DRP001-OUF-SPE-C-000-008-B2 (Drainage Material & Workmanship)
DRP001-OUF-SPE-C-000-008-B2 (Drainage Material & Workmanship)
DRP001-OUF-SPE-C-000-008-B2 (Drainage Material & Workmanship)
Revision History
Related Documents
Term Comment
1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
5 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 7
7 DESIGN ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
8 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................................. 7
8.1 Design Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Materials for Concrete and Reinforcing Steel ............................................................................. 7
8.3 Pipework .......................................................................................................................................... 8
8.4 Pipe Bedding Materials .................................................................................................................. 9
8.5 Manholes, Catchbasins, Sumps & Pits ........................................................................................ 9
8.6 Manhole Covers and Catchbasin Gratings .................................................................................. 9
8.7 Manhole Step Irons ........................................................................................................................ 9
8.8 Water Stops ..................................................................................................................................... 9
8.9 Concrete Protective Coating ........................................................................................................ 9
8.10 Cement Mortar .............................................................................................................................. 10
8.11 Keys ............................................................................................................................................... 10
9 SAFETY....................................................................................................................................................... 10
10 CONSTRUCTION EXECUTION.................................................................................................................. 10
12 WORKMANSHIP ......................................................................................................................................... 11
12.1 Trench Excavation ........................................................................................................................ 11
12.2 Bedding ......................................................................................................................................... 11
12.3 Pipe laying ..................................................................................................................................... 11
12.4 Trench Backfill .............................................................................................................................. 12
12.5 Manholes and Other UG Structures ........................................................................................... 12
12.6 Bedding of Manhole cover Frames ............................................................................................. 12
12.7 Temporary Manhole Covers ........................................................................................................ 12
12.8 Sealing Open Pipe Ends .............................................................................................................. 12
13 TESTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
13.1 Drainage and Sewer Pipework .................................................................................................... 13
14 INSPECTION ............................................................................................................................................... 14
The purpose of this specification is to prescribe the minimum requirements for the
gravity piped drainage system that is installed underground with the necessary fittings,
manholes, inlets, catch basins, valve pits and appurtenances as shown on the contract
drawings and specified herein.
This specification provides rules for the furnishing, installation, inspection and testing of
the gravity piped drainage system installed underground.
All drawing text, dimensions etc. shall be expressed in the English language and all the
units in the SI system.
ASTM A185 Standard Specifications for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete
ASTM A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement
ASTM C913 Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater
ASTM D1784 Standard Specification for Rigid PVC Compounds and Chlorinated
CPVC Compounds
AWWA C900 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe 4” to 12” for Water
Project Specifications
For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall apply:
Criteria for the design of the gravity pipes drainage system is provided within the
Clause 12 of Civil Engineering Design Criteria (DRP001-OUF-SPE-C-000-001).
8.3 Pipework
8.3.1 General
All pipework supplied by the EPC Contractor that will be used in the works shall be
obtained from an approved Manufacturer. EPC Contractor shall forward to the
Company, certificates from the Manufacturer certifying that the pipes and fittings have
been tested and comply with the appropriate standard, before despatch.
Material for sanitary wastewater system shall be Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe
(RTRP) - Epoxy and shall be in accordance with the standard specification for RTR
Pipe (ASTM D2996).
Material for OWS system shall be Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (RTRP) –
Epoxy and shall be in accordance with the standard specification for RTR Pipe (ASTM
Material for AOC system shall be Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (RTRP) –
Epoxy and shall be in accordance with the standard specification for RTR Pipe (ASTM
For closed drain pipe material refer to Piping Material Index ( DRP001-OUF-SPE-P-
For chemical drain pipe material refer to Piping Material Index ( DRP001-OUF-SPE-P-
For acid drain pipe material refer to Piping Material Index ( DRP001-OUF-SPE-P-000-
The method of installation and the material used for jointing shall be in accordance with
the relevant Manufacturer’s recommendations and instruction, and shall be suitable for
the expected operating conditions, temperature range, differential settlement and
wastewater expected within the system.
