The Shrine of The True Cross: Catholic Church, Dickinson, Texas

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The Shrine of the True Cross

Catholic Church, Dickinson, Texas

A Procession
of Our Lord Jesus Christ
in the Most Sacred Eucharist
Pange Lingua

Panis Angelicus [Latin]

Panis Angelicus [English]

Alabado sea el Santísimo, sacramento del altar.
En los cielos y en la tierra, aquí y en todo lugar
En los cielos y en la tierra, aquí y en todo lugar.

Angeles y serafines, ayudadme a bendecir

A Jesús sacramentado que ya voy a recibir.
A Jesús sacramentado que ya voy a recibir.

Sea en el cielo y en la tierra alabado sin cesar

El mansísimo cordero que hasta mi quiere llegar.
El mansísimo cordero que hasta mi quiere llegar.

Vuestro cuerpo sacrosanto, benignísimo Señor,

Es de fuertes alimento y de débiles vigor.
Es de fuertes alimento y de débiles vigor.

Vuestro cuerpo sacrosanto es mi vida, paz y unción

Es salud y dulce calma que mitiga mi dolor.
Es salud y dulce calma que mitiga mi dolor.

Vuestro cuerpo sacrosanto es suavísima mansión

Donde el alma aprisionada goza libre a su amador.
Donde el alma aprisionada goza libre a su amador.

Anima Christi (St. Ignatius Loyola)

Soul of Christ, be my sanctification;
Body of Christ, be my salvation;
Blood of Christ, fill all my veins;
Water of Christ's side, wash out my stains;
Passion of Christ, my comfort be;
O good Jesu, listen to me;
In Thy wounds I fain would hide;
Ne'er to be parted from Thy side;
Guard me, should the foe assail me;
Call me when my life shall fail me;
Bid me come to Thee above,
With Thy saints to sing Thy love,
World without end. Amen.

Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist,

I adore You.
Sweet Companion of our exile,
I seek You.
Holy God become man,
I beat with Your Heart.

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,

solitary, abandoned,
humiliated, cursed,
despised, outraged,
ignored by men,
have mercy on us.
Lover of our hearts,
pleading for Your beloved,
patiently waiting for us,
eager to hear our confidences,
desirous of our devotion,
have mercy on us.
Heart of grace,
silent and wishing to speak,
Refuge of the hidden life,
Sharer of the secrets of union with God,
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,
have mercy on us.

Jesus, Victim, I want to comfort You.

I unite myself with You.
I offer myself in union with You.
I count myself as nothing before You.
I desire to forget myself and think only of You,
to be forgotten and rejected for love of You,
not to be understood, not to be loved, except by You.
I will hold my peace that I may listen to You.
I will forsake myself in order to be lost in You.
Grant that I may quench Your thirst for my salvation,

Your burning thirst for my sanctification,
and that, being purged, I may give You a true and pure
I no longer want to deny Your expectations.
Take me. I give myself to You.
I entrust to You all my actions and thoughts -- my mind,
that You may enlighten it,
my heart, that You may fill it,
my will, that You may establish it,
my soul and body, that You may feed and sustain them.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,
Whose Blood is the life of my soul,
may it no longer be I who live,
but You alone Who lives in me.

Bendito, bendito, bendito sea Dios,
los ángeles cantan y alaban a Dios.
los ángeles cantan y alaban a Dios.

Jesús de mi alma, te doy mi corazón;

Y a cambio te pido me des tu bendición,
Y a cambio te pido me des tu bendición.

Adoro en la hostia el cuerpo de Jesús,

su sangre preciosa que dio por mi en la cruz,
su sangre preciosa que dio por mi en la cruz.

A tus plantas llego confuso de dolor,

De tosa mis culpas imploro tu perdón,
de todas mis culpas imploro tu perdón.

Yo creo, Dios mío, que estas en el altar,

oculto en la hostia te vengo a adorar,
oculto en la hostia te vengo a adorar.

Espero Jesús en tu suma bondad
poder recibirte con fe y caridad,
poder recibirte con fe y caridad.

Por amor del hombre moriste en una cruz,

y al cáliz bajaste por nuestra salud,
y al cáliz bajaste por nuestra salud.

Jesús Rey del Cielo que estas en el altar,

tu Cuerpo, y tu sangre nos das sin cesar,
tu cuerpo y tu sangre nos das sin cesar.

