Masculinity Spacecat
Masculinity Spacecat
Masculinity Spacecat
Who is the speaker/writer? e is known for playing
What do we know about
them? What can you tell or Rafeal on Jane the Virgin. He states that as an actor
what do you know about
the speaker that helps you he’s able to play roles that don’t really represent him..
understand the point of
view expressed? Most of his roles are opposite of who he really is. And
I think the author’s first purpose is to inform. He first
What is the speaker/writer
conveys the message that toxic masculinity exists and is
hoping to accomplish?
What is the reason behind
present. It’s the idea that the problem exists and that
this piece? What do they
want the audience to do
there are multiple solutions to fix it. Another layer to
after having listened?
you're vulnerable.
He is first addressing men, then he addresses women, and
Who is the speaker/writer
then he also addresses parents. Since each of these
trying to reach? How do we
know? Do they indicate a
people have an important role to play in redefining
specific audience? What
assumptions exist in the
text about the intended masculinity. First of all men, they are the ones who
actively need to try and not conform to the wrong
This was performed in November of 2017. This was
What is the time and place
during the time of the Me too movement and the meminist
of this piece? What is
happening in the world as
movement. This plays a heavy role in the influence of this
it relates to the subject of
the speech or the
speech because all the points he made about masculinity
The initial spark that caused this was just multiple times
What was the spark or
when the author himself doufn tha he was hiding his true
catalyst that moved the
speaker/writer to
emotions and his identity rather than embracing how he
act/write? How did that
event impact the
felt and wanted to express. This made him wonder about
He uses all the rhetorical devices including logos, ethos,
What are the rhetorical
and pathos. He also uses repetition. An example of this is
choices that the
speaker/writer makes in
when, “ Where are the men? So men, men, men, men!” This
the speech? Think about
overall structure, devices,
diction, syntax, etc.
repetition clearly shows that he is using repetition to
I resented him for it, because I blamed him for making me
how to hunt, how to fight, you know, man stuff. Instead he
Which of the three
rhetorical appeals (ethos,
logos, pathos) are present he has experienced toxic masculinity. Him being
in the text? Where? Why?
man and going through experiences as a man
I think the tone of this passage is mainly sad, he
What is the
speaker/author's attitude
toward the subject? Is the talks about the harsh reality of how
tone the same throughout
the whole piece? Where
does it shift? What
detrimental toxic masculinity can be. He states,