to God, calling God by different names, the

vast majority of humanity believes in God and aspires to go

to their God in heaven one day. Some hope to see their God in
a Divine Vision while others wait to be liberated and to be
united with God after death. It doesn't matter what our
religion is, there is a way to reach God. There is a Ladder that
can take us to Heaven.

Religion is only a kindergarten to Spirituality. It teaches us

the basics about God and helps us start our journey to
heaven. But Spirituality is a university. It helps us graduate
in the subject of theology and makes us realize the truth
about God, helping us with the Ultimate Goal of God-
realization, Liberation, and Unication.

In my journey, I have experienced all the steps of the

Ladder to Heaven. I have been blessed to realize several
truths about life. This book is an effort to help genuine
seekers of God to climb the Ladder to Heaven. It shows a
way to God-realization as we pass through self- realization,
overcoming the ignorance that we live with.

Come, let us start this journey!


My relationship with God started early in my childhood.

My grandfather used to hold my hand and take me to the
Shiva temple that was near our home. He taught me the
meaning of faith and showed me how to pray. He made me
realize the power of God. For about 45 years now, I have
been fasting every Monday, eating only one meal in 24
hours. This is a sure way to remember God all day long,
week after week, just as doing the Aarti, a religious ritual
that involves body, mind, and Soul is. For the last 25 years, I
have not missed doing the Aarti even on a single day. Such
has been my faith in God.

Over a period of time, my faith evolved. From 8 to 18, I was an

innocent kid praying to God, guided by both my father and
grandfather. By then, God had become the most important
aspect of my life. Like most of the world believes, I too thought
that one could not live life without prayer. I believed that God
gave us life, just as he controls everything that happens to us.
To me, faith had magic. It could make the impossible, possible.
Every passing day made my faith grow, till I was in love with
my God.

When I started my journey as an adult, I achieved success


after success. It was the story of my school motto, Fide et

Labore - Faith and Toil. I always said to myself, “Do your
best, God will do the rest!” So, I went about my work, with
faith and without fear, climbing one peak of success after

My faith made me overcondent as I deleted the word

'impossible' from my dictionary. My trust in God was
unquestionable. To make each dream come true, I used to
remind myself, “Work as if everything depends on you and
Pray as if everything depends on God!” My unshakeable
faith made me super successful.

When I was 27, with a lot of achievements in my bag, I had a

vision. The Divine vision directed me to build a temple. The
temple would have a mammoth statue of Lord Shiva sitting
in meditation. As depicted in mythology, it would even have
the river Ganga owing out of the Lord's matted locks. This
vision came from God, but I did not have anything to make
this happen. I did not have the money, nor the land. I had no
idea which sculptor could make such a vision come true. I
had no clue what to do and how to make it possible.

But God didn't just give me the vision. He also gave me

everything to make it happen. Soon after the Divine message
came to me, God gave me so much success and money that I

could buy a piece of land to build the temple. It seemed like

I was doing it, but I knew that it was the Divine working
through me. I was just His instrument! I found an artist
who I believed could make the vision real. The vision came
to me in 1993, we acquired the land in 1994 and started
work immediately thereafter. On the 27th of February, 1995,
the temple was inaugurated.

Even the inauguration was a miracle! We had invited about

3000 people, but it so happened that His Holiness, the
Shankaracharya of Sringeri happened to be in Bangalore. He
made a rare appearance and consecrated the Shiv Linga.
Over 3,00,000 people appeared from nowhere to pray to
Lord Shiva on that Maha Shivratri day. There was Spiritual
ecstasy in the air as the temple became the most powerful
Shiva temple in the world. It was the work of God, not of

The sculptor who made the temple became famous

overnight. He was commissioned to make the statue of Lord
Shiva in several other places. It is another miracle that while
he could make beautiful statues, he was not able to replicate
this statue again, despite his best efforts. I have no doubt
that it was the work of the Divine because the magnicent
statue was made without a blueprint, a plan or even a
measuring tape. It was Divine magic!

This was a turning point in my life. Till I was 30, it seemed

that my faith in God was everything! But after the building
of the temple on Old Airport Road in Bangalore, my life
transformed. While I continued to achieve success in
business, God gave me a lot of money through the temple
to utilize for God's work. I had, by then, already started a
charitable home for the destitute and the temple collections
only made our humanitarian work multifold. Today, we
have 3 homes, with over 600 people of all ages, gender, and
religions. At rst, caring for the poor and destitute was an
act of compassion and love. But today, we serve each
human being as a manifestation of the Divine.

It has been 25 years since the temple was inaugurated and

these two and half decades have transformed my life
completely. It has created a metamorphosis. Today, I believe
I am not Ravi V. Melwani who built the temple, but rather
AiR – the Atman in Ravi or the Soul in Ravi. What caused this

My life journey experienced a path that is so Divinely

unique. It started with 10 years of innocent belief that built
a foundation. Then I built pillars of faith, trust, hope, and
enthusiasm. These made my life grow and ultimately, led
me to love God. I call this journey 'The Ladder to Heaven'
because it led me from one step to the next, each step
leading me closer to the Ultimate Goal.

My love for God made me go on a quest for the Lord whom

I was so passionate about. The Lord blessed me with a
Spiritual Master who guided me along the way. As I
investigated several questions about life and God, I
realized the Truth.

Looking back upon my life, I realize that for four decades I

was living in ignorance. While my faith in God was
unconditional, I was not moving forward in my Spiritual
journey, but rather just going around in circles. Then I
realized several truths which changed my paradigm of life.

But Realization is not just knowledge. It is an intuitive

experience that leads to liberation. We human beings are
prisoners that live and suffer pain of the body, misery of the
mind, and agony of the ego. While we experience joy and
sorrow in cycles, our ignorance makes us suffer this triple
suffering. Liberation not only makes us escape from
suffering as we live in this world, but it also makes us
escape from the cycle of death and rebirth which leads us to
our ultimate destination – Unication with the Divine.

Since I was blessed to realize the Truth about self and God
and because I had climbed this Ladder to the Divine, step by
step with the grace of Lord, I decided to share my journey
with the world through this book – The Ladder to Heaven.

STEP Belief
1 Everybody has a choice,
To believe or not to believe!
Those who believe, they achieve.


The rst step on the ladder to heaven is Belief. It starts our

ascent to heaven but not everyone is fortunate to grow up as a

We are born, but we have no choice to decide who our

parents are, and when and where we will be born. It seems
that we don't choose the circumstances of our life. Whatever
be the religion our family follows, we tend to follow the same
as we grow up. Of course, we are inuenced by our school
and our friends, and we learn more about God from the
world around us.

No child is blessed with an intellect to decide whether to

believe or not to believe. It seems to be a Divine will that starts
our relationship with God. Some children are taught to pray
every day because their parents do. Others may not be so
religious because the circumstances of their life have not given
them an opportunity. Whether we are Hindus, Muslims,
Christians, or believers of some other religion – this is how we
start to pray and believe in God.

However, this changes as we grow into our teens and

become mature. Then, we begin to decide how much to pray,
and which God to believe in. I was a staunch believer in Lord
Shiva since I was 8, but by the time I was 12, I was greatly
inuenced by the Jesuit institution where I studied. My faith in


God experienced an amalgamation of what my grandfather

taught me and what the priests in my school advocated. As a
kid, I saw the difference between my God and their God and
accepted it without question. I did not pay much attention
to investigating how many Gods existed. As I grew up, I
believed in the power of faith and did not nd it wrong to
go to the church in my school whenever I got the
opportunity to. However, my devotion belonged to my
God, Lord Shiva.

I consider myself lucky that I grew up in an atmosphere

where God was an important part of my life, both at home
and in school. By the time I passed out of school, my faith in
God was very strong. I was blessed to grow up with the
belief in Lord Shiva, just as I imbibed the values of the
Christian faith. I was fortunate, not to have any conict in
my mind regarding the two.

Today, as I look back at my teenage years, I realize that we

have a choice as we grow up. The choice to believe or not to
believe in God. As I reect upon this, I feel grateful that my
life started with believing in God. If I look at some atheists,
those who don't believe in God, I feel sad for them, because
they have missed a very important truth of life. They
probably didn't get an opportunity to be mentored well in
their early, formative years and lost this blessed privilege
of believing in God.


There are also some agnostics who are not sure about God.
Somehow, they are confused and do not build faith in their
life as they grow up. I sometimes wonder how they doubt
that this entire universe, the beautiful world that we live in
was not created by a power that we call God. In a way,
agnostics are blessed to question the existence of God. But if
they do not pursue their investigation in the right way, they
lose the treasures of faith and belief.

To start the journey to God, one has to rst believe in a

Power that we call God. It doesn't matter which religion we
belong to. All religions are good. They teach us about God
and encourage us to pray. But if we don't believe in God,
then prayer is meaningless. The starting point, therefore, is
to actually believe that God exists. We must not have an
iota of doubt about the existence of God. Do you believe
that you have a nose on your face? You don't need to
believe it. You know it! You can touch it, feel it, just as you
can smell with it and see it in the mirror. Just as we know
about several truths, we must know that God exists. The
moment we doubt the existence of God, we start our
journey to disaster.

There was once a conference related to science and

Spirituality and a famous scientist debated the existence of
God with a Spiritual saint. They were both intelligent and


after two days of deliberation, they agreed to disagree

about the existence of God. Before departing, the scientist
visited the saint to bid him goodbye. As he was getting up
to leave the ofce of the saint, he noticed a beautiful globe
made of ornate marble with intricate carvings of gold. He
asked the saint, “This is a beautiful piece of art. Where did
you get it from?” The saint replied in wonder, “I don't
remember. One day it just appeared on my table!”

The scientist got a bit annoyed and replied, “If you do not
want to tell me where you got the globe from, please just
say so! But do not give me a story that the globe just
appeared on your table.” The saint got an opportunity and
replied, “For the last two days, at the conference, you have
been incessantly debating that this entire universe and this
beautiful earth just appeared from nowhere! And now, you
are unable to believe that this tiny globe appeared on my
table just out of nowhere. You think that this tiny globe
must have a manufacturer, somebody who created it! Then
what stops you from believing that a Divine power that we
call God created this humongous globe that we live on?”
The scientist left after being hugely impacted by this
incident. There is no doubt that God exists. The choice is
ours to believe or not to believe.

Somehow, we human beings live in ignorance and do not


start our journey to God. We do not believe in God because

we do not observe the Universal Laws that he has
commissioned. For instance, do you see apples growing on
mango trees? Never! Why? Because this is a Universal Law.
Just like this law, there are several laws including the Law
of Gravity, the Law of Opposites and the Law of Cycles. If
man was to pay attention to the Universal Laws, then man
would not doubt the existence of God. Those who believe
in God know beyond doubt that a Power exists. Our
challenge is to believe.

Therefore, we have a choice to believe or not to believe.

How does it benet a man if he does not believe? At least,
man must use the little intelligence that he has to
understand the reward of believing in God. If not for the
love of God, at least for the love of himself, man must learn
to believe in the Power that created the universe.

How do we demonstrate our belief in God? It is through

prayer. Prayer is communicating with God and it is only
those who believe in God who fold their hands in prayer.
Belief is the rst step on the Ladder to Heaven. If we do not
pray and demonstrate our faith in the Power we call God,
we will just wander through life and then die. Death is
certain. Nobody can escape death. But we can denitely
believe in a Power as we live. We have a choice to believe in


God, to pray and to start our journey on the Ladder to


Ÿ The 1 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Belief.

Ÿ As we grow up, we all have a choice to believe or not to


Ÿ Unfortunately, some people become atheists—those

who don't believe in God and some agnostics—those
who are not sure about the existence of God.

Ÿ When we are born, we do not have a choice. We grow up,

depending on our surroundings, our family, our school
and our friends. This inuences our belief in God.

Ÿ This entire universe did not come into existence from

nowhere. We should know that a Power exists—a
Power we call God.

Ÿ Believers who start their Spiritual journey make prayer

a part of their daily life.

STEP Prayer
Prayer is a two-way communication with God,
More important than talking, it is listening to our Lord.



Why do people Pray? People pray primarily for two

reasons. First, as an appeal to God to solve their problems.
Second, they call out to God to fulll their dreams and
wishes. There are a few people who pray out of gratitude,
and still fewer who express their love for God through
prayer. Nevertheless, a large majority of the world prays to
God, some every day and many once a week.

While so many of us pray, not many of us try to understand

what prayer truly is. Most of us think that it is just talking to
God. Therefore, we do not remain silent in order to listen to
God's voice. Effective prayer is a two-way communication.

What does prayer demonstrate? It shows our faith in God.

We pray because we believe that God will fulll whatever
we ask in prayer. In fact, most people grow in faith as they
see their prayers being answered.

There are different types of prayer. The rst level of prayer

and the most common one is the prayer that takes us to our
religious institution or to the altar in our homes and
involves body and mind. The second type of prayer is a
prayer that just involves our voice. It is singing of hymns,
mantras, bhajans or qawwalis, as the case may be. The body
may be still, but the mind and the voice are connected to
God. However, the most effective form of prayer is said to


be prayer in silence. It is shutting off the body and mind

from the world and contemplating God. This prayer is said
to be the most difcult and the most effective form of
prayer. It doesn't matter what type of prayer we perform as
long as we genuinely connect with God in our prayers.

