Learning Activity 1

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Direction: Define each word found in the table below:


 refers to a member of the demographically large
1. Baby boomers generation born between the end of WWII and
the mid-1960s.

2. Centenarian  is a person who has reached the age of 100

years. Because life expectancies worldwide are
below 100 years, the term is invariably
associated with longevity.

3. Chronic Disease  is a condition you can control with treatment for

months. Often, they don't have a cure, but you
can live with them and manage their symptoms.

4. Cohort  a group of individuals having a statistical factor

(such as age or class membership) in common
in a demographic study

5. Mortality  refers to the state of being mortal (destined to

die). In medicine, a term also used for death
rate, or the number of deaths in a certain group
of people in a certain period of time.
 refers to having a disease or a symptom of
6. Morbidity disease, or to the amount of disease within a
population. Morbidity also refers to medical
problems caused by a treatment.

7. Life Expectancy  is a statistical measure of the average time

an organism is expected to live, based on
the year of its birth, its current age, and
other demographic factors

8. Senescence  is a cellular response characterized by a stable

growth arrest and other phenotypic alterations
that include a proinflammatory secretome.

9. Demographic tidal wave  relating to the structure of populations. One big

reason for the nation's expected aging and the
eventual drop in natural population increase
from births outpacing deaths
 belonging to or associated with a particular
10. Native- born place (as a country) by birth therein.
A. The Life Expectancy among Men and Women in the Philippines and U.S

1. What are the life expectancy of older men and women in the Philippines and U.S?
 According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Philippines is: Male 66.2,
female 72.6 and total life expectancy is 69.3 which give Philippines a World Life Expectancy
ranking of 123.
 According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in United States is: Male 76.0,
female 81.0 and total life expectancy is 78.5 which give United States a World Life Expectancy
ranking of 34.

2. Make a necessary comparison between the two countries. Philippines and U.S
 The total life expectancy in the Philippines is 69.3 while the U.S, they have a total life
expectancy of 78.5. We can conclude that U.S has a higher total life expectancy than

3. Why the recent increase in the number of Older Adults?

 The country consists of approximately 103 million inhabitants, with less than 5% of the
population 65 years and older. Currently, the age structure of the Philippines resembles many
other developing countries because there is a greater proportion of younger Filipinos in
comparison to older Filipinos. Despite the larger number of young Filipinos, the 60 years and
older population of the Philippines is expected to increase by 4.2%, whereas the 80 years and
older population is expected to increase by 0.4% from 2010 to 2030. Currently, life expectancy
of Filipinos is 57.4 years for males and 63.2 years for females. Females are projected to
expect an increase of 4.0 years in life expectancy and males an increase of 4.7 years in life
expectancy by 2030. The improvement in life expectancy can be attributed to advances in
public health in the Philippines, which have eradicated many of the diseases that once caused
earlier mortality in Filipinos.

 The number of Americans ages 65 and older is projected to nearly double from 52 million in
2018 to 95 million by 2060, and the 65-and-older age group’s share of the total population will
rise from 16 percent to 23 percent.  The older population is becoming more racially and
ethnically diverse. Between 2018 and 2060 the share of the older population that is non-
Hispanic white is projected to drop from 77 percent to 55 percent.  Despite the increased
diversity in the older adult population, the more rapidly changing racial/ethnic composition of
the population under age 18 relative to those ages 65 and older has created a diversity
gap between generations.Older adults are working longer. By 2018, 24 percent of men and
about 16 percent of women ages 65 and older were in the labor force. These levels are
projected to rise further by 2026, to 26 percent for men and 18 percent for women.  Many parts
of the country—especially counties in the rural Midwest—are aging in place because
disproportionate shares of young people have moved elsewhere.

4. Identify the distribution of Seniors in the Philippines and in U.S

 Senior citizen is a citizen of the Republic and is at least sixty (60) years of age as further provided
in the implementing rules and regulations. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, there
were 7.5 million senior citizens in the country, accounting for 7.5 percent of the total population, as
of its latest census in 2015.
 While in the U.S, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 40.3 million U.S.
residents 65 years and older in the 2010 Census and more than 54 million on July 1, 2019. The
nation's 65-and-older population has grown rapidly since 2010, driven by the aging of Baby
Boomers born between 1946 and 1964.

5. What will be the projection of the population for the year 2010-2050 in the Philippines and in U.S?
 By the year 2045, the Philippine population is projected to increase to 142 million according to the
latest 2010 Census-based population projections.
 In the U.S The projections cover the period 2000–2050. Between 2010 and 2050,
the U.S. population is projected to grow from 310 million to 439 million, an increase of 42 percent.
The population is also expected to become much older, with nearly one in five U.S. residents aged
65 and older in 2030.

