Rubrics On Evaluating Bulletin Boards

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Rubrics on Evaluating Bulletin Boards

Grammar 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points

and No Three or Four Five errors More than five
Spelling misspelling fewer misspelling in spelling or errors in
s or misspelling s and/or grammar. spelling/gramm
grammatic s and/or grammatic ar.
al errors. mechanica al errors.
l errors.
Teaching 30 points 25 points 20 points 15 points 10 points
to Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin Not appropriate
Audience board is board is board is board is too at all.
appropriat somewhat very advanced or
e for grade confusing confusing too
level and for for elementary
easy to age/grade age/grade for grade
understan level. level. level.
Neatness 20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points 2 points
and Content is Overall Content is There was A total mess.
Organizatio well organizatio logically no clear or
n organized n appears organized logical
and easy flawed, for the organization
for somewhat most part, al structure,
students to easy for however just lots of
understan students to hard for facts.
d. understan students to
d. follow.
Theme and 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
Creativity Every item Most items Fairly Items are Items do not
on the on the reasonable weak- it is relate to the
bulletin bulletin . Some difficult to theme at all.
board is board are items in understand
related to related to the bulletin how items
the the board are related to
assigned assigned related to the assigned
theme. theme. the theme.
Good use assigned
of color, theme.
space and
Informative 30 points 25 points 20 points 15 points 10 points
Every item Most items Some Items are Bulletin board is
on the on the items on weak in not informative-
bulletin bulletin the bulletin informative very little
board is board are board are area. information.
informative mostly informative
and informative .
helpful. .

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