Instanced Model Simplification Using Combined Geometric and Appearance-Related Metric
Instanced Model Simplification Using Combined Geometric and Appearance-Related Metric
Instanced Model Simplification Using Combined Geometric and Appearance-Related Metric
arXiv:2101.02570v1 [cs.GR] 7 Jan 2021
Abstract—volution of 3D graphics and graphical worlds has brought face count. For instance, virtual worlds contain a large number of 3D
issues like content optimization, real-time processing, rendering, and meshes/objects in a scene where many of these are repeated with the
shared storage limitation under consideration. Generally, different sim- same geometry but different sizes, orientations, and other properties.
plification approaches are used to make 3D meshes viable for ren- Such repeated meshes are referred to as instanced 3D meshes. Modern
dering. However, many of these approaches ignore vertex attributes 3D tools take a mesh with multiple copies as instanced input and save
for instanced 3D meshes. In this paper, we implement and evaluate a this data as one mesh with different properties. This approach saves
simple and improved version to simplify instanced 3D textured models. memory and renders livelier scenes. However, a major challenge faced
The approach uses different vertex attributes in addition to geometry to while simplifying instanced 3D meshes is dealing with a huge number
simplify mesh instances. The resulting simplified models demonstrate of copies as a single mesh. Another challenge relates to sorting out the
efficient time-space requirements and better visual quality. volution of meshes into groups; that is, deciding which object is an exact copy of
3D graphics and graphical worlds has brought issues like content opti- which one. Subsequently, downloading just a few of them can overbur-
mization, real-time processing, rendering, and shared storage limitation den the network bandwidth and graphic processors. Thus, transferring
under consideration. Generally, different simplification approaches are huge amounts of data with detailed textures and normal attributes is not
used to make 3D meshes viable for rendering. However, many of these feasible.
approaches ignore vertex attributes for instanced 3D meshes. In this Numerous attempts with optimized results have previously been
paper, we implement and evaluate a simple and improved version to made in the field of 3D model simplification. As aforementioned, the
simplify instanced 3D textured models. The approach uses different most common and serious issue with many of these approaches is the
vertex attributes in addition to geometry to simplify mesh instances. The resulting file size. In some cases, the file size doubles, in particular
resulting simplified models demonstrate efficient time-space require- when mesh instancing is not taken into account. Present techniques for
ments and better visual quality. E reducing meshes and making them appropriate for the cloud presents
different challenges. These techniques efficiently reduce the number of
Index Terms—3D meshes, simplification, instancing
triangles from the mesh to produce good visual results, but many of
these techniques increase the file size–making it unfit for shared data
storage [1], [2], [3]. This is not a concern when the data is stored
1 I NTRODUCTION on local disks. However, with the advent of virtual worlds and real-
Technology brings imagination closer to reality. This phenomenon can time multi-dimensional environments, the data needs to be shared to
be demonstrated through the presentation of 3D models. Traditionally, ensure robustness and to maintain the integrity of the user-developed
the use of virtual worlds for social communication is considered in content. This requirement makes cloud new storage points, altering the
the context of 3D games. However, these computer-based graphical direction of research from simple simplification to efficient simplification
environments also provide other morphs of interaction to participants, with reduced data sizes to avoid latencies. To resolve this issue, the
including forums, blogs, wikis, chat rooms, instant messaging, and video approach in [4] considers instancing and coherence in real-world to
conferencing. Such platforms help build communities with like-minded decrease file size by reducing the triangle count of meshes. This 3D
people who can share information and gain new experiences. Like- simplification, however, does not take into account vertex attributes such
wise, from advertising and marketing to geological hazard simulations, as textures and colors. There is a need to develop techniques that also
information is presented as 3D data that must be shared in order to consider these attributes while simplifying 3D content to produce smaller
bring the imagined project to reality. In particular, the application of a sized results.
virtual environment is most obvious in the entertainment and gaming In this paper, we propose an instanced simplification approach that
world. However, latency in transferring 3D data is a major issue in this incorporates both instancing and the concept of simplifying different
industry. Moreover, most content of virtual worlds is created by many vertex attributes. The former records copies of the same mesh as
users requiring shared data storage. The visual quality of the 3D models references rather than as complete data. This provides an opportunity to
suffers as a result of latency in such shared data storages. have faster processing times by simplifying multiple copies of the same
Computing large amounts of client-produced cloud-based graphical mesh and to save storage space by keeping only references of multiple
data highlights the challenges in storage, network, and processing; that clones of the mesh. While the latter simplifies an instanced mesh by
is, user-developed models are not optimized for rendering in terms of reducing its triangle count to get smaller files, as well as, addresses
different attributes such as the texture, color, and normals.