All buried steel pipes and fittings shall be provided with external corrosion protection in
accordance with Coating and Wrapping for Buried Pipework Specification (DRP001-
Pipe bedding for carbon steel, RTRP and uPVC pipes shall comprise of well graded
natural sand and shall be free from contamination and deleterious material.
Alternatively manholes, catch basins, sumps and pits may be constructed from in-situ
concrete. Reinforcement size, spacing and location shall be indicated on the respective
The manufactured manhole step irons shall be true to pattern in form and dimension
and free from defects that would affect the service value. Castings, which have defects,
shall be rejected. The casting shall be filleted boldly at angles and arises shall be sharp
and true. The Vendor shall paint or dip the frames and covers in a commercial quality
asphalt paint approved by Company if not pre-coated by the manufacturer.
Pipes cast into or passing through drainage structures shall have a hydrophilic water
stop bonded to the external face of the pipe and integral puddle flange to stop capillary
action along potential leak path. The puddle flange material shall be the same material
with the pipe. Hydrophilic water stop and puddle flange shall be located at the midpoint
of the wall or slab.
8.11 Keys
EPC Contractor shall provide and hand over to the Company at completion of the
works, two sets of lifting/locking keys to suit each specific pattern of installed manhole
The EPC Contractor shall establish a safety program that includes but is not limited to
the handling, shipping and storage of contract materials present onsite as well as
maintaining all necessary documentation/material data specifications of contract
materials containing known hazardous or toxic substances.
The EPC Contractor shall produce the procedure and work plans for the construction
and installation of all constituent parts of the underground gravity pipe drainage system
for Company approval prior to commencement of the Work. The procedure and work
plans are to be submitted to the Company for review.
11.1 General
All materials shall be stored in such a manner as to protect them from deterioration and
contamination from whatever source.
11.3 Pipework
All pipes and fittings shall be thoroughly inspected on delivery and again before being
placed in position. Throughout the operations of delivery, handling, storing and
transporting on or about the site, EPC Contractor shall use such methods, plant and
equipment as will prevent damage to the pipes and to any coating. Impacts shall be
avoided. Ropes, cables and hooks shall not be used during handling. Instead, wide
straps shall be used and shall be of a length suited to the diameter of the pipes.
During storage, the pipes shall not be placed directly on the ground and shall not be
stored one on top of another. They shall be placed on wide timber bearers with
suitable interplacing of a protective material.
Coated and wrapped carbon steel, uPVC and PE pipework shall be protected from the
direct rays of the sun. To avoid damage to linings or pipes and fittings special care and
attention shall be taken when lifting, moving and placing pipe on site.
12.2 Bedding
A bed of selected bedding material as specified in Section 8.4 shall be laid and
compacted to 100mm minimum thickness over the full width of the trench, where the
bed thickness is measured from the bottom of pipe to the trench bottom. The bed
thickness shall be increased to 150mm in rock or hard soil conditions. The bed shall be
scooped out locally at pipe sockets where socketed pipes are used. The bed thickness
under sockets shall not be less than 50mm.
Pipes shall be adjusted to line and level within tolerances specified in the design to
ensure that pipe barrels rest uniformly on the bedding along their whole length. Where
side fill is required, further selected backfill material shall be laid and compacted
uniformly by hand halfway up each side of the pipe.
Pipe laying should commence at the downstream end of the system. Immediately
following the excavation of the trench, the pipe shall be laid and jointed in accordance
with the Manufacturer's recommendations and as detailed on the EPC Contractor’s
drawings. Joints shall be undamaged and clean. Brick or other hard blocks, etc shall
not be placed under the pipes for temporary support.
Cutting of pipe shall be carried out with manufacturer’s recommended tools and
procedures. Damage to internal and external coatings and or linings shall be repaired
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
The full length of each section of pipe shall rest solidly upon the pipe bed. A pipe that
has the gradient or joint disturbed after laying shall be taken up and relaid. Pipes shall
not be laid when trench conditions are unsuitable for the work. When work is not in
progress open ends of pipes, fittings and valves shall be securely closed so that no
water, sand or other substance will enter the pipes or fittings. Pipe ends left for future
connection shall be valved, plugged or capped.