Unfortunately, a large chunk of humanity does not understand

the true meaning of prayer. People usually just follow certain
rituals and superstitions, and the more complicated the
rituals seem to be, the more convinced people are about the
efcacy of the prayer. This, however, is not true! We must
know what we say when we pray. If we don't, then, we
actually don't pray, we just bray!

True prayer is the second step on the Ladder to Heaven.

While the rst step is believing in God, it is not enough just
to believe. We must communicate our feelings to God. Does
God listen to our prayers? Of course, he does! As long as
our prayers are sincere and genuine, they catch the
attention of theAlmighty and he answers our prayers.

And then there are times when prayer becomes the rst
step and belief follows. A young child doesn't know why he
is praying, but it’s these very prayers that can lead the child
to become a believer.


In the world today, there is a lot of drama regarding prayers.

Every religion tries to proclaim that its prayers are most
powerful, just as their God is! Instead of people respecting
each other's religion, prayers have become competitive, with
each community trying to evangelize and convert people to
follow their theology and join them in praying to their God.
This type of prayer is not what we are referring to. Prayers
that take us forward in our journey to God are genuine,
heartfelt expressions of our love for God. We share
everything with our God when we communicate in prayer.
Very few people are lucky to stop and nd out whom they
are actually praying to. They are the ones whose prayers
are most effective. It is these people who climb the Ladder
to Heaven because effective prayer makes them grow in
their faith and belief in God.

If prayer is just a formality and rituals are followed just out

of habit, it may not take us upward and Godward. It is only
when we pray because of our staunch belief and our
unconditional faith, that we will progress on the journey
towards the Divine.

If we Pray, but we don’t know what we say,

Then we don’t Pray, we just bray!


Ÿ The 2 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Prayer.

Ÿ Those who believe in God pray and connect to God.

Ÿ There are 3 kinds of prayer. The most effective is silent


Ÿ Prayer is a two-way communication with God, not just

talking to God but also listening to him.

Ÿ Prayer makes us build our faith in God.

STEP Faith
We can do very little with Faith,
But we can do nothing without it.




What is FAITH? It is
I - IN

While many people believe in God and even pray, not all of
them truly have faith. What is the difference?

There are millions of people around the world who may go

to their church, mosque or temple. They may even believe
in their God and mumble some prayers. But not all of them
are condent that their prayers will be answered. The ones
who have faith are undoubtedly condent in their
expectations being fullled. They don't just believe in their
God. They have faith! This faith is the third step towards
reaching destination—Heaven.

As we live, it is common for us to experience both joy and

sorrow. Sometimes good things happen to us, just as we
also face tragedies in our life. It is common for people to
lose faith in God when disasters strike. In the beginning,
these very fears and dangers cause us to pray. But when our
prayers are not answered, we can lose faith in God.

The ones who have faith believe in their God despite the


tragedies that befall them. They know that God is good,

and he will take care of them eventually. Whatever
happens, the believers who live with faith think that their
God will never let them down. What does the one who has
faith say to himself?

When the idea is not right, God says “NO!”

When the time is not right, God says “SLOW!”
When we are not ready, God says “GROW!”
When everything is ready, God says “GO!”

They continue praying to God and they await the magical

moment when their prayers will be answered. Their faith is
unshakeable and so is their belief and they pray
consistently, no matter what. They are the ones who climb
the Ladder to Heaven, step by step.

What is the enemy of faith? It is doubt. When negative

emotions overtake a believer, these emotions can poison
the life of believers and eat into their faith. Doubt can
destroy both our faith and our journey to God. A believer
who has true faith, eliminates doubt and lives with hope.
Just like little birds grow up, the faith in believers also has a
nesting phase, a phase that makes people believe in God
and his commandments. Whatever scripture or religion
they believe in, people who grow up to be believers,


unconditionally accept the word of God and make it part of

their life philosophy.

Life is a merry-go-round and we pass both happiness and

unhappiness as we live. However, those who genuinely
love God and believe in the power of the Divine do not let
their faith waiver. They pass through the testing phase of
life. It is a phase that puts their faith to test. Despite their
prayers, suffering strikes them. It tests them and the ones
who are weak, fall prey to doubt in the testing phase of life.

Then, there comes the arresting phase, a phase which

provokes a believer who has faith to give up on God.
Circumstances in life are so dismal, that although they have
faith, the arresting phase destroys it. Only those whose
faith is strong and unshakeable conquer the testing and
arresting phase through their faith. They live life with what
they consider the investing phase. They invest their time,
their energy, and their faith through devout prayer with
the belief that they will reach the cresting phase. The
cresting phase is the phase that crosses all the other phases -
the nesting phase, the testing phase, the arresting phase,
the investing phase, and nally we are crowned with the
reward of the Lord. We are blessed with the Divine grace -
the love of God which comes from our faith in the Divine.


Where have you reached in your life? Are you a true

believer in God? Do you effectively pray and communicate
with the Divine? Do you live with faith or doubt? This will
determine whether you are climbing the Ladder to Heaven.
If you have Full Assurance In The Heart, then you will
move from the third step to the next step as you climb
upwards and Godwards. The next step is hope.

Ÿ The 3 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Faith.

Ÿ FAITH is Full Assurance In The Heart.

Ÿ It is not just believing and praying, but being condent

about the power of God.

Ÿ Those who have faith eliminate doubt from their life.

Ÿ Faith builds a strong foundation in our relationship

with God.

When Believers Pray with Faith,
Hope is born.





Why do we often call some people 'hopeless?' It is because

without hope life becomes useless. Hope is what gives
meaning and purpose to life. What is HOPE? It is …

H – Having
O – Only
P – Positive
E – Expectations

The ones who move forward on their journey towards God

do not let negative emotions enter their life. Such people
realize that belief in God is all about being positive. Their
faith lls their life with positive emotions like courage,
condence, optimism, love, forgiveness, compassion, and
trust. All these positive emotions ll their life with the
power of enthusiasm. They eliminate all negative emotions
that create poison in their life. Those who live with hope
destroy fear, worry, stress, anxiety, anger, hate, revenge and
pessimism. They have climbed the fourth rung on the Ladder
to Heaven and they are staunch believers in God's powers.
Not only do they believe in God and pray, but their
unshakeable, invincible faith leads them to a state of
optimism that makes them seem completely condent about
their God.

Their hope creates magic in their life. They dream big and
think, “With God all things are possible.” In fact, most


people whose life is full of hope, eliminate 'impossible'

from their vocabulary. Even when things seem impossible,
their belief in God is such that they believe a miracle from
God will make it possible. Hope has tremendous power.
People with hope are able to cope and overcome all
problems and challenges. When they reach the end of the
rope, they don't lose hope. They just hang on and it is their
faith that takes them through the biggest challenges that
they face.

Compare these people with people who have no hope.

They become truly hopeless people. What are such people
capable of doing? Such people reach nowhere. When they
reach the end of the road, they just stop. But people with
hope move forward. They know that with faith and hope,
the end of the road will become a bend in the road and
where there seems to be no way forward, a new way will
appear. People with hope are able to overcome all the
challenges of their life.

Sheela believed in God. She used to pray every day. But her
prayers were weak and without conviction. In fact, she used to tell
God – “I really don't know whether you will answer my prayers
or not!” On one hand, she believed that God existed. But on the
other, she did not understand the power of the Divine. Her faith
was weak, and she had both positive and negative emotions that


lled her life alternatively. She never got what she wanted in life
and she concluded that God didn’t love her. Her friend Radha was
quite different. Although her life had problems, she thanked God
and accepted his Divine will. She believed unconditionally in the
power of the Divine and her communication to God was very
afrmative. “Oh Lord, I trust you,” she would pray. “You are
everything, I am nothing! My problems may seem like mountains
to me, but if thou wishes, you can wipe out my problems. I pray
and I beg thee to take away these tragedies from my life. Fill my life
with peace and happiness. I believe without a doubt that you will
make it happen. Thank you, Lord!” Radha was more miserable
than Sheela, but her belief, her faith, and her hope made her cope
with her problems. Her relationship with the Divine was strong
and her prayers worked. Sheela continued to struggle because she
did not trust in the Divine. Her negative reactions only caused
her to slip down the Ladder rather than climb up.

The choice is ours. We can choose to live like Sheela or

Radha. We can live with hope or live hopelessly. If we
believe in God, have faith and live with hope, then we will
trust the Divine and move up on the Ladder to Heaven.

Hope gives us what is known as 'the never give up attitude.'

Have you ever seen a stonecutter hammering a rock with
his tools? With all his might, he gives it a blow. Nothing
happens! Then he gives it another blow but the rock remains


still. Ten blows, twenty blows, fty blows, and the rock
refuses to give in. Finally, after many more blows, the rock
breaks into two and the stone cutter knows that it was not
that last blow that did it, but all that went before. He knows
it was not just his effort, but his faith and his hope that split
the rock apart. We human beings sometimes give up. Our
belief breaks apart when our faith and our hope is not
strong enough. We don't move forward in our relationship
with God. We are unable to trust the Divine and we do not
climb the Ladder to Heaven. Even though we may have
climbed a few steps, we just stop. We live and we die without
going up in the sky! If only we trusted the Divine, we would
continue climbing the Ladder to Heaven.

Hope is not pretending that there is never any sorrow,

It’s the knowledge that our troubles will be overcome tomorrow.
It’s an inner strength that we call on to sustain us now and then,
Till our problems lie behind us and we are happy once again.


Ÿ The 4 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Hope.

Ÿ Hope is Having Only Positive Expectations.

Ÿ People who live without hope become hopeless or


Ÿ Those who live with hope live with positive emotions

like courage, condence, optimism, love, forgiveness,
compassion, and trust that makes them cope with all
challenges of life.

Ÿ They also eliminate all negative emotions like fear,

worry, stress, anxiety, anger, hate, revenge and pessimism
and move forward in their spiritual journey.

Ÿ When we believe and pray with faith and hope, we move

forward towards realizing God.

STEP Trust
When you Trust God with your problems,
You just forget about them!






What takes us to the next step on the Ladder to Heaven? It is

T – Total
R – Reliance
U – Unconditional
S – Surrender
T - To the Almighty

Trust doesn't come with mere words; it comes with deeds.

Believers who don't doubt the existence of God start their
journey to God. Then they take a leap of faith to go forward.
Not only do they pray effectively and communicate
regularly with God, but they also live with hope, eliminating
all kinds of negativity in their life. Subsequently, they arrive
at the next step.

They trust God! They surrender their life to the Almighty.

They accept the Divine will without question. They rely on
the Divine for anything and everything in their life. Such is
the life of one who climbs the Ladder and reaches the
pedestal of trust.

What is unique in trusting God? I once asked a believer,

“How much do you trust God?” He replied, “I trust God
99.9%.” I then told him, “That means you don't trust God,
because trust is about total reliance. It is about unconditional
surrender. The moment we doubt God, even 0.1%, it only
shows that we don't trust God!”


What creates trust in a believer? When a believer lives his

life with God, he makes God a part of his life. His faith in
God is such that there is not an iota of doubt. Therefore, he
hopes without hesitation and his trust is absolute.

What is the difference between such a believer and an

ordinary man? Such a believer builds his life on a rock of
faith and trust. The biggest challenges of life attack him like
the waves of an angry sea, like storms, hurricanes, and
tornadoes, but he lives peacefully and safely in a house that
is rmly built on a foundation of belief in God. An ordinary
man builds his life on the sands of hesitation. Even the
slightest problem sweeps his happiness away and makes
him drown in sorrow and misery. Therefore, those who are
climbing the Ladder to Heaven, enjoy the benets of God's
presence at every step that they live. The further they climb
the Ladder, the stronger their relationship with the Divine
becomes and the happier their life turns.

If I look back at my life, I lived a life of unconditional faith

and total surrender. I didn't doubt God ever, no matter
what circumstances unfolded in my life. For 40 years, each
day of my life started and ended with prayer. My belief in
God was unshakeable. There were many problems that
came in my life, but they could not break my faith because I
trusted God completely. I knew that God was in charge and


I used to always utter the words – “Thy Will be done, Oh

Lord. Not mine!” Not only did I climb this Ladder, not only
did I believe and pray, not only did I have faith, hope and
trust, but I also moved forward on my journey with God
with the grace of my Spiritual Master who guided me at
every step and helped me strengthen my relationship with

We all have a choice. We can choose to believe or not to

believe. If we do believe, then we move forward in our
journey with God. But if we don't believe in God, then who
do we go to in times of distress and turmoil? It's up to us to
pray or not. But if we don't pray, then with whom will we
communicate our heartaches and pain? From whom will
we seek miracles that will make the impossible possible?
We have a choice to live with faith or to doubt. But if we
doubt, how will it benet us? It will only ll our life with
negative emotions like fear, worry, and anxiety and make
us miserable. We have a choice. We can choose to live with
trust by preferring hope over hopelessness. What benets a
man to live a hopeless life? Even in the worst of times, it is
hope that creates inspiration in us that makes us work
harder and pray for things to happen in the right direction.
We have a choice to trust or not to trust. But if we don't
trust, then whom can we rely on? To whom can we
surrender our life?