Sadia Tariq and Anis U. Rahman are with School of Electrical Engineering The main contribution of this work is a simple and efficient algo-
and Computer Science (SEECS), National University of Sciences and Tech- rithm that accounts for vertex attributes when simplifying instanced 3D
nology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. Tahir Azim is with École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. Rehman G. Khan is textured models. A customized format was used to work with readable
with Bahauddin Zakaria University (BZU), Multan, Pakistan instanced input and output for an accurate understanding of the varia-
Corresponding Author: Anis Ur Rahman, e-mail: tions which occur during the simplification procedure. In summary, the proposed technique uses instances, vertex attributes, and geometrical
simplification while producing smaller sized result files. [26] to guide the simplification process for irregular meshes, ensuring
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, fidelity bounds for boundary and texture preservation.
we provide the theoretical foundations and a review of the state-of- The downside to the aforementioned geometric simplification al-
the-art algorithms for 3D mesh simplification. Our main contributions gorithms is that they are limited to manifold surfaces; that is, all such
are presented in Section 3. In Section 4, we report comprehensive methods can close gaps created after vertex removal using successive
experimental results to validate the proposed approach, followed by edge contraction but are unable to join unconnected faces. Furthermore,
discussion in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, conclusions and future many of them fail to meet all model parameters defined in [27] including
research directions are outlined. quality, efficiency, generality, and optimization of geometric simplifica-
Since the evolution of multi-dimensional presentation and the ways
2.2 Attribute Simplification
of communication over the last decade, when live 3D environments Classical quadric error method [2] is efficient with reasonably good re-
and virtual worlds have taken initiatives, 3D simplification algorithms sults, later followed by an extension incorporating different appearance
have been well-studied. However, increased usage of this concept has attributes [28]. Similarly, Hoppe [29] introduces progressive meshes
come with new limitations, opening an entirely untouched dimension for for storage and transmission of triangle meshes. The approach uses
research. successive edge collapses based on energy functions defined on these
A lot of previous research has been done on geometrical simpli- attributes to preserve granularity. But, the trivial decimation process
fication of 3D models. This includes simplification of vertex attributes used becomes expensive when the number of candidate vertices for
and other local properties [1], [2]. But, the major issues with these collapse approach the total model size.
methods came to light when data was transferred over the network for An adaptive threshold selection scheme proposed in [1] uses a
sharing. The methods either double the resultant file sizes or ignore surface-area metric complemented with other shading attributes to im-
different attributes of vertices while simplifying 3D meshes. However, prove simplification fidelity. Other similar methods introduce appearance
in [4], file sizes after simplification of 3D models are efficiently handled preserving simplifications [28], [30], [31]. The process may lead to
by instance-aware simplification where common factors of coherence loss of geometric details, degrading actual appearance. This issue was
and instancing of meshes in a large 3D world are exploited. On the alleviated in a generalized quadric approach [32] based on appearance
downside, without simplification of attributes, a significant amount gets attributes to accurately and efficiently simplify meshes while preserving
added in data size. fidelity.
We can organize 3D simplifications into three major categories: In [33], the approach guarantees fidelity on the original appearance
a) geometric simplification, b) attribute simplification, and c) instanced based on envelopes proposed in [25]. These envelopes are defined
mesh simplification. using a texture stretch and deviation metric [31] to preserve appear-
ance but at the cost of expensive parameterizations. The parame-
terizations can be avoided using different optimizations: sampling the
2.1 Geometric Simplification normal map using ray casting concepts [31], [34], [35], or randomly
Traditionally, research in 3D model simplification involves geometric data sampling the normal map [36], or using an adaptive sampling of a high-
reduction with predefined conditions and assumptions. Schroeder et resolution normal map encoded as an octree [37]. The latter supports
al. [5] proposed one of the first iterative decimation approach using efficient lookups while avoiding expensive parameterizations. Further-
vertex-to-plane distances. This approach is fast, producing vertices as more, texture-based simplification approach [38], [39], [40] to visualize
a subset of the original set of vertices, but changes to the vertex posi- textures dynamically at different scales uses wavelet transformation to
tions limit the fidelity of simplification. Generally, selection methods for compress the textures and then recolor them. A surface reconstruction
geometric simplification work by producing an optimal point for collapse method proposed in [41] produces dense meshes with preserved detail
of a vertex pair. The methods are efficient at producing quality results by and sharpness. The approach is scalable for indoor 3D models with
classifying vertices into a hierarchal triangulation. All vertices contained textures. All these methods attempt to preserve fidelity to the original
are decimated iteratively followed by re-triangulation of the remaining appearance.
