Climatechange Thesis
Climatechange Thesis
Climatechange Thesis
A stable climate change is a vital foundation for all life on Earth, but our climate is
now changing dangerously fast with wide spread and harmful effects on people and the
wild places we love. Climate change poses a fundamental threat to the places, species
and people’s livelihoods. Many people are not aware about climate change, but they
need to be aware and to be prepare for the consequences of global warming which we
already experiencing.
Scientist have high confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise for
decades to come, largely due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities.
(IPCC) Global climate is projected to continue to change over this century and beyond.
The magnitude of climate change beyond the next few decades depend primarily on the
amount of heat-trapping gases emitted globally and sensitive the Earth’s climate is to
the emissions.
We’re facing the biggest environmental challenge our generation have ever seen.
No matter what we’re passionate about, something we care about will be affected by
climate change. Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time and adds
considerable stress to our societies and to the environment. From shifting weather
patterns that threaten food, production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of
catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and
unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the
future will be more difficult and costly.
Climate change has a lot of negative effects in the environment that the people
should know especially the elders. So, the researcher needs to observe the Grade 7
students of Bayambang National High School to determine their awareness and
behaviour towards climate change.
Statement of the Problem
This paper aims to find out the Awareness and Behaviour towards Climate
Change among Grade 7 students of Bayambang National High School.
a. Sex
b. Occupation of parents
a. Causes
b. Effects
3. What are the measures that can be done within the community level to increase the
awareness of the Grade 7 students on the causes and effects of climate change?
The School. The result of this study will help the school to be aware in case of
calamity and they will know what to do.
The Teachers. The result of this study will help the teachers to be guided in such
changes in our environment. It will provide additional knowledge for them to share and
to use to educate their students regarding the awareness towards climate change.
The Grade 7 Students. The Grade 7 students are the primarily beneficiaries of
this research; the outcome can make the students full aware of the effects of climate
change. This study will help them to know what to do in case of calamities.
The Society. The students will help the society if they know what to do and they
are aware of the calamity. This study will help the society on how to resolved the
problem of calamity.
The Organization. This result of this study, the students can help the
organization by sharing their knowledge about climate change.
This study focuses on the Awareness and Behaviour towards Climate Change
among Grade 7 students of Bayambang National High School. The profile of the
students will determine in terms of their sex, occupation of parents and educational
attainment of parents.
Definition of Terms
For clarification, the following terms are hereby define operationally according to
the context of this study.
This chapter discusses the related literature and studies the awareness and
behaviour towards climate change among Grade 7 students of Bayambang National
High School which bear importance to the present studies. The similarities and between
related literature and studies were reviewed to cite relevance to the study.
Awareness towards climate change can help Grade 7 students in terms of their
lifestyle in a way that they will aware and they are knowledgeable on what are the
effects of climate change. According to Nikhil Deshmukh Live “Human Lifestyle is more
or less responsible for climate change”. There is a large scale deforestation due to
growing urbanization and industrialization across the globe. This has led to several
interconnected problems- amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is rising. This
has led to global warming, large scale transportation and industrialization has led to air
pollution and water pollution and soul erosion due to deforestation causes flood. These
are some of the major impacts of human lifestyle on environment and climate.
Climate change and environmental decline are largely the result of human
behaviour. This behaviour is often called “unsustainable” because we are depleting
some of those resources ever faster, we are needing to provide for ever more people as
worldwide population growth continues unabated, and we are degrading many parts of
our environment land, seas, and air as we try to “sustain” our current way of life. (Dustin
Bachrach, 2010) Most people aren’t even aware of how their daily choices are affecting
the climate or the larger environment. Moreover, their sense of connection to the planet
and their understanding of climate change and environmental processes in general tend
to be quite limited, easily biased, or even readily avoided. We have many reasons for
not being in touch with our larger world, and most of these reasons help us make it
through our day-to-day lives. Denial, for instance, helps us to avoid confronting
problems that might ruin our days. We also tend to discount the future and focus on
having it all in the here and now. And we want to remain positive and avoid being afraid,
have difficulty challenging our long-standing belief systems, and think we’re doing great
if we do just one thing to be helpful toward the environment, such as recycling while we
still consume as much as ever.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation issues have become subject of intense
global discussions in the past few decades. Mitigation entails all anthropogenic
interventions or policies aimed towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or
enhancing the sinks for GHGs (Chambwera and Stage, 2010; IPCC, 2001). Mitigation is
regarded as a crucial long-term solution to addressing ongoing climate change and
minimising its negative impacts in the future. Adaptation, on the other hand, refers to all
adjustments or moderation in natural or human systems in response to actual or
expected climate change as well as taking advantage of new/arising opportunities
(Adger et al., 2003; IPCC, 2001). More so, the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change UNFCCC (2007) presented adaptation as a process through which
societies make themselves better able to cope with an uncertain future by taking
appropriate measures and making right adjustments to minimise the adverse effects of
climate change. Rightly put, the impending impacts of climate change can be addressed
only through adaptation since mitigation cannot reverse an already changed climate.