Man is intelligent enough to understand that God exists.

While we do not know who God is, where God is or what
God is, we know that God is! It is for us to live our life
believing in God, praying to God, having faith, hope, and
trust. When we climb these 5 steps on the Ladder of
Spirituality, then we arrive at the next step which makes
our life full of bliss and joy. What is the next step?

Ÿ The 5 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Trust.

Ÿ TRUST is Total Reliance, Unconditional Surrender To

the Almighty.

Ÿ Trust is always 100%. We cannot trust God 99.9%.

Ÿ Trust is about accepting the Divine will, just as it is

being able to surrender unconditionally to the will of

Ÿ When we live with faith, hope, and trust, our life

becomes as strong as an iron pillar.

STEP Enthusiasm
6 Most of us don't know that
Enthusiasm is the God Power
that comes from the God within.







The next step on the Ladder to Heaven is Enthusiasm. We

all know what enthusiasm means. It is an emotion that
makes a person joyous and happy. Enthusiasm appears in a
person as excitement that ows in all their deeds. While we
all like to be enthusiastic, do we know what enthusiasm
truly means?

Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word 'Entheos' which

literally means 'En' – in and 'theos' – God. Therefore,
'Entheos' means having faith in God, hope in God, and trust
in God. Those who are enthusiastic, ll their life with God's
Divine presence. Peace and joy ll their life as they accept
the Divine will and surrender to whatever happens in life.
When we climb to the 6 step on the Ladder called
Enthusiasm, we experience God's Divine presence in
everything that happens. We know that God has not only
created this universe but also manages it moment by
moment. Nothing happens in this world without God
permitting it to happen. God controls this universe with his
Divine laws. For instance, there is the Law of Cycles. This
ensures that everything in this world happens in a cyclic
manner like the cycle of the seasons and the cycle of day
and night. Then there is the Law of Action and Reaction
which ensures that our present actions will determine our
future, just as our past actions determine our present


circumstances. Similarly, there is the Law of Gravity.

Because things that are thrown up, get drawn down to the
earth, we infer that the Law of Gravity exists. People with
enthusiasm believe in God's Divine Laws and accept the
will of God with zeal.

Enthusiasm is a source of optimism, just as it makes a

person's life bloom with joy, peace, and love. Those who
have climbed this 6th step have already crossed the rst ve
steps of belief, prayer, faith, hope, and trust. Along with
enthusiasm, they have laid a strong foundation on which
their life is built. Nothing can shake them, nothing can
cause them to fall apart. Even the biggest tragedy seems to
go by without really affecting them because they are true
believers in God.
What are the attributes of a person who has reached the 6
step on the Ladder? They live powerful lives because they
live 'prayerful' lives. They smile and they laugh, in both
good times as well as tough times. They live with the
philosophy – “Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
They know that “God's delays are never God's denials.” They
know that God has the last word in every matter and that it
will be good. They live with faith just as they eliminate
doubt from their lives and trust God.


Those who come up to the 6th step, accept the Divine will.
They live moment by moment considering each moment as
a gift from the Divine. They don't swing to a past that is
gone and then, to a future not yet born. Whatever has
happened is over. They don't nurse it, curse it or rehearse it.
They use their enthusiasm to reverse it. Instead of living in
the future with fear, they live moment by moment with
faith. They know that FEAR is False Expectations
Appearing Real and that their faith, is stronger than their
fear. Their fears are not their real dangers and if ever a
danger arrives, they trust that God will give them courage
to face it. Such is the life of those who have climbed the six
steps to God.

My life, from the day I can remember, has been lled with
enthusiasm. I have always lived with faith in God, trust,
and hope and this lls my life with an ocean of enthusiasm.
Of course, I have had tough times in life. But my faith has
given me the energy and the courage to defeat every
problem. I have always told myself, “If God is for us, then
who can be against us.” My enthusiasm was contagious and it
owed to all those who surrounded me. As I lived a life of
complete surrender and acceptance, God lled my life with
success and happiness. Whatever I touched seemed to turn
to gold.


Enthusiasm created power in my life that made it seem that

I was invincible. Not only did my enthusiasm give me the
power to make all dreams come true, it also propelled me
from peak to peak. It was enthusiasm that was creating all
the magic.

I was fearless because I believed, “Nothing can happen

tomorrow that God and I can't handle together.” I used to
dream big dreams and God made every dream come true. I
used to try with faith and toil and my Lord used to convert
every 'try' into a 'triumph'. I knew all along that I was doing
nothing, my Lord was doing it through me. My enthusiasm
led me to live a devout life and I shared my success and
wealth with God, serving humanity that was suffering on
the streets. I used to reach out to the poorest of the poor and
serve them knowing that each of them was an image of
God. To serve them was to worship God. My life evolved
and I grew climbing both the Ladder of success and the
Ladder of faith. I knew that with God, all things are

Where did my enthusiasm take me? What did my faith,

hope, and trust lead to? They created a Divine connection
with God as I climbed the next step on the Ladder.


Ÿ The 6 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Enthusiasm.

Ÿ It comes from the Greek word 'Entheos' which literally

means 'En' – in and 'theos' – God—believing in God,
having faith in God, and trusting God.

Ÿ One who lives with enthusiasm lives with a power that

is Divine.

Ÿ Those with enthusiasm have energy that sets them apart

from others.

Ÿ Enthusiasm propels us on our journey to God and

pushes us forward on the Ladder to Heaven.

When you Love God with all your heart,
You break all barriers on the way to heaven.




The 7th step on the Ladder to Heaven is Love. Unless we

love God, we cannot climb further on the Ladder to
Heaven. We may live with faith and hope, with trust and
enthusiasm, but it is love that nally takes us forward in
our journey to God. In the beginning, our love for God
appears in our prayers. But if we are truly passionate about
God, if we are obsessed about God, then we will go in
search of our God.

How does one experience this Divine love for God? One's
love for God is so deep and genuine that one seeks nothing
else but God. One only seeks God and ultimately nds
God. It is not easy to experience this love for God, but those
who go on a quest and realize the truth, experience this
Divine love. They go beyond the common understanding
of love and see love as a Divine fountain of joy and peace
that ows from God.

When we live our life crossing the 6 steps on the Ladder to

the Divine, we become passionate about God, we seek God,
but how can we attain God? The love for God leads the true
lovers of God to go on a quest and realize God. There are
times when it is not love for God, but a quest for God that
takes us forward in our search and when we realize God,
we experience a deep love for God. It is this love that takes
us forward on the Ladder to Heaven.


The fact is that love is Divine. That is why a dead body

cannot love. It is the Soul inside us that truly loves. Who
does the Soul love? In reality, it loves other Souls because
the Soul to Soul connection is Divine. But this is unknown
to man. Thus we don't discover the true meaning of love
and realize that love is Divine.

We human beings do not realize the true meaning of love.

The truth is that God is the source of love, the fountain of
true love. It is Divine love in our Soul that manifests as love
that we see in the world. Just like Divine white light from
the sun splits through raindrops to produce a rainbow with
seven beautiful colours, Divine love from the Soul appears
as love from the time we are born till we die. To understand
the seven colours of love that ow from Divine love, we can
relate them to the seven colours of the rainbow – VIBGYOR.
Violet love is love between a child and its parents. It's a
beautiful love and it lasts throughout life. Indigo love is love
between two friends. Don't we all remember those days
when we loved our best friends in our school so much? As we
grow up, we all experience Blue romantic love. We also
experience Green love which is love for ourselves. There is no
human being who does not love himself. This self-love
creates self-esteem and self-respect but at the same time, it
can also result in ego. Then there is Yellow intellectual love
and Orange emotional love. Finally, there is Red erotic love


that is famous all around the world. All these manifestations

of love emanate from the Divine but we are ignorant of this

When will humanity realize that the 7 colours of love are

inadvertently the love within us loving the Divine? If only
we realize this and overcome the ignorance about love, the
gift of love that is in each one of us will passionately propel
us to heaven.

There are several ways to love God. One such way is to

serve suffering humanity. When we realize that God lives
in each Soul, we go beyond the surface, beyond the
outward appearance of the ones who suffer. We live with
the philosophy- 'serving humanity is prayer'. We realize
that the only way to love God is to love every man and
animal that comes our way. Those who love God
experience God loving them in return, whether it is a dog
wagging its tail or love from near and dear ones - they
experience God's love every day that they live.

How does one measure their love for God? It is said that to
truly love God, one must live with a triple yearning - the
yearning that a miser has for gold, the yearning that a lover
has for his beloved and the yearning that a little child has
for its mother that it has just lost. If one has this triple


yearning for God, then it is considered that their love for

God is ultimate and they will realize God. However, for one
to realize God, one must go on a quest. One must search for
God. One must ask questions that will ultimately make
them realize the truth about God.
This 7 step on the Ladder to Heaven is the turning point.
Some people live their life loving God as they believe in
God with faith, hope, and trust. But they don't go beyond.
They live religious lives but end their life just loving God.
They don't search for God, seek God and thus they don't
realize God. Only the true seekers of God go on a quest and
realize that God lives in the temple of their heart. They
make God-realization a priority of their life. They don't live
a life that is lled with rituals and superstitions. Their love
for God is so deep that they make this an obsession and
they passionately seek God.

True love is Divine,

It is a fountain of joy.
We can love God by loving all the
manifestations of God.


Ÿ The 7 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Love for God.

Ÿ Unless we truly love God, we will not seek God and

move forward on our Spiritual journey.

Ÿ Love for God manifests as love for his creation.

Ÿ True love is bliss, not just a kiss. It is Divine love that

manifests as the love that appears as 7 colours of the

Ÿ Those who truly love God, serve suffering humanity as

they consider each person as an image of God. To serve
humanity is nothing but an expression of our love for

Ÿ It is love for God that leads us forward on a quest for the


Ÿ Steps one to seven won't take us to heaven. We must

continue to climb on upward and forward.

STEP Going on a Quest
8 It's not enough to do our Best,
And then to rest.
If we want God, we must Go on a Quest.




Going on a Quest

While climbing the Ladder to the Divine, we must

remember that steps one to seven won't take us to heaven.
These are only the basic steps that form the prerequisites
for realizing God.

Most people do not realize the truth about God because

they get stuck in the kindergarten of religion. All religions
are good, but they only teach us the basics about God. They
teach us to pray, to believe. We follow the scriptures, but
we go round and round in circles till our journey of life is
over. Very few people climb the 8th step on the Ladder to
Heaven. Those who go on a Spiritual Quest, evolve from
the kindergarten of religion and graduate in the university
of Spirituality. It is these people who ultimately realize God
as they go forward climbing the Ladder and reach
destination heaven.

What is this quest all about? When I was 46 years old, my

Guru and Spiritual Master advised me to go on a Talaash, a
search for the Divine. He told me that my life was lled
with pleasure and peace, but there was no purpose. He
asked me to evolve from the peaks of achievement and
fulllment to the ultimate peak of Enlightenment. He
provoked me to search for the Truth, to overcome
ignorance, and to achieve the state of self-realization. To
me, all this was Greek and Latin. But just as I had love for

Going on a Quest

God, I had great respect and reverence for my Guru. I set

out on a quest to nd the ultimate purpose of life. I put
together 9 questions that I wanted to nd answers to, as I
attempted to realize the truth.

The 9 questions were:

1. We all believe in God. What is the reality? Who is God?

Where is God? What is God?

2. Most people believe in heaven or hell but where are they

located? Can we go there?

3. We all know how a child is conceived and born, but how

is a life created in the womb?

4. What happens after death? The body dies but what

happens to the one who was alive?

5. Does the Law of Karma actually exist? A law that states

that the actions of this life will be the cause of our rebirth.

6. Is rebirth or reincarnation real? Are we really reborn after

we die?

7. We talk of a Soul. But what exactly is the Soul?

Going on a Quest

8. What is the purpose of life for us human beings who live

on earth?

9. What is Enlightenment, Salvation, Liberation, Mukti,

Moksha or Nirvana? All religions talk of this being our
Ultimate Goal, but what exactly is this?

As I wanted to climb the Ladder to Heaven, the 8th step

called for me to nd answers. I took a sabbatical from my
work and went into the mountains on a Spiritual retreat to
realize the truth. I carried books from every possible
religion and along with the scriptures took with me the
philosophy of the sages and saints known to the world.

My quest inspired me to nd answers to the 9 questions

because this would not only make me realize the true
purpose of life, but it would also lead me to self-realization
and God-realization. My Master also explained to me that it
was the realization of the truth that would help me
overcome ignorance and liberate me from all suffering that
I experienced. Inspired to nd the secret of ultimate
happiness, and the true meaning and purpose of life, I
continued my search, although I was not getting anywhere.

I did not want to be amongst those who just lived with faith
but did not realize the truth about God. I knew that 'God is

Going on a Quest

not a statue, God is not a saint, God is not a picture that

anyone can paint'. God is a Power, a Power beyond human
comprehension and I wanted to discover this Power.

