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CNC 8055

Installation manual

Soft: V02.2x
Products manufactured by FAGOR AUTOMATION since April 1st 2014 will
include "-MDU" in their identification if they are included on the list of dual-use
products according to regulation UE 428/2009 and require an export license
depending on destination.

It is possible that CNC can execute more functions than those described in its
associated documentation; however, Fagor Automation does not guarantee the
validity of those applications. Therefore, except under the express permission
from Fagor Automation, any CNC application that is not described in the
documentation must be considered as "impossible". In any case, Fagor
Automation shall not be held responsible for any personal injuries or physical
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be transmitted, damage caused or suffered by the CNC if it is used in any way other than as
transcribed, stored in a backup device or translated into another language explained in the related documentation.
without Fagor Automation’s consent. Unauthorized copying or distributing of this The content of this manual and its validity for the product described here has been
software is prohibited. verified. Even so, involuntary errors are possible, hence no absolute match is
The information described in this manual may be subject to changes due to guaranteed. However, the contents of this document are regularly checked and
technical modifications. Fagor Automation reserves the right to change the updated implementing the necessary corrections in a later edition. We appreciate
contents of this manual without prior notice. your suggestions for improvement.
All the trade marks appearing in the manual belong to the corresponding owners. The examples described in this manual are for learning purposes. Before using
The use of these marks by third parties for their own purpose could violate the them in industrial applications, they must be properly adapted making sure that
rights of the owners. the safety regulations are fully met.

This product uses the following source code, subject to the terms of the GPL license. The applications busybox V0.60.2;
dosfstools V2.9; linux-ftpd V0.17; ppp V2.4.0; utelnet V0.1.1. The librarygrx V2.4.4. The linux kernel V2.4.4. The linux boot
ppcboot V1.1.3. If you would like to have a CD copy of this source code sent to you, send 10 Euros to Fagor Automation
for shipping and handling.
Installation manual


About the product ......................................................................................................................... 9

Declaration of conformity and Warranty conditions .................................................................... 11
Version history ............................................................................................................................ 13
Safety conditions ........................................................................................................................ 17
Returning conditions ................................................................................................................... 21
Additional notes .......................................................................................................................... 23
Fagor documentation.................................................................................................................. 25


1.1 CNC structure ................................................................................................................ 27

1.2 Central unit..................................................................................................................... 29
1.2.1 –CPU– Module........................................................................................................... 33
1.2.2 –Vpp Axes– module ................................................................................................... 43
1.2.3 –Vpp SB Axes– module ............................................................................................. 50
1.2.4 –I/O– module (inputs - outputs).................................................................................. 57
1.3 Monitors ......................................................................................................................... 62
1.3.1 11" LCD Monitor......................................................................................................... 63
1.3.2 11" LCD monitor + M, T, MC or TC keyboard ............................................................ 65
1.4 Operator panel ............................................................................................................... 67
1.4.1 MC, TC, MCO/TCO and alphanumeric operator panels ............................................ 68
1.4.2 Alphanumeric keyboard (optional) ............................................................................. 69


2.1 CNC structure ................................................................................................................ 73

2.1.1 Connectors................................................................................................................. 77
2.2 Operator panel ............................................................................................................. 102
2.2.1 Alphanumeric keyboard (optional) ........................................................................... 104


3.1 Heat dissipation by natural convection ........................................................................ 108

3.2 Heat dissipation by convection with internal fan .......................................................... 109
3.3 Heat dissipation by flowing air to the outside with a fan .............................................. 110


4.1 Installation of the modules ........................................................................................... 113

4.2 Power supply ............................................................................................................... 114
4.3 Digital inputs and digital outputs (single module)......................................................... 120
4.4 Digital inputs and digital outputs (double module) ....................................................... 122
4.5 Electrical characteristics of the inputs and outputs ...................................................... 124
4.6 Numbering of the digital inputs and outputs................................................................. 126


5.1 Digital inputs and outputs............................................................................................. 131

5.2 Analog inputs and outputs ........................................................................................... 132
5.3 Setup............................................................................................................................ 133
5.4 Connection of the emergency input and output ........................................................... 137

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
6.1 Parameter matching between the CNC and the Sercos drive ..................................... 145
6.2 Parameters that may be modified from the oscilloscope, OEM program or OEM
subroutine.............................................................................................................. 146
6.3 General machine parameters ...................................................................................... 148
6.4 Axis parameters .......................................................................................................... 207 SOFT: V02.2X
6.5 Spindle parameters...................................................................................................... 242
6.5.1 Machine parameters for the main and 2nd spindles ................................................ 243
6.5.2 Machine parameters for auxiliary spindle................................................................. 263
6.6 Drive parameters ......................................................................................................... 265
6.6.1 Friction compensation .............................................................................................. 268
6.7 Serial line parameters .................................................................................................. 269

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

6.8 Ethernet parameters .................................................................................................... 272

6.9 PLC Parameters ......................................................................................................... 277
6.10 Tables .......................................................................................................................... 285
6.10.1 Miscellaneous (M) function table ............................................................................. 285
6.10.2 Leadscrew error compensation table ....................................................................... 287
6.10.3 Cross compensation parameter table ...................................................................... 289


7.1 Axes and coordinate systems ...................................................................................... 291

7.1.1 Rotary axes .............................................................................................................. 294
7.1.2 Gantry axes.............................................................................................................. 296
7.1.3 Slaved axes and synchronized axes........................................................................ 297
7.1.4 Incline axis ............................................................................................................... 298
7.1.5 Tandem axes ........................................................................................................... 300
7.2 Jog ............................................................................................................................... 306
7.2.1 Relationship between the axes and the JOG keys .................................................. 306
7.2.2 Path-jog mode.......................................................................................................... 307
7.3 Movement with an electronic handwheel .................................................................... 309
7.3.1 Standard handwheel ................................................................................................ 310
7.3.2 Path handwheel ....................................................................................................... 311
7.3.3 Feed handwheel mode ............................................................................................ 312
7.3.4 "Additive handwheel" mode ..................................................................................... 313
7.4 Feedback systems ....................................................................................................... 315
7.4.1 Counting speed limitation......................................................................................... 316
7.4.2 Resolution ................................................................................................................ 317
7.5 Axis setting .................................................................................................................. 321
7.5.1 Drive adjustment ...................................................................................................... 322
7.5.2 Gain setting.............................................................................................................. 323
7.5.3 Proportional gain setting .......................................................................................... 324
7.5.4 Feed-forward gain setting ........................................................................................ 325
7.5.5 Derivative (AC-forward) gain setting ........................................................................ 326
7.5.6 Leadscrew backlash compensation. ........................................................................ 327
7.5.7 Leadscrew error compensation................................................................................ 328
7.5.8 Circle geometry test ................................................................................................. 330
7.6 Reference systems ...................................................................................................... 332
7.6.1 Machine reference (home) search ........................................................................... 333
7.6.2 Setting on systems without distance-coded feedback ............................................. 337
7.6.3 Setting on systems with distance-coded feedback .................................................. 339
7.6.4 Axis travel limits (software limits) ............................................................................. 340
7.7 Unidirectional approach ............................................................................................... 341
7.8 Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer ................................................................................ 342
7.8.1 Transferring M, S, T using the AUXEND signal ....................................................... 344
7.8.2 Transferring the auxiliary (miscellaneous) M functions without the AUXEND signal .. 345
7.9 Main and second spindle ............................................................................................. 346
7.9.1 Spindle types ........................................................................................................... 348
7.9.2 Spindle speed (S) control......................................................................................... 349
7.9.3 Spindle gear change ................................................................................................ 351
7.9.4 Spindle in closed loop .............................................................................................. 353
7.10 Auxiliary spindle controlled by PLC ............................................................................. 359
7.11 Treatment of emergency signals ................................................................................. 360
7.12 Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)...................................................................................... 363
7.12.1 Communication channels......................................................................................... 364
7.12.2 Drive’s absolute feedback ........................................................................................ 367
7.13 Axes (2) controlled by a single drive ........................................................................... 368
7.13.1 "C" axis and spindle with a single feedback............................................................. 371
7.14 Additive coupling between axes .................................................................................. 374
7.15 Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB .................................................................... 376
7.16 Machine safety related functions ................................................................................. 380
7.16.1 Maximum machining spindle speed ......................................................................... 380
7.16.2 Cycle start disabled when hardware errors occur. ................................................... 381
7.17 Configuring a CNC as two and a half axes .................................................................. 382
CNC 8055 7.17.1 Machine parameter setting ...................................................................................... 383
7.17.2 PLC Program ........................................................................................................... 384
CNC 8055i 7.18 Tool magazine ............................................................................................................. 386
7.18.1 Tool change via PLC................................................................................................ 386
7.18.2 Tool magazine management ................................................................................... 387
7.18.3 Additional information for magazine management................................................... 388
7.18.4 Anticipated tool management .................................................................................. 389
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.19 Gear ratio management on axes and spindle .............................................................. 391

7.19.1 Example of axes: encoder in the motor.................................................................... 392
7.19.2 Example of axes: external encoder without gear ratio ............................................. 393
7.19.3 Example of axes: external encoder with gear ratio .................................................. 397
7.19.4 Example of spindle: encoder in the motor................................................................ 400
7.19.5 Example of spindle: external encoder without gear ratio ......................................... 402
7.19.6 Example of spindle: external encoder with gear ratio .............................................. 405
7.20 Feedback combination for SERCOS axes with external feedback to the CNC ........... 408
7.21 Open communication ................................................................................................... 409
7.21.1 Reception setting ..................................................................................................... 411
7.21.2 Incompatibility with WINDNC via RS232.................................................................. 411
7.21.3 Trace of characters sent and received..................................................................... 412
7.21.4 Examples of open communication ........................................................................... 413
7.22 Auto-adjustment of axis machine parameter DERGAIN .............................................. 417
7.23 Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis ............................ 419


8.1 PLC Resources............................................................................................................ 424

8.2 PLC program execution ............................................................................................... 425
8.3 Cycle time .................................................................................................................... 428
8.4 Modular structure of the program................................................................................. 429
8.4.1 First Cycle module (CY1) ......................................................................................... 429
8.4.2 Main module (PRG) ................................................................................................. 429
8.4.3 Periodic execution module (PE t)............................................................................. 430
8.4.4 Priority of execution of the PLC modules ................................................................. 431


9.1 Inputs ........................................................................................................................... 433

9.2 Outputs ........................................................................................................................ 434
9.3 Marks ........................................................................................................................... 435
9.4 Registers...................................................................................................................... 437
9.5 Timers .......................................................................................................................... 438
9.5.1 Monostable mode. Input TG1................................................................................... 441
9.5.2 Delayed activation mode. TG2 input ........................................................................ 443
9.5.3 Delayed deactivation mode. Input TG3.................................................................... 445
9.5.4 Signal limiting mode. Input TG4 ............................................................................... 447
9.6 Counters ...................................................................................................................... 449
9.6.1 Operating mode of a counter ................................................................................... 452


10.1 Module structure .......................................................................................................... 454

10.2 Directing instructions.................................................................................................... 455
10.3 Consulting instructions................................................................................................. 458
10.4 Operators and symbols................................................................................................ 460
10.5 Action instructions........................................................................................................ 461
10.5.1 Binary assignment instructions ................................................................................ 462
10.5.2 Conditioned binary actions instructions.................................................................... 463
10.5.3 Sequence breaking action instructions .................................................................... 464
10.5.4 Arithmetic action instructions ................................................................................... 465
10.5.5 Logic action instructions........................................................................................... 467
10.5.6 Specific action instructions....................................................................................... 469
10.6 PLC library ................................................................................................................... 471


11.1 Auxiliary M, S, T functions ........................................................................................... 476

11.2 Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer ................................................................................ 479
11.2.1 Transferring M, S, T using the AUXEND signal ....................................................... 480
11.2.2 Transferring the auxiliary (miscellaneous) M functions without the AUXEND signal... 481 CNC 8055
11.3 Displaying messages, errors and screens ................................................................... 482
11.4 Access to the PLC from the CNC ................................................................................ 484
CNC 8055i
11.5 Access to the PLC from a PC, via DNC....................................................................... 485


SOFT: V02.2X
12.1 General logic inputs ..................................................................................................... 488
12.2 Axis logic inputs. .......................................................................................................... 497
12.3 Spindle logic inputs. ..................................................................................................... 502
12.4 Logic inputs of the auxiliary spindle ............................................................................. 507
12.5 Key inhibiting logic inputs............................................................................................. 508
12.6 Logic inputs of the PLC channel .................................................................................. 509

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.7 General logic outputs................................................................................................... 512

12.8 Logic outputs of the axes ............................................................................................. 520
12.9 Spindle logic outputs.................................................................................................... 522
12.10 Logic outputs of the auxiliary spindle ........................................................................... 524
12.11 Logic outputs of key status .......................................................................................... 525


13.1 Variables associated with tools.................................................................................... 529

13.2 Variables associated with zero offsets......................................................................... 533
13.3 Variables associated with function G49 ....................................................................... 535
13.4 Variables associated with machine parameters .......................................................... 537
13.5 Variables associated with work zones ......................................................................... 538
13.6 Variables associated with feedrates ............................................................................ 540
13.7 Variables associated with coordinates......................................................................... 543
13.8 Variables associated with electronic handwheels........................................................ 545
13.9 Variables associated with feedback............................................................................. 547
13.10 Variables associated with the main spindle ................................................................. 548
13.11 Variables associated with the second spindle ............................................................. 551
13.12 Variables associated with the live tool ......................................................................... 554
13.13 Variables associated with local and global parameters ............................................... 555
13.14 Sercos variables .......................................................................................................... 556
13.15 Software & hardware configuration variables .............................................................. 557
13.16 Variables associated with telediagnosis ...................................................................... 560
13.17 Operating-mode related variables ............................................................................... 562
13.18 Other variables ............................................................................................................ 566


14.1 PLC execution channel ................................................................................................ 580

14.1.1 Considerations ......................................................................................................... 581
14.1.2 Blocks which can be executed from the PLC........................................................... 583
14.1.3 Control of the PLC program from the CNC .............................................................. 587
14.2 Action CNCEX1 ........................................................................................................... 589
14.3 Synchronize a PLC axis with a CNC axis .................................................................... 590


15.1 Configuration file.......................................................................................................... 593

15.2 Configuration language................................................................................................ 595
15.3 Key words .................................................................................................................... 596
15.4 Arithmetic operations ................................................................................................... 600
15.5 Conditional instructions................................................................................................ 602
15.6 Example of a configuration file..................................................................................... 603
15.7 Error log file (P999500)................................................................................................ 605


16.1 Axis control .................................................................................................................. 609

16.2 Tool control .................................................................................................................. 610
16.3 Spindle control ............................................................................................................. 611
16.4 MDI .............................................................................................................................. 612
16.5 Screens, subroutines and cycles ................................................................................. 613
16.6 Associated keys ........................................................................................................... 614
16.7 OEM text in several languages.................................................................................... 616
16.8 Associated programs ................................................................................................... 619
16.9 Associated subroutines................................................................................................ 620
16.10 Configuration file.......................................................................................................... 621
16.11 Error log file (P999500)................................................................................................ 625
16.12 Cycle data entry ........................................................................................................... 626
16.13 Example. Consult inputs and outputs .......................................................................... 628
CNC 8055 16.14 Example. Machining canned cycle .............................................................................. 629
CNC 8055i

17.1 Definition of symbols (mnemonics) .............................................................................. 632

17.2 First cycle module........................................................................................................ 634
SOFT: V02.2X 17.3 Main module. ............................................................................................................... 635

Installation manual


A Technical characteristics of the 8055iCNC .................................................................. 645

B Central unit of the 8055 CNC....................................................................................... 649
C 11" LCD Monitor........................................................................................................... 653
D Probe connection at the 8055i ..................................................................................... 655
E Probe connection at the 8055 CNC ............................................................................. 657
F Summary of internal CNC variables............................................................................. 659
G Summary of PLC commands ....................................................................................... 667
H Summary of PLC inputs and outputs ........................................................................... 671
I 2-digit BCD code output conversion table.................................................................... 677
J Key code ...................................................................................................................... 679
K Logic outputs of key status .......................................................................................... 689
L Key inhibiting codes ..................................................................................................... 699
M Machine parameter setting chart ................................................................................. 709
N M functions setting chart .............................................................................................. 721
O Leadscrew error compensation table........................................................................... 723
P Cross compensation tables.......................................................................................... 725
Q Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 727

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X



8055i FL EN 8055 FL 8055 Power

8055i FL 8055i Power

Pendant 8055i FL EN 8055i FL 8055i Power

Enclosure ----- 8055 FL 8055 Power

USB Standard Standard Standard

Block processing time 1 ms 3.5 ms 1 ms

RAM memory 1Mb 1Mb 1 Mb

Software for 7 axes ----- ----- Option

TCP transformation ----- ----- Option

C axis (Lathe) ----- ----- Option

Y axis (Lathe) ----- ----- Option

Look-ahead 100 blocks 100 blocks 200 blocks

Flash Memory 512Mb / 2Gb 512Mb Option Option


Analog Digital Engraving

Ethernet Option Option Option

RS232 serial line. Standard Standard Standard

16 digital inputs and 8 outputs (I1 to I16 and O1 to O8) Standard Standard Standard

Another 40 digital inputs and 24 outputs (I65 to I104 and O33 to O56) Option Option Option

Probe inputs Standard Standard Standard

Spindle (feedback input and analog output) Standard Standard Standard

Electronic handwheels Standard Standard Standard

4 axes (feedback and velocity command) Option Option ---

Remote CAN modules, for digital I/O expansion (RIO). Option Option ---
Sercos servo drive system for Fagor servo drive connection. --- Option ---

CAN servo drive system for Fagor servo drive connection. --- Option --- CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Before start-up, verify that the machine that integrates this CNC meets the 89/392/CEE Directive.




Number of axes with standard software 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2

Number of axes with optional software 7 7 7 7 ----- 4 or 7 4 or 7 4 or 7

Electronic threading ----- Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand.
About the product

Tool magazine management: ----- Stand. Stand. Stand. ----- Stand. Stand. Stand.

Machining canned cycles ----- Stand. Stand. ----- Stand. Stand. Stand. -----

Multiple machining ----- Stand. Stand. ----- Stand. ----- ----- -----

Solid graphics ----- Stand. Stand. Stand. ----- Stand. Stand. Stand.

Rigid tapping ----- Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand.

Tool life monitoring ----- Opt. Opt. Opt. Stand. Opt. Opt. Opt.

Probing canned cycles ----- Opt. Opt. Opt. Stand. Opt. Opt. Opt.

DNC Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand.

COCOM version Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. ----- Opt. Opt. Opt.

Profile editor Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. ----- Stand. Stand. Stand.

Tool radius compensation Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand.

Tangential control Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. ----- Opt. Opt. Opt.

Retracing ----- Opt. Opt. Opt. Stand. Opt. Opt. Opt.

Setup assistance Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand. Stand.

Irregular pockets with islands ----- Stand. Stand. Stand. ----- ----- ----- -----

TCP transformation ----- Opt. Opt. Opt. ----- ----- ----- -----

C axis (on Lathe) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Opt. Opt. Opt.

Y axis (on Lathe) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Opt. Opt. Opt.

Telediagnosis Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Stand. Opt. Opt. Opt.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i



The declaration of conformity for the CNC is available in the downloads section of FAGOR’S corporate
website at (Type of file: Declaration of conformity).


The warranty conditions for the CNC are available in the downloads section of FAGOR’s corporate website
at (Type of file: General sales-warranty conditions).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Declaration of conformity and Warranty conditions

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Here is a list of the features added in each software version and the manuals that describe them.

The version history uses the following abbreviations:

INST Installation manual
PRG Programming manual
OPT Operating manual
OPT-MC Operating manual for the MC option.
OPT-TC Operating manual for the TC option.
OPT-CO Manual of the CO manual

Software V01.00 October 2010

First version.

Software V01.20 April 2011

List of features Manual

Open communication. INST
Improvements to Look Ahead machining. INST
Blocks with helical interpolation in G51. PRG
G84. Tapping with relief. PRG

Software V01.08 August 2011

List of features Manual

Spindle parameter OPLDECTI (P86). INST

Software V01.30 September 2011

List of features Manual

Gear ratio management on Sercos spindles INST
Improved feedrate limit management (FLIMIT). INST
New type of penetration in lathe type threading cycles. PRG CNC 8055
Improved lathe type thread repair. Partial repair. PRG CNC 8055i
MC option: Rigid tapping with relief. OPT-MC
TC option: New type of penetration in threading cycles. OPT-TC
TC option: Improved thread repair. Partial and multi-entry (start) thread repair. OPT-TC
TC option: Zig-zag entry to the groove at the starting point of the groove. OPT-TC

Software V01.31 October 2011

List of features Manual

CNC 8055 FL Engraving model INST / OPT/ PRG

Software V01.40 January 2012

Version history

List of features Manual

Execution of M3, M4 and M5 using PLC marks INST / PRG
Values 12 and 43 of variable OPMODE in conversational work mode. INST / PRG

Software V01.60 December 2013

List of features Manual

Auto-adjustment of axis machine parameter DERGAIN. INST
New value for axis machine parameter ACFGAIN (P46). INST
Value 120 of the OPMODE variable. INST / PRG

Software V01.65 January 2015

List of features Manual

Block processing time of 1 ms on the "CNC 8055i FL Engraving" model. INST / OPT/ PRG

Software V02.00 February 2014

List of features Manual

Profile machining in segments. J parameter for G66 and G68 cycles. PRG
Calls to subroutines using G functions. INST / PRG
Anticipated tool management. INST
Managing "PNG" and "JPG" graphic elements. INST
New values for parameters MAXGEAR1..4 (P2..5), SLIMIT (P66) and MAXSPEED (P0). INST
Retracing function of 2000 blocks. INST
Quick block search. OPT
Local subroutines within a program. PRG
Avoid spindle stop with M30 or RESET. Spindle parameter SPDLSTOP (P87). INST
Programming T and M06 with associated with a subroutine in the same line. PRG
New values of the OPMODE variable. INST / PRG
CNC 8055 Possibility to set the parameters of SERCOS nodes in a non-sequential order. INST
WRITE instruction: “$” character followed by “P”. PRG
CNC 8055i Cancel additive handwheel offset with G04 K0. General parameter ADIMPG (P176). INST / PRG
Ethernet parameter NFSPROTO (P32). TCP or UDP protocol selection. INST
Face thread repair cycle. OPT TC
Penetration increment (step) in thread repair. INST / OPT TC
API compliant thread. OPT TC
Roughing by segments in inside profiling cycles 1 and 2. INST / OPT TC
Programming the Z increment and the angle on threads. INST / OPT TC
Reversal of the starting and final point of the face thread repair. INST / OPT TC
Manual tool calibration without stopping the spindle during each step. INST / OPT TC

Software V02.03 July 2014

List of features Manual

Set PAGE and SYMBOL instructions support PNG and JPG/JPEG formats. PRG
New values for parameters MAXGEAR1..4 (P2..5), SLIMIT (P66), MAXSPEED (P0) and INST

Software V02.10 November 2014

Version history
List of features Manual
Incremental zero offset (G158). INST / PRG
Programs identified with letters. OPT
Variables PRGN and EXECLEV. INST
Korean language. INST
Change of default value for general machine parameters: MAINOFFS (P107), MAINTASF (P162) INST
and FEEDTYPE (P170).
New variable EXTORG. INST / PRG
Image handling via DNC. PRG
Save/restore a trace of the oscilloscope. OPT

Software V02.21 July 2015

List of features Manual

PLC library. INST
Zero offsets table in ISO mode. OPT
Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis. INST
Machine axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103). INST
Change of maximum value of axis and spindle parameter NPULSES. INST
Operating Terms. OPT

Software V02.22 March 2016

List of features Manual

Axis filters for movements with the handwheel. General machine parameter HDIFFBAC (P129) INST
and machine axis parameter HANFREQ (P104).
Change of maximum value of axis and spindle parameter NPULSES. INST

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Version history

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


Read the following safety measures in order to prevent harming people or damage to this product and those
products connected to it.

The unit can only be repaired by personnel authorized by Fagor Automation.

Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible of any physical or material damage originated from not
complying with these basic safety rules.


• Interconnection of modules.
Use the connection cables provided with the unit.
• Use proper Mains AC power cables
To avoid risks, use only the Mains AC cables recommended for this unit.
• Avoid electric shocks.
In order to avoid electrical discharges and fire hazards, do not apply electrical voltage outside the range
selected on the rear panel of the central unit.
• Ground connection.
In order to avoid electrical discharges, connect the ground terminals of all the modules to the main
ground terminal. Before connecting the inputs and outputs of this unit, make sure that all the grounding
connections are properly made.
• Before powering the unit up, make sure that it is connected to ground.
In order to avoid electrical discharges, make sure that all the grounding connections are properly made.
• Do not work in humid environments.
In order to avoid electrical discharges, always work under 90% of relative humidity (non-condensing)
and 45 ºC (113º F).
• Do not operate this unit in explosive environments.
In order to avoid risks, harm or damages, do not work in explosive environments.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


• Work environment.
This unit is ready to be used in industrial environments complying with the directives and regulations
effective in the European Community.
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any damage that could suffer or cause when installed
under other conditions (residential or domestic environments).
• Install this unit in the proper place.
It is recommended, whenever possible, to install the CNC away from coolants, chemical product, blows,
Safety conditions

etc. that could damage it.

This unit meets the European directives on electromagnetic compatibility. Nevertheless, it is
recommended to keep it away from sources of electromagnetic disturbance, such as:
 Powerful loads connected to the same mains as the unit.
 Nearby portable transmitters (radio-telephones, Ham radio transmitters).
 Nearby radio / TC transmitters.
 Nearby arc welding machines.
 Nearby high voltage lines.
 Etc.
• Enclosures.
It is up to the manufacturer to guarantee that the enclosure where the unit has been installed meets
all the relevant directives of the European Union.
• Avoid disturbances coming from the machine tool.
The machine-tool must have all the interference generating elements (relay coils, contactors, motors,
etc.) uncoupled.
 DC relay coils. Diode type 1N4000.
 AC relay coils. RC connected as close to the coils as possible with approximate values of R=220
 1 W y C=0,2 µF / 600 V.
 AC motors. RC connected between phases, with values of R=300  / 6 W y C=0,47 µF / 600 V.
• Use the proper power supply.
Use an external regulated 24 Vdc power supply for the inputs and outputs.
• Connecting the power supply to ground.
The zero Volt point of the external power supply must be connected to the main ground point of the
• Analog inputs and outputs connection.
It is recommended to connect them using shielded cables and connecting their shields (mesh) to the
corresponding pin.
• Ambient conditions.
The working temperature must be between +5 ºC and +40 ºC (41ºF and 104º F)
The storage temperature must be between -25 ºC and +70 ºC. (-13 ºF and 158 ºF)
• Monitor enclosure (CNC 8055) or central unit ( CNC 8055i)
Guarantee the required gaps between the monitor or the central unit and each wall of the enclosure.
Use a DC fan to improve enclosure ventilation.
• Power switch.
CNC 8055
This power switch must be mounted in such a way that it is easily accessed and at a distance between
CNC 8055i 0.7 meters (27.5 inches) and 1.7 meters (5.5ft) off the floor.


• "Axes" and "Inputs-Outputs" modules.

All the digital inputs and outputs have galvanic isolation via optocouplers between the CNC circuitry
and the outside.
They are protected by an external fast fuse (F) of 3.15 A 250V against overvoltage of the external power
supply (over 33 Vdc) and against reverse connection of the power supply.
• Monitor.
The type of protection fuse depends on the type of monitor. See identification label of the unit itself.

Safety conditions

• Central unit.
It has a 4 A 250V external fast fuse (F).



X7 X8

X9 X10 X11 X12 X13

X2 X3 X4 X5 X6

• Inputs-Outputs.
All the digital inputs and outputs have galvanic isolation via optocouplers between the CNC circuitry
and the outside.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before manipulating the connectors
(inputs/outputs, feedback, etc.) make sure that the unit is not connected to AC power.
Safety conditions


• Symbols that may appear in the manual.

Symbol for danger or prohibition.

It indicates actions or operations that may cause damage to people or to units.

Warning or caution symbol.

It indicates situations that could be caused by certain operations and the actions to take to prevent

Mandatory symbol.
It indicates actions or operations that MUST be carried out.

i Information symbol.
It indicates notes, warnings and advises.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


When sending the central nit or the remote modules, pack them in its original package and packaging
material. If you do not have the original packaging material, pack it as follows:
1. Get a cardboard box whose 3 inside dimensions are at least 15 cm (6 inches) larger than those of the
unit itself. The cardboard being used to make the box must have a resistance of 170 kg. (375 pounds).
2. Attach a label indicating the owner of the unit, person to contact, type of unit and serial number.
3. In case of failure, also indicate the symptom and a short description of the failure.
4. Protect the unit wrapping it up with a roll of polyethylene or with similar material.
5. When sending the central unit, protect especially the screen.
6. Pad the unit inside the cardboard box with polyurethane foam on all sides.
7. Seal the cardboard box with packaging tape or with industrial staples.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Returning conditions

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


Mount the CNC away from coolants, chemical products, blows, etc. which could damage it. Before turning
the unit on, verify that the ground connections have been made properly.

To prevent electrical shock at the central unit of the 8055 CNC, use the proper mains AC connector at the
power supply module. Use 3-wire power cables (one for ground connection).


X1 X2 X1 X2 X1

X3 X4



X9 X3




8 9A

EF 2

3 45



To prevent electrical shock at the monitor of the 8055 CNC, use the proper mains AC connector (A) with
3-wire power cables (one of them for ground connection).




Before turning on the monitor of the 8055 CNC and verifying that the external AC line (B) fuse of each unit
is the right one. See identification label of the unit itself.

In case of a malfunction or failure, disconnect it and call the technical service. Do not get into the inside
of the unit.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Additional notes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


OEM manual
It is directed to the machine builder or person in charge of installing and starting-up the CNC.

USER-M manual
Directed to the end user.
It describes how to operate and program in M mode.

USER-T manual
Directed to the end user.
It describes how to operate and program in T mode.

MC Manual
Directed to the end user.
It describes how to operate and program in MC mode.
It contains a self-teaching manual.

TC Manual
Directed to the end user.
It describes how to operate and program in TC mode.
It contains a self-teaching manual.

MCO/TCO model
Directed to the end user.
It describes how to operate and program in MCO and TCO mode.

Examples-M manual
Directed to the end user.
It contains programming examples for the M mode.

Examples-T manual
Directed to the end user.
It contains programming examples for the T mode.

It is directed to people using the optional DNC communications software.
It is supplied in a floppy disk with the application.

WINDRAW55 Manual
Directed to people who use the WINDRAW55 to create screens.
It is supplied in a floppy disk with the application. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Fagor documentation

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i


The CNC is prepared to be used in industrial environments, especially on milling machines, lathes,

The CNC can control machine movements and devices.

1.1 CNC structure

The CNC consists of the following elements:

• Central unit.
• Monitor.
• Keyboard.

The central unit (CPU) has a modular structure. There are 2 models: for 3 and 6 modules.


X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X1 X1 X1

X3 X4 X3 X4

X2 X2 X2 X2


X10 X10
X9 X3 X9 X3 X3 X3 X3




89 A

89 A
EF 2

EF 2



3 45 3 45

X3 X3


Either separate keyboard and monitor or keyboards with an incorporated monitor are available.

The monitors are 11" LCD.

The keyboards are specific for each model and work mode.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The following illustration shows the possible combinations. Each configuration shows the value of
machine parameter CUSTOMTY (P92).


8055-M 8055-MC
11" LCD 11" LCD


40 50 60 40 50
1 10 100 30 70 1 10 10 0 60
1 10 00 1 1000 30 70
20 80 20 80
10 10 00 0 10 10 00 0
10 90 10 90
10 0 10 0
4 10 0 4 100
2 11 0 2 110
0 12 0 0 12 0



11" LCD

11" LCD
CNC structure


1 10 10 0 40 50 60 1 10 10 0 40 50 60
30 70 30 70
1 1000 80 1 10 00 80
10 10 00 0 20 10 1000 0 20
10 90 10 90
10 0 100
4 100 4 10 0
2 110 2 11 0
0 12 0 0 12 0


X1 X2 X1 X2 X1

X3 X4




X9 X3



7 89

01 2

34 5





40 50 60
1 10 10 0 30 70
1 10 00
10 00 0 20 80
10 90
10 0
4 100
2 110
0 12 0


X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X1 X1 X1

X3 X4

X2 X2 X2 X2



X3 X3 X3 X3 8055-MC

1 10 10 0 40 50 60

1 10 00 30 70
7 8 9A

F 01

10 00 0 20 80

45 3

10 90
10 0
4 100
2 110
X3 0 120


+ +


8055-TC MONITOR-8055
50 60
1 10 10 0 30
1 10 00
10 00 0 20 80
10 90
10 0
4 100
2 110

KS 50/55
0 12 0



40 50 60
1 10 10 0 30 70
1 10 00 20 80
10 10 00 0
10 90
10 0
4 100
2 110
0 12 0


Use the video signal cable (up to 40 m) to connect the monitor with the central unit and the keyboard
signal cable (up to 25 m) to connect the keyboard with the central unit.

Keyboard auto-identification

Certain keyboard models have a auto-identification system. With this type of keyboards, parameter
CUSTOMTY is updated automatically; for the rest of the keyboards, this parameter must be set

If the keyboard does not match the CNC model, it shows the relevant error message and it loads
the key codes that correspond to the CNC model. For example, if a mill model keyboard is connected
to a lathe CNC, the keyboard is set for a lathe and the CNC shows the error message.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.2 Central unit

The central unit is usually located in the electrical cabinet, is modular and it comes in two models:
There are 2 models: for 3 and 6 modules.

The modules are mounted using the screws located at their top and bottom.



X2 X1








Central unit
X2 X2 X2



X9 X3 X3 X3



8 9A


34 5



Available modules


It contains the system software and carries out the CNC functions (editing, execution, simulation,
display, etc.), process the information of the rest of the modules and generate the video signals for
the monitor.

Optionally, it communicates with the drives via Sercos interface.

It must be part of all the configurations and mounted as the first module from the left.


Besides controlling the spindle and the axes of the machine, it governs the first 40 digital PLC inputs
and 24 digital PLC outputs.
It must be present in all configurations. Together with the –CPU– module makes up the basic system


It is optional. It offers another 64 digital PLC inputs and 32 digital PLC outputs.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Central Unit (CPU) configuration

The configuration of the central unit depends on each application. The –CPU– and –AXES– modules
must be part of all configurations.

The –CPU– module must be the first one from the left. The rest of the modules do not have to follow
a particular order and may be interchanged according to personal preferences and connection
possibilities of the machine.

The CNC has a PLUG&PLAY system that recognizes the configuration of the central unit. To do that,

1. regardless of their physical location, each module has a logic address or device select code which
identifies it within the internal configuration of the CNC. The logic address (device select code) for
each module is factory set as follows:
Central unit

–Axes– module Logic address 2.

–I/O– module (1) Logic address 3.
–I/O– module (2) Logic address 4.
–I/O– module (3) Logic address 5.

Nevertheless, except in the axes module, these logic addresses may be modified at will. To do that,
use the microswitches located in one of the corners of the printed circuit board.



1 2 ON

X2 3 4 OFF


The logic address is set in binary code between 1 and 14. Logic address "0" and "15" are reserved.
Logic addresses 0 and 15 are reserved.

Logic Micro switch position Logic Micro switch position

address address
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

0 off off off off 8 on off off off

1 off off off on 9 on off off on

2 off off on off 10 on off on off

3 off off on on 11 on off on on

4 off on off off 12 on on off off

5 off on off on 13 on on off on

6 off on on off 14 on on on off

7 off on on on 15 on on on on

When using several –I/O– modules, the CNC assumes the one with the lowest address as the first
CNC 8055 expansion module, as –I/O– (2) module the next address and as –I/O– (3) the one with the highest
address number.
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Dimensions and installation

The central unit is supplied with the requested configuration and its mounted on to the electrical
cabinet by means of the holes located on its back for that purpose. Care must be taken to position
the power supply at the bottom.

125 (4.92) 245 (9.65)

15,5 (0.61)
15,5 (0.61)
24 (0.94) 77 (3.03) 24 (0.94) 98,5 (3.88) 98,5 (3.88)

6 (0.24)


Central unit

X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X1 X1 X1

10 (0.39)
X3 X4 8 (0.31) X3 X4

X2 X2 X2 X2
347 (13.66)

365 (14.37)

389 (15.31)

347 (13.66)

365 (14.37)

389 (15.31)


6 (0.24) ETH

X3 X3 X3 X3




EF 2
89 A

7 89 A
F0 1 2


3 45 3 45

X3 X3

20 (0.79)

20 (0.79)
6) 6)
(9.9 (9.9
253 253
1) 1)
(10.8 (10.8
274,5 274,5

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Central Unit (CPU) voltage supply

Do not manipulate the inside of the unit.

• Only authorized personnel from Fagor Automation may do it.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to main AC power.
• Before manipulating these connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.

Power the central unit through a separate 110VA transformer with an output voltage between 84Vac
and 264Vac and 50-60 Hz.
1. 4
Central unit

1 2 3

X1 X2 X1 X2 X1

X3 X4



X9 X3



6 78 9A

E F 01 2

3 45



1. Indicator led. When ON, it indicates that the central unit is under power.
2. Lithium battery. Maintains the RAM memory data when the system is powered off.
3. Mains plug. Is used to power the central unit by connecting it to the transformer and to ground.
4. Ground terminal. All ground terminals of the machine must be connected to this terminal. Metric
When detecting a voltage peak, wait for 3 minutes before turning it on again.

For further technical information, refer to the appendix at the end of this manual. See "Central unit
of the 8055 CNC" on page 649.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.2.1 –CPU– Module

Besides containing the system software, this module performs all the functions of the CNC (edit,
execute, display, etc.) as well as processing the information from the rest of the modules and
generating video signals for the monitor.

The connectors that permit connecting the central unit with the monitor and the keyboard are located
in this module.

When replacing the–CPU– module, the contents of the internal RAM memory are kept for about 24
hours as long as it has been previously on for more than 1 minute; but the date and the time will be
lost and will have to be set again.
Do not manipulate the inside of the unit.


Central unit
• Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power.
• Before manipulating these connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.
Peripheral connection and disconnection.
• The CNC must be powered off when connecting or disconnecting any peripheral through
connector X3 (RS232C).
• When the mains connection of the PC or peripheral device is not referenced to ground, it is
recommended to connect the cable shield to the connector hood only at the CNC end.



X1 X2

Connector ·X1· Connector ·X2·

Connector for the Keyboard connection. Connector for connecting it with the monitor
25-pin SUB-D type female connector. (digital video output for Fagor monitors).
25-pin SUB-D type male connector.


Compartment of the compact flash memory
with the CNC configuration (KeyCF).
USB Type A, USB 1.1 connector.
Admits connecting a "Pen Drive" type
memory device.

Ethernet connector to configure the CNC
within a local network. COM1

Connector for the digital servo system
(CAN or Sercos).
67 A
F0 1 2

3 45

Connector ·X3·
Connector for the serial communication line X3
RS232. CNC 8055
9-pin SUB-D type male connector. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connectors and connection

Connector X1 - for the Keyboard connection

SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect the central unit with the keyboard.

FAGOR AUTOMATION provides the cable necessary for this connection. This cable has two 25-
pin male connectors of the SUB-D type.

Both connectors have a latching system by means of two screws UNC4.40.

1. It is a parallel connection, 1 with 1, 2 with 2, 3 with 3, etc. The cable shielding is welded onto the
metallic caps covering both connectors.
Central unit

Connector X2 - for Fagor monitors

25-pin male connector of the SUB-D type to connect the central unit with the monitor.

Fagor Automation provides the cable necessary for this connection. This cable has two 25-pin
female connectors of the SUB-D type.

Both connectors have a latching system by means of two screws UNC4.40.

It is a parallel connection, 1 with 1, 2 with 2, 3 with 3, etc. The cable shielding is welded onto the
metallic caps covering both connectors.

Connector X3 - RS232

It is a 9-pin SUB-D type male connector to connect the RS 232 C serial port.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end.

Pin Signal

2 RxD
3 TxD
6 1 4 DTR
9 5 7 RTS
9 ---

All the pins of this connector are opto-isolated.

Cable length.

EIA RS232C standards specify that the capacitance of the cable must not exceed 2500pF; therefore,
since average cables have a capacitance between 130pF and 170pF per meter, the maximum length
of the cable should not be greater than 15m (49ft).

Shielded cables with twisted-pair wires should be used to avoid communication interference when
using long cables.

Use shielded 7 conductor cable of 0.14 mm2 section.

Transmission speed.

The CNC can operate at up to 115,200 Baud.

It is recommended to ground the unused pins in order to avoid erroneous control and data signal
CNC 8055 interpretations.
CNC 8055i
Ground connection.

It is suggested to reference all control and data signals to the same ground cable (-GND- pin) thus,
avoiding reference points at different voltages especially in long cables.
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Recommended RS232C interface connection.

Simplified connection Full connection.

CNC PC (9pin) CNC PC (9pin)

Hold Hold Hold Hold
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 6 4 6
6 4 6 4
7 8 7 8


Central unit
CNC PC (25pin) CNC PC (25pin)
Hold Hold Hold Hold
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 6 4 6
6 20 6 20
7 5 7 5
8 4 8 4
5 7 5 7

Slot "KEYCF" - Compartment of the KeyCF (CNC configuration card)

It has a compact flash type hard disk to store user programs and for updating software versions.
The hard disk may be accessed from the outside.
The KeyCF supplied by Fagor with each CNC has an identification code corresponding to:
• The card id (all the cards are different).
• The software features that have been purchased for that unit

The id code only needs very little memory space. The rest of memory space of the KeyCF may be
used to store data on machine customizing (user screens, PLC program backup and/or machine
parameters, etc.) as well as user part-programs.

The CNC will recognize the KeyCF as <Hard Disk>.

When having the Ethernet option, it is possible to use a PC directory as a remote hard disk.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

"USB" port - USB hard disk (Pen Drive) connection.

The USB 1.1 port with type A connector, it admits connecting a "Pendrive" type memory device.
These memory devices are commercially available (off-the-shelf) and they're all valid regardless of
their size, brand name or model.

When using a USB extension cable, it must be a type A - type B cable and no longer than 3 m. It
is also recommended that the cable be double-shielded.

Do not connect a multi-hub USB adapter to connect several devices at the same time. It will only
recognize the first Pen Drive that is connected. Nor will it recognize other types of devices such as

1. keyboards, mice, recorders, etc.

The CNC recognizes the connected device as USB Hard Disk. When it is connected, it will be shown
Central unit

as <USB hard disk> on the left panel of the <explorer>. To see its contents, press the <update>
(refresh) softkey.

Within the USB device, the CNC will only recognize files with extensions *.f55 (software version),
*fhw (firmware update files), part-programs, parameters, tables, pages (screens) and symbols. The
CNC will not recognize any other type of file. Part-programs cannot be edited or executed from the
USB hard disk.

Separate monitors (without keyboard)

Connecting the USB extension cable supplied by Fagor:

1. Connect the cable and the USB adapter. Check that the seal and the nut of the USB adaptor
are secured as shown in the figure.

USB adapter.
USB extension



2. While the CNC is off, connect the extension cable to the USB connector of the CNC.


X1 X2

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7


USB USB extension


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i OUT

89 A


3 45

USB adapter.
To connect USB
SOFT: V02.2X devices.

3. Once properly connected to the extension cable, the USB devices may be connected through
the adapter.

Installation manual

Monitors with keyboard

Connecting the USB extension cable supplied by Fagor

1. While the CNC is off, connect the extension cable to the CPU and to the keyboard.


X1 X2

Ty p e
Ty p e


Central unit
1 10 10 0 30
40 60
1 10 00
10 00 0 20 80
10 90
10 0
4 10 0


0 12 0
11 0




The type B USB connector

BC D is connected on the back
7 89 A

F 01 2

3 45

of the keyboard.

2. Once the extension cable has been properly connected, the USB connector of the keyboard may
be used.

Ethernet - CNC configuration in a local network

Transmitting data

Network connection

The Ethernet option permits configuring the CNC as another node within the local area network.
This makes it possible to communicate with other PC’s to transfer files or carry out telediagnosis

The Ethernet option does not require having the DNC option available.

The Ethernet card has an RJ-45 connector and two LED's that inform on the status of the connection.
Red LED Blinks while transmitting data.
Green LED On while connected to the network.

Use a standard shielded 10BASE-T cable for this connection. It must not be longer than 100 meters.

Once the connection to Ethernet has been configured, the following types of connections are
• PC connection through WinDNC (it requires WinDNC version 4.0 or higher).
• Connection from a PC through an FTP client.
• Connection to a remote hard disk.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Remote hard disk.

The Ethernet connection may be used to use a PC directory (server) as a hard disk. This memory
space may be shared by several CNC's or each may have its own memory space.

The interface and the softkeys of the CNC will the same as if it were a local hard disk. When accessing
the CNC through WinDNC or FTP, the remote hard disk behaves like a local hard disk.

The remote hard disk is configured by machine parameters. The PC that makes its hard disk (server)
public must be connected to the local network.

1. i The NFS protocol is used to communicate with the remote hard disk. This protocol must be available
at the PC that is used as server.
Central unit

COM1 - Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)

The digital servo drive system (CAN or Sercos) is located at the COM1 port. This servo system is
enabled through its corresponding software option.

Two types of digital servo system may be used to communicate with Fagor servo drives:
• Sercos interface IEC1491.
• CAN field bus and standard CanOpen communication protocol. Their characteristics, in general,
are similar to those of a Sercos ring with lower transmission speed.

A system may have digital axes (CAN or Sercos) and analog axes together. On the other hand, it
is not possible to have digital axes with Sercos interface and CAN interface at the same time.

Digital CAN servo

Module identification at the bus.



Each one of the elements integrated into the CAN bus is identified by the 16-position rotary switch
(0-15) "Address" (also referred to as "Node_Select"). This rotary switch selects the address (node)
occupied by each element integrated in the bus.

Although the switch has 16 positions, only positions 1 through 8 are valid. The CNC does not have
a switch, The drives occupy consecutive positions (recommended) starting from ·1·.

The corresponding drive must be turned off and back on (or press the Reset button) for the address
change to be assumed.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

The "Line_Term" switch.

The "Line_Term" switch identifies which are the elements that occupy the ends of the CAN bus; i.e.
the first and last physical element in the connection.

The central unit must always be at one end of the line. The other end will be the last one of the remote
module groups.

The switch of the elements at the ends must be in the "1" position and the rest of the elements in
the "0" position. The CNC does not have a switch and always has the terminating resistor activated.

Characteristics of the CAN cable.

Use a specific CAN cable. The ends of all the wires and the shield must be protected by the
corresponding terminal (pin). Also use the terminals (pins) to secure the cable to the connector.


Central unit
Type: Shielded. Twisted pairs (1 x 2 x 0,22 mm2).
Flexibility: Extremely flexible. Minimum bending radius, static = 50 mm and dynamic
= 95 mm.
Cover: PUR
Impedance: Cat.5 (100  - 120 )

CAN connector pinout.

5-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Pin Pin
CAN L 2 2
CAN H 4 4

Signal Description

ISO GND Ground / 0 V.

CAN L (LOW) bus signal.

SHIELD CAN shield.

CAN H (HIGH) bus signal.

SHIELD CAN shield.

The connector has two shield pins. Both pins are equivalent; the CAN shield may be connected to
either one.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Interconnection of modules.

It is connected in series. The figure shows the CAN connection between the central unit and 2 drives.




7 8 9A

F01 2

F0 1 2

34 5 34 5

0 1
0 1
Central unit



Sercos digital servo system

Module identification at the bus.



7 8 9A

01 2

34 5

Each one of the elements integrated into the Sercos bus is identified by the 16-position rotary switch
(0-15) "Address" (also referred to as "Node_Select"). This rotary switch selects the address (node)
occupied by each element integrated in the bus.

The CNC must always occupy the "0" position and the rest will occupy the consecutive positions
(recommended) starting from "1". The corresponding drive must be turned off and back on (or press
the Reset button) for the address change to be assumed.

The fact that the drive identified with number 1 (for example) corresponds to the X axis, to Y or to
another one is irrelevant. However, it is a good idea, for the sake of clarity, that the machine axes
X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B and C are numbered sequentially in that order.

Sercos connector pinout.



CNC 8055 Signal Description

CNC 8055i
IN Sercos connection input.

OUT Sercos connection output.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Sercos cable characteristics.

Fagor Automation provides the fiber optic cables needed for Sercos communication. There are
different types of cables depending on length and dynamic and static installation characteristics.
• Fiber optic cable with polymer core (SFO, SFO-FLEX) for up to 40 meters If the cable will be
subject to dynamic conditions (it will be moving), the SFO-FLEX cable must always be used.
If the cable will be subject to static conditions (it will not be moving), the SFO cable will be enough.
• Fiber optic cable with glass core (SFO-V-FLEX) for more than 40 meters.

Mechanical characteristics of the cables.

SFO cable 1.


Central unit
Flexibility. Normal. Minimum bending radius: 30 mm.
Only to be used when the cable will not be moving (static conditions).
Covering. PUR. Polyurethane resistant to chemical used on machines.

Temperature. Work: -20 ºC / 80 ºC (-4 ºF / 176 ºF).

Storage: -35 ºC / 85 ºC (-31 ºF / 158 ºF).

SFO-V-FLEX cable

Flexibility. Minimum bending radius: 16 mm.

Special cables to be used in cable carrying chains.
Temperature. Work: -65 ºC / 125 ºC (-85 ºF / 257 ºF).

SFO-FLEX cable

Flexibility. High. Minimum static bending radius of 50 mm and a dynamic radius of 70 mm.
Special cables to be used in cable carrying chains.

Covering. PUR. Polyurethane resistant to chemical used on machines.

Temperature. Work: -20 ºC / 70 ºC (-4 ºF / 158 ºF).

Storage: -40 ºC / 80 ºC (-40 ºF / 176 ºF).

Cable handling.

Fagor supplies the cable with the terminals protected by a cap. Remove the protection cap before
connecting the cable.

To remove the terminal protecting cap or to connect or disconnect the cable, hold the cable by its
terminal; never pull the cable by holding its plastic part because it could render it useless.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Interconnection of modules.

It is connected in a ring through optic fiber, by joining an OUT terminal with an IN terminal. The
drawing shows the Sercos connection of the CNC with Fagor spindle drives and the X, Y axes.



8 9A

8 9A

7 8 9A


F 01 2


0 12

0 12


3 45 3 45 3 45


8 9A

F 01 2

3 45
Central unit




7 8 9A

7 8 9A

8 9A

7 8 9A
F 01 2

F0 12

F0 1 2

F 01 2

345 3 45 3 45 345

Node=0 Node=3 Node=1 Node=2

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.2.2 –Vpp Axes– module

This module will appear in <DIAGNOSIS> / <CONFIGURATION> / <HARDWARE> with the name
of "Axis module 2".

Besides controlling the spindle and the axes of the machine, it governs the first 40 digital PLC inputs
and 24 digital PLC outputs. This module offers the following to communicate with the outside world:
4 Feedback inputs admitting single-ended and double-ended (differential) TTL signals as well as 1Vpp
sinusoidal signals.

Feedback inputs admitting single and double-ended (differential) TTL signals.
Analog command outputs for the servo drives.


Central unit
4 Free differential analog inputs for controlling, monitoring or supervising systems.
2 Digital probe inputs.
24 Digital outputs ,optocoupled, commanded by the PLC.
40 Digital inputs ,optocoupled, read by the PLC.



X1 X2 Connectors ·X1·, ·X2·, ·X3· and ·X4·

SUB-D HD type 15-pin female connectors
for feedback systems of each axis. They
accept sinewave signals.
X3 X4

Connectors ·X5· and ·X6·

SUB-D type 15-pin male connectors for
feedback system of the axes. Up to 2 axes X5 X6
may be connected per connector. They do
not accept sinewave signals.

X7 X8

Connector ·X8·
Connector ·X7· SUB-D type 15-pin female connector to
SUB-D type 15-pin male connector to connect up to 8 analog outputs (range
connect up to 4 differential analog inputs X10 ±10V).
(range ±10 V) and two probe inputs (TTL or X9
24 V).

Connector ·X10·
SUB-D type 37-pin female connector for the
8 digital inputs of the PLC and its 24 digital
Connector ·X9· outputs.
37-pin male connector of the SUB-D type
for 32 digital inputs of the PLC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before manipulating these
connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power. SOFT: V02.2X
The machine manufacturer must comply with the "EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1)", standard regarding
protection against electrical shock due to I/O contact failures with external power supply when not
hooking up this connector before turning the power supply on.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Signal adapters

The following signal adapters are available to be used with the –Vpp axes– module.
SA-TTL-TTLD Adapter for "Non-differential TTL" to "differential TTL" signals
SA-FS-P Adapter for Fagor sinusoidal signal to Vpp signal.

Technical characteristics of the feedback inputs

1. Power supply consumption of +5 V 1 A (250 mA per axis).
Central unit

Work levels for differential square signal.

Maximum frequency: 1000 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

Vmax in common mode: ± 7 V.

Vmax in differential mode: ± 6 V.

Hysteresis: 0.2 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

Work levels for non-differential square signal.

Maximum frequency: 400 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: 1,25 V < VIH < 7 V.

Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: -7 V < VIL < 1 V.

Vmax: ± 7 V.

Hysteresis: 0.25 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

Work levels for sinusoidal signal.




Maximum frequency 500 kHz.

CNC 8055
A and B signals Amplitude: 0.6 ÷ 1.2 Vpp
CNC 8055i
Centered: |V1-V2| / 2 Vpp =< 6,5%
Ratio: VApp / VBpp = 0.8 ÷ 1.25
Phase difference: 90º ± 10º
SOFT: V02.2X
Reference mark (I0) signalAmplitude: 0.2 ÷ 0.85 V
Width: T-90º =< I0 =< T+180º

Installation manual

Connectors and connection

Connectors X1, X2, X3, X4 - Differential TTL and 1Vpp sinusoidal feedback signals

They are 15-pin female connectors of the SUB-D HD type and they are used for the feedback system
connections of the axes. They admit differential TTL and 1Vpp sinusoidal feedback signals.

Each connector may be connected to one axis. general parameters AXIS1 (P0), AXIS2 (P1), AXIS3
(P2) and AXIS4 (P3) must be set to let the CNC know which axis has been connected to each one
of them.
The cable must have overall shielding. The rest of the specifications depend on the feedback system
used and the cable length required.


Central unit
The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end. The wires of the shielded cable
must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

It is highly recommended to run these cables as far as possible from the power cables of the machine.

Pin Signal and function

1 A Differential feedback signals.

2 /A
3 B
4 /B
5 I0
10 6 /I0
15 5 7 ---
8 ---

11 1 9 +5 V +5 V output for feedback.

10 +5 V +5 V output for feedback.
6 11 11 0 V output for feedback.
12 11 0 V output for feedback.
13 ---
14 ---

15 ---

Handwheel connection
When connecting handwheels, they must be differential as well as the axis selector signal. The axis
selector signal must be connected to pins 5 and 6.

Non-differential handwheels (for example Fagor 100P) may be connected using either the Fagor
signal adapter "SA-TTL-TTLD" (from "non-differential TTL to differential TTL) or connectors X5 and

Protection at the connectors

It detects over-current or short-circuits at the feedback devices issuing the relevant error message.
"Supply voltage error on axis feedback *".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connectors X5, X6 - TTL and differential TTL feedback signals

They are 15-pin male connectors of the SUB-D type used for feedback system connections. They
admit differential (double-ended) and non-differential (single-ended) TTL feedback.

Each connector may be connected to up to 2 axes. General parameters AXIS5 (P4), AXIS6 (P5),
AXIS7 (P6) and AXIS8 (P7) must be set to let the CNC know which axis has been connected to
each one of them.
The cables must have overall shielding. The rest of the specifications depend on the feedback
system used and the cable length required.

1. The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end. The wires of the shielded cable
must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.
Central unit

It is highly recommended to run these cables as far as possible from the power cables of the machine.

Pin Signal and function

1 A Differential squarewave feedback signal.

2 /A
3 B
4 /B
5 I0 Home signals.
9 1 6 /I0

7 +5 V Voltage supply for feedback systems.

8 0V

9 A Differential squarewave feedback signal.

15 8
10 /A
11 B
12 /B

13 I0 Home signals.
14 /I0

15 ---

Handwheel connection
When using a FAGOR 100P model handwheel, the axis selecting signal must be connected to the
reference mark (I0) pin of the corresponding axis 5 or 13 of this connector.

Protection at the connectors

It detects the error in axis pairs issuing the relevant error message.
"Supply voltage error on axis feedback *".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X7 - Differential analog inputs and touch probes

It is a 15-pin male connector of the SUB-D type used to connect the two touch probes and the analog

Up to 4 differential analog inputs are allowed for supervision, monitoring, etc. The signal range may
be within ±5 V or ±10 V; the range is selected with PLC machine parameter “IANA5V (P130)”.

There are 4 probe inputs (two for 5V and two for 24V) and pin ·7· (0V probe input) must be connected
to the 0V of the external power supply.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end. The wires of the shielded cable
must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield. 1.
Pin Signal and function


Central unit
1 +I1 Positive differential analog inputs.
2 +I2
3 +I3
4 +I4

5 PRB1_5 5 V input of probe 1.

9 1 6 PRB2_5 5 V input of probe 2.

7 11 Probe's 0 V input.

8 ---

9 -I1 Negative differential analog inputs.

15 8 10 -I2
11 -I3
12 -I4

13 PRB1_24 24 V input of probe 1.

14 PRB2_24 24 V input of probe 2.

15 +5V. +5V supply for the probes.

Connector X8 - Analog outputs.

It is a 15-pin female connector of the SUB-D type used for the analog command outputs

Each one of the outputs (O1 thru O8) correspond to the feedback inputs X1 thru X6. The name of
the axis connected to each one of them is determined by setting general parameters AXIS1 (P0)
thru AXIS8 (P7).

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Pin Signal and function

1 O1 Analog command outputs with a range of ±10V.

2 O2
3 O3
4 O4
5 O5
15 8 6 O6
7 O7
8 O8
9 11 Velocity command reference signals.
9 10 11
1 11 11
12 11 CNC 8055
13 11
14 11
CNC 8055i
15 Chassis - Shield.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X9 - PLC inputs

It is a 37-pin male connector of the SUB-D type used for the PLC inputs.

Since the response time of the EMERGENCY signal must be very short, the CNC has assigned
input I1 (pin 2) for this purpose. Thus, the CNC will treat this input immediately regardless of how
the PLC program uses it.

The 0V of the power supply used for these inputs must be connected to pins 18 and 19 of the

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
1. of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Pin Signal and function

Central unit

1 ---
2 I1 /Emergency stop.
3 I3
4 I5
5 I7

6 I9
7 I11
8 I13
9 I15
10 I17

11 I19
12 I21

20 1 13 I23
14 I25
15 I27

16 I29
17 I31
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 ---
21 I2
22 I4
23 I6
24 I8
37 19
25 I10

26 I12
27 I14
28 I16
29 I18
30 I20

31 I22
32 I24
33 I26
34 I28
35 I30

36 I32
37 Chassis - Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X10 - PLC inputs and outputs.

It is a 37-pin female connector of the SUB-D type used for the inputs and outputs of the PLC.

When certain errors are issued, the CNC, besides indicating it to the PLC (/ALARM mark), activates
output O1 (pin 2) of this connector. This way, regardless of how this signal is treated by the PLC
program, the electrical cabinet can process this signal immediately.

Both 24V and 0V of the power supply used to power these I/Os must be connected to pins 18 and
19 (for 0V) and pins 1 and 20 (for the 24V).

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield. 1.
Pin Signal and function


Central unit
1 24 V External power supply.
2 O1 /Emergency output.
3 O3
4 O5
5 O7

6 O9
7 O11
8 O13
9 O15
10 O17
11 O19
12 O21

37 19 13 O23
14 I33
15 I35
16 I37
17 I39
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 24 V External power supply.
21 O2
22 O4
23 O6
24 O8
20 1
25 O10

26 O12
27 O14
28 O16
29 O18
30 O20

31 O22
32 O24
33 I34
34 I36
35 I38

36 I40
37 Chassis - Shield.

The Emergency output, which coincides with O1 of the PLC, will be activated (change from logic level CNC 8055
1 to 0) when certain errors come up at the CNC or when the PLC output O1 is set to 0 (logic level 0). CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

1.2.3 –Vpp SB Axes– module

The axes module is used in Sercos configurations and will appear in <DIAGNOSIS> /
<CONFIGURATION> / <HARDWARE> under the name of "SB axes module".

Besides controlling the spindle and the axes of the machine, it governs the 40 digital PLC inputs
and 24 digital PLC outputs. This module offers the following to communicate with the outside world:
2 Feedback inputs admitting single-ended and double-ended (differential) TTL signals as
well as 1Vpp sinusoidal signals.

1. 2
Feedback inputs admitting single and double-ended (differential) TTL signals.
Analog command outputs for the servo drives.
Central unit

4 Free differential analog inputs for controlling, monitoring or supervising systems.

2 Digital probe inputs.
24 Digital outputs ,optocoupled, commanded by the PLC.
40 Digital inputs ,optocoupled, read by the PLC.




Connectors ·X1· and ·X3·

SUB-D HD type 15-pin female connectors
X3 for feedback systems of each axis. They
accept sinewave signals.

Connector ·X5·
SUB-D type 15-pin male connectos for
feedback system of the axes. Up to 2 axes X5
may be connected per connector. They do
not accept sinewave signals.

X7 X8

Connector ·X7· Connector ·X8·

SUB-D type 15-pin male connector to SUB-D type 15-pin female connector to
connect up to 4 differential analog inputs connect up to 8 analog outputs (range
(range ±10 V) and two probe inputs (TTL or X9 ±10V).
24 V).

Connector ·X10·
SUB-D type 37-pin female connector for the
8 digital inputs of the PLC and its 24 digital
Connector ·X9·
37-pin male connector of the SUB-D type
for 32 digital inputs of the PLC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before manipulating these
SOFT: V02.2X connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.
The machine manufacturer must comply with the "EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1)", standard regarding
protection against electrical shock due to I/O contact failures with external power supply when not
hooking up this connector before turning the power supply on.

Installation manual

Signal adapters

The following signal adapters are available to be used with the –Vpp axes– module.
SA-TTL-TTLD Adapter for "Non-differential TTL" to "differential TTL" signals
SA-FS-P Adapter for Fagor sinusoidal signal to Vpp signal.

Technical characteristics of the feedback inputs

Power supply consumption of +5 V 1 A (250 mA per axis).



Central unit
Work levels for differential square signal.

Maximum frequency: 1000 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

Vmax in common mode: ± 7 V.

Vmax in differential mode: ± 6 V.

Hysteresis: 0.2 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

Work levels for non-differential square signal.

Maximum frequency: 400 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: 1,25 V < VIH < 7 V.

Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: -7 V < VIL < 1 V.

Vmax: ± 7 V.

Hysteresis: 0.25 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

Work levels for sinusoidal signal.




Maximum frequency 500 kHz. CNC 8055

A and B signals Amplitude: 0.6 ÷ 1.2 Vpp CNC 8055i
Centered: |V1-V2| / 2 Vpp =< 6,5%
Ratio: VApp / VBpp = 0.8 ÷ 1.25
Phase difference: 90º ± 10º SOFT: V02.2X
Reference mark (I0) signalAmplitude: 0.2 ÷ 0.85 V
Width: T-90º =< I0 =< T+180º

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connectors and connection

Connectors X1, X3 - Differential TTL and 1Vpp sinusoidal feedback signals

They are 15-pin female connectors of the SUB-D HD type and they are used for the feedback system
connections of the axes. They admit differential TTL and 1Vpp sinusoidal feedback signals.

Each connector may be connected to one axis. General parameters AXIS1 (P0) and AXIS3 (P2)
must be set to let the CNC know which axis has been connected to each one of them.

1. The cable must have overall shielding. The rest of the specifications depend on the feedback system
used and the cable length required.
Central unit

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end. The wires of the shielded cable
must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

It is highly recommended to run these cables as far as possible from the power cables of the machine.

Pin Signal and function

1 A Differential feedback signals.

2 /A
3 B
4 /B
5 I0
10 6 /I0
15 5 7 ---
8 ---

11 1 9 +5 V +5 V output for feedback.

10 +5 V +5 V output for feedback.
6 11 11 0 V output for feedback.
12 11 0 V output for feedback.
13 ---
14 ---

15 ---

Handwheel connection
When connecting handwheels, they must be differential as well as the axis selector signal. The axis
selector signal must be connected to pins 5 and 6.

Non-differential handwheels (for example Fagor 100P) may be connected using either the Fagor
signal adapter "SATTLTTLD" (from "non-differential TTL to differential TTL) or connector X5.

Protection at the connectors

It detects over-current or short-circuits at the feedback devices issuing the relevant error message.
"Supply voltage error on axis feedback *".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X5 - TTL and differential TTL feedback signals

It is a 15-pin male connectors of the SUB-D type used for feedback system connection. It admits
differential (double-ended) and non-differential (single-ended) TTL feedback.

This connector may be connected to up to 2 axes. General parameters AXIS5 (P4) and AXIS6 (P5)
must be set to let the CNC know which axis has been connected to each one of them.

The cables must have overall shielding. The rest of the specifications depend on the feedback
system used and the cable length required.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end. The wires of the shielded cable
must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

It is highly recommended to run these cables as far as possible from the power cables of the machine.


Central unit
Pin Signal and function

1 A Differential squarewave feedback signal.

2 /A
3 B
4 /B

5 I0 Home signals.
9 1 6 /I0

7 +5 V Voltage supply for feedback systems.

8 0V

9 A Differential squarewave feedback signal.

15 8
10 /A
11 B
12 /B

13 I0 Home signals.
14 /I0

15 ---

Handwheel connection
When using a FAGOR 100P model handwheel, the axis selecting signal must be connected to the
reference mark (I0) pin of the corresponding axis 5 or 13 of this connector.

Protection at the connectors

It detects the error in axis pairs issuing the relevant error message.
"Supply voltage error on axis feedback *".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X7 - Differential analog inputs and touch probes

It is a 15-pin male connector of the SUB-D type used to connect the two touch probes and the analog

Up to 4 differential analog inputs are allowed for supervision, monitoring, etc. The signal range may
be within ±5 V or ±10 V; the range is selected with PLC machine parameter “IANA5V (P130)”.

There are 4 probe inputs (two for 5V and two for 24V) and pin ·7· (0V probe input) must be connected
to the 0V of the external power supply.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end. The wires of the shielded cable
1. must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Pin Signal and function

Central unit

1 +I1 Positive differential analog inputs.

2 +I2
3 +I3
4 +I4

5 PRB1_5 5 V input of probe 1.

9 1 6 PRB2_5 5 V input of probe 2.

7 11 Probe's 0 V input.

8 ---

9 -I1 Negative differential analog inputs.

15 8 10 -I2
11 -I3
12 -I4

13 PRB1_24 24 V input of probe 1.

14 PRB2_24 24 V input of probe 2.

15 +5V. +5V supply for the probes.

Connector X8 - Analog outputs.

It is a 15-pin female connector of the SUB-D type used for the analog command outputs

Each one of the outputs (O1 thru O8) correspond to the feedback inputs X1 thru X6. The name of
the axis connected to each one of them is determined by setting general parameters AXIS1 (P0)
thru AXIS8 (P7).

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Pin Signal and function

1 O1 Analog command outputs with a range of ±10V.

2 O2
3 O3
4 O4
5 O5
15 8 6 O6
7 O7
8 O8
9 11 Velocity command reference signals.
9 10 11
1 11 11
CNC 8055 12 11
13 11
CNC 8055i 14 11

15 Chassis - Shield.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X9 - PLC inputs

It is a 37-pin male connector of the SUB-D type used for the PLC inputs.

Since the response time of the EMERGENCY signal must be very short, the CNC has assigned
input I1 (pin 2) for this purpose. Thus, the CNC will treat this input immediately regardless of how
the PLC program uses it.

The 0V of the power supply used for these inputs must be connected to pins 18 and 19 of the

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield. 1.
Pin Signal and function


Central unit
1 ---
2 I1 /Emergency stop.
3 I3
4 I5
5 I7

6 I9
7 I11
8 I13
9 I15
10 I17

11 I19
12 I21

20 1 13 I23
14 I25
15 I27

16 I29
17 I31
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 ---
21 I2
22 I4
23 I6
24 I8
37 19
25 I10

26 I12
27 I14
28 I16
29 I18
30 I20

31 I22
32 I24
33 I26
34 I28
35 I30

36 I32
37 Chassis - Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X10 - PLC inputs and outputs.

It is a 37-pin female connector of the SUB-D type used for the inputs and outputs of the PLC.

When certain errors are issued, the CNC, besides indicating it to the PLC (/ALARM mark), activates
output O1 (pin 2) of this connector. This way, regardless of how this signal is treated by the PLC
program, the electrical cabinet can process this signal immediately.

Both 24V and 0V of the power supply used to power these I/Os must be connected to pins 18 and
19 (for 0V) and pins 1 and 20 (for the 24V).

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
1. of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Pin Signal and function

Central unit

1 24 V External power supply.

2 O1 /Emergency output.
3 O3
4 O5
5 O7

6 O9
7 O11
8 O13
9 O15
10 O17
11 O19
12 O21
37 19
13 O23
14 I33
15 I35
16 I37
17 I39
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 24 V External power supply.
21 O2
22 O4
23 O6
24 O8
20 1 25 O10

26 O12
27 O14
28 O16
29 O18
30 O20

31 O22
32 O24
33 I34
34 I36
35 I38

36 I40
37 Chassis - Shield.

CNC 8055 The Emergency output, which coincides with O1 of the PLC, will be activated (change from logic level
CNC 8055i 1 to 0) when certain errors come up at the CNC or when the PLC output O1 is set to 0 (logic level 0).

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.2.4 –I/O– module (inputs - outputs)

This module is used to expand the basic configuration and may be used to expand the number of
digital inputs and outputs of the PLC.

Each module provides:

64 Optocoupled digital inputs.
32 Optocoupled digital outputs.

The numbering of the various inputs and outputs of each module depends on the logic address
assigned to the module and it is as follows: 1.
Module Inputs Outputs


Central unit
–Vpp Axes– module I1-I40 O1-O24
–Vpp SB Axes– module

Input - output module I/O (1) I65-I128 O33-O64

Input - output module I/O (2) I129-I192 O65-O96

Input - output module I/O (3) I193-I256 O97-O128

The PLC can control up to 512 inputs and 512 outputs although it can only communicate to the
outside world through the ones indicated above.

Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before manipulating these
connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.
The machine manufacturer must comply with the "EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1)", standard regarding
protection against electrical shock due to I/O contact failures with external power supply when not
hooking up this connector before turning the power supply on.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l




1. Connectors ·X1· & ·X2·

Central unit

37-pin male connector of the SUB-D type for 64 digital inputs of the



Connector ·X3·
37-pin female connector of the SUB-D type for 32 digital outputs
of the PLC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connectors and connection

Connectors X1, X2

37-pin male connectors of the SUB-D type used for the PLC inputs.

The 0V of the power supply used for these inputs must be connected to pins 18 and 19 of each

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Connector X1.


Central unit
Pin Signal and function

1 ---
2 I97
3 I99
4 I101
5 I103

6 I105
7 I107
8 I109
9 I111
10 I113
11 I115
12 I117
20 1 13 I119
14 I121
15 I123

16 I125
17 I127
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 ---
21 I98
22 I100
23 I102
24 I104
37 19
25 I106

26 I108
27 I110
28 I112
29 I114
30 I116

31 I118
32 I120
33 I122
34 I124
35 I126

36 I128
37 Chassis - Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X2.

Pin Signal and function

1 ---
2 I65
3 I67
4 I69
5 I71

6 I73

1. 7
Central unit

10 I81

11 I83
12 I85
20 1 13 I87
14 I89
15 I91

16 I93
17 I95
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 ---

21 I66
22 I68
23 I70
24 I72
37 19 25 I74

26 I76
27 I78
28 I80
29 I82
30 I84

31 I86
32 I88
33 I90
34 I92
35 I94

36 I96
37 Chassis - Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X3.

37-pin female connector of the SUB-D type used for the PLC outputs.

Both 24V and 0V of the power supply used to power these PLC outputs must be connected to pins
18 and 19 (for 0V) and pins 1 and 20 (for the 24V) of the connector.

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end leaving the other end free. The wires
of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the protection shield.

Pin Signal and function

24 V
External power supply.


Central unit
4 O37
5 O39

6 O41
7 O43
8 O45
9 O47
10 O49

11 O51
12 O53
37 19 13 O55
14 O57
15 O59

16 O61
17 O63
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.
20 24 V External power supply.

21 O34
22 O36
23 O38
24 O40
20 1 25 O42

26 O44
27 O46
28 O48
29 O50
30 O52

31 O54
32 O56
33 O58
34 O60
35 O62

36 O64
37 Chassis - Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

1.3 Monitors

There are independent monitors and those with incorporated keyboard. See "1.1 CNC structure"
on page 27.

Independent monitors
Monitor Reference

11" LCD MONITOR-8055

1. Monitors with incorporated keyboard


Monitor + Keyboard Reference

11" LCD + M keyboard MONITOR-55M-11-USB

11" LCD + T keyboard MONITOR-55T-11-USB

11" LCD + MC keyboard MONITOR-55MC-11-USB

11" LCD + TC keyboard MONITOR-55TC-11-USB

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.3.1 11" LCD Monitor


  5(

11" LCD


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

310(12.205) 7,5(0.29)


287,8 x 220(11.33 x 8.66) 20(0.787)







X1 SUB-D type 25-pin male connector to connect the video signals with the central unit.

1. Ground terminal. All ground terminals of the machine must be connected to this terminal. Metric
2. Mains plug. Use the connector provided for 220Vac power and ground connection.
3. Power switch.
4. SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect the keyboard.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The minimum distance from each side of the monitor to its enclosure in order to guarantee the
required ambient conditions is shown below:


1. 50(1
.97) 50(1


When using a fan to better ventilate the enclosure, a DC FAN must be used since an AC fan may
generate electromagnetic interference resulting in distorted images being displayed by the CRT.

The temperature inside the enclosure must be between 0 and 50ºC (32ºF and 122ºF).

Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before manipulating these
connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.3.2 11" LCD monitor + M, T, MC or TC keyboard



165(6.496) 165(6.496)





40 50 60
1 10 100 30 70
1 1000
20 80
10 10000
10 90
4 100
2 110
0 120

200(7.874) 200(7.874) 10(0.394)



287,8x220(11.33x8.66) 20(0.787)





6 3

1 10 100
1000 0
40 50 60
4 W1
2 110
0 120

W1 SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect the keyboard signals.

X1 SUB-D type 25-pin male connector to connect the video signals.

1. Ground terminal. All ground terminals of the machine must be connected to this terminal. Metric
2. Mains plug. Use the connector supplied for A.C. power and ground connection.
3. Power switch.
CNC 8055
4. Buzzer.
CNC 8055i
5. Type B USB connector to connect the extension cable between the CPU and the keyboard.
6. Type A USB connector to connect "pendrive" type memory devices. This connector is covered
with a plug fitted into the connector, remove the plug to use the connector.
SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


200(7.874) 200(7.874)

10(0.394) 380(14.96) M5x0.7





40 50 60
1 10 100 30 70
1 1000 80
1000 0 20
10 90
4 100
2 110

0 120

The minimum distance from each side of the monitor to its enclosure in order to guarantee the
required ambient conditions is shown below:


4) 4)
(3.9 (3.9
100 100


When using a fan to better ventilate the enclosure, a DC FAN must be used since an AC fan may
generate electromagnetic interference resulting in distorted images being displayed by the CRT.

The temperature inside the enclosure must be between 0 and 50ºC (32ºF and 122ºF).

Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before manipulating these
connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.4 Operator panel

Independent keyboards are called operator panels. See "1.1 CNC structure" on page 27.

Operator panels available for the mill model

Monitor Reference

Alphanumeric operator panel Ref. OP.8040/55.ALFA

MC operator panel Ref. OP.8040/55.MC

MCO operator panel Ref. OP.8040/55.MCO/TCO 1.


Operator panel
Operator panels available for the lathe model
Monitor Reference

Alphanumeric operator panel Ref. OP.8040/55.ALFA

TC operator panel Ref. OP.8040/55.TC

TCO operator panel Ref. OP.8040/55.MCO/TCO

All operator panels differ only on the keyboard; they have the same size and are connected the same
way with the central unit.

They all can have an optional alphanumeric keyboard where each key has a single letter or number
assigned to it (KB.40/55.ALFA). This keyboard is connected to the operator panel through the
KS50/55 adapter.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

1.4.1 MC, TC, MCO/TCO and alphanumeric operator panels





Operator panel


10 100 40 50 60
1 30 70
1 1000
10000 20 80
10 90
4 100
2 110
0 120

5.2(0.2) 38(1.5) 155(6.1) 155(6.1) 7.5(0.295)



1 4

1. SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect the keyboard with the central unit or with a
switching board.
2. Ground terminal.
3. Buzzer.
4. Potentiometer for adjusting the buzzer volume.


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

1.4.2 Alphanumeric keyboard (optional)

MC, TC and MCO/TCO can have an optional alphanumeric keyboard where each key has a single
letter or number assigned to it (KB.40/55.ALFA). This keyboard is connected to the operator panel
through the KS50/55 adapter.



Operator panel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Dimensions and elements of the KS50/55

Operator panel

X1 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect the "central unit + monitor".
X2 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect the "alphanumeric
keyboard + monitor".
X3 SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect with the operator panel.
X4 3-pin male Phoenix connector, 7,62 mm pitch, to select the keyboard to be attended by the
central unit.
If connector X4 is not supplied with voltage, the CNC attends to the operator panel.

Pin Value Meaning

1 0V The CNC attends to the operator panel.

24 V The CNC attends to the alphanumeric keyboard.

2 --- Not used.

3 11 External power supply.

The maximum cable length allowed between the "central unit + monitor" and the "operator panel"
or "alphanumeric keyboard" is 25 m (82 ft).

When using 2 keyboards, a keyboard switching board must be installed.

Here are some examples for keyboard selection.

With a switcher.

With two switchers.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

With a PLC.

CNC general logic output CUSTOM (M5512) indicates to the PLC the currently selected work mode.

CUSTOM (M5512) = 0 M or T work mode.

CUSTOM (M5512) = 1 MC, TC, MCO or TCO work mode.

If CUSTOM=O23 is programmed at the PLC, output O23 indicates the work mode selected at the

Therefore, when doing the connection of the figure, every time the work mode is changed, the
corresponding keyboard will be selected.


Operator panel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Operator panel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


The CNC is prepared to be used in industrial environments, especially on milling machines, lathes,

The CNC can control machine movements and devices.

2.1 CNC structure

The central unit is located on the rear of the monitor. The monitor may be either integrated into the
operator panel or separate from it.

The following illustration shows the possible combinations. Each configuration shows the value of
general machine parameter CUSTOMTY (P92).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Operator panels with integrated monitor

CNC 8055i FL-GP-K CNC 8055i Power-GP-K

CNC 8055i FL-M-K CNC 8055i Power-M-K

CNC 8055i FL-MC-K CNC 8055i Power-MC-K

CNC 8055i FL-T-K CNC 8055i Power-T-K

CNC 8055i FL-TC-K CNC 8055i Power-TC-K

All these keyboards have an auto-identification system. See "Keyboard auto-identification" on page
2. 74.

Independent monitors
CNC structure

CNC 8055i FL-GP CNC 8055i Power-GP

CNC 8055i FL-M CNC 8055i Power-M

CNC 8055i FL-T CNC 8055i Power-T

Independent operator panels

M model OP-8055-ALFA operator panel

T model OP-8055-ALFA operator panel

MC model OP-8055-MC operator panel

TC model OP-8055-TC operator panel

MCO/TCO model OP-8055-MCO/TCO operator panel

MC, TC and MCO/TCO operator panels can have an optional alphanumeric keyboard where each
key has a single letter or number assigned to it (KB-40/55-ALFA). This keyboard is connected to
the operator panel through the KS 50/55 adapter.

All these keyboards have an auto-identification system. See "Keyboard auto-identification" on page

Keyboard auto-identification

Certain keyboard models have a auto-identification system. With this type of keyboards, parameter
CUSTOMTY is updated automatically; for the rest of the keyboards, this parameter must be set

If the keyboard does not match the CNC model, it shows the relevant error message and it loads
the key codes that correspond to the CNC model. For example, if a mill model keyboard is connected
to a lathe CNC, the keyboard is set for a lathe and the CNC shows the error message.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual




CNC structure

To p v i e w o f t h e C N C w i t h t h e
communications board
"CAN - CAN - Ethernet".

To p v i e w o f t h e C N C w i t h t h e
communications board
"Sercos - CAN - Ethernet".

1 2 8 .3 ( 5 .0 5 )

To p v i e w o f t h e C N C w i t h t h e
communications board
"CAN - CAN - Ethernet".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
To p v i e w o f t h e C N C w i t h t h e
communications board
"Sercos - CAN - Ethernet".

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


CNC structure

200(7.874) 200(7.874)

10(0.394) 380(14.96) M5x0.7



40 50 60
1 10 100 30 70
1 1000
1000 0 20 80
10 90
4 100
2 110

0 120

The minimum distance from each side of the monitor to its enclosure in order to guarantee the
required ambient conditions is shown below:

It is up to the installer to make sure that the enclosure has forced ventilation or ventilation grooves
in order to prevent the inside temperature to exceed the specified ambient temperature.
CNC 8055 Between 5º C and +50º C (41º F and 122º F)
CNC 8055i Relative humidity between 5% and 95% non condensing

When using a fan to better ventilate the enclosure, a DC fan must be used since an AC fan may
generate electromagnetic interference resulting in distorted images being displayed by the CRT.
SOFT: V02.2X Brightness and contrast may be adjusted on monochrome monitors. See the Operating manual,
chapter on Diagnosis, section on Hardware configuration.

Installation manual

2.1.1 Connectors

The connectors are located in the rear of the CNC.


A 2.


CNC structure

(A) Power supply.

(B) Ground connection.

(C) To connect the USB hard disk (Pen Drive) or USB extension cable.

(D) Communications board

(E) Compact flash memory with the CNC configuration (KeyCF).

(F) To connect the keyboard signal.

(G) To connect the USB extension cable to the keyboard.

X1 For RS232 serial line connection.

X2 For digital I/O connection (I1 through I16 and O1 through O8).
X3 For probe connection.

X4 For analog spindle connection.

X5 For electronic handwheel connection.

X6 For Operator Panel connection.

X7 For digital I/O connection (I97 to I104 and O33 to O56).

X8 For axis velocity command connection.

X9 For digital input connection (I65 to I96).

X10 For feedback connection of the first axis.

X11 For feedback connection of the second axis.

X12 For feedback connection of the third axis.

X13 For feedback connection of the fourth axis.

Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only authorized personnel from Fagor Automation may do it. CNC 8055
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to main AC power. Before manipulating these
connectors, make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power. CNC 8055i
The machine manufacturer must comply with the EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1) standard in terms of
protection against electrical shock due to faulty I/O contacts with external power supply.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Protection at the connectors

It detects over-currents or short-circuits at the +5 V of the feedback of the handwheels, spindle and
probe and it issues the relevant error message.

Besides this, it also detects the 24V of the external supply at the digital outputs.

Hardware protections
2. The axis board installed in the CNC includes the recognition of the 24V at the inputs and outputs.
CNC structure

Signal adapters

The following signal adapters are available to be used with the feedback inputs.
SA-TTL-TTLD Adapter for "Non-differential TTL" to "differential TTL" signals
SA-FS-P Adapter for Fagor sinusoidal signal to Vpp signal.

Technical characteristics of the feedback inputs

Feedback inputs for the axes and spindle

Power supply consumption of +5 V 1 A (250 mA per axis).

Work levels for differential square signal (axes and spindle).

Maximum frequency: 1000 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

Vmax in common mode: ± 7 V.

Vmax in differential mode: ± 6 V.

Hysteresis: 0.2 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

Work levels for non-differential square signal (axes and spindle).

Maximum frequency: 400 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: 1,25 V < VIH < 7 V.

Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: -7 V < VIL < 1 V.

Vmax: ± 7 V.

Hysteresis: 0.25 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Work levels for sinusoidal signal (only for axes).



CNC structure
Maximum frequency 500 kHz.
A and B signals Amplitude: 0.6 ÷ 1.2 Vpp
Centered: |V1-V2| / 2 Vpp =< 6,5%
Ratio: VApp / VBpp = 0.8 ÷ 1.25
Phase difference: 90º ± 10º
Reference mark (I0) signalAmplitude: 0.2 ÷ 0.85 V
Width: T-90º =< I0 =< T+180º

Feedback input for the handwheels

Power supply consumption of +5 V 1 A (250 mA per axis).

Work levels for differential square signal.

Maximum frequency: 400 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

Vmax in common mode: ± 7 V.

Vmax in differential mode: ± 6 V.

Hysteresis: 0.2 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

Work levels for non-differential square signal.

Maximum frequency: 400 kHz.

Maximum gap between flanks: 460 ns.

Phase difference: 90º ± 20º.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: 1,25 V < VIH < 7 V.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: -7 V < VIL < 1 V.

Vmax: ± 7 V.

Hysteresis: 0.25 V.

Maximum differential input current: 3 mA.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connectors and connection


3-prong male Phoenix connector, 7.65 mm pitch.

Pin Signal and function

1 + 24 V Power supply.

2. 2


Power supply.

CNC structure

Use an independent external power supply with the following specifications:

Rated voltage 20 V minimum 30 V maximum

Ripple: 4V

Nominal current 2A

Current peak on power-up: 8A

The central unit has a protection against overvoltage that activates at 36 V.

The supply current has the following shape on power-up:

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X1 - RS232

It is a 9-pin SUB-D type male connector to connect the RS 232 C serial port.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end.

Pin Signal

2 RxD
3 TxD


CNC structure
9 ---

All the pins of this connector are opto-isolated.

Cable length.

EIA RS232C standards specify that the capacitance of the cable must not exceed 2500pF; therefore,
since average cables have a capacitance between 130pF and 170pF per meter, the maximum length
of the cable should not be greater than 15m (49ft).

Shielded cables with twisted-pair wires should be used to avoid communication interference when
using long cables.

Use shielded 7 conductor cable of 0.14 mm2 section.

Transmission speed.

The CNC can operate at up to 115,200 Baud.

It is recommended to ground the unused pins in order to avoid erroneous control and data signal

Ground connection.

It is suggested to reference all control and data signals to the same ground cable (-GND- pin) thus,
avoiding reference points at different voltages especially in long cables.

Recommended RS232C interface connection

Simplified connection Full connection.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X2 - Digital inputs (I1 to I16) and digital outputs (O1 to O8)

It is a 37-pin normal density SUB-D type female connector.

Connect both 24V and 0V of the power supply used for these inputs and outputs must be connected
to pins 18 and 19 (for 0V) and pins 1 and 20 (for the 24V) of the connector.

