Optimal Scheduling of Refinery Crude-Oil Operations
Optimal Scheduling of Refinery Crude-Oil Operations
Optimal Scheduling of Refinery Crude-Oil Operations
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Mouret, Sylvain, "Optimal Scheduling of Refinery Crude-Oil Operations" (2010). Dissertations. Paper 23.
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Optimal Scheduling of Refinery
Crude-Oil Operations
Submitted to the Graduate School
Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering
Sylvain Mouret
December, 2010
First of all, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my advisor Professor Ignacio
E. Grossmann for his inestimable guidance and support over the course of my Ph.D. He has
managed to create a productive yet friendly environment and proved to be an abundant
source of knowledge for myself. I cannot thank him enough for his confidence in me and his
deep implication in my studies and in my life.
Besides my advisor, I would like to thank my thesis committee members – Professors
Lorenz Biegler, Nikolaos Sahinidis, John Hooker, and Willem-Jan van Hoeve for their time
and valuable comments.
I would like to thank Pierre Pestiaux, my supervisor at Total, whose strong commitment
to the project and never-ending enthusiasm has made this thesis possible.
I would also like to thank Philippe Bonnelle for bringing his experience and his insightful
suggestions into the project as well as other collaborators at SOG and CReG, for their useful
feedback on my work and friendly support. Furthermore, I am grateful to Total Refining &
Marketing for financial support of this project.
I wish to express my thankfulness for all my past and present workmates in the PSE group
for setting a productive mood in the office and a diverting atmosphere out of work. Among
them I would like to specifically mention Rosanna Franco, Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez, Ri-
cardo Lima, Rodrigo López-Negrete de la Fuente, Mariano Martin, Roger Rocha, Sebastian
Terrazas, and Victor Zavala with whom I share many unforgettable memories.
I would also like to thank my fellow football and tennis teammates, Tarot card players,
French speaking lunchers, barbecue grillers, etc... who made my Pittsburgh experience a
very enjoyable one.
I want to express my gratitude to my family who has always been there when I needed
them, and to my 18-month-old niece Anna for being so cute and joyful.
Acknowledgments ii
Last but not least, I cannot thank enough my beloved fiancée Charlotte for her patience
and for standing by me during the past three and a half years. Her unconditional love is
never to be forgotten.
Acknowledgments iii
This thesis deals with the development of mathematical models and algorithms for optimiz-
ing refinery crude-oil operations schedules. The problem can be posed as a mixed-integer
nonlinear program (MINLP), thus combining two major challenges of operations research:
combinatorial search and global optimization.
First, we propose a unified modeling approach for scheduling problems that aims at
bridging the gaps between four different time representations using the general concept of
priority-slots. For each time representation, an MILP formulation is derived and strength-
ened using the maximal cliques and bicliques of the non-overlapping graph. Additionally,
we present three solution methods to obtain global optimal or near-optimal solutions. The
scheduling approach is applied to single-stage and multi-stage batch scheduling problems
as well as a crude-oil operations scheduling problem maximizing the gross margin of the
distilled crude-oils.
In order to solve the crude-oil scheduling MINLP, we introduce a two-step MILP-NLP
procedure. The solution approach benefits from a very tight upper bound provided by the
first stage MILP while the second stage NLP is used to obtain a feasible solution.
Next, we detail the application of the single-operation sequencing time representation
to the crude-oil operations scheduling problem. As this time representation displays many
symmetric solutions, we introduce a symmetry-breaking sequencing rule expressed as a
deterministic finite automaton in order to efficiently restrict the set of feasible solutions.
Furthermore, we propose to integrate constraint programming (CP) techniques to the
branch & cut search to dynamically improve the linear relaxation of a crude-oil operations
scheduling problem minimizing the total logistics costs expressed as a bilinear objective.
CP is used to derived tight McCormick convex envelopes for each node subproblem thus
reducing the optimality gap for the MINLP.
Abstract iv
Finally, the refinery planning and crude-oil scheduling problems are simultaneously solved
using a Lagrangian decomposition procedure based on dualizing the constraint linking crude
distillation feedstocks in each subproblem. A new hybrid dual problem is proposed to update
the Lagrange multipliers, while a simple heuristic strategy is presented in order to obtain
feasible solutions to the full-space MINLP. The approach is successfully applied to a small
case study and a larger refinery problem.
Abstract v
Acknowledgments ii
Abstract iv
Contents vi
List of Tables x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Batch Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Optimization of Oil Refineries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Refinery Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 Crude-Oil Operations Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 Mixed-Integer Linear Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.2 Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.3 Constraint Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.4 Lagrangian Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.5 Symmetry-Breaking Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4 Overview of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4.1 Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4.2 Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4.3 Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4.4 Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4.5 Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.4.6 Chapter 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Contents vi
2.4.4 MOS-SST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4.5 MOS-FST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4.6 SOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5 Strengthened Reformulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5.1 Non-overlapping Graph Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5.2 MOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.5.3 MOS-SST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.5.4 MOS-FST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5.5 SOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.6 Solution Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.6.1 Additive Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.6.2 Multiplicative Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.6.3 Direct Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.7 Single-Stage Batch Scheduling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.7.1 MOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.7.2 MOS-SST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.7.3 MOS-FST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.7.4 SOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.7.5 Models Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.8 Multi-Stage Batch Scheduling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.8.1 MOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.8.2 MOS-SST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.8.3 MOS-FST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.8.4 Models Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Contents vii
3.5.2 Performance of the MOS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.5.3 Performance of the MOS-SST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.5.4 Performance of the MOS-FST Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.5.5 Performance of the MILP-NLP Decomposition Strategy . . . . . . . 89
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Contents viii
6.6.2 Multi-Period Refinery Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.6.3 CDU Feedstocks Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.6.4 Handling Nonlinearities in Crude-Oil Scheduling Model . . . . . . . 139
6.6.5 Handling Nonlinearities in the Refinery Planning Model . . . . . . . 140
6.6.6 Detailed Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.7 Numerical Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.8 Larger Refinery Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7 Conclusion 156
7.1 Time Representations and Mathematical Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
7.2 Short-Term Scheduling of Crude-Oil Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.3 Single-Operation Sequencing Model for Crude-Oil Operations Scheduling . 160
7.4 Tightening the Linear Relaxation of an MINLP Using CP . . . . . . . . . . 161
7.5 Integration of Refinery Planning and Crude-Oil Scheduling . . . . . . . . . 163
7.6 Contributions of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
7.7 Recommendations for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
8 Bibliography 168
Appendices 177
Contents ix
List of Tables
List of Tables x
6.7 Lagrangian iterations statistics for larger refinery problem (6 priority-slots,
NLP=CONOPT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.8 Optimal Lagrange multipliers for each crude and each CDU mode. . . . . . 153
6.9 Comparative performance of several MINLP algorithms for larger refinery
problem (NLP solver: CONOPT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.10 Blend compositions in the optimal solution of larger refinery problem. . . . 154
List of Tables xi
List of Figures
1.1 A typical multi-stage batch process from Pinto and Grossmann (1995). . . . 3
1.2 A typical oil refining process from Méndez et al. (2006b). . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Schematic flow diagram of a typical oil refinery from Wikipedia (2010). . . 7
1.4 Crude-oil scheduling problem 1 from Lee et al. (1996). . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Optimization in the oil refining industry began with the use of linear programming (LP) to
perform process and economic analysis of industrial plants (see Garvin et al., 1957; Manne,
1958). Many refinery problems are now addressed with algorithms based on mathematical
models: refinery planning, crude-oil operations scheduling, final product blending, crude-oil
transportation, final product shipping, and profitability improvement plans (for instance,
see Pinto et al., 2000). In general, problem-specific techniques are used to solve each model
independently from the others. The goal of this thesis is to develop a general methodology
towards enterprise-wide optimization of oil refineries (Grossmann, 2005). Due to the struc-
tural diversity of the problems to be solved, the challenge is to effectively integrate different
optimization techniques in order to generate near-optimal enterprise-wide solutions. The
industrial applications addressed in this thesis are related to single-stage and multi-stage
batch processes, medium-term planning of refining operations and short-term scheduling of
crude-oil operations. The objectives of the thesis are as follows:
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Batch Scheduling
The chemical industry has been marked by an increase of product diversification, which
in turn has led to an increase in the complexity of operations of plant facilities. Chemical
companies are now facing the challenge of meeting global demands of multiple products
while increasing plant capacities to achieve economies of scale (Wassick, 2009). Operating
optimally such plants can be non-trivial as decision-makers have to account for demand
deadlines, process constraints, and limited resources. Therefore, the scheduling of chemical
processes has received much attention over the past 20 years. Two major categories of
processes have been outlined and addressed: sequential and network-based processes (see
process classification in Méndez et al., 2006a). The main difference lies in the fact that
network processes may display recycle loops which sequential processes do not.
Recently, several research groups have reviewed the different trends in process scheduling
for general purpose plants. Floudas and Lin (2004) provided an extensive comparison
of discrete-time and continuous-time formulations. In Méndez et al. (2006a), a complete
classification of scheduling approaches is presented in addition to the process classification.
In this thesis, we study single-stage and multi-stage batch scheduling problems. Figure 1.1
depicts a typical multi-stage batch process. A finite number of batches with fixed sizes have
to be processed going through a given set of successive stages. In each stage, a finite set of
parallel units is available. The processing times for each batch and each stage may be unit-
dependent. Stages with limited resources or high processing times are often called bottleneck
stages. Different policies can be used for interstage storage: unlimited intermediate storage
(UIS), finite intermediate storage (FIS), no intermediate storage (NIS), and zero-wait (ZW).
Chapter 1. Introduction 2
1.1 Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Batch Scheduling
2 11 20 23
3 21 24
4 14
5 8 17 22 25
6 9
STAGE Reaction Fluidization Standardization Drying Packing
Figure 1.1: A typical multi-stage batch process from Pinto and Grossmann (1995).
Two main scheduling approaches have been developed to solve batch scheduling problems:
precedence-based and slot-based models.
The idea of using disjunctive programming principles (see Balas, 1985) to solve chemical
process scheduling problems was initially introduced by Cerdá et al. (1997) who proposed a
mathematical model for scheduling single-stage multiproduct batch plants. Among others,
Gupta and Karimi (2003); Méndez and Cerdá (2007); Marchetti and Cerdá (2009) have
successively improved and extended precedence-based formulations and applied them to
multistage batch scheduling problems. They consider complex scheduling features such as
sequence-dependent changeovers, unit release times, or discrete resource constraints. The
basic idea is to use binary variables to represent the precedence relations between each pair
of operations. The corresponding models usually involve many big-M constraints, which
may result in poor LP relaxations. However, these formulations lead to models of modest
size which often makes them tractable. In principle, these formulations can be used to
represent any type of scheduling constraints, but global features such as limited inventory
or discrete resource constraints, which may involve more than two operations, are non-trivial
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
1.1 Single-Stage and Multi-Stage Batch Scheduling
Chapter 1. Introduction 4
1.2 Optimization of Oil Refineries
Oil refineries are a key element in the valorization of crude-oils into energy. They consist of
highly flexible plants that can refine crude-oils produced from many locations in the world,
with very different properties, into useful petroleum products: LPG, gasoline and diesel
fuels, kerosene, heating oil, bitumen, etc.
As depicted in Figure 1.2, the refining process can be decomposed into 3 main phases:
crude-oil unloading and preparation for distillation, fractionation and reaction operations,
final product blending and shipping. Based on this spatial decomposition, the following
off-line optimization problems have been addressed in the literature:
Given the diversity and the complexity of the subsystems to be studied, this thesis is focused
on the integration of the first two refinery optimization problems.
Refinery operators typically determine their annual and monthly plan by solving the refinery
planning problem. It is based on a steady-state flowsheet optimization of a plant with
multiple heterogenous units (see Fig. 1.3). The objective is to maximize the plant’s net
present value determined by sales revenues minus purchase and operating costs. In addition
to process constraints, the problem also considers crude availabilities as well as product
demands and specifications.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
1.2 Optimization of Oil Refineries
Figure 1.2: A typical oil refining process from Méndez et al. (2006b).
The refinery planning problem was one of the first industrial applications of linear pro-
gramming (Bodington and Baker, 1990). However, the solution methods have evolved
towards successive linear programming (SLP) in order to better account for the nonlinear
nature of the refining process. In particular, the nonlinearities in the refinery model arise
from pooling equations and advanced process models.
The pooling problem has received much attention in the literature since the 70’s. It usu-
ally consists of optimizing feedstocks purchases, product blending operations and product
sales while taking into account product availabilities, product demands, property specifi-
cations, and pool capacities. Haverly (1978); Hart (1978); Haverly (1980) developed and
experimented the distributive recursion approach, a technique proved to be equivalent to
classical SLP (see Lasdon and Joffe, 1990) in order to solve it.
Several authors have successively addressed the issue of global optimization of pure pool-
ing problems. The techniques used range from generalized Benders decomposition (Floudas
and Aggarwal, 1990), Lagrangian relaxation (Floudas and Visweswaran, 1993; Adhya et al.,
1999), or spatial Branch and Bound (Foulds et al., 1992; Quesada and Grossmann, 1995a;
Audet et al., 2000) to reformulation-linearization techniques (Audet et al., 2000; Meyer and
Floudas, 2006), or piecewise convex relaxations (Meyer and Floudas, 2006; Pham et al.,
Chapter 1. Introduction 6
1.2 Optimization of Oil Refineries
Figure 1.3: Schematic flow diagram of a typical oil refinery from Wikipedia (2010).
2009). Extensive reviews of pooling formulations and solution methods can be found in
Audet et al. (2004); Misener and Floudas (2009).
Some examples of nonlinear refinery planning problems including pooling constraints
and nonlinear process models can be found in Pinto and Moro (2000); Li et al. (2005);
Alhajri et al. (2008). Although commercial solvers such as GRTMPS (Haverly Systems),
PIMS (Aspen Tech), and RPMS (Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions) implement successive linear
programming algorithms to solve this problem (see Zhang et al., 1985), any standard NLP
Chapter 1. Introduction 7
1.2 Optimization of Oil Refineries
solvers can also be used, although they may not guarantee global optimality of the solution.
A major issue with refinery planning is that most models are single-period models in
which the refinery is assumed to operate in the same state over the whole planning period
(typically 1 month). Therefore, the planning solution is used as a tactical goal for refinery
operators rather than as an operational tool. In particular, crude distillation unit (CDU)
feedstock decisions returned by the refinery planning problem are usually not applicable in
the field due to crude logistics constraints. These are described in the crude-oil operations
scheduling problem.
The optimal scheduling of crude-oil operations have been studied since the 90’s and has
been shown to lead to multimillion dollar benefits by Kelly and Mann (2003) as it is the
first stage of the oil refining process. It involves crude-oil unloading from crude marine
vessels (at berths or jetties), or from a pipeline to storage tanks, transfers from storage
tanks to charging tanks and atmospheric distillations of crude-oil mixtures from charging
tanks (see Fig. 1.4). The crude is then processed in order to produce basic products which
are then blended into finished products (see section 1.2.1). In this thesis, we assume that
the schedule of the crude supply is given. The production demands are determined by
the long-term refinery planning, either sequentially (chapters 3, 4 and 5) or simultaneously
(chapter 6). The following objectives are considered:
Chapter 1. Introduction 8
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
Wenkay et al. (2002) improved the model and proposed an iterative approach to solve the
MINLP model, taking into account the nonlinear blending constraints.
Pinto et al. (2000), Moro and Pinto (2004), and Reddy et al. (2004) used a global event
formulation to model refinery systems involving crude-oil unloading from pipeline or jetties.
The scheduling horizon is divided into fixed length sub-intervals, which are then divided in
several variable length time-slots.
In parallel, Jia et al. (2003) developed an operation specific event model and applied it
to the problems introduced by Lee et al. (1996) using a linear approximation of storage
costs. A comparison of computational performance between both continuous-time and
discrete-time models was given showing significant decreases in CPU time for the former
model. Also, solutions that are not guaranteed to be globally optimal were obtained using
standard MINLP algorithms.
Recently, Furman et al. (2007) presented a more accurate version of the event-point
formulation, and Karuppiah et al. (2008) later addressed the global optimization of this
model using an outer-approximation algorithm where the MILP master problem is solved
by adding cuts from a Lagrangian decomposition. While rigorous, this method can be
computationally expensive.
Scheduling problems are among the most challenging optimization problems, both in terms
of modeling and solution algorithm. Mostly mixed-integer linear programming (MILP,
Chapter 1. Introduction 9
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
see Kallrath, 2002), constraint programming (CP, see Baptiste et al., 2001) and genetic
algorithm (GA, see Mitchell, 1998) techniques have been used to tackle these problems.
CP has proved to be very efficient for solving scheduling problems but it is rarely used to
solve problems arising in the chemical engineering field. One of the reason is that CP is
very efficient at sequencing tasks or jobs that are defined a priori (e.g. job-shop problems
in discrete manufacturing). However, the scheduling of chemical processes usually involves
both defining and sequencing the tasks that should be performed. Defining tasks means
choosing a batch size or a unit operating mode for example. As a consequence, LP based
techniques have been preferred with formulations essentially based on time grids as it easily
allows modeling tank or unit capacity at the end of each time interval (see Floudas and Lin,
2004; Méndez et al., 2006b).
In this thesis, we aim at solving optimization problems involving both continuous and
discrete decisions. Many computational techniques have emerged from the area of mixed-
integer optimization in order to solve problems with different characteristics (linear, non-
linear, convex, non-convex, purely integer, ...), including :
In this section, we present brief reviews of these four optimization techniques as well as
symmetry-breaking approaches.
Mixed-integer linear programming is used to model many decision problems from industry
(for example, process scheduling, production planning, resource allocation and supply chain
management). However, solving such combinatorial models is NP-hard (see Nemhauser and
Wolsey, 1999). Therefore, several approaches have been developed and combined in order
Chapter 1. Introduction 10
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
to solve these problems in reasonable times. Two main techniques have emerged: branch-
and-bound (Land and Doig, 1960) and cutting planes (Gomory, 1958). Both are based on
the LP relaxation of the MILP. This relaxation is obtained by considering integer variables
as continuous variables with identical bounds: it can also be called continuous relaxation
or polytope relaxation.
The branch-and-bound technique consists of searching through a tree defined by succes-
sive assignments of integer values to integer variables. At each node of this tree, an LP is
solved in order to obtain a local node optimality bound (e.g. upper bound for maximiza-
tion problems); the global optimality bound is the best bound among all open nodes (i.e.
unprocessed nodes). If the solution of this LP is integral, it provides a global feasibility
bound (e.g. lower bound for maximization problems). The search continues until all nodes
have been processed (0% optimality gap) or until the optimality gap is below a specified
The cutting plane algorithm consists of iteratively solving the LP relaxation and gen-
erating additional constraints (called cutting planes or cuts) that cut off the current LP
solution. The procedure is stopped when the LP solution is integral. Although this can be
achieved in a finite number of steps, in practice a large number of iterations are required.
The branch-and-cut procedure is a combination of the two aforementioned techniques.
The cutting plane algorithm is used to tighten the LP relaxation at each node, thus im-
proving the optimality bound (local and potentially global too). Branching occurs whenever
the optimality bound cannot be significantly improved.
Recent reviews of MILP techniques can be found in Bixby et al. (1999); Johnson et al.
(2000). The best known MILP solvers (CPLEX, Xpress, and Gurobi) all implement the
branch-and-cut procedure and are widely used to solve industrial large-scale mixed-integer
Chapter 1. Introduction 11
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
Table 1.1 summarizes the different techniques used in standard MINLP solvers available in
A challenging MINLP topic is global optimization of non-convex problems, that is MINLPs
with non-convex NLP subproblems. Similarly to MILP optimization, all approaches use a
convex relaxation of the MINLP and rely on a spatial branch-and-bound search. These
global optimization techniques include:
Chapter 1. Introduction 12
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
3. spatial branch-and-bound for bilinear and linear fractional terms (Quesada and Gross-
mann, 1995a)
4. outer-approximation (Kesavan et al., 2004)
The main global MINLP solvers are BARON (Sahinidis, 1996), which implements an ad-
vanced branch-and-reduce algorithm, and LINDOGlobal (Lin and Schrage, 2009), which
also implements a spatial branch-and-bound procedure. The global optimization of large-
scale industrial non-convex MINLP problems is still unachievable in most cases. However,
in some cases, recent developments in this area can be used to generate good heuristic
solutions to such problems and provide tight global optimality estimates for these solutions.
Chapter 1. Introduction 13
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
to increase the amount of propagation between constraints (Andersen et al., 2007; Hoda
et al., 2010).
The use of CP to solve optimization problems with continuous decisions, although theoret-
ically achievable, has not yet received much attention and often relies on the discretization
of the domain of the continuous variables. As a consequence, it is not widely used to solve
industrial problems in the chemical industry. However, classical OR techniques can benefit
from CP filtering algorithms and constraint propagation, which can be less computationally
expensive than solving large strengthened LP models.
Problem (2) is a relaxation of (1) as its optimal objective value is always greater than the
optimal objective value of (1).
Given this primal relaxation, the dual algorithm aims at solving the following problem:
max cT x + λT (b2 − A2 x)
(3) minm
λ∈R+ 2 s.t. A x ≤ b
1 1
In order to solve this dual problem, the following techniques can be used:
Chapter 1. Introduction 14
1.3 Mixed-Integer Optimization Tools
Also, the optimal Lagrange multipliers determined by solving problem (3) correspond to the
marginal values of the constraint A2 x ≤ b2 in an optimal solution of problem (4). Clearly,
if all variables are continuous (x ∈ Rn ), problem (3) is therefore equivalent to problem
(1). However, if some variables are integer, problem (3) yields a relaxation of problem (1).
The difference between their respective optimal values is called a dual gap. In general, the
Lagrangian relaxation is tighter than the LP relaxation, but it is more difficult to obtain.
Although the Lagrangian relaxation technique have been developed for LPs or MILPs, it
can also be used to solve difficult MINLPs (for example, see Neiro and Pinto, 2006).
A key issue in Lagrangian relaxation techniques is the choice of the complicating con-
straints. There is a classic tradeoff between making the relaxed problem (2) easy to solve
and reducing the dual gap. In some cases, the complicating constraints are selected in
order to make the relaxed problem (2) decomposable and therefore much easier to solve.
