Virtual Reality Simulation Technology For Military and Industry Skill Improvement and Training Programs

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Szybkobiene Pojazdy Gsienicowe (35) nr 2, 2014

Aleksander NAWRAT



Abstract. This paper presents how the Virtual Reality (VR) technology and Computer Graphics (CG) is
used nowadays by industry to reduce production costs, minimize learning curve and eliminate hazardous
situations. Few examples of procedural training and VR simulators are being presented, as well as the use of CG
for military training and troops support.

Keywords: Simulator, Virtual Reality, Training, Immersive.


In production industries it is already a standard to use Virtual Reality and its methods to
improve product development, increase quality and optimize final design. Computer
visualizations and analysis software significantly helps to reduce growing production costs
and allows to avoid prototypes manufacture and arduous testing in research laboratories. This
speeds up development project and improves communication between engineers, allowing for
intuitive experience and data exchange while using intelligible environment of virtual reality.
Today’s competitive business climate intensifies the need for well-trained operators with all
types of skills and in all industries. Companies are pushing facilities to their limits, while both
processes and automated systems are becoming more and more complicated. The projected
retirement of many experienced operators in the near future sets the stage for a young
workforce. The question is how to maintain a profitable production rate and secure a safe and
effective work environment with personnel that is new to the job. This is where 3D
communications are becoming ubiquitous, independent of specialized software and formats,
and cost effective. The use of 3D data and tools is helping accelerate the communication of
information. Disconnecting 3D data from burdened systems and making this data available to
all people in the organization is considered an important objective that significantly improves
the communication quality while saving time and costs.


With safe virtual environments, the ability to make and learn from mistakes while
performing complicated procedures and instructions is a hallmark of the way to designs
training and educational solutions. Within this ‘learning by doing’ approach, a user can
quickly identify a problem, ask questions, or receive just-in-time mentoring about any

Dr Marek KOLAK, Dr Aleksander NAWRAT, Antoni KURZEJA – OBRUM, Gliwice

6 Marek KOLAK, Aleksander NAWRAT, Antoni KURZEJA

consequences of his actions. Photorealistic 3D models of detailed equipment and full-scale

facilities are just the beginning. By reusing this data in a real-time software environment,
a virtual instructor can interactively guide students through even the most advanced assembly
service, maintenance checklist or safety procedure.
The objective of all operator training is to improve a skill set as rapidly and effectively as
possible. The realism associated with Virtual Reality training greatly accelerates learning and
skill acquisition. In fact, the combination of VR and traditional training has been proven
effective again and again.
Having the ability to improve asset utilization, reuse complex models, and visit hazardous
locations virtually using 3D simulated environments allows time savings to accumulate. An
example of time savings is creating a virtual walkthrough of a production facility. Realistic
3D display technology allows to tour a facility virtually from just about anywhere emulating
real-life experiences and remote collaboration among teams. In Fig. 1 a virtual simulator of
oil platform named EYESIM is presented. Using 1:1 full scale immersive display system an
operator is being trained on a complex functionality, which is not possible in real life due to
cost restraints and potential risk. Such a system might be classified as an "Operator Training
Simulator" (OTS) which is fundamental to production facility operations and abnormal
situation management. OTS allows beginners to learn the basics, while more experienced staff
are able to deal with unusual or emergency situations in a safe environment [1,2,3].
Final model quality, physics simulation and equipment behavior control decides how the
trainees will absorb the instruction and retain what they learned in their exercise. Almost any
machine might be reconstructed as a 3D interactive model with real and virtual controllers or
cockpits. These simulators, often called Synthetic Environmental Trainers (SET), blur the
difference between the simulation and the real work environment. SET can dramatically
shorten the learning curve, improve operator’s skill and support mastery for certification and
Systems such as EYESim (Fig.1.) can use modern technology to familiarize with plant
operations and processes without coming in contact with the actual machinery. Large
facilities can benefit from using virtual training tools due to the size of the facility and range
of equipment in use.

Since a few years CG technologies support industry with another very powerful training
toolkit in the form of Augmented Reality Instructions. ARI delivers computer generated
maintenance and operational information on top of visible objects. See-through glasses
project digitized models and information layered on top of the existing environment.
Operators can interact with equipment controls while service step-by-step instructions
augment the user’s experience. Applications and simulators can be designed to appear on the
mobile devices such as electronic tablets or smartphones, replacing printed material with
always current, best practice instructions. This solutions help to transform an employee with
general understanding of an environment or equipment into the knowledgeable worker for the
21st century. Fig. 2 presents an example of an ARI project prepared by the OBRUM R&D
institute for the power sector in the field of onsite service and daily maintenance.
Virtual Reality simulation technology for military and industry skill improvement and training programs 7

