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Soil Mixing QC
Extending Life
of Lattice Tower Anchor
Helical Pile
» Contaminated Soil Remediation » Slurry Cutoff Walls
» In-Situ & Ex-Situ Stabilization (ISS & ESS) » Biopolymer Collection Trenches
» Waste Repository Construction & Closure » Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB)
» Sediment Dredging & Remediation » Soil Solidification / Stabilization
» Decontamination, Decommissioning, » Dam and Levee Rehabilitation
& Dismantlement » Coal Combustion Residuals
» MGP Site Remediation Pond Cap & Close
» Mine Reclamation





14 Life Extension of 132 kV Lattice Tower Foundations


Allan Herse, CPEng, RPEQ

Piling & Civil Australia (PCA) has developed a technique for quick and cost-effective
® foundation replacement that can extend the life of an existing tower foundation for
high-voltage power lines from 5 to 50 years. This article describes the patented system
used to upgrade tower foundations in Australia with micropiles while under live-line
Executive Director conditions without requiring costly outages.
Theresa Engler, tengler@dfi.org
Executive Editor
Dr. Antonio Marinucci, M.B.A., P.E.
Managing Editor Emeritus
Manuel A. Fine, P.E., mfine@dfi.org
Managing Editor and
Advertising Manager
Karol Paltsios, magads@dfi.org
Graphic Design
Faye Klein

DFI Executive Committee

Dan Brown, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE
Vice President
Matthew Janes, P.Eng.
Gianfranco Di Cicco
Michael H. Wysockey, Ph.D., P.E.
Past President
John R. Wolosick, P.E., D.GE 63 Paul Doherty:
A Remarkable
Other Trustees
David Borger, P.E.
Young Engineer
Conrad Felice, Ph.D., P.E.
Frank Haehnig
Gerry Houlahan, P.E. 69 Applying Reasonable Quality
James O. Johnson Control and Verification to Soil
K.S. Rama Krishna, Ph.D.
Anne Lemnitzer, Ph.D., P.E. Mixing
J. Erik Loehr, Ph.D., P.E. David Miller, P.E.
Matthew E. Meyer, P.E. With many deep foundation techniques,
David Paul, P.E. one can physically observe, to some
Howard Perko, Ph.D., P.E. degree, the product being constructed.
Thomas D. Richards, P.E., D.GE Not so with soil mixing, which has
Alan Roach resulted in skepticism with the technique
Lori Simpson, P.E., G.E. and product. This article highlights that a
Martin G. Taube , P.E., P.G. well-designed quality control program,
Stefano Valagussa where the work is monitored carefully
and where proper verification
requirements and engineering judgment
are applied, is an extremely beneficial tool
to make soil mixing an extremely useful


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DFI and Working Together .....................7
77 Contactless Anchor Measurement with Elastomagnetic Sensors
Addressing the Shortage of Skilled Dr. Patrick Wörle and Damir Dedic
SuperPile ’17 Wrap Up; Outstanding
Project Award Winners; Recap of Marine
Foundations Seminar and the International
Bridge Conference, Upcoming Seminars,
42nd Annual Conference on Deep
Foundations and more. .. ......................21
DFI of India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Message from Trust Chair, Scholarship
Ceremony, Wysockey Fundraising Cruise,
5K Run at Annual Conference, Upcoming
DFI Educational Trust Events and Recent
Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 The use of monitoring systems in geotechnical applications has increased in use
TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES UPDATE and importance, and the obtained measurements can provide a considerable
Ground Improvement, Sustainability amount of information pertaining to the load bearing behavior of the soil and
Committee, Augered Cast-in-Place (ACIP) the ground anchor. This article describes the innovative measurement system
Piles, Helical Piles and Tiebacks, and and presents advantages associated with the system, including high
Tiebacks and Soil Nailing......................91 measurement accuracy, lifelong monitoring of the tendon and no complications
with installing the anchor.
Michael D. Moore, ADSC CEO.............95
Two Rs of Company Success: Recruitment
and Retention .......................................97 85 Helical Pile
LEGALLY SPEAKING Foundations at Tangier
Getting Paid on a Public Project..........101
Island Substation
DFI PEOPLE AND COMPANIES Jeff Wilkinson and Brandon Walter
News about people, companies and
products .............................................105 Helical pile foundations have
realized a substantial increase in
CALENDAR & AD INDEX .................110 usage throughout the electric
utility industry. The authors
present the work performed for
a helical foundation support
DEEP FOUNDATIONS system. As part of the work to
The Magazine of the Deep
Foundations Institute (DFI) is upgrade the existing distribution
published bimonthly by DFI. substation structure, they
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DFI and Working Together

ne of the best things about DFI is seeing meeting and a big success in that
O people from different companies and part of the world. We extend our Dan Brown, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE.
various professions working together for a reach worldwide with other such
common purpose. From a personal level, collaborations and through our
it's fun to learn from people who have regional chapters.
different perspectives. For example, I'm a Besides meetings and con-
practicing engineer, but I learn a lot from ferences, we represent our mem- One of my goals during my
contractors who are capable to build bers’ interests by collaborating on tenure as DFI president is to
something that I’ve designed and from sup- technical issues to enhance our ability to strengthen our connections and collab-
pliers and equipment manufacturers who represent consensus and exert positive oration with other industry groups, and to
provide the constructor with the tools to do influence on important industry issues. make DFI even more effective for our
it. We can all be better at our jobs members. To go back to the Henry
when we know more about the big DFI is actively collaborating with other Ford quote, I think we have had
picture and how we individually great success as an organization by
contribute to a common effort. I associations and trade groups to leverage working together across disciplines
read a quote attributed to Henry related to our industry, and we have
Ford: “Coming together is a our ability to serve our members’ interests made a good beginning and have had
beginning, keeping together is progress and, even, some successes
progress, and working together is and be a positive force in our industry. through the DFI organization work-
success.” ing collaboratively with other groups
This theme of “Finding Common Much of this effort happens through our in North America and worldwide. I hope
Ground” is what makes DFI unique and so technical committees, such as our joint DFI- we can build on that success and be-
successful as an industry organization. ADSC micropile committee. Our recent and come even stronger as we strive to “Find
However, it’s not just an internal motto for on-going joint initiatives with EFFC on Common Ground.”
our organization; DFI is actively col- tremie concrete and support fluids represent P.S. They ask me for a fresh photo each
laborating with other associations and other collaborative efforts with trade issue, so here’s one of me looking for some
trade groups to leverage our ability to serve associations. common ground to get up this hill!
our members’ interests and be a positive
force in our industry.
Our meetings and conferences are one
of the best ways we can collaborate to make
them more effective and engage a broader
audience. A great example is the Inter-
national Foundations Congress and
Equipment Exposition (IFCEE) in March
2018. DFI will participate along with
ADSC: The International Association of
Foundation Drilling, the Geo-Institute of
ASCE, and the Pile Driving Contractors
Association. Another example is our joint
international conference with the European
Federation of Foundation Contractors
(EFFC) in June 2018 in Rome, Italy, which
promises to be an outstanding opportunity
to learn from worldwide case histories. I
recently returned from a wonderful trip to
Australia where we had our inaugural joint
conference with the Piling and Foundation
Specialists Federation, which was a great
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Addressing the Shortage of Skilled Workers

wo decades ago, the U.S. Department of advanced skilled personnel. A
T Labor issued a study predicting the mentoring program should be Theresa Engler
Executive Director
shortage of skilled workers. Sadly, that established and supported so that tengler@dfi.org
prediction is now reality. DFI member the experienced and qualified
companies are always looking at their veterans can impart their
attraction and retention programs to knowledge to the next generation.
maintain a highly-qualified workforce, Additionally, firms should
despite the shortage, to build safe, cost- evaluate their compensation and
efficient and on-schedule projects. benefit packages to ensure these are Moreover, it has been reported from
It appears there are three major reasons competitive so that they can recruit and surveys in different marketplaces and
for the shortage: (1) layoffs during the retain the right talent. Without these efforts, nations that salaries offered for
recession from 2007-2011 caused skilled and without building a skilled, young construction work are less desirable and
workers to seek alternate careers in workforce, construction and engineering that construction work is not perceived to
different industries; (2) skilled workers firms will find themselves in the unenviable be as sexy as many other fields, even within
who remained during the recession have position of having to turn away some of the engineering itself, so students are less
retired or are nearing retirement age (i.e., upcoming projects or face safety and quality motivated to pursue this career path.
baby boomers); and (3) students have not concerns if they hire less-qualified workers. India, a country rich in human
been exposed to the career opportunities in resources, is still facing a similar yet
the construction industry, are avoiding this A Universal Problem different problem. The concern there is not
career path due to the past instability of job Based on various reports and news articles, with the quantity but with the quality of the
security, or have the misconception that the skilled labor shortage certainly is not workforce, which is lacking. The scarcity of
construction work is not as prestigious, or just a U.S. problem. For instance, in the qualified machine operators and
does not offer comparable compensation, U.K., the annual Geotechnical Services File tradesmen is posing a serious challenge to
as a job requiring a college degree. (GSF) Surveys found that as the complexity the plans for major infrastructure
of a project increases so does the need for development in the country. In India, there
What Can We Do? high-quality geotechnical specialists at all are many governmental efforts to create a
So, what are possible ways to start making levels and that, with the number of projects large skilled workforce within the next 5 to
changes to counter this realization so that increasing, recruiting workers quickly 10 years through vocational training
we, as an industry, are prepared for enough to meet those needs is a continual programs; however, the requirements to
infrastructure projects being promised by problem. Respondents of the surveys cited enter these programs are not congruent
the new administration? the main reasons for the lack of available with the people available and in need of the
Our industry must better demonstrate talent are due to staff being poached by rival jobs. The requirement for secondary
its collective and inherent value to the firms who can offer higher salaries and education as a prerequisite to enrollment
upcoming workforce. Possible avenues for skilled staff having left the industry during excludes many who could benefit from
construction and engineering firms to the recession. these vocational programs. In addition,
engage the younger generation include A similar survey conducted in South there is a barrier resulting from the socio-
collaborating with schools in their areas Africa showed that 70 percent of civil cultural beliefs that vocational training is
and supporting career days, and engineers in the workforce are over the age looked down upon and associated with a
developing an early awareness of the of 50, and that the influx of graduates lower status as compared to higher
construction industry as a viable career pursuing a career in the field is not equal to education and degrees.
path through an in-classroom presence and those preparing to retire. In addition, Undoubtedly, many problems are
via school career webpages. In addition, to responses from the survey indicated that, universal, not just national or regional.
increase retention rates, construction firms when trying to meet a project’s needs and
need to provide extensive training to ensure demands, those that are looking to enter Workforce Development
employees are performing at the level the field and gain hands-on experience are To begin to address some of these
expected and to the best of their ability. typically overlooked for more experienced challenges of developing a prepared and
Training should be provided at the entry engineers. However, this is not the way for capable workforce, DFI is focusing on and
level as well as refresher programs for more construction firms to invest in their future. emphasizing risk management and safety


by incorporating dedicated sessions in our classroom and student chapter discus- cation of Crane Operators (NCCCO) in
educational seminars and conferences, such sions, and case history presentations by collaboration with ADSC is developing a
as the safety track at SuperPile last month in Trust-sponsored industry speakers. certification program for foundation drill
San Diego and the risk management theme At IFCEE 2018, our joint conference rig operators (read more about how you
at the annual conference this October in with ADSC, PDCA and ASCE-GeoInstitute can participate in the program develop-
New Orleans. Coincidentally, DFI is also next March, we will invite and host high ment on page 95).
hosting a student career fair at this year’s school students to visit the equipment These are small efforts to affect and
annual conference. expo in the hopes these students will get reverse the skilled labor shortfall. However,
if all of our industry associations and
... if all of our industry associations and member firms find member firms find ways to provide
outreach to the next generation workforce
ways to provide outreach to the next generation workforce and and to modify their practices with existing
employees by encouraging mentorship and
to modify their practices with existing employees by encouraging apprenticeship, we can make a difference.
If you have examples of or insight into
mentorship and apprenticeship, we can make a difference. how you or your firm is approaching this
crisis, we would like to hear your ideas so
The DFI Educational Trust continues excited by the many opportunities that we can share the messages with your
to provide multiple scholarships to available to them for a career in the deep fellow readers and colleagues for the
students interested in working in our foundations industry. betterment of the industry. So, send your
industry. The Trust also facilitates student In addition, the DFI of India Regional successes, concerns and counterpoints to
awareness and participation in industry- Chapter is pursuing the development of a mageditor@dfi.org, or post a discussion
focused activities such as DFI’s annual drill rig operators training program, and on the topic on DFI’s LinkedIn Group page
student day activities, jobsite visits, and in the National Commission for the Certifi- (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2832632).

Question to the Editor

TIP Testing Article, Mar/Apr 2017 Issue

In the March/April 2017 issue of Deep Foundations magazine, there

was a statement provided in the caption on page 90 of the article
about the Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP) stating, “Various studies
have determined that between 20% and 38% of shafts contain some
level of anomalies.” However, there were no references provided
about the studies mentioned in the article. As such, a reader
requested that the author provide additional details to support the
statement that 1/3 of all drilled shafts contain anomalies, to explain
how the term “anomaly” is defined and intended by the author, and
to provide the references for the study mentioned in the article?
Response: An anomaly in crosshole sonic logging (CSL) is defined
as something other than “normal.” The three studies referenced in
the article are:
1. Jones and Wu. (2005). “Experiences with Cross-Hole Sonic
Logging and Concrete Coring for Verification of Drilled Shaft
Integrity,” ADSC GEO3 Construction Quality Assurance/Quality
Control Technical Conference, Dallas, November.
2. Camp, B. (2012). “Crosshole Sonic Logging of South Carolina
Drilled Shafts: A Ten Year Summary,” ADSC Expo 2012, San
Antonio, March.
3. O’Neill, M. and Sarhan, H.A. (2004). “Structural Resistance Factors
for Drilled Shafts Considering Construction Flaws,” ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication No 125.



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Life Extension of 132 kV Lattice Tower Foundations

The years following World War II were nation building years in With thousands of miles of aging transmission lines needing life
Australia. Soldiers returned from the European and Asian theatres extension work, Piling & Civil Australia (PCA) has developed a
of war sparking a major infrastructure construction boom. Dams patented system of upgrading the foundations with micropiles
and highways were built to keep up with the growth of towns and while under live-line conditions without requiring costly outages.
cities, which were bursting at the seams, not just from the returning The system is seen as revolutionary by power utilities, allowing the
soldiers settling down with their families but also from the many utilities to extend the life of their existing assets until demand
waves of refugees from war torn areas around the globe. increases to warrant the construction of a new line. PCA has been
The demand for electricity generation and distribution required working on a potential solution with Powerlink Queensland for the
for the growing population sparked the expansion of the national past 5 years to develop a quick and cost-effective foundation
power grid with new high-voltage transmission towers appearing replacement system that can extend the life of its existing asset base
across the landscape. However, with an original design life of 50 anywhere from an additional 5 years to 50 years.
years, those transmission lines constructed in the 1950s are With design support from Quanta Subsurface, USA, PCA
nearing, or are at the end of, their anticipated service life. recently completed the foundation replacement of 26 lattice tower
In recent years, the Australian power distribution network has foundations in the Townsville region of North Queensland. Using a
changed from a period of high construction activity in greenfield steel bracket (patent pending) to connect hollow bar micropiles to
high-voltage lines to a period that is now focused on reducing cost the lattice towers, the installation techniques that were developed
and maintaining existing assets. Replacing aboveground structural enabled the micropiles to be installed within a tolerance of less than
members and electrical components is relatively simple even under about 3/8 in (10 mm) through the existing steel grillage foundation
live conditions. However, the replacement or repair of tower while maintaining live line conditions. The project was an
foundations, many of which are in remote locations, has been a Australian first and a trial by Powerlink for wider use within its
problem that has caused difficulties for power utilities trying to network, and it was delivered on time and within budget at one
operate on a budget while also avoiding costly and unpopular tenth of the cost of traditional methods.
power outages.
Aerial photograph of the project site

AUTHOR Allan Herse, CPEng, RPEQ, Piling & Civil Australia


The Solution
Components of the system include two or more hollow bar
micropiles installed parallel to the tower leg, which carries tension
and compression forces from the tower. Any shear forces are
handled by the installation of steel casing in the upper 10 to 13 ft (3
to 4 m) above the bond zone and extending a short distance above
ground to the underside of a steel plate. The hollow bars extend
through predrilled holes in the steel plate, which are then bolted to
the tower leg as close as practicable to the existing connection
between the tower and its foundation (known as the “K Point”). The
components are galvanized and are designed such that the existing
foundations are considered redundant with the micropile
foundation, thereby providing up to 50 years of additional design
life. The system can be utilized equally well with lattice towers with
steel “grillage” or concrete bored shaft foundations. Work is also
underway on a solution that can upgrade pole foundations.