This technique is called Lagrangian decomposition. The reader may refer to Fisher (1985)
and Guignard (2003) for extensive reviews on Lagrangian relaxation and decomposition
Chapter 1. Introduction 15
1.4 Overview of Thesis
The effectiveness of the optimization techniques previously mentioned often suffers from the
presence of multiple symmetric solutions. In simple words, we define symmetric solutions
as feasible solutions that provide identical practical decisions from the modeler’s perspec-
tive. In particular, symmetric solutions have identical objective values. The presence of
symmetries usually leads to an exhaustive enumeration of many feasible solutions which are
not detected as symmetric by the solver. An extensive review of symmetry detection and
symmetry-breaking approaches can be found in Margot (2008). In the context of this thesis,
we focus on problem-specific symmetry detection and static symmetry-breaking constraints.
1.4.1 Chapter 2
In chapter 2, a unified modeling approach for solving process scheduling problems is pro-
posed. Four different time representations that are based on priority-slots are presented and
compared by deriving the relations between them. For each time representation, a mathe-
matical model is presented and strengthened using the maximum cliques and bicliques of the
non-overlapping graph. We introduce three solution methods that can be used to achieve
global optimality or obtain near-optimal solutions depending on the stopping criterion used.
The proposed approaches are applied to single-stage and multi-stage batch scheduling prob-
lems. Computational results show that the multi-operation sequencing (MOS) time rep-
resentation is superior to the others as it allows efficient symmetry-breaking and requires
fewer priority-slots, thus leading to smaller model sizes.
1.4.2 Chapter 3
In chapter 3, the crude-oil operations scheduling problem is stated and the four time rep-
resentations introduced in chapter 2 are used to derive strengthened MINLP models for
Chapter 1. Introduction 16
1.4 Overview of Thesis
solving this problem. In particular, it is shown how the non-overlapping graph can be used
to generate non-trivial strengthened constraints for a specific example. Computational re-
sults are obtained for all time representations except for single-operation sequencing (SOS).
A two-step MILP-NLP procedure is used to solve the non-convex MINLP models leading
to an optimality gap lower than 4% in all cases.
1.4.3 Chapter 4
1.4.4 Chapter 5
Chapter 5 aims at tightening the linear relaxation of a refinery crude-oil operation scheduling
MINLP based on the single-operations sequencing (SOS) time representation. The model
is mostly linear but contains bilinear products of continuous variables in the objective
function (minimization of total logistics costs). It is possible to define a linear relaxation
of the model leading to a weak bound on the objective value of the optimal solution. A
typical method to address this issue is to discretize the continuous space and to use linear
relaxation constraints based on lower and upper bounds of the variables (e.g. McCormick
convex envelopes, see McCormick, 1976) on each subdivision of the continuous space. This
work explores another approach involving constraint programming (CP). The idea is to use
an additional CP model which is used to tighten the bounds of the continuous variables
involved in bilinear terms and then generate cuts based on McCormick convex envelopes.
Chapter 1. Introduction 17
1.4 Overview of Thesis
These cuts are then added to the mixed-integer linear program (MILP) during the search
leading to a tighter linear relaxation of the MINLP. Results show large reductions of the
optimality gap in the two-step MILP-NLP solution method introduced in chapter 3 due to
the tighter linear relaxation obtained.
1.4.5 Chapter 6
1.4.6 Chapter 7
Chapter 7 summarizes the major contributions of the thesis. The conclusions are discussed
with suggestions for future work.
This thesis has led to the following papers: Mouret et al. (2008, 2009a,b, 2010a,b)
Chapter 1. Introduction 18
Chapter 2
Time Representations and Mathematical
Models for Process Scheduling Problems
2.1 Introduction
Problem Description
Problem Representation
Mathematical Model(s)
Solution Method
to know a priori the parameter value that will lead to the global optimal solution, although
it is sometimes possible to derive upper and lower bounds for it. The common trade-off is
that global optimality may be guaranteed with a large value of this parameter, which often
results in prohibitive solution times.
Many different time representations have been introduced to solve scheduling problems
(for review see Floudas and Lin, 2004). Experience has shown that, depending on the
characteristics of the problem, some time representations are more suitable than others. In
this thesis, we focus on scheduling problems that rely on:
a) a set of possible operations, or actions, that can be performed once, several times, or
not at all;
b) scheduling decisions that involve both selecting, parametrizing and sequencing the
operations that should be executed;
c) scheduling constraints such as release dates, due dates, bounds on processing times,
non-overlapping constraints, sequence-dependent changeovers, cardinality constraints,
and precedence constraints;
d) additional side constraints that are used to model more complex features such as
limited inventory management or process constraints.
It should be noted that, for instance, the selection of operations may correspond to the
selection of equipment or discrete resources for tasks in a state-task-network (Kondili et al.,
in the examples studied in this thesis, unary resource requirements are handled as non-
overlapping constraints between operations. For instance, operations v1 and v4 cannot
overlap as they both use resource r1 . Also, operations v5 and v6 cannot overlap as they
both use resource r3 . Besides, as a given operation v can be executed several times, any
two separate executions of v may not overlap. Thus, any operation v cannot overlap with
itself. Different linear objectives can be considered: maximization of profit, minimization
of makespan, minimization of assignment costs, minimization of tardiness or earliness.
In order to extract useful information from the structure of the problem, we use a global
representation of all the non-overlapping constraints. The non-overlapping matrix, de-
noted by N O, is such that N Ovv0 = 1 if operation v and v 0 must not overlap, 0 oth-
erwise. The non-overlapping graph, denoted by GN O = (W, E), is an undirected graph
where the set of vertices W is the set of operations and the set of edges is defined by
E = {{v, v 0 } s.t. N Ovv0 = 1}. Therefore, the non-overlapping matrix is the adjacency ma-
trix of graph GN O . The concept of non-overlapping graph can be viewed as an extension of
the disjunctive graph (Balas, 1969; Adams et al., 1988), which is used to represent disjunc-
tive constraints between operations that have to be executed exactly once. In this thesis,
we consider operations that can be executed once, several times, or not at all. Figure 2.2
shows the non-overlapping matrix and graph for the case study. For clarity, edges that
connect a vertex to itself, called self-loops, are not represented.
In this section, we study four different time representations and show how they can be
defined using identical concepts. Each representation makes use of a totally ordered set
of priority-slots T = {1, . . . , n}, which are used to assign and order the executions of op-
v2 v4
1 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1
v6 v1
1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1
v3 v5 0 1 1 1 1 1
v3 3 v3 4
v4 3 v4 5
v5 2 v5 2
v6 1 v6 1
r1 r1
r2 r2
r3 r3
0 5 10 t =0 t t t t t =8
1 2 3 4 5 6
c. MOS-FST (discrete-time) d. SOS (continuous-time)
v 1 9 v 1 7
1 1
v 5 v 3
2 2
v 6 v 5
3 3
v 7 v 6
4 4
v 4 v 4
5 5
v 1 v 2
6 6
r r
1 1
r r
2 2
r r
3 3
t t t t t t t t t t 0 5 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2.3 shows how the same schedule for the case study can be obtained within each
time representations. Each execution of an operation is represented by an horizontal bar
in the upper Gantt chart, while resource usage is represented by horizontal lines in the
lower Gantt chart. The priority-slots are represented by number labels on each operation
execution. In each case, the smallest possible number of priority-slots needed to obtained
the solution has been used. From this figure, it is clear that some time representations
require more priority-slots than others.
In the MOS representation, several operations can be assigned to each priority-slots as
long as they may overlap with each other. For instance, in Figure 2.3(a) operations v1 and v6
are allowed to overlap and are both assigned to the first priority-slot. However, operations
v1 and v5 cannot overlap and are consequently assigned to different priority-slots: slots 1
and 4 for operation v1 , slot 2 for operation v5 . If two non-overlapping operations v and v 0
are assigned to priority-slots i and j, respectively, such that i < j, then operation v 0 must
be executed after operation v (i.e. operation v must start after the end of operation v).
For instance, operation v1 assigned to priority-slot 4 is executed after operation v2 assigned
to priority-slot 2. The solution depicted in Figure 2.3(a) is represented by the sequence
of operations ({1, 6}, {2, 5}, {3, 4}, {1}). We denote MOS(n) a scheduling model using
the MOS time representation with n postulated priority-slots. This time representation
was introduced by Ierapetritou and Floudas (1998) as the event point formulation. Their
mathematical model, although significantly different than the model developed in this thesis,
was used to solve several STN problems. As mentioned by Maravelias and Grossmann
(2003), inventory tracking using event points is quite different than inventory tracking using
time points, which might lead to inconsistent enforcement of storage capacity constraints.
This issue was addressed by Janak et al. (2004) by adding additional storage tasks in the
STN problem, which can lead to a significant increase of model size.
The MOS-SST representation is based on the same features as the MOS representation.
Additionally, all operations assigned to the same priority-slot must have the same start
time. For instance, in Figure 2.3(b), operations v1 and v6 are both assigned to priority-slot
1, and therefore both start at the same time t = 0. Thus, each priority-slot i is associated
to variable time-point ti which is represented by a vertical dotted line in Figure 2.3(b). The
time interval between any two successive time-points is variable. The solution depicted in
Figure 2.3(a) is represented by the sequence of operations ({1, 6}, {2}, {5}, {3}, {4}, {1}).
We denote MOS-SST(n) a scheduling model using the MOS-SST time representation
with n postulated priority-slots. This type of representation has been used to solve a wide
variety of problems where time-points are used to track both the start and end events of
each operation (see Zhang and Sargent, 1996; Schilling and Pantelides, 1996; Maravelias
and Grossmann, 2003).
The MOS-FST representation is based on the same features as the MOS-SST repre-
sentation. Additionally, the time-point associated to each priority-slot is fixed a priori.
Thus, the interval between any two successive time-points is fixed. For instance, the so-
lution depicted in Figure 2.3(c) is obtained using time-points that are uniformly spaced
along the time horizon: t1 = 0, t2 = 1, . . . , t10 = 9. Therefore, operation v5 assigned to
priority-slot 4 starts at t = t4 = 3 while operation v4 assigned to priority-slot 7 starts at
t = t7 = 6. The solution depicted in Figure 2.3(c) is represented by the sequence of op-
erations ({1, 6}, ∅, ∅, {5}, {2}, {3}, {4}, ∅, {1}, ∅). We denote MOS-FST(n) a scheduling
model using the MOS-FST time representation with n postulated priority-slots. Discrete-
time formulation for process scheduling problems were initially developed to solve STN and
RTN models where processing times are assumed to be constant (see Kondili et al., 1993;
Pantelides, 1994).
In the SOS representation, at most one operation can be assigned to each priority-
slot. Similarly to the MOS model, if two non-overlapping operations v and v 0 are assigned
to priority-slots i and j (i < j), then v 0 must be executed after v. It should be noted
that this constraint does not apply to pairs of operations that are allowed to overlap. As
operations v2 and v5 are allowed to overlap, their relative position in time is not affected
by their respective scheduling priority. Therefore, the proposed solution is equivalent to
assigning operations v2 and v5 to priority-slots 4 and 3, respectively. The solution depicted
in Figure 2.3(d) is represented by the sequence of operations (1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4, 1). We denote
SOS(n) a scheduling model using the SOS time representation with n postulated priority-
slots. This time representation was introduced by Mouret et al. (2009a) to solve the refinery
crude-oil operations scheduling problem.
Table 2.2 summarizes the correspondence between our nomenclature and equivalent nam-
ing conventions used in the literature. From these definitions, it can be inferred that for
a given number of priority-slots n the integer feasible space of MOS(n) is larger than
the integer feasible space of models MOS-SST(n), MOS-FST(n), and SOS(n). Indeed,
the latter models are derived from the MOS model by introducing additional constraints,
which reduce the set of feasible solutions. Furthermore, the integer feasible space of MOS-
SST(n) is larger than the one of MOS-FST(n) and SOS(n). In particular, any solution
for the SOS model is a solution for the MOS-SST model. Indeed, at most one operation
can be assigned to each priority-slot so the synchronization of start times is automatically
These properties can also be interpreted by considering a scheduling solution z. We
denote z ∈ MOS(n) the membership of schedule z to the integer feasible space of model
MOS(n). In other words, z ∈ MOS(n) means that solution z satisfies all the constraints
of model MOS(n). We introduce the minimum number of priority-slots needed to ”find”
solution z using each time representation.
The relation between MOS-SST and MOS-FST time representations was previously de-
rived by Maravelias and Grossmann (2006) in the context of state-task network formulations.
Remark. An important limitation of these time representations is that operations are
considered as a whole for sequencing purpose. More precisely, a scheduling priority is
assigned to operations and not to the start and end events of these operations, which may
be necessary to solve some scheduling problems. For instance, operations that require a
cumulative resource with capacity greater than 1 (e.g. manpower limited to 2 workers) are
allowed to overlap, but only a limited number of these operations may overlap at any given
point in time. The models developed in this thesis do not accommodate these features.
Another case is inventory tracking when simultaneous charging and discharging of tanks
is allowed. It is sufficient to enforce capacity limitations only at the start and end events
of each charging/discharging operations, but in order to do so, a precise sequence of such
events needs to be obtained by the model. Possible extensions of the model to handle these
specific features, such as presented in Janak et al. (2004), will not be discussed in this thesis.
In this section, we present mathematical models for each time representation. They all rely
on the same sets, parameters and variables. Objective functions are not presented here (e.g.
minimize makespan, minimize tardiness, or maximize profit) although they can significantly
impact the solution of the corresponding formulation.
• N Ov1 v2 is 1 if operations v1 and v2 must not overlap, 0 if they are allowed to overlap.
• T Rv1 v2 is a sequence-dependent transition time between non-overlapping operations
v1 and v2 .
• T RW 0 is a unique set transition time between any pair of non-overlapping operations
in W 0 ⊂ W .
• Pv1 v2 = 1 denotes a precedence constraint between operations v1 and v2 .
• PW1 W2 = 1 denotes a precedence constraint between sets of operations W1 and W2 .
Remark 1: It should be noted that for operations with fixed processing time, Dv =
Dv = Dv .
Remark 2: A set transition time T RW 0 is defined when ∀v1 , v2 ∈ W 0 , T Rv1 ,v2 = T RW 0 .
It can be used to represent unit changeover times.
Remark 3: A precedence constraint between operations v1 and v2 states that v1 must
be executed before v2 . We assume that precedence constraints are enforced on operations
which are executed exactly once (Nv1 = Nv2 = Nv1 = Nv2 = 1). Similarly, we consider
that a precedence constraint between sets of operations W1 and W2 states that exactly one
operation in each set must be executed (NW1 = NW2 = NW1 = NW2 = 1) and the operation
selected from W1 must be executed before the operation selected from W2 .
2.4.2 Variables
The variables used in all models are composed of binary assignment variables, and contin-
uous time variables.
Variable Bound Constraints Bounds on time variables can be expressed using the
following constraints.
Time Constraint Time variables are linked through the following additional constraint.
Due to the assignment constraint (2.4) and variable bound constraints (2.1a) and (2.1c),
equations (2.5a) and (2.5b) can be combined in order to form the following tighter surrogate
constraint (see appendix A).
Ei1 v1 + Ei1 v2
i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 , v1 , v2 ∈ W, N Ov1 v2 = 1 (2.6)
≤ Si2 v1 + Si2 v2 + H · (1 − Zi2 v1 − Zi2 v2 )
If the transition time is not sequence-dependent (i.e. T Rv1 v2 = T Rv2 v1 ) then constraints
(2.7) can be combined in order to form the following tighter surrogate constraint.
In the MOS-SST model, the start times of all operations assigned to the same priority-slot
i have to be synchronized. Therefore, we introduce positive synchronization time-points
variables ti (i ∈ T ). Variables ti correspond to the start time of all operations assigned to
priority-slot i.
Time-point Sequence Constraint The following constraint ensures that the variables
ti are ordered in time.
Siv ≤ ti i ∈ T, v ∈ W (2.13a)
In the MOS-FST model, the time-points variables ti of the MOS-SST model are used and
are fixed a priori. They can therefore be considered as parameters. In this thesis, these
time-points are always selected using a uniform time discretization.
ti = ·H i∈T (2.14)
All constraints from the MOS model are still valid for the SOS model. However, a new
assignment constraint is defined.
The models presented in section 2.4 may not be effectively solved by MILP solvers. Indeed,
special attention needs to be paid to their LP relaxation. As MILP solvers usually perform
better when the model has a tight LP relaxation, we introduce strengthened formulations
based on the non-overlapping structure of the problem.
We recall the definition of a clique and a biclique in the context of the non-overlapping
graph GN O . A clique of GN O is a subset of the set of operations W 0 ⊂ W such that
any two operations in W 0 must not overlap. A maximal clique is a clique that is not a
subset of any other clique. An isolated clique is a clique that has no edges connecting it
to its complement in the graph. For the case study, the non-overlapping graph displayed
in Figure 2.2 contains 9 non-maximal cliques of two vertices, one for each non self-loop
edge (e.g. {v1 , v4 }). It contains 4 maximal cliques of three vertices {v1 , v4 , v5 }, {v2 , v4 , v6 },
{v3 , v5 , v6 }, {v4 , v5 , v6 }. It contains no clique of larger size and no isolated clique.
We define a biclique of GN O as a pair of sets of operations (W1 ; W2 ) ∈ W 2 such that for
any pair of operations (v1 ; v2 ) ∈ W1 × W2 , {v1 , v2 } is an edge of GN O . Sets W1 and W2
are not necessarily disjoint. A maximal biclique of GN O is a biclique that is not contained
in any other biclique of GN O . For the case study, the non-overlapping graph displayed
in Figure 2.2 contains 9 non-maximal bicliques of two vertices, one for each non self-loop
v1 v4
v6 v5
edge (e.g. (W1 = {v1 };W2 = {v4 })). It contains 4 maximal bicliques of three vertices that
can be derived from its maximal cliques ({v1 , v4 , v5 };{v1 , v4 , v5 }), ({v2 , v4 , v6 };{v2 , v4 , v6 }),
({v3 , v5 , v6 };{v3 , v5 , v6 }), and ({v4 , v5 , v6 };{v4 , v5 , v6 }). It also contains 3 maximal bicliques
composed of four vertices ({v1 , v6 };{v4 , v5 }), ({v2 , v5 };{v4 , v6 }), ({v3 , v4 };{v5 , v6 }) and 3
maximal bicliques composed of five vertices ({v4 };{v1 , v2 , v4 , v5 , v6 }), ({v5 };{v1 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 }),
({v6 };{v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 }). Figure 2.4 depicts the subgraph of GN O corresponding to biclique
({v1 , v6 };{v4 , v5 }).
Remark 4: Isolated cliques are always maximal as they cannot be extended to larger
Remark 5: Using maximal cliques instead of non-maximal cliques generally leads to a
tighter LP relaxation. Constraints based on cliques will therefore be applied to maximal
cliques only. Appendix A shows how applying strengthened constraints to maximal cliques
only generates the tightest and most compact model. The same remark applies to bicliques.
Remark 6: The number of maximal cliques in an undirected graph might be exponential
in the size of the graph. Nevertheless, there are exponential-time algorithms to enumerate
all maximal cliques of a graph and we assume the non-overlapping graph is small enough so
that this task can be performed in reasonable time. The same remark applies to bicliques.
in appendix A, is valid.
Ziv ≤ 1 i ∈ T, W 0 ∈ clique(GN O ) (2.17)
v∈W 0
increased to a new valid upper bound for the left hand side of the inequality: H + T RW 0 .
(Ei1 v + T RW 0 · Zi1 v )
v∈W 0
+ (Div + T RW 0 · Ziv )
i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 , W 0 ∈ clique(GN O ) (2.20)
i∈T v∈W 0
i1 <i<i2
≤ Si2 v + (H + T RW 0 ) · (1 − Z i2 v )
v∈W 0 v∈W 0
l m
i− H/n i
The use of graph theory to strengthen discrete-time scheduling formulations has been stud-
ied by Waterer et al. (2002) who derived facet defining inequalities based on cliques and 5-
holes in a finite graph. This graph can be seen as an extension of the non-overlapping graph
where each node corresponds to an operation and a time interval (with integer bounds).
In this work, we use a basic non-overlapping graph (with no time intervals) which only
generates clique-based constraints because it is not possible to enumerate time intervals
in continuous-time representations. Therefore, the exact same graph is used for all time
Ziv + Zjv ≤ 1 i ∈ T, v ∈ W, δv = (2.23)
i−δv <j<i
X X X i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 ,
Ei1 v ≤ Si2 v + H · (1 − Z i2 v ) (2.26a)
v∈W1 v∈W2 v∈W2 (W1 ; W2 ) ∈ biclique(GN O )
X X X i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 ,
Ei1 v ≤ Si2 v + H · (1 − Z i2 v ) (2.26b)
v∈W2 v∈W1 v∈W1 (W1 ; W2 ) ∈ biclique(GN O )
Determining the minimum number of priority-slots needed to find the optimal schedule is
non-trivial. A commonly used algorithm is to solve several scheduling models, each time
increasing the number of priority-slots. We present two different approaches based on this
idea followed by the more classic direct approach.
The MOS, MOS-SST and SOS time representations are such that any solution found with
n priority-slots can be found with n + 1 priority-slots: z ∈ MOS(n) ⇒ z ∈ MOS(n + 1).
Therefore, the corresponding models can be solved by successively increasing by 1 the
number of priority-slot. The additive approach is described by Algorithm 1. The parameter
n0 is the initial number of priority-slots. To improve efficiency of the branch & bound
algorithm at each iteration, the cutoff parameter is set using the objective value of the best
incumbent found so far. During some iterations, the MILP model may not have any solution
strictly better than the best incumbent. In such cases, it will not return any solution even
though the model may be feasible.
Three stopping criteria are considered. The first one is (∆ ≤ ε) where ε is an absolute
tolerance on the variation of objective value. In general, this criterion does not guarantee
global optimality of the solution even when setting ε to 0. However, it leads to a small
number of iterations. Also, in most of our experiments, this stopping criterion returned
the global optimal solution, which was only proved optimal by using the following stopping
The second stopping criterion is (n > n) where n is an upper limit on the number of
priority-slots. In some cases, it is possible to determine an upper limit on the number of
priority-slots needed to find the optimal solution of the scheduling problem. In such cases,
this stopping criterion guarantees global optimality of the solution.
The third stopping criterion is a time limit on the total computational time, which of
The previous approach could be used to solve a scheduling problem using the MOS-FST
time representation. However, a major flaw is that it is not guaranteed that a solution
found with n priority-slots can be found with n + 1 priority-slots. This can be overcome
by multiplying the number of priority-slots be a factor of 2 instead of using an increment.
