FCM Redefining Corporate Travel Management 2019
FCM Redefining Corporate Travel Management 2019
FCM Redefining Corporate Travel Management 2019
Travel Management
Pil ars for effective managed travel
January 2019
Table of contents
1. Foreword 4
2. Executive Summary 6
7. Glossary 63
The dynamics of business travel have been Corporate travel in India is being propelled by
changing around the world in sync with the fast changing innovative technologies and an
new age corporate traveller. India continues increasing number of millennials in business
to grow at a rapid pace with increasing travel. As India strengthens its position in the
contribution to global business travel spends. global economy, the need to expand to new
With an annual growth of more than 11%, geographies and explore new regions for
we are expected to be in the top five by business has been growing in tandem.
2022, up from being at ten in 2015.
With a rich demographic dividend, India
Millennials are playing an important role is uniquely placed to capitalise on the
in re-defining business travel which is emerging travel trends driven by tech savvy
becoming increasingly value driven and tech employees. These can be leveraged for
savvy, and often seen as an indicator of driving adoption and implementation of new
professional growth. technological tools and techniques to drive
efficiencies in travel.
This whitepaper analyses four pillars that
make up a successful travel management An effective travel management programme
programme; the focus is on delivering cost can boost a company’s performance by
efficiencies while maintaining transparency, allowing organisations to focus on their core
eventually fulfilling the goal of ensuring business and employees on their work. To
safety of employees and increasing their address the many variables in play, corporate
productivity through a seamless travel travel management can be organized broadly
experience. into four pillars: Safety of employees,
Efficiency in terms of cost, Productivity of
It presents businesses with a holistic employees and Transparency within the
approach towards business travel and helps programme.
them in setting benchmarks to evaluate the
performance of their chosen travel partner. With India’s ample appetite for emerging
With our third edition, we aim to put forward technologies and collaboration between all
our Duty of Care and present insight into players in the corporate travel ecosystem,
emerging travel trends and solutions to India is poised to become one of the top five
challenges of business travel. markets for business travel by 2022. Through
robust corporate travel management, there
is great potential for India to leapfrog to an
even higher position.
Travel consumers
In order to ensure getting spend
‘value for money’ 49
91% minutes spread over
Source: 1: GBTA; 2. Industry Estimates; 3. ‘Flying high, 92 per cent millennials look forward to their next business-trip’, Economic
Times, 2018; 4. FabHotel Consumer Survey 2018; 5. ‘Demystifying the Indian Online Traveller ‘ report 2017; 6. ‘Millennials are
reshaping India’s travel industry’, dated 24th August 2014 published in CNBC
With a tech savvy and youthful workforce, simplified policies and processes. This can
organisations need to be well equipped to be achieved through a comprehensive travel
address the needs of their employees while programme that aims to fulfil the needs of all
maintaining their business objectives. Ranging the stakeholders involved. The four pillars of
from TMCs, third party vendors, and corporates corporate travel management serve as a strong
to employees, each stakeholder has an important underlying foundation for developing such a
role to play towards creating integrated and programme.
Safety Efficiency
Rise in disruptions such as natural disasters, The cost of business travel is the
political unrest, etc. have created a need for second highest operational cost for most
organisations to have a comprehensive and organisations. It is becoming imperative for
structured safety programmes to ensure well- corporates to drive higher levels of efficiency
being of business travellers. With growth in in their managed travel.
women in the workforce, appropriate travel
policies need to be in place to ensure their
Source: 7. ‘Women in Business Travel 2016’, Maiden Voyage; 8. 75 percent of Indian business travellers have security concerns
regarding domestic travel’, dated 9th October 2018 published in NewsBaron; 9. ACTE-GBT Survey 2017; 10. Yatra Investor
Presentation November 2018, KPMG Analysis; 11. PhocusWire report “What the sharing economy’s success means for your travel
business” 2017 12. ‘Travel and Expense Management Report’ 2016, Paystream Advisors Inc
Companies and their travel partners must emerging technologies and evolving employee
collaborate to develop tools, polices and needs.
process suited to the needs of the Indian
millennial business travellers such as self Hence, a successful interplay of these pillars
booking tool, etc. is key to fruitfully manage a corporate’s travel
management programme in the long run.
These policies and processes need to be
continuously re-evaluated to incorporate
Productivity Transparency
Companies and their travel partners Maintaining transparency in the travel process
need to streamline the travel process to and ecosystem enables companies to isolate
allow employees to focus on their work leakages (expense and data) and identify
performance. Organisations should ensure any gaps existing in their managed travel
that proper systems are in place for a programme. Thus, by highlighting strengths to
seamless employee travel experience to be leveraged as well as gaps to be addressed,
improve performance. maximum value can be derived from all travel
Source: 13. ‘Business travel impacts overall job satisfaction’, November 2017, Yourstory 14. ‘Better Business, Smarter Travel’, 2018,
Amadeus 15. ‘Hidden Cost of Business Travel’, 2014, Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Corporate Travel
Market Overview
Travel and tourism is an important sector as Figure 1: Global Travel Market
it makes a significant contribution to jobs and
Business vs Leisure Spending 2017*
global trade. The contribution of this sector to
GDP was 10.4% of total GDP (~USD 8 trillion)
in 2017, and is estimated to have risen by 4%
in 2018. It is projected to rise at a rate of 3.8% 22.5%
per annum, from 2018-2028, to reach 11.7%
of total GDP in 20281.
This growth is being experienced post an era Leisure Spend Business Spend
of uncertainty in business travel spending.
Source: WTTC
Early 2000s witnessed an upswing in business
travel expenditure but the great recession of
2008 saw many companies cutting their travel
Global Business Travel Spend USD Trillion
expenses. This period witnessed erratically
changing travel spends by businesses.
Between 2010 and 2016 there was moderate
growth in business travel spending, which
was roughly in the rage 3-5% annually2.
*The direct contribution reflects the ‘internal’ spending on Travel & Tourism (total spending within a particular country by residents
and non-residents for business and leisure purposes) as well as government ‘individual’ spending - spending by government on
services directly linked to visitors, such as cultural (e.g. museums) or recreational (e.g. national parks).
