Business Plan: Bookshop & Stationery
Business Plan: Bookshop & Stationery
Business Plan: Bookshop & Stationery
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Table of Contents
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
4.3.2 Price...........................................................................................................................10
4.3.3 Accessibility..............................................................................................................10
4.4.1 Demography..............................................................................................................10
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
6.1 Strengths................................................................................................................14
6.2 Weakness...............................................................................................................17
7.0 The following are the opportunities that facing our business,.....................20
7.1 The following are the challenges that will face our business fabulous bookshop
and stationery...................................................................................................................21
FABULOUS BOOKSHOP& STATIONERY........................................................23
10.0 SOURCES OF CAPITAL................................................................................30
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
The stationary industry consists of a number of firms taking advantage in Nairobi region which
is highly populated and surrounded by number of institutions. Having the few competitors as an
opportunity to our business, it ensures the available market for our efficient services. Thus the
availability of various sectors, such as health and education which include Universities that is to
say CBE, UDOM, ST. JOHN, HOMBOLO and offices which need stationary services ensures
the market for the products. It will also be using advanced technology such as advanced printers,
scanner sand photocopy machines in the course of producing its services and be flexible to
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
1.2.2 Mission statement for the project: - Providing and promoting highly quality services and
ensure sustainable production system using the quality inputs available.
1.2.3 Values and objectives of the business: the objective of the project is to generate profit and
provide the best and high quality services and products that will satisfy Nairobi people.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
1. That it is hereby mutually agreed that the said TWENTY MEMBERS (mentioned
below) shall become partners in the trade or business of BOOKSHOP &
STATIONERY upon the following terms and conditions:
2. The partnership shall commence on the 1st day of March. 2021 in the name of
FABULOUS BOOKSHOP & STATIONERY and shall continue for a period of 5
years, until determined in the manner and upon the conditions as hereinafter provided.
3. The partnership business shall be that of BOOKSHOP & STATIONERY SERVICE
and such other business or business as the partners may from time to time unanimously
agree upon.
4. The capital of the partnership shall be the sum of Ksh 32,635,000 and shall be
contributed by the partners in equal shares and shall belong to the partners in such equal
5. The profits and losses of the business (including loss of capital) shall be divided and
borne by the partners in equal shares.
6. That each partner shall not be allowed to engage to the business but they shall be
participating only on the executive meeting and annual meeting as the owner of the
7. The firm shall maintain all necessary and proper books of account at its office and entries
of all receipts, payments and other matters as are usually done and entered in account
books, shall be made in the books of account. The bankers of the partnership shall be
KCB Kencom branch and such other bank or banks as the partners may from time to
time unanimously agree upon.
8. Neither partner shall directly or indirectly engage in any similar business.
i. Neither partner shall without the consent of the other partner-
ii. Assign, mortgage or charge his share in the assets or profits of the firm.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
iii. Draw, accept or indorse any bill of exchange or promissory note on account
of the firm.
9. Enter into any bond or become surety for any person or persons or knowingly cause or
suffer to be done anything whereby the partnership property may be endangered.
10. If either partner commits any act of bankruptcy or any criminal offence or any breach of
any of the provisions of this deed any act which would be a ground for the dissolution of
the firm by the court or any partner becomes physically or mentally unfit to attend the
business, then in any such case, the other partner may within one month after becoming
aware thereof, determine the partnership by notice in writing and in such case he or any
other partner shall have the option of purchasing the share of the partner committing
breach or default, in the capital and assets of the business.
All disputes between the partners or the partners and the representatives of a deceased partner in
relation to any matter whatsoever touching the partnership affairs or the construction or
interpretation of this agreement, and whether before or after the determination of the partnership
shall be referred to a single arbitrator to be appointed by ALL PARTNER MEMBERS and the
decision of such arbitrator shall be final and binding.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first
hereinabove written.
1. ………………………………..
2. ………………………………..
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
PICTURE: This area is located at MTENDEN STREET IN NAIROBI TOWN where our business will be conducted
and that building is where we rented our office. The block name NATIOAL INSURANCE CO-OPERATION (NIC)
Our office no. 13 GROUND FLOOR
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
The price of renting the office of our business is KSH. 400,000/= per month but our agreement
of payment is to pay annually which will be 4,800,000/= per year.
Universities, colleges, and schools, here students, teachers and lectures they need papers,
different books, compendium, pens, therefore they can order this books, papers, compendium,
exercise books and also to renew their old books, scanning, photocopying, and laminating . This
has a result both students and teachers will reduce their cost because of introducing our firm in
this Nairobi region.