Indeed, any solution found with n priority-slots can be found with 2n priority-slots: z ∈
MOS-FST(n) ⇒ z ∈ MOS-FST(2n). The multiplicative approach is therefore very
similar to the additive approach and is described by Algorithm 2. The stopping criteria
introduced for the additive approach can still be used for the multiplicative approach.
Although the additive approach can be used to solve SOS models, it might not be very
efficient. Indeed, each time the number of priority-slot is increased by 1, the solver can
only schedule one additional operation. In MOS or MOS-SST models, several additional
operations can be scheduled at each iteration, which leaves much more flexibility to better
improve the objective value. Instead, a direct approach can be used. It consists of choosing
a fixed value for n and solving the MILP model once. In some cases, the total number of
executions of operations is fixed and known in advanced, so it can be used as the number
of priority-slots, guaranteeing global optimality of the solution obtained. It other cases,
a detailed analysis of the scheduling structure of the problem needs to be performed to
effectively define a value for n. Global optimality may not be guaranteed if n is too small,
or if additional constraints are used to improve the search.
In this section, we apply the various time representations to model single-stage batch
scheduling problems. We study several instances introduced in Pinto and Grossmann (1995).
The largest instance has 29 orders to be processed before given due dates from time 0 to
time 30. Four units are available to process each single-stage order. Each unit can process
only one order at a time and a minimum unit-specific set-up time is required between any
two orders. Each order can only be processed on a subset of all units with order-and-unit-
specific processing times. Table 2.3 displays all required data. For each order, units that
do not have a corresponding processing time cannot be selected for this order. The ob-
jective is to minimize total earliness which corresponds to maximizing the end times of all
orders. Five instances have been studied with 8, 12, 18, 25, and 29 orders, which we denote
SSBSP8, . . . , SSBSP29. We introduce the following specific sets.
The set of operations W can then be defined as follows. Exactly one operation is defined
for each order and each unit on which the order can be processed. This reduces the number
of indices from 2 to 1, although the combinatorial size of the problem remains identical.
W = {(o, u) ∈ O × U, u ∈ Uo } = {o1 u1 , o1 u4 , o2 u1 , o2 u4 , o3 u1 , o3 u4 , o4 u3 , o4 u4 , . . .}
Figure 2.6 depicts the non-overlapping graph of SSBSP8. It contains 3 isolated cliques each
corresponding to one unit (unit u2 cannot be used in this instance as it is excluded for
all orders, as seen in Table 2.3). The unit-based structure of the non-overlapping isolated
cliques leads to classical strengthened assignment and scheduling constraints that have
already been presented in the literature. Therefore, the mathematical models for batch
scheduling problems do not differ very much from previous works. We will denote Wu =
{v = (o, u), o ∈ Ou }, where u ∈ U , the set of operations executed on unit u ∈ U , Wu is
an isolated clique of GN O . Given an order o ∈ O, exactly one execution of this order must
be performed. Therefore, the set Wo = {v = (o, u), u ∈ Uo } has an associated cardinality
o7 u4
o7 u1 o8 u4 o6 u4
o6 u1 o4 u3 o8 u3
o1 u1 o1 u4 o5 u4
o3 u1 o5 u3 o7 u3
o2 u1 o2 u4 o4 u4
o3 u4
The MOS model for the single-stage batch scheduling problem is derived from constraints
(2.1)-(2.3), (2.17), (2.20), and (2.27).
max Eiv
i∈T v∈W
s.t. Div = Dv · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Eiv ≤ Ev · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Eiv = Siv + Div i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv = 1 o∈O
i∈T v∈Wo
Ziv ≤ 1 i ∈ T, u ∈ U
(Ei1 v + T RWu · Zi1 v )
+ (Div + T RWu · Ziv )
i∈T v∈Wu
i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 , u ∈ U
i1 <i<i2
≤ Si2 v + (H + T RWu ) · (1 − Z i2 v )
v∈Wu v∈Wu
Ziv ≥ 1 i∈T
Siv , Div , Eiv ≥ 0 i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
This model can be strengthened in different ways. For each unit, it is possible to derive
the minimum and maximum number of orders that will be processed on it. The maximum
number of orders that can be processed on unit u ∈ U is defined as the number of operations
in the set.
NWu = Wu u∈U
An improved upper cardinality value for Wu can be obtained by considering the processing
times of operations that might be processed on unit u. Indeed, due to a limited scheduling
horizon, it might not be possible to execute all operations in Wu . Therefore, we use the
following improved definition that solves a one-dimensional knapsack problem where all
operations have a value of 1. A linear algorithm to solve this problem consists of ordering
the operations in Wu with respect to their duration Dv and, starting from the operation
with the lowest processing time, setting γv to 1 until the knapsack limit H + T RWu is
reached. For the remaining operations, γv is set to 0.
( )
NWu = max γv γv ∈ {0, 1}, (Dv + T RWu ) · γv ≤ H + T RWu u∈U
v∈Wu v∈Wu
We denote Wu1 = {v = (o, u) ∈ W, Uo = {u}} the set of operations that can only be
processed on unit u ∈ U . The minimum number of orders that will be processed on unit
u ∈ U can be defined as follows.
NWu = Wu1
However, as the number of orders executed on units different than u ∈ U is limited, NWu
can be increased as follows.
NWu = max Wu , O −
min{n, NWu0 } u∈U
u0 ∈U
u 6=u
The values obtained for NWu and NWu in problem SSBSP29 are displayed in Table 2.4 as
an example. Using NWu and NWu , the following cardinality constraint can be derived.
NWu ≤ Ziv ≤ NWu u∈U (2.28)
i∈T v∈Wu
the set of possible sequences of operations from Wu by assigning these operations to the
first priority-slots only. In other words, an operation Wu can be assigned to priority-slot i
only if an operation from Wu is assigned to priority-slot i − 1. This leads to the following
symmetry-breaking constraint.
Ziv ≤ Z(i−1)v i ∈ T, i 6= 1, u ∈ U (2.29)
v∈Wu v∈Wu
This idea can be further applied to other constraints in the model. A maximum cardinality
constraint on the set of operations Wu can be enforced by setting to 0 assignment variables
corresponding to the last priority-slots for this set.
Ziv = 0 i ∈ T, i > NWu , u ∈ U (2.30)
Besides, non-overlapping constraint (2.20) can be tightened for the first priority-slots as
(Ei1 v + T RWu · Zi1 v )
+ (Div + T RWu · Ziv )
i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 ≤ NWu , u ∈ U (2.32)
i∈T v∈Wu
i1 <i<i2
≤ S i2 v
The single-stage batch scheduling problems are solved with the MOS model plus con-
straints (2.28)-(2.32). The additive approach is used with the second stopping criterion
(n > maxu Nu ) which guarantees global optimality of the solution. Indeed, for each unit
u ∈ U , no more than Nu priority-slots are needed to sequence operations on it. The initial
number of priority-slots is set to n0 = O {u|Wu 6= ∅} which is the minimum number
of orders at least one unit has to process. Computational results are given in Table 2.5.
Experiments were run on an Intel Xeon 1.86GHz processor using GAMS/CPLEX 11. For
each iteration, the LP relaxation, MILP solution, number of nodes, CPU time and cumu-
lative CPU time are displayed. The term “no solution” for MILP solution is used when
CPLEX did not find any solution with higher objective value than the cutoff value which
does not mean that no solution exists. For each problem, the global optimal solution is
underlined. The CPU time elapsed until the first stopping criterion (∆ ≤ 0) is satisfied is
also underlined. The results show that the first stopping criterion leads to significant reduc-
tion of CPU times compared to the second. Also, it is interesting to note the problem with
29 orders, although larger, is solved faster than the 25 orders problem. As the scheduling
horizon is fixed to 30 hours, the density of operations is higher with 29 orders. Therefore,
this problem is more constrained and has potentially fewer solutions. The model size is
increased but the branch & bound tree is smaller, thus leading to smaller CPU times. This
is verified by the fact that fewer nodes are explored.
Additionally, we solved problem SSBSP18 using the full MOS models with or without
the minimum priority-slot usage constraint (2.27). The results obtained with the additive
approach are displayed in Figure 2.7. It shows that constraint (2.27) greatly reduces the
search space at each iteration. In particular, using this constraint, the last iterations are
solved in few seconds, whereas CPU times are higher than 100 seconds if it is not used.
We also solved the SSBSP18 instance with exactly 5 priority-slots using the full MOS
model without and with symmetry-breaking constraints, which corresponds to the first iter-
ation of the additive algorithm for this problem. Without symmetry-breaking constraints,
the problem was solved in 115 seconds (124788 nodes) as opposed to less than 2 seconds
(513 nodes) if symmetry-breaking constraints (2.29)-(2.32) are used. This shows why us-
ing symmetry-breaking concepts is crucial to solve scheduling problems as they tend to be
highly degenerate (Kallrath, 2002).
We performed another experiment which consisted of solving the full MOS model by using
the original assignment constraint (2.4) instead of the strengthened assignment constraint
Table 2.5: MOS computational results for single-stage batch scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU Cumulative CPU
3 189.000 189.000 3 0.81s 0.81s
4 189.000 no solution 0 0.77s 1.58
5 189.000 no solution 0 0.80s 2.38s
6 189.000 no solution 0 0.76s 3.14s
7 189.000 no solution 0 0.86s 4.00s
8 188.035 no solution 0 0.90s 4.90s
3 298.517 296.543 0 0.83s 0.83s
4 299.000 297.974 604 1.67s 2.50s
5 299.000 no solution 207 1.38s 3.88s
6 299.000 no solution 198 1.71s 5.59s
SSBSP12 7 299.000 no solution 0 1.17s 6.76s
8 299.000 no solution 0 1.02s 7.78s
9 no solution 0.95s 8.73s
10 no solution 1.01s 9.74s
11 no solution 1.09s 10.83s
5 461.563 450.760 513 1.83s 1.83s
6 463.993 450.982 1952 5.71s 7.54s
7 467.196 451.504 2924 8.37s 15.91s
8 467.966 no solution 4600 16.84s 32.75s
9 467.966 no solution 4600 18.47s 51.22
10 459.877 no solution 0 1.35s 52.57
11 no solution 1.32s 53.89s
12 no solution 1.48s 55.37s
13 no solution 1.72s 57.09s
14 no solution 1.90s 58.99s
7 593.615 575.929 3444 17.24s 17.24s
8 601.884 579.089 18261 69.90s 87.14s
9 607.713 579.570 55046 189.66s 276.80s
10 609.000 no solution 77800 408.97s 685.77s
11 609.000 no solution 22400 113.60s 799.37s
12 597.717 no solution 0 3.61s 802.98s
13 583.289 no solution 0 2.31s 805.29s
14 no solution 2.54s 807.83s
8 649.531 628.413 1583 12.97s 12.97s
9 656.403 634.964 10870 56.16s 69.13s
10 662.720 635.104 42249 206.66s 275.79s
SSBSP29 11 666.512 no solution 22400 110.83s 386.62s
12 666.552 no solution 3700 32.72s 419.34s
13 668.164 no solution 1800 28.33s 447.67s
14 653.051 no solution 0 4.72s 452.39s
MOS w/ minimum priority-slot usage
MOS w/o minimum priority-slot usage
6 8 10 12 14
Number of priority-slots
(2.17). Instance SSBSP18 was solved in 3.43 seconds (587 nodes) instead of 1.83 seconds
(513 nodes) for the strengthened constraint. Thus, this constraint slightly helps to improve
the solution time although CPLEX is able to generate cuts to tighten the LP relaxation
accordingly. However, we also solved the full MOS model replacing the strengthened non-
overlapping constraints (2.20) and (2.32) by the following non-overlapping constraint with
unit-dependent transition time, which is based on constraint (2.8).
The model was solved in 3,288 seconds and 1,078,034 nodes (vs 1.83 seconds and 513 nodes)
which proves that CPLEX was not successful at improving the LP relaxation of the model
for this mixed-integer constraint. In general, MILP solvers are very efficient at solving IPs
as they are able to exploit the structure of the model in order generate very tight cuts (such
as clique constraints, Nemhauser and Wolsey, 1999) that can lead to large improvements of
the branch & bound search. However, it is much harder to generate tightening cuts from
constraint (2.33) using the clique structure. Therefore, using strengthened formulations for
mixed-integer constraints is very important as it greatly improves the performance of MILP
The MOS-SST model for the single-stage batch scheduling problem is derived from con-
straints (2.1)-(2.3), (2.12), (2.17), (2.20), (2.21), and (2.27).
max Eiv
i∈T v∈W
s.t. Div = Dv · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Eiv ≤ Ev · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Eiv = Siv + Div i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv = 1 o∈O
i∈T v∈Wo
Nu ≤ Ziv ≤ Nu u∈U
i∈T v∈Wu
Ziv ≤ 1 i ∈ T, u ∈ U
(Ei1 v + T RWu · Zi1 v )
+ (Div + T RWu · Ziv )
i∈T v∈Wu
i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 , u ∈ U
i1 <i<i2
≤ Si2 v + (H + T RWu ) · (1 − Z i2 v )
v∈Wu v∈Wu
ti−1 ≤ ti i ∈ T, i 6= 1
Siv ≤ ti i ∈ T, u ∈ U
Siv ≥ ti − H · (1 − Ziv ) i ∈ T, u ∈ U
v∈Wu v∈W 0
Ziv ≥ 1 i∈T
Siv , Div , Eiv ≥ 0 i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
ti ∈ [0, H] i∈T
Due to the use of time-points, the symmetry-breaking constraints developed in section 2.7.1
cannot be applied to the MOS-SST model. Similarly to the MOS model, the additive ap-
proach is used and the initial number of priority-slots is set to
Table 2.6: MOS-SST computational results for single-stage batch scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU Cumulative CPU
3 189.000 177.001 1,220 1.47s 1.47s
4 189.000 183.149 6,079 3.48s 4.95s
5 189.000 185.567 16,339 7.44s 12.39s
6 189.000 187.815 8,127 10.96s 23.35s
7 189.000 188.823 25,640 18.38s 41.73s
8 189.000 189.000 649 2.64s 44.37s
3 297.770 272.902 33 0.86s 0.86s
4 299.000 288.031 24,452 19.76s 20.62s
SSBSP12 5 299.000 290.640 195,160 145.87s 166.49s
6 299.000 292.697 507,940 394.78s 561.27s
7 299.000 294.289 815,078 716.90s 1,278.17s
5 468.000 428.544 256,375 476.74s 476.74s
6 468.000 433.583 360,510 +1,000s +1,476.74s
SSBSP25 7 609.000 538.538 103,912 +1,000s +1,000s
SSBSP29 8 638.975 569.580 140,638 +1,000s +1,000s
n0 = O {u|Wu 6= ∅} . To solve the problem to global optimality, we use the sec-
ond criterion (n > |O|). However, all instances except the first one are very expensive to
solve, so we used a time limit of 1,000 seconds. Computational results are given in Ta-
ble 2.6. For each problem, the MOS-SST solution obtained with n priority-slots has lower
objective value than the MOS solution obtained with the same number of priority-slots as
stated previously. Overall results show that the MOS-SST time representation is much less
efficient than the MOS time representation.
The MOS-FST model for the single-stage batch scheduling problem is derived from con-
straints (2.1)-(2.3), (2.15), and (2.25). Note that non-overlapping constraint (2.20) is not
included in the model as assignment constraint (2.25) is sufficient to enforce non-overlapping
constraints when processing times are constant (Dv = Dv ). Also, constraint (2.27) is not
included in the model as valid schedules containing time periods with no activity would
become infeasible.
max Eiv
i∈T v∈W
s.t. Div = Dv · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Eiv ≤ Ev · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Eiv = Siv + Div i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv = 1 o∈O
i∈T v∈Wo
Nu ≤ Ziv ≤ Nu u∈U
i∈T v∈Wu
Siv = ti · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Dv + T Ru
Ziv + Zjv ≤1 i ∈ T, u ∈ U, δu (v) =
i−δu (v)<j<i
The SOS time representation has not been studied in the case for batch scheduling prob-
lems as it requires to develop a problem-specific symmetry-breaking sequencing rule (see
Table 2.7: MOS-FST computational results for single-stage batch scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU Cumulative CPU
15 182.581 182.581 0 0.80s 0.80s
30 186.013 186.013 0 1.07s 1.87s
60 187.456 187.456 0 1.56s 3.43s
120 188.594 188.594 0 2.77s 6.20s
240 188.719 188.719 0 6.07s 12.27s
480 188.813 188.813 0 16.89s 29.16s
960 188.907 188.907 0 52.92s 82.08s
1,920 188.954 188.954 0 183.32s 265.40s
15 288.482 288.482 0 1.02s 1.02s
30 292.671 292.671 0 1.43s 2.45s
60 295.466 295.466 0 2.05s 4.50s
120 296.393 296.393 0 3.70s 8.20s
240 297.268 297.268 0 8.83s 17.03s
480 297.675 297.675 0 25.44s 42.47s
960 297.772 297.772 0 80.46s 122.93s
1,920 297.878 297.878 0 282.79s 405.72s
15 429.377 429.377 0 1.31s 1.31s
30 438.507 438.507 0 1.74s 3.05s
60 445.652 445.182 0 2.67s 5.72s
120 448.808 448.107 0 5.30s 11.02s
240 450.308 449.607 0 14.15s 25.17s
480 451.339 450.782 0 39.90s 65.07s
960 451.652 451.157 0 138.20s 203.27s
1,920 451.800 451.297 0 459.25s 662.52s
15 537.852 536.490 0 1.39s 1.39s
30 554.266 536.490 0 2.05s 3.44s
60 566.344 566.085 0 3.36s 6.80s
120 573.141 573.091 0 7.07s 13.87s
240 576.435 576.435 0 17.66s 31.53s
480 578.464 578.373 0 50.89s 82.42s
960 578.996 578.904 0 168.31s 250.73s
1,920 579.300 579.185 0 628.46s 879.19s
15 570.475 567.485 0 1.47s 1.47s
30 597.973 595.846 0 2.18s 3.65s
60 616.779 613.610 8 4.33s 7.98s
120 627.674 625.258 5 10.02s 18.00s
240 631.863 630.988 0 22.60s 40.60s
480 634.336 633.426 0 75.74s 116.34s
960 635.119 634.019 512 389.57s 505.91s
1,920 635.741 no solution 400 +1,000s +1,505.91s
Priority-slots 1 2 3 Priority-slots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Unit 1 a b c Unit 1 a b c
Unit 2 d e f Unit 2 d e f
Unit 3 g h i Unit 3 g h i
Unit 4 j k l Unit 4 j k l
MOS Assignment SOS Assignment
chapter 4). However, the following comments can be made. If the number of batches to
be processed on each unit is known a priori, the problem reduces to a set of independent
sequencing problem for each unit. This is also true for in the MOS time representation. In
fact, it is possible to break symmetries in the SOS model in order to make it equivalent to
the MOS model as shown in Figure 2.8. In the MOS model, the 3 priority-slots are assigned
in parallel as each priority-slot is assigned to several operations, at most one for each unit.
In the SOS model, the 12 priority-slots are assigned in sequence as each priority-slot can
be assigned to at most one operation (i.e. at most one unit). Consider a sequencing rule
for the SOS model that reserves priority-slots 1, 2, and 3 to unit 1, priority-slots 4, 5,
and 6 to unit 2, and so on. Grey cells in Figure 2.8 are used to represent the assignments
that are forbidden by such a sequencing rule. In this case, there exists a bijective trans-
formation between MOS and SOS assignments as outlined by the lower-case letters. Both
assignments lead to identical precedence relations between assigned operations. A similar
idea can be used when the number of batches to be processed on each unit in not known
a priori. It should be noted that there are no non-trivial bicliques in the non-overlapping
graph GN O . Furthermore, the same comments apply to the multi-stage batch scheduling
problem studied in section 2.8.
Figure 2.9 shows how the objective value of the best incumbent varies over time. A step
increase of the objective value corresponds to a new solution found during the solution
algorithm. Note that we do not include intermediate solutions found during each branch &
Objective Value
Objective Value
285 440
Optimum 430 Optimum
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
CPU Time (s) CPU Time (s)
575 620
Objective Value
Objective Value
570 610
Optimum Optimum
Figure 2.9: Comparison of time representations for single-stage batch scheduling problems.
bound search. Empty squares represent the time when the first stopping criterion is satisfied
while plain squares represent the time when the second stopping criterion is satisfied. This
applies only to the MOS model. From this figure, it is clear that the MOS model is superior
to the other models as it finds first feasible solutions very fast, and is able to find optimal
solutions and prove their optimality in reasonable time. The MOS-FST model compares
well in particular for finding first feasible solutions. It also finds near-optimal solutions in
reasonable time although it was slower than the MOS model for the instances that were
considered. Also, it is clear that the MOS-SST representation is not well suited to solve
these problems. For a more extended review of the performance of the different models
available to solve single-stage batch scheduling problems, the reader may refer to Méndez
and Cerdá (2003) and Castro and Grossmann (2006).
We now extend the previous study to multi-stage batch scheduling problems from Pinto
and Grossmann (1995). The largest instance has 10 orders to be processed sequentially in 5
consecutive stages before identical due dates t = 500 hr. Twenty-five units are available to
process each order. Each unit is associated to one stage and can process only one order at
a time. A minimum unit-specific set-up time is required between any two orders processed
on the unit. Each order can only be processed on a subset of all units with order-and-unit-
specific processing times. Table 2.8 displays all required data. For each order, units that do
not have a corresponding processing time cannot be selected for this order. The objective,
as introduced by Pinto and Grossmann (1995), is to minimize total weighted earliness which
corresponds to maximizing a weighted summation of the end time of all orders in all stages.
The weights are stage dependent and defined as wl = 0.2 · l. Three instances have been
studied with 5, 8 and 10 orders, which we denote MSBSP5, MSBSP8 and MSBSP10. We
introduce the following specific sets.
The set of operations can then be defined as follows. Exactly one operation is defined for
each order, each stage and each unit on which the order can be processed. This reduces
the number of indices from 3 to 1, although the combinatorial size of the problem remains
W = {(o, l, u) ∈ O × L × U, u ∈ Uo ∩ Ul }
= {o1 l1 u1 , . . . , o1 l1 u6 , o1 l2 u7 , . . . , o1 l2 u9 , o1 l3 u10 , . . .}
Figure 2.10 partially depicts the non-overlapping graph of MSBSP5. It contains 25 isolated
cliques each corresponding to one unit. We will denote Wu = {v = (o, l, u), o ∈ Ou , l = lu },
where u ∈ U , the set of operations executed on unit u, Wu is an isolated clique of GN O .