Construction Challenges
Safety and Environment: Working on electrical transmission
towers carrying live high-voltage lines that were constructed to the
standards available in the first half of the 20th century has many
challenges. Worker safety controls almost every aspect of the
construction, which is then followed closely by access constraints
and the remote nature of many tower locations. Specialized
equipment and procedures are required to work safely within the
“Safe Approach Distance” of live conductors. Workers are required
to attend extensive training and site inductions prior to the start of Installation of steel bracket connecting hollow bar micropiles
to lattice tower
construction, with daily site risk assessments and weekly safety
“toolbox” meetings held on each site.

Transmission lines and generators, Australia 2009

When originally constructed, the towers were located in vacant

easements with limited constraints on access and egress. Fifty or
more years later, many of these easements are no longer vacant
land, and towers are now located in residential backyards and
environmentally sensitive farmland. National Parks have also been
created around many tower locations, which have had an impact on
machinery access and construction operations within the parks. Steel bracket connected to existing transmission tower leg


an additional challenge, the hollow bar
micropiles were installed within about 12 in
(300 mm) of the tower leg through a steel grillage
foundation consisting of a buried steel slatted
base and four metal supports rising up from the
ground connecting at the K Point.
Information on the exact type and depth of
buried grillage foundation was not available;
therefore, PCA had to rely on previous
experience in locating a “sweet spot” that was
discovered during the research and development
phase of the project using three-dimensional
modelling of various grillage types. Installing the
hollow bar micropiles required near surgical
precision to avoid striking the existing metal
grillage foundation while ensuring the
micropiles were in the correct position for the
Remote location of a tower structure installation of the steel plates that connected the
system to the tower leg.
To solve the problem of tight installation tolerances, bespoke
jigs were made for both the casing installation and the drilling of the
hollow bar micropiles. The jigs were attached to the tower legs and
were used to guide the casing and hollow bar micropiles into
position within a tolerance of less than 3/16 in (5 mm) for out of
position location. This resulted in the successful installation of all
104 steel plates without the need of any refabrication.
In addition to the tight tolerances, no geotechnical information
was available for the tower locations, which made the design of the
bond length of the micropiles impossible prior to the start of drilling.
Micropiles rely on the skin friction developed between the grout
body and the soil (i.e., grout-to-ground bond), which is usually
determined from geotechnical tests prior to installation. To enable
the project to advance without geotechnical testing, the design and
installation of the micropiles proceeded using conservative skin
friction values assigned to the soils based on the feedback and
observations during drilling and installation operations. A sacrificial

Transmission lines in close proximity to neighborhoods

Installation of hollow bar micropiles

To limit the impact of construction activities, significant effort

was undertaken by both PCA and Powerlink Queensland to
consult with stakeholders and develop site-specific environmental
plans for each individual tower location. All vehicles were washed
and cleaned upon arrival to the project to avoid transferring weeds
to the region, and each site was assessed for potential runoff and
waste handling. Environmental and safety audits were carried out
during construction to ensure the safety and environmental plans
were being implemented and effective in resulting in zero safety or
environmental breaches during the course of the project.
Installation: Installation tolerances were very tight on this
project, and were the tightest for any project undertaken by PCA to
date. The prefabricated steel plates required a construction
tolerance of ±5/16 in (7.5 mm) in plan and less than 0.5 degrees in
angle for the 1-1/2 in (40 mm) hollow bar micropiles. These
tolerances would be difficult enough on most projects; however, as


simple way of maintaining the structural integrity of the buried
foundation elements under the live-line conditions. In the past,
maintaining the buried foundations resulted in costly and
unpopular electrical outages or in the construction of replacement
transmission lines. These costs are a major factor in the cost of the
power transmission industry. The ability to extend the life of
transmission towers without affecting the power supply and
without the incurring onerous costs of constructing new power
lines enable power utility companies to completely change the
financial modelling of the power distribution networks. To extend
the life of existing transmission assets at less than one-tenth the cost
of replacement will substantially reduce the cost of delivering
Tight workspace above electrical substation energy to consumers. In addition to lowering overall future energy
transmission costs, power utilities are currently seeking ways to
increase the revenue streams from their existing assets.

Tension testing of installed hollow bar micropile

The technological solution developed and used at the Townsville
project allows power utility companies to extend the life of existing
assets and to increase the value of existing assets through the addition
of data and other services without the need to replace their existing
network hardware. The technology also enables the assessment of
existing tower foundations, which results in selective maintenance of
the tower foundations over several years instead of the need for large
amounts of capital, which would be needed for full line replacement.
The Townsville project was completed two weeks ahead of schedule
at 25% of the cost of traditional concrete foundations and with a
spotless safety record.
PCA is currently working with another power utility company on
Hollow bar micropiles installed at existing transmission tower leg
a limited access project to upgrade the foundations on several 90-
test pile was installed at each tower site, the information was logged year-old lattice towers in a mountainous region in New South Wales,
for each lineal meter of drilling, and the test pile was statically load Australia. The purpose of the upgrade is to enable additional fiber
tested to calibrate the drill observations to ensure the production optic data cables to be installed on the existing tower network, which
micropiles had sufficient capacity. The ability to install micropiles to will increase the value of the existing assets and provide wider com-
a high degree of accuracy without the need for geotechnical testing munity access to high-speed internet across the state. The Townsville
proved invaluable during the project as the final list of tower and New South Wales projects are the beginning of an exciting new
locations was not finalized prior to project commencement. use for micropiles in the power and data transmission industries.
Overall Community Benefit: Although the Townsville project
was a success in terms of its technical accomplishments with the Allan Herse is a founding director and shareholder of Piling & Civil Australia
accuracy of micropile installation and the determination of the in- (PCA), where he oversees the technical aspects of its day-to-day operations. He has
situ bond length, the project has delivered a major benefit to the a bachelor of engineering from the Queensland University of Technology and a
community at large. Power utility companies are able to maintain graduate diploma in business administration from the University of Queensland in
the exposed sections of their distribution system quite easily even Brisbane. Herse is a chartered professional engineer and registered professional
under live-line conditions. However, until now, there has been no engineer in Queensland.


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Trust Board members

SuperPile ’17 Wrap Up

Overlooking the Loews Crown Isle Marina This three-day event provided 45 the event benefit the DFI Educational
with amazing views of Coronado Bay, technical presentations on pile design and Trust Women in Deep Foundations Fund.
SuperPile ’17 was held at the Loews construction, the Osterberg Memorial The conference was kicked off on
Coronado Bay Resort just outside San Diego, Lecture, presentation of the Ben C. Thursday morning with the Osterberg
Calif., from June 14-16. This conference was Gerwick Award, nearly 70 exhibits of Memorial Lecture, “Lessons (Re)learned
hosted in partnership with ADSC, and was innovative technologies and services, from Geotechnical Failures,” which was

DFI Seismic and Lateral Loads Committee

supported by nine DFI Technical Com- committee and working group meetings,
mittees: Augered Cast-in-Place Piles, Drilled and networking events to the nearly 350
Shafts, Driven Piles, Ground Improvement, attendees. On Wednesday evening, DFI’s
Helical Piles and Tiebacks, Marine Women in Deep Foundations Committee
Ben Vance, P.E., SuperPile ’17
Foundations, Micropiles, Seismic and hosted a social networking reception Conference chair and DFI Driven Pile
Lateral Loads, and Testing and Evaluation. outside on the terrace. The proceeds from Committee chair, welcoming attendees


delivered by Professor Richard Finno,
Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, of Northwestern
University. This lecture reintroduced
causes of geotechnical engineering failures
expressed by Dr. Osterberg in his Terzaghi
Lecture, and presented more recent
geotechnical failures via case studies on
serviceability and stability issues related to
earth retaining structures and foundations.
The annual lecture and award honors Dr.
Osterberg and recognizes innovations in
deep foundations construction related to
engineering design, testing or education,
and is supported by DFI Corporate
Member Loadtest.
WiDF social networking reception

risks associated with

working platforms and
heavy equipment
operation, specific
concerns with the
installation of drilled
displacement piles,
designing for safety on
deep foundations and
earth retention projects,
and the issues pertaining
to integrity testing and
QC/QA programs.
During the parallel ses-
sions on Friday morning,
one track was devoted to Prof. Richard Finno, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE,
Conference chair, speakers and moderators
safety where presen- presents the Osterberg Memorial Lecture
tations were delivered on
On Thursday afternoon, the 2017 Ben lifting and handling of rebar cages, drill rig The conference was concluded with a
C. Gerwick Award for Innovation in Design and driven pile safety, installation of helical presentation by Peter Faust, Dipl.-Ing., of
and Construction of Marine Foundations piles, and mobile crane operations. Malcolm Drilling Company, on the EFFC-
was presented to Robert B. Bittner, P.E., of DFI Best Practices to Tremie Concrete for Deep
Bittner-Shen Consulting Engineers and past Foundations guide (1st
DFI president, for his body of work to edition), which is the
advance the technology of deep foun- culmination of a col-
dations. Bittner delivered a presentation on laborative effort of a
“Ben C. Gerwick Inspired Innovations,” joint Concrete Task
where he introduced different innovations
Robert B. Bittner,
and provided examples of successful
P.E., Bittner-Shen
applications worldwide that have helped to Consulting
solve the many extreme challenges of the Engineers (center),
received the Ben C.
marine environment. Gerwick Award from
A feature to this year’s SuperPile Roderick Ellman,
conference was the focus on safety P.E., (left) Mueser
Rutledge Consulting
throughout all aspects of geotechnical Engineers and
construction work. During the plenary Marine Foundations
Committee chair,
session on Thursday, six presentations were and Jack Gerwick,
delivered that highlighted concerns and P.E., COWI North


Group assembled by the two industry
organizations. The project includes desk
studies, laboratory testing, and onsite
testing at worksites in Europe and the U.S.
The Guide addresses design considerations
including, concrete rheology, mix design,
reinforcement detailing and concrete cover
and best practice rules for placement, and
proposes appropriate performance criteria
for the concrete together with test methods
and initial recommendations on accep-
tance values. The Guide is available for free
download on the ‘Publications’ page at
www.dfi.org under ‘Technical Manuals
and Inspectors’ Guides’.
SuperPile ’17 offered a beautiful venue
and an excellent forum for industry
professionals to share experiences,
exchange ideas, learn the current state of
the practice, and network in a social Networking in the exhibit hall where nearly 70 companies exhibited at SuperPile ’17
environment. Event photos and access to
the conference proceedings (download or
purchase) can be found by visiting
Mark your calendars: SuperPile ’18
will be held June 26-29, 2018, at the New SuperPile ’17 photos by Herb Engler
www.dfi-superpile.org. York Marriott Marquis in New York, NY.



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DFI 2017 Outstanding Project Award Winners
In 1997, DFI established the Outstanding Project Award (OPA) to during construction of the new basement level. To minimize
recognize the superior work performed by its members on differential settlement between the interior and exterior columns, 69
geotechnical, deep excavation and deep foundations related cased micropiles that were 7 in (178 mm) in diameter were installed
projects. During the evaluation process, consideration is given to prior to excavating and beneath the underpinning pits. Once the new
the ingenuity of the design, the construction techniques used, how columns and foundations were completed, load transfer to the new
the design achieved the owner’s requirements, and how the project columns was achieved.
specific geotechnical conditions and challenges were met. This
year, two projects were chosen for an OPA — Berkel & Company Moffatt & Nichol: Tripod Suction Buckets for
Contractors for the renovation and rehabilitation project on the Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation
Andrew Mellon Building, a National Historic Landmark, at 1785 As part of national offshore wind power development by the
Massachusetts Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and Moffatt & government of Korea, the construction of a 2.5 GW wind farm about
Nichol for its tripod suction buckets for an offshore wind turbine 200 m (655 ft) offshore in the southwestern sea off the Korean
foundation project located off the Korean peninsula. peninsula should be complete by 2020. As part of the 80 MW pilot
phase, a 3 MW 80 m (262 ft) tall offshore
wind turbine was installed in late 2016, and
is the first offshore wind turbine using tripod
suction buckets as its foundation system. The
tower foundation consists of tripod suction
buckets, each cylindrical steel bucket is about
6 m (20 ft) and 12 m (40 ft) in diameter and
length, respectively, and was installed in the
subsurface soil deposit consisting of
interbedded sand and clay layers. The design
of the suction buckets followed the
procedures specifically developed for very
large diameter piles. Instrumentation used to
monitor the installation of the suction
buckets included water pressure measure-
Micropile truss towers ments inside and outside of the pile, pile
penetration depth into the seafloor using echo sounding and physical
Berkel & Company Contractors: measurements, and inclination of the pile using two-way tilt meters.
1785 Massachusetts Avenue NW Records indicate that the entire assembly was installed with a final tilt
The Andrew Mellon Building is a five-story Beaux Arts-style building of no more than 0.02 degrees from the vertical.
that was constructed in 1917. As part of the
renovation, the service area of the building
was expanded from 72,000 sq ft (6,690 sq m)
to 100,000 sq ft (9,290 sq m) and a new
basement level was added below the existing
foundations. The major challenge was to
transfer the load from the existing spread
footings to new deep foundations, while
preserving the limestone façade and plaster
interiors. At each of the interior columns, a
modified tieback rig was used in very limited
headroom to install four micropiles each
with a 100 ton (890 kN) capacity in
compression. To support the exterior
columns and the continuous wall footing, 55
concrete underpinning pits were con-
structed and, combined with timber lagging
and two levels of temporary tiebacks, were
Positioning at installation site
used as the excavation support system


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DFI’s Seismic & Lateral Loads and Marine Foundations Technical • Craney Island Eastward Expansion - Case Study: Hydraulically
Committees teamed up to produce a seminar on practical aspects of Constructed Dikes on Soft Clay Foundation, Ira Brotman, P.E.,
deep foundation design and construction in North Charleston, S.C. Moffat & Nichol
on May 3-4, 2017. The program was led by the chairs of the
• Assessment of Seismic and Lateral Load Effect on Hanahan
respective committees, Kwabena Ofori-Awuah of KCI Technologies
Water Treatment Plant using Geographic Information System
and Rick Ellman of Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers.
(GIS), Kwabena Ofori-Awuah, P.E., D.GE, ENV SP, KCI
Leaders from industry and academia presented state-of-the-
practice information on the following design topics, challenging
and innovative case histories, and technological advancements: • Noise Attenuation Effectiveness and Driveability of New
Double-Walled Pile Technology, Per Reinhall, Ph.D., University
• Seismic Design Overview, Kwabena Ofori-Awuah, P.E., D.GE,
of Washington
ENV SP, KCI Technologies
• Cast-in-Place Ground Improvement Elements for Liquefaction
• Drilled Shaft Foundations of Transmission Line Structures –
Mitigation, Willie NeSmith, P.E., Berkel and Company
Current Design Practices Under Lateral and Moment Loads,
Prasad Yenumula, Ph.D., Duke Energy
• Design and Construction of Woodrow Wilson Bridge Vessel,
• Liquefaction Induced Pile Downdrag from Blast Liquefaction
Collision Structure, Roderick Ellman, P.E., Mueser Rutledge
Testing, Kyle Rollins, Ph.D., P.E., Brigham Young University
Consulting Engineers
• Challenges for the Pile Designer in Seismic Areas, Tim Siegel,
DFI is grateful for the involvement of all of the speakers, exhibitors
P.E., G.E., D.GE, Dan Brown and Associates
and sponsors.
• Practical Implications of Kinematic Pile-Soil Interaction for
Deep Foundation Projects, Benjamin Turner, Ph.D., P.E., Dan
Brown and Associates
• Design of Pile Foundations for the Combination of Inertia and
Kinematics, Prof. Arash Khosravifar, Ph.D., P.E., Portland State
• Overview of the New NRC Report: State of the Art and Practice
in the Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction and
Its Consequences, Edward Kavazanjian, Ph.D., P.E., NAE,
Arizona State University
• Design and Construction of New VDOT Downtown
Tunnel/Midtown Tunnel, Roderick Ellman, P.E., Mueser
Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Seminar speakers
• Geotechnical and Structural Design Challenges in the High-
Seismic, Soft-Ground Environment of the Port Access Road
Project, Michael Ulmer, P.E., S&ME



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DFI at the International Bridge Conference
DFI members joined together to participate
in the Engineering Society of Western
Pennsylvania’s (ESWP’s) 2017 Inter-
national Bridge Conference (IBC) in
National Harbor, Md., in June. Through the
ESWP-DFI partnership, we enhance the
exposure and networking of geotechnical
and foundation companies with the
structural and bridge engineers and owners
who attend this popular annual event. DFI
member companies exhibited in the
dedicated foundations area, which
highlighted products and services provided
Five DFI members delivered presentations at IBC: (left to right) Matthew Glisson of
by the foundations industry. The part- Braun Intertec, Les Chernauskas of Geosciences Testing and Research, David Graham
nership will continue in 2018. Companies of Dan Brown and Associates and Morgan NeSmith of Berkel & Company Contractors
interested in joining the foundations area (not shown, Matt Baughman of COWI)

next year are encouraged to contact Mary

Ellen Bruce Large at melarge@dfi.org for
more information.

