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Serial Communications / Protocol in Airtest Products: General

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Serial Communications / Protocol in AirTest Products

The standard sensor has two different ways of serial select hardware wire. This latter bus is intended for
communication with sensor’s peripherals and the communications with internal system functions and
outside world. One is through the UART (Universal plug-in-cards in a slave mode using a chip select
Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter) and signal from the sensor microprocessor. One such
another through the Microwire bus. Basically, they plug-in-card is the -LON option, which connects an
differ in such a way that the sensor communicates Echelon neuron and turns the system into a
via UART only when it is requested, but only in- LonMark labelled CO2-Temp-Occupancy triple
between sensor measurements, whereas the sensor for advanced digital networks.
Microwire bus is always used to send information
after each measurement cycle as signalled by a chip

The UART communication protocol, general description

The intended UART communication protocol is a The master has to answer after a time-out period of
master/slave one. Communication can be initiated minimum 8.2 msec counted from the last stop bit
only by one node of the network, the master of the has been shifted into master’s UART to the first
net. Sensor is always a slave. Baud rate is 9600, start bit transition of shifting out byte by sending the
other settings are 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Message Request (MR), that contains up to a
maximum of 8 bytes. These8 bytes include task
The UART protocol is intended for both RS232 and code and check sum. The time interval between
RS485 communication with other master. The high bytes must not exceed 4 msec in order to let slave to
accuracy of the sensor requires the measurements to distinguish RTS and data bytes. If more data is to
have the top priority. Hence, the total cycle is be exchanged, a new RTS has to be sent for each 8
divided into two sequential time slots - byte package.
measurement and communication. During the
measurements the UART communication is If the sensor receives and understands the MR
disabled, and it is reinitialised at the beginning of message, the sensor UART will respond by sending
communication time slot. Sensor can stay in a Data Code (DC) containing the data requested,
measurement time slot for as long as 0.8 sec. that contains up to a maximum of 8 bytes. These8
bytes include Acknowledgement (ACK) and check
The communication protocol is written in such a sum. In case of an execution command, only an
way that any communication starts externally by Acknowledgement (ACK) will be sent after
sending to the sensor’s UART one Request To command execution. Slave must provide time
Send (RTS) byte. Master must provide 8.2 msec interval between bytes to be less than 4 msec to
silence on the communication bus before and after prevent interpretation data bytes as RTS by any
RTS in order to let slave to identify that the byte other slave in the RS485 network.
should be interpreted as RTS. In addition master
shall give a sensor at least 21.5 msec after RTS to Any detected communication error (frame errors,
prepare answer. check sum mismatch etc.) as well as detected
application error (invalid task code, run time error
Received during measurement time slot bytes are of execution commands etc.) results in reinitialising
ignored. of sensor communication without any report on the
communication bus (no NACK). Master can detect
As soon as the RTS byte is received and the presence of sensor in the net due to CTR
successfully identified, the slave will respond by response. After execution command fail master
sending a Clear To Receive (CTR) byte. shall check sensor status.

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 1

A new RTS can be sent immediately after the In addition to general communication sequence,
completion of a DC string (+8.2 msec). Because of described above, a special broadcast command is
the presence of measurement time slot with used to reset individual network address of the
forbidden communication, the duration of a single sensor to default value = 0. Request To Send
communication session must be limited to 120 (RTS) byte of broadcast command shall not be
msec. Slave must not send CTR if there is no time responded by CTR. Because of measurement time
to complete communication before measurements. slot, broadcast command shall be repeated several
Master has to try to send new RTS if it doesn’t get times in order to ensure receiving by all sensors in
CTR for this time period. the network. Usually network address reset is
followed by procedure of reassigning of network
Because of the fact that measurement time slot can addresses. See special chapter bellow for sensor
be as long as 0.8 sec, master has to try to send RTS algorithm description.
several times (e.g. 10 attempts to establish
communication by sending RTS with repetition
period of 100 msec) before the conclusion of slave