Since the response time of the emergency signal must be very short, the CNC has assigned input
I1 for this purpose; thus, the CNC will treat this input immediately regardless of how the PLC program
uses it.
The emergency output, which coincides with O1 of the PLC, will be activated (change from logic level

2. 1 to 0) when an ALARM or ERROR occurs at the CNC or when the PLC output O1 is set to 0 (logic
level 0).
CNC structure

Pin Signal and function

1 24 V External power supply.

2 O1 / Emergency output.
3 O3
4 O5
5 O7

6 ---
7 ---
8 ---
9 ---
10 I1 / Emergency input.
11 I3
12 I5
13 I7
14 I9
15 I11

16 I13
17 I15
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.

20 24 V External power supply.

21 O2
22 O4
23 O6
24 O8

25 ---
26 ---
27 ---
28 ---
29 I2

30 I4
31 I6
32 I8
33 I10
34 I12

35 I14
36 I16
37 Chassis Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X3 - For probe connection

9-pin normal density SUB-D type female connector.

Pin Signal and function

1 Chassis Shield.
2 +5 V Probe 1. +5 V output for the probe.
3 PRB1_5 Probe 1. 5 V TTL input.
4 PRB1_24 Probe 1. 24 V DC input.
5 11 Probe 1. Probe's 0 V input.

+5 V
Probe 2. +5 V output for the probe.
Probe 2. 5 V TTL input.
8 PRB2_24 Probe 2. 24 V DC input.


CNC structure
9 11 Probe 2. Probe's 0 V input.

Up to 2 probes may be connected. It has 2 feedback inputs for each (5V and 24V). See "Technical
characteristics of the 8055iCNC" on page 645.

The appendix of this manual describes the recommended connection circuits. See "Probe
connection at the 8055i" on page 655.

All shields must only be connected to ground at the CNC end through pin 1 of the connector leaving
the other end free. The wires of the shielded cable must not be longer than 75 mm without the
protection shield.

The 5V outputs are protected against short-circuit.

Connector X4 - For analog spindle connection

15-pin high density SUB-D type female connector.

Pin Signal and function

1 A
2 /A
3 B Feedback signals.
4 /B
5 I0
6 /I0
7 ---
8 ---

9 +5 V +5 V output for feedback.

10 ana_out Velocity command output.
11 11 0 V output for feedback.
12 11 0 V output for velocity command.
13 ---
14 ---
15 Chassis Shield.

It admits differential TTL and 1Vpp sinusoidal feedback signals.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X5 - For electronic handwheel connection

15-pin high density SUB-D type female connector.

Pin Signal and function

1 A1
2 /A1 Feedback signals of first handwheel.
3 B1
4 /B1
5 A2

2. 6
Feedback signals of second handwheel.

8 /B2
CNC structure

9 +5 V Supply output.
10 +5 V Supply output.
11 11 Supply output.
12 11 Supply output.
13 100P Push button of Fagor 100P handwheel.
14 ---
15 Chassis Shield

It admits differential (double-ended) and non-differential (single-ended) TTL feedback.

The cable must have overall shielding. The rest of the specifications depend on the feedback system
used and the cable length required.
The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end.

It is highly recommended to run these cables as far as possible from the power cables of the machine.

When using a FAGOR 100P model handwheel, connect it as first handwheel and connect the axis
selecting signal (button) to pin 13.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X6 - For Operator Panel connection

26-pin high density SUB-D type female connector.

Fagor Automation provides the union cable required for this connection. It consists of a cable hose,
one high density SUB-D type 26-pin male connector and a SUB-D type 25-pin male connector.

Both connectors have a latching system by means of two screws UNC4.40. The cable hose shield
is soldered to the metal hoods covering both connectors.

Cable connection.

Connector of the operator panel

(25 pin)
CNC connector X6
(26 pin)


CNC structure
1 1

2 13

3 5

4 23

5 15

6 7

7 25

8 17

9 9

10 19

11 11

12 3
13 21

14 4

15 22

16 14

17 6

18 24

19 16

20 8

21 26

22 10

23 2

24 20
25 12

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X7 - Digital inputs (I97 to I104) and digital outputs (O33 to O56)

It is a 37-pin normal density SUB-D type female connector.

Connect both 24V and 0V of the power supply used for these inputs and outputs must be connected
to pins 18 and 19 (for 0V) and pins 1 and 20 (for the 24V) of the connector.

Pin Signal and function

1 24 V External power supply.

2 O33

2. 3
CNC structure

6 O41
7 O43
8 O45
9 O47
10 O49
11 O51
12 O53
13 O55
14 I97
15 I99

16 I101
17 I103
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.

20 24 V External power supply.

21 O34
22 O36
23 O38
24 O40

25 O42
26 O44
27 O46
28 O48
29 O50

30 O52
31 O54
32 O56
33 I98
34 I100

35 I102
36 I104
37 Chassis Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector X8 - For connecting the outputs for the velocity command of the axes

9-pin normal density SUB-D type female connector.

Pin Signal and function

1 Chassis Shield.
2 Cons 1 Velocity command output for the first axis.
3 Cons 2 Velocity command output for the second axis.
4 Cons 3 Velocity command output for the third axis.
5 Cons 4 Velocity command output for the fourth axis.

11 Velocity command reference signals.
8 11


CNC structure
9 11

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end.

The axis nomenclature is set when setting machine parameters AXIS1 (P0) to AXIS4 (P3).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector X9 - Digital inputs (I65 to I96)

It is a 37-pin normal density SUB-D type male connector.

Connect the 0V of the power supply used for these inputs to pins 18 and 19 (for 0V) of the connector.

Pin Signal and function

1 ---
2 I65
3 I67
4 I69

2. 5


CNC structure

7 I75
8 I77
9 I79
10 I81

11 I83
12 I85
13 I87
14 I89
15 I91

16 I93
17 I95
18 0V External power supply.
19 0V External power supply.

20 ---
21 I66
22 I68
23 I70
24 I72

25 I74
26 I76
27 I78
28 I80
29 I82

30 I84
31 I86
32 I88
33 I90
34 I92

35 I94
36 I96
37 Chassis Shield.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Conectores X10, X11, X12, X13 - Feedback inputs for the axes
X10 For feedback connection of the first axis.
X11 For feedback connection of the second axis.
X12 For feedback connection of the third axis.
X13 For feedback connection of the fourth axis.

15-pin high density SUB-D type female connectors.

Pin Signal and function



CNC structure
3 B
4 /B Feedback signals.
5 I0
6 /I0
7 ---
8 ---

9 +5 V Voltage supply for the feedback system.

10 +5 V
11 11
12 11
13 100P
14 ---
15 Chassis Shield

Admits differential TTL and 1Vpp sinusoidal feedback.

The cable shield must be connected to the metallic hood at each end.

Protection at the connectors

It detects over-current or short-circuits at the feedback devices issuing the relevant error message.
"Supply voltage error on axis feedback *".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Slot "COMPACT FLASH" - Compartment of the KeyCF (CNC configuration card)

The COMPACT FLASH slot is located on the left side of the CNC. This slot is used for the KeyCF
and for upgrading software versions.


2. Compartment of the KeyCF (CNC configuration

CNC structure

The KeyCF supplied by Fagor with each CNC has an identification code corresponding to:
• The card id (all the cards are different).
• The software features that have been purchased for that unit
The id code only needs very little memory space. The rest of memory space of the KeyCF may be
used to store data on machine customizing (user screens, PLC program backup and/or machine
parameters, etc.) as well as user part-programs.

The CNC will recognize the KeyCF as <Hard Disk>, it can also be accessed from the CNC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

"USB" port - USB hard disk (Pen Drive) connection.

The USB 1.1 port with type A connector, it admits connecting a "Pendrive" type memory device.
These memory devices are commercially available (off-the-shelf) and they're all valid regardless of
their size, brand name or model.

USB 1.1 port



CNC structure
USB device

Use a USB extension cable to prevent undesired short-circuits with the metal housing (A) of the USB
device at the CNC. The extension cable must not be longer than 3 m and it must be plugged in while
the CNC is off.
We recommend to use the extension set supplied by Fagor.
Once this cable has been plugged in, USB devices may be connected or disconnected through it while
the CNC is on.

The CNC recognizes the connected device as USB Hard Disk. When it is connected, it will be shown
as <USB hard disk> on the left panel of the <explorer>. To see its contents, press the <update>
(refresh) softkey.

Do not connect a multi-hub USB adapter to connect several devices at the same time. It will only
recognize the first Pen Drive that is connected. Nor will it recognize other types of devices such as
keyboards, mice, recorders, etc.

Within the USB device, the CNC will only recognize files with extensions *.f55 (software version),
*fhw (firmware update files), part-programs, parameters, tables, pages (screens) and symbols. The
CNC will not recognize any other type of file.

Part-programs cannot be edited or executed from the USB hard disk.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Separate monitors (without keyboard)

Connecting the USB extension set supplied by Fagor:

1. Connect the cable and the USB adapter. Check that the seal and the nut of the USB adaptor
are secured as shown in the figure.

USB adapter.
USB extension

2. cable.
CNC structure



2. While the CNC is off, connect the extension cable to the USB connector of the CNC.


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

USB extension



X7 X8


USB adapter.
X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 To connect USB
X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 devices.

3. Once the extension set has been properly connected, it will be possible to connect and
disconnect USB devices to the CNC while it is on.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Monitors with keyboard

Connecting the USB extension cable supplied by Fagor:

The USB extension cable for monitors with an integrated keyboard is supplied with the CNC.
1. Connect the extension cable as shown in the image while the CNC is off.

Type A USB


X7 X8


CNC structure

X9 X10 X11 X12 X13

X2 X3 X4 X5 X6

Type B USB

2. Once the extension cable is connected, it will be possible to USB connector of the front of the
keyboard, while the CNC is on.


USB connector
of the keyboard JOG SPINDLE FEED %

1 10 100 40 50 60
30 70
1 1000 80
10 1000 0 20
10 90
4 100
2 110
0 120

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Sercos, CAN and Ethernet - communications board

There are 3 communications boards:

CAN - CAN - Ethernet.

CAN AXES CAN I/Os Ethernet

CNC structure

This board has the following connections:

• CAN servo system bus.
• Bus CAN Open for remote digital I/O
• Ethernet bus

Sercos - CAN - Ethernet.

Sercos CAN I/Os Ethernet


This board has the following connections:

• Sercos servo system bus.
• Bus CAN Open for remote digital I/O
• Ethernet bus



This board has the following connection:

• Ethernet bus
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Ethernet - CNC configuration in a local network

Transmitting data

Network connection

The Ethernet option permits configuring the CNC as another node within the local area network.
This makes it possible to communicate with other PC’s to transfer files or carry out telediagnosis
tasks. 2.


CNC structure
The Ethernet option does not require having the DNC option available.

The Ethernet card has an RJ-45 connector and two LED's that inform on the status of the connection.
Red LED Blinks while transmitting data.
Green LED On while connected to the network.

Use a standard shielded 10BASE-T cable for this connection. It must not be longer than 100 meters.

Once the connection to Ethernet has been configured, the following types of connections are
• PC connection through WinDNC (it requires WinDNC version 4.0 or higher).
• Connection from a PC through an FTP client.
• Connection to a remote hard disk.

Remote hard disk.

The Ethernet connection may be used to use a PC directory (server) as a hard disk. This memory
space may be shared by several CNC's or each may have its own memory space.

The interface and the softkeys of the CNC will the same as if it were a local hard disk. When accessing
the CNC through WinDNC or FTP, the remote hard disk behaves like a local hard disk.

The remote hard disk is configured by machine parameters. The PC that makes its hard disk (server)
public must be connected to the local network.

i The NFS protocol is used to communicate with the remote hard disk. This protocol must be available
at the PC that is used as server.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

CAN I/Os - Expansion of inputs and outputs (remote I/O)

The CAN bus connection allows connecting up to 4 remote modules to the central unit to expand
the number of digital or analog inputs and outputs,

The transmission speed depends on the length of the cable or total CAN connection distance.
Machine parameter IOCANSPE (P88) must be set.

Module identification at the bus.

Each one of the elements integrated into the CAN bus is identified by the 16-position rotary switch

2. (0-15) "Address" (also referred to as "Node_Select"). This rotary switch selects the address (node)
occupied by each element integrated in the bus.

The CNC's communications board does not have a switch and always assumes position 0 inside
CNC structure

the bus. The rest of the modules occupy consecutive positions starting from ·1·.

Although both CAN buses are independent, the CAN addresses of the drives cannot be the same as
i the CAN addresses of the I/O modules. If address ·1· is used at the drive's CAN bus, there cannot
be any module with that address in the CAN bus of the I/O's.

The "Line_Term" switch.

The "Line_Term" switch identifies which are the elements that occupy the ends of the CAN bus; i.e.
the first and last physical element in the connection.

The switch of the elements at the ends must be in the "1" position and the rest of the elements in
the "0" position.

The central unit must always be at one end of the line. The other end will be the last one of the remote
module groups.

The CNC does not have a "Line_Term" switch and always has the terminating resistor activated.

CAN connector pinout.

5-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Pin Pin
CAN L 2 2
CAN H 4 4

Signal Description

ISO GND Ground / 0 V

CAN L Bus signal (LOW)


CAN H Bus signal (HIGH)


The connector has two shield pins. Both pins are equivalent; the CAN shield may be connected to
either one.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Characteristics of the CAN cable.

Use a specific CAN cable. The ends of all the wires and the shield must be protected by the
corresponding terminal (pin). Also use the terminals (pins) to secure the cable to the connector.
Type: Shielded. Twisted pairs (1 x 2 x 0,22 mm2).
Flexibility: Extremely flexible. Minimum bending radius, static = 50 mm and dynamic
= 95 mm.
Cover: PUR.
Impedance: Cat.5 (100  - 120 ).

Interconnection of modules.


CNC structure
It is a serial connection and any of the two connectors may be used. The figure shows the CAN
connection between the central unit and 2 groups of remote modules.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

DIGITAL DRIVES - Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)

Two types of digital servo systems may be used to communicate with Fagor servo drives:
• Sercos interface IEC1491.
• CAN field bus and standard CanOpen communication protocol. Their characteristics, in general,
are similar to those of a Sercos ring with lower transmission speed.

A system may have digital axes (CAN or Sercos) and analog axes together. On the other hand, it
is not possible to have digital axes with Sercos interface and CAN interface at the same time.

2. Digital CAN servo

Module identification at the bus.

CNC structure

Each one of the elements integrated into the CAN bus is identified by the 16-position rotary switch
(0-15) "Address" (also referred to as "Node_Select"). This rotary switch selects the address (node)
occupied by each element integrated in the bus.

Although the switch has 16 positions, only positions 1 through 8 are valid. The CNC does not have
a switch, The drives occupy consecutive positions (recommended) starting from ·1·.
The corresponding drive must be turned off and back on (or press the Reset button) for the address
change to be assumed.

Although both CAN buses are independent, the CAN addresses of the drives cannot be the same as
i the CAN addresses of the I/O modules. If address ·1· is used at the drive's CAN bus, there cannot
be any module with that address in the CAN bus of the I/O's.

The "Line_Term" switch.

The "Line_Term" switch identifies which are the elements that occupy the ends of the CAN bus; i.e.
the first and last physical element in the connection.

The central unit must always be at one end of the line. The other end will be the last one of the remote
module groups.

The switch of the elements at the ends must be in the "1" position and the rest of the elements in
the "0" position. The CNC does not have a switch and always has the terminating resistor activated.

Characteristics of the CAN cable.

Use a specific CAN cable. The ends of all the wires and the shield must be protected by the
corresponding terminal (pin). Also use the terminals (pins) to secure the cable to the connector.
Type: Shielded. Twisted pairs (1 x 2 x 0,22 mm2).
Flexibility: Extremely flexible. Minimum bending radius, static = 50 mm and dynamic
= 95 mm.
Cover: PUR.
Impedance: Cat.5 (100  - 120 ).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

CAN connector pinout.

5-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Pin Pin
CAN L 2 2
CAN H 4 4

Signal Description


CNC structure
ISO GND Ground / 0 V.

CAN L (LOW) bus signal.

SHIELD CAN shield.

CAN H (HIGH) bus signal.

SHIELD CAN shield.

The connector has two shield pins. Both pins are equivalent; the CAN shield may be connected to
either one.

Interconnection of modules.

It is connected in series. The figure shows the CAN connection between the central unit and 2 drives.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Sercos digital servo system

Module identification at the bus.

Each one of the elements integrated into the Sercos bus is identified by the 16-position rotary switch
(0-15) "Address" (also referred to as "Node_Select"). This rotary switch selects the address (node)
occupied by each element integrated in the bus.

The CNC's communications board does not have a switch and always assumes position 0 inside
the bus. The rest of the modules occupy consecutive positions (recommended) starting from "1".

2. The fact that the drive identified with number 1 (for example) corresponds to the X axis, to Y or to
another one is irrelevant. However, it is a good idea, for the sake of clarity, that the machine axes
X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B and C are numbered sequentially in that order.
CNC structure

Sercos connector pinout.

Signal Description

IN Sercos connection input.

OUT Sercos connection output.

Sercos cable characteristics.

Fagor Automation provides the fiber optic cables needed for Sercos communication. There are
different types of cables depending on length and dynamic and static installation characteristics.
• Fiber optic cable with polymer core (SFO, SFO-FLEX) for up to 40 meters If the cable will be
subject to dynamic conditions (it will be moving), the SFO-FLEX cable must always be used.
If the cable will be subject to static conditions (it will not be moving), the SFO cable will be enough.
• Fiber optic cable with glass core (SFO-V-FLEX) for more than 40 meters.

Mechanical characteristics of the cables.

SFO cable

Flexibility. Normal. Minimum bending radius: 30 mm.

Only to be used when the cable will not be moving (static conditions).

Covering. PUR. Polyurethane resistant to chemical used on machines.

Temperature. Work: -20 ºC / 80 ºC (-4 ºF / 176 ºF).

Storage: -35 ºC / 85 ºC (-31 ºF / 158 ºF).

SFO-FLEX cable

Flexibility. High. Minimum static bending radius of 50 mm and a dynamic radius of 70 mm.
Special cables to be used in cable carrying chains.

Covering. PUR. Polyurethane resistant to chemical used on machines.

Temperature. Work: -20 ºC / 70 ºC (-4 ºF / 158 ºF).

CNC 8055 Storage: -40 ºC / 80 ºC (-40 ºF / 176 ºF).

CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

SFO-V-FLEX cable

Flexibility. Minimum bending radius: 16 mm.

Special cables to be used in cable carrying chains.
Temperature. Work: -65 ºC / 125 ºC (-85 ºF / 257 ºF).

Cable handling.

Fagor supplies the cable with the terminals protected by a cap. Remove the protection cap before
connecting the cable.

To remove the terminal protecting cap or to connect or disconnect the cable, hold the cable by its


CNC structure
terminal; never pull the cable by holding its plastic part because it could render it useless.

Interconnection of modules.

It is connected in a ring through optic fiber, by joining an OUT terminal with an IN terminal. The
drawing shows the Sercos connection of the CNC with Fagor spindle drives and the X, Y axes.


78 9 A

7 8 9A

7 8 9A


F 01 2

0 12

0 12

345 345 3 45

8 9A

F 01 2



3 45




7 8 9A

7 8 9A

8 9A

7 8 9A
F 01 2

F0 12

F0 1 2

F 01 2

345 3 45 3 45 345

Node=0 Node=3 Node=1 Node=2

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

2.2 Operator panel

The operator panel depends on the CNC model.

M model OP-8055-ALFA operator panel

T model OP-8055-ALFA operator panel

MC model OP-8055-MC operator panel

TC model OP-8055-TC operator panel

2. MCO/TCO model OP-8055-MCO/TCO operator panel

Operator panel


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual




Operator panel
1. SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect the keyboard with the central unit or with a
switching board.
2. Ground terminal.
3. Buzzer.
4. Potentiometer for adjusting the buzzer volume.


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

2.2.1 Alphanumeric keyboard (optional)

MC, TC and MCO/TCO can have an optional alphanumeric keyboard where each key has a single
letter or number assigned to it (KB-55-ALFA). This keyboard is connected to the operator panel
through the KS 50/55 adapter.

Operator panel


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Dimensions and elements of the KS 50/55



Operator panel
X1 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect the "central unit + monitor".
X2 25-pin female SUB-D type (normal density) connector to connect the "alphanumeric
keyboard + monitor".
X3 SUB-D type 25-pin female connector to connect with the operator panel.
X4 3-pin male Phoenix connector, 7,62 mm pitch, to select the keyboard to be attended by the
central unit.
If connector X4 is not supplied with voltage, the CNC attends to the operator panel.

Pin Value Meaning

1 0V The CNC attends to the operator panel.

24 V The CNC attends to the alphanumeric keyboard.

2 --- Not used.

3 11 External power supply.

The maximum cable length allowed between the "central unit + monitor" and the "operator panel"
or "alphanumeric keyboard" is 25 m (82 ft).

When using 2 keyboards, a keyboard switching board must be installed.

Here are some examples for keyboard selection.

With a switcher.

With two switchers.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

With a PLC.

CNC general logic output CUSTOM (M5512) indicates to the PLC the currently selected work mode.

CUSTOM (M5512) = 0 M or T work mode.

CUSTOM (M5512) = 1 MC, TC, MCO or TCO work mode.

If CUSTOM=O23 is programmed at the PLC, output O23 indicates the work mode selected at the

Therefore, when doing the connection of the figure, every time the work mode is changed, the
2. corresponding keyboard will be selected.
Operator panel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


The working temperature of the central unit enclosure must not exceed 45 ºC (113ºF). To ensure
that this temperature is not exceeded, the enclosure must have enough surface to evacuate the heat
generated inside and maintain the ambient conditions within the working temperature range.

Calculating the surface needed to dissipate the heat

The expressions have been obtained for an enclosure having a 2 mm wall and made out of aluminum.
When using internal cooling, the fan is located at 30 mm from the bottom.

To calculate the required total surface of the enclosure in order to dissipate the heat generated in
it, the following data must be taken into account.


Ta P


A (m2) Total surface needed.

P (W) Total power dissipated by all the elements that generate heat inside the enclosure,
including the power supply and the fan, if there is one.

Ta (ºC) Ambient temperature (outside the enclosure).

Ti (ºC) Temperature inside the enclosure.

t (ºC) Temperature difference (Ti-Ta).

Q (m /h) Air flow provided by the fan, if there is one.

Dissipating surface.

Only surfaces dissipating heat by convection will be considered, the top and the rear of the enclosure.
The rest of the surfaces are not to be considered when calculating the total surface.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

3.1 Heat dissipation by natural convection

Surface without paint.

Ti A = --------------
5  T

P Surface with smooth metallic enamel.

3. P
A = ------------------
5.7  T
Heat dissipation by natural convection

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

3.2 Heat dissipation by convection with internal fan

Fan whose air flow is Q = 13.6 m3/h facing down.

Surface without paint.

Ti A = ------------------
5.6  T

P Surface with smooth metallic enamel.


Heat dissipation by convection with internal fan
A = ------------------
7.6  T

Fan whose air flow is Q = 13.6 m3/h facing up.

Surface without paint.

Ti A = ------------------
5.8  T

Fan whose air flow is Q = 30 m3/h facing down.

Surface without paint.

Ti A = --------------------
6.75  T

P Surface with smooth metallic enamel.

A = ------------------
9.1  T

Fan whose air flow is Q = 102 m3/h facing down.

Surface without paint.

Ti A = ------------------
7.5  T

P Surface with smooth metallic enamel.

CNC 8055
P CNC 8055i
A = ------------------
9.8  T

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

3.3 Heat dissipation by flowing air to the outside with a fan

Heat dissipation by convection forcing hot air flow to flow outside with a fan and ambient air input
through the holes of the bottom surface of the enclosure.

For this case, calculate the necessary air flow that the fan must supply to dissipate the heat
generated inside the enclosure. The fan's air flow is calculated according to the power dissipated
by the CNC and the fan itself as well as the inside and outside temperatures.

3. Ø6
Surface without paint.

3.8  P-
V = --------------
Heat dissipation by flowing air to the outside with a fan


Bear in mind that this air flow through the unit extracts hot air to the outside, but it allows dirt into
the enclosure. Thus, a filter should be installed to maintain the ambient conditions allowed.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


Remote modules may be used to have an additional number of digital and analog inputs and outputs
(remote I/O) as well as inputs for temperature sensors. The remote modules are distributed by
groups and are connected to the central unit through the CAN bus.

Up to 4 groups may be connected to the CAN bus, where each group may consist of 1 or 2 of the
following elements.


+24V +24V +24V +24V

X1 GN D X1 GN D 01

X4 24V SH X1 X1 X5

O8 X4 O8 O8 O8

+24V +24V +24V +24V

O9 O9 O9 O9

X5 X2 X2 X6
1 1 R1
0 0
O16 O16 O16 O16
I1 I1 I1 I1


LT X6 LT X3 X3 X7
0 0
1 1
X2 SH I12 X2 SH I12 I12 I12
I13 I13 I13 I13

L L X6
H X7 H X4 X4 X8

I24 I24 I24 I24


A. Power supply with 24 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs.

This module must be powered at 24 V DC and connected to the system CAN bus.
B. Power supply with 4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs and 2 inputs for temperature sensors.
This module must be powered at 24 V DC and connected to the system CAN bus.
C. Digital Inputs / Outputs (single module).
Each module has 24 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs.
D. Digital Inputs / Outputs (double module).
Each module has 48 digital inputs and 32 digital outputs.

CNC 8055
The consumption of each group is 1.2 A not including the consumption of the outputs. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Some general points to consider

When mounting the groups, bear in mind the following considerations.

• One of the power supply modules must be present in each group.
• Two power supply modules cannot be in the same group.
• Power supplies of both models may be connected to the same CAN bus.
• The system will only support the treatment of two analog I/O boards.


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

4.1 Installation of the modules

Place the modules on 2 profiles, according to the UNE 50022 standard, with 2 securing ends, one
at each end of the group; they help securing the modules besides maintaining the right gap between
the profiles.

Dimensions of the modules

Always leave a 140 mm gap under the modules for ventilation and later handling. 4.


Installation of the modules
Connection of the modules

The modules of the group are connected as follows:

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
A. For ground connection.
B. Ribbon cable to interconnect the modules.
C. Securing studs. SOFT: V02.2X

Each group is connected to the system (CPU, Keyboard, etc.) through the CAN bus as described
later on.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

4.2 Power supply

The power supply must be powered at 24 V DC and connected to the CAN bus of the system.

There are two power supply models.

• Power supply with 24 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs.
• Power supply with 4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs and 2 inputs for temperature sensors.

4. Power supply with digital

inputs and digital outputs.
Power supply


Connector ·X1·.
Power supply. X1 GN D
Connector ·X4·.
X4 8 digital outputs.

·SPEED· selector. O8
CAN bus transmission speed.

Connector ·X5·.
·ADDRESS· selector. X5 8 digital outputs.
Address (node) of the element within the CAN 1
bus. 0


Status indicators. ERR Connector ·X6·.
RUN 12 digital inputs.
·Line Term· selector.
Line terminating resistor. GN D
X2 SH I12

Connector ·X2·.
CAN bus connection. L Connector ·X7·.
X3 SH 12 digital inputs.
H X7

·X3· connector.
CAN bus connection.


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Power supply with analog

inputs and outputs.


Connector ·X1·.
Power supply. X1 GN D 01

24V SH


Power supply
·SPEED· selector.
CAN bus transmission speed. Connector ·X4·.
4 general purpose analog

·ADDRESS· selector.
Address (node) of the element within the CAN 1 R1
bus. 0
ADDRESS RF1 Connector ·X5·.
SH 2 PT100 inputs.

Status indicators. ERR

·Line Term· selector.
Line terminating resistor. GN D

Connector ·X2·.
CAN bus connection. L X6
H Connector ·X6·.
4 differential analog inputs.
·X3· connector.
CAN bus connection. 12

Description of the connectors (power supply)

Connector ·X1·. Power supply.

3-pin male Phoenix connector (7.62 mm pitch).

Pin Signal and function

1 Chassis Shield.
CHS CNC 8055
2 11 Power supply. CNC 8055i
24V 3 + 24 V Power supply.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Connector ·X2· & ·X3·. CAN bus connection.


5-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm

X2 X3

4. ·SPEED· selector. CAN bus transmission speed.

Power supply

When using the CANopen protocol, the transmission speed at the bus is defined in each node. All
the nodes must work at the same speed.

The transmission speed depends on the total length of the cable. Use the following approximate
values. Assigning other values may cause communication errors due to signal distortion.

Selector Speed Length of the CAN bus.

SPEED 1000 kHz Up to 20 meters.


SPEED 800 kHz From 20 to 40 meters.


SPEED 500 kHz From 40 to 100 meters.


SPEED 500 kHz From 40 to 100 meters.


·ADDRESS· selector. Address (node) of the element within the CAN bus.

Each one of the elements integrated into the CAN bus is identified by the 16-position rotary switch
(0-15) "Address" (also referred to as "Node_Select"). The CNC must always occupy position "0" and
the rest of the elements of the bus will occupy consecutive positions starting with 1.

Led ·ERR·. Status indicator LED.

Red LED. Its meaning depends on the blinking speed.

Type of blinking. Meaning

LED off. The module works properly.

Blinking fast. Module configuration stage.

Single blinking. Warning. Poor transmission.

Double blinking. There is no communication with the cpu.

LED on. Error. Too many errors.

·RUN· LED. Status indicator LED.

The LED is green. Its meaning depends on the blinking speed.

Type of blinking. Meaning

CNC 8055
LED on. The module works properly.
CNC 8055i
Single blinking. Module stopped.

Blinking fast. Module configuration stage.

Continuous blinking. Start-up stage or error.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

·Line Term· selector.

Line terminating resistor. The "Line_Term" switch identifies which are the elements that occupy the
ends of the CAN bus; i.e. the first and last physical element in the connection.

The switch of the elements at the ends must be in the ·1· position and the rest of the elements in
the ·0· position.

The central unit must always be at one end of the line. The other end will be the last one of the remote
module groups.

Description of the connectors (digital inputs and outputs) 4.


Power supply
Connector ·X4· & ·X5·. Digital outputs (8 outputs in each connector).

10-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Both connectors must be powered with 24 V DC and GND.

Signal Function

+ 24 V Power supply.
X4 X5
+24V +24V
O1 - O8 Digital outputs.
O1 O9
O2 O10
O3 O11 O9 - O16 Digital outputs.
O4 O12
O5 O13 11 Power supply.
O6 O14
O7 O15
O8 O16

Connector ·X6· & ·X7·. Digital inputs (12 inputs in each connector).

12-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Signal Function

I1 - I12 Digital inputs.

X6 X7
I1 I13
I13 - I24 Digital inputs.
I2 I14
I3 I15
I4 I16
I5 I17
I6 I18
I7 I19
I8 I20
I9 I21
I10 I22
I11 I23
I12 I24

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Description of the connectors (analog inputs and outputs)

Connector ·X4·. General purpose analog outputs (4 outputs).

12-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Signal Function

O1+ O1- Analog output.


4. O1+


Analog output.

Analog output.
Power supply

SH O4+ O4- Analog output.
SH Shield connection.

Each analog output has three pins (O+, O-, SH). Use shielded cables connecting their meshes to
the corresponding shield pin.

Connector ·X5·. Inputs for the temperature sensor PT100 (2 inputs).

10-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Signal Function

R1+ R1- Signals of the PT100 sensor.

R1+ R2+ R2- Signals of the PT100 sensor.
R1- RL2 RF2
SH SH Shield connection.

Each input has 5 pins (RL, R+, R-, RF1, SH). Use shielded cables connecting their meshes to the
corresponding shield pin.

R1+ R1+ R1+



R1- R1- R1-

4 wires. 3 wires. 2 wires.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connector ·X6·. Differential analog inputs (4 inputs).

15-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Signal Function

I1+ I1- Analog input

I2+ I2- Analog input
SH I3+ I3- Analog input
I4+ I4- Analog input 4.


Power supply
SH Shield connection.
I4+ +12 Reference outputs.
I4- -12
SH 11

Each analog input has three pins (I+, I-, SH). Use shielded cables connecting their meshes to the
corresponding shield pin.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

4.3 Digital inputs and digital outputs (single module)

This module is used to expand the digital inputs and outputs (remote I/O). Each module has 24 digital
inputs and 16 digital outputs.

Digital inputs and digital


4. +24V
Digital inputs and digital outputs (single module)

Connector ·X1·.
X1 8 digital outputs.



Connector ·X2·.
X2 8 digital outputs.



·X3· connector.
12 digital inputs.



Connector ·X4·.
12 digital inputs.


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Description of the connectors (digital inputs and outputs)

Connector ·X1· & ·X2·. Digital outputs (8 outputs in each connector).

10-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Both connectors must be powered with 24 V DC and GND.

Signal Function

+ 24 V

O1 - O8
Power supply.

Digital outputs.


Digital inputs and digital outputs (single module)
O2 O10
O3 O11 O9 - O16 Digital outputs.
O4 O12
O5 O13 11 Power supply.
O6 O14
O7 O15
O8 O16

Connector ·X3· & ·X4·. Digital inputs (12 inputs in each connector).

12-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Signal Function

I1 - I12 Digital inputs.

X3 X4
I1 I13
I13 - I24 Digital inputs.
I2 I14
I3 I15
I4 I16
I5 I17
I6 I18
I7 I19
I8 I20
I9 I21
I10 I22
I11 I23
I12 I24

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

4.4 Digital inputs and digital outputs (double module)

This module is used to expand the digital inputs and outputs (remote I/O). Each module has 48 digital
inputs and 32 digital outputs.

Digital inputs and digital


4. +24V
Digital inputs and digital outputs (double module)

Connector ·X1·. Connector ·X5·.

X1 X5 8 digital outputs.
8 digital outputs.

O8 O8

+24V +24V
O9 O9

Connector ·X2·. Connector ·X6·.

X2 X6 8 digital outputs.
8 digital outputs.

O16 O16

I1 I1

·X3· connector. Connector ·X7·.

12 digital inputs. 12 digital inputs.
X3 X7

I12 I12

I13 I13

Connector ·X4·. Connector ·X8·.

12 digital inputs. 12 digital inputs.
X4 X8

I24 I24

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Description of the connectors (digital inputs and outputs)

Connector ·X1· & ·X2· & ·X5· & ·X6·. Digital outputs (8 outputs in each connector).

10-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Both connectors must be powered with 24 V DC and GND.

Signal Function

+ 24 V

O1 - O8
Power supply.

Digital outputs.


Digital inputs and digital outputs (double module)
O2 O10
O3 O11 O9 - O16 Digital outputs.
O4 O12
O5 O13 11 Power supply.
O6 O14
O7 O15
O8 O16

Connector ·X3· & ·X4· & ·X7· & ·X8·. Digital inputs (12 inputs in each connector).

12-pin male Phoenix minicombicon connector (3.5 mm pitch).

Signal Function

I1 - I12 Digital inputs.

X3-X7 X4-X8
I1 I13
I13 - I24 Digital inputs.
I2 I14
I3 I15
I4 I16
I5 I17
I6 I18
I7 I19
I8 I20
I9 I21
I10 I22
I11 I23
I12 I24

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

4.5 Electrical characteristics of the inputs and outputs

Digital inputs

All digital inputs are galvanically isolated through opto-couplers. The electrical characteristics of the
inputs are:

Rated voltage +24 V DC (between +18 V DC and +30 V DC).

4. High threshold "1"

Low threshold "0"

Over +18 V DC.

Under +9 V DC.
Electrical characteristics of the inputs and outputs

Typical consumption of each input 5 mA.

Maximum consumption of each input 7 mA.

Digital outputs

All digital outputs are galvanically isolated through opto-couplers. The electrical characteristics of
the outputs are:

Rated voltage +24 V DC (between +18 V DC and +30 V DC).

Output voltage 2 V less than the supply voltage.

Maximum output current 500 mA per output.

The digital outputs have a fuse inside for protection against over-voltage (over 33 V DC) and against
reverse connection of the power supply.

Analog inputs

Use shielded cables connecting their meshes to the corresponding shield pin. All the analog inputs
have the following characteristics:
Voltage range ±10 V
Resolution 12 bits
Input impedance 20 k
Maximum cable length (unshielded) 75 mm.

Analog outputs

Use shielded cables connecting their meshes to the corresponding shield pin. All the analog outputs
have the following characteristics:

Command voltage range ±10 V

Resolution 16 bits
Minimum impedance of the connected device 10 k.

CNC 8055 Maximum cable length (unshielded) 75 mm.

CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Inputs for the temperature sensor PT100

Use shielded cables connecting their meshes to the corresponding shield pin. The electrical
characteristics of the inputs are:

Type of sensor. PT100

Temperature range Between -200 ºC ( -328 ºF) and +850 ºC (1562 ºF).

Resolution 0.1 ºC

Typical consumption of each input

Maximum cable length (unshielded)

2 mA.

75 mm.


Electrical characteristics of the inputs and outputs

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

4.6 Numbering of the digital inputs and outputs

The following PLC machine parameters identify each of the 4 possible remote modules. The
following group of parameters must be defined for each one of them.
IOCANID* Node address.
ICAN* Number of digital inputs of the group.
OCAN* Number of digital outputs of the group.
NUICAN* Number of the first digital input of the group.
Number of the first digital output of the group.
Number of analog inputs of the group.
Numbering of the digital inputs and outputs

OANALOG* Number of analog outputs of the group.

PT100_* Number of physical connections for PT100 probes of the group.
NUIANA* Number of the first analog input of the group.
NUOANA* Number of the first analog output of the group.

Refer to the parameters and examples of how to set the remote modules. See "6.9 PLC Parameters"
on page 277.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X



Power switch.
• This power switch must be mounted in such a way that it is easily accessed and at a distance
between 0.7 meters (27.5 inches) and 1.7 meters (5.5ft) off the floor.
Install this unit in the proper place.
• It is recommended, whenever possible, to install the CNC away from coolants, chemical product,
blows, etc. that could damage it.

Mains connection of the 8055 CNC’s central unit

It has a three-prong plug for mains and ground connection.

Power the central unit through a separate 110VA transformer with an output voltage between 84
V AC and 264 V AC and 50-60 Hz.

The monitor & keyboard unit must be powered with 220Vac.

Mains connection of the 8055i CNC’s central unit

The "Central Unit + Monitor" set has a three-prong male Phoenix connector with a 7.62 mm pitch.

Pin Signal and function

1 + 24 V Power supply.

2 0V Power supply.

3 Chassis Shield.

Use an independent external power supply with the following specifications:

Rated voltage 20 V minimum 30 V maximum

Ripple: 4V

Nominal current 2A
CNC 8055
Current peak on power-up: 8A
CNC 8055i
The central unit has a protection against overvoltage that activates at 36 V.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The supply current has the following shape on power-up:


Machine connection

The machine-tool must have all the interference generating elements (relay coils, contactors,
motors, etc.) uncoupled.
• DC relay coils.
Diode type 1N4000.
• AC relay coils.
RC connected as close as possible to the coils. Their approximate values should be:

R 220 1 W C 0.2 µF / 600 V

• AC motors.
RC connected between phases with values:

R 300 / 6 W C 0.47 µF / 600 V

Ground connection

Proper ground connection in the electrical installation is crucial for:

• Protecting people against electrical discharges due to any malfunction.
• Protecting the electronic equipment against disturbances generated at the machine itself and
at the electronic equipment nearby that may cause an anomalous performance of the unit.

Thus, it is essential to connect all metallic parts to a point and it to ground in order to achieve this.
Therefore, it is crucial to install one or two ground points where the above mentioned elements must
be connected.

Use large section cables for this purpose in order to obtain low impedance and efficiently avoid any
interference. This way all parts of the installation will have the same voltage reference.

Proper ground installation reduces the effects of electrical interference. But, signal cables also
require additional protections. This is generally achieved by using twisted-pair cables that are also
covered with antistatic shielding mesh-wire. This shield must be connected to a specific point
avoiding ground loops that could cause undesired effects. This connection is usually done at one
of CNC’s ground point.

Each element of the machine-tool/CNC interface must be connected to ground via the established
CNC 8055 main points. These points will be conveniently set close to the machine-tool and properly connected
CNC 8055i to the general ground (of the building).

When a second point is necessary, it is recommended to join both points with a cable whose section
is no smaller than 8 mm2.

SOFT: V02.2X Verify that the impedance between the central point of each connector housing and the main ground
point is less than 1 .

Installation manual

CNC 8055. Ground connection diagram





Protection ground (for safety)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

CNC 8055i. Ground connection diagram




Protection ground (for safety)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

5.1 Digital inputs and outputs

Digital outputs

The CNC system offers a number of optocoupled digital PLC outputs which can be used to activate
relays, deacons, etc.

The electrical characteristics of these outputs are:

Nominal voltage value +24 V DC. 5.

Maximum voltage value +30 V.

Digital inputs and outputs

Minimum voltage value +18 V.

Output voltage 2 V less than the supply voltage.

Maximum output current 100 mA.

All outputs are protected by means of:

• Galvanic isolation by optocouplers.
• The 8055i CNC has protection against short-circuits, overvoltage of the external power supply
(over 33 Vdc) and against reverse connection of the power supply (up to –30 Vdc).

Digital inputs

The digital PLC inputs offered by the CNC system are used to read external devices, etc.

The electrical characteristics of these inputs are:

Nominal voltage value +24 V DC

Maximum voltage value +30 V DC

Minimum voltage value +18 V DC

High threshold voltage (logic level 1) from +18 V up.

Low threshold voltage (logic level 0) Under +5 V

Typical consumption of each input 5 mA.

Maximum consumption of each input 7 mA.

All inputs are protected by means of:

• Galvanic isolation by optocouplers.
• Protection against reversal of power supply connection up to -30 V.

The external 24Vdc power supply used for the PLC’s inputs and outputs MUST be regulated.
The 0V point of this power supply must be connected to the main ground point of the electrical cabinet.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

5.2 Analog inputs and outputs

Analog outputs

They may be used for axis, spindle drives and as a servo for other devices.

The electrical characteristics of these outputs are:

5. Command voltage range

Minimum impedance of the connected drive:

±10 V.

10 kW.
Analog inputs and outputs

Maximum cable length without shield: 75 mm.

Shielded cables should be used connecting the shield at each connector as shown here. See
chapter "1 8055 CNC configuration". See chapter "2 CNC 8055 i configuration".

It is recommended to adjust the servo drives so the maximum feedrate (G00) is obtained at a velocity
command of ±9.5V .

Analog inputs

They may be used for monitoring, supervising, controlling, etc. external devices.

The electrical characteristics of these inputs are:

Voltage range ±5 V.

Input impedance 20 kW

Maximum cable length without shield: 75 mm.

Shielded cables should be used connecting the shield at each connector as shown here. See
chapter "1 8055 CNC configuration". See chapter "2 CNC 8055 i configuration".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

5.3 Setup

Some general points to consider

Inspect the whole electrical cabinet verifying the ground connections BEFORE powering it.

This ground connection must be done at a single machine point (Main Ground Point) and all other
ground points must be connected to this point.

The power supply used for the digital inputs and outputs must be regulated and its zero volts must
be connected to the main ground point.

Check the connection of the cables and connectors. DO NOT connect or disconnect these
connectors to/from the CNC while the CNC is on.

Without powering the electrical cabinet on, check all the pins of the connectors for short-circuits.


It is recommended to reduce the axis travel installing the limit switches closer to each other or
detaching the motor from the axis until they are under control.

Verify that there is no power going from the servo drives to the motors.

Verify that the connectors for the digital inputs and outputs are disconnected.

Verify that the E-STOP button is pressed.


Verify that the A.C. power is correct.

With the CNC completely disconnected from the electrical cabinet, power the electrical cabinet and
verify that it responds properly:

Verify that there is proper voltage between the pins corresponding to external 0V and 24V of the
connectors for the digital inputs and outputs.

Apply 24V to each one of the terminals of the electrical cabinet being used that correspond to the
digital outputs of the CNC and verify their correct performance. Check that the electrical cabinet
responds properly.

With the motors being decoupled from the axes, verify that the system consisting of drive, motor
and tacho is operating properly.

Connect the A.C. power to the CNC. If there is any problem, the CNC will display the corresponding

Select the PLC monitoring mode at the CNC and activate the digital outputs (O1=1) one by one to
verify their proper operation.

With power turned off, connect the I/O and feedback connectors to the CNC.

Connect the CNC and the electrical cabinet to A.C. power and confirm the counting direction of each
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Introduction to machine parameters

The machine parameters relate the CNC to the particular machine. The values that the CNC assigns
to each one of them by default are described in the relevant chapter. See chapter "6 Machine

These values, shown in the parameter tables, may be modified manually from the CNC’s keyboard
or from a peripheral (pendrive, computer, etc.) via the two serial communication ports RS 232C and

5. Some characters appear next to certain parameters indicating when the CNC assumes the new
value assigned to that parameter.

// It is necessary to press the keystroke sequence: "Shift - Reset" or turn the CNC off and

back on.
/ Just press Reset.
The rest of the parameters (those unmarked) will be updated automatically, only by
changing them.

Setting of the machine parameters for the axes

Once the active axes have been assigned by means of general parameters "AXIS1" (P0) thru
"AXIS8" (P7), the CNC will enable the relevant axes parameter tables.

The values to be assigned to the parameters of each of these tables will depend on the results
obtained when adjusting each machine axis.

Before making this adjustment, position the axes near the middle of their travel and place the hard
stops (monitored by the electrical cabinet) near these mid-travel points in order to prevent any
possible damage to the machine.

Verify that the PLC Mark "LATCHM" is OFF. Then, after selecting the parameters of the desired axes,
go on to adjusting them following these advises:
• Adjust the axes one by one.
• Connect the power output of the drive corresponding to the axis being adjusted.
• Selecting the Jog mode at the CNC, jog the axis to be adjusted.
In case of runaway, the CNC will display the relevant following error and the machine parameter
labeled LOOPCHG (corresponding to the sign of the velocity command output of the CNC) will
have to be changed.
• If the axis does not run away; but the direction of the move is not the desired one, axis parameters
labeled AXISCHG (P13) (axis feedback counting direction) and LOOPCHG (P26) (sign of the
velocity command output) will have to be changed.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Machine reference point (home) adjustment for each axis

Once the movement of the axes has been properly adjusted, place the travel-limit switches back
where they should be.

The following adjusting sequence is one of the many that could be used:
• This adjustment should be done one axis at a time.
• Indicate in the axis parameter REFPULSE (P32) the type of marker pulse Io being used for Home
• Set axis parameter REFDIREC (P33) to indicate the direction of the axis when searching Home.
• Set axis parameters REFEED1 (P34) and REFEED2 (P35) to indicate the feedrates for Home

• axis parameter REFVALUE (P36) will be set to "0".
• Once in the JOG mode and after positioning the axis in the right area, start homing the axis.
When done, the CNC will assign a "0" value to this point.
• If the machine reference zero is in a different physical location from the machine reference point
(location of the marker pulse), proceed as follows:
After moving the axis to a known position (with respect to Machine Reference Zero), observe
the position reading of the CNC for that point.
This will be the distance away from the machine reference point; thus, the value to be assigned
to axis parameter REFVALUE (P36) will be:
Machine coordinate of the measured point - CNC reading at that point.
If the point whose known position is located 230 mm from Machine Reference Zero and the CNC
reads -123.5 mm as the coordinate value for this point, the coordinate of the Machine Reference
Point with respect to Machine Reference Zero will be:
REFVALUE = 230 - (-123.5) = 353.5 mm.
Assign this new value and press [RESET] so it is assumed by the CNC.
It is also necessary to search Home once again in order for this axis to assume the correct
reference values.

Axis travel limits (software limits)

Once all the axes have been referenced, their software limits must be measured and set.

This is achieved a single axis at a time as follows:

• Move the axis in the positive direction towards the end of the axis travel stopping at a safe
distance from the mechanical end-of-travel stop.
• Assign the coordinate shown by the CNC for that point to axis parameter LIMIT+ (P5).
• Repeat these steps in the negative direction assigning the resulting coordinate to axis parameter
LIMIT- (P6).
• Once this process is completed, hit SHIFT RESET or turn the CNC off and back on in order for
it to assume the new values.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Adjustment of the drift (offset) and maximum feedrate (G00)

These adjustments are performed on servo drives of the axes and on spindle drives.

Offset (drift) adjustment.

Disconnect the velocity command input and short-circuit it with a wire jumper.

Turn the offset potentiometer of the drive until the voltage on the tach terminals is 0mVdc. Check
this with a volt meter set at a range of 200 mV.

5. Remove take the wire jumper that short-circuited the velocity command input.

Maximum feedrate adjustment.

It is recommended to adjust the drives so the maximum feedrate is obtained with a velocity command
voltage of 9.5 V. If they are adjusted to a different voltage, it must be indicated in the axis parameter
or spindle parameter MAXVOLT (P37).

Also, the maximum feedrate must be indicated in the axis parameter G00FEED (P38).

The maximum feedrate can be calculated from the motor rpm, the gear ratios and the type of
leadscrew being used.

A motor can turn at 3000 rpm and it is attached to a 5 pitch screw (5 mm/turn).
The maximum feedrate will be:
3000 rpm x 5 mm/turn = 15000 mm/minute

This will be the value to be assigned to axis parameter G00FEED (P38).

Once these values are assigned to the relevant parameters, the drives must be adjusted.

To do so, a CNC program can be executed which will move the axis back and forth continuously
at G00 feedrate. One such program could be:
N10 G00 G90 X200
(GOTO N10)

If the Tach in use provides 20V per 1000 rpm, its voltage should be:
(20 V / 1000 rpm) x 3000 rpm. = 60 V.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

5.4 Connection of the emergency input and output

The emergency input of the CNC corresponds with the I01 input of the PLC and must be supplied
with 24V.

8055 CNC
pin 2 of connector X9 of the –Axes– module.

CNC 8055i
pin 10 of connector X2

Since the CNC also processes this signal directly, if the 24V disappear, the CNC will display
EXTERNAL EMERGENCY ERROR and will deactivate all axes enables and will cancel all velocity


Connection of the emergency input and output

During the initializing process carried out by the CNC on power-up, the EMERGENCY OUTPUT
of the CNC (pin 2 of connector X10) remains at low (at "0") in order to avoid a premature activation
of the electrical cabinet.

If this process is successful, the CNC will set the real value of PLC output O1 to "1". Otherwise, it
will keep the /EMERGENCY OUTPUT signal active (low) and it will display the corresponding error

Once the initialization process is over, the PLC will execute the PLC program stored in memory. If
none is available, it wait for one to be entered and executed.

When the execution of the first cycle (CY1) (or the first program scan) is finished the PLC will assign
the value of output O1 to physical output "/EMERGENCY OUTPUT".

It is recommended to program the CY1 cycle of the PLC program assigning a value of 1 to O1 when
everything checks out fine and a value of 0 when there is an error.

The interface of the electrical cabinet will take into account all the elements that could cause this
type of error. Among such elements are:
• E-stop has been pressed.
• The travel limit of any axis has be exceeded.
• There is a malfunction on a drive or it is locked without velocity command signal.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

When the CNC detects an error, it will let the PLC know through the general logic output "/ALARM"
and it will activate the emergency output (logic level 0).
Pin 2 of connector X10 of the –Axes– module.

Since this signal corresponds to the PLC output O1, it can also be activated by the PLC program.

Connection of the emergency input and output

The recommended connection diagram is the following:

Emergency STOP 24 V

Emergency Other emergency

STOP button buttons



Emergency from
electrical cabinet

Emergency output 0V
Emergency STOP relay

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


i It is recommended to save the CNC machine parameters into the hard disk (KeyCF) or in a peripheral
or PC to avoid losing them.

On power-up, the CNC performs a system autotest and when this is over, it displays the following

Report window.

The CNC allows the display of a previously defined screen instead of the Fagor logo. Refer to the
operating manual.

During the autotest, if any error occurs, its relevant message will be displayed in the report window.

The main menu for the various operating modes will appear at the bottom of the CRT. These options
will be selected using the softkeys F1 through F7.

Since it is possible to have more than 7 options to choose from at one time, use the "+" softkey to
display the rest of them.

Once the "Machine Parameters" operating mode has been selected, the CNC shows the machine
parameter tables that are saved in the hard disk (KeyCF).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The available machine parameter tables are:

• General machine parameters.
• Machine parameters for the axes (one table per axis)
• Machine parameters for the spindles (main, second and auxiliary).
• Drive parameters (access to the parameters of each drive).
• Parameters for the serial line and Ethernet.
• PLC Parameters.
• Auxiliary M functions.
6. • Leadscrew backlash Compensation (one table per axis).
• Cross compensation.

To access each one of them, use the softkeys shown at the bottom of the screen.

Some characters appear next to certain parameters indicating when the CNC assumes the new
value assigned to that parameter.

Character Type of update

// It is necessary to press the keystroke sequence: [SHIFT] + [RESET] or turn the CNC
off and back on.

/ Just do a reset.

The rest of the parameters (those unmarked) will be updated automatically, only by
changing them.

On each table, it is possible to move the cursor line by line using the [] [] keys or page by page
using the Page-up and Page-down keys.

Operation with parameter tables

Once one of the table lines has been selected, the user can move the cursor over this line by means
of the [] [] keys .

It is also possible to perform other functions by using the following keys:

Key Function

[CL] Deletes characters.

[INS] Switches between insert and overwrite (replace) writing modes.

[CAP] Switches between upper case and lower case letters; when the CRT shows CAP, it will
indicate that the upper case mode has been selected.
Make sure this mode is selected since all characters entered in these tables must be
upper case.

[ESC] Quits line editing.

[ENTER] Assumes the edited line and ends the editing of the line.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

The CNC offers the following options when working with each parameter of these tables:
EDIT Edit a parameter. The CNC will indicate the proper format by means of the
MODIFY Modify a parameter. Position the cursor on the desired parameter and
press the Modify softkey.
Once the modification is done, press ENTER for the CNC to assume the
new value.
FIND Look for a parameter. The cursor will be positioned over the indicated

parameter. With this function it is also possible to "find" the beginning or
the end of the table.
Initialize the table assuming the default values.

LOAD Load into memory the tables saved in the hard disk (KeyCF), a peripheral
device or a PC.
SAVE Save the tables into the hard disk (KeyCF), a peripheral device or a PC.
MM/INCHES See the parameter values in the desired units. Only those parameters
affected by this conversion will be altered. It will not change the general
parameter INCHES (P8) that indicates machine units.

Machine parameter setting

In order for the machine-tool to be able to properly execute the programmed instructions as well
as interpret the different elements connected to it, the CNC must "know" the specific data of the
machine, such as: feedrates, accelerations, feedback, automatic tool change, etc..

This data is determined by the machine builder and can be introduced either from the CNC’s
keyboard or via the CNC’s two serial ports.

First, the general machine parameters must be set since they determine the machine axes.

There are some parameters to indicate whether the machine has cross compensation or not. These
compensation tables will be generated by the CNC from the values assigned to those parameters.

The general machine parameters also determine the number of elements at the tables for tools, tool
magazine, tool offsets and M functions (miscellaneous).

The axes parameters will define the leadscrew compensation tables and they will only be generated
for those axes which require them.

When selecting the drive parameters at the CNC, it is possible to display and modify the parameters
i stored at each drive.
The CNC does not have parameters of the drive although their copies may be stored in the hard disk

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


In order for the CNC to perform properly, after a setup, check that the following machine parameters
have been set with proper values. This is very important for safety reasons, because if those values
are not the right ones, the machine's performance could be deficient.

General machine parameters

6. PRODEL (P106)

This parameter the time delay between the instant probing takes place and the CNC is aware of
it. General parameter PRODEL (P106) must be set to 0.

This parameter indicates whether general inputs /STOP (M5001), /FEEDHOL (M5002) and
/XFERINH (M5003) are enabled or not while executing function G84. General parameter STOPTAP
(P116) must be set to NO.

This parameter sets the tool inspection feedrate. General parameter INSFEED (P117) must be set
with a proper value (other than 0).

This parameter indicates whether the "rapid" key affects the execution and the simulation or not.
General parameter RAPIDEN (P130) must be set to 0.

This parameter indicates the maximum amount of wear that may be entered for "I" when modifying
the wear offsets from tool inspection mode. General parameter MAXOFFI (P165) must be set with
a proper value (other than 0).

This parameter indicates the maximum amount of wear that may be entered for "K" when modifying
the wear offsets from tool inspection mode. General parameter MAXOFFK (P166) must be set with
a proper value (other than 0).

This parameter indicates the behavior of the feedrate when programming F0. General parameter
FEEDTYPE (P170) must be set to 0.

This parameter indicates the maximum incremental value allowed for Y axis wear compensation.
General parameter MAXOFFJ (P182) must be set with a proper value (other than 0).

Axis parameters

CNC 8055
LIMIT+ (P5) and LIMIT- (P6)
CNC 8055i
These parameters set the travel limits for the axis (positive and negative). Axis parameters LIMIT+
(P5) and LIMIT- (P6) must have the right values

SOFT: V02.2X
This parameter indicates whether the feedback alarm for this axis will be ON or OFF. Axis parameter
FBACKAL (P11) must be set to ON.

Installation manual

This parameter indicates the maximum time that the axis may stay without properly responding to
the CNC’s command. Axis parameter FBALTIME (P12) must be set with a proper value (other than

This parameter indicates the maximum following error allowed when this axis moves. The value of
axis parameter MAXFLWE1 (P21) must be slightly higher than the amount of following error (lag)
in G0.


This parameter indicates the maximum following error allowed when this axis is stopped. The value
of MAXFLWE2 (P22) must be snug, i.e. the value must not be too large.

This parameter indicates the maximum difference allowed between the following errors of the Gantry
axes that electronically coupled. Axis parameter MAXCOUPE (P45) must be set with a proper value
(other than 0). Only for Gantry or slaved axes.

This parameter indicates the maximum safety limit the axis feedrate. Axis parameter FLIMIT (P75)
must be set with a proper value (other than 0).

This parameter sets indicates the maximum feedrate allowed due to the additive handwheel. Axis
parameter ADIFEED (P84) must be set with a proper value (other than 0).

This parameter indicates the maximum axis feedrate when activating the EXRAPID mark and when
pressing the rapid key in execution or in simulation with motion. Axis parameter FRAPIDEN (P85)
must be set with a proper value (other than 0).

Spindle parameters

This parameter indicates whether the feedback alarm for the spindle will be ON or OFF. Spindle
parameter FBACKAL (P15) must be set to ON.

This parameter indicates the maximum following error allowed for the spindle when moving in closed
loop (M19). The value of spindle parameter MAXFLWE1 (P21) must be slightly higher than the
amount of following error (lag) in G0.

This parameter indicates the maximum following error allowed for the spindle when stopped in
closed loop (M19). The value of MAXFLWE2 (P22) must be snug, i.e. the value must not be too large.
CNC 8055
SYNPOSOF (P53) CNC 8055i
This parameter indicates the maximum shift (offset) between the main spindle and the second one
when they are synchronized in position. Spindle parameter SYNPOSOF (P53) must be set with a
proper value (other than 0).
SOFT: V02.2X
This parameter indicates the maximum speed error (offset) between the main spindle and the
second one when they are synchronized in speed. Spindle parameter SYNSPEOF (P54) must be
set with a proper value (other than 0).

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

This parameter indicates the maximum turning speed when the spindle are synchronized. Spindle
parameter SYNMAXSP (P63) must be set with a proper value (other than 0).

This parameter sets the maximum safety limit for the spindle speed. Spindle parameter SLIMIT
(P66) must be set with a proper value (other than 0).

6. PLC Parameters.

This parameter sets the Watchdog time-out period for the main PLC program. PLC parameter
WDGPRG (P0) must be set with a proper value.

This parameter sets the Watch-Dog time-out period for the periodic module of the PLC. Only if a
periodic subroutine has been defined. PLC parameter WDGPER (P1) must be set with a proper

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.1 Parameter matching between the CNC and the Sercos drive

Some CNC and drive parameters must be set accordingly (matching each other) to ensure proper
system performance. While initializing the Sercos ring, on CNC power-up and when validating the
machine parameters of the axes and spindles, the CNC updates at the drives the parameters to
ensure that they match.

i The CNC matches the parameters when the drive is an ACSD.

Understanding the parameter matching table.


Parameter matching between the CNC and the Sercos drive

The table indicates which CNC parameters are involved in parameter matching as well as a the drive
parameters that are affected. The different columns of the table have the following meanings.
CNC List of CNC machine parameters.
DRIVE List of drive parameters that are equivalent to each CNC parameter.
Feedback Indicates whether or not writing the parameter at the drive depends on the type of
axis feedback, either internal or external.

CNC DRIVE Feedback Remarks

FBACKDIF (P100) PP5 External If 2nd drive feedback

INPREV (P87) NP121 If INPREV, OUTPREV and PITCHB are other than 0.
It affects all the sets.
OUTPREV (P88) NP122 If INPREV, OUTPREV and PITCHB are other than 0.
It affects all the sets.
PITCHB (P86) NP123 If INPREV, OUTPREV and PITCHB are other than 0.
It affects all the sets.
I0TYPE (P52) PP115 External It writes bits 0, 1, 3.

PV200 If 2nd drive feedback and I0TYPE =1 or 2.

It writes 0.

I0CODI2 (P69) NP165 If 2nd drive feedback and I0TYPE =1 or 2.

I0CODI1 (P68) NP166 If 2nd drive feedback and I0TYPE =1 or 2.

ABSOFF (P53) PP177 Internal If 1st drive feedback.

PP178 External If 2nd drive feedback.

i If axis parameter DRISET(P91) is other than 0, drive parameters NP121, NP122 and NP123 are
updated with the set indicated in that axis machine parameter.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

6.2 Parameters that may be modified from the oscilloscope, OEM

program or OEM subroutine

Here is a list of the machine parameters that may be modified either from the oscilloscope or from
an OEM program/subroutine. The variables associated with the machine parameters must be used
to modify these parameters from an OEM program/subroutine. See "13.4 Variables associated with
machine parameters" on page 537.

General machine parameters:

6. Parameter



program or OEM subroutine
Parameters that may be modified from the oscilloscope, OEM

Machine parameters of an axis:

Parameter Number Update

BACKLASH P14 Immediate

ACCTIME P18 Beginning of the next block

INPOSW P19 Immediate

MAXFLWE1 P21 Immediate

MAXFLWE2 P22 Immediate

PROGAIN P23 Immediate

DERGAIN P24 Immediate

FFGAIN P25 Immediate

BAKANOUT P29 Immediate

BAKTIME P30 Immediate

REFDIREC P33 Immediate

REFVALUE P36 Immediate

MAXVOLT P37 Immediate

G00FEED P38 Beginning of the next block

MAXFEED P42 Beginning of the next block

JOGFEED P43 Beginning of the next block

ACCTIME2 P59 Beginning of the next block

PROGAIN2 P60 Immediate

DERGAIN2 P61 Immediate

FFGAIN2 P62 Immediate

JERKLIM P67 Beginning of the next block

FLIMIT P75 Beginning of the next block

TORQDIST P78 Immediate

PRELOAD P79 Immediate

TPROGAIN P81 Immediate

TINTTIME P82 Immediate

TCOMPLIM P83 Immediate

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Spindle machine parameters:

Parameter Number Update

MAXGEAR1 P2 Beginning of the next block

MAXGEAR2 P3 Beginning of the next block

MAXGEAR3 P4 Beginning of the next block

MAXGEAR4 P5 Beginning of the next block

ACCTIME P18 Beginning of the next block





program or OEM subroutine

Parameters that may be modified from the oscilloscope, OEM
DERGAIN P24 Immediate

FFGAIN P25 Immediate

REFDIREC P33 Immediate

REFVALUE P36 Immediate

MAXVOLT1 P37 Immediate

MAXVOLT2 P38 Immediate

MAXVOLT3 P39 Immediate

MAXVOLT4 P40 Immediate

OPLACETI P45 Immediate

ACCTIME2 P47 Beginning of the next block

PROGAIN2 P48 Immediate

DERGAIN2 P49 Immediate

FFGAIN2 P50 Immediate

SLIMIT P66 Immediate

JERKLIM P80 Beginning of the next block

A modification in the MAXGEAR(1··4) parameters sets the square corner mode even if a round
corner has been programmed.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

6.3 General machine parameters

AXIS1 (P0) AXIS2 (P1) AXIS3 (P2) AXIS4 (P3)

AXIS5 (P4) AXIS6 (P5) AXIS7 (P6) AXIS8 (P7)

They permit associating axes, handwheels, spindles or live tools with each feedback input and
analog output according to the following code:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

6. 0

Free; not associated.

X axis.

Handwheel with axis selector button

Auxiliary spindle.
Live tool.
General machine parameters

2 Y axis. 14 Second main spindle

3 Z axis. 21 Handwheel associated with X.

4 U axis. 22 Handwheel associated with Y.

5 V axis. 23 Handwheel associated with Z.

6 W axis. 24 Handwheel associated with U.

7 A axis. 25 Handwheel associated with V.

8 B axis. 26 Handwheel associated with W.

9 C axis. 27 Handwheel associated with A.

10 Main spindle. 28 Handwheel associated with B.

11 Handwheel. 29 Handwheel associated with C.

The following table shows the feedback input, the velocity command output and the default values
associated with each parameter.

For the 8055 CNC model.

The connectors refer to the axis board.

Parameter Feedback Command Default value

(connector) (connector X8) -M- -T-

AXIS1 (P0) X1 O1 - Pin 1 1 (X axis) 1 (X axis)

AXIS2 (P1) X2 O2 - Pin 2 2 (Y axis) 3 (Z axis)

AXIS3 (P2) X3 O3 - Pin 3 3 (Z axis) 10 (spindle)

AXIS4 (P3) X4 O4 - Pin 4 4 (U axis) 11 (handwheel)

AXIS5 (P4) X5 (1-6) O5 - Pin 5 5 (V axis) 0 (free)

AXIS6 (P5) X5 (9-14) O6 - Pin 6 10 (spindle) 0 (free)

AXIS7 (P6) X6 (1-6) O7 - Pin 7 11 (handwheel) 0 (free)

AXIS8 (P7) X6 (9-14) O8 - Pin 8 0 (free) 0 (free)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

For the 8055i CNC model.

Parameter Feedback Command Default value

(connector) -M- -T-

AXIS1 (P0) 1st axis X10 X8 - Pin 2 1 (X axis) 1 (X axis)

AXIS2 (P1) 2nd axis X11 X8 - Pin 3 2 (Y axis) 3 (Z axis)

AXIS3 (P2) 3rd axis X12 X8 - Pin 4 3 (Z axis) 0 (free)

AXIS4 (P3)

AXIS5 (P4)
4th axis


X8 - Pin 5

X4 - Pins 10 and
4 (U axis)

10 (spindle)
0 (free)

10 (spindle)

General machine parameters


AXIS6 (P5) 1st handwheel X5 ---- 11 (handwheel) 11 (handwheel)

AXIS7 (P6) 2nd handwheel X5 ---- 0 (free) 0 (free)

AXIS8 (P7) Not used ---- ---- 0 (free) 0 (free)

About the handwheels:

Depending on their configuration, the available handwheels are:

• General handwheel.
It can be used to jog any axis one by one. Select the axis and turn the handwheel to move it.
• Individual handwheel.
It replaces the mechanical handwheels. Up to 3 handwheels can be used (one per axis). It only
moves the axis it is associated with.

When using a Fagor 100P handwheel, no other handwheels may be used and it must be connected
as first handwheel. See "7.3 Movement with an electronic handwheel" on page 309.


It defines the measuring units assumed by the CNC for machine parameters, tool tables and
programming on power-up and after executing M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET. The code is:
Value Meaning

0 Millimeters (G71)
1 Inches (G70)
By default: 0


Indicates which function G00 (rapid traverse) or G01 (linear interpolation) is assumed on power-
up, after executing M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET. The code is:
Value Meaning

0 G00 (rapid traverse).

1 G01 (linear interpolation).

Default value: 0

ICORNER (P10) CNC 8055

CNC 8055i
Indicates which function, G05 (round corner) or G07 (square corner) is assumed on power-up, after
executing M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET. The code is:
Value Meaning

0 G07 (square corner). SOFT: V02.2X

1 G05 (round corner).

Default value: 0

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates which function: G17 (XY plane) or G18 (ZX plane) is assumed on power-up, after executing
M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET. The code is:
Value Meaning

0 G17 (XY plane).

1 G18 (ZX plane).

Default value: 0 (for the M model)

6. Default value: 1 (for the T model)

General machine parameters

It is only used in the Mill model CNC and indicates which function: G43 (tool length compensation
ON) or G44 (tool length compensation OFF) is assumed on power-up, after executing M02,M30,
EMERGENCY or RESET; the code is:
Value Meaning

0 G44 (tool length compensation OFF).

1 G43 (tool length compensation ON).

Default value: 0


Indicates which function: G90 (absolute programming) or G91 (incremental programming) is

assumed on power-up, after executing M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET.
Value Meaning

0 G90 (absolute programming).

1 G91 (incremental programming).

Default value: 0


Indicates which function: G94 (feedrate in mm/min or inch/min) or G95 (mm/rev or inch/rev)
is assumed on power-up, after executing M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET.
Value Meaning

0 G94 (mm/min or inches/min).

1 G95 (mm/rev or inches/rev).

Default value: 0


Indicates whether the CNC will display real or theoretical position values according to the following
Value Meaning

0 Real position values.

1 Theoretical position values.

CNC 8055 Default value: 1
CNC 8055i

On T, TC and TCO models, this parameter indicates the axes coordinates system to be used for
SOFT: V02.2X the graphic representation. On these models, it also defines the layout of the keys of the X-Z axis

Installation manual

on the jog keypad; on vertical lathes, the X axis keys are swapped with those of the Z axis and vice
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0, 1, 2, 3.

Default value: 0


General machine parameters



On M, MC, and MCO models, this parameter indicates the axis system being used for the graphic
representation as well as the motion possibilities for the W axis added to those of the Z axis in the
graphic representation (W additive).
Value Meaning

0 Mill graphics.
1 Mill graphics with added W axis.

2 Boring Mill graphics.

3 Boring Mill graphics with added W axis.

4 Mill graphics (changed line graphics).
Default value: 0



Indicates whether it is possible to vary the feedrate override between 0% and 100% when working
in G00.
Value Meaning

YES It may be modified.

CNC 8055
EZ It cannot be modified; it is set to 100 %.
CNC 8055i
Default value: EZ

The feedrate override % may be changed from the operator panel switch, from the PLC, via DNC
or by program.
SOFT: V02.2X
The feedrate % can always be changed in JOG movements.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the maximum value of the feedrate override % applicable to the programmed feedrate.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 120

From the operator panel switch, it may be varied between 0% and 120% and from the PLC, DNC
or by program between 0% and 255%.

General machine parameters

Indicates the maximum angular feedrate value for circular interpolations.

This limitation prevents circular interpolations resulting in polygons instead of arcs when the radius
is very small. The CNC adjusts the angular feedrate in order not to exceed the selected maximum
angular feedrate.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (it is not limited)

If "CIRINLIN" = 1500 and an arc of a radius = 0.5mm at F=10000mm/min.
The theoretical angular speed is:
10000 mm/min / 0.5 mm = 20000 min-1
But, since the speed was limited to 1500, the CNC adjusts the feedrate in the following manner:
Feedrate to be applied = 1500 x 0.5 = 750 mm/min.


Indicates the maximum error allowed when calculating the end point of an arc.

From the programmed path, the CNC will calculate the radius for both the starting point and end
point of the arc. Although both of them should be "exactly" the same, This parameter allows a certain
calculation tolerance by establishing the maximum difference between these two radii.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 millimeters.

Between 0.00001 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0.01 mm.


Indicates whether the CNC assumes or not as the new polar coordinate origin the center of the last
G02 or G03 programmed.
Value Meaning

YES It assumes the arc center.

EZ It is not affected by G02 and G03.

Default value: EZ

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
It indicates the delay between motion blocks when operating in G7 (square corner).

This dwell can be very useful when some devices have to activated after the execution of each block.

SOFT: V02.2X Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0 (there is no delay)

Installation manual


Indicates the number of tools in the tool magazine. On the other hand, the CNC adjusts the length
of the tool table to that value.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 100


Indicates the number of pockets in the tool magazine. On the other hand, the CNC adjusts the length

General machine parameters

of the tool magazine table to that value.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 100 (for the M model)
Default value: 0 (for the T model)


Indicates whether the tool magazine is random or not.

• On a random magazine, the tools may occupy any position (pocket). If this machine parameter
is set for random magazine, general parameter TOFFM06 (P28) must be set for machining
• On a non-random magazine, the tool always occupies its own pocket. The magazine position
number is the same as the tool number.
Value Meaning

YES It is a random tool magazine.

EZ It is not a random tool magazine.

Default value: EZ

In a non-random magazine, the tools must be placed in the tool magazine table in the pre-established
order (P1 T1, P2 T2, P3 T3, etc.). Optionally, general parameter TOOLMATY (P164) may be used
to assign several different tools to each tool position. In this case, the magazine position number
may be different from the tool number.


Selects the display units of the tool’s nominal and real lives.
Value Meaning

0 Tool life in minutes

1 Tool life in number of operations.

Default value: 0


Indicates the number of tool offsets available in the tool offset table. On the other hand, the CNC
adjusts the length of the tool offset magazine table to that value.
Possible values CNC 8055
Integer numbers between 0 and 255.
CNC 8055i
Default value: 100

TOFFM06 (P28) SOFT: V02.2X

Indicates if the machine is a machining center.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

If it is, the CNC will select, at the tool magazine, the tool indicated when executing the "T" function
and it will be necessary to execute M06 afterwards in order to carry out the tool change.
Value Meaning

YES Yes, it is a machining center.

EZ It is not a machining center.

Default value: EZ

It is recommended to associate he subroutine corresponding to the tool changer with the M06.

General machine parameters

Indicates the number of M functions available in the M function table.

Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 32


Indicates the minimum time period that the AUXEND signal must remain activated so the CNC will
interpret it as a valid signal. AUXEND is a PLC signal which indicates to the CNC that functions M,S
or T have been executed.

If the corresponding M function has been set in the M table not to wait for the AUXEND signal, the
time period indicated in this parameter will be the duration of the MSTROBE signal.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 100

See "7.8 Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer" on page 342.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Indicates the number of points available in the first cross compensation table.

This compensation is used when the movement of one axis causes a position change on another
axis. The CNC offers a table where one could enter the position variations of one axis for the
particular positions of the other axis.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0 (not available)

General machine parameters

Used in the first cross compensation table, it indicates the axis causing position variations on another
axis. The definition code is:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.
3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)


Used in the first cross compensation table, it indicates the axis suffering the position variations
caused by another axis. The compensation is applied onto this axis. The definition code is:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.
2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)

If NPCROSS=20, MOVAXIS=X and COMPAXIS=W, the CNC will allow access to the cross compensation
Each one of these 20 points (NPCROSS) of this table will indicate the X position value and the error suffered
by the W axis when the X axis is positioned at this point.
This way, the CNC will apply the compensation of the X axis table onto the W axis.


Indicates the number of the subroutine associated with function G74 (machine reference zero or
home search). This subroutine will be executed automatically when G74 is programmed alone in
a block or, also, when searching home in the JOG mode by pressing the softkey "ALL AXES".
CNC 8055
Possible values
CNC 8055i
Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.
Default value: 0 (no associated subroutine)

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


They indicate the number of the subroutine associated with the corresponding general logic input:
"INT1" (M5024), "INT2" (M5025), "INT3" (M5026)", "INT4" (M5027).

When one of these inputs is activated, the program currently being executed is interrupted and the
CNC jumps to execute the associated subroutine whose number is indicated in the corresponding
These interruption subroutines do not change the nesting level of local parameters, thus only global
parameters must be used in them.

6. Once the CNC completes the execution of the subroutine, it will continue running the original
General machine parameters

Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.

Default value: 0 (no associated subroutine)


It indicates whether the probe functions of the CNC act on an up flank (positive pulse) or with the
down flank (negative pulse) of the signal provided by the probe.

At an 8055 CNC, the probe is connected through connector X7 of the AXES module. At an 8055i
CNC, it is possible to have up to two probes connected through connector X3.
Value Meaning

+ sign Positive pulse (24 V or 5 V).

- sign Negative pulse (0 V).
Default value: + sign



Indicate the position of the tabletop probe used for tool calibration.

These position values must be absolute and with respect to machine reference zero (home). If a
lathe model CNC, these values must be in radius.

PRBXMIN Probe’s minimum X coordinate.

PRBXMAX Probe’s maximum X coordinate.
PRBYMIN Probe’s minimum Y coordinate.
PRBYMAX Probe’s maximum Y coordinate.
PRBZMIN Probe’s minimum Z coordinate.
CNC 8055 PRBZMAX Probe’s maximum Z coordinate.

CNC 8055i
Possible values

±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.

SOFT: V02.2X Default value: 0

Installation manual


Indicates the maximum distance the tool can travel when calibrating it with a probe in JOG mode.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 millimeters.

Between 0.00001 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 50 mm.


Indicates the number of the user program associated with the execution mode. This program will

General machine parameters

be executed via the user channel when pressing the softkey USER in the EXECUTE mode.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (none)


Indicates the number of user program associated with the Edit mode. This program will be executed
via the user channel when pressing the softkey USER in the EDIT mode.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (none)


Indicates the number of the user program associated with the JOG mode. This program will be
executed via the user channel when pressing the softkey USER in the JOG mode.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (none)


Indicates the number of the user program associated with the Diagnosis mode. This program will
be executed via the user channel when pressing the softkey USER in the DIAGNOSIS mode.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (none)


They indicate the upper limit "ROPARMAX " and lower limit "ROPARMIN" of the global arithmetic
parameter group (P100-P299), user arithmetic parameters (P1000-P1255) or OEM arithmetic
parameters (P2000-P2255) to be write-protected. There are no restrictions to read these
Possible values CNC 8055
Integer numbers between 0 and 9999. CNC 8055i
Default value: 0 (it is not protected)

The parameters write-protected from the CNC may be modified from the PLC.
SOFT: V02.2X


Not used.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the number of points available in the second cross compensation table.

This compensation is used when the movement of one axis causes a position change on another
axis. The CNC offers a table where one could enter the position variations of one axis for the
particular positions of the other axis.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

6. Default value: 0 (none)

General machine parameters

Used in the second cross compensation table, it indicates the axis causing position variations on
another axis. The definition code is:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.
3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)


Used in the second cross compensation table, it indicates the axis suffering the position variations
caused by another axis. The compensation is applied onto this axis. The definition code is:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.
2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)

If NPCROSS2=15, MOVAXIS2=2 and COMAXIS2=8, the CNC will allow access to the second cross
compensation table.
Each one of these 15 points (NPCROSS2) of this table will indicate the X position value and the error suffered
by the B axis when the Y axis is positioned at this point.
This way, the CNC will apply the compensation of the Y axis table on to the B axis.


Indicates the number of points available in the third cross compensation table.

This compensation is used when the movement of one axis causes a position change on another
CNC 8055 axis. The CNC offers a third table where one could enter the position variations of one axis for the
particular positions of the other axis.
CNC 8055i
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0 (none)
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Used in the third cross compensation table, it indicates the axis causing position variations on
another axis. The definition code is:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

Z axis.

U axis.

B axis.

C axis.

General machine parameters

Default value: 0 (none)


Used in the third cross compensation table, it indicates the axis suffering the position variations
caused by another axis. The compensation is applied onto this axis. The definition code is:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.
4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)

If NPCROSS3=25, MOVAXIS3=3 and COMAXIS=4, the CNC will allow access to the third cross
compensation table.
Each one of these 25 points (NPCROSS3) of this table will indicate the X position value and the error suffered
by the U axis when the Z axis is positioned at this point.
This way, the CNC will apply this compensation onto the U axis.


Indicates the number of the subroutine associated with the tools. This subroutine will be executed
automatically every time a T function is executed.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.

Default value: 0 (none)


This parameter must be used when having a machining center, general parameter TOFFM06 (P28)
= YES.

Indicates whether a cyclic tool changer is being used or not.

A "cyclic tool changer" is an automatic tool changer which requires an M06 command (tool change)
after searching for a tool and before searching for the next one. CNC 8055
With a non-cyclic tool changer, it is possible to search for several tools in a row without necessarily CNC 8055i
having to make the actual tool change (M06 function).
Value Meaning

YES It is a cyclic changer. SOFT: V02.2X

EZ It is not a cyclic changer.
Default value: YES

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l



Not used.


Indicates whether the CNC displays the position of the tool tip or that of the tool base when working
with tool length compensation.

6. Value


It displays the coordinate of the tool base.

General machine parameters

1 It displays the coordinate of the tool tip.

Default value: 0 (for the M model)
Default value: 1 (for the T model)

On the Mill model, it is necessary to execute G43 in order to work with tool length compensation.
When not working with tool length compensation (G44), the CNC displays the tool base position.

On the Lathe model, it always works with tool length compensation. Therefore, by default, the CNC
always displays the tool tip position.


It is used on punch presses that have an eccentric cam as a punching system.

It indicates how far in advance the general logic output ADVINPOS (M5537) is activated before the
axes reach position.

This reduces idle time, thus increasing the number of punches per minute.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0

If the total duration of the movement is lower than the value in parameter ANTIME, the anticipation
signal (ADVINPOS)will be activated immediately.

If ANTIME = 0, the anticipation signal ADVINPOS will never be activated.

It is used on the lathe model CNC.

It indicates whether or not the "C" axis is only deactivated by the typical spindle related "M" functions
(M03, M04, M05, etc.).
Value Meaning

YES Only the typical functions cancel it.

EZ It is canceled in all the cases.

Default value: EZ


general parameter TOOLSUB (P60) indicates the number of the subroutine associated with the tool.
CNC 8055
The TAFTERS parameter determines whether the tool selection is carried out before or after
CNC 8055i
executing that subroutine.
Value Meaning

YES After executing the subroutine.

SOFT: V02.2X
EZ Before executing the subroutine.
Default value: EZ

Installation manual


It sets the sample period used by the CNC and, consequently, affects the block processing time.
Value Meaning

0 4 ms period (standard).

1··6 Period in milliseconds.

Default value: 2 (Power model)
Default value: 0 (FL model)

At the FL model, if general machine parameter LOOPTIME (P72) is set with a value lower than 4,
the period will be 4 ms. 6.

General machine parameters


Not used


It determines how tool radius compensation is applied. This parameter has three digits.

(units) Type of tool radius compensation beginning and end.

The units set the type of beginning/end of tool radius compensation applied by the CNC.
Value Meaning

xx0 It approaches the starting point going around the corner.

xx1 It goes directly perpendicular to the point; without going around the corner.
Default value: 0


(tens) Additional compensation block.

The tens indicate whether the additional compensation block is executed at the end of the current
block or at the beginning of the next block with compensation.
Value Meaning

x00 It is executed at the end of the current block.

x10 It is executed at the beginning of the next block with compensation.

Default value: 00

CNC 8055
Executing block by block (single block Executing block by block (single block
mode), the first movement ends at point mode), the first movement ends at point
"B". "A".
SOFT: V02.2X

When the beginning or the end of the compensation takes place in a different plane (there is an
intermediate vertical movement) and with angle greater than 270º, one should be analyze the CNC's
behavior as shown next:

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

• At the beginning of the compensation, the tool should be positioned before penetrating into the
part. The additional block must be executed in the upper plane and, consequently, together with
the first block (COMPTYPE=00).

General machine parameters

• At the end of the compensation, the tool should withdraw from the part without penetrating into
it. The additional block must be executed in the upper plane and, consequently, together with
the second block (COMPTYPE=10).

(hundreds) Activate the compensation in the first motion block.

The hundreds indicate whether the compensation is activated in the first motion block or not, even
if the plane axes are not involved. The same criteria also applies when turning the compensation off.
Value Meaning

0xx The compensation is activated in the first block having a movement of the plane axes.
1xx The compensation is activated in the first motion block even if there is no movement of
the plane axes.
CNC 8055
Default value: 000
CNC 8055i
After activating the compensation, it could happen that the plane axes do not get involved in the first
motion block either because they have not been programmed or because the same point as the tool
position has been programmed or because a null incremental move has been programmed. In this
case, the compensation is applied in the current tool position; depending on the first movement
SOFT: V02.2X
programmed in the plane, the tool moves perpendicular to the path on its starting point.

Installation manual

The first movement programmed in the plane may be either linear or circular.

Example of beginning of compensation (COMPTYPE=1x1)

X ···
(X0 Y0)

General machine parameters

··· G01 Y40
G90 G91 G40 Y0 Z10
G01 X-30 Y30 G02 X20 Y20 I20 J0
G01 G41 X-30 Y30 Z10
G01 X25
(X0 Y0)


It is only used on lathe model CNC's and it indicates whether feedrate per revolution is permitted
or not.
Value Meaning

YES Admitted.

EZ Not admitted.
Default value: EZ


It is only used on the Lathe model CNCs and it indicates which axis the handwheel is assigned to.
It is set according to the following codes:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.
1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.
4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (shared)


It is used on the lathe model CNC. It indicates whether the RESET is effective with or without a
previous CYCLE STOP.
Value Meaning

YES The CNC accepts the RESET any time.

EZ Only if the STOP condition occurs. CNC 8055

Default value: EZ CNC 8055i
If DIRESET=YES, the CNC first carries out an internal CYCLE STOP to interrupt program execution
and, then, executes the RESET.

Obviously, if it is performing a threadcutting or similar operation, not admitting a CYCLE STOP, it SOFT: V02.2X
will wait for the operation to be concluded before interrupting the program.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It is used on the lathe model to indicate whether there is tool compensation in all planes or just in
the ZX plane.
Value Meaning

0 Only in the ZX plane.

1 In all planes..
Default value: 0

6. When "PLACOM = 1", the CNC interprets the tool table as follows:

ZX plane WX plane
General machine parameters

The Z and K parameters, with the abscissa axis Z axis W axis

The X and I parameters, with the ordinate axis X axis X axis


When using "Look-Ahead" the operator sets the percentage of acceleration being applied in Look-
Ahead by means of function G51.

With general parameter MACELOOK (P79) the OEM can limit the maximum percentage of
acceleration that the user may set with G51.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0 (there is no limit)


These parameters must be used when having an electronic handwheel to jog the axes.

General parameter MPGCHG (P80) indicates the turning direction of the electronic handwheel. If
correct, leave it as is. Otherwise, select YES is there was a NO before or vice versa.
Possible values

Default value: EZ

General parameter MPGRES (P81) indicates the counting resolution of the electronic handwheel
and depends on the display format selected for the corresponding axis parameter DFORMAT (P1).
Possible values

0, 1 and 2.
Default value: 0

Format Resolution


CNC 8055 5.3 mm 0,001 mm 0,010 mm 0,100 mm
CNC 8055i 4.4" 0.0001" 0.0010" 0.0100"

4.4 mm 0.0001 mm 0.0010 mm 0.0100 mm

3.5" 0.00001" 0.00010" 0.00100"

6.2 mm 0.01 mm 0.10 mm 1.00 mm

SOFT: V02.2X
5.3" 0,001" 0,010" 0,100"

Installation manual

General parameter MPGNPUL (P82) indicates the number of pulses per turn of the electronic
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (means 25)


Having a Fagor electronic handwheel (25 pulses per turn) we would like to move 1 mm per
handwheel turn.