Thus, mitigation and adaptation cannot substitute for each other but one greatly
complements the other. Without doubts, the need for adaptation in the long term can be
reduced by current mitigation practices. Certainly, when required adaptive measures
are not put in place, climate change could impair economic growth and other aspects of
human and natural wellbeing (Chambwera and Stage, 2010).
The effects of climate change manifest not only in the environments degradation.
Global warming also affects energy, agriculture, health, water and marine resources.
(Anne Marxze D.). According to Dr. Teresita Perez, director of the Ateneo De Manila
University’s Department of Environmental Sciences the downstream effects of climate
change would make an already bad situation worse. Extreme changes in the weather
and the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would reduce the harvest of farmers,
cause habitat degradation and species loss, epidemics and diseases, kill corals and
disrupt carbonate chemistry making shell ang bone formation difficult. The effects are
aggravated by the environment crisis brought about by large scale plunder of the
Foreign Studies
Climate change has become one of the most serious environmental problems
faced in the 21st century threatening public health and food security (Parry,
Rosenzweig, Iglesias, & Fischer, 1999). Nonetheless, very few people are aware of the
negative effects of climate change. Most of the research on climate change focuses on
the public understanding of climate change for the purpose of identifying human
perception. Many scholars have analysed the issue of climate change in recognition of
public perception (Sampei & Aoyagi-Usui, 2009). Scientific and policy discussions of
climate change could lie in roots of improved understanding of public perception.
Climate change constitutes one of the 21st century key challenges to
development the world over (UNDP, 2007). As such, climate change and global
warming have become issues of global concern in the recent decades. While there are
natural causes of climate change, the current warring trend has been largely blamed on
human activities mainly the burning of fossil fuels, industrial pollution, deforestation, and
land use changes (IPCC, 2007; Canadel et al., 2010; Weart, 2010). All these
anthropogenic activities either increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere (Canadel et al., 2010), as is the case of combustion of fossil fuel and
industrial pollution, or interfere with the absorption of carbon by terrestrial sinks (IPCC,
2007), as is the case of deforestation and land use changes, leading to global warming.
Local Studies
demand (Jose et al. 1993). Global warming is expected to occur due to climate change
because of increase carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.
Synthesis of Related Studies and the Present Study
Dawson and Carson, (2013) study and the present study are similar. Both study
used high school students as their subject. Both studies focus on studies awareness of
climate change that indicated considerable confusion about the concepts of the
greenhouse effect and global warming; the causes and impacts of climate change.
Ochieng’s study (2013) and the present study are similar. Both study deals with
the level of awareness towards climate change. However, in Ochieng’s study,
awareness refers to the primary school teachers while in the present study in refers to
the awareness of the Grade 7 students.
According to Parry, Rosonzweig, Iglesias & Fisher, (1999) describes that very
few people are aware of the negative effects of the climate change. The study of Parry,
Rosonzweig, Iglesias & Fisher, (1999) has a similarity with the present study because
both study deals about the level of awareness and the behaviour of students in terms of
the negative effects of climate change.
Based on the study of Aida, M.J., Nathaniel, A.C (1999) The Philippines is
composed of 7,100 islands, clustered in 3 major island groups namely, Luzon, Visayas
and Mindanao. Global warming is expected to occur due to climate change because of
increase carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. This is related to the present
study in terms of the effects of global warming to climate change.
The research paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework of the study that
shows the relationship of the input, process and the output topic. The framework
embodies the specific direction by which the researcher will have to be undertaken by
describing the relationship between the specific variables identified in the study.
The input consists of the research method applied in conducting the research
regarding the awareness of the Grade 7 students in climate change.
The other process on the other hand shows how the research being conducted
through defining the problem first and gather the required data relevant to the research
from the respondents through answering the research questionnaire.
The output as a result will indicate the general view of determining the
Awareness and Behaviour Towards Climate Change Among Grade 7 Students of
Bayambang National High School.
