Tibet Medicated Hair Oil
Tibet Medicated Hair Oil
Tibet Medicated Hair Oil
Shahneela Naheed (Sne)
Lecturer, Department of Marketing & International
Course Title: MKT-337
Section: 6
North South University
Sadia Islam 1610313030
Shardar Tarikul Islam 1711950630
Kazi Mehnaz Mahmud 1721837630
Umar Faiaz Moon 1721388630
Mushfikun Shahadat Khan
Letter of Transmittal
Dear Madam,
As part of our Promotional management (MKT337) course, we are pleased to submit you the
report as per your guide line.
We have prepared this report on the basis of Promotional Management perspectives of different
scenarios, which you have given us. Our creative team is given the responsibility to create a
positive image among the public on behalf of the Tibet medicated hair oil. The campaign is
designed in a way so that it is able to solve the problem we have identified. We have gathered
best possible information by using both primary and secondary data, which was collected by
conducting a marketing research through external and internal survey.
The entire duration of preparing this report has been immensely helpful to us and it was a golden
opportunity to increase our ideas, concepts and interpersonal skills in terms of promotional
We enjoyed working on this report and hope you will find it creative and innovative.
Yours Sincerely,
Shardar Tarikul Islam
On behalf of the group members
All praises to the Almighty Allah, who has showered his kindness upon us by giving us the
opportunity, time, courage, strength and patience to carry out and complete the report properly.
We are very much grateful to our honorable course lecturer, Shahneela Naheed, faculty of
School of Business, Department of Marketing & International Business for giving us the
opportunity to do this project. Her Valuable suggestions, guidelines and helpful advices
throughout the semester lead to successful completion of this project. Her valuable time, support
and patience throughout the semester have been remarkable and are also appreciated from the
bottom of our heart.
Finally, we must not lose the opportunity of expressing our sincere appreciation to all our group
members, who gave their level best in doing the project.
Table of content
We just want healthy locks. In particular, women are more concerned with hair falling because it
is perceived to be an integral part of outward appearance. Losing 100 strands a day is within
normal limits, but if it's more than that, then we need to dig deeper to figure out what causes the
issue. We need to buy the best hair oil for hair growth, including medicated hair oil. This is
really important to our everyday lives. This form of oil, in addition to curing baldness, enhances
the circulation of blood in the scalp, prevents dandruff and adds shine to the hair. Medicated hair
oil prevents hair loss, helps to regrow the hair lost, fix, refresh, replenish the hair and restore the
hair damaged over time. Deep conditioning is provided by pure botanical extracts and helps
restore the moisture balance from root to tip. Without making it greasy it moisturizes the scalp &
hair and prevents scalp from flaking, avoids itchiness.
Tibet medicated hair oil is one of the old products of Kohinoor Chemical of Bangladesh. It was
renown brand of Kohinoor Chemical. But currently it lost its market potential. Medicated tibetan
hair oil is an excellent blend of 6 cohesive vitamins, spices, enriched with henna extracts,
essential to hair nutrition. The special combination of oils, conditioners & vitamins immediately
softens and softens the cuticles of the hair, turning dry, rough & brittle hair into smooth, soft &
silky hair. It contains henna that repairs and seals the cuticule, prevents hair breakage and also
retains hair shine. It also involves Trifala, which helps to promote new hair growth in the scalp.
It has natural hair conditioner Methi to keep hair smooth and shiny. It also includes Brahmmi
which enhance memory. It has anti-oxidants, preventing hair loss, boosting further hair growth.
It involves protein, which makes up 90% of the hair structure and resists hair damage.
Product life cycle: According to research, Tibet medicated hair oil in Bangladesh are facing
various problem, most of the consumers do not prefer this brand as well. Which proves that the
brand is in a declining stage.
When Tibet medicated came to the Bangladeshi market means its Introduction stage, it increased
their level of awareness. Through awareness they were should be able to grab targeted customers
that are innovators. Then very quickly it reached its Growth stage. But after then lack of their
marketing strategies and promotional activities it lost its popularity and gone into declining
We do not concentrate on this segment and also not taking any tactics to attract their customers
to improve sales. Since they have some well-known local competitors, they do not analyze them
directly. They are following value-based pricing. However, they have only one unique flavor and
they set prices slightly higher than other local medicated hair oil brands. So, we are going for
Value Pricing Strategy since they claimed they have unique formula having 6 different
ingredients which are very beneficiary for hair. They offer only one category medicated hair oil
which is 100ml bottle which cost around 150 tk.