Source: 1: World Travel & Tourism Council – Economic Impact 2018 World, 2. GBTA
Figure 2: Business Travel Timeline Figure 3: Market
Compound Annual Growth in Spending By Period Concentration
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
The Great Recession
Business Travel Spending : -8% Fragmented
Early 2000s Recession + 9/11
Business Travel Spending : -11%
Changing World Dynamics
Classifying the world’s major business travel South Asia is expected to be the fastest-growing
markets into segments reveals an impending world region over the next ten by years, with
shift in the dynamics of the global travel market. average annual direct T&T GDP growth of 6.9%
The Stalwarts constitute close to half of the forecast, driven principally by strong growth in
global business travel spending market and India (7.1%). In China, long term annual average
comprise many of the world’s major economies. growth of 6.7% is predicted. North East Asia
India, China and Indonesia (ICI), which were overall is forecast to grow by an annual average
once considered emerging markets, now form of 5.6% per year, just ahead of South East
their own segment and continue to grow at an Asia (5.5%). The next tier of sub-regions, with
extremely rapid pace. It is estimated that by growth in the 3-5% bracket include Sub-Saharan
gaining USD 164 billion in annual spend by 2022, Africa (4.4%), the Middle East (4.2%), Central
ICI segment will pick up ground on the Stalwarts Asia (4.2%), North Africa (3.6%), the Caribbean
over the next five years. This segment is (3.6%), Latin America (3.2%) and Oceania
projected to be the largest in the world by 20354. (3.0%). Slower, yet robust growth is expected in
North America (2.6%) and Europe (2.4%)5.
Japan Portugal
South Korea Ireland
Spain Switzerland
United States 2017 – USD 678 Bn Austria
‘17 – USD 72 Bn
Germany Norway
Market Maturity
expected to be
the largest in the
Malaysia ICI world by 2025
‘17 – USD 401 Bn
Brazil ’17: $ 50 Bn Poland ’17: $ 561 Bn
Russia Singapore ’22: $ 735 Bn ‘22 – USD 565 Bn
’22: $ 58 Bn
Czech Republic
Vietnam India
Low Moderate High
Market Opportunity
Source: Industry Reports, GBTA
Indian Corporate Travel Market Figure 5: India Business Travel Spend USD
The total market for business travel in India has
grown from USD 26 billion in 20146 to USD 37 46.0
billion in 20177, with a projected annual growth 41.3
rate of 11.5%6 and projected spend of up to USD 37.0
46 billion in 20197. 33.6
In the past year, rise in annual growth of business
travel spend for India has been the highest
among the top 15 business travel markets
globally. Consequently, India surpassed South
Korea to reach 7th position in the top 15 business
travel markets (by spend) globally and is projected
to be in the top 5 by 20226. It is forecasted to be
one of the fastest growing markets over the next
2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E
five years, growing at the rate of 12.5%6 over the
forecasted period.
has been growing at a rate of 15–20% annually.
India is also witnessing a rise in MICE (meetings,
A MICE traveller, on an average, spends 150%
incentives, conventions and exhibitions) tourism
more than an inbound leisure traveller during a
and has moved up to occupy the 31st position in
four-day stay9 thus presenting a large opportunity
2017 from 35th rank in 2014 globally8. The current
that can be tapped into. The Government of
size of MICE sector in India is estimated to be
India (GoI) aims to capture up to 2% of the global
USD 1.5 billion (0.5% of global MICE market) and
MICE market share by 20258.
21% Russia
India Brazil
Growth Rate
China Germany Spain
6% France Italy
United Australia
States Japan UK
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Country Index Number
Source: GBTA
Note: Size of bubble indicates Business Travel Spend (2017)
Business travel in India is witnessing Moreover, the Indian airline industry is growing at
unprecedented growth due to a stable economy, a fast rate as demand for travel is being bolstered
growing number of SMEs (small and medium by favorable government policies, growing
enterprises), growth of regional low cost carriers affluence, increased trade, and a maturing
and a policy push for travel and tourism sector. transportation infrastructure. International
The GoI has also initiated various measures, departures for business purposes are expected
including the regional air connectivity scheme to increase by about 5.4% from over 157 million
UDAN, to bolster the overall travel sector.
Source: 6. GBTA; 7. Industry Estimates, KPMG Analysis; 8. International Congress and Convention Association; 9. “MICE sector on a
rise in India” dated 26th October, 2017 published in Indian Express
in 2017 to reach ~166 million in 201810. Increased Figure 7: Corporate Travel Market – Type of
connectivity through low cost carriers has also Player (%) 2017
helped in increasing the number of people Large
travelling for business. TMCs, 10%
Source: 10: Report “The Changing Nature of Business Travel: Analysis of key trends and business opportunities for the industry”
dated 9th April, 2018; 11. “On a new flight: Online travel agencies want to travel far with India’s SMEs” dated 24th August, 2018
published in Economic Times; 12. Yatra Investor Presentation November 2018
Growth Drivers for Business Travel in India
The rise in corporate travel can also be attributed to a parallel rise of the start-
ups in the country. Growing expansion of organisations, rising income levels
and the growing need to network are driving business travel further.
Sharing economy services such as Ola, Uber, OYO, Airbnb have introduced
services that are more efficient, economic and convenient than traditional
service providers. Companies are exploring this market to reduce costs and
increase productivity.
Corporates are now taking to new travel tools that drive savings, efficiencies,
compliance and traveller safety. Travel booking tools are solving issues of
multiple bookings from different vendors, reimbursement etc. by deploying
technology. They are also driving efficiencies by minimizing the amount of
time employees spend in travel management.
The average length of stay for business destinations that was 2.5 days some
years ago is now 4 days13, which is indicative of how business travellers are
extending their stay to explore various places around their work destination,
thereby mixing work and leisure.