The UART communication protocol parameters summary

Parameter minimum typical maximum Notes

Baud rate 9600
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity No

tCTR_WAIT tRTS2CTR 100 msec Typical value represents

maximum + recommended one
1.5 msec
tMR_DLY 8.2 msec 20 msec 2
tRTS 8.2 msec
tCOMM 150 msec 3, WARNING 4
tDByte 4 msec Requirement for master.
tRTS2CTR 8.2 msec 20 msec
tDC_DLY 8.2 msec 80 msec 1, WARNING 4
Maximum is changed in version 3.04
tRTS_RCGN 4.1 msec 8.2 msec Values for reference and sensor’s
operation explanation only
tMR_WAIT 80 msec Values for reference and sensor’s
operation explanation only.
Sensor restarts to wait for new RTS if
it doesn’t receive total MR for
1. For half duplex RS485 network minimum value implies requirement for master to leave bus for 8 msec after
byte transmission is completed.
2. For half duplex RS485 network minimum value implies requirement do not enter the control of the bus for
8.2 msec. It is maximum time required to return sensor’s RS485 transmitter into receive mode. Maximum
value is a requirement for master and is not checked by sensor, see tMR_WAIT
3. Maximum parameter shall be used to check communication operation.
4. WARNING! Generally, each command has its own execution time. Numbers in table cover most typical
commands, but two exceptions; “Save sensor RAM fields in EEPROM” and “Reset TWA (Time Weighted
Average) stack”. They can have execution time as long as 3 seconds.

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 2

Transmit timing chart (except broadcast command):

Master tCOMM tRTS





Sensor 1

time slot end

matc tDByte


tMR_WAIT DC(1-8bytes)

Go to look for new RTS, if there is no MR


Sensor 2



recognition recognition
on data on data

RTS mismatch, RTS mismatch, RTS mismatch

Communication communicatio if CTR is
reinitialising n reinitialising considered as

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 3

Byte declaration ( <hex> values in brackets):

RTS – Request To Send

<FE> Valid to all sensors, disregarding For use in RS 232 communication,

Network Address (INA) value. Never use in RS485 networks!!!
<E0> Valid to all "un-named" sensors, which Notice, that use of this address is
have default INA = 0. risky in RS485 networks!!!
<E1...FD> Valid only to an individual sensor.

The value <FE> holds for all sensors. In addition, each unit may be assigned an individual
network address (INA) in the range 1...29, in which case a unit selective RTS is possible by
sending the byte value <E0+INA>. Sensors not assigned with an INA also respond to <E0>.

CTR – Clear To Receive

<DF> Sensor is ready to receive MR

<DD> Enter slave mode not yet implemented

MR – Message Request: <task code>,<address>,(<address>),(<data>,....,)<chksm>

The message request consists of 3 mandatory and one optional field. Message Request can be 3
to 8 bytes long, depending on the amount of data to be transferred.

A pure request for data (bit 7 in<task code> =1) is always 3 bytes long:
<task code>,<address>,<chksm>
Description of fields follows:
<task code> - one byte mandatory field

bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 Bit field 2..1..0 Check Description
x x x x x 000 Reserved Is interpreted as communication
error by present version, no NACK
Standard Commands (read/write RAM) bit 7 0 = write to RAM,
1 = read from RAM
bit 6 0 = lower RAM ,
1 = upper RAM
0 0 0 0 0 Number of data =< 5 Write to lower RAM
bytes to be written
0 1 0 0 0 (not 0)
Write to higher RAM
1 0 0 0 0 Number of data =< 6 Read from lower RAM
bytes to be read
1 1 0 0 0 (not 0)
Read from higher RAM

bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 Bit field 2..1..0 Check Description
Special commands (read/write EEPROM)
0 0 0 0 1 Number of data =< 4 Write to EEPROM.
bytes to be written
(not 0)
1 0 0 0 1 Number of data =< 6 Read from EEPROM.
bytes to be read
(not 0)
1. Read/write EEPROM commands are used with 2-byte address. First address byte in MR
represents high byte of address, second address byte in MR represents low byte of
2. EEPROM is byte-organised in pages of 16 byte each. First address of each page is given
by XXX0h, last address of the page is given by XXXFh. Write command MUST write into ONE
page at the time ONLY! Otherwise the first addresses of current page will be overridden.