vertices to fill any holes. Other selection approaches use different met-
rics to guide this decimation: curvature-based [6], Hausdorff distance-
based [7], local tessellation and geometric error [3], volume [8], [9], and 2.3 Instanced Meshes
distances to supporting forms [10]. The above mentioned simplification approaches take a model or a 3D
In [11], decimation is implemented using group vertex splits en- environment as an indexed triangle mesh comprising a list of position
coded as vertex spanning trees. A similar approach [12] using vector points called vertices, details of textures and normal coordinates, and
quantization, instead of scalar quantization used earlier, results in faster a list of indexed triangles. In contrast, real-world models use formats
decoding and lower memory usage but lower simplification fidelity. An- that describe a 3D model as an instanced mesh, for instance, COL-
other extension introduces progressive vertex forest splits to get higher LADA [42], Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max file formats, and so forth, where the
compression rates [13]. Though the fidelity improves but the process mesh structure consists of a list of sub-meshes and their corresponding
is slower; however, there exists an efficient implementation exploiting transformations for instancing.
hardware vertex buffers to improve vertex data reuse [14]. In [15], Current mesh simplification algorithms including quadric approach
a more sophisticated data-driven approach is proposed using vector and GAPS are unaware of instances in their input. They generally
quantization with arbitrarily shaped groups for encoding. This results in require expansion of instancing as indexed triangles for simplification, in
better rate-distortion performance but the algorithm is computationally turn, the simplified file output requires much more storage space. Such
expensive. large files result in latency during network transmission, making them
More recent works in simplification literature use multi-resolution unsuitable for richly instanced virtual worlds.
schemes [16], [17] and improved quantization schemes [18], [19], [20] More recent work referred to as instance aware simplification (IAS)
for intermediate meshes to reduce distortion. Other improvements in- in [4] exploits the similarity of duplicated meshes and coherence among
clude the use of Gaussian mixture models for vertex creation [21], patch them for instance-aware simplification. To be more precise, it is an
coloring for iterative decimation [22] followed by cleansing conquest instanced variant of quadric simplification that simplifies a sub-mesh
scheme in [23] and null patch avoidance scheme proposed in [24]. once and applies this change to all the instances referred to this sub-
Many of these methods improve bit-rates but the geometry is somewhat mesh. The resulting simplification is irreversible, reducing processing
degraded. This is countered by the use of simplification envelopes [25], times while dealing with instanced meshes. It is an improved approach
with respect to processing times and end file sizes but lacks attribute in the object file format, later used to retrieve instanced 3D sub-
simplification. meshes as indexed 3D files. Each sub-mesh is a result of multi-
As pointed out, none of the methods take attributes into account. plying the instance vertices information–a transformation matrix–
To resolve this issue, we propose an improved version of GAPS that to a given reference mesh. We produced two types of outputs:
incorporates the concept of instancing to the existing approach. GAPS one an instanced 3D textured output and another an indexed 3D
itself is an attribute version of quadric simplification where the attribute textured output carrying instance mesh information as a complete
error cost is added into vertex geometric cost matrices. We introduce 3D mesh. The former output with extension .obj was a classical
instancing to this concept to get complete simplification of all duplicated object file excluding support for instances, used to get reduced
copies with no additional processing time required. file sizes. While the latter output file, an instanced 3D textured
output, was used to visualize the instances retrieved as indexed
meshes. Additionally, a material file (.mtl) was stored containing
3 P ROPOSED S OLUTION all the attribute information including textures, normals, and colors.
We propose an extended version of GAPS as instanced textured 3D 2) Errors Calculation. The proposed algorithm applies quadric sim-
model simplification (ITS). This approach starts off with simplifying mesh plification followed by calculation of geometrical error of the 3D
geometry using the classical quadric approach followed by simplifying mesh. For texture and normal error, it uses point clouds. Afterward,
mesh attributes derived from GAPS, while maintaining compression all the computed errors are unified to select and merge the least
using instancing. The proposed algorithm mainly comprises three major errored vertex pairs.