Challenges for Business Travel in India
Traveller Safety Rising Hotel Costs Data Security
Extreme weather events, Hotel room occupancy across Travel businesses are
terrorism, racial tensions, the country has recorded a responsible for vast amounts
escalating geopolitical rhetoric nine-year high in FY18, touching of traveller information. As data
along with increase in number 67%14. passes from corporate client
of solo women travellers to TMC and onto suppliers and
is making traveller safety This strong upswing in intermediaries - many of whom
the foremost concern for occupancy level is expected to have storage centers – ensuring
corporates today. increase average room rates data security is becoming a
significantly in the coming challenge.
Rise of Terrorism
With rise in political unrest and terrorism around the globe, businesses need to take into account the
safety of their employees who travel for business. According to a survey ~56% of corporate buyers16
have witnessed an increase in the number of business travellers reporting heightened personal
safety concerns and a quarter witnessed more requests for security training in the last six months.
Source: 14. “Hoteliers see room rates growing to highest level in a decade” dated 10th April, 2018 published in Live Mint; 15. GBTA;
16. A survey of 236 corporate travel buyers, commissioned by American Express Global Business Travel
The discerning
business traveller
Millennials* are expected to account for almost The advent of a millennial workforce amplifies
half the global workforce by 202017. Over 50% the need for employers to understand the
of India’s population is under the age of 25, with expectations, and habits of the next generation
more than 65% below 35 years. Thus, India has of employees. This is crucial for attracting and
one of the youngest workforce in the world. By retaining talent.
2021, 64% of the total Indian workforce will be
below the age of 3518. With rapid globalization and technological
advances, corporate travel is witnessing
These millennials are intrinsically tech-savvy, an upswing. There is an increased need for
socially and environmentally responsible, and businesses to travel in order to maintain their
nearly twice as likely to want more business business relationships, expand them and deliver
related travel than previous generations. They enhanced customer experiences. Business
desire to experience the world and are enabled travellers, in turn, are motivated by personal
by rising disposable income levels, a connected ambition and desire for recognition. They also see
and globalized workforce and are influenced by it as an opportunity to grow both personally and
social media. This is leading to emergence of professionally. When they travel, they are looking
trends such as bleisure, value driven and mobile for convenience, comfort and connectivity to stay
friendly business travellers, and an increase in productive. Almost 60% of Indian millennials
women travellers. consider travelling for business an upward
movement in life19.
view business
say they are likely to
travel as a time
feel relaxed about
84% having some alone
91% to re-energise,
professionally and
time on the road
Source: 17. ‘Trends on Business Travel’s Biggest Generation: Millennials’, American Express GBT, 2017; 18. ‘By 2020, India will
have the largest young workforce’, dated 12th March, 2016 published in Times of India; 19. ‘Flying high, 92 per cent millennials look
forward to their next business-trip’, dated 10th September, 2018 published in Economic Times
Combining business with leisure Figure 9: Leisure time during business travel
** This survey consisted of more than 5000 business travellers across India
Source: 20. ‘Trends on Business Travel’s Biggest Generation: Millennials’, American Express GBT; 21. ‘Rising trend of bleisure
trips gives boost to travel industry’, dated 4th January, 2018 published in Outlook India; 22. ‘Flying high, 92 per cent millennials look
forward to their next business-trip’, dated 10th September, 2018 published in Economic Times
Value for Money
From a corporate perspective, providing A survey of 1,650 travellers found that 74%
employees with some flexibility and freedom to of millennial business travellers had stayed in
make their own business travel choices, within vacation rentals like Airbnb. Additionally, 44%
specific parameters, can be beneficial. By pre- of the millennial travellers surveyed prefer
negotiating rates with a variety of airlines and staying in these types of sharing-economy
hotels, there is greater scope for employees to accommodations25.
select the option that best suits their needs while
complying with company policy. Thus, travel managers all over the world are
beginning to consider integrating sharing
Millennials have a passion for unique experiences economy companies like Oyo into corporate
and are not confined to traditional transport travel programmes. Leading TMCs have already
and accommodation options. With the evolving initiated partnerships with such platforms.
landscape of the travel hospitality industry,
options beyond traditional hotels have caught the With the help of TMCs, corporates can further
attention of corporates and business travellers. evolve their travel policies and offer their
This love for value and freedom of choice are two travellers the ability to book their preferred
of the main drivers behind the growth of shared accommodations. However, there are many
economy services. concerns around safety and security, cost,
licensing and taxes, employment practices, and
A recent survey showed that travellers make data security that need to be addressed before
informed decisions about their trips, with 91% such platforms are incorporated into corporate
of them using review sites and 85% using price travel programmes.
comparison sites23. This highlights the fact that
travellers not only want varied experiences but
are also looking for ‘value for money’. Thus,
exploring sharing-economy services appeals to
Source: 23. ‘The Indian Digital Traveller Research’ report, November 2017, Travelport; 24. AirBnB website; 25. ‘Trends on Business
Travel’s Biggest Generation: Millennials’, American Express Global Business Travel
Figure 10: TMC partnership with Airbnb*
The Airbnb Airbnb for Business gives business travellers access to more than two million
homes around the world, and the ability to explore a city like a local
TMC refers an employee to Airbnb, who can then book accommodation Booking
directly on Airbnb.com with a corporate email address
on Airbnb
Integration TMC and Airbnb will integrate Airbnb booking information into TMC’s reporting
platform so that customers and TMCs can easily track their bookings
of platforms
Reservation details for each business trip will automatically be shared with the
Information will be available on TMC’s corporate reporting and Duty of Care Access to
platforms for travel managers information
Travellers will be able to view their bookings from their regular corporate itinerary
and on mobile
Mobile Friendly
The overall Indian travel market is expected to This is a clear indicator of the growing number
reach USD 48 Bn by 2020. Online bookings are of digital touchpoints in various phases of a
estimated to account for around 40%-50% of the business and leisure travellers journey. A travel
total transactions by 202026. With the increase consumer spends close to 49 minutes, visiting as
in smartphone penetration and digital payments many as 17 different online touchpoints to plan,
usage, India’s online hotel market is estimated to research, and make a booking26. Indian business
be growing at a CAGR of 25% to reach USD 4 Bn travellers use 20 different categories of apps
by 2020 (from 2015). By 2020, one in three hotel throughout their trip27.
rooms will be booked online26.