General machine parameters

1. Set the axis parameter for the feedback input of the electronic handwheel AXIS1 (P0) through
AXIS7 (P6), to a value of 12 (Fagor 100P handwheel). Also set general parameter MPGAXIS
(P76) to indicate which axis has been assigned this handwheel.
2. Set parameter MPGNPUL=25 or 0 meaning 25 pulses per turn of the Fagor handwheel.
3. Since the handwheel outputs square signals and the CNC applies a x4 multiplying factor to them,
we get 100 pulses per turn.
4. The value to be assigned to parameter MPGRES depends on the axis resolution format.
With 5.3 mm type display format, set MPGRES=1.
With 4.4 mm type display format, set MPGRES=2.
With 6.2 mm type display format, set MPGRES=0.

Format Resolution


5.3 mm Resolution 0,001 mm 0,010 mm 0,100 mm
Pulses / turn 0,100 mm 1,000 mm 10,000 mm.
4.4 mm Resolution 0.0001 mm 0.0010 mm 0.0100 mm
Pulses / turn 0.0100 mm 0.1000 mm 1.0000 mm

6.2 mm Resolution 0.01 mm 0.10 mm 1.00 mm

Pulses / turn 1.00 mm 10,000 mm 100,000 mm



These parameters must be used when the machine has several electronic handwheels, one per axis
and up to 3 handwheels.

Set the axis parameter for the feedback input of the electronic handwheel AXIS1 (P0) through AXIS7
(P6), to one of the following values:
Value Meaning Value Meaning

21 Handwheel associated with X. 26 Handwheel associated with W.

22 Handwheel associated with Y. 27 Handwheel associated with A.

23 Handwheel associated with Z. 28 Handwheel associated with B.

24 Handwheel associated with U. 29 Handwheel associated with C.

25 Handwheel associated with V.

Parameters "MPG1***" correspond to the first handwheel, "MPG2***" to the second one and CNC 8055
"MPG3***" to the third one.
CNC 8055i
The CNC uses the following order to know which one is the first, second and third handwheel: X,
Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B, C.

The meaning of parameters MPG*CHG, MPG*RES and MPG*NPUL is similar to the meaning of
SOFT: V02.2X
parameters MPGCHG (P80), MPGRES (P81) and MPGNPUL (P82).


It indicates the configuration being used.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Keyboard auto-identification
Certain keyboard models have a auto-identification system. With this type of keyboards, this
parameter is updated automatically; for the rest of the keyboards, this parameter must be set

If the keyboard does not match the CNC model, it shows the relevant error message and it loads
the key codes that correspond to the CNC model. For example, if a mill model keyboard is connected
to a lathe CNC, the keyboard is set for a lathe and the CNC shows the error message.

Possible configuration at an 8055 CNC.

General machine parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Possible configuration at an 8055i CNC.


General machine parameters


Kinematics type.
Value Meaning

0 Without kinematics.

1 Reserved.

2 Orthogonal, spherical or oscillating spindle.

3 Angular spindle.

4 Rotary table.
Default value: 0

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Swinging spindle. Orthogonal spindle. Spherical spindle. Angular spindle.

6. XFORM = 2 XFORM = 2 XFORM = 2 XFORM = 3

General machine parameters

AB table. AC table. BA table. BC table.


Definition of the kinematics of a swinging, orthogonal or spherical

spindle (XFORM =2)

XFORM1 (P94)

It defines the axes of the kinematics and their order, indicating which is the main axis and which
the secondary or dragged axis.
Value Meaning

0 B is the main axis and A is the secondary axis.

1 C is the main axis and A is the secondary axis.

2 A is the main axis and B is the secondary axis.

3 C is the main axis and B is the secondary axis.

Default value: 0

The rotary axes are called A, B or C depending on whether the rotation axis is X, Y or Z respectively.
The turning direction of the axes may be changed with parameter "XFORM2".
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Orthogonal or spherical spindle.

XFORM1 = 0
XFORM1 = 1
XFORM1 = 2
XFORM1 = 3

General machine parameters

Swinging spindle.

XFORM1 = 0

The swinging spindle head "XFORM=2" does not have a secondary or "dragged" axis but parameter
"XFORM1" is defined like in the case of the 45º and spherical one.

XFORM2 (P95)

It defines the turning direction of the rotary axes.

Value Meaning

0 The one indicated by the DIN 66217 standard (see figure).

1 It changes the turning direction of the main axis.

2 It changes the turning direction of the secondary axis.

3 It changes the turning direction of both axes (main and secondary).

Default value: 0

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

XDATA0 (P96) XDATA1 (P97) XDATA2 (P98)

XDATA3 (P99) XDATA4 (P100) XDATA5 (P101)
XDATA6 (P102) XDATA7 (P103) XDATA8 (P104)
XDATA9 (P105)

These parameters are used to define the dimensions of the spindle. All of them need not be defined.

The parameters to be defined for each model and their meanings are listed here below.

Swinging spindle.


Distance, when the quill is retracted, between the nose of the quill and the rotary
axis along the tool axis (W).
Distance between the tool axis and the carried rotary axis. It is defined with ·0·
General machine parameters

value because there is no secondary axis.

XDATA3 Distance between both rotary axes. It is defined with ·0· value because there is
no secondary axis.
XDATA4 Distance between the tool axis and the main (carrier) rotary axis.

Dual swivel spindle head.

XDATA1 Distance between the spindle nose and the carried rotary axis (secondary).
XDATA2 Distance between the tool axis and the carried rotary axis.
XDATA3 Distance between both rotary axes.
XDATA4 Distance between the tool axis and the main (carrier) rotary axis. This distance
must be measured in the direction of the carried rotary axis.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


General machine parameters


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Definition of the kinematics of the angular spindle (XFORM = 3)

XFORM1 (P94)

It defines the axes of the kinematics and their order, indicating which is the main axis and which
the secondary or dragged axis.
Value Meaning

6. 0

A is the main axis and C is the secondary axis.

B is the main axis and C is the secondary axis.

General machine parameters

2 C is the main axis and A is the secondary axis.

3 C is the main axis and B is the secondary axis.

The rotary axes are called A, B or C depending on whether the rotation axis is X, Y or Z respectively.
The turning direction of the axes may be changed with parameter "XFORM2".

In an angular spindle, the main axis must be parallel to one of the axes X, Y, Z and the secondary
axis will be at an angle with respect to it.

In the example, B is the main axis associated with the Y axis and C is the secondary axis associated
with the Z axis.

Possible Not possible

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Angular spindle.

XFORM1 = 0 XFORM1 = 1 XFORM1 = 2 XFORM1 = 3


General machine parameters

XFORM2 (P95)

It defines the turning direction of the rotary axes.

Value Meaning

0 The one indicated by the DIN 66217 standard (see figure).

1 It changes the turning direction of the main axis.

2 It changes the turning direction of the secondary axis.

3 It changes the turning direction of both axes (main and secondary).

Default value: 0

XDATA0 (P96) XDATA1 (P97) XDATA2 (P98)

XDATA3 (P99) XDATA4 (P100) XDATA5 (P101)
XDATA6 (P102) XDATA7 (P103) XDATA8 (P104)
XDATA9 (P105)

These parameters are used to define the dimensions of the spindle. All of them need not be defined.
XDATA0 Angle in degrees between both rotary axes.
XDATA1 Distance between the spindle nose and the carried rotary axis (secondary).
XDATA2 Distance between the tool axis and the carried rotary axis.
XDATA3 Distance between both rotary axes.
XDATA4 Distance between the tool axis and the main (carrier) rotary axis. This distance
must be measured in the direction of the carried rotary axis.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

General machine parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Definition of the kinematics of the angular spindle (XFORM = 4)

XFORM1 (P94)

Sets the spindle axes and their order.


General machine parameters

The rotary axes are called A, B or C depending on whether the rotation axis is X, Y or Z respectively.
The turning direction of the axes may be changed with parameter "XFORM2".

When having a rotary axis "XFORM=4", parameter "XFORM1" indicates which is the main axis and
which one is the secondary or "dragged" axis.
Value Meaning

0 A is the main axis and B is the secondary axis.

1 A is the main axis and C is the secondary axis.

2 B is the main axis and A is the secondary axis.

3 B is the main axis and C is the secondary axis.
Default value: 0


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

XFORM2 (P95)

It defines the turning direction of the rotary axes.

Value Meaning

0 The one indicated by the DIN 66217 standard (see figure).

1 It changes the turning direction of the main axis.

2 It changes the turning direction of the secondary axis.

3 It changes the turning direction of both axes (main and secondary).

6. Default value: 0
General machine parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

XDATA0 (P96) XDATA1 (P97) XDATA2 (P98)

XDATA3 (P99) XDATA4 (P100) XDATA5 (P101)
XDATA6 (P102) XDATA7 (P103) XDATA8 (P104)
XDATA9 (P105)

These parameters are used to define the dimensions of the spindle. All of them need not be defined.
XDATA2 Position of the secondary rotary axis or of the intersection between the primary
and secondary axes along the X axis, referred to machine zero.
XDATA3 Position of the secondary rotary axis or of the intersection between the primary
and secondary axes along the Y axis, referred to machine zero.
XDATA4 Position of the secondary rotary axis or of the intersection between the primary
and secondary axes along the Z axis, referred to machine zero.

General machine parameters

XDATA5 Distance from the secondary rotary axis to the main rotary axis.





CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


The CNC takes this parameter into account when probing, functions G75, G76 and Probe cycles

When the digital probe communicates with the CNC via infrared beams, there could be some delay
(milliseconds) from the time the probe touches the part to the instant the CNC receives the probe

General machine parameters

The probe keeps moving until the CNC receives the probe signal.

Parameter PRODEL indicates, in milliseconds, the delay mentioned earlier.

Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0

While probing, the CNC always takes into account the value assigned to parameter PRODEL and
provides the following information (variables associated with the coordinates).
TPOS Actual position of the probe when the CNC receives the probe signal.
DPOS Theoretical position of the probe when the probe touched the part.

With "PRODEL=0", the DPOS variable has the same value as the TPOS variable.

To set this parameter, the PROBE2 probe calibration cycle can be used. After it is executed, global
parameter P299 returns the best value to be assigned to parameter PRODEL.


Indicates whether the CNC maintains the tool offset number (D) on power-up and after an
Value Meaning

EZ It does not maintain it. It always assumes offset D0.

YES It maintains it.
Default value: YES


The axes and the spindle can have 3 sets of gains and accelerations. By default, the CNC always
assumes the first set indicated by the parameters of the axis or of the spindle ACCTIME, PROGAIN,

Parameter ACTGAIN2 indicates when the CNC assumes the second set of gains and accelerations,
CNC 8055 indicated by the parameters of the axis or of the spindle ACCTIME2, PROGAIN2, DERGAIN2 and
CNC 8055i
This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning Bit Meaning

0 Threading in blind threads (for lathe 8 G51


1 G34 9 G50

2 10 G49

3 G74 11 G48

4 JOG 12 G47 6.
5 Rigid tapping 13 G33

General machine parameters

6 G95 14 G01

7 G75 / G76 15 G00

Default value in all the bits: 0

Every time each of the functions or work modes assigned to the bits of general parameters
ACTGAIN2 (P108) or ACTGAINT (P185) is activated, the CNC checks the value assigned to the
bit corresponding to that function in these parameters and acts as follows:
• If the bit of ACTGAINT2 is set to ·0· and the bit of ACTGAINT is set to ·0·, it applies the first set
• If the bit of ACTGAINT2 is set to ·1· and the bit of ACTGAINT is set to ·0·, it applies the third
set "ACCTIME2, PROGAIN2, etc".
• If the bits of ACTGAINT is set to ·1· and the bit of ACTGAIN2 is set to ·0·, it applies the third set

When that function or work mode is deactivated, the CNC applies the first of the sets "ACCTIME,

When setting ACTGAIN2 = 1000 0000 0001 0000 and ACTGAINT = 0000 0000 0000 0000, the CNC applies
the second set to all the axes and the spindle whenever function G0 or the JOG mode is selected.

Considerations to bear in mind.

The change of gains and accelerations is always made at the beginning of the block. When working
in round corner (G5), the change does not take place until G07 is programmed.

Example ·1· Example ·2·

G2 X10 Y10 I10 J0 (Set 1) G05 G2 X10 Y10 I10 J0 (Set 1)

G1 X20 (Set 2) G1 X20 (Set 1)

G3 X30 Y20 I0 J10 (Set 1) G3 X30 Y20 I0 J10 (Set 1)

G1 Y30 (Set 2) G7 G1 Y30 (Set 2)

The gains and accelerations may also be changed from the PLC. To do that, there is a general logic
CNC input ACTGAIN2 (M5013). Every time this input is activated, the CNC selects the second set
of gains and accelerations regardless of the active operating mode or function.


Not used.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


This parameter indicates whether the CNC takes into consideration or not the additive zero offset
when displaying the coordinates of the axes on the screen and when accessing the POS(X-C) and
TPOS(X-C) variables.
Value Meaning

0 When displaying the position of the axes referred to home, it only takes into account the
additive offset when displaying the coordinates referred to machine reference zero.
The coordinate returned by the POS(X-C) and TPOS(X-C) variables takes into account

6. 1
the additive zero offset.

When displaying the position of the axes, it ignores the additive offset.
The coordinate returned by the POS(X-C) and TPOS(X-C) variables ignores the additive
General machine parameters

zero offset.

2 When displaying the position of the axes, the CNC takes into account the additive offset
except when showing the Command - Actual -To Go coordinates.
The coordinate returned by the POS(X-C) and TPOS(X-C) variables takes into account
the additive zero offset.
Default value: 0

The additive zero offset can be originated as follows:

• With variable PLCOF(X-C), it is possible to set an additive zero offset for each CNC axis from
the PLC.
• With the additive handwheel.



The CNC has specific connectors to connect the handwheels.

Optionally, specific digital PLC inputs (I) may also be used to connect handwheels (signals A and
B). In these cases, the handwheels must operate at 24 V.

general parameter HANDWIN (P111) indicates which input group the electronic handwheels are
associated with.
Possible values

0, 17, 33, 49, 65, 81, 97, 113, 129, 145, 161, 177, 193, 209, 225, etc.

HANDWIN = 0 There is no handwheel connected to the PLC inputs.

HANDWIN = 17 Handwheels connected to the input group I17 through I25
HANDWIN = 33 Handwheels connected to the input group I33 through I41
HANDWIN = 225 Handwheels connected to the input group I225 through I240.
HANDWIN = 241 Handwheels connected to the input group I241 through I256.

The meaning of these inputs is the following:

I17 I33... I225 I241 button signal from the handwheel with selector button (only the first

I18 I34... I226 I242 A signal from the first handwheel.

I19 I35... I227 I243 B signal from the first handwheel.

I20 I36... I228 I244 A signal from the second handwheel.

CNC 8055 I21 I37... I229 I245 B signal from the second handwheel.
CNC 8055i I22 I38... I230 I246 A signal from the third handwheel.

I23 I39... I231 I247 B signal from the third handwheel.

I24 I40... I232 I248 A signal from the fourth handwheel.

SOFT: V02.2X I25 I41... I233 I249 B signal from the fourth handwheel.

Installation manual

HANDWHE1 (P112) / HANDWHE2 (P113) / HANDWHE3 (P114) /HANDWHE4 (P115).

To define the type of handwheel and its associated axis, use the following general parameters:
HANDWHE1 (P112) for the first handwheel.
HANDWHE2 (P113) for the second handwheel.
HANDWHE3 (P114) for the third handwheel.
HANDWHE4 (P115) for the fourth handwheel.

The values to be assigned to these parameters are:





Handwheel with axis selector button


General machine parameters

21 Handwheel associated with X. 22 Handwheel associated with Y.

23 Handwheel associated with Z. 24 Handwheel associated with U.

25 Handwheel associated with V. 26 Handwheel associated with W.

27 Handwheel associated with A. 28 Handwheel associated with B.

29 Handwheel associated with C.

A general handwheel (11 or 12) and up to 3 handwheels associated with the axes can be used
simultaneously. There cannot be 2 general handwheels.


Indicates whether the general inputs /STOP (M5001), /FEEDHOL (M5002) and /XFERINH (M5003)
are enabled (P116=YES) or not (P116=NO) while executing function G84, regular tapping or rigid


Sets the tool inspection feedrate.

When accessing tool inspection, the CNC assumes this feedrate as the new one, and it resumes
the execution of the program at the previous feedrate (the one used in the program or set via MDI
while in tool inspection) when tool inspection is over.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 199999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 and 7874.01574 inches/min.
Default value: EZ

If set to "0" (by default), tool inspection will be carried out at the feedrate currently used for machining.


Only to be used by Fagor Automation technical personnel.


Indicates whether the CNC issues an error message when the axes reach the programmed position
without having received the probe signal while executing function G75 or G76.
Value Meaning CNC 8055
YES It issues the error message. CNC 8055i
EZ It does NOT issue the error message.
Default value: EZ

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It sets the Sercos transmission speed. Regardless of the baudrate used, always respect the values
recommended by SERPOWSE.
Value Meaning

0 4 Mbit/s.

1 2 Mbit/s.

8 8 Mbit/s

6. 16

16 Mbit/s

Sercos test. Continuous signal mode.

General machine parameters

81 Sercos test. Zero bit stream mode at 2 Mbit/s.

91 Sercos test. Zero bit stream mode at 4 Mbit/s.

Default value: 0

i Sercos communication at 8 MHz and 16 MHz requires servo drive version V6.05 or higher.


It sets the Sercos power or the intensity of the light going through the optical fiber. Its value depends
on the length of the cable used from the OUT connection of the Sercos board of the CNC to the
IN connection of the Sercos board of the drive.

Possible values (Sercos board).

Value Cable length

2 Less than 7 meters.

4 From 7 to 15 meters.

6 More than 15 meters.

Default value: 0

Assigning other values, for example value 4 for 3 m, causes communications errors due to signal
distortion in the optical fiber.

Possible values (Sercos816 board).

Value Meaning Recommended type of cable

1, 2, 3, 4 Less than 15 meters. SFO / SFO-FLEX

5, 6 From 15 to 30 meters. SFO-FLEX

7 From 30 to 40 meters. SFO-FLEX

8 More than 40 meters. SFO-V-FLEX

Default value: 2

Assigning other values, for example value 4 for 17 m, causes communications errors due to signal
distortion in the optical fiber.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Defines the work language.

Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 English 7 Czech

1 Spanish 8 Polish

2 French 9 Mainland Chinese

3 Italian 10 Basque





General machine parameters

6 Portuguese 13 Korean
Default value: 0


It indicates whether the cutter geometry is associated with the tool (T) or with the tool offset (D).

The "T" function, tool number, indicates the magazine position it occupies.

The "D" function, offset, indicates the tool dimensions.

Value Meaning

0 It is associated with the tool.

1 It is associated with the tool offset.

Default value: 0

When using a tool holding turret, the same turret position is usually used by several tools. In those
cases, the "T" function refers to the turret position and the "D" function to the dimensions and
geometry of the tool occupying that position. Thus, "GEOMTYPE=1".


It indicates whether the spindle is oriented in the canned cycles either using the M19 function or
using the "C" axis.
Value Meaning

0 The spindle positions by means of the M19 function.

1 The spindle is oriented by means of the "C" axis.
Default value: 0

When the machine uses a "C" axis, it is recommended to always orient the spindle using the "C"
axis since better accuracy is achieved that way.


It indicates whether the live tool is handled with the M45 function or like a second spindle (G28
Value Meaning

0 Using function M45.

1 As second spindle (function G28). CNC 8055

Default value: 0 CNC 8055i
When a live tool uses several work gear, it must be used like a second spindle. To do that:
• Set "AUXSTYPE (P125)=1".
• Define the machine parameters of the second spindle to set the live tool. SOFT: V02.2X
• Use the G28 function to select the live tool.

In the mill model, with "AUXSTYPE (P125)=1" and "STOPTAP (P116)=YES" it is possible to
interrupt the execution of the drilling and tapping canned cycles by means of the general inputs
/STOP (M5001), /FEEDHOL (M5002) and /XFERINH (M5003).

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

FOVRG75 (P126)

It indicates whether function G75 ignores the feedrate override switch of the front panel or not.
Value Meaning

EZ It ignores the setting of the switch. Always at 100%.

YES It is affected by the % of the switch.

Default value: EZ

6. CFGFILE (P127)

Number of the file to configure the windows that may be customized.

General machine parameters


It indicates whether the CNC displays the real or theoretical RPM (affected by the %) of the main
Value Meaning

0 It displays the real RPM.

1 It displays the theoretical RPM.
Default value: 0

When not having spindle encoder (NPULSES=0), it is recommended to set P128=1 so it displays
theoretical value.


This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning Bit Meaning

0 Handwheel ·1· 8

1 Handwheel ·2· 9

2 Handwheel ·3· 10

3 Handwheel ·4· 11

4 12

5 13

6 14 Axis filters for movements with the handwheel.

7 15 It limits the movement.
Default value in all the bits: 0

Bit 15:
CNC 8055 Bit 15 indicates how the CNC acts when requesting a feedrate greater than the maximum allowed
CNC 8055i depending on the handwheel turning speed and the position of the switch.
(0) It limits the feedrate to the maximum allowed but it moves the indicated distance.
(1) Limits the feedrate and movement to the allowable maximum by the parameter G00FEED
or by the parameter FLIMIT, if the PLC mark FLIMITAC is active. The movement stops
SOFT: V02.2X
when the handwheel stops. It does not move the indicated distance.

The individual handwheels, those associated with each axis, always limit the feedrate and the

Installation manual

Bit 14:

Bit 14 activates the axis filters for movements with the handwheel. These filters will be activated only
during general or individual movements with the handwheel.

These filters are specifically for smoother movements with the handwheel. While acting only during
the handwheel movements, it ensures that they do not affect the remainder of the machine
The frequency of these filters is indicated by the machine axis parameter HANFREQ (P104).

If the bit 14 is programmed with a 0 value, the filters defined by the axis machine parameters ORDER
(P70), TYPE (P71) and FREQUEN (P72) for each axis. 6.

General machine parameters

The axis filters for handwheel movements are not activated when the path handwheel mode is
activated, or in additive handwheel movements.

Bits 0, 1, 2 and 3:

bits 0, 1, 2 and 3 indicate whether the handwheels output differential signals (1) or not (0).


It indicates how the rapid movements are carried out. The behavior of this key is managed using
the EXRAPID mark.
Value Meaning

0 It has no effect.
1 When the mark is activated or the "rapid" key is pressed, the movements are executed
in rapid.

2 When the mark is activated and the "rapid" key is pressed, the movements are executed
in rapid.
Default value: 0

The rapid key is treated in execution and simulation as follows:

• The movements are carried out in rapid traverse (G00) while the rapid key is pressed.
• The rapid key is ignored while threading, while look-ahead is active.
• If G95 is active, it switches to G94 mode. When releasing the rapid key, it goes back to G95 mode.
• It only affects the main channel. It is ignored in the PLC channel.


Number of the program that contains the OEM texts in several languages.

By default, the CNC sets this parameter to "0" (there is no program).

If programmed with a value of "0", the texts defined by the OEM are in a single language and stored
in several programs:
PLCMSG Texts for PLC messages.
PLCERR Texts for PLC errors.
P999995 Texts and titles used by all the OEM screens.
P999994 Help texts of the OEM screens or cycles.
CNC 8055
The MSGFILE program may be in user memory or in the hard disk (KeyCF). If it is in several places,
it takes the one in user memory. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X
Not used.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It indicates whether retracing is allowed or not

Value Meaning

0 It is not permitted.

1 It is permitted. The withdrawal stops at the M functions.

2 It is permitted. The withdrawal does not stop at the M functions.

Default value: 0

6. If RETRACAC = 2, only the M0 is executed; the rest of the M functions are not sent out to the PLC,
it neither executes them nor interrupts the withdrawal. The [CYCLE START] key must be pressed
after executing M0.
General machine parameters

Retracing is activated and deactivated with the RETRACE (M5051) signal. This function may also
be activated while function G51 (look-ahead) is active.

If while executing a part program, the PLC sets this signal high, the CNC interrupts the execution
of the program and starts executing backwards what has executed so far.

When the PLC sets the RETRACE signal back low and retracing is canceled. The CNC will resume
forward execution of the blocks that it executed backwards and goes on to the part of the program
that had not machined.

G15SUB (P134)
It is used on the lathe model CNC. Indicates the number of the subroutine associated with function
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.

Default value: 0 (no associated subroutine)

When there is an associated subroutine, the CNC acts as follows:

• If there is no other G15 inside the associated subroutine, the G15 will be executed after the
• If there is another G15 inside the associated subroutine, it will execute this G15 without calling
the subroutine and after executing the associated subroutine, it will not execute the G15 again.

This feature may be used to change the set of drive parameters when switching from spindle mode
to C axis mode.


It indicates how cross compensation is applied. This parameter has two digits.

(units) Cross compensation with theoretical or real coordinates.

The units indicate whether cross compensation is applied with theoretical coordinates or with real
Value Meaning

x0 With real coordinates.

x1 With theoretical coordinates.

Default value: 0
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i (tens) The cross compensation on Gantry axis affects the slave axis

The tens indicate whether cross compensation on Gantry axes affects only the master axis or both.
Value Meaning

SOFT: V02.2X 0x It affects the master axis.

1x It affects both axes.

Default value: 0

Installation manual

AXIS9 (P136) PAXIS9 (P137) AXIS10 (P138)

PAXIS10 (P139) AXIS11 (P140) PAXIS11 (P141)
AXIS12 (P142) PAXIS12 (P143)

If a CNC is configured so that any of the feedback inputs of its axes or spindles is free (because
they are digital axes or spindle without feedback connection to the CNC), these free connectors
could be configured as electronic or mechanical handwheels.

AXIS9 ... AXIS12.

Define the handwheel type. The values to be assigned to these parameters are:
Value Meaning Value Meaning 6.
11 Handwheel. 12 Handwheel with axis selector button

General machine parameters

21 Handwheel associated with X. 22 Handwheel associated with Y.

23 Handwheel associated with Z. 24 Handwheel associated with U.

25 Handwheel associated with V. 26 Handwheel associated with W.

27 Handwheel associated with A. 28 Handwheel associated with B.

29 Handwheel associated with C.


Define which connector is each handwheel associated with. Values 1 through 8 must be assigned
to these parameters depending on the connector that the handwheel is associated with.
When detecting any incompatibility, on power-up, it will issue the messages "Feedback busy" or
"Feedback not available".


It is related to axis parameter BACKLASH (P14), leadscrew backlash compensation due to change
of direction.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning Bit Meaning

0 8

1 9

2 10
3 11

4 12

5 13 G2 / G3
6 14

7 15
Default value in all the bits: 0 CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Bit 13. Backlash compensation on arcs G2/G3.

This bit indicates whether the compensation is applied only on circular paths G2/G3 (bit=1) or in
any other type of movement (bit=0).
SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It is related to axis parameters BAKANOUT (P29) and BAKTIME (P30), additional analog command
pulse to recover the possible leadscrew backlash when reversing the movement.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

6. Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
General machine parameters

Bit Meaning Bit Meaning

0 Exponential backlash peak. 8

1 Minimizes the inside backlash peaks 9

when changing quadrants.

2 10

3 11

4 12

5 13 Apply the additional pulse with G2 / G3

6 14

7 15
Default value in all the bits: 0

Bit 0. Exponential backlash peak.

The additional command pulse used to make up for the possible leadscrew backlash in movement
reversals may be rectangular or exponential. This bit indicates whether it applies a rectangular
backlash peak (bit=0) or an exponential backlash peak (bit=1).

If the duration of the rectangular pulse is adjusted for low speed, it may be too high for high speed
or not enough for low speed when adjusted for high speed. In this cases, it is recommended to use
the exponential type that applies a strong pulse at the beginning and decreases in time.

Bit 1. Eliminate inside backlash peaks when changing quadrants.

This bit indicates whether the inside backlash peaks are eliminated (bit=1) or not (bit=0) when the
axis changes its moving direction.

CNC 8055 In these conditions, the CNC eliminates the additional command peak in the second position loop
CNC 8055i after detecting that the moving direction has changed. If the internal peaks are not eliminated, adjust
the leadscrew backlash compensation better.

A fine adjustment of the leadscrew backlash consists in testing the circle geometry and watch for
internal peaks when changing quadrants (left figure).
SOFT: V02.2X
Bit 13. Additional pulse only in circular paths G2/G3.

This bit indicates whether the additional pulse of velocity command is applied only on circular paths
G2/G3 (bit=1) or in any other type of movement (bit=0).

Installation manual


It defines the number of the program where the oscilloscope configuration will be saved. This
program will be saved in the hard disk (KeyCF).
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0


This parameter is associated with the MC / TC work mode.


General machine parameters

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning

0 There are auxiliary M functions in the cycles.

1 It is not possible to access cycles or programs from the auxiliary screen.

2 The CNC is configured as having two and a half axes.

3-4 Not used.

5 Plane change option.

6 It shows the coolant icon.

7 It enables the option to select roughing or finishing.

8 Enables the possibility of defining the thread pitch as number of threads per inch.
9 It enables the option to program variable-pitch threads.

10 It enables the option for zig-zag flank penetration (lathe only).

11 It enables the option for partial thread repair (lathe only).

12 It enables the option for partial thread repair (lathe only).

13 Enables manual tool calibration without stopping the spindle (for lathe only).

14 - 15 Not used.
Default value in all the bits except bit 7: 0
Default value of bit 7: 1

Bit 0. There are auxiliary M functions in the cycles of the MC work mode.

This bit indicates whether the operations or cycles have (bit=1) or not (bit=0) auxiliary M functions
associated with roughing and finishing operations.

If the auxiliary M functions are enabled for the roughing and finishing operations of the cycles, a
window is displayed where up to 4 auxiliary M functions can be defined. These functions are
executed at the beginning of the operation (roughing or finishing) where they have been defined.

Bit 1. It is not possible to access the cycles or the programs from the auxiliary screen.
CNC 8055
This bit indicates whether it allows (bit=0) or not (bit=1) access the cycles and programs from the
auxiliary screen. With restricted access, the program selected for execution cannot be removed CNC 8055i
either with [CLEAR].

Bit 2. The CNC is configured as having two and a half axes (MC model).
SOFT: V02.2X
This bit indicates whether the CNC is configured as two and a half axes (bit=1) or not (bit=0).

A two-and-a-half-axis configuration is a milling machine where the X and Y axes are motorized and
the Z axis is set as a DRO axis (display only). In this configuration, the Z axis is moved manually.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The interface and the machining cycles are adapted for this type of configuration. Since not all the
cycles are applicable to a two-and-a-half-axis configuration, it will be necessary to set parameters
COCYZ, COCYF1 and COCYF5 to hide them.

Bit 5. It enables the plane change option (MC model).

This bit indicates whether the plane change option of the programming assistance of the MC model
is enabled (bit=0) or disabled (bit=1).

Bit 6. It shows the coolant icon (MC/TC models).

6. This bit indicates whether the coolant icon is displayed (bit1=0) or hidden (bit1=1) in the cycles of
the MC/TC model.
General machine parameters

Bit 7. It enables the option to select or unselect roughing or finishing.

This bit indicates whether the roughing or finishing operation may be selected (bit=1) or not (bit=0).

Bit 8. Enables the possibility of defining the thread pitch as number of threads per inch.

This bit enables (bit=0) or disables (bit01) the option to define the thread pitch as number of threads
per inch.

The number of threads per inch can only be entered when not working with any particular thread
defining system; i.e. when using a FREE system.

Bit 9. It enables the option to program variable-pitch threads.

This bit enables (bit=0) or disables (bit=1) the option to program variable-pitch threads.

Bit 10. It enables the option for zig-zag flank penetration (lathe only).

This bit enables (bit=0) or disables (bit01) the option to penetrate in zig-zag by the flanks in lathe
type threading cycles.

Bit 11. It enables the option for partial thread repair (lathe only).

This bit enables (bit=0) or disables (bit01) the option for thread repair in lathe type threading cycles.

Bit 12. It enables the option for partial thread repair (lathe only).

This bit enables (bit=0) or disables (bit01) the option for multiple-entry thread repair in lathe type
threading cycles.

Bit 13. Enables manual tool calibration without stopping the spindle (for lathe only).

This bit enables (bit=0) or disables (bit=1) the manual tool calibration without stopping the spindle.

COCYF1 (P148) COCYF2 (P149) COCYF3 (P150)

COCYF4 (P151) COCYF5 (P152) COCYF6 (P153)
COCYF7 (P154) COCYZ (P155) COCYPOS (P156)

In the TC and MC work modes, it allows hiding the operations or cycles not being used showing
only the desired ones.

Each parameter is associated with an operation or cycle and each one of their bits refers to each
available level.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

By default, all the bits will be assigned the value of ·0· (option available). Assigning the value of ·1·
SOFT: V02.2X
hides the level of the corresponding cycle.

Setting of a CNC configured as two-and-a-half axes.

Since not all the cycles are applicable to a two-and-a-half-axis configuration, it will be necessary
to set parameters COCYZ, COCYF1 and COCYF5 as follows.

Installation manual

COCYZ (P155) 0000 0000 0100 0110

It hides the tapping, drilling 2 and drilling 3 cycles.
COCYF5 (P152) 0000 0000 0000 0010
It hides the 3D profile pocket cycle.
COCYF1 (P148) 0000 0000 0000 0010
It hides the PROBE 1 cycle.

Meaning of the parameters in the MC work mode.

Parameter Operations or cycles


General machine parameters

COCYF1 Probe 1 Probe calibration
(Bit 1) (Bit 3)


COCYF3 Profile milling 1 Profile milling 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)

COCYF4 Random Grooving

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)
COCYF5 Pocket with 2D profile Pocket with 3D profile
(Bit 0) (Bit 1)
COCYF6 Rectangular boss Circular boss
(Bit 0) (Bit 1)

COCYF7 Rectangular pocket 1 Rectangular pocket 2 Circular pocket 1 Circular pocket 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1) (Bit 2) (Bit 3)
COCYZ Drilling 1 Drilling 2 Drilling 3 Drilling 4
(Bit 0) (Bit 1) (Bit 2) (Bit 3)
Thread milling Threading Bore milling Reaming
(Bit 4) (Bit 6) (Bit 7) (Bit 9)
Boring 1 Boring 2
(Bit 11) (Bit 12)

COCYPOS Positioning 1 Positioning 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)



Parameter Multiple positioning ...

COCYZPOS .... at several points ... in line ... in arc ... in polar arc
(Bit 0) (Bit 3) (Bit 6) (Bit 7)
... in grid pattern ... in parallelogram
(Bit 11) (Bit 12)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Meaning of the parameters in the TC work mode.


COCYF2 Turning 1 Turning 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)

COCYF3 Facing 1 Facing 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)

6. COCYF4 Taper turning 1

(Bit 0)
Taper turning 2
(Bit 1)
Taper turning 3
(Bit 2)
General machine parameters

COCYF5 Rounding 1 Rounding 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)

COCYF6 Threading 1 Threading 2 Threading 3 Threading 4

(Bit 0) (Bit 1) (Bit 2) (Bit 3)
Threading 5 R ev e r s a l o f t h e Penetration increment Programming the Z
(Bit 4) starting and final point (step) in thread repair increment and the
o f t h e fa c e t h r e a d (Bit 14) angle on threads
repair (Bit 15)
(bit 13)

COCYF7 Grooving 1 Grooving 2 Grooving 3 Grooving 4

(Bit 0) (Bit 1) (Bit 2) (Bit 3)
Cut off
(Bit 4)

COCYZ Drilling 1 Drilling 2 Drilling 3 Drilling 4

(Bit 0) (Bit 1) (Bit 2) (Bit 3)
Drilling 5
(Bit 4)

COCYPOS Positioning 1 Positioning 2

(Bit 0) (Bit 1)
COCYPROF Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 Profile 4
(Bit 0) (Bit 1) (Bit 2) (Bit 3)
Profile 4 Roughing by sections
(Bit 4) in interior profiles
(Bit 15)



This parameter has 16 bits to configure the operation in G51 for high speed machining with look-

There are 3 operating modes for G51: advanced algorithm, jerk control algorithm and standard
algorithm. The algorithm is selected using general machine parameter LOOKATYP (P160).
1. Advanced algorithm: use bit 15 of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) to activate it.
Recommended for small and rigid machines, especially for the engraving sector.
When using this algorithm, machining speed is more important than machining accuracy. If the
machine is not rigid enough, it may be rather jerky and, consequently, it is recommended to use
it together with the machining smoothing option (bit 14).
CNC 8055 Plus, it is also recommended to activate bit 12 for speed control in arcs made up of linear blocks,
CNC 8055i especially for accurately machining small radius arcs made up of small linear blocks.
By default, general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) takes the value of: 1101 0000 0000 0000, i.e.
advanced algorithm with smoothing and speed control in arcs made up of small blocks.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

2. Advanced jerk control algorithm: use bit 0 of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) to activate it.
Recommended for large and/or slightly rigid machines. When using this algorithm, machining
smoothness is more important than speed.
Other bits of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) compatible with the algorithm with jerk
control are:
Bit 12: speed control in arcs made up of linear blocks. Recommended for accurately machining
small radius arcs made up of small linear blocks.
Bit 13: using FAGOR filters during look-ahead.
The value of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) recommended when using the algorithm
with jerk control is: 0001 0000 0000 0001.
3. Standard algorithm: bits 0 and 15 of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) to 0.

General machine parameters

With the standard algorithm, the machining result is intermediate. The standard algorithm is
slightly slower than the advanced one and less accurate, but smoother.
When compared to the algorithm with jerk control, it is faster but less smooth.
Other bits of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) compatible with the standard algorithm are:
Bit 12: speed control in arcs made up of linear blocks. Recommended for accurately machining
small radius arcs made up of small linear blocks.
Bit 13: using FAGOR filters during look-ahead.
Bit 14: Smoothing while machining.
The value of general machine parameter LOOKATYP (P160) recommended when using the
standard algorithm is: 0101 0000 0000 0000.

Here is a description of each bit of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160) and the compatibility
between them.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·, except bits 12, 14 and 15 that will be assigned a value of ·1·. Assigning the value of
·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning

0 It may be used to apply jerk control in look-ahead.

1...11 Not used.

12 It activates/deactivates the speed control in arcs with linear blocks in look-ahead.

13 It makes it possible to use Fagor filters with Look-ahead (standard look-ahead algorithm
and with jerk control).

14 Activates/deactivates smoother machining.

15 It activates/deactivates the advanced look-ahead algorithm (integrating Fagor filters).

Bit 0. It activates the algorithm with jerk control during look-ahead.

Using jerk in look-ahead, a trapezoidal acceleration profile is applied with a ramp slope calculated
using the maximum jerk of the axes involved in the programmed path. Maximum jerk depends on
the value given to the axis parameter JERKLIM (P67) of those axes.

For the axes whose axis parameter JERKLIM (P67) has been set to 0, the CNC assumes the jerk CNC 8055
value recommended for that parameter.
CNC 8055i
Bit 12. It enables the speed control in arcs with linear blocks in look-ahead.

This provides more accurate and smoother machining when machining arcs of a small radius
programmed with linear blocks (G1). SOFT: V02.2X
This function could extend machining time slightly.

This speed control may be applied with the standard look-ahead algorithm, with the advanced look-
ahead algorithm or with Jerk control. Plus, it takes into account the limitation set by axis parameters
JERKLIM (P67) in arcs formed by linear blocks when using the jerk control algorithm.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Bit 13. Use Fagor filters with look-ahead.

Fagor filters always work with the advanced look-ahead algorithm, but they can also be used in the
standard algorithms and with jerk control using this bit 13, in which case, only those Fagor filters
will be used.

If there are Fagor filters defined by machine parameter, set as to eliminate some resonance
frequency of the machine, it will assume the values set in these parameters if their frequency is lower
than those taken by default. Otherwise, it will take the default values of those filters.

Bit 14. Smoother machining.

6. Activating this bit has the following effects:

• It activates a filter on the machining path.
General machine parameters

• It does not limit the speed in very small blocks.

They have an effect when used with advanced or standard algorithm.

Bit 15. It activates the advanced look-ahead algorithm.

This algorithm is recommended by default. It integrates the FAGOR filters.

The following table summarizes the purpose of the bits of general parameter LOOKATYP (P160)
for each type of algorithm:

LOOKATYP (P160) Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 0

Standard 0 Optional Optional Optional 0

Advanced 1 Optional It has no effect Optional 0

With jerk control 0 It has no effect Optional Optional 1

TLOOK (P161)

Not used


This parameter is associated with the MC and TC work modes.

This parameter indicates whether on CNC power-up, the F, S and Smax values are maintained or
initialized to zero.
Value Meaning

0 They are initialized with the values of F=0, S=0 and Smax=0.

1 F, S, Smax keep the values of the last machining operation.

Default value: 1

If the parameter is set to ·1· (maintain the values), the CNC acts as follows on power-up.
• The CNC assumes the G94/G95 feedrate set by general parameter IFEED, but it restores the
F in mm/min (G94) and the F in mm/rev (G95) programmed last.
• It maintains the feedrate type G96/G97 used last, but it restores the S in rev/min (G97) and the
S in m/min (G96) programmed last.

CNC 8055 CAXGAIN (P163)

CNC 8055i
It permits maintaining the proportional gain (FFGAIN) and derivative gain while machining in the
XC and ZC planes. By default, these gains are canceled automatically for smoother machining.
Value Meaning
SOFT: V02.2X 0 The gains are canceled.

1 The gains are not canceled.

Default value: 0

Installation manual

With "CAXGAIN (P163) = 1" and high values of both gains, the machine could be jerky depending
on the type of certain parts. When that happens, we recommend to select a gain set with very small
values or zero.


When using a non-random tool magazine (e.g. a turret), it indicates how many tools may be assigned
to each turret position.

When defined with a ·0· value in a non-random magazine, the tools must be placed in the tool
magazine table in the pre-established order (P1 T1, P2 T2, P3 T3, etc.).
Value Meaning

General machine parameters

0 One tool per position. (P1 T1, P2 T2, etc.).

1 The tool can occupy any position.

Default value: 0


Tool wear offsets may be modified from tool inspection mode. This parameter indicates the
maximum amount of wear that may be entered for "I" (it is programmed in mm or in inches).. It is
defined in diameter at the lathe model.

Default value: 0.5


Tool wear offsets may be modified from tool inspection mode. This parameter indicates the
maximum amount of wear that may be entered for "K" (it is programmed in mm or in inches)..

Default value: 0.5


It defines the behavior of the tool or of the tool offset.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning

0 - 11 Not used.

12 Enables/disables anticipated tool management.

13 The STOP signal is always executed after the "T" function.

14 Machining in round corner mode when changing the tool offset.

15 Stop block preparation when executing a new "T".

Default value in all the bits: 0
CNC 8055
Bit 12. Enables/disables anticipated tool management. CNC 8055i
This functionality is used to optimize the time required to change tools on machines that have a tool
magazine with a tool changer arm. This optimization consists in preparing the magazine while
machining to pick up the tool that will be used in the next operation.
SOFT: V02.2X
Bit 13. The stop signal is taken into account after the "T" function is completed.

This function is applied when the tool change subroutine has been defined so it is executed as a
single block and the stop signal has been disabled.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

If the stop signal ([CYCLE STOP] key or PLC signal) is received while executing a subroutine, the
CNC memorizes it until enabling the stop signal. In this situation, it does not finish the subroutine
and it does not consider the T as done, which could cause irregularities at the tool magazine. To
avoid this situation, it is possible to consider the stop signal after executing the "T" function.

This bit determines whether the stop signal is considered after completing the "T" function (bit=1)
or not (bit=0). If the bit is set to ·0·, the stop signal is considered in the following cases.
• If the stop signal has been disabled, when it is re-enabled.
• If the stop signal has not been disabled, when pressing the [CYCLE STOP] key.

6. It should be borne in mind that the DSTOP instruction disables both the [CYCLE STOP] key and
the signal coming from the PLC. Both may be re-enabled with the ESTOP instruction.
General machine parameters

Bit 14. Type of corner when changing tool offsets.

When changing the tool offset, the change takes place at the end of the path. The corner where
the tool offset is changed may be machined either with rounding or without it.

This bit indicates whether that point is machined as a round corner (bit=1) or as a square corner

This bit is only taken into account when round corner machining is active; when working in square
corner, the corner where the change takes place is always machined as a square corner.

Bit 15. Stop block preparation when executing the "T" function.

If while executing the "T" function, the block preparation detects a programming error, this function
might not be executed completely This means that the tool change may have concluded correctly
but the requested tool has not been assumed by the CNC. To avoid this situation, it is possible to
stop block preparation during the execution of the "T" function.

This bit determines whether block preparation is interrupted (bit=1) or not (bit=0) while executing
a "T" function.

Remember that when having a subroutine associated with the "T" function, the tool change is carried
out as follows:
1. It executes the associated subroutine.
2. The "T" function is executed without using the M06 function.
3. The CNC assumes the change.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Defines the behavior of the probe.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function. 6.
Bit Meaning

General machine parameters

0 Smooth stop of the probe.
1 - 15 Not used.
Default value in all the bits: 0

Bit 0. Smooth stop of the probe (G75/G76).

This bit permits defining a smooth stop for probing moves (bit=1). When the probing pulse is
detected, the following error is not initialized, thus the probing move stops more smoothly.

When setting the smooth stop, axis parameter "DERGAIN (P25)" and spindle parameter "FFGAIN
(P25)" should be set to zero. This may be done by setting the set of gains through general parameter
"ACTGAIN2 (P108)" with the bit corresponding to G75/G76.


CAN bus transmission speed for the digital drives.

The transmission speed depends on the length of the cable or total CAN connection distance.
Value Meaning

0 1 Mbit/s. Maximum distance: 20 meters.

1 800 kbit/s. Maximum distance: 45 meters.

2 500 kbit/s. Maximum distance: 95 meters.
Default value: 0 (1 Mbit/s)

For a speed of 1Mbit/s, the number of elements available at the CAN bus, depending on loop time,
will be:

LOOPTIME (P72) Number of elements

4 ms 4 elements (axes + spindles).

5 ms 5 elements (axes + spindles).

6 ms 6 elements (axes + spindles).

2 or 3 ms Not allowed.

Neither the fast channel nor the oscilloscope will be available in a configuration of LOOPTIME =
6ms and 6 elements at the bus.


Behavior of the feedrate when programming F0. CNC 8055

Value Meaning CNC 8055i
0 Movement at maximum feedrate possible.

1 F0 cannot be programmed.
Default value: 1 SOFT: V02.2X

If set to 0, F0 may be programmed and the motion blocks will be executed at the maximum feedrate

If set to 0, it is not possible to program F0 or execute motion blocks with F0 active.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Cartesian axis associated with the incline axis.

Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

6. 4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)
General machine parameters

With the angular transformation of an incline axis, it is possible to make movements along an axis
that is not perpendicular to another. In order to program it in the Cartesian system (Z-X), activate
the incline axis transformation to convert the movements to the non-perpendicular real axes (Z-X').


The axes defined in parameters "ANGAXNA" and "ORTAXNA"must exist and must be linear. These
axes may have associated with them Gantry axes, coupled axes or axes synchronized by PLC.

While searching home, the movements are carried out on the incline axes of the machine. PLC mark
"MACHMOVE" determines how the manual movements with handwheels or with the keyboard will
be carried out.

The inclined plane is activated from the part-program (function G46). If the inclined plane is active,
the displayed coordinates will be those of the Cartesian system. Otherwise, it will display the
coordinates of the real axes.


Axis perpendicular to the Cartesian axis associated with the inclined plane.
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.

2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i ANGANTR (P173)

Angle between the Cartesian angle and the angular axis it is associated with. If its value is 0º, there
is no need to do an angular transformation.
SOFT: V02.2X Positive angle when the angular axis has been rotated clockwise and negative if counterclockwise.
Possible values

Within ±90 degrees.

Default value: 0

Installation manual


Distance between machine zero and the origin of the coordinate system of the incline axis.
Possible values

Within ± 99999.9999 millimeters.

Within ±3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0


It defines how to apply tool radios compensation.


General machine parameters

Value Meaning

0 With an angle between paths of up to 300º, both paths are joined with straight sections.
In the rest of the cases, both paths are joined with arcs.

1 Both paths are joined with arcs.

2 With an angle between paths of up 300º, it calculates the intersection. In the rest of the
cases such as COMPMODE = 0.
Default value: 0


The compensation method depends on the angle between paths.

• For angles up to 300º, it compensates joining both paths with straight sections.
• For angles over 300º, it compensates joining both paths with arcs.


The compensation method depends on the angle between paths.

• For angles up to 300º, it calculates the intersection between the compensated paths.
• For angles over 300º, it resolves it like when COMPMODE = 0.

 < 300º  > 300º


This parameter enables manual intervention with an additive handwheel.

This function allows jogging the axes while a program is being executed. This movement will be
applied as if it were another zero offset.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning

0-9 Not used.

10 Cancel additive handwheel offset with G04 K0.

11 Selecting the additive handwheel as handwheel associated with the axis

12 The resolution of the handwheel is set by general parameter ADIMPRES.

6. 13

Manual intervention enabled with look-ahead.

Cancel the additive offset after M02, M30, emergency or Reset.

General machine parameters

15 Manual intervention with additive handwheel is available.

Default value in all the bits: 0

When enabling the additive handwheel, the following must be borne in mind.
• If the DWELL parameter of an axis has been set and it is not previously in motion, it activates
the ENABLE mark of the axis and waits a time period indicated in DWELL to check whether its
SERVOON has been activated or not.
• The acceleration applied to the additive handwheel movement is that of parameter. ACCTIME
of the axis.
• On Gantry axes, slaved or synchronized by PLC, the movement of the master axis using an
additive handwheel is also applied to the slave axis.
• The mirror image by PLC is not applied to the additive handwheel movement.
• When testing the software limits during block preparation, it checks the theoretical coordinate
ignoring the additional movement of the additive handwheel.

Bit 10. Cancel additive handwheel offset with G04 K0.

With the instruction G04 K0, the coordinates are initialized and the offset applied with the additive
handwheel is eliminated on all the axes that had an offset.

The coordinates will be initialized to the real coordinates of the machine and the offset will be deleted
without moving any machine axis at all.

Bit 11. Selecting the additive handwheel as handwheel associated with the axis

When setting this bit to 1, even if there is a general handwheel, the additive handwheel will always
be the handwheel associated with the axis.

Bit 12. The resolution of the handwheel is set by general parameter ADIMPRES.

This bit indicates whether the handwheel resolution is set by parameter ADIMPRES (bit01) or not.
Otherwise (bit=0), the resolution of the handwheel is set with the switch of the operator panel. If the
switch is not in the handwheel position, it assumes a x1 factor.

Bit 13. Manual intervention enabled with look-ahead.

This bit indicates whether manual intervention is available (bit=1) or not (bit=0) when look-ahead
is active.

Bit 14. Cancel the additive offset after M02, M30, emergency or Reset.

This bit determines (bit=1) that the additive offset is canceled after executing M02/M30 or after an
emergency or reset.

Bit 15. Manual intervention with additive handwheel is available.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i This bit indicates whether manual intervention with an additive handwheel is available (bit=1) or not
(bit=0). If set to ·0·, the rest of the bits are ignored.

The additive handwheel is activated and deactivated with PLC signal MANINT.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Resolution of the additive handwheel.

Value Meaning

0 0.001 mm or 0.0001 inch.

1 0.01 mm or 0.001 inch.

2 0.1 mm or 0.01 inch.

Default value: 0

These values are only applied when bit 12 of parameter ADIMPG has been set to ·1·. 6.

General machine parameters


It allows setting the Sercos transmission delay when working at 8 MHz or at 16 MHz. The default
delay is 400µs and this parameter may be used to set a delay of 600µs.
Value Meaning

0 It sets a delay of 400 µs.

400 It sets a delay of 400 µs.

600 It sets a delay of 600 µs.
Default value: 0 (400 µs.)

Setting a longer delay at the bus permits increasing the amount of data going through the fast
channel. This may be necessary, for example, when having set many PLC parameters (SRR700
to SRR739) that define the fast channel or when accessing variables of several drives from the

In any case, if the CNC detects a limit situation in the bus capacity, it will show a message suggesting
to increase this parameter.

When changing the parameter value from 0 (same as 400 µs) to 600 on a machine using the fine
adjustment, i.e. with "zero following error", we recommend to slightly increase the value of the
DERGAIN parameter (when ACFGAIN = YES) to compensate for the additional 200 microsecond


Not used.


It sets how to access the explorer.

Value Meaning

0 It is accessed using the explorer softkey of the utilities, execute, simulate or edit modes.

1 It is accessed directly from the utilities, execute, simulate or edit modes.

Default value: 1


It allows selecting the repositioning mode.

Value Meaning CNC 8055
0 It activates the basic repositioning mode
CNC 8055i
1 It activates the extended repositioning mode
Default value: 1
SOFT: V02.2X


This parameter indicates the maximum incremental value allowed for Y axis wear compensation
(it is programmed in mm or in inches). Default value: 0.5.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


In the conversational mode of the CNC, it is possible to generate an ISO-coded program with some
basic G functions as well as M and T functions from an operation (cycle) or on a part-program.

This parameter identifies the number of the ISO program generated in user RAM memory.
Value Meaning

0 An ISO-coded program cannot be generated.

1 - 65535 Indicates the number of the ISO-coded program generated.

6. Default value: 0
General machine parameters


It may be used to disable the simulation modes and the block search modes when selecting blocks
in execution. Setting the relevant bit to 1 disables it and removes from the menu the softkey assigned
to this bit.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

For the block search: Disabling in execution:

DISSIMUL = xxxx xxxx 0/1 x x x xxxx

bit 7 = 1 EXEC G SEARCH


For simulation: Disabling in simulation:

DISSIMUL = 0/1 x x x xxxx xxxx xxxx

bit 10 = 1 RAPID [S0]

bit 11 = 1 RAPID
bit 12 = 1 MAIN PLANE
bit 13 = 1 G, M, S, T FUNCTIONS
bit 14 = 1 G FUNCTIONS

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


The axes and the spindle can have 3 sets of gains and accelerations. By default, the CNC always
assumes the first set indicated by the parameters of the axis or of the spindle ACCTIME, PROGAIN,

Parameter ACTGAINT indicates when the CNC assumes the third set of gains and accelerations,
indicated by the parameters of the axis or of the spindle ACCTIME2, PROGAIN2, DERGAIN2 and

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

General machine parameters

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning Bit Meaning

0 Threading in blind threads (for lathe 8 G51


1 G34 9 G50

2 10 G49

3 G74 11 G48

4 JOG 12 G47

5 Rigid tapping 13 G33

6 G95 14 G01

7 G75 / G76 15 G00

Default value in all the bits: 0

Every time each of the functions or work modes assigned to the bits of general parameters
ACTGAIN2 (P108) or ACTGAINT (P185) is activated, the CNC checks the value assigned to the
bit corresponding to that function in these parameters and acts as follows:
• If the bit of ACTGAINT2 is set to ·0· and the bit of ACTGAINT is set to ·0·, it applies the first set
• If the bit of ACTGAINT2 is set to ·1· and the bit of ACTGAINT is set to ·0·, it applies the third
set "ACCTIME2, PROGAIN2, etc".
• If the bits of ACTGAINT is set to ·1· and the bit of ACTGAIN2 is set to ·0·, it applies the third set

When that function or work mode is deactivated, the CNC applies the first of the sets "ACCTIME,

When setting ACTGAINT = 1000 0000 0001 0000 and ACTGAIN2 = 0000 0000 0000 0000, the CNC applies
the third set to all the axes and the spindle whenever function G1 or the JOG mode is selected.

Considerations to bear in mind.

The change of gains and accelerations is always made at the beginning of the block. When working
in round corner (G5), the change does not take place until G07 is programmed.

Example ·1· Example ·2· CNC 8055

G2 X10 Y10 I10 J0 (Set 1) G05 G2 X10 Y10 I10 J0 (Set 1)
CNC 8055i
G1 X20 (Set 2) G1 X20 (Set 1)

G3 X30 Y20 I0 J10 (Set 1) G3 X30 Y20 I0 J10 (Set 1)

G1 Y30 (Set 2) G7 G1 Y30 (Set 2) SOFT: V02.2X

The gains and accelerations may also be changed from the PLC. To do that, there is a general logic
CNC input ACTGAINT (M5063). Every time this input is activated, the CNC selects the third set of
gains and accelerations regardless of the active operating mode or function.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Enables or disables the various retracting options for drilling or mill type threading.
0 Value: disabled
1 Value: enabled
Bit Meaning

0 Enables / disables the threading withdrawal in the threading cycles (G86 and G87). Only
for the lathe model.

6. 1

Enables / disables the threading withdrawal in the drilling cycles (G69, G81, G82 and
G83). Only for the mill model.

Enables / disables the threading withdrawal in the tapping cycle (G84). Only for the mill
General machine parameters


3 Enables / disables the threading withdrawal in the rigid tapping cycle (G84). Only for the
mill model.
Default value: 0


Rigid tapping without sending M functions to the PLC.

If bit 0 of general parameter TAPTYPE (P188) = 1, the M3, M4 and M5 that are executed in rigid
tapping will appear in the history, but they are not sent to the PLC. Since these M's are not sent to
the PLC, the dwells associated with them are eliminated and, consequently, the cycle will be faster.

Bit 0 Meaning

0 Regular rigid tapping.

1 Rigid tapping and without sending M functions to the PLC.
Default value: 1


While executing in look-ahead (G51), some blocks of the program cause the feedrate to slow down
almost to zero, hence causing a square-corner effect. To avoid this effect, when G05 or G51 have
been programmed, it is necessary to maintain the machining feedrate of the blocks that cause it.

To maintain the machining feedrate of these blocks and avoid the square-corner effect, change bit
0 of general machine parameter MANTFCON (P189).

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 0 of general parameter MANTFCON (P189).

Value Meaning

0 Motionless blocks are executed in square corner mode.

1 Motionless blocks maintain the feedrate and are not executed in square corner mode.
Default value: 0
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Blocks affected by the square-corner effect.

If bit 0 of general parameter MANTFCON (P189) = 1, the CNC will not execute the following blocks
in square-corner mode:
• An F programmed alone in the block.
• Blocks consisting one or more of the following G functions:
G0, G1, G2, G3 (without programaming coordinates)
G10, G11, G12, G13
G32, G94, G95 (when not changing from one to another)

General machine parameters

G40, G41, G42, G43, G44
G70, G71
G90, G91
G92 Sxxx
G96, G97 (when not changing from one to another)
G151, G152

Special cases.

If Bit 0 of general parameter MANTFCON (P189) = 1:

• When executing auxiliary M, S, T functions, the CNC will do it in square-corner mode.
• If a block contains coordinates that coincide with the position of the previous block, the CNC will
not execute it in square-corner mode.


When sending an infinite program from a PC to the CNC through Windnc to be executed, there are
the following choices:
1. Once the program has been transmitted, it is executed without pressing any key at the CNC.
2. Once the program has been transmitted, it is not executed until the START key is pressed at
the CNC.

The new general machine parameter STARTDIS (P190) determines whether the program may be
executed or not without pressing START.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 0 of general parameter STARTDIS (P190).

Value Meaning

0 The program is sent to the CNC and is executed.

1 The program is sent to the CNC and is not executed until the START key is pressed.
Default value: 1

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It may be used to define whether to maintain or change the longitudinal axis when changing the work
plane (G17, G18 or G19).

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

6. Bit 0 of general parameter LCOMPTYP (P191).

General machine parameters

Value Meaning

0 The longitudinal axis changes when changing planes.

1 The longitudinal axis does not change when changing planes.

Default value: 0

G16SUB (P192)

General machine parameter G16SUB (P192) indicates the number of the subroutine associated
with function G16.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.

Default value: 0 (no associated subroutine)

When there is a subroutine associated with G16, the CNC acts as follows:
• If the associated subroutine does not contain another G16, it will execute the G16 after the
• If the associated subroutine contains another G16 without XC or ZC, it will execute that G16 with
the call parameters (XC, ZC) and without calling the subroutine. After executing the associated
subroutine, the G16 will not be executed again.

This subroutine receives as call parameter in CALLP the value of the programmed plane:
XC CALLP= $800004
ZC CALLP= $2000004

XCZ CALLP= $10800004

ZCX CALLP= $12000004


General machine parameter NEWLOOK (P193) may be used to select the desired interface for the
Value Meaning

0 Interface A/Plus.
1 Interface FL/Power.
Default value: 1

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.4 Axis parameters


It sets the type of axis and whether it is governed by the CNC or by the PLC.
Value Meaning

0 Normal linear axis.

1 Rapid positioning linear axis (G00).

2 Normal rotary axis. 6.

3 Rapid positioning rotary axis (G00).

Axis parameters
4 Rotary axis with Hirth toothing (positioning in whole degrees).

5 Normal linear axis commanded from the PLC.

6 Rapid positioning linear axis (G00) commanded from the PLC.

7 Normal rotary axis commanded from the PLC.

8 Rapid positioning rotary axis (G00) commanded from the PLC.

9 Rotary axis with Hirth toothing (positioning in whole degrees) commanded from the PLC.
Default value: 0

By default, rotary axes are Rollover and are displayed between 0º and 359.9999º. If rollover is not
desired, set axis parameter ROLLOVER (P55)=NO. The axis position will be displayed in degrees.
Positioning-only and/or Hirth axes follow the shortest path when programmed in absolute (G90). In
other words, if its current position is 10º, and its target position is 350º, the axis will go through, 10º,
9º, ... 352, 351, 350.
See "7.1 Axes and coordinate systems" on page 291.


Indicates the work units (radius or diameter) and the display format used for the axis.

Value Work units Data format

degrees mm. inch.

0 radius 5.3 5.3 4.4

1 radius 4.4 4.4 3.5

2 radius 5.2 5.2 5.3

3 radius It is not displayed

4 diameters 5.3 5.3 4.4

5 diameters 4.4 4.4 3.5

6 diameters 5.2 5.2 5.3


Indicates, if it is a Gantry axis, which axis is this one associated with. This parameter is to be set
only on the slaved axis according to the following code.
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 Not Gantry. 5 With the V axis. CNC 8055

1 With the X axis. 6 With the W axis. CNC 8055i
2 With the Y axis. 7 With the A axis.

3 With the Z axis. 8 With the B axis.

4 With the U axis. 9 With the C axis. SOFT: V02.2X

Default value: 0 (it is not Gantry)

Several Gantry pairs are allowed. The position of the Gantry axis is displayed next to its associated
axis unless machine parameter "DFORMAT(P1)=3".

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

If the X and U axes form a Gantry pair, the U axis being the slave axis, program as follows:
Parameter GANTRY (P2) for the X axis = 0
Parameter GANTRY (P2) for U axis = 1 (associated with X axis)
This way, When programming an X axis move, the U axis will also move the same distance.


6. It is possible to couple or decouple each one of the axes by PLC program using the logic inputs of
the CNC: "SYNCHRO1" through "SYNCHRO7". It is possible to couple CNC axes (main channel)
or PLC axes.
Axis parameters

This parameter, set for the axis coupled as slave, indicates which axis will be its master.
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 With the V axis.

1 With the X axis. 6 With the W axis.

2 With the Y axis. 7 With the A axis.

3 With the Z axis. 8 With the B axis.

4 With the U axis. 9 With the C axis.

Default value: 0

To couple the V axis with the X axis, program as follows:
Parameter SYNCHRO (P3) of the X axis = 0
Parameter SYNCHRO (P3) of the V axis = 1 (associated with the X axis)
When the PLC activates the logic input "SYNCHRO" of the CNC corresponding to the V axis, this axis will
be electronically coupled to the X axis.


Indicates whether it is a normal axis or it only works as a Digital Read Out

Value Meaning

EZ It is a normal axis.

YES It only works as a Digital Read Out.

Default value: EZ

LIMIT+ (P5) LIMIT - (P6)

They set the travel limits for the axis (positive and negative). Each one of them indicates the distance
from machine reference zero to the relevant travel limit.
Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Within ±3937.00787 inches.
Default value: For LIMIT+ (P5) = 8000 mm.
For LIMIT- (P6) = -8000 mm.

On linear axes, if both parameters are set to 0, the travel limits will be ignored.
CNC 8055 On the rotary axes, act as follows:
CNC 8055i • When both parameters are set to "0", the axis may be moved indefinitely in any direction (rotary
tables, indexers, etc.)
• When working with positioning axes and Hirth axes, try to program in incremental coordinates
to avoid mistakes. For example, C axis with P5=0, P6=720 and the positioning axis in 700 (340
SOFT: V02.2X on the screen), when programming G90 C10, the CNC tries to move the axis via the shortest
path (701, 702, etc.) but it will issue an error message for overrunning the travel limits.
• If the travel of positioning axes and hirth axes is limited to less than a turn, they cannot move
via the shortest path.

Installation manual

• When the travel is limited to less than a revolution and a positive and negative display is desired,
for example P5=-120, P6=120, it is possible to program G90 with positive and negative values.


Defines the pitch of the ballscrew or the resolution of the linear feedback device being used.

It must be set when the feedback is handled through the CNC connector; analog servo or digital
with DRIBUSLE = 0.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0.00001 and 3937.00787 inches.

Axis parameters
Default value: 5 mm.

Analog or Sercos servo system.

The meaning of parameter PITCH depends on the type of axis and encoder used.
• On linear axis with rotary encoder, it sets the leadscrew pitch per encoder turn.
• On linear axis with linear encoder, it sets the resolution of the encoder.
• On rotary axis, it sets the number of degrees the shaft rotates per encoder turn.

With this type of servo system, parameter PITCHB (P86) has no meaning.

Axis type Type of encoder PITCH (P7) NPULSES (P8)

Linear axis. Linear encoder. Encoder resolution. 0

Rotary encoder. L e a d s c r ew p i t c h p e r Number of pulses (lines)

encoder turn. per encoder turn.
Rotary axis. Rotary encoder. Degrees that the shaft Number of pulses (lines)
rotates per encoder turn. per encoder turn.

When using gear reduction on the shaft, only the whole assembly must be taken into account when
setting one of parameters PITCH or NPULSES.

Linear axis with a 5 mm pitch leadscrew. PITCH = 5 mm.

Axis with a 20µm-pitch Fagor linear encoder PITCH = 0,020 mm.
Rotary axis with a 1/10 gear ratio. PITCH = 36º.

CAN servo system.

The meaning of parameter PITCH depends on the type of axis regardless of the type of encoder
• On linear axis, it sets the resolution of the encoder.
• On rotary axis, it sets the number of degrees the shaft rotates per encoder turn.

In this type of servo system, the leadscrew pitch is set through parameter PITCHB (P86).

Axis type Type of encoder PITCH (P7) PITCHB (P86) NPULSES (P8)

Linear axis. Linear encoder. Encoder resolution. 0 0

Rotary encoder. Encoder resolution. Leadscrew pitch per Number of pulses (lines)
encoder turn. per encoder turn.

Rotary axis. Rotary encoder. Degrees that the shaft 0 Number of pulses (lines)
ro ta tes p er enc o de r per encoder turn. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
When using gear reduction on the shaft, only the whole assembly must be taken into account when
setting one of parameters PITCH or NPULSES.

SOFT: V02.2X

Indicates the number or pulses/rev provided by the rotary encoder. When using a linear encoder,
it must be set to ·0·.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

It must be set when the drive's velocity command is analog; it is sent via Sercos (DRIBUSLE = 0)
or via CAN (DRIBUSLE = 0 or 1).

When using gear reduction on the shaft, only the whole assembly must be taken into account when
setting one of parameters PITCH or NPULSES.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 299999.

Default value: 1250

6. i When using CAN servo, if both parameters NPULSES and PITCHB are set to ·0·, the CNC will assume
the equivalent values of the drive.
Axis parameters


Indicates whether the feedback device uses differential signals (double ended) or not.
Value Meaning

EZ It does NOT use differential signals.

YES It uses differential signals.

Default value: YES

On an 8055 CNC with –Vpp Axes– module, the feedback connectors of the first 4 axes are for
differential TTL and Vpp signals. This parameter is ignored for these four axes. Use Fagor signal
adapter "SA-TTL-TTLD" (from "non-differential TTL" to "differential TTL") to connect non-differential
signals to these connectors.


Indicates the multiplying factor x1, x4, x20, etc. that the CNC must apply only to sinusoidal feedback

For square feedback signals, this parameter must be set to 0 and the CNC will always apply a
multiplying factor of x4.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0

The axis feedback resolution must be set using axis parameters PITCH (P7), NPULSES (P8) and
SINMAGNI (P10) as shown in the following table:


(P7) (P8) (P10)

Square signal encoder Leadscrew pitch Nr of pulses 0

Sinusoidal signal encoder Leadscrew pitch Nr of pulses multiplying factor

Square signal linear encoder linear encoder pitch 0 0

Sinusoidal signal linear encoder linear encoder pitch 0 multiplying factor

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


This parameter is to be used only when the feedback signals are sinusoidal or differential (double

Indicates whether the feedback alarm for this axis will be ON or OFF.
Value Meaning

OFF No feedback alarm desired, it is canceled.

ON Feedback alarm is being used.

Default value: ON

Axis parameters

It indicates the maximum time that the axis may stay without properly responding to the CNC’s

Depending on the command for an axis, the CNC calculates the number of feedback pulses that
it must receive for each sample period.

The axis will be considered that it is working fine when the number of pulses received is between
50% and 200% of the calculated number.

If at any time, the number of feedback pulses received is out of this range, the CNC will keep checking
that axis until it detects that the number of pulses received has come back to normal. But if more
time elapses than the one indicated in this parameter without the axis coming back to normal, the
CNC will issue the relevant error message.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0 (it is not checked)


Indicates the counting direction. If correct, leave it as is, but to change it, select YES if it was set
to NO and viceversa. When changing this parameter, also change axis parameter LOOPCHG (P26).
Possible values

Default value: EZ


Indicates the amount of backlash. Enter 0 when using linear encoders.

Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Within ±3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0


Indicates whether the CNC should apply leadscrew error compensation or not.
Value Meaning CNC 8055
OFF Leadscrew compensation not being used. CNC 8055i
ON Leadscrew compensation being used.
Default value: OFF

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the number of leadscrew error compensation points available in the table. The values in
this table will be applied if axis parameter "LSCRWCOM" (P15) is ON.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 1000.

Default value: 30

6. DWELL (P17)

Indicates the dwell from the moment the "ENABLE" signal is activated until the velocity command
Axis parameters

is sent out.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0 (none)


Defines the acceleration stage or the time it takes the axis to reach the feedrate selected with axis
parameter GOFFED (P38). This time is also valid for the deceleration stage.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0 (none)


Indicates the width of the IN POSITION zone (dead band) where the CNC considers the axis to be
in position.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0.01 mm.


Indicates the time period that the axis must remain in the "IN POSITION" zone in order to consider
it to be in position.

On axes that are only controlled during the interpolation or the positioning (dead axes), this prevents
the CNC from considering the block completed before the axis has stopped and could get out of
the in-position zone.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0

CNC 8055 Indicates the maximum following error allowed when this axis moves.
CNC 8055i Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0 and 3937.00787 inches.

SOFT: V02.2X Default value: 30 mm.

Installation manual


Indicates the maximum following error allowed when this axis is stopped.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0.1 mm.


Indicates the value of the proportional gain. It sets the command in millivolts desired for a following

Axis parameters
error of 1 mm.

Velocity command (mV)

= Following error (mm) x PROGAIN

Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 mV/mm.

Default value: 1000 mV/mm.

A feedrate of 20000 mm/min is selected by axis parameter G00FEED (P38) to obtain 1 mm of following error
(axis lag) for a feedrate of F = 1000 mm/min.
Command from the drive: 9.5V for a feedrate of 20000 mm/min.
Command for a feedrate of F = 1000 mm/min:
Command = (9.5/20000) x 1000 = 475 mV
Therefore "PROGAIN" = 475


Indicates the value of the derivative gain. Its value represents the analog command (in millivolts)
corresponding to a change in following error of 1mm (0.03937 inches) in 10 milliseconds.

This velocity command will be added to the one calculated for the proportional gain.


=    PROGAIN + -----------------------------------
10  t

To apply this gain to an axis, that axis should be working with acc/dec [axis parameter ACCTIME
(P18) other than 0].
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0 (derivative gain not applied)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The best adjustment is achieved when minimizing the following error as much as possible but without
inverting the peaks. The peaks of the right graph are inverted. Bad adjustment.

The graph on the left shows the system response without DERGAIN (10 m per
square) and the one on the right with DERGAIN (1 m per square).

Axis parameters


Indicates the % of velocity command due to the programmed feedrate. The rest will depend upon
the following error. Both the proportional and derivative gains will be applied onto this following error.


=    PROGAIN + ----------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10  t 100  G00FEED

The feed-forward gain improves the position loop minimizing the following error, but it should only
be used when working with acceleration/deceleration.
Possible values

Between 0 and 100.99 (numbers with two decimals).

Default value: 0 (feed-forward gain not applied)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

The best adjustment is achieved when the following error is minimized as much as possible, but
without changing its sign, maintaining the moving direction of the axis.

The scale for the following error is 10m per square.

• Proper adjustment with Feed-forward.


Axis parameters
• Wrong adjustment with Feed-forward.


Indicates the sign of the velocity command. If correct, leave it as is, but to change it, select YES if
it was set to NO and viceversa.
Possible values

Default value: EZ

When controlling two axes with a single servo drive, the direction of the analog command must be set
on both axes.


Indicates the minimum velocity command for the axis.

Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and 32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0

MINANOUT Minimum velocity command

1 0.3 mV.
CNC 8055
--- --- CNC 8055i
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Defines the velocity command offset value for the drive.

Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and ±32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0 (not applied)



-10 V.
Axis parameters

-3277 -1 V.
--- ---
1 0.3 mV.
--- ---
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V.


Additional analog pulse to recover possible leadscrew backlash in movement reversals.

Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and 32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0 (not applied)

BAKANOUT Additional velocity command

1 0.3 mV.
--- ---
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V.

Every time the movement is inverted, the CNC will apply to that axis the velocity command
corresponding to the movement plus the additional velocity command pulse set in this parameter.
This additional velocity command will be applied for a period of time indicated in the axis parameter

It indicates the duration of the additional velocity command pulse to make up for backlash in
movement reversals.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0

CNC 8055
Indicates whether or not this axis has a home switch for machine reference search.
CNC 8055i
Value Meaning

EZ It has no home switch.

YES It has a home switch.

SOFT: V02.2X
Default value: YES

Installation manual


It indicates the type of flank of the I0 signal that is used for home search.
Value Meaning

+ sign Positive flank (leading edge); change from 0V to 5V.

- sign Negative flank (trailing edge); change from 5V to 0V.

Default value: + sign


Indicates the direction of the home search in this axis.


Axis parameters
Value Meaning

+ sign Positive direction.

- sign Negative direction.

Default value: + sign


Indicates the axis feedrate when searching home until it hits the home switch.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 199999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 and 7874.01574 inches/min.
Default value: 1000 mm/min.


Indicates the axis feedrate when searching home after hitting the home switch until it finds the marker
pulse (Io).
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 inches/min and 3937.00787 inches/min.
Default value: 100 mm/min.


Indicates the position value of the machine reference point (physical location of the marker pulse)
with respect to machine reference zero.
Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Within ±3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0

The machine reference point is a point that the OEM sets on the machine to synchronize the system.
The CNC positions the axis at this point, instead of moving it to the machine zero point.

When the machine uses semi-absolute scales (with coded marker pulses), the axis may be homed
anywhere within its travel. Thus, this parameter must only be set when applying leadscrew error
compensation. The amount of leadscrew error of the machine reference point may have any value. CNC 8055
With Sercos connection, when the drive uses absolute feedback, instead of parameter CNC 8055i
"REFVALUE", it takes into account its equivalent "SERCOS PP177" of the drive.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Defines the value of the velocity command corresponding to the maximum feedrate of the axis
indicated by axis parameter G00FEED (P38).
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 mV and 9999 mV.

Default value: 9500 (9.5 V)

6. G00FEED (P38)

Indicates the maximum feedrate G00 (rapid traverse) of this axis.

Axis parameters

Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 199999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 and 7874.01574 inches/min.
Default value: 10000 mm/min.


Indicates the direction of the unidirectional approach in G00 moves.

Value Meaning

+ sign Positive direction.

- sign Negative direction.

Default value: + sign


Indicates the distance to be kept between the approach point and the programmed point. If it is a
Lathe model, this distance must be in radius.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 inches/min and 3937.00787 inches/min.
Default value: 0 (not unidirectional)


Indicates the feedrate to be used from the approach point to the programmed point.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 inches/min and 3937.00787 inches/min.
Default value: 0


Indicates the maximum programmable feedrate (F0).

Possible values

CNC 8055 Between 0.0001 and 199999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

CNC 8055i Between 0.00001 and 7874.01574 inches/min.
Default value: 5000 mm/min.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Indicates the feedrate F assumed in the JOG mode if no feedrate is active.

Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 199999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 and 7874.01574 inches/min.
Default value: 1000 mm/min.


Indicates the probing feedrate when calibrating a tool in "JOG" mode.


Axis parameters
Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0.00001 inches/min and 3937.00787 inches/min.
Default value: 100 mm/min.


Indicates the maximum difference allowed between the following errors of the axes electronically
coupled (by program, PLC or as Gantry axes).

This value is only assigned to the slave axis.

Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0.00001 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 1 mm.


Indicates whether or not the value assigned to axis parameter DERGAIN (P24) is applied onto the
variations of the programmed feedrate (AC-forward).
Value Meaning

EZ It is applied on variations of following error (derivative gain).

YES It is applied on the variations of the programmed feedrate that are due to
acceleration/deceleration (AC-forward).

ADVANCED It is used in a digital drive system and provides a smoother and more stable adjustment
of the machine.
Default value: YES

If the value of axis parameter ACFGAIN (P46) is changed, DERGAIN will have to be readjusted.

In a digital servo system, axis parameter ACFGAIN(P46) must be set to ADVANCED. This parameter
setting allows a smoother and more stable adjustment of the machine using a lot lower DERGAIN
values than those used when axis parameter AFCGAIN(P46) =YES. This is valid for axes and

All axes of the channel, CNC or PLC, must have the same value for axis parameter ACFGAIN(P46).
When setting ACFGAIN=ADVANCED in an analog system, it will be treated as AFGAIN=YES. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Axis parameters


This parameter is used when once the machine has been all set up, it is necessary to reinstall the
feedback system and the new machine reference point (home) no longer coincides physically with
the previous one.

It indicates the difference existing between the two reference points, the previous one and the current
Possible values

Within ±838.8608 degrees or millimeters.

Within ±33.026 inches.
Default value: 0

If this parameter has a value other than 0, once the home search has been carried out (the reference
mark of the feedback device has been detected) , the CNC moves the distance indicated by axis
parameter REFSHIFT (P47). This way, the machine reference point will always be the same.

This movement is carried out at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter REFEED2 (P35).


These parameters are used in conjunction with axis parameter "STOPAOUT (P50)" with function
G52 (move to hardstop).


The CNC considers that the hardstop has been run into when a certain time period elapses without
the axis moving. This time period is indicated, in thousands of a second, by parameter STOPTIME
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

CNC 8055 Default value: 0
CNC 8055i STOPMOVE (P49).

The CNC considers the axis to be stopped when its movements do not exceed the value set by
STOPMOVE (P49) during the time period set by STOPTIME (P48).
SOFT: V02.2X Possible values

Between 0.0001 and 99999.9999 millimeters.

Between 0.00001 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0

Installation manual


This parameter is used with function G52 (move to hardstop) and it indicates the residual velocity
command supplied by the CNC to exert pressure once contact has been detected.
Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and 32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0


Minimum velocity command

0.3 mV.

Axis parameters
--- ---
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V.

This parameter is especially designed for hydraulic devices.

i When using servo motors, first reduce the maximum torque of the drive by means of an "M" function
in order to prevent the motor from overheating.

This parameter is used when function G50 (controlled round corner) is active.

It defines the area before the programmed coordinate where the CNC considers the axis to be in
position and goes on to execute the next block.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0.1 mm.

It should be assigned a value 10 times the value of "INPOSW"

I0TYPE (P52)

Axis machine parameter I0TYPE has two digits:


It indicates the type of Io signal (marker pulse) provided by the feedback device.
Value Meaning

x0 normal I0.

x1 "A" type distance-coded I0.

x2 Type B distance-coded reference mark (only linear encoder COVS).

x3 Normal I0 (search with retraction)

When using linear encoders with distance-coded reference marks (I0), set axis parameters
I0CODI1 (P68) and I0CODI2 (P69).

Tens. CNC 8055

It defines whether it stops smoothly or not when detecting the reference mark of the axes or not. CNC 8055i
Value Meaning

0x Normal stop on I0.

1x Smooth stop on I0. SOFT: V02.2X

When setting the smooth stop, parameters "DERGAIN" and "FFGAIN" should be set to zero.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


The CNC takes this parameter into account when axis parameter I0TYPE (P52) has been set with
a value other than 0.

Linear encoders having a distance-coded reference mark indicate the machine position with respect
to the "zero" of the linear encoder.
Possible values

Within ± 99999.9999 millimeters.

Within ±3937.00787 inches.

6. Default value: 0

In order for the CNC to show the position of the axes with respect to the machine reference zero
Axis parameters

(home), this parameter must be assigned the position value (coordinate) of the machine reference
zero (point "M") with respect to the "zero" of the linear encoder (C).

When running with a CNC8055 connected to ACSD drives with absolute motor feedback, the absolute
i coordinate needs to be defined under a parameter.
Since ACSD drives do not have a parameter PP177, the CNC uses the machine axis parameter


This parameter has to do with the axis logic outputs "ANT1" through "ANT6".

If the axis move is smaller than the value indicated by this axis parameter MINMOVE (P54), the
corresponding axis logic output "ANT1 through "ANT6" goes high.
Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Within ±3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0


The CNC takes this parameter into account when the axis has been set as rotary "AXISTYPE (P0)=2
or 3". It indicates whether the rotary axis is Rollover or not.
Value Meaning

EZ It is NOT Rollover.

YES It is Rollover.
Default value: YES

CNC 8055 It indicates the address of the digital drive (Sercos or CAN) associated with the axis. It corresponds
CNC 8055i with the value of the drive's rotary switch (address, device select).
Value Meaning

0 Analog axis.

SOFT: V02.2X 1-8 Address of the digital drive.

Default value: 0

It is recommended (not necessary) that the Can addresses of the various axes and spindles be
consecutive and start from number ·1· (the address of the CNC is always ·0·). For example, with

Installation manual

3 Sercos axes and 1 Sercos spindle, the values of this parameter must be 1, 2, 3 and 4. Proceed
in the same way if it is a CAN connection.


This parameter is to be used when utilizing a distance-coded feedback system. It indicates the ratio
between the mechanical period or the graduation pitch on the glass or steel tape and the electrical
period or period of the feedback signal supplied to the CNC.

Possible values

Period of the graduation on the glass (mechanical period or pitch)


Axis parameters
Period of the feedback signal (electrical period)

Default value: 0

E.g. Fagor linear encoder "FOT" has a graduation pitch of 100 µm and a feedback signal period of 20 µm.
EXTMULT = 100 / 20 = 5

Values to be assigned for Fagor encoders with distance-coded I0.

Linear encoders I0CODI1 I0CODI2 EXTMULT

(P68) (P69) (P57)

SOP GOP M OT C OT FOP 1000 1001 1


S OX GOX MOX COX FOT 1000 1001 5


MOY COY 1000 1001 10

LOP 2000 2001 1

LOX 2000 2001 10

FOX 1000 1001 25

Rotary encoder I0CODI1 I0CODI2 EXTMULT

(P68) (P69) (P57)

HO SO 90000 pulses 1000 1001 5

HO SO 180000 pulses 1000 1001 10

HOP SOP 18000 pulses 1000 1001 1


Sometimes the axis does not respond as desired on particular movements. Movements with
handwheel or when the CNC internally transforms the programmed coordinates (C axis, RTCP, etc.).

In these cases, the axis response may be smoothed by applying a filter to speed variations. This
filter is set by parameter SMOTIME that indicates the duration of the filter in milliseconds, value given
by general parameter LOOPTIME (P72).
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 64 times the value assigned to general parameter LOOPTIME (P72). CNC 8055
If LOOPTIME = 0 (4 ms), the maximum value that could be assigned to SMOTIME will be 64 x 4 = 256 ms. CNC 8055i
Default value: 0

To obtain a better response, parameter SMOTIME of the axes interpolating with each other should
be set with the same value.
SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l



These parameters define the second set of gains and accelerations. They must be set like the
parameters that define the first set.

First set Second set



6. DERGAIN (P24)


Axis parameters

To select the second set of gains and accelerations, set general parameter ACTGAIN2 (P108)
correctly or activate the CNC’s general logic input ACTGAIN2 (M5013).


The CNC considers this parameter when using a digital drive (Sercos or CAN). Axis parameter
DRIBUSID (P56) other than 0.

Even when the data exchange between the CNC and the drive is done via digital bus (Sercos or
CAN), one must define whether the feedback is also handled via bus or through the corresponding
connector for the axis or spindle.
Value Meaning

0 The feedback is done via connector.

1 Feedback is handled via digital bus (Sercos or CAN).

First feedback (motor feedback).

2 Feedback is handled via digital bus (Sercos).

Second feedback (direct feedback).

When using a communication interface via Sercos bus.

DRIBUSLE = 0 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via connector.
The command to the drive is sent out via Sercos.

DRIBUSLE = 1 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via Sercos. First feedback (motor feedback).
The command to the drive is sent out via Sercos.

DRIBUSLE = 2 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via Sercos. Second feedback (direct feedback).
The command to the drive is sent out via Sercos.

When using a communication interface via CAN bus.

DRIBUSLE = 0 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via connector.
The command to the drive is sent out via CAN.

DRIBUSLE = 1 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via CAN. First feedback (motor feedback).
The command to the drive is sent out via CAN.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Usually when working with Sercos feedback, the motor-drive system has an absolute encoder.
Thanks to this, the system knows at all times the relative position of the axis per each turn of the

In these cases, when searching home on the axis, the CNC knows the position of the axis as soon
as the home switch is pressed; thus not being necessary to move all the way to the machine
reference point.

Parameter POSINREF indicates whether the axis has to move to a marker pulse or not after hitting
the home switch.
Value Meaning

Axis parameters
EZ It does not move.

YES It moves.
Default value: EZ

When the distance-coded reference mark is managed through the drive's second feedback, it is
recommended to set parameter POSINREF with "NO". Otherwise, the axis moves to the position
set in REFVALUE.

The movement to the reference point is made at the feedrate set by axis parameter REFEED1 (34).
With P34=0, it moves at F0.


When having 2 axes controlled by a single servo drive, machine parameter SWITCHAX of the
secondary axis indicates which one is the main axis it is associated with. See "7.13 Axes (2)
controlled by a single drive" on page 368.

