From YOGA To MOKSHA Compressed
From YOGA To MOKSHA Compressed
From YOGA To MOKSHA Compressed
ISBN 978-93-340-7089-7
All rights reserved.
1. What Is Yoga? 7
2. What Is Moksha? 11
8. Everything Is Maya 35
11. Dharma 47
22. Enlightenment 91
POEM 113
About The Author
AiR - Atman in Ravi
Like anybody else, AiR started his life being religious. He built
a Shiva temple in 1995. Subsequently, inspired by his Guru, he
realized that God lives in the temple of our heart and he
changed the name of the temple to Shivoham Shiva Temple. Now,
he doesn't pray to Shiva but prays through Shiva, to SIP, the
Supreme Immortal Power that is nameless and formless,
birthless and deathless, the Divine Power that is everywhere, in
everything. His Realizations resulted in his own
metamorphosis as he realized that we are the Soul, the Atman, a
part of the Supreme Immortal Power. He let go of his given
About the Author - AiR
name and called himself AiR – Atman in Ravi, which means, the
Soul embodied as Ravi. AiR, now, lives as an instrument of the
Divine, doing His Divine Will.
What then, is the way to Eternal Bliss? How can one attain
Moksha or Nirvana? The way is Yoga. For one to live a life of
Everlasting Happiness, one must live like a Yogi. But how does
one reach that state of Yoga, living like a Yogi, all the time? In
this book, we will discover the way to Moksha through Yoga.
We will realize that when we are in Yoga, we will experience a
Divine union that elevates us to being a manifestation of the
Divine. We will open our real eyes and realize that I am not 'I',
rather, I am a Spark Of Unique Life, I am the Soul. This
Realization will help us achieve our goal - To be liberated in the
moment of death and attain Moksha, our ultimate destination.
Anybody can start this journey to Moksha but only a true Yogi
will reach the destination. Who is a true Yogi? How does he
remain in Yoga? What are the various states of Yoga? This book
will reveal it all but then, it's up to us. We can choose either
Yoga or Bhoga. We can either live our life and reach the
conclusion or continue to live in the illusion with confusion.
Yoga actually comes from the word 'Yuj', which means, 'union'.
It is a union between the Soul and the Supreme. Yoga is a state
of being, a state of bliss and peace and a state of Divine
Consciousness. When one is in this state of Yoga, one is away
from all the trials and tribulations of life. Yoga liberates us from
all misery and sorrow. It creates Consciousness in today and
now, and stops us from jumping into yesterday and tomorrow.
Unfortunately, the term 'Yoga' has been misunderstood,
misinterpreted and misused.
What Is Yoga?
What Is Yoga?
We all use mobile phones and know how they work. Without a
SIM card, a mobile cannot connect to the network. When we
activate the SIM, it connects to the satellite and we see the
symbol on our screen. This shows that we are connected. Then,
we need to switch on the data in order to let information flow
through the internet. Otherwise, we would be connected but
not be able to communicate with the web world. Yoga is similar
to this. It is the connection of our individual Soul Consciousness
to the Supreme Consciousness. When there is a connection, one
is in Yoga, one is united with the Divine. It is when we are
connected to the Divine in this state of Yoga that we can
communicate with the Supreme. However, if the connection
snaps, there can be no union. We can start roaming because of
the thoughts of our mind and lose the Yogic connection. Don't
we experience how a SIM card sometimes roams and connects
to a wrong network? So does our mind. It is like a monkey that
jumps from thought to thought, only to disrupt our Yoga.
The mind is our biggest enemy. It does not want us to reach that
state of Yoga, for if we do, then in Consciousness, we will
Realize the Truth and the mind will be no more. So, it works
hard to stop us from being in that state of Consciousness called
What Is Yoga?
People say, 'I am going to do Yoga.' You can't do Yoga! You have
be in Yoga. Yoga is a state of being. It is not some action or
exercise that we can perform. Yoga is tapping into the
Consciousness within that vibrates from the Soul. It is
connecting the Soul Consciousness with the Supreme
Consciousness that we call, God. The Supreme Immortal
Power, SIP, manifests in each one of us as the Soul, a Spark Of
Unique Life. When the manifestation becomes Realization, we
are in a state of Yoga. Yoga liberates us from the body and mind
and in Soul Consciousness, connects us with our source.
Then, we experience the ecstasy of Yoga, peace, joy, love
and bliss.
What Is Moksha?
What Is Moksha?
one could dream of. Still, he renounced the world, his beautiful
queen, his young prince and the palace to attain what was then
called, Moksha and what he called, Nirvana.
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
What Is Moksha?
When we Realize the Truth that we are not this body, when we
try to find the mind but realize that we cannot find the mind, we
realize that the ego is a false identity. We realize that we are that
Power of life that arrives at conception and departs at death. If
this Realization is experienced not just as knowledge but as a
real internal experience, we achieve Mukti or freedom from the
triple suffering of the body, mind and ego.
One who achieves Mukti is still alive in a body with a Mind and
Ego that says ME. However, a Spiritually Awakened person,
who is Enlightened, realizes that he has a body but he is not the
body. The Mind and Ego, ME, appears to be but it is only the
software of our human existence. One who is self-realized
becomes free from the body, mind and ego. He then, lives as a
liberated Soul till the moment of death.
Every 'body', dies! Nobody can escape death but what happens
at death? In most cases, the body dies but the Mind and Ego,
ME, carries Karma and returns to earth in a rebirth, to suffer
again, the triple suffering of the body, mind and ego. However,
if one attains Moksha or Liberation, he has realized that I am not
the body, mind and ego. I am the Divine Soul. In the moment of
death of the body, the one who has achieved Mukti or freedom
from ignorance does not return in a rebirth because he has
realized that he is not the Mind and Ego, ME, that carries Karma
What Is Moksha?