Process Output
What is the profile of the
Distribution of Awareness and
student-respondents along
checklist Behaviour Towards
the following
Questionnaire Climate Change among
a. Sex Analysis and Grade 7 Students
b. Occupation of parents interpretation of
data dd
c. Educational attainment of
What is the extent of
Awareness of the students
towards climate change?
a. Causes
b. Effects
What are the measures that
can be done within the
community level to increase
the awareness of the Grade
7 students of the causes
and effects of climate
Chapter 3
Research Design
This study used the descriptive survey method. A descriptive survey according to
Mugenda (2003) determines and reports the way things are and attempts to describe
things as possible behaviour, attitudes, values and characteristics. It’s often consider
the opinion and behaviour of the people. This study sought to answer the awareness
and behaviour towards climate change among Grade 7 students, the use of descriptive
research is the most appropriate to use.
The study will focus on the Grade 7 students of Bayambang National High
School as the respondents of this paper to be able to determine the Awareness and
Behaviour towards Climate Change among Grade 7 students of Bayambang National
High School. There are 8 sections who was randomly selected to conduct the study of
the researchers. There are 50 students- respondents 29 were females and 21 were
males. The Grade 7 students of Bayambang National High School will be the main
respondents of this paper.
Table 1-A
Total Number of Respondents=50
Daguhoy 0 4 4
Delos Santos 2 5 7
Gomez 0 3 3
Jacinto 6 8 14
Lapu-lapu 0 2 2
Palaris 5 0 5
Silang 6 4 10
Tres Martirez 0 5 5
Total No. of 50
The main instrument used in this study was a survey questionnaire which was
purposely made by the researcher based on the problem of the study. The
questionnaire was formulated in consultation with the research adviser and panel
The survey questionnaire has three parts. In first part of the questionnaire was
designed to gather information on the profile of the students-respondents. The
questionnaire included the name of the respondents, section, sex, occupation of parents
and educational attainment of parents.
The second part of the questionnaire was about the percent of awareness of
student about the cause and effect of climate change using the 5 point likert scale.
The last part of the quetionnaire was about of how to increase the knowledge of
the students problem on climate change.
The researcher gave a letter to Dr. Mary Ann J. Payomo the Principal of
Bayambang National High School, to ask permission to conduct a research study. The
researcher also made a letter to the respondents to ask their participation on the said
The data will be obtained from the questionnaire and will be tallied for proper
statistical treatment and interpretation.
To answer the question number one which is the profile of the Grade 7 students;
Specifically Sex, Occupation of parents and Educational attainment of parents.
Occupation of parents and educational attainment of parents will be described by using
frequency counts and percentages distribution to the different categories with the used
of frequency counts, mean, percentage.
To answer the problem, frequency and percentage were computed in order to get
the number of frequency, to determine the cause and effect of climate change by the
Grade 7 students. Students were determined using the five-point Likert Scale which are
as follows” 5- very much aware, 4- aware, 3- somewhat aware, 2- quite a bit aware, 1-
not aware. On the basis of the respondents the average weighted mean for each
statement under each of the frequency manifestation variables were computed with the
following categorization.
Chapter 4
This chapter present the analysis of data and interpretion of the findings in
relarion to the “Awareness and Behaviour towards Climate Change among Grade seven
Students of Bayambang National High School” for the school year 2017-2018.
This portion presents the profile of the respondents according to the sex,
occupation of parents and educational attainment of parents. Data is presented in Table
Table 2-A
Sex: Male 21 42.0
Female 29 58.0
Total: 50 100%
Father’s Highest Elementary 2 4.00
Educational Undergraduate
Attainment Elementary 1 2.00
High School 15 30.00
High School 15 30.00
College 2 4.00
College Graduate 15 30.00
Total: 50 100%
Father’s Occupation Teacher 0 0
Farmer 20 40.00
Office Employee 0 0
Overseas Filipino 0 0
worker (OFW)
Government 0 0
Businessman 5 10.00
Fisher 0 0
Driver 5 10.00
Others 20 40.00
Total: 50 100%
Variable Categories Frequency Percentage
Total: 50 100%
Mother’s Highest Elementary 3 6.00
Educational Undergraduate
Attainment Elementary 2 4.00
High School 14 28.00
High School 16 32.00
College 1 2.00
College Graduate 14 28.00
Total: 50 100%
Mother’s Teacher 4 8.00
Farmer 3 6.00
Office Employee 1 2.00
Overseas Filipino 6 12.00
worker (OFW)
Businesswoman 4 8.00
Fisher 0 0
Housewife 23 46.00
Others 9 18.00
Total: 50 100%
Sex. As seen in Table 2-A, there are 21 or 42.0% male Grade Seven students
while the remaining 29 or 58.0% are females. It indicates that most of the respondents
belong to the female group.
The table shows that more female are aware in climate change than male.