Paul Bardoff, EIT, RK&K, was a lucky

winner of Foundations Area Poker.
John Lohmeyer and Charlie Naples

Top to bottom: Chris Ragan of Atlas

Masashi Nagano and Ian Vaz
Tube, Nick Milligan and Clay Davis


Upcoming Seminars
DFI Technical Committee meetings are being held on Monday,
August 28 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., followed by two days of technical
sessions on August 29-30. Equipment, material and
instrumentation suppliers, contractors, engineers and other vendors
will exhibit innovative products and services during the seminar.
In conjunction with the SSI Seminar, the DFI Women in Deep
Foundations (WiDF) Committee is hosting an outing at Nationals
SSI Seminar: August 28-30 Park for the Washington Nationals vs. Miami Marlins baseball game
There is still time to register for SSI: Stabilize, Support and on Monday, August 28, following the Technical Committee meetings.
Improve, a two-day seminar being held August 28-30 at the Omni For more information or to register, visit www.dfi.org/SSI2017
Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C.
The conference, organized by seven DFI Technical Committees,
focuses on the effective application of deep foundations, ground
improvement and soil mixing for stabilization of slopes and
excavation support.
This event expands on past DFI seminars on deep foundations
for landslides, slope stabilization, tiebacks and soil nails, and
presents current technologies, design concepts, research and case
histories for challenging slope and landslide repairs, excavation
support and slope stabilization projects using deep foundation and Design and Installation of Helical Piles and Tiebacks:
ground improvement methods. Presentations will highlight September 18-19
technical and economic advantages and long-term maintenance. DFI’s Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee is hosting a one-day
event on the detailed design, application and installation of helical
piles and tiebacks for new construction and rehabilitation.
The event is being held September 18-19 at the Hotel Omni
Mont-Royal in Montreal, QC, Canada. Technical Committees are
meeting on September 18 and the technical program is on
Topics include axial, lateral, uplift, seismic, cyclic and dynamic
loading; settlement analyses; and materials, construction and
AUGERCAST testing procedures for helical projects. The seminar features
presentations on current technologies, design concepts, research
Compression Piles & Tension Piles and case histories for helical piles and tiebacks applications.
• Restricted Access The seminar features two keynote speakers. Dr. Hesham El
• Low Headroom Installations Naggar, P.Eng., professor of geotechnical engineering and associate
dean of engineering at University of Western Ontario, Canada, has
Earth Retention Systems 30 years of experience in analysis and design of foundations and
• H-Piles & Lagging soil-structure interaction. Dr. Amy Cerato, P.E., professor in the
School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science at the
• Cut Off Wall Piles University of Oklahoma, is a geotechnical engineer whose research
includes predicting expansive soil behavior using microscale
TB Soil + Rock Anchors + Walers properties and foundation design for alternative energy. Dr. Yasser
Abdelghany of the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation
Micro Piles and Infrastructure is the chair for this event.
Soil Nails & Shotcrete For more information on this event and to register, visit

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Conference Underwriters*
Cajun Deep Foundations, LLC
ICE® - International Construction
Equipment, Inc.
The Organizing Committee for the 42nd Annual Conference is planning an exceptional
Baroid Industrial Drilling Fluids
program of lectures, technical presentations and social activities to make this conference a
Liebherr USA, Co.
not-to-be-missed industry event. Led by Dale Biggers of BOH Bros Construction Co., the
committee of more than 40 volunteers, along with DFI staff, look forward to welcoming Silver
more than 1,000 anticipated attendees from October 24-27, 2017, in New Orleans. More BAUER-Pileco Inc.
than 120 Corporate Members will share the latest industry innovations and advancements Kelly Tractor Co
with the international audience in the sold-out Exhibit Hall. Bronze
Casagrande USA Inc.
Keynote Lectures DuroTerra
This year’s conference features four keynote lectures by prominent members of our industry. Equipment Corporation of America
David B. Paul, P.E., lead civil engineer with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, R.W. CONKLIN STEEL
is providing an update on the “USACE Oversight of Remediation of the World’s Highest
Risk Dam.” This keynote is a continuation of a lecture that was delivered at the 2016 DFI General
Annual Conference in NYC. This opening keynote lecture is at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, ARMADOR Piling Tools
October 25, 2017. Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
Quanta Subsurface
Viking Helical Anchors
Conference Bag
LG Barcus and Sons, LLC
Online Proceeding Flash Drive
Boh Bros. Construction Co, LLC
Hotel Room Key
American Piledriving Equipment
Mobile App Banner
ICE® - International Construction
Equipment, Inc
Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
David B. Paul, P.E. Eric C. Halpin, P.E. Deborah D. Keller, P.E.
DFI Awards Reception and
Immediately following Paul at 9:15 a.m., Eric C. Halpin, P.E., special assistant for Dam Banquet
and Levee Safety for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, references Hurricane Katrina and the BAUER-Pileco Inc.
recent situations at Oroville Dam and Mosul Dam in the keynote lecture “Being Approxi- CZM Foundation Equipment
mately Right or Precisely Wrong: Risk Informed Lessons in a Standards-Based Industry.” Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
Deborah D. Keller, P.E., chief executive officer of Deborah D. Keller & Partners, will Beer Koozies
share insight on “Fostering Multi-Generational Work Teams.” Her presentation is TEI Rock Drills
scheduled for Thursday, October 26, 2017, at 8:30 a.m.
A unique feature of this year’s conference is the lecture on legal issues in the industry by LEFFER
Ralph W. Junius, Jr., P.E., of Linfield, Hunter & Junius, on Friday, October 27, 2017, at 8:30
a.m. entitled “The Intersection of Engineering, Construction, Litigation and Ethics.” Pen
Schnabel Foundation Company
Visit www.deepfoundations2017.org for more details about our keynote lectures.
Women in Deep Foundations
Networking Reception
Technical Program Langan
The technical program includes presentations that speak to a wide range of industry
representatives — owners, engineers, contractors, manufacturers and suppliers, professors Young Professional
and students. The complete technical program is available at www.deepfoundations2017.org. BAUER-Pileco Inc.
For a third consecutive year, DFI’s Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers *(as of May 30, 2017)
(MSSP) Committee is hosting a trade expo session during the conference. These


presentations are offered as a concurrent parallel track to the
technical sessions. All exhibitors and conference registrants are
invited to attend.

Committee Meetings
On October 24, many of DFI’s Technical Committees and Working
Groups will meet to discuss issues of industry relevance and discuss
projects/events for 2018. Conference attendees are encouraged and
welcome to join and participate in the meetings. See the meeting
schedule on page 45.

Student Activities
The Student Activities Program for this year’s conference features
two events for students interested in the fields of engineering and
construction. Kiewit Construction’s Lucas Garcia is hosting a
lecture on the water pump station projects in the New Orleans
vicinity, and will lead students on a tour of one of the three stations
discussed. Students can also participate in a Speed Networking
Career Fair, where students seeking employment and internships
can connect with DFI Corporate Members. DFI’s 2017 Student
Activities Program is led by Malay Ghose Hajra, Ph.D., P.E., ENV SP
of the University of New Orleans.

Companions’ Program
City-by-City, the companions’ program of DFI, is an opportunity
for the spouses, family and friends of conference attendees to
experience New Orleans. This year’s program includes a visit to a
cooking school in the French Quarter and lunch on a paddleboat
cruise on the Natchez River. Registration for the program is $395,
and includes the Welcome Reception on October 25. DFI’s 2017
City-by-City Program chairs are Andrew Evans and Michael Songer
of IHC IQIP America.

WiDF Networking Reception

DFI’s Women in Deep Foundations (WiDF) Committee will host its
third annual networking reception at the conference on Tuesday,
October 24 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a speed networking session,
and the DFI Educational Trust will award five WiDF professional
development grants to women involved in design and/or
construction of deep foundations. The award underwrites the
recipient’s attendance at the conference. The reception is included
with full attendee registration, but an RSVP through the conference
website is required, as space is limited. Sponsorship opportunities
remain available. Leading this year’s event are Helen Robinson, P.E.,
of GEI Consultants and chair of the WiDF Committee, and Maysill
Pascal, P.E., of Menard and the committee’s new vice chair.

Cooperating Organizations*
Academy of GeoProfessionals
ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling
Geo-Institute of ASCE
National Council of Structural Engineering Associations
U.S. Federal Highway Administration
United States Society on Dams


Board, Technical Committee and Working Group Meetings*
Monday, October 23, 2017 – DFI Executive, Board and Chairs Meetings | Trustees & Chairs Dinner
Times La Galerie, 2nd Floor

8:00 AM to Noon DFI Executive Committee Meeting | La Galerie 4-5

Noon to 1:00 PM DFI Board Luncheon | La Galerie 4-5

1:00 to 5:00 PM DFI Board of Trustees | La Galerie 4-5

5:30 to 6:30 PM Technical Committee and Working Group Chairs Meeting | La Galerie 6
6:30 to 7:00 PM Networking Break
7:00 to 9:00 PM Trustees & Chairs Dinner | Location to be Announced

Tuesday, October 24, 2017 – DFI and ADSC Technical Committee, Working Group and Board Meetings
Times Balcony I (4th Floor) Balcony J (4th Floor) Balcony K (4th Floor) Mardi Gras Salon F, G, H (3rd Fl)

7:00 to 8:00 AM Technical Committee & Working Group Breakfast | Mardi Gras Salon E (3rd Floor)

Helical Piles & Subsurface Drilled Shafts

8:00 to 9:30 AM Driven Piles
Tiebacks Characterization DFI and ADSC

9:30 to 9:45 AM Networking Break

Tiebacks &
Testing & Marine
9:45 to 10:45 AM Soil Mixing Soil Nailing/AER
Evaluation Foundations

10:45 to 11:00 AM Networking Break

Seepage Control Seismic & Lateral Micropiles

11:00 to 12:30 PM Codes & Standards
Working Group Loads DFI and ADSC

12:30 to 1:30 PM Lunch & Learn: Technical Paper Author and Reviewer Workshop | Mardi Gras Salon E (3rd Floor)
1:30 to 4:00 PM ADSC Board Meeting | Balcony M, N (4th Floor)
Ground Energy Foundations
1:30 to 2:30 PM Sustainability Cast-in-Place
Improvement Working Group
2:30 to 2:45 PM Networking Break
Electric Power System Manufacturers,
Foundations Landslides and Slope Suppliers &
2:45 to 3:45 PM Slurry Walls
Working Group Stabilization Service Providers

3:45 to 4:15 PM Networking Break

4:15 to 5:45 PM DFI Trustees and Chairs Meeting | Mardi Gras Salon F, G, H (3rd Floor)

6:30 to 8:00 PM Women in Deep Foundations Networking Event | Mardi Gras Salon E, F, G, H (3rd Floor)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – Technical Committee & Working Group Meetings

Time Balcony J (4th Floor)

Women in
1:30 to 3:00 PM
Deep Foundations

*Subject to Change


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Website Search Capability and Tips

The search feature on www.dfi.org returns a wealth of information ?
to website visitors. When you type a keyword into the upper right
search bar you will be returned a listing of Publications and Articles
that include that keyword in either the title, abstract or keywords
provided by the author, and you can search by author names. It also
returns a list of Corporate Member companies who list the keyword
in their service description or if the search word is the main
representative’s first or last name or the company name. Lastly, the
search also provides the definition of the keyword (Term) and
translation of the term into other languages if the term is in our
Glossary/Lexicon Database.
If you need help with how to use the search feature, just type
“tips” in the search box or click on the “search tips” hyperlink next to
the search bar and helpful hints on how to find something will be
provided such as using an asterisk (*) if you don’t know the complete
spelling or only know part of the person or company’s name. It also
explains the limits of the search functionality depending on how you
are entering the keywords and which fields are searched. Search return for keyword “pile”

DFI is continually updating its website information and

functionality so never hesitate to contact us for assistance or to offer
valuable feedback.


DFI Europe Website
DFI Europe has launched a Europe-centric version of the DFI
website at www.dfi-europe.org. The site features events and news
of interest to DFI Europe members; a list of DFI Europe members;
and information on the regional chapter, its mission and board of
directors. There is also general DFI info on publications, awards,
membership and more.
The plan is to launch companion sites for DFI of India and DFI
Middle East.
DFI has an international membership and a global focus.
Regional Chapters provide a local presence and regional events for
DFI members and deep foundations professionals in Europe, the
Middle East and India. DFI’s growing presence in these regions
support our efforts to provide DFI members with knowledge about
foundation design and construction issues worldwide.
Learn more about DFI Regional Chapters at www.dfi.org.


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Member of

DFI of India
Last year ended with a promising T. S. Mahendran has been hired as senior executive, administration
future outlook for both India and and accounts for DFI of India. Efforts are ongoing to recruit a chief
DFI of India. As mentioned in the executive and an executive assistant on a full-time basis. Once this
Nov/Dec 2016 issue of this is done, the most important initiative — operator and front-line
magazine, the Goods and s t a ff t r a i n i n g — a n d l i n k i n g w i t h g o v e r n m e n t a n d
Services Tax (GST) was passed by nongovernmental agencies are expected to commence.
Parliament and approved by the
President of India. One India and Use of CFA Piles in India
One Tax is now an Act and The other important initiative for DFI of India is technology
becoming a reality. It is now a implementation. A proposal was submitted to the DFI Committee
matter of implementation, and it Project Fund in 2016 for full-scale implementation trials of
is heartening that some states in continuous flight augered (CFA) piles. The proposal was accepted for
Dr. K.S. Rama Krishna India have taken the lead in funding during the DFI Winter Planning Meeting in February, which
DFI of India Chair implementing the GST. Positive provided an impetus toward achieving the chapter’s initiative. Dr.
results are expected gradually, in Sunil S. Basarkar, general manager of AFCONS Infrastructure, one of
terms of increased base to the economy, increased GDP, increased the reputed foundation and infrastructure companies in India, and
tax collections, as well as formal and informal segments of the an executive member of DFI of India, has agreed to be the
economy implementing GST, etc. Foreign entrepreneurs should coordinator for this important project. We are confident this initiative
consider establishing manufacturing units in India given the will be performed and completed successfully, and will result in the
tremendous internal demand for manufactured goods; pressure for development of a manual on the implementation of CFA/ACIP piles
India to increase its share of exports to world markets; and the in India. Increased use and greater productivity of CFA piles would
abundant availability of young manpower, raw materials and power. ease the pressure on hydraulic rotary piling rigs, which would result
In November 2016, the Prime Minister of India made a surprise in better use of equipment and manpower resources.
announcement to demonetize higher value currency with the aim
of demolishing the black market economy. This led to some initial India Events
difficulties with everyone in the country, and doomsayers predicted Since my last report, a workshop was held on December 14, 2016,
that it would have a major negative impact on India’s economy. the day before the Indian Geotechnical Society’s Annual
Fortunately, little or nothing of that kind happened. The Conference at IIT Madras, Chennai. I.V. Anirudhan, vice chairman
remonetization process is almost complete, and the economy is of DFI of India, was the coordinator for the workshop. The theme of
reported to be doing well. Banks’ coffers are full, creating favorable the workshop was “Deep Foundations in Liquefiable Soils and
conditions for reducing lending rates and priming the wheels of Deep Excavation Experiences,” and was attended by 85 delegates.
India’s economy to pick up momentum. The Prime Minister There were four morning lectures on deep foundations in
promised further stringent measures to clean up the economy, such liquefiable soils and three afternoon lectures on deep excavations.
as reducing the nonperformance assets of public sector banks, In spite of severe damage and disruption caused by the cyclonic
curbing illegal (“Benami”) transactions to acquire wealth, and storm Vardah, just two days prior to the event, the workshop was a
more. All of these steps mean more accountability in all sectors of grand success, was well conducted and attended.
the economy, which should lead to the economy becoming very
strong and resilient.