Social media
Travel reviews
84% 92%
Source: 26. ‘Demystifying the Indian Online traveller‘ report, June 2017; 27. Independent study by Travelport, May 2018
The business travel industry lags behind leisure Hence, providing a seamless and mobile friendly
travel in terms of mobile booking technology. travel experience in a business ecosystem,
However, due to higher volumes of millennial can help improve an employee’s overall travel
travellers, there is a growing demand for mobile experience.
capabilities in business travel. These travellers
prefer to research and book both flights and Business and leisure travellers alike are
accommodations on mobile. When booking a trip demanding greater omni-channel support
themselves, 60% of India’s millennial business throughout their travel journey. This presents a
travellers do so online through their desktop or significant opportunity for travel management
laptop, with 47% of them booking through their companies, as well as other businesses that
smartphones28. support them. Such companies need to provide
digital processes and support to enhance their
Millennial travellers rely on technology for the customer’s experience.
entire travel booking process – from online
reviews to mobile booking and check-in to staying Travellers today want relevant and timely content
connected with colleagues in a new city. Majority at their fingertips. The shifting trends among
of travellers prefer online methods of research Indian business travellers, before and during their
as it provides greater information, occasionally journeys, is pushing the business travel industry
better deals and higher level of convenience29. to adapt continually to provide responsive,
relevant and timely services for customers.
Source:28. Independent study by Travelport, May 2018; 29. ‘Demystifying the Indian Online traveller ‘ report, June 2017
Women in Business Travel
Currently, women account for approximately Initiatives such as employee tracking when women
30% of the economically active workforce take cabs, priority flight bookings, pocket guides
and nearly 25% of domestic business with information for employee safety need to
travellers. This number is expected to rise as become more common to create a safe working
women account for 41.6% of those enrolled environment for women. The hotel industry, starting
in higher education and are entering high with ITC Hotels, was the first in the travel value
level positions in the professional hierarchy. chain to recognize the importance of safety for the
independent woman travellers and hence introduced
As the number of women in business travel women only floors.
increases, the industry will have to adapt to
cater to this trend. In order to ensure safety Other hotels across India that have taken such
of women travellers, certain adjustments measures for their women guests include the Leela
will have to be made across all stages of Palace, New Delhi, which has a women-only floor
travel such as cab booking, flights, hotels, called Kamal, the Hyatt Regency Chennai which
etc. has women-only bar and the iconic Imperial Hotel,
New Delhi, which has a 12-room wing called Eliza
specifically for women-only travellers.
ITC Hotels
• In addition to its Business rooms and Executive suites, Lemon Tree provides
women-only floor for its female guests
Taj Hotels
Oberoi Hotels
Source: ‘Millennials are reshaping India’s travel industry’, dated 24th August 2014 published in CNBC; Company websites
Four Pil ars of Corporate
Travel Management
Corporate travel management refers to the For travel and procurement managers, it centers
strategic management of a company’s approach around advising them on how to optimize their
to travel. This includes vendor negotiations, business travel programme, through in depth
daily operation of business’s corporate travel analysis of travel spends and traveller behavior.
programme, safety and security in the sky and on
ground, travel-related expenses and appropriate For senior executives, it ensures that the
credit-card management. corporate travel programme supports company
objectives, by allowing them to focus on their
A comprehensive travel management programme core business.
aims to integrate and fulfil the needs of various
stakeholders. While travel management There are four key pillars that sustain a good
companies (TMCs) can provide the basic day-to- travel management programme; ensuring safety
day travel services to corporates, there are other of employees, increasing cost effectiveness
aspects that also need to be accounted for. of the programme, increasing productivity of
employees while travelling for business and
For employees, it plays a role in keeping them increasing transparency within the programme.
safe and productive while travelling on business, Going forward, each of these pillars should be
and equipping them to make necessary choices considered while selecting a TMC, instead on
through assimilation of relevant information. focusing solely on price.
Basing the selection criteria for TMC partners around the said four pillars can help organisations
to reduce costs and deliver enhanced employee satisfaction.
Detailing the
Identifying key
requirements of Evaluating offers Contract signing
selection criteria
Organisations with wide spread travel requirements prefer TMCs with a global
presence, to cater to their employees at any location, if needed.
Ensuring employee safety during business protect employees such as safety briefings,
travel is the top concern for most organisations trainings, pre-trip documents, etc. can instill a
irrespective of the sector they operate in or the sense of security in employees. This may, in turn,
scale of their operations. Rise in business travel result in increased productivity and loyalty among
volumes and disruptions due to numerous factors employees, thereby boosting the business.
such as climatic changes, natural disasters,
terrorist activities, accidents, political unrest, Globally, travel managers struggle to implement
etc. have created a high need for organisations adequate safety precautions for employees.
to have a comprehensive and structured safety In some cases, TMCs provide services such
programme. as insurance and employee tracking to ensure
employee safety. Thus, through their TMC partner,
Companies need to ensure that business companies can ensure that all potential risks are
objectives do not overshadow other important monitored thoroughly, and that employees and
factors such as providing all members of the travel managers alike are well-informed of any
organisation with appropriate security and security risk while travelling on business.
support at all times.
In case of emergencies that require extreme
As the importance of safety in travel gains actions such as hospitalization or evacuations,
momentum, corporate travel managers are most corporates turn to specialized international
well-positioned to fill travel policy gaps, as well organisations for immediate and efficient
as prepare their organisations for future safety response.
challenges. Proactive initiatives to support and
Employees TMCs
Role of corporates in Duty of Care
Duty of Care refers to the moral and legal any corporate travel programme. Under this
obligations of employers towards their programme, employers have the responsibility to
employees, contractors, volunteers, etc. in develop and deploy appropriate travel policies and
maintaining their well-being, security and safety, travel risk management approaches to protect
especially during travel. their employees from possible harm.