Oh cielo y tierra, decid a una voz,

Bendito por siempre, bendito sea Dios,
bendito por siempre, bendito sea Dios.

Bendito, bendito, bendito sea Dios,

los ángeles cantan y alaban a Dios.
los ángeles cantan y alaban a Dios.

Act of Love (St. Francis of Assisi)

I believe Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament, O

Jesus. I love Thee and desire Thee. Come into my heart. I
embrace Thee, O never leave me. I beseech Thee, O Lord
Jesus, may the burning and most sweet power of Thy love
absorb my mind, that I may die through love of Thy love,
Who was graciously pleased to die through love of my

Lauda Sion (Thomas Aquinas)

Laud, O Zion, your salvation,
Laud with hymns of exultation,
Christ, your king and shepherd true:

Bring him all the praise you know,
He is more than you bestow.
Never can you reach his due.

Special theme for glad thanksgiving

Is the quick’ning and the living
Bread today before you set:

From his hands of old partaken,

As we know, by faith unshaken,
Where the Twelve at supper met.

Full and clear ring out your chanting,

Joy nor sweetest grace be wanting,
From your heart let praises burst:

For today the feast is holden,

When the institution old
Of that supper was rehearsed.

Here the new law’s new oblation,

By the new king’s revelation,
Ends the form of ancient rite:

Now the new the old effaces,

Truth away the shadow chases,
Light dispels the gloom of night.

What he did at supper seated,

Christ ordained to be repeated,
His memorial ne’er to cease:

And his rule for guidance taking,

Bread and win we hallow, making
Thus our sacrifice of peace.

This the truth each Christian learns,

Bread into his flesh he turns,
To his precious blood the wine:
Sight has fail’d, nor thought conceives,
But a dauntless faith believes,
Resting on a pow’r divine.

Here beneath these signs are hidden

Priceless things to sense forbidden;
Signs, not things are all we see:

Blood is poured and flesh is broken

Yet in either wondrous token
Christ entire we know to be.

Whoso of this food partakes,

Does not rend the Lord nor breaks;
Christ is whole to all that taste:

Thousands are, as one, receivers,

One, as thousands of believers,
Eats of him who cannot waste.

Bad and good the feast are sharing,

Of what divers dooms preparing,
Endless death, or endless life.

Life to these, to those damnation,

See how like participation
Is with unlike issues rife.

When the sacrament is broken,

Doubt not, but believe ‘tis spoken,
That each sever’d outward token
Doth the very whole contain.

Nought the precious gift divides,

Breaking but the sign betides
Jesus still the same abides,
Still unbroken does remain.

Lo! The angle’s food is given
To the pilgrim who as striven;
See the children’s bread from heaven,
Which on dogs may not be spent.

Truth the ancient types fulfilling,

Isaac bound, a victim willing,
Paschal lamb, its life blood spilling,
Manna to the fathers sent.

Very bread, good shepherd, tend us,

Jesu, of your love befriend us,
You refresh us, you defend us,
Your eternal goodness send us
In the land of life to see.

You who all things can and know,

Who on earth such food bestow,
Grant us with your saints, though lowest,
Where the heav’nly feast you show,
Fellow heirs and guests to be.
Amen. Alleluia.

Litany of the Most Precious Blood

Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy

Christ, have mercy Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy
God our Father in heaven have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God have mercy on us
Blood of Christ, only Son of the Father be our salvation
Blood of Christ, incarnate Word be our salvation
Blood of Christ, of the new and eternal
covenant be our salvation
Blood of Christ, that spilled to the ground be our salvation
Blood of Christ,
that flowed at the scourging be our salvation
Blood of Christ, dripping from the thorns be our salvation
Blood of Christ, shed on the cross be our salvation
Blood of Christ, the price of our redemption
be our salvation
Blood of Christ, our only claim to pardon be our salvation
Blood of Christ, our blessing cup be our salvation
Blood of Christ, in which we are washed be our salvation
Blood of Christ, torrent of mercy be our salvation
Blood of Christ, that overcomes evil be our salvation
Blood of Christ, strength of the martyrs be our salvation
Blood of Christ, endurance of the saints be our salvation
Blood of Christ, that makes the barren
fruitful be our salvation
Blood of Christ, protection of the threatened
be our salvation
Blood of Christ, comfort of the weary be our salvation
Blood of Christ, solace of the mourner be our salvation
Blood of Christ, hope of the repentant be our salvation
Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying be our salvation
Blood of Christ, our peace and refreshment be our salvation
Blood of Christ, our pledge of life be our salvation
Blood of Christ, by which we pass to glory be our salvation
Blood of Christ, most worthy of honor be our salvation
Lamb of God, you take away
the sins of the world have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away
the sins of the world have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away
the sins of the world have mercy on us
Lord, you redeemed us by your blood. You have made us
a kingdom
to serve our God.