Public and private offices, most of their activities done through the use of papers, pens, files,
memos and other materials. Our firm will help this public and private offices to get their needs
easily instead for them to look for the materials from far areas
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Mosques and Churches, this is because religious maters need book shop in order to help them in
buying and renewing their bibles, ave maria, books of songs,(tenz za rohoni), katekisimu, and
also they need envelops for putting 10% of their salaries to their whole might God.
4.3.2 Price
A firm set a price by considering different cost of the operations for example transport cost,
wages and salaries of workers, electricity cost. Hence a firm decided the price which will favor
both side that is customer for getting their required services and also the firm can get the profit
from the price setting. Also the firm will regulate the price of their services in order to meet the
requirement and demand of customers, this is because customers prefers price which is not very
high, they prefer the price which is appropriate that will enable them to buy the services and
meet their demands. Also this price will help us to win the market, because the services sold are
based on emotions of the customers and also the fashion of the services is good
4.3.3 Accessibility
Our business will be located at the place where the transport and communication are available
and of high quality for example roads and railway which this will help the customers to get
services at reasonable time, and there will be no delaying of services when customers ordering
because of high quality of transport and communication.
4.4.1 Demography
Our firm will be located at the place where there is high population of people by which people
from different colleges for example from CBE, UDOM, MIPANGO and other colleges also
other population from area A, area B, area c also population from MAKULU and other places,
they are able to reach our firm, this will enable our firm to get more customers hence
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Partnership Agreement; these are the rules and regulations that put by partners in order to
run the business and avoid inconveniences among the partners .The following are the agreement
of partnership in our business;
This entire document may be needed during the registration of the business.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
After submitting of the above documents we should fill the prescribed form to make the
declaration that a business as complied with the requirement of Kenya business law.
Proof of Kenya citizenship example Passport of the Partner of the business, birth
Photocopy of the business name.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Copyright; A copyright can prevent illegal copying of written matter and computer
programs. In order to ensure copyright protection in our business the copyright owner should
always include notices on all copies of the work. According to our business this protection is
very important because it help us to protect our business materials.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Strength can be defined as quality or state of being strong. In other words strength is state
of being good. After conducting a feasibility study concerning with the strength and weakness of
stationery and book-shop business in Nairobi region then we came out with the following vivid
explanatory concerning with strength of stationery and book-shops in comparison to the existing
similar and related businesses.
Locality, In Nairobi region the strength of a business is highly associated with the location
of the business. For the case of stationery services the better and suitable area for the success of
this business Mtendeni Street. Mtendeni street is consisted with interaction of different people
especially university students from different universities and colleges example students from
Udom, St .John and CBE. In reality according to Nairobi business environment the strength of
the business is determined with where your business has been located. The area like Mtendeni
street where is consisted with large number of people the business is expected to receive large
number of customers compared to place like Gitaru where there is little number of people which
implies lower number of customers. Generally in any business in order to be strong and it is
largely affected with the number of customers, where locality is inevitable due to fact that people
prefer place with simple and accessible area for their purchasing
picture above shows the Nairobi town area known as Uhuru park and Archives’ square..
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Quality services at affordable price, as in any business quality are among the determinants of
the strength of the business. The business which provides services of low quality services with
the price related to the people living standard guarantees the business to receive more customers
compared to the business which provide services of low quality. Comeback to our case stationery
and book shop business also the strength of it is much associated with the degree of quality
services provided. Here in Nairobi take an example HABIB STATIONERY
Located at Nkuhungu Street the services which they provide is quietly poor to the value of
money customers spend. This scenario leads HABIB STATIONERY to receive less number of
customers which make a business to have a weak performance, on the other side VICTORIOUS
STATIONERY located nearby CBE tends to receive large number of customers due to its quality
services it provides and tend to be strong as days go on. So for the establishment of stationery
and book shop services in Nairobi region it needs high commitment of quality services to win the
market. So the strength of the stationery and book shop business is viewed on the aspect of
quality at affordable price.
Customer care, to build a business and to make it strong is not an easy task. The strength
of stationery and book shop business is much associated with customer care. In the sense of
caring, listening and make the customers to feel they are part and parcel of the business. As it is
well known the strength of the business is determined by customers, so it is responsibility of the
business to ensure that it manage and retain the customers in order to increase the strength of the
business. When we go in the reality of Nairobi region VICTORIOUS STATIONERY become
among the best stationeries due to how it cares its customers and how it satisfy its customers. In
order for our business to win the market the issue of customer care should be taken into
consideration since it is the channel which will connect us with our customers.