Most of us just live and die. We don't Realize the Truth of, 'Who
am I?' The moment we are gone, we are reborn. We experience
trauma because we are not free from Karma and therefore, we
have to return to this drama on earth. Our goal is Moksha. Our
goal is not to be reborn but be united with the Supreme. Because
we do not go on a quest to Realize the Truth and because we do
not take the help of a Realized Master or an Enlightened Guru,
we continue to remain in ignorance and suffer. Mukti is the first
stage of Liberation from the triple suffering on earth and
Moksha is the ultimate state of freedom from rebirth. Every
human being has a goal - To realize that he is the Soul and then,
to be united with the Supreme. This is the purpose of our life on
The Journey From
Yoga To Moksha
Moksha is the destination. Yoga is the journey. If we want to
enjoy both, we must take the Yogic voyage to Moksha. Yes, every
moment spent in Yoga is bliss and Moksha is being liberated
from all unhappiness. Moksha is freedom from the cycle of
rebirth and Yoga gives us freedom from all misery on earth.
The Journey From Yoga To Moksha
But can Yoga directly lead to Moksha? No, it can't! Yoga will
ultimately lead to Mukti or freedom, when one is alive. Moksha
is possible only in that moment of death. If there is no Realization,
there will be reincarnation. Yoga helps first, in reaching a state
of Realization. It is with Yoga that there is Illumination of the
truth that begins with Purification of thought. However, the
ultimate Liberation and Unification can only happen when we
are freed from the body-mind complex. Therefore, the journey
of Yoga is about being liberated, first, while alive in the state
The Journey From Yoga To Moksha
called Mukti. How does a Yogi reach Mukti? A Yogi realizes that
this world is a Leela, a drama or a show. We come and we go. A
Yogi realizes that everything is Maya, a Cosmic Illusion.
Therefore, a Yogi lives with detached attachment. Pleasures,
possessions and people do not imprison a Yogi and the one who
passes the test, who does not fail and does not sink in Bhoga,
starts to live a life of a Yogi and moves forward.
The Journey From Yoga To Moksha
The 4 States Of Yoga
One can start their day with Dhyana Yoga. When we wake up in
the morning, we have two options – Either we jump into the
material world of action or remain calm in meditation. In the
modern world, most people wake up from sleep and either
switch on their mobile, the television or their laptop. We are so
The 4 States Of Yoga
attracted to the material world that we do not start our day with
Yoga but suppose one wakes up with stillness, with silence and
contemplation on the Divine, this is known as Dhyana Yoga, or
the Yoga of meditation. A true Yogi will spend between 5 minutes
to an hour in complete silence, before jumping into the day.
This practice to start our day with meditation can help us in our
The 4 States Of Yoga
takes a backseat. And yet, there are a few, who convert their
work or Karma into Karma Yoga. They work but offer their
work to the Divine as a humble offering. Of course, they need to
survive but they are not greedy about getting the fruit as a
result of their actions. They accept whatever comes as they live
as a Divine Instrument, doing Karma with the belief - 'I am
nothing, I do nothing. You, O Lord, do everything.' Karma with
such an attitude becomes Karma Yoga. It creates a union, a
connection with the Divine. In fact, many of us spend most of
our time in Karma. It becomes Karma Bhoga or actions that are
performed to achieve results. But those who are on the journey
of Yoga and Moksha, move from achievement to fulfilment.
They live with contentment. They work to fulfil their need but
don't let it become a greed. They remain in Yoga, with every
action, getting inspiration from the Divine.
Yoga is one. Some people think that there are different types of
Yoga but in reality, we as a human being, can either be in Yoga,
in union with the Divine or in Bhoga, obsessed by the world. To
remain in Yoga, the world talks of these 4 states - Dhyana Yoga,
Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Gyana Yoga. Whatever state of
Yoga that we are in, the challenge of Yoga is to transcend the
ego. The moment the 'I' appears, there is no Yoga. Yoga only
The 4 States Of Yoga
I Discovered
The 5th State Of Yoga
On my Spiritual journey, I tried to live as a Yogi. I learnt the art
of moving from one state of Yoga to another and I found not just
peace but I could also see myself evolving on the journey of
Spiritual Awakening. I used to spend time in Dhyana Yoga, in
silent meditation, when I woke up and several times in a day, I
would spend time, singing devotional songs or Bhajans, in
Bhakti Yoga. I would get into the day with Karma Yoga and I
found myself spending a lot of time in Gyana Yoga, especially
when I was on my Talaash or my Spiritual quest to
I was not just a Jigyasu, who is thirsty and curious for knowledge
but I was also a Mumukshu, who had that deep love and longing
for God and for Liberation. A combination of this probably
helped me when I found myself in Bhoga, sinking in the material
world of desires and passion. Like anybody else, I too was a
slave of my senses and mind but I tried to find a way to remain
in Yoga, that state of Yuj or union, which would ultimately lead
me to Mukti or Moksha.
I Discovered The 5th State Of Yoga
I Discovered The 5th State Of Yoga
I was deeply in love with God, my Lord Shiva but how could I
love God? I would shed tears in entreaty, out of my love. But it
was only with the grace of God that I found loving people
become my love for God.
Prema Yoga is not just for the beloved. It is for any living creature.
When we see every Soul as Divine, it allows us to move into the
state of Prema Yoga, the Yoga of Divine Love or Divine
manifestation. We don't react with agitation but we respond
with compassion, forgiveness and love. This is only because we
are able to be in Prema Yoga, the 5 state of Yoga that I was
blessed to discover.