When wishing to make an additive coupling between axes, parameter SWITCHAX of the dro axis
indicates which is the main axis it is associated with. A typical application of additive coupling takes
place on milling machines when the Z axis has a second axis W coupled to it that moves by hand.
See "7.14 Additive coupling between axes" on page 374.
Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 6 With the W axis.

1 With the X axis. 7 With the A axis.

2 With the Y axis. 8 With the B axis.

3 With the Z axis. 9 With the C axis.

4 With the U axis. 10 Spindle.

5 With the V axis.

Default value: 0

Parameter SWINBACK (P66) must also be set when having two axes controlled by a servo system
or wishing to do an additive coupling,


On a machine where the X and Z axes cannot move at the same time, the X axis is the main axis
and the Z axis is the secondary (associated with the X axis).
SWITCHAX for X = 0.
SWITCHAX for Z = 1.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Axis parameters


This parameter indicates whether an additive coupling is being applied between axes or there are
two axes controlled by a single servo system. When having 2 axes controlled by a single servo drive,
machine parameter SWINBACK of the secondary axis indicates whether it has its own feedback
device or it uses that of the main axis it is associated with.
Value Meaning

0 It assumes the feedback of the main axis.

1 It has its own feedback device.

2 It uses the feedback of the main axis, but it has its own velocity command.

10 For an additive coupling.

Default value: 0
See "7.13 Axes (2) controlled by a single drive" on page 368.

The following examples show the various possibilities of two axes controlled by a single servo
system. In all of them, the toggling of the velocity command must be done from the PLC using the
SWITCH2 mark.

Each axis has its own feedback device.

X axis (main) SWINBACK of the X axis = 0.
Z axis (secondary) SWINBACK of the Z axis = 1.

The two axes share the same feedback device. It must be connected to the feedback connector of
the main axis.

CNC 8055 X axis (main) SWINBACK of the X axis = 0.

CNC 8055i Z axis (secondary) SWINBACK of the Z axis = 0.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Axis parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The communication with the drive is done through Sercos, feedback included.
X axis (main) SWINBACK of the X axis = 0.
Z axis (secondary) SWINBACK of the Z axis = 1.

Axis parameters

The CNC internally switches the feedback it receives via Sercos and it supplies it to either axis
depending on the status of the SWITCH2 mark.


It defines the derivative of the acceleration. It may be used to limit the acceleration changes to
smooth the machine movements on small speed increments or decrements and with FFGAIN values
close to 100%.

The CNC ignores this parameter when moving with electronic handwheels, mechanical
handwheels, look ahead, threading (G33) and rigid tapping.

The smaller the value assigned to JERKLIM, the smoother the machine’s response, but the acc/dec
time will be longer. When increasing the value of JERKLIM, it decreases the acc/dec time but the
machine response worsens.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 m/s3.

Default value: 0

Recommended values:
In millimeters JERKLIM = 82*G00FEED / ACCTIME**2
In inches JERKLIM = 2082*G00FEED / ACCTIME**2
Use parameter ACCTIME2 when adjusting the second set of parameters.

If the stability of the machine is affected by the values mentioned earlier, the JERKLIM value should
be lowered to half as much.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

I0CODI1 (P68) I0CODI2 (P69)

The CNC takes this parameter into account when axis parameter I0TYPE (P52) has been set with
a value other than 0. Parameter I0CODD1 (P68) indicates the gap between 2 fixed distance-coded
I0's and parameter I0CODD2 (P69) indicates the gap between 2 variable distance-coded I0's.

It is set in number of waves.

Possible values

Between 0 and 65535 waves.

Default value: For I0CODD1 (P68) = 1000.
Default value: For I0CODD2 (P69) = 1001. 6.

Axis parameters
Example with Fagor linear encoder

Gap between two fixed distance-coded I0's 20 000 m

Gap between two variable distance-coded I0's 20 020m

Signal period 20 m

Number of waves between fixed I0's 20000/(20 x EXTMULT) = 1000

Number of waves between variable I0's 20020/(20 x EXTMULT) = 1001

Values to be assigned for Fagor encoders with distance-coded I0.

Linear encoders I0CODI1 I0CODI2 EXTMULT

(P68) (P69) (P57)

SOP GOP M OT C OT FOP 1000 1001 1


S OX GOX MOX COX FOT 1000 1001 5


MOY COY 1000 1001 10

LOP 2000 2001 1

LOX 2000 2001 10

FOX 1000 1001 25

Rotary encoder I0CODI1 I0CODI2 EXTMULT

(P68) (P69) (P57)

HO SO 90000 pulses 1000 1001 5

HO SO 180000 pulses 1000 1001 10

HOP SOP 18000 pulses 1000 1001 1


Filter order. The down ramp is dampened down; the larger the number the greater the drop.
Value Filter type

[0 - 4] Low passing filter

[0 - 4] Notch filter (anti-resonance)

[0 - 30] FAGOR filter CNC 8055

Default value: 0 (the filter is not applied). CNC 8055i
When applying a filter, it must be set with an order of ·3·. Before setting it to another value, consult
with Fagor Automation's technical service.

If the filter has been designed wrong, it will not be applied. SOFT: V02.2X

i If axis parameter TYPE (P71) = 0 or 1, the filters are not applied in electronic or mechanical handwheel
It is recommended not to activate these filters on machines carrying out movements against a hard

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

When detecting that the FAGOR filter order is too high for the filter configuration (according to
parameters FREQUEN and LOOPTIME), on power-up it will issue the message: "It is recommended
to lower the order of the frequency filter".

It is recommended to start from low values (e.g.: ORDER=5) and go on increasing this value until
that message is displayed.

TYPE (P71)

Filter type. There are three types of filter: "low passing", "notch filter" and "FAGOR (low passing)".

6. To obtain a good machining quality, all the axes and the spindle interpolating with each other should
be defined with the same type of filter and with the same frequency.
Axis parameters

Value Meaning

0 "Low passing" filter.

1 "Anti-resonance" (notch) filter.

2 FAGOR "low passing" filter.

Default value: 0

When defining anti-resonance filters, parameters NORBWIDTH and SHARE must also be set.

"Low passing" filter.

The "low passing" filter is used to limit the jerk by making the movements smoother although it has
the drawback that it rounds the corners slightly.


0,707·Ao (-3dB)


Anti-resonance filter (notch filter).

The "anti-resonance" (notch) filter must be used when the machine has a resonance frequency to
be eliminated.


0,707·Ao (-3dB)

f1 f2

CNC 8055 CNC start-up with Fagor filters active.

CNC 8055i If on CNC start-up, Fagor filters are active on any of the axes and axis parameter SMOTIME (P58)
is other than 0 on the same axis, the CNC displays the following error message:
• Parameter TYPE=2 is incompatible with general parameter SMOTIME.

SOFT: V02.2X
After start-up, if the value of the indicated parameter is not changed, the CNC will cancel that parameter

Installation manual


The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of filter being applied.

On "low passing" and "FAGOR" filters, it indicates the break point frequency or frequency where
the amplitude drops 3 dB or it reaches 70% of the nominal amplitude.
-3dB = 20 log (A/Ao) ==> A = 0,707 Ao

For the "anti-resonance" (notch) filter, it indicates the mid frequency or frequency at which the
resonance reaches its maximum value.
Possible values

Between 0 and 500.0 Hz.


Axis parameters
Default value: 30


Normal bandwidth.

This parameter is only taken into account for the "anti-resonance (notch)" filter type.
Possible values

between 0 and 100.0

Default value: 1


0,707·Ao (-3dB)

f1 f2

It is calculated with the following formula.

Points f1 and f2 correspond to the cutoff frequency or frequency at which its amplitude drops 3 dB
or reaches 70% of the nominal amplitude.

NORBWID = -----------------------------
 f2 – f1 


Signal percentage that passes through the filter. This value must be equivalent to the percentage
overshooting of the resonance because it has to make up for it.

This parameter is only taken into account for the "anti-resonance (notch)" filter type.
Possible values

between 0 and 100

Default value: 100
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Calculation example for a particular response of the machine.



Axis parameters



Maximum safety limit for the axis feedrate. This limit is activated from the PLC and is applied to all
the work modes, including the PLC channel.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0 inches/min and 3937.00787 inches/min.
Default value: 0

This limit is activated for all the axes using the mark FLIMITAC (M5058). When the limit is canceled,
the CNC recovers the programmed feedrate.

This limit permits clearing the axis feedrate temporarily via PLC, e.g. when opening the doors, etc.

In the following cases, the value set in axis parameter FLIMIT (P75) is not exceeded:
1. Electronic handwheel:
In order to respect the limit set by axis parameter FLIMIT(P75), some of the pulses received
from the handwheel must be ignored when exceeding FLIMIT; i.e. if FLIMIT is active, some
pulses will be lost whether bit 15 of general parameter HDIFFBAC (P129) is set to 0 or to 1.
2. Handwheel associated with a mechanical handwheel.
3. Path-handwheel.


Sercos identifier ID of the slave axis of the Tandem axis. This parameter of the master axis selects
the axis that will generate the velocity command for the slave axis.

This parameter enables all the other parameters of the Tandem axis. If this parameter is zero, there
is no Tandem axis and it ignores the rest of the Tandem control parameters. All the parameters of
the Tandem axis are set in the parameter table of the master axis.


Slave axis of the tandem axis. The axis whose table sets the parameters will be the master axis of
CNC 8055 the Tandem axis.
CNC 8055i Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 None. 5 V axis.

1 X axis. 6 W axis.
SOFT: V02.2X
2 Y axis. 7 A axis.

3 Z axis. 8 B axis.

4 U axis. 9 C axis.
Default value: 0 (none)

Installation manual

This parameter is used in the following cases:

• To identify the marks of the slave axis DRENA, SPENA, DRSTAF and DRSTAS. To refer to these
marks, it is recommended to use as indexes the name of the axis (DRENAX, SPENAZ, etc.).
Numerical indexes (DRENA1, SPENA2, etc.) follow a different criteria; they are the ones
following the rest of non-slave axes.
• Identify at the CNC the errors of the Tandem slave axis.
• Identify the parameter tables of the Tandem slave axis drive.


Torque distribution. It indicates the torque supplied by each motor in order to obtain the necessary

Axis parameters
total torque on the Tandem axis.

This parameter refers to the master axis. It is defined as the percentage of the total torque required
from the master axis. The difference between the value of this parameter and 100% is the
percentage applied to the slave axis.

If the motors are identical and they are to output the same amount of torque, their parameters must
be set to 50%.
Possible values

Between 0 and 100% (both included).

Default value: 50


Preload between both motors. It is the torque difference to be applied between the master and the
slave axes. The pre-load sets a traction between both motors in order to eliminate the backlash in
resting position.

This parameter refers to the master axis. It is defined as the percentage of the rated torque to be
applied as preload.

In order for the two axes to supply opposite torques, the preload value must be greater than the
maximum torque needed at all times, including accelerations.
Possible values

Between -100% and 100%

Default value: 0 (pre-load is disabled)

Applying the preload necessarily implies mechanically joining the master and slave axes that make
up the Tandem axis. Otherwise, the motors will move even without the control velocity command.


Filter for pre-load. It sets the amount of time for gradually applying the pre-load. Setting it to zero
disables the filter.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 1000

It eliminates the torque steps (shoulders) at the input of the Tandem compensator when setting a
pre-load value. This avoids a step (shoulder or sudden change) in the velocity commands of the CNC 8055
master and slave axes of the Tandem.
CNC 8055i


Value of the proportional gain (Kp) for the Tandem axis. The proportional controller generates an
SOFT: V02.2X
output proportional to the torque error between the two motors.

S max
k P =  ------------  TPROGAIN
T nom

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

T error =  – T master + T slave + Preload 

Speed = k P  T error

Possible values

Between 0 and 100%.

Default value: 0 (no proportional gain is applied).

6. Sample

A Tandem axis has a maximum speed of 2000 rpm and a rated torque of 20 Nm. TPROGAIN has been
Axis parameters

set to 10%.
Kp = ( 2000 rpm / 20 Nm ) ? 0.1= 10 rpm / Nm.


Value of the integral gain (Ki) for the Tandem axis. The integral controller generates an output
proportional to the integral of the torque error between the two motors.

k i = -----------------------------------  k p

T error =  – T master + T slave + Preload 

Speed = k i 
T error

Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0 (no integral gain is applied).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


This parameter limits the maximum compensation applied by the Tandem axis. This limit is also
applied to the integral.

This parameter refers to the master axis. It is defined as percentage of the maximum speed of the
master motor. If programmed with a "0" value, the Tandem control output will be zero, which involves
disabling the Tandem.
Possible values

Between 0 and 100%.

Default value: 0 (the Tandem axis is disabled). 6.

Axis parameters

Maximum feedrate allowed, due to the additive handwheel.

Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0 inches/min and 3937.00787 inches/min.
Default value: 1000


Maximum axis feedrate when activating the EXRAPID mark and when pressing the rapid key in
execution or in simulation with motion.

If set to 0, it assumes the feedrate set by parameter G00FEED. If it is set with a value higher than
G00FEED, the feedrate will be limited to G00FEED.
Possible values

Between 0 and 199999.9999 degrees/min or mm/min.

Between 0 and 7874.01574 inches/min.
Default value: 0

This limit does not affect the rapid jog which will still have the value of parameter G00FEED.


Leadscrew pitch. This parameter must be set when using SERCOS, CAN or analog servo drives.
Depending on the type of servo drives, axis parameter PITCHB (P86) must be set as follows:

Analog servo drives:

When using analog servo drives, if axis parameter NPULSES (P8) =0, it indicates that it is a linear
encoder and axis machine parameter PITCH (P7) indicates the pitch of the linear encoder.

If axis parameter NPULSES (P8) is other than 0, it indicates that it is an encoder and axis machine
parameter PITCHB (P86) indicates the pitch of the leadscrew.

SERCOS digital servo drives

Axis machine parameter PITCHB (P86) indicates the leadscrew pitch and it is written at the drive.
If axis machine parameters PITCHB (P86)=0, INPREV (P87)=0 and OUTPREV (P88)=0, the
leadscrew pitch is read from the drive.
CNC 8055
Digital CAN servo
CNC 8055i
Axis machine parameter PITCHB (P86) sets the leadscrew pitch.

i When using CAN servo, if both parameters NPULSES and PITCHB are set to ·0·, the CNC will assume
the equivalent values of the drive. SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Parameters that indicate the input revolutions (INPREV) and the output revolutions OUTPREV) of
each axis. These parameters are used to deal with gear ratios on the axis. The default value for both
parameters is 0.

Both axis machine parameters INPREV and OUTPREV must be 0 or both other than zero. Do not
program one with a 0 value and the other one with a value other than 0.

6. HPITCH (P89)

On Hirth axes, it indicates its pitch in degrees. When set to ·0·, it assumes a pitch value of 1º.
Axis parameters

Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees.

(the remainder of 360/HPITCH must necessarily be zero)
Default value: 1

It admits values other than 1º and decimal values. When HPITCH is set with a decimal value, the
screen will show the coordinates with decimals.

Any stop or movement in continuous jog will stop the axis in coordinates multiple of HPITCH. The
incremental jog movements will be similar to the ones carried out with a 1 degree pitch.
• For incremental switch positions of 1, 10, 100 or 1000, it will move 1 step.
• For an incremental switch position 10000, the movement will be multiple of the closest pitch to
10º (and under 10º). If the pitch value is greater than 10º, it will move a single step.

Even if the position of a Hirth axis does not coincide with its Hirth pitch, any other axis may be moved
to a valid position in both automatic and jog modes. An error message will be issued if the position
to move the axis does not coincide with the pitch. In any case, it is possible to move any other axis
in both automatic and jog modes.


It allows customizing the movement of the axis.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0·. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the corresponding function.
Bit Meaning

0 - 14 Not used.

15 Rollover axis. Movement in G53 via the shortest way.

Default value in all the bits: 0

Bit 15. Rollover axis. Movement in G53 via the shortest way.

This bit indicates how the movements in G53 are carried out for a positioning-only rotary axis without
travel limits.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
When set to ·1·, G53 movements are carried out along the shortest path. When several presets have
been made, the axis may rotate several complete turns.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


It defines from which set of the drive will the following drive parameters be read:
• NP 121: Input rpm.
• NP 122: Output rpm.

This parameter is used to apply a different gear ratio to each axis when having two axes that share
the same drive. This allows controlling two completely different axes with the same motor.
Bit Meaning

0-7 Drive set from which drive parameters NP121 and NP 122 are read.
Default value: 0

Axis parameters
Axis parameter DRISET (P91) is only taken into account when two Sercos axes share the same
drive with switch parameters. Otherwise, it reads the data of set 0.

Special cases:

When the C axis of a lathe shares a drive with the spindle, if axis parameter DRISET (P91) = 0, it
reads the values of the drive's set 7. This is because set 0 is reserved to the spindle.



These parameters define the third set of gains and accelerations. They must be set like the
parameters that define the first set.

First set Second set Third set





To select the third set of gains and accelerations, set general parameter ACTGAINT (P185) correctly
or activate the CNC’s general logic input ACTGAINT (M5063).


It indicates whether or not the position difference between master and slave will be corrected so
that difference is zero, once the two axes of a Gantry pair have been homed.
Value Meaning

0 The position difference between the master and the slave is not corrected.

1 The position difference between the master and the slave is corrected.
Default value: 1


It indicates the maximum position difference, in mm, between master and slave, from where on to
compensate for the difference after homing the two axes of a Gantry pair.
Value Meaning

0 There is no maximum limit from which the position difference is not CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
0.0001 - 99999.9999 From this value on, the position difference is not compensated for.
Default value: 0

This axis machine parameter is taken into account when it is about correct the coordinate difference.
SOFT: V02.2X


Every time the axis movement is inverted, the CNC will apply to that axis the velocity command
corresponding to the movement plus an additional velocity command (to make up for backlash). This

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

additional velocity command is eliminated (peak compensation cutoff) depending on the values of
the following parameters:

General parameter BAKTIME (P30), general parameter ACTBAKAN (P145) and axis parameter

The axis machine parameter PEAKDISP (P98) defines the actual distance traveled along the
corresponding axis after the theoretical reversal, from which the reversal peak is cut off on that axis.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 millimeters.

6. Default value: 0,005

This axis machine parameter will be taken into account when bit 1 of general machine parameter
Axis parameters

ACTBAKAN (P145) is set to ·1· if the peak is exponential or if it is square.

If the value of axis parameter PEAKDISP (P98) = 0 and bit 1 of general parameter ACTBAKAN
(P145) = 1, the compensation peak will be cut off with the second consecutive loop where the
counting reversal has been detected.

Cutting the exponential compensation off.


Command to end the execution

of the compensation (cutoff).
The axis has moved
PEAKDISK mm indicated by
the feedback device.


Command to execute
the compensation.

Moving distance
set by parameter (PEAKDISP).

Position given
by the feedback

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


This parameter is used to be able to control when the compensation should really be applied after
detecting a movement reversal and not applying it every time a reversal command is received.

This axis parameter should be set with the value that the position must vary after the first movement
reversal (hysteresis) so it is considered that the command to compensate has been issued, hence
prevent it from issuing the compensations every time it receives the command to reverse the moving
direction if that margin has not been exceeded. The value entered in this parameter must be in mm
for linear axes and in degrees for rotary axes. Default value 0.0000.

If REVEHYST= 5 dµm, the CNC will not activate the reversal compensation in all the reversals after

Axis parameters
the first one as long as the position does not change at least a value equal to the setting of axis
parameter REVEHYST since the first command to reverse the position command was issued.

In other words, if a reversal command is sent when the position command has varied 2 dµm from
the position where the first reversal command took place, it does not issue the compensation (it has
not exceeded the value given by REVHYST) and it just reverses the movement.

Only when the position command variation reaches 5 dµm, it will issue the compensation and the
next command to reverse will be taken as the new reference for evaluating the position variation to
determine when it reaches the value given in axis parameter REVEHYST again and it compensates
for it again.


1 2 1 2
Hysteresis amplitude.

1 3 1 2
Position command reversal.
Maximum limit given by P99. Issuing the compensation.
Compensation cancellation limit.

• Setting axis parameter REVEHYST (P99) =0, backlash error compensation using a reversal
peak will be applied at every reversal.
• Having set axis parameter REVEHYST (P99) with a value other than 0, to set axis parameter
PEAKDISP (P14) to cut the backlash peak, we recommend to use a smaller REVEHYST value
than that of PEAKDISP so as not to apply the backlash peak.
• If they have been set as DRO axes, the value of axis parameter BACKLASH (P14) will be taken
into account for these axes. In these cases, especially if they have sinusoidal feedback, we
recommend to use a value of axis parameter REVEHYST (P99) other than 0 in order to apply
backlash compensation.


Axis machine parameter that sets the maximum difference allowed between the first and second
Possible values
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.
Between 0 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 1mm (for linear axes)
Default value: 1º (for rotary axes)
SOFT: V02.2X
This difference in position values may be monitored on the oscilloscope through the read-only
variable FBDIF(X-C). If the value of FBACKDIF (P100) =0, the feedback difference is not monitored.
It is recommended to set axis parameter FBACKDIF (P100) with a value other than 0.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

If the feedback difference exceeds the value set in axis parameter FBACKDIF (P100) the CNC will
issue the corresponding error message.


This parameter sets the maximum feedback difference between that of the CNC and the one
indicated by the absolute encoder on power-up.
Possible values

6. Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees or millimeters.

Between 0 and 3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 1mm (for linear axes)
Axis parameters

Default value: 1º (for rotary axes)

When using absolute feedback and axis parameter MAXDIFAB (P101)=0, on power-up the CNC
will issue a warning indicating that safety is disabled.

If the position value received from the absolute feedback is not the same as that of the CNC and
it is even greater than the value of axis parameter MAXDIFAB (P101), the CNC will show a error
window on power-up (this window only comes up once in every power-up).

To eliminate this error, select the option "REMOVE ERROR" and press [ENTER]. This way, the axis
will assume the value indicated by the absolute feedback.

If the [EXIT] option is selected or the [ESC] key is pressed, the CNC will show the error message
"Feedback error on the axis" and it will prevent the machine from moving. This error can only be
eliminated by powering the CNC up again and selecting the option "REMOVE ERROR".

Once the error has been removed, if the axis is out of the permitted limits, the CNC will only allow
to move the axes towards the area within the limits.

this error will come up the first time an absolute feedback is connected or when the offsets of the
feedback device are changed. In these cases, once the error has been removed as described earlier,
that error will not come up again.


Machine parameter that may be used to set the time constant to be used when combining feedbacks;
i.e. it sets the delay between the position values of the first and the second feedback. This parameter
only works for Sercos axes with external feedback, axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) =0.

Possible values

Between 0 and 9999.9 ms.

Default value: 0

Operation of feedback combination depending on the value of axis parameter FBMIXTIM:

• A value equal to or greater than general parameter LOOPTIME (P72) enables the use of
feedback combination.
• A value smaller than general parameter LOOPTIME (P72) disables feedback combination and
the external feedback will be used.

Activating feedback combination, if it is off on CNC power-up, after setting axis parameter FBMIXTIM
to a value equal to or greater than general parameter LOOPTIME, requires a Shift/Reset or turning
the CNC off and back on.

Once feedback combination is activated on power-up, later changes to the value of parameter
FBMIXTIM, even those involved in turning feedback combination on or off, are validated by simply
CNC 8055 pressing Reset or automatically if it was changed from the oscilloscope.
CNC 8055i

Axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) compensates the deformation of the arm that supports the tool
SOFT: V02.2X when it is accelerating or decelerating. This parameter is applied in the position loop.
Possible values

Between 0.01 and 9999.99 Hz.

Default value: 0 Hz.

Installation manual

The value of this parameter is updated with a reset.

A low value of machine axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) can cause too much movement of the axis
issuing the following error message: Too much following error (axis lag).
When having gantry axes, the master axis and the slave axis must be set with the same value.


Machine parameter that indicates the frequency of the axis filters for movements with the
Possible values

Axis parameters
Between 0.1 and 500.0 Hz.
Default value: 0

It should be kept in mind that even though the range of values permitted is between 0.1 and 500.0Hz,
it is not possible to filter frequencies above 1/(2xT), where T is the period of the position loop,
expressed in seconds. At higher values, the filter will not be activated.

The filter range will be calculated internally by the CNC. Its maximum value will be 30.

If the filters have been set according to the parameter of the SMOTIME (P58) axis, in addition to the
filters for movements with the handwheel, when the handwheel is moved, both filters will be applied.
The filters for movements with the handwheel may have a different frequency for each axis. This must
be kept in mind in the event that both axes are moved simultaneously. For example, when there is active
transformation of coordinates.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

6.5 Spindle parameters

This CNC can control the main spindle, a second spindle and an auxiliary spindle They all have their
own setup parameters. The main and secondary spindle have identical parameter tables.

In order to synchronize the main and secondary spindles, they both must have a feedback device,
their spindle parameter M19TYPE (P43) must be set to "1" and their parameters defining the third
set of gains and accelerations must be set for a similar behavior of both spindles.

The G77 function synchronizes the spindles in speed, so the secondary spindle turns at the same

6. speed as the main spindle.

The G30 function synchronizes the spindles in position and it sets an angular offset between them
so the secondary spindle follows the main spindle maintaining that offset.
Spindle parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.5.1 Machine parameters for the main and 2nd spindles


Indicates the type of spindle output being used.

Value Meaning

0 ±10 V analog output.

1 2-digit BCD coded "S" output. See "2-digit BCD code output conversion table" on page


8-digit BCD coded "S" output.


Spindle parameters
Default value: 0


Indicates the display format for the spindle. It is not used for the second spindle.
Value Meaning

0 In 4 digits.
1 In 5 digits.

2 In 4.3 format

3 In 5.3 format

4 It is not displayed.

5 In 6 digits.
Default value: 0



They indicate the maximum spindle speed assigned to each gear. When using an automatic gear
change, these values will be used to make the change.
MAXGEAR1 for gear 1 (M41).
MAXGEAR2 for gear 2 (M42).
MAXGEAR3 for gear 3 (M43).
MAXGEAR4 for gear 4 (M44).

Possible values

Values with 3 decimals between 0.000 and 200000.000 rpm.

Default value: For MAXGEAR1 (P2) = 1000 rpm.
For MAXGEAR2 (P3) = 2000 rpm.
For MAXGEAR3 (P4) = 3000 rpm.
For MAXGEAR4 (P5) = 4000 rpm.

When not using all 4 gears, use the lower ones and set the unused ones to the same value as the
highest one used.

Indicates whether the gear change is generated automatically or not by the CNC activating the M CNC 8055
functions M41, M42, M43 and M44. CNC 8055i
Value Meaning

EZ There is no automatic gear change.

YES There is automatic gear change. SOFT: V02.2X

Default value: EZ

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the sign of the spindle velocity command for M03 and M04.
Value Meaning

+ sign Positive command.

- sign Negative command.

Default value: For POLARM3 (P7) = + sign.
For POLARM4 (P8) = - sign.

6. If the same value is assigned to both parameters, the CNC will output a single polarity (0V to 10V)
command with the indicated sign.
Spindle parameters

SREVM05 (P9)

This parameter is used with a Mill model CNC. It is not used for the second spindle.

Indicates whether it is necessary or not to stop the spindle (M05) when reversing rotation direction
during a tapping canned cycle (G84).
Value Meaning

EZ It is not necessary.

YES It is necessary.
Default value: YES


Indicate the minimum and maximum % applicable to the programmed spindle speed. It is not used
for the second spindle.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: For MINSOVR (P10) = 50.
For MAXSOVR (P11) = 150.

The resulting speed will be limited to the value indicated by spindle parameter MAXVOLT1 (P37),
MAXVOLT2 (P38), MAXVOLT3 (P39) or MAXVOLT4 (P40) corresponding to the selected gear.


Indicates the incremental step of the programmed spindle speed every time the override keys at
the operator panel are pressed. It is not used for the second spindle.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 5


Indicates the number of pulses per revolution provided by the spindle encoder. 0 means that there
is no spindle encoder.

It must be set when the drive's velocity command is analog; it is sent via Sercos (DRIBUSLE = 0)
CNC 8055 or via CAN (DRIBUSLE = 0 or 1).
CNC 8055i When the main spindle does not have an encoder (NPULSES=0), the CNC shows its theoretical
rpm (affected by the %).
Possible values

SOFT: V02.2X Integer numbers between 0 and 299999.

Default value: 1000

Installation manual

i When using a CAN servo system, if parameter NPULSES and parameters INPREV and OUTPREV
of all the gears are set with a ·0· value, the CNC will assume the equivalent ones of the drive.


Indicates whether the feedback device uses differential signals (double ended) or not.
Value Meaning

EZ It does NOT use differential signals. 6.

YES It uses differential signals.

Spindle parameters
Default value: YES


Indicates whether the feedback alarm for this axis will be ON or OFF.
Value Meaning

OFF No feedback alarm desired, it is canceled.

ON Feedback alarm is being used.

Default value: ON


Indicates the counting direction. If correct, leave it as is, but to change it, select YES if it was set
to NO and viceversa. If this parameter is changed, spindle parameter LOOPCHG (P26) must also
be changed so the spindle does not "run away".
Possible values

Default value: EZ


Indicates the dwell from the moment the "ENABLE" signal is activated until the velocity command
is sent out.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0 (there is no dwell).


This parameter is used when working with the spindle in closed loop and it indicates the acceleration
time given to reach the maximum speed set by spindle parameters MAXVOLT1 (P37) thru
MAXVOLT4 (P40) in each gear. This time is also valid for the deceleration stage.
Possible values
Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.
Default value: 0 (there is no control). CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Indicates the width of the IN POSITION zone where the CNC considers the spindle to be in position
when working in closed loop (M19).
SOFT: V02.2X
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees.

Default value: 0.01 degrees.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the time period that the spindle must remain in the "IN POSITION" zone in order to consider
it to be in position.

This prevents the CNC from considering the spindle to be in position and executing the next block
on those machines where the spindle could just overshoot the "IN POSITION" zone.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

6. Default value: 0

Spindle parameters

Indicates the maximum following error allowed for the spindle when moving in closed loop (M19).
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees.

Default value: 30 degrees.


Indicates the maximum following error allowed for the spindle when stopped in closed loop (M19).
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees.

Default value: 0.1 degrees.


The CNC takes this parameter into account when operating in closed loop (M19).

Indicates the value of the proportional gain. Its value represents the analog command in millivolts
corresponding to a following error of 1 degree.

Velocity command (mV)

= Following error (degrees) x PROGAIN

Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 mV/degree.

Default value: 1000 mV/degree.

This value is taken for the first spindle gear and the CNC calculates the values for the rest of the

spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = 500 rev/min. The desired speed for a 1 degree of following error is
S = 1000°/min (2.778 rev/rpm).
Command from the drive: 9.5V for 500 rpm
Velocity command corresponding to S = 1000 º/min. (2.778 rpm)
Velocity command = (9.5/500) x 2,778 = 52.778 mV
Therefore "PROGAIN" = 53
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

The CNC takes this parameter into account when operating in closed loop (M19).
SOFT: V02.2X Indicates the value of the derivative gain. Its value represents the analog command (in millivolts)
corresponding to a change in following error of 1mm (0.03937 inches) in 10 milliseconds.

This velocity command will be added to the one calculated for the proportional gain.

Installation manual


=    PROGAIN + -----------------------------------
 10  t 

It is a good idea to also use the acc./dec. axis parameter ACCTIME2 (P18) for this axis (with a value
other than "0") if this gain is to be applied.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.


Spindle parameters
Default value: 0 (derivative gain not applied)

The best adjustment is achieved when minimizing the following error as much as possible but without
inverting the peaks. The peaks of the right graph are inverted. Bad adjustment.

The graph on the left shows the system response without DERGAIN (10 m per
square) and the one on the right with DERGAIN (1 m per square).


The CNC takes this parameter into account when operating in closed loop (M19).

Indicates the % of velocity command due to the programmed speed. The rest will depend upon the
following error; both the proportional and derivative gains will be applied onto this following error.


=    PROGAIN + ----------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 10  t 100  G00FEED 

The feed-forward gain improves the position loop minimizing the following error, but it should only
CNC 8055
be used when working with acceleration/deceleration. CNC 8055i
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 100.

Default value: 0 (feed-forward gain not applied) SOFT: V02.2X

The best adjustment is achieved when the following error is minimized as much as possible, but
without changing its sign, maintaining the moving direction of the axis.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The scale for the following error is 10m per square.

• Proper adjustment with Feed-forward.

Spindle parameters

• Wrong adjustment with Feed-forward.


Indicates the sign of the velocity command. If correct, leave it as is, but to change it, select YES if
it was set to NO and viceversa.
Possible values

Default value: EZ


Indicates the minimum value for the spindle velocity command.

Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and 32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0

MINANOUT Minimum velocity command

1 0.3 mV.
--- ---
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i SERVOFF (P28)

Defines the velocity command offset value for the drive.

Possible values
SOFT: V02.2X
It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and ±32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0 (not applied)

Installation manual


-32767 -10 V.
--- ---
-3277 -1 V.
--- ---
1 0.3 mV.
--- ---
3277 1 V.
10 V. 6.

Spindle parameters

Indicate the upper and lower limits of the actual spindle speed so the CNC can "notify" the PLC (by
means of the "REVOK" signal) that the actual spindle rpms are the same as the programmed ones.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: For LOSPDLIM (P29) = 50%.
Default value: For UPSPDLIM (P30) = 150%.


Indicates whether or not the spindle has a home switch to synchronize the spindle when working
in M19.
Value Meaning

EZ It has no home switch.

YES It has a home switch.

Default value: YES


Indicates the type of marker pulse Io to synchronize the spindle when working in M19.
Value Meaning

+ sign Positive pulse (5 V).

- sign Negative pulse (0 V).
Default value: + sign


Indicates the rotating direction when synchronizing the spindle during M19.
Value Meaning

+ sign Positive direction.

- sign Negative direction.

Default value: + sign

CNC 8055
REFEED1 (P34) CNC 8055i
Indicates the spindle’s positioning speed when in M19 and the synchronizing speed until it finds the
home switch.
Possible values
SOFT: V02.2X
Between 0.0001 degrees/min and 99999.9999 degrees/min.
Default value: 9000 degrees/min.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the synchronizing speed of the spindle after hitting the home switch and until it finds the
marker pulse.
Possible values

Between 0.0001 degrees/min and 99999.9999 degrees/min.

Default value: 360 degrees/min.


Indicates the position value assigned to the reference point of the spindle (home or marker pulse).
Spindle parameters

Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 degrees.

Default value: 0



Indicates the velocity command corresponding to the maximum speed of gears 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 mV and 9999 mV.

Default value: 9500 (9.5 V)

There is no need to set this parameter for an axis handled via CAN.


The CNC takes this parameter into account when operating in closed loop (M19).

Defines the units for spindle parameters PROGAIN (P23) and DERGAIN (P24).
Value Meaning

0 millivolts/degree.

1 millivolts/0.01 degree
Default value: 0 (mV/degree)

This parameter is used when working with the spindle in closed loop.

A value of "1" will be assigned when the analog command corresponding to a following error of 1
degree is very small. This offers greater sensitivity for adjusting spindle parameters PROGAIN (P23)
and DERGAIN (P24)


The CNC takes this parameter into account when operating in closed loop (M19).

Indicates whether or not the value assigned to axis parameter DERGAIN (P24) is applied onto the
variations of the programmed speed (AC-forward).
Value Meaning

EZ It is applied on variations of following error (derivative gain).

CNC 8055
YES It is applied on the var iations of the programmed speed that are due to
CNC 8055i acceleration/deceleration (AC-forward).

ADVANCED It is used in a digital drive system and provides a smoother and more stable adjustment
of the machine.
Default value: YES
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual



Spindle parameters
M19TYPE (P43)

This parameter sets the type of spindle orient (M19) available.

It indicates whether the spindle must be homed when switching from open to closed loop or it is
enough to home it once on power-up.
Value Meaning

0 When switching from open loop to closed loop.

1 Once after power-up.

Default value: 0


It indicates the address of the digital drive (Sercos or CAN) associated with the spindle. It
corresponds with the value of the drive's rotary switch (address, device select).
Value Meaning

0 Analog spindle.

1-8 Address of the digital drive.

Default value: 0

It is recommended (not necessary) that the Can addresses of the various axes and spindles be
consecutive and start from number ·1· (the address of the CNC is always ·0·). For example, with
3 Sercos axes and 1 Sercos spindle, the values of this parameter must be 1, 2, 3 and 4. Proceed
in the same way if it is a CAN connection.


When working in open loop (M3, M4) spindle command variations may be in a step or in a ramp.
CNC 8055
This parameter indicates the duration of the ramp in milliseconds for the maximum "S". If
OPLACETI=0, it will be in a step.
CNC 8055i
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

SOFT: V02.2X
Default value: 0 (in steps).

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Spindle parameters


Sometimes the axis does not respond as desired on particular movements. Movements with
handwheel or when the CNC internally transforms the programmed coordinates (C axis, etc.).

In these cases, the response of the spindle may be smoothed by applying a filter to the speed

This filter is set by parameter SMOTIME that indicates the duration of the filter in milliseconds, value
given by general parameter LOOPTIME (P72).
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 64 times the value assigned to general parameter LOOPTIME (P72).
If LOOPTIME = 0 (4 ms), the maximum value that could be assigned to SMOTIME will be 64 x 4 = 256 ms.
Default value: 0 (not applied)

To obtain a better response, parameter SMOTIME of the axes interpolating with each other should
be set with the same value.

The spindle's response can also be smoothened when working in open loop (M3, M4). In this case,
spindle parameters OPLACETI (P45) and SOMTIME (P46) must be used.



CNC 8055 These parameters define the second set of gains and accelerations. They must be set like the
parameters that define the first set.
CNC 8055i
First set Second set



SOFT: V02.2X


To select the second set of gains and accelerations, set general parameter ACTGAIN2 (P108)
correctly or activate the CNC’s general logic input ACTGAIN2 (M5013).

Installation manual


The CNC considers this parameter when using a digital drive (Sercos or CAN). Spindle parameter
DRIBUSID (P44) other than 0.

Even when the data exchange between the CNC and the drive is done via digital bus (Sercos or
CAN), one must define whether the feedback is also handled via bus or through the corresponding
connector for the axis or spindle.
Value Meaning

0 The feedback is done via connector.

1 Feedback is handled via digital bus (Sercos or CAN).

First feedback (motor feedback).

Spindle parameters
2 Feedback is handled via digital bus (Sercos).
Second feedback (direct feedback).

When using a communication interface via Sercos bus.

DRIBUSLE = 0 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via connector.
The command to the drive is sent out via Sercos.

DRIBUSLE = 1 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via Sercos. First feedback (motor feedback).
The command to the drive is sent out via Sercos.

DRIBUSLE = 2 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via Sercos. Second feedback (direct feedback).
The command to the drive is sent out via Sercos.

When using a communication interface via CAN bus.

DRIBUSLE = 0 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via connector.
The command to the drive is sent out via CAN.

DRIBUSLE = 1 The CNC controls the position loop.

The axis feedback is done via CAN. First feedback (motor feedback).
The command to the drive is sent out via CAN.


Indicates when functions M3, M4, M5 are to be sent out. While the spindle is accelerating and

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


When both spindles are synchronized in position, the second spindle must follow the main spindle
maintaining the offset set by function G30.

The parameter of the main spindle sets the maximum error allowed. If this value is exceeded, no
error message is displayed and the movement is not stopped. It only sets general output SYNCPOSI
(M5559) low.
Possible values

Between 0 and 99999.9999 degrees.

6. Default value: 2 degrees.

Spindle parameters


When both spindles are synchronized in speed, the second spindle must turn at the same speed
as the main spindle.

The parameter of the main spindle sets the maximum error allowed. If this value is exceeded, no
error message is displayed and the movement is not stopped. It only sets general output SYNSPEED
(M5560) low.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 rpm.

Default value: 1 rpm.



These parameters define the third set of gains and accelerations. The CNC uses the third set when
working with synchronized spindles (G77).

They must be set like the parameters that define the first set.

First set Second set Third set





The spindles (main and second) must have their own feedback devices and their parameters must
be set in such a way that their behaviors are similar.
Possible values

The same as for the first gear.

Default value: For ACCTIME3 (P55) = 4000 ms .
For PROGAIN3 (P56) = 50 mV/degree.
For DERGAIN3 (P57) = 0.
For FFGAIN3 (P58) = 100.

When working with FFGAIN3 (P58) = 100, set the MAXGEAR and MAXVOLT parameters properly.


CNC 8055 In order to compensate for the lack of a linear response on some spindles, it is possible to use two
CNC 8055i accelerations: ACCTIME3 for low speeds [up to the one set by SECACESP (P60)] and ACCTIME4
for the rest of higher speeds.

Once the spindles are in synchronism, the CNC applies to both spindles the accelerations defined
for the main spindle.
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

ACCTIME4 (P59). 6.
Parameter ACCTIME4 is set like ACCTIME3.

Spindle parameters
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 8000.


Parameter SECACESP (P60) indicates at what speed the acceleration change takes place. If
P60=0, it always applies ACCTIME3.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 rpm.

Default value: 700.

Being the maximum speed for the selected gear MAXGEAR = 6000 rpm.

Maximum synch speed: 5000 rpm.

SYNMAXSP (P63) = 5000
Acceleration changing speed: 3500 rpm.
SECACESP (P60) = 3500
ACCTIME3(P55) = 6000 x 4 / 3500 = 6857 ms.
ACCTIME4(P59) = 6000 x 6 / 1500 = 24000 ms.


It is defined at the second spindle. It indicates whether the spindles being synchronized are facing
each other or not (opposite turning directions in M3 or M4) for the CNC to take it into consideration
when synchronizing them.
Value Meaning

EZ They are NOT facing each other; they both turn in the same direction.

YES They are facing each other; they turn in opposite directions. CNC 8055
Default value: EZ CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It indicates whether the spindle operates in closed positioning loop (as if it were an axis) or not.
Value Meaning

EZ It operates in open loop.

YES It operates in closed position loop (as if it were an axis).

Default value: EZ

In order to operate in closed positioning loop, the spindle must have an encoder and a good servo

6. system for the full speed range.

When working with M19, the first two sets of gains and accelerations are used regardless of the
Spindle parameters

value given to this parameter.

When working in closed positioning loop (M3, M4, M5) the third set of gains and accelerations is

When working with synchronized spindles (G77), third set of gains and accelerations is used.
Therefore, the CONCLOOP parameter of the spindle to be synchronized should be set to "YES"


It is set for the main spindle. It indicates the maximum turning speed when the spindle are
synchronized (G77).
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 rpm.

When set to 0, there is no limit.
Default value: 1000 rpm.

M3M4SIM (P64)

In TC mode, it indicates the turning direction of the corresponding spindle with each key for turning

Possible values

M3M4SIM (P64) = 0 = M3 = M4

M3M4SIM (P64) = 1 = M3 = M4

Default value: 0

For example in a live tool cycle, it will take into account the value assigned to the spindle that has
been defined as live tool whereas in a deep hole drilling cycle, it will consider the one assigned to
the main spindle.


It indicates the multiplying factor (x1, x4, x20, etc.) that the CNC must apply only to sinusoidal
CNC 8055 feedback signals of the spindle.
CNC 8055i For square feedback signals, this parameter must be set to 0 and the CNC will always apply a
multiplying factor of x4.
Possible values

SOFT: V02.2X Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0

Spindle feedback resolution is set by spindle parameters NPULSES (P13) and SINMAGNI (P65).

Installation manual

We would like to obtain a 0.001º resolution by using a 3600 pulse/rev sinusoidal encoder.
We must calculate the multiplying factor "SINMAGNI" to be applied by the CNC to the pulses provided by
the encoder in order to obtain the desired resolution.
SINMAGNI = degrees per turn / (number of pulses x resolution)
SINMAGNI = 360 / (3600 x 0,001) = 100
Therefore: NPULSES =3600 SINMAGNI=100


Maximum safety limit for spindle speed. This limit is activated from the PLC and is applied in all the

Spindle parameters
work modes, including the PLC channel. When the spindle is controlled by the PLC by means of
the PLCCNTL mark, this limit is ignored.
Possible values

Values with 3 decimals between 0.000 and 200000.000 rpm.

Default value: 0

This limit is activated using the mark SLIMITAC (M5059). When this limit is canceled, the CNC
recovers the programmed speed.

This limit permits clearing the spindle speed temporarily via PLC, e.g. when opening the doors, etc.


Filter order. The down ramp is dampened down; the larger the number the greater the drop.
Value Filter type

[0 - 4] Low passing filter

[0 - 4] Notch filter (anti-resonance)

[0 - 30] FAGOR filter

Default value: 0 (the filter is not applied).

When applying a filter, it must be set with an order of ·3·. Before setting it to another value, consult
with Fagor Automation's technical service.

If the filter has been designed wrong, it will not be applied.

i The filters are not applied while moving with an electronic handwheel or a mechanical handwheel. It
is recommended not to activate these filters on machines carrying out movements against a hard stop.

When detecting that the FAGOR filter order is too high for the filter configuration (according to
parameters FREQUEN and LOOPTIME), on power-up it will issue the message: "It is recommended
to lower the order of the frequency filter".

It is recommended to start from low values (e.g.: ORDER=5) and go on increasing this value until
that message is displayed.

TYPE (P68)

Filter type. There are three types of filter: "low passing", "notch filter" and "FAGOR (low passing)".
To obtain a good machining quality, all the axes and the spindle interpolating with each other should
be defined with the same type of filter and with the same frequency. For the spindle, the filters are
only applied in M19 and in rigid tapping where the spindle is interpolated with the Z axis.
Value Meaning
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
0 "Low passing" filter.

1 "Anti-resonance" (notch) filter.

2 FAGOR "low passing" filter.

SOFT: V02.2X
Default value: 0

When defining anti-resonance filters, parameters NORBWIDTH and SHARE must also be set.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

"Low passing" filter.

The "low passing" filter is used to limit the jerk by making the movements smoother although it has
the drawback that it rounds the corners slightly.


0,707·Ao (-3dB)

Spindle parameters


Anti-resonance filter (notch filter).

The "anti-resonance" (notch) filter must be used when the machine has a resonance frequency to
be eliminated.


0,707·Ao (-3dB)

f1 f2

CNC start-up with Fagor filters active.

If on CNC start-up, Fagor filters are active on any of the axes and axis parameter SMOTIME (P58)
is other than 0 on the same axis, the CNC displays the following error message:
• Parameter TYPE=2 is incompatible with general parameter SMOTIME.

After start-up, if the value of the indicated parameter is not changed, the CNC will cancel that parameter


The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of filter being applied.

On "low passing" and "FAGOR" filters, it indicates the break point frequency or frequency where
the amplitude drops 3 dB or it reaches 70% of the nominal amplitude.
-3dB = 20 log (A/Ao) ==> A = 0,707 Ao
For the "anti-resonance" (notch) filter, it indicates the mid frequency or frequency at which the
resonance reaches its maximum value.
Possible values

CNC 8055 Between 0 and 500.0 Hz.

CNC 8055i Default value: 30

SOFT: V02.2X Normal bandwidth.

Installation manual

This parameter is only taken into account for the "anti-resonance (notch)" filter type.
Possible values

between 0 and 100.0

Default value: 1


0,707·Ao (-3dB)

Spindle parameters
f1 f2

It is calculated with the following formula.

Points f1 and f2 correspond to the cutoff frequency or frequency at which its amplitude drops 3 dB
or reaches 70% of the nominal amplitude.

NORBWID = -----------------------------
 f2 – f1 


percentage of signal going through the filter. This value must be equivalent to the percentage
overshooting of the resonance because it has to make up for it.

This parameter is only taken into account for the "anti-resonance (notch)" filter type.
Possible values

between 0 and 100

Default value: 100

Calculation example for a particular response of the machine.




CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l



When using a CAN servo system (only with DRIBUSLE = 0), these parameters set the gear ratios
in each range.

Parameters INPREV1 trough INPREV4 indicate the input speed for each gear.
Parameters OUTPREV1 through OUTPREV4 indicate the output speed for each gear.
Possible values

6. Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

Default value: 0
Spindle parameters

i When using a CAN servo system, if parameter NPULSES and parameters INPREV and OUTPREV
of all the gears are set with a ·0· value, the CNC will assume the equivalent ones of the drive.


Square-sine (bell shape) ramp acceleration. This type of ramp is used to gain in smoothness. This
spindle parameter becomes effective with RESET in machine parameters.
Value Meaning

JERKLIM = 0 Linear acceleration ramp

Default value: 0

A JERKLIM value other than zero activates the square-sine ramp.

It comes in degrees/s3, in other words, a parameter value of 20 means a jerk of 20000 degrees/s3.
This parameter only affects the spindle acceleration in open loop (M3, M4, M5).

The value of the parameter so maximum acceleration (the one obtained from OPLACETI) is reached
in half the acceleration time up to MAXGEAR1.
In this case, the spindle will take twice as long to reach the MAXGEAR1 speed than it would without

The JERKLIM value depends on the dynamics of the machine.



These parameters define the third set of gains and accelerations. They must be set like the
parameters that define the first set.

First set Second set Third set





To select the third set of gains and accelerations, set general parameter ACTGAINT (P185) correctly
CNC 8055 or activate the CNC’s general logic input ACTGAINT (M5063).
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


When beginning to machine long threads on large lathes, the part usually "bends". To prevent this,
it is possible to change the spindle override in the first passes. This parameter affects canned cycles
G86 and G87 while machining the thread.
Possible values Meaning

0% - 50% Maximum increment allowed via override switch.

Default value: 0 (the override cannot be varied while threading)

A value of 30 means that the override may be varied between 70% and 130%.

In spite of this, the limits set for the spindle with spindle machine parameters MINSOVR (P10) and
MAXSOVR (P11), can never be exceeded. On the other hand, it will not be possible to vary the

Spindle parameters
override in the last threading pass, it will be set to the value imposed in the previous threading pass.

Spindle machine parameter M19TYPE (P43) must be set to "1" in order for the override to work while

In order not to damage the thread when varying the override, the feed-forward value of the axes must
be close to 100% so as to work with a near-zero following error.


Indicates the duration of the spindle deceleration ramp in open loop.

Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0.

The spindle parameter OPLDECTI (P86) works on the first and second spindle.

If OPLDECTI (P86) = 0, spindle parameter OPLACETI (P45) will be applied both for acceleration
and deceleration.

If spindle parameter JERKLIM (P80) other than 0 and spindle parameter OPLDECTI (P86) other
than 0, parameter JERKLIM will be applied for deceleration.


P45 P86

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Using this spindle machine parameter, it is possible not to stop the spindle with an M30 or a RESET.
Value Meaning

0 The spindle stops with M2, M30 or RESET.

1 The spindle does not stop with M2, M30 or RESET.

Program an M5 to stop the spindle.
Default value: 0

6. Avoid the spindle stopping when a M30 or a RESET is sent, as it is particularly beneficial for large
grinders and lathes where the spindle should not be stopped regularly. It lets end program execution
with an M30 or reset and start again without stopping the spindle.
Spindle parameters

Special cases:
On a lathe, if the s.m.p. SPDLSTOP(P87) =1 and there is an active G96 before getting a RESET
or an M30, neither the G96 nor the PLC mark "CSS" will be deactivated and the spindle will keep
turning at the same speed.

If the s.m.p. SPDLSTOP(P87) =1 and a spindle turning speed limit has been programmed with G92
S**, a RESET or an M30 will not stop the spindle and will keep the turning speed limited to the value
programmed with G92S.

In the following cases, the 0 or 1 value of the s.m.p. SPDLSTOP (P87) will be ignored, the CNC will
always act as follows:
• The spindle stops when an error occurs at the spindle or an emergency.
• The spindle does not stop when switching from manual to automatic and vice versa both in ISO
mode and in conversational mode.
• If synchronized spindles are running, an M30 or a RESET will cancel the synchronism and stop
the spindles.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.5.2 Machine parameters for auxiliary spindle


Indicates the maximum speed of the auxiliary spindle.

Possible values

Values with 3 decimals between 0.000 and 200000.000 rpm.

Default value: 1000 rpm.


Spindle parameters
It indicates whether the spindle override keys of the operator panel modify or not the speed of the
auxiliary spindle when it is active.
Value Meaning

EZ They have no effect.

YES SINMAGNI = 360 / (3600 x 0.001) = 100 The CNC will apply the values set for main
spindle parameters "MINSOVR" (P10), "MAXOVR" (P11) and "SOVRSTEP" (P12).
Default value: NO.


It sets the minimum velocity command value.

Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and 32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0

MINANOUT Minimum velocity command

1 0.3 mV.
--- ---
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V.


Defines the velocity command offset value for the drive.

Possible values

It is given in D/A converter units and it admits integer values between 0 and ±32767 which corresponds
to an analog command of 10V.
Default value: 0 (not applied)


-32767 -10 V.
--- ---
-3277 -1 V. CNC 8055
--- ---
1 0.3 mV.
CNC 8055i
--- ---
3277 1 V.
--- ---
32767 10 V. SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the velocity command corresponding to the maximum speed defined by spindle parameter
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 mV and 9999 mV.

Default value: 9500 (9.5 V)


It indicates the address of the digital drive (Sercos or CAN) associated with the auxiliary spindle.
Spindle parameters

It corresponds with the value of the drive's rotary switch (address, device select).
Value Meaning

0 Analog axis.

1-8 Address of the digital drive.

Default value: 0

It is recommended (not necessary) that the Can addresses of the various axes and spindles be
consecutive and start from number ·1· (the address of the CNC is always ·0·). For example, with
3 Sercos axes and 1 Sercos spindle, the values of this parameter must be 1, 2, 3 and 4. Proceed
in the same way if it is a CAN connection.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.6 Drive parameters

This option is available when the CNC uses digital servo drive system; i.e. the drives are connected
to the CNC via Sercos or CAN. These types of servo drive systems are similar in the way they look
and in the way they manage the parameters. In both cases, the generated files have the same names
and the internal format of the parameters has the same structure (e.g. SP1.7 123).

Sercos interface
This option works fine with drive version V3.9 or newer. When using older versions, it might not be
possible to access all variables and parameters and some data might not be shown such as the name
of the associated motor.
If the communication through the Sercos ring is interrupted, a screen is displayed. Press [ENTER] to
restore it.

Drive parameters
CAN interface
This option works fine for spindles with drive version SPD V7.01 or newer. It also works fine for axes
with drive version ACSD V1.01 or newer.

This option displays the tables of the drive parameters that are stored in the hard disk (KeyCF) and
the softkeys of the digital axes. Press one of those softkeys for editing the drive parameters for that
particular axis.

When selecting the drive parameters at the CNC, it will display the ones stored in each drive and
if any is modified, it is modified at the drive. The CNC does not have parameters of the drive although
their copies may be stored in the hard disk (KeyCF).

When accessing the parameters of a drive, the CNC shows a screen that looks like this. Refer to
the drive manual for further details on commands, variables, etc. displayed on the screen
AXIS X DRIVE PARAM P...... N.... 11:50:14

GROUP G) General Parameters SET 0 NODE 1


SP43 0 ... VelocityPolarityParameters 43
SP10.0 200 r.p.m VelocityLimit 91
SP2.0 50 milisec VelocityIntegralTime 101
SP3.0 0 milisec KD_Velo 102
CP1 183 ... CurrentProportionalGain 106
CP2 125 ... CurrentIntegralTime 107




• In the GROUP window, one must select the group of parameters or variables to be displayed.
To change the group, press the [Change Group] softkey, select the new group with the [] []
keys and press [ENTER].
• In the SET window, one must select the set of parameters or variables to be displayed. To select
another set, press the [Change set] softkey, select the new set with the [] [] keys and press
• The NODE window shows the node number identifying that drive in the Sercos ring or in the CAN
connection; i.e. the position of the rotary switch.
In other words, the position of the Sercos switch. The main window shows the variables or CNC 8055
parameters of the selected group and set indicating their Fagor name in each variable, its value, CNC 8055i
its meaning and its Sercos identifier. If the variable does not have a write permission, a key will
appear before the Fagor name.
This information is updated when selecting a new information (group or set), when modifying
a variable or parameter or when pressing page/up page-down. It is not refreshed continuously. SOFT: V02.2X
Both the Sercos and the CAN servo systems share the same Sercos identifier; which offers full
compatibility when accessing the fast and slow channels from the PLC, user programs and
screen configuration (consumption bars), etc.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

• The ACCESS window shows the permitted access level. There are 3 levels of access for the
drive: basic level, OEM level (manufacturer) and Fagor level. To change the level, press the
[Password] softkey, key in the relevant code and press [ENTER].
• The VERSION window shows the software version installed at the drive, the name of the motor
associated with the drive and the drive model.

Softkeys available in this mode

6. Password
Drive parameters

Modifies the access level selected in the "Access" window.

In the case of CAN servo system, to access the drive parameters with an OEM access level, the
password is defined in Utilities mode as OEMPSW; not a pre-established one as when using Sercos .

To modify the variables that are not protected (those without a key icon).

After selecting the variable with the [] [] keys, pressing the "modify" softkey displays two windows.
The first one shows the range of possible values and the second one the current value. Enter the
new value and press [ENTER].

The drive assumes that value and refreshes the screen.

Execute command
Shows the list of commands that can be executed by the drive. Select one using the [] [ keys
and press [ENTER].

Change group
Selects the group of parameters or variables to be displayed.

Change set
Selects the set number of the parameters or variables to be displayed.

To drive flash
The drive stores all its parameters in its flash memory and it then executes a soft-reset command.
This command interrupts the communication, press [ENTER] to restore it.

It makes a copy of the parameters of the drive's RAM memory into the CNC's hard disk (KeyCF)
or to a peripheral device or PC through the serial line.

The parameters are storedwith the name of the axis they are associated with (for example, the X
axis parameters). A file saved from the CNC via WinDNC may be loaded into the drive via
DDSSETUP and vice versa.

It copies into the drive's RAM memory the parameters saved in the CNC's hard disk (KeyCF) or in
a peripheral device or in PC through the serial line.
CNC 8055 The CNC copies the axis parameters that are being edited.
CNC 8055i
Drive Errors
It displays a window with the warnings and errors of the drive. If all of them do not fit on the screen,
use [] [].
SOFT: V02.2X
It shows a screen where one can select to display either all the parameters and variables or just
the ones than can be modified.

Installation manual

Press the [Modify Option] softkey to change it and [ENTER] to validate it. This option is common
to all the axes.


Drive parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

6.6.1 Friction compensation

From version V3.14 on, the drive offers parameters TP10, TP11, TP12, TP13, TP14 and TV4 for
friction compensation. Refer to the drive manual.

It also has 2 more general purpose variables: XV10 and XV11 (ID SERCOS 34800 and 34801).
These variables may be accessed from the CNC via Sercos.

The following example shows how to use variable XV10 to monitor or show on the oscilloscope the
X axis following error using WinDDS.

6. Sample
The following example shows how to use variable XV10 to monitor or show on the oscilloscope the X axis
Drive parameters

following error using WinDDS.

Assign the value of PLC register R800 to the "ID SERCOS 34800" of the drive that occupies the "Sercos
1" address.
Set PLC parameter SWR800 = 1.34800"
The PLC program must set register R800 to the value of the X axis following error (FLWEX variable). A periodic
module should be used to refresh that value at every position loop. (Note: In order for the Sercos variable
to be actually updated, the NWR instruction must be written in the periodic module).
PE 4
()= CNCRD (FLWEX, R800, M1)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.7 Serial line parameters


Indicates the communication speed, in baud, between the CNC and the peripherals.

It is given in baud and it is selected with the following code:

Value Meaning Value Meaning

110 baud.

150 baud.

9,600 baud.

19,200 baud. 6.
2 300 baud. 9 38,400 baud.

Serial line parameters

3 600 baud. 10 57,600 baud.

4 1,200 baud. 11 115,200 baud.

5 2,400 baud. 12 Reserved.

6 4,800 baud.
Default value: 11 (115200 baud)


Indicates the number of data bits per transmitted character.

Value Meaning

0 Uses the 7 least significant bits of an 8-bit character. It is used when transmitting ASCII
characters (standard).

1 Uses all 8 bits of the transmitting character. Used when transmitting special characters
whose codes are greater than 127.
Default value: 1


Indicates the type of parity check used.

Value Meaning

0 No parity.

1 Odd parity.
2 Even parity.
Default value: 0


Indicates the number of stop bits at the end of each transmitted word.
Value Meaning

0 1 STOP bit.

1 2 STOP bits.
Default value: 0

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates the type of communications protocol to be used.

Value Meaning

0 Communications protocol for general device.

1 DNC communications protocol.

2 Communications protocol for Fagor floppy disk unit.

3 Open communication.

6. Default value: 1 (DNC)

Serial line parameters


Indicates whether the DNC feature will be active on power-up or not.

Value Meaning

EZ Not active on power-up.

YES Active on power-up

Default value: YES

Indicates whether the debugging feature for DNC communications is active or not.
It is advisable to use this safety feature in all DNC communications. It could be deactivated in the
debugging process.
Value Meaning

EZ Debug NOT active. Communication aborted.

YES Debug active. Communication not aborted.

Default value: EZ


Indicates the character used to abort communications with general peripheral device.
Value Meaning


Default value: 0


Indicates the character used to indicate "end of line" when communicating with general peripheral
Value Meaning

0 LF

1 RC

CNC 8055 2 LF-CR

CNC 8055i 3 CR-LF

Default value: 0

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Indicates the character used to indicate "end of text" (end of file) when communicating with a general
peripheral device.
Value Meaning

0 EOT.

1 ESC.


Default value: 0

Serial line parameters


Indicates whether the XON-XOFF communications protocol is active or not when operating with a
generic peripheral.
Value Meaning

ON It is active.

OFF It is NOT active.

Default value: ON


It indicates the maximum number of characters that may be received in the communication.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

Default value: 0.


Indicates the maximum reception time. Reception ends when the time indicated in this parameter
has elapsed, after reception began.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

6.8 Ethernet parameters

These parameters may be used to configure the CNC like any other node in the network, the DNC
for Ethernet, the remote hard disk and the Ethernet network. Doing that requires the Ethernet option.

Parameters Configuration

Basic configuration: Configure the CNC like another node in the

DIRIP (P24) network. The hard disk is accessible via FTP.

6. IPGATWAY (P26) (optional)

Basic configuration and also: Protect the access to the hard disk with a password.
Ethernet parameters

Basic configuration and also: Configure the DNC for Ethernet.


Basic configuration and also: Configure the remote hard disk.


If the CNC is configured like another node in the network, it may be accessed from any PC of the
network knowing its IP. Only the CNC's hard disk may be accessed; i.e. it is not possible to access
programs in RAM nor read variables, tables, etc.

With the CNC configured in the network, the following is possible from any PC of the network:
• Access the part-program directory of the Hard Disk (HD).
• Edit, modify, delete, rename, etc., the programs stored on the hard disk (HD).
• Copy programs from the hard disk to the PC and vice versa.


Not used.


CNC name when connecting it via FTP (only when allowed by the FTP client).
Possible values

It admits up to a maximum of 15 characters (without blank spaces).

Default value: FAGORCNC

CNGROUP (P3) . . . CNHDDIR1 (P6)

Not used.


Password for accessing the hard disk from the network.

Possible values

It admits up to a maximum of 15 characters (without blank spaces).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
EXTNAME2 (P8) . . . SERUNI2 (P21)

Not used.
SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


DNC number to be used by Ethernet.

Value Meaning

0 There is no active DNC associated with Ethernet.

1 DNC 1 associated with Ethernet.

2 DNC 2 associated with Ethernet.

The RS-232 serial line is disabled.
Default value: 1

Ethernet parameters

Reserved. It must be set to "0".


IP address of the CNC.

Possible values

Four numbers between 0 and 255 separated by dots.

Default value: (the network is not activated)


Network mask.
Possible values

Four numbers between 0 and 255 separated by dots.

Default value: (the network is not activated)


Gateway IP address.
Possible values

Four numbers between 0 and 255 separated by dots.

Default value: (it has no gateway)

WinDNC server's IP address.

The WinDNC server is the external device to connect with via DNC. This device may be a CNC,
or a PC with WinDNC.

Defining it as does not allow transferring from the CNC, but it is possible from the PC.
Possible values

Four numbers between 0 and 255 separated by dots.

Default value:
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


IP address of the server acting as remote hard disk.

If other than 0, the remote hard disk is activated. This means that the local hard disk, if there is any,
is disabled and can no longer be accessed.
Possible values

Four numbers between 0 and 255 separated by dots.

Default value: (there is no remote hard disk)

6. DIRNFS (P29)
Ethernet parameters

Directory of the server that is used as remote hard disk.

Possible values

It admits up to a maximum of 22 characters (without blank spaces).

Default value: Nameless


Reserved. It must be set to "0".

Not used.


Using this Ethernet parameter, it is possible to select the desired protocol when configuring a remote
hard disk using NFS.
Value Meaning

0 The TCP protocol will be used.

1 The UDP protocol will be used.
Default value: 0

The TCP protocol is more safer but in some network configurations copying and refreshing folders
with lots of programs becomes very slow as compared to the UDP protocol.
The parameter NFSPROTO (P32) is validated with SHIFT/RESET or on power-up.

CNC connection in an Ethernet network.

Connection using Windows ® 95 or 98

Connection with a shared CNC without password

At the Web browser (e.g. IExplorer) or from the file explorer (only on Windows 98), write in the
command line the CNC's IP address.
For example:
CNC 8055
Connection with a shared CNC with password
CNC 8055i
At the Web browser (e.g. IExplorer) or from the file explorer (only on Windows 98), write in the
command line the user name, the password and the CNC's IP address. The user name is always
SOFT: V02.2X For example: ftp://cnc:password@

Assign a name to the IP address

The IP address may be assigned a name for easier identification. This operation is carried out at
the PC and there are two different ways to do it.

Installation manual

• Editing the file "c:\windows\hosts". This file may be modified with any text editor.
In the file, add a line containing the CNC'S IP address and the name to identify it with. For
example: CNC_1 MILL_MACH_01

On the Web browser or from the file explorer (only on Windows 98), write the defined name in
the command line.
For example (CNC without password): ftp://CNC_01.
For example (CNC with password): ftp://cnc:password@MILL_MACH_01
• Through the "Favorites" menu of the Web browser.

Ethernet parameters
In the Web explorer, write the IP address in the command line. After accessing the site, select
the "Favorites" option on the menu add to favorites and assign a name to that IP address. This
way, it is possible to access the CNC by selecting the assigned name on the "Favorites" menu.

i On the Iexplorer browser, it is called "Favorites". This name may vary depending on the Web browser
being used.

CNC connection in an Ethernet network.

Connection using Windows ® 2000 or XP

The easiest way to access the CNC's hard disk from a PC is configuring a new connection. At the
file explorer, select My Network sites > Add network sites. It will show the Windows help to add
network sites that permits configuring the connection step by step. Press the –OK– button to go on
to the next step.

Follow the instructions shown on the screen to configure the connection; refer to the Windows® help
for additional information.

Connection with a shared CNC without password

1. First, select the network site, in this case an ftp folder. Write "ftp://" followed by the CNC's
IP address defined by machine parameter DIRIP (P24).
For example:
2. Define how the session is initiated, anonymously or not When the CNC is shared without
password, the session is initiated anonymously.
3. Define the name to be associated with the new connection. This is the name that will appear
on the PC's net directory. Just select it from the list to start the connection.
For example: FAGOR_CNC

Connection with a shared CNC with password

1. First, select the network site, in this case an ftp folder. Write "ftp://" followed by the CNC's
IP address defined by machine parameter DIRIP (P24).
For example:
2. Define the user name and how the session is initiated, anonymously or not. When the CNC is
shared with password, the session is not initiated anonymously. The user must identify itself and
it must be as "cnc" or "CNC".
3. Define the name to be associated with the new connection. This is the name that will appear
on the PC's net directory. Just select it from the list to start the connection. CNC 8055
For example: FAGOR_CNC CNC 8055i
After the configuration is done and every time the connection is made, a window will open requesting
the user name and password. As user name, select "cnc" or "CNC" and as password the one defined
by machine parameter CNHDPAS1 (P7).
SOFT: V02.2X
To make it easier, the –Save password– option may be selected in this window. This way, it will no
longer request the password when connecting again and it will access the hard disk directly.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Use the "save password" option with caution. Bear in mind that if you save the password, it will not
be requested for the connection and, therefore, anybody is free to access the CNC from the PC.

Ethernet parameters

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.9 PLC Parameters


Indicates the Watchdog time-out period for the main PLC program.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0


PLC Parameters
Indicates the Watch-Dog time-out period for the periodic module of the PLC.
Possible values

Integers between 0 and 65535 ms.

Default value: 0

USER0 (P2) . . . USER23 (P25)

Parameters "USER0" through "USER23" do not mean anything to the CNC.

They could contain the type of information that the OEM may find necessary to customize this
machine, such as: Information about the type of machine, PLC program version, etc.

This information can be accessed from the PLC program by means of the "CNCRD" high-level
Possible values

USER0(P2) - USER7(P9)
Integer numbers between 0 and 255.

USER0(P10) - USER7(P17)
Integer numbers between 0 and 65535.

USER0(P18) - USER7(P25)
Within ±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.
Default value: 0


This parameter indicates the time the system CPU dedicates to the PLC.
Value Meaning

0 0.2 ms every 8 samplings.

1 0.2 ms every 4 samplings.

2 0.2 ms every 2 samplings.

3 0.2 ms every sampling.

4 0.4 ms every sampling. With LOOPTIME = 3, 4, 5 or 6

5 0.6 ms every sampling. With LOOPTIME = 3, 4, 5 or 6

6 0.8 ms every sampling. With LOOPTIME = 4, 5 or 6

7 1 ms every sampling. With LOOPTIME 5 or 6. CNC 8055

8 1.2 ms every sampling. With LOOPTIME = 6 CNC 8055i
Default value: 0

The sampling period is determined by the general parameter LOOPTIME (P72). Hence, for a
sampling period of 4 msec. and a CPUTIME=0, the system CPU dedicates 0.2 millisecond every
SOFT: V02.2X
8 samplings (thus, 32 milliseconds) to the PLC.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The Status window of the PLC statistics screen indicates the time the system CPU dedicates to the
PLC. Refer to the operating manual.

Same as with sinewave feedback, number of axes and the user channel active, the PLC demands
calculation time from the system CPU.
The more time the CPU dedicates to the PLC, the greater the sampling time will be, general parameter


6. Not used.
PLC Parameters

SRR700 (P28) . . . SRR739 (P67)

They are used in the data exchange via Sercos between the CNC and the drives.

They indicate which drive and what type of information will be put in CNC registers R700 through
P28  R700 P29R701 P30  R702
P31  R703 P32  R704 etc.

The setting format for PLC parameters "P28" through "P67" is 1.5
The units digit identifies the Sercos node number to get information from.
The decimal part indicates the Sercos identifier number.

Indicates that PLC register R704 contains the "VelocityFeedback" supplied by the drive located in Sercos
node 1.

To identify the units of the variables, see the drive manual.

i Read-only registers R700 through R739 are updated at the beginning of the PLC scan, unless the
MRD instruction is used.

SWR800 (P68) . . . SWR819 (P87)

They are used in the data exchange via Sercos between the CNC and the drives.

They indicate what type of information is put in registers R800 through R819 and which drive will
be assigned that value.
P68  R800 P69  R801 P70  R802
P71  R803 P72  R804 etc.

The setting format for PLC parameters "P68" through "P87" is 1.5
The units digit identifies the Sercos node number to send information to.
The decimal part indicates the Sercos identifier number.
Indicates that the value of PLC register R802 will be assigned to "DigitalOutputsValues" of the drive located
in Sercos node 2.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
i To identify the units of the variables, see the drive manual.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


When using CAN connection, the transmission speed depends on the length of the cable or total
CAN connection distance.
Value Meaning

0 1 Mbit/s. Up to 20 meters.

1 800 kbit/s. From 20 to 40 meters.

2 500 kbit/s. From 40 to 100 meters.

250 kbit/s. From 100 to 500 meters.

125 kbit/s. From 500 to 1000 meters.


PLC Parameters
Default value: 2 (500 kbit/s)

Fagor modules that do not have a baudrate selector can only work at 500 Kbit/s.


Not used.



They are used to set the remote modules.

They indicate which remote module each PLC parameter group (ICAN*, OCAN*, NUICAN*,
NUOCAN*) refers to.

Assign the CAN bus address that occupies the node (the one indicated by the address selector

ICAN1 (P94) OCAN1 (P95) ICAN2 (P96) OCAN2 (P97)

ICAN3 (P98) OCAN3 (P99) ICAN4 (P100) OCAN4 (P101)

They are used to set the remote modules.

They indicate the configuration of each remote module, number of inputs (ICAN*) and outputs

Example for a remote module located in node 1, with 48 inputs and 32 outputs:

NUICAN1 (P102) NUOCAN1 (P103) NUICAN2 (P104)

NUOCAN2 (P105) NUICAN3 (P106) NUOCAN3 (P107)
NUICAN4 (P108) NUOCAN4 (P109)

They are used to set the remote modules.

Parameter NUICAN* indicates the number of the first digital input and NUOCAN* the number of the
first digital output for the group.

The first I/O module is always the CPU (8055i CNC without expansion board) or an axes board or
an I/O board (modular 8055 CNC).

In either case, the first input number is always I1 and the first output number O1 and they cannot
be set by parameters.
CNC 8055
On remote module the inputs and outputs of the different elements are numbered sequentially. The CNC 8055i
inputs and outputs are defined in groups of 8 and the possible values of NUICAN* and NUOCAN*
must be multiple of 8 plus 1 (8n +1).

If incoherent parameter settings are detected on power-up, an error message will be issued indicating
SOFT: V02.2X

If NUICAN=0 or NUOCAN=0, the group following the one assigned to the previous node is assigned
to the corresponding node.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Examples of remote module setting

The central unit does not have an I/O expansion board.
Remote module in node 1, with 48 inputs and 32 outputs.
Remote module in node 2, with 24 inputs and 16 outputs.

Case 1: We want the inputs and outputs to be sequential starting with the first ones available.
Node ·1· Node ·2·

6. ICAN1=48
PLC Parameters

Node 1 is assigned inputs I65 through I112 and outputs O33 through O64.
Node 2 is assigned inputs I113 through I136 and outputs O65 through O80.
The inputs of the first remote module are numbered sequentially after the last input of the first
module (I64+1 = I65). The inputs of the second remote module are numbered sequentially after
the last available input of the first remote module (I112+1=I113). Follow the same procedure for
the outputs.

Case 2: We want the inputs and outputs to be sequential; but starting with I129 and O65, getting
it ready for the I/O expansion board.
Node ·1· Node ·2·
ICAN1=48 ICAN2=24
OCAN1=32 OCAN2=16
Node 1 is assigned inputs I129 through I176 and outputs O65 through O96.
Node 2 is assigned inputs I177 through I200 and outputs O97 through O112.
The inputs of the first remote module are numbered sequentially after the value assigned to
parameter NUICAN1(I129). The inputs of the second expansion module are numbered
sequentially after the last available input of the first remote module (I176+1=I177). Follow the
same procedure for the outputs.

Case 3: We expect an I/O and element expansion in node 1 (up to 72 inputs and 48 outputs).
Node ·1· Node ·2·
ICAN1=48 ICAN2=24
OCAN1=32 OCAN2=16

Node 1 is assigned inputs I129 through I176 and outputs O65 through O96
Node 2 is assigned inputs I201 through I224 and outputs O113 through O128
The inputs of the first remote module are numbered sequentially after the value assigned to
parameter NUICAN1(I129). The inputs of the second remote module are numbered after the
CNC 8055 value assigned to parameter NUICAN2(I201) Follow the same procedure for the outputs.
CNC 8055i
SOFT: V02.2X They are used to set the remote modules.

They indicate the number of analog inputs of each of the 4 remote modules; a CAN node number
identifies each one in the system. Its value will be 4 if it is a Fagor remote module.

Installation manual



They are used to set the remote modules.

They indicate the number of analog outputs of each of the 4 remote modules; a CAN node number
identifies each one in the system. Its value will be 4 if it is a Fagor remote module.

PT100_1 (P112) PT100_2 (P115) PT100_3 (P118)

PT100_4 (P121)

They are used to set the remote modules. 6.

They indicate the number of physical connections available for PT100 probes in each of the 4 remote

PLC Parameters
modules and also indicate which ones are connected. All this information is reflected in a 16-bit
string. Their value will be 0000 0000 0000 0011 if it is a Fagor remote module (2 physical
connections, bits 0 and 1 set to "1") and whether they are both connected (bits 4 and 5 set to "0")
or not. See table below.

A remote module may have physical connections for PT100 probes, but they are not connected.
That is why there is a bit indicating that there is a physical connection for the PT100 probe and
another bit to indicated whether a probe is connected or not.

Therefore, for a 16-bit string:

bit 15 .......12 11 ....... 8 7 ........ 4 3 2 1 0

PT100_1 = xxxx x x x x xx 0/1 0/1 xx 0/1 0/1

bit 0 Does it have a physical connection for PT100_1 probe? no / yes 0/1
bit 1 Does it have a physical connection for PT100_2 probe? no / yes 0/1
bit 4 Is there a PT100_1 probe connected to it? yes / no 0/1
bit 5 Is there a PT100_2 probe connected to it? yes / no 0/1
... others Reserved
for Fagor remote modules

If the probe is not properly connected or the cable is defective, the CNC will display an error message
that will be treated like the errors at the digital inputs/outputs.

NUIANA1 (P122) NUIANA2 (P124) NUIANA3 (P126)

NUIANA4 (P128)

They are used to set the remote modules.

They indicate the number of the first analog input of each remote module. The rest of analog inputs
of the same module will be numbered sequentially.

NUOANA1 (P123) NUOANA2 (P125) NUOANA3 (P127)

NUOANA4 (P129)

They are used to set the remote modules.

They indicate the number of the first analog output of each remote module. The rest of analog outputs CNC 8055
of the same module will be numbered sequentially. CNC 8055i
If the value of all these parameters is zero (they are by default), the numbering of the analog
inputs/outputs will be consecutive to the last local inputs/outputs.

Their maximum value will be 16, both for the analog inputs and analog outputs.
SOFT: V02.2X
On power-up, the CNC verifies that the number of analog inputs/outputs detected at the module
matches the value assigned to the relevant machine parameters.

If these values do not match, the CNC screen will display a message indicating it and then it will
turn the remote module off.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

IANA5V (P130)

On an 8055 CNC with –Vpp Axes– module, this parameter indicates the range to be used in each
differential analog input of the module's connector X7. A range of ±5 V or ±10 V may be assigned
for each analog input.

This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left.

bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

6. Each bit has a function or work mode associated with it. Assigning the value of ·1· activates the
PLC Parameters

corresponding function. The default value for bits 13 to 16 is ·1· (±5 V range).
Bit Meaning

0 - 11 Not used.

12 Analog input 4 (±5 V range).

13 Analog input 3 (±5 V range).

14 Analog input 2 (±5 V range).

15 Analog input 1 (±5 V range).

Default value: 1111000000000000

Bit 12 - 15. Average range for the analog inputs.

These bits refer to the 4 analog inputs of the –Vpp Axes– module. Every bit corresponds to an analog
input and indicates whether it uses a ±5 V range (bit=1) or a ±10 V range (bit=0).

NUILO1 (P131) NUOLO1 (P132) NUILO2 (P133)

NUOLO2 (P134) NUILO3 (P135) NUOLO3 (P136)
NUILO4 (P137) NUOLO4 (P138)

These PLC machine parameters may be used to redefine the numbering of the inputs/outputs of
the local expansion modules without having to modify the PLC program.
Value Meaning

NUILO1 Numbering of the first input of the first expansion module with inputs/outputs.

NUOLO1 Numbering of the first output of the first expansion module with inputs/outputs.
NUILO2 Numbering of the first input of the second expansion module with inputs/outputs.

NUOLO2 Numbering of the first output of the second expansion module with inputs/outputs.

NUILO3 Numbering of the first input of the third expansion module with inputs/outputs.

NUOLO3 Numbering of the first output of the third expansion module with inputs/outputs.

NUILO4 Numbering of the first input of the fourth expansion module with inputs/outputs.

NUOLO4 Numbering of the first output of the fourth expansion module with inputs/outputs.

The first I/O module is always the CPU (8055i CNC without expansion board) or an axes board or
an I/O board (modular 8055 CNC). Note that this first module is not an expansion module.

In either case, the first input number is always I1 and the first output number O1 and they cannot
be set by parameters.

IMPORTANT: The numbering of both the first local input and the first local output of any expansion
CNC 8055 module must be a multiple of 8 plus 1 (1+ 8n).
CNC 8055i
If incoherent parameter settings are detected on power-up, an error message will be issued indicating

SOFT: V02.2X Inside the expansion module, the numbering of the rest of inputs/outputs will be sequential from the
first one on.

The inputs/outputs of the expansion modules will be numbered differently depending on the values
entered in parameters NUILOn and NUOLOn (with n= 1, 2, 3, 4).

Installation manual

Expansion modules numbering examples

It is a system made up of an axes board with 40I/24O and two expansion modules with 64I/32O
available in each one of them.
The inputs/outputs of the first module cannot be set by parameter; therefore, the inputs must
be numbered from I1 on and the outputs from O1 on.

Case 1: We wish to number inputs and outputs by setting parameters NUILOn and NUOLOn to zero.
First expansion module Second expansion module
The first expansion module assigned inputs I65 through I112 and outputs O33 through O64.

PLC Parameters
The second expansion module assigned inputs I129 through I192 and outputs O65 through O96.
The inputs of the first expansion module are numbered sequentially after the last input of the
first module (I64+1 = I65). The inputs of the second expansion module are numbered
sequentially after the last available input of the first expansion module (I128+1 = I129). Follow
the same procedure for the outputs.

Case 2: We wish the inputs and outputs to be sequential, but starting with I41/O25, so they are
numbered after the 40I/24O of the axis board.
First expansion module Second expansion module
The first expansion module assigned inputs I41 through I104 and outputs O25 through O56.
The second expansion module assigned inputs I105 through I168 and outputs O57 through O88.
The inputs of the first expansion module are numbered sequentially after the value assigned to
parameter NUILO1 (I41) chosen with the restriction (8n+1). The inputs of the second expansion
module are numbered sequentially after the last input used in the first expansion module (I104+1
= I105). Follow the same procedure for the outputs.

Case 3: We wish the inputs and outputs start at I65/O33 the first expansion module and at I201/O113
the second expansion module.
First expansion module Second expansion module
NUILO1=65 NUILO2=201
NUOLO1=33 NUOLO2=113
The first expansion module assigned inputs I65 through I112 and outputs O33 through O64.
The second expansion module assigned inputs I201through I264 and outputs O113 through
The inputs of the first expansion module are numbered sequentially after the value assigned to
parameter NUILO1 (I65) chosen at will with the restriction (8n+1). The inputs of the second
expansion module are numbered sequentially after the value assigned to parameter NUILO2
(I113) chosen at will with the restriction (8n+1). Follow the same procedure for the outputs.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Expansion modules and remote modules numbering examples.

Let's suppose a system made up of an axes board with 40I/24O and two expansion modules
with 64I/32O available in each one of them and the following remote modules.
Remote module in node 1, with 48 inputs and 32 outputs.
Remote module in node 2, with 24 inputs and 16 outputs.
The inputs/outputs of the first module (axis board) cannot be set by parameter; therefore, the
inputs must be numbered from I1 on and the outputs from O1 on.

We wish the inputs and outputs to be sequential starting with the local ones, then the expansion

6. modules and then the remote modules.

First expansion module Second expansion module
PLC Parameters

Remote module (Node 1) Remote module (Node 2)
ICAN1=48 ICAN2=24
OCAN1=32 OCAN2=16
The axis board is assigned inputs I1-40 and outputs O1-24.
The first expansion module assigned inputs I41 through I104 and outputs O25 through O56.
The second expansion module assigned inputs I105 through I168 and outputs O57 through O88.
The first remote module (node 1) is assigned inputs I169-216 and outputs O89-120.
The second remote module (node 2) is assigned inputs I217-240 and outputs O121-136.
The inputs of the first expansion module are numbered sequentially after the value assigned to
parameter NUILO1 (I41) chosen with the restriction (8n+1). The inputs of the second expansion
module are numbered sequentially after the last input used in the first expansion module (I104+1
= I105). Follow the same procedure for the outputs.
The inputs of the first remote module are numbered sequentially after the last input of the second
expansion module (I168+1=I169) The inputs of the second remote module are numbered
sequentially after the last available input of the first remote module (I216+1=I217). Follow the
same procedure for the outputs.

In the previous example, the I/O will be ordered so expansion modules 1 and 2 come first and then
i remote modules 1 and 2. This order is not compulsory, these modules may be ordered as desired.
This way, the remote modules could be numbered first and then the expansion ones or intercalating
one of each.

The total limit of inputs (local + remote) is 512.

The total limit of outputs (local + remote) is 512.

Warning: The order of local I/O modules corresponds with the numbering of their internal switch,
not with the physical position of the modules.

CNC 8055
i The values of the PLC parameters mentioned earlier should be multiple of 16 for best managing the
inputs and outputs in time.

CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.10 Tables

6.10.1 Miscellaneous (M) function table

The number of M functions in this table is determined by the general parameter NMISCFUN (P29),
being possible to define up to 255 M functions.

It must borne in mind that functions: M00, M01, M02, M03, M04, M05, M06, M8, M9, M19, M30,
M41, M42, M43, M44 and M45, besides what is indicated in this table, have specific meanings when
programming the CNC.

Each miscellaneous function will be called by its M number.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.

The table elements that are not defined will be displayed as M????.

A subroutine can be associated with each M function and it will be indicated by the letter S.
Possible values

Integer numbers between 0 and 9999.

If 0 is assigned to this field, it means that the M function has no subroutine associated with it.

The third field consists of 8 customizing bits called bit 0 through bit 7:

* * * * * * * *

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

bit 0

Indicates whether the CNC must wait or not for the AUXEND signal (M done) to consider it executed
and go on to the next program block
Value Meaning

0 The AUXEND signal is expected.

1 The AUXEND signal is NOT expected.

CNC 8055
bit 1
CNC 8055i
Indicates whether the M function is executed before or after the movement block where it is
Value Meaning SOFT: V02.2X

0 It is executed before the move.

1 It is executed after the move.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

bit 2

Indicates whether the M function interrupts the block preparation or not.

Value Meaning

0 It does NOT interrupt the block preparation.

1 It interrupts the block preparation.

bit 3

6. Indicates whether the M function is executed or not after the associated subroutine is executed.
Value Meaning

0 It is executed after the associated subroutine.

1 ONLY the associated subroutine is executed.

bit 4

When bit "2" has been set to "1", it indicates whether block preparation is to be interrupted until the
execution of the M function begins or until it ends (until the M-done signal is received).
Value Meaning

0 It interrupts block preparation until the execution of the "M" function begins.

1 It interrupts block preparation until the "M-done" signal (AUXEND) is received.

bit 5

Not being used at this time.

bit 6

Not being used at this time.

bit 7

Not being used at this time.