I was determined to get answers to these 9 questions

because my Guru told me that this was the way to go
forward and towards God. He used to always inspire me to
go onward, forward, upward, inward and Godward. As I
went on the quest, I was attacked by my biggest enemy –
my own Mind and Ego – ME. It stopped me from realizing
the Truth of who I was and why I was here. Later in life, I
realized why the Mind and Ego – the ME ghts so much
and resists and prevents the realization of the truth. Once
the Truth is realized, it destroys the very existence of the
Mind and the Ego! It was my Guru, my mentor who guided
me to climb the next step, the 9 step that helped me to
realize the Truth.

A quest starts our real Journey to God.

It challenges all the myths and helps us to
realize the truth that takes us to our Lord.  

Going on a Quest

Ÿ The 8 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Going on a Quest.

Ÿ What is a quest? It is going in search to nd the true

meaning of who God is, where God is and what God is.

Ÿ Everybody talks of heaven and hell. It is our quest that

makes us realize the truth.

Ÿ It is the quest that makes us realize the truth about the

Soul and about life, death, and rebirth.

Ÿ It is the quest that leads us to the Ultimate Goal of

Realization, Liberation, and Unication as it helps us
overcome our ignorance.

STEP Silence and Contemplation
Some people think Silence is nothing…
But those who Discover the Secret,
Realize that Silence is Everything!





Silence and Contemplation

What is the way to realize God? Is it enough to believe in

God and offer prayers to him with faith, hope, trust, and
love? No! Unless our enthusiasm drives us to go on a quest,
we can never realize God. What is it that stops us from our
quest, from our realization?

We human beings are slaves to our own senses. The 5 sense

organs – ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and skin, constantly
trigger our mind to think. The mind is a rascal. Even
without the senses, it jumps like a monkey from thought to
thought. The mind is said to think a thought practically
every second. Therefore, it thinks up to 50 thoughts a
minute. This leads to a whopping 50,000 thoughts per day.
Because of this constant clutter and murmur of thoughts,
we are unable to contemplate the Truth. Further, we get lost
in this world or Samsara. We live in a blanket of ignorance
that is caused by Maya or illusion.

This earth is like a humongous stage on which 8 billion

people are enacting the drama of the Divine. But it looks
very real. Although we know that in the end, the body will
die and like actors in any drama, we just come and go after
we play our part, somehow, our ignorance makes us
believe that all this is true. In reality it is just like a dream, an

How can we overcome this illusion? How can we realize

Silence and Contemplation

the truth? The answer is Silence. The only way to be

successful in our quest, to realize the truth and to overcome
ignorance is to slow down the pace of our mind. Our mind
is like a thought factory. It is like a popcorn machine
constantly producing thoughts. Unless we stop this
constant production of thoughts, we will never be able to
Contemplate and realize the Truth. Although we believe in
God, the illusion or Maya that is projected in this world,
makes the drama or Leela look so real.

Silencing the mind leads to two things. First, it creates

peace of mind and we don't get carried away by thoughts
that become desire, that create attachments and make us
sink in ignorance. As our thoughts reduce, our intellect,
another domain of the subtle body is activated and helps us
discriminate the myth from the truth. It helps us choose
right over wrong. It leads us forward on our journey to God.
Normally, people believe in rituals and superstitions, but the
one who lives with an active intellect, discriminates and
moves forward on the journey of truth away from dogmas.

Silence has several benets. Not only does it create peace as

the mind slows down, and not only does it activate the
intellect to discriminate, it also helps us live in Yoga, or in
Union with the Divine. Normally, we are connected to the
world and disconnected from the Divine. Yoga helps us
build an active connection with God, just like a good SIM

Silence and Contemplation

card is constantly connected to the satellite network.

All this helps us succeed in our quest for the Truth. It helps
us overcome the ignorance in which we live, and it leads us
on the path to heaven. In my quest or Talaash, my Spiritual
Master insisted that I spend time in silence. In the
beginning, I used to argue with my mentor – “Of what use
is it to be silent? How does it benet me?” My Master had a
great sense of humour. On one such occasion, he replied,
“Why do you pay your security guard a salary when he sits
morning to evening doing nothing in silence?” I said,
“Because his job is to watch and catch the thief that might
come.” “So also,” said my Master, “you need to observe
and watch in silence for the thief that is making you sink in
ignorance. There is a thief who is robbing the Divine from
you and because you are not observant, you are not
conscious, awake and alert, you are losing the biggest
treasure of your life. Stop! Become aware and conscious of
who you are. Spend time in silence to realize the truth of
'Neti Neti' I am not the body, I am not the mind. It is with
this that you will realize the Truth that you are indeed the
Divine Soul. It is this that will take you forward on the
Ladder to Heaven.”

Based on my Master's advice, I never missed my daily

appointment with God. It was anywhere between 10 to 30

Silence and Contemplation

minutes every morning and every evening, preferably at a

xed time. I used to do nothing, just sit in silence and I used
to try to listen to God's soft and silent voice. Slowly but
surely, I moved further on the journey to God.

It was this silence that made me contemplate what I had read in

many books. Reading gave me the knowledge, but it was
silence that converted the knowledge into realization of the
truth. This led me to the next step on the Ladder to Heaven.

Silence and Contemplation

Ÿ The 9 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Silence and

Ÿ Unless we silence our mind that thinks up to 50,000

thoughts a day, we cannot contemplate the truth.

Ÿ Silence helps us build a communication with God.

Ÿ It is only with silence that we can listen to God's voice.

Ÿ Silence not only creates peace, it also activates the

intellect which is an important tool in overcoming
ignorance, realizing the truth, and going further on the
Ladder to Heaven.

STEP Importance of a Guru
A Guru has already climbed the Ladder to Heaven.
If we sincerely follow him,
there are good chances that we too will get there.






Importance of a Guru

I was fortunate to nd a Guru when I was 25 years old. A

Guru is one who takes his disciple from 'Gu' to 'Ru' – from
darkness to light. If one is on a Spiritual journey and one is
climbing the Ladder to Heaven, one needs a Spiritual coach.
Just like we need a coach to teach us anything important in
life, it is impossible to evolve Spiritually without a Guru.
This is because the subject of God and heaven is not easy to
understand. Only a genuine Guru can lead us forward.

How does one nd a Guru? When a true believer loves

God, the grace of the Divine leads him to a Spiritual Master,
a Guru. Age does not matter, and somebody may nd a
Guru when they are a teenager, and somebody else when
they are over 80. It is a well-known saying that 'when the
disciple is ready, the Guru will appear'. However, the
disciple must be ready in all aspects to nd a Guru. Not
everybody is fortunate to nd a Guru in their lifetime. A
Guru is a manifestation of the Divine. He is God on earth. In
the ancient days, there were genuine Gurus. But in today's
world, anybody may appoint themselves to be a self-
proclaimed Guru. One must be very careful not to nd a
wrong Guru because this may lead them to their Spiritual

What is the difference between a Guru and a 'genuine'

Guru? A genuine Guru seeks nothing from us. He only

Importance of a Guru

wants to lead us forward on the Spiritual path. He has

himself climbed the Ladder and has realized the Truth.
Normally, a true Guru would himself have a Spiritual
Master who has coached him to realize the Truth.

My Master was God's greatest gift to me. His name was J.P.
Vaswani, but we used to fondly call him Dada. After
traversing the earth for about 100 years, in July 2018, just 20
days before he could turn 100, he left his human form.

Dada coached me for over 25 years. He came into my life

while I was busy making money and was a staunch
believer in Lord Shiva. He encouraged my faith and helped
me grow my relationship with God. For the rst 10 years,
he guided me on how to live life as an ethical human being,
helping me build my belief, my faith, and my hope. Then he
encouraged me on my journey of doing humanitarian,
inspirational, and religious work. Whenever I had a
problem, I would take it to him. To me, he was not just a
Spiritual Master but also my life coach. He had a solution to
all my problems. Then, one day, he advised me to shut down
my business and to move forward in my Spiritual life. I was
shocked at rst. But I thank God that I followed my mentor's
advice. I shut shop and started doing Humanitarian,
Inspirational, and Spiritual work that I was passionate about.

Importance of a Guru

Years passed and I lived a blissful life. When my Guru saw

that I was happy and content, he provoked me one day and
asked me, “Are you just going to live till you die? Or are
you going to go on a quest and nd out who you are and
why you are here? What is your purpose of life?” I was
shaken with my Guru's provocation. For 20 years, he had
not pushed me to do anything. It was the rst time that he
had asked me to go on a quest. He called it a Talaash. I did
not even know the meaning of realization. I had no clue that
I was living in ignorance. I was 46 years old and my life had
evolved with belief and I had grown with prayer, faith,
hope, and trust. When I started my business, there was
enthusiasm. It was only when I was 46, that my Master
pushed me to go on a quest. He was the one who taught me
the importance of silence.

My Guru made me realize that we human beings live in

ignorance. While less than 1% of the world is visually blind,
99% of the world is Spiritually blind. He introduced me to
the concept of Maya, illusion and made me understand that
all that was happening around us was nothing but a big
Cosmic Drama. Little did I know that nding a Guru is an
important step on the Ladder to Heaven. It is a Guru who
takes us to the 11 step of overcoming ignorance. Without
my Guru, I would have just lived and died. I would have
never climbed a Ladder that would take me to God. I would

Importance of a Guru

have lived believing in the mythology of religion, and

never discovered the truth about who God is, where God is
and what God is. One day, when I questioned my Guru
about why he never stopped me from praying to Lord
Shiva and why he prayed to his Guru, although he believed
that God is formless, God is not a statue or a saint, he gave me
a profound answer. He said, “I do not pray to my Guru, I
pray through my Guru. You too,” he said, “must pray through
Lord Shiva.” God is omnipresent – present everywhere,
omnipotent – all-powerful and omniscient – knows
everything. We must learn to surrender to the Divine.

My Guru was an epitome of humility. He used to always

say, “We are nothing. God is everything.” It is because of
him that I was inspired to start the ultimate journey of
Spirituality. Without him, I wouldn't be able to write this
book, 'The Ladder to Heaven'. At most, I would be able to
write about the power of faith and hope.

My mentor opened the door for me to a Spiritual life. For 46

years, I was religious. He made me graduate in Spirituality.
His pushing me to go on a quest for the truth, was his
greatest gift to me. For 2 years, I left all my work and went
into the mountains, spending time in silence and
contemplation and scanning all the possible books that I
could lay my hands on. I believed it was both the grace of

Importance of a Guru

the Guru and the blessings of the Divine, that by the time I
was 48 years old, I realized the Truth. These two years in
retreat, in the mountains, made me overcome the ignorance
that I lived with and started my 'real' ascent to heaven. Not
a heaven in the skies, but the 'real' heaven that I discovered
within the temple of my heart. I call this the 11th step on the
Ladder to Heaven - Overcoming Ignorance.

Importance of a Guru
Ÿ The 10 step on the Ladder to Heaven is to have a Guru.

Ÿ A Guru is one who takes us from ‘Gu’ to ‘Ru’—from

darkness to light.

Ÿ Our Guru is our Spiritual coach, but in reality, he is a

manifestation of the Divine

Ÿ It is important to nd a true and genuine Guru,

otherwise, we will go astray in our journey to God.

Ÿ It is a Guru who helps us overcome ignorance and

realize the truth.

STEP Overcoming Ignorance
Ignorance is darkness,
We must overcome it with the light of Truth.







Overcoming Ignorance

The 11th step on the Ladder to Heaven is Overcoming

Ignorance. If somebody told me 8 years ago that we should
overcome ignorance, I would scoff at them and ask them to
explain what ignorance they were talking about. I was an
ego-driven man and my arrogance reigned supreme. I
thought I knew everything. I was rich, famous, and
successful. I had faith in God, and I believed that God was
protecting me. In my own way, I was unstoppable! I am
grateful that I had a Spiritual Master who provoked me to
go on a quest and realize the Truth.

Throughout my life, I thought it was enough to believe in

God, to pray sincerely, to live with faith and hope, and to
trust God. To me, being enthusiastic was loving God. While
I did not know where my God truly was, I did not even start
a quest to nd out. As they say, “Ignorance is bliss!” and I
blissfully lived in ignorance.

It was only when I was 46 years old that my Guru provoked

me to go on a Talaash or quest and I set out to nd answers
to 9 existential questions. Little did I know that the
questions that I set out to answer had answers that were
completely different from my philosophy and belief

To me, Lord Shiva, my God, was God. I never really

Overcoming Ignorance

bothered to delve further. I had a general feeling that all

Gods ultimately are one and we recognize them with
different names based on our religion. But I had no clue
about the reality of God. I was ignorant.

While people spoke of heaven and hell, I did not bother to

nd out where they truly are. I was ignorant about what
happens to us after death, just as I was ignorant about how
life is actually created on earth.

I knew the biological truth about childbirth. But little did I

know about the reality of the Soul or what the human body
actually was. I was ignorant that we had a gross physical
body that was different from the subtle body that was
invisible. I had no clue what the Soul was, though I believed
that we all have a Soul. What was the connection between
death and rebirth was something that I never pondered
upon. All I knew was that there was some connection
between our Karma and our rebirth.

I had heard of several terms like Moksha, Nirvana,

Enlightenment, but never bothered to nd out what these
truly meant. I continued to live in ignorance. My biggest
ignorance was that I did not know the purpose of life. Why
are we human beings alive? Are we meant just to eat, to
sleep, to earn, to spend and to die? It didn't seem logical,

Overcoming Ignorance

but I was completely ignorant about this and it was this

very ignorance that became the trigger of my Talaash, my
search for Truth.