steps as follows: 3) Instancing. Once the sub-mesh is simplified using its attributes to
1) Step 1. Simplify mesh geometry using quadric error matrices. This a desired level, simplification is applied to all the referred instances
geometrical simplification requires some prerequisites including using transformation matrices.
threshold calculation and the listing of valid pairs for merging into
destination vertices.
3.1 Instanced 3D Model Simplification
2) Step 2. Calculate attribute errors via point clouds leading to a
unified error. This error is the basis of merging. The motivation of this paper is to produce an optimal simplification
3) Step 3. Apply simplification across all instances using correspond- algorithm for textured 3D instanced meshes that minimize space re-
ing transformation matrices. quirement of the simplified output file over the cloud. It aims to introduce
an approach that not only simplifies the 3D structures but also deals with
The basic work flow of the proposed ITS algorithm is shown in Fig-
vertex properties minimizing loss of information, resulting in better visual
ure 1 comprising four major phases illustrated in Algorithm 1 including
taking and interpreting input and writing details of an output file.
As our approach is an enhanced and instanced version of GAPS, we
start with an introduction to quadric matrices for geometry simplification,
Algorithm 1 Instance Aware GAPS
then give an explanation of attributes handling and instancing, and finally
1. Read Input conclude with a detailed work flow.
4) Edge Contraction. Valid pair of vertices degenerate to one of the collapse [1]. It is a weighted average error for vertex v given as:
vertices involved in the collapse, one with a smaller error.
S(v)· Γ(v) + Xn0 · N (v) + Xc0 · C(v) + Xt0 · T (v)
E(v) =
S(v) + Xn0 + Xc0 + Xt0
S(v) : total surface area of vertex v
Γ(v) : geometric error of vertex v
3.3 Attributes Simplification
N (v) : normal error of vertex v
T (v) : texture coordinate error of vertex v
Vertex attributes including their position, texture coordinates, colors,
and normals are dealt in GAPS by Erikson and Manocha [1]. They C(v) : color error of vertex v
approached these properties by introducing the concept of point clouds.
4) Interpolating attributes. To determine the new attribute value for
The concept is very simple and efficient, but only an approximate
a merged vertex, the merged vertex was projected onto its local
method for computing error in attribute space. We use a similar concept
geometry assuming the geometry prior to the merge. Limiting the
to GAPS point cloud approach for local attribute simplification.
search to this local geometry, we interpolated the original attributes
to obtain attribute values for the new vertex. In case of attribute
1) Locating merged vertex. Quadric error was used to locate the
discontinuities at a merged vertex, the process was similar but
position of the merged vertex. We did not allocate a new optimal
more than one pair of attributes were merged.
point to get the pair collapsed; rather, we defined one of the ver-
tices from the selected pair with the least error to be the destination
point. 3.4 Instancing
2) Attribute error via point clouds. A simple and efficient but
approximate approach to find the attribute error is introduced by This paper follows in the footsteps of IAS to deal with instanced meshes,
GAPS [1]. The approach uses a point cloud, a pool of 3D points except that it applies attribute simplification in addition to geometric
with some weight. simplification.
M ′ × ti = mtii
The normal and texture coordinates for a particular instance may record
after position coordinates. Simplified texture coordinates and normal
coordinates are obtained as a result of reference submesh attribute
simplification. Instances may have a different scale, rotation, and trans-
lation but they must be an exact copy of reference submesh in geometry.
For simplicity, we assumed that all instances of a submesh have same
texture coordinates as those of the reference submesh.