I Discovered The 5th State Of Yoga
Prema Yoga is Love for the Divine, beneath the Bone and Skin.
It is unconditional Love that is the Yoga of Divine Manifestation.
Yoga Versus Bhoga
What is Bhoga? Like Yoga comes from the word Yuj, Bhoga
essentially means, to enjoy. But in context of Yoga and Moksha,
Bhoga becomes lust or passion for pleasure that stops us from
our Spiritual journey and makes us sink in the material world of
pleasures, possessions and people. Yoga comes from Yuj or
union and the root of Bhoga is Bhuj or one who consumes or
enjoys. While a Yogi is in union with the Divine, enjoying
Eternal Bliss in Truth Consciousness, a Bhogi is busy consuming
objects of the material world and enjoying pleasures of the
senses. Thus, Bhoga imprisons us in the presence of pleasures of
the material world, possessions that we are obsessed with and
people that we passionately love. These pleasures of Bhoga
Yoga Versus Bhoga
Does it mean that a Yogi who is in Yoga must not enjoy the
pleasures of this world? No! A Yogi can enjoy all pleasures,
provided they are accepted as Prasadam - what we receive as a
result of our good Karma. But when we go beyond acceptance
of pleasures and it becomes a pursuit of passion, then we exit
the state of Yoga and sink in the state of Bhoga.
Who creates Bhoga and stops us from Yoga and why? It is the
mind. The mind creates desires, which become Bhoga, which
unites us with the material world. As these desires create a link,
which get us connected to the material world, we become
disconnected with the Spiritual world. This is a big problem!
We forget the essential questions – 'Who am I? What is my
purpose on earth?' We live as the body, mind and ego and enjoy
Yoga Versus Bhoga
Bhoga or the pleasures of the world. One day, we die and return
to earth in a rebirth. Bhoga gets us caught in this cycle of
reincarnation. Unless there is Realization, we cannot escape
Bhoga and for Realization, we need Yoga. The mind opposes the
subject of Yoga and Realization because the moment we are
Enlightened with the Truth, the mind ceases to exist. The mind
is nothing but a bundle of thoughts that is creating desires. It is
the Mind and Ego, ME, that leaves the body at the moment of
death and is reborn. If the mind doesn't create Bhoga or passion
and we succeed in Yoga, taking us to Liberation or Moksha, it
will ring the death knell of the mind. Therefore, the mind
struggles hard and manipulates the senses of the body to desire
and crave, till we reach our grave.
Yoga Versus Bhoga
have to cut the tail of the MonkEY Mind, the EY that is Ever-
Yelling and Ever-Yearning. Then, we can move from Bhoga to
This World Is A Leela
What is the meaning of Leela? The ancient sages and saints have
repeated this several times that while we think that this is 'my'
mother, father, husband, wife, house and car, in reality, nothing
is mine. It's like a movie. It appears that all these are mine but in
reality, they are not. We did not bring anything with us and we
cannot take anything with us when we go, just like in a show,
when finally, the screen will display 'The End'. We have to leave
behind even this body that we think is 'me'. Nobody can escape
from this Leela, this drama. Because of our ignorance, we
experience trauma because we don't realize that life is a drama
and everything is unfolding as per Karma.
This World Is A Leela
Actors come and actors go in movies and dramas and the same
happens in this show called life. We are not going to be here
forever. Just like an actor acts in many movies, we too will be
reborn and this will go on and on. An actor may die in one
drama but then, he comes alive to play a new role in the next
drama. So also, it happens in this Leela. This body that we wear
is not our true identity. One day, we will give up this costume,
our name, our relationships and our possessions. We will leave
this earth but we will return in a rebirth. Such is the Leela of life.
In a drama or movie, the blood that is spilt is red sauce. But in
the life drama, we experience both pleasure and pain, sun and
rain, loss and gain. We all feel glad, just as we feel sad. But we
are mad. We don't realize that we have an opportunity to be free
from the trauma of this drama. We don't realize that if we
transcend Karma, we can attain Moksha. And this is because we
This World Is A Leela
don't learn the magic called Yoga. If only we live like a Yogi, we
can be free from this Leela of life and attain the ultimate goal of
This World Is A Leela
Everything Is Maya
What have we been taught from the time when we were kids?
We have been taught that there is a God and each one of us
believes in our personal God. We believe the lie that God lives
in the sky. Then, we go on to believe that God has created this
universe. We accept without protest and we don't ask, 'How
and Why?' If God created this magical universe, where did the
raw material come from? Did God create the 5 elements - earth,
water, fire, air and space? Where did these elements come from
and ultimately, where did God come from?
Everything Is Maya
A villager once came to the town and his friend took him for a movie.
While they were watching the movie, the villager was asked, 'What do
you see?' The excited villager replied, 'I see horses!' It was a movie on
war and his friend asked him, 'What else do you see?' 'I see elephants,'
he replied. 'No,' said the friend, 'Look deeper. What do you see?' The
villager contemplated and said, 'Deep within, I see the skies with a lot
of dust.' As they were talking, it was interval time. 'Now what do you
see?' the friend asked. The villager said, 'Now there is nothing. It is
just a blank screen.' Just like the villager was seeing all the
projections on the screen, we see the projections that create this
world and we think that they are real but in reality, everything
is a projection. You and me, the butterfly and the bee, the tree,
the mountain and the sea, everything is nothing but energy. We
human beings begin our journey as the Soul, a Spark Of Unique
Life. Then, the cell multiplies and we become 2 cells and then 4
and then 16 and so on till ultimately, we arrive on earth as a 25-
billion-celled baby. But what are we, in essence? We are
nothing but energy. When the energy departs, we are declared
dead. There is no breath. Then, we disintegrate into the 5
elements of nature.
