Talk Time Topic: Valentine's Day Let's Get Started

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Eastside Literacy Talk Time Winter 2007

Talk Time Topic: Valentine’s Day

Let’s get started…

When is the last time you gave or received a card or present? Who sent it to you? Why
did they send it? What did they write about?


On February 14th, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in America. It is a day when friends and
romantic partners give each other cards and presents to express their love and
appreciation. In 1847, the first Valentine’s cards were made and sold in America. Today,
the most popular Valentine’s gifts to give are flowers, candy, chocolate, and jewelry. In
many American elementary schools, students are required to give every classmate a
Valentine card or candy.

In pairs for 5 minutes, ask and answer these questions:

Valentine’s Day is all about romance and affection.

Do you do something special on Valentine’s Day?
How do people show love and affection in your native country?
How do you show affection for your family or friends?

Share your partner’s answers with the group.

Discussion Questions:

How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Do people celebrate Valentine’s Day in your
native country? Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Are there any February holidays in your native country? Talk about them. Page 1 of 2
Eastside Literacy Talk Time Winter 2007

Are there any “romantic” holidays in your native country? Talk about them.

What is your favorite Valentine’s Day present you have given or received? Why?

If you gave a present to a romantic partner, what would you give them? Why?

Do you think people should give presents on Valentine’s Day?

If you received an anonymous Valentine’s Day present, what would you do?

Would you ever give an anonymous Valentine’s Day present?

In America children often take Valentine’s Day cards to their classmates in school. If
they do, they should make sure to take cards for everyone in the class, and stores sell
inexpensive sets of cards for children to sign and give.

Why are the colors of Valentine’s Day pink and red?

In your native country, is it popular for men to give women flowers? What is popular for
men to give women in your native country? What is popular for women to give men?
Do unmarried couples give each other gifts?

In your native country do couples hold hands or kiss or hug in public?

Do married couples go out together?

If you could change anything about Valentine’s Day, what would you change? Why?

What’s your favorite love story (Book, movie, TV show)? Why?

How can you celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends?

What is your favorite candy or chocolate? Do you eat candy and chocolate on
Valentine’s Day?

In America, on Halloween and Valentine’s Day, many people eat candy and chocolate!
Is there any holiday in your country where candy is important?

What’s your favorite holiday in your native country? Why?

What’s your favorite holiday in America? Why?

New words and Idioms:

card, present, celebrate, romantic, partners, express, appreciation, jewelry, decorations,

single, anonymous Page 2 of 2

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