Because of the less availability Tibet medicated hair oil decrease its sales. They did not make
their product convenient to the consumers, now it is not available in different local markets. Now
they are only in some rural and suburban areas. It also available in some online shop in urban
areas. As now they we are following selective distribution process; their product founds at
selective outlets such as:
Retailer shops
Super shops
Online shops
Promotion: Marketers tend to tie promotion and placement elements together so they can reach
their core audiences. Currently Tibet pomade cannot reach their core audience because of the
less promotional activities. Kohinoor’s product Tibet pomade currently not involve any kind of
advertising, champing, public relation to promote their brand. This product only appears in the
Kohinoor web page. But there is no advertising shown in social media or television.
SWOT Analysis:
1. Brand image
3. Excellent quality
4. Strong distribution
2. Limited flavors
4. Market expansion
1. Strong competition
3. Economic instability
Current Demand: Tibet medicated hair oil was well known brand of Kohinoor Chemical
Company. As a Bangladeshi brand it became popular product of Tibet initially but lack of
promotional activities, variation, uniqueness it lost its position in the market. Also, gradually
strong competitor comes to the market. So currently rarely people aware about this product. Also
lack of its availability customer rarely demand for this product. It is now available in some
online shop but for the purpose of the report when I asked for the product seller replied that it is
not available now because of the lower customer demand.
Competitor: There are lots of competitors of Tibet medicated hair oil come to the market such as
Sulfur 8 medicated hair oil which has strong customer demand, also Hair & Care Also another
strong competitor of Tibet medicated hair oil. Other competitors are renewing+ argan oil of
morocco, Emami kesh king + herbal hair oil etc.
Market potential: Market potential is an estimate of the maximum sales of a product or service.
Initially Tibet medicated hair oil earn some profit. But lack of its variation compared to its
competitors, also lack of uniqueness gradually people forget about this product. Also, to increase
its sale Kohinoor Chemical did not take any initiative. Because of not taking marketing strategy
now Tibet medicated hair oil brand do not maximize any profit for the company. Also, the
distribution channel of this brand claimed that people rarely buy this product or demand for this
As we know that our product “Tibet Medicated hair Oil”. It is a kind oil which is certified by the
doctors with the ingredients that we are going to use. As we know that country like Bangladesh
where there is humidity most of a year and people has to stay outside of home for work purpose.
So, we can say that hair oil can be a solution for them to use.
Our current target customers will be mostly females. As females are tend to like keeping long
hair and they spent mostly to think about the situation of their long by keeping them healthy.
And in our country women are getting more and more getting into jobs & works in offices, banks
and in other places. Plus, female students of school, college and universities are as well our main
target. As they had to stay outside of their house either for study or for work purposes. As a
result, the ray of sun, car smokes, dust of road can heavily damage their hair for a big time. It
causes them hair fall, dandruff. Sometimes they end to cut their hair short.
At some level we can say that people growth according to their age are not same. There is
difference between a child’s hair growth/ damage and an adult or old person’s hair
growth/damage. Our idea is to redesign our product differently for man and woman. Bus
focusing more on woman as mostly man don’t use hair oil.
We think of targeting mostly the female of rural areas. Cause almost every female of rural are
working in the fields or in the developed areas they working in any places. Plus, people from
Rural area faces more hair problems than Urban people. But they are not getting as much
facilities as Urban areas. They mostly don’t know about any high level of products or they are
unavailable in their area. We will be producing our product towards them and make sure so that
everyone can use the product and keep their hair in a good shape & situation.
We also going to introduce our product in the big cities or towns. As most of the working women
can’t take a good care of their hair because of their business. They could not go to saloon or
beauty parlor for some treatment of their hair. They can use our medicated oil which will help
them to repair the damage & help to grow their hair faster.
Section 4: Positioning
So basically, we know and have seen that how popular Tibet was and how rare Tibet is
nowadays. So, they have to position their products in a new way so that they could get back into
the market in a good way and take the share they lost in the market in previous days. Nowadays
there are tons of brands like Nivea, Ponds, Fair n Lovely etc. They are dominating the market for
a long time and Tibet is now a lost art comparing to them. So, we had to introduce our “Tibet
medicated hair oil” in a sense that how it is so different from these brand as they are out main
competitor in the market.