This concept has evolved over the years, Every organisation has unique needs when
with an increasing relevance in business it comes to ensuring employee safety
travel. Earlier, safety was a primary concern during travel. These needs depend on factors
only for organisations operating in high risk such as business travel volumes, scale of
industries such energy and shipping. For other operations and destinations of travel, etc. There is
organisations, ‘Duty of Care’ was limited to no one-size-fits-all solution for employee safety.
managing emergency situations. It now extends
Hence, various tie ups with specialized
beyond this to ensuring safety of employees in all
organisations such as ISOS for medical and
travel scenarios, applicable across small, medium
travel security services, iJet for travel risk
and large enterprises.
management services, and TMCs with robust
As companies expand their businesses and safety features are essential to ensure safety
explore new geographies, ‘Duty of Care’ has requirements of the business are met efficiently.
gradually become a significant component of
travel policy
Travel risk traveller
management information
Travel alerts services
Figure 16: Action steps to ensure Duty of Care in Travel
For Employers/Travel
For Employees
Management Companies
Source: 30. ‘75 percent of Indian business travellers have security concerns regarding domestic travel’, dated 9th October 2018
published in News Baron
Figure 17: Concerns for travel managers
The high cost associated with increased emergencies, ISOS’s highly trained teams step
safety support from TMCs and implementing in to provide global medical assistance and
emergency check-in systems is one of the key additional security measures such as evacuation
hindrances for corporates. Some organisations of travelling employees, etc.
may also lack the required knowledge of
innovative safety products and services available Figure 18: Benefits of International SOS
in the market.
Travel Risk Management To ensure all travel associated risks are covered,
organisations can follow certain principles
A travel risk management programme is a well- or guidelines such GEBIR principles of travel
rehearsed plan that provides Duty of Care to risk management. With the right travel risk
employees. Various situations can arise while management solutions and travel security
employees are on their business trip, ranging services in place, an employer’s ability to uphold
from natural disasters to civic unrest. A robust their Duty of Care can become much easier.
travel risk management programme properly
equips employees to handle such situations and Figure 20: GEBIR Principles of Travel Risk
complete their travel safely. It does not eliminate Management
risks, it highlights them and mitigates them to
some extent. Provide a user friendly, up to Ground
date document of risks and Truth
For an effective travel safety course, all aspects relevant information on the
of travel risks, how to mitigate them, and how to travel destination
react if they do happen must be understood by
employers and conveyed to all employees. Provide all employees the
Education tools and knowledge to
minimize and mitigate travel
Figure 19- Steps for Travel Risk Management
risk through safety trainings
Pre-identify risks to
ensure timely response Response
‘Go ahead’ or choose another plan to emergencies through
communication, crisis
management and evacuation
Women’s Safety in Corporate Travel
As the number of women travellers in business increases, there are certain necessary adjustments
that need to be made to travel policies, in terms of safety, to accommodate to their needs. Currently,
71% of female business travellers believe that they face greater safety risks than their male
counterparts. With these growing safety concerns, corporates travel mangers need to revamp travel
policies and take significant steps to ensure women’s safety in business travel.
Travel with
Women guide with
only necessary
floors information
Source: ‘Women in Business Travel 2016’, Maiden Voyage; Industry Interactions by KPMG in India
Voices of the industry
Indian business travel market is highly The cost incurred while travelling for business
fragmented, with ~70% of corporates spending is the second highest operational cost for most
less than INR 10 million31. IT companies have organisations. Business travel is central to both
the highest share amongst those spending more maintaining business as well as expanding it
than INR 10 million followed by engineering and and due to rising cost of travel, it is becoming
pharmaceutical companies. IT, BPO/ITeS and imperative for corporates to drive higher levels of
pharmaceutical industries have higher travel efficiency in their managed travel programme.
spends as a percentage of their revenue.
Highly 28%
28% Market
1% 6%
2% 4%
1% 3%
69% 32%
Others 2017
Telecom BPO/ITES
Rest of the market <10 mil
Auto Finance Energy
10-30 mil 30-50 mil
Pharma Engineering IT
>50 mil
3.1% BPO/ITeS
IT 3.0%
1.9% Pharma
Engineering 1.1%
0.6% Automobile
Telecom 0.6%
0.4% Finance
Energy 0.2%
0.6% Others
Source: Yatra Investor Presentation November 2018
Source: 31. Yatra Investor Presentation November 2018
The cost of travel for an organisation Back end costs – costs associated with invoicing
encompasses much more than just the cost of air and expense processing, management and
tickets. To account for the total financial impact, reporting, and possibly litigation costs.
organisations need to consider all the costs
associated with the procurement, management Foreign exchange spending is another major
and use of travel. These include: cost incurred while travelling internationally –
especially due to the volatility in the exchange
Front end costs - costs surrounding Duty rates.
of Care, travel management administration,
procurement, supplier and contract management There are four main levers that require constant
fees coordinated interaction with each in order to
control the afore mentioned complex travel and
Travel costs and expenses – cost of travel entertainment costs of an organisation:
including ticket purchase, parking fees, lease or
• Procurement
hire costs of vehicles, or maintenance and fuel
costs. Additional costs costs may also come • Billing & payments
from accommodation fees, travel expenses and • Expense reporting
insurance claims
• Management reporting
Travel procurement
Expense reporting
Back-end Costs Figure 25 : Expense Management in Indian
Expense reporting is central to managing back
end costs. This varies from one organisation lack a system to detect travel and
to another and is dependent on the scale of 48% expense management frauds as
operations, amount and nature of business they do it manually
travel involved as well as the sector in which
the company is operational. There are broadly do not have means to retrieve past
55% expense data
five stages of travel and expense management
maturity. Each stage correlates to the life-cycle
stage of a given company. As organisations either partially or entirely lacking
grow, their needs change. Expense management 82% in making the whole T&E process
solutions initially drive efficiency by introducing automated
a certain level of automation but need to be CFOs (chief financial officers) have
ramped up with time. As a company diversifies, understood this urgent need and
adding additional product lines, sales staff, and taken digitisation upon themselves,
geographic operational territories, the business 50% to switch to an automated expense
complexity rises. Hence, there is an increasing management system in the next six
need to utilize analytics in order to drive a months
consistent level of cost efficiency.