Full-Time Staff
During the 2016 DFI Winter Planning Meeting, we made a
proposal to set up a full-fledged office for the DFI of India Regional
Chapter, with paid staff to run the activities on a full-time basis. As
part of that proposal, we requested DFI to provide financial support
to DFI of India for the first two years to provide the staff sufficient
time to streamline the chapter’s activities and to generate revenues
for the chapter’s continuity, self-reliance, sustenance and growth.
Thankfully, the DFI Board of Trustees accepted and granted funds
to DFI of India for 2017, with a promise to continue support for an
Audiences actively participated in the December workshop
a d d i t i o n a l y e a r p e n d i n g t h e c h a p t e r ’s p e r f o r m a n c e .
Attendees of the Pile Foundations Workshop

Chapter events for 2017 began on a resounding note with a first

quarter workshop held in association with the Institution of
Engineers (India) on April 15 at Nagpur Local Centre in the central
part of India. Dr. Sunil S. Basarkar was the co-coordinator for this
workshop. The theme of the workshop was “Pile Foundations:
With Special Context to Metro Works,” which was intended to
create awareness and to disseminate the state-of-art knowledge in
the field of pile foundations as applied to Metro works. This
seminar evoked an overwhelming response with more than 150
participants representing contractors, designers, government
agencies, private consultants, service providers, equipment
suppliers and academics.
Speakers at the Pile Foundations Workshop
The workshop was well supported by the industry. Special
thanks are extended to Geo Systems Research & Consultancy, HBL DFI-India 2017: 7th Conference on Deep Foundation Tech-
Power Systems, GEO – Ground Engineering Operations India, nologies for Infrastructure Development in India is being organized
Bauer Equipment India, Stewols India, Nagpur, Itasca India by I.V. Anirudhan and Dr. K.S. Rama Krishna in collaboration with
Consulting, and SKW Soil & Surveys for sponsoring the event. IIT Madras and the Chennai Chapter of the Indian Geotechnical
The chapter’s second quarter workshop/seminar was held on Society. This two-day conference on October 6-7 focuses on
May 27-28, 2017, at the Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of emerging technology developments and case histories on deep
Technology (SVNIT), Surat in the western state of Gujarat. The foundations, deep excavations and ground improvement, and
theme of the workshop was “Pile Foundations - Advances in Design features presentations of practical importance showcasing latest
and Construction Practices,” and was organized and hosted in technologies in a wide array of topic areas, including geotechnical
association with SVNIT and IGS. Prof. S.R. Gandhi, director of investigation, analysis and design including seismic aspects, treated
SVNIT and an executive committee member of the chapter, acted as soil properties, and computer software. The event will be of interest
chair and Dr. C.S. Solanki, professor and head of civil engineering to contractors, developers, local and government representatives,
at SVNIT, was the coordinator of this two-day event. designers, consultants and educators involved in geotechnical design
The chapter’s third quarter workshop is being held in Chennai and construction. Equipment, material and instrumentation
on October 5, 2017, a day before the 7th Annual Conference (DFI- suppliers, contractors and other vendors will present their products
India 2017). The theme of the workshop is “Mass Soil Stabilization and services in the Exhibit Hall.
and Deep Soil Mixing.” Visit www.dfi-india2017.org for more details and to register.

DFI, in collaboration with IIT Madras and the

Chennai Chapter of the Indian Geotechnical Society, presents:

DFI DFI-India 2017: 7th Conference on



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A Message from the Trust Chair Roland Adrian received the

Dennis J. Leary Memorial M. Byrl Williams, P.E., Chair
I am proud to present the DFI Educational bwilliams@foundationpile.com
Trust’s 2016 Annual Report, which was Scholarship, which is part of the
mailed with this print issue of Deep Trust’s Langan Engineering and
Foundations magazine and is available Environmental Services Legacy
online at www.dfitrust.org. Fund. The award was presented by
At the end of 2016, the Trust had assets Langan’s Alan Poeppel. 5K Fun Run & Walk
in excess of $3.1 million. In addition, the The Trust is holding a 5K Fun Run
Trust awarded $134,000 in scholarships, up & Walk on Wednesday, October 25 at 7 a.m.
from $112,000 in 2015. Since its founding during the DFI 42nd Annual Conference on
in 2006, the Trust has awarded $752,000 in Deep Foundations. Proceeds benefit the Trust’s
scholarships. This past year, the Trust also General Fund, which supports students
expanded its program to Canada, awarding pursuing careers in the deep foundations
its first scholarships to students from the engineering and construction industry.
Manuel Fine Civil Engineering Scholarship Registration is $35 and participants receive a
Fund. We thank all of our contributors and custom race shirt and are entered into a
event sponsors for making this possible. drawing for a chance to win an Official NFL
The Trust’s scholarships provide signi- Football autographed by Archie Manning,
ficant financial support to our student renowned NFL quarterback and DFI’s Hal
recipients so they can realize their dream of Emiliano Alvarez (l) receiving the Hunt Lecturer on Communications. Visit
completing their undergraduate or graduate Charles J. Berkel Memorial Scholarship www.deepfoundations2017.org.
from Trustee Rudy Frizzi
civil engineering education. College
expenses continue to rise dramatically and Recent Donations
so does the level of debt students take on to Michael L. Condon Civil Engineering
meet these costs. According to the New York Scholarship Fund
Times, student debt now exceeds both car • Jerry Condon
loan and credit card debt for American • The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
families. We, therefore, ask you to help us
Penn State Scholarship Fund
with our efforts by making a personal
• CZM Foundations Equipment
donation to the Trust*. Any amount you
• Equipment Corporation of America
donate will make a difference. Americans are
• International Construction
very generous, donating more than $300
Equipment, Inc.
billion annually to nonprofits, and it is
interesting to note that 70 percent of these University of Pittsburgh Scholarship Fund
contributions are from individuals. Make • Air Equipment Corporation
your donation online by visiting the Trust’s
Roland Adrian (l) receiving the Langan/
website at www.dfitrust.org.

Scholarship Ceremony
Leary Scholarship from Alan Poeppel
Upcoming Events
Wysockey Fundraiser
During the annual scholarship ceremony of The Thomas Wysockey Civil Engineering DFI Educational Trust/CICP
the College of Civil and Environmental Scholarship Fundraising Cruise is on 2017 Golf Outing
Engineering at the University of Illinois at August 23 on the Chicago River, aboard the October 23, 2017
Urbana-Champaign in April, scholarships Chicago Leading Lady. The fund honors Castlewood Country Club
from two DFI Educational Trust scholar- Thomas J. Wysockey, chairman emeritus of Pleasanton, Calif.
ship funds were presented. Thatcher Foundations, and was established
Students Tomasz Rutkowski, Emiliano DFI Educational Trust
in June 2014 with a generous donation from
Alvarez and Joseph Binkowski each 12th Annual Gala
Thatcher Foundations. The scholarship bene-
received awards from the Charles J. Berkel Fundraising Dinner
fits civil engineering students with an interest
Memorial Scholarship Fund, presented by November 9, 2017
in the deep foundation industry studying at
Trust board member, Rudy Frizzi, of Langan Terrace On The Park
any U.S. college or university. Visit
Engineering and Environmental Services. Corona, N.Y.
www.dfitrust.org for more information.

*The DFI Educational Trust is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • JULY/AUG 2017 • 59
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Paul Doherty: A Remarkable Young Engineer

Doherty has had an exceptional career depth, which is hard to target, he says. If
so far. His education includes a Bachelor of one is overly conservative, there are fewer
Engineering degree with honors, a Ph.D. in risks, but conservatism can lead to a costly
geotechnical engineering, chartered status, solution. The challenge is to figure out how
and last year he received another impres- to be efficient, adds Doherty.
sive honor, the “Emerging Professional
Consulting Engineer Award” from the “Nothing is Generic”
Association of Consulting Engineers of Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions has worked
Ireland. all over the world, including Asia and
Africa. Clients approach the firm, according
Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions to Doherty, because it fills a niche: that of
In 2011, Doherty started his company with innovation in soil-structure interaction
his Ph.D. thesis advisor, Kenneth Gavin. analysis and timely delivery of complex
The then two-person firm focused on solutions. The firm’s design approach is
providing geotechnical engineering services tailored for each project to meet a specific
to the international market. The firm has need, while working on tight schedules.
grown, and now employs 35 highly- Doherty says the company’s approach is
qualified technical staff whose collective always flexible; nothing is generic.
aim is to solve challenging projects with The firm’s project for the Irish Rail
innovative engineering solutions. Doherty Authority is an example of its ability to
actively manages the business, develop novel and innovative solutions.
including offices in both the The scope of this work involved dev-
“At age 31, he has achieved more than U.K. and Ireland. The co- eloping a high-end Decision Support Tool
founder, Kenneth Gavin, takes for the Irish Railway Network. That
most engineers do in a lifetime… a more hands-off role and is network has over 2,800 km (1,740 mi) of
now professor of subsurface track, supported by earthwork comprising
Doherty has built the firm into a leading engineering at Delft Technical thousands of cutting and embankment
Uni-versity in the Netherlands, components. The Decision Support Tool
consultancy, and is sought out to but maintains an “active interest” assists in managing these assets through
and consults for the firm’s more quantitative risk analysis. The firm ranked
resolve complex engineering problems.” challenging projects. all the slope assets according to risk and
Doherty says he enjoys achieved a scientific means of supporting
The managing director of Gavin & Doherty working on marine and offshore projects maintenance and remediation decisions.
Geosolutions grew up in a small town near because of the technical challenges and the The railway infrastructure contains
Dublin, Ireland, one of four children. Paul scale of the work involved. The risk profile cuttings and embankments that include
Doherty comes from a long line of barrel of offshore projects compared to their naturally variable soils and slopes. The safe
makers — coopers for the famous onshore counterparts is significantly operation of the railway relies on ensuring
Guinness brewery. He describes his interest higher and so, he says, accurate and reliable slope stability and, therefore, says Doherty,
in engineering as an ad hoc process. He geotechnical design is essential for the “it is critical to manage the risk of slope
liked math and enjoyed solving “practical” project to succeed. failure.” The Irish Rail earthworks are more
problems, rather than theoretical ones, Risky projects offer opportunities, says than 100 years old and are subject to
which, he says led him to choose Doherty. Designers are told to design both a landslides and rockfalls that sometimes
engineering as a profession. robust and a conservative structure. result in expensive remediation, such as
Engineers and contractors can place longer derailments, train damages and temporary
piles, but, offshore, this means designing to line closures.

AUTHOR Virginia Fairweather


Gerry O’Sullivan, a director at Gavin & Young Professor Paper winner that year
Geoscience Ireland Award
Doherty, says Doherty is a “truly was also from Ireland, by Professor Debra
The Irish Rail risk model, Decision Support
exceptionally talented young engineer.” At Laefer, now at New York University.
Tool and cost-benefit analysis software was a
age 31, he has achieved more than most Doherty says of his experience with DFI
two-year process involving over 25,000
engineers do in a lifetime, according to that he was accustomed to European
man-hours. Doherty successfully managed
O’Sullivan. Doherty has built the firm into a design procedures and construction
and ensured that the project was completed
leading consultancy, and is sought out to procedures as well as different equipment
on time and within budget. The novel
resolve complex engineering problems. than what is used in the U.S. He sees DFI as
nature of this engineering tool was recog-
O’Sullivan adds that he has been at “offering widespread expertise over the
nised nationally when Gavin & Doherty
meetings where “Doherty earned the entire deep foundations industr y:
Geosolutions won the “Engineers Ireland
respect of highly-experienced world class contractors, designers, equipment makers,
Geoscience Award,” and was shortlisted for
engineers. He also has the good sense to all with an unbiased point of view.”
the “Innovation” award for this project.
surround himself with experience. He Doherty served on two DFI Technical
listens and has the confidence to make his Committees — Marine Foundations and
Colleague’s Comments own decisions.” Driven Piles, and says the firm is now
John R. Bowen of Bowen Consulting, says
considering entering the U.S. market.
that Doherty has great engineering
credentials, and is rooted in the fundamental
DFI Student Paper Winner This very busy engineer takes some
Doherty’s history with DFI goes back to time off from his work to play golf “badly.”
philosophy of civil engineering, that of
2009, when he won the Institute’s Student More importantly and time-consuming: he
producing unique, achievable and appro-
Paper Competition Award for his paper is the father of “two under two,” which
priate solutions. “Doherty delivers insightful
titled “Cyclical Axial Loading of Offshore translates to two young sons under two
appraisals, his solutions are cost effective,
Piles - An Issue of Concern?” His work for years old!
and he has a passionate commitment to
his Ph.D. was supported by a scholarship
innovation.” He also has a ready wit, says
from Sustainable Ireland. As it happens, the
Bowen, and a “can do” attitude.
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Applying Reasonable
Quality Control and Verification
Wet sample tool
(photo courtesy of Condon Johnson)
to Soil Mixing

The biggest concern about using soil of the open hole. Essentially, you get control including any debris in the ground, different
mixing is the inability to observe physically over the final material. There is less control soil properties and varying moisture contents.
the final product, which has led to a lack of in soil mixing, and it’s very dependent on Each of the various factors affect the
confidence about what is in the ground. in-situ conditions. These factors make it final properties of the soil cement, so it
After all, you can’t see it and you can’t taste difficult to rely solely upon installation really takes careful planning and evaluation
it and you can’t smell it, so are you sure it’s parameters, quality control (QC) and of the mix design through iterations by
soil mixing? In addition, there are verification tests. At some point, you may looking at the soil types and adjusting the
variations in techniques, tools and need to apply some engineering judgment. mixes. Clay is going to behave very
monitoring that have led to additional differently than sand in both mixing
skepticism and the desire to “elevate” the Start at the Beginning efficiency and final properties. That is, the
product. This skepticism is why the The availability of sufficient and accurate presence of clays results in more difficulty in
industry is so scrutinized even when there geotechnical data (soil type, heterogeneity, achieving higher strengths and to physically
are other technologies being used that do shear strength parameters, variability, etc.) mix the soil and the binder, whereas the
not experience nearly the same level of is important in establishing the material that presence of sands results in more difficulty
scrutiny. With other techniques, even with will be drilled. This data will also help in controlling the final permeability.
a slurry wall, you can see the backfill before determining the proper mix design to It all starts at the preproduction stage. It
it goes into the ground, and drilled piers achieve the desired soil cement properties. is necessary to develop some anticipated
have careful evaluation of the concrete mix Many factors must be considered when mix designs based on previous experience,
even before placement into and verification designing the mix and the mixing program, the soil types and required parameters (e.g.,

AUTHOR David Miller, P.E., ADM Consulting


manufacturers/suppliers, the industry has
developed very accurate computer controls
for soil mixing operations. In the early
stages of the technology (e.g., at Jackson
Lake Dam), it was sufficient to report how
much cement was used during the day and
how deep the columns were drilled; end of
report. Now, computer controls can
produce amazing amounts of data about
the drilling parameters, grout mix, grout
flow, etc. The installation is somewhat
operator dependent, where the operator
controls drilling speeds and rotation rates,
Cored soil cement (photo courtesy of Malcolm Drilling) but limits are established within the test
program or by the calculation of mixing
strength and/or permeability). When design, with the understanding that the mix efficiency, which is based on the soil type
developing a mix design, one must design may need to change based on actual and mix design.
carefully evaluate the specifications and conditions encountered during mixing. The onboard computer system can
determine what are the requirements for However, a lot of information can be monitor drilling variables to maintain the
permeability, strength, etc. This is where garnered from a formal test program, where mixing energy necessary to produce, at
experience matters — past knowledge of the mix design can be optimized based on least, the minimum required parameters.
how those materials should behave when those test results. The type of mixing energy varies among
mixing. These factors will produce the basis equipment, blade rotation numbers or
for design mixes, and should be based, During the Soil Mixing Operation energy index. However, the computer
when possible, on representative soil On site, the entire operation from the batch algorithms evaluate the rotation speed and
samples and groundwater from the jobsite. plant through the drilling system should be the amount of energy being supplied into
Then, the mix design should be determined monitored. Secondary checks can be the column, which, combined with the
for the worst-case soil conditions. That is, if handled with conventional methods, such drilling speed, ensure a good, thorough
permeability is the key parameter, look at as a mud balance (a density measurement) blend of the materials is being created. The
the sand and gravel layers more than the to ensure the computer is accurate. key principle is to ensure there are sufficient
clay layers; however, if strength is the key Through the interaction between and revolutions of the blades to ensure
parameter, look at the clay layers more than innovation of contractors and thorough mixing. These drilling para-
the sand and gravel layers. For the
preliminary mix, it is essential to evaluate a
number of trial batches in the lab to
establish a range of mix variables that can
be implemented in the field.

