Coralatex C106: Bonding Agent For Cement Mortar System

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Bonding Agent for Cement Mortar System

水泥添加劑 (防水,黏度,強度及增塑)
1.0 Description
CORALATEX C106 is a kind of SBR copolymer modified admixture aiming at improving both physical and
chemical properties of cement mortars. With CORALATEX C106, your cement products will increase plasticity,
water-tightness, cohesion, workability, impact/abrasive resistance and surface bonding strength. Consequently,
the concrete will have lower shrinkage rate comparing with normal cement mixture. Because of it‘s non-
hydrolyzable nature, it can be applied for those areas where are in continuous contact with water or sea water.
CORALATEX C106 is not harmful substrate and does not require special environmental treatment.
2.0 Physical Data
Appearance Milky White Liquid
Density 1.02 at 20c
PH 8.5 – 10
Non-volatile content 50%
Freezing Point -2c
Solubility 100% in a Water
3.0 Mixing Formulation and Scope of Application: Priming, Concrete Repair, Finishing, Flooring
Scope of Work Formulation Proportion Testing Method HKHA/MIS(2002/2004) CORAL Water Output Estimated
No. Specification Part D Clause 2.1.20 ATEX (Approx.) Coverage
Cement Dry Sand Granite Granite MP C106 (Approx.)
chip 2- chip 5- Cellulos
5mm 10mm e fibers

Quality floor screed or C106-01 By Weight 50KG 125KG ----- ----- 7.5Ltr 15.5Ltr 0.1M3 10M2/10mm
screed repair 5 mm-25 mm thickness
thickness By Volume (Approx.) 1 2 ----- ----- 1 2 ----- -----
General floor screed C106-02 By Weight 50KG 150KG ----- ----- 4Ltr 19Ltr 0.1M3 thickness
By Volume (Approx.) 1 2.5 ----- ----- 1 5 ----- -----
General floor topping, 10M2/10mm
C106-03 By Weight 50KG 75KG 75KG ----- 7.5Ltr 15.5Ltr 0.1M3 thickness
Topping Repair
15-25 mm By Volume (Approx.) 1 1.25 1.25 ----- 1 2 ----- -----
High strength/heavy duty 10M2/10mm
C106-04 By Weight 50KG 75KG ----- 75KG 4Ltr 19Ltr 0.1M3 thickness
floor screed, render, slab
> 25mm By Volume (Approx.) 1 1.25 ----- 1.25 1 5 ----- -----
Spalling, tiling, floor slab C106-05 By Weight 50KG 125KG ----- ----- 9Ltr 14Ltr 0.1M3 10M2/10mm
installation and thickness
waterproofing rendering By Volume (Approx.) 1 2 ----- ----- 1 1.5 ----- -----
C106-06 By Weight 50KG 150KG ----- ----- 4.5Ltr 18.5Ltr 0.1M3 thickness
General floor slab
> 38 mm
By Volume (Approx.) 1 2.5 ----- ----- 1 4 ----- -----

General cement work: 3 15M2/10mm

C106-07 By Weight 50KG 100KG ----- 100KG 4Ltr 19Ltr 0.15M thickness
repair, screeding, render,
slab > 25mm By Volume (Approx.) 1 1.5 ----- 1.5 1 5 ----- -----
Fibre Concrete: Quality C106-08 By Weight 50 KG 150 KG ----- ----- 150g 4Ltr 19Ltr 0.13 M3 13M /10mm
Topping, Slab, Roofing, (Quartz Sand) thickness
Spraying application
>50mm By Volume (Approx.) 1 2.5 ----- ----- ----- 1 5 ----- -----

C106-A By Weight 50KG 50KG ----- ----- 25Ltr 10Ltr ----- 1 – 3mm
High strength primer thickness
adhesives layer for mortar
and for tiles installation By Volume (Approx.) 1 0.75 ----- ----- 2.5 1 ----- 105-120m2

* Dry Sand means that those sand without moisture content

* For C106-A adhesion coat, all onward screeding must be applied before it starts to set (such as high compressive strength, impact resistance etc.)
* If there are special requirement of Mortar, you can consult Technical Department for specified formulation. Member Of Master Proofer Corporation LTD

LABOND Range of products are designed, manufactured and supplied by MASTER PROOFER COMPANY LTD
Head Office: 139A Hung UK Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel :(852)2609 2300 Fax:(852) 2609 2309
Every endeavor has been made to ensure that the information given herein is true and reliable, but it is given only for the guidance of our customers. The Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage or
infringement of patent right that may result from the use of the information, due to the possibility of variations of processing or working conditions and of workmanship outside our control.. Users are advised to
Confirm the suitability of the products with their own tests. Any dimensions shown are approximate. Form-S1.1 960401

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Bonding Agent For Cement Mortar

4.1 Compressive and Flexural Strength at 28th Day

Standard Compressive Strength Flexural Strength Hong Kong MateriaLab

HKHA/MTS BS6319:part 3:1983 N/mm2 Test Report
Formulation (2002/2004) N/mm2
C106-01 70 11.2 040123RM40097(3), (4)
C106-02 38 7.4 040123RM40098(3), (4)
C106-03 55 6.0 040123RM40099(3), (4)
C106-04 76 8.0 040123RM40100(3), (4)
C106-05 71 15.6 040123RM40101(3), (4)
C106-06 31 6.2 040123RM40102(4), (5)
C106-07 70 7.6 040123RM40103(3), (4)
C106-08 57 8.6 IN HOUSE TEST
C106-A 35 13.2 040123RM40104(3), (4)
* The results shown in above table reflect maximum laboratory strengths achieved by formulation, casting and curing cubes in ideal conditions; site strengths may

be vary subject to actual site conditions.