Most of us human beings are busy chasing success. We

believe that success is happiness. We live and die with this
myth. Very few realize the truth that in fact, happiness is
success. Why do people want to succeed? It is because they
think that success leads to achievement, name, fame,
money, and ultimately joy. If success created happiness,
then the rich and famous should be glad, but if we look
around, we will nd that many of them are sad. Human
beings want to be happy, but most of us experience misery
and sorrow. Even those who pray to God and have faith
and trust, ultimately suffer as they age, experience disease,
decay and die. We human beings experience ‘triple
suffering’. First, we experience physical suffering of the
body. Then, we experience misery of the mind and nally,
the agony of the ego. Little do we realize that all our
suffering is due to the ignorance that we live in.

It is most unfortunate that we human beings are ignorant

about our ignorance. We are overcondent and we think
we know everything. Thus, we do not go in search of
answers. Those who seek God and heaven, and start
climbing the Ladder, ultimately reach a point where they

Overcoming Ignorance

realize their ignorance. When they go on a quest, their

quest starts with acknowledging their ignorance. And if
they are sincere in their search, along with being blessed to
have a Spiritual Master, they can overcome their ignorance
and realize the Truth.
What does one have to do on the 11 step on the Ladder to
Heaven? One must become conscious of their ignorance.
One must become aware that we are not the body, nor are
we the mind.

The mind is our biggest enemy. It makes us believe the

myth just as it stops us from realizing the truth. If we have
to overcome ignorance, we have to use our power of
discrimination. We have to activate our intellect and
choose right over wrong. Otherwise, we will live and die in
ignorance, and we will suffer. We will never be able to
climb the Ladder to Heaven.

This world is all Maya, or illusion. Maya has two powers. It

conceals the truth and projects the myth. Because of our
ignorance, we are unable to see that everything in this
world is Maya or illusion. While we know a dream to be a
dream, we think this waking world to be real. Although at
death, we know that nothing will be ours, we still get
attached to people and possessions and this stops us from

Overcoming Ignorance

climbing upwards. Everything that happens on earth is a

Divine drama or Leela. The Creator has written a
storyboard and things unfold as per the storyboard based
on our cumulative Karma. If we don't overcome our
ignorance about this, we will never realize the truth and we
will not be able to move onward and forward.

One must realize that there is a larger purpose for us on

earth. When we realize our ignorance and we overcome it,
it leads us to a very important step on the Ladder to Heaven
- I call it Going Beyond Karma. We all know what Karma is.
To climb the Ladder to Heaven, we need to go beyond
Karma. How does one do that?

Our greatest Ignorance is that

we are ignorant of our Ignorance.  

Overcoming Ignorance

Ÿ The 11 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Overcoming

Ÿ We are Spiritually blind. We do not realize that we are

not the body, not the mind. We are the Divine Soul.

Ÿ Overcoming ignorance is like living in a dark room and

then switching on the light to eradicate the darkness.

Ÿ Then, we are enlightened with the truth.

Ÿ The world is not real. It is a drama, but we are ignorant

of this. We get carried away by Maya, the cosmic
illusion that conceals the truth and projects the myth.

Ÿ Unless we realize who we are and why we are here, we

will not achieve self-realization and God-realization.

STEP Going Beyond Karma
Most people are doing good Karma
For a good 'next life'.
The wise ones, transcend Karma…
And escape from life after life.








Going beyond Karma

When one climbs the Ladder, spends time in Silence and

Contemplation, nds a Guru and Overcomes Ignorance,
what is the next step, the 12th step? It is understanding the
Law of Karma and going beyond it. What does this mean?

Those who believe in God believe in doing their Dharma.

They must do their duty as per the ethics and values taught
to them. Most believers know that God doesn't direct the
universe and control our life sitting somewhere up in
heaven and giving orders as to what should happen. God
controls the universe through Universal Laws and one such
important law is popularly known as the Law of Karma. It is
the Law of Action and Reaction and it advocates – what you
give is what you get. Those who start climbing the Ladder to
Heaven, who respect God and live with faith, hope, and
enthusiasm, respect the Law of Karma and trust it
completely. They know it is a Universal Law, and nobody
can escape it. It is the Law of the Boomerang and states that
what goes around comes around.

What is the Law of Karma? It is a law that governs the

universe based on the principle that if we do good deeds,
they will come back to us as positive circumstances, and if
we do bad deeds, we will suffer! When bad things happen
to people, it is not God who is instructing that bad things
should happen to us, but rather it is our own negative
Karma coming back to us. Therefore, whatever be our

Going beyond Karma

circumstance, our birth, our gender, our parents, all these

are predestined depending on our Karma. But our present
actions are in our hands. As per our present actions, new
Karma is created, and it determines our future life.
Believers in God know that God is not to be blamed for their
good or bad luck. Everything is unfolding as per the Law of
Karma. However, as we climb the Ladder to Heaven, we go
beyond the Law of Karma and move further on the Ladder.

When I went on a quest for the Truth, I stumbled upon the

Kathopanishad that led me to realize the truth about Karma,
about life, death, and rebirth and this opened the doors
towards self-realization and God-realization. What did I
realize? Every human being has to die. But who dies? It is
only the body that dies. The one who was alive, the ME –
the Mind and Ego, moves on based on its Karma. This
happens when the Life Energy or the Soul departs. Then
there is death as there is no breath! Therefore, we human
beings are more like a computer that has hardware,
software, and a power supply. The physical body is just the
hardware. The mind and ego are the software. The Soul is
the power supply. Just like the source of power to my
computer is the same as the source of power to your
computer, the Soul or the Life Energy has a common
source. It is the Divine Life Energy that is giving life to one
and all.

Going beyond Karma

The body starts its journey as a zygote, a tiny fusion of two

cells that grows into an embryo and is nally delivered on
earth. Then it is given a name and it lives performing
actions or Karma. It is this Karma, good or bad that
becomes the cause of our life's circumstances. All Karma is
not settled in the same life. When the body dies, all its Karma
which is not redeemed, is carried forward to a corpus of
Karma based on which ME – the Mind and Ego is reborn in a
new body. If our Karma is good, we will be born in fortunate
circumstances. If our Karma is bad, then we will be born in
miserable circumstances only to settle our past Karma.

This is how the world seems to continue its existence, with

people dying and others being reborn. God does not
interfere, and he lets the Law of Karma execute on its own.

The Law of Karma is a perfect law. Have you ever seen

apples growing on mango trees? Never! Why not? Because
the Universal Law does not permit it. The law states - as you
sow, so shall you reap. If bad things are happening to
seemingly good people, it does not mean that God is cruel,
or the Law of Karma has failed. It only means that our own
bad Karma is coming back to us. These bad deeds may not
be the deeds of the recent past that we can remember.
Maybe, they are the deeds done several years ago or even in
our previous life. We cannot escape our deeds, even if we

Going beyond Karma

die. The body dies, but death is not the end. For the ME – the
Mind and Ego, it is only a bend.

Those who climb this step and go beyond Karma as they

contemplate in silence and continue their quest, realize a
profound Truth. They realize that the body only experiences
Karma during its lifetime. The one that is really responsible is
the ME – the Mind and Ego. However, while the body is not
permanent, it arrives at birth and departs at death, even the
Mind and Ego, ME, is an illusion. It does not exist. All along,
we believe that we have a gross physical body that dies and a
subtle invisible body that is reborn based on Karma. Going
on the 12 step makes us transcend Karma and realize that
we are neither the body nor the ME – the Mind and Ego. We
are the Divine Soul. Somehow, we live and die in ignorance
and we are unable to realize the truth. Therefore, we suffer.
What does this 12 step on the Ladder do in our climb to
Heaven? It makes us 'drop' all Karma that we may be
carrying from several Janmas or lifetimes. Life after life we,
the ME – Mind and Ego, accumulate Karma due to ignorance.
When we climb this 12th step, we go beyond Karma. We realize
that we are not the body, not even the ME – Mind and Ego
and we are liberated from all suffering that occurs due to
rebirth after the death of the physical body.

Going beyond Karma

We have now reached the 12th step on the Ladder to

Heaven. We have started our quest and we have overcome
ignorance. Now, it is the nal climb - the climb towards the
Realization of the Truth.

Going Beyond Karma

Ÿ The 12 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Going Beyond

Ÿ People who believe in God, believe in his universal law –

the Law of Karma. However, to ascend the Ladder to
Heaven, one must go beyond Karma.

Ÿ Going beyond Karma is realizing that we are not the

body that dies. People think we are the Mind and Ego
that is reborn.

Ÿ Those who climb the Ladder go beyond to realize that

we are the Divine Soul. They drop all their Karma like a
pebble in the ocean and move forward towards

STEP Realization of the Truth
You can't discover the Truth.
You have to Realize it with your 'Real-Eyes'.









Realization of the Truth

This is the biggest step on the Ladder to Heaven. If we reach

this step, then there are chances that we will achieve our
Ultimate Goal. This step is called Realization of the Truth.
Let us take stock of the Ladder that we have been climbing
so far. A majority of mankind can climb the rst part of the
Ladder – belief, prayer, faith, hope, trust, enthusiasm.
These 6 steps are not difcult. Then, comes the true devotee
of the Lord. Such a person loves God and seeks God. This is
the 7th step. After crossing the 7 steps, most people stop. They
live and they die, and the cycle goes on. This is because they
don't go on a quest and don't nd a Guru. Thus they do not
overcome ignorance. They don't go beyond their Karma and
they don't spend time in silence and in Divine Union with

Steps 8 to 12 are difcult steps and a very rare minority

climbs these steps. Probably, less than 1% of humanity goes
on a genuine quest to nd the true purpose of life and realize
God. Out of the 1% that goes on a quest, only 0.1% realizes the
truth. This makes it a very tiny number of people.

What is this realization of truth that becomes the biggest

step, the 13th step on the Ladder to Heaven? Knowledge is
not Realization. People who are climbing steps 8 to 12 may
overcome ignorance and understand several truths about

Realization of the Truth

life, but still, they don't realize the truth. Realization

happens when we open our real eyes. Then we understand
the truth about self and God. Realization starts with self-
realization and ends with God-realization.
What is self-realization? It is realizing Neti Neti, Not This,
Not This. I am not the body; I am not the mind. It is going
further to realize Tat Tvam Asi, Thou Art That – the power
that gives life. We are the Divine Soul! Those who realize
this truth, realize that this body is made up of earth, water,
air, re, and space. In the end, it returns to dust. We are not this
body. They also realize that we are not the mind. We can see
our eyes, our nose, and our skin. We can also see an X-ray of our
heart or brain, just as we can cut through our esh, muscle and
see the blood ow out and see the bone. If we break the bone,
we will nd bone marrow. But there is nothing else.

We are said to have a subtle body made up of the mind,

memory, intellect and ego. All along, we believe that we are
this subtle body. This is because we do not realize the truth.
Therefore, the subtle body, let us call it ME – Mind and Ego,
is born again and again based on our Karma. If we
overcome our ignorance, then we experience a profound
realization. We realize that not only we are not the body, we
are also not ME – the Mind and Ego. We are the Divine Soul.
The moment we realize this truth, we can be liberated from

Realization of the Truth

the cycle of death and rebirth because we are liberated from

all Karma. Karma belongs to the illusory ME – the Mind
and Ego, which doesn't exist. All along, it is our ignorance
that makes us believe we are ME – the Mind and Ego. The
moment we realize the truth, we are free. This is called self-

Today, even science, which was up to now at loggerheads

with Spirituality, agrees that we human beings are not the
physical body that we appear to be, but rather energy. Our
physical body is made up of over 30 trillion cells. But if we
examine each cell, not just the atom or molecule, but the
smallest part, called a quark, we will nd that it is nothing but
energy, as scientists have discovered, and which they call
Wave-Particle Duality.

Self-realization is not easy. Therefore, there is no crowd on

the 13th step of the Ladder to Heaven. A rare minority who
loves God and seeks God is blessed to reach here. This
minority realizes that we are like the wave in the ocean. We
come from the ocean and go back into it. God is the ocean.
We are nothing. He is everything.

There are several methods that will help in the realization

of the truth. One popular method is known as the Law of
Causation. It has 3 tenets:

Realization of the Truth

1. Every effect has a cause

2. The effect is nothing but the cause in a different form
3. Remove the cause and there is no effect

This can be explained with the help of an example. A gold

ring, a gold bracelet, and a gold chain are effects. Gold is
their cause. They are nothing but gold in different forms. If
you remove the gold, nothing remains. There will be no
ring, no bracelet, and no chain. We human beings too are
effects. The Divine is the cause. As long as the Divine is
within, we have breath, but the moment the cause leaves
us, we return to dust. This is because we are just the effects
of the cause. The Divine is the cause. All this is realization of
the truth and unless we realize the truth, we cannot climb
the last 3 steps that take us to the gate of heaven.

