Inervention Reflection

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Intervention Reflection part 2 Brown 1

Intervention Project: Reflection Activities

1) Please describe the service-learning activities you participated in with your

community partner.
I performed my service-learning activity at the Oxford Community Choice Food Pantry. I was a
shopping assistant for the customers than came in, all utilizing the SNAP program provided by
the government. This role required me to communicate what kinds of products they can get
depending on their family size and how much of each product. They were able to take as many
fresh fruits and vegetables as they pleased and a select amount of grains/bread, canned fruits
and vegetables, frozen meats and fish, refrigerated items such as dairy and eggs, miscellaneous
items such as shampoo or animal food, and pantry items such as pre-made cakes, cake mix,
peanut butter, or cookies. This allowed them to get a variety of food for their family. I also was
able to help go through the stock in the back by checking the dates on the items; if they were at
a certain date, then they were donated to the soup kitchen or elsewhere where they can be
used instantly.

2) What was the most significant thing you learned by participating in the intervention
with your community partner?
I learned how valuable the shopping experience is for these individuals. Nearly every customer I
helped was so beyond grateful to have a genuine conversation with another person – even
though we truly have no idea what they are going through. The conversations made them feel
like they were in a safe atmosphere, giving them the security that they need to feel comfortable
in such situation. Being food insecure is never an exciting thing to admit to, which is why
providing a happy and non-discriminatory environment for them is of utmost priority to this

3) What connections can you make between what you learned in class and your service
work? Please give us an example. If not, why not? Did the service project enhance
your class learning? Please give an example. If not, why not?
Our class surrounds the idea of how to provide proper nutrition for a specific individual at a
certain age. The organization serves all age ranges, although one woman came in with the goal
to ensure her young children were going to have food on their plate in the morning. She
explained how concerned she was for their health the most, noting how she recognized the
importance of nutrition in adolescence and because of this organization, she was able to learn
about MyPlate and the various food groups her children need in their diets to live healthier. For
instance, when we were at the fridge with the extra donated items that were free-for-all, we
were talking about why getting carrots and hummus may be best for her children to have after
school to add in some veggies and plant-based protein or why pre-made organic soup could be
beneficial for when they are home alone for dinner and she cannot make food for them. This
experience alone opened my eyes to how dietitians would consult their clients for the sake of all
family members, more specifically how they teach low-income individuals to make do with what
they have and how to find substitutes for more expensive items at the store. Also, it helped with
explaining versatility of food such as letting them know how a single bag of rice can be used in
many recipes to last for an extended period of time.

3) Please reflect on how and if your attitudes and behaviors have changed by completing
the activity described below.* (Comparing Pre & Post Service Learning Reflection).
Intervention Reflection part 2 Brown 2
4) What suggestions do you have for other groups embarking on this project? What
suggestions do you have for this project next time it’s taught?
I would advise other groups to always talk to the customer in a genuine manner. They may be
having a great day and just want to share it with you or may be having one of the worst days
and may need a pick-me-up to see the light at the end of the road. The smallest gesture can go a
long way for these individuals and by showing them that they have a support system by simply
carrying their food to their car or simply smiling will make their bad day a great one. It is
important to be enthusiastic even when they do not want to talk as they will look back on this
experience with joy and feel the love and care they may not have ever had before. I believe it is
important to stress the differences between a food insecure home and a food secure home, as
the lifestyles are so beyond different that it is almost a culture shock. Some of these families will
need to choose between paying their electric bill and buying a winter jacket for their 4-year-old
child. It is because of this, buying food is almost out of the question at times. The fact that this
SNAP program exists is a blessing for these families as it helps them survive and to live as
normally as possible. Food secure homes never have to deal with this, which is why it is so
valuable to teach the difference so students know how to approach the situation with empathy
and proper concern for the customers health.

* Comparing Pre & Post Service Learning Reflection

Please re-read your Pre-Service Learning Reflection. Focusing primarily on questions 2 – 5, write
a paragraph for each question describing if & how your answers have changed. If they’ve
changed, describe and explain how the SL project helped facilitate this. If not, please explain
why not. Feel free to add any other reflection that seems relevant or helpful in understanding
your response.

All of my answers pre-service learning remains the exact same. The community organization is
addressing hunger in Oxford, which is a and will likely remain an issue unless food for some
reason becomes more affordable or more jobs open up. However, this will even likely cause
more issues because food is a scarce resource and needs to be regulated in some way to
prevent over buying, food waste, etcetera. The panty does do their part in helping regulate the
food by taking in donations from food that has been overstocked at grocery stores or from
people who will not use the food and decide to donate it all to those who cannot afford it. I
stand behind this because people who come to the pantry will end up running out of food and
have to deal with finding ways to save the money to feed themselves and their families or may
even have to deal with the hunger pains until the next wave of benefits roll in. Being food
insecure is a terrible thing and is still one of the most common risk factors for illness. Also,
nutrition health and education generally are a major concern for our future. While the pantry
emphasizes MyPlate regularly, some people simply cannot stick to it due to the limited
resources they have for their family. For instance, one mother came in and only took pre-
packaged foods or low nutrient dense items with very little fresh produce since most of the
options were spoiled by the time she got there. There was no way those fruits and vegetables
were going to last the whole month and be safe to eat. Because of this, she will have to ration
out the canned vegetables and give her children bellow the recommended serving size amount
in order to make the food last the month. She could have amazing nutrition education, but still
not be able to provide the same nutrients to her children as a food secure home would.
I continue to practice my healthy practices in my diet; however, I look at it much differently. I
am very blessed to have the funds to purchase items that are lower in added sugar or to have
proper education that enables me to know about the health risks of eating processed foods.
People who go to the food pantry seem to only have abundant options with food of such high
processing, added sugars, etcetera. I hope they one day can have the same blessing as I do to
Intervention Reflection part 2 Brown 3
provide optimal health to them and their family, yet I only see very little potential for this to
happen unless these foods lower their so-called “luxury item tax”. I will continuously partake in
community events to combat food insecurity for these reasons as no human being should be
deprived of getting the nutrition that they need to live like the food secure. If anything, this
stance is higher than ever before because I was able to see how the insecure lived their lives and
hear about how they need to choose between two very important essential items to life (ie.
Paying their water bill or buying food). It is incredibly heartbreaking to hear all this, therefore,
using my privilege to help the non-privilege is of my highest priority as I become a future

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