Cancer Hallmark 9 PDF
Cancer Hallmark 9 PDF
Cancer Hallmark 9 PDF
Table of Contents 1
The Hallmarks of Cancer: 9 – Reprogramming Energy Metabolism 2
Respiration 101 2
Aerobic Glycolysis 3
Greedy for Glucose 4
The Mechanisms of a Metabolic Switch 5
“Sticky Balls” and Cancer Therapy 8
Cancer Stem Cells 8
Men at Greater Risk for Cancer than Women 8
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The Hallmarks of Cancer: 9 NEXT STORY
The Hallmarks of Cancer are ten underlying principles To search type and hit enter
Respiration 101
Cells require energy to absorb nutrients, to react to
changes in their surroundings, to maintain their internal
environment, grow, and replicate. Energy is obtained from
I am a molecular biologist wit h experience
breaking down nutrients through a process of metabolic
in cancer research. I st udied at t he
reactions known as respiration. This energy is stored in Universit y of Bat h, earned my PhD at t he
small molecules known as adenosine triphosphate, or Universit y of Glasgow, and t hen recent ly
ATP. When cells need energy, they use respiration to finished a post doc at t he Universit y of
ATP to fuel their metabolic reactions. Respiration comes In my spare t ime, I moonlight as a science
in two forms. Normal cells, under normal conditions, communicat or, by making science more
accessible t o t he public. I do t his by de-
underg o aerobic respiration, which is a metabolic
jargoning research papers and debunking
pathway that requires oxygen. Here cells break down
sensat ionalised science report ing in t he
glucose into pyruvate, to eventually form ATP, while media. Jargonwall is my home for all my
releasing carbon dioxide as a waste product. The oxygen science out reach effort s.
needed is obtained from the air we breathe, diffuses into
our blood and is then transported across all our tissues
and organs. When there isn’t enough oxygen, cells switch
to a different type of respiration: anaerobic respiration.
Fluorescence Evolution T umour Quorum
During anaerobic respiration, cells break down glucose
Sensing cit izen science Molecular Biology
into pyruvate and construct ATP, but produce lactic acid
Apoptosis Medicine St em Cells
instead of carbon dioxide. Aerobic respiration produces far
Mutations Chemotherapy Immune
more ATP than anaerobic respiration does; 32 molecules
Syst em Scientists STEM Women
of ATP from aerobic respiration vs a mere 2 molecules of Colour parasit ology Weird Nat ure
ATP from anaerobic respiration, per molecule of glucose. Senescence Biofilm ST EM Social Media
Science Communication academia
Health Bacteria Genomics
Engagement Personal Genetics
Microbiology Cancer Stem Cells Virology
Epidemiology Mentoring Cancer
Open Access DNA HOA
Hallmarks of Cancer Cell
Signalling Mating Strategies RNA
Int erference Neuroscience Evo-Devo
In cancer cells undergoing aerobic glycolysis (pink pathway), glucose gets publishing Soapbox Cancer Research
broken down into pyruvate and then lactic acid, producing only two molecules Google T ranscript ion Fact ors Debunking
glucose? Glucose typically enters cells through protein more women t o pursue ST EM careers and
discuss t he challenges we face t owards
channels known as glucose transporters. These act as
achieving gender equalit y in ST EM.
gateways through the surface of the cell membrane,
selectively allowing glucose molecules to enter the cell.
Cancer cells express increased amounts of glucose
transporters on their cell surface membranes, so more
glucose is brought inside the cell. Once inside the cell, the
glucose is broken down by aerobic glycolysis into lactic
acid, in order to speedily produce ATP and metabolic
precursors through various metabolic pathways. These
pathways are tightly controlled, requiring specific
enzymes for processing the molecules from each step to
the next. Cancer cells are addicted to these metabolic
precursors; the enzymes that control these pathways
are often over-expressed or mutated in cancer cells. This
addiction is exploited in chemotherapy strategies. For
example, 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate, and pemetrexed
inhibit the biosynthesis of DNA precursor molecules. The
high glucose consumption of cancer cells is also exploited
when imaging cancer; Positron Emission Tomography
(PET) combined with Computer Tomography (PET/CT) is
used to detect the absorption of the glucose analogue
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) by tumours, and has a better
than 90% sensitivity and specificity for the detection of
metastases of most cancers.
Cancer cells consume more glucose than normal cells. This is exploited when
imaging cancer. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) combined with Computer
Tomography (PET/CT) is used to detect the absorption of the glucose analogue
fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) by tumours. In this image, besides the normal
accumulation of the FDG molecule in the heart, bladder, kidneys, and brain,
liver metastases of a colorectal tumour are visible in the abdominal region.
Image credit: Jens Maus, Wikimedia Public Domain.
The Mechanisms of a
Metabolic Switch
We therefore know why cancer cells opt to switch from
normal respiration to aerobic glycolysis; the next question
is how they do this. This is an active area of research; we
are still deciphering the exact mechanisms of this
metabolic switch. In a previous article, I explained how
tumours often develop regions of low oxygen. This
activates the hypoxia stress response, mediated by the
hypoxia inducible f actor (HIF). However, over recent
years it has become clear that HIF activity is not merely a
response to low oxygen levels. HIF can be activated in
response to a variety of triggers, such as radiation
induced DNA damage, signalling from other proteins,
growth factors, and the presence of pyruvate. Once
activated, HIF can go on to activate genes that
support aerobic glycolysis, and repress genes involved
in normal respiration.
It is
Res piration
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