Though hair oil is already in the market for a long time from all these brands but Tibet is a well-
known and one of the most famous brands they are introducing a different kind of medicated oil
which is completely new in the market and to the people. In this hair oil they are using
ingredients that no other brands are using to make. Plus, even there are some unique and secret
ingredients that are even tested and approved by the specialists. Which makes the product more
reliable, useful and unique from others. As in ancient time people mostly use creams of Tibet,
they know how good the brand is, so if they are launching a new & unique product is might be a
breakthrough for them as well. People obviously will be curious to use their product as they
know how strong they were once. And also, their focus is into working females it will more
profitable for when they realize that this product is approved by the doctors.
We will catch the attention of the general people by ensuring a better-quality product and for that
we will use multiple tools and media to execute the idea. So that consumers get attracted towards
our brand and product. We will use emotional and rational massage appeal. We will try to bring
uniqueness as well so that we can compete in the market easily. Mostly in the summer the use of
oil becomes tough but if we can produce products like Navratna Cool Oil which is more user
friendly and unique as well we will reach our target faster. Others opportunity for us is that our
product will take care of the hair scientifically and there won’t be any side effect. Media and
tools that we will be using for our big idea are noted below:
a. Advertisement
b. Direct marketing
c. Public Relation
d. Sales promotion
2.Message Strategy: As we are talking about an existing brand product, we will use emotional
and informational massage. We want to deliver our message in such a way that our target
consumers get to understand about our product and its quality of service which is our cognitive
stage. Then we want to make sure our product's quality is exactly the same as our message is
delivered in a cognitive stage so that they can have a good experience about our product and the
brand image can last long in their mind. That’s why we will not use any single strategy but
verbal and visual message strategy simultaneously to get our consumer more connected towards
our product. Using both at the same time will give us more options and flexibility to reach out to
our consumers in a more prominent way. Through verbal we can let our consumers know the
details about our product and by visual we can let them have the experience of the product. As
the massage delivery strategy will be executed by celebrity endorsement It will let us make sure
the credibility, trustworthiness, likeability and source power of the advertisement. We will be
providing the consumers with high quality products and making sure all their expectations get
We will use both visual and verbal elements in our poster but there will be dominance of verbal
elements. As this is a hair care product, the main focus will be the ingredients as well as the
benefits of “Tibet medicated hair oil” in our poster. When consumers search for any skin or hair
care product, the main thing they notice is the ingredients that are provided in the product. So,
we will make the poster in such a way so that the audience can understand what are the main
ingredients used in our product by looking at it. On the other hand, the benefit of this medicated
hair oil is that it improves the dry hair and makes it stronger. “Strong Hair” is our leverage point
which will be presented through the visuals and through our Tagline.
Advertising appeal:
We will use the combination of rational and emotional appeal in the design of our advertisement.
Nowadays consumers buy products after knowing proper information about it. So, we will use
rational appeal to let them know about the detailed information about our product. As “Tibet” is
a very old brand and it is already somehow connected to many people’s routes, through our
advertisement we will show how our mothers and grandmothers used to take care of our hair
using herbal ingredients but we can’t do it because everyone is busy nowadays. In the case of our
targeted audiences who are young working women, they have to take care of both their houses
and office works and it is somehow very much difficult for them to take care of their hair as their
mothers and grandmothers used to do for them. So, it is the responsibility of our product to take
care of their hair like their mothers and grandmothers. It will somehow connect people with our
brand emotionally. Mainly, we want to make them purchase our product based on logic as well
as emotions.
Advertising execution:
We will use scientific evidence as our execution technique of our TVC. Previous TVC of “Tibet
Coconut hair oil” used dramatization as their execution technique but as our product is a
“Medicated hair oil” it consists of a lot of herbal ingredients like Henna, Methi, Tirfala, Protein.
So, if we use scientific evidence in our TVC it would be easy for us to support what we are
claiming about our product. The benefits of our product are it reduces dryness, makes the hair
stronger and helps to regrow hair and to represent these benefits if we claim that our product is
scientifically proven about these benefits then targeted audiences might rely on this product.
Determinant of creativity:
We will use relevance as our determinant of creativity. We have chosen Nusrat Imroz Tisha as
our spokesperson so that the consumers can find relevance with her. As we are using scientific
evidence in our advertisement execution, if the audiences see someone who they can connect
with is conveying the benefits of our product to them then they will be able to trust the product’s
benefits and it will help to capture their interest as well as the benefits.