Everything Is Maya
Haven't you heard scientists say that they know only less than
5% of what this universe is made up of? According to science,
more than 95% of the world is, what they call, the dark matter or
the dark energy. In reality, this is what Spirituality has been
saying for thousands of years. Spirituality calls this Maya and
science calls it a projection or an illusion but the truth is simple.
Everything in this world is nothing but energy. A Yogi who
lives in Yoga, realizes this, till he achieves the ultimate goal of
Moksha. What does the Yogi realize? He realizes that in a gold
jewellery shop, we see a bangle, necklace, a chain or a ring but in
reality, there is nothing else but gold in everything. These
ornaments may appear to be ornaments but they are not what
they appear as. There is gold in everything. If you remove the
gold, there is nothing, no chain, no ring. These pieces of
jewellery are just an effect. The cause is God. This is Maya. We
forget the gold and we say that it is a ring. But in reality, if you
remove the gold, there is no ring. The ring is just a manifestation
of the gold. We understand this clearly but we don't realize that
we are all manifestations of the Divine. We are all effects. The
cause is energy, Divine energy. Spirituality calls it SIP, a Supreme
Everything Is Maya
Maya, the Cosmic Illusion has two Powers. First, it conceals the
truth, like a movie conceals the screen. Then, it projects the
myth and we see this drama, this Leela, this show, as real. The
ultimate reality is that the world is nothing but energy and this
energy is nothing but the Divine Power that we call, God. This
world is a manifestation of God and not a creation of God.
Everything that we see in this world has not been created by
God. God is appearing as the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds,
the animals and the flowers.
The Life Of A Yogi
With Mumukshutva and Jigyasa, the yearning for the Divine and
the thirst for the truth, one spends time in Dhyana Yoga or the
The Life Of A Yogi
A Yogi lives in Yoga. His life moves from one state of Yoga to
another. It hardly matters to the Yogi, whether the Yoga is
through Bhakti or devotion or Karma or the Yoga of action. The
hallmark of a Yogi's life is that it is devoid of any Bhoga, desire
and passion for the material world. Therefore, a Yogi moves
from one state of Yoga to another, without losing the Yogic
network. Meditation, devotion, action and education, these are
the 4 common states of Yoga through which, the life of a Yogi,
passes. He has the Realization and the Illumination that keeps
him tied in Yoga. He may or may not practice Asana and
Pranayama, the physical posture or exercise and breathing
techniques but for sure, a Yogi spends a lot of time in silence.
The Life Of A Yogi
When I tried to live a life of a Yogi and there was a deep and
intense love for God, I was blessed with the 5 state of Yoga, the
Yoga of Divine manifestation or Prema Yoga. In this state of
Yoga, my Realization led me to see the Divine in one and all, to
love everyone as God and to serve the suffering humanity as
manifestations of the Supreme. Therefore, my Yogic experience
had expanded and instead of the Bhoga of lust for the skin, I
started to love the Divine that was within. It made my life of a
Yogi more sorted because then, it was easy not to slip into Bhoga
and I saw everybody as a manifestation of the Divine. Thus,
Prema Yoga or the Yoga of Divine manifestation has made my
life as a Yogi, successful.
The Life Of A Yogi
bird and even in my pet dog and I remain in Prema Yoga, loving
the Soul as SIP. This helps me transcend the maladies of the
What are the signs of being a Yogi? A Yogi's life transcends fear,
worry, stress, anxiety, regret, shame, guilt and depression. It is
very rare for a true Yogi to express anger, hate, vengefulness
and jealousy. This only shows that the Yoga is very weak and
the Yogi can become a Bhogi, if this happens. My personal
experience has taught me that while it is not easy to live a life of
a true Yogi, if one is truly committed to the journey of Moksha,
one can live in Yoga, transiting from one state of Yoga to
another, without slipping into the material world of Bhoga.
However, true Yogis are rare. Those who are not fully
enlightened, get enamoured by the glitz and glamour of the
material world and get lost in Bhoga.
The Ancient Purushartha
Man was to live life attaining these 4 Purushartha. The first was
Dharma, which has no literal translation. It is basically living
with righteousness, ethics and moral values. Then, man should
attain economic prosperity or Artha. This called for man to take
up a profession or an occupation. Every man would then want
Kama. Most people think that Kama is just lust but Kama also
encompasses pleasure, passion, love and the desire for
happiness. While the purpose of life was Dharma, Artha and
Kama, the ultimate purpose was Moksha. Every man had just one
ultimate objective. It was to be liberated from all suffering on
earth and then, be free from the cycle of death and rebirth.
The Ancient Purushartha
No doubt, times have changed and the 4 quarters of life that were
prescribed during the time of the ancient Purushartha, are not so
relevant today. In the good old days, people would start their
life with Brahmacharya. Their education was as per the Gurukul
system where they were taught to walk with God – Brahma
Charya or God-walk. This was considered to be the first Ashrama
or stage of life. Then, one would move on to the second stage -
To live like a householder. This was called Grihastha. Here, man
would get married, build a family, earn and spend but this was
just the second stage. In the ancient days, man would then
move to the third stage called Vanaprastha. This literally means
to live as a forest-dweller or a hermit. Man would then, prepare
himself for the ultimate stage of renunciation and godliness
called Sanyasa.
The Ancient Purushartha
The Ancient Purushartha
Our Mind Makes Us Blind
We all talk of the mind but where is the mind, we cannot find.
