Debate-Script 1
Debate-Script 1
Debate-Script 1
Good afternoon Mister, and venerable opponents, I am the first speaker of the negative side.
Let me state our group’s definition of the important terms. Junk Food = pre-prepared or packaged food that has low
nutritional value, School = an institution for educating children, School Canteen = a place where food is provided in a
college or school (We agree with the definitions brought upon by the opposing team) and we say that Junk Foods should
be allowed in school canteens.
As our team’s first speaker, I will bring up some valid points that go in favor of our negative side.
Before I give my points however, I would like to rebut what the first speaker of the opposing team said.
My first point is that, firstly, a big reason why schools stop selling junk food in vending machines is cause of childhood
obesity. But selling junk food in vending machines is not the cause of childhood obesity. The findings suggest that efforts
to combat childhood obesity might best be aimed at parents and the foods available at home and outside of school.
Another reason why selling junk food isn't the cause for childhood obesity is Yes, the lunches have some nutrition, but it
doesn't make it better. Obesity is always blamed on junk food, but there are many different things that factor into it,
such as having little exercise.
This amount of research goes in our favor because it shows that there should be no talk of banning junk foods simply
because children are getting fat. It shows that, the junk food isn’t the problem, it is the way children respond to it that
My second point is that, fast food should be allowed in schools since every individual has the freedom and fundamental
right to choose what they eat. Moreover, it is delectable and students love to enjoy it with their friends. Fast food is not
only easy to prepare but also takes less time and it can be arranged for a large number of students. The raw material
required is not so expensive and it makes for reasonably priced options. This is beneficial for those students who cannot
afford expensive food stuff. Fast food lets students consume fruits and vegetables as supplements which make for the
nutrition value. Many food items are actually low on oil, carbohydrates, fat, and calories so there is no harm in eating
this food stuff.
The research goes in our favor because, it says that everyone is free to eat what they want, with limits. Junk Foods are
not only really practical, but also delicious. A lot of junk foods also include some fruits and veggies as supplements, so
we don’t have to worry about an extreme lack of nutrients. That isn’t saying, of course, that fruits and vegetables should
be exchanged for junk foods.
In summary, junk food SHOULD NOT be banned from school cafeterias because it is really practical, has an ok amount of
nutritional value (this does not mean it should be a perfect substitute), and it can teach children to respond to it
I shall end my debate with a quote from Shakespeare,” Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are our gardeners.
Thank you.
Greetings, Honorable opponents, I am the second speaker of the negative side.
As the negative side, we believe that junk foods should not be banned from school canteens.
Before I continue on to the summary of what our first speaker said, and my points, I would like to rebut what the second
speaker of the affirmative side said.
To summarize the first speaker’s points: He talked about how junk foods are practical, and how although they have
nutritional value, they should not be substituted.
For my first point, please imagine... a world where the school controls what you eat, where you eat it, how much you
eat, and when you can eat it. If a school has that much power, it has too much power. It can easily squirm its way over to
every other part of our lives. Freedom is a right. Everybody deserves it. Even students. That's why we should be allowed
to choose what we eat, and why junk food should be allowed.
For my second point, we all know that freedom is a right. Everybody deserves it. Even children. That's why we should be
allowed to choose what we eat, and why junk food should be allowed. Also Junk food is still a food so we can eat it, why
should not ban it? According to my research junk food are craved more, it has wide range of variety from which to
choose provide greater availability and affordability. food should be allowed in schools since every individual has the
freedom and fundamental right to choose what they eat. ... This is beneficial for those students who cannot afford
expensive food stuff.
For my 3rd point: This continues the second point of our first speaker, junk food lets students consume fruits and
vegetables as supplements which make for the nutrition value. According to my studies junk food is okay for our body.
The right to food, and its variations, is a human right protecting the right of people to feed themselves in dignity,
implying that sufficient food is available, that people have the means to access it.
Just like the speaker before me, I end with a quote “sometimes you need bad things to inspire you to change and to
Debate Script: Marvin Layug
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentleman, and also to you Mister John Michael Faller.
The topic for our debate is "That Junk food must be allowed in school canteens or Cafeteria's.
For the Summary of our own Case: (just summarize what 1 st speaker and 2nd speaker said [our team])
The points I give to you today will be in favor of our negative side:
My first point is: If junk foods are banned, kids will still eat junk food while in school. Instead of getting it from the school
vending machines, they’ll sneak it in. This could create a climate of evasiveness among students. In some cases, students
may even sneak out of school to buy junk food. Additionally, junk food is still likely to be freely available at home.
Therefore, it’s possible that kids would simply binge on junk foods when they aren’t in school. This could cause their
overall consumption of junk food to remain unchanged. Furthermore, banning junk food could increase the sense of
boredom among students. This could potentially result in decreased academic performance. Another drawback to
banning junk foods in schools is that it could be more difficult to prepare meals for students. By contrast, many junk
foods can be prepared quickly. Furthermore, healthier food tends to be more expensive. The increased expense could
result in an increase in school taxes. It also could result in an increase in the cost of school lunches.
My second point is: While these laws have been successfully implemented, many feel that this is evidence that bans on
junk food in schools could be a stepping stone to giving the government increased power over our day to day lives. A bill
was even considered in New York City that would prevent sodas larger than 16 ounces from being sold. There was a
large amount of opposition to this law. It can be difficult to determine where to draw the line as to what constitutes junk
food. Foods vary considerably in terms of their nutritional value. So, it could be challenging to create a universal
definition of what junk food is.
My third point is: To ban junk food would be a complete failure. It would also leave people feeling that their freedom of
choice was taken. A better way to handle junk food is to make laws stricter about ingredient labels. Perhaps require
foods with little nutritional value to have their nutrition facts be bolder and in a bright color.