6. What are the implications in terms of;

a. Gender;
 Women generally live longer than males – on average by six to eight years. This difference is partly
due to an inherent biological advantage for the female, but it also reflects behavioural differences
between men and women. However, in some settings, notably in parts of Asia, these advantages
are overridden by gender-based discrimination so that female life expectancy at birth is lower than
or equal to that of males. Life expectancy for women also varies across regions and income levels
of countries. For instance, life expectancy for women is more than 80 years in at least 35 countries.

b. Sources of income;
 Wealthy and middle-class baby boomers can expect to live substantially longer than their parents’
generation. Meanwhile, life expectancy for the poor hasn’t increased and may even be declining,
according to a report published Thursday by several leading economists.
 Call it a growing inequality of death and it means that the poor ultimately may collect less in money
from some of the government’s safety net programs than the rich.
 As of 2010, the average, upper-income 50-year-old man was expected to live to 89. But the same
man, if he’s lower income, would live to just 76, according to the report.
 Back in 1975, economists plotted rising life expectancies against countries’ wealth, and concluded
that wealth itself increases longevity. It seemed self-evident: everything people need to be healthy
from food to medical care – costs money.

c. Education;
 The goal of extending life and improving life quality may be well served by a better understanding
of the social determinants of health. Although some social determinants may be difficult to change,
others potentially could be modified. Enhancing health outcomes through improved educational
attainment is an attractive alternative, although we still need better evidence that interventions to
improve educational attainment will increase life expectancy.
 When countries develop economically, people live longer lives. Development experts have long
believed this is because having more money expands lifespan, but a massive new study suggests
that education may play a bigger role. The finding has huge implications for public health spending.
 Finally, the more educated people in any country tend to live longer than their less educated
compatriots. But such people also tend to be wealthier, so it has been difficult to untangle which
factor is increasing lifespan

d. Demographic profile; and

 But increased knowledge and technological change in the form of advances in medicine, public
health, and nutrition began to lower mortality rates. Fertility rates also began to decline. there were
shifting preferences for smaller families because of the rising opportunity costs of having children
and the higher costs of raising and educating them. The shift in population from rural to urban
areas reduced the need for large families to run farms. There were changes in social norms
regarding the use and availability of birth control.

e. Economy?
 Life expectancy is one of the major key indicators of population health and economic development
of a country.
 In most countries of the world, the life expectancy of people at birth has increased over the last
decade. It can fall due to the problems like famine, war, disease and poor health. Improvements in
health and welfare increases life expectancy.
 Citizens of the poorest countries can expect to live for many decades less than those of the richest
nations. Among the developed countries variations in the average life expectancies are not so
high, but there are differences that cannot easily be explained by reference to economic
prosperity. If we look the world for more developed regions, generally, people have higher life
expectancies than less developed regions. Life expectancies by sex, women in general have
higher life expectancies than men.
DIRECTION: Create a Pie Chart or Histogram related to the following:
A. Common Cause Of Disability
Identify the Most Common Cause of Disability among Older Person in the Philippines and in the U.S.
Make a necessary comparison between the two countries.

Elderly's common cause of disability

in Philippines

Age-related hearing loss

Blindness and vision
Low back pain
Depressive disorders
Headache disorders

Elderly's common cause of disability

in US

Arthritis or Rheumatism
Back or spine problems
Heart trouble
Lung or Respiratory
Mental or Emotional
In the Philippines, the most common type of disability affecting elderly people is Age-related hearing
loss at 24.5%, Blindness and vision impairment is 20.4%, Low back pain is 13%, Depression disorders is
7.2% and Headache disorders is 6.5%.
In the U.S, the three most common causes of disability continued to be arthritis or rheumatism is 19%
(affecting an estimated 8.6 million persons), back or spine problems is 16.8% (7.6 million), and heart
trouble is 6.6% (3.0 million), Lung or Respiratory Problem is 4.9% same also with Mental or Emotional
To accommodate the expected increase in demand for disability-related medical and public health
services, expanding the reach of effective strategies and interventions aimed at preventing progression to
disability and improving disability management in the population is necessary.

B. Mortality And Mortality Rate

Identify the Most Common Cause of Disability among Older Person in the Philippines and in the U.S.
Make a necessary comparison between the two countries.

Mortality and Mortality rate in US

Coronary Heart Disease

Alzheimers & Dementia
Lung Disease
Lung Cancers
Mortality and Mortality rate in Philippines

Coronary Heart Disease

Influenza and Pneumonia
Lung Disease

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Coronary Heart Disease Deaths in United States
reached 500,312 or 20.80% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 79.21 per 100,000 of
population ranks United States #139 in the world. Alzheimers & Dementia Deaths in United States reached
259,480 or 10.79% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 32.44 per 100,000 of population ranks
United States #44 in the world. Lung Disease Deaths in United States reached 193,160 or 8.03% of total
deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 30.74 per 100,000 of population ranks United States #56 in the
world. Lung Cancers Deaths in United States reached 155,592 or 6.47% of total deaths. The age adjusted
Death Rate is 27.80 per 100,000 of population ranks United States #22 in the world. Stroke Deaths in
United States reached 147,277 or 6.12% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 22.51 per
100,000 of population ranks United States #167 in the world.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Coronary Heart Disease Deaths in Philippines reached
120,800 or 19.83% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 197.08 per 100,000 of population ranks
Philippines #32 in the world. Stroke Deaths in Philippines reached 84,813 or 13.92% of total deaths. The
age adjusted Death Rate is 130.85 per 100,000 of population ranks Philippines #22 in the world. Influenza
and Pneumonia Deaths in Philippines reached 75,843 or 12.45% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death
Rate is 126.54 per 100,000 of population ranks Philippines #18 in the world. Lung Disease Deaths in
Philippines reached 25,236 or 4.14% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 45.61 per 100,000 of
population ranks Philippines #16 in the world. Tuberculosis Deaths in Philippines reached 27,997 or 4.60%
of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 39.06 per 100,000 of population ranks Philippines #40 in
the world.

Note: Make a necessary interpretation and implications.

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