This document summarizes the drainage calculation for a carriageway that is 8 meters wide and has a structure span of 31 meters. It calculates the peak runoff as 0.0116 cubic meters per second based on rainfall intensity, catchment area, runoff coefficient, and time of concentration. It then determines that a 0.1 meter diameter pipe has sufficient capacity to handle the peak runoff of 0.0122 cubic meters per second.
This document summarizes the drainage calculation for a carriageway that is 8 meters wide and has a structure span of 31 meters. It calculates the peak runoff as 0.0116 cubic meters per second based on rainfall intensity, catchment area, runoff coefficient, and time of concentration. It then determines that a 0.1 meter diameter pipe has sufficient capacity to handle the peak runoff of 0.0122 cubic meters per second.
This document summarizes the drainage calculation for a carriageway that is 8 meters wide and has a structure span of 31 meters. It calculates the peak runoff as 0.0116 cubic meters per second based on rainfall intensity, catchment area, runoff coefficient, and time of concentration. It then determines that a 0.1 meter diameter pipe has sufficient capacity to handle the peak runoff of 0.0122 cubic meters per second.
This document summarizes the drainage calculation for a carriageway that is 8 meters wide and has a structure span of 31 meters. It calculates the peak runoff as 0.0116 cubic meters per second based on rainfall intensity, catchment area, runoff coefficient, and time of concentration. It then determines that a 0.1 meter diameter pipe has sufficient capacity to handle the peak runoff of 0.0122 cubic meters per second.
Span of structure = 31.0 m Runoff from the catchment , Q = 0.028*P*A*Ic cum\sec P - Run off coefficient = 0.90 As per IRC SP 50, Table 6.1, A - Aera of Catchment in hectares = 248 sq.m 0.0248 Ha Critical intensity of rainfall, Ic = F(T+1) cm/hr T(Tc+1) F - Total rainfall in cm within a storm duration of 'T' hours From isopluvial maps of central India plate XVI 24 Hrs - Rainfall value for 25 years return period for the project = 240 mm region Zone specific conversion factor = 0.390 As per table 6.1 of IRC SP 42
Rainfall intensity in 1 hour(T) for 25 yrs return period = 9.4 cm/hr
Total Time of concentration in hours within the storm duration
= To+Tf of ‘T’ hours, t Time of concentration overland (To) in hours = (0.87 x L3 / H) 0.385 IRC SP 50,Cl. 6.1, L - Distance of critical point to the drain location in km = 0.0080 km H - Fall in level from the critical point to the drain level in m = 0.20 m Time of concentration overland (To) in hours = 0.0067 hrs Time of concentration in channel (Tf) in Seconds = Lc / V Lc = Length of longitudinal drain in m = 27 m 2/3 1/2 V = Theoretical velocity in m/s = 1/n R S Diameter of runner pipe (d) = 0.100 m n = Manning’s roughness coefficient for PVC pipe = 0.010 IRC SP 50,Cl. 6.1, R= Hydraulic mean radius in m (Area of flow cross section = 0.025 / Wetted Perimeter) S= Longitudinal slope of the drain = 0.033 V = Theoretical velocity in m/s = 1.553 m/s Time of concentration in channel (Tf) in Hrs = 0.005 hrs
Cumulative Time of concentration (t) = 0.011 hrs
Critical rainfall intensity Ic for t = 19 cm/(t-hrs)
Peak runoff Q = 0.0116 m3/s
Capacity of runner pipe Qc = AxV
= 0.0122 m3/s
Capacity of runner pipe Qc > Peak runoff Q 0.1m is sufficient