Specialized personnel, Performance of any business depends on the high skilled and specialized
employees. Therefore specialized personnel are one of the factors to consider in operating a
business in a successive way. People with business skills and specialized are very important
because when the business has this type of employees will be able to provide services of high
quality. This is because every employee is specialized in her or his task hence can provide
services quickly at the right time.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
When you go through different stationeries and book-shops in Nairobi town you will come to
realize that people who are running the business of this kind they have no enough knowledge
concerning with stationeries and book-shops services.
Our business will employ people with high skilled and specialized employees in order to harvest
more customers hence our business can be expanded.
Financial health of the business, before establishment of any business, capital is very
important factor to take into consideration. Capital is money or assets which can be engaged in
the operating of the business. Capital which can be contributed from partnership business is
quietly different from capital contributed from sole proprietorship. There is high possibility of
raising fund in partnership compared to sole proprietorship kind of business.
Our business will be formed under partnership type of business. In Nairobi many types of
stationery are owned, managed and operated by sole proprietorship. Therefore it is very difficult
for them to accumulate huge capital compared to partnership business. Each partner will
contribute an amount of money as his or her capital and we will borrow some from bank where
we can finally have a huge capital and we will be able to reach our targeted goals.
6.2 Weakness
For clarification, weaknesses are areas where improvements need to be made because your
current situation leaves you vulnerable to economic pressures, market forces or aggressive
competitors. In short, these are the things that hurt long-term, sustainable profitability.
Here’s an interesting way to look at weaknesses. IF you were going to sell your business, what
things would make it less attractive to a potential buyer? Note, the things that would make it
attractive are typically strengths!
Here’s some common small business weak spots you should avoid:
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
making profit or loss. So for the new stationery service to use the weakness as opportunity to
strength the business by taking the time to write down how you handle routine tasks saves you
time and money, makes training easier and ensures customers’ expectations are consistently met
so they keep coming back. For instance
Business is TOO dependent on owner or one key person. Some of this is due to a lack
of written procedures, but is also due to a lack of delegation. A lot of stationery business owners
are reluctant to delegate tasks to others because it requires time to train them or they simply
don’t believe others can do it just as well. With documented procedures, training and delegation
is a lot easier and you may just find that others do it just as well – if not better! The more you
delegate (or outsource) to others, the more time you free up to work on more important tasks like
growth and profit improvement. Stationery business around jamatini at Mtendeni Street most of
the owner are in family bases like Mwakanyuka stationery and Betty stationery service these
leads to low capital investment and shortage of fund to run the business.
Too many eggs in one basket, if your business is too dependent on one or two ‘big’
customers, your business is far more vulnerable. It is clear that the major customer for stationery
are the student (university students) and when they close for the holiday or end of the semester
also the business it’s like closed also for the holiday due to lack/ shortage of big customer and on
which in one way or Another is the weakness of the stationery business here in Nairobi. It’s easy
to become content or complacent when you land a big account. But mergers, acquisitions, new
competition or even one bad experience can cause the customer to leave and result in a major
revenue loss that you can’t quickly overcome. While you want to keep your big (and small)
customers happy, you need to make getting new customers a priority too! So the stationery
business in Nairobi should invest more time and resources to grow your customer base. You’ll
improve your revenue and profit while reducing your long-term risk.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
consistent! Only eliminate a strategy when it no longer produces the results you want or need to
make it payoff.
Wrong people supporting your business, Among the weakness of stationery business
in Nairobi town is lack of Business consultancy, most of business is run without the ideas of
business and this makes the business either to underutilize the resources available or makes
the business to earn little amount of revenue. This weakness makes the field of stationery
business to be weak and for the FABULOUS BOOK SHOP AND STATIONERY
SERVICE we use this weakness as our opportunity to win the market.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
7.0 The following are the opportunities that facing our business,
Presence of educational institutions, Nairobi area especially the suburbs of Nairobi
town are surrounded by different educational institutions like primary schools, secondary
schools, colleges and universities which will become the potential customers to our business. For
example there are universities like UDOM, CBE, St. John and Mipango, colleges like Madini,
Mirembe and Hombolo, as well as secondary and primary schools.