Let us pray.
Father, by the blood of your Son you have set us free and
saved us from death. Continue your work of love within us,
that by constantly celebrating the mystery of our salvation
we may reach the eternal life it promises.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cantemos al amor de los amores,
Cantemos al Señor.
Dios está aquí: venid adoradores,
adoremos a Cristo Redentor.

Gloria a Cristo Jesús!

Cielos y tierra, bendecid al Señor!
Honor y gloria a Ti,
Rey de la gloria!
Amor por siempre a Ti,
Dios del amor!

Por nuestro amor oculta en el sagrario

su gloria y esplendor; para nuestro bien
se queda en el santuario, esperando
al justo y pecador.

Oh, gran prodigio del amor divino!

Milagro sin igual! Prenda de amistad,
banquete peregrino, do se come
al Cordero Celestial!

Jesús potente, Rey de las victorias!

A Ti loor sin fin! Canten tu poder,
autor de nuestras glorias, cielo y tierra
hasta el último confín!

Tu nombre ensalzamos y alabamos

con toda nuestra voz. Rey de Majestad,
por siempre te aclamamos, y Señor
de las almas, Cristo Dios!

Hail to Thee
Hail to thee, true body born
From Virgin Mary's womb!
The same that on the cross was nailed
And bore for man the bitter doom.

Thou, whose side was pierced and flowed

Both with water and with blood;
Suffer us to taste of thee,
In our life's last agony.

O kind, O loving one!

O sweet Jesus, Mary's Son!

Adoration Prayer (Saint Faustina)

I adore You, Lord and Cr eator, hidden in the Most Blessed
Sacrament. I adore You for all the wor ks o f Your hands,
that reveal to me so much wisdo m, goodness and mercy, O
Lord. You have spread so much beauty over the earth and
it tells me about Yo ur beauty, even tho ugh these beautiful
things are b ut a faint reflection o f You, inco mprehensible
Beauty. And altho ugh You have hidden Your self and
concealed Yo ur beauty, my eye, enlightened b y faith,
reaches You and my soul recognizes its Creator, its
Highest Good, and my heart is co mpletely immersed in
prayer o f adoration.

My Lord and Creator, Your goodness enco urages me to

converse with Yo u. Yo ur mercy abolishes the chasm which
separates the Creator fro m the creature. To converse with
You, O Lord, is the delight o f my heart. In You I find
ever ything that my heart could desire. Here, Yo ur light
illumines my mind, enabling it to kno w You more and
more deeply. Here streams o f graces flo w do wn upon my
heart. Here my so ul draws eternal life. O my Lord and
Creator, You a lo ne, beyo nd all these gifts, give Your o wn
self to me and unite Yo urself intimately with Your
miserable creature.

O Christ, let my greatest delight be to see Yo u lo ved and
Your praise and glor y proclaimed, especially the honor of
Your mercy. O Christ, let me glorify Your goodness and
mercy to the last mo ment of my life, with every drop of my
blood and ever y beat o f my hear t. Would that I be
transformed into a hymn of adoration o f You. W hen I find
myself o n my deathbed, may the last beat of my heart be a
loving hymn glorifying Your unfatho mable mercy. Amen.

Benediction Song

℣. You have given them Bread from heaven.

℟. Having within it all Sweetness.
Eucharistic Blessing
[Priest] Lord Jesus Christ,
You gave us the eucharist as the memorial of your suffering
and death. May our worship of this sacrament of your body
and blood help us to experience the salvation you have won
for us and the peace of the kingdom where you live with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

[All] Amen.

Divine Praises
Blessed be God.
Blessed be his Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of AGod, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.

Christus Vincit

Summo Pontífici
et universáli Papæ pax,
vita et salus perpétua. ℟.

Daniele Eminentíssimo
Cardináli Archiepíscopo
et omni clero ei
commísso pax,
vita et salus perp étua. ℟.

Témpora bona véniant,

pax Christi véniat,
regnum Christi véniat. ℟.


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