Given an order o ∈ O and a stage l ∈ L, exactly one execution of order o in stage l must be
o5 l1 u1
o4 l1 u1 o1 l4 u20 o5 l4 u20
o1 l1 u1 o2 l3 u18
o3 l1 u1 o3 l4 u20 o4 l4 u20
o2 l1 u1
Figure 2.10: Partial non-overlapping graph with isolated cliques for MSBSP5.
performed. Therefore, the set Wol = {v = (o, l, u), u ∈ Uo ∩Ul } has an associated cardinality
constraint of 1, that is NWol = NWol = 1. Furthermore, due to the multi-stage feature of
this problem, precedence constraints exist between operations belonging to different stages
of the same order. More precisely, for each order o ∈ O and each stage l ∈ L \ {l1 }, sets
Wo(l−1) and Wol must satisfy a precedence constraint PWo(l−1) Wol = 1.
The MOS model for the multi-stage batch scheduling problem is derived from constraints
(2.1)-(2.3), (2.10), (2.17), (2.20), (2.27), and (2.29)-(2.32).
max 0.2 · l · Eiv
i∈T v∈W
Cardinality bounds for units are defined similarly to the single-stage case. The minimum
cardinality bound is obtained by considering the number of orders executed on units different
Table 2.9: MOS computational results for multi-stage batch scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU Cumulative CPU
2 6,827.56 6,827.56 0 0.98s 0.98s
3 6,828.76 6,828.76 58 1.66s 2.64
4 6,996.76 no solution 0 2.26s 4.90s
5 6,996.76 no solution 0 3.23s 8.13s
3 10,985.61 10,985.16 837 16.70s 16.70s
4 11,364.67 10,986.36 1,149 59.87s 76.57s
5 11,364.67 no solution 500 30.34s 106.91s
6 11,364.67 no solution 2,200 156.14s 263.05s
7 11,364.67 no solution 1,500 243.65s 506.70s
8 11,364.67 no solution 2,200 331.18s 837.88s
MSBSP10 4 13,627.41 13,581.16 34,340 +1,000s +1,000s
The multi-stage batch scheduling problems are solved using the additive approach with the
second stopping criterion (n > maxu Nu ) which guarantees global optimality of the solution.
The initial number of priority-slots is set to n0 = O minl∈L {u|u ∈ Ul } , which is the
minimum number of orders at least one unit has to process in each stage, more precisely
in bottleneck stages. Computational results are given in Table 2.9. Similarly to the single-
stage case, the results show that the first stopping criterion leads to significant reduction
of CPU times compared to the second. The instance with 10 orders cannot be solved to
global optimality although feasible solutions are obtained quickly using 4 priority-slots. The
branch & bound search is stopped after 1,000 seconds with a remaining 0.09% optimality
gap. A 1% optimality gap can be achieved in 219.08 seconds.
The MOS-SST model for the multi-stage batch scheduling problem is derived from con-
straints (2.1)-(2.3), (2.10), (2.17), (2.20)-(2.22), and (2.27).
max 0.2 · l · Eiv
i∈T v∈W
ti−1 ≤ ti i ∈ T, i 6= 1
Siv ≤ ti i ∈ T, u ∈ U
Siv ≥ ti − H · (1 − Ziv ) i ∈ T, u ∈ U
v∈Wu v∈W 0
Zjv ≥ Zjv i ∈ T, o ∈ O, l ∈ L, l 6= 1
j∈T v∈Wo(l−1) j∈T v∈Wol
j<i j≤i
Ziv ≥ 1 i∈T
Siv , Div , Eiv ≥ 0 i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
ti ∈ [0, H] i∈T
Table 2.10: MOS-SST computational results for multi-stage batch scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU Cumulative CPU
5 no solution 1.45s 1.45s
MSBSP5 6 6,617.96 6,161.40 21,915 21.89s 23.34s
7 6,996.76 6,448.62 285,564 +1,000s +1,023.34s
5 no solution 1.81s 1.81s
MSBSP8 6 no solution 2.07s 3.88s
7 11,363.98 99,79.40 21,491 +1,000s +1,003.88s
5 no solution 2.19s 2.19s
6 no solution 2.37s 4.56s
7 no solution 3.36s 7.92s
8 14,255.76 12,560.20 2,172 +1,000s +1,007.92s
The additive approach is used to solve the model and the initial number of priority-slots is
set to n0 = |L|, the number of stages, as for each order stage processing operations must
start at different dates. No problem instance was solved to global optimality, so we use
a time limit of 1,000 seconds. Computational results are given in Table 2.10. As for the
single-stage case, the MOS-SST time representation is much less efficient than the MOS
time representation. For the instance with 10 orders the MOS-SST model returns a worse
solution than the MOS model in 1,000 seconds (13.31% optimality gap remaining).
The MOS-FST model for the multi-stage batch scheduling problem is derived from con-
straints (2.1)-(2.3), (2.10), (2.15), and (2.25).
max 0.2 · l · Eiv
i∈T v∈W
Siv = ti · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
X X Dv + T Ru
Z + Zjv ≤1 i ∈ T, u ∈ U, δu (v) =
iv H/n
i−δu (v)<j<i
To solve this model, the multiplicative approach is used and the initial number of priority-
slots is set to n0 = H 4 = 125. We use a time limit of 1,000s as a stopping criterion.
Computational results are given in Table 2.11. As for the single-stage case, the MOS-FST
time representation quickly finds near-optimal solutions in the first iterations. The instance
with 10 orders was not solved due to memory limitations.
Figure 2.11 shows how the objective value of the best incumbent varies over time. From this
figure, it is clear that the MOS model is superior to the other models as it finds first feasible
solutions very fast and is able to find optimal solutions in reasonable time. The MOS-FST
model is significantly more expensive than previous single-stage cases as the scheduling
Table 2.11: MOS-FST computational results for multi-stage batch scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU Cumulative CPU
125 6,820.61 6,800.60 0 16.84s 16.84s
250 6,826.21 6,819.00 0 39.32s 56.16s
MSBSP5 500 6,827.76 6,824.80 499 155.83s 211.99s
1,000 6,828.76 6,828.00 509 619.69s 831.68s
2,000 6,828.76 6,828.10 0 +1,000s +1,831.68s
125 10,951.49 10,925.80 503 71.54s 71.54s
250 10,965.66 10,956.60 31,692 +1,000s +1,071.54s
Objective Value
Objective Value
6000 MOS-FST Optimum
5800 10800
1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 10000
CPU Time (s) CPU Time (s)
Figure 2.11: Comparison of time representations for multi-stage batch scheduling problems.
horizon is much longer (500 hours as opposed to 30 hours). Therefore, more priority-slots
need to be postulated which makes the model size grow significantly. Janak et al. (2004),
Castro et al. (2006) and Liu and Karimi (2007) have developed and studied several models
that can be applied to different types of multi-stage batch scheduling problems. Their
computational results show similar trends.
2.9 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have presented four different time representations that in different forms
have been previously introduced to solve process scheduling problems. Using the common
concept of priority-slot, it was shown that it is possible to derive relationship results between
these time representations. Additionally, generic scheduling constraints were presented with
3.1 Introduction
The optimal scheduling of crude-oil operations has been studied since the 90’s and has been
shown to lead to multimillion dollar benefits by Kelly and Mann (2003) as it is the first
stage of the oil refining process. It involves crude-oil unloading from crude marine vessels
(at berths or jetties) or from a pipeline to storage tanks, transfers from storage tanks to
charging tanks and atmospheric distillations of crude-oil mixtures from charging tanks.
The crude is then processed in order to produce basic products which are then blended
into gasoline, diesel, and other final products. Assuming that the schedule of crude supply
and production demands are determined by the long-term refinery planning, this chapter
studies the short-term scheduling problem maximizing gross margins of crude-oil mixtures.
Shah (1996) proposed to use mathematical programming techniques to find crude-oil
schedules exploiting opportunities to increase economic benefits. Lee et al. (1996) considered
a crude-oil scheduling problem involving crude unloading at berths, developed a discrete-
time MINLP model, and solved an MILP relaxation of the model. Later, Wenkay et al.
(2002) improved the model and proposed an iterative approach to solve the MINLP model,
taking into account the nonlinear blending constraints. Pinto et al. (2000), Moro and
Pinto (2004), and Reddy et al. (2004) used a global event formulation to model refinery
systems involving crude-oil unloading from pipeline or jetties. The scheduling horizon is
divided into fixed length sub-intervals, which are then divided in several variable length
time-slots. In parallel, Jia et al. (2003) developed an operation-specific event model and
applied it to the problems introduced by Lee et al. (1996) using a linear approximation
of storage costs. A comparison of computational performances between both continuous-
time and discrete-time models was given showing significant decreases in CPU time. Also,
solutions that are not guaranteed to be globally optimal were obtained using standard
MINLP algorithms. Recently, Furman et al. (2007) presented a more accurate version of the
event-point formulation, and Karuppiah et al. (2008) later addressed the global optimization
of this model using an outer-approximation algorithm where the MILP master problem is
solved by a Lagrangean decomposition. While rigorous, this method can be computationally
The aim of this chapter is to apply different time representations and mathematical mod-
els to the crude-oil scheduling problem introduced by Lee et al. (1996). First, the problem
definition is given. Next, the MOS, MOS-SST, and MOS-FST models (see chapter 2) are
derived and a simple solution method to solve them is presented. Finally, computational
results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed model and solution method. As
it requires additional work to break its inherent symmetries, the SOS model will be detailed
in chapter 4.
This work is aimed at solving the four examples of refinery crude-oil operations problems
introduced in Lee et al. (1996), respectively denoted COSP1, . . . , COSP4. Each crude-oil
operations system is composed of four types of resources: crude marine vessels, storage
tanks, charging tanks and crude distillation units (CDUs). Three types of operations, all
transfers between resources, are allowed: crude-oil unloadings from marine vessels to storage
tanks, transfers between tanks, and transfers from charging tanks to CDUs.
A crude-oil scheduling problem is defined by: (a) a time horizon, (b) arrival time of marine
vessels, (c) capacity limits of tanks, (d) transfer flowrate limitations, (e) initial composition
of vessels and tanks, (f) crude property specifications for distillations, (g) and demands for
each crude blend.
The logistics constraints of the problem are defined as follows.
(i) Only one berth is available at the docking station for vessel unloadings,
(ii) simultaneous inlet and outlet transfers on tanks are forbidden,
(iii) a tank may charge only one CDU at a time,
(iv) a CDU can be charged by only one tank at a time,
(v) and CDUs must be operated continuously throughout the scheduling horizon.
In this chapter, the goal is to determine how many times each operation will be executed,
when it will be performed (start time and duration), and the volume of crude to be trans-
ferred in order to maximize the gross margins of distilled mixed oil. The gross margin of
each crude can be estimated from the sales income of the final products minus its purchase
value and related refining operational costs. Depending on the market value of the different
crudes and final products, the model tries to process the most profitable crudes and to
store the other crudes. As opposed to the work of Lee et al. (1996), sea waiting, unloading,
storage and CDU switching costs are ignored.
As CDU switches between different crude blends are costly, it is considered that the
number of distillation operations is bounded. The bounds on the number of distillation
operations can be set by the user, or for the lower bound, it can be obtained by solving a
model minimizing the number of distillation operations. Typically, the number and type of
marine vessels is determined at the planning level as well as demands in each crude blend.
Due to the logistics constraint (ii), inventory tracking in tanks can be performed by
looking at the sequence of inlet and outlet operations only, and not at the sequence of
start and end events of such operations. Indeed, for each tank, the scheduling solution
can be decomposed into successions of inlet and outlet states during which one or several
operations are performed. Therefore, it is only necessary to enforce capacity limitations
1 4
1 2 3 4 Priority-slots
at the transitions between these states. Figure 3.1 depicts an example of tank schedule
with inlet and outlet states, time-based and priority-slot-based inventory profiles. Each
transfer activity is represented by a horizontal bar labeled with the corresponding priority-
slot. Note that the two inventory profiles do not coincide due to the use of different x-axes.
In particular, in the priority-slot-based profile, it is not possible to distinguish the two
consecutive inventory decreases corresponding to the two operations assigned to priority-
slot 4. Under assumption (ii), it is sufficient to enforce tank capacity limitations just before
transition slots as it corresponds to inventory upper and lower peaks. In practice, they are
enforced just before all priority-slots.
Figure 1.4 depicts the refinery configuration for COSP1. The scheduling horizon is composed
of 8 days, and two marine vessels are scheduled to arrive at the beginning of day 1 (t = 0)
and day 5 (t = 4), and contain 1 million bbl of crude-oil A and B, respectively. There is one
CDU which has to process 1 million bbl of each crude-oil mixture, X and Y. The property
that is being tracked is the weight fraction of sulfur, 0.01 for crude A and 0.06 for crude B.
The sulfur concentration of crude mix X and Y should be in the ranges [0.015, 0.025] and
[0.045, 0.055], respectively. The two storage tanks initially contain 250,000 bbl of crude A
and 750,000 bbl of crude B. The two charging tanks initially contain 500,000 bbl of crude
C and D, with sulfur concentrations of 0.02 and 0.05, respectively. Crudes C and D are in
fact blends of crudes A and B that match the sulfur concentration specifications for crude
mix X and Y. The gross margins of crudes A, B, C, and D are 9 $/bbl, 4 $/bbl, 8 $/bbl,
5 $/bbl, respectively. Gross margins for crudes C and D have been calculated from gross
margins of crudes A and B. The data for COSP1 is given in Table 3.1. Flowrate limitations
are expressed in Mbbl/day.
Figure 3.2 depicts the Gantt chart of a sub-optimal solution for COSP1 with a profit
of $6,925,000 that might be obtained by using heuristics. Each task is represented by a
horizontal bar and each row corresponds to a specific operation. Tank inventories are also
displayed, showing that tank capacity limits are satisfied. Figure 3.3 shows in contrast the
Gantt chart of the optimal solution obtained, and proved optimal (i.e. 0% optimality gap),
Unloading 1
Unloading 2
Transfer 3
Transfer 4
Transfer 5
Transfer 6
Distillation 7
Distillation 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Storage tank 1
Storage tank 2
Charging tank 1
Charging tank 2
with the proposed approach as shown in section 3.5. It corresponds to a profit of $7,975,000,
which represents a 13.2% increase. Clearly, finding such a solution is non-trivial.
In this section, we present three mathematical models based on the MOS, MOS-SST, and
MOS-FST time representations (see chapter 2). They are all based on the same sets,
parameters and variables.
3.3.1 Sets
Unloading 1
Unloading 2
Transfer 3
Transfer 4
Transfer 5
Transfer 6
Distillation 7
Distillation 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Storage tank 1
Storage tank 2
Charging tank 1
Charging tank 2
3.3.2 Parameters
3.3.3 Variables
The variables used in the model are composed of binary assignment variables, and contin-
uous time, operation and resource variables.
It should be noted that the crude composition of blends in tanks is tracked instead of
their properties. The distillation specifications are later enforced by calculating a posteriori
the properties of the blend in terms of its composition. For instance, in problem COSP1, a
blend composed of 50% of crude A and 50% of crude B has a sulfur concentration of 0.035
which does not meet the specification for crude mix X nor for crude mix Y.
The objective is to maximize the gross margins of the distilled crude blends. Using the
individual gross margins Gc , it is written as follows.
max Gc · Vivc
i∈T r∈RD v∈Ir c∈C
In this section, we present a set of general constraints which can be used in any of the time
representations studied in chapter 2.
The following variable bound and time constraints (3.1) are used.
The following unloading and distillation cardinality constraints (3.2) are used.
Ziv = 1 r ∈ RV (3.2a)
i∈T v∈Or
ND ≤ Ziv ≤ ND (3.2b)
i∈T v∈WD
The following unloading precedence constraints (3.3) are used to make sure that crude
vessels unload their content according to their respective order of arrival at the refinery.
The notation r1 < r2 denotes that vessel r1 is scheduled to arrive at the refinery before
vessel r2 .
Eiv ≤ Siv r1 , r2 ∈ RV , r1 < r2 (3.3a)
i∈T v∈Or1 i∈T v∈Or2
Zjv ≥ Zjv i ∈ T, r1 , r2 ∈ RV , r1 < r2 (3.3b)
j∈T v∈Or1 j∈T v∈Or2
j<i j≤i
The following constraint (3.4) states that each CDU must be operated without inter-
ruption throughout the scheduling horizon. As CDUs perform only one operation at a
time, the continuous operation constraint is defined by equating the sum of the duration of
distillations to the time horizon.
Div = H r ∈ RD (3.4)
i∈T v∈Ir
The following variable constraints (3.5) are directly derived from the definition of volume
and level variables.
It has been shown (Quesada and Grossmann, 1995b) that processes including both mixing
and splitting of streams cannot be expressed as a linear model. Mixing occurs when two
streams are used to fill a tank and is expressed linearly in constraints (3.5d-3.5e). Splitting
occurs when partially discharging a tank, resulting in two parts: the remaining content of
the tank and the transferred products. This constraint is nonlinear. The composition of
the products transferred during a transfer operation must be identical to the composition
of the origin tank. Note that constraint (3.6c) is a bilinear reformulation of the original
constraint (3.7) and is correct even when operation v is not assigned to priority-slot i, as
Lirc Vivc
= t i ∈ T, r ∈ R, v ∈ Or , c ∈ C (3.7)
Ltir Viv
The following resource constraints (3.8) models inventory capacity limitations. As si-
multaneous charging and discharging of tanks is forbidden, these constraints are sufficient.
The following demand constraints (3.9) defines lower and upper limits, Dr and Dr , on
the total volume of products transferred out of each charging tank r during the scheduling
Dr ≤ Vivt ≤ Dr r ∈ RC (3.9)
i∈T v∈Or
Figure 3.4 displays the refinery system for problems COSP2 and COSP3. Each labelled arc
corresponds to a transfer operation. Figure 3.5 displays the corresponding non-overlapping
graph. It contains 4 maximal cliques of 3 operations: {1, 2, 3}, {5, 12, 13}, {7, 12, 13}, and
{9, 12, 13}. In particular, maximal clique {5, 12, 13} is due to non-overlapping constraints
(ii) and (iii) which makes it non trivial to detect. Therefore, a generic maximal clique
finding algorithm allows generating non-trivial strengthened non-overlapping constraints,
which is the main objective of the non-overlapping graph representation.
The maximum cliques of GN O are used to derive the following assignment and scheduling
Figure 3.4: Refinery crude-oil scheduling system for problem COSP2 and COSP3.
Crude Vessels Storage Tanks Charging Tanks CDUs
1 4
5 11
6 12
2 7
8 13
9 14
3 10
Ei1 v + Div
v∈W 0 i∈T v∈W 0
i1 <i<i2 i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 , W 0 ∈ clique(GN O ) (3.11)
≤ Si2 v + H · (1 − Z i2 v )
v∈W 0 v∈W 0
As mentioned by Kallrath (2002), degeneracies and symmetries often cause scheduling prob-
lems to be difficult to solve. The author suggests that nonlinearities involved in refinery
scheduling problems may reduce these effects. In this work, we consider the concept of
static symmetry-breaking constraints as presented by Margot (2008) in order to break the
symmetries that can be detected in the MOS model. In particular, the following generic
constraint is used. It states that an operation v cannot be assigned to priority-slot i if
no other non-overlapping operation is assigned to priority-slot i − 1. Indeed, in this case
operation v can be assigned to slot i − 1 instead of slot i with no impact on the scheduling
Ziv ≤ Z(i−1)v0 i ∈ T, i > 1, v ∈ W (3.12)
v 0 ∈W
N Ovv0 =1
2 7
This constraint does not make any assumptions on the characteristics of the problem as op-
posed to symmetry-breaking constraint (2.29) which is specific to the case of batch schedul-
ing problems.
The full mathematical formulations for each time representation presented in chapter 2 are
described in appendix C. The details for the SOS model are given in chapter 4.
The non-convex MINLP models described in the previous section can be solved using any
generic MINLP solver such as DICOPT (outer-approximation method) or BARON (global
solver using a spatial branch-and-bound search). The former code may converge to a poor
all constraints
except composition constraints
Fix assignment variables Zv
all constraints
sub-optimal solution, while the latter can be prohibitively expensive to use. Therefore, a
simple two-step procedure has been implemented (see Figure 3.6), leading to local optimal
solutions with an estimation of the optimality gap.
In the first step, a linear MILP relaxation of the model obtained after dropping the
nonlinear composition constraint (3.6c) is solved. It should be noted that material balances
are still enforced in this MILP relaxation through constraints (3.5c-3.5f). Furthermore,
the number of priority-slots n is selected at this stage using the additive or multiplicative
approach as described in section 2.6.
The solution returned by the MILP solver may violate the bilinear composition constraint
(3.6c). In this case, the binary variables Ziv are fixed, which means that the sequence of
operations is fixed, and the resulting nonlinear programming (NLP) model is solved using
the solution of the MILP as a starting point. This NLP model contains the same constraints
as in the MILP model plus the nonlinear constraint (3.6c). The solution obtained at this
stage might not be the optimum of the full model, but the optimality gap can be estimated
from the upper bound given by the MILP solution and the lower bound given by the NLP
The NLP model can be solved using either a global NLP solver (e.g. BARON) or a local
NLP solver (e.g. CONOPT). In the former case, the solver will return the global optimum
of the NLP if it is feasible. One could then add integer cuts to the MILP in order to close
the gap between the upper level and the lower level of the decomposition. This method will
return the global optimum of the MINLP. In the latter case, the NLP being non-convex,
several different locally optimal solution may be obtained depending on the starting point.
Thus, there is no proof that the iterative procedure will return the global optimum or even
a feasible solution to the MINLP, unless the NLP returns an objective value identical to the
MILP’s in which case global optimality is proved. As shown in section 3.5, the solutions
obtained at the first iteration are near-optimal so the procedure has been stopped at this
All experiments have been performed on an Intel Xeon 1.86GHz processor with GAMS as
modeling language, CPLEX 11 as MILP solver and CONOPT 3 as local NLP solver. The
CPU limit for solving the MILP has been set to 1,000s. The scheduling systems and data
for the four crude-oil operations scheduling problems from Lee et al. (1996) are given in
appendix B.