Source: Happay survey*
Most Indian corporates identify mobility,
visibility and control as major challenges visibility expense management systems. Having a partner
while managing travel and expenses of their that is driving innovation in the TEM space
employees. Most of these organisations are in enables organisations to focus on what matters
the first two stages of the T&E maturity cycle most — their own revenue-generating business
and are now looking to include technology driven initiatives.
Platform Ecosystem
Cloud/ mobile TEM apps deliver an effortless
user experience that increases travel
Mobile/ Cloud Apps
effectiveness and spend visibility, improving
spend efficiency
Travel expense management process is data Travel Costs & Expenses
heavy. Information flows from different sources –
employee reimbursement, accounts department, Air tickets and lodging form the biggest
vendor invoices, credit card statements, components (86% combined32) of travel
travel desks, etc. Thus automation in expense expenses of companies. Lodging, airlines,
management systems has the ability to reduce and local activities represent the core of the
report processing costs, provide more visibility travel industry, however, ground transportation
into the expense data (spending, compliance including car rental, ride-hailing, etc. is another
rates etc.), derive useful insights through major cost head. Items such as spending for
improved MIS reports and also reduce employee internal meetings, baggage fees, parking, and taxi
reimbursement time. services also contribute significantly to overall
travel expenses. These expenses, if managed
Figure 26: Benefits of Outsourced Expense correctly, could save hundreds of thousands of
Management System dollars per year.
card). The former is prevalent in the industry Foreign exchange cards hold the potential to not
as of now. However, the latter model seems to only address the aforementioned challenges but
hold greater value for corporates. The bill to card also mitigate the volatility of differential exchange
model effectively increases the credit period rates. They allow travel to multiple destinations
from a week to 30-35 days thereby significantly for longer periods at lower cost.
reducing the working capital requirements. It
also enhances the control that organisations According to FCM Travel Solutions, ~80% of
wield over policy compliance as well as expense forex spend (billed through them) is through
management while also smoothening the forex cards. These can thus be increasingly
booking and reimbursement processes. used by corporates to drive cost efficiencies in
international travel.
Foreign exchange purchased while travelling
internationally is another major cost head for Using cards as a primary mode of payment
corporates. Conventionally, employees carry cash facilitates auto capturing of transactions being
along with their corporate cards while travelling made. The data can thus be used to generate
abroad. However, this practice comes with its customised reports (MIS) and provide higher
own set of challenges. Using corporate cards visibility to corporates around the spending
while travelling abroad adds significant amount of patterns of employees. This in turn enables them
foreign currency mark-up fee, foreign transaction to drive higher level of cost efficiencies.
fee, and cash withdrawal charges thus adding
Business travel is also witnessing a behavioural
to the travel costs. And since there is an upper
shift to shared economy services. These may
limit to the amount of cash one can carry while
redefine the future of lodging and ground
travelling internationally, the additional cost
transportation within the business travel industry.
incurred due to extensive usage of corporate
cards is significant.
Figure 27: Composition of Business Travel 2018
Air Sales Car Rental Sales Air Sales Other Transport Lodging Sales Other Sales
Other Transport Sales Lodging Sales Sales
Other Sales Offline Online
Ride-hailing and car-sharing platforms have A few organisations have started using shared
completely changed how consumers get around. economy services mainly due to their widespread
Autonomous ride-sharing is emerging as the availability and cost effectiveness. However, one
trend to watch as it will bring about a change to main concern for businesses that are considering
the ground transportation industry already in flux. sharing economy travel options is Duty of Care.
From a business perspective, ensuring that
employees are safe while travelling is the main
of travel managers have planned
priority. When companies employ the services
or implemented a policy in
26% regards to sharing economy
of sharing economy travel options, this becomes
much more complicated as there is a lack of a
ground transportation34
screening process. Thus, a lot of Indian corporate
houses have not widely started using these
lodging shared economy services until they can
of travel managers say that verify the safety aspect of them.
they plan to introduce sharing
21% economy accommodation
options within two years34
Source: 34. PhocusWire report “What the sharing economy’s success means for your travel business” 2017
Figure 28: Traditional vs Emerging model for vendor management
Front-end Costs
Cost effectiveness is a major pillar for managed factored into contract negotiations and supplier
corporate travel in India. The major chunk of the measurements.
front end costs involved in the corporate travel
management programme include procurement Large companies with significant travel spends
costs and, supplier and contract management have now started entering into agreements
fees. with airlines and hotels directly. They then pass
on the discount codes to their TMCs. They
Most major Indian corporate houses that have continuously monitor the prices of air tickets and
significant travel spends outsource their travel accommodations from their end to ensure their
management to TMCs. The financials quoted, TMC partner is providing them with the best
airline and hotel tie ups, value added services and prices available. This is not only adding to the
analytics provided by the TMCs are some of the redundancy in managed travel but also increasing
selection criteria for Indian organisations. the cost incurred.
Traditionally, corporates outsourced all the To conclude, corporates need to partner with
services to their respective TMCs which were TMCs who can help them use the four levers
re-evaluated only when a major problem to manage front-end, travel and back-end costs.
was encountered. Nowadays, companies They need to manage these costs simultaneously
have become more aware and continuously in order to drive efficiency in their travel
evaluate their TMC partner on a long list of key programme. If any of these is left unchecked,
performance indicators which include (but are there will be expense leakages and the corporate
not limited to) turn around time, cost savings will not be able to fully optimize the cost of their
delivered, cost per trip, etc. Some companies travel.
are capturing traveller feedback which is
Voices of the industry
In the high pressure work environment of today, Figure 29: Key triggers of stress while
approximately 46% of the workforce in India35 travelling
suffers from some form of stress due to various
reasons such as tight deadlines, conflict among
colleagues, long work hours, etc. High stress in
Inconvenient hotel
employees adversely affects their performance. Long flights
This is visible through lower engagement with
their work, decline in productivity and higher
absenteeism levels36.