Test Program
After choosing preliminary mixes, it is
important to evaluate those mix designs
onsite in test sections in the actual field
conditions where the production work will
be performed. Each mix design is
programmed into the batching system and
the test section is constructed using the
means and methods expected for the
production work. On occasion, a full-scale
test program is not possible due to a number
of reasons, including time constraints or
that the job is so small that it doesn’t warrant
waiting for results of a test program. In the
event of no test sections, it is justifiable to
proceed using a more conservative mix Core drilling operation (photo courtesy of Condon Johnson)


meters, in addition to others, are con- Coring is a common requirement to Engineering Judgment
tinuously monitored and recorded by the evaluate the efficiency of the soil mixing, Verification testing can be as much as 20% to
onboard computer system. Typically, the and it provides a visual means to assess how 25% of the total cost of the project, which
computer system will automatically record thoroughly the mixing was accomplished. may seem excessive considering all of the
the penetration speed, rotation, verticality, Yet, coring has its difficulties, especially with computer-controlled monitoring used to
slurry injection, depth, cable load (an obtaining intact cores. One of the biggest show that the installations were performed
indication of drilling difficulty), energy difficulties to overcome is the quality of the consistently and repeatedly. This is where
index (an indication of drilling difficulty) recovered cores from a soil cement matrix. the engineer and owner need to apply
and an indication of a change in soil type. Since most soil mixing applications target engineering judgment to the process. For
The system is all interlinked and it is all strengths less than about 200 psi (1,380 kPa), instance, video logging was an attempt to
computer-controlled; although, the coring this low strength material can be add a secondary check to determine whether
operator in the cab has certain parameters problematic, which is especially true in it was a bad core or an improper mixing job,
that the operator can monitor and adjust, material with course in-situ material, such and then to use visual observation to make
such as rotation speed and drilling speed. as gravels or debris from random fills. These an engineering judgment.
There is an ongoing real-time data larger particles and debris can come loose There have been other ideas proposed
exchange between the drilling rig and the during the coring process and can destroy that facilitate the use and justification of
control room, where the flow of grout can the soil cement matrix. engineering judgment for acceptance of the
be adjusted by the control room. Each of
the individual components and their
interactions throughout the operation
create a detailed trail of how an installation
was performed, which is captured by the
computer system. Therefore, the instal-
lation operation can be verified to ensure
the mixing parameters were followed, and
this facilitates maintaining consistency
throughout the project.

Verification and Evaluation

After installation, the verification process
begins. The type of tests and the extent of
these tests, which correlate back to the level
of confidence in the installation process,
can substantially affect project costs and
time. Wet sampling during the production
process, coring after the fact, compression
load testing or permeability testing all
provide a means to evaluate the possibility
of when things did not go perfectly. As a
secondary or a double check of the Damaged core from an inclusion (photo courtesy of Condon Johnson)
sampling results or the coring, other tests
such as video logging and in-situ Video logging was introduced to offset work, including the use of a 10-point
permeability have been also incorporated the predicament of disturbance to the soil moving average to evaluate the significance
into a project. cement matrix evidenced in the recovered of a few poor test results and their impact
Wet samples are a good indicator of core. After coring, it is possible to take a on the overall project. As an example,
potential outcome, as they can be retrieved video of the core hole and to determine if during the evaluation of stability along a
immediately following installation. the results (core and video) indicate a potential failure plane, it is most critical to
However, a wet sample is remolded three, simply bad core or a poor mixing job. use the shear strength in the area around
four or even five times before it ever Video logging was meant as a check to the failure plane than it is to include the test
actually makes it into a cylinder; so, the test verify mixing for problematic cores; results from an upper fill zone that is well
results could be off considerably from those unfortunately, it has turned into an added above this failure plane. Furthermore, it
in actual in-situ conditions. Wet samples verification test that is now used to evaluate has been well established that soil cement
are good for testing permeability, as they the mixing regardless of the quality of the increases in strength over very long
are molded and do not have grooving or core, which ultimately leads to another set periods, and this understanding can be
fracturing that is associated with coring. of tests required. used to alleviate concerns over borderline


results of shear strength during early Conclusion
portion of the life of the soil cement. A QC program is an extremely beneficial
Many times, the owner and engineer tool, which has been enhanced using a com-
understand that the material is acceptable, puterized operation system, and has brought
yet they are concerned that an oversight about a better understanding of the results.
agency will not accept the judgment made. With the available tools and methods, real
Perhaps, there should be additional dialog data is obtained to verify that the installation
up front about what happens if test results of each element was performed consistently
are not consistent and then how to evaluate and in similar manner compared to the test
the final product. The mixed material will program. Soil mixing is an extremely
never be completely ‘homogeneous’ unless valuable, useful technology that can enable
the in-situ soils were homogeneous from infrastructure to be placed atop some of the
the onset. Ultimately, the desire of a soil least favorable ground conditions. It has
In cab monitor display (photo courtesy of
mixing operation is to provide a good, been proven that soil mixing has reliable
Condon Johnson)
thorough blend of in-situ materials and strength gain over time while minimally
binder material. adequate for its proposed function.
affecting the environment. In sum, soil
Each of the items discussed above, in However, if there was no quality control, no
mixing can be priced reasonably and
addition to others, would allow the client care in the blending, no control over
competitively if the work is monitored
flexibility to apply engineering judgment to rotation/drilling speed and no grout
carefully, has a reasonable QC protocol and
the results and to ‘put it all out there on the control, then it will be quite difficult to be
verification requirements, and can apply
table’ using the drilling records, cores, able to convince an owner or engineer that
engineering judgment where necessary.
videos and evaluation of the results. If there what’s in the ground is acceptable. That is,
is difficulty coming to a consensus whether it will be difficult to convince someone of
A. David Miller, P.E., is an independent geotechnical
it is an acceptable project, one should look the quality unless the installed work is consultant with more than 30 years of hands-on,
at the work globally, in that, if 90% of the excavated and exposed, which is not practical soil mixing experience. He is chair of the
QC boxes are checked, the work is likely practical or financially prudent. DFI Soil Mixing Committee, and he co-authored the
DFI and ADSC Guide Specifications on Soil Mixing.


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Contactless Anchor Measurement with Elastomagnetic Sensors

Soil properties within a construction latter’s entire life cycle and safeguard the Lift-off Test: Lift-off tests provide a possi-
project area are analyzed during the functional capability of the applied system bility to monitor the prevailing force in
planning phase. However, it is only possible components. Geotechnical construction strand or bar anchors. The entire anchor
to achieve selective soil exploration, even in projects can be adapted, optimized and head structure is lifted using the appropriate
the case of very extensive investigatory carried out with enhanced safety from the equipment. The steel tendon is prolonged,
programs, which results in a certain soil risk information obtained. or in the case of strand anchors, a screw-on
and uncertainties for planning and execu- cap holds the wedge carrier so that a ten-
tion. Therefore, the application of moni- Conventional Monitoring Systems sioning jack can be mounted above it. Then,
toring systems is becoming increasingly There are numerous approaches for deter- the tendon is prestressed until the lower
important in the field of geotechnics. mining anchor forces of bar or strand anchors. anchor nut (bar) or wedge carrier (strand) is
The application of suitable monitoring Lift-off tests and measurements with load lifted off from the anchor plate. The inter-
systems for these particular purposes cells are the most common methods. section of the two straight lines in the figure
provides considerable knowledge relating represents the force at which the anchor nut
to the load bearing behavior of the soil and or the wedge carrier lifts off from the anchor
the ground anchor. Applications that plate. Thus, the intersection displays the actual
present major challenges to measuring load of the anchor. This form of anchor force
anchor forces include back-anchorages of control gives conclusive results, but at the
long-lasting and very deep construction same time requires extensive accessories and
pits, construction pits in urban areas, slope extra personnel to execute the test. For this test,
and embankment supports for track and a sufficient bar overhang must be available, the
vehicular routes, port and lock structures, wedge plate must possess an external thread, or
and uplift control. Apart from overseeing there must be a strand overhang of at least 24 in
individual construction stages, monitoring (60 cm). Furthermore, the anchor head must
systems analyze the interaction between Qualitative force-head displacement be freely accessible and in a position to be
the soil and structure throughout the diagram for a lift-off test reached with the necessary equipment.

AUTHORS Dr. Patrick Wörle and Damir Dedic, Dywidag-Systems International (DSI)


Anchor Force Measurement with Load Cells: state, the magnetic field strength or the
Innovative Contactless System
The most common way of determining the magnetic permeability of the strand.
DSI developed a monitoring system for
anchor force in geotechnical applications is Providing the interrelationships are known,
measuring the tensile load of steel tendons
by means of force sensors or load cells. Load it is possible to derive the mechanical force
with Dyna Force Elastomagnetic sensors.
cells exploit various measuring principles in the steel tendon from the induced electric
The sensor measures without actual
such as piezo technology and/or methods voltage within it. Prior to utilizing sensors
contact and, therefore, is a nondestructive
based on fluid pressure. Installation takes onsite, the material relationship between
method. Force is measured based on the
place on site where the load cell is set relative permeability and mechanical load
elastomagnetic properties of ferromagnetic
between the anchor plate and anchor nut or must be calibrated.
materials, where the magnetic permeability
the wedge carrier. The anchor force is
(m) of steel within a magnetic field changes
measured using a Bourdon manometer or
as a function of the mechanical normal
by electric means with a digital manometer.
stress state in the steel. The magnetic
Depending on the manufacturer and
properties of a steel tendon depend on the
measuring principle, measuring accuracy is
material composition and the normal stress
roughly ±1% if installed properly. However,
state of the steel tendon. By measuring the
practical findings have shown that given
relative change in the magnetic permea-
eccentric installation of the load cell or
bility (Dm), the normal stress within the
pronounced temperature fluctuations, the
steel tendon can be derived.
results can be significantly affected. In
The sensor is equipped with two coils:
addition, in case of high anchor forces (e.g.,
an exciter coil and an induction coil. During
slope stabilization or dam retrofittings),
measurement, electric voltage is produced
large, heavy load cells have to be used. This Load cell with Bourdon manometer
within the exciter coil and a magnetic field is
can make installation more difficult,
produced, which induces electric voltage System Components: The measuring
particularly given remote terrain or if
within the induction coil. The induced system consists of elastomagnetic sensors,
hoisting machines are not available.
voltages are ultimately processed and stored a readout unit, a multiplexer and extension
Furthermore, large-sized anchor head
by a readout unit. The quotient B/H cables. By means of a modem and
structures represent additional obstacles for
(magnetic flow density/magnetic field strength) controller, it is possible to remotely transfer
site traffic, as they can be damaged and,
provides the magnetic permeability. Given the measured data. The sensors are
therefore, no longer available for moni-
that the hysteresis curve of a prestressed connected to the readout unit where the
toring purposes. Therefore, load cells are
strand and of a nonpretensioned strand, the force in the steel tendon can be measured
only suitable to a limited degree given
change in the magnetic flow density and read. If several sensors have to be read
constricted space conditions.
depends on the mechanical normal stress at the same time, a multiplexer can be
installed. To allow for cable installation, a
groove is cut into the anchor head structure
and a cable fed through it, after which the
groove is filled with a sealing agent.
Readout Possibilities: Where measure-
ments are recorded manually, a sensor is
connected directly to the readout unit, and
the sensors are connected singly to the
readout unit and evaluated one at a time.
When simultaneous and automatic reading
of all sensors is performed, a multiplexer is
connected to the readout unit or a
connected PC. When continuous recording
of the sensors is performed, the measured
results can be read from any location by
maintaining an operable connection of the
sensors to multiplexer, readout unit and
integrated network modem. The control
unit can regulate the power supply and,
therefore, the reading interval.
Applications: The elastomagnetic sensors
Schematic of sensor and qualitative presentation of hysteresis curves of a are hollow formed cylinders, which are
ferromagnetic material
assembled over the strands or bars at the


factory or on site, and are attached in construction pits, consolidating slopes and where it was decided to secure the unsafe
position by means of adhesive tape. Sensors rocks, hydraulic and marine construction slope with prestressed anchors. However,
are available in various sizes to match the (dams, port facilities), research and study knowledge of corrosion protection was not
different bar and strand diameters. If forces projects (e.g., relating to construction pits well established as it is today; therefore, the
in the anchors are to be monitored and the interaction of soil and structure), anchors were not installed with a corrosion
throughout the life cycle, the sensors are stay-cable bridges, and prestressed tendons protection layer except for that provided by
positioned on the free length of the anchor. for bridges and flat roofs. the cement stone cover. In recent years, a
It is also possible to mount the sensors on
the bond length so that load transfer from
the steel tendon into the soil can be
examined. Values of surface friction (grout-
to-ground bond) can be derived from the
data so that execution planning can be
optimized. This measuring technique is
suitable for geotechnical projects and for
bridge construction and other civil
engineering applications. It is especially
suitable for permanent structures where the
development of force has to be monitored as
construction progresses and during the
structure’s period of utilization. Possible
fields of application include back-anchoring

Portion of slope secured by pretensioned anchor

Slope secured by pretensioned anchors

Grancarevo Dam number of the anchors have failed due to

With a height and width of about 395 ft the progress of corrosion.
(120 m) and 1,640 ft (500 m), respectively, The old anchors were removed as a
the Grancarevo Dam in Trebinje, Bosnia retrofitting measure, and new, electrically
and Herzegovina, is one of the largest dams isolated strand anchors were installed
in the Balkan region. The dam was along with the Dyna Force measuring
completed in 1967 after eight years of system with elastomagnetic sensors to
construction, and remains one of the main monitor permanently the forces in the
power and water providers for the region. anchor. The proposed system included the
During the construction phase, a slip zone installation of 23 each, 12-strand per-
was discovered in the rock on the eastern manent anchors ranging in length from
Components of the measuring system:
Readout Unit, Dyna Force Sensor and flank. Due to the dam’s arching effect, high about 130 to 197 ft (40 to 60 m), which
Multiplexer forces were concentrated into the rock, were outfitted with two sensors per anchor.


the measuring system has facilitated
straightforward handling on site and the
possibility of digital readouts of the
measurement data. All measurements can
be obtained centrally from a single location
outside of the construction pit. Because of
in-house strand anchor production
combined with the calibration and
assembly of the sensors, the high demand
posed on handling can be achieved along
with high measuring accuracy. The sensors
can be arranged in the bond length so that
the geotechnical soil conditions (load
transfer) can be better understood. The
new measuring system extends the
portfolio of force monitoring systems and
provides advantages to enable future
construction projects to be executed safely
and with better quality.

Installation of the sensors on the strands

The maximum test load for each anchor

was about 607 kips (2,700 kN), and the
lock-off load ranged from 292 to 450 kips
(1,300 to 2,000 kN). The sensors were
installed directly on site beginning in fall
Lock-off Loads
2014. Four multiplexers and a controller No. 16 = 1300 kN
were programmed to measure and record No. 17 = 1350 kN
the anchor forces automatically once per No. 17 = 1300 kN
No. 23 = 1350 kN
day. The data was stored on a server and
could be read by the staff at any time. The
forces established by the sensors proved
measurement accuracy of ±0.5%.
Temperatures fluctuated in the region
of the dam by up to 104°F (40°C) during
the year. Within a few hours, differences in
temperatures of 77°F (25°C) affected the
sensors on the south face. However,
temperature or, rather, the temperature
fluctuations did not influence the Results of anchor measurements with elastomagnetic sensors during 21 month period
measurements because of a temperature
compensator within the sensor itself. Conclusions
Furthermore, the installation of the sensors Compared to alternative methods for Damir Dedic received a B.Sc. and M.Sc. at the TU
was straightforward and did not present measuring anchor forces, the advantages of Munich, where he specialized in geotechnics and
any problems. The sensors functioned in all the Dyna Force system include high concrete structures. He joined DSI in 2014, and is
23 anchors and provided accurate measurement accuracy, lifelong moni- involved in Geotechnical Services EMEA (Europe,
measurements. During a period of 21 toring of the prestressed tendon, no Middle East, Africa) and research & development.
Dr. Patrick Wörle studied construction
months, no reduction or increase in the additional obstacles for site vehicles, no
engineering and economics at the University of
anchor force was measured in these influence from temperature fluctuations, lnnsbruck, Austria, where he obtained his doctorate
anchors since they were first installed in and no additional effort or complications in concrete structures at the TU lnnsbruck in 2013.
October 2014. with installing the anchor. To date, use of Dr. Wörle is the head of research and development
for geotechnics at DSI.





