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Installing Dspace 6.3 in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS: (Save and Close The File)

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Installing DSpace 6.3 in Ubuntu 18.04.


# Open a terminal [ Ctrl+Alt+T ]

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

#check version of java

java -version

#install the database

sudo apt-get install postgresql

#install the webserver

sudo apt-get install tomcat8

#install the complier tools

sudo apt-get install ant
sudo apt-get install maven

# Create the database user

sudo su postgres

createuser -U postgres -d -A -P dspace

# Enter password for new role: [Enter password as dspace]


# Allow the database user (dspace) to connect to the database

[If the following command not open, check the postgresql version number and apply
in the command]

sudo gedit /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf

# Add this line to the configuration file at the end:

local all dspace md5

[save and close the file]

# Restart PostgreSQL :
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
# Create DSpace user
sudo useradd -m dspace
sudo passwd dspace
[enter password as dspace ]

sudo mkdir /dspace

sudo chown dspace /dspace

# Create the PostgreSQL 'dspace' database

sudo -u dspace createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
# Login to the database as a superuser, and enable the pgcrypto extension on this
sudo su postgres

psql --username=postgres dspace -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;"


sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

# Create DSpace directory

sudo mkdir /build

sudo chmod -R 777 /build

cd /build

# Download DSpace to /build directory; Copy paste following line in the


wget https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/releases/download/dspace-6.3/dspace-6.3-src-release.tar.gz

# Extracting Dspace package

tar -zxf dspace-6.3-src-release.tar.gz

cd /build/dspace-6.3-src-release

#Open the pom.xml file and comment the following code

sudo gedit /build/dspace-6.3-src-release/dspace-api/pom.xml

#Search for the keyword buildnumber by pressing Ctrl+F (line number 103)
#Add the comment tag to the following code block


#Save and exit
mvn -U package

# Enter into Dspace package folder to download packages

cd dspace/target/dspace-installer

sudo ant fresh_install

# Fix Tomcat permissions, and restart the Tomcat server

sudo chown tomcat8:tomcat8 /dspace -R

sudo cp -R /dspace/webapps/* /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps*

[This will copy all the web applications to Tomcat]

# Restart Tomcat
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat8 restart

# Make an initial administrator account (an e-person) in DSpace:

sudo /dspace/bin/dspace create-administrator

Enter an email address (e.g. dspace@localhost ).

Enter First name and surname (e.g. dspace)
Enter a password (e.g. dspace)
Open DSpace in your browser

You can load either one of the DSpace interface in a browser


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