The Science of Earthquakes
The Science of Earthquakes
The Science of Earthquakes
A normal (dip-slip) fault is an inclined fracture where the rock mass above an inclined fault
moves down (Public domain.)
What is an earthquake?
A simplified cartoon of the crust (brown), mantle (orange), and core (liquid in light gray,
solid in dark gray) of the earth. (Public domain.)
The earth has four major layers: the inner core, outer core,
mantle and crust. The crust and the top of the mantle make up a thin
skin on the surface of our planet.
But this skin is not all in one piece – it is made up of many pieces like a
puzzle covering the surface of the earth. Not only that, but these
puzzle pieces keep slowly moving around, sliding past one another and
bumping into each other. We call these puzzle pieces tectonic plates,
and the edges of the plates are called the plate boundaries. The plate
boundaries are made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes
around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates
are rough, they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving.
Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges unstick on one
of the faults and there is an earthquake.
The tectonic plates divide the Earth's crust into distinct "plates" that are always slowly
moving. Earthquakes are concentrated along these plate boundaries. (Public domain.)
While the edges of faults are stuck together, and the rest of the block is
moving, the energy that would normally cause the blocks to slide past
one another is being stored up. When the force of the moving blocks
finally overcomes the friction of the jagged edges of the fault and it
unsticks, all that stored up energy is released. The energy radiates
outward from the fault in all directions in the form of seismic
waves like ripples on a pond. The seismic waves shake the earth as
they move through it, and when the waves reach the earth’s surface,
they shake the ground and anything on it, like our houses and us!
The cartoon sketch of the seismograph shows how the insrument shakes with the earth
below it, but the recording device remains stationary (instead of the other way around).
(Public domain.)
The size of an earthquake depends on the size of the fault and the
amount of slip on the fault, but that’s not something scientists can
simply measure with a measuring tape since faults are many kilometers
deep beneath the earth’s surface. So how do they measure an
earthquake? They use the seismogram recordings made on
the seismographs at the surface of the earth to determine how large
the earthquake was (figure 5). A short wiggly line that doesn’t wiggle
very much means a small earthquake, and a long wiggly line that
wiggles a lot means a large earthquake. The length of the wiggle
depends on the size of the fault, and the size of the wiggle depends on
the amount of slip.
An example of a seismic wave with the P wave and S wave labeled. (Public domain.)
P waves are like the lightning, and S waves are like the thunder. The P
waves travel faster and shake the ground where you are first. Then the
S waves follow and shake the ground also. If you are close to the
earthquake, the P and S wave will come one right after the other, but if
you are far away, there will be more time between the two.
P Waves alternately compress and stretch the crustal material parallel to the direction they
are propagating. S Waves cause the crustal material to move back and forth perpendicular
to the direction they are travelling. (Public domain.)
No, and it is unlikely they will ever be able to predict them. Scientists
have tried many different ways of predicting earthquakes, but none
have been successful. On any particular fault, scientists know there will
be another earthquake sometime in the future, but they have no way of
telling when it will happen.
Triangulation can be used to locate an earthquake. The seismometers are shown as green
dots. The calculated distance from each seismometer to the earthquake is shown as a
circle. The location where all the circles intersect is the location of the earthquake
epicenter. (Public domain.)