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Helical Pile Foundations at Tangier Island Substation

A&N Electrical Cooperative provides and helical piles. In evaluating all of the quality of the installed concrete. For the
electrical service to the counties of options, the greatest concern was getting driven pile alternative, the availability, or
Accomack and Northampton along the material onto the island, followed lack thereof, of equipment and material
Virginia’s Eastern Shore and to Smith Island closely by the availability of the equipment cost resulted in a total cost estimate that
in Somerset County, Md. to install the foundations. Clearly, cost, was more expensive than that of the
A&N recently worked to improve the more specifically the installed cost, was a concrete piling alternative. The high
efficiency of power distribution to a small significant consideration and decision material cost for the piles, which was more
island community and marina on Tangier factor throughout the process. than double than the cost of concrete, was
Island in the Chesapeake Bay. This There were several limiting factors that due to the number and size of piles needed
improvement consisted of upgrading the had to be considered during the design to resist the overturning moment.
existing distribution substation with a new process, the most significant of which was Ultimately, the team selected the helical
25 kV 2-bay box distribution structure. that all of the material had to be barged to pile alternative. The decision to a use
Earth Contact Products (ECP) collaborated the site. With traditional reinforced helical pile foundation system was based
with PowerServices, Inc. (PSI) to design concrete deep foundations in mind, the on many factors, not the least of which was
and install a helical foundation support cost for installing these piles was projected the remote location of the project site and
system as part of the substation upgrade. to be nearly $2,000/cu yd ($262/cu m) of the difficulties associated with getting
installed concrete. Given that approxi- material, equipment and construction
Feasibility Evaluation mately 5 to 6 cu yd (3.8 to 4.6 cu m) of personnel to the project site.
Throughout the design process, A&N concrete would be required for this
worked with its partners PSI (design) and structure, the cost was significantly high for Design Considerations
T&D Solutions (installation) to identify this project. What’s more, because the From a design standpoint, there were many
cost-effective alternatives. Foundation components of the concrete mix would challenges that had to be overcome. The
systems considered included cast-in-place have to be barged and then hand mixed on subsurface exploration program identified
reinforced concrete caissons, precast site, there was concern regarding both the the soil conditions and site constraints that
concrete foundations, driven steel piles time required to complete the piles and the needed to be considered in the design. As

AUTHORS Jeff Wilkinson and Brandon Walter, Earth Contact Products


Considerations for Applicability
and Design
To ascertain whether a helical pile
foundation system is appropriate for a
given project and location requires up front
consideration of a few key items. The most
important of these items is the subsurface
conditions and geotechnical parameters,
which are obtained through a site
exploration program and described in the
geotechnical report. It is critical that the
helical pile manufacturer and installer be
provided with the geotechnical report for
review to be able to determine whether a
suitable layer of soil is present to support
the compression and axial loads required
by the project. In addition, there are a
couple of factors that will immediately
Fabricated helical pile foundation
remove helical piles from consideration,
such as extremely low strength soils (e.g.,

shown in the geotechnical report, the top 12K gear motor available to install the
2 ft (0.6 m) of the subsurface consisted of a helical piles without any foreseeable issues.
fill layer, which was underlain by about 4 ft The final design for each foundation
(1.2 m) of soft to medium sandy clay, which element consisted of a helical pile that had
was then underlain by about 28 ft (8.5 m) an outside diameter of 8-5/8 in (220 mm)
of medium compact silty sand. Based on with a 14 in (356 mm) helix and was 12 ft
the data and characterization in the (3.66 m) in length.
geotechnical report, the helical piles would
be designed to be installed no deeper than Installation Logistics
25 ft (7.6 m). Beneath each leg of the superstructure, one
The design also had to consider the helical pile was required and installed to
relatively close proximity of Tangier Island provide the requisite support. The
to the Atlantic Ocean. Since the elevation of connection plate at the top of the helical Installation of a helical pile
the island is essentially at sea level, the pile, which connected to the super-
weight of hammer or similar material) that
island and everything on it is affected by structure, was 1.5 in (38 mm) in thickness
extend for a significant length, extremely
potential hurricane force winds and severe and contained four slotted connection
dense soil or intact rock within the bearing
ice loading. From a design standpoint, the points that were designed to provide up to
depth. If these extreme conditions are not
compressive and axial loads were not an 4 in (102 mm) of alignment adjustability
present, the designer can more closely
issue; however, the overturning moments after installation. Accommodations to the
evaluate the site conditions and can then
resulting from possible 140 mph (225 km/hr) connection plate at the top of the helical
provide an appropriate design for the
hurricane-force winds and ice loads from as pile were incorporated during the
helical pile foundation system.
much as 1.0 in (25 mm) of buildup fabrication process, which eliminated any
When designing a helical pile
required a large diameter pile with an issue during installation in the field. Once
foundation system, alternatives in pile
oversized connection plate. the superstructure was loosely connected
geometry and arrangement are available for
Prior to finalizing the design of the to the helical pile system, a system of bolts
the designer to evaluate. First, the designer
foundation system, the last task was to with washers and nuts were used to plumb
can use either a single large-diameter pile or
identify the type and availability of the structure vertically. A custom instal-
a system of piles, which utilizes a pile cap to
equipment that could install the large- lation tool was required due to the size of
transfer the loads from the superstructure to
diameter helical piles. Discussing the the base plate. Once the material was
the pile group. However, the individual pile
proposed foundation design ahead of time moved and the equipment mobilized to the
diameter is limited by the bolt pattern on the
with the installation contractor confirmed island substation location, the installation
connection plate that connects the pile to
there would be a utility line truck with a of the four helical piles was performed in a
the superstructure. Similar to other
single day.


foundation systems, the piles are designed substantial increase in usage around the
to provide resistance to the axial loads and country. In addition, there has been an
bending moments induced by the super- increased demand, especially by operation
structure and to facilitate the requirements managers and substation engineers, about
for installation. Second, designs have been the use and installation of helical pile
incorporating an integrated helical pile with foundations for use in in solar power,
a steel cap plate that is cast into a concrete transmission line and larger electrical
foundation, which are becoming substation marketplaces.
increasingly more common throughout the
electric utility industry. These integrated
systems are more prevalent with structures Jeff Wilkinson is the business development
that are subjected to high lateral loads, manager for projects in the renewable, oil and
which create significant bending moments gas, and energy markets within the utility and
that must be resisted. Moreover, this Connection plate at the top of the civil divisions of Earth Contact Products (ECP).
helical pile
integrated system has been used favorably in Brandon Walter is the national sales
conjunction with monopole structures and manager for the civil division of ECP, where he
with many traditional substation designs. Increased Use of Helical Piles has held leadership roles in ECP’s utility and
However, this integrated foundation system Although cast-in-place or driven reinforced civil divisions.
requires a great deal of coordination concrete foundations continue to be the
between the end user and designer to ensure predominant foundation type used
the necessary resources are available at the throughout the electric utility industry,
time of installation. helical pile foundations have realized a






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Technical Activities Update

If you are interested in joining a committee, please send a
Find Common Ground — Join a DFI Group
letter on your company letterhead, indicating which
As a member of DFI you can participate in one of our many DFI
committee you want to join, why you want to join the
Technical Committees or Working Groups and collaborate with
committee and describe your involvement in that
your peers, influence the profession, build consensus, develop
technology/discipline to: staff@dfi.org.
leadership skills and extend your network.


Ground Improvement Committee

The Ground Improvement Committee provided feedback for the Specifications, which is being
continues to serve as a resource for industry updated version of FHWA’s updated by a contracted consulting
practitioners; federal, state and local Geotechnical Engineering Circular engineering firm. The sub-
agencies; academia; and contractors. One (GEC) No. 13 – Ground Modifica- committee consisted of committee
common committee contribution is to tion Techniques, originally scheduled for members representing academia,
facilitate, coordinate and conduct reviews publication in 2017. In February, a consulting, contracting and government.
prior to public release of specifications, subcommittee led by Brian Metcalfe of The comments provided by the
guidelines and manuals by industry experts. Geopier Foundation Company reviewed subcommittee during the review process
In 2016, members of the committee NAVFAC’s Densified Aggregate Pier were well received and integrated into the
final specification.
In concert with DFI’s and ASCE Geo-
Institute’s (ASCE/GI’s) recent efforts to

Sustainability Committee increase cooperation, the committee is

working to enhance collaboration with the
ASCE/GI’s Soil Improvement Committee.
The committee wrapped up a two-year effort to promote the EFFC-DFI
Both committees will have at least one
Carbon Calculator within the U.S. (www.geotechnical
representative attend and participate in the
carboncalculator.com/en). The effort involved a short course pre-
other’s meetings to relay information about
sented by Marine Lasne of Entrepose Group and myself during the DFI
any initiatives or deliverables that would be
Workshop on Levee and Coastal Rehabilitation held in Miami, February 12-14, 2014, as well
relevant to both groups. In addition, the
as presentations by me and Gerald Verbeek of Allnamics Pile Testing Experts at various DFI
leadership of both committees will conduct
seminars and short courses. The presentations highlighted the capabilities of the calculator as
a brief semi-annual conference call to
a value engineering tool, and presented proven sustainable practices that improve the
discuss current and upcoming initiatives,
performance of deep foundation elements and ground improvement, which have the
seminars, workshops and publications.
potential to save money and reduce the carbon footprint — definitively a win-win scenario.
Another committee initiative is being
The committee considers that knowledge of the availability and benefits of the carbon
led by Lyle Simonton of Subsurface
calculator is now widespread. During the next two years, the committee will research
Constructors to develop, populate and
federal, state and local existing and proposed regulations regarding sustainability in the
maintain a speaker database. The database,
construction industry that could have an impact on the foundation industry. Depending on
which will be maintained by the committee
the outcome of this effort, the committee will recommend a path forward to embrace or
leadership, contains contact information
provide industry expert feedback to the regulating agencies in an effort to influence
for a potential presenter and information
policymakers to make a realistic approach to sustainability for deep foundation elements
about the presentation (abstract and past
and ground improvement. We look forward to receiving any leads and/or comments on
conferences presented). Upon request to
existing or proposed regulations relating to sustainability from the DFI membership. Leads
DFI, the database will be provided to local
or comments can be directed to me at carlos.englert@terracon.com or to the committee
geotechnical organizations and groups
trustee, Gianfranco DiCicco, at gdcons2015@gmail.com, or can be voiced at the next
who are seeking ground improvement
Sustainability Committee meeting being held at DFI’s SSI: Stabilize, Support and Improve
speakers for upcoming seminars and
seminar in Washington, D.C., on August 28-30, 2017.


DFI Technical Committee Chairs workshops. If you would like to be added Lastly, the committee is always seeking
Augered Cast-in-Place Pile to the speaker database, please complete ideas for new initiatives and projects,
Morgan NeSmith, P.E. the web-based form provided on the DFI including research eligible for DFI Com-
Berkel and Company Contractors G r o u n d I m p r o v e m e n t Te c h n i c a l mittee Project Funds. Please feel free to
Codes and Standards
Daniel Stevenson, P.E. Committee webpage. If you are interested contact me directly at jtblackburn@
Berkel and Company Contractors in searching the database as you plan a haywardbaker.com to discuss your ideas
Deep Foundations for seminar or workshop, please contact Mary and proposals.
Landslides/Slope Stabilization
Chris Ramsey, P.E. Ellen Large, DFI director of technical
Amec Foster Wheeler activities, at melarge@dfi.org.
Environmental & Infrastructure
Drilled Shaft
Dan Brown and Associates
Driven Pile
Ben Vance, P.E.
Augered Cast-in-Place Pile Committee
Ground Improvement In conjunction with the Pittsburgh Chapter Commentary) has been
Tanner Blackburn, Ph.D., P.E. of the ASCE/GI, the committee held a one- provided to both
Hayward Baker
Helical Piles and Tiebacks day seminar in April on ACIP and drilled organizations as an
Gary Seider, P.E. displacement (DD) piles. The seminar overview of current
Hubbell Power Systems/Chance
topics included equipment development; standards of practice.
Manufacturers, Suppliers
and Service Providers current installation, testing and quality The committee has
Mark Bryant, EIT monitoring techniques; design consid- also been requested,
MacLean Power Systems Civil Division
erations and performance-test evaluation and has committed, to provide a proposed
Marine Foundations
Rick Ellman, P.E. techniques; nondestructive testing specification for ACIP piles to the
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers methods; grout/concrete mix design American Association of State Highway
Micropile considerations; and case histories of the and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) by
Steve Davidow, P.E., S.E.
Quanta Subsurface performance of the various pile types November 2017, for its consideration and
Seismic and Lateral Loads discussed. The committee plans to use this incorporation. This effort is being
Kwabena Ofori-Awuah, P.E. as a model for further cooperation with spearheaded by our trustee liaison, Matt
KCI Technologies
Slurry Wall ASCE/GI chapters to provide seminars or Meyer of Langan Engineering and
Giovanni Bonita, Ph.D., P.E., P.G. lunch/dinner presentations for local Environmental Services.
GEI Consultants
chapter meetings. A proposed research project on the
Soil Mixing
David Miller, P.E. In December 2016, the committee lateral forces generated during installation
ADM Consulting completed an ACIP pile installation, of drilled displacement piles was approved
Subsurface Characterization monitoring, testing and extraction for funding in 2017 by the DFI Committee
for Deep Foundations
Victor Donald, P.E. program in conjunction with the Florida Project Fund. The goal is to initiate the
Terracon DOT and University of South Florida development of guidance for the safe
Sustainability (USF). Funding and in-kind contributions installation of DD piles near existing
Carlos Englert, P.E.
Terracon were provided by the DFI Committee structures such as tunnels, retaining walls
Testing and Evaluation Project Fund, committee member a n d u t i l i t i e s . D r. A n t o n i o ( To n y )
Gerald Verbeek organizations and industry partners. Data Marinucci, M.B.A., P.E., of V2C Strategists
Allnamics Pile Testing Experts
Tiebacks and Soil Nailing from the program is currently being is leading this project for the committee in
Ed Laczynski, P.E. processed by the committee and USF, and partnership with Dr. Anne Lemnitzer, P.E.,
G.A.& F.C. Wagman
will be published during the coming year. of the University of California, Irvine.
Women in Deep Foundations
Helen Robinson, P.E. In March 2017, the committee Lastly, the committee will hold its next
GEI Consultants provided review comments for a proposed meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, at
update of the current NAVFAC ACIP Pile DFI’s Annual Conference in New Orleans.
Working Group Chairs
Electric Power Systems Foundations Specifications. The committee is currently As always, all are welcome. It should be
Peter Kandaris, P.E. providing comments to the Florida DOT noted that at the committee meeting held at
DiGioia Gray & Associates
regarding a new proposed specification for the DFI Annual Conference in New York
Steve Davidow. P.E., S.E.
Quanta Subsurface ACIP piles for bridges. The recently City, the committee unanimously voted to
Energy Foundations published 3rd edition of the DFI ACIP Pile continue to be awesome. It is considered
Tony Amis Manual (Model Specification with likely that this trend will continue in 2017.
GI Energy
Guney Olgun, Ph.D.
Virginia Tech
Seepage Control
Michael Kynett, P.E.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Helical Piles and Tiebacks Committee

The committee continues to be active, may be included in a DFI Journal review. The goal for 2017 is to
working on several projects directed toward article, a magazine article and a have the Design Guide completed
advancing the practice and understanding posting on the HPTC webpage. by September – just in time for
of helical piles and tiebacks (HPTs). The data reduction for the Phase the Helical Piles and Tiebacks
The next HPT specialty seminar will be II shake table testing is expected specialty seminar.
held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on to be completed in summer 2017. The HPT certification course
September 18-19, 2017. Topics include In late February 2017, Dr. is taking shape, and a first draft of
axial, lateral, uplift, seismic, cyclic and Ramin Motamed, assistant the course material is ready for
dynamic loading; settlement analyses; p r o f e s s o r, D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l review. Course delivery options being
materials; construction; and testing Environmental Engineering, University of considered include classroom sessions,
procedures for projects using HPTs. Dr. Nevada, Reno, was awarded funding for his multisession one-hour webinars, and half-
Hesham El Naggar of University of Western DFI Committee Project Fund research day training courses at future conferences
Ontario and Dr. Amy Cerato of the proposal to conduct scaled liquefaction and symposia.
University of Oklahoma are the seminar’s tests on helical piles and driven piles. DFI Special thanks to committee members
keynote speakers. Dr. Yasser Abdelghany of member Ram Jack has also contributed Mark Bryant, Maclean Power Systems Civil
the British Columbia Ministry of $14,000 to this important research. The Products Group; Matt Conte, Conte Company;
Transportation and Infra-structure is the main objective of this research is to evaluate and Mike Perlow, Engineering Knowledge
chair for this event. experimentally the performance of helical Management; who reviewed and provided
Dr. Amy Cerato has completed the piles and driven piles as alternative comments on the NAVFAC Helical Pile
Phase I literature review and compilation of solutions in mitigating the settlement of Specifications. This review was performed in
the DFI funded research project inves- shallow foundations in liquefiable soils. conjunction with DFI’s efforts to review and
tigating the seismic behavior of helical In addition, a draft of the committee’s comment on multiple NAVFAC specifi-
piles. Publication of the literature study Helical Pile Design Guide is available for cations pertaining to deep foundations.