Figures 3.7 and 3.8 depicts the solutions obtained for problems COSP2 and COSP3 using
the proposed approach. The solution for COSP2 is proved optimal while the solution for
COSP3 is found within a 2.3% optimality gap. As there is no incentive to keep inventory
in the charging tanks, their final level is in general close to zero. However, the crude-oil
that arrived late to the refinery is mostly kept in the storage tanks. This leads to higher
transfer activity at the beginning than at the end of the scheduling horizon.
Unloading 1
Unloading 2
Unloading 3
Transfer 4
Transfer 5
Transfer 6
Transfer 7
Transfer 8
Transfer 9
Transfer 10
Distillation 11
Distillation 12
Distillation 13
Distillation 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Storage tank 1
Storage tank 2
Storage tank 3
Charging tank 1
Charging tank 2
Charging tank 3
The main uncertain parameter in refinery crude-oil scheduling problems is the arrival time
of tankers. The expected date of arrival of these marine vessels is known long in advance,
but is also subject to many changes before it actually arrives at the refinery. Figure 3.9
shows the optimal schedule for COSP2 when vessels are scheduled to arrive one day later,
leading to a 3.4% profit decrease (from $10,117,00 to $9,775,000). It should be noted that
the sequence of distillation operations is different in this case, and that there is a higher
transfer activity in the very beginning of the scheduling horizon. However, this schedule
assumes that the late arrival of vessels is known at time t = 0.
Unloading 1
Unloading 2
Unloading 3
Transfer 4
Transfer 5
Transfer 6
Transfer 7
Transfer 8
Transfer 9
Transfer 10
Distillation 11
Distillation 12
Distillation 13
Distillation 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Storage tank 1
Storage tank 2
Storage tank 3
Charging tank 1
Charging tank 2
Charging tank 3
Figure 3.8: Schedule obtained for COSP3 within 2.3% optimality gap (profit: $8,540,000).
Assuming that the exact arrival dates are known slightly later (t = ε 1), the initial
decisions are fixed, so that operations 12, 14, 4, and 6 (which start at time t = 0 in the
original solution) are forced to start at time t = 0, but with variable durations. In this
case, the optimal solution is depicted in Figure 3.10. This solution is very similar to the
original optimal solution (Figure 3.7) as most transfers are simply delayed, although the
profit is reduced to $9,609,000. Only transfer operation 10 from t = 8 to t = 8.5 is no
longer used. The fact that the exact arrival of vessels is known only at t = ε leads to a 1.7%
profit decrease (from $9,775,000 to $9,609,000) compared to the case where it is known at
t = 0. This result shows that the initial decisions taken at t = 0 do not lead to a large
under-optimization in case of late vessel arrivals.
Unloading 1
Unloading 2
Unloading 3
Transfer 4
Transfer 5
Transfer 6
Transfer 7
Transfer 8
Transfer 9
Transfer 10
Distillation 11
Distillation 12
Distillation 13
Distillation 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Storage tank 1
Storage tank 2
Storage tank 3
Charging tank 1
Charging tank 2
Charging tank 3
Figure 3.9: Optimal schedule for COSP2 with late vessel arrivals (profit: $9,775,000).
The MILP relaxation of the MOS model is solved with the additive approach (see chapter 2)
using the second stop criterion (∆ ≤ 0). The initial number of priority-slots is set to n0 = 1.
Computational results are given in Table 3.2. All instances are solved within 20 seconds
with a few priority-slots. The NLP is modeled using the optimal number of priority-slots
determined at the MILP stage and is always solved in less than one second. The most
difficult instance, that is COSP2, is the one requiring the most priority-slots although it is
not the largest in size. The optimality gap is always small (less than 3%) even though the
Unloading 1
Unloading 2
Unloading 3
Transfer 4
Transfer 5
Transfer 6
Transfer 7
Transfer 8
Transfer 9
Transfer 10
Distillation 11
Distillation 12
Distillation 13
Distillation 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Storage tank 1
Storage tank 2
Storage tank 3
Charging tank 1
Charging tank 2
Charging tank 3
Figure 3.10: Optimal schedule for COSP2 with late vessel arrivals and fixed initial decisions
(profit: $9,609,000).
solution strategy does not necessarily converge to a global optimum. This is explained by
the fact that the composition constraints are always satisfied, even if dropped, under specific
conditions. For each transfer v assigned to priority-slot i, the composition constraint (3.6c)
is satisfied if either of the following conditions holds true.
a) the origin tank contains only one crude before the transfer
b) the origin tank is fully discharged during the transfer
These conditions are always met in the optimal solutions of all problems except COSP3.
They do not always hold true in the optimal solution of COSP3, which explains the positive
gap obtained.
The MILP relaxation of the MOS-SST model is solved with the additive approach using
the second stop criterion (∆ ≤ 0). The initial number of priority-slots is set to n0 = 1.
Computational results are given in Table 3.3. All instances are solved within 400 seconds
with slightly more priority-slots than for the MOS model. The most difficult instance is still
COSP2. It is interesting to note that the solution obtained for this instance is not actually
globally optimal as its objective value (101.174) is slightly lower than 101.175 (see Table 3.2).
The actual global optimal solution can be obtained with at least 10 priority-slots. It clearly
shows that the second stopping criterion does not guarantee global optimality, although it
is very efficient in practice.
The MILP relaxation of the MOS-FST model is solved with the multiplicative approach
using the second stop criterion (∆ ≤ 0). The initial number of priority-slots is set to n0 = 4.
Computational results are given in Table 3.4. Only COSP1 is solved to global optimality
although feasible solutions are obtained quickly. Within the 1,000 second time limit, near-
optimal solutions are obtained for instance COSP3 and COSP4, but the solution obtained
for COSP3 shows a 4.8% gap with the best known solution of the MILP relaxation. The
MOS-FST discrete-time representation is not efficient at solving the crude-oil scheduling
problem. Indeed, as variable processing times are used, constraint (2.24) does not help
strengthening the model. Instead, if one wishes to use a discrete-time approach, it would
be preferable to consider the work of Lee et al. (1996). Indeed, in their formulation, each
operation that is executed over several consecutive time intervals is actually split into several
Table 3.5 shows the performance of different solution methods on all four problems using
the MOS time representation. MINLP solvers are given as a starting point the solution
of the LP obtained by removing the nonlinear constraints of the model and relaxing the
integrality constraints on binary variables. Furthermore, the MINLPs are solved with the
direct approach using the optimal number of priority-slots. The results show that, while
requiring lower CPU times than other solvers, the solution obtained with the two-step
procedure is optimal for all problems but COSP3 for which it is very close to the best
known solution. The best alternative is to use DICOPT as the iterative outer-approximation
algorithm behaves similarly to the MILP-NLP decomposition. Indeed, during the first
iteration, DICOPT solves an MILP and then solves the NLP obtained after fixing the
binary variables. The main difference comes from the fact that in the first MILP, nonlinear
constraints are linearized at the solution of the initial NLP relaxation instead of being
Table 3.5: Performance of different MINLP algorithms for crude-oil scheduling problems.
dropped. This explains why DICOPT does not find the optimal solution of COSP1. All
the MILPs solved in DICOPT, including the first one, are not relaxations of the non-convex
3.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, the crude-oil scheduling problem has been stated and the corresponding
MOS, MOS-SST, and MOS-FST mathematical formulations have been derived. The uni-
fied modeling approach developed in chapter 2 proved to be very effective as most of the
constraints used in all models are identical. These models have been strengthened using
the non-overlapping graph which displays non-trivial cliques. These cliques can be used
to generate tightening constraints that might have not been determined without using this
systematic approach.
As the models contain nonlinear composition constraints, a two-step MILP-NLP decom-
position procedure has been developed in order to solve the MINLP models. The number
of priority-slots and the sequence of operations is determined at the first MILP stage and
a feasible solution is obtained by solving the second-stage NLP. The approach has the ad-
vantage of providing optimal or near-optimal solutions with an estimate of the optimality
gap. It performs better than other solvers both in terms of computational performance and
optimality of the solution. DICOPT is the best alternative for solving the MINLP model
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we develop the SOS model for the crude-oil operations scheduling problems
COSP1, . . . , COSP4. It is based on the same sets, parameters and variables as the MOS,
MOS-SST, and MOS-FST models derived in chapter 3. The objective function (see sec-
tion 3.3.4) and general constraints (see section 3.3.5) are identical. We first derive strength-
ened assignment and non-overlapping constraints by selecting both cliques and bicliques
from the non-overlapping graph. Next, we introduce symmetry-breaking constraints for the
SOS model that are based on a sequencing rule expressed using a regular language and its
corresponding deterministic finite automaton. Various computational results demonstrat-
ing the impact of such symmetry-breaking techniques and of the number of priority-slots
are presented. Finally, a comparison of all mathematical models for the crude-oil schedul-
ing operations problem is provided. The full SOS mathematical model for the crude-oil
operations scheduling problem is given in appendix C.
As mentioned in chapter 2, both cliques and bicliques of GN O can be used to generate non-
overlapping constraints. Table 4.1 displays all maximal cliques and all maximal bicliques
that are not derived from cliques for problems COSP2 and COSP3 (see Fig. 3.5). They
are 15 maximal cliques and 15 maximal bicliques which corresponds to 15 + 2 · 15 = 45
Table 4.1: Maximal cliques and bicliques for COSP2 and COSP3.
Nb of vertices Maximal cliques
{1, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 6},
{2, 7}, {2, 8}, {3, 9},
{3, 10}, {4, 11},
{6, 11}, {8, 14},
{10, 14}, {11, 12},
{13, 14}
{1, 2, 3}, {5, 12, 13},
{7, 12, 13}, {9, 12, 13}
Nb of vertices Maximal bicliques
({4}; {1, 4, 11}), ({6}; {2, 6, 11}),
({8}; {2, 8, 14}), ({10}; {3, 10, 14})
({5}; {1, 5, 12, 13}), ({7}; {2, 7, 12, 13}),
4 ({9}; {3, 9, 12, 13}), ({11}; {4, 6, 11, 12}),
({14}; {8, 10, 13, 14})
({1}; {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}), ({3}; {1, 2, 3, 9, 10}),
({5, 7, 9, 12, 13}; {12, 13})
({2}; {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}),
6 ({12}; {5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13}),
({13}; {5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14})
constraints (4.1) and (4.2) which are identical to the constraints (2.19) and (2.26) developed
in chapter 2.
Ei1 v + Div
v∈W 0 i∈T v∈W 0
i1 <i<i2 i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 , W 0 ∈ clique(GN O ) (4.1)
≤ Si2 v + H · (1 − Z i2 v )
v∈W 0 v∈W 0
X X X i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 ,
Ei1 v ≤ Si2 v + H · (1 − Z i2 v ) (4.2a)
v∈W1 v∈W2 v∈W2 (W1 ; W2 ) ∈ biclique(GN O )
X X X i1 , i2 ∈ T, i1 < i2 ,
Ei1 v ≤ Si2 v + H · (1 − Z i2 v ) (4.2b)
v∈W2 v∈W1 v∈W1 (W1 ; W2 ) ∈ biclique(GN O )
Table 4.2: Cliques and bicliques selections a, b, and c for COSP2 and COSP3.
Cst No. Selection a Selection b Selection c
(i) 1 {1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 3} implied by 2, 3, 4
2 {1, 4}, {1, 5} ({1}; {4, 5}) ({1}; {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
3 {2, 6}, {2, 7}, {2, 8} ({2}; {6, 7, 8}) ({2}; {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8})
4 {3, 9}, {3, 10} ({3}; {9, 10}) ({3}; {1, 2, 3, 9, 10})
5 {4, 11}, {6, 11} ({4, 6}; {11}) ({4, 6, 11, 12}; {11})
6 {5, 12, 13}, {7, 12, 13}, {9, 12, 13} ({5, 7, 9}; {12, 13}) ({5, 7, 9, 12, 13}; {12, 13})
7 {8, 14}, {10, 14} ({8, 10}; {14}) ({8, 10, 13, 14}; {14})
(iii) 8 implied by 6 {12, 13} implied by 6
9 {11, 12} {11, 12} implied by 5
10 {13, 14} {13, 14} implied by 7
There is a clear trade-off between the tightness of the LP relaxation and the size of the
model. Therefore, it is important to carefully select the cliques and bicliques that are used to
enforce non-overlapping constraints. We introduce 3 different selection heuristics. The first
selection strategy, denoted by a, consists of selecting all maximal cliques only, leading to 15
constraints (4.1). The second selection strategy, denoted by b, consists of deriving cliques
and bicliques directly from the non-overlapping constraint definitions. The third selection
strategy, denoted by c, consists of improving selection b by extending it to maximal cliques
and bicliques and removing unnecessary elements from the selection. Table 4.2 displays
selections a, b and c. The first column indicates the descriptive constraint (as introduced
in section 3.2.1) that generates the corresponding cliques or bicliques. For example, non-
overlapping constraint (ii) for the first storage tank is intuitively represented by the clique
({1}; {4, 5}) in selection b but it is extended to the maximal biclique ({1}; {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
in selection c. Also, non-overlapping constraint (i) is represented by the maximal clique
{1, 2, 3} in selection b, but is removed in selection c as it is implied by bicliques 2, 3, and
4. Therefore, selection b leads to 16 non-overlapping constraints (4 of type (4.1) and 12 of
type (4.2)) while selection c leads to 12 non-overlapping constraints (4.2) only.
L1 · L2 = {w = w1 · w2 s.t. w1 ∈ L1 and w2 ∈ L2 }
L1 + L2 = {w s.t. w ∈ L1 or w ∈ L2 }
L1 ∗ = {ε} ∪ L1 ∪ L1 · L1 ∪ L1 · L1 · L1 ∪ . . .
The reader may refer to Hopcroft and Ullman (1979) for a complete definition of regular
The rule presented in this section has been designed in order to remove as many symmetric
sequences of operations as possible, regardless of its complexity. Notice that there is a
trade-off between the symmetry-breaking capabilities of the sequencing rule (number of
symmetric solutions it eliminates) and its complexity.
In COSP1, two distillation states exist as either distillation 7 or distillation 8 is being ex-
ecuted at any time. Thus, the sequence of operations can be decomposed into subsequences,
each corresponding to one distillation state, as shown in Figure 4.1.
Let L7 (resp. L8 ) be the regular language describing the possible sequences of operations
during distillation state 7 (resp. distillation state 8). Note that only transfer operations 1,
2, 4 and 6 are allowed to be executed during this state due to non-overlapping constraints.
If no unloading operation is performed, operations 4 and 6 need to be executed at most
once. Thus, in that case, we choose to define the regular language L7 so that a subsequence
corresponding to the distillation state 7 starts with distillation 7 and may follow by at most
one occurrence of transfer operations 4 and 6, in this order.
If both unloading operations 1 and 2 are allowed to be executed during distillation state
7, then it might also be necessary to perform transfer operation 6 before and after this
unloading. Also, unloading 1 has to be sequenced before operation 2 due to the prece-
dence constraint between unloading operations (crude-oil vessels have to unload in order of
arrival). Thus, in this general case, we choose to define the regular language L7 as follows.
1 1 4
7 6 2 2
2 2 6
The set of all sequences of operations belonging to the regular language L7 is displayed
in Table 4.3. It can be represented by the DFA depicted in Figure 4.2, noted DFA7 . This
DFA reads a sequence starting with operation 7, and then reads the following operation in
the sequence by moving though the corresponding labeled arc. A sequence is accepted if it
can be entirely read by DFA7 .
Similarly, the regular language L8 , represented by DFA8 , is defined as follows.
Finally, the regular language L describing an efficient sequencing rule for COSP1 can be
defined using language L7 and L8 . Figure 4.3 shows a scheme of the DFA recognizing the
regular language L.
L = (ε + L7 )(L8 · L7 )∗ (ε + L8 )
It should be noted that this symmetry-breaking rule captures all possible schedules and
removes many redundant sequences of operations. In Figure 4.1, schedule (a) is accepted
by the sequencing rule while the other schedules are rejected, and thus not explored during
the search. However, there are some symmetric sequences that remain accepted such as
78132 and 71832. Indeed, in these two sequences belonging to the language L, exchanging
operations 1 and 8 does not change the active precedence constraints.
Once the regular language L and its corresponding DFA have been defined, it is possible
to include the sequencing rule using the linear system of equations proposed by Côté et al.
(2007). The equations represent a unit network flow through a directed layered graph
initially introduced by Pesant (2004) for constraint programming.
Let M = (Q, Σ, δ, q1 , F ), where Q is the set of states (i.e. nodes), Σ is the alphabet,
δ is the transition function, q1 is the initial state, and F is the set of final states, be a
DFA recognizing the regular language L. The idea is to unfold the automaton states on
n + 1 layers (where n is the length of the sequence), the first layer corresponding to the
initial state, the last layer corresponding to the possible final states, and the transition
between layers corresponding to the automaton transitions defined by δ. Then, a sequence
is recognized by the DFA M if and only if there is a flow of unit 1 from the initial state in
the first layer to a final state in the last layer such that the transition taken between any
two adjacent layers i and i + 1 corresponds to the ith letter of the sequence.
The regular language membership constraint makes use of flow binary variables Sivq ,
Constraint (4.3a) links the Ziv variable to the Sivq variables (q ∈ Q) ensuring that the
assignment of operation v to priority-slot i is equivalent to a unit flow traversing one of
the corresponding arcs in the network. Constraint (4.3b) sets the flow leaving the network
source node (1, q1 ) to 1. Constraint (4.3c) ensures that the flow entering network node (i, q)
is equal to the flow leaving it. Constraint (4.3d) sets the flow leaving the network nodes
(n, q) through transitions δ(q, v) ∈ F to 1.
Although O(|T | · |W | · |Q|) new variables and O(|T | · |W | + |T | · |Q|) new constraints are
added to the model, the search space is substantially reduced as only sequences belonging
to the regular language L are explored. It should be noted that it is not necessary to
declare the variable Sivq as binary. Indeed, if all variables Ziv are fixed, then the sequence
of operations is fixed to v1 ...vi ...vn . As the automaton M is deterministic, there is a unique
sequence of states q1 ...qi ...qn qn+1 (where qn+1 ∈ F ) corresponding to the states visited upon
processing the sequence v1 ...vi ...vn . Therefore, the network flow problem stated above has
a unique solution defined by Sivq = 1 if v = vi and q = qi , Sivq = 0 otherwise.
In this section, we present experimental results obtained on an Intel Xeon 1.86GHz processor
with GAMS as modeling language, CPLEX 11 as MILP solver and CONOPT 3 as local
Table 4.4: SOS computational results for crude-oil operations scheduling problems.
Pb n LP MILP Nb of nodes CPU
COSP1a 13 80.000 79.750 18 5.88s
COSP1b 13 80.000 79.750 19 4.45s
COSP1c 13 80.000 79.750 21 4.92s
COSP2a 21 103.000 101.175 36 120.42s
COSP2b 21 103.000 101.175 19 55.57s
COSP2c 21 103.000 101.175 25 60.50s
COSP3a 21 100.000 87.400 28 191.47s
COSP3b 21 100.000 87.400 33 97.70s
COSP3c 21 100.000 87.400 31 64.46s
COSP4a 26 132.585 132.548 16 606.86s
COSP4b 26 132.585 132.548 37 574.95s
COSP4c 26 132.585 132.548 32 308.43s
NLP solver. The DFAs for problems COSP2, COSP3, and COSP4 have been defined in a
similar way as for COSP1, adapted to each refinery configuration.
The MILP relaxation (defined in section 3.5.5) of the SOS model is solved using the direct
approach (see section 2.6). The number of priority-slots is set to its maximum value as deter-
mined in section 4.4.2. Computational results are given in Table 4.4 for each clique/biclique
selection heuristic. The behavior of this time representation is quite different than for the
MOS and MOS-SST representations as COSP4 is now the most difficult while COSP2 is
quite easy to solve. Indeed, COSP4 is solved with the largest number of priority-slots as
it is the largest instance in terms of operations and resources, which makes it the hardest
instance. The results obtained for selection a shows that using only maximal cliques is not
the most efficient in the SOS model. It is rather preferable to combine it with bicliques as
in selections b and c. Additionally, it is clear that the selection improvements in selection c
lead to a significant decrease in CPU time for COSP3 and COSP4. This is due to the fact
that non-overlapping constraints are strengthened and the model size is reduced.
priority-slots greater than 13, whether the symmetry-breaking rule is used or not. The
maximum number of operations is 21 for COSP2 and COSP3 (with at most 5 distillation
operations), 26 for COSP4 (with at most 7 distillation operations).
Figure 4.4 shows the evolution of the number of nodes explored, the CPU time, the MILP
and NLP solutions objective value ($100,000 unit), and the optimality gap with respect to
the number of priority-slots when solving COSP1 to COSP4. Xpress was used to solve
the MILP relaxation. The grey area represents the gap between MILP and NLP solutions.
For all problems, the computational expense is small when the number of priority-slots is
small, as the size of the problem and the feasible space are small. Also, the computational
expense is small when the number of priority-slots is large (close to its maximum), as the
solver must assign one operation to each priority-slot while satisfying both the cardinality
constraints and the symmetry-breaking rule, thus reducing the size of the feasible space. In
between, the number of nodes explored and the CPU time reach a maximum, although not
at the same number of priority-slots. It can also be observed that the objective value of
the optimal solutions of the MILP relaxation increases with the number of priority-slots as
more flexibility is given to the solver to find feasible solution. The optimality gap tends to
When no symmetry-breaking rule is used, the global optimal solution of the SOS model
with maximum number of priority-slots leads to the best possible schedule. Indeed, the
optimal sequence of operations can be extended with unused operations, for which the vol-
ume transferred is set to 0. Thus, it can be obtained even if the user postulated more
priority-slots than needed. However, in general, if a sequencing rule is used, the global
optimal solution might not be obtained with maximum number of priority-slots, but it will
be obtained with a number of slots identical to the number of operations actually performed
in this solution. For example, consider the sequence 71287 and assume it is optimal. In
this case, unloading operations 1 and 2 may each overlap with two consecutive distillations.