Broadcast Channels:
Broadcast channels play an important role in case of advertisement. The leading channels help to
attract the customers and these channels provide a highly targeted consumer. In the case of
“Tibet medicated hair oil”, to communicate with the audiences we’ve chosen the following
● Channel i
● Dipto Tv
The channels above are most popular in our country. As we want to reach as many people as
possible, these channels can help us to grab the attention of our targeted audiences. The reason
behind choosing NTV and Channel i is that these are the channels people have been watching for
many years. As a result, they can connect with these channels easily. On the other hand, these
channels are also very popular for news and family dramas. So, it will be easy for us to let them
know about our product as most of the people watch news and some of them also watch family
dramas on a regular basis. As “Tibet medicated hair oil” is a beauty product so mainly our
targeted audience will be women of our country and we know that almost in every house of our
country the ladies love to watch family dramas. If our advertisement is catchy enough, then it
will definitely grab their attention and they will know about our product.
The reason behind choosing Dipto Tv is, even if it was launched in 2015, this channel became
popular enough among people. It is very much known for its daily drama serials as well as daily
musical shows. When people watch these daily drama serials and musical shows, they feel
relaxed and when people feel relaxed and comfortable it will be easier for them to process new
messages that we want to give through our advertisement. Lastly, the main reasons behind
choosing these channels are to reach a wider number of people by placing our product in their
minds when they watch these channels for their entertainment purposes.
Print Media:
Print media is another popular way to reach the targeted audience. The most remarkable print
media are newspapers and magazines. For our product “Tibet medicated hair oil” we’ve chosen
local as well as the national newspapers like, Prothom Alo, The Daily Star, The Daily Ittefaq,
kaler Kantho as our print media.
“Tibet medicated hair oil” is a product which may be appropriate for fashion magazines but these
magazines are not regular. So, it would be a little difficult for us to convey our information to a
large number of audiences. The main reason behind choosing the newspapers is because it is a
part of our regular life. Still a lot of people read newspapers regularly and almost every
newspaper has a particular page for “Fashion and Entertainment”. Many young people first
search for this page when they read newspapers. The main goal of our advertisement is to let the
young people know what we are selling. So, if we give our advertisement in the fashion page of
newspapers, it will be easy to grab the attention of young girls and young people. On the other
hand, Newspapers are also a cost friendly way for advertisements. Cost is one of the major things
that we have to keep in our mind, so the cost of advertising in the local newspapers is low. In the
context of national newspapers, the cost might be relatively high but the range of the targeted
audiences is also much wider than the local newspapers. Another reason for choosing
newspapers as our print media is it is a trustworthy media to the readers and it has a high
acceptance among the readers. The reputed newspapers like, Prothom Alo, the daily Star have
already gained the trust of their regular readers. As a result, when readers will see the
advertisement of our product, they will trust the information we have provided for our product
which is a great benefit for us.
Reach: we want to target to reach approximately 50 thousand people through our broadcast
channels and print media from our targeted group.
Frequency: we want our advertisement to be exposed to our consumers 3 times per channel. We
have chosen 3 tv channels for our advertisement. So, if our advertisement is shown 3 times in
one channel then it will be exposed total 9 times a day to our target audience.
In store media:
Support media works as alternative media. We will use this to reach those audiences to whom
the primary media like television or print media may not be reached. For our product we’ve
mainly chosen in store media because we think it could be a very powerful marketing strategy as
our product is a hair oil.
There are many famous stores in our country like Agora, Prince Bazar, Shwapno, Mehedi Mart
etc. Many people go there every day for their daily groceries and other stuff and when a
consumer goes to any of these stores, most of the time they give attention to the products which
are kept in front of them. Sometimes the consumers like to know about new products out of
curiosity when they are inside any store and make instant decisions of buying a product after
knowing about it. Our main reason behind choosing in store media is because we want to target
those consumers who are searching for something related to our product and it is easy to make
them understand about the product while they are already highly interested and engaged. So, it
would be easy for us to explain the benefits of our product to them. The second reason is that
“Tibet” is a known brand to everyone but there might be possibilities that consumers forgot
about the brand or about the product. So, if they see the posters and banners inside the store
while shopping, they might feel to buy that product again. So, in case of “Tibet Medicated hair
oil” when they hear about “Tibet” which is a known brand to them, have come up with hair oil
they might be interested to try it once.