When executing an M function which has not been defined in the M table, the programmed function
will be executed at the beginning of the block and the CNC will "wait" for the "AUXEND" signal to
continue the execution of the program.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.10.2 Leadscrew error compensation table

The CNC provides a table for each one of the axes requiring leadscrew compensation. The CNC
will provide a table for each one of the axes having leadscrew compensation. This type of
compensation is selected by setting axis parameter LSCRWCOM (P15).

The number of elements of the table must be set by axis parameter NPOINTS (P16), being possible
to define up to 1000 points per axis. Different compensation values may be defined at each point
for each moving direction.


Each parameter of the table represents a point of the profile to compensate. The following
information is defined at each point:
• The position occupied by the point in the profile (position to compensate). This position is defined
by its coordinate referred to machine reference zero.
Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.

• The error of the leadscrew at that point, when moving in the positive direction.
Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.

• The error of the leadscrew at that point, when moving in the negative direction.
Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.

For each axis position, define the amount of error to be compensated in both directions. If the error
in the negative direction is zero for all the points, it assumes that the error defined for the positive
direction is good for both directions.

Leadscrew error compensation on rotary axes.

On rotary axes, although the display is limited between 0 and 360º, the internal count is
accumulative. When using leadscrew error compensation, set positions 0° and 360°, first and last
point of the table, with the same amount of error. This way, the CNC will apply the same
compensation in all the revolutions. CNC 8055
Otherwise, the compensation will be limited to the indicated field. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Considerations and limitations.

When defining the profile points in the table, the following requirements must be met:
• The axis points must be in sequential order starting from the most negative (least positive) point
to be compensated.
• For those points outside the compensation zone, the CNC will apply the compensation value
corresponding to the table point closest to them.
• The amount of error of the machine reference point may have any value.
• The error difference between two consecutive points must not be greater than the distance

6. between them (maximum slope= 100%).


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

6.10.3 Cross compensation parameter table

Up to 3 cross compensation tables may be used. To enable each one, set general parameters:

Parameter MOVAXIS indicates the axis that moves and COMPAXIS the axis affected by the
movement of the "movaxis" (to be compensated) and NPCROSS indicates the number of points
in the table.

The table must indicate the amount of error to be compensated in specific positions of the moving

The position is defined in home coordinates (referred to machine reference zero). Depending on
general parameter TYPCROSS (P135), the CNC will take into account either the theoretical or real
(actual) coordinates.

Possible values for the position and error fields:

Possible values

Within ±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.

When defining the profile points in the table, the following requirements must be met:
• The axis points must be in sequential order starting from the most negative (least positive) point
to be compensated.
• For those points outside the compensation zone, the CNC will apply the compensation value
corresponding to the table point closest to them.

When both leadscrew and cross compensations are applied on the same axis, the CNC will apply
the sum of the two.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


It is recommended to save the machine parameters as well as the PLC program and files into the hard
disk (KeyCF) or in a peripheral or PC to avoid losing them.

7.1 Axes and coordinate systems

Given that the purpose of the CNC is to control the movement and positioning of axes, it is necessary
to determine the position of the point to be reached through its coordinates.

The CNC allows you to use absolute, relative or incremental coordinates throughout the same

Axis nomenclature

The axes are named according to DIN 66217.

Characteristics of the system of axes:

X and Y main movements on the main work plane of the machine.
Z parallel to the main axis of the machine, perpendicular to the main XY plane.
U, V, W auxiliary axes parallel to X, Y, Z respectively.
A, B, C Rotary axes on each axis X, Y, Z.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The figure below shows an example of the nomenclature of the axes on a milling-profiling machine
with a tilted table.

Axes and coordinate systems

Axis selection

Of the 9 possible axes that may exist, the CNC allows the manufacturer to select up to 7 of them.

Moreover, all the axes should be suitably defined as linear, rotary, etc. through the axis machine

There is no limitation to the programming of the axes, and up to 7 axes may be interpolated at the
same time.

Example of milling
The machine has three normal axes: X, Y and Z, one normal linear U axis controlled by the PLC,
an analog spindle (S) and an electronic handwheel.

Setting of general parameters AXIS1 (P0) through AXIS8 (P7).

AXIS1 (P0) = 1 X axis associated with feedback X1 and output O1.

AXIS2 (P1) = 2 Y axis associated with feedback X2 and output O2.

AXIS3 (P2) = 3 Z axis associated with feedback X3 and output O3.

AXIS4 (P3) = 4 U axis associated with feedback X4 and output O4.

AXIS5 (P4) = 10 Spindle (S) associated with feedback X5 (1-6) and output O5.
AXIS6 (P5) = 0

AXIS7 (P6) = 11 Handwheel associated with feedback input X6 (1-6).

AXIS8 (P7) = 0

The CNC activates a machine parameter table for each axis (X, Y, Z, U) and another one for the
spindle (S).

axis parameter AXISTYPE (P0) must be set as follows.

X axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 0 Regular linear axis

Y axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 0 Regular linear axis

Z axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 0 Regular linear axis

CNC 8055
U axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 5 Regular linear axis controlled by the PLC
CNC 8055i
spindle parameter SPDLTYPE (P0) must be set as follows:

Spindle SPDLTYPE (P0) = 0 ±10V spindle analog output.

SOFT: V02.2X
Likewise, axis parameter DFORMAT (P1) and spindle parameter DOFORMAT (P1) must be properly
set to indicate their display formats.

Installation manual

Example of lathe
The machine has two regular linear axes: X and Z, a "C" axis, an analog spindle (S) and an auxiliary
spindle (live tool).

Setting of general parameters AXIS1 (P0) through AXIS8 (P7).

AXIS1 (P0) = 1 X axis associated with feedback X1 and output O1.

AXIS2 (P1) = 3 Z axis associated with feedback X2 and output O2.

AXIS3 (P2) = 10 Spindle (S) associated with feedback X3 and output O3.

AXIS4 (P3) = 9

AXIS5 (P4) = 13
"C" axis

Auxiliary spindle
associated with feedback X4 and output O4.

associated with feedback X5 (1-6) and output O5.


Axes and coordinate systems
AXIS6 (P5) = 0

AXIS7 (P6) = 0
AXIS8 (P7) = 0

The CNC activates a machine parameter table for each axis (X, Z, C), one for the main spindle (S)
and another one for the auxiliary spindle.

axis parameter AXISTYPE (P0) must be set as follows.

X axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 0 Regular linear axis

Z axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 0 Regular linear axis

"C" axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 2 Normal rotary axis

spindle parameter SPDLTYPE (P0) must be set as follows:

Spindle SPDLTYPE (P0) = 0 ±10V spindle analog output.

Likewise, axis parameter DFORMAT (P1) and spindle parameter DOFORMAT (P1) must be properly
set to indicate their display formats.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.1.1 Rotary axes

With this CNC, it is possible to select the type of rotary axis by means of axis parameter

Normal rotary axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 2

Positioning-only rotary axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 3

Rotary Hirth axis AXISTYPE (P0) = 4

7. By default, their position is always displayed between 0 and 360º (Rollover axis). If these limits are
not to be set, modify axis parameter ROLLOVER (P55).

ROLLOVER = YES Rotary axis display between 0 and 360º

Axes and coordinate systems

ROLLOVER = NO No display limits.

Although the display is limited between 0 and 360º, the internal count is accumulative. Therefore,
axis parameters "LIMIT+(P5)" and "LIMIT-(P6)" should be set to limit the maximum number of turns
in each direction.

When both parameters are set to "0", the axis can move indefinitely in either direction (rotary tables,
indexers, etc.). See "6.4 Axis parameters" on page 207.

When using leadscrew error compensation, set positions 0° and 360°, first and last point of the table,
with the same amount of error. This way, the CNC will apply the same compensation in all the
revolutions. See "7.5.7 Leadscrew error compensation" on page 328.

Normal rotary axes

They can interpolate with linear axes. G00 and G01 movement.
• Absolute coordinate programming (G90).
The sign indicates the turning direction and the end coordinate the position (between 0 and
• Incremental coordinate programming (G91).
The sign indicates the turning direction. If the programmed movement exceeds 360º, the axis
will turn more than once before positioning at the desired point.

Normal rotary axis


ROLLOVER=YES It counts between 0º and 360º.

G90 The sign indicates the turning direction.
LIMIT+ = 8000 G91The sign indicates the turning direction.
LIMIT- =-8000
ROLLOVER=NO It counts between 7999.9999º and -7999.9999º.
G90 and G91 as linear axis.

ROLLOVER=YES It counts between 0º and 360º.

G90 The sign indicates the turning direction.
LIMIT+ =0 G91The sign indicates the turning direction.
ROLLOVER=NO There are 2 loops, one between 0º and 360º and the other
between 0º and -360º It is possible to switch from one to
the other.
G90 and G91 as linear axis.

LIMIT+ =350 ROLLOVER=YES/NO It can only move between 10º and 350º.
CNC 8055 LIMIT- =10 With G90 and G91 like when LIMIT+=8000. An error
CNC 8055i message is issued if the target position is beyond the limits.

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Installation manual

Positioning-only rotary axis

It cannot interpolate with linear axes. Movement always in G00, and they do not admit tool radius
compensation (G41, G42).
• Absolute coordinate programming (G90).
Always positive and in the shortest direction. End coordinate between 0 and 359.9999.
• Incremental coordinate programming (G91).
The sign indicates the turning direction. If the programmed movement exceeds 360º, the axis
will turn more than once before positioning at the desired point.

Positioning-only rotary axis


Axes and coordinate systems

ROLLOVER=YES It counts between 0º and 360º.

G90 does not admit negative values. Always via the
LIMIT+ = 8000 shortest path.
LIMIT- =-8000 G91The sign indicates the turning direction.

ROLLOVER=NO It counts between 7999.9999º and -7999.9999º.

G90 and G91 as linear axis.

ROLLOVER=YES It counts between 0º and 360º.

G90 does not admit negative values. Always via the
LIMIT+ =0 shortest path.
LIMIT- =0 G91The sign indicates the turning direction.

ROLLOVER=NO There are 2 loops, one between 0º and 360º and the other
between 0º and -360º It is possible to switch from one to
the other.
G90 and G91 as linear axis.

LIMIT+ =350 ROLLOVER=YES/NO It can only move between 10º and 350º.
LIMIT- =10 With G90 and G91 like when LIMIT+=8000. An error
message is issued if the target position is beyond the limits.

Rotary Hirth axis

It is a positioning-only axis which can take decimal coordinates.

More than one Hirth axis may be used, but they can only move one at a time.

Rotary Hirth axis


ROLLOVER=YES It counts between 0º and 360º.

G90 does not admit negative values.
LIMIT+ = 8000 G91The sign indicates the turning direction.
LIMIT- =-8000
ROLLOVER=NO It counts between 7999.9999º and -7999.9999º.
G90 and G91 as linear axis.

ROLLOVER=YES It counts between 0º and 360º.

G90 does not admit negative values. Always via the
LIMIT+ =0 shortest path.
LIMIT- =0 G91The sign indicates the turning direction.
ROLLOVER=NO There are 2 loops, one between 0º and 360º and the other
between 0º and -360º It is possible to switch from one to
the other. CNC 8055
G90 and G91 as linear axis. CNC 8055i
LIMIT+ =350 ROLLOVER=YES/NO It can only move between 10º and 350º.
LIMIT- =10 With G90 and G91 like when LIMIT+=8000. An error
message is issued if the target position is beyond the limits.
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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.1.2 Gantry axes

Gantry axes are any two axes that, due to the way the machine is built, must move together in
synchronism. For example: bridge type mills.

Only the movements of one of those axes must be programmed and it is called the main or master
axis. The other axis is referred to as "slave axis".

In order to operate this way, it is necessary to have the axis parameter GANTRY (P2) corresponding
to both axes set as follows:

7. • Parameter "GANTRY" of the main axis set to "0".

• Parameter "GANTRY" of the slave axis must indicate which axis is its "master" (or main axis).
Axes and coordinate systems

Also, axis parameter MAXCOUPE (P45) of the slave axis must indicate the maximum allowed
difference between the following errors of both axes.

It is possible to have more than one pair of Gantry axes.

Example of a bridge type milling machine with two Gantry axes (X-U, Z-W).

Machine parameters.
Eje X GANTRY = 0
Eje U GANTRY = 1
Eje Z GANTRY = 0
Eje W GANTRY = 3

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Installation manual

7.1.3 Slaved axes and synchronized axes

Coupled or synchronized axes are two or more axes which are normally independent, but,
sometimes need to be moved at the same time and in synchronism (temporarily slaved, versus
permanently as by machine parameter). For example on multi-spindle milling machines.

Slaved axes
• With function G77 it is possible to define which axes are to be coupled (temporarily slaved) by
indicating the main axis and its subordinates or slave axes.
• It is possible to slave more than two axes to each other, to have several different electronic
couplings (slaving), to add a new slave to the ones previously slaved, etc. 7.
• With function G78, it is possible to decouple (unslave) one or all of the axes slaved temporarily;

Axes and coordinate systems
that is by means of G77, and not by machine parameter GANTRY (which would be "permanent"

Synchronized axes
• The axes are synchronized by the PLC, by activating the CNC input "SYNCHRO" of the axis to
become the slave.
• To be able to do this, axis parameter SYNCHRO (P3) of that axis must be set indicating which
axis will be its master.
• It is possible to couple (slave) more than two axes to each other, to have several other axes slaved
to each other, to add a new slave to existing ones, etc; but, they will always be slaved to the axes
determined by the corresponding SYNCHRO parameters:
• To decouple (unslave) one of the slaved axes, the corresponding "SYNCRO" input of the CNC
must be deactivated.

Example of a dual-spindle bridge type milling machine with two pairs of slaved axes (Y-V,

Slaving (by program). Synchronization (by external signal).

G77 Y V Y axis SYNCHRO = 0
G77 Z W V axis SYNCHRO = 2
Z axis SYNCHRO = 0
W axis SYNCHRO = 3

If the machine has the X, Y, Z, V, W axes, the following signals must be activated (logic state "1")
at the PLC:
SYNCHRO4 to slave the V axis to the Y axis.
SYNCHRO5 to slave the W axis to the Z axis.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.1.4 Incline axis

With the angular transformation of an incline axis, it is possible to make movements along an axis
that is not perpendicular to another.

On certain machines, the axes are configured in a Cartesian way, they are not perpendicular to each
other. A typical case is the X axis of a lathe that for sturdiness reasons is not perpendicular to the
Z axis.

7. X Cartesian axis.
Axes and coordinate systems

X' Angular axis.

Z Orthogonal axis.

Programming in the Cartesian system (Z-X) requires activating an angular transformation of an

inclined plane that converts the movements of the real (non-perpendicular) axes (Z-X'). This way,
a movement programmed on the X axis is transformed into movements on the Z-X' axes; i.e. it then
moves along the Z axis and the angular X' axis.

Configuring the incline axis

The incline axis is configured by the following general machine parameters.


Configuring the axes

The parameter ANGAXNA configures the incline axis. The parameter ORTAXNA defines the axis
perpendicular to the Cartesian axis associated with the incline axis.

The parameter OFFANGAX sets the distance between machine zero and the origin that defines the
coordinate system of the incline axis. The axes defined in parameters "ANGAXNA" and
CNC 8055 "ORTAXNA"must exist and must be linear. These axes may have associated with them Gantry axes,
coupled axes or axes synchronized by PLC.
CNC 8055i
Angle of the incline axis
The parameter ANGANTR defines the angle between the Cartesian axis and the angular axis it is
associated with. The angle is positive when the angular axis has been rotated clockwise and
SOFT: V02.2X
negative if otherwise. If its value is 0º, there is no need to do an angular transformation.

Installation manual

Programming and movements

Coordinates display
If the incline axis is active, the coordinates displayed will be those of the Cartesian system; otherwise,
it will display the coordinates of the real axes.

Movement programming
The inclined plane is activated from the part-program (function G46). Two kinds of movements may
be executed.
• The movements are programmed in the Cartesian system and are transformed into movements

Axes and coordinate systems
on the real axes.
• Movement along the incline axis, but programming the coordinate in the Cartesian system. While
this mode is active, in the motion block only the coordinate of the incline axis must be

Jog movements
PLC mark "MACHMOVE" determines how the manual movements with handwheels or with the
keyboard will be carried out.
MACHMOVE = 0 Movements on the Cartesian axes.
MACHMOVE = 1 Movements on the incline axes of the machines.

Machine reference (home) search

While searching home, the movements are carried out on the incline axes of the machine. The incline
axis is deactivated when searching home on any axis that is part of the incline axis configuration.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.1.5 Tandem axes

A tandem axis consists in two motors coupled to each other mechanically making up a single
transmission system (axis). It is normally used to move the axes on large machines.

The CNC only displays one axis (referred to as master axis) whose movements are programmed.
The other axis is called slave axis.

The following aspects may be pointed out in this configuration:

• A tandem axis helps provide the necessary torque to move an axis when a single motor is not

7. capable of supplying enough torque to do it.

• Applying a pre-load torque between the main motor and the slave motor reduces the backlash
of the axis.
Axes and coordinate systems

• Greater rigidity is obtained on long leadscrews when applied to a rack-and-pinion system.

Example of a tandem axis made up of a rack-and-pinion system driven by two motors.

(A)Main or master motor. Besides generating torque, it is in charge of positioning.

(B)Slave motor. It only supplies torque.

One of the many applications for the control of a tandem axis has to do with Gantry machines.

Example diagram of a Gantry machine with two axes in tandem.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

Configuration of the tandem axis

When configuring a tandem axis, bear in mind the following requirements.

• Each master tandem axis admits one single slave tandem axis.
• The axes must be "velocity Sercos".
• A preload may be applied between the two motors.
• Each motor may have a different rated torque.
• The turning direction of each motor may be different from the other's.
• The torque distribution between both motors may be different from 1:1 ratio. For example, on
motors whose rated torque is different.

Axes and coordinate systems
• It is not possible to share feedback or velocity commands using the switch parameters on axes
having a tandem configuration.

A tandem axis is configured by the machine parameters of the master axis. The slave axis does
not have an axis table at the CNC, although it is possible to access the parameter and variable tables
of the slave axis drive. It is accessed from the machine parameters > drive.

Axis parameter TANSLAID (P76) enables the tandem parameters. If this parameter is zero, there
is no tandem axis and it ignores the values of the rest of the tandem control parameters.

Selection of the master and slave axes

The axis whose table sets the parameters will be the master axis of the tandem. The slave axis of
the tandem is set using parameters TANSLAID (P76) and TANSLANA (P77).

Parameter TANSLAID (P76) indicates the Sercos ID of the slave axis. This parameter determines
the drive that will generate the velocity command of the slave axis.

Parameter TANSLANA (P77) determines the name of the slave axis. This parameter is used to
identify the PLC marks, identify at the CNC the errors and identify the parameter tables of the drive.

Torque and pre-load distribution

The torque distribution determines the torque supplied by each motor in order to obtain the
necessary total torque on the tandem axis. It is set with parameter TORQDIST (P78).

Pre-load is the torque difference to be applied between the two motors, so as to establish a traction
between them in order to eliminate backlash. It is set with parameters PRELOAD (P79) and

Parameter PRELOAD (P79) sets the pre-load value and parameter PRELFITI (P80) sets the filter
time to apply it. The pre-load is applied progressively during the time indicated in the filter, thus
avoiding a step (shoulder) in the velocity command of the axes.

Applying the preload necessarily implies mechanically joining the master and slave axes that make
up the tandem axis. Otherwise, the motors will move even without the control velocity command.

Gain setting
The proportional gain is set with parameter TPROGAIN (P81). The proportional controller generates
an output proportional to the torque error between the two motors.

The integral gain is set with parameter TINTTIME (P82). The integral controller generates an output
proportional to the integral of the torque error between the two motors.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Block diagrams

The block diagram of the tandem control system shows the master tandem axis with its slave tandem
axis. The block diagram for a Gantry machine consists of the same two diagrams as the one shown
in the figure.

Axes and coordinate systems

The block diagram has an area for the drive and another one for the CNC that comprises the position
loop and the control of the tandem.

Position and velocity loop.

The position loop is closed only with the position of the master axis of the tandem. The velocity
command of the tandem master axis is also sent to the tandem slave axis closing the velocity loop.

The tandem control changes the velocity command of the master axis and that of the slave axis
according to the torque distribution and the selected preload.

The values of PROGAIN, FFGAIN, DERGAIN of the master axis are applied to the slave axis;
therefore, the gear ratios must necessarily be the same.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

Tandem axis control.

The block diagram for the application to control the tandem axis is:


Axes and coordinate systems
Tandem master motor torque.
Is the percentage (%) of rated torque reflected by the Sercos variable TV2 of the drive that governs
the master axis of the tandem. It is read in every loop.

Tandem slave motor torque.

Is the percentage (%) of rated torque reflected by the Sercos variable TV2 of the drive that governs
the slave axis of the tandem. It is read in every loop.

Torque distribution.

Normalizing gain of the torque generated by the motors in order to distribute the torque in a ratio
other than 1:1.


Previous torque applied to both tandem axes in opposite direction. This sets a traction between them
in order to eliminate the rack-and-pinion backlash when it is in rest position. It is determined as the
torque difference supplied by each axis.

Pre-load filter.

First-order filter to prevent torque steps from coming in when configuring the preload.

Tandem PI.

PI for making each motor provide its corresponding torque. It increases its velocity command if the
torque being supplied is too low and it decreases it if the torque being supplied is too high.

When defining a tandem axis, at each loop, the CNC reads via Sercos the torque supplied by the
master and the slave axes. This may result in a smaller number of read-write variables in the fast
Sercos channel, through PLC parameters.

This situation may generate a "Sercos ring error", even when using the same variables and number CNC 8055
i of axes as in a non-tandem configuration. This situation is especially critical for a loop time of 2
CNC 8055i

Adjusting procedure SOFT: V02.2X

This procedure must bear in mind the type of machine. In general, a tandem machine has a low
resonance frequency. Therefore, the CNC must generate position commands without frequency
components higher than resonance frequency.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

It is recommended to begin the process with low jerk values (lower than 10 m/sec3) and low Kv.
They can always be increased in a later readjustment.

Steps for the adjustment

1. Move both axes independently.
The first step is to ensure the perfect operation of both the master and the slave axes separately.
Also verify that both axes move in the same direction with similar dynamics.
To do this, the following methods may be used:
 Define a master axis and a slave axis using a separate parameter table for each axis. When
7. adjusting the master axis, set the slave axis as a dro axis and viceversa.
 Cancel the "drive enable" of the slave axis and move the master axis. Change the parameter
Axes and coordinate systems

settings of the CNC to turn the slave axis into the master axis and repeat the process.
2. Move one of the motors at a constant low speed. Do not make jerky movements because the
second motor is being dragged by the first one. In this situation, any acceleration or deceleration
forces it to go from one side of the backlash to the other thus making it jerky.
Verify that the turning direction of both motors are coherent once the movement has been carried

Observe that reversing the turning direction of a motor reverses the direction of the torque and,
i consequently, it will be necessary to change the direction of its values monitored with drive parameters
SP43 and TP85.

Verify that the gear ratio in both motors is the same (same feed for same turning speed).
Carry out a basic adjustment of the velocity loop so the machine can move. It will be readjusted
later with both motors together.
Do not set the friction parameters (there is already enough torque to move the machine).
3. Repeat the process with the second motor.
When adjusting the loops, use the same parameters if the motors are identical and the torque
distribution is 50%. If the motors are different, the axes must be adjusted so their dynamic
response is the same or very similar.
When using AC-Forward ("ACFGAIN" = YES), remember that each motor has half the inertia
for a torque distribution of 50%.
4. Enable the tandem with both motors.
Disable the tandem PI, supply power and verify that the system is resting. Enter a low
proportional value and eliminate the integral value of the PI of the tandem.
Then, without pre-load, verify that the machine moves and that each motor provides its
corresponding torque according to parameter "TORQDIST" (e.g. for a 50% distribution, half the
5. Enable the pre-load.
Monitor the torque of each motor (Sercos variable TV2). While stopped, increase the preload
gradually until the motors supply torque in opposite directions.
Move slowly in both directions and verify that it works properly. Make sure that it is not jerky and
that each motor supplies its corresponding torque according to parameters "TORQDIST" and

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Installation manual

6. Readjust the velocity loop in both motors with the method used normally.

While changing the parameters of the velocity loop, the proper thing would be to change them on both
i drives at the same time. But, since this is not possible, it is recommended to make small changes in
the values or make them while the motor is stopped.


Axes and coordinate systems

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.2 Jog

7.2.1 Relationship between the axes and the JOG keys

The mill model CNC has 5 pairs of JOG keys and the lathe model has 4 pairs of keys to jog the axes
of the machine.


Mill model Lathe model

The X, Y and Z axes always use their own denomination; the "C" axis of a lathe model uses the [3+]
and [3-] keys and the rest of the axes depend on the chosen name.

The logical order is: X Y Z U V W A B C.

Key configuration examples

A milling machine has the X Y Z U B axes.

The X axis keys are: [X+] [X-]

The Y axis keys are: [Y+] [Y-]

The Z axis keys are: [Z+] [Z-]

The U axis keys are: [4+] [4-]

The B axis keys are: [5+] [5-]

A laser machine has the X Y A B axes.

The X axis keys are: [X+] [X-]

The Y axis keys are: [Y+] [Y-]

The A axis keys are: [Z+] [Z-]

The B axis keys are: [4+] [4-]

A punch press has the X Y C axes.

The X axis keys are: [X+] [X-]

The Y axis keys are: [Y+] [Y-]

The C axis keys are: [Z+] [Z-]

A lathe has the X Z U A axes.

The X axis keys are: [X+] [X-]

The Z axis keys are: [Z+] [Z-]

The U axis keys are: [3+] [3-]

The A axis keys are: [4+] [4-]

A lathe has the X Z U C axes.

CNC 8055 The X axis keys are: [X+] [X-]
CNC 8055i The Z axis keys are: [Z+] [Z-]

The U axis keys are: [4+] [4-]

The C axis keys are: [3+] [3-]
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Installation manual

7.2.2 Path-jog mode

This mode may be used to act upon the jog keys of an axis to move both axes of the plane at the
same time for chamfering (straight sections) and rounding (curved sections). The "path jog" mode
acts when the switch is in the continuous or incremental jog positions.

The CNC assumes as "Path jog" the keys associated with the X axis.

Feature setting
This feature must be managed from the PLC.

To activate or cancle the "Path jog" work mode, act upon the logic CNC input "MASTRHND" M5054.

M5054 = 0 "Path JOG" function off.
M5054 = 1 "Path JOG" function on.

To indicate the type of movement, use CNC logic input "HNLINARC" M5053.
M5053 = 0 Linear path.
M5053 = 1 Arc path.

For a linear path, indicate the path angle in the MASLAN variable (value in degrees between the
linear path and the first axis of the plane). For an arc, indicate the arc center coordinates in the
MASCFI, MASCSE variables (for the first and second axes of the main plane).

Variables MASLAN, MASCFI and MASCSE may be read and written from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

Operation of the "path jog" feature

The "path jog" mode is only available with the X axis keys. When pressing one of the keys associated
with the X axis, the CNC behaves as follows:

Switch position Path jog Type of movement

Continuous jog Deactivated Only the axis and in the indicated direction

Activated Both axes in the indicated direction and along the indicated

Incremental jog Deactivated Only the axis, the selected distance and in the indicated
Activated Both axes, the selected distance and in the indicated
direction, but along the indicated path

Handwheel It ignores the keys.

The rest of the jog keys always work in the same way, whether "path jog" is on or off. The rest of
the keys move only the axis and in the indicated direction.
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Considerations about the jog movements

This mode assumes as axis feedrate the one selected in jog mode and it will also be affected by
the feedrate override switch. If F0 is selected, it assumes the one indicated by machine parameter
"JOGFEED (P43)". This mode ignores the rapid jog key.

"PATH JOG" movements respect the travel limits and the work zones.

"Path jog" movements may be aborted in the following ways:

• By pressing the [STOP] key.

7. • By turning the JOG switch to one of the handwheel positions.

• By setting general logic input "MASTRHND (M5054)" = 0.
• By setting general logic input "\STOP (M5001)" = 0.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.3 Movement with an electronic handwheel

Depending on their configuration, the available handwheels are:

• General handwheel.
It can be used to jog any axis one by one.
Select the axis and turn the handwheel to move it.
• Individual handwheel.
It replaces the mechanical handwheels.
Up to 3 handwheels can be used (one per axis).
It only moves the axis it is associated with.

Movement with an electronic handwheel
To move any of them, turn the switch to any of the handwheel positions. Positions 1, 10 and 100
indicate the multiplying factor being applied besides the internal x4 to the feedback pulses supplied
by the electronic handwheel.

For example, if the manufacturer has set a distance of 0.100 mm or 0.0100 inches per handwheel
turn for switch position 1:

Switch position Distance per turn

1 0.100 mm or 0.0100 inches

10 1.000 mm or 0.1000 inches

100 10.000 mm or 1.0000 inches

There are 3 operating modes with handwheels:

Standard handwheel.
• With the general handwheel, select the axis to be moved and turn the handwheel.
• With individual handwheels, turn the handwheel associated with the axis to be moved.

Path handwheel.
• For chamfering and rounding corners.
• 2 axes are moved along a selected path (chamfer or rounding) by moving a single handwheel.
• This feature must be managed from the PLC.
• The general handwheel is assumed as the "path handwheel" or the individual handwheel
associated with the X axis (Mill) or Z (lathe).

Feed handwheel mode.

• To control the feedrate of the machine.
• This feature must be managed from the PLC.

Depending on the turning speed of the handwheel and the position of the selector switch, when
requesting a movement at a faster feedrate than the maximum allowed. CNC 8055
• With individual handwheels, the movement stops when stopping the handwheel. It does not move CNC 8055i
the indicated distance.
• With general handwheels, general parameter HDIFFBAC (P129) indicates whether the movement
is stopped or it moves the indicated distance.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.3.1 Standard handwheel

General handwheel
1. Select the axis to be jogged.
Press one of the JOG keys of the axis to be jogged. The selected axis will be highlighted.
When using a Fagor handwheel with an axis selector button, the axis may be selected as follows:
 Push the button on the back of the handwheel. The CNC select the first axis and it highlights it.
 When pressing the button again, the CNC selects the next axis and so on in a rotary fashion.

7.  To deselect the axis, hold the button pressed for more than 2 seconds.
2. Jog the axis.
Movement with an electronic handwheel

Once the axis has been selected, it will move as the handwheel is being turned and in the
direction indicated by it.

Individual handwheels
Each axis will move as the corresponding handwheel is being turned according to the switch position
and in the direction indicated by it.

Simultaneous handwheels
The machine may have a general handwheel and up to 3 individual handwheels associated with
each axis. The individual handwheels have priority over the general handwheel. So, if an individual
handwheel is moving, the general handwheel will be ignored.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.3.2 Path handwheel

With this feature, it is possible to jog two axes at the same time along a linear path (chamfer) or
circular path (rounding) with a single handwheel.

The CNC assumes as the "path handwheel" the general handwheel or, when this one is missing,
the one associated with the X axis (mill) or Z axis (lathe).

Feature setting
This feature must be managed from the PLC.

To activate or cancle the "Path jog" work mode, act upon the logic CNC input "MASTRHND" M5054.

Movement with an electronic handwheel
M5054 = 0 "Path JOG" function off.
M5054 = 1 "Path JOG" function on.

To indicate the type of movement, use CNC logic input "HNLINARC" M5053.
M5053 = 0 Linear path.
M5053 = 1 Arc path.

For a linear path, indicate the path angle in the MASLAN variable (value in degrees between the
linear path and the first axis of the plane). For an arc, indicate the arc center coordinates in the
MASCFI, MASCSE variables (for the first and second axes of the main plane).

Variables MASLAN, MASCFI and MASCSE may be read and written from the CNC, DNC and PLC.

The next example uses the [O2] key to activate and deactivate the "path handwheel" mode and the [O3]
key to indicate the type of movement.
DFU B29 R561 = CPL M5054
Activate or cancel the "path handwheel" mode.
DFU B31 R561 = CPL M5053
Select the type of movement; straight section or arc section.

Simultaneous handwheels
When selecting the path handwheel mode, the CNC behaves as follows:
• If there is a general handwheel, it will be the one working in path handwheel mode. The individual
handwheels, if any, will remain associated with the corresponding axes.
• If there is no general handwheel, one of the individual handwheels starts working in "path
handwheel" mode. The one associated witht the X axis if mill model or the one associated with
the Z if lathe model

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7.3.3 Feed handwheel mode

Usually, when making a part for the first time, the machine feedrate is controlled by means of the
feedrate override switch.

From this version on, it is also possible to use the machine handwheels to control that feedrate. This
way, the machining feedrate will depend on how fast the handwheel is turned. To do this, proceed
as follows:
• Inhibit all the feedrate override switch positions from the PLC.

7. • Detect how much the handwheel has turned (reading - counting - the pulses received).
• Set the corresponding feedrate override from the PLC depending on the pulses received from
the handwheel.
Movement with an electronic handwheel

The following CNC variables return the number of pulses the handwheel has turned.

HANPF shows the number of pulses of the 1st handwheel.

HANPS shows the number of pulses of the 2nd handwheel.

HANPT shows the number of pulses of the 3rd handwheel.

HANPFO shows the number of pulses of the 4th handwheel.

PLC programming example

The machine has a button to activate and deactivate this feature (feed handwheel) and the feedrate
control is carried out with the second handwheel.

Resets the register containing the previous handwheel reading.

DFU I71 = CPL M1000
Every time the button is pressed, mark M1000 is inverted.
M1000 = MSG1
If the feature is active, a message is displayed.
NOT M1000
= JMP L101
If this feature is not active, it enables all the positions of the feedrate override switch and resumes
program execution
DFU M2009
= SBS R101 R100 R102
= MOV R100 R101
= MLS R102 3 R103
If this feature is activated and an upflank occurs at the clock mark M2009, it reads in R100 the
handwheel pulses (HANPS), calculates in R102 the number of pulses received since the last reading,
updates R101 for the next reading, calculates in R103 the value of the right feedrate and inhibits all
the positions of the feedrate override switch (KEYDIS4).
CPS R103 LT 0 = SBS 0 R103 R103
CPS R103 GT 120 = MOV 120 R103
It adjusts the value of R103 (feedrate %). It ignores the handwheel turning direction (sign) and limits
the value to 120%
DFU M2009
CNC 8055 = CNCWR(R103,PLCFRO,M1)
With the up flank at the clock mark M2009, set the calculated feedrate override (PLCFRO=R103)
CNC 8055i L101

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.3.4 "Additive handwheel" mode

With manual intervention or additive handwheel, it is possible to move the axes manually while a
program is being executed. To do this, once this option is activated, use the handwheel to make a
movement to be added to the one resulting from the automatic execution. This movement will be
applied as if it were another zero offset.

The general handwheel will be used as the additive handwheel. If there is no general handwheel,
use the handwheel associated with the axis.


Movement with an electronic handwheel
(A)Position of the tool while in execution.
(B)Position of the tool after a manual intervention.

The intervention with an additive handwheel is only possible in execution mode, even while the
program is interrupted. However, it is not allowed in the tool inspection mode.

The additive handwheel cannot be enabled while TCP (G48) is active. However, the additive
handwheel is enabled for a coordinate transformation G46 (inclined axis) or G49 (inclined plane)
where the handwheel movements are applied to the machining operation even if they are not shown
on the graphics screen.

The offset caused by the additive handwheel stays active after disabling the handwheel and it is
reset to zero after a home search. The offset stays active or is reset after an M02 or M30 and after
an emergency or a reset depending on the setting of general parameter ADIMPG (P176).

• The movement with the additive handwheel on the master axis is also applied to the slave axis
when using axes that are gantry, slaved or synchronized by PLC.
• When testing the software limits during block preparation, it checks the theoretical coordinate
ignoring the additional movement of the additive handwheel.
• The mirror image by PLC is not applied to the additive handwheel movement.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

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Configuring the additive handwheel

When enabling the additive handwheel, the following must be borne in mind.
• If the DWELL parameter of an axis has been set and it is not previously in motion, it activates
the ENABLE mark of the axis and waits a time period indicated in DWELL to check whether its
SERVOON has been activated or not.
• The acceleration applied to the additive handwheel movement is that of parameter. ACCTIME
of the axis.

7. • On Gantry axes, slaved or synchronized by PLC, the movement of the master axis using an
additive handwheel is also applied to the slave axis.
• The mirror image by PLC is not applied to the additive handwheel movement.
Movement with an electronic handwheel

• When testing the software limits during block preparation, it checks the theoretical coordinate
ignoring the additional movement of the additive handwheel.

The additive handwheel is configured by machine parameters and is activated and deactivated by

Activating and deactivating the additive handwheel

The additive handwheel is activated and deactivated with the mark MANINT(X-C). The PLC sets
one of these signals high to activate the additive handwheel on each axis. Only one additive
handwheel may be enabled at a time. If there are more than one mark active, only the first one will
be attended to.

Configuring the additive handwheel

The parameter ADIMPG enables the additive handwheel and makes it possible to configure its

Handwheel resolution and maximum feedrate

The resolution of the additive handwheel depends on the setting of parameter ADIMPG (P176).
There are two options to set the resolution:
• The resolution of the handwheel is set by parameter ADIMPRES (P177) of the axis.
• The handwheel resolution is set with the switch of the operator panel. If the switch is not in the
handwheel position, it assumes a x1 factor.

Maximum feedrate allowed, due to the additive handwheel, is limited by parameter ADIFEED (P84).

Coordinates display
Parameter DIPLCOF determines whether the CNC takes into consideration or not the additive zero
offset when displaying the coordinates of the axes on the screen and when accessing the POS(X-
C) and TPOS(X-C) variables.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.4 Feedback systems

The various feedback inputs available at the CNC admit sinusoidal and squarewave differential
signals from feedback systems. The following axis machine parameters indicate the type of
feedback system and the resolution used for each axis.
• When using linear feedback devices.

PITCH (P7) Pitch of the linear encoder being used.


DIFFBACK (P9) Indicates whether the feedback device uses differential signals (double ended) or

Feedback systems
SINMAGNI (P10) Feedback multiplying factor applied by the CNC.
FBACKAL (P11) Feedback alarm.

• When using rotary encoders.

PITCH (P7) On rotary axes, it sets the degrees per turn of the encoder.
On linear axes, it sets the leadscrew pitch.

NPULSES (P8) Number of pulses (lines) per encoder turn.

DIFFBACK (P9) Indicates whether the feedback device uses differential signals (double ended) or

SINMAGNI (P10) Feedback multiplying factor applied by the CNC.

FBACKAL (P11) Feedback alarm.

Next, the feedback counting speed (frequency) limitation is described as well as how to set these
machine parameters for the axes.

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CNC 8055i

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.4.1 Counting speed limitation

Sinusoidal signals

The maximum counting speed (frequency) for sinusoidal feedback is 50 kHz at the 8055 and 250
kHz at the 8055i.

The maximum feedrate for each axis on linear systems will depend upon the selected resolution

7. and the signal pitch (distance per pulse) in use, whereas on rotary encoders it will depend on the
number of pulses per revolution.
Feedback systems

Example 1
When using a Fagor linear encoder, the signal pitch is 20 µm. Therefore, with a counting resolution
of 1 µm, the maximum feedrate will be:

8055 20 µm/pulse x 50,000 pulses/s. = 60 m/min.

8055i 20 µm/pulse x 250,000 pulses/s. = 300 m/min.

When using Fagor linear encoders, the maximum feedrate is limited by their own characteristics to
60 m/min.

Example 2
Using an indexer with a sinusoidal Fagor encoder of 3600 lines per turn, for a feedback resolution
of 1 µm, the maximum axis feedrate will be:

8055 (360 degrees/turn / 3600 pulses/turn) x 50,000 pulses/s. = 5,000 degrees/sec.= 300,000

8055i (360 degrees/turn / 3600 pulses/turn) x 250,000 pulses/s. = 25,000 degrees/sec.= 1,500,000

Since Fagor sine-wave encoders admit a frequency of up to 200 KHz, the maximum feedrate for
the 8055i will be:
(360 degrees/turn / 3600 pulses/turn) x 200,000 pulses/s. =
= 20,000 degrees/sec.= 1,200,000 degrees/min.

Squarewave signals

The maximum frequency (speed) for squarewave differential feedback is 400 KHz. with a separation
of 450 ns between A and B flanks. Which is equivalent to 90º ±20º.

The maximum feedrate for each axis will depend upon the selected resolution and the signal pitch
(distance per pulse) in use.

When using Fagor linear encoders, the maximum feedrate is limited by their own characteristics to
60 m/min.

When using FAGOR rotary encoders, their intrinsic output frequency limit is (200Kz).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.4.2 Resolution

The CNC provides a number of machine parameters for the axes and for the spindle in order to
establish the counting resolution of each one of the axes and the spindle.


Defines the pitch of the ballscrew or the linear encoder being used. When using a Fagor linear
encoder, this parameter must be set with the pitch value of the feedback signals (20 µm or 100 µm).

When using a rotary axis, indicate the number of degrees per encoder revolution. E.g. if the encoder
is mounted on the motor and the axis has a gear ratio of 1/10, parameter PITCH must be set with
the value of 360/10 = 36.

Feedback systems

Indicates the number or pulses/rev provided by the rotary encoder. When using a linear encoder,
it must be set to ·0·. When using a gear reduction on the axis, the whole assembly must be taken
into account when defining the number of pulses per turn.


Indicates the multiplying factor (x1, x4, x20, etc.) that the CNC must apply only to sinusoidal
feedback signal.

For square feedback signals, this parameter must be set to 0 and the CNC will always apply a
multiplying factor of x4.

The counting resolution for each axis will be defined by means of the combination of these
parameters as shown in the following table:


Square signal encoder Leadscrew pitch Nr of pulses 0

Sinusoidal signal encoder Leadscrew pitch Nr of pulses multiplying factor
Square signal linear encoder linear encoder pitch 0 0
Sinusoidal signal linear encoder linear encoder pitch 0 multiplying factor

Example 1:
Resolution in "mm" with squarewave encoder.
We would like to obtain a 2µm resolution by using a squarewave encoder mounted on 5 mm pitch

Since the CNC applies a x4 multiplying factor to squarewave signals, we would require an encoder
that provides the following number of pulses (lines) per turn.
Nr of pulses = ballscrew pitch / (multiplying factor x Resolution)
Nr pulses = 5000 µm / (4 x 2 µm) = 625 pulses/turn



Allthough the CNC accepts a maximum squarewave frequency of 400 kHz, when using Fagor
squarewave rotary encoders their output frequency is limited to 200 kHz; thus, the maximum
possible feedrate (F) will be:
CNC 8055
Max. Feed = 200,000 pulses/s. / 625 pulses./turn) x 5 mm/turn
CNC 8055i
Max. feedrate = 1600 mm/s = 96 m/min.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Example 2:
Resolution in "mm" with sinusoidal signal encoder
We would like to obtain a 2µm resolution by using a 250-line sinusoidal encoder mounted on 5 mm-
pitch ballscrew.

We must calculate the multiplying factor "SINMAGNI" to be applied by the CNC to the pulses
provided by the encoder in order to obtain the desired resolution.
SINMAGNI = ballscrew pitch / (Nr pulses x Resolution)
SINMAGNI = 5000 µm / (250 x 2 µm) = 10

7. Therefore:


Feedback systems

The feedback frequency of Fagor rotary encoders is limited to 200 KHz.

The 8055 CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 50 KHz which means that
the maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 50,000 pulses/s. / 250 pulses./turn) x 5 mm/turn
Max. feedrate = 1,000 mm/s = 60 m/min.
The 8055i CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 250 KHz which means that
the maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 200,000 pulses/s. / 250 pulses./turn) x 5 mm/turn
Max. feedrate = 4,000 mm/s = 240 m/min.

Example 3:
Resolution in "mm" with squarewave linear encoder
Since the CNC applies a x4 multiplying factor to squarewave signals, we must select a linear encoder
whose grading pitch is 4 times the desired resolution.

FAGOR linear encoders use a grading pitch of either 20 µm or 100 µm. Therefore, the resolution
that can be obtained with them are: 5 µm (20/4) or 25 µm (100/4).




The CNC's maximum squarewave feedback input frequency is 400 kHz which means that the
maximum feedrate obtainable with a 20 µm pitch linear encoder is:
Max. Feed = 20 µm/pulse x 400.000 pulses/s.
Max. feedrate = 8000 mm/s = 480 m/min.

When using Fagor linear encoders, the maximum feedrate is limited by their own characteristics to
60 m/min.

Example 4:
Resolution in "mm" with sinusoidal signal linear encoder
We have a sinusoidal linear encoder with a 20 µm pitch and we would like to obtain 1 µm resolution.

We must calculate the multiplying factor "SINMAGNI" to be applied by the CNC to the pulses
provided by the linear encoder in order to obtain the desired resolution.
SINMAGNI = linear encoder pitch / resolution = 20 µm / 1 µm = 20

CNC 8055 Therefore:


The 8055 CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 50 KHz which means that the
maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
SOFT: V02.2X Max. Feed = 20 µm/pulse x 50.000 pulses/s.
Max. feedrate = 1,000 mm/s = 60 m/min.

Installation manual

The 8055i CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 250 KHz which means that the
maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 20 µm/pulse x 250.000 pulses/s.
Max. feedrate = 5,000 mm/s = 300 m/min.

When using Fagor linear encoders, the maximum feedrate is limited by their own characteristics to
60 m/min.

Example 5:
Resolution in "inches" with squarewave encoder
Calculate the necessary squarewave encoder line count and parameter settings to obtain a 0.0001
inch counting resolution on a 4 pitch ballscrew (4 turns/inch = 0.25 inch/rev.).

Feedback systems
Since the CNC applies a x4 multiplying factor to squarewave signals, we would require an encoder
that provides the following number of pulses (lines) per turn.
Nr of pulses = ballscrew pitch / (multiplying factor x Resolution)
Nr pulses = 0.25 / (4 x 0.0001) = 625 pulses/turn



Allthough the CNC accepts a maximum squarewave frequency of 400 kHz, when using Fagor
squarewave rotary encoders their output frequency is limited to 200 kHz; thus, the maximum
possible feedrate (F) will be:
Max. Feed = 200,000 pulses/s. / 625 pulses./turn) x 0.255 inch/turn
Max. Feed = 80 inches/s. = 4800 inches/min

Example 6:
Resolution in "inches" with sinusoidal encoder
We would like to obtain a 0.0001 inch resolution by using a 250-line sinusoidal encoder mounted
on a leadscrew with a 5 turns/inch pitch.

We must calculate the multiplying factor "SINMAGNI" to be applied by the CNC to the pulses
provided by the encoder in order to obtain the desired resolution.
SINMAGNI = ballscrew pitch / (Nr pulses x Resolution)
SINMAGNI = 0.2 inch/turn / (250 x 0.0001) = 8



The feedback frequency of Fagor rotary encoders is limited to 200 KHz.

The 8055 CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 50 KHz which means that
the maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 50,000 pulses/s. / 250 pulses./turn) x 0.2 inch/turn
Max. feed = 40 inches/s. = 2400 inches/min.
The 8055i CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 250 KHz which means that
the maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 200,000 pulses/s. / 250 pulses./turn) x 0.2 inch/turn
Max. Feed = 160 inches/s. = 9.600 inch./min.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Example 7:
Resolution in "degrees" with squarewave encoder
We would like to obtain a 0.0005º resolution by using a squarewave encoder mounted on a x10
reduction gear.

Since the CNC applies a x4 multiplying factor to squarewave signals, we would require an encoder
that provides the following number of pulses (lines) per turn.
Nr of pulses = º/turn / (multiplying factor x gear ratio x Resolution)
Nr of pulses = 360 / (4 x 10 x 0.0005) = 18,000 pulses/turn

7. Therefore:


Feedback systems

Allthough the CNC accepts a maximum squarewave frequency of 400 kHz, when using Fagor
squarewave rotary encoders their output frequency is limited to 200 kHz; thus, the maximum
possible feedrate (F) will be:
Max. Feed = 200,000 pulses/s. / 18,000 pulses/turn)
Max. Feed = 11.111 turns/s. = 666.666 rpm

Example 8:
Resolution in "degrees" with sinusoidal encoder
We would like to obtain a 0.001º resolution by using a 3600 pulse/rev sinusoidal encoder.

We must calculate the multiplying factor "SINMAGNI" to be applied by the CNC to the pulses
provided by the encoder in order to obtain the desired resolution.
SINMAGNI = degrees per turn / (Nr. of pulses x Resolution)
SINMAGNI = 360 / (3600 x 0,001) = 100


INCHES = 0 PITCH=360.0000 NPULSES =3600 SINMAGNI=100

The feedback frequency of Fagor rotary encoders is limited to 200 KHz.

The 8055 CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 50 KHz which means that
the maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 50,000 pulses/s. / 3,600 pulses/turn)
Max. Feed = 13.8889 turns/s. = 833.33 rpm
The 8055i CNC's maximum sinusoidal feedback input frequency is 250 KHz which means that
the maximum feedrate for this axis will be:
Max. Feed = 200,000 pulses/s. / 3,600 pulses/turn)
Max. Feed = 55.5556 turns/s. = 3333.33 rpm

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.5 Axis setting

In order to be able to set the axes, their corresponding feedback devices must be previously
connected to the CNC.

Before making this adjustment, position the axes near the middle of their travel and place the hard
stops (monitored by the electrical cabinet) near these mid-travel points in order to prevent any
possible damage to the machine.

The axis adjustment is carried out in two steps. First, the servo drive loop is adjusted and, then, the
CNC loop.

Axis setting
Drive loop setting

1. Verify that the power output of the drives is OFF. Set all axis parameter FBALTIME (P12) to a
value other than "0"; for example, FBALTIME=1000.
2. Turn the CNC OFF.
3. Turn the drive power output ON.
4. Turn the CNC ON.
5. If the axis runs away, the CNC will issue the following error message for this axis. Turn the CNC
off and swap the tacho wires at the drive.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the CNC stops issuing errors.

Loop setting of the CNC

The axes are set one at a time.

1. Select the JOG operating mode at the CNC
2. Jog the axis to be adjusted.
If the axis runs away, the CNC issues the corresponding following error message. In this case,
the axis parameter LOOPCHG (P26) must be changed.
If the axis does not run away, but it does not move in the desired direction, Change both axis
parameters AXISCHG (P13) and LOOPCHG (P26).

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.5.1 Drive adjustment

Offset (drift) adjustment

This adjustment is made on one axis at a time:

• Select the JOG mode at the CNC and press the softkey sequence: [Display] [Following error].
The CNC shows the current following Error (axis lag) of the axes.

7. • Adjust the offset by turning the offset potentiometer at the drive (NOT AT THE CNC) until a "0"
following error is obtained.
Axis setting

Maximum feedrate adjustment

The drives should be adjusted so they provide maximum axis feedrate when receiving a velocity
command of 9.5 V.

Set each axis parameter MAXVOLT (P37) = 9500 so the CNC outputs a maximum velocity command
of 9.5 V.

The maximum axis feedrate, axis parameter MAXFEED (P42), depends on the motor rpm as well
as on the gear ratio and type of ballscrew being used.

Example for the X axis:

The maximum motor rpm is 3,000 and the ballscrew pitch is 5mm/rev. Thus:
Maximum rapid traverse feedrate (G00) = ballscrew rpm. x ballscrew pitch
"MAXFEED" (P42) = 3,000 rpm. x 5 mm/rev. = 15000 mm/min.

In order to adjust the drive, axis parameter G00FEED (P38) should be set to the same value as axis
parameter MAXFEED (P42).

Also, a small CNC program must be executed that will move the axis back and forth a short distance
in order to verify that the amount of following error in both directions is the same. One such program
could be:

N10 G00 G90 X200

N20 X-200
(RPT N10, N20)

While the axis is moving back and forth, measure the analog command provided by the CNC to the
drive and adjust the feed potentiometer at the drive (NOT AT THE CNC) until reaching 9.5 V.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.5.2 Gain setting

The various types of gains must be adjusted for each axis in order to optimize the system's
performance for the programmed movements.

An oscilloscope is highly recommended to make this critical adjustment by monitoring the tacho
signals. The illustration below shows the optimum shape for this signal (on the left) and the
instabilities to be avoided during start-up and braking.


Axis setting
There are three gain types for each axis. They are adjusted by means of axis machine parameters
and following the sequence indicated next.

Proportional gain

It defines the velocity command corresponding to a feedrate resulting in 1 mm of following error.

It is defined with axis parameter PROGAIN (P23).

Feed-forward gain

It sets the percentage of velocity command due to the programmed feedrate.

To use it, acc/dec must be active ACCTIME (P18).

It is defined with axis parameter FFGAIN (P25).

Derivative gain or AC-forward gain

The "derivative gain" sets the percentage of velocity command applied depending on the
fluctuations of following error.

The "AC-forward gain" sets the percentage of velocity command proportional to the feedrate
increments (acceleration and deceleration stages).

To use it, acc/dec must be active ACCTIME (P18).

It is defined with axis parameters DERGAIN (P24) and ACFGAIN (P46).

If ACFGAIN = No it applies derivative gain

If ACFGAIN = Yes it applies AC-forward gain.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.5.3 Proportional gain setting

In a "pure" proportional position loop, the velocity command of the CNC to control an axis is, at all
times, proportional to the following error (axis lag) which is the difference between its theoretical
and actual (real) position.
Velocity command = Proportional Gain x Following Error

axis parameter PROGRAIN (P23) sets the value of the proportional gain. Expressed in
millivolts/mm, it takes any integer between 0 and 65535.

7. Its value indicates the velocity command corresponding to a feedrate resulting in 1 millimeter
(0.03937 inch) of following error.
Axis setting

The maximum feedrate for a particular axis (rapid traverse G00) is 15 m/min, but we would like to
limit its maximum porgrammable machining feedrate (F) to 3 m/min with an axis lag of 1 mm at a
feedrate of 1 m/min (gain of 1 in metric).

axis parameter G00FEED (P38) must be set to 15,000 (15 m/min).

axis parameter MAXVOLT (P37) must be set to 9500 and the servo drive adjusted so as to provide
15m/min with a velocity command of 9.5 V.
axis parameter MAXFEED (P42) must be set to 3,000 (3 m/min).

Velocity command corresponding to F 1000 mm/min:

Velocity command = (F x 9.5V) / "G00FEED"
Velocity command = (1000 mm/min x 9.5V) / 15000 mm/min = 0.633V
Velocity command = 633 mV

Therefore, "PROGAIN" (P23) = 633.

Considerations to bear in mind

When setting the proportional gain:
• The maximum amount of following error allowed by the CNC for the axis is the value indicated
by axis parameter MAXFLWE1 (P21). When exceeded, the CNC issues the corresponding
following error message.
• The amount of following error decreases as the gain increases, but it tends to make the system
• In practice, most machines show an excellent behavior with a unitary gain (gain of 1, 1 mm of
following error for a feedrate of 1m/minute).

Once the axes have been adjusted separately, the ones being interpolated together should be further
adjusted so their following errors are as identical as possible.
The more identical their following errors are, the more "round" the programmed circles will turn out.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.5.4 Feed-forward gain setting

With the feed-forward gain, it is possible to reduce the following error without increasing the gain,
thus keeping the system stable.

It sets the percentage of velocity command due to the programmed feedrate; the rest depends on
the proportional and derivative/AC-forward gains.

This gain is only to be used when operating with acceleration/deceleration control.


Axis setting
For example, if axis parameter FFGAIN (P25) has been set to "80", the axis velocity command will be:
• 80% of it will depend on the programmed feedrate (feed-forward gain).
• 20% of it will depend on the axis following error (proportional gain).

Setting the Feed-Forward gain involves a critical adjustment of axis parameter MAXVOLT (P37).
1. Move the axis in G00 and at 10%.
2. Measure the actual analog command at the drive.
3. Set parameter MAXVOLT (P37) to a value 10 times the measured value.
For example, If the measured command voltage was 0.945 V, then set this parameter to 9.45
V, in other words: P37=9450.

Next, set axis parameter FFGAIN (P25) to the desired value.

As an example, the following values may be used:

For slow machining.
between 40 and 60%
For regular feed machining.
between 60 and 80%
Machines (laser, plasma).
between 80 and 100%

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.5.5 Derivative (AC-forward) gain setting

With the derivative gain, it is possible to reduce the following error during the acc./dec. stages.

Its value is given by axis parameter DERGAIN (P24).

When this additional velocity command is due to fluctuations of following error, "ACFGAIN" (P46)
= NO, it is called "derivative gain".

Axis setting

When it is due to variations of the programmed feedrate, "ACFGAIN" (P46) = YES, it is called AC-
forward gain" since it is due to acc./dec.

Best results are usually obtained when using it as AC-forward Gain, "ACFGAIN" (P46) = YES
together with feed-forward gain.

This gain is only to be used when operating with acceleration/deceleration control.

A practical value between 2 to 3 times the Proportional Gain, "PROGAIN" (P23), may be used.

To perform a critical adjustment, proceed as follows:

• Verify that there are no oscillations of following error, In other words, that it is not unstable.
• Check,with an oscilloscope, the tacho voltage or the command voltage at the drive (velocity
command), verify that it is stable (left graph) and that there are no instabilities when starting up
(center graph) or when braking (right graph).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.5.6 Leadscrew backlash compensation.

On this CNC, the leadscrew backlash may be compensated for when reversing the direction of
movement. Leadscrew backlash is defined with axis parameter BACKLASH (P14).

Sometimes, an additional velocity command pulse may also be needed to recover the possible
backlash when reversing the axis movement. The additional velocity command pulse may be either
rectangular or exponential.


Axis setting
If the duration of the rectangular pulse is adjusted for low speed, it may be too high for high speed
or not enough for low speed when adjusted for high speed. In these cases, it is recommended to
use the exponential type that applies a strong pulse initially and decreases in time.

axis parameter BACKNOUT (P29) sets the value of the additional velocity command and axis
parameter BACKTIME (P30) indicates the duration of this additional command pulse and general
machine parameter ACTBAKAN (P145) indicates the type of backlash peak applied.

Cutting the compensation peak off.

Every time the axis movement is inverted, the CNC will apply to that axis the velocity command
corresponding to the movement plus an additional velocity command (to make up for backlash). This
additional velocity command is eliminated (peak compensation cutoff) depending on the values of
the following parameters:

General parameter BAKTIME (P30), general parameter ACTBAKAN (P145) and axis parameter

Hysteresis in the reversal movement compensation command

Axis machine parameter REVEHYST (P99) is used to be able to control when the compensation
should really be applied after detecting a movement reversal and not applying it every time a reversal
command is received.

This feature should only be applied in situations where the moving direction reversals are very small
(e.g. ±1dµm) The purpose is to prevent the reversal compensation to be applied in these situations,
because it can cause slight machining marks (ridges) on the part.

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7.5.7 Leadscrew error compensation

The CNC provides a table for each one of the axes requiring leadscrew compensation. It is possible
to define different compensation values for each moving direction. This type of compensation is
activated by setting axis parameter LSCRWCOM (P15)=ON for the desired axis.

The CNC enables one leadscrew error compensation table for each axis. The number of elements
of the table is determined by the axis parameter NPOINTS (P16), being possible to define up to 1000
points per axis.

Axis setting

Each parameter of the table represents a point of the profile to compensate. The following
information is defined at each point:
• The position occupied by the point in the profile (position to compensate). It is defined by its
coordinate referred to machine zero. Possible values ±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.
• The amount of error of the axis in this point in the positive direction. Possible values ±99999.9999
mm or ±3937.00787 inches.
• The amount of error of the axis in this point in the negative direction. Possible values
±99999.9999 mm or ±3937.00787 inches.

For each axis position, define the amount of error to be compensated in both directions. If the error
in the negative direction is zero for all the points, it assumes that the error defined for the positive
direction is good for both directions.

Leadscrew error compensation on rotary axes

On rotary axes, although the display is limited between 0 and 360º, the internal count is
accumulative. When using leadscrew error compensation, set positions 0° and 360°, first and last
point of the table, with the same amount of error. This way, the CNC will apply the same
compensation in all the revolutions.

Otherwise, the compensation will be limited to the indicated field.

Considerations and limitations

When defining the profile points in the table, the following requirements must be met:
• The axis points must be in sequential order starting from the most negative (least positive) point
to be compensated.
CNC 8055
• For those points outside the compensation zone, the CNC will apply the compensation value
CNC 8055i corresponding to the table point closest to them.
• The amount of error of the machine reference point may have any value.
• The error difference between two consecutive points must not be greater than the distance
SOFT: V02.2X between them (maximum slope= 100%).

Setting example
The X axis leadscrew must be compensated in the positive direction for between X-20 and X160
according to the leadscrew error graph below:

Installation manual

Set axis parameters LSCRWCOM (P15) = ON and NPOINTS (P16) = 7


Axis setting
Considering that the Machine Reference Point (physical location of the marker pulse) is located 30
mm from HOME (machine reference zero), at X30. The leadscrew error compensation parameters
must be set as follows:

Point Position Positive error Negative error

P001 X -20.000 EX 0.001 EX 0

P002 X 0.000 EX -0.001 EX 0

P003 X 30.000 EX 0.000 EX 0

P004 X 60.000 EX 0.002 EX 0

P005 X 90.000 EX 0.001 EX 0

P006 X 130.000 EX -0.002 EX 0

P007 X 160.000 EX -0.003 EX 0

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7.5.8 Circle geometry test

This adjustment improves the axis reversal peaks. It consists in machining a circle (without
compensation) and verifying it on the graph displayed at the CNC.

The following example shows a program that machines repetitive circles.

X0 Y0
G5 G1 F1000
N10 G2 X0 Y0 I10 J0

7. (RPT N10, N10) N50

Axis setting

After selecting this program in the Execution mode and starting it, access the "Diagnosis,
Adjustments, Circle Geometry test" mode and the CNC will display the following screen:

If the machine parameters are protected, it will request the access password because the bottom
right of the screen shows some of them. When not knowing the password, those values cannot be
changed, but it will be possible to access the screen and the circle geometry test.

The left side of the CNC screen shows the result of the test.

The data at the top right is refreshed by the CNC after the test is completed.

The data at the center right must be defined before running the test.
The bottom right side of the screen shows the parameters associated with the plane axes and the
values to set them.

The graph on the left must be defined before running the test. To do that, define the data of the center
• Number of divisions to the left and to the right of the theoretical circle.
• Scale or value in microns of each division.
• Error margin or % of circle radius occupied by the error margin (divisions area).

Knowing the password, the values shown at the bottom right may be modified. The CNC assigns
the new values to the relevant machine parameters; therefore, it is recommended to jot the initial
values down.
CNC 8055 Once the graphic display area and the machine parameters have been defined, capture the data
CNC 8055i by pressing the following softkeys:


It deletes the current graph and draws, over the theoretical circle, the machining error enlarged
SOFT: V02.2X according to the defined scale until a full circle is drawn or until the STOP softkey or ESC key is

Installation manual


It deletes the current graph and draws, over the theoretical circle, a series of circles with the
machining error enlarged according to the defined scale until the STOP softkey or ESC key is


It may be pressed at any time, even while drawing the graph. It deletes the screen and resets the
statistics shown at its right.

During continuous graphics, it is possible to modify the machine parameters and view the new graph
over the previous one, or press the DELETE softkey to only display the new one. 7.
The data shown by the CNC at the top right is updated while capturing data.

Axis setting
 internal Maximum negative value of the error over the theoretical value, in microns or ten-
thousandths of an inch and its angular position.
 external Maximum positive value of the error over the theoretical value, in microns or ten-
thousandths of an inch and its angular position.

Once data capture is done, it draws two lines indicating the angular positions of both errors on the
graph. They appear in dashed lines when the error exceeds the value assigned to the display area
in its quadrant and it goes on to the opposite quadrant.

i While capturing points for the geometry test, the execution graphics stops drawing.

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7.6 Reference systems

A CNC machine needs the following origin and reference points defined :

Machine zero

Machine’s origin point. This is set by the manufacturer as the origin of the coordinate system of the

Part zero

7. Part origin point. This is the origin point that is set for programming the measurements of the part.
It can be freely selected by the programmer, and its machine reference zero can be set by the zero
Reference systems


Reference point

This is a point on the machine established by the manufacturer (physical location of the marker pulse
from the feedback device).

When the feedback system is semi-absolute (with distance-coded reference mark, Io), this point is
only used when leadscrew error compensation must be applied on the axis.

When the feedback is a normal incremental system (without distance-coded reference mark, Io),
besides using this point in the leadscrew error compensation, the system is synchronized at this
point instead of having to move the axis all the way to the Machine Reference Zero (home).

M Machine zero

W Part zero

R Machine reference point

XMW, YMW, ZMW, etc Coordinates of the part zero

XMR, YMR, ZMR, etc Coordinates of machine reference point

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

7.6.1 Machine reference (home) search

With this CNC, home search may be performed in jog mode or by program. Home search may be
carried out on one axis at a time or on several axes at the same time.

When this search (with or without distance-coded Io) is carried out in JOG mode, the active zero
offset will be cancelled and the CNC will display the position values indicated by axis parameter
REFVALUE (P36). In all other cases, the active part zero will be maintained and the CNC will display
the position values with respect to that part zero.
• On axes with no distance-coded feedback system:
 The CNC moves all selected axes that have a home switch in the direction indicated by axis
parameters REFDIREC (P33).

Reference systems
This movement will be carried out at the feedrate established by axis parameters REFEED1
(P34) until the home switch is hit.
Once all the axes have reached their respective home switches, the machine reference
search (marker pulse) will be performed moving the selected axes one by one and in the
selected sequence.
This second movement will be carried out at the feedrate established by axis parameters
REFEED2 (P35) until the marker pulse of the feedback system is found.
 If machine parameter I0TYPE (P52) =3, the home search procedure is the following:
The CNC moves all selected axes that have a home switch in the direction indicated by axis
parameters REFDIREC (P33).
This movement will be carried out at the feedrate established by axis parameters REFEED1
(P34) until the home switch is hit.
Once all the axes have reached their respective home switches, the axes move back one
at a time in the selected order and at REFEED2 until the switch is released.
Once released, it will recognized the first reference mark detected without changing the
moving direction or the feedrate.
• On axes with distance-coded feedback system:
Home switches are no longer necessary since the axes may be homed anywhere along its travel.
However, axis parameter REFVALUE (P36) must be set when operating with leadscrew error
The home search will be performed on one axis at a time and in the selected sequence.
The axes will move a maximum of 20 mm or 100 mm in the direction set by axis parameter
REFDIREC (P33) at the feedrate set by axis parameter REFEED2 (P35).
If, during the home search, the home switch is pressed (if any), the CNC will reverse the homing

If after the machine is all set up it is necessary to remove the feedback system, it may happen that
when it is reinstalled, its marker pulse is no longer at the same physical location as it was before.
In that case, the distance (shift) between the previous marker pulse location and the current one must
be assigned to axis parameter REFSHIFT (P47) of the affected axis in order for the machine reference
point (home) to remain the same.
This way, when searching home, the axis will move this additional distance, indicated by axis parameter
REFSHIFT (P47) value, after finding the new marker pulse of the feedback system. This movement
is carried out at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter REFEED2 (P35).

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CNC 8055i

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Home search on SERCOS axes using absolute feedback

If the first feedback is absolute (position feedback obtained from the absolute encoder of the motor),
the CNC knows the axis position at all times. This allows the CNC to do a home search without having
to use the travel limit switches and home switches.

To do a home search this way, the home switch (PLC mark DECEL*) may be generated by PLC
reading the axis position value (coordinate).

7. i This home search requires servo drive version V6.17 or later.

Reference systems

If the second feedback uses distance-coded reference marks, the offset applied in the home search
will be the value of axis parameter ABSOFF (P53).

To remove travel limit switches and home switches, proceed as follows:

1. Get both feedbacks (variables PV51 and PV53) to have the same counting direction.
 Drive: Bit 3 of parameter PP115: Direction of the second feedback
Bit 5 of parameter PP115: Direction of distance-coded I0?'s
 CNC: Axis parameter AXISCHG (P13) and axis parameter LOOPCHG (P26)
2. Change the value of drive parameter PP177 (distance between the zero position of the drive
and the theoretical zero) so the position value of the first feedback (PV51) is correct.
3. Restart the CNC and the drives.
4. Home the axis. Set the position value of the second feedback (PV53) right by changing one of
the following axis parameters of the CNC:
 If the linear encoder uses distance-coded reference marks:
 For other rules: axis parameter REFVALUE (P36).
5. Restart the CNC and check that the coordinates after a home search are correct.

PLC programming example:

Use the following PLC program to generate the DECEL mark using absolute motor feedback and
non-absolute second feedback. The example assumes that the home search is carried out in the
positive direction, axis parameter REFDIREC (P33) = + sign.

= CNCRD(POSX5,R100,M1000) ; Read real machine position value of the X axis
= CNCRD(MPX5,R101,M1001) ; Read X axis positive software travel limit
= SBS R101 200000 R101 ; Positive limit -20mm
CPS R600 GE R601 \ ; Real machine coordinate >= [Positive limit -20 mm]
= DECELX ; X axis home switch

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

Gantry axes

Home search on Gantry axes may be carried out in JOG mode or by program. It will be carried out
as follows:
• On axes with no distance-coded feedback system:
 The CNC starts the movements of both axes in the direction indicated by axis parameter
REFDIREC (P33) of the main axis.
These movements will be performed at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter REFEED1
(P34) for the main axis until the home switch for this axis is hit.
Then, the home search will start on both axes at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter
REFEED2 (P35) of the main axis.

Reference systems
The CNC will wait until the marker pulse (home) of the slave axis is found and then, it will
look for the marker pulse from the main axis.
 If machine parameter I0TYPE=3, the home search procedure is the following:
The CNC starts the movements of both axes in the direction indicated by axis parameter
REFDIREC (P33) of the main axis.
These movements will be performed at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter REFEED1
(P34) for the main axis until the home switch for this axis is hit.
It then moves back at REFEED2 until the home switch is released.
Once the switch has been released, the CNC will wait until the marker pulse (home) of the
slaved axis is found and then, it will look for the marker pulse from the main axis. This is done
without changing the direction or the speed of the movement.
• On axes with distance-coded feedback system:
The CNC starts moving both axes in the direction indicated by axis parameter REFDIREC (P33)
for the main axis at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter REFEED2 (P35) of the main axis.
The CNC will wait until the marker pulse (home) of the slave axis is found and then, it will look
for the marker pulse from the main axis.

If the difference obtained between both reference positions is not the same as the one indicated
by axis parameters REFVALUE (P36) for both axes, the CNC will correct the position of the slave
axis. This will end the home search operation.

When this search is carried out in the JOG mode, the active zero offset will be cancelled and the
CNC will display the position value indicated by axis parameter REFVALUE (P36) for the main axis.
In all other cases, the displayed position value will be referred to the zero offset (or part zero) active
before the home search.

If the axis parameter REFDIREC (P33) of the main axis has been set for a positive direction, the axis
parameter REFVALUE (P36) of the slave axis must be set to a value lower than that assigned to the
main axis.
Likewise, if the axis parameter REFDIREC (P33) of the main axis has been set for a negative direction,
the axis parameter REFVALUE (P36) of the slaved axis must be set to a value greater than that
assigned to the main axis. They must never have the same value.
When encoders are used for feedback, the difference between the values assigned to axis parameters
REFVALUE (P36) of both axes must be smaller than the pitch of the ballscrew.
It is recommended that the distance between the marker pulses of both encoders be half the leadscrew

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Gantry axes. Managing two home switches

Managing two home switches is only possible if axis machine parameter I0TYPE (P52) =3.

If both the master and the slave axes have a home switch (axis parameter DECINPUT (P31) of the
master and slave are YES), the home search will be carried out as follows:
The CNC starts the movements of both axes in the direction indicated by axis parameter
REFDIREC (P33) of the main axis.
This movement is carried out at the feedrate indicated by axis parameter REFEED1 (P34) of
7. the main axis. The axes move until one of them presses its home switch.
Then, the home search will start on the axis that pressed the home switch first at the feedrate
Reference systems

indicated by axis parameter REFEED2 (P35) of the main axis.

Once the first axis has been homed, its coordinate is initialized with axis parameter REFVALUE
(P36) and it starts homing the other axis.
Master and slave start moving together at axis parameter REFEED1 (P34) of the main axis until
detecting the home switch of the second axis.
It, then, starts homing the second axis at axis parameter REFEED2 (p35) of the main axis and
once detected, it initializes its coordinate.
After this, depending on the value of axis machine parameter DIFFCOMP (P96), it will
compensate for the difference between the master and slave axes or it will leave
If the master axis is the first one to press the home switch and its axis parameter REFSHIFT
(P47) is other than zero, it does not start the second home search until executing the movement
for the REFSHIFT (P47) on the master axis.

Special cases
• If when starting the home search, either the master or the slave is pressing the home switch,
the axes will move until releasing the home switch and it then homes that axis first.
• If when starting the home search both the master and the slave are pressing the home switch,
it first homes the master axis.
• When commanding a simultaneous homing of the gantry axis and other axes; it first moves all
the axes having a home switch until all the home switches are pressed (in the case of a gantry
pair, one of the home switches will be pressed).
After this, if I0TYPE (P52) =3, the axes move one by one to release the home switches and search
home in the selected order.

Managing the alignment between master and slave using a PLC mark and a machine
After homing both axes of the Ganty pair, if axis parameter of the master DIFFCOMP (P96) = 1, it
corrects the position difference of the slave so the coordinate difference between the master and
the slave is zero.

Whether parameter DIFFCOMP = ·1· or = ·0·, the difference between the Gantry axes may be
corrected at any time using the PLC marks SERVOaxisON and the DIFFCOMaxis where "axis" is
the name or the logic number of the master axis. The theoretical difference between the master and
the slave is corrected as follows:
• With the leading edge (up flank) of DIFFCOMaxis while SERVOaxisON = 1.
• With the leading edge (up flank) of SERVOaxisON while DIFFCOMaxis = 1.
In this case, to correct the theoretical difference between master and slave, both the master and
the slave axes must be set as Gantry axis or as DRO axis. Otherwise, the upflank of the
CNC 8055 SERVOaxisON mark corrects the following error of the slave axis.
CNC 8055i Besides, the value of axis machine parameter MAXDIFF (P97) is taken into account when it is about
correct the position difference.

If the position difference between master and slave is not compensated because the coordinate
difference is greater than the value of axis parameter MAXDIFF, PLC mark MAXDIFFaxis will be
SOFT: V02.2X
activated. In this case the PLC can issue a warning.

Installation manual

7.6.2 Setting on systems without distance-coded feedback

Machine reference point

The reference point must be adjusted on one axis at a time. The following procedure is
• Indicate in the axis parameter REFPULSE (P32) the type of marker pulse Io being used for Home
• Likewise, set axis parameter REFDIREC (P33) to indicate the direction of the axis when
searching Home.

Reference systems
• On the other hand, set axis parameter REFEED1 (P34) that defines the approach feedrate of
the axis until the home switch is pressed and axis parameter REFEED2 (P35) that indicates the
homing feedrate until the reference mark (marker pulse) is detected.
• The machine reference point will be set to 0, axis parameter REFVALUE (P36).
• Once in the JOG mode and after positioning the axis in the right area, start homing the axis.
When done, the CNC will assign a "0" value to this point.
• After moving the axis to the Machine Reference Zero or up to a known position (with respect
to Machine Reference Zero), observe the position reading of the CNC for that point.
This will be distance from the Machine Reference Zero to that point. Therefore, the value to be
assigned to axis parameter REFVALUE (P36), which defines the coordinate corresponding to
the Machine Reference Point (physical location of the marker pulse).
REFVALUE = Machine coordinate – CNC reading.
If the point whose known position is located 230 mm from Machine Reference Zero and the
CNC reads -123.5 mm as the coordinate value for this point, the coordinate of the Machine
Reference Point with respect to Machine Reference Zero will be:
"REFVALUE" = 230 - (-123.5) = 353.5 mm.
• After assigning this new value, press [RESET] so it is assumed by the CNC.
• The axis must be homed again in order for it to assume its right reference values.

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If at the time when the home search is requested, the axis is sitting on the home switch, the axis
will back up (in the direction opposite to the one indicated by "REFDIREC (P33) ") until it is off the
switch and then, it will go on to search home.

If the axis is positioned beyond the software limits "LIMIT+" (P5) and "LIMIT-" (P6), it must be brought
back into the work area (within those limits) and on the proper side for referencing (home searching).

Care must be taken when placing the home switch and when setting feedrates "REFEED1 (P34)"
and "REFEED2 (P35)". The home switch (1) will be installed so the marker pulse (2) will be found

7. in the zone corresponding to feedrate "REFEED2" (P35). If there is no room for it, reduce the value
of "REFEED1 (P34)". For example, for rotary encoders whose consecutive marker pulses are very
close to each other.
Reference systems

When the selected axis does not have a machine reference (home) switch (axis parameter
DECINPUT (P31) = NO), the CNC will move the spindle at the feedrate set by axis parameter
REFEED2 (P35) until the first marker pulse from the current position is found, thus ending the home

FAGOR linear encoders (scales) provide a negative marker (reference) pulse Io every 50 mm (about
2 inches) and the FAGOR rotary encoders provide one positive reference pulse per revolution.

Do not mistake the type of pulse provided by the feedback system with the value to be assigned
to axis parameter REFPULSE (P32). This parameter must indicate the type of active flank (leading
or trailing edge), positive or negative of the reference mark (Io) used by the CNC.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

7.6.3 Setting on systems with distance-coded feedback

Offset adjustment

The offset of the linear encoder must be adjusted on one axis at a time, preferably, following this
1. Set the following axis parameters:
REFDIREC (P33) Homing direction.
"REFEED2" (P35) Homing feedrate.

Reference systems
2. Verify that the value allocated to axis parameter REFPULSE (P32) (type of marker pulse of the
feedback system) is correct.
To do this, set axis parameter DECINPUT (P31) = NO and axis parameter I0TYPE (P52) = 0
Then perform a home search. Then do a home search.
If assumed immediately, change axis parameter REFPULSE (P32) and check again.
3. Set axis parameters I0TYPE (P52) = 1 and ABSOFF (P53) = 0.
4. Once in JOG mode and after positioning the axis in the proper area, home the axis. The new
position value displayed by the CNC is the distance from the current point to the origin of the
linear encoder.
5. Perform several consecutive home searches and observe the CNC display during the whole
The counting must be continuous. If it is not, if jerky, set axis parameter I0TYPE (P52) = 2 and
repeat steps 4 and 5.
6. Move the axis up to the Machine Reference Zero or up to a point whose position with respect
to Machine Reference Zero is already known and observe the position value displayed by the
CNC. This value is the distance from the current point to the origin of the linear encoder.
7. The value to be assigned to axis parameter ABSOFF (P53) must be calculated with the following
ABSOFF (P53) = CNC reading - Machine coordinate.
If the point whose position is already known is located 230 mm from Machine Reference Zero
and the CNC shows -423.5 mm as the position for this point, the linear encoder offset will be:
ABSOFF (P53) = -423,5 - 230 = -653.5 mm.
8. After allocating this new value, press SHIFT + RESET or turn the CNC off and back on in order
for the CNC to assume this new value.
9. Home the axis again in order for it to assume the new correct reference values.

If the axis is positioned beyond the software limits "LIMIT+" (P5) and "LIMIT-" (P6), it must be brought
back into the work area (within those limits) and on the proper side for referencing (home searching).

When using distance-coded linear encoders, home switches are no longer necessary.
However, home switches may be used as travel limits during home search.
If while homing, the home switch is pressed, the axis will reverse its movement and it will keep
searching home in the opposite direction.

Distance-coded Fagor linear encoders have negative coded marker pulses (Io).

Do not mistake the type of pulse provided by the feedback system with the value to be assigned CNC 8055
to axis parameter REFPULSE (P32). CNC 8055i
This parameter must indicate the type of active flank (leading or trailing edge), positive or
negative of the reference mark (Io) used by the CNC.

If while homing an axis, its corresponding DECEL* signal is set high, the axis will reverse movement
and the home search will be carried out in the opposite direction. SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.6.4 Axis travel limits (software limits)

Once all the axes have been referenced, their software limits must be measured and set.

This operation must be carried out one axis at a time and it could be done as follows:
• Move the axis in the positive direction towards the end of the axis travel stopping at a safe
distance from the mechanical end-of-travel stop.
• Assign the coordinate shown by the CNC for that point to axis parameter LIMIT+ (P5).
• Repeat these steps in the negative direction assigning the resulting coordinate to axis parameter

7. LIMIT- (P6).
• Once both travel limits have been set for all the axes, press SHIFT + RESET or turn the CNC
OFF and back ON in order for these new values to be assumed by the CNC.
Reference systems

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Installation manual

7.7 Unidirectional approach

The FAGOR 8055 CNC provides a number of machine parameters to help improve repeatability
when positioning the axes in rapid (G00) by always approachingg the end point in the same direction.

"UNIDIR" (P39)
Indicates the direction of unidirectional approach.

Indicates the distance to be kept between the approach point and the programmed point.
If this parameter is set to 0, the CNC will not perform the unidirectional approach.


Unidirectional approach
Indicates the feedrate to be used from the approach point to the programmed point.

The CNC will calculate the approach point (2) based on the programmed target point (1) and the
axis parameters UNIDIR (P39) and OVERRUN (P40).

The positioning will be carried out in two stages:

1. Rapid positioning (G00) up to the calculated approach point (2). If the axis is moving in the
direction opposite to that indicated by "UNIDIR", it will overshoot the programmed point.
2. Positioning at feedrate UNIFEED (P41) from this point to the programmed point (1).

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7.8 Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer

Every time a block is executed in the CNC, information is passed to the PLC about the M, S, and
T functions which are active.

Auxiliary M function

7. The CNC uses logic outputs "MBCD1" thru "MBCD7" (R550 thru R556) to "tell" the PLC which M
functions it must execute. One function per logic output.

It also activates the general logic output "MSTROBE" to "tell" the PLC to start executing them.
Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer

Every time the CNC detects an M function, it analyzes the M function table to find out when to pass
it along to the PLC (either before or after the movement) and whether it must wait for the "AUXEND"
signal or not before resuming program execution.
If the programmed function is not defined in that table, it will be executed at the beginning of the
block and the CNC will wait for the "AUXEND" signal to resume program execution.

See "11.1 Auxiliary M, S, T functions" on page 476. See "12.7 General logic outputs" on page 512.
See "6.10 Tables" on page 285.

Example 1
Execution of a motion block containing 7 M functions 4 of which are executed before the axes move
(M51, M52, M53, M54) and 3 afterwards (M61, M62, M63).
1. It sends out to the PLC the 4 M functions programmed to be executed before the move
It sets logic outputs "MBCD1=51", "MBCD2=52" "MBCD3=53" "MBCD4=54" and it activates the
general logic output "MSTROBE to "tell" the PLC to go ahead with their execution.
Should any of them need the AUXEND activated, the CNC will "wait" for this signal to be activated
before going on to executing the rest of the block.
If none of them need the AUXEND signal activated, the CNC will maintain the "MSTROBE" signal
activated for a period of time set by the general machine parameter "MINAENDW (P30)". This
output stays active for the time indicated by general parameter MINAENDW (P30).
2. The programmed axis move will be executed.
3. It sends out to the PLC the 3 M functions programmed to be executed after the move.
It sets logic outputs "MBCD1=61", "MBCD2=62", "MBCD3=63" and it activates the general logic
output "MSTROBE to "tell" the PLC to go ahead with their execution.
Should any of them need the AUXEND activated, the CNC will "wait" for this signal to be activated
before going on to executing the rest of the block.
If none of them need the AUXEND signal activated, the CNC will maintain the "MSTROBE" signal
activated for a period of time set by the general machine parameter "MINAENDW (P30)". This
output stays active for the time indicated by general parameter MINAENDW (P30).

Example 2
Execution of a motionless block containing 7 M functions 4 of which are executed before the axes
move (M51, M52, M53, M54) and 3 afterwards (M61, M62, M63).
1. It sends out to the PLC the 4 M functions programmed to be executed before the move
It sets logic outputs "MBCD1=51", "MBCD2=52" "MBCD3=53" "MBCD4=54" and it activates the
general logic output "MSTROBE to "tell" the PLC to go ahead with their execution.
CNC 8055 Should any of them need the AUXEND activated, the CNC will "wait" for this signal to be activated
before going on to executing the rest of the block.
CNC 8055i
If none of them need the AUXEND signal activated, the CNC will maintain the "MSTROBE" signal
activated for a period of time set by the general machine parameter "MINAENDW (P30)". This
output stays active for the time indicated by general parameter MINAENDW (P30).

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Installation manual

2. It sends out to the PLC the 3 M functions programmed to be executed after the move.
It sets logic outputs "MBCD1=61", "MBCD2=62", "MBCD3=63" and it activates the general logic
output "MSTROBE to "tell" the PLC to go ahead with their execution.
Should any of them need the AUXEND activated, the CNC will "wait" for this signal to be activated
before going on to executing the rest of the block.
If none of them need the AUXEND signal activated, the CNC will maintain the "MSTROBE" signal
activated for a period of time set by the general machine parameter "MINAENDW (P30)". This
output stays active for the time indicated by general parameter MINAENDW (P30).

S function

Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer
The CNC transfers the "S function" out to the PLC only when using the BCD-coded "S" output.
spindle parameter SPDLTYPE (P0) set to other than "0".

The CNC sends the programmed "S" value via logic output "SBCD" (R557) and activates the general
logic output "SSTROBE" to indicate to the PLC to go ahead with its execution.

This transmission is carried out at the beginning of the block execution and the CNC will wait for
the "AUXEND" general input to be activated and then consider its execution completed.

T function

The CNC will indicate via the variable "TBCD" (R558) the T function which has been programmed
in the block and activates the general logic output "TSTROBE" to tell the PLC to go ahead with its

This transmission is made at the beginning of the block execution and the CNC will wait for the
general input "AUXEND" to be activated to consider the execution completed.

Second T function

The CNC transfers the second T function to the PLC in the following cases:
• When having a machining center with non-random tool magazine. general parameter TOFFM06
(P28) = YES and RANDOMTC (P25) = NO.
• When using a random tool magazine, general parameter RANDOMTC (P25) = YES and a
special tool change takes place. See the chapter "Tool table" of the operating manual.

On executing the M06 function, a the CNC indicates the position of the magazine (empty pocket)
where the tool being in the spindle must be placed.

This indication will be made by means of the variable "T2BCD" (R559) and by activating the general
logic output "T2STROBE" to tell the PLC that it must execute this. The CNC will wait for the general
input AUXEND to be activated to consider the execution completed.

It must be borne in mind that at the beginning of the execution of the block, the CNC can tell the PLC
the execution of the M, S, T and T2 functions by activating their STROBE signals together and waiting
for a single signal "AUXEND" for all of them.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.8.1 Transferring M, S, T using the AUXEND signal

1. Once the block has been analyzed and after sending the corresponding values in the "MBCD1-
7", "SBCD", "TBCD" and "T2BCD" variables, the CNC will tell the PLC by means of the general
logic outputs "MSTROBE", "SSTROBE", "TSTROBE" and "T2STROBE" that the required
auxiliary functions must be executed.

Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer

2. When the PLC detects the activation of one of the STROBE signals, it must deactivate the
general CNC logic input "AUXEND" to tell the CNC that the execution of the corresponding
function or functions has begun.
3. The PLC will execute all the auxiliary functions required, it being necessary to analyze the
general CNC logic outputs:
"MBCD1" through "MBCD7" and "MSTROBE"
to execute the M functions.
to execute the S function
to execute the T function
to execute the second T function
Once this has been executed the PLC must activate the general logic input "AUXEND" to indicate
to the CNC that the processing of the required functions was completed.
4. Once the general input "AUXEND" is active, the CNC will require that this signal be kept active
for a period of time greater than that defined by means of the general parameter MINAENDW
This way, erroneous interpretations of this signal by the CNC due to an improper PLC program
logic are avoided .
5. Once the period of time "MINAENDW (P30)" has elapsed with the general input "AUXEND" at
a high logic level, the CNC will deactivate the general logic outputs "MSTROBE", "SSTROBE",
"TSTROBE", "T2STROBE" to tell the PLC that the execution of the required auxiliary function
or functions has been completed.

When executing 2 consective blocks which send information to the PLC and after finishing the
execution of the first block, the CNC waits a MINAENDW period of time before starting to execute
the second block.

This way, it assures that a MINAENDW delay takes place between the STROBE off (end of first block)
and STROBE on (beginning of the second block).

It is advisable for the "MINAENDW (P30)" value to be equal to or greater than the duration of a PLC
cycle, in order to ensure the detection of this signal by the PLC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

7.8.2 Transferring the auxiliary (miscellaneous) M functions without the

AUXEND signal

1. Once the block has been analyzed and after passing the corresponding values in variables
"MBCD1-7", the CNC will tell the PLC through the general logic output "MSTROBE" that the
required auxiliary function or functions must be executed.


Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer
2. The CNC will keep the general logic output "MSTROBE" active during the time indicated by
means of general parameter MINAENDW (P30).
Once this period of time has elapsed the CNC will continue to execute the program.
It is advisable for the "MINAENDW (P30)" value to be equal to or greater than the duration of
a PLC cycle, in order to ensure the detection of this signal by the PLC.
3. When the PLC detects the activation of the general logic signal "MSTROBE" it will execute the
required auxiliary "M" functions at the CNC logic outputs "MBCD1 thru 7".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.9 Main and second spindle

This CNC can handle 2 spindles: a main spindle and a second spindle. They both can be operative
simultaneously, but only one can be controlled at a time. This selection is made using functions G28
and G29. See programming manual.

Next, the steps to be followed when using two spindles are described.

Graphic editor
Set general parameters AXIS1 (P0) through AXIS8 (P7) with the desired valures. A value of "10"
Main and second spindle

for the main spindle and 14 for the second spindle.

Set the corresponding machine parameters for each spindle.

Spindle selection

On power-up, the CNC always selects the main spindle.

All the keyboard actions and by spindle related functions affect the main spindle.
Example: S1000 M3
Main spindle clockwise at 1000 rpm

To select the second spindle, execute function G28.

From then on, All the keyboard actions and spindle related functions affect the second spindle.
The main spindle remains in its previous status.
Example: S1500 M4
Second spindle turns counterclockwise at 1500 rpm.
The main spindle keeps turning at 1000 rpm

To select the main spindle again, execute function G29.

From then on, all the keyboard actions and spindle related functions affect the main spindle.
The second spindle stays in its previous status.
Example: S2000
The main spindle keeps turning clockwise but at 2000 rpm.
The second spindle keeps turning at 1500 rpm.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Work plane selection

Use function G16 to select the work plane. See programming manual.



Main and second spindle
Machining canned cycles

When working in a plane other than the ZX, for example: G16 WX, the CNC interprets the canned
cycle parameters as follows:
• Parameter Z and all those related to it, with the abscissa axis (W in the example).
• Parameter X and all those related to it, with the ordinate axis (X in the example).

Tool compensation

When working in a plane other than ZX, for example G16 WX, the CNC allows associating the tool
offset table to the work plane.

To do that, set general parameter PLACOMP (P78) to "1". See "6.3 General machine parameters"
on page 148.

When general parameter PLACOM = 1, the CNC interprets the tool table as follows:

ZX plane WX plane

The Z and K parameters, with the abscissa axis Z axis W axis

The X and I parameters, with the ordinate axis X axis X axis

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.9.1 Spindle types

The setting of spindle parameter SPDLTYPE (P0) allows the following possibilities:
SPDLTYPE = 0 Spindle analog command output..
SPDLTYPE = 1, 2-digit BCD coded spindle command output S.
SPDLTYPE = 2, 8-digit BCD coded spindle command output S.

When using BCD (2 or 8 digits) coded command output, the spindle will operate in open loop and
it will be controlled by means of functions M3, M4 and M5.

7. When using analog command output, the spindle can operate:

• In open loop, controlled by means of functions M3, M4 and M5.
Main and second spindle

• In closed loop, by means of function M19. This requires an encoder mounted on the spindle and
spindle parameter NPULSES (P13) must be set to a value other than "0".
• Controlled via PLC. With this feature, the PLC may take control of the spindle for a certain period
of time.
A typical application of this feature is the control of the spindle oscillation during the spindle gear

Regardless of the type of spindle command being used, the CNC admits up to 4 spindle gears.

The spindle gear change may be made either manually or automatically by the CNC.

To change spindle gears, functions M41, M42, M43 and M44 are used to let the PLC know which
one is to be selected.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.9.2 Spindle speed (S) control

BCD output

When using BCD (2 or 8 digits) coded command output, the spindle will operate in open loop and
it will be controlled by means of functions M3, M4 and M5.

To do that, set spindle parameter SPDLTYPE (P0) with the right value.
SPDLTYPE = 1, 2-digit BCD coded spindle command output S.
SPDLTYPE = 2, 8-digit BCD coded spindle command output S.

Main and second spindle
Whenever a new spindle speed is selected, the CNC will transfer the programmed S value into
register "SBCD" (R557) and it will activate general logic output "SSTROBE" (M5533) to "tell" the
PLC to go ahead with its execution.

This transmission is carried out at the beginning of the block execution and the CNC will wait for
the "AUXEND" general input to be activated and then consider its execution completed.

If it uses 2-bit BCD code, the CNC will indicate the S value to the PLC by means of this register and
according to the following conversion table:

Programmed BCD Programmed BCD Programmed BCD

0 00 50-55 54 800-899 78
1 20 56-62 55 900-999 79

2 26 63-70 56 1000-1119 80

3 29 71-79 57 1120-1249 81

4 32 80-89 58 1250-1399 82

5 34 90-99 59 1400-1599 83

6 35 100-111 60 1600-1799 84

7 36 112-124 61 1800-1999 85

8 38 125-139 62 2000-2239 86

9 39 140-159 63 2240-2499 87
10-11 40 160-179 64 2500-2799 88

12 41 180-199 65 2800-3149 89

13 42 200-223 66 3150-3549 90

14-15 43 224-249 67 3550-3999 91

16-17 44 250-279 68 4000-4499 92

18-19 45 280-314 69 4500-4999 93

20-22 46 315-354 70 5000-5599 94

23-24 47 355-399 71 5600-6299 95

25-27 48 400-449 72 6300-7099 96

28-31 49 450-499 73 7100-7999 97

32-35 50 500-559 74 8000-8999 98

36-39 51 560-629 75 9000-9999 99 CNC 8055

40-44 52 630-709 76 CNC 8055i
45-49 53 710-799 77

If a value over 9999 is programmed the CNC will tell the PLC the spindle speed corresponding to
SOFT: V02.2X
value 9999.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

If S output in 8-digit BCD is used the CNC will indicate the programmed spindle speed to the PLC
by means of this register. This value will be coded in BCD format (8 digits) in thousandths of a
revolution per minute.

S 12345.678 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000

Analog output

7. In order for the CNC to provide an analog output to control the spindle speed, it is necessary to set
spindle parameter SPDLTYPE (P0) = 0.
Main and second spindle

The CNC will generate the analog output (within ±10V.) corresponding to the programmed rotation
speed or a unipolar velocity command if the spindle parameters POLARM3 (P7) and POLARM4
(P8) have been assigned the same value.

The Closed Loop mode of operation (with M19) is described later on in this manual.

PLC controlled spindle

With this feature, the PLC may take control of the spindle for a certain period of time.

To do that, follow these steps:

1. Have the PLC place the "S" value at CNC logic input "SANALOG" (R504). This "S" value
corresponds to the velocity command value to be applied to the spindle drive.
Also, set CNC logic input "PLCCNTL" (M5465) high to let the CNC know that from this moment
on, the PLC is the one setting the velocity command for the spindle.
2. From this instant on, the CNC outputs the spindle velocity command indicated by the PLC at
CNC logic input "SANALOG" (R504).
If the PLC changes the value of the "SANALOG" input, the CNC will update the velocity command
3. Once the operation has concluded, the CNC must recover the control of the spindle back from
the PLC. To do this, CNC logic input "PLCCNTL" (M5465) must be set low again.

A typical application of this feature is the control of the spindle oscillation during the spindle gear

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.9.3 Spindle gear change

With this CNC, the machine can use a gear box for adjusting the best spindle speed and torque for
the particular machining needs at any time.

The CNC admits up to 4 spindle gears that are determined by spindle parameters "MAXGEAR1
(P2)", "MAXGEAR2 (P3)", MAXGEAR3 (P4)" and "MAXGEAR4 (P5)". They indicate the maximum
speed (in rpm) for each range.

The value assigned to "MAXGEAR1 (P2)" will be the one corresponding to the lowest gear and the
one assigned to "MAXGEAR4 (P5)" will be the one corresponding to the highest gear.

When not using all 4 gears, use the lower parameters starting with MAXGEAR1 (P2). Set the unused
gears with the same value as the highest of the ones used.

Main and second spindle
The auxiliary functions M41, M42, M43 and M44 are used to "tell" the PLC that spindle gear 1, 2,
3 or 4 must be selected.

In turn, the PLC must "tell" the CNC the speed gear being selected. This will be indicated by means
of the logic inputs for the spindle: "GEAR1 (M5458)", "GEAR2 (M5459)", "GEAR3 (M5460)" and
"GEAR4 (M5461)".

Since to each "S" speed corresponds a spindle gear, before selecting a new "S" one must:
1. Analyze whether the new "S" involves a gear change.
2. If it does, execute the M function corresponding to the new gear (M41 thru M44) in order for the
PLC to select it.
3. Wait for the PLC to select the new gear. Check spindle logic inputs "GEAR1" (M5458), "GEAR2"
(M5459), "GEAR3" (M5460) and "GEAR4" (M5461).
4. Select the new speed "S".

To have the CNC perform all these operations automatically, set spindle parameter AUTOGEAR (P6)
=YES to indicate that the gear change is to be generated by the CNC.

Automatic gear change controlled by the PLC

When the CNC detects a gear change, it sends out to the PLC the corresponding M code (M41 thru
M44) via one of the logic outputs "MBCD1-7" (R550 thru R556).

It also activates general logic output "MSTROBE" (M5532) to "tell" the PLC to go ahead with the

The PLC deactivates CNC general logic input "AUXEND" (M5016) to indicate to the CNC that it
began processing the "M" function.
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CNC 8055i

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

When requiring spindle oscillation control during a gear change, follow these steps:
1. Indicate, from the PLC, at CNC logic input "SANALOG" (R504) the value of the residual S
command to be applied to the spindle drive.
Also, set CNC logic input "PLCCNTL" (M5465) high to let the CNC know that from this moment
on, the PLC is the one setting the velocity command for the spindle.
2. From this instant on, the CNC outputs the spindle velocity command indicated by the PLC at
CNC logic input "SANALOG" (R504).
If the PLC changes the value of the "SANALOG" input, the CNC will update the velocity command
7. 3. Once the operation has concluded, the CNC must recover the control of the spindle back from
the PLC. To do this, CNC logic input "PLCCNTL" (M5465) must be set low again.
Main and second spindle

Once the requested gear change is completed, the PLC must set the corresponding CNC logic input
"GEAR1" (M5458), "GEAR2" (M5459), "GEAR3" (M5460) or "GEAR4" (M5461) high.

Finally, the PLC will reactivate CNC general logic input "AUXEND" (M5016) indicating to the CNC
that it has finished executing the auxiliary function.

Automatic gear change when working with M19

Every time M19 is programmed, it is recommended that the corresponding spindle gear be selected.

If no gear is already selected, the CNC proceeds as follows:

It converts the speed indicated in degrees per minute atspindle parameter REFEED1 (P34) into
It selects the spingle gear corresponding to those rpm.

The spindle gear cannot be changed when operating in M19. The gear must be selected beforehand.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.9.4 Spindle in closed loop

One of the following conditions must be met in order for the spindle to operate in closed loop by
means of "spindle orientation (M19)":
• It is an analog or digital drive with feedback to the CNC (via connector) and spindle parameter
NPULSES (P13) is other than 0.
• It is a digital drive (SERCOS or CAN) with feedback to the drive and spindle parameter
DRIBUSLE (P51) is other than 0.

Also, when switching from open to closed loop, either an "M19" or an "M19 S±5.5" must be executed.

The S±5.5 code indicates the spindle position, in degrees, from the spindle reference point (marker

Main and second spindle
When switching form open to closed loop, the CNC behaves as follows:
• If the spindle has a home switch:
In this case, it is possible to detect the right reference mark among the possible ones (having
the encoder at the motor) originated especially by different gear ratios.
In order for the drive to detect the right reference mark, the home switch detection must be
accurate. This is achieved by having the spindle turn one more revolution once the home switch
has been detected. The end portion of this last spindle revolution is carried out slowly.
Spindle home search:
The spindle must have an encoder so it can be homed.
Once the home switch has been detected, the spindle will keep turning in the same direction
and at the speed indicated by spindle parameter REFEED1 (P34). Before completing the next
350º, the spindle slows down to the speed indicated by spindle parameter REFEED2 (P35). From
then on, the home switch is detected while turning at REFEED2 speed and keeps moving until
detecting the reference mark.

REFEED1 350º




 The first movement until the home switch is detected and the entire next process is carried
out in the direction indicated by spindle parameter REFDIREC (P33).
 The home search may be started when the spindle is stopped or moving (M3 or M4). If the
home search starts when the spindle is stopped or it has to change its turning direction, the
transition from the starting speed S0 to the one indicated by spindle parameter REFEED1
will be made with a linear acceleration ramp.
 If the home search starts when it is stopped and the home switch is pressed, it will also turn
one more revolution.
 This type of spindle home search may be carried out with a SERCOS, analog or CAN drive.
In order for it to work on CAN or analog spindles when there are several reference marks
per revolution due to different gear ratios, the reference mark must be managed with the
DECELS signal ignoring the actual (real) reference mark signal. CNC 8055
For greater accuracy, if the average cycle of the PLC exceeds 8 ms, we recommend to CNC 8055i
manage the DECELS input at the PLC with a periodic cycle equal to or shorter than 8 ms.
It is also recommended to manage the DECELS input from a local input.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

When managing the DECELS input from a CAN remote input, use the commands IREMRD,
OREMWR and MWR inside the periodic cycle to obtain proper synchronism.
PE **

7. END
The delay of the DECELS signal detector can cause a low home search feedrate
"REFEED1". In order for this not to affect successive positioning movements that are not
Main and second spindle

related with home search, we recommend to use a positioning feedrate higher than
"REFEED1" through the "M19FEED" variable and its associated PLC mark "PLCFM19".
• If the spindle does not have a home switch:
If the spindle does not have a home switch, it searches the encoder marker pulse at the turning
speed set by spindle parameter REFEED2 (P35). Spindle parameter REFDIREC (P33) sets the
spindle homing direction.
Then, it positions the spindle at the programmed S±5.5 point. Spindle parameter REFVALUE
(P36) sets the position value assigned to the reference point of the spindle (home or marker

Calculating spindle resolution

The CNC assumes that one encoder revolution represents 360º. Therefore, the feedback (counting)
resolution depends on the number of lines of the spindle encoder.
Resolution = 360° / (4 x number of pulses per revolution)

Hence, to obtain a resolution of 0.001º, a 90,000 line encoder is required and a 180,000 line encoder
to obtain a resolution of 0.0005º.

spindle parameter NPULSES (P13) must indicate the number of square pulses supplied by the
spindle encoder.

In order to be able to use feedback alarm on the spindle encoder, "FBACKAL" (P15), the pulses
provided by the encoder must be differential (double ended) squarewave "DIFFBACK (P14) = YES".

Gain setting

The various types of gains must be adjusted in order to optimize the system's performance for the
programmed movements.

An oscilloscope is highly recommended to make this critical adjustment by monitoring the tacho
signals. The illustration below shows the optimum shape for this signal (on the left) and the
instabilities to be avoided during start-up and braking.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
There are three types of gain. They are adjusted by means of machine parameters and following
the sequence indicated next.

SOFT: V02.2X Proportional gain

It defines the velocity command corresponding to a feedrate resulting in 1º of following error.

It is defined with spindle parameter PROGAIN (P23)

Installation manual

Feed-forward gain
It sets the percentage of velocity command due to the programmed feedrate.

To use it, acc/dec must be active spindle parameter ACCTIME (P18).

It is defined with spindle parameter FFGAIN (P25).

Derivative gain or AC-forward gain.

The "derivative gain" sets the percentage of velocity command applied depending on the
fluctuations of following error.

The "AC-forward gain" sets the percentage of velocity command proportional to the feedrate
increments (acceleration and deceleration stages).

Main and second spindle
To use it, acc/dec must be active spindle parameter ACCTIME (P18).

It is defined with spindle parameters DERGAIN (P24) and ACFGAIN (P46).

If "ACFGAIN = No" it applies derivative gain

If "ACFGAIN = Yes" it applies AC-forward gain.

Proportional gain setting

In a "pure" proportional position loop, the velocity command provided by the CNC to control the
spindle is, at all times, proportional to the following error (axis lag) which is the difference between
its theoretical and actual (real) position.
Velocity command = Proportional Gain x Following Error

axis parameter PROGRAIN (P23) sets the value of the proportional gain. Expressed in
millivolts/degree, it takes any integer between 0 and 65535.

Its value indicates the velocity command corresponding to a feedrate resulting in 1º of following error.

This value is taken for the first spindle gear and the CNC calculates the values for the rest of the

The maximum speed for the 1st gear is 500 rpm and we would like to obtain 1º of following error
at a speed of S = 1000 º/min. (2.778 rpm).
Command from the drive: 9.5V for 500 rpm

Velocity command corresponding to S = 1000 º/min. (2.778 rpm).

Analog velocity command = (S x 9,5 V) / "MAXGEAR1"
Analog command = (9.5 V / 500 rev/min) *2.778 rev/min =52.778 mV.

Therefore "PROGAIN" = 53.

Bear in mind
When setting the proportional gain that:
• The maximum amount of following error allowed by the CNC for the spindle is the value indicated
by spindle parameter MAXFLWE1 (P21). When exceeded, the CNC issues the corresponding
following error message.
• The amount of following error decreases as the gain increases, but it tends to make the system CNC 8055
unstable. CNC 8055i

Feed-forward gain setting

SOFT: V02.2X

With the feed-forward gain, it is possible to reduce the following error without increasing the gain,
thus keeping the system stable.

It sets the percentage of velocity command due to the programmed feedrate; the rest depends on
the proportional and derivative/AC-forward gains.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

This gain is only to be used when operating with acceleration/deceleration control.

7. For example, if spindle parameter FFGAIN (P25) has been set to "80", the spindle velocity command
will be:
Main and second spindle

• 80% of it will depend on the programmed feedrate (feed-forward gain)

• 20% of it will depend on the spindle following error (proportional gain)

Setting the Feed-Forward gain involves a critical adjustment of spindle parameter MAXVOLT (P37).
1. Set the spindle at maximum speed and at 10%.
2. Measure the actual analog command at the drive.
3. Set parameter MAXVOLT (P37) to a value 10 times the measured value.
For example, If the measured command voltage was 0.945 V, then set this parameter to 9.45
V, in other words: P37=9450.

Next, set spindle parameter FFGAIN (P25) to the desired value.

Derivative (AC-forward) gain setting

With the derivative gain, it is possible to reduce the following error during the acc./dec. stages.

Its value is given by spindle parameter DERGAIN (P24).

When this additional velocity command is due to fluctuations of following error, "ACFGAIN" (P46)
= NO, it is called "derivative gain".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

When it is due to variations of the programmed feedrate, "ACFGAIN" (P42) = YES, it is called AC-
forward gain" since it is due to acc./dec.


Main and second spindle
Best results are usually obtained when using it as AC-forward Gain, "ACFGAIN" (P42) = YES
together with feed-forward gain.

This gain is only to be used when operating with acceleration/deceleration control.

A practical value between 2 to 3 times the Proportional Gain, "PROGAIN" (P23), may be used.

To perform a critical adjustment, proceed as follows:

• Verify that there are no oscillations of following error, In other words, that it is not unstable.
• Check,with an oscilloscope, the tacho voltage or the command voltage at the drive (velocity
command), verify that it is stable (left graph) and that there are no instabilities when starting up
(center graph) or when braking (right graph).

Machine reference point setting

To set the machine reference point proceed as follows:

• Indicate in the spindle parameter REFPULSE (P32) the type of marker pulse Io being used for
Home Search.
• Likewise, set spindle parameter REFDIREC (P33) to indicate the direction of the axis when
searching Home.
• On the other hand, set spindle parameter REFEED1 (P34) that defines the approach feedrate
of the spindle until the home switch is pressed and spindle parameter REFEED2 (P35) that
indicates the homing feedrate until the reference mark (marker pulse) is detected.
• The machine reference point will be set to 0, spindle parameter REFVALUE (P36).
• Once in JOG mode and after positioning the spindle in the right area, start homing the spindle.
When done, the CNC will assign a "0" value to this point.
• After moving the spindle to the Machine Reference Zero or up to a known position (with respect
to Machine Reference Zero), observe the position reading of the CNC for that point.
This will be distance from the Machine Reference Zero to that point. Therefore, the value to be
assigned to spindle parameter REFVALUE (P36), which defines the coordinate corresponding
to the Machine Reference Point (physical location of the marker pulse). CNC 8055
REFVALUE (P36) = Machine coordinate – CNC reading. CNC 8055i
If the point whose known position is located at 12º mm from Machine Reference Zero and
the CNC reads -123.5º as the coordinate value for this point, the coordinate of the Machine
Reference Point with respect to Machine Reference Zero will be: SOFT: V02.2X

"REFVALUE" P36 = 12 - (-123.5) = 135.5º

• After allocating this new value, press SHIFT + RESET or turn the CNC off and back on in order
for the CNC to assume this new value.
• The spindle must be homed again in order for it to assume its right reference values.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

If at the time when the home search is requested, the spindle is sitting on the home switch, the spindle
will back up (in the direction opposite to the one indicated by "REFDIREC (P33) ") until it is off the
switch and then, it will go on to search home.

Care must be taken when placing the home switch and when setting feedrates "REFEED1 (P34)"
and "REFEED2 (P35)". The home switch (1) will be installed so the marker pulse (2) will be found
in the zone corresponding to feedrate "REFEED2" (P35). If there is no room for it, reduce the value
of "REFEED1 (P34)". For example, for encoders whose consecutive marker pulses are very close
to each other.
Main and second spindle

When the spindle does not have a machine reference (home) switch (spindle parameter DECINPUT
(P31) = NO), the CNC will move the spindle at the feedrate set by spindle parameter REFEED2 (P35)
until the first marker pulse from the current position is found, thus ending the home search.

Fagor rotary encoders provide one positive reference pulse per revolution.

Do not mistake the type of pulse provided by the feedback system with the value to be assigned
to spindle parameter REFPULSE (P32).

This parameter must indicate the type of active flank (leading or trailing edge), positive or negative
of the reference mark (Io) used by the CNC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.10 Auxiliary spindle controlled by PLC

With this feature, the PLC can temporarily control the auxiliary spindle.

To do that, follow these steps:

1. Indicate from the PLC at the logic CNC input "SANALOAS" (R509) the amount of velocity
command to be applied to the drive for the auxiliary spindle.
On the other hand, set logic CNC input "PLCCNTAS" (M5056) high to indicate to the CNC that
from then on, it is going to be up to the PLC to control the velocity command output for the auxiliary
2. From then on, the CNC outputs the velocity command voltage indicated by the PLC for the
auxiliary spindle as indicated at the CNC logic input "SANALOAS" (R509).

Auxiliary spindle controlled by PLC
If the PLC changes the value of the "SANALOAS" input, the CNC will update its velocity
command output.
3. Once the operation has concluded, the control of the auxiliary spindle must be returned to the
CNC. To do that, the logic CNC input "PLCCNTAS" (M5056) must be set low.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.11 Treatment of emergency signals

The CNC provides the following emergency signals:


Physical emergency input.

It is generated from the outside and corresponds to the physical emergency input.

7. This signal is active low (0 V).

Treatment of emergency signals

Physical emergency output.

It is generated internally when an error is detected at the CNC or at the PLC.

This signal is active low (0 V).

/EMERGEN (M5000)

Logic input of the CNC, generated by the PLC.

When the PLC activates this signal, the CNC stops the axis feed and the rotation of the spindle,
and it displays the corresponding error message.

This signal is active low (0 V).

/ALARM (M5507)

Logic input of the PLC, generated by the CNC.

The CNC activates this signal to let the PLC "know" that an alarm or emergency condition has

This signal is active low (0 V).

CNC Treatment of emergency signals

The emergency inputs of the CNC are:

/EMERGEN (M5000)
Physical input coming from the PLC.
Physical input coming from the outside.
Pin 2 of connector X9 of the –Axes– module of the 8055 CNC
Pin 10 of connector X2 of the 8055i CNC

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

The emergency outputs of the CNC are:

/ALARM (M5507)
Physical output to the PLC.
Physical output to the outside.
Pin 2 of connector X10 of the –Axes– module of the 8055 CNC
Pin 2 of connector X2 of the 8055i CNC.


Treatment of emergency signals
There are to ways to cause an emergency at the CNC, by activating the physical input
/EMERGENCY STOP or the general logic input "/EMERGEN" from the PLC.

Whenever any of these signals is activated, the CNC stops the axes feed and the spindle rotation
and it displays the corresponding error message.

By the same token, when the CNC detects an internal malfunction or at an external device, it stops
the axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying at the same time the corresponding error message.

In both cases, the CNC will activate the /EMERGENCY OUTPUT and /ALARM signals to indicate
to the PLC and to the outside world that an emergency has occurred at the CNC.

Once the cause of the emergency has disappeared, the CNC will deactivate these signals to indicate
to the PLC and to the outside world that everything is back to normal.

PLC Treatment of emergency signals

The emergency inputs of the PLC are:

Physical input coming from the outside.
/ALARM (M5507)
Physical input coming from the CNC.

The emergency outputs of the PLC are:

Physical output to the outside.
/EMERGEN (M5000) CNC 8055
Physical output to the CNC. CNC 8055i
There are two ways to "tell" the PLC that an emergency condition must be treated, by activating the
physical input EMERGENCY STOP of the PLC (which is I1) or the general logic input "/ALARM"
of the PLC which is mark M5507.
SOFT: V02.2X
In both cases, the treatment of these signals will be up to the PLC programmer. The PLC program
must have the necessary instructions to properly attend to these emergency inputs and act

By the same token, the PLC program must have the necessary instructions to properly activate the
emergency outputs when required.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

These emergency signals are the physical output /EMERGENCY OUTPUT (output O1 of the PLC)
and the general logic output /EMERGEN" which is mark M5000 of the PLC.

It must be borne in mind that every time a new PLC program cycle is initiated, the real inputs are
updated with the physical inputs. Therefore, input I1 will have the value of the physical input

Also, before executing the PLC program cycle, the values of the M and R resources corresponding
to the CNC logic outputs (internal variables) are updated as well as mark M5507 corresponding to
the /ALARM signal.

7. After the execution of each cycle, the PLC updates the physical outputs with the values of the real
outputs except the physical output /EMERGENCY OUTPUT which will be activated whenever the
real output O1 or mark M5507 (/ALARM signal coming from the CNC) is active.
Treatment of emergency signals

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.12 Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)

i Sercos communication requires a drive version V3.01 or later. CAN communication requires a drive
version V7.02 or later.

General parameters SERSPEED (P120) and SERPOWSE (P121) allow setting the
communications speed and power for Sercos. General parameter CANSPEED (P169) may be used
to set the CAN communication speed.

Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)
"C" axis and spindle with a single drive

When operating with Sercos or CAN and using a single drive for both the "C" axis and the spindle,
proceed as follows:

The DRIBUSID parameters for the "C" axis and the spindle must be set with the same value (same
Sercos address). Use two sets of parameters for the drive, one to work as "C" axis and the other
one as spindle. The "C" axis must always be assigned the last set of parameters (7).

It is recommended to set C axis parameter SWITCHAX (P65) to ·10·.

The PLC must handle the change of parameter sets of the drive.
1. When switching over to operating as a C axis, the CNC lets the PLC know by activating the
spindle logic output CAXIS. Communication takes place once the spindle speed is below the
home searching speed.
2. The PLC, when detecting that the CAXIS signal has been activated (leading edge), must select,
at the drive, the parameter set to work as "C" axis. This selection is made through the "Service
3. The PLC, once the change of parameter set at the drive has been confirmed, must let the CNC
know. To do that, it must activate the logic input "CAXSEROK" indicating this way that the drive
is ready to work as a "C" axis.
4. From then on, the CNC sends the velocity command to the "C" axis and receives the "C" axis
position signals.
5. On the other hand, when quitting the "C" axis mode, the CNC deactivates the CAXIS signal. The
PLC must select, at the drive, the parameter set to work as a spindle and let the CNC know by
deactivating the logic input "CAXSEROK".

The errors that may be detected via Sercos or CAN will be identified as corresponding to the active
axis, C axis or spindle.

If the "C" axis and the spindle do not share a drive, they will be assigned a different DRIBUSID
identifier and no switching will be required via PLC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.12.1 Communication channels

The data exchange between the CNC and the drives takes place at every position loop.

The more data to be transmitted, the more overloaded the transmission will be. These registers
should be limited leaving only the ones absolutely necessary after the setup.

On the other hand, there is data that MUST be transmitted at each position loop (velocity commands,
feedback, etc.) and other information that could be transmitted in several loops (monitoring, etc.).
Since the CNC must know the priority for those transmissions, from now on, we will use the terms

7. "cyclic channel" and "service channel" to refer to each of them.

Cyclic channel (fast channel)

Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)

Data transmitted at each position loop (velocity commands, feedback, etc.).

At every loop time, the CNC transmits to the drive through this channel the World Control (Speed
Enable, Drive Enable, Homing Enable, bit handshake) and the velocity command. The drive
transmits to the CNC the Status Word and the position value. The transmitted data depends on axis
parameter DRIBUSLE (P63).

The type of data to be transmitted (basically variables) must be indicated. The data to be sent to
the drives must be placed in certain particular registers of the PLC and the data to be read from
the drives is received in other registers of the PLC.

The registers to be used and the data to be transmitted (basically variable) are defined by machine
parameters of the PLC. Use SRR700 (P28) through SRR739 (P67) parameters to transmit read-
only variables. Use SWR800 (P68) through SWR819 (P87) parameters to transmit write variables.

The number of variables defined in this channel is limited depending on the number of axes, the
sampling period and the transmission speed. A data overflow causes an error at the CNC.

Service channel (slow channel)

Data to be transmitted in several position loops (monitoring, etc.).

The service channel can only be accessed through a high-level block of a part-program, a PLC
channel or a user channel.

Cyclic channel. Read-only variables for the CNC-PLC

The PLC parameters SRR700 (P28) through SRR739 (P67) indicate which drive and what type of
information will be placed in CNC registers R700 through R739.

P28=>R700 P29=>R701 P30=>R702 P31=>R703 etc.

These parameters are set in 1.5 format. The units digit identifies the drive (node) supplying the data
and the decimals indicate the identifier number (see table below).

For example, "P32=1.00040" indicates that PLC register R704 contains the "VelocityFeedback"
supplied by the drive located in bus node 1.

To identify the units of the variables, see the drive manual.

i Read-only registers R700 through R739 are updated at the beginning of the PLC scan, unless the
MRD instruction is used.

The type of information available and its associated identifiers are:

CNC 8055 Type of information Identifier

CNC 8055i Class2Diagnostics (Warnings) 00012

Class3Diagnostics (OperationStatus) 00013

VelocityFeedback 00040
SOFT: V02.2X PositionFeedbackValue1 00051

TorqueFeedback 00084

CurrentFeedback 33079

FagorDiagnostics 33172

Installation manual

Type of information Identifier

AnalogInputValue 33673

AuxiliaryAnalogInputValue 33674

DigitalInputsValues 33675

PowerFeedback 34468

PowerFeedbackPercentage 34469

The bits of identifier 33172 "FagorDiagnostics" contain the following information:

bits Meaning Id at the drive


Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)
0,1,2,3 GV25 ActualGearRatio 000255

4,5,6,7 GV21 ActualParameterSet 000254

8 SV4 000330

9 SV5 000331

10 SV3 000332

11 TV10 TGreaterEqualTx 000333

12 TV60 PGreaterEqualPx 000337

Cyclic channel. Write variables for the CNC-PLC

PLC parameters SWR800 (P68) through SWR819 (P87) indicate which type of information has
been put in registers R800 through R819 and which drive will be assigned that value.

P68=>R800 P69=>R801 P70=>R802 P71=>R803 etc.

These parameters are set in 1.5 format. The units digit identifies the drive (node) supplying the data
and the decimals indicate the identifier number (see table below).

For example, "P70=2.34178" indicates that the value of PLC register R802 will be assigned to the
"DigitalOutputsValues" of the drive located in bus node 2.

i To identify the units of the variables, see the drive manual.

The type of information available and its associated identifiers are:

Type of information Identifier

DA1Value 34176

DA2Value 34177

DigitalOutputsValues 34178

VelocityCommand 00036

The "VelocityCommand" variable can be modified for the axes that have been selected as DRO axes,
by axis parameter DROAXIS (P4) or via PLC by activating the logic CNC axis input "DRO1,2,3,..."

Service channel CNC 8055

CNC 8055i
The service channel can only be accessed through a high-level block of a part-program, a PLC
channel or a user channel. All variables can be accessed except the string type appearing in the
drive manual.
SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

• Reading and writing from a part-program or from a user channel.

Read: (P*** = SVARaxis **)

Write: (SVARaxis** = P**)

Example: (P110 = SVARX 40)

It assigns to parameter P110 the value of the X axis variable with the identifier 40 which
corresponds to "VelocityFeedback"

• Reading and writing from the PLC channel.

7. Read:

... = CNCEX ((P*** = SVARaxis***), M1)

... = CNCEX ((SVARaxis** = P***), M1)

Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)

Example: ... = CNCEX (( SVARX 100= P120 ), M1

It assigns the value of parameter P120 to the X axis variable with identifier 100

Service channel. Changing parameter sets and gear ratios via Sercos

It is recommended to use this feature when the feedback is handled via Sercos (SERCOSLE = 1
or 2).

The drive may have up to 8 gear ratios (0 through 7). Sercos identifier 218, "GearRatioPreselection".

I t m ay a l s o h ave u p t o 8 p a r a m e t e r s e t s ( 0 t h r o u g h 7 ) . S e r c o s i d e n t i f i e r 2 1 7 ,

The following write variables must be used to select these sets from the CNC:
SETGES for the main spindle
SSETGS for the second spindle

The 4 least significant bits of these variables indicate the gear ratio and the other 4 the parameter
set to be selected.

To send this information to the drive, a high-level block must be executed in a part-program, PLC
channel or user channel as mentioned earlier.

It takes time to the drive to change the parameter set and the gear ratios. That is why a new PLC
mark has been defined SERPLCAC (M5562). This mark will be active from when the change is
requested until the drive assumes the new values. No other SETGE* change may be requested while
this mark is active because the command would be lost.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.12.2 Drive’s absolute feedback

If the drive has version V4.02 or later, absolute feedback is treated at the drive’s first feedback.

The CNC checks the "RV5" variable of the drive (drive set with absolute encoder) and drive
parameter PP177 (Absolute distance1) that indicates the distance between machine zero (home)
and the encoder’s absolute zero.


Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.13 Axes (2) controlled by a single drive

To control 2 axes through a single servo drive:

• Set axis parameters SWITCHAX (P65) and SWINBACK (P66).

Main axis Associated axis

SWITCHAX 0 Code of the main axis.

SWINBACK 0 ·0· If it assumes the feedback of the main axis.

7. ·1· if it has its own feedback.

• Act upon marks SWITCH1 through 7 corresponding to the secondary axis for selecting the axis
to be governed. "0" for the main axis and "1" for the secondary.
Axes (2) controlled by a single drive

• Since the turning direction of the two axes may be different, indicate the sign of the velocity
command in parameter LOOPCHG (P26) of both parameters.

When communication is via Sercos, proceed as follows:

• The axis parameters SERCOSID for both axes must be set with the same value (same Sercos
• To govern one of the axes, enable the SERVOON, SPENA and DRENA signals of that axis and
activate the DRO signal of the other axis so it works as a DRO (not controlled).

X and Z paraxial axes (moving one at a time) and independent


X axis (main) Z axis (secondary)

SWITCHAX for X = 0 SWITCHAX for Z axis = 1 (X axis)

SWINBACK for X axis = 0 SWINBACK for Z axis = 1

The velocity command is always output through the X axis connector (main).

The mark for the secondary axis is SWITCH2 (M5155).

With SWITCH2=0 , velocity command of the X axis and with SWITCH2=1 that of the Z axis.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

X and Z paraxial axes (moving one at a time) and communication via

Sercos, feedback included


Axes (2) controlled by a single drive
X axis (main) Z axis (secondary)

SWITCHAX for X = 0 SWITCHAX for Z axis = 1 (X axis)

SWINBACK for X axis = 0 SWINBACK for Z axis = 0

Using the mark for the secondary axis, SWITCH2 (M5155), one can select which axis the velocity
command and feedback data transmitted via SERCOS correspond to
With SWITCH2=0, velocity command and feedback data for the X axis.
With SWITCH2=1, velocity command and feedback data for the Z axis.

Cylindrical grinder (X and Z axes)

To make the reciprocating movement (back-and-forth table swing - Z axis) independent from the
movement of the other axis (X), that movement should be controlled through the PLC execution

When a cycle controls both axes or to move the Z axis manually (jog or handwheel), the Z axis must
be controlled by the CNC.

Since an axis cannot be controlled through 2 execution channels, the CNC must be "cheated" by
calling the axis with two different names.

Z Main axis. Controlled by CNC

W Secondary axis. Controlled by PLC

Although both axes may be displayed, only the Z axis (main) will displayed in this example.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

Connect the Z axis feedback (main axis). SOFT: V02.2X

Since the two axes share the same feedback device, set the ungoverned axis as DRO so it does
not trigger the following error alarm.

The velocity command is always output through the Z axis connector (main axis).

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The mark for the secondary axis is SWITCH3 (M5205)

With SWITCH3=0 velocity command of the Z axis and with SWITCH3=1 that of the W axis.

PLC program
The M40 mark indicates that there is no external emergency (I1) and that the position loop of the
axes are closed (NOT LOPEN).

An external switch (I12) turns the reciprocating movement off, PLC execution channel, and to switch
7. to the main execution channel (M41=1).

To switch from the PLC execution channel to the CNC channel, the PLC channel must be interrupted
Axes (2) controlled by a single drive

(PLCABORT) and one must make sure that the axis has stopped (INPOS3)
I12 AND (other conditions) = SET PLCABORT = SET M44
M44 AND INPOS3 = M41

With CNC channel selected (M41=1)

M40 AND M41 = DRO3 W axis as DRO

= SERVO2ON Z axis normal

= RES SWITCH3 Z axis velocity command

With the PLC channel selected (M41=0)

M40 AND NOT M41 = DRO2 Z axis as DRO

= SERVO3ON W axis normal

= SET SWITCH3 Z axis velocity command

When using SERCOS communication with the servo drive, the axis being applied the velocity
command and feedback data is selected by the mark of the secondary axis SWITCH3 (M5205).

axis parameter SWINBACK (P66) of the secondary axis must be set to "0".

Z axis (main) W axis (secondary)

DFORMAT for W =0 (not displayed).

SWITCHAX for Z = 0 SWITCHAX for W = 3 (Z axis)

SWINBACK for Z axis = 0 SWINBACK for W = 0

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.13.1 "C" axis and spindle with a single feedback

At the lathe model, when using a single feedback for the spindle and "C" axis, set axis parameters
SWITCHAX (P65) and SWINBACK (P66) of the C axis.

It indicates with which main axis it is associated.

0 = with none 1 = with X 2 = with Y 3 = with Z

4 = with U

5 = with V

6 = with W

10 = with the spindle


Axes (2) controlled by a single drive
Set axis parameter SWITCHAX=10 of the "C" axis

It indicates the type of "C" axis feedback.

0 It uses the feedback of the main axis.

1 It has its own feedback device (external)

2 It uses the feedback of the main axis, but it has its own velocity command.

10 For an additive coupling.

When communication is via Sercos, proceed as follows:

• The axis parameter DRIBUSID (P56) and the spindle parameter DRIBUSID (P44) must be set
with the same value (same Sercos address).
• To govern the "C" axis, enable its SERVOON, SPENA and DRENA signals and activate the DRO
signal of the spindle so it works as a DRO (not controlled); and vice versa.

For digital servo system, the PLC mark CAXSEROK must be treated. See "7.12 Digital servo (CAN
or Sercos)" on page 363.

The following examples show several connection possibilities.

In all of them, the velocity command is switched automatically ignoring the SWTCH2 mark.

2 motors and DRIBUSLE=0

Analog or Sercos connection with DRIBUSLE=0. Analog or Sercos connection with SERCOSLE=0.
The feedback is taken to the CNC connector for the spindle and there are 2 motors (C axis and

CNC 8055
The feedback must be connected to the spindle (S) connector. CNC 8055i
Spindle (S) "C" axis

DRIBUSID (P44) = 1 DRIBUSID (P56) = 5

DRIBUSLE (P51) = 0 DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0
SWITCHAX (P65) = 10 SOFT: V02.2X
SWINBACK (P66) = 2

In this case, the drive works with SET 0 and GEAR RATIO 0.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

1 motor and DRIBUSLE=0

Analog or Sercos connection with DRIBUSLE=0. The feedback is taken to the CNC connector for
the spindle and there is 1 motor.

Axes (2) controlled by a single drive

Spindle (S) "C" axis

DRIBUSLE (P51) = 0 DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0

SWITCHAX (P65) = 10
SWINBACK (P66) = 0

The feedback must be connected to the spindle (S) connector.

Use the velocity command for the spindle (S).


Sercos connection with DRIBUSLE=1. The axis feedback is handled via Sercos, first feedback
(motor feedback) and the command for the drive is sent via Sercos.

Spindle (S) "C" axis

DRIBUSLE (P51) = 1 DRIBUSLE (P63) = 1

SWITCHAX (P65) = 10
SWINBACK (P66) = 0

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Sercos connection with DRIBUSLE=2. The axis feedback is handled via Sercos, second feedback
(direct feedback) and the command for the drive is sent via Sercos.


Axes (2) controlled by a single drive
Spindle (S) "C" axis

DRIBUSLE (P51) = 2 DRIBUSLE (P63) = 2

SWITCHAX (P65) = 10
SWINBACK (P66) = 0

When selecting the number of encoder pulses, bear in mind the maximum spindle rpm so they do
not exceed the maximum feedback reading frequency.

When working with Sercos, the motor-drive system is supposed to know the spindle-C-axis position
at all times, even after turning it off and back on. If it is an analog system, after turning the CNC on,
it performs a home search automatically before moving the spindle or the C axis for the first time.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.14 Additive coupling between axes

The additive coupling may be applied on any pair of axes, but only one pair of axes may be defined
in an additive coupling. An additive coupling is not possible with the spindle.

A typical application of additive coupling is on milling machines where the Z axis has a second axis
W coupled to it that moves by hand. This allows operating manually on the Z component through
that axis.

In this case, the Z axis movements are defined by two axes. One motorized, whose parameters are

7. defined in the Z axis parameters and the other one (dro) whose parameters are defined in the W axis.

The CNC screen shows, in the Z axis coordinates, the sum of both feedbacks Z+W. The coordinates
of the W axis may be displayed either as a separate axis or may be set to be hidden (not displayed).
Additive coupling between axes

Likewise, the Z graphics represent the sum of Z+W.

Operation in jog mode

When displaying the coordinates of the Z axis, it shows the sum of both axes. The W axis may be
moved manually without affecting the Z axis. When moving the Z axis, it moves up to the software
limits of the Z axis taking into account the W axis position at the time.

Operation in the other modes (execution, etc.)

The CNC always monitors the software limits of both axes separately. If any of the limits is exceeded,
it will issue the corresponding error on the Z or W axis. It also monitors the software limits of the
Z axis when programming a movement either in execution or in JOG mode.

Machine reference (home) search

To carry out a full home search, do a home search on both axes separately.
• Z axis home search.
When detecting the marker pulse, the Z axis display shows the "REVALUE" of the Z axis plus
the position of the W axis. The PLCFZ variable is set to zero. The W axis is not involved in the
home search.
• W axis home search.
When detecting the marker pulse, the W axis display shows the "REVALUE" of the W axis. The
Z axis display shows the Z axis position plus the "REVALUE" of the W axis plus W axis position.


The two axes have separate machine parameters. The additive coupling is configured with the axis
machine parameters "SWITCHAX" and "SWINBACK" of the DRO axis. The SWITCH* mark is not
involved in the additive coupling.

Likewise, we recommend to set general machine parameter "DIPLCOF=2" so the motorized axis
position display shows the PLCOF* component.


This DRO axis parameter indicates which is the main axis it is associated with.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i This DRO axis parameter indicates that an additive coupling is to be carried out on the axis indicated
by parameter "SWITCHAX". For additive slaving (coupling), this parameter is set to ·10·.

SOFT: V02.2X
PLC Program

The W axis movements may be compensated on the Z axis via PLC. This is done by adding, in the
PLC, the feedback increments of the W axis to the PLCOFZ variable. We recommend to manage
the compensation through PLCOFZ with a periodic subroutine whose period is the same as the time
set in LOOPTIME.

Installation manual

The following example assumes that the Z axis is motorized and that the W axis is a DRO axis. The
W axis is coupled with the Z axis.

;R73 - Operation mode
;R74 - previous POSW
;R75 - current POSW
;R76 - Resulting PLCOFZ
;R77 - previous PLCOFZ
; ### FIRST CYCLE ###

Additive coupling between axes
() = CNCRD(POSW,R74,M9)
; ### MAIN PROGRAM ###
NOT B0R73 = JMP L17
; The W axis is only compensated in execution
() = CNCRD(POSW,R75,M9)
= SBS R75 R74 R76
= SBS R77 R76 R76
= MOV R75 R74
= JMP L18
() = CNCRD(POSW,R74,M9)

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.15 Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB

Fagor handwheels HBA, HBE and LGB have:

• a pulse generator (encoder).
• an emergency output.
• One or two enable buttons.
• An axis selector switch.
• A resolution selector switch.
7. The encoder signals must be taken to the specific connectors of the CNC.

The signals from the 24V HBA and HBE models may also be taken to the PLC digital inputs located
Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB

at the central unit (not remote).

In the example on the left, the handwheel signals are taken to the feedback input (connector). Set
the corresponding general parameter AXIS , for example: AXIS4(P3)=11.

In the example on the right, the handwheel signals are taken to the digital PLC input. Set general
parameters HANDWIN (P111) = 65 and HANDWHE1 (P112) = 11.

The emergency button must be used in the safety chain of the electrical cabinet.

CNC 8055
The HBE handwheel has one contact and the HBA and LGB models have a dual safety contact.
CNC 8055i
The enable push button (or buttons), the axis selector and resolution selector switches are always
handled by the PLC.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Connection example and PLC program for the HBA-072914 handwheel.


Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB
There are 2 ways to use the "Enable Push Button".

I78 Just press one of the buttons

I79 Both buttons must be pressed

The example uses input I79, making it necessary to push both buttons in order to use the handwheel.

Definition of symbols (mnemonics)

DEF HDWON M600 Handwheel jog


DEF XSEL M602 X axis selected

DEF YSEL M603 Y axis selected

DEF ZSEL M604 Z axis selected

DEF 4SEL M605 4th axis selected

DEF 5SEL M606 5th axis selected

DEF 6SEL M607 6th axis selected

DEF 7SEL M608 7th axis selected



If the handwheel enable (I79) and the switch is at handwheel position (x1, x10 or x100)

I79 AND (I73 OR I74) = HDWON I73 I74

JOG 0 0

x1 0 1

x10 1 1

x100 1 0

To move the axes in JOG proceed as follows .... CNC 8055

• enable handwheel "I79" ... CNC 8055i
• turn the switch to the (·) position: "NOT I73 AND NOT I74"
• position the CNC panel selector in the JOG area (not handwheel, not incremental) "SELECTOR
> 7"
SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Axis selection. Inputs I70, I71, I72

I70 I71 I72



NOT I70 AND I71 AND I72 = ZSEL ZSEL 0 1 1

NOT I70 AND I71 AND NOT I72 = 4SEL 4SEL 0 1 0

I70 AND I71 AND NOT I72 = 5SEL 5SEL 1 1 0

7. I70
= 6SEL
= 7SEL
Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB

If handwheel jog (HDWON), R60 must be ready to store what will be written into the HBEVAR
variable. The "a, b, c" bits indicate the x1, x10, x100 factor for each axis and bit 30 (*) must be set
to "1" in order for the CNC to read the handwheel pulses.


* ^ c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a

() = MOV 0 R60 Delete its contents

Sets the bit (a) of the selected axis to "1". x1 multiplying factor.





HDWON AND 5SEL = MOV $1000 R60

HDWON AND 6SEL = MOV $8000 R60

HDWON AND 7SEL = MOV $40000 R60

It then analyzes the multiplying factor indicated at the switch (x1, x10, x100)

I73 I74 c b a
x1 0 1 0 0 1

I73 AND I74 = RL1 R60 1 R60 x10 1 1 0 1 0

I73 AND NOT I74 = RL1 R60 2 R60 x100 1 0 1 0 0

And finally, the bit 30 (*) of HBEVAR=1 is enabled, for the CNC to read the handwheel pulses.
( )= OR R60 $40000000 R60

When enabling the handwheel or changing the position of one of the switches, HBEVAR and its
image register (R61) are updated (refreshed).



When disabling the handwheel, HBEVAR=0 and its image register (R61) are initialized.

If JOG movement (JOGON) and [+] key pressed: "I75", then axis movement in the positive direction.



Installation manual

If JOG movement (JOGON) and [-] key pressed: "I77", then axis movement in the negative direction.

If JOG movement (JOGON) and [Rapid] key pressed: "I76", axis movement in rapid. 7.

Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB
Safety. When releasing the "Enable Push Button", the STOP command is sent out to the CNC (100
ms pulse) to stop the possible movement active at the time (for example: 10 mm in incremental).
Only if the JOG mode is selected and NOT MDI
DFD I79 = TG1 17 100

In order to comply with the EN61000 - 4 - 4 (IEC 1000 - 4 - 4) regulation on "immunity against rapid
transients and blasts" use a 7x1x0.14 PVC shielded cable for the 5 V feedback cable.

With the CNC 8055, use a 7x1x0.14 PVC shielded cable for the feedback cable (2) of 5 V. Both mesh
cables must be attached to the connector and grounded.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.16 Machine safety related functions

7.16.1 Maximum machining spindle speed

The following safety regulation forces to limit the spindle speed on lathes:

"A program will not be executed in machining mode unless the maximum spindle speed value for the
part is entered as well as the proper maximum speed for the part holding fixture for the machine.
Should the operator forget to enter or validate these speeds in each program change, the execution

7. in machining mode will not be possible.

It will not exceed the lower speed among the maximum by parameter, the maximum by program and
the maximum entered manually.
Machine safety related functions

There is a variable, MDISL, associated with the spindle speed limits to make this routine easier. This
variable is read-write from the PLC and read-only from DNC and CNC.

Besides updated by the PLC, this variable can also be updated in the following cases:
• When programming G92 in MDI mode.
• When programming G92 in ISO code in MC or TC mode.
• In MC or TC mode, when a new speed limit is defined in the "SMAX" field.

The speed limits entered via CNC, PLC (PLCSL) and DNC (DNCSL) keep the same functionality
and priority and are not affected by the MDISL variable; in other words, the CNC also limits the
spindle speed with these variables.

Management via PLC

To comply the safety regulation, we recommend to manage from the PLC the variables associated
with speed limit as shown in the following example. It applies the following restrictions:
• A new part-program cannot be executed without previously entering the spindle speed limit.
Otherwise, an error message will be issued.
When repeating the execution of the program, the speed limit needs not be entered, it must only
be entered when executing the program for the first time.
• While executing a program, if a new limit is entered in MDI, it replaces the previous one.
• In independent MC or TC cycles it is not required to enter the SMAX because it is already defined
in each cycle.
• If the program being executed has a G92 function, the program will only be valid if the value
defined in G92 is smaller than the one programmed by MDI.
• When having two main spindles, the speed limit entered will be valid for both.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

PLC programming example.

Reading of the OPMODA variable.
B0R100 = M100
Indicator of program in execution.
DFU M100 = CNCRD(PRGN,R101,M1000) = CNCRD(MDISL,R102,M1000)

At the beginning of the execution, it reads the program being executed (CNCRD) and the speed limit
set by MDISL. 7.

Machine safety related functions

M100 = CNCRD(PRGSL,R103,M1000)
While executing, it reads the speed limit set by the CNC.
M100 AND CPS R101 NE R201 = M101
If there is a new program in execution, it activates mark M101.
M100 AND CPS R101 EQ R201 = M102
If it is the same program, it activates mark M102.
M101 AND CPS R102 EQ 0 = ERR10
If there is a new program in execution (M101) and the speed has not been limited with MDISL (R102),
it issues error 10. This error must be defined in the PLC messages.
M101 AND CPS R102 NE 0 = MOV R101 R201 = MOV R102 R202
If there is a new program in execution (M101) and the speed has been limited with MDISL (R102),
it copies the program number and the speed limit.
M102 AND CPS R102 NE 0 = MOV R102 R202
If the same program is in execution (M102) and the speed is limited again with MDIS (R102), it copies
the speed limit.
M100 AND CPS R202 LT R103 = CNCWR(R202,PLCSL,M1000)
If there is a program in execution (M100) and the speed limit with MDISL (R202) is smaller than the
limit by CNC (R103), it applies the limit by PLC (value set by MDISL).
M100 AND CPS R202 GT R103 = CNCWR(R210,PLCSL,M1000)
If there is a program in execution (M100) and the speed limit with MDISL (R202) is greater than the
limit by CNC (R103), it does not limit the speed by PLC (R210=0).
DFD M100 = CNCWR(R210,PLCSL,M1000) = CNCWR(R210,MDISL,M1000)
After the execution, it cancels the speed limit by PLC and initializes the MDISL variable.

7.16.2 Cycle start disabled when hardware errors occur.

If when pressing the [CYCLE-START] key, a hardware error is detected (Axes board error, CAN
board error, etc.), the CNC does not allow executing or simulating the program. When a hardware
error occurs, the corresponding message is displayed.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.17 Configuring a CNC as two and a half axes

A two-and-a-half-axis configuration is a milling machine where the X and Y axes are motorized and
the Z axis is set as a DRO axis (display only). In this configuration, the Z axis is moved manually.

The CNC cycles and interface have been adapted for this type of configuration.

Configuring a CNC as two and a half axes

Cycle editing and execution

The cycles are edited, stored and simulated just like a 3-axis configuration.

The most significant different lays in the execution because the operator must move the Z axis by
hand. The standard screen shows the operations to be carried out by the operator. In each case,
it shows the status of the Z axis and the various actions to be executed by the operator.
• Move Z up (it shows an icon next to the final Z coordinate).
The operator must move the axis up manually. When the Z axis is in position, the message will
• Move Z down (it shows an icon next to the final Z coordinate).
The operator must move the axis down manually. When the Z axis is in position, the message
will change.
• Press [CYCLE START].
The operator must press [CYCLE START] to begin the automatic movement in the X-Y plane.
• Moving in X-Y.
The machine is moving in X-Y. When a Z axis move is required, the machine will stop and it will
request the operator's intervention.
• Tool inspection.
It went into tool inspection.

Canned cycles
Not all the cycles can be applied to a two-and-a-half-axis configuration. The forbidden cycles may
be hidden by machine parameters.
CNC 8055 In some of the permitted cycles, some data has been eliminated to adapt the cycle to the two-and-
CNC 8055i a-half-axis configuration. The eliminated data is the one referring to the Z axis operations.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.17.1 Machine parameter setting

The following machine parameters must be modified to configure the CNC as having two and a half


This parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left. Bit ·2· indicates whether the CNC is configured
as two and a half axes (bit=1) or not (bit=0).

COCYF1 (P148) COCYF5 (P152) COCYZ (P155)


Configuring a CNC as two and a half axes
These parameters allow hiding operations or cycles that are not used showing only the desired ones.
Each parameter is associated with an operation or cycle and each one of their bits refers to each
available level.

Each parameter has 16 bits counted from right to left. By default, all the bits will be assigned the
value of ·0· (option available). Assigning the value of ·1· hides the level of the corresponding cycle.
COCYZ (P155) 0000 0000 0100 0110

Bit Meaning

6 It hides the threading cycle.

2 It hides the drilling 3 cycle.

1 It hides the drilling 2 cycle.

COCYF5 (P152) 0000 0000 0000 0010

Bit Meaning

1 It hides the 3D profile pocket cycle.

COCYF1 (P148) 0000 0000 0000 0010

Bit Meaning

1 It hides the PROBE 1 cycle.

The PROBE1 cycle can also be hidden by setting parameters "PRBXMIN (P40)" through
"PRBZMAX (P45)" to zero.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.17.2 PLC Program

The PLC program must be modified as follows in order for the machine to work properly with a two-
and-a-half-axis configuration:
• Stop the machine when the Z axis gets in position and the X-Y axes are going to start moving.
• Disabled the X-Y axes when the axis to be moved is the Z axis.
• Distinguish between the execution status of programs, cycles, jog mode and tool inspection in
order to set the Z axis as a dro axis (display only) or not.

7. • The PLC mark "TOOLINSP"must always be active. Otherwise, when a STOP is generated with
the PLC, it goes directly into tool inspection mode.

The PLC program must contain a routine for the two-and-a-half-axis configuration and for the 3-axis
Configuring a CNC as two and a half axes

configuration. Switching from one to the other must be automatic depending on the value of
parameter CODISET.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

PLC programming example

;* * * * * * * * 2+1/2-AXIS APPLICATION * * * * * * * *
() = SET TOOLINSP = CNCRD(MPG147,R131,M1000)
NOT B2R131 = JMP L99
If it is not a 2+1/2-AXIS configuration, jump to label L99.
() = CNCRD(OPMODA,R130,M1000)
If the program is not in execution (B0R130), it is not interrupted (B4R130) and it is not in tool inspection

Configuring a CNC as two and a half axes
mode (B7R130), then Z is a DRO axis.
If the X axis or the Y axis is not in position and we it is coming out of tool inspection (B3R130), then
generate /STOP.
If wished to move the Z axis and the X-Y axes are in position, then the Z axis may be moved.
R131 = CNCWR(R131,PLCFRO,M9)
If the Z axis may be moved and the program is not in execution (B0R130), it is not repositioning
(B3R130) and it is not in tool inspection (B7R130), then inhibit the X-Y axes, set the feedrate override
of the PLC to 100% and disable the feedrate override.
M200 AND B0R130 AND NOT B4R130 = M412
If the Z axis may be moved, there is a program in execution (B0R130) and it is not interrupted
(B4R130), then the Z axis is moving.
If the Z axis is moving and you wish to move the X or Y axis, then generate /STOP.
If the program execution is finished or a /STOP has been generated, then the Z axis movement has
0 R131 = CNCWR(R131,PLCFRO,M9)
If [CYCLE START] is pressed and the Z axis does not move or the execution of the program ends
(B0R130) or it goes into tool inspection (B7R130), then enable the X-Y axes, set the PLC feedrate
override to 0% and enable the feedrate override.
;* * * * Emergency, feedhold, stop, auxend * * * *
E-stop button.
[CYCLE START] is pressed and the Z axis does not move.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.18 Tool magazine

7.18.1 Tool change via PLC

If the tool change process is interrupted, the values of the tool magazine table and active tool may
not reflect the machine's reality.

In order to be able to update the tool table, the tool change may be resumed from the PLC using
variables TOOL, NXTOOL, TOD, NXTOD and TMZT. This way, it is possible to resume the tool
change from the PLC and redefine the tool table according to their positions using the TMZT variable.
7. TOOL Number of the active tool.
Tool magazine

TOD Number of active tool offset.

NXTOOL Number of next tool. Tool that is selected but is awaiting the execution of M06 to be active.

NXTOD Number of the next tool’s offset.

Variables TOOL, NXTOOL, TOD and NXTOD can only be written from the PLC while no block or
part-program is being executed or simulated.

Redefine the tool and tool magazine tables.

To allocate a magazine position to the tool that is considered active by the CNC, but is actually,
physically, in the tool magazine, proceed as follows:
1. Deactivate the tool that the CNC considers active; TOOL=0 and TOD=0.
2. Assign to the tool the relevant position using the TMZT variable.

Before trying to write in variables TOOL, NXTOOL, TOD and NXTOD check the OPMODA variable
to make sure that no block or part-program is being executed or simulated. The next bits of the
OPMODEA variable must be set to ·0·.

Bit 0 Program in execution.

Bit 1 Program in simulation.

Bit 2 Block in execution via MDI, JOG.

Bit 8 Block in execution via CNCEX1.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.18.2 Tool magazine management

The following must be borne in mind when doing a tool change:

• The tool change is not validated until the execution of the T function or M06 is completed correctly.
If it is not completed correctly, the tool magazine table is not refreshed.
• If while executing a T or M06 function something unexpected happens, (CNC error, PLC error;
e-stop button pressed, CNC reset, etc.) a mark (TMINEM) will be activated that will set the CNC
in an error state.
• When executing a tool change, O1 must be set =1 in the tool change operation of the PLC
program. Otherwise, the CNC will issue the error message "Tool magazine in error state".
• If an error is detected during a tool change, the CNC memorizes this error until it is canceled

Tool magazine
by a PLC mark (RESTMEM) or by the option [REMOVE ERROR] that appears in the error
If this error is not canceled as mentioned earlier, it will stay memorized even if the CNC is turned
off and back on repeatedly. Even if the magazine error is memorized, the machine can keep
The CNC will only show this error message if the user requests a new tool while the error situation
is unsolved (PLC mark TMINEM active). The magazine error only prevents a new tool change.
In the conversational mode, it will show the error: "Tool magazine in error state".


Before removing the error, check that the position of the tools in the
magazine and the active tool match the tool table.


In ISO mode, in MANUAL (JOG), MDI or AUTO, it shows the error: "Emergency in tool magazine".
• During the state error, it is possible to execute any instruction in any mode (Jog, MDI), or even
execute a program.
Only the execution of any T or M6 will be disabled.
This management is only possible when a tool magazine has been defined.

Example of a PLC program to manage the emergencies at the tool magazine:

TMINEM ;Tool magazine manager in emergency state
= MSG100 ;Message to "check magazine and execute M98"
DFU TMINEM ;Tool magazine manager in emergency state
= RES SETTMEM ;Set the magazine manager in emergency state
M_SUBM06 ;Indicates tool changing subroutine. (M06) in execution
AND NOT TMINEM ;Tool magazine manager in emergency state
OR M_M06ERROR ;An error occurs when executing M06
= SET SETTMEM ;Set the magazine manager in emergency state
DFU SETTMEM ;Set the magazine manager in emergency state
OR DFU TMINEM ;Tool magazine manager in emergency state
CNC 8055
= ERA M1007 1010 ;Initialize magazine management related marks CNC 8055i
=RES M_SUBM06 ;Tool change subroutine. (M06) in execution
M98 ;Confirm magazine checked with M98
AND TMINEM ;Tool magazine manager in emergency state
SOFT: V02.2X
= SET RESTMEM ;Reset the emergency request to the manager

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.18.3 Additional information for magazine management

When executing a T function, or an M6, the PLC can have all the necessary information about the
new tool that has been requested and about the tool to be returned to the magazine.

This way, on one hand, there is no need to save the information sent out with the T (TBCD) in PLC
registers in order to use it when executing the M6. And on the other, between the execution of the
T and that of the M6 the tool magazine may have been changed by hand or variables TOOL or
NXTOOL may have been changed from the PLC; therefore, the information sent out with the T is
no longer correct and it must be updated (refreshed) with the M6.

7. The following information is applied to all types of magazine with an automatic tool changer. These
magazines may be the following:
Tool magazine

• Non-random magazine with general parameter TOOLMATY(P164)=0.

• Non-random magazine with general parameter TOOLMATY(P164)=1.
• Random magazine.

The PLC mark "T2STROBE" (M5535) and the corresponding PLC register "T2BCD" (R559) indicate
the magazine position where the active tool is to be left. With the M6, these marks will be sent out
for any type of magazine with an automatic tool changer as long as bit 12 of general parameter
TOOLTYPE (P167) is active.

PLC register "NT2BCD" and mark "NT2STROBE"

In order to make it easier to manage the magazine from the PLC point of view, the CNC provides
the PLC with information on the tool that is going to be returned to the magazine as soon as possible.
This information is sent out before executing the T.

When a new T is executed, the CNC sends the PLC register "NT2BCD" (R572) the magazine
position where the active tool will be put and it also indicates with the PLC mark "NT2STROBE"
(M5573) that there is new information in "NT2BCD". When executing the next M6, the value of
register "NT2BCD" will be transferred to register "T2BCD".

This information will be sent out for any type of magazine with an automatic tool changer as long
as the bit 12 of general parameter TOOLTYPE (P167) is active.

Duplicate the information given in TBCD and TSTROBE with M6

The provided information is duplicated with the execution of the T (TBCD register and TSTROBE
mark) when executing the next M6. This is done for safety reasons, just in case between the
execution of the T and that of the M6 an interruption has occurred for manual intervention or the
machine has been shut down.

This information is duplicated when bit 12 of general parameter TOOLTYPE (P167) is active.

CNC variables to be used in the subroutine associated with M6

Inside the M6 subroutine, it is useful to know whether the tools involved in the change are ground
tools or not in order to move the machine to the various tool change positions. PTOOL and
PNXTOOL variables are available to program the subroutine.
CNC 8055 These variables always work when bit 12 of the general parameter TOOLTYPE (P167) is active.
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.18.4 Anticipated tool management

This tool readying management is used to optimize the time required to change tools on machines
that have a tool magazine with a tool changer arm. This optimization consists in preparing the
magazine while machining to pick up the tool that will be used in the next operation.

The CNC knows well ahead of time which tool will be used next and it requests it some time before
it needs it. The magazine moves to the position of the tool and it stays waiting for the tool change.
This reduces part production time.

This optimization will also be noticed when programming in ISO code without having to program
the next T ahead of time.

Tool readying management is enabled/disabled using the Bit 12 of the general machine parameter

Tool magazine

For this tool readying management to work, the machine must have a tool magazine with automatic
tool changer and this requires the following:
• general parameter TOFFM06 (P28) = YES. Indicates that the machine is a machining center.
• general parameter NPOCKET (P24) other than 0. Indicates the number of pockets in the tool

Advanced (anticipated) execution of the next T

Anticipated tool management consists in executing the T in advance; i.e. it may take place up to
1000 blocks before executing the corresponding M6. Using this feature does not require
programming anything special.

If two T's have been programmed without an M6 between them, the first one does not allow the tool

The anticipated tool management does not begin until the last M, S or T operation is completed.
Also, while anticipated tool management is in execution, no PLC operation for M, S or T will be
executed until the tool management is completed.

When using anticipated tool management, the new T appears in the history as a pending tool in
advance and the tool magazine is also refreshed in advance.

When going into tool inspection mode, when the management of the next T has been anticipated,
even if the tool is changed during inspection, the next T will be prepared again after the inspection.

Since the T readying management begins when the preparation finds the corresponding M6, if there
is a program containing a T and then an M30, without an M6 in between, in this case, the M30 will
give way to the readying functionality of that T. In this manner, the T required by the following program
may be prepared prior to its execution.


In the following example, the tool change is programmed in two consecutive blocks (Tn and M6).
In this case, the execution of the T will be advanced (anticipated) as much as possible. If there is
any program block that interrupts block preparation, the anticipation will not be of 1000 blocks, but
it will begin once that block is executed.

In the following program:

N1 …....
N2 …....
N500 (P100 = TPOSX) CNC 8055
N501....... CNC 8055i
N600 T2
N601 M6
SOFT: V02.2X
The execution of block T2 can only begin after block (P100 = TPOSX), that interrupts preparation,
is executed. If that block is eliminated, the execution of T2 could begin at the same time as block N1.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Anticipation when returning the tool to the magazine

This management may be added in the PLC to improve tool change execution time while making
sure that the magazine cycle is completed before starting the next tool change.

For the tool change to be safer and more efficient, the PLC must set logic input /XINHMZ low with
the M6 to indicate that it is running to return the previous tool to the magazine. When all the steps
of the the execution of the M6 are completed and the magazine is ready to make another tool change,
the PLC must set logic input /XINHMZ high. This way, as soon the PLC receives the data of the M6,

7. it can raise the AUXEND signal and the part program may keep running while the tool is being
returned to the magazine.

With this management, is an error occurs in the last part of the PLC operation, when the history
Tool magazine

and the magazine table have already changed, it prevents the real status of the magazine from not
matching the one assumed at the CNC.

This management will only take place if the T management is anticipated; i.e. if it is being executed
in automatic mode and with bit 12 of general parameter TOOLTYPE (P167) = 1.

The part program is not considered completed until the /XINHMZ mark is set to 1 indicating that
the tool has been put in the magazine. This is good for M30, M2 and the last line of the program.

While the /XINHMZ mark is low, the T will be highlighted in reverse video both in ISO mode and in
conversational mode.

Ground tools

A ground tool is one that is in the tool table but not in the magazine table.

A ground tool does not occupy any position in the magazine and is identified with the value -4 in
TBCD (when requesting the tool) and in T2BCD (when returning it to the magazine).

Ground tool processing is activated with the same bit of anticipated T.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.19 Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

The gear ratios on axes and spindle, depending on whether they are analog, CAN or Sercos, are
managed as follows:


If axis parameters PITCHB (P86), INPREV (P87) and OUTPREV (P88) are other than 0, the CNC
will assume these values and will not issue an error.

If axis machine parameters PITCHB (P86)=0, INPREV (P87)=0 and OUTPREV (P88)=0, it will read
these parameters from the drive. The equivalences are:
• axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = NP123 (drive)

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
• axis parameter INPREV (P87) = NP121 (drive)
• axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = NP122 (drive)

If the value of any of these parameters is other than 0, the CNC shows a message indicating that
the parameters are wrong. In this case, in JOG mode or in execution, it displays an error and it will
not be possible to move the machine.

When using SERCOS spindles, the velocity command may be output based on spindle parameters
INPREV1..4 and OUTPREV1..4 (P72..79) as it is done with CAN spindles. To do it this way, some
of spindle parameters INPREV1..4 or OUTPREV1..4 must be set to a value other than 0. In this case,
parameters INPREV and OUTPREV are written in the drives.

Another option is to set spindle machine parameters MAXVOLT1..4 (P37..40). Making the CNC work
taking MAXVOLT1..4 (P37..40) into account requires setting all parameters INPREV1..4 and
OUTPTREV1..4 to 0. In this case, it will read the gear ratio values of the servo system. The CNC
applies the values of NP121 and NP122 of the first 4 gears, SP20 (Volts) and SP21 (rpm) of the
drive and MAXGEAR1..4 and MAXVOLT1..4 of the CNC.


If axis machine parameters INPREV (P87)=0 and OUTPREV (P88)=0, they will be taken as if they
were 1. There is no need to put anything in axis parameter PITCH (P7), except in the following case:
If axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0 and axis parameters INPREV (P87) and OUTPREV
(P88) are 0, it will attend to axis parameter PITCH (P7).

the way to set gear ratios in an axis is the following:

• PITCHB (P86) = leadscrew pitch.
• INPREV (P87) = input revolutions.
• OUTPREV (P88) = output revolutions.


the way to set gear ratios in an axis is the following:

• If axis parameters PITCHB (P86), INPREV (P87) and OUTPREV (P88) are 0, the gear ratios
are set as follows:
 PITCH (P7) = leadscrew pitch.
 If there are gears, PITCH (P7) = (leadscrew pitch x OUTPREV) / INPREV.
• If axis parameters PITCHB (P86), INPREV (P87) and OUTPREV (P88) are other than 0, the
CNC will assume these values and will not issue an error.
• If the value of any of these parameters is other than 0, the CNC shows a message indicating
that the parameters are wrong. In this case, in JOG mode or in execution, it displays an error
and it will not be possible to move the machine.
CNC 8055
In any configuration where the INPREV or OUTPREV values are indivisible, the I0 (home) signal will CNC 8055i
i be generated from the home switch (DECEL*).
The feature to detect the right I0 among several possible ones by different gear ratios only works for
spindles and Sercos rotary axes.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.19.1 Example of axes: encoder in the motor



Gear ratio management on axes and spindle


We have an axis with a maximum feedrate of 20 m/min, with a leadscrew pitch of 20 and a 3-to-1
gear ratio between the motor and the leadscrew. The motor encoder provides 2500 pulses per turn.

Sercos / CAN axes

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 1.

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.

Calculation of maximum motor speed for a feedrate of G00FEED:

Maximum motor speed = (G00FEED x INPREV) / (PITCHB x OUTPREV)
= (20000 x 3) / (20 x 1) = 3000 rpm.

Analog axes

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:

 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 2500.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
CNC 8055
 Motor gear ratio:
CNC 8055i
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.19.2 Example of axes: external encoder without gear ratio

In this case, on linear axes the encoder is connected directly to the leadscrew and on rotary axes,
it is connected directly to the center of rotation. If it is a rotary axis, the leadscrew pitch will be 360.



Gear ratio management on axes and spindle


We have an axis with a maximum feedrate of 20 m/min, with a leadscrew pitch of 20 and a 3-to-1
gear ratio between the motor and the leadscrew. The encoder is an HOP model (Vpp) and provides
18,000 pulses per turn. If a linear encoder is a FAGOR GOX model with a glass/steel-tape grading
pitch of 20 and the actual TTL pitch is 4.

Sercos axes

1. External feedback device connected to the drive (second feedback)

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 2.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback:
 GP10 (drive) = feedback type of the external encoder = 2.
 NP131 (drive) = input revolutions of the external encoder = 1 (default value).
 NP132 (drive) = output revolutions of the external encoder = 1 (default value).
 NP133 (drive) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
With rotary encoder:
•PP115 (drive) = bit 0 = 0 (direct external rotary feedback).
•NP117 (drive) = number of pulses per turn of the external encoder = 18000. CNC 8055
•NP165 (drive) = 1001 (see table of the drive manual). CNC 8055i
•NP166 (drive) = 1000 (see table of the drive manual).

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

With linear encoder:

•PP115 (drive) = bit 0 = 1 (direct external linear feedback).
•NP117 (drive) = glass/tape graduation pitch of the linear encoder = 20.
•NP118 (drive) = actual (real) counting pitch of the linear encoder = 4. If there is no multiplier
circuit (EXE) incorporated into the feedback, the value is the same as NP117.
•NP165 (drive) = 1001 (see table of the drive manual).
•NP166 (drive) = 1000 (see table of the drive manual).

7. 2. External feedback connected to the CNC

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0.
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:

 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
With rotary encoder:
•axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
•axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
•axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 1.
•Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
With linear encoder:
•axis parameter PITCH (P7) = linear encoder pitch = 20.
•axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = 0.
•axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 0.
•Axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 20/4 = 5.

Calculation of the velocity command for a feedrate of G00FEED:

Command = (G00FEED x INPREV) / (PITCHB x OUTPREV) = (20000 x 3) / (20 x 1) = 3000 rpm.

Calculation of the resulting resolution:

TTL encoder: Resolution = PITCHB / (4 x NPULSES)
Sinusoidal encoder: Resolution = PITCHB / (SINMAGNI x NPULSES)
TTL linear encoder: Resolution = PITCH / 4
Sinusoidal linear encoder:Resolution = PITCH / SINMAGNI

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

CAN axes

1. External feedback connected to the CNC

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
With rotary encoder:
•axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
•axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
•axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 1.
•Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
With linear encoder:
•axis parameter PITCH (P7) = linear encoder pitch = 20.
•axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = 0.
•axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 0.
•Axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 20/4 = 5.

Calculation of the velocity command for a feedrate of G00FEED:

Command = (G00FEED x INPREV) / (PITCHB x OUTPREV) = (20000 x 3) / (20 x 1) = 3000 rpm.

Calculation of the resulting resolution:

TTL encoder: Resolution = PITCHB / (4 x NPULSES)
Sinusoidal encoder: Resolution = PITCHB / (SINMAGNI x NPULSES)
TTL linear encoder: Resolution = PITCH / 4
Sinusoidal linear encoder:Resolution = PITCH / SINMAGNI

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Analog axes

1. External feedback connected to the CNC

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.

7. With rotary encoder:

•axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

•axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
•axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 1.
•Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
•Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
With linear encoder:
•axis parameter PITCH (P7) = linear encoder pitch = 20.
•axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = 0.
•axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 0.
•Axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 20/4 = 5.

Calculation of the motor speed with a command of MAXVOLT for a feedrate of G00FEED:
Motor speed = (G00FEED x INPREV) / (PITCHB x OUTPREV) = (20000 x 3) / (20 x 1) = 3000

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.19.3 Example of axes: external encoder with gear ratio

In this case, on linear axes the encoder is connected to the leadscrew through a gear box and on
rotary axes, it is connected to the center of rotation through a gear box.




Gear ratio management on axes and spindle


We have an axis with a maximum feedrate of 20 m/min, with a leadscrew pitch of 20 and a 3-to-1
gear ratio between the motor and the leadscrew. The encoder is an HOP model (Vpp) and provides
18,000 pulses per turn and a 2-to-3 gear ratio.

Sercos axes

1. External feedback device connected to the drive (second feedback)

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 2.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback:
 GP10 (drive) = feedback type of the external encoder = 2.
 PP115 (drive) = bit 0 = 0 (direct external rotary feedback).
 NP117 (drive) = number of pulses per turn of the external encoder = 18000.
 NP131 (drive) = input revolutions of the external encoder = 2.
 NP132 (drive) = output revolutions of the external encoder = 3.
CNC 8055
 NP133 (drive) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
CNC 8055i
 NP165 (drive) = 1001 (see table of the drive manual).
 NP166 (drive) = 1000 (see table of the drive manual).

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

2. External feedback connected to the CNC

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.

7. axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.

 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder
= 18000 / (3 / 2) = 12000. (only integer values are allowed).
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
 axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 1.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.

CAN axes

1. External feedback connected to the CNC

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.
 NP121 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter INPREV (P87) of the CNC.
 NP122 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) of the
 NP123 (drive) = it automatically loads the value of axis parameter PITCHB (P86) of the CNC.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder
= 18000 / (3 / 2) = 12000. (only integer values are allowed).
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
 axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 1.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Analog axes

1. External feedback connected to the CNC

 Axis parameter DRIBUSLE (P63) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 Axis parameter G00FEED (P38) = Maximum feedrate of the axis = 20000.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P8) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P10) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
 axis parameter EXTMULT (P57) = Multiplying factor of the feedback = 1.
 Axis parameter PITCHB (P86) = Leadscrew pitch = 20.
 Motor gear ratio:
axis parameter INPREV (P87) = Input revolutions =3.
axis parameter OUTPREV (P88) = Output revolutions = 1.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.19.4 Example of spindle: encoder in the motor

Having a spindle with 4 gears. The maximum rpm and the gear ratio for each gear are the following:
Gear 1: maximum speed 1000 rpm, gear ratio 4:1.
Gear 2: maximum speed 2000 rpm, gear ratio 2:1.
Gear 3: maximum speed 3000 rpm, gear ratio 4:3.
Gear 4: maximum speed 3500 rpm, gear ratio 1:1.

The encoder is an HOP model (Vpp) and provides 18,000 pulses per turn.
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

Sercos / CAN spindle

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 1.

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Analog spindle

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:

 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT1 (P37) = maximum velocity command for the first gear = 9500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT2 (P38) = maximum velocity command for the second gear =

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT3 (P39) = maximum velocity command for the third gear = 9500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT4 (P40) = maximum velocity command for the fourth gear.
= 9500 x 3500 rpm / 4000 rpm = 8312.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P13) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.

Calculation of motor speed for the MAXVOLT of each range (gear):

Motor speed with MAXVOLT1 = 1000 x 4 / 1 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT2 = 2000 x 2 / 1 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT3 = 3000 x 4 / 3 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT4 = 3500 x 1 / 1 = 3500 rpm.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

7.19.5 Example of spindle: external encoder without gear ratio

Having a spindle with 4 gears. The maximum rpm and the gear ratio for each gear are the following:
Gear 1: maximum speed 1000 rpm, gear ratio 4:1.
Gear 2: maximum speed 2000 rpm, gear ratio 2:1.
Gear 3: maximum speed 3000 rpm, gear ratio 4:3.
Gear 4: maximum speed 3500 rpm, gear ratio 1:1.

The encoder is an HOP model (Vpp) and provides 18,000 pulses per turn.
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

Sercos spindle

1. External encoder device connected to the drive (second feedback)

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 2.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback:
 GP10 (drive) = feedback type of the external encoder = 2.
 PP115 (drive) = bit 0 = 0 (direct external rotary feedback).
 NP117 (drive) = number of pulses per turn of the external encoder = 18000.
 NP131 (drive) = input revolutions of the external encoder = 1 (default value).
 NP132 (drive) = output revolutions of the external encoder = 1 (default value).
 NP133 (drive) = Leadscrew pitch = 360.
 NP165 (drive) = 1001 (see table of the drive manual).
 NP166 (drive) = 1000 (see table of the drive manual).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

2. External encoder connected to the CNC

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2. 7.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P13) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.

CAN spindle

1. External encoder connected to the CNC

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P13) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.

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Analog spindle

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:

 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =1.
7.  spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =1.
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT1 (P37) = maximum velocity command for the first gear = 9500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT2 (P38) = maximum velocity command for the second gear =
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT3 (P39) = maximum velocity command for the third gear = 9500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT4 (P40) = maximum velocity command for the fourth gear.
= 9500 x 3500 rpm / 4000 rpm = 8312.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 axis parameter NPULSES (P13) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
 axis parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.

Calculation of motor speed for the MAXVOLT of each range (gear):

Motor speed with MAXVOLT1 = 1000 x 4 / 1 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT2 = 2000 x 2 / 1 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT3 = 3000 x 4 / 3 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT4 = 3500 x 1 / 1 = 3500 rpm.

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Installation manual

7.19.6 Example of spindle: external encoder with gear ratio

Having a spindle with 4 gears. The maximum rpm and the gear ratio for each gear are the following:
Gear 1: maximum speed 1000 rpm, gear ratio 4:1.
Gear 2: maximum speed 2000 rpm, gear ratio 2:1.
Gear 3: maximum speed 3000 rpm, gear ratio 4:3.
Gear 4: maximum speed 3500 rpm, gear ratio 1:1.

The encoder is an HOP model (Vpp) and provides 18,000 pulses per turn and a 2-to-3 gear ratio.

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
Sercos spindle

1. External encoder device connected to the drive (second feedback)

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 2.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback:
 GP10 (drive) = feedback type of the external encoder = 2.
 PP115 (drive) = bit 0 = 0 (direct external rotary feedback).
 NP117 (drive) = number of pulses per turn of the external encoder = 18000.
 NP131 (drive) = input revolutions of the external encoder = 2.
 NP132 (drive) = output revolutions of the external encoder = 3.
 NP133 (drive) = Leadscrew pitch = 360.
 NP165 (drive) = 1001 (see table of the drive manual).
 NP166 (drive) = 1000 (see table of the drive manual).

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2. External encoder connected to the CNC

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
7.  spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
Gear ratio management on axes and spindle

 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 Spindle parameter NPULSES (P16) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder
= 18000 / (3 / 2) = 12000. (only integer values are allowed).
 Spindle parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.

CAN spindle

1. External encoder connected to the CNC

 spindle parameter DRIBUSLE (P51) = 0.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =4.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =1.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =1.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 Spindle parameter NPULSES (P13) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder
= 18000 / (3 / 2) = 12000. (only integer values are allowed).
 Spindle parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Analog spindle

Parameters involved in the calculation of the velocity command:

 spindle parameter MAXGEAR1 (P2) = maximum rpm of the first gear = 1000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR2 (P3) = maximum rpm of the second gear = 2000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR3 (P4) = maximum rpm of the third gear = 3000.
 spindle parameter MAXGEAR4 (P5) = maximum rpm of the fourth gear = 3500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT1 (P37) = maximum velocity command for the first gear = 9500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT2 (P38) = maximum velocity command for the second gear =

Gear ratio management on axes and spindle
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT3 (P39) = maximum velocity command for the third gear = 9500.
 spindle parameter MAXVOLT4 (P40) = maximum velocity command for the fourth gear.
= 9500 x 3500 rpm / 4000 rpm = 8312.
Parameters involved in the calculation of the position feedback.
 Spindle parameter NPULSES (P13) = number of pulses per turn of the encoder = 18000.
 Spindle parameter SINMAGNI (P65) = Multiplying factor if the encoder is sinusoidal = 200.
 spindle parameter INPREV1 (P72) = Input revolutions of the first gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV2 (P74) = Input revolutions of the second gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV3 (P76) = Input revolutions of the third gear =2.
 spindle parameter INPREV4 (P78) = Input revolutions of the fourth gear =2.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV1 (P73) = output revolutions of the first gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV2 (P75) = output revolutions of the second gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV3 (P77) = output revolutions of the third gear =3.
 spindle parameter OUTPREV4 (P79) = output revolutions of the fourth gear =3.

Calculation of motor speed for the MAXVOLT of each range (gear):

Motor speed with MAXVOLT1 = 1000 x 4 / 1 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT2 = 2000 x 2 / 1 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT3 = 3000 x 4 / 3 = 4000 rpm.
Motor speed with MAXVOLT4 = 3500 x 1 / 1 = 3500 rpm.

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SOFT: V02.2X

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7.20 Feedback combination for SERCOS axes with external feedback to

the CNC

On large machines that have a lot of backlash and use external feedback to obtain greater accuracy
may suffer some instability. This kind of machines run smoothly with internal feedback, but it may
lose precision; with external feedback, however, the accuracy improves but the machine movements
may be jerky. Combining both feedbacks both precision and smoothness may be achieved.