200 4 1200 80
No. of Nodes
Number of Nodes
Number of Nodes
150 3 60
100 2 600 40
0 0 0 0
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Number of Slots Number of Slots
80 5 5
MILP 102
4 4
79 NLP
2 98 2
78.5 1 1
Gap 96
0 0
78 94
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Number of Slots Number of Slots
5000 400 2500 300
4000 2000
Number of Nodes
Number of Nodes
CPU Time (s)
0 0 0 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Number of Slots Number of Slots
100 5 5
95 4 4
Optimality Gap (%)
3 132 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
75 131
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Number of Slots Number of Slots
Figure 4.4: Performance of the SOS model on crude-oil scheduling problems (MILP solver:
However, if the model is solved with 13 slots using the sequencing rule, unloading opera-
tions cannot overlap with two consecutive distillations. Indeed, if unloading 1 is sequenced
after a distillation 7 and before a distillation 8, transfer 4 will necessarily be sequenced
before and after unloading 1, within the current subsequence for distillation state 7 (i.e.
74614 or 7461426). Therefore, due to precedence constraints, unloading 1 is forced to be
executed entirely during distillation 7, and cannot overlap with next or previous distilla-
tions. Nonetheless, in our experiments, the best solutions were always obtained with the
maximum number of priority-slots which tends to justify this choice for the parameter n.
In this section, we study the effect of the symmetry-breaking rule on solving the MILP
relaxation of the SOS model, which is the first step of the MILP-NLP decomposition pro-
cedure presented in section 3.5.5. Two models will be compared: the basic model that
includes all linear constraints of the MILP except the symmetry-breaking constraints, and
the extended model that includes all linear constraints as well as the symmetry-breaking
Consider a single instance of COSP1 (Figure B.1, Table B.1) for which 13 priority-slots
are postulated. As shown in Table 4.5, although the extended model contains many more
new variables and relatively fewer additional constraints than the basic model, the number
of nodes explored is greatly reduced (from more than one million to 63), which leads to very
low CPU time (from more than 3600s to 2s). This is due to the removal of many symmetric
solutions from the search space by using the symmetry-breaking rule. It should be noted
that both models have the same LP relaxation. The optimal solution of the basic model is
found early during the search, but a large amount of time is used to prove its optimality.
Figure 4.5 shows how both models perform on COSP1 when varying the number of
priority-slots from 6 to 13. Clearly, the computational expense needed to solve the basic
model grows exponentially with the number of priority-slots. However, both the number of
nodes and the CPU time remain stable when solving the extended model.
Table 4.5: Size and performance of Basic and Extended models on COSP1 (13 slots).
Binary CPU
Variables Variables Constraints MILP Nodes Time
Basic 1,392 104 2,515 79.75 +180,000 +3,600s
Extended 2,801 104 2,952 79.75 21 5s
100 10
0.1 0.1
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Number of time-slots
Figure 4.5: Performance of the Basic and Extended models on COSP1 (6 to 13 slots).
In this section, we compare the four time representations applied to the crude-oil operations
scheduling problem in chapter 3 and 4. Figure 4.6 shows how the objective value of the best
incumbent varies over time depending on the time representation used. Results for the SOS
model are presented for clique/biclique selection heuristic c. As for the batch scheduling
problems the MOS model proves to be superior. However, the MOS-SST model behaves
better than the MOS-FST model for these problems due to non-constant processing times.
The SOS model performs better than the MOS-SST model for instance COSP2, worse for
instance COSP4, and similarly for the other instances. From these results, it seems that
the MOS-SST model scales better with the size of the problem than the SOS model as it
requires fewer priority-slots. Finally, in Table 4.6 we present the model sizes of the MILPs
79.8 105
Objective Value
Objective Value
Optimum Optimum
79.6 80
1 10 100 1 10 100 1000
CPU Time (s) CPU Time (s)
Objective Value
Objective Value
84 130
Optimum Optimum
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
CPU Time (s) CPU Time (s)
corresponding to all time representations using the number of priority-slots leading to the
best solution. It is clear that the MOS time representation leads to the most compact
models which partly explains its efficiency. The MOS-FST time representation is much
larger due to the higher number of priority-slots required. Furthermore, it is interesting
to note that the SOS time representation requires many more continuous variables. These
variables are introduced to represent the network flow used to break symmetries as described
in section 4.3. Overall, it is also interesting to note that all four models provide the same
LP relaxation for each instance. Indeed, the objective function is purely economic and not
directly linked to scheduling issues, as opposed to the previous batch scheduling examples.
In the case of crude-oil operations scheduling, solving the LP relaxation corresponds to
generating a solution that only satisfies overall material balances, distillation demands and
Table 4.6: Size of MOS, MOS-SST, MOS-FST, and SOS models for crude-oil scheduling
Problem Model n Binary Vars Continuous Vars Constraints
MOS 5 40 496 1,086
MOS-SST 6 48 601 1,403
MOS-FST 8 64 793 1,804
SOS 13 104 2,801 2,952
MOS 6 84 1,303 2,620
MOS-SST 8 112 1,745 3,758
MOS-FST 16 224 3,473 8,051
SOS 21 294 13,084 7,835
MOS 5 70 1,211 2,302
MOS-SST 7 98 1,702 3,431
MOS-FST 16 224 3,873 8,439
SOS 21 294 13,609 7,909
MOS 4 76 1,489 2,806
MOS-SST 6 114 2,239 4,338
MOS-FST 16 304 5,953 12,269
SOS 26 494 28,445 14,351
4.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, the SOS time representation has been applied to crude-oil scheduling prob-
lems with the objective of maximizing gross margins. The corresponding mathematical
model is strengthened using the non-overlapping graph of the scheduling system. It is
possible to represent a solution schedule as a single sequence of operations that can be re-
stricted with respect to a problem-specific DFA-based symmetry-breaking sequencing rule.
Computational results show that using symmetry-breaking constraints is critical in order
to solve the SOS model in reasonable times. Similarly to the batch scheduling problems
studied in chapter 2, the MOS time representation is the most efficient approach. The SOS
model compares well with the MOS-SST model, while the discrete-time MOS-FST time
representation is clearly not suitable as the problem involves variable processing times.
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we consider the optimization of the crude-oil operations scheduling problem
with the objective of minimizing the total logistics costs, as studied in Lee et al. (1996).
Logistics costs include sea waiting and unloading costs for marine vessels, storage costs
in tanks, and CDU switching costs. In earlier work, an operation specific event point
continuous-time formulation has been developed (see Jia et al., 2003) and applied to the
problems from Lee et al. (1996) (COSP1, . . . , COSP4) using a linear approximation of stor-
age costs. However, no proof of optimality or estimate of optimality gap is given with this
approximation. The global optimization of this model was later addressed by Karuppiah
et al. (2008) using an outer-approximation algorithm where the MILP master problem is
solved by a Lagrangian decomposition. While rigorous, this method is still computationally
In chapter 3, we presented a solution procedure for solving non-convex crude-oil schedul-
ing MINLPs that returns a suboptimal solution with an estimate of the gap with respect
to the optimal solution. The main contribution of this chapter is to reduce the optimality
gap by tightening the linear relaxation of the MINLP using McCormick convex envelopes
for bilinear products of continuous variables (see McCormick, 1976). This can be done by
using discretization techniques and applying McCormick convex and concave estimators on
each discrete element of the continuous space (see Bergamini et al., 2008; Wicaksono and
Karimi, 2008; Pham et al., 2009). On the other hand, it has been shown how Constraint
Programming (CP) techniques can be effectively integrated with branch & bound proce-
dures for the global optimization of MINLPs (see Sahinidis, 2003). In this chapter, CP is
used during the search to tighten variable bounds and generate new McCormick cuts, thus
effectively tightening the mixed-integer linear program (MILP) relaxation. When applied to
the sequential MILP-NLP approach, this extension of the branch & cut algorithm leads to
reduced optimality gaps and allows finding better suboptimal solutions with lower logistics
cost. The concepts developed in this work can be applied to a generic solver as in the global
MINLP solver BARON, or can be used to effectively solve other optimization problems to
global optimality by exploiting their specific structure.
This chapter is organized as follows. First we present the MINLP mathematical formula-
tion with the nonlinear objective function. The model is then reformulated in order to get
a linear objective function and obtain a simple MILP relaxation using McCormick convex
envelopes. Next, this MILP relaxation is improved by adding tighter McCormick cuts for
some subproblems explored during the branch & cut procedure. Finally, we provide com-
putational results showing the impact of this approach in terms of relaxation tightness and
CPU time.
In this section, the SOS time representation is used to derive the MINLP model for the
crude-oil scheduling problem. It differs from the SOS model presented in appendix C by a
different objective function and an additional constraint that defines the sea waiting time
for each crude vessel.
The objective function minimizing total logistics costs can be expressed as follows:
min SW IT CHIN GCOST Ziv − 1
r∈RD i,v∈Ir
i∈T v∈WU
i∈T v∈WU
X X Div
+ (SCr2 − SCr1 ) H − Siv − · Viv
i∈T r1 ,r2 ∈R,v∈Or1 ∩Ir2
• Wiv is the variable waiting time before unloading v if it is assigned to slot i, Wiv = 0
• SW IT CHIN GCOST is the cost associated with each CDU switch
• U N LOADIN GCOST is the unloading cost rate
• SEAW AIT IN GCOST is the sea waiting cost rate
• F IXEDST ORAGECOST is the total cost for storing the initial refinery inventory
during the horizon H if no crude transfer is performed
• SCr is the storage cost rate in resource r
The last term, which involves bilinearities making the model nonconvex, evaluates the vari-
ation of the total storage cost. For each transfer operation v between resources r1 (storage
cost rate SC1 ) and r2 (storage cost rate SC2 ) assigned to priority-slot i, the corresponding
variation of storage cost is calculated as follows:
Z t=Siv +Div Z t=H
∆COSTiv = (SCr2 − SCr1 ) · (t − Siv )dt + Viv dt
t=Siv Div t=Siv +Div
= (SCr2 − SCr1 ) Div · Viv + (H − Siv − Div ) · Viv
= (SCr2 − SCr1 ) H − Siv − · Viv
X X Div
+ (SCr2 − SCr1 ) H − Siv − · Viv
i∈T r1 ,r2 ∈R,v∈Or1 ∩Ir2
Table 5.1 displays the corresponding cost data for problems COSP1, . . . , COSP4. The fixed
storage cost is calculated as r SCr · L0r . The additional parameters are given in ap-
pendix B. Note that constraint (3.6) contains the nonlinear composition constraints dis-
cussed in chapter 3. The model is intended to be solved with the MILP-NLP decomposition
procedure introduced in section 3.5.5. In order to obtain near-optimal solutions, it is critical
to derive a tight linear relaxation of the full MINLP. In particular, the objective function
needs to be reformulated as explained in the following section. The nonlinear constraints
(3.6c) are simply dropped in the MILP, as justified by the results obtain in chapter 3 in
terms of optimality gap. However, these constraints are included in the second stage NLP.
+ (SCr2 − SCr1 ) Xiv
i,r1 ,r2 ,v∈Or1 ∩Ir2
where variables Xiv are used to represent the bilinear terms Aiv · Viv . Using McCormick
convex envelopes introduced in McCormick (1976), this MINLP can be linearly relaxed by
Xiv ≥ AL L L L
iv Viv + Aiv Viv − Aiv Viv
Xiv ≥ AU U U U
iv Viv + Aiv Viv − Aiv Viv
Xiv ≤ AL U L U
iv Viv + Aiv Viv − Aiv Viv
Xiv ≤ AU L U L
iv Viv + Aiv Viv − Aiv Viv
The terms AL U L U
iv , Aiv , Viv , and Viv represent the lower and upper bounds of variables Aiv and
Viv . It is important to note that the tightness of this linear relaxation strongly depends on
the bounds of the variables Aiv and Viv .
Once the linear relaxation of the MINLP has been defined, the corresponding MILP can be
solved by a branch & cut algorithm as implemented in the commercial tool CPLEX. This
approach consists of successively solving many subproblems (nodes) of the original MILP
by solving its continuous relaxation and generating new subproblems when needed. User-
defined constraints can also be added to each subproblem during the search using callbacks
(see ILOG Inc., 2007).
A subproblem of the MILP is obtained by fixing some of the discrete variables Ziv to
either 0 or 1. Each of these subproblems correspond to a linear relaxation of the MINLP
subproblem obtained by fixing the same discrete variables to the same values. If the LP
relaxation of an MILP subproblem is integer feasible (i.e. all discrete variables take an
integer value, whether it is fixed or not), it might still not satisfy all MINLP constraints. In
such cases, it is possible to infer stronger McCormick constraints by contracting variables
bounds for the current discrete solution.
We denote p a discrete solution defined by the discrete values taken by the variables Ziv .
The discrete solution p corresponds to a unique sequence of operations (v1p , . . . , vnp ). We
When a discrete solution p is obtained at a given node of the search tree, ILOG CP is used
to perform constraint propagation on the model (CP )p leading to variable bounds AL iv ,
p L p U p that are possibly tighter than the bounds defined at the root
iv , Viv , and Viv
node (modeling stage). The McCormick constraints derived from these bounds are valid for
the discrete solution p but are not valid for the current node as some variables Ziv might
not have been fixed yet. The NLP subproblem corresponding to the discrete solution p is
in fact a restriction of the NLP subproblem corresponding to the current node. Therefore,
the following modified big-M McCormick constraints are defined to be added to the current
node subproblem:
p p p p X
Xiv ≥ AL
iv Viv + Aiv VivL − AL
iv VivL − M1 · (n − Zivip )
U p U p U p U p
Xiv ≥ Aiv Viv + Aiv Viv − Aiv Viv − M2 · (n − Zivip )
p p p p X
Xiv ≤ AL
iv Viv + Aiv VivU − AL
iv VivU + M3 · (n − Zivip )
p p p p X
Xiv ≤ AU
iv Viv + Aiv VivL − AU
iv VivL + M4 · (n − Zivip )
p p p p
M1 = AL
iv VivU + AU L
iv Viv − AL
iv VivL
p U p
p U p
M 2 = AU VivU + AU − AU
iv iv Viv iv Viv
n o
L p L U p L p U p
M 3 = AU U L
iv iv − A iv Viv + A iv V iv − A iv V iv
n o
U p L L p U p L p
M 4 = AU U L
iv iv − A iv Viv + A iv V iv − A iv Viv
A lazy constraint callback (see ILOG Inc., 2007) has been implemented in order to gen-
erate these local McCormick cuts at each node where an integer feasible solution is found.
Solve LP relaxation
Infeasible ?
Prune node
Suboptimal ? YES
Integer Generate
feasible ? YES McCormick cuts
Generate new
Cuts added ?
nodes (branch) YES
If at least one McCormick cut is violated by the current discrete solution, it is added to the
node subproblem and the LP relaxation is resolved as depicted in Fig. 5.1. This cut gener-
ation procedure can also be executed at nodes where no integer feasible solution is found.
However, in order to reduce the computational expense corresponding to the generation of
variable bounds and cuts, only integer feasible nodes are processed.
The four problems introduced in Lee et al. (1996) have been solved using two algorithms.
The BasicRelaxation algorithm consists of initially adding McCormick constraints to the
MILP model without generating new cuts during the search. The ExtendedRelaxation al-
gorithm consists of adding McCormick constraints to the MILP and new cuts during the
search, as explained in the previous section. Both approaches have been developed in
C++ using CPLEX 11 (MILP) and ILOG CP 6.5 (CP). The NLPs have been solved using
CONOPT 3. Experiments have been run on an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16GHz processor.
In both basic and extended cases, Table 5.2 gives the solution of the MILP and the NLP,
the corresponding optimality gap, and the total CPU time and the number of nodes explored
during the search. In the ExtendedRelaxation case, the computational time for generating
McCormick cuts using CP is also displayed in column ”CP”, it is already included in the
total CPU time. The computational time for solving NLPs is not reported as it is always
lower than 5s.
The results show that using the approach developed in this paper leads to important
reductions of the optimality gap compared to the BasicRelaxation algorithm (3.48% vs
14.83% average gap). Besides, a better feasible solution (3.3% cost reduction) has been
found for COSP2 using the two-step MILP-NLP procedure. This demonstrates how the
linear relaxation of the MINLP can been tightened by adding McCormick constraints to
the subproblems of the MILP leading to integer feasible solutions. More precisely, at the
node where the optimal MILP solution of COSP1 is found, two rounds of cuts are added.
The first round of cuts leads to an increase of the objective value from 199.1 to 212.4 (6.7%
increase), while the second round increases the objective value to 213.7 (0.6% increase).
This indicates that few rounds of cuts are necessary in this case and that the first round of
cuts is the most important in order to tighten the MILP relaxation.
The optimality gaps obtained in the BasicRelaxation case are much larger than the opti-
mality gaps obtained in chapters 3 and 4. This is due to the fact that the objective function
considered in this previous work is linear, thus leading to a tighter MILP relaxation.
In terms of computational expense, the required CPU time increases by 9.5% for the
ExtendedRelaxation procedure. This is due to the increase of the number of nodes explored
in some cases (COSP2 and COSP3), the increase of the model size for subproblems for which
McCormick constraints have been generated, and the time used for performing constraint
propagation on the CP model (4.7% of total CPU time). This last point can be improved
with a better CP model and a more efficient implementation.
Table 5.3 shows computational results obtained with different MINLP algorithms on
COSP1. Local optimizers DICOPT, SBB, Bonmin and AlphaECP have been tested as well
as the global solver BARON. DICOPT and SBB did not return the best known solution,
SBB failed to find any feasible solution. However, the corresponding CPU times are similar
to the BasicRelaxation and ExtendedRelaxation procedures. Bonmin-OA found the best-
known solution in reasonable time. AlphaECP and BARON also found the best known
solution, but the former requires one order of magnitude increase in CPU time and does
not give any optimality gap estimate, while the latter requires more than two orders of
magnitude increase in CPU time (optimization is stopped after 1 hour) but has the smallest
optimality gap.
5.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, a new approach for handling bilinear terms in MINLPs has been presented.
It involves using CP bound contraction techniques during the branch & cut search in order
to generate cuts based on McCormick convex envelopes for products of continuous variables.
The procedure has the advantage of using the complementary strengths for CPLEX and
Table 5.3: Results obtained with diferrent MINLP algorithms on COSP1 and COSP2.
Algorithm Solution CPU Gap Solution CPU Gap
BasicRelaxation 222.3 9s 11.7% 362.9 215s 21.9%
ExtendedRelaxation 222.3 11s 4.0% 351.2 246s 2.4%
DICOPT 233.5 14s - 351.2 1235s -
SBB Local infeas. 14s - Local infeas. 697s -
Bonmin-OA 222.3 27s - No solution +3,600s -
AlphaECP 222.3 260s - 358.0 +3,600s -
BARON 222.3 +3,600s 4.1% No solution +3,600s -
ILOG CP to obtain better solutions and reduce the optimality gap. Due to the tight
integration of both tools using the modeling technology ILOG CONCERT, the increase in
solution times remains small. Although the proposed approach has been applied to a crude-
oil scheduling SOS MINLP model, it can also be applied to other time representations, such
as MOS, with no major modifications.
This approach may be improved by extending the interaction between MILP and CP as
in the programming system SCIP (see Achterberg, 2004) or in the integrated solver SIMPL
(see Yunes et al., 2010), although a conceptual difference lies in the fact that CPLEX
is used as the main mixed-integer branch & cut algorithm. Also, MINLP cuts such as
McCormick cuts can be generated not only for integer feasible subproblems, but for other
subproblems, thus pruning additional nodes during the search. Finally, optimality-based
reduction techniques (see Sahinidis, 2003) can be used to add new constraints to the CP
model to remove feasible solutions that are not optimal. As a consequence variable bounds
may be further contracted leading to a tighter MILP relaxation.
6.1 Introduction
Although, integration of planning and scheduling has recently been addressed in the context
of multiproduct continuous and batch production plants (see Erdirik-Dogan and Grossmann,
2008; Maravelias and Sung, 2009), very little work has been done towards the integration of
planning and crude-oil scheduling problems in the context of refineries. This is due to the
fact that in this case, the planning model is not an aggregate scheduling model. Therefore,
the decomposition methods developed for batch and continuous plants are not directly
applicable to refineries. In particular, planning and scheduling correspond to two different
problems solely linked through CDU feedstocks. Therefore, instead of using a hierarchical
decomposition, a spatial Lagrangian decomposition is preferred. The reader may refer to
Fisher (1985) and Guignard (2003) for extensive reviews on Lagrangian relaxation and
decomposition techniques. These approches have been applied to many industrial problems
such as production planning and scheduling integration (see Li and Ierapetritou, 2010) or
multiperiod refinery planning (see Neiro and Pinto, 2006). Thus, it seems natural to apply
Lagrangian decomposition to solve the integrated refinery planning and crude-oil scheduling
The content of this chapter is organized as follows. First, the planning and scheduling
problems are stated as well as the full-space integrated problem. Next, a Lagrangian decom-
position scheme based on the dualization of CDU feedstock linking constraints is presented
and a new hybrid method is introduced to solve the Lagrangian relaxation. A heuristic
algorithm is then developed to obtain good feasible solutions for the integrated full-space
problem. After some technical and practical remarks, we present numerical illustrations of
the proposed approach on a small case study and a larger refinery problem.
The refinery planning problem can be regarded as a flowsheet optimization problem with
multiple periods during which the refinery system is assumed to operate in steady-state. Due
to extensive stream mixing, the model for each period is based on a pooling problem that
is extended in order to include process models for each refining unit. The different periods
in the model are connected through many material inventories. In this work, we consider
a single-period planning model based on a pooling problem inspired from the literature
(see for instance Adhya et al., 1999). A basic refinery planning system is represented in
Figure 6.1. A set of crudes i ∈ I are to be mixed in different types of crude-oil blends
j ∈ J (e.g. low-sulfur and high-sulfur blends), each associated to a specific CDU operating
mode. For each mode and each crude, several distillation cuts are obtained with different
yields. These crude cuts are then blended into intermediate pools which are used to prepare
several final products. Therefore, the refinery planning system is composed of the following
• One input stream for each selected crude i ∈ I and each type of crude blend j ∈ J
• One CDU with fixed yields for each distillation cut
• Set of distillation cuts k ∈ K
• One pool for each type of crude blend j ∈ J and each cut k ∈ K
• One intermediate stream between each pool (j, k) ∈ J × K and each final product
F xijk ijkp
1 , q1 xjkl jkp
2 , q2 xlS , pl
CDU Pooljk Prodl
≤ Ci ≤ Dl
≤ Z lp
∈ [−F R, F R] · H
• Variables:
– xij
F is a variable representing the amount of crude i selected for CDU distillation in
blend j
– xijk
1 is a variable representing the amount of cut k extracted from crude i in blend j
– xjkl
2 is a variable representing the flow of material between pool (j, k) and product l
• Parameters:
s.t. 0≤ F ≤C i∈I (crude availability)
FR · H ≤ F ≤ FR · H (CDU flowrate limitations)
i∈I j∈J
1 =α
· xij
F (i, j, k) ∈ I × J × K (CDU yield calculation)
X ijk X jkl
x1 = x2 (j, k) ∈ J × K (pool mass balance)
i∈I l∈L
2 = xS l∈L (product mass balance)
j∈J k∈K
Figure 6.2 displays the pooling structure of a case study with corresponding data for
crudes (A, B), blends (X, Y ), distillation cuts (M, N ), and final products (P, Q, R, S). Two
different qualities are considered in this case.