● showcasing our products by building displays: that will highlight “Tibet Medicated Hair
oil” and its features inside the popular stores like Agora, Prince Bazar, Shwapno because
placement is also very important in case of in store media. As consumers spend most of
their time in these stores so we will be targeting these stores.
● Showcasing our products in shopping carts: For these in-store shopping carts are a very
important part so we planned to place our advertisement in the shopping carts so that
when they use those carts for shopping, they can notice the advertisement of our hair oil.
● In the stores people do not have enough time to stop and watch a long or lengthy video of
any advertisement or they do not have enough time to read the posters if they are much
longer. so, we have planned to give detailed information in our advertisement shortly and
for the poster we will place them in the places inside the store which will easily make the
consumers focus on our product.
We are also planning to go for transit advertisement in future. For transit advertisement we will
be placing our posters on the sides of buses for more exposure.
Other communication tools: Our goals can be achieved through our Traditional and Support
Media but to expand the campaign we planned to use some other communication tools. Our other
communication tools will be social media and sales promotions.
Social Media: Social media like Facebook, Instagram and other websites are very popular and
valuable tools for the consumers to research about any product and during the lockdown most of
the people spend their time on social media platforms. Most of the young people search for new
products for their skin and hair care and in their free time they search for the ingredients and
benefits if they see any advertisement of new products. As our product is related to hair care and
our targeted customers are young and working women, social media advertisements will be a
good way to communicate with the targeted audiences.
Sales promotions:
● Discounts: Discount is a very good way to attract customers as everyone loves discounts.
We planned to give discounts to the customers when they make their first purchase and as
we are using social media and websites for advertisements when a consumer browses
those websites and see that they will get 5% off if it is their first purchase and they will
have to provide their email addresses for this. By doing this we can attract them as well
as we can have their email address so that we mail them about our further information or
promotions of our product.
Bonus packs: Offering bonus packs provides extra value to the consumers. So, we will offer to
buy one and get one free for our early advertisements. As there are already many competitors in
the market, we will use this technique against our competitors’ promotions.
Section 8: Spokesperson
Tibet Medicated Hair oil known as a Bangladeshi haircare product. We will appoint Nusrat Imroj
Tisha a new spokesperson for better representation for Tibet medicated hair oil. We choose her
as a source attractiveness of likability which is one of the source attributes. Source attractiveness
leads to persuasion through of an identification whereby the receiver is motivated to seek some
type of relationship with the source and thus adopts similar beliefs, attitudes, preferences or
behavior. Whereas, likability as in the liking arises from various sources e.g. a consumer might
like a celebrity because of a movie or an athlete because the athlete plays for his/her favorite
team. So, we all know Tisha is very popular actress in Bangladesh. She has lots of fan base.
Some people follow her. we think we can motivate or influence our consumer easily by her.
Also, Tisha represent our country internationally by her workings. She is well known
Bangladeshi actress. Similarly, Tibet medicated hair oil is the Bangladeshi old famous brand. So,
we can relate her with our brand easily. When she will deliver some positive words regarding our
product through advertising people will be motivated easily. Also, her personality somehow
relatable with our brand. So, we think our brand can achieve a new brand personality by
appointing Tisha as spokesperson of our brand.
Section 9: Conclusion
In this fast-moving world, it’s important to know about what is the need of the customer and also
what could be the future need. Sometimes creating the need is also something that really helps a
brand to capture more audience. Tibet Medicated Hair Oil has the potential to capture the
market. No matter what is the technology is, people still believes in natural things. The low price
and packed natural elements already keep it ahead of so many brands. Proper branding,
promotions and good packaging is the must thing. Kohinoor Chemical is known for their
aristocratic products. It’s a really good addition to their product line. The market is flooded with
so many hair care products. So, it’s also important to the competitors move and overcome the
threats. The legacy of 55 years is a great asset for KCCL's Tibet.
Influence of family
Dry Hair
White hair
Hair fall
Not at all
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Ayurvedic oil.
9. Would you like to try Tibet Medicated Hair oil which contains Henna, Trifala, Methi, Brahmi,
Anti-Oxidants and Protein?
Taka 50-100
Taka 100-200
Taka 200-500
Taka 500+