The feedback combination is handled with axis machine parameter FBMIXTIM (P102) and is valid
for linear and rotary axes.
7. The CNC uses feedback combination to calculate the feedrate. The CNC uses the external feedback
(direct feedback) to calculate the compensations, the circularity test, etc.
Feedback combination for SERCOS axes with external feedback to

the CNC

Feedback combination can only be used when the external feedback goes to the CNC. If the external
feedback goes to the drive, feedback combination will be disabled.

Cases where feedback combination is not supported:

• Spindles.
• CAN axes.

In order for the feedback combination to work properly, the counting direction of the internal and
external feedbacks must be the same. If the counting direction of both feedbacks is not the same, it
must be changed using axis parameter AXISCHG (P13). Otherwise, the feedback combination will
not work.

Feedback combination is compatible with the monitoring of the difference between the first and
second feedbacks. Even if monitoring is not active, when detecting that the accumulated feedback
difference between the first (internal) feedback and the second (external) feedback is too large, the
CNC shows an error message and opens the loop.

Use variables MIXPO(X..C) and FLWAC(C..C) to know the axis position with combined feedback
and the real error considering the second feedback.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.21 Open communication

Open communication lets the CNC communicate with any device through the RS232 serial line
without having to use any particular protocol.

Open communication uses the machine parameters, variables and PLC instructions described next.

Machine parameters for serial line 2

Using open communication requires setting the following parameters for serial line 2:

Open communication
• BAUDRATE (P0): Communication speed.
• NBITSCHR (P1): Number of data bits per transmitted character.
• PARITY (P2): Type of parity check used.
• STOPBITS (P3): Number of stop bits at the end of each transmitted word.
• PROTOCOL (P4): Type of protocol to be used.
• RCVMAXCAR (P11): Maximum number of characters that may be received.
• RCVENDTI (P12): Indicates the maximum reception time.

Open communication is enabled with parameter PROTOCOL (P4). To enable it, set parameter
PROTOCOL (P4) = 3.

CNC/PLC/DNC variables

There are 2 communication buffers that may be set indistinctively as data input or data output.

These buffers may be accessed with the instructions CNCRD/CNCWR indicating the buffer number
and the position. Each buffer may have up to 255 Bytes and it may be accessed in Byte, Word or
Long mode.
• Access in BYTE mode will be done with COMBUFB.
• Access in WORD mode will be done with COMBUFW.
• Access in LONG mode will be done with COMBUFL.

The accesses to the buffers are defined as: COMBUFB/W/L nBuffer posBuffer.
• nBuffer indicates the buffer number (1 or 2).
• posBuffer gives access de byte indicated inside the buffer.

The first 2 bytes of the buffer indicate the number of bytes to be sent in transmission When receiving,
the first 2 bytes will indicate the number of bytes received.

() = CNCRD(COMBUFB 1 R3,R4,M1) = CNCWR(R4, COMBUFB 1 8,M1)
It reads from buffer 1 the position BYTE of index R3 leaving the result in R4 and writes it in position
8 of buffer 1.

In direct writing mode, the buffer can also be accessed in Byte/Word/Long mode directly without
having to go through register.

() = CNCWR($28, COMBUFB 1 4,M1)
Writes the hexadecimal character 28 in the position of the BYTE 4 of buffer 1.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Using open communication requires considering the following variables:
RCVSTAT: Variable that indicates reception status.
RCVCTRL: Variable used to control reception.
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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

PLC instruction.

PLC instructions to control communication via RS232. These READ and WRITE instructions may
be executed from a periodic execution module (PE).
= WRITE nBuffer.
= READ nBuffer.

Open communication

There are the following PLC marks:

READEND (M5507): CNC output that indicates that the message received is in the buffer.
READRDY (M5571): CNC output that indicates whether the READ commands may be received
or not.
WRITERDY (M5572): CNC output that indicates whether the WRITE commands may be sent
or not.

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SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.21.1 Reception setting

Reception of a message begins and ends as follows:

Beginning of the reception of a message

As soon as the READ character is executed, it puts the characters in the message as they come
in. The variable RCVSTARTTI is set to 0, this causes the RCV instruction to receive characters as
soon as it is executed. 7.
With this mode, parameter RCVENDTI (P12) of serial line 2 may be used as message reception

Open communication

End of the reception of a message

The READ instruction has several modes to end the reading of a message :
1. Message time :
The message ends after the time indicated in parameter RCVENDTI (P12) of serial line 2 has
elapsed since the beginning of the message. It starts counting as soon as the conditions to
receive the first character of the message are met.
RCVCTRL: bit2=1
RCVENDTI (P12) = time
2. Maximum number of characters:
Indicates the maximum number of characters to be received using parameter RCVMAXCAR
(P11) of serial line 2. When this number is reached, the message is considered completed. It
is used for protocols where the number of bytes received is always the same. It may be used
in combination with other systems.
3. Parity errors:
If the hardware detects a parity error in the characters, the message ends.
4. Via PLC program :
The message ends if bit 7 of variable RCVCTRL is set to 1.

7.21.2 Incompatibility with WINDNC via RS232

Having set an open communication via RS232 serial line, that line cannot be used to communicate
with the Windnc. To use Windnc at the same time, it must be used via the Ethernet line.

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7.21.3 Trace of characters sent and received

To help debug the open communication at a CNC, it is possible to do a trace of all characters that
are sent and received through the RS232 serial line.

The trace will be triggered with two PLC marks:

• RSTRAEN : PLC mark that enables the trace. From this instant on, it will capture the traces all
the characters sent/received through the serial line.
• RSTRATRG : PLC mark that triggers the trace. In order to pay attention to this signal, the trace

7. must've been enabled with the RSTRAEN signal. It captures 15 lines sent/received before and
after triggering this trace.
Once the trace has been triggered, it won't be triggered until the CNC is powered up again, until
Open communication

it is saved into the file and/or until another ENABLE is done again.

The trace data may be displayed on the STATUS-DNC screen that offers the [OPENRS] softkey.
Pressing this softkey gives access to the open communication status screen.

As shown on the screen below, besides displaying the two communication buffers (COMBUF1 and
COMBUF2), there are two softkeys to activate and manage traces without having to use PLC

PLC instructions are used to begin a trace, the [SAVE TRACE] softkey must be pressed to save
the trace into the KeyCF.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.21.4 Examples of open communication

Here are some examples of open communication:

Send 1 message

Pressing the F key sends the ?"HELLO" message through the serial line.

DFU B0R560= CNCWR($48,COMBUFB 1 2,M1); 'H'


Open communication
= CNCWR($45,COMBUFB 1 3,M1); 'E'
= CNCWR($4C,COMBUFB 1,4,M1); 'L'
= CNCWR($4C,COMBUFB 1 5,M1); 'L'
= CNCWR($4F,COMBUFB 1 6.M1) ; 'O'
= CNCWR(5,COMBUFW 1 0,M1); Write the length of the string to be sent in the
first word
= WRITE 1 ; Send through the serial line.

Send 1 message and wait for the response

Pressing the F key sends 2 integers with the numbers $10000000 and $20000000 and waits for the
answer that must be the same data that was sent. It does not have a wait timeout.

Set the following serial line parameters as follows:

RCVENDTI (P12) = 0

DFU B0R560 = CNCWR($10000000,COMBUFL 1 2,M1)

= CNCWR($20000000,COMBUFL 1 6,M1)
= CNCWR(8,COMBUFW 1 0,M1) ;2 long means a message length of 8 bytes
= READ 2

; Read the data from the buffer and leave it in registers at the end of reception.
= CNCRD(COMBUFL 2 2,R101,M1)
= CNCRD(COMBUFL 2 6,R102,M1)

; Verify (compare) that the data received has the same value as the ones sent.
AND CPS R101 EQ $10000000
AND CPS R102 EQ $20000000 = NOT ERR7

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Send 1 message and wait for the response with timeout

Pressing the F key sends 2 integers with the numbers $10000000 and $20000000 and waits for the
answer that must be the same data that was sent.

Wait a maximum of 1 second since it sends the message until it receives the answer.

Set the following serial line parameters as follows:


7. RCVENDTI (P12) = 1000

Open communication

DFU B0R560 = CNCWR($10000000,COMBUFL 1 2,M1)

= CNCWR($20000000,COMBUFL 1 6,M1)
= CNCWR(8,COMBUFW 1 0,M1) ;2 long means a message length of 8 bytes
= READ 2

; Read the data from the buffer and leave it in registers at the end of reception.
() = CNCRD(COMBUFW 2 0,R100,M1)
= CNCRD(COMBUFL 2 2,R101,M1)
= CNCRD(COMBUFL 2 6,R102,M1)
= CNCRD(RCVSTAT,R110,M1) ; reception status

; Verify (compare) that the data received has the same value as the ones sent.
CPS R100 EQ 8
AND CPS R101 EQ $10000000
AND CPS R102 EQ $20000000 = NOT SET ERR7

B0R110 = ERR100 ; Parity errors

B2R110 = ERR101 ; Timeout error
B6R110 = ERR102; Reception error

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SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Continuous communication between 2 CNC's where one is the

master and the other the slave

Two CNC's continuously exchange 64 PLC marks when pressing the F key at the master.

Master CNC programming:

Set the following serial line parameters as follows:
RCVENDTI (P12) = 500 7.
It must receive the answer in 500 ms.

Open communication
; Beginning of the process when pressing the F key
DFU B0R560 = SET M1000

; Stage 0
; Send message
= RES M1000 = SET M1001 ; Go to stage 1

; Stage 1
; Wait for end of transmission
M1001 AND WRITERDY = RES M1001 = SET M1002 ; Go to stage 2

; Stage 2
; Command to read 1 message
= RES M1003 = SET M1000 ; Go to stage 3

; Stage 3
; Wait for end of message reception
= RES M1003 = SET M1000 ; Go to stage 0

END ; end of PRG

; Copy marks M3100..M3163 into the buffer to send them

() = MOV M3100 R300
= MOV M3132 R301
= CNCWR(R300,COMBUFL 2 2,M1)
= CNCWR(R301,COMBUFL 2 6,M1)

; Copy the received data into marks M3000.. M3063

() = CNCRD(COMBUFL 1 2,R300,M1)
= CNCRD(COMBUFL 1 6,R301,M1)
= MOV R300 M3000 CNC 8055
= MOV R301 M3032
= CNCRD(RCVSTAT,R310,M1) ; reception status
CNC 8055i
B6R310 = SET ERR102; Reception error

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Slave CNC programming:

Set the following serial line parameters as follows:
RCVENDTI (P12) = 0

() = SET M1000
7. PRG
Open communication

; Stage 0
; Command to read 1 message
= RES M1000 = SET M1001 ; Go to stage 1

; Stage 1
; Wait for end of message reception
= RES M1001 = SET M1002 ; Go to stage 2

; Stage 2
; Send message
= RES M1002 = SET M1003 ; Go to stage 3

; Stage 3
; Wait for end of transmission
M1003 AND WRITERDY = RES M1003 = SET M1000 ; Go to stage 0

END ; end of PRG

; Copy the received data into marks M3000.. M3063

() = CNCRD(COMBUFL 1 2,R300,M1)
= CNCRD(COMBUFL 1 6,R301,M1)
= MOV R300 M3000
= MOV R301 M3032
= CNCRD(RCVSTAT,R310,M1) ; reception status
B6R310 = SET ERR102; Reception error

; Copy marks M3100..M3163 into the buffer to send them

() = MOV M3100 R300
= MOV M3132 R301
= CNCWR(R300,COMBUFL 2 2,M1)
= CNCWR(R301,COMBUFL 2 6,M1)

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

7.22 Auto-adjustment of axis machine parameter DERGAIN

The auto-adjustment of DERGAIN allows setting the axis machine parameters DERGAIN of the
three sets so the following error of the axis is close to 0.
• First set of gains and accelerations: axis parameter DERGAIN (P24).
• Second set of gains and accelerations: axis parameter DERGAIN2 (P61).
• First set of gains and accelerations: axis parameter DERGAINT (P94).

The CNC makes this adjustments automatically. For that, the CNC creates a part program that is
executed by pressing the "START" key. The movement limits of the program are taken from the
current position (JOG). 7.

Auto-adjustment of axis machine parameter DERGAIN
When doing the DERGAIN auto-adjustment, it saves a .log file with the auto-adjustment process
in a part program.

While executing the program, it will be possible to access the oscilloscope by keying in 71 to monitor
the adjustment as it is carried out. One must check that there is no position overshooting.

The value of the OPMODE variable when going into the DERGAIN auto-adjustment will be 120.

Going into the DERGAIN auto-adjustment


follow these steps:
1. Select axis and parameter set:
First select the axis whose DERGAIN is to be adjusted and the set of gain parameters. Then,
confirm with the START softkey.
2. Generating the adjustment program:
Once the axis and the parameter set have been selected, the CNC generates the program that
will be executed to auto-adjust the DERGAIN. Configure the oscilloscope and initiate the trace
for the selected axis. Then, it remains waiting for the axis to position correctly and for
3. Program execution:
Once the position has been confirmed, the CNC waits for the START key to be pressed. Pressing
START runs the auto-adjustment program and the screen shows the execution status warnings.
For safety reasons, the first movement is made slowly giving the user enough time to cancel the
auto-adjustment by pressing STOP if necessary and restarted by pressing RESET.
The value of parameter DERGAIN for each axis and set is continuously updated on the auto-
adjustment screen.
When the execution is over, it displays the confirmation request for the adjusted value. Pressing
RESET returns to the initial state.

The auto-adjustment of DERGAIN can only be done when axis parameter ACFGAIN (P46) is YES
While executing the auto-adjustment, the CNC ignores the position of the feedrate override switch.
If the value of axis parameter ACFGAIN (P46) is changed, DERGAIN will have to be readjusted.
The best results of the auto-adjustment are obtained by setting SERCOS drive parameter SERCOS

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Feature limitations

The area for the back-and-forth axis movement must be long enough to reach G0.

DERGAIN can only be auto-adjusted on linear and rotary axes. Auto-adjustment is not possible on
switched axes, gantry, tandem axes, dead axes or spindles.

The DERGAIN auto-adjustment requires properly setting parameter FFGAIN of the corresponding
set. If parameter FFGAIN is not properly set, it will issue the relevant error message.

7. • First set of gains and accelerations: axis parameter FFGAIN (P25).

• Second set of gains and accelerations: axis parameter FFGAIN2 (P62).
• Third set of gains and accelerations: axis parameter FFGAINT (P95).
Auto-adjustment of axis machine parameter DERGAIN

If the CNC has the OEM password, going into auto-adjustment will require that password.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

7.23 Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis

This feature should be applied on machines whose dynamics causes significant elastic deformation
on the transmission system (coupling) of each axis generating unacceptable deviations on any path
followed by the tool tip in machining processes, cutting processes etc. that cannot be compensated
by the control loops because they are out of the measuring system.

With laser cutting machines, machine axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) may be used to offset
the deformation of the arm that supports the laser when it is accelerating or decelerating.

Prior considerations

Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis
This feature may be applied to any machine that only uses motor feedback regardless of the type
of path the tool tip will follow.

The dynamic behavior of the machine should be analyzed when the tool tip follows a circular path
(since it is an easy geometric shape for measuring path deviations) in order to obtain the value of
the elastic deformation compensation on each axis of the machine.

That's why most of the mathematical expressions appearing next are only to be applied to circular

If the user wishes to analyze the elastic deformations on his machine by running some tests with
other more complex tool paths, he will not be able to apply some of the expressions shown here.

The numerical data appearing in their examples are merely illustrative. Do not copy this data to run
your tests. Remember that each machining operation that the machine carries out requires very
specific cutting and working conditions that rarely coincide with the data shown in the examples.

Elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis

Let us suppose a system consisting of a servomotor with a position feedback, an elastic coupling
and the tool tip..






When the system starts moving, if the coupling would ideally not be deformed, the position of the
tool tip would strictly follow the path that the part program of the CNC commanded and it would be
the same as the position given by the feedback device integrated into the motor.

However, assuming that the coupling cannot be deformed is not realistic Therefore, while moving,
the coupling suffers an elastic deformation more or less significant depending on its acceleration;
i.e. of the relative feedrate between the tool tip and the table that affects, to a greater or lesser degree.
the path to follow.
CNC 8055
Then, the path demanded by the part-program of the CNC is not truthfully followed by the tool tip, CNC 8055i
there is a deviation due to the elastic deformation of the axis coupling.

This path deviation is not measured by the motor position feedback device because it is located just
before the elastic coupling and, consequently, it is not aware of this deformation. This is why there
is no deviation to compensate for the control loop of the CNC. SOFT: V02.2X

In this scenario where this deviation is not measured and, even if it is, it cannot be compensated
for by increasing the proportional gain of the system in the control loops, this deviation must be
compensated using the axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103), setting it with the value of the

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

resonance frequency (in Hz) associated with the elastic coupling. The procedure to obtain this
frequency will be described later on.

Dynamic factors that affect elastic deformation.

The deformation suffered by an elastic mechanical system subject to a force is given by the formula:

Fuerza = k  x
7. where:
Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis

k elastic constant
x amount of deformation

Also knowing that:

Fuerza = m  a

m mass of all moving elements
a system acceleration

and replacing its value in the previous formula we get the equation:

m  a = k  x

Deformation is, therefore, proportional to acceleration:

x = ----  a = Cte  a

For a circular path, recommended to be used in the machining tests for adjusting the compensation
of elastic deformation because it is a comfortable geometrical shape for taking measurements,
normal acceleration is given by the formula:

Only applicable to  F  60 
circular paths a = ---------------------

R Radius of the circular path followed by the tool tip. Enter its value in meters (m).
F Feedrate of the tool tip as long as the table is not moving. If the tool and the table are
moving, F will be the relative feedrate between them.. Enter its value in meters per minute

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

The elastic deformation on the axis of a machine is directly proportional to the acceleration and when
its dynamics is a circular path, it is also directly proportional to the square of the feedrate.

Therefore, the higher the relative feedrate between the tool tip and the table, the more significant
the elastic deformation will be.

Machining a part following a circular path at low feedrate considering the elastic deformation only
on one axis or on both implies practically getting the desired circular path because the path deviation
suffered on the axes will be very small. It will not be a perfect circle, but, in practice, it will not be
necessary to compensate for elastic deformation.

Machining a part following a circular path at high feedrate considering the elastic deformation only
on one axis or on both implies getting an elliptic path because the path deviation suffered on the

Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis
axes will be considerable. The other main radius of the ellipse will be the same as the radius of the
circular path when assuming that there was no elastic deformation on the other axis. Considering
elastic deformation on both axes will also result in an elliptic path where none of the two main radii
coincides with the radius of the programmed circular path.

To offset these deformations, set machine axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) for each axis with
the value of the resonance frequency of its elastic coupling.

Before compensating the elastic deformation, the CNC will always display a circular path, not
elliptical as could be expected because there is elastic deformation.. The motor feedback is placed
before the elastic coupling and does not register the path deviation due to elastic deformation at all.
After compensating the elastic deformation, the CNC will always display an elliptical path, not
circular as could be expected after compensating the elastic deformation..

Resonance frequency of the elastic coupling

From the formula of the oscillation frequency of a simple harmonic movement (s.h.m.) it is possible
to obtain its relationship with acceleration and deformation through this equation:

1 1-
k- = ----- a-
f = ------  ---  -----
2 m 2 x

For a circular path, the x deviation with respect to R may be obtained directly by measuring the
part that has been previously machined.

The acceleration of the system is calculated from the formula shown earlier:

 F  60 
a = ---------------------

With these values, now determined, the formula of the frequency provides the value for setting
machine axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) to offset the elastic deformation caused on that axis.

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To adjust the compensation of elastic deformation caused in the X axis of a laser cutting machine.
The machine has two servomotors with position feedback that move the tool tip in a plane defined
by the X and Y axes. Supposing that only the X axis has an elastic coupling.

Its purpose is to drill circular holes with a radius R = 5 mm = 0.005 m at high speed on a sheet metal
that rests on fixed frame.

To obtain the frequency value for setting axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) to compensate the

7. elastic compensation on the X axis, proceed as follows.

1. Make a hole keeping the tool tip at high feedrate, for example, F = 8000 mm/min in order to cause
high deviation x and generate a clear elliptical path.
Compensation of the elastic deformation in the coupling of an axis

2. Once the hole has been made, use a caliper to measure the various diameters of the elliptical
hole until obtaining the diameter of the larger axis Dm of the ellipse. Observe that the elliptical
shape will not be visually noticeable.

The real shape is elliptical, not circular, when only the X axis suffers elastic deformation.
3. Obtain the value of the elastic deformation from the formula:

x = ------- – R

Let us suppose (for the sake of using numbers) that the deformation value is: x = 90 µm = 90
x 10-6 m.
4. Obtain the acceleration value for a circular path from the formula:

2 2
 F  60   8  60  2
a = --------------------- = -------------------- = 3 6m  s
R 0 005

5. Obtain the frequency value from the formula:

1 a- 1 3 6
f = ------  ----- = ------  ----------------------- = 31 8Hz
2 x 2 90  10 – 6

6. Set machine axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103) with the obtained value, i.e. DYNDEFRQ
(P103) = 31.8 Hz.
7. Verify that after setting axis parameter DYNDEFRQ (P103), your particular part is machined
CNC 8055 properly regardless of the path of its profile.

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It is recommended to save the PLC program and files into the hard disk (KeyCF) or in a peripheral
or PC to avoid losing them.

The PLC program (PLC_PRG) may be edited at the front panel or copied from the hard disk (KeyCF)
or from a peripheral device or PC.

The PLC program (PLC_PRG) is stored in the internal CNC memory with the part-programs and
it is displayed in the program directory (utilities) together with the part-programs.

Before executing the PLC_PRG program, it must be compiled. Once it is done compiling, the CNC
requests whether the PLC should be started or not.

To make the operator life easier and avoid new compilations, the source code generated at each
compilation is stored in memory.

After power-up, the CNC acts as follows:

1. If there is an executable program stored in memory, it executes it
2. If there is no executable program, but there is a PLC_PRG in
memory, it compiles it (COMPILE) and executes it (RUN).
3. If there is no PLC_PRG in memory, it looks for it in the hard disk
If it is there, it compiles it (COMPILE) and executes it (RUN). If it
is not there, it does nothing. Later on, when accessing the Jog
mode, Execution mode, etc. the CNC will issue the corresponding
error message.

Once the program has been compiled, it is not necessary to keep the source program (PLC_PRG)
in memory because the PLC always executes the executable program.

The PLC has 512 inputs and 512 outputs. Some of them, depending on the CNC configuration,
communicate with external devices.

There is an exchange of information between the CNC and the PLC which is done automatically
and the system has a series of commands which allow the following to be done quickly and simply:

The control of Logic CNC inputs and outputs by means of an exchange of information between both
• The transfer from the CNC to the PLC of M, S and T auxiliary functions.
• To display a screen previously defined by the user, as well as generating messages and errors
in the CNC.
• Read and modify internal CNC variables from the PLC. CNC 8055
• Access all PLC resources from any part-program. CNC 8055i
• Monitor PLC resources on the CNC screen.
• Access to all PLC variables from a computer, via DNC and through the RS 232 C serial line.
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8.1 PLC Resources

Inputs (I)
They are elements that provide the PLC with information on the signals received from the outside.
They are represented by the letter I and there are 512 inputs available.

Outputs (O)
They are elements that let the PLC activate or deactivate the various devices of the electrical cabinet.

8. These are represented by the letter O and there are 512 outputs available.

Marks (M)
PLC Resources

These are elements capable of memorizing in one bit (as if it were an internal relay) the status of
the different internal variables of the CNC (information of the logic outputs received in the
communication between the CNC and the PLC of the CNC) and the status of the different variables
of the PLC, whether these are internal or established by the user. They are represented by the letter
M, and there are 3999 user marks and other special marks.

Registers (R)
These are elements which allow a numerical value to be stored in 32 bits or facilitate CNC-PLC
communication with the Logic CNC inputs and outputs. They are represented by the letter R and
there are 256 user registers and other special registers.

Timers (T)
These are elements which, once activated, alter the status of their output for a specific time (time
constant). They are represented by the letter T, and there are 512 timers.

Counters (C)
They are elements capable of counting up or down a particular number of events. They are
represented by the letter C and there are 256 counters.

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Installation manual

8.2 PLC program execution

The PLC executes the user program cyclically. In other words, once it executes the complete
program, it restarts running this program from the first instruction.

This cyclic processing of the program is done as follows:

1. At the beginning of the cycle, PLC’s "I" resources are assigned the current values of the physical
inputs (connectors).
For example, if the physical input I10 is at 24V, the PLC sets the I10 resource to "1".


PLC program execution

2. It allocates the current values of the logic CNC outputs (CNCREADY, START, FHOUT, etc.) to
PLC resources M5500 thru M5957 and R550 thru R562 .
3. It runs the program cycle.
The following sections indicate how the PLC program is structured and which are its execution
modules. See "8.4 Modular structure of the program" on page 429.
4. After executing the cycle, it updates the Logic CNC inputs (/EMERGEN, /STOP, /FEEDHOL, etc.)
with the current values of PLC resources M5000 thru M5465 and R500 thru R505.
5. It assigns the current values of the PLC’s "O" resources to the physical outputs (connectors).
For example, if the "O5" resource is at "1", the PLC sets physical output O5 (connector) to 24V.
6. The cycle ends and is ready for the next scan.

Bear in mind that all the actions of the program executed by the PLC alter the status of its resources.

Example: I10 AND I20 = O5

When this condition is met [resource I10 is "1" and I20 is also "1"], the PLC sets resource "O5"
to "1". If this condition is not met, the PLC sets resource "O5" to "0".

Therefore, the status of a resource may change during the execution of the PLC program.

Example, assuming that the initial status of resource M100 is "0":

M100 AND I7 = O3
Resource M100 = "0"

I10 = M100
M100 takes the value of resource I10

M100 AND I8 = M101

The value of M100 depends on the previous instruction. CNC 8055
This type of problems may be prevented by careful programming or by using "Image" resource CNC 8055i
values (instead of "Real" values).

The PLC has 2 memories to store the status of the registers, the real memory and the image memory.

All the steps described so far work with the real memory. Saying "value of a particular resource" SOFT: V02.2X
is the same as saying "real value of a particular resource"

The image memory contains a copy of the values (status) that the resources had at the end of the
previous cycle. The PLC makes this copy at the end of the cycle. The resources having an image
value are: I1 thru I512, O1 thru O512 and M1 thru M2047

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

PLC program execution

The following example shows how the PLC acts when working with real or image values.

PLC program () = M1 Assigns the value of "1" to mark M1.

M1 = M2 Assigns the value of M1 to M2.

M2 = M3 Assigns the value of M2 to M3.

M3 = O5 Assigns the value of M3 to output O5.

M1 M2 M3 O5 M1 M2 M3 O5
()=M1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M1 = M2 Scan 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

M2 = M3 Scan 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
M3 = O5 Scan 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Scan 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

As can be observed, the system is faster when working with real resource values.

Working with image values lets analyze the same resource with the same value throughout the whole
program regardless of its actual (real) status at the time.

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Installation manual

Operating with real values

In the first scan, when execution the instruction M1 = M2, M1 has a real value of "1" set by the previous

The same is true for instructions M2=M3 and M3=O5.

That is why real values are used, output O1 takes the value of "1" in the first scan.

Operating with image values

The first cycle (scan) sets the real value of M1=1; but its image value will not be set to "1" until the
end of the cycle. 8.
In the 2nd cycle (scan), the image value of M1 is "1" and the real value of M2 is set to "1"; but the

PLC program execution

image value of M2 will not be set to "1" until the end of the cycle.

In the 3rd cycle (scan), the image value of M2 is "1" and the real value of M3 is set to "1"; but the
image value of M3 will not be set to "1" until the end of the cycle.
In the 4th cycle (scan), the image value of M3 is "1" and the real value of O5 is set to "1".

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8.3 Cycle time

The time the PLC requires to execute the program is called cycle time and can vary in the successive
cycles of a same program, as the conditions under which they are executed are not the same.

Cycle time

PLC parameter WDGPRG (P0) sets the maximum cycle execution time This is called WATCH-DOG
time and if a cycle is executed which lasts longer than 1.5 times this time, or two cycles are executed,
one after the other, taking longer than this time period, the CNC will display the WATCH-DOG error
of the main module.

This way, the execution of cycles that, due to their duration, disturb the operation of the machine
can be prevented and the PLC can be prevented from executing a cycle which has no end due to
a programming error.

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Installation manual

8.4 Modular structure of the program

The program to be executed by the PLC consists of a series of modules which are appropriately
defined by means of directing instructions.

The modules that may make up the program are:

• Main module (PRG)
• Periodic execution module (PE)
• First Cycle module (CY1)

Each module must begin with the directing instruction which defines it (PRG, PE, CY1) and end with
the directing instruction END.


Modular structure of the program
Should the main program contain the main module only it is not necessary to place the instructions
PRG and END.

8.4.1 First Cycle module (CY1)

This module is optional and will only be executed when the PLC is turned on. It is used to initialize
the different resources and variables with their initial values, before proceeding to execute the rest
of the program.

This module operates by default with the real values of resources I, O, M.

It is not necessary for this to be at the beginning of the program, but must always be preceded by
the instruction CY1.

8.4.2 Main module (PRG)

This module contains the user program. It will be executed cyclically and will be given the task of
analyzing and modifying CNC inputs and outputs. Its execution time will be limited by the value of
PLC parameter WDGPRG (P0).

This module operates by default with the image values of resources I, O, M.

There can only be one main program and this must be preceded by the instruction PRG, it is not
necessary to define it if it starts on the first line.

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8.4.3 Periodic execution module (PE t)

This module is optional and will be executed every period of time t indicated in the directing
instruction defining the module.

This module may be used to process certain critical inputs and outputs which cannot be checked
or updated properly in the body of the main program due to its extended execution time.

Another application for this module is for those cases where specific tasks need not be evaluated
at every PLC program cycle. Those tasks would be programmed in the periodic module and they

8. would be executed with the frequency established by the execution time assigned to this module
(for example: if t= 30,000; every 30 seconds).

A "t" value between 1 and 65535 milliseconds may be programmed.

Modular structure of the program

The execution time of this module will be limited by the value of PLC parameter WDGPER (P1).

This module operates by default with the real values of resources I, O, M.


PE 10 Defines the beginning of the periodic module PE which will be executed every 10 milliseconds.

If this module is being executed with real values and acts on a physical output, this is updated at
the end of the execution of the periodic module.

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SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

8.4.4 Priority of execution of the PLC modules

Every time the PLC program is started (command RUN) the first module to be executed is the first
cycle module (CY1). Once execution has been completed, it will continue with the main module

The main module will be executed cyclically until the execution of the PLC has stopped (command



Modular structure of the program
The periodic module will be executed every time the time indicated in the directing instruction "PE
t" elapses. This count starts when the execution of the main module (the first time) begins.

Every time this module is executed, the execution of the main module is interrupted, and its execution
resumes when the execution of the periodic module finishes.

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Modular structure of the program

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9.1 Inputs

They are elements that provide information to the PLC on the signals they receive from the outside
world. They are represented by the letter I followed by the input number which is desired to reference,
for example I1, I25, I102, etc.

The PLC may control 512 inputs although when communicating with the outside world it can only
access the physical ones.

Local physical inputs are the ones corresponding to the central unit.

Remote physical inputs are the ones corresponding to the remote modules

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

9.2 Outputs

They are elements that let the PLC activate or deactivate the various devices of the electrical cabinet.
They are represented by the letter O followed by the output number which is desired to reference,
for example O1, O25, O102, etc.

The PLC may control 512 outputs although when communicating with the outside world it can only
access the physical ones.

Local physical outputs are the ones corresponding to the central unit.

9. Remote physical outputs are the ones corresponding to the remote modules.

Output O1 coincides with the emergency output of the CNC (connector); thus, it must be kept high

(logic level 1).

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

9.3 Marks

These are elements capable of memorizing in one bit (as if they were an internal relay) information
defined by the user, their value being inalterable even when the power supply to the system is turned

This will be programmed by the letter M followed by the number of the mark which it is wished to
reference, for example, M1, M25, M102, etc.

The PLC controls the following marks:

User marks

Arithmetic flag marks

M1 - M2000 y M2049 - M3999


Clock marks M2009 - M2024
Fixed status marks M2046 and M2047

Marks associated with messages M4000 - M4254

Marks associated with errors M4500 - M4627

Screen marks M4700 - M4955

CNC communication marks M5000 - M5957

Marks M1 thru M2047 have image values unlike the remainder of the marks, and so the PLC will
always work with their real values.

The arithmetic flag mark available at the PLC is:

M2003 Is the Zero flag and is set to 1 (high logic level) when the result of an AND, OR,
XOR operation is 0.

The clock marks M2009 to M2024, make up internal clocks of different periods which can be used
by the user.

The following table shows the available marks and the average period of each one.

M2009 100 ms. M2015 6.4 s. M2021 16 s.

M2010 200 ms. M2016 12.8 s. M2022 32 s.

M2011 400 ms. M2017 1 s. M2023 64 s.

M2012 800 ms. M2018 2 s. M2024 128 s.

M2013 1.6 s. M2019 4 s.

M2014 3.2 s. M2020 8 s.

The fixed status marks available at the PLC are:

M2046 Always has a value of 0.
M2047 Always has a value of 1.

The PLC allows, by means of the activation of a series of message marks, the PLC message
corresponding to the PLC message table to be displayed on the CNC screen. They can be named
by means of the mark M4000 - M4254 or by means of their associated mnemonic MSG1 - MSG255:

M4000 M4001 M4002 -------- M4253 M4254

MSG1 MSG2 MSG3 -------- MSG254 MSG255

Likewise, 128 error marks are available which allow the error corresponding to the PLC error table
to be displayed on the CNC screen as well as to interrupt the execution of the CNC program, stopping CNC 8055
axis feed and spindle rotation. Activating any of these marks does not activate the external CNC CNC 8055i
emergency output.

They can be named by means of mark M4500-M4627 or by means of their associated mnemonic
ERR1 - ERR128:
SOFT: V02.2X
M4500 M4501 M4502 -------- M4626 M4627

ERR1 ERR2 ERR3 -------- ERR127 ERR128

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Because the PLC program is not interrupted by these marks, it is advised to make it possible to
change their status via accessible external inputs; otherwise, the CNC will keep receiving the same
error at every PLC scan (cycle) thus preventing access to any PLC mode.

By activating each mark M4700-M4955, it is possible to activate at the CNC user pages (screens)
0-255. They can be named by means of mark M4700-M4955 or by means of their associated
mnemonic PIC0 - PIC255:

M4700 M4701 M4702 -------- M4954 M4955

PIC0 PIC1 PIC2 -------- PIC254 PIC255

9. The PLC has marks M5000 through M5957 to exchange information with the CNC, all of which have
associated mnemonics. See chapter "12 Logic CNC inputs and outputs".

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Installation manual

9.4 Registers

These are elements which store a numerical value in 32 bits, their value remaining unalterable even
when the power supply to the system is cut off.

They do not have image values and are represented by the letter R, followed by the register number
it is desired to reference, for example R1, R25, R102, etc.

The PLC has the following registers:

User registers R1 - R499

Registers for communication with the CNC R500 - R559 9.

The PLC will consider each value stored in each register as an integer with a sign, and can be within

It is also possible to make reference to a BIT of the REGISTER by putting the letter B and the bit
number (0/31) in front of the selected register. For example:
B7R155 Refers to bit 7 of register 155.

The PLC considers bit 0 as being the one with least significance and bit 31 as being the one with
most significance.

The value stored in a register can be treated as being decimal, hexadecimal (preceded by "$"), binary
(preceded by "B") or in BCD. Example:
Decimal 156
Hexadecimal $9C
Binary B0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001 1100

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9.5 Timers

These are elements capable of maintaining their output at a determined logic level during a preset
time (time constant), after which the output changes status.

They do not have image values and are represented by the letter T, followed by the number of the
timer it is required to reference, for example, T1, T25, T102, etc.

The time constant is stored in a 32-bit variable, and so its value can be between 0 and 4294967295
milliseconds, which is equivalent to 1193 hours (almost 50 days).

9. The PLC has 512 timers, each of which has T status output and TEN, TRS, TG1, TG2, TG3 and
TG4 inputs. It is also possible to check at any time , the time elapsed since it was activated.


Enable input (TEN)

This input allows the timing of the timer to be stopped. It is referred to by the letter TEN followed
by the number of the timer which is wished to reference, for example TEN 1, TEN 25, TEN 102, etc.

So that the time elapses within the timer this input must be at level "1". By default, every time a timer
is activated, the PLC sets this input low ("1").

If once the timer has been activated, TEN = 0, the PLC interrupts the timing and TEN must be set
to "1" to resume timing.

I2 = TEN 10 Input I2 controls the Enable input of timer T10.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

Reset input (TRS)

This input allows the timer to be initialized, by assigning the value 0 to its T status and by canceling
its count (it initializes this to 0). It is referred to by the letters TRS followed by the timer number it
is wished to reference, for example TRS 1, TRS 25, TRS 102, etc.

This initialization of the timer will be made when a transition of logic level from "0" to "1" (leading
edge) is produced. By default, every time a timer is activated, the PLC sets this input low ("0").

If, once the timer is activated, a leading edge is produced at the TRS input, the PLC initializes the
timer, assigning value 0 to its T status and cancelling the count (it initializes this to 0). The timer is
deactivated and its trigger input must be activated to turn the timer back on.

I3 = TRS 10 Input I3 controls the Reset input of timer T10.

Trigger input (TG1, TG2, TG3, TG4)

These inputs allow the timer to be activated, and it begins to time. They are referred to by the letters
TG1, TG2, TG3, TG4 and followed by a timer number and the initial timing value (time constant).

For example TG1 1 100, TG2 25 224, TG3 102 0, TG4 200 500, etc.

The time constant value is defined in thousandths of a second, and it is possible to indicate this by
means of a numerical value or by assigning it the internal value of an R register.
TG1 20 100 Activates timer T20 by means of trigger input TG1 and with a time constant
of 100 milliseconds.
TG2 22 R200 Activates timer T22 by means of trigger input TG2 and with a time constant
which will be defined (in thousandths of a second) by the value of Register
R200 when the instruction is executed.

Inputs TG1, TG2, TG3 and TG4 are used to activate the timer in four different operating modes:
• TG1 input in MONOSTABLE mode
• TG2 input in DELAYED CONNECTION mode
• TG4 input in SIGNAL LIMITING mode

This activation of the timer is made when a logic level transition of any of these inputs is produced,
either from "0" to "1" or from "1" to "0" (leading or trailing edge) depending on the chosen input. By
default and every time the timer is initialized by means of the reset input (TRS), the PLC will assign
logic level "0" to these inputs.

The operating mode of each of these trigger inputs is explained individually.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Status output (T)

This output indicates the logic status of the timer. It is referred to by the letter "T" followed by the
timer number. For example: T1, T25, T102, etc.

The logic status of the timer depends on the operating mode selected by means of the trigger inputs
TG1, TG2, TG3 and TG4, and so the activation or deactivation of this signal is explained in each
of the PLC operating modes.

Elapsed time (T)

9. This output indicates the time elapsed in the timer since the moment it was activated. It is referred
to by the letter "T" followed by the timer number. For example: T1, T25, T102, etc.

Although when written as T123 it coincides with the status output, both are different and they are
also used in different types of instruction.

In binary type instructions, function T123 makes reference to the logic status of the timer.
T123 = M100 Assigns mark to M100 the status (0/1) of Timer 123.

In arithmetic and comparison functions T123 makes reference to the time elapsed in the timer from
the moment it was activated.

I2 = MOV T123 R200

Transfers the time of T123 to register R200.
CPS T123 GT 1000 = M100
Compares the time elapsed at T123 is greater than 1000. If so, it activates mark M100.

The PLC has a 32-bit variable to store the time of each timer.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

9.5.1 Monostable mode. Input TG1

In this operational mode the timer status is kept at the high logic level (T=1) from the moment the
TG1 input is activated until the time indicated by the time constant elapses.


If the timer is initialized with values TEN=1 and TRS=0, the timer will be activated when a leading
edge is produced at input TG1. At that moment, the timer status output (T) changes states (T=1)
and the timing starts from "0".

Once the time specified by the time constant has elapsed, timing will be considered as having
finished. The timer status output (T) changes status (T=0) and the elapsed time will be maintained
with the time value of the timer (T).
Any changes at the TG1 input (up or down-flank) while timing, has no effect.

After timing is completed, a new up-flank at the TG1 input will trigger the timer on again and its time
count will start from zero again.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Operation of the TRS input in this mode

If a leading edge is produced at the TRS input at any moment during timing or afterwards, the PLC
initializes the timer, assigning the value 0 to its T status and cancelling its count (it initializes this
to 0). Due to the fact that the timer is initialized, it will be necessary to activate its trigger input to
activate it again.


Operation of the TEN input in this mode

If once the timer has been activated, TEN = 0, the PLC interrupts the timing and TEN must be set
to "1" to resume timing.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

9.5.2 Delayed activation mode. TG2 input

With this operating mode, it is possible to apply a time delay between the activation of the trigger
input TG2 and the activation of the status output T of the timer.

The time delay is set by the time constant.


If the timer is initialized with values TEN=1 and TRS=0, the timer will be activated when a leading
edge is produced at TG2 input. At that instant, the timing "t" begins from "0".

Once the time specified by the time constant has elapsed the timing operation will be considered
as having completed and the timer status output (T=1) will be activated and will remain in this status
until the trailing edge is produced in the trigger input TG2.

The elapsed time will remain as a timer time value (T) once timing has been completed.

If, once the timing has finished, it is required to activate the timer again, another leading edge must
be produced in the TG2 input.

If the trailing edge of the trigger input TG2 is produced before the time specified by the time constant
has elapsed, the PLC will consider that the timing operation has concluded, maintaining the time
count it had at that moment as the timer time (T).

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CNC 8055i

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Operation of the TRS input in this mode

If a leading edge is produced at the TRS input at any moment during timing or afterwards, the PLC
initializes the timer, assigning the value 0 to its T status and cancelling its count (it initializes this
to 0). Due to the fact that the timer is initialized, it will be necessary to activate its trigger input to
activate it again.


Operation of the TEN input in this mode

If once the timer has been activated, TEN = 0, the PLC interrupts the timing and TEN must be set
to "1" to resume timing.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

9.5.3 Delayed deactivation mode. Input TG3

With this operating mode, it is possible to apply a time delay between the deactivation of the trigger
input TG3 and the deactivation of the status output T of the timer.

The time delay is set by the time constant.


If the timer is initialized with values TEN=1 and TRS=0, the timer will be activated when a leading
edge is produced at the TG3 input. At that moment, the timer status output will have a value of T=1.

The timer waits for a down-flank at input TG3 to start the "t" timing from "0".

Once the time specified by the time constant has elapsed the timing operation will be considered
as having completed and the timer status output will be deactivated (T=0).
The elapsed time will remain as a timer time value (T) once timing has been completed.

If, once the timing has finished, it is required to activate the timer again, another leading edge must
be produced at the TG3 input.

If another leading edge of the trigger input TG3 is produced before the time specified by the time
constant has elapsed, the PLC will consider that the timer has been activated again, maintaining
its status (T=1) and initializing timing at 0.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Operation of the TRS input in this mode

If a leading edge is produced at the TRS input at any moment during timing or afterwards, the PLC
initializes the timer, assigning the value 0 to its T status and cancelling its count (it initializes this
to 0). Due to the fact that the timer is initialized, it will be necessary to activate its trigger input to
activate it again.


Operation of the TEN input in this mode

If once the timer has been activated, TEN = 0, the PLC interrupts the timing and TEN must be set
to "1" to resume timing.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

9.5.4 Signal limiting mode. Input TG4

In this operating mode, the timer status is kept high (T=1) from the moment the TG4 input is activated
until the time indicated by the time constant has elapsed or a down-flank occurs at input TG4.


If the timer is initialized with values TEN=1 and TRS=0, the timer will be activated when a leading
edge is produced at the TG4 input. At that moment, the timer status output (T) changes states (T=1)
and the timing starts from "0".

Once the time specified by the time constant has elapsed, timing will be considered as having
finished. The time status output (T) changes status (T=0) and the elapsed time will be kept as a timer
time value (T).

If, before the time specified by the time constant has elapsed, a trailing edge is produced in the trigger
input TG4, the PLC will consider that the timing operation has concluded it will deactivate the status
output (T=0) and maintain the value it has at that moment as the timer time value (T).

If, once the timing has concluded, it is required to activate the timer again, another leading edge
must be produced at the TG4 input.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Operation of the TRS input in this mode

If a leading edge is produced at the TRS input at any moment during timing or afterwards, the PLC
initializes the timer, assigning the value 0 to its T status and cancelling its count (it initializes this
to 0). Due to the fact that the timer is initialized, it will be necessary to activate its trigger input to
activate it again.


Operation of the TEN input in this mode

If once the timer has been activated, TEN = 0, the PLC interrupts the timing and TEN must be set
to "1" to resume timing.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

9.6 Counters

They are elements capable of counting up or down a particular number of events. They do not have
image values and are represented by the letter C, followed by the counter number which it is required
to reference, for example C1, C25, C102, etc.

The counter's count is stored in a 32-bit variable. Consequently, its value will be in the ±2147483647

The PLC has 256 counter, each of which has the C status output and CUP, CDW, CEN and CPR
inputs. It is also possible to consult its count value at any time.

Feedback input (CUP)
This input allows the counter count to be increased in a unit every time a leading edge is produced
in it. It is referred to by the letters CUP followed by the counter number, for example: CUP 1, CUP
25, CUP 102, etc.

I2 = CUP 10 Every time a leading edge is produced at input I2 the counter count C10
will be increased.

Count-down input (CDW)

This input allows the counter count to be decreased in a unit every time a leading edge is produced
in it. It is referred to by the letters CDW followed by the counter number, for example CDW 1, CDW
25, CDW 102, etc.

I3 = CDW 20 Every time a leading edge is produced at input I3 the counter count C20
will be decreased.

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Enable input (CEN)

This input allows the internal counter count to be stopped. It is referred to by the letters CEN followed
by the counter number, for example: CEN 1, CEN 25, CEN 102, etc.

In order to be able to modify the internal count by means of the inputs CUP and CDW this input must
be at logic level "1". By default and every time a counter is activated the PLC will assign this input
a logic level of "1".

If CEN = 0 is selected the PLC stops the counter count, ignoring the inputs CUP and CDW until this
input allows it (CEN = 1).


I10 = CEN 12 Input I10 controls the enable input of counter C12.

Preset input (CPR)

This input allows the counter to be preset with the desired value. It is referred to by the letters CPR
followed by the number of the counter which is required to reference and the value to be assigned
to the counter count.

For example CPR 1 100, CPR 25 224, CPR 102 0, CPR 200 500, etc.

The value of the count can be indicated by means of a numerical value or by assigning to it the
internal value of an R register.
CPR 20 100 Presets the C20 counter to a value of 100.
CPR 22 R200 Presets the C22 counter with the value of the Register R200 when the
instruction is executed.

The counter is preset with the indicated value with an up-flank at the CPR input.

Status output (C)

This output indicates the logic state of the counter. It is referred to by the letter "C" followed by the
counter number, for example: C1, C25, C102, etc.

The logic status of the counter will be C=1 when its count value is "0" and C=0 if otherwise.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Count value (C)

This output indicates the value of the internal counter count. It is referred to by the letter "C" followed
by the counter number, for example: C1, C25, C102, etc.

Although when written C123 it coincides with the status output, both are different and, are used in
different types of instructions.

In binary type instructions function C123 makes reference to the counter’s logic status.
C123 = M100 Assigns mark to M100 the status (0/1) of counter 123.

In arithmetic and function comparison instructions C123 makes reference to the internal counter
count. 9.

I2 = MOV C123 R200
Transfers the count of C123 to register R200.
CPS C123 GT 1000 = M100
Compares whether the count of C123 is greater than 1000. If so, it activates mark M100.

The PLC has a 32-bit variable to store the count of each counter.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

9.6.1 Operating mode of a counter

If the CEN counter input is initialized (CEN=1), the counter allows its count to be increased and
decreased by means of the CUP and CDW inputs.

Operation of CUP and CDW inputs

Every time a leading edge is produced at the CUP input the counter increases its count by one count.

Every time a leading edge is produced at the CDW input the counter decreases its count by one

9. count.

Operation of the CPR input


If a leading edge is produced at the CPR input the internal count value will take the new value

Operation of the CEN input

If CEN = 0 is selected the counter ignores both up-count (CUP) and down-count (CDW) inputs, it
being necessary to assign CEN = 1 for the counter to take notice of these inputs.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


The PLC program is structured by modules and it may consist of:
• Main module (PRG).
• Periodic module (PE).
• First Cycle module (CY1).

Every time the PLC program starts running, the CNC will execute first, if it has been defined, the
First Cycle module (CY1). Then it will execute the Main Program module (PRG) continuously until
the PLC program is stopped.

The periodic execution modules (PE) will be executed every so often with the frequency established
for each of them. This time period starts counting from the time the CY1 cycle is ended. The
execution of a periodic module temporarily interrupts the execution of the main module.

When defining the PLC program, both the processing of the main module (PRG) and the periodic
modules (PE) must be taken into consideration.

The main module (PRG) will be processed cyclically. See "8.2 PLC program execution" on page

The periodic module is optional and it is executed every so often as indicated by the directing
instruction defining the module.

It is used to process certain critical inputs and outputs which cannot be properly evaluated within
the main module because the cycle scan time for the main module would be too long for these
resources to be checked and reacted upon.

It does not modify the status of the PLC resources. Therefore, the main module will resume execution
as if the periodic module had not been executed at all.

The periodic module is processed as follows:

1. The PLC takes into account the current values, as just before executing the PE module, of the
local physical inputs (connectors of the central unit). CNC 8055
2. Executes the periodic module. CNC 8055i
3. It assigns the current values of the PLC’s "O" resources to the local physical outputs (connectors
of the central unit).
4. It ends the execution of the Periodic Module and resumes the execution of the main module.
SOFT: V02.2X
To work with remote physical inputs and outputs, use the IREMRD and OREMWR instructions.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

10.1 Module structure

The modules which make up the PLC program (main module "PRG", periodic modules "PE" and
first cycle module "CY1") consist of a series of instructions which, depending on their functionality,
can be divided into:
• Directing instructions.
• Executable instructions.

The directing instructions provide the PLC with information on the type of module (PRG, CY1, ...)

10. and on how it must be executed (REA, IMA, ...).

Executable instructions allow inquiries to be made on and/or alterations to the status of PLC
resources and consist of:
Module structure

Logic expressions (Boolean 0/1) I28 AND I30

Action instructions. = O25

Logic expressions consist of:

Consulting instructions I28, O25

Operators. AND

All comments must begin with ";". ";". Lines beginning with a ";" are considered comments and are
not executed.

Programming example:

PRG ; Directing instruction.

; Example Comment.
I100 = M102 ; Executable instruction.
I28 AND I30 ; Logic expression.
= O25 ; Action instruction.
I32 \ ; Consulting instruction (1st part of expression).
AND I36 ; Consulting instruction (2nd part of expression).
= M300 ; Action instruction.
END ; Directing instruction.

See "Summary of PLC commands" on page 667.

Empty lines are not allowed, they must contain at least one comment.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

10.2 Directing instructions

They provide the PLC with information about the type of module and how it must be executed.

The directing instructions available at the PLC are:


Define the module type.

PRG Main module.
First cycle module.
Periodic module. It is executed every t milliseconds.

Directing instructions
For example: PE 100 is executed every 100 ms.


It indicates the end of the module. If this is not defined, the PLC understands that this module ends
in the last block of the program.

Example of programming using the directing instruction END:

CY1 Beginning of module CY1.

END End of module CY1.
PRG Beginning of module PRG.
END End of module PRG.
PE 100 Beginning of module PE.
END End of module PE.

Example of programming without using the directing instruction END:

CY1 Beginning of module CY1.

PRG Beginning of module PRG.
PE 100 Beginning of module PE.
—— End of modules CY1, PRG and PE.

Label. Used to identify a program line, and is only used when references or program jumps are made.

It is represented with the letter L followed by up to 4 digits (1-2000), no order needs to be followed
and numbers may even be skipped.

If there are 2 or more labels with the same number in a single program, the PLC will show the
corresponding error when compiling it.


Symbol definition. Allows a symbol to be associated with any PLC variable, it being possible to
reference this variable throughout the program by means of the variable name or by means of the
associated symbol.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Assigns the EMERG symbol to input I1, so any reference throughout the program to EMERG will be
interpreted by the PLC as a reference to I1.
SOFT: V02.2X

It is also possible to associate a symbol to any number which can be given in decimal, with or without
a sign, or hexadecimal format preceded with the "$" sign.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

This option, among other applications, makes programming and later understanding of the PLC
program much easier when trying to control the CNC by simulating its keyboard from the PLC



Assigns the "HELP" symbol to the code for the HELP key.
() = MOV HELP R101
Assigns the code corresponding to the "HELP" key to register R101.

10. CNCWR (R101, KEY, M101)

Indicates to the CNC that the key whose code is stored in register R101 and corresponds to the HELP
Directing instructions

The PLC allows up to 2000 symbol definitions which must always be programmed at the beginning
of the program, before any other instruction, be this directing or executing.

A symbol will be made up with up to 8 characters, and must not coincide with any of the words
reserved for instructions, nor be formed by the characters space" ", equal "=", open and close
parentheses "( )", comma "," and semicolon ";".

Duplicate symbols cannot be defined; but several symbols may be assigned to the same resource.



The symbols associated to specialized marks and register (M>2047 and R>=500) are pre-defined
in the PLC and, therefore, it is not necessary to define them, nevertheless and if required, the PLC
allows a different symbol to be assigned to them.


Indicate to the PLC that the consultations defined below will be made on the real (REA) or image
(IMA) values of I, O, M resources.

Counters, timers and registers do not have image values, so their real values will always be

Action instructions (=O32) will always update the real values of PLC resources.


Consultations will evaluate image values.
I1 AND I2 = 01
Consultations will evaluate real values.
IMA I3 AND REA M4 = 02
Evaluates the image of I3 and the real of M4.
Evaluates the image of I5 and the next ones in real.


Update the real values of the local inputs (IRD) and the remote ones (IREMRD) after reading the
CNC 8055 relevant physical inputs.
CNC 8055i Care must be taken when using these instructions since the current real values of the inputs will
be lost.

SOFT: V02.2X Update the local physical outputs (OWR) and the remote ones (OREMWR) with the current real
values of the corresponding O resources.

Installation manual


Updates the values of resources M5000/5957 and R500/559 with the values of the logic outputs
of the CNC.

Care must be taken when using this instruction since the current values of those resources will
be lost. After executing this instruction, the new values will match those of the logic outputs of the
CNC (internal variables).


Updates the logic inputs of the CNC (internal variables) with the current real values of resources
M5000/5957 and R500/559. 10.

Directing instructions

This instruction must be used when working with the logic analyzer. It is used to capture data during
the execution of a PLC cycle.

It must be born in mind that the logic analyzer performs a data capture at the beginning of each cycle
(PRG and PE) after reading the physical inputs and updating the marks corresponding to the CNC
logic outputs and just before starting the program execution.

To also capture data while executing the PLC cycle, the "TRACE" instruction must be used.

Example of how to use the "TRACE" instruction:

TRACE Data capture.
TRACE Data capture.
TRACE Data capture.
PE 5
TRACE Data capture.

The data capture while executing the trace in this program takes place:
• At the beginning of each PRG cycle.
• Every time the periodic module is executed (every 5 milliseconds).
• 3 times within the PRG module.
• Once within the PE module.

This way, by using the "TRACE" instruction it is possible to capture data more often by inserting this
instruction at critical points.

The "TRACE" instruction must be used only when debugging the PLC program and it should be
removed once the debugging process is over.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

10.3 Consulting instructions

They may be used to check the status of PLC resources as well as the marks and registers for CNC-
PLC communication. They are divided into:
• Simple consulting Instructions.
• Flank detecting consulting instructions.
• Comparison consulting instructions.

All the consulting instructions allow the previous operand NOT, which reverses the result of the

10. preceding consultation.

Consulting instructions

NOT I1 This Consultation will return a "0" if input I1 is at 1; and a "1" when input I1 is at 0.


They test the status of the resources and they return their logic state.

I 1/512 Inputs

O 1/512 Outputs

M 1/5957 Marks

T 1/512 Timers
C 1/256 Counters

B 0/31 R 1/499 Register Bits

I12 It will return a 1 if input 12 is active and a 0 if otherwise.

Flank detection

They check whether the state of a resource has changed since the last time this consultation was

This consultation may be made on real or image values. There are two types of instructions:


Detects an up-flank (change from 0 to 1) at the indicated resource. It returns a "1" if it happened.


Detects a down-flank (change from 1 to 0) at the indicated resource. It returns a "1" if it happened.

The programming format for the different combinations is:

DFU (Up flank detection.) I 1/512

DFD (Down flank detection) O 1/512

M 1/5957

The consulting instructions to detect the flanks of marks M4000 thru M4127, M4500 thru M4563,
CNC 8055 M4700 thru M4955 and M5000 thru M5957 will be executed with their real values even when working
CNC 8055i with image values since these marks have no image values.

Considering that these instructions can evaluate real and image values, the following points must
be taken into account:

SOFT: V02.2X The PLC updates the real values of the inputs when starting the cycle by taking the values of the
physical inputs.

The image values of the inputs, outputs and marks are updated at the end of the program.

Installation manual

I3 phy = I3 physical I3 rea = I3 real I3 ima = I3 image


Consulting instructions



Used to compare two operands, checking whether the first one is greater than (GT), greater than
or equal to (GE), equal to (EQ), not equal to (NE), smaller than or equal to (LE) or less than (LT)
the second one.

The following may be used as operands: Timers (internal count), Counters (internal count),
Registers, CNC-PLC communication registers and numbers (#) within ±2147483647 or between
0 and $FFFFFFFF.

The programming format for the different combinations is:

CPS T 1/256 GT T 1/256

C 1/256 GE C 1/256
R 1/559 EQ R 1/559

# NE #



If the required condition is met, the consulting instruction returns a logic value "1" and a "0" if

Programming examples:
CPS C12 GT R14 = M100
If the internal count of counter "C12" is GREATER than the value of register R14, the PLC
will assign the value of "1" to mark M100 and a "0" if otherwise.
CPS T2 EQ 100 = TG1 5 2000
When the time elapsed on the counter T2 is EQUAL to the value of 100, timer T5 will be
activated working as a monostable and with a time constant of 2 seconds.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

10.4 Operators and symbols

These are used to group and operate with different consulting instructions.

The available operators are: NOT AND OR XOR

The available symbols are: ( )

The operators are associated from left to right and the priorities ordered from the highest to the
lowest are:


With the "(" and ")" symbols, it is possible to clarify and select the order in which the logic expression
Operators and symbols

is evaluated.
Example: (I2 OR I3) AND (I4 OR (NOT I5 AND I6)) = O7


Reverses the result of the consultation.

NOT I2 = O3
Output "O3" will be active when input I2 is not.


Logic function "AND".

I4 AND I5 = O6
Output "O6" will be active when both inputs (I4, I5) are active.


Logic function "OR".

I7 OR I8 = O9
Output "O9" will be active when either one (or both) inputs are active.


Logic "Exclusive OR" function.

I10 XOR I11 = O12

Output "O12" will be active when both inputs I10 and I11 have different logic states.

( )

Open and close parenthesis.

They help clarify and select the order the logic expression is evaluated.
Example: (I2 OR I3) AND (I4 OR (NOT I5 AND I6)) = O7

A consulting instruction consisting of only these two operators always has a value of "1", i.e.

( ) = O2
Output O2 will always be high "1".

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

10.5 Action instructions

The action instructions, depending on the result obtained in the logic expression, may be used to
alter the status of the PLC resources and CNC-PLC communication marks.
Logic expression = Action instruction
There may be several action instructions associated with a single logic expression. All the action
instructions must be preceded by the "=" sign.

All Action Instructions allow a previous NOT, which reverses the result of the expression for that


Action instructions
I2 = O3 = NOT M100 = NOT TG1 2 100 = CPR 1 100
 Output O3 will show the status of input I2.
 Mark M100 will show the negated state of input I2.
 A down-flank at input I2 will activate the trigger input TG1 of timer T2.
 An up-flank at I2 will preset counter C1 with a value of 100.

Action instructions are divided into:

• Assignment Binary Action Instructions
• Conditioned binary actions instructions.
• Sequence breaking action instructions.
• Arithmetic action instructions.
• Logic action instructions.
• Specific action instructions.

Action instructions can alter the status of all the PLC resources except that of the physical inputs
being used.

When seeing the field "I 1/1024", one must understand that only the status of the unused inputs may
be changed.

For example, if physical inputs I1 through I32 are used, only inputs I33 through I1024 may be

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10.5.1 Binary assignment instructions

They assign the value (0/1) resulting from a logic expression to the indicated resource.

=I 1/512 Inputs

=O 1/512 Outputs

=M 1/5957 Marks

= TEN 1/256 Timer enable

10. = TRS

= TGn

1/256 n/R
Timer reset

Timer trigger input

Action instructions

= CUP 1/256 Counter count up

= CDW 1/256 Counter count down

= CEN 1/256 Counter enable

= CPR 1/256 n/R Counter preset

=B 0/31 R 1/499 Register Bits

I3 = TG1 4 100
Assigns the status of input I3 to the trigger input TG1 of timer T4. Thus, an up-flank at I3 will
trigger the TG1 input of timer T4.

(I2 OR I3) AND (I4 OR (NOT I5 AND I6)) = M111

It assigns to Mark M111 the value obtained in the evaluation of the Logic Expression (I2 OR I3)
AND (I4 OR (NOT I5 AND I6)) .

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Installation manual

10.5.2 Conditioned binary actions instructions

There are 3 instructions: SET, RES and CPL, that are used to change the status of the indicated

Their programming formats are:

= SET I 1/512

= RES O 1/512

= CPL M 1/5957
B 0/31 R 1/559 10.

Action instructions
If expression = "1", it sets the resource to "1".

If the result of the logic expression is a "1", it sets the indicated resource to "1". If the result is "0",
it does not change the resource.

Example: CPS T2 EQ 100 = SET B0R100

When the timing of timer T2 reaches 100 milliseconds, it sets bit 0 of register R100 to "1".


If expression = "1", it sets the resource to "0".

If the result of the logic expression is a "1", it sets the indicated resource to "0". If the result is "0",
it does not change the resource.

Example: I12 OR NOT I22 = RES M55 = NOT RES M65

When the result of the logic expression is a "1", the PLC sets "M55 = 0"; but does not change M65.
If the result of the logic expression is "0", then the PLC does not change M55; but it sets "M65 = 0".


If expression = 1, it complements the resource.

If the result of the logic expression is a "1", it complements the status of the indicated resource. If
the result is "0", it does not change the resource.

Example: DFU I8 OR DFD M22 = CPL B12R35

Every time an Up Flank (leading edge) is detected at input I8 or a down flank (trailing edge) in
mark M22 the PLC will complement the status of bit 12 of register R35.

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10.5.3 Sequence breaking action instructions

These actions interrupt the sequence of a program, resuming it somewhere else in the program.

That area must be identified with a label (L 1/2000).

A subroutine is any part of the program that starts with a label (L1/2000) and end with the directing
instruction END.


10. Unconditional Jump.

If the result of the logic expression is a "1", it will jump to the indicated label. If the result is a "0",
Action instructions

it goes on to the next program line.


I8 = JMP L12 If I8 = 1 it goes on to L12

M14 AND B7R120 = O8 If I8=1 it is not executed

CPS T2 EQ 2000 = O12 If I8=1 it is not executed


(I12 AND I23) OR M54 = O6


Call to a subroutine.

If the result of the logic expression is a "1", this action executes the indicated subroutine.

Once the subroutine execution is over, the PLC will continue at the action instruction or executable
instruction programmed after CAL.

If the result of the logic expression is a "0", the PLC will ignore this action and the program will go
on without executing that subroutine.

Example: I2 = CAL L5 = O2
With I2=1, subroutine L5 will be executed and once executed, the PLC will set O2 to the value
of input I2 (=1).

If I2=0, the subroutine is not executed and the PLC sets output O2 to the status of input I2 (=0).


Return or end of subroutine.

If the result the logic expression is a "1”, this action will be treated by the PLC as if it were an END
instruction. If the result is a "0", the PLC will ignore it.

If while executing a subroutine, the PLC detects a validated RET, it will conclude the subroutine.

If END is not programmed as end of subroutine, the PLC will continue executing until the end of the
module (END) or the end of the program and it will finish the execution of the subroutine at that point.

The subroutines should be placed after the program END because if they are placed at the
beginning, the PLC will start executing them and will interpret the END of the subroutine as the end
of the module and it will interpret it as the end of the program since it could not find the call to the

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Installation manual

10.5.4 Arithmetic action instructions


It is used to move data from one PLC resource to another.

The programming format is:

Origin Target Source code Destination Number of

code bits to

MOV I 1/512
O 1/512
I 1/512
O 1/512

Action instructions
M 1/5957 M 1/5957 24
T 1/256 R 1/559 20
C 1/256 16
R 1/559 12
# 8

The source and destination codes indicate the original and destination format (binary or BCD) of
the data. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32 bits may be transmitted.

If the codes and number of bits to be moved are not indicated, 32 binary bits will be moved bit to
bit (0032).

MOV I12 M100 0032 from Binary to Binary in 32 bits

MOV O21 R100 0012 from Binary to Binary in 12 bits

MOV C22 O23 0108 from Binary to BCD in 8 bits

MOV T10 M112 1020 from BCD to Binary in 20 bits

If the number to be converted from binary to BCD is larger than the maximum BCD, its value will
be truncated ignoring the most significant bits.

The maximum BCD value that can be converted is:

9 with 4 bits 9999 with 16 bits 9999999 with 28 bits

99 with 8 bits 99999 with 20 bits 99999999 with 32 bits

999 with 12 bits 999999 with 24 bits

In these cases, it is recommended to make the move increasing the number of bits by using, if
necessary, registers or marks in intermediate steps.
Example: I11 = MOV I14 O16 108

If input I11 is "=1", the PLC moves the logic states of the 8 inputs (I14 plus the next 7) in BCD code
to the 8 outputs (O16 and the next 7) in binary code.


Complements the bits of a register.

It changes the state of each one of the 32 bits of a register.

Example: I15 = NGU R152

If input "I15 is =1", the PLC changes the state of the 32 bits of register R152.

R152 before 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 CNC 8055
R152 after 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 CNC 8055i

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Register sign change.

Example: I16 = NGS R89

If input "I16 = 1", the PLC changes the sign of the contents of register R89.

R89 before 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001

R89 after 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1111

10. = ADS, = SBS, = MLS, = DVS, = MDS

They may be used to carry out arithmetic operations such as addition (ADS), subtraction (SBS),
Action instructions

multiplication (MLS), division (DVS) and module or remainder of a division (MDS).

Their programming formats are:

ADS R1/559 R1/559 R1/559

SBS # #

The operands may be: Registers, CNC-PLC communication registers and numbers (#) within
±2147483647 or between 0 and $FFFFFFFF.

The result of the operation may be stored in a register or in CNC-PLC communication register
Examples with R100=1234 and R101=100

() = ADS R100 R101 R102 R102 = 1234 + 100 = 1334

() = SBS R100 R101 R103 R103 = 1234 - 100 = 1134

() = MLS R100 R101 R104 R104 = 1234 x 100 = 123400

() = DVS R100 R101 R105 R105 = 1234 : 100 = 12

() = MDS R100 R101 R106 R106 = 1234 MOD 100 = 34

() = ADS 1563 R101 R112 R112 = 1563 + 100 = 1663

() = SBS R100 1010 R113 R113 = 1234 - 1010 = 224

() = MLS 1563 100 R114 R114 = 1563 x 100 = 156300

() = DVS R100 1000 R115 R115 = 1234 : 1000 = 1

() = MDS 8765 1000 R116 R116 = 8765 MOD 1000= 765

If a division by "0" is performed in the DVS operation, the CNC stops the execution of the PLC program
and it displays the corresponding error message.

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Installation manual

10.5.5 Logic action instructions

= AND, = OR, = XOR

To perform logic operations: AND, OR and XOR between register contents or between a register
content and a number. The result is always stored in a register.

Their programming formats are:

AND R1/559 R1/559 R1/559

OR # #

Registers (R1/559) or numbers expressed in decimal, hexadecimal or binary format can be defined

Action instructions
as first or second operand.

The destination register indicates where the result of the operation will be deposited and will be
defined by means of a register (R1/559).

The mark M2003 is called zero flag and indicates whether the result of an AND, OR, XOR, operation
equals zero, in which case it follows that M2003=1.
Examples with: R200 = B1001 0010
R201 = B0100 0101

()=AND R200 R201 R202 R202=B0 M2003=1

()=OR R200 R201 R203 R203=B11010111 M2003=0

()=XOR R200 R201 R204 R204=B11010111 M2003=0

()=AND B1111 R201 R205 R205=B00000101 M2003=0

()=OR R200 B1111 R206 R206=B10011111 M2003=0

()=XOR B1010 B1110 R207 R207=B00000100 M2003=0

= RR, = RL

Used to rotate registers clockwise (RR) or counterclockwise (RL). There are two types of rotations:
type 1 (RR1 or RL1) and type 2 (RR2 or RL2).

Rotation type 1 (RL1 or RR1):

It inserts a "0" at the least significant bit (RL1) or at the most significant bit (RR1), pushing the other
bits of the register. The first or last bit is lost.

Rotation type 2 (RL2 or RR2):

Circular rotation of the register in the indicated direction.

CNC 8055
Their programming formats are: CNC 8055i
Origin Nr of repetitions Target

RR1 R1/559 R1/559 R1/559

RR2 0/31
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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The origin and destination registers must always be defined, even when they are both the same.
The number of repetitions indicates the consecutive number of times the register will be rotated.

RR1 R100 1 R200
1 type-1 right-hand rotation of R100 leaving the result in R200.
RL2 R102 4 R101
4 type-2 left-hand rotation of R102 leaving the result in R101.
() = RL2 R17 4 R20
10. R17 = 0011 0000 1100 1100 0100 0110 1101 0100

R20 = 0000 1100 1100 0100 0110 1101 0100 0011

Action instructions

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Installation manual

10.5.6 Specific action instructions


Used to delete a group of resources. Indicate the first and last resource to be erased.

Their programming formats are:

ERA I 1/512 1/512

O 1/512 1/512




Action instructions
C 1/256 1/256

R 1/559 1/559

The marks can be M1/2047, M4000/4127, M4500/4563, M4700/4955 or M5000/5957 and registers

When deleting a group of I, O, M or R, the PLC sets them to "0".

If a group of timers is erased this is the equivalent of Resetting them, while, if a group of counters
is erased this is similar to presetting them with a 0 value.

This action is especially useful in the first cycle module (CY1) to set the desired resources to their
initial work conditions.

I12 = ERA O5 12
If input I12 has a value of "1" the PLC will set to 0 outputs O5 thru O12.
I23 = ERA C15 18
If input "I23 =1", the PLC presets counters C15 through C18 (both included) to "0".


Access to the internal CNC variables.

Used to read (CNCRD) and write (CNCWR) the internal CNC variables. Their programming format
CNCRD (Variable, Register, Mark)
CNCWR (Register, Variable, Mark)

The CNCRD action loads the contents of the variable into the register and the CNCWR action loads
the contents of the register into the variable.

The internal CNC variables are described in the chapter on ?"CNC-PLC communication".

The mark is set to "1" at the beginning of the operation and it keeps its value until the end of the

When requesting information on a nonexistent variable (for example the position of an nonexistent
axis), it will show the relevant error message.

CNCRD (FEED, R150, M200)
Loads into register R150 the feedrate value selected at the CNC by means of function G94.
CNCWR (R92, TIMER, M200)
CNC 8055
It resets the clock enabled by the PLC with the value contained in register R92.
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It analyzes the type of parity of a register.

Their programming formats are:

TORQUE R1/559 M1/5957

If the register being checked has an EVEN parity, this instruction will set the indicated mark to "1"
and if its parity is ODD, it will set it to "0".

10. I15 = PAR R123 M222
If I15 = 1 the PLC checks the parity of register R123 and sets M222 = 1 if it is EVEN or M222
Action instructions

= 0 if it is ODD.


Instructions to control communication via RS232. These READ and WRITE instructions may be
executed from a periodic execution module (PE).

= WRITE nBuffer.
If the line is not busy, the data of the indicated buffer is sent through the RS232 serial line. If the
line is busy, the data is not sent.

= READ nBuffer.
The RS232 serial line remains "listening" and fills up the buffer nBuffer with the data received
according to the setting of RCVCTRL. Only one READ instruction may be executed at a time.

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Installation manual

10.6 PLC library

The PLC library allows for a series of subroutines that may be used for the PLC program of the

Once the library has been created, any OEM can use it to run a specific control of the machine. For
that, the OEM's PLC program will call the subroutines that are contained in the library.

It will not be possible to read the instructions of the PLC library, only call its functions to use them.

When compiling the PLC program, it will take into account whether there is a library or not. If there
is a PLC library, the PLC program and the library will be compiled together. The library must be
located in the "PRG" folder of the hard disk.

PLC library

The PLC menu offers the [PLC LIBRARY] option. When pressing this softkey, it requests the PLC
password (if there is one).

After entering the right password, it displays the following softkeys:

Softkey [MAKE PLC_LIB]:

Press this softkey to create a library (plc_lib file) from the existing PLC program. The library will be
created in the "PRG" folder of the hard disk.

The PLC must be compiled before creating the library. The library will be created if there are no
compiling errors.

When creating a library, the comment that the PLC program has at the time will be copied to the
library. Once the library has been generated, it will not be possible to change the comment. A version
number should be given to identify the library.


Press this softkey to delete a library. A library cannot be erased from the utilities menu, only from
the PLC menu using this softkey.


The symbols defined in the library may be used in the following cases:
• When editing the PLC program.

The resources used in the library will appear as used in the PLC statistics.

The labels used in the library cannot be repeated in the PLC program. Likewise, the PRG and PE
instructions cannot be defined in the library.

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How to create a PLC Library

The following example shows how to create a PLC library:

1. Edit a PLC program.
Use only subroutines and symbols in the PLC program.
2. Modify the comment of the PLC program.
This can be used to identify the PLC library.
Example: Punching library V1.1
10. This is a good way to identify the library versions because the comment of a library cannot be
PLC library

The PLC program comment is copied to the library comment when MAKE PLC_LIB is selected.
3. Go to the PLC library, following this keystroke sequence:
<MAIN MENU> <F7=+> <F2=PLC> <F7=+> <F4=PLC LIBRARY>
If there is a PLC password, it will be requested. Enter the password.
4. Create a PLC library just pressing <F1=MAKE PLC_LIB>.
It will generate a PLC library automatically from the current PLC program.
The library file is either "plc_lib.pim" or "plc_lib.pit".
If the PLC program has PRG, or CY1, or PE modules, the PLC library cannot be generated.
5. Make a copy of the PLC program, in order to have a backup for future changes.
6. Delete the PLC program used to generate the PLC library.
7. Once this is done, the PLC library can be copied to any CNC. This file cannot be read or written.

How to use the PLC library

The following example shows how to use a PLC library:

1. Copy the PLC library into the CNC you want to use.
The file must be copied into following directory of the CNC's hard disk:
2. Create a PLC program calling the subroutines edited in the PLC library.
3. Resources used in the PLC library can be used in a PLC program like all DEFINES. Be careful
when using the PLC library resources. Hand this info to the OEM when using these resources.

plc_lib source example


CNC 8055

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() = CAL L1500

Installation manual

; PLC library symbols can be used

PE 4
() = CAL L1501

PLC_LIB documentation example


PLC library
This document must be provided so the PLC library can be used correctly.

Library version 1.1

Library Symbols :

Library subroutines :
Description: Changes the value of OUT_SECOND every second
Input parameters: None
Output parameters: None
Resources modified: OUT_SECOND, M1500

Description: Increments counter RCOUNTER depending on the value of INCREMENT_PAR.
Input parameters: INCREMENT_PAR 1 value increments, 0 doesn't.
Output parameters: RCOUNTER
Resources modified: RCOUNTER

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PLC library

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With the data exchange between the CNC and the PLC, it is possible to:
• The control of logic inputs and outputs from the CNC by means of an exchange of information
between both systems, which is done periodically and by means of specific PLC Marks and
• The transfer from the CNC to the PLC of M, S and T auxiliary functions.
• Display screens which have been defined previously by the user, as well as generating
messages and errors in the CNC, by means of specific PLC Marks.
• Read and modify internal CNC variables from the PLC.
• Access all PLC resources from any part-program.
• Monitor PLC resources on the CNC screen.
• Access to all PLC variables from a computer, via DNC through the RS 232 C serial line.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

11.1 Auxiliary M, S, T functions

MBCD1 (R550) MBCD2 (R551) MBCD3 (R552) MBCD4 (R553)

MBCD5 (R554) MBCD6 (R555) MBCD7 (R556) MBCDP1 (R565)
MBCDP2 (R566) MBCDP3 (R567) MBCDP4 (R568) MBCDP5 (R569)
MBCDP6 (R570) MBCDP7 (R571)

MBCD* resgisters correspond to the main channel whereas MBCDP registers are for the PLC

11. The CNC tells the PLC by means of these 32 bit registers, the miscellaneous M functions
programmed in the block being executed.
Auxiliary M, S, T functions

If there are less than 7 miscellaneous M functions in each block, the CNC will send the information
in the lower-numbered registers, assigning the value $FFFFFFFF to those which are left free.
This way, if a block contains functions M100, M120 and M135, the CNC will transfer the following
information to the PLC:
MBCD1 (R550) = $100
MBCD2 (R551) = $120
MBCD3 (R552) = $135

To know whether a particular M function is programmed in the execution block, use one of the
following methods:
1. Check all MBCD registers one by one until the specific "M" function is found or until one of them
contains the $FFFFFFFF value.
2. Use the "MBCD*" format which permits checking all MBCD registers at the same time.

CPS MBCD* EQ $30 = ...
It returns a "1" if it detects an M30, and a "0" if otherwise.

The miscellaneous M functions can be executed at the beginning or end of the block, according to
how these are set in the miscellaneous M function table.

Besides, this table will indicate whether the CNC must wait, or not, for the general logic input
AUXEND to consider the execution of the corresponding M as having been completed

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Installation manual

SBCD (R557)

This register will be used when using a spindle operating with BCD coded S signal. spindle
parameter SPDLTYPE (P0).

The auxiliary S function will always be executed at the beginning of the block and the CNC will wait
for the general logic input AUXEND to be activated to consider the execution completed.

If S output in 2-digit BCD is used the CNC will tell the PLC, by means of this register the selected
spindle speed according to the following conversion table:


Auxiliary M, S, T functions
0 00 50-55 54 800-899 78

1 20 56-62 55 900-999 79

2 26 63-70 56 1000-1119 80

3 29 71-79 57 1120-1249 81

4 32 80-89 58 1250-1399 82
5 34 90-99 59 1400-1599 83

6 35 100-111 60 1600-1799 84

7 36 112-124 61 1800-1999 85
8 38 125-139 62 2000-2239 86

9 39 140-159 63 2240-2499 87

10-11 40 160-179 64 2500-2799 88

12 41 180-199 65 2800-3149 89

13 42 200-223 66 3150-3549 90

14-15 43 224-249 67 3550-3999 91

16-17 44 250-279 68 4000-4499 92

18-19 45 280-314 69 4500-4999 93

20-22 46 315-354 70 5000-5599 94

23-24 47 355-399 71 5600-6299 95

25-27 48 400-449 72 6300-7099 96

28-31 49 450-499 73 7100-7999 97

32-35 50 500-559 74 8000-8999 98

36-39 51 560-629 75 9000-9999 99

40-44 52 630-709 76

45-49 53 710-799 77

If a value over 9999 is programmed the CNC will tell the PLC the spindle speed corresponding to
value 9999.

If S output in 8-digit BCD is used the CNC will indicate the programmed spindle speed to the PLC
by means of this register.
This value will be coded in BCD format (8 digits) in thousandths of a revolution per minute.

S 12345.678 = 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000

CNC 8055
If no S has been programmed in the block, the CNC will assign a value of $FFFFFFFF to this CNC 8055i

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

TBCD (R558)

The CNC tells the PLC by means of this 32-bit register, the pocket number in the magazine where
the selected tool is.

If the general parameter RANDOMTC (P25) has been set so it is not a random magazine, the
magazine pocket position coincides with the tool number.

This will be coded in BCD format (8 digits).

T 123 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 0011

11. If no T has been programmed in the block, the CNC will assign a value of $FFFFFFFF to this register.

The T function will always be executed at the beginning of the block and the CNC will wait for the
Auxiliary M, S, T functions

general logic input AUXEND to be activated to consider the execution completed.

Special values for the TBCD register (R558):

• TBCD = 0: The requested tool is in the spindle.
• TBCD = -2: The requested tool is in the change position.
• TBCD = -4: The requested tool is a ground tool.

T2BCD (R559)

This register is used when a special tool change has been made (family code >=200) or with
machining centers with a non-random tool magazine (general machine parameter RANDOMTC

The CNC tells the PLC by means of the 32 bit register, the position of the magazine (empty pocket)
in which the tool which was on the spindle must be deposited.

This will be coded in BCD code (8 digits). If a second T function is not required the CNC will assign
a value $FFFFFFFF to the register.

The second T function will be sent together with M06 and the CNC will wait for the general logic
input AUXEND to the activated to consider the execution completed.

NT2BCD (R572)

This register is used for tool magazine handling.

When a new T is executed, the CNC sends the PLC register the magazine position where the active
tool will be put. When executing the next M6, the value of register "NT2BCD" will be transferred to
register "T2BCD".

This information will be sent out for any type of magazine with an automatic tool changer as long
as the bit 12 of general parameter TOOLTYPE (P167) is active.

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Installation manual

11.2 Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer

Every time a block is executed in the CNC, information is passed to the PLC about the M, S, and
T functions which are active.

M function

The CNC analyzes the M functions programmed in the block and in accordance with how these are
defined, will send these to the PLC before and/or after the movement. 11.
To do this, it uses variables "MBCD1" to "MBCD7" (R550 to R556) and activates the general logic

Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer
output "MSTROBE" to indicate to the PLC that it must execute them.

Depending on how these functions are defined on the table, the CNC must wait, or not, for the general
input "AUXEND" to be activated to consider the execution completed.

S function

If an S function has been programmed and the spindle has BCD input, the CNC will send this value
to the variable "SBCD" (R557) and will activate the general logic output "SSTROBE" to indicate to
the PLC that it must be executed.
This transmission is made at the beginning of the block execution and the CNC will wait for the
general input "AUXEND" to be activated to consider the execution completed.

T function

The CNC will indicate via the variable "TBCD" (R558) the T function which has been programmed
in the block and activates the general logic output "TSTROBE" to tell the PLC that it must execute it.

This transmission is made at the beginning of the block execution and the CNC will wait for the
general input "AUXEND" to be activated to consider the execution completed.

Second T function

If this involves changing a special tool or a machining center with non-random tool magazine, the
CNC will indicate, on executing the M06 function, the position of the magazine (empty pocket) in
which the tool which was on the spindle must be deposited.

This indication will be made by means of the variable "T2BCD" (R559) and by activating the general
logic output "T2STROBE" to tell the PLC that it must execute it. The CNC will wait for the general
input AUXEND to be activated to consider the execution completed.

It must be borne in mind that at the beginning of the execution of the block, the CNC can tell the PLC
the execution of the M, S, T and T2 functions by activating their STROBE signals together and waiting
for a single "AUXEND" signal for all of them.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

11.2.1 Transferring M, S, T using the AUXEND signal

1. Once the block has been analyzed and after sending the corresponding values in the variables
"MBCD1-7", "SBCD", "TBCD" and "T2BCD", the CNC will tell the PLC by means of the general
logic outputs "MSTROBE", "SSTROBE", "TSTROBE" and "T2STROBE" that the required
auxiliary functions must be executed.

Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer

2. When the PLC detects that one of the STROBE signals is active, it must deactivate the general
logic input "AUXEND" to tell the CNC that the execution of the corresponding function or
functions is starting.
3. The PLC will execute all the auxiliary functions required, it being necessary to analyze the
"MSTROBE", "SSTROBE", "TSTROBE", "T2STROBE" general logic outputs and the "MBCD1-
7", "SBCD", "TBCD" and "T2BCD" variables in order to do this.
Once this has been executed the PLC must activate the general logic input "AUXEND" to indicate
to the CNC that the processing of the required functions was completed.
4. Once the general "AUXEND" input is activated, the CNC will require that this signal be kept active
for a time period greater than the value given to the general parameter "MINAENDW" (P30).
This way, erroneous interpretations of this signal by the CNC due to an improper PLC program
logic are avoided .
5. Once the period of time MINAENDW has elapsed with the general input "AUXEND" at a high
logic level, the CNC will deactivate the general logic outputs "MSTROBE", "SSTROBE",
"TSTROBE", "T2STROBE" to tell the PLC that the execution of the required auxiliary function
or functions has been completed.

When the block being executed has several auxiliary functions (M, S, T), the CNC waits a time period
set by general parameter MINAENDW (P30) between two consecutive transfers.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

11.2.2 Transferring the auxiliary (miscellaneous) M functions without the

AUXEND signal

1. Once the block has been analyzed and after passing the corresponding values in variables
"MBCD1-7", the CNC will tell the PLC through the general logic output "MSTROBE" that the
required auxiliary function or functions must be executed.


Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer
2. The CNC will keep the general logic output "MSTROBE" active during the time indicated by
means of general parameter MINAENDW (P30).
Once this period of time has elapsed the CNC will continue to execute the program.
It is advisable for the "MINAENDW" value to be equal to or greater than the duration of a PLC
cycle, in order to ensure the detection of this signal by the PLC.
3. When the PLC detects the activation of the general logic signal "MSTROBE" it will execute the
required miscellaneous "M" functions in the "MBCD1-7" variables.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

11.3 Displaying messages, errors and screens

The PLC has a series of marks that allow messages and errors to be displayed in the CNC, as well
as displaying screens which have been defined previously by the user.

Displaying messages

11. The PLC has 255 marks, with their corresponding mnemonic for displaying messages in the CNC.

M4000 MSG001 M4100 MSG101 M4252 MSG253

Displaying messages, errors and screens

M4001 MSG002 M4101 MSG102 M4253 MSG254

M4002 MSG003 M4102 MSG103 M4254 MSG255

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

If one of these marks is activated (high logic level), the CNC will display the selected message
number and its associated text on the PLC message display window (upper right-hand part).

The CNC allows a text to be associated to each PLC message (PLC message editing mode).

If the PLC activates 2 or more messages, the CNC will always display the message with the highest
priority, this being understood as being the message with the lowest number. In this way, MSG1 will
have the highest priority and MSG255 the lowest priority.

In this same message display window, the CNC can show the character + (plus sign), which indicates
that there are more messages activated by the PLC, and these can be displayed if the active
message page option is accessed in the PLC operating mode.