(0.07, 1.10)
(X, A) 0.6 12
(X, M ) P
≤ 250 0.4 (0.08, 1.05) ≤ 120
≤ (0.08, 0.90)
In the remainder of the chapter, we consider the following NLP, which is a simplified
version of the planning model PP .
max VPT xS
s.t. fP (xF , xI , xS ) ≤ 0
gP (xI ) ≤ 0
xF ∈ R|F | , xI ∈ R|I| , xS ∈ R|S|
The crude-oil scheduling problem deals with the unloading, transfer and blending operations
executed on crude-oil tankers and crude-oil inventories. The goal is to sequentially prepare
multiple crude blends, which are defined by specific property requirements. Each type of
crude blend corresponds to a specific CDU operating mode. Different objectives have been
studied, namely minimization of logistics costs (see chapter 5 and Lee et al., 1996) or
maximization of profit (see chapters 3 and 4). In this work, the objective is to minimize the
total replacement cost of the crudes that are selected for distillation. The replacement cost
is the cost of replacing the crude once it has been processed. The crude-oil schedule must
satisfy inventory capacity limitations, crude tankers arrival dates as well as the logistics
constraints described in chapter 3. Figure 6.3 shows the refinery system corresponding to
problem 1 introduced in Lee et al. (1996). Table 6.1 displays the dimensionless data for
this example. Besides a different objective function, the example is modified by introducing
a minimum duration of one day for distillation operations. Therefore, due to crude blend
alternative sequencing, at most 4 batches of each crude mix can be processed in 8 days.
The scheduling problem is formulated using the MOS time representation as introduced in
chapter 2 (see appendix C).
In the remainder of the chapter, we consider the following MINLP, which is a simplified
version of the scheduling model PS .
max −VCT yF
s.t. fS (yB , yC , yF ) ≤ 0
gS (yC ) ≤ 0
yB ∈ {0, 1}|B| , yC ∈ R|C| , yF ∈ R|F |
Given the importance of crude selection for refinery optimization, the refinery planning
problem and the crude-oil scheduling problem should ideally be optimized simultaneously.
This can only be done by solving an integrated full-space MINLP problem, denoted (P ),
which aims at optimizing all refinery decisions subject to planning, scheduling, and linking
max VPT xS − VCT yF
s.t. fP (xF , xI , xS ) ≤ 0
gP (xI ) ≤ 0
fS (yB , yC , yF ) ≤ 0
(P )
gS (yC ) ≤ 0
yF − x F = 0
xF ∈ R|F | , xI ∈ R|I| , xS ∈ R|S|
yB ∈ {0, 1}|B| , yC ∈ R|C| , yF ∈ R|F |
The integrated objective is to maximize profit defined by final product sales revenues minus
crude-oil replacement costs. The linking constraint yF − xF = 0 ensures consistency of
planning and scheduling decisions in terms of CDU feedstock quantities. More precisely, it
ensures that the amounts of crudes selected for distillation are identical in the planning and
scheduling solutions. Also, to be consistent in time, it is considered that the planning and
scheduling horizons have identical lengths.
In the remainder of the chapter, we use the notation v (P ) to denote the optimal objective
value for problem P .
The full-space problem (P ) is a large-scale MINLP, which contains many binary variables
from the crude-oil scheduling problem and many non-convex constraints from the refinery
planning model. Due to convergence issues and the presence of many potential local optima,
standard MINLP solvers for convex optimization, such as AlphaECP, Bonmin, DICOPT,
KNITRO, or SBB, may fail solving the model or may return poor solutions. Global MINLP
solvers, such as BARON, Couenne, or LINDOGLOBAL, are in principle able to solve the
problem but they may require prohibitive computational times. Therefore, a specific solu-
tion strategy needs to be developed to address this problems.
Robertson et al. (2010) proposed a multi-level approach consisting of approximating the
refinery planning model by multiple linear regressions that are then used in the crude-
oil scheduling problem for the minimization of the total logistics and production costs.
The method is applied to a case study comprising two different crudes. Although com-
putationally effective, the use of linear regressions may not be sufficient for the the global
optimization of highly nonlinear refinery planning model.
In this work, we present an integration approach based on Lagrangian decomposition,
which is a special case of Lagrangian relaxation (Guignard, 2003). The idea is to build
a relaxed version of the full-space problem, which is decomposable, and therefore much
easier to solve. In particular, the decomposition procedure is based on the dualization
of the linking constraint yF − xF = 0. The relaxed problem PR (λ) , composed of NLP
and MINLP models, is defined by removing this constraint and penalizing its violations by
adding the term λT (yF − xF ) to the objective function. The parameter λ is a Lagrange
multiplier whose value is fixed prior to solving the model and adjusted iteratively.
max VPT xS − λT xF + (λ − VC )T yF
s.t. fP (xF , xI , xS ) ≤ 0
gP (xI ) ≤ 0
PR (λ) fS (yB , yC , yF ) ≤ 0
gS (yC ) ≤ 0
xF ∈ R|F | , xI ∈ R|I| , xS ∈ R|S|
yB ∈ {0, 1}|B| , yC ∈ R|C| , yF ∈ R|F |
As already mentioned, problem PR (λ) is easier to solve as it can be decomposed into two
subproblems PP (λ) and PS (λ) .
The subproblem PP (λ) , an NLP, is a modification of the original refinery planning
problem PP as it consists of assigning crude costs λ to the CDU feedstock variables
xF . For a given crude i, increasing λi will decrease the incentive to select this crude for
distillation processing. On the other hand, decreasing λi will increase the incentive to select
max VPT xS − λT xF
s.t. fP (xF , xI , xS ) ≤ 0
PP (λ)
gP (xI ) ≤ 0
xF ∈ R|F | , xI ∈ R|I| , xS ∈ R|S|
The subproblem PS (λ) , an MINLP, is a modification of the original crude-oil scheduling
problem (PS ) as it consists of assigning crude values λ to the CDU feedstock variables yF .
For a given crude i, increasing λi will increase the incentive to select this crude for blending
and distillation processing. On the other hand, decreasing λi will decrease the incentive to
select it.
max (λ − VC )T yF
s.t. fS (yB , yC , yF ) ≤ 0
PS (λ)
gS (yC ) ≤ 0
yB ∈ {0, 1}|B| , yC ∈ R|C| , yF ∈ R|F |
On the whole, the Lagrange multiplier λ can be seen as a crude purchase cost for the
planning system, and as a crude sales value for the scheduling system. Therefore, the spatial
Lagrange decomposition procedure applied to this problem can be seen as introducing a
crude market between the planning and scheduling systems (see Fig. 6.4). The planning
system acts as a consumer who buys crude from the market, while the scheduling system
acts as a producer who sells it to the market. It is clear that, for fixed prices, both actors
(λ) xF
Scheduling Planning
System yF = xF System
are independent, which explains why the two corresponding subproblems can be solved in
Although computationally convenient, this decomposition procedure does not solve the
original full-space problem. In particular, it is well-known that PR (λ) is a relaxation of
the full-space problem, thus v (PR (λ)) > v (P ). However, one can search for a Lagrange
multiplier λ that minimizes v (PR (λ)) in order to get as close as possible to v (P ). This
problem is called the dual problem and the function λ 7→ v (PR (λ)) is often called the
Lagrangian function.
PD min v (PR (λ))
Duality theory establishes that v (PD ) − v (P ) ≥ 0 (see Guignard, 2003). In some cases
(e.g. nonconvex models), we may have v (PD ) − v (P ) > 0 and this difference is called dual
gap. Our hope is that this dual gap is small enough so that valuable information can be
inferred to generate near-optimal heuristic solutions (see section 6.5).
Several approaches have been proposed in the literature in order to solve the dual problem
associated with the Lagrangian relaxation. A classical approach is the subgradient method
proposed by Held and Karp (1971) and Held and Karp (1974). Many researchers have used
and improved this technique over the years (see Camerini et al., 1975; Bazaraa and Sherali,
1981; Fisher, 1981). This approach is preferred as it usually predicts very good Lagrange
multiplier updates. However, special care must be taken in order to ensure convergence and
it requires a good strategy for defining and updating the subgradient step size. Another
approach that theoretically displays better convergence properties has been introduced by
Cheney and Goldstein (1959) and Kelley (1960). It is often denoted as the cutting plane
method. In practice, this approach usually takes a long time to converge as many iterations
are necessary in order to obtain good Lagrange multiplier updates. A refinement of this
approach is the boxstep method presented in Marsten et al. (1975). It allows obtaining
better updates for the Lagrange multiplier during early iterations while keeping the same
convergence properties. Other refinements of previous approaches include the bundle method
(Lemaréchal, 1974), the volume algorithm (Barahona and Anbil, 2000), and the analytic
center cutting plane method (Goffin et al., 1992).
All the above approaches are based on an iterative solution procedure between the primal
and the dual world. Figure 6.5 gives a schematic description of this algorithm. The first
step consists of initializing the Lagrange multipliers. Problem-specific strategies, often based
on the economic interpretation of λ, exist in order to provide good initial values. Then,
at each iteration the relaxed problem is solved and a primal solution is obtained. If a
stopping criterion is satisfied, the algorithm converges. Otherwise, the Lagrange multipliers
are updated for the next iteration. The definition of the stopping criterion depends on the
approach used and can, in certain cases, ensure convergence to an optimal dual solution λ∗ .
In this work, we introduce a new hybrid method to update the Lagrange multipliers. It is
based on the three concepts of cutting planes, subgradient and boxstep. Cutting planes are
valid constraints for the dual problem that are generated at each iteration. They are used to
record valuable dual information to be used during later iterations. A subgradient provides
a descent direction for the dual problem, while a boxstep is defined to allow deviations from
this direction within a specified domain. The combination of these techniques ensures good
convergence properties while providing efficient Lagrange multiplier updates. At iteration
K + 1, the Lagrange multiplier is updated to the solution of the following restricted LP
Solve PR (λK )
K = 1
Primal World
Initialize λ1 Get xK
F and yF
The variables λ and η are classically used in the pure cutting plane approach. The
pure cutting plane restricted LP dual problem PDK+1 consists of minimizing η subject to
This problem is always unbounded during early iterations (i.e. v PDK = −∞) so it cannot
be used directly to update the Lagrange multipliers. This issue can be solved by defining a
bounded feasible set for the multipliers based on their interpretation (e.g. lower and upper
bounds). However, in this work, an iteratively updated boxstep based on the subgradient
step is used so that the restricted dual problem P̂DK+1 is bounded.
λ2 η
subgradient step
2 PR (λK K
1 , λ2 )
λ1 λ1
λ1 λK
λ1 λK
(a) (b)
where v (PD ) can be estimated using a heuristic solution for (P ). However, instead of
heuristically updating the step size, it is optimized using variable α, which is bounded by
the parameter α > 0. Note that α is allowed to take negative values. Variable δ defines a
deviation from the subgradient step. The parameter δ > 0 is the maximum deviation in each
multiplier direction and defines a full-dimensional boxstep. Both subgradient and boxstep
concepts are simultaneously embedded in constraint (SG+BS). Note that the parameters
α and δ can be heuristically updated at each iteration. In practice, our computational
experiments have shown that using fixed values for α and δ is a reasonable choice.
Figure 6.6 displays the feasible space (grey area) of (P̂DK+1 ). The projection on the space
of Lagrange multipliers (λ1 , λ2 ) depicts the shape of the subgradient-based boxstep. In the
space of (λ1 , η), CPk represents the projection of the cutting plane generated at iteration k.
Note that the feasible space of P̂DK+1 contains λ1 = λK K K K
1 , λ2 = λ2 , η = v PR (λ1 , λ2 ) .
In both plots (a) and (b), λ1 corresponds to a lower bound on multiplier λ1 induced by the
boxstep constraints.
The stopping criterion for this hybrid strategy is identical to the pure cutting plane
method and is based on the Lagrangian gap between the relaxed primal problem and the
v PR (λK ) − v PDK ≤ ε
In the pure cutting plane approach (without constraint (SG+BS)), the optimal value of the
restricted dual problem v PDK iteratively approximates v (PD ) from below since it involves
v PDK ≤ v (PD )
∀K (6.2)
Therefore, the stopping criterion (6.1) ensures convergence to an ε-optimal solution of the
dual problem PD as:
In the proposed approach, when the pure restricted dual problem PDK becomes bounded,
the stopping criterion (6.1) is used to check convergence while the hybrid restricted dual
problem P̂DK is used to update the Lagrange multipliers. Finite convergence properties
for the pure cutting plane and boxstep methods in the context of mixed-integer linear
programming can be obtained in Frangioni (2005) and Marsten et al. (1975), respectively.
For the rest of the chapter, it is assumed that practical convergence of the proposed hybrid
method can be achieved in the context of integrated refinery planning and scheduling.
K = 1
Solve PR (λK )
Primal World
Initialize λ1 ,
Get xK K K
F , yF , and yB Upper Bound
P LB = −∞
Solve Heuristic Primal World
Update P LB Lower Bound
yes no
Return P LB Converged ? K = K +1
6.6 Remarks
The number of Lagrange multipliers highly depends on the CDU feedstock possibilities.
Exactly one multiplier is needed for each feasible combination of crude and type of crude
blend (or corresponding CDU operating mode). In the case study, there are 2 different
crudes which can both be blended in any of the 2 different types of blends, so 4 Lagrange
multipliers are needed to solve the dual problem. Typical large-scale refineries may need 50
and up to 100 Lagrange multipliers.
The optimal value of the Lagrange multipliers correspond to the optimal marginal costs
of the linking constraints for the convexified problem (for more details in the case of MILP
models, see Frangioni, 2005). Therefore, the Lagrange multipliers can be seen as the optimal
8 days
8 days 12 days
pricing strategy between the crude-oil scheduling system and the refinery planning system.
In other words, the optimal Lagrange multipliers are crude prices for which it is marginally
equivalent to either exchange crudes between the two systems or sell and buy to and from
the crude market (see Fig. 6.4). From this observation, it is natural to use the crude costs
defined in the crude-oil scheduling problem as initialization for the Lagrange multipliers.
For the case study, we use the following initial values:
λ1(X,A) = λ1(Y,A) = 7
λ1(X,B) = λ1(Y,B) = 6
In this work, the refinery planning problem is expressed over a single period for which CDU
feedstocks are synchronized with the crude-oil scheduling problem. Even though it is often
computationally critical to increase the time horizon for scheduling problem, this can easily
be done in refinery planning models by introducing additional time periods. Therefore,
one can define 2 or more time periods for the refinery planning model and synchronize
CDU feedstocks for the first period only, as shown in Figure 6.8. In this particular case, the
3 days 3 days 2 days
3 days 3 days 2 days 12 days
refinery planning decisions for the second period, including CDU feedstock decisions xF , are
made without taking into account crude-oil scheduling constraints. This methodology allows
making short-term scheduling decision while considering the long-term economic impacts
of these decisions, which cannot be done with detailed long-term scheduling models due to
their computational complexity.
An important issue with the proposed approach comes from the fact that the CDU feed-
stocks for the linking period are aggregated. In the optimal solution, the crude-oil operations
schedule prepares several batches for each type of crude blends. Then, for each of these blend
types, all the corresponding batches are accumulated and the refinery planning solution de-
termines the processing decisions for the aggregated batch. This approximation may lead to
sub-optimality or even technical infeasibility of the solutions obtained. This problem can
be solved by postulating exactly one period for each batch and synchronizing all the cor-
responding CDU feedstocks. Figure 6.9 depicts the synchronization of disaggregated CDU
This modified dual problem still provides a valid upper bound for the original full-space
K ) is also defined. It is
problem P . The following modified heuristic problem P̃H (yB
K ) by dropping the nonlinear scheduling
obtained from the original heuristic problem PH (yB
constraints. It is used as a first heuristic step to get a good initial point before solving the
K) .
original heuristic NLP problem PH (yB
max VPT xS − VCT yF
s.t. fP (xF , xI , xS ) ≤ 0
gP (xI ) ≤ 0
P̃H (yB ) K, y , y ) ≤ 0
fS (yB C F
yF − x F = 0
xF ∈ R|F | , xI ∈ R|I| , xS ∈ R|S|
y ∈ R|C| , y ∈ R|F |
Dual World
Solve PDK
Solve P̂DK
Dual World
Update λK CPLEX
K = 1 Primal World
Solve P̃R (λK )
Initialize λ1 , Upper Bound
Get xK K K
F , yF , and yB
Primal World
Solve P̃H (yB
Primal World
Solve PH (yB
Lower Bound
Update P LB
yes no
Return P LB Converged ? K = K +1
v (P̃R (λK ))−P LB
v (P̃R (λK ))
≤ε (dual gap)
K K ?
v(P̃R (λ ))−v(PD )
≤ ε (Lagrangian gap)
v (P̃R (λ ))
solvers, such as CONOPT, are used for the heuristic steps as the solution time is more
critical than global optimality for these problems. The hybrid restricted dual problem
P̂DK is solved using the best solution of the modified heuristic problems P̃H (yB
K ) to
estimate the optimal dual solution v (PD ). The stopping criterion is based on relative gaps
but can also be expressed in terms of absolute gaps. Converging on the Lagrangian gap
means that no further improvement of the upper bound can be achieved and the current
Lagrange multipliers are optimal.
In this section, several computational results are presented for three approaches: the di-
rect MINLP approach, a basic sequential scheduling-planning procedure and the proposed
Lagrangian decomposition method. Experiments have been performed on an Intel Xeon
1.86GHz processor using GAMS as the modeling and algorithmic language. A 1,000 sec-
onds time limit has been used for each run. The following local NLP solvers have been
used: CONOPT, SNOPT and IPOPT. In our experiments, the convergence tolerance ε is
set to 0.0001, the maximum step size parameter α is set to 1 and the step bound parameter
δ to 0.05.
The number of priority-slots for the crude-oil scheduling model is set to 6 and 7. Ta-
bles 6.2 and 6.3 show iteration statistics for the Lagrangian decomposition method using
SNOPT as the heuristic NLP solver. In particular, the optimal value of each problem solved
is given as well as the optimal step size calculated by the hybrid restrict dual problem and
the cumulative CPU time at the end of each iteration (e.g., for 6 priority-slots, the first
iteration took 3 seconds). Dashes are used when the information is not available (Hybrid
Dual and Step Size for the first iteration), when the problem is unbounded (Pure Dual
during the first few iterations), or when it is locally infeasible (Original Heuristic in some
In each case, the global optimal solution is found (see underlined entries in the Original
Heuristic column) and proved optimal. It can be noted that in some iterations the step size
variable α is strictly lower than 1, which corresponds to cases where the pure subgradient
multiplier update would violate some cutting planes generated at previous iterations. The
proposed approach automatically overcomes this issue. The increase of CPU time between
6 and 7 priority-slots is mostly explained by the increase in size of the MILP scheduling
model. Figures 6.11 and 6.12 plot the evolution of the objective value of various problems
solved during the Lagrangian iterations.
The optimal value of the Lagrange multipliers is λ∗(X,A) = λ∗(X,B) = λ∗(Y,A) = λ∗(Y,B) = 7.
Figures 6.13 and 6.14 plot the evolution of the Lagrange multipliers during the Lagrangian
iterations. The proposed approach demonstrates its efficiency through stable updates and
fast convergence of the Lagrange multipliers.
A basic sequential procedure is introduced to compare with the Lagrangian decomposition
Objective Value
500 v PDK
v P̂DK
v P̃R (λ )
v PH (yB
2 4 6 8
Iteration K
Objective Value
500 v PDK
v P̂DK
v P̃R (λK )
v PH (yB
2 4 6 8 10
Iteration K
(X, A)
(X, B)
(Y, A)
6 (Y, B)
2 4 6 8
Iteration K
(X, A)
(X, B)
(Y, A)
6 (Y, B)
2 4 6 8 10
Iteration K
6 priority-slots 7 priority-slots
MINLP Objective CPU Optimality Objective CPU Optimality
Solver Value Time Gap Value Time Gap
Proposed (CONOPT) 592.368 37s 0% 592.368 94s 0%
Proposed (SNOPT) 592.368 50s 0% 592.368 101s 0%
Proposed (IPOPT) 592.368 244s 0% 592.368 833s 0%
Sequential (BARON) 545.000 9s — 545.000 10s —
DICOPT (CONOPT) 545.000 5s — 592.368 7s —
DICOPT (SNOPT) 592.368 429s — 592.368 6s —
DICOPT (IPOPT) 568.077 54s — 592.368 44s —
AlphaECP (CONOPT) 512.324 67s — 545.000 120s —
AlphaECP (SNOPT) 512.324 67s — 545.000 395s —
AlphaECP (IPOPT) 512.324 69s — 545.000 175s —
SBB (CONOPT) 592.368 267s — 592.368 +1,000s —
SBB (SNOPT) — +1,000s — — +1,000s —
SBB (IPOPT) — +1,000s — 493.536 +1,000s —
LINDOGLOBAL 568.077 +1,000s 11.9% 532.857 +1,000s 17.1%
BARON 592.170 +1,000s 7.3% 400.000 +1,000s 37.5%
approach. First, the modified crude-oil scheduling problem P̃S is solved and the binary
variables are fixed to their solution value. Then, the modified and original heuristic problems
0 ) and P (y 0 ) are successively solved. This procedure is not computationally
P̃H (yB H B
expensive as it requires solving only one MILP, solved with CPLEX, and two NLPs, both
solved with BARON. However, the solution obtained, if any, might not be optimal.