Tiebacks and Soil Nailing Committee

T h e c o m m i t t e e re c e n t l y p ro v i d e d offer guidance on when and how organizations are teaming up to
comments on the NAVFAC standard Load and Resistance Factored present this event (see page 39).
specification Soil and Rock Anchors, and I Design (LRFD) should be applied Similar to committee’s specialty
appreciate the time and hard work the to slope stability problems. seminar in Denver in 2016, a
committee members contributed. In The committee has been software symposium will also
addition, this committee, in partnership working on the preparations for the occur during the SSI seminar, where
with the Deep Foundations for Landslides upcoming seminar, SSI: Stabilize, Support software providers will solve a problem and
and Slope Stabilization Committee, was and Improve, taking place in Washington, discuss the nuances of using the various
awarded funding for a research proposal D.C. on August 28-30, 2017. Multiple DFI software packages.
via the DFI Committee Project Fund to technical committees and cooperating

Stay Informed
Visit the Technical Committee pages on the
DFI website to stay up to date on the latest
information and news. Go to www.dfi.org
and select Groups and then Technical


ADSC Calls on DFI to Participate in NCCCO Industry Initiative
ADSC: The International Association of
Foundation Drilling recently signed a
partnership with the National Commission
for the Certification of Crane Operators
(NCCCO) to create a certification program
for drill rig operators. NCCCO’s expertise
in the development of operator
certification programs for the crane and
heavy equipment industries, as well as the
widespread adoption of its programs
throughout these industries, is well known.
ADSC and NCCCO held the first task
force meeting in April, which began by
NCCCO meeting
defining the knowledge and skills required
for certification. The two organizations, “As with all CCO certifications, the new
Upcoming Meetings
along with a group of more than 40 Certified Foundation Drill Rig Operator
It will take an estimated 18 months to
program will be fair, valid, reliable and
develop the program. It is a marathon, not a
legally defensible,” said Denny Smith,
The goal is to assure the Ph.D., NCCCO’s director of certification
sprint! At the end of the day, the goal is to
assure the production of a quality program
production of a quality program development, and project lead on
that contributes immensely to the safe
this effort. “The program will consist of
operation of foundation drill rig equipment.
program that contributes both written and practical examinations
Tentative meetings are as follows:
administered by independent third-party
immensely to the safe examiners trained and authorized by 1. June 27-29, Conroe, Texas (confirmed)
NCCCO. This will ensure that both 2. August 15-17, Indianapolis, Indiana
operation of foundation drill NCCCO and ADSC remain free of any
conflict of interest with respect to the 3. September 19-21, Salt Lake City, Utah
rig equipment. certification decision,” Dr. Smith added. 4. November 14-16, TBD
Successful completion of both written and
5. January 30-February 1, TBD
member and nonmember subject matter practical elements will result in eligible
experts (SMEs), industry representatives individuals being certified to operate 6. February 13-15, TBD
of equipment manufacturers, suppliers, foundation drill rigs.
contractors, engineers, service providers, How DFI Can Get Involved
and safety personnel began the long Why Certification? Because this initiative also benefits DFI
process of working towards the develop- members, we urge you to participate in
• To make the industry safer future task force meetings to develop the
ment of this program.
Many great things came out of that • Professionally developed operator program. As has become standard, ADSC
meeting; however, perhaps one of the knowledge and skills assessment = and DFI working together has the most
most prolific outcomes was that the certification impact. Be prepared to commit to the six
program will address foundation drill rigs meetings. Your input and participation is
• Provide (potential) employers with
in general. Therefore, a wide range of welcome. DFI members interested in
impartial information they would
experts is required to develop the getting involved can complete a short
otherwise not have and with sound
certification program. Participation in the a p p l i c a t i o n f o u n d a t w w w. a d s c -
foundation for manpower decisions
task force is open to all member and iafd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/
nonmember industry representatives. • Reduce corporate liability Task-Force-Invitation-2-13-17.pdf.
Kevin Sharp, Northstar Sharp, is the chair • Promote training
of the task force.

AUTHOR Michael D. Moore, CEO of ADSC


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Two Rs of Company Success: Recruitment and Retention

here are a number of ways at looking at latest statistics from the Federal
T what makes a company successful.
Agreeably, one of the vital or key factors is
Highway Administration
indicate that the U.S. has an
S. Scot Litke, Hon. D.GE
finding and then retaining good people, $836 billion backlog of needed
ergo the two Rs. Undoubtedly, this may be repairs and improvements to
one of the most difficult to achieve. Based roads and bridges with an
on interviews conducted with leading additional $90 billion backlog component for millennials, it is
executives in the fields of civil engineering for public transit systems. If or equally important to stress the
and civil construction, as reported in when this happens, there will be an even methods and time for advancement, the
Engineering News Record, there is a dearth of greater need for finding and keeping work environment as it relates to physical
qualified people at almost every level across engineering and construction personnel. and interactional opportunities, and,
the job spectrum, from entry level to the increasingly, doing something important
very top segment of management. For the Finding Quality Personnel that contributes to society.
purposes of this analysis, I will focus on the An important factor to keep in mind is that, In addition, millennials are oriented to
design and field management levels in while the needs of civil construction and working in teams, taking on challenging
engineering and construction companies. civil engineering firms may be different, assignments and having flexible schedules.
The good news is that the industry both entities are quite specific as it relates to They are very concerned about the “life
continues to realize an increase in projects requiring a high level of education and/or balance” in which one’s work is only one
in an improving economy. Moreover, if the experience. With an overall U.S. unem- component. Moreover, it is important to
current U.S. administration can make good ployment rate of about 4.5%, where can realize that many of these folks have little
on its expressed commitment to addressing these specially focused people be found? faith in company loyalty. This is because
the needs of the nation’s infrastructure, the Traditional recruitment protocols still they have seen and heard what has
opportunities will only grow. Based on work, which include attending university happened to their parents and, even,
ASCE’s latest grading of the country’s and industry job fairs, advertising in publica- grandparents, relative to how they have
infrastructure, this key economic driver tions that reach the target population, word- been treated by traditional companies in
has a long way to go. Initiated in the early of-mouth, industry conferences, offering terms of job security, guaranteed retirement
2000s, the ASCE Infrastructure Report Card internships, and, increasingly, taking programs, forced and intentional turnover
in its earliest iteration bestowed a grade of advantage of opportunities offered through (known as “churn”) to hire younger and
“F” on the condition of the nation’s social media. Most of you are already familiar cheaper workers, and a corporate “what
infrastructure. Unfortunately, this critical with LinkedIn, but there is a host of other have you done for me lately” mentality.
sector remains in the “failure zone.” While avenues that are worth pursuing. I admit to Since they have little faith in job
showing a slight improvement on ASCE’s not being conversant with all such social security with any given employer, they are
most recent report card, from a grade of “F” media, but suggest that whoever in your often open to other opportunities without
to “D,” there is still a long way to go. company is involved with recruitment any sense of guilt. Moving from company
Interestingly enough, the transportation become familiar with them and learn how to to company is a way of life. Clearly, this is
sector has shown the highest improve- best use their audience access. painting the picture with a broad brush,
ment, coming in with a “C-,” which is not It is critically important to refine your but it is based on behavioral evidence. I
great by any stretch, but is better than the “selling message.” Remember yours is suggest that this offers an opportunity for
last time ASCE published this report card. probably not the “only game in town.” What companies that DO value loyalty to
One can argue about the vitality of the makes your company special? What can you demonstrate rather than just give lip service
U.S. economy as politicians and economic offer that will appeal to a potential employee? to this increasingly absent value.
pundits tend to do, but, overall, there is no Do not lose sight of the fact that there is a Not all of your potential employees will
doubt it has come a long way from the generational component to the substance of come from the millennial age group. This
doldrums of the recession of 2007-09. As it your message. For example, when it comes group most likely will be Gen-Xers (ages
applies to public sector activity, where to the much-studied and largest population 36-56) who are already in the profession’s
much of the types of work readers of this segment, the 71 million millennials (ages 20- workforce or whose skill set is transferable.
publication are focused, we see evidence of 35), it is not “all about the money.” They are Many of the same recruitment tools, as
overall improvement. According to an also very tech-savvy members of the previously stated, apply here. The “selling
Associated Press Report dated 5/7/17, the workforce. While compensation is a key message” may be a bit different and would


likely emphasize salary, benefits, opportunities for advancement,
retirement programs (if such exist) and more traditional overall
compensation packages. One constant across the work environ-
ment spectrum is the opportunity to work on challenging projects.

Retaining Good Employees

The keys to retaining good employees are embedded in the prior
discussion. If you are successful in recruiting and you live up to
those things expressed in your selling message, retaining good
people comes easy. However, unfulfilled promises is a sure fire way
to see them look for greener pastures. At root, people want to feel
valued. They want feedback that they have accomplished
something of importance to the project or to the company. If you
want to keep the best people, it is important to not micromanage
their efforts. Provide an environment where they can be creative
and can make decisions for which they will be responsible. Nothing
kills incentive and job satisfaction like micromanaging.
Structured incentive programs, such as profit sharing, project
success bonuses or ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) can
also help you keep good people. Providing these kinds of incentives
is a business decision that requires serious thought and planning.

A Closing Message
Keep in mind that, while you may have the best equipment and
latest technology, your people make your company successful. In
the end, they are your most important asset.


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Getting Paid on a Public Project

Courts confirm subcontractors’ rights to passing laws, commonly referred
maintain suits against contractors’ to as “Little Miller Acts,” pro- Brian Wood
sureties despite pay-if-paid clauses and viding similar protections to the Attorney Of Counsel
other defenses state, its political subdivisions Smith, Currie and Hancock
Because the U.S. government, states and and subcontractors.
municipalities are protected by sovereign While subcontractors
immunity, mechanics’ liens are not an generally understand their rights the contract procedures for
available payment collection tool for to make claims against a changes and claims against the
subcontractors working on public works contractor’s payment bond under the Miller public before suing the surety for payment?
projects. Recognizing that subcontractors and Little Miller Acts, many are unsure as to Recent cases have answered these questions
might avoid working on federal projects how these rights are affected by contractor resoundingly in favor of subcontractors.
because of the lack of payment security, payment terms and disputes procedures in In Tusco v. Clark, 15-2885, 2016 WL
Congress, in 1935, enacted the “Miller Act” subcontracts. One common area of 4269078 (D.Md. Aug. 15, 2016), a sub-
to provide payment protection to sub- confusion is whether pay-if-paid or pay- contractor on a federal construction project
contractors. The Miller Act requires con- when-paid clauses in subcontracts prevent in Maryland sued a contractor and its surety
tractors with contracts in excess of $100,000 the subcontractor from suing on the for nonpayment of subcontract balances, as
on federal projects to furnish a performance payment bond if the contractor has not well as amounts for extra work ordered or
bond — to secure the performance of the been paid. If not precluded altogether, must caused in part by the government. As is
contract work — and a payment bond — to the suit under the bond be stayed pending common in subcontracts, the subcontract
ensure the payment of subcontractors and the satisfaction of the conditions of included a pay-if-paid clause (emphasis
material suppliers. States followed suit, payment? Must the subcontractor exhaust added), as follows:
Subcontractor agrees that payment by
the Owner to [Contractor] for work
performed by the Subcontractor...is a
condition precedent to any payment
obligation of [Contractor] to Subcon-
tractor. Subcontractor agrees that the
liability of [Contarctor]’s sureties on
any bond for payment to Subcontractor
is subject to the same conditions pre-
cedent as are applicable to [Contrac-
tor]’s liability to Subcontractor.
The subcontract also contained
language binding the subcontractor to
claims and disputes procedures in the
prime contract for the pursuit of payment
for changed work. The subcontract further
conditioned payment for changes on the
contractor’s receipt of payment from the
owner for such changes.
Relying on subcontract conditions of
payment, the contractor’s surety moved to
stay the subcontractor’s suit. In its motion,
the surety argued that, because its liability
for payment of the bond is based upon the
obligations of the contractor under the
subcontract, the surety is entitled to
protections of the pay-if-paid clauses and
disputes procedures. The court rejected this
argument unequivocally and emphatically. The court held that the exhaust any contractually prescribed administrative remedies
subcontractor’s Miller Act claims are not precluded by, or otherwise before bringing a claim under DCLMA.
conditioned upon, subcontract payment conditions or disputes The court gave two reasons for denying the surety’s motions.
procedures in the prime contract. The court declared that the First, the court determined that, although the subcontract
“purpose of the payment bond under the Miller Act is to shift the incorporated by reference the disputes procedures in the prime
ultimate risk of nonpayment from workmen and suppliers to the contract, the prime contractor could not extend to the subcontractor
surety.” The court looked to the plain language of the Miller Act to a direct right to the disputes procedures, as the District of Columbia
conclude that it is the subcontractor’s rights under the bond accrue does not allow subcontractors to bring claims under the procedures
90 days after completion of the subcontractor’s work, “not ‘when and directly. Second, even if the contractor submits the subcontractor’s
if’ the prime contractor is paid by the government.” Importantly, the claims under the prime contract disputes procedures, the
court ultimately confirmed the broader legal proposition that subcontractor does not have to wait the outcome of such procedures
subcontract terms, which conflict with the Miller Act, are “ineffective to bring the bond suit against the contractor’s surety. The court
in a suit against the surety on the payment bond.” concluded that requiring the subcontractor to await the resolution of
In Strittmatter v. Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Md., 15-2114, 2016 the claims process would not only “undermine the DCLMA’s
WL 5108021 (D.DC September 20, 2016), the U.S. District Ct. for purpose of providing subcontractors on government projects with a
the District of Columbia reached the same conclusion regarding a prompt remedy,” but it would also place the subcontractor at risk of
subcontractor’s claims under D.C.’s Little Miller Act (DCLMA). waiving its claims because of the expiration of the statute of
There, a contractor and its surety sought to dismiss or stay a suit by limitations under the DCLMA. If the prime contract dispute process
a subcontractor for nonpayment on a D.C. school construction exceeded the one-year statute of limitations for suit against the bond,
project, arguing that dispute resolution procedures in the prime and the subcontractor did not prevail in the contract claim dispute
contract are a condition precedent to payment. Specifically, the process, it would be left with no recourse. This risk outweighs the
contractor and surety contended that the subcontractor must risk that the contract claims disputes process and the subcontractor’s
submit its claims for payment, through the contractor, to suit against the surety could produce different outcomes.
mediation. If mediation failed to resolve the dispute, the matter The takeaway: subcontractors can apply pressure against
could be submitted to the D.C. Board of Contract Appeals. As in nonpaying general contractors by maintaining suits against their
Tusco, the court in Strittmatter rejected this argument and denied sureties. This is true despite subcontract pay-if-paid clauses and/or
the motions, holding that subcontractors are not required to subcontract-mandated claims and disputes procedures.