Still, it makes us blind and leaves the truth behind. If we want to
achieve our life purpose of Realization, Liberation and
Unification with the Divine, we have to kill the mind.
Otherwise, there can be no Mukti and no Moksha. As long as we
are imprisoned by the mind, the truth, we can never find.
Our Mind Makes Us Blind
Have you ever seen the mind? What does it look like? Is it round
like a ball? Immediately, the mind will confuse you and make
you think of the brain. We know that the brain is in our head but
the brain is not the mind. The brain is the hardware whereas,
the mind is the software. Nobody has seen the mind and
nobody knows where we can find the mind but still, the mind
continues to make us blind.
Our Mind Makes Us Blind
follow the herd. We don't fly like a bird to Ask, Investigate and
Realize the Truth. Our mind does not let us realize because it
doesn't allow us to open our real eyes. It stops us from
activating our intellect in Consciousness and makes us remain
blind. All this is done by the mind, which we cannot find. And
unfortunately, the truth is left behind.
Who stops us from Yoga? It is the mind. Yoga is union with the
Divine. It is that state of Consciousness, where there are no
thoughts. Who bombards us with thoughts? The mind! Who
robs our peace? The mind! Wherever there is a piece of mind,
there can be no peace of mind and thus, no Yoga. Therefore,
who is the biggest enemy of Moksha, our ultimate purpose? It is
the mind! Unless we still the mind, peace, we cannot find nor
will we follow the right Dharma and be in that state of Yoga to
reach our ultimate destination, Moksha.
Our Mind Makes Us Blind
that we are the body, mind and ego. We don't realize the simple
truth that we are the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. What were
we when we were conceived? We were just one cell of existence,
the zygote. Then, the cells multiplied and ultimately, the body
was formed and the body that we appear to be, thinks that we
are the Mind and Ego, ME. One day, when the Soul or life
energy departs, the body will die and return to dust. But
because of ignorance, the Mind and Ego that thinks it's ME,
carries its unsettled Karma and returns to earth in a rebirth. If
only we kill the mind, transcend the ego and realize that we are
neither the body that dies nor the mind that we cannot find nor
the ego that says, 'I', we will be liberated from rebirth and attain
Moksha, Unification with the Divine.
Consciousness And
The Intellect
As we try to still the mind and kill the mind, we move into a
state of Consciousness. What is Consciousness? It is a state of
Thoughtlessness. Some people call it Mindfulness. It is that
state of Awareness, in which we become a witness, an observer
of this Cosmic Drama, this Leela and the unfolding of Maya, the
Cosmic Illusion. Unless we are in Consciousness, we will be
constantly attacked by the mind but in this state of
Consciousness, there is no mind. The mind is just a bundle of
thoughts. When we slow down the MTR, the Mental Thought
Rate, from 50 thoughts a minute to letting the thoughts appear
in our Consciousness, one by one, then we are in a state of
Consciousness and will be able to discriminate our thoughts
through our intellect.
Consciousness And The Intellect
Life and our journey of life, in essence, is about moving from the
state of mind to the state of Consciousness. If we do not flip over
to this state of Thoughtlessness, we cannot live in Yoga. Yoga is
a state of Yuj or union and the mind is causing a constant
disconnection and pulling us into Bhoga. Along with the 5
senses – eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin, our mind creates so
much desire and passion that we are lost in the mind. We are
caught in thought! However, when we withdraw into
Consciousness, we become like a tortoise that is no more
attacked by external enemies. Being in Consciousness creates a
shell of protection and we evolve in our journey of Realization
and Liberation.
Consciousness And The Intellect
This is our challenge because the monkey mind does not want
us to be a monk. The moment we still the mind and kill the
mind, it ceases to exist. There will be peace and in
Consciousness, the intellect will shine.
Consciousness And The Intellect
Importance Of A Guru
Importance Of A Guru
Importance Of A Guru
Importance Of A Guru
Not everybody is blessed to find the right Guru and so, it is rare
to develop that bond with the Master, to obey the Guru and to
reach our ultimate purpose of Moksha or Liberation.
We Need Mukti Or Freedom
We Need Mukti Or Freedom
Then comes the ego – Mukti or freedom from 'I' and this comes
from the Realization that I am not 'I'. I am not the body because
one day, it will die. I am the Divine Soul. This is Mukti. Freedom
from the Mind and Ego, ME and the Realization that I am
We Need Mukti Or Freedom
Many people understand the concept that I am the Soul and not
the body, mind and ego but still, they don't attain Mukti. They
remain a slave, till they reach their grave. One who attains
Mukti is liberated but one who does not, returns to earth in a
rebirth, carrying Karma. The body dies but we are not free from
Karma. Mukti is the ability to realize, 'I am not the one, who
does Karma. I am a Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life and the Soul
does not do Karma nor does the Soul get the results of Karma.'
Mukti is thus, Liberation from Karma.
There are many people who are Gyani, the wise ones but they
are not Jivanmukta. They live behind the prison bars of desires,
passions, attachments and ignorance. They are unable to use
their willpower to live the Realization of the Truth. They may
be Yogis but they fail and fall into Bhoga, this material world
and then, they sink! Their senses and their mind imprison them
in material pleasures and possessions and they fail in their
ultimate battle, even though they know the truth. Such people
We Need Mukti Or Freedom
The Journey Of PIRLU
Most people don't know who God is. They don't pause to find
out where God is or what God is. It seems that they pray but the
truth is that when we don't know what we say and to whom we
pray, then we just bray. If one is sincere on this journey, one will
seek God and love God so deeply that their love and longing
will make them Realize the Truth about God. God is not God.
