3 CR Portfolio Dec2012
3 CR Portfolio Dec2012
3 CR Portfolio Dec2012
Marco Riolfo
• Technology
• History is based on storage phosphors screens as a replacement of standard film/screen systems
and Principle
• The physical process is based on « photo-stimulated luminance », for the recovery of the latent image
information with the use of highly focused light (LED laser beam), instead of the use of chemistry with
• The acceptance by radiologists was quite fast when studies and publications confirmed the very good
image performance for diagnosis. This system is quickly gaining ground on analog systems.
• In addition, CR workflow for radiographers is very similar to the analog workflow It allows them to keep
their habits.
• Everything have made the overall acceptance very easy by all users.
• The main CR vendors are Carestream, Fuji (also supplies Philips), Agfa and Konica. Other “smaller”
vendors such as iCRco or 3DISC are playing marginally in this business.
CR System Components
• A storage phosphor- • Patient, exam and cassette • Printing for diagnosis on film
coated screen inside a identification
cassette shell
• Image processing • Network distribution for
• Cassette formats fits in all image diagnosis and viewing
bucky’s and no special on diagnostic monitors
• Image review
cassettes are required.
CR Imaging Cycle
Exposure With the Exposure, X-Rays penetrate the body part
and are absorbed by the screen.
bea Screen A laser beam emitting in the red spectral region,
s er
La Read-out scans the screen line by line. The energy released
by the stimulated phosphors (blue light) is captured
of light and a digital image is produced in few seconds.
Protective overcoat
Many X-rays absorbed by the storage phosphor screen are converted into
light, thereby creating a latent image. This latent image consists of X-Ray
energies trapped within the phosphor particles.
Unrestricted Internal Use
© 2011, Carestream Health
Depending on on the
the screen
screen phosphor
phosphor material,
the latent
latent image
image remains
remains stable
stable for
for aa period
of time
time (from
(from hours
hours to
to day)
day) before
•Prompt itit decays
emission decays
to a level at which image
to a level at which image quality
light will be adversely
(blue) will be adversely
Many X-rays absorbed by the storage phosphor screen are converted into
light, as in conventional intensifying screen, and a latent image consisting
of X-Ray energies trapped within the phosphor particles is created.
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© 2011, Carestream Health
•Each point of the screen striked by the laser emits light. This light corresponds to the
level of X-ray energy « stored » within the phosphors.
•The stimulated light emitted from each point of the screen must be collected and
converted into an electrical signal
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© 2011, Carestream Health
Photomultiplier tube
Emitted blue light
The photomultiplier tube (PMT) converts the varying light intensities (varying X-ray
energies « stored » in the plate) into varying electrical signals proportionately.
These electrical signals are amplified, sampled, and passed through an analog-to-digital
converter to produce binary values for the brightness of each pixel of the digital image.
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© 2011, Carestream Health
•The imaging plate is re-positioned back into the cassette. The system is ready to be
re-used for a new exposure
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© 2011, Carestream Health
Emitted light
Screen transport
Image display
Image size pixels / mm Pixel size resolution File
Size (cm) (pixels x lines) (microns) (LP / mm) Size
The image depth is the same for all images : 4096 grey levels (12 bits)
Image size pixels / mm Pixel size resolution File
Size (cm) (pixels x lines) (microns) (LP / mm) Size
The noticeable
noticeable thing
thing is
is that
that there
there is
is roughly
roughly the
the same
35 x 43 amount
2048 x 2500
amount of
of pixels
pixels whatever
whatever the
the screen
168 ±size.
screen 2.8
2 (+/-2500x2000)
size. (+/-2500x2000) 10 MB
35 x 35 2048 x 2048the
ItIt makes
makes the resolution
resolution higher168
5.8 higher on ± 2 screen
on small
small 2.8
screen sizes.
sizes. 8 MB
(it’s aa good
good thing
thing since
since these
these screens
screens are
are dedicated
24 x 30 2048 xto
exams 8.33higher
exams requiring
requiring 4.0
115 ± 2:: extremities…)
higher resolution
resolution extremities…) 10 MB
18 x 24 23925,8
x pix/mm
5,8 1792 for
pix/mm 9.95
for large
large screen 97have
screen sizes
sizes ± 2 been
have 4.8
been considered
considered 8 MB
largely enough
enough for
for standard
standard exams
exams :: chest,
chest, pelvis,
pelvis, spine…
The image depth is the same for all images : 4096 grey levels (12 bits), except for Fuji (10 bits :
1024 grey levels)
Image Processing
Since the CR curve is natively linear, this gives a much wider exposure range. As a result, the raw
image has no contrast.