4.2 Curing Shrinkage Rate: Testing Method ASTM C596-89

Formulation: C106-01: MateriaLab Test Report No. 040123RM40097(5)
Age (Days) Average shrinkage of specimen as percent
of effect gauge length (%)
7 0.0046
14 0.0061
21 0.0082
28 0.0087

Formulation: C106-05: MateriaLab Test Report No. 040123RM40101(5)

Age (Days) Average shrinkage of specimen as percent
of effect gauge length (%)
7 0.0068
14 0.0069
21 0.0075
28 0.0084 Member Of Master Proofer Corporation LTD

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Bonding Agent For Cement Mortar

4.3 Adhesion Strength - Testing Method HKHA/MTS (02/04) Specification, Part D Clause 2.1.15 (Method 1)
Formulation: C106-A: MateriaLab Test Report No. 040123RM40104(6)

Formulation N/mm2 Mode of Failure

70% of failure plane was mortar failure.
C106-A 2.1
30% of failure plane was concrete substrate failure.
5% of failure plane was concrete substrate failure.
C106-05 1.7
95% of failure plane was concrete substrate failure.
 The results shown in above table reflects maximum laboratory strengths achieved by casting and curing cubes in ideal conditions; site strengths may be vary

subject to actual site conditions.

4.4 Water Permeability Test – CRD-C 48-92 Standard

Formulation: C106-05 : MateriaLab In-House Test : 075231CN80407(2)
Testing Pressure Water Head Testing Direction Coefficient of
(Bar) (Meter) (Bar) Permeability (m/s)
No water
0.5 5 meters Front Pressure #
4.5 Toxicity Test for Contact with Drink Water per National Standard of China GB/T17219-1998.
Test Report No. W312-0167-2003
Result: Passed, Suitable for direct contact with drink water for Human.
Standard of Tested Value
Unit Result
Content requirement C106 Mortar
Arsenic mg/L ≤0.005 <0.005 Passed
Mercury [Hg] mg/L ≤0.001 <0.001 Passed
Chromium [Cr] mg/L ≤0.005 <0.005 Passed
Cadmium [Cd] mg/L ≤0.001 <0.001 Passed
Lead [Pb] mg/L ≤0.005 <0.005 Passed
Silver [Ag] mg/L ≤0.005 <0.005 Passed
Nitrate (Nitrogen[N]) mg/L ≤2 <2 Passed
Chloroform μg/L ≤6 <6 Passed
Carbon Tetrachloride μg/L ≤0.3 0.1 Passed
Benzo[a]pyrene μg/L ≤0.001 zero Passed
Fluoride [F] mg/L ≤0.1 <0.1 Passed
Zinc [Zn] mg/L ≤0.1 <0.1 Passed
Iron [Fe] mg/L ≤0.02 <0.02 Passed
Copper [Cu] mg/L ≤0.1 <0.1 Passed
Manganese [Mn] mg/L ≤0.01 <0.01 Passed

5 liter/Can, 25 liter/ Drum, 150 liter/Bulk Drum.
7.1 Adhesive Coat: C106-A
This is a compulsory layer to ensure high bond strength between old and new cement substrate. The bond coat is
applied on the dampened surface. Onward mortar has to be applied onto the bond coat before it starts to set.
Otherwise, it must be removed or thoroughly cross hatch scratched and reapplied. Application of adhesive coat
under strong sunlight should be avoided. Bond Coat thickness will be 1-3mm depending on substrate condition.


Clean the substrate to achieve sound, firm and free from dust, oil. Apply “LABOND CORALATEX C106-A” bond
coat (where necessary)onto dampened substrate and then apply LABOND CORALATEX C106 – “Mixing
Formulation No. of paragraph 4.0” according to Manufacturer specification. Member Of Master Proofer Corporation LTD

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Bonding Agent For Cement Mortar


A) Waterproofing Rendering B) Floor screed/paving

C) Concrete Repair D) Broken Edge Repair

C106 – 07

1 coat”C106-A” bond coat


C106-05 : Waterproofing Screed on Roof

C106-01: Floor screed

C106 -04: Road/Concrete paving

C106-A/01: Grouting and Adhesive for Tiles

C016-05: Spalling Concrete Repair C106-05: Waterproofing Rendering Member Of Master Proofer Corporation LTD

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