Today, Mobile communications play a central role in the voice/data network arena. The future in telecommunication
systems goes towards a split between the network provider and the service provider, and a convergence of media
distribution and communication networks. However, a key critical success factor is focused telecommunications
industry attention on Next Generation Networking (NGN) service concepts and how these concepts can be realized in
an NGN environment, from the edges to the core of the network. This focus is lacking today, with most of the attention
on specific NGN technology issues.
Research and development on Next-Generation Networks (NGNs) have been carried out over the last few years. This
Journal proposed on the basis of observation of new and interesting services that utilize these NGNs. The Journal aims
to present the latest developments and technical solutions in the areas of NGN system and multimedia services, and
related deployment, performance, security and mobility. We welcome high quality paper for the following areas of
NGN Telecommunication services & networking:
Next Generation Communications System
Network Convergence Issue, Architecture, Applications
3G and 4G Wireless Technologies
Long Term Evaluation (LTE)
Performance Evaluation of NGN Networks
Experimental and Simulated Testbeds
Mobility Across Networks
Vehicular Communications
P2P Architectures for NGN
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)
Multimedia Communications
Quadruple Play
Multicast & Broadcast over NGN
Mobile TV
Cross-layer Optimization for Multimedia Service Support
NGN Activities
M-Health over NGN
Tested Design and Deployments
Social Networking, and Location-based Services for NGN
Web 2.0 and NGN
Case Studies of NGN Services
Application development frameworks and tools
Service Creation, Delivery, and Management
NGN Security deployment, Observation
User Data Privacy in NGN
Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through e-mail ijngnjournal@airccse.org
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication
while being evaluated for this Journal.
Important Dates
Submission deadline : 15 March, 2011
Acceptance notification : 25 April, 2011
Final manuscript due : 30 April, 2011
Publication date : determined by the Editor-in-Chief