Epidemiology of Visual Impairment & Blindness
Epidemiology of Visual Impairment & Blindness
Epidemiology of Visual Impairment & Blindness
Prevalence 0.2 to 1%
The International Classification of
Diseases 11 (2018)
Distance vision impairment:
• Mild – presenting visual acuity worse than 6/12
• Moderate – presenting visual acuity worse than
• Severe – presenting visual acuity worse than 6/60
• Blindness – presenting visual acuity worse than
Near vision impairment:
Presenting near visual acuity worse than N6 or M.08
with existing correction..
Types of Blindness:
Economic blindness: Inability of a person to count fingers from a distance
of 6 meters or 20 feet technical Definition
Social blindness: Vision 3/60 or diminution of field of vision to 10°
Manifest blindness: Vision 1/60 to just perception of light
Preventable blindness: The loss of blindness that could have been completely
prevented by institution of effective preventive or
prophylactic measures e.g. xerophthalmia, trachoma
and glaucoma
causing flies
Components for action in national
1. Initial assessment- prevalence surveys
2.Methods of intervention
A. Primary eye care- acute conjunctivitis , trachoma, superficial
foreign bodies, xerophthalmia)-
Promotion of personal hygiene
Sanitation etc.. Through trained health workers or
multipurpose worker.
B. Secondary care – definitive management of common
blinding conditions such as cataract, trichiasis, entropion,
ocular trauma, glaucoma etc
PHC, district hospitals, mobile eye clinics
C .Tertiary care
In medical colleges and institutes of medicine-
retinal detachment surgery, corneal grafting,, eye
banks, rehabilitation of the blind (blind school,
vocational training)
D. Special programs
• Trachoma control- 1963
• School eye health services- refractive errors, squint,
trachoma etc. students taught eye care
• Vit A prophylaxis 2 L units orally at 1- 6 yrs and at 6
mthly intervals
• Occupational eye health services – educate,
improve safety, proper lighting
Long term measures\Improve quality of life
• Modify or attack factors responsible for
persisting eye problems
• Sanitation
• Safe and adequate water
• Personal hygiene
• Health education