The raw image is not to be used for diagnostic purposes and must be processed
Image Processing
Since the CR curve is natively linear, this gives a much wider exposure range. As a result, the raw
image has no contrast.
The raw image is not to be used for diagnostic purposes and must be processed
Image Processing
Since the CR curve is natively linear, this gives a much wider exposure range. As a result, the raw
image has no contrast.
The raw image is not to be used for diagnostic purposes and must be processed
System Configurations
Most of the CR vendors propose two ranges of CR readers :
• Centralized Systems
• Decentralized Systems
Centralized reader : high productivity; around 150 plates read per hour, multiple slots
for cassettes simultaneous insertion (from 4 to 8 slots). The read-out is performed
one cassette after the other. Such system is dedicated to hospitals or big Imaging
Centers. It is installed centrally in the imaging department and generally serves a large
number of exam rooms in the department.
It is coupled to a large laser imager or many smallers, and/or a PACS (Picture Archiving
and Communication Systems)
•Exam room
•Multi-slot CR reader
•Laser Imager(s)
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© 2011, Carestream Health
System Configurations
Centralized CR reader : Remote Operation Panels
To avoid queues at the centralized reader, wall mounted panels (or PC’s) are
installed in each exam room to allow radiographers to remotely enter exam data
and identify cassettes. The radiographer only has to drop the cassettes at the
reader and return to the exam room to review and further process the images.
These remote panels can take any form according to the vendor : wall-mounted flat
screentouch screens, PC’s on a cart or shelf.
•Exam room
•Multi-slot CR reader
•Laser Imager(s)
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© 2011, Carestream Health
System Configurations
System Configurations
Decentralized CR reader
Such device has a single slot for cassette insertion, and a medium productivity
(around 100 plates / hour). It is dedicated to medium Imaging Centers, serving two
exam rooms maximum. It can even be placed individually inside each exam room,
if small enough.
They can be either «standard » or small tabletop readers.
It can be networked to a laser printer network or distributed for soft-copy read
•Laser Imager
•Exam room
•Single slot CR reader
Operator Workflow
1 – Radiographer keys patient and exam data into the system using either the CR reader
monitor or the ROP. (Note : patient data can be automatically sent to the CR via a
connection to the enterprise’s Radiology Information System (RIS) in the form of a
patient worklist.
3 – Enters the exam room with the patient, positions him(her) and takes the exposure
4 – Goes back to the reader, identifies the cassettes (via the bar code reader)
5 – Loads cassettes
6 – Checks image quality, either on the CR reader monitor, or on the ROP, back in the
8 – If images are acceptable, sends them to a preset destination (laser imager or PACS).
If some images are not acceptable, takes a new cassette and takes the exposure again
back to step 3
Screen Types
In conventional imaging there are different types of films and intensifying screens
according to the type of exam and the balance dose/image quality desired
In Computed Radiography there are also three types of screens :
a) General purpose screens (« GP » labelled at Carestream)
Thick phosphor, better sensitivity thus need lower exposure (dose similar to Tmat
films coupled with Lanex Medium/Fast intensifying screen). Used for standard
exams ; chest, pelvis, spine…
b) High Resolution screens (« HR » labelled at Carestream)
Thinner phosphor, better image sharpness but lower sensitivity, requiring higher
exposure (similar to Lanex Fine intensifying screens). Used for extremities
c) Mammographic screens
Specific to mammography exams; very high resolution, higher MTF, lower
noise…(« EHR-M3 » labelled at Carestream). For mammo exam, the image
resolution reaches 20,6 pixels / mm (double than for general radiography exams)
Example of CR Systems
Single-slot CR readers
Fuji Capsula X
Carestream VitaCR
Carestream CR Classic
Example of CR Systems
Multi-slot CR readers
Agfa CR-85 X
Fuji Profect CS
Carestream CR Max
CR Technology - Summary
1. CR systems, techniques and workflows are very similar to analog systems : they
still use cassettes and a screen reader (similar to the analog dayload system)
3. This variable light (point by point) is then captured, transformed into electrical
signal, sampled, then quantified into grey levels which will define the image.
4. The image appears on the CR reader monitor roughly 30s after the cassette
5. The CR linear response curve allows a wide exposure latitude but compels the
image to be processed and get a “tailor-made” processing according to the
procedure type.