Great demand of stationery materials by business firms like bus companies, hotels
and guests, whole sale and retail shops as well as network companies. Presence of such business
firms will constitutes a great part of the market size. Hence profit accumulation will be possible
because they possess inelastic demand of our goods.
Accessibility of Nairobi town, The area is located at the center of the country which is
crossed by different transport routes like railways and roads running both internal and external of
the area, this become an imperative to the growth of our business. These make our business more
accessible to our customers both from internal and external of Nairobi area. Also transportation
of materials will be easy.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
7.1 The following are the challenges that will face our business fabulous bookshop and
Presence of street venders in Nairobi town engaging selling stationery material, the
business will face a competition from street venders who can easily reach even customers of
remote areas; therefore, it will be difficult to some customers to reach the area where our
business is located. However most of the people prefer accessible services to inaccessible one.
Solution to problem, there we should establish mobile stationery that will catch up the small
scale trade venders.
Revenue fluctuation, the greater portion our market size will comprise of mainly
students, parliament and operation of universities which always operate for a time and get into
holiday; this will cause decrease in revenue during the holiday periods.
Solution to the problem is to extend our investment to the point of having public tenders to
produce and supplying goods like ledgers to the banks, bus tickets, costa’s tickets, coupons as
well as cards like wedding cards.
Electricity problems, this is among the problems that face our business .when hydro-
electric power supply break, we lose power to run our activities like photocopy, operation of
computers, scanner, printer and laminators.
Solution to the problem is to prepare a budget for unexpected event like emergency
breakdown in electric supply by buy generators and petrol.
Time and personal commitment problem, Partnership form of business is run by two
or more people who join together and have different behaviors and possess different responsibly
that bound to their families or personal matters. So when we divide task and responsibilities
relating to our business which need time and commitment, these individual behaviors and
commitment problems may affect our business hence poor operation and low profit.
To resolve this problem we suppose to generate or to arrange certain by law or partnership deed
that states the duties and responsibilities and disciplinary measure.
Business stress, the market of stationaries at Nairobi town has a lot of firms that run the
same business (competitor’s) customers complaint’s so we suppose prepare our self to handle
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
these challenges by solving customer’s problems immediately and advertise our services,
promoting and trade discounts.
Lack of quality assets to secure loans, Partnership business will face the problem of lack
of qualified and authorized assets or property to secure loans; hence this could affect the initial
capital availability to run our business.
The problem will be solved by relying on member’s contribution to attain initial capital to
start the business
Initial capital refers to the financial resources that are required to start up a business. If initial
capital outlay required depending on the kind of business to be established leading us to
conclude that a business requires a small/large amount of money to start a we know
any business must analyze the capital which is going to be used in operating such business.
The functions of a financial manager are to calculate and keep the financial records of the
business. Also other services will be provided by employees.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
The remaining amount will be borrowed from the financial institutions (KCB Bank).
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
50% 50%
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
photocopy machine
Desktop computer
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Price; 550,000Kshs
Hp LaserJet P2055
Exercise books.
Note books.
Quran etc.
Hp 1230
School Equipment’s:
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Price; 45,000/120,000Kshs
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Stationery items:
Laminating machine:
Price 145,000Kshs
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Price 250,000Kshs
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Firstly our Partnership needed Ksh 32,635,000 amount of money in order to start up the
business. The Fabulous Bookshop stationery decided that each partner should contribute Kshs
1,631,750 so as to support the starting of the business by purchasing the various equipment.
After six months our business which is Fabulous Bookshop and Stationery needed Ksh
32635000 in order our business to be more improved.
*Certificate of Registration
The KCB Bank Interest Rates is 20 % which depend on interest rates of Central
Bank which range from 17% to 24%. As we have analyzed the above information. Fabulous
Bookshop and Stationery will be able to get the loan from KCB Bank.
After agreement with KCB Bank our partnership will repay the loan after each 3 months
Kshs 108783333 according to the performance of the business.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
Apart from that the following are the reason which has made us to borrow or to choose
the KCB Bank for applying loan, and these are as follows
2. Customer can borrow between Kshs. 1 million and Kshs 300 million so they are sure to
get an amount that is sufficient to meet the financial obligation.
4. Customer has free access to relationship manager to assist with banking needs.
5. Customer will also get free business advisory services and references, books which
will enable the customer to learn more about loans application and repay back.
“Center of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction”
2. Boone, L. E., & Kurtz, D. L. (2006). Contemporary Business (3 ed.). south- western
USA: Thomason.