Fig. 1. Oil & Gas typical simulation. EYESIM is an immersive 3D virtual reality training tool designed
to train personnel to work on facilities such as oil and gas rigs. EYESIM is currently being used for training
projects by the Department of Energy, BG Group and Sumitomo [1, 2]

Fig.2. Augmented Reality demo application developed by OBRUM

Regardless of which of the three mentioned above types of Virtual Reality simulators are
being used, the general benefits of VR listed below are significant:

 More Proficient Operators. Experienced personnel make fewer errors; they can
identify upcoming process disruption earlier and initiate the adequate steps and
actions to avoid or minimize any detrimental effects.
8 Marek KOLAK, Aleksander NAWRAT, Antoni KURZEJA

 Risk Reduction & Enhanced Skills Development. Synthetic Environmental

Trainers expose operators to a wide range of environmental conditions and teach
them how to deal with emergencies and unusual conditions in safe and secure
conditions – preventing loss & injury when real crises occur.

 Knowledge Capture for More Effective Training. The ability to measure what
a trainee is doing right or wrong immediately in the virtual work environment
provides accurate data on the effectiveness of training and enhanced operator
personal skills.

 Reduced Loss of Production during Training. Using Operator Training

Simulators instead of production machines allows the production process to
continue uninterrupted.

 Increased Crew Efficiency. Competent and well-trained employees perform

tasks quickly and efficiently ensuring product quality and contributing to the
development of the company.

 Average Production per Machine Improvement. Highly motivated and

knowledgeable personnel are more likely to exploit the full potential of
equipment, increasing average annual production per machine.

 Reduced Machine Wear and Damage. Simulators help operator better

understand the machinery, reducing risk of improper use and potential breakage.

 Improved Reliability and Quality. Well-trained personnel is able to face more

complex tasks, defining new quality standards.


Since the beginning of CG (Computer Graphics) technology development, Virtual Reality

(VR) has been used to support several US army defense projects as well as their command
centers. Nowadays, VR software and display equipment go beyond many standard limitations
and allow users to communicate and cooperate with each other in digital world as well as
reduce the costs and the number of real exercises needed for military personnel training.
Presently, computer applications are mostly used to train military pilots and tank crews in safe
environments. Soldiers step into a physical mockup of the vehicle surrounded with projection
screens which in the real time generate 3D world around their perception.
The most important assets of the military forces are their experience and the knowledge
acquired on the ground in combat. Military officials become concerned how to transfer this
knowledge to a young man, aged 18 to 24, in the best effective way to enhance their skills and
their ability to think in complex environments.
During the standard military exercises, life of the soldier is usually not in danger. This
makes it very hard to study his individual behavioral characteristic, his ability to analyze
threats, identify emerging situation and decision making process in a life-threatening
situation. VR allows to arrange dangerous combat conditions in potentially safe environment.
Lesson learned would be very important to detect suspicious behavior and actions of
Virtual Reality simulation technology for military and industry skill improvement and training programs 9

individuals. Through such a virtual experience, we can select the best people for the job and
prepare them for the mission.
But present VR combat solutions also have some major drawbacks. For example, all the
simulators are located in air-conditioned environments, where soldiers do not feel heat or
cold, they do not get tired carrying full weight backpack while walking through the boggy
terrain. Possibility to go through the walls without collision detection also makes it more like
a game than serious training.
With today’s technology and progress in computer graphics, this might be improved.
Among the numerous of standard military Synthetic Environmental Trainers (SET), each year
more advanced and complex "first response" simulators are being deployed in the army which
brings troops training to the next level. One of the most complex simulation environments is
well known under the name of DTS (Dismounted Training Soldier program). Several
producers offer systems were the trainee, together with his squad colleagues using a high
advanced technology and 3D Head Mounted Display Systems, are completely immersed in
Virtual Reality, where each of their moves is being copied by an optical motion capture
systems. Utilizing cutting edge software and hardware technology, DTS creates real-life
scenarios for users to immerse themselves in tactical training activities (Fig.3).

Advanced first response simulators based on Virtual Reality technology gives us

a significant benefits, such as:

 Repeatability – each mission can be repeated many times, results may be stored,
and played to analyze and compare individual behavior.

 Knowledge transfer – years of ground in combat experience may be captured

and documented for young soldiers’ training.

 Safe training – the highest risk possible combat scenarios may be simulated to
deceive soldiers perception without exposing them to any physical risk of injury.

 Economic factor – soldiers deployment may take place without moving

expensive military equipment and troops to foreign country or ally training
ground, ammunition and fuel expenses are eliminated.

 Behavior evaluation – VR allows to detect suspicious behavior and actions of

individuals in dangerous combat conditions, and their decision making process.