Source: 35. ‘46% of workforce in firms in India suffer from some or the other form of stress’ dated 11th June 2016 published in
Economic Times, 2016; 36. ‘Workplace Stress Leads To Less Productive Employees’ dated 11th September 2014 published in
Forbes; 37. ‘Business travel impacts overall job satisfaction’, dated 24th November 2017 published in Yourstory; 38. ‘Hidden Cost of
Business Travel’, 2014, Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Figure 30: Elements affecting employee However, this leads to many complications for
productivity the employees such as lengthy reimbursement
processes and approvals needed. These time-
consuming process have significant implications
for organisations as well.
Another major source of stress for employees A quick and efficient booking process can save
is the lack of visibility into the booking process. cost and time. Most TMCs and travel managers
Some organisations do not allow employees to are constantly aiming to reduce turn-around
choose their bookings, due to cost constraints. time of the booking process. However, due to
This leads to high levels of insecurity for the layers of approval needed and the dynamic
employees. Flying at odd hours and staying in nature of air fare, there is a lag between the
inconvenient locations are the most common generation of travel request and when issuing of
outcomes of such rigid travel policies. This may the tickets.
also lead to non-compliance, with employees
booking their own travel to get better deals. The travel booking process is one of the more
time-consuming aspects of travel for employees.
Approximately 66%39 of employees book outside From evaluating the options provided to the
of policy believing that they are saving costs for back and forth communication with the travel
their organisations. desk, the average time spend by employees
on bookings can range from 90 minutes to 2.5
Source: 39. ‘66% Of Indian Business Travelers Not Booking Within Policy’ dated 17th May 2018 published in Travel Trends Today;
40. ‘Reinventing Business Travel Report, 2018, Atlas Travel
Higher automation can lead to less employee On the go access
time spent on the booking process and higher
productivity levels. Thus, many organisations Indian business travellers have the strongest
have begun implementing advanced booking appetite for digital services in the APAC region42.
tools such as online booking tool and self booking These travellers act as a driving force for services
tool. such as mobile capabilities and on-the-go access
to travel information. With growing reliance on
Figure 32: Benefits of Advanced Booking Tools technology in everyday life, the same level of
connectivity and ease of access is excepted
Visibility of
1 available
when it comes to business travel.
of Indian business travellers
No additional
2 85% prefer digital processing for
flights, through online or
needed mobile tools
3 Incorporated
budgeted of Indian business travellers
restraints prefer digital processing for
64% hotels, through online or
booking 4 mobile tools
Some companies have attempted to simplify this
Source: KPMG Analysis process by granting access to travel expense
mobile applications that allow employees to
By allowing employees to book their own travel, record expenses with ease. However, there is
in a pre-approved and policy compliant manner, significant room for improvement.
the turn-around time for booking can reduce
Integrated Booking systems
While smaller organisations outsource all their Many organisations depend on their TMCs for
travel requirements to a single TMC, larger automation tools and enhancements in the
organisations have multiple vendors. Thus, every travel booking process. With the high cost of
employee has to book air tickets, lodging, surface implementing new technologies, some companies
transport, etc. on separate systems. prefer to involve their TMCs in decisions involving
such innovations due to their domain expertise.
In most organisations, travel booking and
expense management are handled in separate However, currently there is more focus on
systems. After the completion of the business following restrictive travel policies and compliance
trip, employees must go through a lengthy than on tools to enhance employee productivity
reimbursement process, involving receipts and during travel.
approvals for all travel expenses.
The rise of a distinct and diverse generation of
Thus, centralization of all travel related processes Indian business travellers means companies must
and information can lead to an enhanced traveller learn how best to serve their needs. Going forward,
experience. It can also increase transparency in companies need to adopt a more systematic
the system and provide real time information for approach to travel management that evolves with
quick and efficient decision making in case of employee behavior, driven by technology.
modifications or cancellations.
Book Air
Integrated portal
for all travel
Book Surface
Voices of the industry
- Head of Admin, at a
leading oil and gas company
The business travel industry, like any other Figure 34: Transparency levers
industry, has buyers and sellers and a network
of partners who ease the pain points between The need for transparency in a managed
supply and demand. But a travel buyer’s supply business travel programme can be
chain is very complex with multiple stakeholders categorized into the following-
like airlines, hotels, transportation providers,
technology companies, payment providers,
global distribution systems, travel management
companies and others. These suppliers and
partners don’t just have contracts just with Supplier Data Traveller
buyers but also with each other thus adding Management Management Satisfaction
to the complexity of the supply chain. Airlines
and hotels have agreements with GDSs, Source: Industry Interactions by KPMG in India, KPMG
GDSs have agreements with TMCs and TMCs Analysis
have agreements with airlines and hotels—
independent from each party’s agreement with booking systems such as number of employees
the buyer. These stakeholders are engaged in a booking out of policy, flouting the advanced
many-to-many interaction web. booking guidelines, cancelling/ modifying travel
arrangements can help travel managers become
Consequently, there is a complex and invisible savvier and maximize the return on trips for the
stream of payments, incentives, commissions, corporation, while eliminating unnecessary travel
bonuses, overrides, discounts, waivers and costs.
favors flowing within the value chain. This poses
a challenge to travel managers. Transparency with respect to traveller satisfaction
can help corporates in not only attracting and
With the advent of online booking combined with retaining talent, but also in improving the ROI of
the rising importance of securing personal data, the travel being undertaken.
there is an increased need to ensure no leakages
in terms of data of employees who are travelling Travel managers can improve the effectiveness
for business. Although agreements between of their company’s travel by bringing in
third parties always contain confidentiality and transparency in the aforementioned areas.
