Masculinity Spacecat

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Answer each question in depth and provide specific evidence from

the text or speaker whenever available. The more you write, the better!

Justin Baldoni, he is an actor and famously on Jane the
Who is the speaker/writer?
What do we know about
virgin playing stereotypical men. It helps me understand the he
them? What can you tell or
what do you know about has an experience with toxic masculinity as he portrayed this
the speaker that helps you characters. Hollywood has a problem with making shirtless
understand the point of attractive men that are prone to violence and Justin has had to
view expressed? deal with that while trying to act.

PURPOSE: He’s hoping that men understand that it’s okay to be vulnerable
What is the speaker/writer and that feminine qualities aren’t weak, but can be strong too. He
hoping to accomplish? wants the audience to understand how hard it is for equality and
What is the reason behind
this piece? What do they
the answer to finding it is for men to be accountable of other men
want the audience to do and not let toxic masculinity pass by. He believes that in order to
after having listened? be better people we must have equality.

AUDIENCE: He’s trying to reach out to men who struggle with opening up to
Who is the speaker/writer their guy friends. But he also talks to women and he apologizes
trying to reach? How do we for men and the mistakes they do, but that we need to be patient
know? Do they indicate a
specific audience? What
with them and that men can make great partners. There are
assumptions exist in the assumptions that the men there are the problem with equality and
text about the intended that they need to start fixing it by breaking into our vulnerability.

CONTEXT: This was 2017 when the Me too movement was reaching more
What is the time and place and more audiences. There were sexual abuse alligations that
of this piece? What is women were coming out about and he brings that up in speech
happening in the world as
it relates to the subject of
pointing out that it shouldn’t be that hard for women to step up.
the speech or the That men to shut up and listen sometimes. He also talks about
speaker/writer? violence and how men need to stop locker room talks which also
relates to the Me too movement.

EXIGENCE: He felt he needed to speak up because he struggled with being
What was the spark or vulnerable with his guy friends and knew he need to be vulnerable
catalyst that moved the in order to help other men step up. Also in his acting career he
speaker/writer to
act/write? How did that
kept getting cast as these terrible stereotypical men and he
event impact the wanted to be an example that didn’t support the stereotype.
CHOICES: He used the metaphor a lot of comparing life to a script. That we
What are the rhetorical are given instructions from generation to generation on how we
choices that the need to play our roles. He also gives another metaphor of a glass
speaker/writer makes in
the speech? Think about
wall that men put in front of themselves to separate themselves
overall structure, devices, from women and how they do that because they start feeling
diction, syntax, etc. scared because they want to be strong and that want to play the
role that society has given them.

APPEALS: Justin gives a lot of ethos when he describes his struggles with
Which of the three opening up and how he grew up this way to with friends as school
rhetorical appeals (ethos, where he felt he had to be strong in order to be accepted. Also he
logos, pathos) are present
in the text? Where? Why?
uses pathos when he becomes vulnerable and discuss the own
mistakes he made in life and he feels weak sometimes when
society tells him he must be strong and man enough. He also
uses logos when he shows how more women follow him then men
to reveal the struggle it is for him to express his ideas and reach
other men like him.

TONE: At first, Justin is very funny and lighthearted as he describes the
What is the male characters and pointing out the flaws with their need to be
speaker/authors attitude strong. Also when he talks about his dad and how he resented
toward the subject? Is the
tone the same throughout
him as kid when because he believed his dad was teaching him to
the whole piece? Where be weak. It gets more serious and vulnerable later on in the
does it shift? What speech when he describes his own errors and even tells the
evidence is there to audience he wishes they didn’t clap when he said men to shut up
demonstrate the tone? and listen. He talks how ugly toxic masculinity can be and how
people reach towards many dark places because they feel like
they must be violent in order to be a man.

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