Palawan State University: Ge: Ethics
Palawan State University: Ge: Ethics
Palawan State University: Ge: Ethics
Final Examination, SY 2019-2020
Name:__________________________ Score:________________
YL/Course:_________________________ Date:________________
1. If there are different moral codes, cultural relativism establishes a radical thesis known as
a. To call something “good” is to say that I have a positive feeling toward it.
b. To call something “moral” is to say that it is dependent to our culture.
c. To call something “good” is to claim that we like or we love it.
d. To call something “right” is to claim that it is for the common good.
7. Which of the following is the intersection point of Aristotle and Aquinas concept of morality?
a. Intellection b. Reason c. Free Will d. Justice
8. According to Aquinas there are four ends/purposes of which human being is created. Which
of the following choices is correct?
a. To reproduce, to reason out, to worship God, and to live harmoniously
b. To reason out, to reproduce, to worship God, and to live freely
c. To live harmoniously in society, to reason out, to glorify God, and to live pleasurably
d. To live harmoniously in society, to reproduce, to learn and to worship God
10. In discussing Virtue Ethics, Aristotle mention that the balance point is the _____________.
a. Virtue b. Reason c. Golden Mean d. Treasure
Test II: True or False: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the correct answer on the
space provided. (2pts)
1.____________ A. Ethical relativism dictates that there are universal, absolute truths in ethics
binding on all people everywhere and at all times.
B. Cultural Relativism says that good or bad are not relative to culture.
2._____________ A. Hypothetical Imperative states that “If you want to attain a certain end, act in
such-and-such a way”
B. Categorical Imperative claims that “No matter what end you desire to attain, act
in such-and-such a way”
3. ______________ A. Bentham’s concept of utilitarianism could be summarized as add the sum total
of greatest benefits then subtract the quantities of harm the action would produce.
B. Subjectivism means nothing is good or bad in itself, apart from our feelings.
4. ______________ A. Freedom of choice is a maximum determination to do good, not the possibility
of choosing between good and evil, but above all the impossibility of choosing evil.
B. Moral freedom is the capacity of man to choose one thing or another.
5. _______________ A. Apparent Good as Aquinas mentioned is the one that is really good.
B. Aristotle’s said that something was ´good´ if it fulfilled its ´telos´ (purpose).
6.________________ A. Cultural Relativism is inconsistent in promoting tolerance.
B. Cultural Relativism encourage critical thinking and independent decision-
7.________________ A. Freedom of exercise (libertas exercitii) means to do this thing or that thing.
B. Freedom of specification (libertas specificationis) means to act or not to act.
8.________________ A. James Rachel’s evaluation of Cultural Relativism undergoes the process of
__________________ B. Kantian Ethics also believes that values exist only in the preferences of
individual people.
9._________________ A. Kant able to formulate one of the controversial frameworks in Ethics. This
framework is known as Deountological Ethics.
B. Catholicism is based on Natural Law.
10._________________ A. Universalizability says that you should act only on that maxim through
which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law
B. According to Natural Law, if you go against with your nature, you are
Test III: Given below are situations for you to read and analyze carefully. Inside the box are
principles you can choose for your answer that will best describe the scenario. (2pts each)
1. A pharmaceutical company releasing a drug that has been governmentally approved with
known side effects because the drug is able to help more people compared to its side effects.
2. In Sparta, it was a ritual rite of passage for young boys to kill a member of a neighboring tribe
and bring back the head as a proof. (________________________).
3. Ana decided to stop her study despite of the motivations and inspirations give to her by her
family. She chooses to go with Kevin, her boyfriend, to America so that they can live together.
4. Killing another person is forbidden, no matter the circumstance, as it goes against the human
purpose of life. Even if someone is, say, armed and breaking into another person’s home, the
homeowner still does not have the right to kill that person in self-
defense. (________________________).
5. The Brgy. Captain of Brgy. Gumamela make a law that would merit not only his ka-barangay
but also the entire humanity. (________________________).
6. Eric Harris, one of the murderers of twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School
in Littleton, Colorado, in 1999. Eric expressed his moral theory in his Web site prior to the
massacre: “My belief is that if I say something, it goes. I am the law, and if you don’t like it, you
die. If I don’t like you or I don’t like what you want me to do, you die.”
7. People have control over their own body, therefore they have sovereignty over it. This means
that it is immoral to coerce them to do anything with their body or to harm their body.
8. At the end of World War II U.S. General Curtis LeMay ordered the fire bombing of Tokyo
which resulted in the deaths of 100,000 civilians. Commenting on this decision he reportedly
said it was his duty to end the war as quickly as possible, thereby sparing possible further loss
of life. (______________________)
9. In precolonial India, suttee was practiced in which a widow was obliged to throw herself upon
her husband’s funeral pyre to demonstrate her loyalty and devotion as a wife.
10. A runaway trolley is hurtling toward five unsuspecting rail workers. If it hits them, it will surely
kill them. You happen to be standing next to a switch that could divert the train onto a separate
track, where only one rail worker is standing. If you flip the switch, the five workers will be
spared and the single worker will be killed. At the end, you decided to flip the switch.
11. I am the pastor of myself. Anything that I will do is based on my feelings. You don’t care if it
is good for me or not. (______________________)
12. Darius, a king of ancient Persia, was intrigued by the variety of cultures he met in his travels.
He had found, for example, that the Callatians, who lived in India, ate the bodies of their dead
fathers. The Greeks, of course, did not do that—the Greeks practiced cremation and regarded
the funeral pyre as the natural and fitting way to dispose of the dead. Darius thought that a
sophisticated outlook should appreciate the differences between cultures.
13. It is wrong to employ children — children have human rights, and one of those rights is the
right to play and to be educated, rather than to be toiling in factories or
fields. (______________________)
14. Acts such as homosexuality, use of contraception and masturbation are all immoral actions.
The ideal purpose of sex is for reproduction within the confines of marriage. Any sexual act
contrary to this is considered ´unnatural´ and therefore immoral. (______________________)
15. The doctor decided to give up the life of one person for him to save the life of 5 children. The
organs of the said person will fit to the disfunction organs of five children.