Nurhandoko2015 PDF
Nurhandoko2015 PDF
Nurhandoko2015 PDF
Abstract. It is already known that tomography has a great impact for analyzing and mapping unknown objects based on
inversion, travel time as well as waveform inversion. Therefore, tomography has used in wide area, not only in medical
but also in petroleum as well as mining. Recently, tomography method is being applied in several mining industries. A
case study of tomography imaging has been carried out in DOZ ( Deep Ore Zone ) block caving mine, Tembagapura,
Papua. Many researchers are undergoing to investigate the properties of DOZ cave not only outside but also inside which
is unknown. Tomography takes a part for determining this objective.The sources are natural from the seismic events that
caused by mining induced seismicity and rocks deformation activity, therefore it is called as passive seismic. These
microseismic travel time data are processed by Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT). The result of
the inversion can be used for DOZ cave monitoring. These information must be used for identifying weak zone inside
the cave. In addition, these results of tomography can be used to determine DOZ and cave information to support mine
activity in PT. Freeport Indonesia.
can not guarantee that all the sources are transmitted METHODOLOGY
and recorded to all geophones. We have to process
the seismic events recorded to get the origin time and In this survey, we use seismic events in DOZ
location informations. occured and process it using ISS International
Microseismic Monitoring System to get the locations
and origin times. From the origin times, Ptime and S
time can be easly determined. We use 11 geophones
in DOZ with different coordinate. The data are
computed and imagined using Simultaneous Iterative
Reconstruction Technique (SIRT). SIRT is a very
suitable techniques for inverting large sparse linear
systems. SIRT is common implementation of
Kaczmarz’s method in seismic ray tomography. The
results showed that SIRT tomography can overcome
the limitation of the natural sources and produce a
good velocity image.
FIGURE 1. Location of PT. Freeport Indonesia.
The natural sources are used to acquire data of
seismic tomography, such as mining induced
seismicity (blasting), geological structure
(fault/fracture) and cave propagation (Figure 4). The
magnitude sensitivity network is set up at -3.0 to 4.
The Seismic events are recorded by 11 geophones
and transmitted to the microseismic network.
Simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique
(SIRT) is common implementation of Kaczmarz’
method in seismic ray tomography. SIRT uses
FIGURE 3. Illustration figure of DOZ Cave 2008 (Setiadi,
modified Kaczmarz’ method.
Let ray travel through the discrete model
fuction as
P = ∑ J =1 ( M j S j ) (1)
The imaging results of tomography using SIRT
where Mj is estimated model function for the jth method are shown in following figure 5 (a,b,c,d).
cell, Sj is the raypath length of the ray within the jth Figure 5 shows the tomography result of DOZ
cell, and J is the total number of cells in the gridded subsurface from 3150 m – 3350 every 50 meters.
target. We modify the index notation of equation (1) Gray line is represent geology model of DOZ in 3146
to include a projection value for every ray. If Pi meters elevation and red line is our intepretation of
represents the projection, predicted fot he ith ray, the cave. Actually, the basic idea for monitoring in
then the equation is rewritten as DOZ is Fermat’s principle. Fermat’s principle states
j that wave will propagate from one point with the
Pi = ∑ j =1 ( M j S ij ) for i = 1, ..., I (2) fastest tracks. The word “fastest” is used to
emphasize that the tracks will produce the shortest
I is the total number of rays, Sij is the path length of travel-time. More over, travel time is proportional to
the ith ray through the jth cell, and Mj is the discrete density. As we know, empty zone is bounded by hard
estimate of the model functio for the jth cell and J is rocks ( high density ) and the wave will travel and
the total number cells. Then, we conduct forward spread over the rocks.
modeling ( ray tracing ) using equation (1) ,
Pi pre = ∑ Si j M est
j ,
j =1
1 i
∆M j =
∑ ∆
Pi obs − ∑ S i j ' M est
j' FIGURE 5a. Tomography result at elevation 3150-3200
1 m.
i =1
J ' =1
J ' =1
As a result, we can monitor the DOZ using These informations are very important to support
tomography. Cave monitoring takes a part to monitor mine activities and operation in PT. Freeport
and distinguish the compact zone and air zone inside Indonesia. It can be used to determine the
the DOZ region and it is clearly seen from the development of mine operation in the future. In
figures, there are two main area of our result. First is advance, this research can be developed to determine
compact zone (hard rock) and second is empty zone the cave boundary and elastic constants in every area
which is represented by the red line. The empty zone and many more.
(air) means there is no material/rocks inside the
DOZ. This may occur indeed, because DOZ uses CONCLUSIONS
block cave method to produce the ores where it
collapse due to it’s own weight. Therefore, it is Tomography using SIRT method is useful tool for
possible to create the empty zone (air) inside DOZ. imaging the cave profile inside the DOZ of PT.
In figure 5d, we can see there is no empty zone Freeport Indonesia. The cave information is very
anymore in that elevation. So, it can be concluded important to support mining operation in DOZ. At
it’s still compact and full of hard rock up 3350 the future, this method will be used as a powerful
meters elevation of DOZ. method to determine and delineate the development
of cave boundary in DOZ.
The authors would like to thank management of
PT. Freeport Indonesia and WISFIR Laboratory
Bandung Institute Technology for permission to
publish this paper. Thank to Mr. Erwin Riyanto as
my partner and also my adviser to finish this
research. Special thank to Mr. Bagus Endar Bakhtiar
Nurhandoko as my supervisor who always gives me
support and guidance. The contribution made by all
personnel involved in this paper is gratefully
FIGURE 5c. Tomography result at elevation 3200-3250
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