God is SIP, a Supreme Immortal Power. Though most of us
know this and understand it, we don't realize it and if there is no
Realization, there can be no Liberation. Therefore, what is the
method to arrive at this Realization? Of course, we have learnt
that it is from Yoga that we get to Moksha. But how can we live in
The Journey Of PIRLU
The Journey Of PIRLU
Only those who pass the first stage of Purification, reach the
next state of Illumination. What do we understand by
Illumination? Illumination is when there is light. If we enter a
large mansion and there is no light at all, at first, we switch on
one switch to create illumination in the foyer, since the mansion
is in darkness. Then, we have enough light to see where we are.
But still, there is darkness everywhere. We cannot take a broom
and sweep away the darkness from each room. But each room
has a light. One-by-one, we can create illumination, till
ultimately, the entire mansion is illuminated. We understand
this very clearly but we don't understand the darkness that is
within. We don't realize that I am not 'I'. We don't realize that
we are not the Mind and Ego that says, 'ME'. We all believe that
one day, we will die and will need to face a God in the skies, on
the day of judgement. All this is nothing but a lie but because
there is no Purification of thoughts, there is no Illumination and
therefore, no elimination of darkness. Just like when we walk
inside a dark mansion, we trip and fall, so throughout life, we
fall and suffer. Those who experience Illumination, start the
journey of bliss, as they overcome misery and sorrow. They
learn to live in the present moment. They don't jump from
yesterday to tomorrow. This is because of Illumination.
Therefore, what is Illumination? It is coming to know of the
truth. Illumination is wisdom and right knowledge but it is not
The Journey Of PIRLU
M – Mumukshutva
A – Ability to Ask
G – Grace and Guidance
I – Intelligence Over Ignorance
C – Consciousness
It starts with Mumukshutva, that deep love and longing for the
Divine and for Liberation. Without being a Mumukshu or the
one who is passionate for the Supreme, one will not get the
impetus, the Power or the momentum to launch into the orbit of
Awakening. Mumukshutva is an obsession, the one and only
desire of a true seeker of Moksha. Like a fire, this grows and
sometimes, it takes time. But the more passionate our journey
is, more are the chances of us attaining Moksha. Moksha is not
guaranteed for all. Only a rare few, who seek it, find it. But if
there is no passionate Power backing our desire for Moksha,
there is very little chance to attain this state of Moksha or
When one has a deep passion for the Divine, then he must move
to the 2 step of MAGIC, the Ability to Ask, to question
everything about life, God and themselves. It is this
questioning that will propel one forward in the journey to
Moksha. Only having Mumukshutva is not enough. We also need
the complete MAGIC and asking takes us forward step-by-
step. It disentangles us from the myth and makes us Realize the
Truth. 'Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die?
Where will I go? Is there a heaven and a hell? Who is God? Where
is God? What is God? What is Enlightenment, Salvation,
Liberation?' One must keep asking these questions and getting
answers and for this, one needs the next letter of MAGIC – The
letter G.
The key or central piece of MAGIC is the grace of the Divine and
the guidance of the Guru. If you remove this from MAGIC,
there will be no magic! If one has passion and asks questions
and tries to be in Consciousness but does not have Divine grace
that manifests as the guidance of the Guru, he will wander, live
and die, only to return to earth in a rebirth. This will go on and
on, as one is reborn. It is a Guru, who will guide us towards each
step of the magic. The Guru will help us build our faith and love
for the Divine. The Guru will encourage us to ask questions. It is
the Enlightened Master, who will teach us how to use our
intellect to overcome ignorance and flip from mind to
Consciousness. Therefore, we must not undervalue or
underestimate the need and the Power of grace and guidance
from a Guru.
There Are 8 Stages Of
Spiritual Awakening
To be Spiritually Awakened or Enlightened, one has to embark
on another journey within the journey of Yoga to Moksha. No
doubt, one is trying to use Yoga to attain that destination of
Moksha but if one does not attain Enlightenment, Yoga will not
take us to Moksha. Yoga to Moksha is no doubt, a direct path but
can every Yogi attain Moksha? This is not guaranteed. A Yogi
must go through the 8 stages of Spiritual Awakening step-by-
step, otherwise, there will be Yoga but Moksha will remain a
There Are 8 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening
There Are 8 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening
We have all heard the term, 'Buddha'. Its root lies in the word -
Buddh, the Awakened One or the Enlightened One. When does
a Yogi become a Buddh? It is in that moment of Spiritual
Awakening, known as Enlightenment. When the Divine light
of truth shines and the darkness within is dissolved, the Buddh
awakens to realize, 'Who am I?' He realizes that he is a
manifestation of the Divine. As a Gyani, he has the knowledge
but it is only as a Yogi that the knowledge experiences
crystallization and there is Realization. Once the state of
Buddha is attained, one does not need to memorize or to
analyse for one has Realized the Truth.
There Are 8 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening
The 4 Doors To
One must cross 4 doors to be able to reach the stage of
Liberation or Moksha. While there is no doubt that Yoga is the
way, we must move from one state of Yoga to another and not
sink in Bhoga. Of course, we must realize that this world is a
Leela, a show. It is Maya, an illusion. We must do our Dharma
with the aspiration of Moksha. We must transcend the mind and
live in Consciousness. We must have a Guru, a Spiritually
Awakened Master to guide us. Then, stage-by-stage, we will
evolve through Purification and Illumination, to that magical
state of Mukti, which will ultimately take us to Moksha.
Knowing this, we still need to open the 4 doors and move ahead
to reach that ultimate destination. What are the 4 doors?
