3.9.16 - ISO 9001 Transition
3.9.16 - ISO 9001 Transition
3.9.16 - ISO 9001 Transition
Joseph W. Krolikowski
Technical Director
All participants have been muted.
Annex SL was first published in 2012 and
represented the output of a special committee of the
ISO called the Joint Technical Coordination Group
d) achieve improvement.
Clause 6.1.2 of the ISO 9001:2015 standard states:
◦ The organization shall plan:
b) how to:
1) integrate and implement the actions into its quality management system processes (see 4.4);
2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.
◦ Actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall be proportionate to the potential
impact on the conformity of products and services.
◦ Options to address risks can include avoiding risk, taking risk in order to pursue an opportunity,
eliminating the risk source, changing the likelihood or consequences, sharing the risk, or retaining
risk by informed decision.
◦ Opportunities can lead to the adoption of new practices, launching new products, opening new
markets, addressing new clients, building partnerships, using new technology and other desirable
and viable possibilities to address the organization's or its customers’ needs.
There are a number of activities that are required under
ISO 9001:2008 standard that are likely going to help you
demonstrate compliance to Risk Management. These
Clause 4.2 requires that organization determine who their interested parties are,
but emphasizes “relevant to the quality management system.”
The intention is that as an organization, you will ensure that your quality
management system considers all relevant input requirements. The term
“Interested Party” is intended to broaden the scope of who such requirements
might come from.
In practice, this will not require a great deal of additional implementation activity
on the part of the organization. Ensuring that you are cognizant of all applicable
requirements is simply good business.
Most key changes are found in Sections 4, 5, and 6
Sections 1-3 – Not specifically auditable (as
Please note that this does NOT mean that your financial records will be
subject to audit.
Section 6 – Planning for the quality management
◦ Planning is viewed in a whole new light – taking into
account the new concept of risk.
Certainly not!