Let T be the texture coordinates and N be the normal coordinates,
then simplification is applied to instances In in the following routine,
M ′ × t1 = mt11
T1 N1 F1
M ′ × t2 = m 2 t
2 T2 N2 F2
M ′ × t = mt3 T3 N3 F3
3 3
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
M ′ × tn = mtnn Tn Nn Fn
Fig. 2: Visual comparison of three different approaches on
the Stanford bunny, Top row: Quadric simplification; Mid-
M ′ : simplified geometric mesh
dle row: proposed ITS; and Bottom row: GAPS. Moreover,
ti : ith instance’s transformation
column-wise corresponds to different levels of simplifica-
mtii : ith simplified instance
tion 10%, 20%, 50% and 70% respectively.
Ti : ith simplified instance’s textures
Ni : ith simplified instance’s normals
Fi : ith simplified instance’s face list
This section describes both qualitative and quantitative results obtained
after evaluating the proposed simplification method using different in-
puts. The algorithm was developed in Visual Studio using VB.NET and Fig. 3: Results of simplification for 13 different instanced
regex was used to retrieve data. All results were compiled on a Windows Stanford bunny, Top: with 10%t fewer vertices and triangles
10 64-bit system with Intel i3 processor and 4GB system memory, while count in 1.72 seconds; and Bottom: with 20% fewer vertices
3ds Max Studio and MeshLab aided visualization of the inputs and
and triangles count in 2.83 seconds.
We compare the results to two previous techniques: Quadric and
GAPS simplification, at 10%, 20% and 50% level of simplification. For
the time being, the proposed system is designed only for triangulated models of the bear is 0.78, 0.97, and 1.07 seconds by 10%, 20%, and
inputs; that is, other polygons are not treated yet. Test 3D input models 50% simplification respectively. Furthermore, Figure 5 shows 10%, 20%
are shown in Table 1 alongside their respective statistics. and 50% simplification of test input model of a deer. The simplified
model has four instances with different rotation angles, scales, and
translations. The time taken by our system to reduce five models of a
4.1 Visual Results deer is 0.72, 0.99, and 1.29 seconds by 10%, 20%, and 50% simpli-
A comparison between the three different approaches to simplifying fication respectively. Similarly, Figure 6 shows four different instanced
the Stanford bunny input model by reducing vertices and face counts wolves simplified by a 10%, 20%, and 50% simplification rate.
is shown in Figure 2. The simplification is done by quadric algorithm, In the cases of deer, bears, and wolves, upon the reduction of
GAPS, and proposed ITS at 10%, 20%, 50% and 70% level of simpli- face counts by 10% and 20%, most of the details and shapes were
fication. The quadric approach does not simplify textures and normal retained. For example, in the case of the deer, the shape of its mouth
coordinates; hence we have only accounted for geometry. and sharpness of its antlers were still there. However, when reduced to
Once quadric and attribute simplification is done, instancing is in- 50% face count, the face started losing its shape and so did the antlers.
troduced. Then, simplified instanced 3D mesh copies are written as Its legs also disappeared partially and the tail disappeared completely.
indexed triangles into an object file. Figure 3 shows twelve copies of These results also reveal another fact about this approach: the results
10% and 20% reduced vertices and face counts of Stanford bunny with get better with the increase in data size. As Stanford bunny has vertices
different rotation angles, scales, and positions but the same geometry, and faces in thousands, thus, upon reducing its face count to 50%, loss
computed in 1.72 and 2.83 seconds respectively. of information was enough to be noticed from a distance.
Additionally, few other results of meshes simplification with instanc-
ing are presented. Figure 4 shows 10%, 20% and 50% simplification of
test input model of a bear. The model is simplified with four instances 4.2 Result Statistics
at different rotation angles, scales, and translations. It is evident from Table 2 shows a reduction in faces and vertices in comparison with the
the result that after reducing 20% of vertices, most of the model’s shape original number of vertices and faces. Here, reduction in vertex counts
is retained. The time taken by the proposed approach to reducing five by 10%, 20% and 50% level of simplification are presented. The time
Models Vertices Texture Normal Triangles # Instances Size (KB) per instance
Fig. 4: Results of simplification for four different instanced bears, Left: with 10% fewer vertices and faces count and four
different instances produced in 0.78 seconds; Middle: with 20% fewer vertices and faces count and four different instances
produced in 0.97 seconds; and Right: with 50% fewer vertices and faces count and four different instances produced in 1.07
Fig. 5: Results of simplification for four different instanced deer, left: with 10% fewer vertices and faces count and four
different instances produced in 0.72 seconds; Middle: with 20% fewer vertices and faces count and four different instances
produced in 0.99 seconds; and Right: with 50% fewer vertices and faces count and four different instances produced in 1.29
Fig. 6: Results of simplification for four different instanced Wolves, Left: with 10% fewer vertices and faces count produced
in 0.70 seconds; Middle: with 20% fewer vertices and faces count produced in 0.84 seconds; and Right: with 30% fewer
vertices and faces count produced in 1.27 seconds.