The 4 Doors To Liberation
The 4 Doors To Liberation
The 4 Doors To Liberation
What if one does not have these 4 keys? He will live and die.
Death is certain. Every 'body' must die but if we don't attain
Moksha, we will return to earth in a rebirth. As a human being,
we are privileged and blessed that we have the possibility of
passing through these 4 doors. But instead, if we choose to live
with our animal instincts, we will not only suffer on earth but
return in a rebirth, only to suffer again and again.
The Spiritual
Jigsaw Puzzle
If Realization and Liberation were easy to attain, everybody
could achieve them. But they are not. Compare it to children,
who are given a 10,000-pieces jigsaw puzzle. The children are
lost but somehow, with patience and persistence, some of them
get engrossed in the challenge of completing the puzzle. We
often see this in countries, where there is winter for several
months and children have no option but to stay indoors for
several hours, more out of a compulsion. And so, parents make
this, an entertainment. But why would adults sit down to solve
a Spiritual Jigsaw Puzzle? Unless they are passionate about
reaching destination Liberation, people will not even attempt
to start the puzzle.
The Spiritual Jigsaw Puzzle
The Spiritual Jigsaw Puzzle
The Spiritual Jigsaw Puzzle
Some of us believe that God created this world and some don't.
Was it some Big Bang that created the world? Did we evolve
from apes? I got a few more pieces of the puzzle together. God is
omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. God is in you and
God is in me. God is in the butterfly and in the bee. God is also in
the mountain and the sea.
By now, it seemed that I had all the pieces of the puzzle together
but the pieces were not falling into the proper places. The picture
was unclear. It was on the 31st of August 2014, when I was on a
flight from Paris to Bangalore, AF-192 that I decided to do
nothing, not even to eat. I kept sipping some tea and coffee and
tried to put the pieces together. Before the flight landed, I had
solved the puzzle. I could clearly see that I was not Ravi, the one
I thought that I was for 48 years. I was the Atman in Ravi, the
Soul in Ravi. In that very moment, my life was transformed.
Not only did I change my name but I also changed my life. This
transformation started my metamorphosis. The Spiritual
Jigsaw Puzzle liberated me from crawling like a caterpillar and
let me free to fly like a beautiful butterfly. I was on my way in
my inner voyage from Yoga to Moksha.
The Inner Voyage
The Inner Voyage
Many people call this inner voyage the opening of the 3rd eye.
We imagine that we have a physical 3 eye in the centre of our
forehead and we get lost and confused in these concepts,
interpretations and understanding of the truth. The 3rd eye is
nothing but the 10 door that goes inwards. When we open the
3 eye, we go into the depth of our Consciousness to realize the
Supreme within and start our journey to Moksha.
The Inner Voyage
It's time to start the ultimate voyage of our life, a journey within.
We may cruise on the most exotic ships from continent to
continent. I took a ship to Antarctica and my Guru saw pictures
of me playing with the penguins. Then, he laughed and said,
'These voyages are amazing. But when will you start the inner
voyage?' I felt helpless for years, not knowing how to start this
voyage. Don't many of us ask this question, 'How can we go
within?' Then, one day, I realized the simple answer – If we stop
going outside, we can start going inside. It is only when we cut
off the world's pandemonium and the outside noise that we
will go within and hear the Divine Voice.
The Inner Voyage
are the Divine Soul and then, we achieve our ultimate goal of
Therefore, while Yoga is one side of the river of life and Moksha
is the other, it is often said that if we have to cross the shore, we
need to pass the bridge of Enlightenment. Enlightenment is a
spark of light. It is a moment of, 'Aha!' It is an epiphany, an
Awakening, an intuitive discovery. It happens when several
Realizations come together, just like several chemicals in a lab,
leading to a phenomenal reaction. However, nothing can be
compared to the spark of Enlightenment.
From Self-Realization
To God-Realization
Moksha is God-Realization. It is Salvation. It is Liberation from
the cycle of death and rebirth and Unification with the Divine.
Different religions will give different definitions but
ultimately, it is freedom from all suffering on earth and from
the cycle of rebirth.
God has to be realized. God is not made of bone and skin. God is
a Power that dwells within. God is nameless and formless. God
is a Power that is Supreme. God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal
Power. Just like we cannot see electricity, we cannot see God.
That does not mean that electricity does not exist or there is no
God. God is present everywhere and in everything. God is
From Self-Realization To God-Realization
From Self-Realization To God-Realization
the Soul. Not only you and me but every living creature, a dog,
a frog, a cat, a rat, a butterfly, a bee or even a tree, everything
that is alive is nothing but Soul energy. The 5 elements of nature
come together to appear as the living body. Ultimately, every
living creature dies and returns to the 5 elements. What is the
energy that remains and doesn't die? It is the Soul! Haven't we
learnt that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and it
can only be transformed from one form to another? Yes, we
have. So, when we realize that all the 8 billion people and the
trillions of animals, insects, aquatic creatures and plants are all
energy, we realize God is everywhere, in everything. This is
God-Realization. But it happens only with Self-Realization.
First, realizing who we are, the Soul and then realizing that
every living creature is also a Soul or energy.
From Self-Realization To God-Realization
What Happens At Death?
Every 'body' has to die. No living creature can escape death. But
what is death. To understand death, one must understand life.
Life starts in that moment, when we are conceived and not on
our so-called birthday. A human being is actually born about 9
months before the date on his birth certificate. That date is just
his arrival date. Once we are conceived, in that moment when 2
cells fertilize to become one, our life journey begins. Then, the
body is formed, cell by cell. The cell, powered by the SOUL, a
Spark Of Unique Life, multiplies till we ultimately become 25
billion cells and enter the planet out of our mother's womb.