Custom made systems integrate real environment with advanced Virtual and
Augmented Reality technologies, which delivers innovative and up-to date training solutions
to the military. Additionally military commonly uses Virtual Reality applications as a therapy
treatment for military veterans to deal with PTSD. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is classified
as an anxiety disorder; the characteristic symptoms are not present before exposure to the
violently traumatic event. In the typical case, the individual with PTSD persistently avoids all
thoughts and emotions, and discussion of the stressor event and may experience amnesia.
However, the event is commonly relived by the individual through intrusive, recurrent
recollections, flashbacks, and nightmares. By recreating an exact combat situation, dangerous
10 Marek KOLAK, Aleksander NAWRAT, Antoni KURZEJA

and stress location or past battle conditions, therapist can manipulate veterans to affect their
perception and help to deal with psychology outcomes as well as reduce veterans’ trauma in
a safe and controlled environment of VR [5].

Fig. 3. Example of the first response military simulator offered commercially on the
a) View of the training hall with soldiers equipped with tracking system, Head Mounted Display glasses,
electric shock bandages and weapon replicas, b) Solders as 3D avatars in simulation environment,
c) Individual equipment for solder, d) Fire arms replica with tracking system [4]

Fig. 4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder behavior treatment using immersive

display system
(Dr. Greg Reger, left, works with a soldier to demonstrate how virtual reality is integrated with prolonged
exposure therapy to treat PTSD. Doctors take the service member back to their traumatic experiences
one by one and help them work through the events. The departments of Defense and Health
and Human Services are currently conducting what has been called the highest quality scientific
evaluation on virtual reality exposure therapy at Fort Bragg and Joint Base Lewis-McChord to see if the therapy
is a proven treatment method. Courtesy National Center for Telehealth and Technology) [6]
Virtual Reality simulation technology for military and industry skill improvement and training programs 11


Every year emergencies from man-made to natural disasters, take their toll on businesses
and industry in lives and costs. This can be changed. Business and industry can limit injuries
and damages and return more quickly to normal operations if they plan ahead. Management
today is augmenting their recovery plans and safety trainings for effective emergency
preparedness with 3D models and simulations of a facility, locale or specific situations.
One of the best ways to prevent and control occupational injuries, illnesses and deaths is to
“design out” or minimize hazards and risks early in the design process. Using 3D models and
simulations of building, structures, work environments, machinery and equipment are cost-
effective means to enhance occupational safety and health.
Classic safety training is generally comprised of several days of lectures supplemented
with simple video presentations and computer-based training (CBT) modules. Focused
primarily on knowledge transfer, this classic approach does not fully engage trainees to
develop problem solving or critical thinking skills.
Virtual Reality changes the approach with meaningful interactive 3D content designed to
actively engage students and keeps them focused on the subject matter, encouraging
discussion while working within the environment virtually. Research has shown that trainees
who use gaming-type applications are much better prepared and retain the instructions longer.
Interactive 3D technology is a flexible way to represent and experience safely complex,
potentially hazardous processes or environments regardless of the geography or industry.
With VR technology, engineers are able to analyze risky scenarios and minimize potential
incident-prone areas, also VR works to make employees or even soldiers more aware of
potential hazards at a site, the proper use of safety equipment and the procedures to maximize
everyone’s safety should problems occur.
Safety training should be continuous and ongoing. New devices, new technologies, new
processes, all require new safety instruction, protocols and practice. Fig.5 presents an example
of typical step by step approach safety application developed by OBRUM both for civil and
military customers, where safety protocols decide on the life of many and a smallest mistake
make be fatal in consequences.

Fig. 5. Procedural training application in a safe and controlled virtual environment

12 Marek KOLAK, Aleksander NAWRAT, Antoni KURZEJA


Thanks to affordable, accessible VR technology, it’s a brand new day in Information

Communications. Teams working virtually and collaboratively in 3D are the norm for the 21st
century workforce. By detaching 3D data from complex systems and making this data
accessible to all people in the organization, VR methodology dramatically improves
communication effectiveness while reducing time and costs.
Synthetic Environmental Trainers and Operator Training Simulators continuously
evaluates and monitors each individual student’s actions, quickly identifying weak spots that
require additional attention teaching the most effective way and best working practices.
Virtual Reality simulators optimize the training cycle while providing a very high standard in
terms of skills improvement and safety consciousness. Simulators and Augmented Reality
Instructions can be used for beginners’ basic training, or to help experienced operators refine
their skills to increase production levels and meat the performance expectations.


Training-Safety_98496, retrieved 5 May 2014.
s_Virtual_Reality, retrieved 5 May 2014.
[3], retrieved 5 May 2014.
[4], retrieved 15 May 2014.
[5], retrieved 20 May 2014.
[6], retrieved 15
May 2014.

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