nondisclosure clauses, corporates need to ensure
its efficacy. Additionally, insightful data from
Figure 35: Travel Distribution Industry
Indirect payment
Referral fees & advertising
Suppliers Suppliers
Aggregators &
GDS BSP Aggregators &
Travel agent IT
Metasearch Subscription & Incentive companies &
Travel agents travel agent IT payments
companies gatekeepers
Travel agents
Referral fees
Gatekeepers Direct payment & advertising
Service fee &
Consumers Consumers
Source: Amadeus/LSE
Supplier Management
The flow of incentives, commissions and fees Thus, travel managers need to revise their
in the corporate travel distribution network is negotiating strategy by looking into their travel
complex and with the advent of internet and volumes and cross referencing them with their
online travel agencies, it is becoming more so. most frequently visited destinations as well
Corporates have limited visibility of the markups as employee spending and booking patterns.
levied in the distribution system. Hence, a lot of They need to adopt the concept of continuous
the large corporate houses have direct tie ups sourcing under which they need to review prices
with hotels and airlines (that they pass on to their and demand all year round based on the changes
travel management partner) and an internal team in their company’s business.
that checks various platforms/ sources to ensure
bookings are being made at the lowest possible TMCs on the other hand need to bring in meta
fares. data, reviews and other marketplace data to give
full transparency on quality being delivered to their
Airline booking is more streamlined in the clients. They need to ensure that all the data is made
Indian corporate travel market as there are a available on a single source in real time, to enable
select number of air carriers and companies can their partner in making the best decision against a
easily aggregate their demand to negotiate bulk certain quality target and a savings target.
New agreements are being crafted, new terms
Hotel booking, however, is whole different and conditions are emerging and efficiencies
game altogether. Hotels form the second largest are beginning to flow in new ways. By forcing
cost head of corporate travel and with a highly transparency throughout the RFP process, having
fragmented hotel market, negotiations with proper representation during negotiations and
the hotel industry are very costly and time- introducing disclosure and right-to-audit terms
consuming. Most Indian corporates are facing a and conditions into final contracts, corporate
challenge in optimizing this cost head. Although travel managers could find hidden benefits in the
there is high saving potential for hotel purchasing, travel value chain.
companies they need more market expertise and
cost transparency to do so.
Data Management
Data Protection Bil (draft), 2018
The government, acting through the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, appointed
a Committee of Experts headed by former Supreme Court Justice B N Srikrishna to draft a law for
the Indian context, namely the Data Protection Bill, 2018 (“Draft Bill”)
Impact on travel
Absolute Establishment
Citizen Rights Data Fiduciary Financial
localization of of Regulatory
Obligations Penalties
data Authority
Impact on travel
This bill will affect the use of web analytics tools, data collection and tracking that is being
used by many companies for personalization of services and retargeted advertisements.
Shaping future booking on the basis of stored client preferences is an integral part of
the streamlined service that TMCs’ offer to travellers. In light of the data protection
bill, TMCs will need to find innovative ways to customize travel itineraries, while
minimizing client risk through methods of storing personal data.
Corporates are accountable for their travelling employees’ data and must do their
own due diligence in order to understand how their TMC partners and suppliers are
handling the data. They need to verify if the bill requirements are being met and
implement strict compliance regimes to ensure it.
Under the new bill, companies will also need robust supplier risk management
processes in place for managing third-party relationships and assessing the
associated risks to which they might be exposed as a part of these relationships.
Traveller Satisfaction Figure 37: Four ways to find balance between
cost incurred and traveller satisfaction
Indian corporate travellers are more motivated
than ever by personal ambition and desire
for recognition, as well as opportunities to
grow. When they travel, they are looking for
experiences that offer convenience, comfort and
connectivity to stay productive.
Source: 43. Business Traveller Survey, conducted by The Harris Poll More than 1,300 adults across India, the United States and
China who have traveled for business in the last 12 months (international business travellers) were interviewed
Voices of the industry
Towards a more
effective Corporate
Travel Environment
Way Forward
The Indian business travel market has grown maintaining their business objectives. Thus,
significantly over the years, making India the 7th collaboration between companies and their travel
largest business travel market. The volume of partners is more important than ever.
travel is expected to grow further as companies
expand their businesses in an increasingly The four pillars of corporate travel management
connected world. serve as an underlying foundation for developing
a comprehensive travel program that aims
With a tech savvy and digitally inclined workforce, to integrate and fulfil the needs of all the
organisations need to be well equipped to stakeholders involved.
address the needs of their employees while
Key Trends Implications Recommendations
Key Trends Implications Recommendations
With a deep understanding of traveller needs, This creates an opportunity for corporates and
corporations and TMCs can deliver the type TMCs to collectively transform how people travel
of service that employees expect. As each for business. A successful travel management
corporation has different requirements and programme combines the interests of travellers,
each traveller has his/her personal preferences, corporations, travel agents and travel providers
there is greater need for flexibility and and fulfils their needs.
agility in adapting to the needs of them all.
Communication and connectivity is essential for Thus, by working on and building upon the
today’s traveller. Business travellers want control four pillars, TMCs can continue to demonstrate
over their travel without hampering business the value they provide while corporations can
objectives. embrace changes in their managed travel
ACTE Association of Corporate Travel Executives
APAC Asia Pacific
B2B Business to Business
Bn Billion
BPO Business Process Outsourcing
CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate
EU European Union
GBTA Global Business Travel Association
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GDS Global Distribution System
GoI Government of India
INR Indian Rupee
IT Information Technology
ITes Information Technology Enabled Services
MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events
MIS Management Information System
MMT Make My Trip
NDA Non-disclosure Agreement
OTA Online Travel Agency
RFP Request for Proposal
ROI Return on Investment
SBT Self Booking Tool
SME Small and Medium Enterprises
T&E Travel and Entertainment
T&T Travel and Tourism
TEM Travel and Expense Management
TMC Travel Management Company
USD United States Dollar
FCM Travel Solutions
Contact in India
Rakesh Negi
Brand Leader
FCM Travel Solutions India
T : +91 98718 01176
E : rakesh.negi@in.fcm.travel
Email: info@in.fcm.travel
Toll Free: 18002661312