One big reason why women are aware on climate change than men because
women are more vurnerable about the negative effects of climate change because of
their lower social status and another reason, it is believed that women are more very
careful in the environment.
Father’s Ocuupation. It could be gleaned in the Table 2-A that most of the
respondents’ father source of income is farming with 20 0r 40.0%, teaching with 0 or
0%, office employee with 0 or 0%, government employee with 0 or 0%, businessman
with 5 or 10.0%, fishing with 0 or 0%, driving with 5 or 10%, while there are 20 or 40.0%
respondents father’s occupation which were not included in the questionnaire.
Table 3-A
Average of Awareness derived by the Grade Seven Students on the Extent of
their Awareness in the Causes of Climate Change
4.21- 5.00 Very much aware
3.41- 4.20 Aware
2.61- 3.40 Somewhat aware
1.81- 2.60 Quite a bit aware
1.00- 1.80 Not aware
Average of Awareness derived by the Grade Seven Students on the Extent of
their Awareness in the Causes of Climate Change
Table 3-A presents the average of awareness derived by the respondents on the
extent of their awareness in the causes ofclimate change.
The table shows that the average of causes derived by the respondents in the
extent of their awareness on climate change described as “Somewhat aware” as
indicated with the overall weighted mean of 3.20. This means that in general, the extent
of their awareness is that they are average aware on climate change.
The statement were marked “Aware” was “Climate change is caused by air
pollution” with the highest weighted mean of 3.82, “Climate change is caused by
deforestation” with a weighted mean of 3.74 and “The cause of climate change is global
warming” with a weighted mean of 3.66.
The other statement marked as “Somewhat aware” was “The cause of climate
change are the carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect” with a weighted mean of
3.28, “The cause of climate change are the factories and machineries” with a weighted
mean od 3.28, “Climate change is causes by poor management of wastes” with a
weighted mean of 3.16, “Humans are the cause of climate change” with a weighted
mean of 3.04, “Climate change is caused by large scale corporate mining” with a
weighted mean of 2.96 and “Climate change is caused by using different technologies”
with a weighted mean of 2.62.
The last statement frequency were marked as “Quite a bit aware” was “The
causes of climate change is burning of plastics” with a weighted mean of 2.42.
It cannot be denied that they are somewhat aware on the causes of climate,
somehow they have an average knowledge on climate change.
Table 3-B
Average of Awareness derived by the Grade Seven Students on the Extent of
their Awareness in the Effects of Climate Change
4.21- 5.00 Very much aware
3.41- 4.20 Aware
2.61- 3.40 Somewhat aware
1.81- 2.60 Quite a bit aware
1.00- 1.80 Not aware
Average of Awareness derived by the Grade Seven Students on the Extent of
their Awareness in the Effects of Climate Change
Table 3-A presents the average of awareness derived by the respondents on the
extent of their awareness in climate change.
The table shows that the average of effects derived by the respondents in the
extent of their awareness on climate change described as “Somewhat aware” as
indicated with the overall weighted mean of 3.15. This means that in general, the extent
of their awareness is that they are average aware on climate change.
The statement were marked “Aware” was “Climate change affects my body and
health” with the highest weighted mean of 4 and “Climate change creates natural
calamities like floods etc.” with a weighted mean of 3.62. This only means that students
aware on this question that climate change affects their body and health and it creates
natural calamities.
The last statement frequency were marked as “Quite a bit aware” was “Warmer
weather/temperature affects and changes my physical appearance” with a weighted
mean 2.5.
It cannot be denied that they are somewhat aware on the effects of climate,
somehow they have already know what are effects of climate change.
Generally, the average of awareness derived by the Grade Seven Students on
the extent of their awareness in the effects of climate change falls under “Somewhat
Chapter 5
This study was undertaken to identify the awareness and behaviour towards
climate change among Grade Seven Students in Bayambang National High School.
a. Causes
b. Effects
3. What are the measures that can be done within the community level to
increase the awareness of the Grade 7 students on the causes and effects of climate
The descriptive survey method was employed in this study with the use of
research made questionnaire as the main instrument in the gathering data.
The questionnaire has 2 parts. The first part includes the profile of the Grade
Seven Students which includes their sex, occupation of parents amd educational
attainment of parents. The second part of the questionnaire was about the over all
average weighted mean of the extent of awareness of Grade Seven Students towards
the causes and effects of climate change.
The statistical treatments used in this study were frequency, percentage and
average weighted mean.
