Photogrammetry Scanning & Inspection of A Nozzle Guide Vane

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Photogrammetry Scanning & Inspection of a Nozzle Guide Vane

3D Scanners were required to carry out inspection

analysis on a damaged Pratt & Witney nozzle guide
vane from a Boeing 737-200 jet plane.

A Gom Triple Scan photogrammetry blue light
system was used to capture the part. The
Photogrammetry system first requires targets to be
placed in specific places which are specified on the
original cad drawings. Once the targets had been Photographs showing the Gom scanning the NGV.
placed, photographs are taken from many different
angles. In this case the engineer took 38
photographs, but it is the angle of the photographs
which is important rather than the amount taken.
The distribution of the targets is crucial because
each photo needs at least 5 common targets to be
aligned in the co ordinate system.

The photographs are automatically imported into

the software and aligned for photogrammetry.
A scan of the front & back of the NGV is taken using
the Gom system. This is aligned together to provide
one single 3d point cloud which is then aligned
together within the software.
Photograph above shows the NGV scan on the monitor
in the lab.

A polygon mesh is produced which can then be

used for deviation analysis.....

The engineer
reference targets
to the NGv. Tel 03330 300 300

Target Alignment & Best Fit Automatic Aerofoil Gauge Extraction
The scan data was imported into PolyWorks to do a There are 26 different types of measurements
best fit alignment to the existing cad. The reference within the PolyWorks Airfoil module available.
targets were then imported and the measured The gauges are fully customisable and can also be
reference targets were extracted. re-programmed to meet specific customer requests.

All targets were aligned together ready for creating

an inspection report.

A screenshot with various cross sections taken.

Throat Area Measurement

A throat area measurement
was taken (below right)
Throat area can be measured
as per drawing, and/or a true
minimum area can be

Deviation Colour Map

The screenshot (below)
shows a deviation colour
map with specific points
extracted. A full colour
PDF report is produced
and the workspace is also able to be viewed by the
customer using PolyWorks|Viewer.

A screenshot showing a cross section taken at a

specific point. Tel 03330 300 300

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