What Happens At Death?
The problem of death is that it creates fear. We fear, not just the
unknown that lies beyond death but also the loss of all that is
known. We fear that we will lose everything that we own. All
our beautiful relationships and our possessions will be
snatched away in the moment of death. Therefore, we fear
death. And because the mind that creates fear, makes us blind,
we don't Realize the Truth of what happens after death.
What Happens At Death?
Who is reborn? Not the Soul! The Soul is the Spark Of Unique
Life. It is energy. It cannot be created or destroyed. It is immortal.
It gives us life from the moment of conception till the moment
we are gone. Then, it gives us Power when we are reborn. So,
who is reborn? It is not even the body that returns to ashes but
the Mind and Ego, ME.
What Happens At Death?
Transcending Karma
The Ultimate Goal of life is Moksha. Every human being has one
purpose and that is to return to the source of our existence. We
all come from SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power and our goal is
to return to SIP. We are like a wave that splashes on the beach.
Then, it returns to the ocean, only to splash, again and again. If
the wave realizes, 'I am not a wave, I am the ocean,' it will no
more splash as the wave. If we realize that we are not this body
that dies and there is no Mind and Ego, ME, they just appear to
be, we will be free. We will attain Moksha and at death, we will
not return to earth in a rebirth.
Transcending Karma
Transcending Karma
Everybody who reads this, cannot attain Moksha but those who
Realize this Truth, can. It is not enough to know that we are not
the Mind and Ego, ME. We must realize it. What is the difference?
Knowing is knowing but realizing is doing. When we Realize
the Truth, we live as the Divine instrument. We live as a Karma
Yogi, one who has no expectations from his Karma and
surrenders his actions to the Divine. The Karma Yogi does nothing
except the Divine Will. Therefore, he does not accumulate any
Karma, even though he performs actions. He attributes all
actions to the Lord and his actions are under the direction of the
Supreme. So, he is free from Karma.
Transcending Karma
Our Ultimate
Goal Is Moksha
As we come to the end of the most beautiful voyage in the
world, we are heading towards the destination Moksha. Moksha
is a result of the journey of Yoga but it is attained only after we
lose our breath in the moment of death. How, then, can we be
sure that something like Moksha, exists? What if it is just another
myth, another illusion?
Our Ultimate Goal Is Moksha
Our Ultimate Goal Is Moksha
Such was a young boy doing his final school examinations. He told his
teacher that he could not cope and did not want to sit for the 10 year
final examinations. He told the teacher that he was contemplating the
best method to end his life. The clever teacher told him that he could use
a rope or even chemicals, rather than fire but he also gently warned his
student, 'Please remember, that if you skip your final exam and commit
suicide, you will have to return and start all over again from kindergarten.'
The young boy was startled and putting the thought of suicide aside,
Our Ultimate Goal Is Moksha
We all have to live and one day, this life will end. We can either
live in peace and bliss as a Yogi or suffer running after pleasure
in this world of trinkets and treasures. We can be caught in a
prison of pleasures, possessions and people or we can attain
true treasure of Moksha. It is for us to use our intellect, a special
blessing that only we humans have, to discriminate and choose.
If we do not choose Yoga and the path to Moksha, we will lose
the opportunity to live blissfully and ultimately, to be liberated
and united with the Divine. We are all Divine manifestations
but lost in ignorance. It's time to stop and take the path of
Realization. It's time to eliminate all confusion and seek that
ultimate goal of Moksha or Nirvana, Salvation or Liberation so
that in the final moments, not only do we live with peace and
bliss on earth but are united with the Divine and free from the
cycle of rebirth.
There are many who will not even accept that there is
something called Moksha and Nirvana. They will blindly believe
the lie that after death, they will meet their God in the sky. They
live, they cry, they die and they do not discover the simple truth
– 'Who am I?'
Some people like us, you and me, who want to ponder, who
want to go deeper and see, become free. We are liberated from
the body, which we are not and the mind and ego that fools us
into believing we are me. It is a simple truth that we are energy.
Even science endorses it today that everything in this world is
ultimately, nothing but energy appearing as matter. It is a
matter of time before Spirituality, the science of the spirit will
be a curriculum in schools and colleges.
Yoga and we will sink in Bhoga. No doubt, the future will see
many more realized Souls. They will Realize the Truth but will
continue to struggle in transcending this world of Maya, the
Cosmic Illusion. People will still be lost in this Leela, this show.
Are you in search of Happiness?
Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss?
Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to Moksha
And you are sure to achieve this!
Other Books By AiR
Other Books By AiR
Other Books By AiR
Other Books By AiR
Other Books By AiR
Other Books By AiR
Other Books By AiR
What is the journey from Yoga to Moksha? Why should we be in
Yoga and how can we attain Moksha? We hear of these Spiritual
terms but we are lost in wrong interpretations. We do some
physical exercises or Asanas, some breathing techniques or
Pranayama and we think that we are doing Yoga.
Yoga is Yuj or union. It is realizing that we are the Divine Soul
and then, being united with the Supreme. It is experiencing an
ecstasy of Bliss and Everlasting Peace, as we evolve through
life. A true Yogi Realizes the Truth! He is Enlightened, Spiritually
Awakened. Only he is qualified to embark upon the journey to
Nirvana or Moksha.
We all want to be happy but we do not realize what happiness is
and how we can live a life of SatChitAnanda, Eternal Bliss in
Truth Consciousness. This journey from Yoga to Moksha, will
transform our life as we discover, 'Who am I and why am I here?'
We will discover our purpose on earth, as we are liberated from
all misery and the cycle of rebirth.
AiR Institute of Realization
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