6. There are two types of CR readers : single slot readers serving relatively few
exam rooms, and multi-slots readers serving multiple room configurations
• Broad exposure flexibility and capability to enhance either contrast or details of an image . With
Film/Screen systems you get one or the other, not both on the same image.
Reusable Detector
• Reduction in costs for consumables and equipment maintenance. In addition, through page
formatting, multiple images can be arranged on a single sheet of printed film
• No chemistry and plumbing about, darkroom is not needed any longer. Similarly, film archive is not
required as digital images can be stored on digital archives
• Hardware has been developed over the years and became extremely reliable
• Latest generations of computers and processors offer very high image processing
speed and multitasking activities
Traditional powder-based phosphor crystals
0 2 4 6 8 10
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© 2011, Carestream Health lp/mm
Barium Fluoro bromide doped with Europium Cesium Bromide doped with Europium
Same structure as CsI (Cesium Iodide) scintillators
used on the LATEST DR Detectors
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© 2011, Carestream Health
• Needle based technology brings CR performance as far as image quality (MTF) and dose
(DQE) are concerned to DR/FFDM level at a much more affordable price
– DR/FFDM still retain optimum performance for productivity
– CR with Needle screen types represent the BEST trade off in terms of IQ and
• Customers who invest today on a CR “Needle Ready” can decide to start with the standard
screen types and move to “Needle Plates” when the technology is going to be more
– This helps customers to protect the investment for future upgrades and the CR reader
does not have to be replaced
• Any CR reader with technology based on FLEXIBLE screen type IS NOT compatible with
needle screens and can’t be upgraded in the future
DR Solutions
Different Detector technologies are offered today:
• Direct convert XRay into electric signal
–Amorphous Selenium
• Indirect sandwitch made by: scintillator+sensor (CCD/Photodiodes)
–GdOS (Gadolinium Oxy-Sulfite) Powder based scintillator type
–CsI (Cesium Iodide) Needle based scintillator type
–CCD Sensor types are going to phase out to be replaced by Photodiodes
Ideal for large institutions (MOH, Universities etc) where the decision criteria is
PRODUCTIVITY and to give the capability to the Radiology dept. to further expand in the
CR Solutions
Storage Plate Technology is based on:
- Standard Powder Phosphors available on either FLEXIBLE or RIGID screens
- Needle Based Phosphors available on RIGID screen type only
Plate Readers can be divided in two categories:
- Compatible with either standard plates or Needle plate types
- Compatible with standard screen types only
CR Solutions are ideal for facilities that require VERSATILITY among a broad range of different
type of applications (GenXRay, Dental, Mammo, Long Bone Imaging) such as:
- integration into a DR solution to fulfill the following needs:
a. back up solution
b. specialty exams (panoramic, mammo, long bone)
c. mobile solutions for ICU or OCU
- integrated Xray Digital Mobile Systems
- mobile solutions for mobile van/military/areas of disaster applications where units have
to be easily transported
CR Solution
DR as the main solution for class A facilities to maximize productivity
CR solution for class A facilities as DR back up and for specialty exams
CR for class B and C facilities or for mobility solutions
CR gives good flexibility and connectivity to further expand workflow
1. DirectView CR Solutions Ready
CR Max
Elite CR
Classic CR
CR Max System Ready
CR Max System Ready
• Centralized general radiography and mammography
• Multiple x-ray imaging rooms
• Medium-to-high exam volumes
• Height 52 in. (132.1 cm) x Width 41 in. (104.1 cm) x Depth 30 in. (76.2 cm)
• Weight: 956 lb. (433.6 kg)
• Monitor: 19-inch flat-panel touch screen, full color, 1280 x 1024 matrix
• Process up to 101 cassettes/hour
• 34 seconds or less (time to image display at CR)
• 40 seconds or less cycle time
• 8-bay input/8-bay output reader 16 plate slots
Classic & Elite CR Systems Ready
Classic & Elite CR Systems Ready
• Distributed CR applications—radiology department,
mammography, ER, ICU, or other
• Medium-to-high exam volumes
• Height 40.5 in. (102.87 cm); Width 19.0 in. (48.26 cm);
Depth 22.7 in. (57.66 cm)
• Weight 300 lbs (136 kg) without keyboard, monitor, floor stand, etc
• Monitor 19-inch flat-panel; 19-inch flat-panel touch screen, full color, 1280 x 1024 matrix; 21
inch 3MP High Res full color
• Elite 90 cassettes/hour; Classic 69 cassettes/hour
• Time to first image 33 seconds (time to image display at CR)
• 40 seconds or less cycle time
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© 2011, Carestream Health
Durable cassettes with rigid screen mounting
• Lightweight
• No mechanical contact of screen
• No screen bending during transport and
Excellent image quality supports increased diagnostic confidence
Support increased confidence and reduced reading time with state-of-the-art, built-in
Kodak DirectView CR software and Kodak DirectView Image Processing
Remote Operations Panel: Save time and steps in your work process. With this wall-mounted
panel, technologists can perform most of the functions of the main CR system without walking
to the machine itself.