What stops us from the realization of the truth? It is our

own mind. The mind is a rascal. It dumps us with thoughts
and lls our life with ignorance. It stops us from realization
because such a realization will destroy the very existence of
the mind. We see somebody wearing a T-shirt. The mind
tells us it is a T-shirt, but the one who realizes the truth
realizes that it may look like a T-shirt, but in reality, it is
actually made up of threads. The mind stops us from seeing
deeper to realize the truth. Can't we see that everything
beautiful that is alive in this world, is beautiful because

Realization of the Truth

there is Divine life in it? It may be a beautiful buttery or a

bird or for that matter, a beautiful human being. All this
beauty lasts only till the life inside remains. The moment
there is no breath, there is death, all the beauty starts to
disappear. It is the Divinity in all of us that creates beauty,
but we are unable to realize the truth. This is because of
Maya, the universal illusion. It stops us from climbing the
Ladder to Heaven. We need the grace of God and the
guidance of the Guru to overcome ignorance and realize
the truth.

How often do you nd somebody saying, “I am Jennifer?”

This is not the truth, though. She is not Jennifer! Only her
name is Jennifer. When she was born, she was not Jennifer.
Somehow, we identify ourselves with this body and our
name which we are not. At death, the body will die, but we
who are alive in the body move on. We must realize this
truth if we want to climb the Ladder to Heaven.

What stops a person from the realization of the Truth?

Although we may have the knowledge of who we are, and
what our purpose is, although we may have a Guru who
helps us overcome ignorance, although we may spend time
in silence as we go on a quest, why is it that we still don't
realize the truth? It is because there is a war within, a war
that stops us from realization despite having all the

Realization of the Truth

knowledge. Our own Mind and Ego, ME along with the 5

senses of the body make every effort possible to stop such a
realization. How, then, can we climb the next step and win
the war that rages within?

Realization of the Truth

Ÿ The 13 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Realization of
the Truth.

Ÿ It is the realization that we are not the body, not the

mind, but the Divine Soul.

Ÿ Knowledge is not realization. It is only when we become

conscious of who we are not, that we can realize who we
truly are.

Ÿ There are several methods that can help a genuine seeker

of God realize the truth.

Ÿ Our biggest enemy that stops us from realization of the

truth is our own Mind and Ego—ME.

Ÿ Unless we win the war that rages within, we may have

all the knowledge but still, we may not realize the truth.

STEP Winning the War Within
Realized Souls are not free from the War within,
But most often they win it.










Winning the War Within

On the journey to heaven, as we climb the Ladder step by

step, we realize the Truth. This only happens for those who
go on a quest, who love God so intensely that they nd a
Guru who helps them overcome ignorance as they
transcend Karma, realizing that we are not the body, not
the ME – the Mind and Ego. We are the Divine Soul.

First of all, just knowing this is not enough. Anybody can

read about this and pretend to know it. But this is not
realization. Realization of the truth means that our life gets
transformed, with the realization. We live with dispassion
and detachment, with discrimination and discipline as we
desire liberation and the Divine, nothing else! Once we
arrive at this step on the Ladder, we are still 3 steps away – 3
big steps away from our Ultimate Goal.

The rst step after realization is to Win the War Within.

Although we experience realization of the Truth, we are
still alive in a body-mind complex. We still live with the
mind that is a monkey and the 5 senses that are like 5 wild
horses that lead our body astray. We have to be the
charioteer that controls the mind, the reigns that control the
5 horses, the 5 senses. We have to be the Divine Soul that we
truly are, and we must use our intellect to direct our life,
post realization!

What happens in this war? The mind will desire, and the

Winning the War Within

senses will crave. However, if our realization is real, our

intellect will rule and will prevent the body-mind from
defeating us. We must live like a lotus in a dirty pond. The
world around us will be full of worldly attractions, but the
realized Soul will not sink into this world or Samsara. One
who has realized needs the waters of this world to live but
will use the water like an active motorboat does, moving
forward and onward without sinking in the waters of this

How does a realized one feel? He feels he is imprisoned in

the prison of the body-mind. He wants to escape and climb
the penultimate step of liberation. He wants to be free from
the prison! But there are several prison bars that hold him
back. Some of the prison bars are Duty, Lust, and Shame.

Realization makes one aware that nothing is real,

everything is an illusion, it's only a cosmic drama!
However, duty tries to defeat a Realized Soul. It tries to
bind him to doing his duty, things that he must do, being
the one who is in the body-mind.

Ramakant had realized the Truth. But he wasn't able to be

liberated because of so many reasons. He had a family and they
kept demanding that he fullls their needs. He had to go to work to
earn for them and wasn't able to spend time on his Spiritual

Winning the War Within

pursuits. If he neglected his familial duties in order to meditate,

his mind would create an agitation and demand that he fullls his
duty. Although he fullled his familial duties, there were luxuries
that his family wanted. And so, he was pushed away not only
from spirituality , but also dragged into the material world of
pleasures. Ramakant had to make a choice: either to climb the next
step on the Ladder and move on despite the demands of his family,
or give in and sink! He had to make a choice and this would decide
whether he would win the war within or not.

Every human being who realizes the Truth continues to

live in this world. The world distracts us with offerings that
create lust. We human beings grow up with passionate
desires but climbing the Ladder to Heaven calls for us to
live dispassionately and with detachment. When there is a
war within, and we are attracted to sensual pleasures, it
becomes a test for the realized one. If he falls prey to the
sense pleasures, then he loses the war to lust. He cannot
reach heaven's gate. However, a true seeker who realizes
the Truth goes beyond lust as he moves forward and

What does this mean? Does this mean that the one who is
climbing the Ladder to Heaven must give up all pleasures
and happiness in this world? This is the way a non-realized
one would see the life of a Realized Soul. However, a truly

Winning the War Within

Realized Soul transcends lust. It is not that fullling of lust

actually gives true happiness. The one who has climbed the
ladder upto this step of winning the war, realizes that lust is
only momentary pleasure and not eternal peace and
bliss.Thus, he escapes from these cravings and desires,
these feelings of lust which, ultimately, make a human
being sink in misery and sorrow.

During my journey and after I realized certain truths, I was

attacked by shame. There were several resolutions that I
had made that altered my lifestyle, be it to do with my food,
my clothing or my social engagements. None of these could
give me pleasure anymore as I lived in a state of bliss,
Ananda, eternal joy, and peace. But the world had so many
things to say about me and my life. My reaction to this was
inspired by my Guru's teachings. He said, “They will say, let
them say! You move on. Do not look back.”

Any good sportsman who plays hockey or football knows

that their eyes must be on the ball that is with them. The
moment they look at others, they will lose the ball. If we are
serious about climbing the Ladder to realize God, then we
must not stop. Only the unstoppable believer, who seeks
liberation and the Divine and nothing else, wins the war
within and reaches the next step on the Ladder and is

Winning the War Within
Ÿ The 14 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Winning the
War within.

Ÿ The war is between our own mind and ego, ME, and our
realized self.

Ÿ Although we have realized the truth, there is a constant

effort by the mind to make us sink into the desires and
cravings of this world.

Ÿ We are like helpless prisoners who live in a prison of

Duty, Lust, and Shame.

Ÿ Unless we win the war within, we can never be liberated

and reach the top of the Ladder.

STEP Liberation
Liberation is not just escaping from all
suffering when we are alive.
It is being free from the cycle of death and rebirth.












Before climbing any further, one must stop and realize

what this journey is all about. We human beings want God,
we want to go to heaven, but we cannot arrive at our
destination without realizing who we are and who God is.
Most of us seek God because God is the ultimate source of
happiness. But we don't take the trouble to realize where
God is. Is God living in some distant planet, some heaven
up in the skies? If we live with this ignorance, we will never
realize God.

Therefore, as we climb the Ladder to Heaven, we must go

on a quest, overcome ignorance and realize the truth about
God. God is a power beyond human comprehension. If I
ask you to close your eyes and see me with your ears, can
you do it? You would say that it is not possible. Only the
eyes can see. Similarly, we human beings have not been
given the sense perception to perceive God. It is only when
we realize this truth, that we can climb the second last step
to heaven – Liberation and move towards the Ultimate
Goal of Heaven.

What is Liberation all about? Once we pass the step of

realization and win the battle with our own body, mind,
and ego, then we will be liberated and are free to move
towards what we call heaven.

Liberation has 2 steps: First, we must be liberated while we


are alive. And second, we must be liberated at death. What

happens to a person who is liberated when alive? Although
we live in a body-mind complex, one who is liberated has
realized the truth. He overcomes ignorance and lives
blissfully and peacefully without suffering the triple
suffering of the body, mind, and ego. A liberated being
lives in the body, but knows we are not the body; is
troubled by the thoughts of the mind, but realizes that we
are not the mind. A liberated being transcends the ego and
is free from this world of allurements and attractions.

How then does a liberated being live? A liberated being

lives in Yoga or Divine union, having realized that he is
none other than the Soul which is nothing but a
manifestation of the Divine. He lives as the Divine
instrument, doing the Divine will. This is known as the
Yoga of action or Karma Yoga. The liberated being also lives
with Divine love and devotion. This Yoga of devotion is
called Bhakti Yoga. The next form of Yoga that lls the life of
a liberated being is the Yoga of education or Gyana Yoga.
Such a being continues to live educating himself on the
knowledge and wisdom that he has already acquired but
goes deeper into it every day that he is alive. However, the
most important yoga is Dhyana Yoga or Yoga of meditation
or silence. This is considered to be the most important
because it is in these moments of Divine silence that the


God within communicates with the God that is universal

and omnipresent. One becomes conscious of Divinity.

One who is liberated continues to live in Yoga or Divine

union till the moment of death of the body. The body dies.
For average human beings who have not realized the truth
and are not liberated, the ME – the Mind and Ego is reborn
based on their Karma. But a liberated being is not reborn.
Such a realized Soul is liberated from the cycle of death and
rebirth and climbs to the ultimate step on the Ladder.
However, if the realized being loses the war and falls prey
to lust and craving, such a being may not be liberated.

As kids, we all played the game 'Snakes and Ladders'.

Don't we remember the big snake at 99 that could bite us
and take us back to 1 to restart the game? So also, is the
game of life. If the snake of desires, lust, and cravings
attacks a realized one, just one step before the destination,
then he would have to start his climb again.

Liberation is not an easy game. A very tiny group of human

beings are fortunate to be liberated and to move to the nal
step of Unication. Most of humanity continues to suffer
because of what is popularly known as the cycle of death
and rebirth. Most religions of this world advocate the
Ultimate Goal of life as Liberation. Some call it Moksha or


Mukti, the Buddha called it Nirvana, and the modern world

calls it Enlightenment. Whether you call it liberation or
salvation, it is the same destination that is given different
names or titles. The Ultimate Goal of a human being is to
escape from suffering, to be liberated from returning to
earth and to become one with God. Are you ready to climb
the next and ultimate step from liberation to unication?

Ÿ The 15 step on the Ladder to Heaven is Liberation.

Ÿ Liberation has 2 steps. First, we must be liberated while

we are alive. This is liberation from misery and

Ÿ The nal liberation is liberation at death. We escape

from the cycle of death and rebirth and are liberated
forever, never to be born again.

Ÿ It is not easy to be liberated. Liberation leads us to our

Ultimate Goal.

STEP Unication
16 Unification is becoming one with God.
Our Soul merges with the Divine…
just as the wave merges with the ocean.













What is the ultimate step on the Ladder to Heaven? It is not

just praying to God and loving God. It is not just going on a
quest and knowing the truth. The ultimate step on the
Ladder to Heaven is climbing from Liberation to

Unication is becoming one with God. In simplest terms, it

is understanding how the wave becomes one with the
ocean. The wave comes from the ocean and goes back into
the ocean. In fact, the wave is nothing by itself. It is a part of
the ocean. Unication is also the same thing. When the
Divine Soul, that we truly are, is liberated from ignorance
and from the cycle of death and rebirth, it unites with the
Divine or the cosmic consciousness to become one. That is
Unication. This is having climbed the Ladder to Heaven.

How is unication connected to reaching heaven? What is

heaven? It is the abode of God. It is a place where God
exists. Unfortunately, as we live in a body-mind complex,
we live with ignorance and we think God too is made of
bone and skin. We don't realize the truth that God is the one
who lives within. When we realize this and we live as the
liberated Soul, we are heading towards the top of the
Ladder to Heaven. However, it is only when the death of
the body happens, that we can transcend Karma through
realizing that we are not the ME – the Mind and Ego and we


escape from rebirth. The energy that gives life within is our
true identity. It is a manifestation of the Divine, imprisoned
in a body-mind complex. It is known as the Soul, the Spirit,
Chi, Prana or Atman. The names are different, but it is the
same energy that gives us life. It is God Energy. When this
God-energy is liberated, we who live in ignorance as ME –
the mind and ego, are reborn. But, if we overcome
ignorance, we realize the truth, we are liberated from the
war within, then we are united with the Divine and reach
the gate of heaven.

In reality, there is no heaven and there is no gate. There is

just God. God is a universal power, a power that exists
everywhere, a power that gives us life, a power that makes
the earth rotate causing day and night, a power that creates
the breeze, the waves in the seas, and the fruits on the trees.
We can experience this power all the time, in the wind that
blows, the water that ows and the sun that glows. Do we
need proof that such a power exists? It is the same power
that exists in each of the cells of the human body, in over 30
trillion cells and in 8 billion human beings and in the trillions
and quadrillions of other plants, animals, and insects.