The following were the findings of the profile of Grade Seven Students:
Father’s Occupation
Mother’s Highest Educational Attainment
Majority of the respondents mothers are high school graduate with 16 or 32.0%,
elementary undergraduate with 3 or 6.0%, elementary graduate with 2 or 4.0%, high
school undergraduate with 14 or 28.0%, college undegraduate with 1 or 2.0%, and lastly
college graduate with 14 or 28.0%.
Mother’s Occupation
With regards to the awareness of grade seven students on the causes of climate
change, respondents answers three out of ten questions with 3.41-4.20% or aware, six
out of ten questions answers with 2.61-3.40% or somewhat aware and one out of ten
questions answers 1.81-2-16% or quite a bit aware.
With regards to the awareness of grade seven students on the effects of climate
change, respondents answers two out of ten questions with 3.41-4.20% or aware,
seven out of ten questions answers 2.61-3.40% or somewhat aware and one out of ten
queations answers 1.81-2.16% or quite a bit aware.
In the light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were arrived at.
In terms of the profile of the Grade Seven Students, there were 50 respondents, 21 or
42% were males and 29 or 58% were females. Majority of the parents educational
qualification were high school graduate and most of the parents occupation are famer,
housewife and other occupation that are not included in the questionnaire. Majority of
the respondents are somewhat aware on the causes and effects on the climate change.
Based from the findings and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations
are hereby offered.
1. Parents and Teachers should guide and give some advice or knowledge to
the students and they should encourage them to know more about climate
change. They should be curious on what are happening in their environment.
2. Parents, Teachers and Students should maintain the cleanliness so that
students would not be distracted on their activities in school and they should
conduct awareness classes about climate change.
3. Parents, Teachers, Students and School Administrator should conduct
activities like contests and projects about climate change such as gardening
contest, slogan making contest about the environment and the SSG leaders
should conduct activities that can make the students increase their
awareness in climate change.
4. For the students who are not aware, they should be knowledgeable on
climate change which can help them to become more responsible individual
in their school, enviroment and society.
5. Future researchers, similar studies should be conducted on the awareness
and behaviour towards climate change in other year level to determine their
awareness as basis for comparison.
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Appendix A
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office Pangasinan I
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Jordan D. Garcia
Practical Research II Teacher
Appendix B
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office Pangasinan I
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Head Teacher VI
OIC, Office of the ASP II
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Appendix C
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division Office Pangasinan I
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Dear Respondents,
Jordan D. Garcia
Practical Research II Teacher
Questionnaire on the Research Awareness and Behaviour towards Climate
Change among Grade 7 Students of Bayambang National High School
Part I:
Name: ___________________________________________________
Occupation of Parents:
___ Government Employee
Part II
Directions: Put a check mark () on the column that corresponds to your answer.
Be guided by the scale below:
3- somewhat aware
Causes of Climate Change 5 4 3 2 1
Effects of Climate Change 5 4 3 2 1
Chin- Chin G. Lacerna
#135 Manambong Sur
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Age : 18
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : December 01, 1999
Place of Birth : Manambong Sur, Bayambang Pangasinan
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : English, Filipino, Pangasinan
Mother's Name : Marilyn Lacerna
Occupation : Overseas Filipino Worker
Father's Name : Manuel Lacerna
Occupation : Farmer
Character References
• Mrs. Jackielou Cayabyab
Grade 6 Adviser
Manambong Elementary School
I hereby certify that the information above has been accomplished by me in good faith.
Verified by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a complete, true and
Chin-Chin Lacerna
Applicant’s Signature
Larry S. Regaspi
Manambong Parte
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Age : 18
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : November 19, 1999
Place of Birth : Manambong Parte, Bayambang Pangasinan
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : English, Filipino, Pangasinan
Mother's Name : Violeta Regaspi
Occupation : Housewife
Father's Name : Henry Regaspi
Occupation : Farmer
Character References
• Mrs. Lailane Sabado
Grade 6 Adviser
Manambong Parte Elementary School
• Mr. Richard Raymund Doreza
Grade 11 Adviser
Bayambang National High School
I hereby certify that the information above has been accomplished by me in good faith.
Vertified by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a complete, true and
Larry S. Regaspi
Applicant’s Signature
Rose Pearl V. Jimenez
#112 M.H del Pilar
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Age : 17
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : July 14, 2000
Place of Birth : Bayambang District Hospital, Bayambang Pangasinan
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : English, Filipino, Pangasinan
Mother's Name : Riza V. Jimenez
Occupation : Housewife
Father's Name : Isabelo.B Jimenez Jr.
Occupation : Businessman
• Mr. Christopher Guzom
Grade 12 Adviser
Bayambang National High School
I hereby certify that the information above has been accomplished by me in good faith.
Vertified by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a complete, true and