IHE Scheduled Workflow: DIRECTVIEW V5 CR and DR Software saves time and boosts
productivity by automatically notifying your HIS/RIS of exam status.
DICOM Modality Worklist: Facilitates automatic transfer of patient and procedure data from
your HIS/RIS system, eliminating manual data entry, and increasing technologist productivity.
Simple Capture Link: Integration means efficiency. Connect two CR Systems or a CR and DR
System together. Scan and review images on any one of them, and watch productivity spike in
your high-volume areas.
Remote Patient Data Entry: Patients are your rst priority. Let radiographers dedicate more
time to them, by making data entry an office-based PC task. Reduces overall radiographer
workload, too.
Total Quality Tool: Keep work owing. Now, the same interface can be used for patient exams
and objective quality-control image tests on your CR and DR systems. With the Total Quality
Tool package — software, phantom and carrying case— you can perform these tests when it’s
convenient for you — without interrupting workflow or incurring the cost of third-party testing.
The software includes features specifically designed for orthopedics. Image stitching is
performed automatically, providing seamless images in less time — no need to manually align
2. VitaCR Solutions
Vita XE
Vita CR
Vita LE
VitaCR Family
Compact, versatile systems for distributed CR applications
- VitaCR’s DO NOT
VitaCR Specifications
Throughput (14x17in)
VitaLE: 23 plates per hour
VitaCR: 44 plates per hour
VitaXE: 63 plates per hour
<79 lbs (36 kg)
Dimensions (H x W x D)
13.4" x 29.5" x 21.7“ (34 x 75 x 55cm)
Grayscale Resolution
Acquisition: 16 bits per pixel
Display: 12 bits per pixel
Safety and Regulatory Approvals
Mil-Std 810F Bench The unit, when un-packed, shall meet PASS
516.5-30 Handling the applicable bench handling
Procedure VI requirements without causing any
physical or non-operational damage.
Mil-Std 810E Military Drop/ The unit, when fully packed, shall PASS
514.4 Vibration meet the applicable drop and vibration
requirements without causing any
physical or non-operational damage
Mil-Std 810-4 Dust Test The unit shall be tested in a dust PASS
510.4 chamber
Procedure III –
Settled Dust
Available cassettes
include standard
industry sizes and
optional sizes for Long
Length Imaging (LLI)
35x84 cm and Dental
Panoramic Imaging
15x30 cm cassettes.
• 8" x 10” • 14" x 17”
• 11" x 14” • 24 cm x 30 cm To maximize the life of
• 10" x 12” • 15 cm x 30 cm the phosphor screen,
• 14" x 33" (LLI) (dental panor.) Kodak screen cleaner is
• 14" x 14" recommended for
maintenance and care
Unrestricted Internal Use of your CR screens.