The Divine Power is everywhere. To reach heaven is to

achieve unication with the Power. Unication that comes
after realization of the truth and liberation at death.


Unfortunately, most of us do not realize the truth, and

therefore, there is no liberation and unication. Although
we pray to God and love God, we do not go on a quest and
overcome the ignorance that will make us climb the Ladder
to Heaven.

I too lived a life of ignorance for 48 years. Then I realized

that we human beings are blessed with the opportunity to
climb the Ladder to Heaven. It is not easy, but it is possible.
While the majority of mankind prays, only a tiny minority
climbs the Ladder that takes them to Realization,
Liberation, and Unication. They are the fortunate few
who become one with God. The others die only to be
reborn. Then they go through a life that sees both pleasure
and pain. Ultimately, they die and are reborn again. This
cycle of death and rebirth continues again and again. We
live with the ignorance and remain far away from our Lord.
The goal of humanity is to escape from this cycle and to
become one with God.

There are some religions in this world that talk about us

having to face the day of judgement when we go to heaven
after death. The question that arises is – who will go to
heaven or hell? The body dies, and as it lies below the soil,
we see it disintegrates into dust. There is no possibility of
going to heaven or hell. Further, heaven and hell are not a


physical location that we can go to. Nobody has seen

heaven or hell. If we do good deeds, we are reborn in a life
that is heavenly. But if we collect bad Karma with our sins,
then we will be faced with hell, not just in this life, but in the
life thereafter.

And God! God is not an old man with a long white beard
sitting somewhere up in the clouds. God is a Universal
Power, a Power beyond human comprehension. We don't
know who God is, where God is or what God is, but God is.
Unication is becoming one with the Divine. It is escaping
from the cycle of death and rebirth, being liberated and
experiencing unication with the Divine.

Whatever be your religion, and whatever be the other

circumstances of your life, may this book – 'The Ladder to
Heaven', inspire you to climb step by step, until you go
beyond the basics of prayer, faith, hope, trust, and
enthusiasm. May your love for the Divine and the grace of
your Spiritual Master lead you on a quest to realize the
truth. May you too overcome the ignorance that stops you
from realization and as you realize the truth, may you win
the war within to be liberated and may you climb the nal
step of unication with the Divine. This is the Ultimate
Goal of human life.


Ÿ The last step on the Ladder to Heaven is Unication.

Ÿ Unication means becoming one with the Divine. It is

just like the wave that becomes one with the ocean

Ÿ This part of the journey starts with a quest, we

overcome ignorance, we realize the truth and we are

Ÿ Unless we cross these steps, there can be no unication

with the Divine.

Ÿ Because we human beings live with ignorance, we suffer

as body, mind, and ego.

Ÿ Heaven and hell are not physical locations. Those who

realize the truth, experience true heaven as they realize

Ÿ It starts with self-realization and ends with God-


Ÿ Our Ultimate Goal is unication, becoming one with



If I look back at my life, I laugh at myself because I was

climbing steps one to seven and hoping to get to heaven.
Not just for 5 or 10 years, but for 40 long years I believed in
‘my’ God. I prayed, I had faith, I lived with hope and
complete trust. My enthusiasm was very visible and my
love for God was known. But for 4 decades, I was going up
and down these steps, but reaching nowhere.

It was my Spiritual Master, my Guru who provoked me to

introspect when I was 46 years old and pushed me to go on
a quest. Then I realized the truth and climbed many more
steps. The last two steps on the Ladder are in the hands of
the Divine. There can be no liberation and unication until
the body dies. It is only then that we can be united with the

But what does one do after realizing the Truth? When we

realize that we are not the body we wear, but the ones who
wear the body, then we become conscious of our true
identity. We all have the ME – the Mind and Ego, but the
one who has realized the truth, transcends the mind and
ego, to live as the Divine Soul.


Imagine, you were going to buy bread from a bakery. You

walked for 10 minutes and at the trafc light, you took a
right turn and walked awhile more. Then, when you came
to a little park, you took another right turn and walked on.
It was a good 20 to 30 minutes walk to reach your favorite
bakery. You did that for several months until one day you
met a friend and told him about your favorite bakery. He
was your neighbor and lived a few blocks on the left. He
challenged you that his bakery was better, and it was just a
few minutes away, right behind his house. The next day
you went to your friend's house in the neighborhood. He
took you through a tiny alley and in two minutes you
reached his bakery. You were surprised because it was the
same bakery you had been going to all these months. You
struggled walking 30 minutes to get there and lost an hour
each time you went to the bakery, but now you realized that
it was less than 5 minutes away. What would you do
henceforth? Would you still waste an hour every day
following your old route or would you take the shortcut?
Once you realize that your bakery could be accessed
through the tiny alley, you would never return to the long

One who realizes the truth that we are the Divine Soul
doesn't live like the body and the mind anymore. But this
realization must come! Knowledge is not realization. Even


if we have the knowledge, but we don't realize, then we

continue to live in ignorance. Once I realized several truths
about life, I transcended the triple suffering that most
humans face. No doubt my body experienced pain, but I
did not suffer the pain of the body. I would take the
required medication and move on.

There was hardly any misery of the mind because I realized

that the mind is a monkey. It swings to the past and then to
the future. I also transcended the agony of the ego because I
realized I was the Divine Soul.

This was just liberation from suffering while I was alive.

But my goal is to escape from the cycle of death and rebirth.
I realized the truth about the Law of Karma and found a
way to live as a Divine instrument. If I was not the body or
the mind and ego, then none of the actions that seemed to
be mine, were mine. This liberated me not only from Karma
that I was performing but from all the accumulated Karma,
the ME – the Mind and Ego had collected life after life.

How did climbing the Ladder change my life? When I

climbed on to the 8th step and started my quest, it was a
turning point. Then step after step, I moved forward,
towards my Ultimate Goal. Each step on the Ladder to
Heaven only got me closer in my search for God. I never


knew the power of silence until my Guru urged me to

practise it. He made me realize so many truths like the truth
of Karma, just as he helped me overcome several layers of
ignorance that had made me sink in darkness.

I used to ask my Guru hundreds of questions. He used to

laugh at me but he was happy to answer them. Then, one
day he told me, you don't need to ask any more questions.
He could probably see the difference between knowledge
and realization. My life was transformed. After I was 48
and blessed with several realizations, I became conscious
that God was around me all the time. I no more searched for
God, for I could feel God's Divine presence in everybody
and in everything. Earlier, I used to appreciate the beautiful
creations of God. But now I could see the Divinity in
beauty. Everything beautiful was a manifestation of the
Divine. God was everywhere. I realized that God is the one
reality, everything else is an illusion.

I started living a life of eternal bliss and everlasting peace, a

state known as Satchitananda or eternal bliss that comes
from chit or consciousness of the Sach or truth. It is a great
feeling to be blessed with this consciousness, even though
it is a challenge.

My goal now is to live like a realized Soul or Jivanmukta, a


liberated Soul embodied in a body-mind complex. How

can I possibly do that? It is by living with a steady intellect,
a state called Sthitpragya, as stated by Lord Krishna in the
Bhagavad Gita. All this is easier said than done. But once it is
done, it is truly blissful.

For the last 5 years, my life has been a life of Yoga. Not just
because I do Asanas or Pranayama or breathing techniques
but because I live in constant union with the Divine. One
can remain in Yoga in 4 ways. I live my life with all the 4
ways to remain in Union. I make an effort for all my actions
to be Karma Yoga, done as per Divine directions, as an
instrument of the Divine and I surrender all results to the
Divine. My devotion or Bhakti is to be constantly united in
my faith. I spend time in silence or Dhyana Yoga to
communicate with the Divine. And any free time that is left,
I spend in Gyana Yoga, continuing to study and gain
further wisdom of the truth. My life goes round and round,
as if these 4 forms of Yoga are a part of one cycle of Yoga, or
Divine union that appears as four different ways but in
reality is one.

I live in Divine surrender, accepting the Divine will. I know

that ultimately, this body will die. I try to live as a liberated
Soul, so that I can be ultimately united with the Divine. But
I know that this is not in my hands. My Guru warned me


several times. Realization is not liberation and unication.

“Beware!” he used to warn me. “As long as we live in this
human existence, we may fall prey to temptations and lose
our realization to desires of lust.” Therefore, it is important
to constantly live in Yoga, just as it is important to live with
dispassion and detachment, discrimination, discipline and
the desire for liberation and the Divine.

Each day, I pray to the God that lives in the temple of my

heart to bless me to live as the Divine Soul and not to sink in
Samsara, the world of attractions and distractions. I keep
myself busy doing the Divine will. I believe I have only one
mission—to help people realize the truth and so, I do
nothing else other than remain in Yoga and focus on my
mission. Even this book is a message, a ash from the
Divine. I have not done anything, just followed the
direction to write—'The Ladder to Heaven'. May it help
genuine seekers to climb the Ladder to Heaven and realize
the Truth.


Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?

For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God

But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The rst step to God is Belief

For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their rst step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray

With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell


The third step on the Ladder is Faith

Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope

Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they nd
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust

It is Trust that forms their journey’s thrust
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord

After Belief, Prayer, Faith, Hope & Trust

What is it that stands out rst?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems xed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God

We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek

Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate

We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we nd the truth about heaven and hell

Importance of a Guru comes before step eleven

For without a Guru, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to overcome ignorance, he makes us ght

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth

We climb step eleven to realize the truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we nd

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good

As we sow, so shall we reap, that will be our food
But step twelve on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn how to God our Soul must y

Realization is not the end of the game

There is a War Within that can make us lame
We must transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fteen on the Ladder is Liberation

Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The nal step on the Ladder to Heaven

Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unication of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life

Not just to live with misery and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?

Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!

About the Author –

AiR – Atman in Ravi, is an embodied Soul whose only

mission in life is to help people realize the Truth. He was
born in Bangalore on October 15, 1966. At a very young age,
Ravi V. Melwani mastered the craft of business and became a
very successful businessman who revolutionized retailing in
India with the stores KidsKemp, Big KidsKemp, and Kemp

After making millions, he realized that Life is not just about

making money. He shut down his business at the age of 40,
transformed his life from Ravi V. Melwani to RVM, living by
the RVM philosophy – Rejoice, Value Life, and Make a
Difference. He started doing H.I.S. work – Humanitarian,
Inspirational and Spiritual work. His mission was to 'Make
a Difference' in this world before his journey was over.

As a part of the humanitarian initiative, a charitable hospital

and charitable homes were set up with an aim to provide free
medical treatment and care to the poor, destitute, and needy.
Today, over 600 homeless and suffering people are served
and cared for in destitute homes and provided with free
shelter, food, clothing, and medical care.

About the Author

A School of Inspiration was set up that inspired the lives of

many people through motivating talks, inspirational books
and videos, and thought-provoking quotes.

A Shiva Temple was built in the year 1995 in Bangalore,

which is now known as the Shivoham Shiva Temple. AiR
now believes that religion is just a kindergarten of
Spirituality, and we all have to go beyond religion to truly
realize God.

One day, his Guru provoked him to introspect: What is the

purpose of life? Is life just meant to seek pleasures and to
live and die without any purpose? What happens after
death? Will we be reborn? Where is God? Several questions
like these took him on a quest, a search for the Truth. He
gave up his life of Achievement and Fulllment in search of
the nal peak of life: Enlightenment.

After a few years of intense search in retreat, deep in the

mountains, he realized that we are not this Body. We are
the Soul, the Atman. He changed his name to AiR –Atman
in Ravi. He metamorphosed to AiR and gave up his entire
Life as RVM and started living as an instrument of God,
doing His Divine Will. This led to several Realizations that
formed his new mission of life – to help people Realize the

About the Author

Since then, AiR's life has been dedicated to reaching out

and helping people to eradicate the ignorance that we live
in. While the Truth is the Truth, our mind still resists from
accepting it. Based on his realizations, AiR has published
several books, written bhajans, blogs, quotes and poems
and has taken up several other initiatives that can direct
people towards the Truth like conducting AiR Spiritual
Retreats and giving talks that help people evolve in their
spiritual journey to realize the Truth. He is a TEDx speaker
and is also invited to speak at several organisations like
YPO (Young Presidents' Organization), Rotary Club, Lions
Club, and at many corporates, schools, and colleges.

Started with nothing …

Became something…
Achieved everything,
Only to realize we are nothing!


1. Talaash

'Talaash' means Search or Quest. This book by

AiR is his personal journey to realize the Truth
where he shares his Realization that we are not
the body and the mind that we seem to be. We
are Power. The Divine life force is known as
Soul, Spirit or Atman. This search and quest by
AiR made him transform his life. It is a quest
that made him realize the Truth. It might be just
that book which inspires you to attain Liberation.

2. 3 Peaks of Happiness

'3 Peaks of Happiness' by AiR is a simple book

that talks about the quest of all humanity.
Everybody wants to be happy. But is everybody
happy? No. The reason is we are stuck on the
rst peak of Happiness – Achievement. Only
about 20% of the people are lucky to climb the
second peak of Happiness – Fulllment, which
comes from contentment. But there is a third
peak beyond. The third peak of Happiness will liberate you
from the prisons of misery and sorrow and give you eternal
Joy and Bliss.