Additionally, the Lagrangian decomposition approach is compared to the direct approach
which consists of solving the full-space problem P with various MINLP solvers. Table 6.4
shows the computational performance of these MINLP algorithms. The sequential approach
quickly provides a feasible solution which is 8.0% lower than the global optimum (545.000
against 592,368). The solvers DICOPT, AlphaECP and SBB cannot guarantee global op-
timality of the solution returned while LINDOGLOBAL and BARON are actual global
MINLP solvers. DICOPT is able to find the global optimal solution in many cases in rea-
sonable CPU times. AlphaECP never finds the global optimum. SBB seems to return the
best solutions when CONOPT is used as NLP solver but it is requires large CPU times.
592.368 568.077 545.000 512.324
Solution objective values
Neither LINDOGLOBAL or BARON have found the global optimum in the specified time
limit. In comparison to these solvers, the proposed Lagrangian decomposition approach
proves to be very effective for the following reasons:
Figure 6.15 depicts the composition of each crude blend in four different solutions. Crude
blend X is mostly composed of crude A while crude blend Y is mostly composed of crude
B. If all solutions except the second one (with objective value 568.077) are considered,
one may conclude that blend Y is ”more profitable” than blend X because the objective
value increases when processing larger amounts of blend Y and smaller amounts of blend
X. Additionally, one could say that increasing the amount of distilled crude increases the
overall profit (solution 1 processes 253.034 units of crude, solution 3, 224.49 units of crude,
and solution 4, 212.867 units of crude). Interestingly, the second solution does not follow
these observations. In this solution, the amount of blend X is larger the amount of blend Y .
Besides, the total amount of crude processed is the largest (276.923 units of crude). This
shows how difficult it is to approximate the economic behavior of refinery operations, even
for such a small case study. Therefore, it is possible that linear approximations of refinery
operations as proposed by Robertson et al. (2010) might not be able to correctly evaluate
the economic value of some feasible solutions.
in appendix D.
The crude-oil scheduling problem is based on example 3 from Lee et al. (1996) (see
Figure 6.17) with the parameters described in Table 6.6. It consists of three crude arrivals,
three storage tanks, three charging tanks (one for each type of crude mixture), and two
identical CDUs whose respective scheduled feedstocks are merged when linked to the refinery
planning problem. Seven different crudes are available, and fourteen transfer operations can
be executed to prepare the different crude blends. When 6 priority-slots are used, the crude-
oil scheduling problem is composed of 1,814 variables (84 binary) and 2,338 constraints.
Table 6.7 and Figure 6.18 show the iteration statistics for the Lagrangian decomposition
method using 6 priority-slots for the crude-oil scheduling model. The maximum step size
parameter α is set to 1 and the step bound parameter δ to 0.05. Because we were not
Table 6.5: Crude cut prices and specification for larger refinery problem.
Crude Cut Price Specifications
LPG 8.5 None
specific gravity ∈ [0.72, 0.775]
motor octane number ≥ 45
Naphta 8.0
research octane number ≥ 45
sulfur weight content ≤ 120ppm
specific gravity ∈ [0.775, 0.84]
Kerosene 7.0
freeze point ≤ −40◦ C
specific gravity ∈ [0.82, 0.86]
cetane number ≥ 48
Diesel 8.0
cloud point ≤ 4◦ C
sulfur weight content ≤ 2800ppm
Residue 6.5 None
6 12
2 7
8 13
9 14
3 10
able to solve the refinery planning problem to global optimality, we used CONOPT as the
NLP solver. Other local NLP solvers as SNOPT and IPOPT did not perform as well (slow
convergence, poor solutions or local infeasibilities). As the refinery planning problem is not
solved to global optimality, it is not possible to rigorously estimate global optimality for
the solution obtained for the full-space problem. Therefore, the convergence tolerance ε is
set to 0.01 instead of 0.0001 as in the case study. Furthermore, many iterations are needed
to generate enough cutting planes and make the pure restricted dual problem bounded. In
order to achieve convergence after a few iterations, the Lagrangian gap is calculated using
the objective value of the hybrid dual problem, which is always bounded, as follows:
v P̃R (λK ) − v P̂DK ?
v P̃R (λK )
The proposed approach converges on the Lagrangian gap in 15 iterations. The final dual
gap, although it does not represent a valid optimality gap, is 3.8%. 83% of the time is spent
on solving the crude-oil scheduling MILPs. The optimal value of the Lagrange multiplier
is given in Table 6.8. With 7 priority-slots, the decomposition procedure converges in
18 iterations and 4,451 seconds, the increase of CPU time being explained mostly by the
increased number of priority-slots. The solution obtained is slightly lower than the previous
one because the algorithm did not fully converge within tight tolerances.
Table 6.9 presents computational performances of the different approaches. Clearly, the
Table 6.7: Lagrangian iterations statistics for larger refinery problem (6 priority-slots,
Objective Value
100 v P̂DK
v P̃R (λK )
0 v PH (yBK)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Iteration K
Figure 6.18: Lagrangian iteration objective values for larger refinery problem (6 priority-
slots, NLP=CONOPT).
Table 6.8: Optimal Lagrange multipliers for each crude and each CDU mode.
Crude CDU Mode Initial value (=Price) Optimal value
1 6.0 6.169
A 2 6.0 6.207
3 6.0 7.695
1 6.5 6.971
B 2 6.5 6.987
3 6.5 7.026
1 5.5 6.062
C 2 5.5 6.009
3 5.5 6.054
1 7.2 7.186
D 2 7.2 7.262
3 7.2 7.962
1 6.7 6.859
E 2 6.7 6.878
3 6.7 6.898
1 6.2 6.340
F 2 6.2 6.226
3 6.2 6.293
1 7.5 6.930
G 2 7.5 7.360
3 7.5 7.360
Table 6.9: Comparative performance of several MINLP algorithms for larger refinery prob-
lem (NLP solver: CONOPT).
6 priority-slots 7 priority-slots
MINLP Objective CPU Objective CPU
Solver Value Time Value Time
Proposed 250.989 1,045s 250.128 4,451s
Sequential 116.814 46s — 79s
DICOPT — +3,600s — +3,600s
AlphaECP — +3,600s — +3,600s
SBB — +3,600s — +3,600s
Table 6.10: Blend compositions in the optimal solution of larger refinery problem.
Crude Blend 1 Blend 2 Blend 3
A 0.164 49.480
B 33.293 16.707
C 50.000
D 0.066 19.792
E 3.500 55.943 2.982
F 50.000
G 9.480
Lagrangian decomposition procedure is much more robust than the other algorithms. Only
the sequential approach was able to deliver a solution with 6 priority-slots, but its objective
value is much lower (50% reduction) than the best known solution. Indeed, the scheduling
solution obtain during the first stage of the sequential procedure does not take into account
the economic impact on the refinery planning problem, which leads to poor decisions. The
standard local MINLP solvers were not able to find a solution within one hour because the
MINLP model is too large: 3,645 variables (84 binary) and 4,177 constraints.
Table 6.10 shows the crude compositions of the optimal solution with objective value
250.989. The two CDUs are mostly operated in mode 2 which corresponds to the average
cut point for diesel and residue cuts.
6.9 Conclusion
In this chapter, a novel approach towards the integration of planning and scheduling has
been developed in the context of oil refining. In particular, a precise crude-oil operations
scheduling model and a coarse refinery planning model were optimized simultaneously using
Lagrangian decomposition. It makes use of Lagrange multipliers as a way to communicate
economic information between the two subsystems. The methodology leads to a classical
primal-dual iterative algorithm to solve the Lagrangian dual problem. The critical multiplier
update step is performed by solving a new hybrid restricted dual problem. This approach
combines the strengths of cutting planes and subgradient steps and does not require to
In this thesis we have developed models and solution methods to address the problem of
short-term scheduling of refinery crude-oil operations. In chapter 2, we proposed a unified
modeling approach and solution methods for solving process scheduling problems and ap-
plied it to single-stage and multi-stage batch scheduling problems. In chapter 3, we applied
this approach to the crude-oil operations scheduling problem and introduced a two-step
MILP-NLP procedure to solve the MINLP model. In chapter 4, we developed a symmetry-
breaking approach based on regular languages for the SOS time representation in order to
improve its computational performance. In chapter 5, we integrated CP bound contraction
techniques within CPLEX in order to tighten the linear relaxation of the SOS MINLP model
during the branch & bound search. Finally, in chapter 6 we used a Lagrangian decompo-
sition approach to integrate the refinery planning problem with the crude-oil operations
scheduling problem, and we introduced a new hybrid dual algorithm for determining the
optimal Lagrange multipliers.
Using common sets of parameters, variables, and constraints, we developed MILP mod-
els for each time representation. These models only differ by a few representation-specific
constraints, namely constraints (2.12)-(2.16). The proposed models were automatically
strengthened using the non-overlapping graph of the scheduling system. Strengthened
constraints (2.17)-(2.21) and (2.23)-(2.26) were obtained using the maximal cliques and
maximal bicliques of the graph.
A typical issue with scheduling problems is to select the number of priority-slots to be
used. This issue can be avoided in specific cases as precedence-based scheduling model
for batch processes with fixed number of batches. In this chapter, we presented generic
solution methods for selecting the number of priority-slots. The performance of the additive
approach has been improved by using cutoffs and the new constraint (2.27), which reduces
the search space at each iteration.
The MOS, MOS-SST and MOS-FST time representations have been applied to single-
stage batch scheduling problems with up to 29 orders processed on 4 parallel units. Using
the available data for unit processing times, we derived tight cardinality bounds for the
number of orders to be processed on each unit. In the case of the MOS mode, we presented
a symmetry-breaking constraint (2.29) that was used with unit cardinality bounds in order
to derive the problem-specific strengthened constraints (2.30)-(2.32). The computational
results show that all instances can be solved to rigorous global optimality in less than
810s, the worst case being the instance with 25 orders. Furthermore, the results showed
that during the additive approach, the MOS model for instance SSBSP18 with 10 priority-
slots was solved in less than 2s with constraint (2.27) while the same iteration takes more
than 100s if it is not used. Similarly, the results showed than the MOS model for instance
SSBSP18 with 5 priority-slots was solved in less than 2s with symmetry-breaking constraints
(2.29)-(2.32), while it takes more than 100s if they are not used. Finally, the results showed
that the strengthened non-overlapping constraint (2.20) can lead to a decrease of CPU times
from 3,288s to less than 2s for the same model. The MOS-SST approach failed to solve
instances with 18, 25 and 29 orders in less than 1,000s. The MOS-FST approach only failed
In chapter 3, we adapted the MOS, MOS-SST, and MOS-FST models presented in chapter 2
to the crude-oil scheduling problem. We showed how the non-overlapping graph can be used
to derive non-trivial strengthened constraints and we introduced new general symmetry-
breaking constraints for the MOS time representation.
We presented a simple two-step MILP-NLP decomposition procedure that provides an
estimate of optimality gap for the returned solution. The first stage MILP is solved using
the additive approach for MOS and MOS-SST time representations and the multiplicative
approach for the MOS-FST time representation. Since the stopping criterion that is used
(no improvement of the objective value) cannot guarantee global optimality of the solution
returned for the MILP, the upper bound and therefore the estimate of optimality gap are not
rigorous. In practice, the upper bound was always valid except in the case of the MOS-SST
model applied to instance COSP2 (the upper bound found was 101.174 instead of 101.175).
All instances were solved within a 3% optimality gap using the MOS time representation.
An important challenge is to reduce this optimality gap for problems displaying stronger
non-convexities. This issue has been addressed in chapter 5 for minimizing total logistics
costs in the crude-oil operations scheduling problem.
In terms of computational performance, the proposed MINLP procedure behaves gener-
ally better than other MINLP solvers on the crude-oil scheduling problem. The approach
benefits from the fact that it is possible to derive a simple, yet very tight MILP relaxation
of the global MINLP. It is interesting to notice that DICOPT displays very similar results.
Indeed, the first iteration of the outer-approximation algorithm implemented in DICOPT
is very similar to the proposed two-step procedure. The only difference comes from the
fact that in DICOPT, the MILP contains first-order Taylor expansion of the nonlinear con-
straints around the solution of the relaxed MINLP (i.e. the NLP relaxation). However, the
issue of selecting the optimal number of priority-slot was not address while using DICOPT.
The results show that the MILP model was always solved within 20s for the MOS time
representation and within 400s for the MOS-SST time representation. In the MOS-FST
time representation, only the first instance COSP1 was solved within 1,000s. The poor
performance of this discrete-time formulation is due to fact that constraint (2.24) does not
handle effectively variable processing times. Instead, it is preferable to use the discrete-
time formulation proposed in Lee et al. (1996). This type of discrete-time representation
differs conceptually from the representations proposed in this thesis since one execution of
a given operation may be split into adjacent smaller executions, one per time period. This
type of formulation has many advantages when processing times are variables. However,
it may require additional binary variables to represent the priority-slots corresponding to
the actual start and end times of each operation executions (before splitting). For example,
this is required when the scheduling problem involves cardinality constraints.
The solutions obtained for the problem COSP1 showed that schedule optimization can
lead up to a 13.2% profit increase over manual or heuristic scheduling approaches. The
impact of uncertainty in terms of vessel arrival has been studied in the case of problem
COSP2 showing that a reactive scheduling approach may be sufficient in the case of profit
maximization. The incentive of using advanced strategies for handling uncertainties (e.g.
stochastic programming or robust optimization) has not been precisely evaluated.
In chapter 4, we studied the SOS time representation applied to the crude-oil operations
scheduling problem. As the non-overlapping graph can be used to generate many non-
redundant strengthened non-overlapping constraints, we developed three heuristic selection
rules for maximal cliques and bicliques that aim at reducing the number of such constraints.
It was shown that the SOS model may display many symmetric solutions. Therefore, we
developed symmetry-breaking constraints in order to reduce the size of the feasible space
of the MILP. The symmetry-breaking approach is based on a problem-specific sequencing
rule that needs to be derived by the modeler taking into account the scheduling constraints
involved in the system. We proposed to use regular languages and deterministic finite
automata to represent, store and model this sequencing rule. Additionally, we determined
the maximum number of operations needed to represent any solution for each instance. The
SOS model has been solved using the direct approach and fixing the number of priority-slots
to the maximum number of operations.
The four crude-oil scheduling instances were all solved in less than 310s using the SOS time
representation, showing that it is less efficient than the MOS time representation. This is
mostly due to the large size of the corresponding MILP. On average, the SOS model contains
329% more binary variables, 1188% more continuous variables, and 275% more constraints
than the MOS model. Although global optimality cannot be rigorously achieved with
the proposed approach, the MILP solution returned by the SOS model is always optimal.
Finally, we have shown that the symmetry-breaking sequencing rule reduces the CPU time
for solving problem COSP1 with 13 priority-slots from more than 1 hour to only 2s.
The comparative study showed that the SOS time representation is less promising than
the MOS time representation due to its larger model size. However, sequencing rules can be
used to enforce complex sequencing constraints instead of symmetry-breaking constraints.
In principle, they could also be applied to time representations other than SOS even though
multiple operations may be assigned to each priority-slot.
interesting case study for testing and enhancing the MILP-NLP decomposition approach.
In particular, the optimality gaps obtained with the basic two-step procedure range from
11.7% to 21.9%. Therefore there is a clear incentive to improve the upper bound obtained
at the MILP stage.
The hybrid search algorithm is based on deriving variable bounds for volume and time
variables in order to generate valid McCormick convex envelopes during the search. CPLEX
is used as the main search algorithm, thus benefiting from its advanced branching strategies,
heuristics, cutting planes, and efficient memory management. ILOG CP is used to update
variable bounds at each node and tightening McCormick cuts are generated. The optimality
gap for all instances was reduced to less than 7% for all instances. Additionally, a new
improved solution was obtained for problem COSP2. The comparison with other MINLP
solvers show that this approach outperforms other MINLP algorithms, both in terms of CPU
times and optimality of the solutions returned. As demonstrated in chapter 3, DICOPT is
the best MINLP alternative.
The proposed MILP / CP approach can be applied to any MINLP with bilinear terms,
or in general any MINLP with nonlinear terms that can be linearly relaxed using variable
bounds. The model used for CP constraint propagation is critical in the determination
of tight bounds at each node. In this work, the mathematical formulation has been used
directly as a CP model that proved to be sufficient in the case of the crude-oil operations
scheduling problem. Depending on the structure of the problem, the CP model may have to
be further enhanced. Also, the CP model can be used to perform logic inference in addition
to the classic LP relaxation. Finally, the approach would benefit from spatial branch &
bound techniques in order to further improve the upper bound and potentially select better
sequences of operations for the NLP stage. The work developed in this chapter is closely
related to the solvers SIMPL (see Yunes et al., 2010) and SCIP (for linear problems only,
see Achterberg, 2004).
From a practical point of view, the integration of both subproblems may need to be further
improved in order to be applied to industrial problems. In section 6.6, we outlined several
ideas in order to improve this integration. The first one consists of using a multi-period
refinery planning problem in order to consider long-term economic impacts while optimizing
short-term scheduling solutions, thus avoiding solving computationally expensive long-term
scheduling models. Furthermore, the aggregation of crude-oil feedstock over the scheduling
period may lead to inconsistencies as individual CDU batches are not considered in the
refinery planning problem. This issue should be addressed by using exactly one period per
CDU batch.
1. A unified modeling approach for process scheduling problems has been proposed in
chapter 2. The methodology can be applied to a large class of scheduling problems
including single-stage batch scheduling, multi-stage batch scheduling and crude-oil
operations scheduling. It is solely based on the general concepts of priority-slots
and operations, which are used to represent any feasible solution by a sequence of
multiple or single operations. The corresponding MILP models only differ by a few
representation-specific constraints.
2. A new time representation, called single operation sequencing (SOS), has been in-
troduced in chapter 2 and applied to the crude-oil operations scheduling problem in
chapters 4 and 5. As the corresponding MILP model displays many symmetric so-
lutions, we proposed to use a symmetry-breaking sequencing rule represented by a
deterministic finite automaton and included it in the model as a network flow formu-
lation. Sequencing rules can also be used to represent complex sequencing constraints.
3. A global representation of the non-overlapping constraints in the scheduling problem
has been developed in chapter 2. It can be seen as an extension of the disjunc-
tive graph (Balas, 1969) for operations that may be executed several times. The
non-overlapping graph has been used to automatically generate strengthened non-
overlapping constraints using its maximal cliques and maximal bicliques.
4. A general symmetry-breaking constraint for MOS scheduling models has been intro-
duced in section 3.3.7. As it does not make any assumption on the structure of the
scheduling system, it can be applied to any problem.
5. A simple two-step MILP - NLP decomposition procedure has been proposed for solving
crude-oil scheduling MINLPs in chapter 3. It takes advantage of the fact that it is
possible to derive a tight MILP relaxation for the MINLP. After solving the MILP,
the binary variables are fixed and the full-space NLP is solved to obtain a feasible
solution with an estimate of the optimality gap.
6. A general integration approach for refinery planning and crude-oil operations schedul-
ing problems has been proposed in chapter 6. It based on a Lagrangian decomposition
of the full-space MINLP problem. The decomposability property is obtain by dual-
izing the linking constraints, which synchronizes CDU feedstocks decisions in both
7. We developed a new generic hybrid dual algorithm for optimizing the Lagrange multi-
pliers in the context of Lagrangian decomposition. This approach is based on solving
an LP dual problem composed of cutting planes and a subgradient-based boxstep.
Only two parameters have to be set up by the user: the maximum step size and the
maximum deviation from the subgradient step.
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has been obtained with an optimality gap of 3.8%. This optimality gap can be reduced
by improving the upper bound obtained by the Lagrangian relaxation and therefore
by improving the MILP relaxation of the crude-oil scheduling problem as studied in
chapter 5.
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Appendix A
On Tightness of Strengthened Constraints
≤ Si2 v2 + H · (1 − Zi2 v2 )
≥ ti − H · (1 − Ziv )
≤ Si2 v2 + H · (1 − Zi2 v2 )
6 12
2 7
8 13
9 14
3 10
Figure B.2: Refinery crude-oil scheduling system for COSP2 and COSP3.
1 5
2 7
8 16
9 17
3 10
max Gc · Vivc
i∈T r∈RD v∈Ir c∈C
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
max Gc · Vivc
i∈T r∈RD v∈Ir c∈C
ti−1 ≤ ti i ∈ T, i 6= 1
Siv ≤ ti i ∈ T, W 0 ∈ clique(GN O )
v∈W 0
Siv ≥ ti − H · (1 − Ziv ) i ∈ T, W 0 ∈ clique(GN O )
v∈W 0 v∈W 0
Ziv ≥ 1 i∈T
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
ti ∈ [0, H] i∈T
max Gc · Vivc
i∈T r∈RD v∈Ir c∈C
Siv = ti · Ziv i ∈ T, v ∈ W
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
ti = ·H i∈T
max Gc · Vivc
i∈T r∈RD v∈Ir c∈C
Ziv ∈ {0, 1} i ∈ T, v ∈ W
In this section, the ANN model developed in Gueddar and Dua (2010) for CDU simulations
is presented. It is based on a layered directed graph which represents the model calculations
(see Fig. D.1). Each node in the input/output layers correspond to one input/output
variable. Each node j = 1, . . . , Nn in the intermediate layer l = 1, . . . , Nl corresponds to an
activation variable alj and a transformed variable hlj . The activation variables are calculated
from the transformed variables of the previous layer using an affine expression while the
transformed variables are calculated by applying the hyperbolic tangent to their associated
activation variable. The ANN equations are expressed as follows.
a1j = 1
wji xi + b1j j = 1, . . . , Nn (D.1)
x2 u1
x3 u2
Output layer
x4 Intermediate layers
Input layer
Dua (2010) demonstrates how to tune the ANN parameters by minimizing the total pre-
diction error as well as the ANN complexity. This tuning step is performed by solving
a training MINLP. We denote CDUANN(x, u) the set of constraints defining the relation
between the ANN inputs x and outputs u. In particular, the model inputs include crude
properties qC and CDU cut points τ k (k ∈ {naphta, kerosene, diesel}), and the model out-
puts include cut yields αijk and crude cut properties q1ijkp . All crude property inputs are
fixed while CDU cut points are variable. The cut point between diesel and residue cuts can
take three discrete values defining the three CDU operating modes. All the outputs are
variable. The full refinery planning model is expressed as follows.
s.t. 0≤ F ≤C i∈I (crude availability)
1 =α
· xij
F (i, j, k) ∈ I × J × K (CDU yield calculation)
X ijk X jkl
x1 = x2 (j, k) ∈ J × K (pool mass balance)
i∈I l∈L
2 = xS l∈L (product mass balance)
j∈J k∈K
q1ijkp , q2jkp , τ k ∈ R