© 2011, Carestream Health
Classic ImageSuite
VitaCR ImageSuite
VitaXE ImageSuite
VitaLE ImageSuite
Enhancements made to the workstation interface, worklist, order entry screen, and
the image acquisition screen will be outlined in this presentation
Image Suite Acquisition will only locally store 2,000 images. When the limit is
reached then images will be removed by date unless the optional mini-PACS is
Image Suite / V3
Base Software now includes the following
• CD/DVD Burning
• DICOM Print
• Web Appointment Software
• DICOM Modality Worklist
• TQT Software
• Number of Purchasable Options that enhance the capabilities of the software and facility – see next slide
Purchasable Options
Advanced Measurement Tools Set*
Mini-PACS Archiving Software
• Gonstead Measurement Tool
• Provides image archiving capability and includes the following
• Cervical Curve Measurement Tool
– Image Import Software
• Lumbar Curve Measurement Tool
• Provides ability to perform DICOM store for other Modalities • Animal reference images
(CT, MR, US) - CR store is provided by default at no charge • Customized animal-image processing database
• Specialized veterinary measurement tools
TQT Phantom**
– Hip Dysplasia Measurement Tool
• Software included in based Image Suite / V3
– VD Thorax Measurement Tool
– Vertebral Heart Score (VHS)
Mammography Feature Software (Outside USA)** Measurement Tool
– Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA)
Measurement Tool
– Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
(TPLO) Measurement Tool
– Laminitis Measurement Tool
Unrestricted Internal Use * PACS Only
© 2011, Carestream Health **Acquire & PACS
Exam Scheduling
•Web Patient Entry
Vita, Vita XE, Vita LE
Exam Scheduling
Image Processing/Viewing/Editing
Customer’s TCP/IP
USB Connection
Unrestricted Internal Use
© 2011, Carestream Health
Exam Scheduling
Web Patient Entry
Vita, Vita XE, Vita LE
Exam Scheduling
Image Processing/Viewing/Editing
Reporting *
Import/Export * CD/DVD
Web Viewing / Editing / Reporting *
Customer’s TCP/IP Archive *
Unrestricted Internal Use USB Connection
© 2011, Carestream Health * Optional
Large Hospitals, DRX-1, Evolution,
Academic Medical RIS/ Elite, Classic
Centers PACs
Community Hospitals
Classic, Vita
Physician Offices, LE/Vita/Vita XE
Clinics, Podiatry,
Vet, Chiro, Mobile,
Image Suite Acquisition w or w/o Mini-PACs
Military, Ortho
DirectView SW
• Goal is not to compete with this other CSH offering, but to position Image Suite as a
“different” level of capability that is more value priced
• Competitively priced software solution that offers the dealer’s customers the following
– Exam scheduling
– Image acquisition and processing
– Enhanced measurement tools*
– Reporting*
– Archiving*
– Remote access*
• Which provides
– Competitively price software solution focused on their target markets
– Key features and tools for the dealer to target specialty markets such as Vet, Chiro, and Ortho
– Innovative software solution that can be bundled together with either the Vita or Classic CR products
Typical Workflow
Schedule Acquire/View/Edit
CR Worklist Print/Burn CD
Features Benefits
Register patients remotely with Web-based Enhances productivity and
software decreases patient wait time Simple
Request multiple
Selection figure graphics Allows for quick and easy images in a
picking of the body parts and single order
Body part & view position enhancements Increased ability to meet the
Mandatory Fields
– as much or as
little of information
(highlighted in
Additional patient
entered but not
required listed on
information tab
Custom Mandatory
Fields – as much or
as little of
information needed
(highlighted in
New fields created
for Vet to allow for
Additional patient
entered but not
required listed on
information tab
such as unique
identifies like
tattoos and chip
ids and more
info available
for review/edit
Tool palette
is divided
All Views in a tech
the Exam will needs to
be displayed review an
in the scroll image
Tool palette
is divided
by category
Features Benefits
Supports CARESTREAM portfolio of Wide range of scanners (with varying
CR Scanners plates per hour and price) to fit the User friendly
customers needs interface
Consistent high
quality images
*Mammography available with Classic and Long length imaging available with Classic or Vita/Vita XE/Vita LE
Features Benefits
Free-rotation tool** Ability to customize your image orientation
offers increase flexibility
Supports eight concurrent web Increased flexibility so that images can be
viewer sessions* viewed remotely or throughout customer’s visit Easy to use slide
bars for image
Simple slide bars for image Simple image processing can be tuned for processing
adjusting** brightness, contrast or detail
Delivers full scanner bit-depth Highest image dynamic range for image
images at the host workstation* processing at acquisition and post archiving Full scanner bit-
depth images
Tools for mammography sites Increased functionality with features such as Advanced
(Outside US only)** Mammo print output, ability to store specific measurement
exposure values and custom processing and tools
new with V3 the ability to add all views with
one button click Veterinary User
Automatic and Manual Stitch Allows the ability to manipulate and paste
Editors** individual images together to create precisely
the view you need
Unrestricted Internal Use * PACS Only
© 2011, Carestream Health **Acquire & PACS
Free Rotation
Ability to
freely rotate
the image
simply by
clicking and
turning the
Manual Stitch
Features Benefits
Advanced measurement Increased usability for specialty offices with
tools for specialized
advanced tools for improved diagnostics.