Books by the Author

3. My Guru, My Mentor, My God on Earth

In this book AiR shares his experiences with his

Guru who was not just his Guru and Mentor,
but also his God on Earth. We all need a coach,
a teacher to help us understand, guide us to live
life and this book 'My Guru' will inspire you to
nd your Guru or to make your relationship
with your Guru more fullling and meaningful.

4. I will Never Die. Death is not "The End”

In the journey of his life, AiR realized many

Truths. One of the Truths was that he would
never die. The body will die, but the one who
lives in the body never dies. We are not the
body that we wear; we are the ones who wear
the body. Death is not the end. It is a bend to
transcend. This book reveals the Truth about

5. Death is Not "The End". Death is "Liberation"

This second book in the series of books on

death by AiR – touches on the secret of the
Kathopanishad, which talks about what

Books by the Author

happens at death. One of two things happens – if we think

we are the body and mind as a doer, we are reborn. But if
we think we are not the body and mind, but the Energy, we
are liberated to eternal Joy and Peace.

6. I am not I. Who am I?

Here, AiR talks of his quest and Realization

that we are not who we think we are. We have a
house, but we are not the house. We have a car,
but we are not the car. We have a body, but we
are not the body. We may have a mind, but we
are not the mind. Who are we? Realize the

7. The Mind is a Rascal

Can you believe that the mind is a rascal? You

always thought that the mind is king – that it is
everything. But just try this. Sit quietly for an
hour, and try to nd the mind. Where is it? You
will nd that the mind doesn't exist. This
amazing book by AiR will teach us that the
mind is our enemy. It is the one that makes us
suffer. It is time to nd the rascal and to kill it.
How do we do this?

Books by the Author

8. A Cosmic Drama

This book authored by AiR challenges us to

think that whatever is happening in life is not
real. It is nothing but a drama. The earth is a big
stage, and we are all actors who come and go.
There is no need to worry and cry till we die. If
we understand the Truth, we can enjoy the
show called life.

9. Who is God? Where is God? What is God?

Well, this might seem to be a simple set of

questions, but nobody really knows the
answers. We all know that God exists. We pray
to a God as per our religion but what is the
Truth about God? Has anybody seen God?
Where is God? This simple book will change
your perception and belief about God and
bring you closer to the Power called God. It will
help you realize God.

10. The A to Z of Karma

Most people are aware of the concept of Karma – the law

that states, “What you give is what you get.” But not

Books by the Author

everybody knows the A to Z of Karma, that we

can actually transcend Karma, escape from it
and achieve Moksha, Nirvana, Liberation or
Enlightenment. This book reveals the secret –
of eternal Joy and Peace - a life without any
misery or suffering.

11. Who Are You & Why Are You Here?

This is a simple book which challenges us to

discover the secret of our life. Most of us think
we are the body-mind complex, but in reality,
we are not. The body will die and return to
dust. Where is the mind, we cannot nd. Who
are we in reality? And beyond that what is the
purpose of life on earth? This book will give
you all the answers.
12. The 4 Factor

Man thinks that he can achieve anything. He

believes that there is nothing in this world he
can't do. But, he doesn't realize that his efforts
and equipment are not enough to decide the
results of his actions. Sometimes, he does his
best but things don't work out the way he

Books by the Author

wants. He then realizes the importance of the 4th Factor, a

factor that makes the possible, possible and without its
consent even the possible becomes impossible.

13. Be Happy in the NOW!

Every human being on earth wants to be Happy.

There is nobody who enjoys pain. People want
to achieve Happiness but they fail to realize
that Happiness is the journey itself, not the
destination. Then, what is the secret of eternal Joy,
Bliss, and Peace? It is being Happy in the NOW.
Every time we let the suffering of yesterday take
charge of our life, we destroy the Joy of today. When our
thoughts anxiously jump into what may happen in the
future, we lose the tranquility of the present moment. We
seem to be like helpless monkeys jumping from one branch
to another, from yesterday to tomorrow. And in the
bargain, we lose the gift of being Happy in the present.
With this book, AiR hopes to inspire people to live life
moment by moment, if they really want to be Happy.

14. Questions You Must Answer Before You Die

Most of us live and die but we don't ask the question –

Why? We just exist! We don't want to invest time in asking

Books by the Author

essential questions that are actually needed to

lead a fullling and blissful life. There are so
many critical questions that we must answer
before our journey of life is over. What will
happen to us after we die? Who created this
universe? How can we be Happy all the time?
Who is God, where is God, what is God? Like
this, there are so many questions which we
are ignorant about and somehow, we believe
that ignorance is bliss. We blissfully live in ignorance till
we die. Isn't it time to stop and ask questions?

15. Suffer No More

'Suffer No More' is a personal experience of

overcoming anguish, anxiety, distress, and
grief. We all suffer physical pain. Who on earth
can escape from it? But while there is pain, can
we do away with the suffering? What is
suffering? While we all experience it, have we
gone on a quest to understand what the
primary cause of misery is? We live in this
ignorance, this myth, that suffering is an unavoidable part
of life. We can be free from suffering if only we realize that
we are the prisoners of negative emotions that continue to
make us miserable. Suffer No More is an analysis of

Books by the Author

suffering, what causes it and how we can overcome it. If

one wants to truly live with eternal Joy and everlasting
Peace, it's possible! This book will help you Realize the
Truth and Suffer No More!

16. Success is not Happiness... Happiness is Success

Everybody wants to succeed. If one goes

deep into the psychology of winning, one
will realize that people want to win because
this makes them Happy, just as failure
makes them miserable. People want to
succeed and they do everything possible to
win because they want to be happy. In fact,
humanity, by and large, believes that
Success is like a cause, of which happiness is
the effect. In the present book, the readers will discover the
reality that Success equals Happiness is an illusion. No
doubt Success creates a sense of gratication that makes us
Happy but Real Happiness is beyond achievement. It is
contentment and fulllment. It's time for us to realize the
Truth. Instead of chasing Success to be Happy, we should
try to be Happy. That is true success. We must realize that
Success is not Happiness, Happiness is Success.

Books by the Author

17. God = Happiness

We understand what it means to be happy,

especially when we compare it to those times
when we are miserable and unhappy. But
how exactly is our state of joy or sorrow
connected to God, remains a mystery. Yes,
we pray thinking of God as somebody in
heaven who has a magic wand with which he
controls our Happiness. But is this true or is
there something else that we are ignorant about? In his
quest to discover Truth and the purpose of life, the author
found answers that liberated him from misery and sorrow.
He also realized that people didn't know where exactly to
search for Happiness. All pray to God but do we know the
Real Truth about God? We may believe in any religion but
that hardly matters, because God is beyond religion. While
we evolve in life, we don't spiritually evolve to realize that
God is far more powerful than what we imagine. This book
is not about religion. It takes us far beyond religion to
Realize the Truth about God and how God is Happiness.

18. Life! Realized!!

The present book is a personal reection of the author who

has written several books on life, happiness, and almost

Books by the Author

everything that matters in the life journey.

Like anybody else, he too spent many years
of his life chasing success and money but
then, he took an exit from this rst peak of
happiness - Achievement, transformed his
life and started living with Contentment
and Fulllment. He realized that what
mattered the most was his Life Realization.
There were many questions in his mind
and after a profound investigation, he discovered the
Truth. He decided to pen down all his realizations together
to share them with the world. Those who wish to start a
quest of self-realization and God-realization must read this
book as it will direct them towards the path which will help
them realize the Truth.

19. True Love is Bliss...Not Just a Kiss

True Love is bliss, not just a kiss. It is sad that

Love which is the source of joy and happiness,
is not understood by the world. The world
thinks of Love to be just hugs and kisses,
romance and sex. Is this True Love? No. True
Love is Love from the Soul. It is Divine Love
that manifests as Love from the day we are
born to the day we die. Stop! Discover True
Love and live your life with eternal bliss and joy.

Books by the Author

20. True Meaning of Yoga

Yoga, today, is primarily taught as a set of

body postures or Asanas. Some take it a step
further and include breathing exercises
referred to as Pranayama. But this is not true
Yoga! This may be good for our physical
well-being but true Yoga is something
completely different. Those who think that
Yoga is just about stretching the body will
be in for a big surprise when they read this book. It will trigger
their mind and help them overcome the misconceptions
about Yoga. Yoga, in reality, is a Union with the Divine.
There is no doubt that as part of the entire Yogic
experience, some saints advocated certain body postures
and breathing exercises to be a part of the overall Yoga
practice, but most denitely, these by themselves are not
Yoga. This book attempts to explain everything about
Yoga, its actual meaning and signicance, how it must be
practised and how through Yoga, one can be liberated and
experience Ultimate Bliss and Divine Peace.

21. The Ultimate Goal of Life, MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment,


What is the Ultimate Goal of life? The whole world believes

Books by the Author

it is to be happy, to escape from misery and

suffering. If we want to escape from all
misery to live a life of Eternal Peace and
Everlasting Joy, the answer is MEN -
Moksha, Enlightenment, and Nirvana.
These are the three most tenable concepts
that help us reach our Ultimate Goal of
Liberation and then Unication with the
Divine. The words may be different, but
this is the one secret to everlasting Happiness. Let us
discover how to live a life that teaches us the A to Z of
Spirituality and helps us achieve Bliss and Peace. This book
will show us a path that is beyond religion, a path that will
make us Realize the Truth and will liberate us from misery
and sorrow.

22. Religion! A Kindergarten to Spirituality

We don't choose our Religion. When we are born, we start

following a Religion based on our family's belief system.
Each Religion says that its God is the Creator of this world
and we grow up having faith in our Religion. We practice
religious dogmas without understanding what we are
doing. Very few of us actually touch the subject of
Spirituality - a study of the Spirit, the Soul or the Life-
Energy within us. Less than 1% of humanity stops and asks

Books by the Author

questions about the validity of what their

Religion preaches and passionately follows
the path of Spirituality with the aim of Self-
Realization and God-Realization. They
realize the Truth about God and understand
that whatever they were taught was very
basic, that Religion is just a kindergarten to
Spirituality. The present book explains the
fact that Religion is only the rst step
towards God-Realization but we get so pulled into rituals
and superstitions that we do not pursue a Spiritual path
that makes us investigate the Truth about God.

23. Why Bad things can't Happen to Good people!

Somebody questioned AiR, “Why do bad

things happen to good people?” He
answered without a doubt, “Bad things
can't happen to good people, just like
apples can't grow on mango trees. Such is
the law of the universe.” While AiR sent
out his answer to the question, he
realized that many people in this world
live in ignorance with this belief and it is
really sad that they think that bad things happen to good
people. This made him write this book. Many authors and

Books by the Author

philosophers have questioned the power of the Divine. But

the present book by AiR will help us understand the truth
that this world has been created by the Divine and it
operates through certain Universal Laws. These laws need
no intervention by the Creator. We must understand that
the Creator is not micromanaging the problems that
confront us. Whatever happens to people is controlled by a
law and very few people are fortunate to discover this
secret as to why things happen, both good and bad, to
every human being who lives on earth.

24. LIFE is...

Liberation from Ignorance and Finding true Enlightenment

What is Life all about? Most people exist, but

they don't truly live. They just zoom from
womb to tomb, and then life is over. They
don't stop to think, “What is the purpose of
my life? What am I truly seeking?” In the
pursuit of happiness, success, and
achievement, people don't realize that
though they may gain a lot of these, they lose
their most precious gift – Life itself. The purpose of our
Life, in fact, is to realize that we are prisoners, slaves who
are imprisoned in the cages of misery and misfortune. We

Books by the Author

continue to live and suffer due to our ignorance. This book

shares the author's experience of Life, how he too lived in
ignorance till his Spiritual Master led him on a quest, which
led him to the Realization of the Truth and the true
meaning of L I F E : LIBERATION from IGNORANCE and

And Now…

25. The Ladder to Heaven

Coming soon

26. Soul

If you have any questions on happiness, suffering, success,
life, rebirth, liberation or anything related to spirituality,
you can visit Ask AiR, ask your questions and AiR will
answer them.

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The Ladder to Heaven
Is there a Ladder to Heaven? If we pray, will we be able to go to
Heaven? And, is there a place called Heaven? Has anybody seen
it? Has anybody gone there? What happens after death? The
body remains on earth - it returns to dust. Then who goes to

Heaven is nothing but being with God. It is not a physical

domain. We human beings live and die in ignorance. We don’t
know who God is, where God is and what God is, but God is.
When will we realize that God is not a person, God is a power
and that there is a way to unite with that power; there is a way to
become one with God. But we have to climb the Ladder. We must
rst believe in God and then pray, and not only live with faith,
hope and trust, but we must also love God.

But these are just the rst steps on the Ladder. We have to go on a
quest; we have to overcome ignorance and realize God. This
book is a step by step method that will help us climb the virtual
Ladder to Heaven and unite us with God. Let’s start the journey!


AiR Institute of Realization
Ask Investigat e Realize

Kemp Fort Mall, #97, Old Airport Road, Bangalore - 560017

+91 9845155555 | |

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