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 4

bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 Bit field 2..1..0 Check Description
Execution commands
1 0 0 1 1 001 <address> Deleted in 060xxx compared to
= 0ADh 050xxx, no answer from sensor.
1 0 1 0 0 001 <address> Save sensor INA in EEPROM
1 0 0 1 0 001 <address> Copy EEPROM variables into
=0 RAM
1 0 1 0 1 001 <address> Lock EEPROM, see algorithm
= AB description in Appendix B.
1 0 1 1 0 001 <address> Unlock EEPROM, see algorithm
= A9 description in Appendix B.
1 0 1 1 1 001 <address> Not implemented yet!
= 01 Functions, number of function is
written in address byte.
01 - Reset TWA (Time Weighted
Average) stack.

1. Any deviation of checked parameter results in recognition of communication error and sensor
communication reinitialising. Sensor starts to look for new RTS.
2. Any unrecognised task code results in recognition of communication error and sensor communication
reinitialising. Sensor starts to look for new RTS.

<address> - one byte mandatory field, start address to read/write. High (MSB) byte of address in 2-byte
address for EEPROM read/write commands.

(<address>) - one byte optional field, start address to read/write. Low (LSB) byte of address in 2-byte
address for EEPROM read/write commands.

(<data>,...) – optional field, data, 5 bytes maximum for one byte addressed commands, 4 bytes maximum
for 2-byte addressed command write to EEPROM.

<chksm> - one byte mandatory field, lsb of a pure summation of the previous MR bytes

DC – Data Code <ACK>,(<data1>,(<data2>,....),<chksm>)

The DC string always starts with a communication status byte ACK. If data are requested, the
DC string is 3 to 8 bytes long, depending on the amount of data. The DC code fields description
is the following:

<ACK> - Acknowledgement, - one byte mandatory field, can be one of following two:
<06> - indicates that MR was successfully received and/or command was successfully executed.
<86> = <06> + bit 7 set = MR successfully received and/or command was successfully executed
+sensor event flag is set

(<data1>,(<data2>,....) – optional field, data, 6 bytes maximum.

<chksm> - if data field presents, it is one byte mandatory field, lsb of a pure summation of the previous
DC bytes.

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 5

Transmit example #1 Collecting the present sensor temperature T and CO2 readings
(-hi/-lo refers to msb and lsb of the 2-byte numbers):

external computer Tx---<FE>-----------<84><14><98>--------------------------------------------------------------

sensor UART Tx--------------<DF>--------------------<06><Thi><Tlo><CO2hi><CO2lo><chksm>-----

The sensor hardware pin R/T will be in low logic level (receive) at all times, except for the short periods of
UART transmit time when it will go high. Standard baud rate is 9600 b/s.

Transmit example #2 Collecting the present sensor CO2 reading from a sensor that
has detected some hardware error:

external computer Tx---<FE>------------<82><16><98>--------------------------------------------------------------

sensor UART Tx--------------<DF>--------------------<86><CO2hi><CO2lo><chksm>---------------------

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 6

UART communication options

accessory A232 - hardware & software for temporal PC/computer-sensor connection

This kit is primarily for use during sensor installations, reconfigurations, and maintenance and is included
together with necessary PC software in the User Interface Program VT (STRATEGY).

option -485 add-on-PCB - for fixed installation to external computer using the RS485

Some useful UART commands MR - com. bytes DC - sensor response

Standard commands
Collecting Temperature and CO2 values <84><14><98> <ACK><Thi><Tlo><CO2hi><CO2lo><chksm>
Collecting CO2 values <82><16><98> <ACK><CO2hi><CO2lo><chksm>
Collecting Temperature values <82><14><96> <ACK><Thi><Tlo><chksm>
Collecting Error Code <81><43><A8> <ACK><Error Code><chksm>
Collecting Individual Network Address <C1><50><11> <ACK><INA><chksm>
Assigning Individual Network Address <41><50><INA> <ACK>
Reading Alarm Status byte, <C1><7F><40> <ACK><AlarmStatus><chksm>
Bit #7 contains copy of DT active flag.
This position of DT active flag is
supposed to be supported for
compatibility with future devices.
Special command
Read from EEPROM
Execution commands
Save sensor INA in EEPROM <A1><00><A1> <ACK>
Save sensor RAM in EEPROM <99><AD><46> <ACK>
Copy EEPROM variables into RAM <91><00><91> <ACK>
Reset TWA (Time Weighted Average) <B9><01><BA> <ACK>

1. In this chart Temperature and CO2 values equals parameter 1 & 2 (channel 0 and channel 1) in the general representation.