Each length of pipe shall be laid in a dead straight line both in the horizontal and
vertical planes, the levels and/or gradients shown on the EPC Contractor’s drawings
being rigidly adhered to, unless otherwise approved by the Company. Permanent
adjustments to line and/or level shall not be achieved by local packing. As the work
progresses the interior of the pipe shall be cleared of all superfluous materials. As
soon as possible after the joint is made, sufficient backfill material shall be placed
along the pipe to prevent pipe movement of line or grade and the invert level checked.
DRP001-OUF-SPE-C-000-008 Page 11 of 15 Rev: B2
Duqm Refinery Project – EPC Package 2 Drainage Material and Workmanship
Bases to manholes etc shall be cast in concrete, minimum grade of concrete shall be in
accordance with Concrete Mix Design Criteria (DRP001-OUF-SPE-C-000-002). The
minimum size of the base shall be equal to the external dimensions of the manhole
Concrete manholes shall be constructed with precast concrete sections complying with
the relevant requirements specified in section 8.5 with ogee or similar approved joints.
A chamber ring with openings for the drain inlets and outlets shall be set vertically in
the manhole base, and subsequent sections added, as required, and set vertically, to
build the manhole up to surface level.
Care shall be taken to locate step irons in succeeding precast units vertically above
step irons in proceeding units.
All spun concrete manhole sections shall be supplied with mastic fillets at the joints to
provide watertight seals.
Bed the top pre-cast concrete section dry pending completion of surrounding levels.
Replace or adjust as necessary to give accurate and even final levels.
All frames shall be solidly bedded so that the manhole cover is even with the
surrounding finished surface. Any installed cover or frame not level or that allows
rocking of the cover, shall be made level or replaced at EPC Contractor's expenses.
Building debris being allowed to accumulate in drains shall require rodding and clearing
out at EPC Contractor's expense.
The leak test shall comprise of either a water test in accordance with clause 13.2 or an
air test in accordance with Clause 13.3 of this Specification. Sections between
manholes shall be tested separately unless otherwise specified. All the necessary
apparatus and attendance for the test shall be provided by the EPC Contractor.
Pipework failing to satisfy the requirements of the water test shall be taken up, re-laid
and re-jointed as necessary and again tested to establish watertightness; at no extra
cost to the Company.
The drainage system shall not be deemed to have failed by means of an air test. A
water test should be carried out prior to the rejection of the system.
The section of the drain to be tested shall be suitability stoppered or plugged at the end
of connections. The test section shall then be filled with water up to the ground level of
either the downstream or upstream manhole, as appropriate, but with a maximum
pressure of 50 kPa and a minimum pressure of 10 kPa measured at the top of the pipe.
Steeply graded drains shall be tested in stages where the above maximum pressure
would be exceeded if the whole section were tested at once.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Company the test shall commence one hour after
filling the test section, at which time the water level in the feed pipe shall be made up to
produce the required test head. The test shall be continued for sufficient time to allow
the Company to inspect the pipeline and satisfy himself regarding its water tightness
and in any case for not less than one hour.
The pressure shall be maintained within 1 kPa of the test pressure by topping up with
water. The total amount of water added during the test shall be measured and
recorded with the head of water at the required test pressure.
The test requirement is satisfied if the amount of water added is not greater than:
The system is deemed to have passed the test if there is no fall in the head of water
during the test period.
13.4 Manholes
Each manhole shall be tested for water tightness in the presence of the Company by
filling with water to a level not exceeding 1.2m above the pipe soffit level or to ground
level. EPC Contractor shall be responsible for locating, making good any leakages and
the work will be accepted as satisfactory only when a visual inspection for water
tightness reveals no leaks or external damp patches. This test is to be carried out prior
to the placing of the backfill material.
The EPC Contractor shall produce specification for the inspection of all pipes, fittings
and all ancillary concrete structures pertaining to underground gravity pipe drainage
system. The procedure and work plans shall be issued to Company for approval prior
to commencement of work.