taken to reduce input test models to the desired level using this approach A comparison between un-instanced (Quadrics and GAPS) and
is shown in Table 3. Moreover, the reduction in file size is also mentioned instanced (IAS and proposed ITS) is shown in Table 3 in terms of
in this table. time taken and size of the output files produced. It should be noted that
TABLE 2: Faces and vertices count chart of simplified result models with original inputs (without instances).
Time (s)
Figure 7 shows a comparison of processing times and the result file
sizes for simplification of Stanford bunny using un-instanced (Quadrics 5
and GAPS) and instanced (IAS and ITS).
8.1 8.1
6 5.6 Instanced
Size (MB)
4 3.8
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.6 0.6
10% 20% 50%
Simplification level 2
4.7 4.7
4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 Instanced simplication at levels 10%, 20%, and 50%.
2.6 2.6
We proposed a hybrid 3D textured model simplification approach that
0 is faster and efficient. This approach is a combination of three variant
10% 20% 50%
Simplification level ideas to deal with three objectives: it simplifies geometry, it simplifies
vertex attributes, and it controls file sizes by accounting for instances.
There are many approaches that simplify geometry in a very efficient
Fig. 7: Time and size comparison graphs of Instanced Stan-
way, whereas other approaches deal with attributes, however, they lack
ford Bunny and Un-Instanced Stanford Bunny, simplified by in the reduction of file size. Our algorithm is efficient enough to handle
10%, 20%, and 50%. geometry and attribute simplification while resulting in smallest possible
file size.
Time and size comparison for un-instanced (Quadrics and GAPS) Furthermore, the proposed simplification was split into two stages:
and instanced (IAS and proposed ITS) using different input 3D models: geometric simplification followed by attribute simplification, to get a
Stanford bunny, bear, deer, and wolf at different levels of simplification better geometric appearance. This was mainly due to the assumption
are shown in Figure 8. that the visual quality of a 3D model is more affected by its geometry
The proposed simplification method produces results significantly rather than its textures or normals. Thence, a geometric error was
more efficient than previous approaches. The results clearly show its used to make an initial vertex collapse. In case the collapse kept the
efficiency compared to GAPS. Using this approach, 3D content with geometric quality within acceptable limits, it was further simplified using
textures and normals can be shared using minimal network bandwidth; vertex attributes.
thereby contributing to making 3D content readily available, in particular The proposed method is more generalized, as most of the 3D
for virtual worlds. Moreover, there is a significant processing time reduc- content is stored as an instanced file containing textures and normal
tion while producing acceptable results. All in all, the results make this coordinates. It is noteworthy that most of the virtual environments and
work a good contribution in simplification of 3D textured instance aware 3D worlds use instanced data, which was not the case in previous
models. approaches. For example, instanced simplification uses instancing but
TABLE 3: Comparison between un-instanced (Quadrics and GAPS) and instanced (IAS and proposed ITS) in terms of time
and space required. Time in seconds and size in kilobytes.
lacks accounting for attributes while GAPS does not use instanced multiple simplified meshes (instances). On larger 3D input models, the
input, rather it takes them as indexed triangles for applying quadric algorithm produces far better results compared to other approaches.
simplification. Moreover, the time to reduce instanced meshes is equivalent to one
We came across a few challenges in this work: First, instanced 3D mesh simplification. In the end, the results produced for 3D textured
mesh input file formats like COLLADA, Autodesk Maya, and Autodesk models are as refined as those produced using GAPS with efficient time-
3ds Max files are not readable in raw, making it almost impossible to take space and visual quality.
a deep look into the processing applied to 3D data. Object file format
is the simplest readable format to carry such data, but a major issue
with object file format is that it does not support instancing. Therefore,
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