2. Notice, that immediately after powering up (or restarting after power fail) correct data
is not available from the sensor. Reasonable data on measured parameters like
temperature or carbon dioxide concentration appears in 3..7 seconds after power up
and data of specified precision is available after specified warm-up time. Data on TWA
of carbon dioxide becomes available in one minute after powering up.

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 7

Appendix A: UART production commands and compatibility with old 050xxx rev 3.05

UART commands, MR - com. DC - sensor response Status

(both 050xxx, 060xxx and bytes
0700xx platforms).
Standard commands
Collecting Temperature and <84><14><98> <ACK><Thi><Tlo><CO2hi> Not Changed!
CO2 values <CO2lo><chksm>
Collecting CO2 values <82><16><98> <ACK><CO2hi><CO2lo><chksm> Not Changed!
Collecting Temperature values <82><14><96> <ACK><Thi><Tlo><chksm> Not Changed!

Collecting AN1 analogue <C2><45><07> <ACK><AN1hi><AN1lo><chksm> Address is changed!

output values
Collecting AN2 analogue <C2><47><09> <ACK><AN2hi><AN2lo><chksm> Address is changed!
output values

Collecting Error Code <81><43><C4> <ACK><Error Code><chksm> Address is changed!

Collecting Sensor PART <81><41><C2> <ACK><PART><chksm> Not Changed!

Collecting Individual Network <C1><50><11> <ACK><INA><chksm> Not Changed!
Assigning Individual Network <41><50><INA> <ACK> Not Changed!
Address <chksm>
Reading Alarm Status byte, <C1><7F><40> <ACK><AlarmStatus><chksm> ???
Bit #7 contains copy of DT Is supposed to be
active flag. This position of implemented.
DT active flag is supposed to
be supported for compatibility
with future devices.
Reading DIG1 timer DT <C1><3B><FC> <ACK><DT><chksm> ???
Reading DT active flag ( =bit <81><0E><8F> Not available at old
#7 set) address, see “Reading
alarm status byte”.

UART commands, MR - com. bytes DC - sensor response Status

(both 050xxx and
060xxx platforms).
Special command
Write to EEPROM <09><00><10><01> <ACK> Added and changed
<1A> address mode
Read from EEPROM <89><00><10><99> <ACK><Sensor ID><chksm> Added and changed
address mode

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 8

UART commands, MR - com. DC - sensor response Status
(both 050xxx, 060xxx and bytes
0700xx platforms).
Execution commands
Save sensor INA in EEPROM <A1><00><A1> <ACK>
Save sensor RAM in <99><AD><46> <ACK> Not available in 060xxx or
EEPROM 0700xx!
Copy EEPROM variables into <91><00><91> <ACK>
Lock EEPROM <A9><AB><54> <ACK> Added in 060xxx and 0700xx,
see algorithm bellow.
Unlock EEPROM <B1><A9><5A> <ACK> Added in 060xxx and 070xx,
see algorithm bellow.
Reset TWA (Time Weighted <B9><01><BA> <ACK> Not yet available in 060xxx
Average) stack or 0700xx!

UART commands, MR - com. DC - sensor response Status

(both 050xxx, 060xxx and bytes
0700xx platforms).
Broadcast commandsd
Reset network address <DE>…<DE>… Not available in 060xxx or
<DE> 0700xx!

Appendix B: Lock/Unlock EEPROM algorithm description.

Generally, EEPROM itself is design to provide maximum data security. After power up it comes to write
protected mode. But in order to have additional protection against accidental write to EEPROM due to, for
example, uC program error, some portion of EEPROM can be protected from write by means of additional
programming of EEPROM. Protected in such way portion can not be programmed even after ordinal write enable
command, but additional reprogramming is required.

General EEPROM protection sequence:

1. After power-up uC writes LOCK command, protecting portion of EEPROM against write.
2. It repeats LOCK commands every 4 hours (to be specified).
3. For calibration purposes it is necessary to enable write operation. Computer have to send command
UNLOCK. Notice, that internal LOCK command is random. It may happen at any time after computer has
sent UNLOCK command. That’s why it is necessary to read EEPROM back after write operation to check if
write was accomplished.

AirTest technical documentation # 0700xx Serial Communication, rev. 3_04 9

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