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Long-time DFI member, John William Fowler, died in February at the age of 89.
Fowler served in the U.S. Navy and then graduated from Clemson University with
in geology from LaSalle and is a licensed
highest honors in civil engineering. His career began with the American Bridge
professional geologist in Pennsylvania. He is
Comp. in Chicago. During his 30-year career with Tidewater Construction Corp., he
actively involved in several professional
eventually became corporate chief engineer and executive vice president After his
organizations, formerly serving as vice
1985 retirement, Fowler started up and operated an engineering consulting firm
president and treasurer of ADSC and as a
until his death. He was licensed in 19 states, and was a specialist involved in projects
member of its national board. McDermott is
for ship and transfer terminals, piers, tunnels, bridges, paper mills and other
a member of DFI, The Moles, ASCE and
industrial plants. Fowler was an active member of numerous professional organ-
General Building Contractors Association.
izations, including DFI since 1987. He was past president of ASCE and Engineers
Club of Hampton Roads, a member of The Moles, and served on the Clemson
Michels Corporation pro-
University Engineering Advisory Board. He is survived by his wife, Carol; sister,
moted Sean Nicholson
Betty; three sons, a stepdaughter and a stepson; and four grandchildren.
from director to vice
president of health, safety
Melvin Israel Esrig passed away on February 6 at the age of 86. Esrig earned a B.S.
and environment (HSE),
degree in business administration from City College of New York, a B.S.C.E. degree
where he will execute a
from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (now NYU), and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil
comprehensive and unified HSE program
engineering from the University of Illinois. He joined the faculty of civil engineering
throughout Michels’ operations in the U.S.
at Cornell University in 1962, and resigned as a tenured associate professor in 1970
and Canada. As director of HSE, Nicholson
to join Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Esrig retired from Woodward-Clyde in 1996
established programs to support Michels’
to enter private practice as a consultant in geotechnical engineering. Esrig published
top-down commitment to a culture where
more than 50 technical papers on his research and practice. He was recognized with
the safety of people, property and the
the Hogentogler Award of ASTM for his paper, with Robert Kirby, on piles in clay.
environment is the prime objective. He will
Esrig was an active member of DFI (since 2000), ASCE, ASTM and The Moles. He is
expand the programs to support pipeline
survived by his three children and their families. His wife, Stella, predeceased him.
construction operations, customer needs
and governmental regulations across the
company’s utility and infrastructure
construction operations, and will continue
Dan MacLean of Geo- management services for geostructural efforts to improve the safety culture across
Foundations Contractors projects. Robinson specializes in design of the energy and construction industry.
has been named the new micropiles, tiebacks, soil nails, drilled
chair of the International shafts, sheet pile cofferdams, retaining Deep Foundations Contractors (DEEP),
Society for Micropiles walls, braced excavation support, grouting of Gormley, Ontario, Canada, was awarded
(ISM), succeeding acting and ground improvement methods. She the Canadian Construction Association
char, Allen W. Cadden of Schnabel has authored or co-authored over 20 National Award for Safety Excellence for its
Engineering. MacLean is business publications on practical technological success in establishing solutions in advance
development manager at the regional office applications and design in geotechnical of any problems, and for its continued
of Geo-Foundations Contractors in Acton, engineering. Robinson is chair of DFI’s dedication to its safety culture. The award
Ontario, Canada. He is actively involved in Women in Deep Foundations Committee. recognizes achievements in program
industry associations and groups, and is a development, staff training, industry
member of DFI, ADSC, Canadian Geo- Martin McDermott, P.G., contribution, safe work record accom-
technical Society, Canadian Dam Associ- has joined Moretrench as a plishments, and for demonstrating
ation and Professional Engineers of Ontario. division manager in the outstanding achievement and commitment
MacLean is currently the research chair and Philadelphia area office for to the pursuit of safety in the construction
a national board member of the ADSC. its Geotechnical Group. He workplace. Operating with the highest
has more than 30 years of regard for safety continues to be DEEP’s
Helen Robinson, P.E., has geotechnical construction experience, with primary corporate value. Year-over-year
joined GEI Consultants in particular expertise in drilled shaft improvement in safety performance begins
its Exton, Pa. office as a construction. His primary focus is the with the senior management team’s active
senior project manager. company’s drilled shaft/secant pile wall involvement in extensive employee
She brings more than 15 operations in the Northeast and New training and education, including pre-job
years of experience in England regions. He holds a master’s degree planning. DEEP’s annual safety month
providing design, analysis and construction in engineering geology from Drexel, a B.A. provides valuable direction and motivation
to its employees to help reach and maintain The Moles is a fraternal organization of the
the milestone of zero lost time injuries, and heavy construction industry, in which its
provides an opportunity to facilitate dis- members are leaders in their profession and
cussions to identify areas for improvement are dedicated to promoting the industry and
and foster a team building culture. supporting their colleagues through outreach
programs and networking opportunities.

Christopher S. Traylor, Traylor Brothers,

was installed on May 3 as president for
2017-2018 for The Moles. Traylor has a
B.S.C.E. degree from Stanford University design-build project consists of two, 3 mi
and an M.S.C.E. degree, with a specialty in (4.8 km) long bridges that carry I-87/287
construction engineering management, across the Hudson River between Tarry-
from the University of California, Berkeley. town and Nyack, N.Y. The foundation
Traylor joined the family-owned company design resulted in significant cost savings to
to work on the numerous projects, which the taxpayers of New York, and was a key
allowed him to become familiar with factor in winning this landmark project. The
Deep CEO Bill Start (R) accepts award various heavy construction projects, project team overcame complex ground
including TBM bored tunnels, underground conditions along the bridge route, including
Schnabel Engineering has opened an office structures, bridges and highways, locks and a compressible clay layer up to 750 ft (230 m)
at 104 West 40th Street in midtown Man- dams, and ports and wharfs. Traylor has also deep. In this area, the team used steel pipe
hattan, N.Y., to provide a range of the 61- served on numerous construction industry piles up to 360 ft (110 m) long, having
year-old company’s traditional engineering boards, such as the Construction Industry capacities of 2,100 tons (1,905 tonne),
and related services: tunneling, geostruc- Ethics and Compliance Initiative, Construc- unprecedented for the soft soils within the
tural, geotechnical, dams and levees, and tion Institute of ASCE and Construction Hudson River Valley. In addition, there were
risk management. William J. Fall has Industry Safety Initiative. nearly 400 fewer piles than proposed by
joined Schnabel as a senior
other competitors, that eliminated the cost
associate and branch leader GZA announces its new Boston location at of several thousand tons of steel, and the
of the NYC office. Fall has 31 State Street. The new office location associated reduction in carbon emissions.
more than 30 years of offers a flexible workspace and a convenient
engineering and construc- meeting space for clients. “We are pleased to Dr. Prasad Yenumula, member of the DFI
tion experience managing move into this new building, which abuts Electric Power Systems Foundations Work-
major transportation, infrastructure and the historic Old State House in Boston,” said ing Group, along with Dr. Sriram Kalaga,
environmental projects such as rail transit, William Hadge, CEO of GZA. “Our roots are recently published Design of Electrical
bridges, tunnels and waste-to-energy here in the city, and we look forward to Transmission Lines: Structures and Founda-
facilities in the NYC metro region. In addi- working with our clients in the new space.” tions. This 468-page book covers structural
tion to business development and manage-
and foundation systems used in high-
ment, he is also responsible for project GZA has been named a Grand Award voltage transmission lines along with asso-
management, technical guidance and winner of the 2017 American Council of ciated topics such as structure functions and
mentoring. Fall received a B.S.C.E. from the Engineering Companies 50th Engineering configurations, load cases, analysis tech-
University of New Haven and an M.S.C.E. Excellence Awards for its foundation design niques, structure and foundation modeling,
(geotechnical) from Manhattan College. He of the $3.98 billion New NY Bridge design deliverables and foundation topics
is a licensed professional engineer in New spanning across the Hudson River. This related to direct embedment, drilled shafts,
York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsyl- structure is the largest highway-bridge spread foundations and anchors. The book
vania and Michigan. project currently underway in the U.S. This is available at crcpress.com.

DFI congratulates all recent inductees into

The Moles, especially its members: Andrew
J. Burns, Underpinning & Foundation Skanska;
Sitotaw Y. Fantaye, Mueser Rutledge
Consulting Engineers; Terence P. Holman,
Turner Construction Company; Walter E.
Kaeck, Mueser Rutledge Consulting
Engineers; and Dennis Y. Lam, Skanska
USA Civil. Michael D. Moore, ADSC, was
also inducted at the May dinner meeting.
Menard Group USA will be working with
general contractor Skanska-Walsh Design
JV for the Port Authority of NY and NJ to
provide support for a double-sided MSE
wall bridge approach at LaGuardia Airport.
Menard will install almost 200 controlled
modulus column rigid inclusions to depths
of 50 to 80 ft (15 to 25 m) into a com-
bination of soil types to support the
approximately 250 ft (76 m) long
approach. The project is a part of a multi-
billion dollar facelift to the existing Central
Terminal Building, helping to transform it
into state-of-the-art Terminal B.
be found at http://www.icc-es.org/ BAUER Maschinen Group hosted close
DYWIDAG-Systems International USA Reports/pdf_files/load_file.cfm?file_typ to 2,200 visitors from almost 80 nations at
(DSI) announced that its Grade 100 e=pdf&file_name=ESR-3367.pdf its 21st in-house exhibition from May 6-8
THREADBAR report has been reissued by in the courtyard at Bauer headquarters in
the International Code Council Evaluation Soilmec hosted its Open House 2017 in Schrobenhausen, Germany. The theme of
Services to include bar sizes Nos. 11, 14, 18 Italy for more than 1,000 customers, the meeting was “Drilling Deep and
and 20, and confirms that its Grade 100 distributors and employees from nearly 70 Aiming High.” Equipment displayed at the
threadbar has a minimum 100 ksi yield countries. Another 5,000 customers parti- event included PremiumLine BGs, which,
strength in both tension and compression. cipated through live streaming of the events. together with its CSM unit, are approxi-
This is the only Grade 100 bar product The three-day event was devoted mainly to mately 42 m (138 ft) tall. The CBC 30
conforming to acceptance criteria AC237 the latest innovative technologies and compact cutter was also exhibited, which,
and specification ASTM A615-15 and, services for deep foundations or soil con- with its modern low-headroom configur-
therefore, offers unmatched benefits in solidation. The event opened with a ation, guarantees mixing depths of up to
terms of strength, savings associated with conference at which industry experts 80 m (262 ft) even though it is only 8.7 m
the use of high-strength bars and quality. discussed present and future scenarios for (28.5 ft) tall. In addition to a wide range of
Savings result from lower fabrication, special foundations. The second day focused BAUER rigs, other exhibits featured equip-
installation (both labor and crane time) and on the “discovery” of Soilmec 4.0 through ment from RTG Rammtechnik, KLEMM
freight costs due to the lower overall weight guided tours of the core divisions of the Bohrtechnik, PRAKLA Bohrtechnik, MAT
as fewer reinforcing bars are required. The company, presentations of new machines in Mischanlagentechnik and Pileco. A
Grade 100 threadbar is produced under an the test field, and of the DMS 4.0 system, highlight of the show was a 50 m (165 ft)
exclusive partnership with Gerdau in its St. which allows global secure access of the state, long skywalk up to 8 m (28 ft) in height,
Paul, Minn. mill facility using fully performance and location of the equipment which afforded visitors a panoramic view
domestic USA steel, thus conforming to all through the use of an Internet browser and of the rigs.
Buy America requirements. The report can PC, notebook, tablet or smartphone.

Soilmec Open House 2017 BAUER Maschinen Group exhibition


Liebherr Rigs at Suez Canal
Ten Liebherr duty cycle crawler cranes and other crawler cranes are
currently in operation at the Suez Canal as part of a $US 4 billion
project. A HS 8100 HD duty cycle crawler crane equipped with a
hydraulic slurry wall grab is among the machines deployed to assist
in the construction of two road tunnels under the Suez Canal near
the city of Port Said in North Egypt. Two work groups are erecting
slurry walls approximately 1.2 m (4 ft) wide and between 20 and 70
m (66 and 230 ft) deep for a total area of 520,000 sq m (about
5,600,000 sq ft). Züblin AG and Orasom Construction form one
group, and Trevi S.p.A. and an Egyptian construction company
form the second group. The slurry walls are situated to the east and
the west of the Suez Canal for the construction of access roads and
shafts for subsequent tunnel excavations. The soil consists of
approximately 80% clay, with sand found in the last 5 to 6 m (16 to
17 ft). The construction of the tunnels is part of an Egyptian
infrastructure project that includes the widening and deepening of
the existing shipping lane of the canal, as well as the construction of
a completely new lane with a length of approximately 35 km (22 mi)
in the northern section. A video showing the duty cycle crawler
crane HS 8100 HD in slurry wall grab operation at the Suez Canal in
Egypt can be found at https://youtu.be/hPlHBTck7iw.


Unearth More than 110,000



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Larry Goldfarb, Principal Engineer
Goldfarb Engineering Consulting



American Piledriving Equipment, Inc . . . . . . 4 Soluciones Geotecnicas Tectonic Engineering &

American Pile and Foundation LLC. . . . . . . 96 Integrales SA DE CV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Surveying Consultants P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Antraquip Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Specrete-IP Incorporated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 TEI Rock Drills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
BAUER-Pileco Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Star Iron Works, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Watson Drill Rigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bay Shore Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Steven M. Hain Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Williams Form Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . 68
Berkel & Company Contractors Inc. . . . . . . 13
Bermingham Foundation Solutions Limited . 36
BSP International Foundations Ltd. . . . . . . 74
Casagrande USA Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Center Rock Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
COMACCHIO S.r.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Compaction Grouting Services, Inc. . . . . . . 18
DFI Events
Consolidated Pipe and Supply . . . . . . . . . . 66
Con-Tech Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 August 2017
Crux Subsurface, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
CZM Foundation Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . 81 28-30 SSI: Stabilize, Support and Improve
D’Appolonia Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Omnishore Hotel, Washington, D.C.
DBM Contractors, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
DFP Foundation Products, LLC . . . . . . . . . . 34
DRILLTOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 September 2017
DuroTerra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DYWIDAG Systems International USA, Inc. . . 83 18-19 Design and Installation of Helical Piles and Tiebacks for
Equipment Corporation of America . . . 50,51 New Construction and Rehabilitation
Foothills Drilling Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . 64 Hotel Omni Mont-Royal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Foundation Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 58
Fraste Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Gannett Fleming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 October 2017
Geokon, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
GFA International, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5-7 DFI-India 2017: 7th Conference on Deep Foundation
GMS Piling Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India
Great Lakes Environmental & Infrastructure . . 2 IIT Madras, Chennai, India
Goettle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
GRL Engineers, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 24-27 DFI 42nd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations
Grout Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, La.
Hammer and Steel, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Hardman Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hennessy International, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 47 November 2017
ICE®-International Construction
Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 15-16 DFI-SMIG-GI-ISSMGE 4th International Conference on
IDEAL Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Deep Foundations
International Drilling Equipment . . . . . . . . 46 Mexico City, Mexico
JD Fields Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 104
Jean Lutz North America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Jeffrey Machine, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2018 Events – Save the Date
Jiangsu Shunli Cold-Formed Steel
Industrial Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo
KB International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 2018 (IFCEE 2018) — March 5-10, 2018
Kelly Tractor Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Buena Vista Palace Hotel, Orlando, Fla.
Keystone Drill Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Kiewit Infrastructure Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 DFI-EFFC International Conference on Piling and Deep
Lally Pipe & Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Foundations — June 6-8, 2018
Langan Engineering & Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Environmental Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Leffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 SuperPile ‘18 — June 26-29
L. G. Barcus and Sons, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 New York Marriott Marquis, New York, N.Y.
Liebherr USA, Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Loadtest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 DFI 43rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations —
Magnacore Self-Drilling Anchors . . . . . . . . 26 October 24-27, 2018
Mait S.p.A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, Calif.
McKinney Drilling Company, LLC . . . . . . . . 87
Monotube LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Morris Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Morris-Shea Bridge Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Moretrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers . . 10
Olin Engineering Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Pieresearch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,49
Pile Driving Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Pile Dynamics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
PVE Equipment USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Raito, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 DFI Events: Go to www.dfi.org/dfievents.asp for up-to-date information
Samuel Roll Form Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Skyline Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,57 Industry Events: See a complete list at www.dfi.org/industryevents.asp
Soilmec North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Deep Foundations



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Join DFI to know what’s going on in the industry, so you can
provide contractors and engineers with products and equipment
that solve their problems and make them more productive.
• Build relationships with professionals in the deep foundations industry.
• Participate in technical committees and learn about trends that effect the
development of products and services.
• Participate in the development of national standards, specifications and design guides.
• Join the DFI Manufacturers, Suppliers and Service Providers Committee,
established to provide opportunities to increase networking and technical activities.
• Showcase your products and services at DFI conferences and seminars worldwide.
• Position yourself and your firm as experts by presenting papers at seminars and
conferences or publishing articles in DFI publications.


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