Tools include Simple
Cardiothoracic Ratio
Features Benefits
Enhanced Customized application to meet Vet specific needs and workflow
Application** • Vet-specific order entry (breed, species, unique identifies like
tattoos and chip ids and more)
• Animal reference images are provided to support accurate Easy to use slide
positioning, while sample veterinary X-rays provide guides for bars for image
enhanced image quality processing
Tibial Tuberosity
Tibial Plateau Leveling Laminitis
Features Benefits
Dual monitor support on Web clients Enables increased efficiency by allowing
the viewing of multiple images at once - Simple
used to view current/priors or other
modalities & CR images side by side Dual monitor
Process full bit-depth (raw/full- Increases image quality by offering the viewing
fidelity) images at workstation PACS ability to control brightness, latitude, efficiency
contrast, sharpness and noise – Now and
Later Powerful
Optional DICOM store SCP software Offers the ability to receive & review Archives full bit-
images from CT, MR, ultrasound and depth images
additional CRs
Store & view US,
CT, MR & other
Total Quality Tool Software Perform quality testing at the time most
CR images
convenient for you
Print/Burn CD/Archive
Features Benefits
On-demand or scheduled backup Flexible security for data backup
capabilities* Simple
Storage of both “for processing” & “for Reprocessing of stored images – Multi-format
presentation” images* both simple and advanced printing
adjustments – unlike any other PACS
export tool
Manually store exposure values Critical for Mammo applications,
required for x-rays in many countries Affordable
Perform backups to CDs and/or Flexibility in storage options
removable USBs Backup for CD or
JPEG or DICOM export tools Flexibility to use images outside of
system/facility (e.g. PowerPoint Powerful
Full-bit image
Support multi-format print composition Eliminates the need for additional available for post
with independent image editing printing programs like MasterPage archive
capability** reprocessing –
No other PACS
Unrestricted Internal Use
does this!
* PACS Only
© 2011, Carestream Health **Acquire & PACS
PC Requirements
Competitive Comparison
Print Jobs
Send to Multiple Destinations No Yes No No No Yes
Can Specify print Job consisting of multiple
pages Yes No Yes No Yes No
Can Specify Number of copies of Page Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can Specify the Film Size for a Print Job Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Print Job Status Reporting Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
No ‐ depends on
Render Entire Page as a Single Image Yes Printer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Page Layout
Custom Layouts (User Defined) Yes ‐ custom layouts can No Yes No Yes ‐ only No ‐ can be added
be created via xml file Symmetric through script
Header No No Yes Yes Yes No
Footer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Image/Logo in Header or Footer Yes ‐ via xml file No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom Header/Footer content Yes ‐ via xml file Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Specify Font/Size in Header and Footer Yes ‐ via xml file No Yes No Yes Yes
Asymmetric Layouts Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assign Same Image to muliple postions in
layout w/ Independent editing Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Image/Patient Data overlayed on image Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Image Editing (On Preview)
Window Level Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zoom Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pan Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rotation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can Add Markers on Preview Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Max Zoom % No Limitation 100% 1000% No 800% 400%
Use of EFP processing for MCC Use of EFP processing for MCC
View Position and Laterality are kept in separate DICOM tags View Position and Laterality are kept in separate DICOM tags
Raw images can be sent to CAD for processing Raw images can be sent to CAD for processing
Exposure technique not automatically recorded – can be Exposure technique (kV, mAs, etc) can be recorded with
manually recorded for each image the image automatically with optional Livingston Bridge
Available on Classic – not with Vita Available on Classic, Elite and CR Max
No FDA for Mammo - Not available in the US FDA Mammo Approved - Available worldwide
Upgrade Strategy
• No upgrade from DirectView Software to Image Suite
• Image Suite Upgrades
– If on V1 - system must first be upgraded to V2
– Once at V2, the V3 upgrade CD Software can be applied
• Only Vita Product Line is supported in V3 at launch, PoC (140/360) CRs will follow EOY/Q1 2013
• Image Suite Upgrades to V3 handled the same way as Classic
– If on V1 - system must first be upgraded to V2
– Once at V2, the V3 upgrade CD s/w can be applied (i.e. QA will only test upgrading from V2 to V3)
• Upgrades from Vita Software (QC) to Image Suite V3 requires data migration
– Image data will be transferred via DICOM transfer
– Patient data will be transferred via a Migration tool
– It does NOT matter if system is on Vita Software V2.5/V3.0/V3.1/V3.2 or what Vita Model
• Upgrades from Examion Vet Software not supported, must completely re-install