MCQ Ms-Word

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com Microsoft Word 2010

1. What is the maximum font size you can apply for 9. Single spacing in MS-WORD document causes
any character - ………..point line spacing?
a. 163 a) 12
b. 1638 b) 14
c. 16038 c) 10
d. None of above d) 16
10. How do you magnify your document?
2. What is the smallest and largest font size a) Home, Font
available in Font group? b) File, Options
a. 8 and 72 c) View, Zoom
b. 8 and 64
d) Insert, Customize
c. 12 and 72
d. None of above
11. How can we view document statistics in
Microsoft Word?
3. What does Ctrl + = key effect?
a) By clicking on Insert Tab
a. Superscript
b. Subscript b) By clicking on view tab
c. All Caps c) By clicking on Word on Status bar
d. Shadow d) By clicking on Document view on Status bar

4. What happens when you press the File tab on the 12. To underline the active word or selection we
Ribbon? press
a) Ctrl + U
a. This launches a menu with a list of options to choose
from. b) Alt + U
c) Ctrl + S
b. This launches the Backstage view.
d) Alt + B
c. This launches a menu with the File Save and Save As
functions only. 13. To undo the last operation is done, we press
d. This saves the document a) Ctrl + Z
b) Ctrl + Y
5. How can we select a single word in a paragraph?
c) Alt +N
a) By single click
d) Alt + Z
b) By double click
c) By triple click
14. Which would you choose to save a document
d) None of above with a new name?
a) Press Ctrl + S
6. What happen when we press Ctrl and A key b) Click File, Save As
simultaneously in Microsoft Word?
c) Click Tools, Options, Save
a) A single line will be selected
b) A single word will be selected d) Click File, Save
15. Which key deletes the character to the right of
c) A paragraph will be selected
the cursor?
d) The entire text will be selected a) End
b) Delete
7. Which of the following is/are wildcard
c) Home
a) ? and * d) Backspace
b) # and @
16. Which would you choose to move selected text
c) % and &
from one place to another?
d) All of above a) Copy and Paste
8. To undo the last work, press …..
b) Cut and Paste
a) Ctrl + Y
c) Move and Paste
b) Ctrl + W
d) Delete and Paste
c) Ctrl + Z
d) Ctrl + U 17. Which key deletes the character to the left of the
a) Delete Microsoft Word 2010
b) Home 27. Which key deletes the character to the right of
c) Backspace the cursor?
d) End
A. End B. Backspace
18. Which would you choose to display the statistics
C. Home D. Delete
about a document?
A. tools, word count
28. Which would you choose to save a document
B. insert, statistics
with a new name?
C. tools, spelling and grammar
A. Press Ctrl+S B. Click File, Save
D. tools, statistics
C. Click Tools, Options, Save D. Click File, Save As
19. Which would you choose to list Synonyms &
Antonyms of a selected word?
29. Which would you choose to move selected text
A. Tools, Spelling & Grammar from one place to another?
B. Tools, Language
A. Move and Paste B. Copy and Paste
C. Tools, Options
C. Cut and Paste D. Delete and Paste
D. Insert, Cross-reference

20. Which of the following can be used to navigate 30. How do you magnify your document?
A. frames A. View, Zoom B. Format, Font
B. hyperlinks
C. web toolbar C. Tools, Options D. Tools, Customize
D. all of the above
31. Which of the following can be used to navigate
21. What do you call ‘a collection of character and documents?
paragraph formatting commands’?
A. frames
A. the defaults B. a template
C. a style D. a boilerplate B. hyperlinks

22. In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for ….. C. web toolbar

A. Scenarios
B. Size D. all of the above
C. Save
D. Spelling Check 32. Which simplifies the process of formatting text if
the same formatting is required in more than one
23. Which key is used to increase left indent? location?
A. Auto Text B. Format Painter
A. Ctrl+I B. Ctrl+M C. Font dialog box D. None of the
C. Alt+I D. F10
33. Which of the following is best for quick copy
24. Which key is used to select all the text in the operation?
A. Ctrl+T A. Copy and Paste B. Windows
B. Ctrl+A Clipboard
C. Ctrl+F
D. Ctrl+N C. Drag and Drop D. Auto
25. To undo the last work, press …..
A. Ctrl+U B. Ctrl+Y
C. Ctrl+Z D. Ctrl+W

26. Which key deletes the character to the left of the


A. End B. Backspace

C. Home D. Delete

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