A message can be erased by deactivating it from the PLC program (low logic level) or from the CNC
keyboard, after selecting it on the active messages page.

Nevertheless and depending on the program, the PLC may reactivate this message in the following

DFU I10 = MSG1
I10 = MSG2
(1) Input I10 changes from 0 to 1.
Messages MSG1 and MSG2 are activated.
(2) The user deletes the messages using the keyboard.
(3) In the next PLC cycle, since I10 is kept at "1", MSG2 is activated again.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Error display

The PLC has 128 marks, with their corresponding mnemonic, for displaying errors at the CNC.

M4500 ERR001 M4530 ERR031 M4625 ERR126

M4501 ERR002 M4531 ERR032 M4626 ERR127

M4502 ERR003 M4532 ERR033 M4627 ERR128





... 11.

Displaying messages, errors and screens
When one of these marks is activated (they are set high), they interrupt CNC part-program
execution. It also displays the selected error message and its associated text in the middle of the

The CNC allows a text to be associated to each PLC error (PLC error editing mode).

It is recommended to change the state of these marks by means of accessible external inputs since
the PLC will not stop and the CNC will receive the error message in each new PLC cycle scan; thus
preventing access to any of the PLC modes.

Displaying screens (pages)

The PLC has 256 marks with their corresponding mnemonic, for displaying screens (pages) at the

M4700 PIC000 M4900 PIC200 M4953 PIC253

M4701 PIC001 M4901 PIC201 M4954 PIC254

M4702 PIC002 M4902 PIC202 M4955 PIC255

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

If one of these marks is activated (high logic level), the CNC will display the character * (asterisk)
on the PLC message display window (upper right-hand part) indicating that at least one of the 256
screens (pages) defined by the user in the graphic editor mode is activated.

The selected screens (pages) will be displayed, one by one, if the active page (screen) option is
accessed in the PLC operating mode.

A page can be deactivated from the PLC program (by placing the corresponding mark at the low
logic level) or, from the CNC keyboard, after selecting it in the active page mode.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

11.4 Access to the PLC from the CNC

The CNC is provided with an operating mode in which it can:

• Monitor the user PLC program.
• Monitor PLC resources.
• Modify PLC resources.
• Execute PLC commands (compile, execute, etc.).
• Etc.
11. Likewise, the CNC allows access to all PLC variables of any part program and is provided with
several high level language instructions for this purpose, which allow Inputs, Outputs, Marks,
Access to the PLC from the CNC

Registers, Timers and Counters to be read or modified.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

11.5 Access to the PLC from a PC, via DNC

The CNC allows the PLC to communicate with a computer via DNC through the RS232C serial line.

In this way a computer can access the PLC carrying out:

• Transfer and reception of the user PLC program.
• Monitoring of the user PLC program.
• Monitoring of PLC resources.
• Consultation or modification of PLC resources.
• Execution of PLC commands (compile, execute, etc.). 11.
• Etc.

Access to the PLC from a PC, via DNC

The DNC manual can be applied for from the Commercial Department of Fagor Automation.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Access to the PLC from a PC, via DNC

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


Physical inputs and outputs are the names given to the set of inputs and outputs of the CNC system
which, being controlled by the PLC, communicate with the outside through CNC connectors.

The CNC also has a series of logic inputs and outputs for the internal exchange of information with
PLC marks and registers. This type of marks do not have images on the PLC.

Each of these CNC logic inputs and outputs may be referred to with the corresponding PLC resource
or with their associated mnemonic. Mnemonics which begin with "/" indicate that the signal is active
low (0 V). For example:



All the mnemonics refer to their associated variable, it being necessary to use the NOT operator
to refer to its negation, for example:



CNC logic inputs and outputs can be grouped in:

• General logic inputs.
• Axis logic inputs.
• Spindle logic inputs.
• Logic inputs of the auxiliary spindle
• Key inhibiting logic inputs.
• Logic inputs of the PLC channel
• General logic outputs.
• Axis logic outputs.
• Spindle logic outputs.
• Logic outputs of the auxiliary spindle
• Logic outputs of key status
• Logic inputs of the PLC channel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.1 General logic inputs

These inputs must always be defined in the PLC program.

/EMERGEN (M5000) /STOP (M5001)
/FEEDHOL (M5002) /XFERINH (M5003)

/EMERGEN (M5000)
12. There are to ways to cause an emergency at the CNC, by activating the physical input /Emergency
stop or the general logic input "/EMERGEN" from the PLC.
General logic inputs

CNC 8055 Pin 2 of connector X9 of the –Axes– module or –Axes Vpp– module.
CNC 8055i Pin 10 of connector X2.

emergency emergency


When the PLC sets the "/EMERGEN" input low (0V), the CNC stops the axes and the spindle and
it displays the corresponding error message.

Also, the CNC activates the "/EMERGENCY OUTPUT" and "/ALARM" signals to let the outside
world and the PLC know that an emergency has occurred at the CNC.

The CNC does not allow executing programs and it aborts any attempt to move the axes or the
spindle while the "/EMERGEN" input is low (0V).

When the PLC brings the "/EMERGEN" input back high (24V), the CNC deactivates the
"/EMERGENCY OUTPUT" and "/ALARM" signals to let the outside world and the PLC know that
there is no longer an emergency at the CNC.

I-EMERG AND (rest of conditions) = /EMERGEN
If the external emergency input is activated or any other emergency occurs, the general logic input
/EMERGEN of the CNC. When there is no emergency, this signal must remain high.

/STOP (M5001)

When the PLC sets this signal low, the CNC stops the part program, and maintains spindle rotation.

In order to continue executing the program, as well as setting this signal at a high logic level, the
CNC 8055 general logic input CYSTART must be activated.
CNC 8055i The treatment which this /STOP signal receives is similar to that given to the STOP key on the CNC
front panel keeping all the keys enabled even when the /STOP signal is at low logic level (0) .

SOFT: V02.2X ( ) = /STOP
There is always permission to execute the part program.

Installation manual

/FEEDHOL (M5002)

When the PLC sets this signal low, the CNC stops the axes (maintaining spindle rotation). When
the signal returns to the high logic level, the movement of the axes continues.

If the /FEEDHOL signal is activated (0V) in a block without motion, the CNC will continue the
execution of the program until detecting a block with motion.

( ) = /FEEDHOL
There is always permission to move the axes.

/XFERINH (M5003)


General logic inputs
If the PLC sets this signal low, the CNC prevents the following block from starting, but finishes the
one it is executing. When the signal returns to high logic level, the CNC continues to execute the

( ) = /XFERINH
There is always permission to execute the next block.


If the START key is pressed on the front panel of the CNC, this is indicated to the PLC by means
of the general logic output START.

If the PLC program considers that there is nothing to prevent the part program from being executed,
the CYSTART signal must be set at a high logic level, thus beginning the execution of the program.

The CNC will indicate by means of the general logic output INCYCLE that the program is being
executed. As of that moment the CYSTART can return to low logic level.

START AND (rest of conditions) = CYSTART
When the cycle START key is pressed, the CNC activates the general logic output START. The PLC
must check that the rest of the conditions (hydraulic, safety devices, etc.) are met before setting the
general input CYSTART high in order to start executing the program

SBLOCK (M5008)

When the PLC sets this signal high, the CNC changes to the single block execution mode.

The treatment this signal receives is similar to that given to the "single block" softkey.


If the PLC sets this signal at a high logic level, the CNC selects rapid feed for all the movements
executed in JOG mode.

When the signal returns to a low logic level, the movements executed in JOG mode are made at
the previously-selected feedrate.

The treatment which this signal receives is similar to that given to the rapid feedrate key on the control

The EXRAPID (M5057) signal is similar, but for movements in execution mode.

OVRCAN (M5010)

If the PLC sets this signal at a high logic level, the CNC selects 100% feedrate override, irrespective CNC 8055
of whether this is selected by the PLC, DNC, program or by the front panel switch.
CNC 8055i
While the OVERCAN signal is activated (logic 1), the CNC will apply in each mode 100 % of the
feedrate corresponding to that mode.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

LATCHM (M5011)

This allows the type of JOG key operation to be selected in JOG mode.

If the PLC sets this signal low, the axes will only move while the corresponding JOG key is pressed.

If the PLC sets this signal at a high logic level, the axes will move from the moment the corresponding
JOG key is pressed until the STOP key or other JOG key is pressed. In this case, the movement
will be transferred to that indicated by the new key.


12. When working with coordinate transformation of inclined planes, the axes movements are made with
respect to the axes of the part
General logic inputs

To make the jogging movements by handwheel or keyboard along the axes of the machine, use
G53 or activate the general CNC input "MACHMOVE (M5012) at the PLC.
MACHMOVE = 0 The movements coincide with the axes of the part.
MACHMOVE = 1 The movements coincide with the axes of the machine.

See the chapter on "Coordinate Transformation" in the programming manual.

ACTGAIN2 (M5013)

The axes and the spindle can have 3 sets of gains and accelerations.

By default, the first set is always assumed. The one indicated by the axis and spindle parameters:

general parameter ACTGAIN2 (P108) indicates with which functions or in which mode the second
set is applied, the one set by axis parameters ACCTIME2 (P59), PROGAIN2 (P60), DERGAIN2
(P61) and FFGAIN2 (P62) or spindle parameters ACCTIME2 (P47), PROGAIN2 (P48), DERGAIN2
(P49) and FFGAIN2 (P50).

The gains and accelerations can also be changed from the PLC regardless of the active operating
mode or function. To do this, use general input ACTGAIN2 (M5013).
ACTGAIN2 (M5013) = 0 The CNC assumes the first set.
ACTGAIN2 (M5013) = 1 The CNC assumes the second set.

The change of gains and accelerations is always made at the beginning of the block.
When working in round corner (G5), the change does not take place until G07 is


This signal will be treated by the CNC when the JOG mode is selected and there is no movement
of the axes or when a program to be executed is selected and it is not running.

When there is a rising edge (leading edge) of this signal (change from low to high) the CNC assumes
the initial machining conditions selected by the machine parameter.

The CNC will indicate by means of the general logic output RESETOUT that this function has been

The treatment received by this signal is similar to that given to the RESET key on the front panel.

AUXEND (M5016)

This signal is used in the execution of auxiliary functions M, S and T, to tell the CNC that the PLC
CNC 8055 is executing them.
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

It operates in the following way:

1. Once the block has been analyzed and after sending the corresponding values in the variables
"MBCD1-7", "SBCD", "TBCD" and "T2BCD", the CNC will tell the PLC by means of the general
logic outputs "MSTROBE", "SSTROBE", "TSTROBE" and "T2STROBE" that the required
auxiliary functions must be executed.



General logic inputs
2. When the PLC detects that one of the STROBE signals is active, it must deactivate the general
logic input "AUXEND" to tell the CNC that the execution of the corresponding function or
functions is starting.
3. The PLC will execute all the auxiliary functions required, it being necessary to analyze the
"MSTROBE", "SSTROBE", "TSTROBE", "T2STROBE" general logic outputs and the "MBCD1-
7", "SBCD", "TBCD" and "T2BCD" variables in order to do this.
Once this has been executed the PLC must activate the general logic input "AUXEND" to indicate
to the CNC that the processing of the required functions was completed.
4. Once the general "AUXEND" input is activated, the CNC will require that this signal be kept active
for a time period greater than the value given to the general parameter "MINAENDW" (P30).
This way, erroneous interpretations of this signal by the CNC due to an improper PLC program
logic are avoided .
5. Once the period of time MINAENDW has elapsed with the general input "AUXEND" at a high
logic level, the CNC will deactivate the general logic outputs "MSTROBE", "SSTROBE",
"TSTROBE", "T2STROBE" to tell the PLC that the execution of the required auxiliary function
or functions has been completed.


The CNC is provided with a timer which can be enabled and disabled. By means of this logic CNC
input, it will be enabled (timing) when the PLC sets the signal TIMERON at a high logic level.

This general purpose timer can be accessed by means of the internal variable TIMER. An application
of this timer is to monitor tool life.


The PLC sets this signal at a high logic level in order to tell the CNC to reject the tool in use, even
though it may not have come to the end of its service life. An important application is to replace the
tool when the PLC detects that it is broken.


The PLC sets this signal high in order to tell the CNC that the front panel keyboard (monitor with
keyboard) and the keyboard of the operator panel of the CNC are deactivated.

It is recommended to change the state of this mark by means of an accessible external input since
the PLC will not stop and the CNC will receive the error message in each new PLC cycle scan; thus
preventing access to any of the PLC modes.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
When working with coordinate transformation of inclined planes, the axes movements are made with
respect to the axes of the part

To make the jogging movements by handwheel or keyboard along the axes of the machine, use
G47 or activate the general CNC input "TOOLMOVE (M5021) at the PLC. SOFT: V02.2X

TOOLMOVE = 0 The movements coincide with the axes of the part.

TOOLMOVE = 1 The movements coincide with the axes of the tool.

See the chapter on "Coordinate Transformation" in the programming manual.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


The PLC sets this signal high to indicate to the CNC that it must stop the PLC axes. It also cancels
the rest of the movement and the possible blocks that might have been sent from the PLC.

Once this process is ended, the CNC automatically deactivates this signals.

The following example shows how the axes controlled by the PLC may be moved by means of
external push-buttons.


12. The PLC will order to move the "C" axis by 1 meter every time the "C+" button is pressed, but stopping
it when this key is released.
General logic inputs

Symbol to define the "C+" push button.

DFU CPLUS =CNCEX (G91 G1 C1000 F3000, M1)
Pressing the button commands it to move 1000 mm.
Releasing the button aborts the movement.

On power-up, the CNC sets this mark to "0".


This mark indicates the PLC status.

PLCREADY = 0 PLC stopped.
PLCREADY = 1 PLC running.

If this mark is set to 0. The PLC program will stop.

This mark MUST be set to 1 so the CNC allows the spindle and/or the axes to be moved. Otherwise,
it will issue the corresponding error message.

INT1 (M5024) INT2 (M5025) INT3 (M5026) INT4 (M5027)

The PLC sets one of these signals to logic state "1" to "tell" the CNC to interrupt the execution of
the currently running program and jump to execute the interruption subroutine whose number is
indicated in the general machine parameter "INT1SUB" (P35), "INT2SUB" (P36), "INT3SUB" (P37)
or "INT4SUB" (P38) respectively.

All these inputs have the same priority and are active by level (not by flank or edge). Only the first
one being detected high ("1") will be attended to.

The status of these signals "INT1", "INT2", "INT3", "INT4" are not stored; therefore, it is
recommended to activate these marks at the PLC by means of an instruction of the "=SET" type.
These marks will be deactivated automatically when starting the execution of the corresponding

An interruption subroutine cannot, in turn, be interrupted.

BLKSKIP1 (M5028)

The PLC sets this signal at a high logic level to tell the CNC that the block skip condition "/ or /1"
is met, therefore, the blocks which have this block skip condition will not be executed.

BLKSKIP2 (M5029)

The PLC sets this signal at a high logic level to tell the CNC that the block skip condition "/ or /2"
is met, therefore, the blocks which have this block skip condition will not be executed.
CNC 8055
BLKSKIP3 (M5030)
CNC 8055i
The PLC sets this signal at a high logic level to tell the CNC that the block skip condition "/ or /3"
is met, therefore, the blocks which have this block skip condition will not be executed.

M01STOP (M5031)
SOFT: V02.2X
The PLC sets this signal at a high logic level to tell the CNC to stop the execution of the part program
when the auxiliary (miscellaneous) M01 function is executed.

Installation manual


The CNC takes into consideration this input in MC, MCO, TC and TCO modes.

It indicates whether the "T" key must be pressed or not after executing the operation or the part in
order to inspect the tool.
TOOLINSP = 0 The tool inspection mode is available when interrupting the execution.
TOOLINSP = 1 To access the tool inspection mode, first interrupt the execution and then
press the "T" key.


The CNC takes into account this input when retracing is available, general parameter RETRACAC


General logic inputs
other than zero. The retracing function may also be activated while function G51 (look-ahead) is

If while executing a part-program the PLC sets this signal high, retracing is activated. The CNC stops
the execution of the program and starts executing backwards the blocks executed until then.

When the PLC sets this signal back low, it cancels the retrace function. The CNC will resume forward
execution of the blocks that it executed backwards and goes on to the part of the program that had
not machined.

Retracing executes backwards the current block plus the last blocks that were already executed.

The retracing function ends in the following cases:

• When the previous 2000 blocks are retraced.
• When retraced all the way to the beginning of the program.
• When retracing up to block G51 (activating the look-ahead function).
• When finding a block that contains an M function (only if RETRACAC = 1).
• When finding a block that contains an S or a T function.
• When finding a high-level language block.

In all cases, the CNC activates the RETRAEND (M5522) signal to let the PLC know that all possible
blocks have been executed.

While the retracing function is active, neither tool inspection nor MDI operations are possible.

The Retracing function cannot be activated while a canned cycle is active.

When working with G51 active, it must be borne in mind several blocks may go by from the moment
the RETRACE mark is activated until the machine starts retracing. Besides,the look-ahead
calculations will be different when going in one direction and returning; therefore, both paths might
not be exactly the same.

ACTLIM2 (M5052)

The PLC sets this signal high to "tell" to the CNC to activate the second travel limits set by means
of variables LIMPL(X-C) and LIMMI(X-C).

The second travel limit of each axis will be taken into account if the first one has been set using axis
parameters LIMIT+ (P5) and LIMIT- (P6).


This signal is used when either the "path handwheel" or "path jog" work mode has been selected
using general input "MASTRHND (M5054)". It allows selecting the type of movement.
M5053 = 0 Linear path.
CNC 8055
M5053 = 1 Arc path.
CNC 8055i
For a linear path, the path angle must be indicated by the MASLAN variable and for an arc, the center
coordinates must be indicated by the MASCFI and MASCSE variables

Variables MASLAN, MASCFI and MASCSE may be read and written from the CNC, DNC and PLC.
SOFT: V02.2X

The PLC sets this signal high to "tell" the CNC to activate the "path handwheel" or the "path jog"
M5054 = 0 Normal work mode with handwheels or jog keys.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

M5054 = 1 "Path handwheel" or "path jog" function on.


It must be used on the lathe model, when the "C" axis and the spindle share the same drive. See
"7.12 Digital servo (CAN or Sercos)" on page 363.

The PLC sets this signal high to let the CNC know that the drive is ready to work as a "C" axis.


12. The CNC only takes this signal into account if parameter RAPIDEN has been set to ·1· or ·2·.

If the PLC sets this signal high, the programmed movements are executed as follows.
General logic inputs

"RAPIDEN" = 1 When the mark is activated, the programmed movements are executed
in rapid. There is no need to press the "rapid" key.
RAPIDEN = 2 When the mark is activated, the "rapid" key is enabled. The key must be
pressed to make movements in rapid; in other words, both the key and the
mark must be active.

When the signal is set back low, the movements are executed at the programmed feedrate.

The treatment which this signal receives is similar to that given to the rapid feedrate key on the control

The MANRAPID (M5009) signal is similar, but for movements in jog mode.


When the PLC sets this signal high, it limits the feedrate of each axis to the value set by its axis
parameter"FLIMIT (P75)". When this limit is canceled, the CNC recovers the programmed feedrate.


When the PLC sets this signal high, it limits the spindle speed to the value set by its spindle parameter
"SLIMIT (P66)". When this limit is canceled, the CNC recovers the programmed turning speed.

When the spindle is controlled by the PLC by means of the PLCCNTL mark, this limit is ignored.


When the PLC sets this mark high, the CNC ends the movement in progress and starts executing
the next block. If the interrupted block had M functions to be executed after the block, they will be
executed before going on to the next block.

This mark only affects the execution in automatic mode and the simulation with motion.

This mark does not stay active after the execution. Once executed, the CNC deactivates it. Likewise,
if they are activated in a block that does not accept them, they will also be deactivated; they do not
stay active for the next block.

These marks affect the following functions.

• It affect motion blocks G0, G1, G2, G3.
• They affect the dwell programmed with G4.
• It affects the look-ahead. In this type of programs with very small blocks, it is not possible to stop
at the same block where the "BLOABOR" mark is detected. In these cases, it will be canceled
at the block where the axis is fully decelerated.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

These marks do not affect the following functions.

• It does not affect motionless blocs, which will be executed.
• It does not affect the M functions that are executed after the block. These functions are always
executed, even if the movement of the block is interrupted.
• It does affect not affect threading blocks G33. Nor does it affect the regular tapping or rigid tapping
cycles regardless of the value of parameter STOPTAP.
• It does not affect spindle positioning blocks M19. If the spindle positioning is in a block containing
axis movement, it aborts the movement of the axes, but it completes the positioning of the
• It does not interrupt the execution of function G74 (home search).
• It has no effect when tangential control is active.


General logic inputs
Considerations for the execution
These marks do not affect block preparation. When canceling the execution of a block, the next
movement is carried out up to the prepared target coordinates; no preparation is done.

On the other hand, only the programmed axes are involved in the next movement. The rest of the
axes are ignored, even if there is a real difference in position because the previous block has been

Path 1 Path 2

The solid lines represent the programmed paths and the dashed lines the real paths,
after activating the BLOABOR mark.

If a block is aborted and then the RETRACE function is activated, the retraced path (backwards)
will not be the same as the one traveled forward. The two paths will not coincide either when aborting
a block while the RETRACE function is active.


The axes and the spindle can have 3 sets of gains and accelerations.

By default, the first set is always assumed. The one indicated by the axis and spindle parameters:

general parameter ACTGAINT (P185) indicates with which functions or in which mode the third set
is applied, the one set by axis parameters ACCTIMET (P92), PROGAINT (P93), DERGAINT (P94)
and FFGAINT (P95) or spindle parameters ACCTIMET (P81), PROGAINT (P82), DERGAINT (P83)
and FFGAINT (P84).

The gains and accelerations can also be changed from the PLC regardless of the active operating
mode or function. To do this, use general input ACTGAINT (M5063).
ACTGAINT (M5063) = 1 The CNC assumes the third set.

The change of gains and accelerations is always made at the beginning of the block. CNC 8055
When working in round corner (G5), the change does not take place until G07 is programmed.
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


During the drilling, tapping and rigid tapping cycles of the mill model CNC, it is now possible to
withdraw the tool to the starting plane and, once there, stop the spindle.

Once the retraction is completed, the user may finish the hole, go to the next hole or go into tool

General logic input SKIPCYCL (M5064) is used to go to the next hole, once the withdrawal is

12. RETRACYC (M5065)

During the drilling, tapping and rigid tapping cycles of the mill model CNC, it is now possible to
withdraw the tool to the starting plane and, once there, stop the spindle.
General logic inputs

Once the retraction is completed, the user may finish the hole, go to the next hole or go into tool

The PLC activates this mark and the CNC cancels it automatically once the Z axis stopped and
before beginning to retract.


PLC mark used by the OEM to activate an error message during tool change. When this mark is
activated, the CNC activates the TMINEM mark.

RESTMEM (5067)
PLC mark that may be used to cancel the error state of the CNC. This mark is activated when the
user confirms that the tool magazine has been inspected and that everything is OK to continue

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

12.2 Axis logic inputs.

There are several groups of logic inputs (LIMIT, DECEL, etc.) which refer to the possible axes of
the machine by means of digits 1 through 7 (LIMIT+2, DECEL1,etc.) or using the axis name
(LIMIT+X, DECELZ, etc.).

The marks of the axes that do not exist in the machine parameters assume the value of the M2045
mark, that's always set to 0.

When monitoring the PLC program, it shows the edited marks, either with a letter or with a number.
However, the resource windows created from monitoring will replace the marks with axis names by
the marks with axis numbers. For example:


Axis logic inputs.
SERVOZON by SERVO2ON if there is no Y axis, but there are X and Z axes.

Mnemonics using numbers 1 through 7.

These signals are numbered as the logic order of the axes; it is not related to the values assigned
to general parameter AXIS1 (P0) through AXIS8 (P7).

For example, if the CNC controls the X, Y, Z, B, C and U axis, the order will be: X, Y, Z, U, B, C and,

LIMIT+1, LIMIT-1, DECEL1, etc. for the X axis:

LIMIT+2, LIMIT-2, DECEL2, etc. for the Y axis:

LIMIT+3, LIMIT-3, DECEL3, etc. for the Z axis:

LIMIT+4, LIMIT-4, DECEL4, etc. for the U axis:

LIMIT+5, LIMIT-5, DECEL5, etc. for the B axis

LIMIT+6, LIMIT-6, DECEL6, etc. for the C axis:

Mnemonics using the axis name

The mnemonics of the signals refer to the axis name.

Mnemonics with axis names offer the advantage that if an axis is eliminated, the PLC program will
still be consistent with the rest of the axes.

LIMIT+1 (M5100) LIMIT-1 (M5101) LIMIT+2 (M5150) LIMIT-2 (M5151)

LIMIT+3 (M5200) LIMIT-3 (M5201) LIMIT+4 (M5250) LIMIT-4 (M5251)
LIMIT+5 (M5300) LIMIT-5 (M5301) LIMIT+6 (M5350) LIMIT-6 (M5351)
LIMIT+7 (M5400) LIMIT-7 (M5401)

The PLC sets these signals at a high logic level in order to tell the CNC that the corresponding axis
has overrun the end of its range of movement in the positive (+) or negative (-) direction indicated
by the limit switch.

In this case, the CNC stops axis feed and spindle rotation and displays the corresponding error on

In manual (JOG) operating mode the axis which has overrun its range of travel can be moved in
the correct direction in order to place it within the correct range of travel.

DECEL1 (M5102) DECEL2 (M5152) DECEL3 (M5202) DECEL4 (M5252)

DECEL5 (M5302) DECEL6 (M5352) DECEL7 (M5402)

These signals are used by the CNC when machine reference search is made.

If the PLC sets one of these signals high, this indicates to the CNC that the machine reference search CNC 8055
switch of the corresponding axis has been pressed. CNC 8055i
When this signal is activated in the machine reference search mode, the CNC decelerates the axis,
changing the rapid approach feedrate indicated by the axis parameter "REFEED1", with the slow
feedrate indicated by the axis parameter "REFEED2". After decelerating it accepts the following
reference signal from the corresponding axis feedback system as being valid. SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

INHIBIT1 (M5103) INHIBIT2 (M5153) INHIBIT3 (M5203) INHIBIT4 (M5253)

INHIBIT5 (M5303) INHIBIT6 (M5353) INHIBIT7 (M5403)

The PLC sets one of these signals at a high logic level in order to tell the CNC to prevent any
movement of the corresponding axis. This movement will continue when the PLC sets this signal
at the low logic level once more.

If the inhibited axis is moving together with other axes, all these stop moving until the signal returns
to the low logic level.

MIRROR1 (M5104) MIRROR2 (M5154) MIRROR3 (M5204) MIRROR4 (M5254)

12. MIRROR5 (M5304) MIRROR6 (M5354) MIRROR7 (M5404)

If the PLC sets one of these signals at a high logic level, the CNC applies mirror image to the
Axis logic inputs.

movement of the corresponding axis.

It must be borne in mind that if this signal is activated during a programmed movement, the CNC
will only apply mirror image to the movement, not to the final coordinate.

N00 G01 X0 Y0 F1000

N10 G01 X70 Y42
N20 G01 X100 Y60
N30 M30

If, when executing the programmed movement in block N20 the signal corresponding to the X axis
"MIRROR1" is active, the CNC will apply mirror image to the remaining movement in X.

This way, the new end of travel point will be X40 Y60.

By means of the activation of these signals, symmetrical parts can be executed by using a single
program, for example, soles of shoes.

In order to obtain the same effect as functions G11, G12, G13 and G14, it is necessary for the
corresponding axis or axes to be positioned at part zero when these signals are activated.

SWITCH1 (M5105) SWITCH2 (M5155) SWITCH3 (M5205) SWITCH4 (M5255)

SWITCH5 (M5305) SWITCH6 (M5355) SWITCH7 (M5405)

When having 2 axes controlled by the same servo drive, this mark may be used to toggle the velocity
commands between the two axes.

See "7.13 Axes (2) controlled by a single drive" on page 368.

DRO1 (M5106) DRO2 (M5156) DRO3 (M5206) DRO4 (M5256)

DRO5 (M5306) DRO6 (M5356) DRO7 (M5406)

These inputs, together with the corresponding "SERVOON" inputs make it possible to operate with
the axes as DRO.

In order for the axis to work in DRO mode, its "DRO" input must be high and its corresponding
"SERVOON" input must be low.

CNC 8055 When an axis works as a DRO, the positioning loop is open and its following error is ignored while
in motion
CNC 8055i
If the DRO signal is brought back low, the axis will no longer behave as a DRO and the CNC will
take as position value its current position assigning a 0 value to the following error.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

SERVO1ON (M5107) SERVO2ON (M5157) SERVO3ON (M5207) SERVO4ON (M5257)

SERVO5ON (M5307) SERVO6ON (M5357) SERVO7ON (M5407)

When one of these signals is set high, the CNC closes the positioning loop of the corresponding axis.

If set low, the CNC does not close the position loop of the axis. Any position deviation is stored as
following error, thus when the signal gets back high, the axis moves to return to position

These signals are controlled by the PLC and when the positioning loop is to be closed, they will be
processed by the CNC according to the value given to machine parameter "DWELL" (P17) for the

DWELL=0 12.


Axis logic inputs.
When axis parameter DWELL (P17) for the axis to be moved is set to 0, the CNC will check the status
of the SERVOON signal at the time when the ENABLE must be output.

If the SERVOON signal is high, the CNC allows the movement of this axis by activating the ENABLE
signal and providing the required velocity command output.

On the other hand, if the SERVOON signal is low or if it changes during the movement of the axes,
the CNC stops the axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error message.

When axis parameter DWELL (P17) for the axis to be moved is set to other than "0", the CNC will
check the status of the SERVOON signal at the time when the ENABLE must be output.

When this signal (SERVOON) is high, the CNC allows the movement of the axis by activating the
ENABLE signal and providing the required velocity command output.

On the other hand, if the SERVOON signal is low, the CNC activates the ENABLE signal and after
"waiting" for a time period indicated in DWELL, it checks again the status of the SERVOON signal.
If it is high, the required spindle velocity command will be output. If low, the CNC will stop the axes
feed and the spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error message.

Also, if the SERVOON signal changes states during the movement of the axis, the CNC stops the
axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error message.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

AXIS+1 (M5108) AXIS-1 (M5109) AXIS+2 (M5158) AXIS-2 (M5159)

AXIS+3 (M5208) AXIS-3 (M5209) AXIS+4 (M5258) AXIS-4 (M5259)
AXIS+5 (M5308) AXIS-5 (M5309) AXIS+6 (M5358) AXIS-6 (M5359)
AXIS+7 (M5408) AXIS-7 (M5409)

The CNC uses these signals when working in the manual (JOG) operating mode.

If the PLC sets one of these signals high, the CNC will move the corresponding axis in the direction
indicated, positive (+) or negative (-). This movement will be performed at the feedrate override %
currently selected.

12. The treatment which these signals receive is similar to that given to the JOG keys of the operator
Axis logic inputs.

SPENA1 (M5110) DRENA1 (M5111) SPENA2 (M5160) DRENA2 (M5161)

SPENA3 (M5210) DRENA3 (M5211) SPENA4 (M5260) DRENA4 (M5261)
SPENA5 (M5310) DRENA5 (M5311) SPENA6 (M5360) DRENA6 (M5361)
SPENA7 (M5410) DRENA7 (M5411) SPENA8 (M6110) DRENA8 (M6111)
SPENA9 (M6160) DRENA9 (M6161)

The CNC uses these signals when communicating with the drive via Sercos or via CAN. Every time
the PLC sets one of these signals high or low, the CNC lets the corresponding drive know about it.

These signals correspond to the "speed enable" and "drive enable" signals of the drive. The drive
manual describes how the two signals work, however, remember the following:
• Both signals must be initialized low when powering up the PLC.
• For normal drive operation, both signals must be set high.
• A down flank (trailing edge) of the DRENA signal (drive enable) turns off the power circuit of the
drive and the motor loses its torque. In this situation, the motor is no longer governed and it will
stop when its kinetic energy runs out. (Stop by friction).
• A trailing edge of the SPENA signal (speed enable) switches the "internal velocity reference"
to "0" rpm and brakes the motor while maintaining its torque. Once the motor has stopped, the
drive's power circuit is turned off and the motor has no torque.

When using Sercos, when an emergency occurs at the CNC, the SPENA signals of the axes and
the spindle are disabled and the drive brakes using the emergency ramps.

SYNCHRO1 (M5112) SYNCHRO2 (M5162) SYNCHRO3 (M5212) SYNCHRO4 (M5262)

SYNCHRO5 (M5312) SYNCHRO6 (M5362) SYNCHRO7 (M5412)

The PLC sets one of these signals high to synchronize the corresponding axis to the axis defined
by the axis parameter "SYNCHRO".

ELIMINA1 (M5113) ELIMINA2 (M5163) ELIMINA3 (M5213) ELIMINA4 (M5263)

ELIMINA5 (M5313) ELIMINA6 (M5363) ELIMINA7 (M5413)

If the PLC sets one these signals high, the CNC does not display the corresponding axis but keeps
controlling it. Same as when setting axis parameter DFORMAT (P1) =3.

The ELIMINA mark can be activated and deactivated at any time and it also cancels the feedback
alarms which the machine parameter does not do.

When the axis is controlled via Sercos and the PLC sets the relevant ELIMINA signal high, the
commands to park that axis are generated automatically via Sercos. The drive of that axis will not
issue, for example, when removing the feedback, the CNC will not issue a feedback error.

SMOTOF1 (M5114) SMOTOF2 (M5154) SMOTOF3 (M5214) SMOTOF4 (M5254)

SMOTOF5 (M5314) SMOTOF6 (M5354) SMOTOF7 (M5414)

CNC 8055 The SMOTIME (P58) filter set for each axis with parameter P58 can be canceled from the PLC.
CNC 8055i This SMOTIME filter will be activated or deactivated at the beginning of the block. If one of these
logic inputs is activated or deactivated while the CNC is overlapping blocks being executed in round
corner, it will be ignored until that operation is finished.

SOFT: V02.2X
LIM1OFF (M5115) LIM2OFF (M5165) LIM3OFF (M5215) LIM4OFF (M5265)
LIM5OFF (M5315) LIM6OFF (M5365) LIM7OFF (M5415)

The PLC sets one of these signals high so that the CNC ignores the software limits of the
corresponding axis.

Installation manual

MANINT1 (M5116) MANINT2 (M5166) MANINT3 (M5216) MANINT4 (M5266)

MANINT5 (M5316) MANINT6 (M5366) MANINT7 (M5416)

The PLC sets one of these signals high to activate the additive handwheel on each axis. Only one
additive handwheel may be enabled at a time. If there are more than one mark active, only the first
one will be attended to.

When a program is in execution and the mark associated with an axis is activated, it calculates the
movement to be applied to that axis according to the resolution of the handwheel.

DIFFCOM1 (M5117) DIFFCOM2 (M5167) DIFFCOM3 (M5217) DIFFCOM4 (M5267)

DIFFCOM5 (M5317) DIFFCOM6 (M5367) DIFFCOM7 (M5417)

Depending on the logic level of these signals, it corrects the theoretical difference between the


Axis logic inputs.
master and the slave of a Gantry pair after homing both axes of that pair of axes.

The theoretical difference between the master and the slave is corrected as follows:
• With the leading edge (up flank) of DIFFCOMaxis while SERVOaxisON = 1.
• With the leading edge (up flank) of SERVOaxisON while DIFFCOMaxis = 1.
In this case, to correct the theoretical difference between master and slave, both the master and
the slave axes must be set as Gantry axis or as DRO axis. Otherwise, the upflank of the
SERVOaxisON mark corrects the following error of the slave axis.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.3 Spindle logic inputs.

This CNC can handle 2 spindles: a main spindle and a second spindle. They both can be operative
simultaneously, but only one can be controlled at a time. This selection can be made via part-
program by means of functions G28 and G29.

LIMIT+S (M5450) LIMIT-S (M5451) Cabezal principal

LIMIT+S2 (M5475) LIMIT-S2 (M5476) Segundo cabezal

The CNC uses this signal while searching home when the spindle changes to working in closed loop

12. (M19). The CNC only considers the signals for the currently selected spindle.

The PLC sets one of the signals high to tell the CNC that the spindle has overrun its range of travel
Spindle logic inputs.

in the positive (+) or negative (-) direction.

In this case, the CNC stops axis feed and spindle rotation and displays the corresponding error on

DECELS (M5452) Main spindle

DECELS2 (M5477) Second spindle

The CNC uses this signal while searching home when the spindle changes to working in closed loop
(M19). The CNC only considers the signals for the currently selected spindle.

The PLC sets this signal high to indicate to the CNC that the reference search switch is pressed.

When this signal is activated in the reference search mode the CNC decelerates the spindle,
changing the rapid approach speed indicated by the spindle parameter REFEED1 (P34), with the
slow feedrate indicated by the spindle parameter REFEED2 (P35). After decelerating, it accepts the
following reference signal from the spindle feedback systems as being valid.

SPDLEINH (M5453) Main spindle

SPDLEIN2 (M5478) Second spindle

The CNC considers these 2 signals at all times so both spindles can be controlled by the PLC.

When the PLC sets this signal high, the CNC outputs a zero velocity command for the spindle.

SPDLEREV (M5454) Main spindle

SPDLERE2 (M5479) Second spindle

The CNC considers these 2 signals at all times so both spindles can be controlled by the PLC.

When the PLC sets this signal high, the CNC reverses the programmed spindle turning direction.

If while being this signal high, a block containing an M3 or M4 is executed, the spindle will start turning
in the opposite direction.

SMOTOFS (M5455) Main spindle

SMOTOFS2 (M5480) Second spindle

The SMOTIME (P46) filter set for the main and second spindles with parameter P46 can be canceled
from the PLC.
This SMOTIME filter will be activated or deactivated at the beginning of the block. If one of these
logic inputs is activated or deactivated while the CNC is overlapping blocks being executed in round
corner, it will be ignored until that operation is finished.

SERVOSON (M5457) Main spindle

SERVOSO2 (M5482) Second spindle

CNC 8055 These signals are controlled by the PLC and the CNC will process them only when the spindle is
working in closed loop (M19). Its treatment depends on the value assigned to spindle parameter
CNC 8055i DWELL (P17).


SOFT: V02.2X If spindle parameter DWELL (P17) has been set to "0", the CNC will check the status of the
SERVOSON signal at the time when the ENABLE signal is to be output.

If the SERVOSON signal is high, the CNC will allow the spindle to rotate by activating the ENABLE
signal and providing the required velocity command output.

Installation manual

On the other hand, if the SERVOSON signal is low or if it changes to low during the rotation of the
spindle, the CNC will stop the axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error


Spindle logic inputs.
If spindle parameter DWELL (P17) has been set to other than "0", the CNC will check the status
of the SERVOSON signal at the time when the ENABLE signal is to be output.

If the SERVOSON signal is high, the CNC will allow the spindle to rotate by activating the ENABLE
signal and providing the required velocity command output.

On the other hand, if the SERVOSON signal is low, the CNC will activate the ENABLE signal and,
after waiting for a time period indicated by the value given to "DWELL", the CNC checks the
SERVOSON signal again. If it is high, the required spindle velocity command will be output. If low,
the CNC will stop the axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error message.

Also, if it changes to low during the rotation of the spindle, the CNC will stop the axes feed and the
spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error message.

GEAR1 (M5458) GEAR2 (M5459) GEAR3 (M5460) GEAR4 (M5461) Cabezal principal
GEAR12 (M5483) GEAR22 (M5484) GEAR32 (M5485) GEAR42 (M5486) Segundo cabezal

The PLC uses these signals to indicate to the CNC which spindle gear is currently selected (high
logic level). The CNC only considers the signals for the currently selected spindle.

When any of the miscellaneous functions M41, M42, M43 or M44 is programmed, the CNC will "tell"
the PLC so it selects the desired gear even if it is already selected.

When working with automatic gear changer, the CNC will check the currently selected gear
(GEAR1... GEAR4) and if it does not match the selected speed, the CNC will let the PLC know using
the relevant auxiliary function (M41, M42, M43 or M44) to select it.

Once the PLC selects the proper gear, it indicates it to the CNC by means of the logic input
corresponding to the spindle (GEAR1 ...). GEAR4).

The spindle gear change depends on the setting of functions M41 through M44 in the M function
CNC 8055
The M41, M42, M43 or M44 function uses the "AUXEND" signal: CNC 8055i
The CNC indicates to the PLC the selected gear M41, M42, M43 or M44 in one of the registers
"MBCD1" through "MBCD7" and it activates the "MSTROBE" signal to let the PLC "know" that it must
execute it.
SOFT: V02.2X
When the PLC detects the activation of the "MSTROBE" signal it must deactivate the general logic
input "AUXEND" to "tell" the CNC that the execution of the gear change has started.

Once executed this function, the PLC will inform the CNC that the new gear has been selected by
means of the logic input corresponding to the spindle ("GEAR1".... "GEAR4").

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The PLC, then, activates the logic input "AUXEND" to "tell" the CNC that the execution of the gear
change has been completed.

Spindle logic inputs.

Once the "AUXEND" input is activated, the CNC will require that this signal be kept active for a time
period greater than the value given to the general parameter "MINAENDW" (P30).

This way, erroneous interpretations of this signal by the CNC due to an improper PLC program logic
are avoided .

Once the "MINAENDW" time has elapsed with the "AUXEND" general input kept high, the CNC will
check whether the new spindle gear has been selected by verifying that the corresponding input
(GEAR1... GEAR4) is set high.

If it is, it will cancel the general logic output "MSTROBE" to "tell" the PLC that the gear change has
finished and if the corresponding input (GEAR1... GEAR4) is not selected, the CNC will stop the
axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying the corresponding error message.

If the M41, M42, M43 or M44 function does not use the "AUXEND" signal:
• The CNC indicates to the PLC the selected gear M41, M42, M43 or M44 in one of the registers
"MBCD1" through "MBCD7" and it activates the "MSTROBE" signal to let the PLC "know" that
it must execute it.
• The CNC will keep the output "MSTROBE" active during the time indicated by means of general
parameter MINAENDW (P30).
• After this time, the CNC will check whether the new spindle gear has been physically selected
by verifying that the corresponding GEAR input (GEAR1... GEAR4) is set high.
• If it is not selected, the CNC will stop the axes feed and the spindle rotation displaying the
corresponding error message.

SPENAS (M5462) DRENAS (M5463) Main spindle

SPENAS2 (M5487) DRENAS2 (M5488) Second spindle

The CNC uses these signals when communicating with the drive via Sercos or via CAN. Every time
the PLC sets one of these signals high or low, the CNC lets the corresponding drive know about it.

These signals correspond to the "speed enable" and "drive enable" signals of the drive. The drive
manual describes how the two signals work, however, remember the following:
• Both signals must be initialized low when powering up the PLC.
• For normal drive operation, both signals must be set high.
• A down flank (trailing edge) of the DRENA signal (drive enable) turns off the power circuit of the
drive and the motor loses its torque. In this situation, the motor is no longer governed and it will
stop when its kinetic energy runs out. (Stop by friction).
• A trailing edge of the SPENA signal (speed enable) switches the "internal velocity reference"
to "0" rpm and brakes the motor while maintaining its torque. Once the motor has stopped, the
CNC 8055 drive's power circuit is turned off and the motor has no torque.
CNC 8055i When using Sercos, when an emergency occurs at the CNC, the SPENA signals of the axes and
the spindle are disabled and the drive brakes using the emergency ramps.

PLCFM19 (M5464) M19FEED (R505) Main spindle

SOFT: V02.2X PLCFM192 (M5489) M19FEED2 (R507) Second spindle

The CNC only considers the signals for the currently selected spindle.

The PLC uses the "PLCM19" signal to indicate to the CNC the positioning and rapid synchronized
speed value to assume when operating in closed loop (M19).

Installation manual

When this input is low, the CNC assumes the value set by spindle parameter "REFEED1" (P34)

When this input is high, the CNC assumes the value set by the spindle input register "M19FEED"

The "M19FEED" value is given in 0.0001º/min.

PLCCNTL (M5465) Main spindle

PLCCNTL2 (M5490) Second spindle

The CNC considers these 2 signals at all times so both spindles can be controlled by the PLC. This
is used to tell the CNC that the spindle is controlled directly by the PLC (high logic level).

It is used, for example, for oscillating the spindle during a gear change or for changing tools.


Spindle logic inputs.
The following example shows how a new spindle speed is selected involving a gear change.

After analyzing the block and detecting the gear change the CNC indicates this to the PLC in one
of the "MBCD1-7" registers (M41 to M44) and will activate the general logic output "MSTROBE" to
tell the PLC that it must execute it.

The PLC will deactivate the logic input AUXEND to tell the CNC that the treatment of the auxiliary
function is starting.

After calculating the value corresponding to the residual velocity command S for the gear change,
the PLC will indicate this to the CNC by means of the register "SANALOG", afterwards setting the
signal "PLCCNTL" at a high logic level.

At this time the CNC will output the velocity command indicated in the register SANALOG.

Once the requested gear change has been made, the new active speed will be indicated to the CNC
(spindle logic inputs GEAR1 to GEAR4).

In order to give the control of the spindle back to the CNC, the signal "PLCCNTL" must be set low.
Finally, the PLC will activate the logic input AUXEND once more to tell the CNC that the execution
of the auxiliary function has been completed.

SANALOG (R504) Main spindle

SANALOG2 (R506) Second spindle

The CNC considers these 2 signals at all times so both spindles can be controlled by the PLC. The
PLC will indicate by means of this 32 bit register the spindle velocity command which the CNC must
send out when it is controlled by the PLC.

SANALOG=32767 corresponds to an analog command of 10 V.

(10/32767) 0.305185 millivolts of analog command correspond to SANALOG=1.

This way, for 4V of velocity command, the following must be programmed:

SANALOG = (4x32767)/10 = 13107 CNC 8055
For -4V of analog command, the following must be programmed: CNC 8055i
SANALOG = (-4x32767)/10 = -13107

When working with SERCOS, the values of drive parameters SP20 and SP21 are taken into account.
This way, the following value is assigned to the velocity command (corresponding FTEO): SP21 *
SOFT: V02.2X
10 / SP20 rpm.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

ELIMIS (M5456) Main spindle

ELIMIS2 (M5481) Second spindle

If the PLC sets one these signals high, the CNC does not display the corresponding spindle but
keeps controlling it. Same as when setting axis parameter DFORMAT (P1) =4.

This mark can be activated and deactivated at any time and it also cancels the feedback alarms
which the machine parameter does not do.
When the spindle is controlled via Sercos and the PLC sets this signal high, the commands to park
the axis are generated automatically via Sercos. The drive of that spindle will not issue, for example,

12. when removing the feedback, the CNC will not issue a feedback error.

PLCM3 (M5070) PLCM4 (M5071) PLCM5 (M5072) Main spindle

Spindle logic inputs.

PLCM3SP2 (M5073) PLCM4SP2 (M5074) PLCM5SP2 (M5075) Second spindle

These marks may be used to execute functions M3, M4 and M5 from the PLC. Executing these M
functions from the PLC is similar to doing it from the main channel; i.e. besides acting upon the
spindle command, it changes the execution history.

The same PLC operation that handles the execution from the main channel also serves for this
execution mode, that does it through PLC marks.

The names of the marks of the first spindle will be as follows:

• To execute function M3: PLCM3.
• To execute function M4: PLCM4.
• To execute function M5: PLCM5.

When having two spindles, the marks of the first spindle will be called in one of the following ways:
• To execute function M3: PLCM3 or PLCM3SP1.
• To execute function M4: PLCM4 or PLCM4SP1.
• To execute function M5: PLCM5 or PLCM5SP1.

The marks of the second spindle will be called as follows:

• To execute function M3: PLCM3SP2.
• To execute function M4: PLCM4SP2.
• To execute function M5: PLCM5SP2.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

12.4 Logic inputs of the auxiliary spindle


The CNC uses these signals when communicating with the drive via Sercos or via CAN. Every time
the PLC sets one of these signals high or low, the CNC lets the corresponding drive know about it.

These signals correspond to the "speed enable" and "drive enable" signals of the drive. The drive
manual describes how the two signals work, however, remember the following:
• Both signals must be initialized low when powering up the PLC.
• For normal drive operation, both signals must be set high.
• A down flank (trailing edge) of the DRENA signal (drive enable) turns off the power circuit of the

Logic inputs of the auxiliary spindle

drive and the motor loses its torque. In this situation, the motor is no longer governed and it will
stop when its kinetic energy runs out. (Stop by friction).
• A trailing edge of the SPENA signal (speed enable) switches the "internal velocity reference"
to "0" rpm and brakes the motor while maintaining its torque. Once the motor has stopped, the
drive's power circuit is turned off and the motor has no torque.

When using Sercos, when an emergency occurs at the CNC, the SPENA signals of the axes and
the spindle are disabled and the drive brakes using the emergency ramps.


It is used to "tell" the CNC that the auxiliary spindle is controlled directly by the PLC (active high).

With this 32-bit register, the PLC will "tell" the CNC what spindle velocity command to output when
the auxiliary spindle is controlled by the PLC or via Sercos.

A 10 V of analog command corresponds to SANALOAS=32767.

SANALOAS=1 corresponds (10/32767) 0.305185 millivolts of analog command.

This way, for 4V of velocity command, the following must be programmed:

SANALOAS = (4x32767)/10 = 13107

For -4V of analog command, the following must be programmed:

SANALOAS = (-4x32767)/10 = -13107


If the PLC sets this signal high, the CNC does not display the corresponding spindle but keeps
controlling it. This mark may be activated and deactivated any time and it also cancels the feedback

PLCM45 (M5076)

This PLC mark may be used to stop the auxiliary spindle.

PLCM45S (M5077)

This PLC mark may be used to start the auxiliary spindle.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.5 Key inhibiting logic inputs.

KEYDIS1 (R500) KEYDIS2 (R501) KEYDIS3 (R502) KEYDIS4 (R503)

KEYDIS5 (R508)

The PLC can individually inhibit the operation of the panel keys, setting the corresponding bit of these
32-bit registers high. The appendix of this manual shows, for each keyboard, which key each bit
corresponds to. See "Key inhibiting codes" on page 699.

Register KEYDIS4 disables the positions of the feedrate override switch (feedrate % selector).

12. Register KEYDIS5 disables the specific keys for the conversational models.

Register Bit Inhibited key Register Bit Inhibited key

Key inhibiting logic inputs.

KEYDIS4 0 Handwheel x100 KEYDIS4 16 Feedrate override 60%

KEYDIS4 1 Handwheel x10 KEYDIS4 17 Feedrate override 70%
KEYDIS4 2 Handwheel x1 KEYDIS4 18 Feedrate override 80%

KEYDIS4 3 Jog 10000 KEYDIS4 19 Feedrate override 90%

KEYDIS4 4 Jog 1000 KEYDIS4 20 Feedrate override 100%
KEYDIS4 5 Jog 100 KEYDIS4 21 Feedrate override 110%
KEYDIS4 6 Jog 10 KEYDIS4 22 Feedrate override 120%
KEYDIS4 7 Jog 1 KEYDIS4 23
KEYDIS4 8 Feedrate override 0% KEYDIS4 24

KEYDIS4 9 Feedrate override 2% KEYDIS4 25

KEYDIS4 10 Feedrate override 4% KEYDIS4 26
KEYDIS4 11 Feedrate override 10% KEYDIS4 27

KEYDIS4 12 Feedrate override 20% KEYDIS4 28

KEYDIS4 13 Feedrate override 30% KEYDIS4 29

KEYDIS4 14 Feedrate override 40% KEYDIS4 30

KEYDIS4 15 Feedrate override 50% KEYDIS4 31

Should one of the inhibited positions of the feedrate override switch be selected, the CNC will take
the value corresponding to the nearest uninhibited position below it. If all of them are inhibited, the
lowest will be taken (0%).

For example, if only positions 110% and 120% of the switch are allowed and position 50% is selected,
the CNC will take a value of 0%.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

12.6 Logic inputs of the PLC channel

To govern the axes managed by PLC.

/FEEDHOP (M5004)

It is similar to general logic input /FEEDHOL (M5002), but for the PLC channel.

When the PLC sets this signal low, the CNC stops the axes (maintaining spindle rotation). When
the signal returns to the high logic level, the movement of the PLC axes continues.
This input must always be defined in the PLC program.
/XFERINP (M5005)


Logic inputs of the PLC channel
It is similar to general logic input /XFERINH (M5003), but for the PLC channel.

If the PLC sets this signal low, the CNC prevents the following block from starting, but finishes the
one it is executing. When the signal returns to high logic level, the CNC continues to execute the

This input must always be defined in the PLC program.


It is similar to general logic input AUXEND (M5016), but for the PLC channel.

This signal is used in the execution of auxiliary M functions to tell the CNC that the PLC is executing

It operates in the following way:

1. Once the block has been analyzed and after passing the corresponding values in variables
"MBCD1-7", the CNC will tell the PLC through the general logic output "MSTROBEP" that the
required auxiliary function or functions must be executed.

2. When the PLC detects the activation of the "MSTROBEP" signal it must deactivate the general
logic input "AUXENDP" to "tell" the CNC that the execution of the function has started.
3. The PLC will execute all the required auxiliary functions analyzing general logic output
"MSTROBEP" and variables "MBCDP1" through "MBCDP7" (R565 through R571).
Once this has been executed the PLC must activate the general logic input "AUXENDP" to
indicate to the CNC that the processing of the required functions was completed.
4. Once the general "AUXENDP" input is activated, the CNC will require that this signal be kept
active for a time period greater than the value given to the general parameter "MINAENDW"
This way, erroneous interpretations of this signal by the CNC due to an improper PLC program
logic are avoided .
CNC 8055
5. Once the period of time MINAENDW has elapsed with the general input "AUXENDP" at a high
logic level, the CNC will deactivate the general logic output "MSTROBEP" to tell the PLC that CNC 8055i
the execution of the required auxiliary function or functions has been completed.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It is similar to general logic input BLOABOR (M5060), but for the PLC channel.

When the PLC sets this mark high, the CNC ends the movement in progress and starts executing
the next block. If the interrupted block had M functions to be executed after the block, they will be
executed before going on to the next block.

This mark only affects the execution in automatic mode and the simulation with motion.

This mark does not stay active after the execution. Once executed, the CNC deactivates it. Likewise,
if they are activated in a block that does not accept them, they will also be deactivated; they do not
12. stay active for the next block.

These marks affect the following functions.

Logic inputs of the PLC channel

• It affect motion blocks G0, G1, G2, G3.

• They affect the dwell programmed with G4.
• It affects the look-ahead. In this type of programs with very small blocks, it is not possible to stop
at the same block where the "BLOABOR" mark is detected. In these cases, it will be canceled
at the block where the axis is fully decelerated.

These marks do not affect the following functions.

• It does not affect motionless blocs, which will be executed.
• It does not affect the M functions that are executed after the block. These functions are always
executed, even if the movement of the block is interrupted.
• It does affect not affect threading blocks G33. Nor does it affect the regular tapping or rigid tapping
cycles regardless of the value of parameter STOPTAP.
• It does not affect spindle positioning blocks M19. If the spindle positioning is in a block containing
axis movement, it aborts the movement of the axes, but it completes the positioning of the
• It has no effect when tangential control is active.

Considerations for the execution

These marks do not affect block preparation. When canceling the execution of a block, the next
movement is carried out up to the prepared target coordinates; no preparation is done.

On the other hand, only the programmed axes are involved in the next movement. The rest of the
axes are ignored, even if there is a real difference in position because the previous block has been

Path 1 Path 2

The solid lines represent the programmed paths and the dashed lines the real paths,
after activating the BLOABORP mark.

If a block is aborted and then the RETRACE function is activated, the retraced path (backwards)
CNC 8055 will not be the same as the one traveled forward. The two paths will not coincide either when aborting
a block while the RETRACE function is active.
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

/XINHMZ (M5079)

Logic input /XINHMZ is used to make the tool change safer and more efficient.

The PLC uses this logic input to indicate that it is operating in order to returning a tool to the tool
magazine. This makes it possible to reduce the time the AUXEND signal is kept low when executing
an M6, so as not to block the execution of the program.

The PLC must set logic input /XINHMZ low with the M6 to indicate that it is running to return the
previous tool to the magazine. When all the steps of the the execution of the M6 are completed and
the magazine is ready to make another tool change, the PLC must set logic input /XINHMZ high.



Logic inputs of the PLC channel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.7 General logic outputs


The CNC activates and maintains this signal high if the autotest which the CNC makes when it is
powered up has not detected any problem. Should any hardware error be detected (RAM, over-
temperature, etc.) this signal is set low.

CNCREADY AND (rest of conditions) = O1

12. The emergency output O1 of the PLC must be normally high. Should any problem come up on CNC
power-up (CNCREADY), emergency output O1 must be set low (0V).
General logic outputs

START (M5501)

The CNC sets this signal high in order to tell the PLC that the START key on the front panel has
been pressed.

If the PLC program considers that there is nothing to prevent the part program from starting, it must
set the general logic input CYSTART at a high logic level, thereby starting the execution of the

When the CNC detects an up flank (logic level change from low to high) at the CYSTART signal,
it reset the START signal to low.

START AND (rest of conditions) = CYSTART
When the cycle START key is pressed, the CNC activates the general logic output START. The PLC
must check that the rest of the conditions (hydraulic, safety devices, etc.) are met before setting the
general input CYSTART high in order to start executing the program

FHOUT (M5502)

The CNC sets this signal high in order to tell the PLC that the execution of the program is stopped
due to one of the following causes:
• Because the CONTROL PANEL STOP key has been pressed.
• Because the general logic input /STOP has been set low, even though later it has returned high.
• Because the general logic input /FEEDHOL is low.


The CNC sets this signal high for 100 milliseconds, in order to tell the PLC that it is under initial
conditions because the Reset key on the front panel has been pressed or because the general logic
input RESETIN has been activated.

LOPEN (M5506)

The CNC sets this signal high in order to tell the PLC that the positioning loop of the axes is open
since an error has occurred.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

/ALARM (M5507)

The CNC sets this signal low in order to tell the PLC that an alarm or emergency condition has been
detected. This signal will be set high once again, once the message from the CNC has been
eliminated and the cause of the alarm has disappeared.



General logic outputs
Likewise, while this signal is low, the CNC keeps the emergency output active (low).
8055 CNC Pin 2 of connector X10 of the –Axes– module or –Axes Vpp– module.
CNC 8055i Pin 2 of connector X2.

/ALARM AND (other conditions) = O1
The emergency output O1 of the PLC must be normally high. If an alarm or an emergency is detected
at the CNC, the emergency output O1 must be set low (0V).

MANUAL (M5508)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the JOG (Manual) operating mode is selected.


The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the automatic operating mode is selected.

MDI (M5510)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the MDI mode (manual data input) is selected
in one of the operating modes (JOG, automatic, etc).

SBOUT (M5511)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the single block execution mode is selected.

CUSTOM (M5512)

It indicates to the CNC which work mode is currently selected:

CUSTOM = 0 M or T work mode.
CUSTOM = 1 MC, MCO, TC or TCO work mode.

When having 2 keyboards, this variable may be used in the PLC in the following cases: CNC 8055
• To govern the keyboard switching board. CNC 8055i
• To know the source of the keys and inhibit the desired keys.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


The CNC sets this signal high while executing a block or moving an axis.

Once the execution of the program has been requested by the PLC to the CNC by means of the
logic input CYSTART, the latter will indicate that it is being executed by setting the INCYCLE signal

This signal is maintained high until the CNC finishes the part program or when this is stopped by
means of the STOP key on the CONTROL PANEL or the general logic input /STOP.

If the CNC is in the single block execution mode, the INCYCLE signal is set low as soon as the block
12. execution is concluded.

If the CNC is in JOG mode, the INCYCLE signal is set low as soon as the position indicated has
General logic outputs

been reached.

If the CNC is in JOG mode and the axes are being jogged, the "INCYCLE" signal goes high while
any of the jog keys are pressed.

RAPID (M5516)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that a rapid positioning (G00) is being executed.


The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that a tapping canned cycle is being executed (G84).

THREAD (M5518)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that a threading block is being executed (G33).

PROBE (M5519)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that a probing movement is being executed (G75/G76).

ZERO (M5520)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that a machine reference search is being executed

RIGID (M5521)

This output is only available on the mill model. The CNC set this signal high to indicate to the PLC
that a RIGID TAPPING operation (G84) is being performed.


The CNC sets this signal high to indicate to the "PLC" that while retracing is active all the possible
blocks have been retraced.

For further information, see general input "RETRACE (M5051)".

CSS (M5523)

This output is only available on the lathe model. The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that
the constant cutting speed function is selected (G96).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

SELECT0 (M5524) SELECT1 (M5525) SELECT2 (M5526) SELECT3 (M5527)

SELECT4 (M5528) SELECT5 (M5529) SELECT6 (M5530) SELECT7 (M5531)

The CNC uses these signals to indicate to the PLC the position selected at each keyboard switch.
SELECTOR indicates the position currently selected.
SELECT indicates the value applied by the CNC.

Usually, the two values coincide, except when a position has been selected which has been disabled
with the KEYDIS4 input (R503). If while being the 60% and 120% inhibited, the 100% position is
selected, SELECTOR will show the selected position (100%) and SELECT will show the value being
applied (50%). 12.


General logic outputs

Handwheel x100 0 0 0 0

Handwheel x10 0 0 0 1

Handwheel x1 0 0 1 0

JOG 10000 0 0 1 1

JOG 1000 0 1 0 0

JOG 100 0 1 0 1

JOG 10 0 1 1 0

JOG 1 0 1 1 1

Continuous JOG 1 0 0 0



Feedrate override 0% 0 0 0 0
Feedrate override 2% 0 0 0 1
Feedrate override 4% 0 0 1 0
Feedrate override10% 0 0 1 1
Feedrate override 20% 0 1 0 0
Feedrate override 30% 0 1 0 1
Feedrate override 40% 0 1 1 0
Feedrate override 50% 0 1 1 1
Feedrate override 60% 1 0 0 0
Feedrate override 70% 1 0 0 1
Feedrate override 80% 1 0 1 0
Feedrate override 90% 1 0 1 1
Feedrate override 100% 1 1 0 0
Feedrate override 110% 1 1 0 1
Feedrate override 120% 1 1 1 0


The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that it must execute the auxiliary M function or functions CNC 8055
which are indicated in registers "MBCD1" to "MBCD7" (R550 to R556).
CNC 8055i

This signal will be used when operating a spindle with BCD coded S signal. spindle parameter
SOFT: V02.2X
The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that it must execute the auxiliary S function which is
indicated in the register "SBCD" (R557).

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that it must execute the auxiliary S function which is
indicated in the register "TBCD" (R558).

In this register the CNC will tell the PLC the position of the magazine where the selected tool is.

If the general parameter RANDOMTC (P25) has been set so it is not a random magazine, the
magazine pocket position coincides with the tool number.

T2STROBE (M5535)

12. This register is used when a special tool change has been made, family code or 200 or with
machining centers with a non-random tool magazine (general parameter RANDOMTC (P25).
General logic outputs

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that it must execute a second auxiliary T function
indicated in the register "T2BCD" (R559).

In this register the CNC indicates to the PLC the position of the magazine in which the tool which
was on the spindle must be placed.

S2MAIN (M5536)

It indicates which spindle is controlled by the CNC. This selection can be made via part-program
by means of functions G28 and G29.

If the CNC controls the main spindle S2MAIN is low.

If the CNC controls the second spindle S2MAIN is high.


It is used on punch presses that have an eccentric cam as a punching system.

The CNC sets this signal high a specific time period before the axes reach position. This time is set
by general parameter ANTIME (P69).

This reduces idle time, thus increasing the number of punches per minute.

INTEREND (M5538) INPOS (M5539)

The CNC uses these two signals to let the PLC "know" that the theoretical interpolation between
axes has been completed (INTEREND) and that all the axes involved in the interpolation are in
position (INPOS).

The CNC sets the "INTEREND" signal high when the interpolation is ended being low while in

When the CNC verifies that all the axes have been within the dead band (in position zone INPOSW
P19) for a time period indicated in the axis parameter INPOTIME (P20), it will consider that all of
them are in position and it will inform the PLC by setting the logic output "INPOS" high.

The logic output "INTEREND" can be used when it is required to activate mechanisms before the
axes reach their position.

DM00 (M5547)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the auxiliary function M00 (program stop) is
programmed in the block being executed.

DM01 (M5546)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the auxiliary function M01 (conditional stop) is
CNC 8055 programmed in the block being executed.
CNC 8055i DM02 (M5545)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the auxiliary function M02 (program end) is
programmed in the block being executed.
SOFT: V02.2X
DM03 (M5544)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the spindle is turning clockwise or that the auxiliary
function M03 is programmed in the block being executed.

Installation manual

DM04 (M5543)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the spindle is turning counter-clockwise or that
the auxiliary function M04 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM05 (M5542)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the spindle is stopped or that the auxiliary function
M05 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM06 (M5541)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the spindle is stopped or that the auxiliary function
M06 is programmed in the block being executed (tool change).


General logic outputs
DM08 (M5540)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the coolant output is activated or that the auxiliary
function M08 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM09 (M5555)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the coolant output is deactivated or that the auxiliary
function M09 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM19 (M5554)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that it is working with spindle orientation or that the
auxiliary function M19 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM30 (M5553)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the auxiliary function M30 (program end) is
programmed in the block being executed.

DM41 (M5552)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the first spindle gear is selected or that the auxiliary
function M41 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM42 (M5551)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the second spindle gear is selected or that the
auxiliary function M42 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM43 (M5550)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the third spindle gear is selected or that the auxiliary
function M43 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM44 (M5549)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the fourth spindle gear is selected or that the
auxiliary function M44 is programmed in the block being executed.

DM45 (M5548)

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the miscellaneous function M45 has been
programmed and, therefore, the "auxiliary spindle or live tool" is active.

CNC 8055
It indicates that the tangential control function, G45, is active.
CNC 8055i

Indicates that the spindles are synchronized in position (set high). In other words, that the second
spindle follows behind the main spindle at an angular distance set by G30.
SOFT: V02.2X
It goes low when the following error between them exceeds the maximum allowed by spindle
parameter "SYNPOSOF (P53)".

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates that the spindles are synchronized in speed (set high). In other words, that the second
spindle turns at the same speed as the main spindle.

It goes low when the following error between them exceeds the maximum allowed by spindle
parameter SYNSPEOF (P54).


Indicates that the G77S function is currently selected (spindle synchronization).

12. SERPLCAC (M5562)

It is used in the data exchange, via Sercos between the CNC and the drives.
General logic outputs

The CNC sets this signal high to "tell" the PLC that the requested change of parameter sets and
gear ratios is in progress.

While this mark is on, no other change may be requested because the command would be lost.


During the drilling, tapping and rigid tapping cycles of the mill model CNC, it is now possible to
withdraw the tool to the starting plane and, once there, stop the spindle.

Once the retraction is completed, the user may finish the hole, go to the next hole or go into tool

General logic output RETRACT (M5567) is activated when the stop is completed and it is canceled
when completing the retraction of the drilling or mill type threading operation.

When retracting the axes on the lathe model, general logic output RETRACT (M5567) is activated
when pressing [STOP] and the CNC starts retracting. This mark will stay active until the withdrawal
distances set in G233 are reached.

TMINEM (M5569)

Mark activated when the CNC detects an error during tool change. This mark stays memorized until
it is canceled by the RESTMEM mark or with the option [REMOVE ERROR] shown in the error


CNC output that indicates that the message received is in the buffer.

Value Meaning

0 The execution of the RCV instruction begins.

1 It indicates that the process started by the RCV instruction has finished and that the
message is in the buffer.

Default value 0.


CNC output that indicates whether the READ commands may be received or not.

Value Meaning

0 It indicates that no READ commands may be received.

1 It indicates that READ commands may be received.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


CNC output that indicates whether the WRITE commands may be sent or not.

Value Meaning

0 It indicates that no WRITE commands may be sent.

1 It indicates that WRITE commands may be sent.


Logic output used to manage the tool magazine, by providing the PLC with information on the tool
that is to be returned to the magazine. Indicates that there is new information in the PLC register


General logic outputs
NT2BCD (R572).

This information will be sent out for any type of magazine with an automatic tool changer as long
as the bit 12 of general parameter TOOLTYPE (P167) is active.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.8 Logic outputs of the axes

There are several groups of logic inputs (ENABLE, DIR, etc.) which refer to the possible axes of
the machine by means of digits 1 through 7 (ENABLE2, DIR1,etc.) or using the axis name
(ENABLEX, DIRZ, etc.).

The marks of the axes that do not exist in the machine parameters assume the value of the M2045
mark, that's always set to 0.

When monitoring the PLC program, it shows the edited marks, either with a letter or with a number.

12. However, the resource windows created from monitoring will replace the marks with axis names by
the marks with axis numbers. For example:
Logic outputs of the axes

ENABLEZ by ENABLE2 if there is no Y axis, but there are X and Z axes.

Mnemonics using numbers 1 through 7.

These signals are numbered as the logic order of the axes; it is not related to the values assigned
to general parameter AXIS1 (P0) through AXIS8 (P7).

For example, if the CNC controls the X, Y, Z, B, C and U axis, the order will be: X, Y, Z, U, B, C and,

ENABLE1, DIR1, REFPOIN1, INPOS1 for the X axis:

ENABLE2, DIR2, REFPOIN2, INPOS2 for the Y axis:

ENABLE3, DIR3, REFPOIN3, INPOS3 for the Z axis:

ENABLE4, DIR4, REFPOIN4, INPOS4 for the U axis:

ENABLE5, DIR5, REFPOIN5, INPOS5 for the B axis

ENABLE6, DIR6, REFPOIN6, INPOS6 for the C axis:

Mnemonics using the axis name

The mnemonics of the signals refer to the axis name.

Mnemonics with axis names offer the advantage that if an axis is eliminated, the PLC program will
still be consistent with the rest of the axes.

ENABLE1 (M5600) ENABLE2 (M5650) ENABLE3 (M5700) ENABLE4 (M5750)

ENABLE5 (M5800) ENABLE6 (M5850) ENABLE7 (M5900)

The CNC sets these signals at a high logic level to tell the PLC to allow the corresponding axis to

DIR1 (M5601) DIR2 (M5651) DIR3 (M5701) DIR4 (M5751)

DIR5 (M5801) DIR6 (M5851) DIR7 (M5901)

The CNC uses these signals to tell the PLC in which direction the axes move.

If the signal is high this indicates that the corresponding axis moves in a negative direction.

If the signal is low this indicates that the corresponding axis moves in a positive direction.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

REFPOIN1 (M5602) REFPOIN2 (M5652) REFPOIN3 (M5702) REFPOIN4 (M5752)

REFPOIN5 (M5802) REFPOIN6 (M5852) REFPOIN7 (M5902)

The CNC sets these signals high to tell the PLC that the machine reference search has been made
already. The CNC forces a home search on an axis by setting its mark low.

The marks are set low in the following instances:

• On CNC power-up.
• After executing the sequence [SHIFT] [RESET].
• When the feedback is direct through the axes board and a feedback alarm occurs.
• When losing feedback count via Sercos due to broken communication. Difference greater than
10 microns (0.00039 inches) or 0.01º

Logic outputs of the axes

• When modifying certain machine parameters; for example, number of axes.

In all these cases, a home search must be carried out so the signal is set back high.

DRSTAF1 (M5603) DRSTAS1 (M5604) DRSTAF2 (M5653) DRSTAS2 (M5654)

DRSTAF3 (M5703) DRSTAS3 (M5704) DRSTAF4 (M5753) DRSTAS4 (M5754)
DRSTAF5 (M5803) DRSTAS5 (M5804) DRSTAF6 (M5853) DRSTAS6 (M5854)
DRSTAF7 (M5903) DRSTAS7 (M5904) DRSTAF8 (M6603) DRSTAS8 (M6604)
DRSTAF9 (M6653) DRSTAS9 (M6654)

The CNC uses these signals when communicating with the drive via Sercos or via CAN and indicate
the status of the drive.


Actuating the main switch of the electrical cabinet supplies 24 Vdc to the 0 0
The drive runs an internal test.
If correct, it activates the output "System OK".

From that moment on, the power supply must be turned on. 0 1
When there is power at the drive bus, it is ready to output torque.
To do that, activate the "drive enable" and "speed enable" inputs. 1 0

Once the "drive enable" and "speed enable" are activated, the drive is 1 1
running properly.

When an internal error occurs at the drive, the DRSTAF* and DRSTAS* signals are set low (logic
level low).

MAXDIFF1 (M5605) MAXDIFF2 (M5655) MAXDIFF3 (M5705) MAXDIFF4 (M5755)

MAXDIFF5 (M5805) MAXDIFF6 (M5855) MAXDIFF7 (M5905)

These marks are activated when the position difference between master and slave is not
compensated because the coordinate difference is greater than the value of axis parameter
MAXDIFF (P97). This can happen after homing both axes of a Gantry pair.

This way, the PLC can issue a warning indicating that the position difference between the master
and the slave has not been compensated for.

ANT1 (M5606) ANT2 (M5656) ANT3 (M5706) ANT4 (M5756)

ANT5 (M5806) ANT6 (M5856) ANT7 (M5906)

These signals are related to axis parameters MINMOVE (P54).

If the axis move is smaller than the value indicated by this axis parameter MINMOVE (P54), the
corresponding axis logic output "ANT1 thru "ANT7" goes high.
CNC 8055
INPOS1 (M5607) INPOS2 (M5657) INPOS3 (M5707) INPOS4 (M5757)
INPOS5 (M5807) INPOS6 (M5857) INPOS7 (M5907) CNC 8055i
The CNC sets these signals high to tell the PLC that the corresponding axis is in position.

There is also the general logic output INPOS in which the CNC indicates to the PLC that all the axes
have reached their position. SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.9 Spindle logic outputs.

This CNC can handle 2 spindles: a main spindle and a second spindle. They both can be operative
simultaneously, but only one can be controlled at a time. This selection can be made via part-
program by means of functions G28 and G29.

ENABLES (M5950) Main spindle

ENABLES2 (M5975) Second spindle

This signal is used when working with the spindle in closed loop (M19). The CNC only considers

12. the signals for the currently selected spindle.

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC to allow the spindle to move.
Spindle logic outputs.

DIRS (M5951) Main spindle

DIRS2 (M5976) Second spindle

This signal is used when working with the spindle in closed loop (M19). The CNC only considers
the signals for the currently selected spindle.

The CNC uses this signal to tell the PLC in which direction the spindle is moving.

If the signal is at a high logic level, this indicates that the spindle moves in a negative direction.

If the signal is low, this indicates that the spindle moves in a positive direction.

REFPOINS (M5952) Main spindle

REFPOIS2 (M5977) Second spindle

This signal is used when working with the spindle in closed loop (M19). The CNC only considers
the signals for the currently selected spindle.

The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the spindle reference point search has already
been made.

This is set low when the CNC is powered up, after executing the [SHIFT] [RESET] sequence or a
feedback alarm occurs due to loss of count, and every time a change is made from closed loop (M19)
to open loop.

DRSTAFS (M5953) DRSTASS (M5954) Main spindle

DRSTAFS2 (M5978) DRSTASS2 (M579) Second spindle

The CNC uses these signals when communicating with the drive via Sercos or via CAN and indicate
the status of the drive.


Actuating the main switch of the electrical cabinet supplies 24 Vdc to the 0 0
The drive runs an internal test.
If correct, it activates the output "System OK".

From that moment on, the power supply must be turned on. 0 1
When there is power at the drive bus, it is ready to output torque.

To do that, activate the "drive enable" and "speed enable" inputs. 1 0

Once the "drive enable" and "speed enable" are activated, the drive is 1 1
running properly.

When an internal error occurs at the drive, the DRSTAF* and DRSTAS* signals are set low (logic
level low).
CNC 8055
CAXIS (M5955) Main spindle
CNC 8055i CAXIS2 (M5980) Second spindle

This signal is used when working with the spindle as "C" axis (G15). The CNC only considers the
signals for the currently selected spindle.
SOFT: V02.2X The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the C axis is active.

REVOK (M5956) Main spindle

REVOK2 (M5981) Second spindle

The CNC only considers the signals for the currently selected spindle.

Installation manual

When working with M03 and M04 the CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the real spindle
revolutions correspond to those programmed.

The CNC will activate this signal every time the real revolutions are within the range defined by
spindle parameters "LOSPDLIM" and "UPSPDLIM".

When working with the spindle in closed loop (M19), the CNC sets this signal high if the spindle is

INPOSS (M5957) Main spindle

INPOSS2 (M5982) Second spindle

This signal is used when working with the spindle in closed loop (M19). The CNC only considers
the signals for the currently selected spindle.


Spindle logic outputs.
The CNC sets this signal high to tell the PLC that the spindle is in position.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

12.10 Logic outputs of the auxiliary spindle


The CNC uses these signals when communicating with the drive via Sercos or via CAN and indicate
the status of the drive.


Actuating the main switch of the electrical cabinet supplies 24 Vdc to the 0 0

12. The drive runs an internal test.

If correct, it activates the output "System OK".
Logic outputs of the auxiliary spindle

From that moment on, the power supply must be turned on. 0 1
When there is power at the drive bus, it is ready to output torque.

To do that, activate the "drive enable" and "speed enable" inputs. 1 0

Once the "drive enable" and "speed enable" are activated, the drive is 1 1
running properly.

When an internal error occurs at the drive, the DRSTAF* and DRSTAS* signals are set low (logic
level low).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

12.11 Logic outputs of key status

KEYBD1 (R560) KEYBD2 (R561) KEYBD3 (R562) KEYBD4 (R563)

These registers indicate whether or not one of the keys on the keyboard or on the operator panel
is pressed. When one of these keys is pressed, the corresponding bit will be set high and it will return
low when the key is released.

The appendix of this manual shows, for each keyboard, the code for each key. See "Logic outputs
of key status" on page 689.



Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


The CNC has a number of internal variables that may be accessed from the user program, from
the PLC program or via DNC. Depending on how they are used, these variables may be read-only
or read-write.

Reading and writing variables from the PLC

The PLC provides two instructions (actions) which permit to read or modify the various internal
variables of the CNC from the PLC.

Reading of variables. –CNCRD– command

The CNCRD command allows reading the CNC's internal variables. Its programming format is:
CNCRD (Variable, Register, Mark)

This PLC action loads the contents of the indicated variable into the selected register. If this
instruction has been executed properly, the PLC will assign a value of "0" to the indicated "error
detection" mark and "1" if otherwise.

CNCRD (FEED, R150, M200)

It loads the value of the feedrate selected at the CNC when working in G94 into the PLC register R150.

When requesting information about a nonexisting variable (i.e. the position value of a nonexisting
axis), this instruction will not alter the contents of the register and it will set the selected error mark
indicating that the variable does not exist.

Writing of variables. –CNCWR– command

The CNCWR command allows writing the CNC's internal variables. Its programming format is:
CNCWR (Register, Variable, Mark)

This PLC action loads the contents of the indicated register into the selected variable. If this
instruction has been executed properly, the PLC will assign a value of "0" to the indicated "error
detection" mark and "1" if otherwise.

CNCWR (R92, TIMER, M200)

It resets the clock enabled by the PLC with the value contained in register R92.

When trying to modify the contents of a nonexisting variable or assign an improper value to it, the
selected "error mark" will be set to "1" which will indicate that this instruction is incorrect.

When performing an improper reading or writing request, the PLC will continue the execution of the
program unless interrupted by the programmer after having analyzed the "error" mark defined in CNC 8055
the instruction. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Identifying the variables in the PLC commands

These variables are accessed from the PLC using high level commands. Each one of these variables
is referred to by its mnemonic that must be written in upper-case (capital) letters.
• Mnemonics ending in (X-C)indicate a set of 9 elements formed by the corresponding root
followed by X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B and C.
13. • Mnemonics ending in n indicate that the variables are grouped in tables. To access an element
of any of these tables, indicate the field of the desired table using the relevant mnemonic followed

by the desired element.

These variables can also be referred to by its corresponding mnemonic and a register that
indicates the element number of that table.
TORn -> TOR R1 TOR R23

CNCRD (TOR R222, R100, M102)

It assigns the radius value of the offset indicated by Register R222 to register R100

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.1 Variables associated with tools.

These variables are associated with the tool offset table, tool table and tool magazine table, so the
values which are assigned to or read from these fields will comply with the formats established for
these tables.

Tool table for mill model CNC.

The radius (R), length (L) and wear offset (I, K) values of the tool are given in the units set by general
parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).

Variables associated with tools.

If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

Tool table for lathe model CNC.

The length (X, Z), radius (R) and wear offset (I, K) values of the tool are given in the units set by
general parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

The location (tool shape) code (F) will be an integer between 0 and 9.

Tool table at the mill model CNC.

The tool offset number is an integer between 0 and 255. The maximum number of tool offsets is
limited by general parameter NTOFFSET.

The family code is a number between 0 and 255.

0 to 199 if it is a normal tool.
200 to 255 if it is a special tool.

The nominal life is given either in minutes or in operations (0··65535).

The real (actual) life is given either in hundredths of a minute (0··9999999) or in operations

Tool table at the lathe model CNC.

The tool offset number is an integer between 0 and 255. The maximum number of tool offsets is
limited by general parameter NTOFFSET.
The family code is a number between 0 and 255.
0 to 199 if it is a normal tool.
200 to 255 if it is a special tool.

The nominal life is given either in minutes or in operations (0··65535).

The real (actual) life is given either in hundredths of a minute (0··9999999) or in operations

The cutter angle is given in ten-thousandths of a degree (0··359999).

The cutter width is given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787). CNC 8055
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999). CNC 8055i
The cutting angle is given in ten-thousandths of a degree (0··359999).

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Tool magazine table.

Each magazine position is represented as follows:

1··255 Tool number.
0 The magazine position is empty.
-1 The magazine position has been canceled.

The tool position in the magazine is represented as follows:

1.- Position number.

13. 0
The tool is in the spindle.
Tool not found
Variables associated with tools.

-2 The tool is in the change position.

Read-only variables

Variables TOOL, NXTOOL, TOD and NXTOD can only be written from the PLC while no block or
part-program is being executed or simulated.


Returns the number of the active tool.

CNCRD (TOOL, R100, M100)

Assigns the number of the active tool to register R100.


Returns the number of the active tool offset.


Returns the next tool number, which is selected but is awaiting the execution of M06 to be active.


Returns the number of the tool offset corresponding to the next tool, which is selected but is awaiting
the execution of M06 to be active.


Returns the position occupied in the tool magazine by the indicated tool (n).


Returns the magazine position to where the current tool is to be left. It matches the value that will
be received later on in the register "T2BCD" (R559) with the M6, but the latter will be in BCD format.

This variable is only accessible via the CNC.


Returns the magazine position from where the next tool is to be picked up. It matches the value that
will be received later on in the register "TBCD" (R558) with the M6, but the latter will be in BCD format.

This variable is only accessible via the CNC.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Read-and-write variables


This variable allows the tool offset number of the indicated tool (n) to be read or modified in the tool

Installation manual


This variable allows the family code of the indicated tool (n) to be read or modified in the tool table.


This variable allows the value assigned as the nominal life of the indicated tool (n) to be read or
modified in the tool table.


This variable allows the value corresponding to the real life of the indicated tool (n) to be read or
modified in the tool table. 13.

Variables associated with tools.


This variable allows the contents of the indicated position (n) to be read or modified in the tool
magazine table.


The HTOR variable indicates the tool radius being used by the CNC to do the calculations.

Being a variable that can be read and written by the CNC and read-only from the PLC and DNC,
its value may be different from the one assigned in the table (TOR).

On power-up, after a T function, after a RESET or after an M30 function, it assumes the value of
the table (TOR).

Application example.

To machine a profile with a residual stock of 0.5 mm running 0.1mm-passes with a tool whose radius
is 10 mm.

Assign to the tool radius the value of:

10.5 mm in the table and execute the profile.
10.4 mm in the table and execute the profile.
10.3 mm in the table and execute the profile.
10.2 mm in the table and execute the profile.
10.1 mm in the table and execute the profile.
10.0 mm in the table and execute the profile.

However, if while machining, the program is interrupted or a reset occurs, the table assumes the
radius value assigned in that instant (e.g.: 10.2 mm). Its value has changed.

To avoid this, instead of modifying the tool radius in the (TOR) table, use the variable (HTOR) to
change the tool radius value used by the CNC to calculate.

Now, if the program is interrupted, the tool radius value initially assigned in the (TOR) table will be
correct because it has not changed.

Read-and-write variables of the mill model CNC


This variable allows the value assigned to the radius of the indicated tool offset (n) in the tool offset
table to be read or modified.
CNC 8055
CNCRD (TOR3, R100, M102) CNC 8055i
Assigns the R value of tool offset 3 to register R100.
CNCWR (R101, TOR3, M101)
Assigns the value indicated in R101 to the radius of tool offset 3.

SOFT: V02.2X

This variable allows the value assigned to the length of the indicated tool offset (n) to be read or
modified in the tool offset table.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


This variable allows the value assigned to the wear in radius (I) of the indicated tool offset (n) to be
read or modified in the tool offset table.


This variable allows the value assigned to the wear in length (K) of the indicated tool offset (n) to
be read or modified in the tool offset table.

13. Read-and-write variables of the lathe model

Variables associated with tools.


This variable allows reading or modifying the length value along the X axis assigned to the indicated
tool offset (n).

CNCRD (TOX3, R100, M102)

Loads R100 with the length value along X of the tool offset 3.
CNCWR (R101, TOX3, M101)
Assigns the value indicated in R101 to the length along X of tool offset 3.


This variable allows reading or modifying the length value along the Z axis assigned to the indicated
tool offset (n).


This variable allows reading or modifying the location code (F) of the indicated tool offset (n).


This variable allows reading or modifying the radius R value of the indicated tool offset (n).


This variable allows reading or modifying the length wear value (I) along the X axis of the indicated
tool offset (n).


This variable allows reading or modifying the length wear value (K) along the Z axis of the indicated
tool offset (n).


This variable allows reading or modifying the cutter angle assigned to the indicated tool (n) in the
tool table.


This variable allows reading or modifying the cutter width assigned to the indicated tool (n) in the
tool table.


This variable allows reading or modifying the cutting angle assigned to the indicated tool (n) in the
CNC 8055 tool table.
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.2 Variables associated with zero offsets.

These variables are associated with the zero offset table, due to which the values that will be
assigned to or read from these fields will comply with the formats established for this table.

The possible zero offsets in addition to the additive offset indicated by the PLC, are G54, G55, G56,
G57, G58, G59 and G159.

The values are given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

Variables associated with zero offsets.

Although there are variables which refer to each axis, the CNC only allows those referring to the
axes selected at the CNC. Thus, if the CNC controls axes X, Y, Z, U and B, it only allows the variables
ORGX, ORGY, ORGZ,. ORGU and ORGB in the case of ORG(X-C).

Read-only variables


Returns the value of the active zero offset in the selected axis. The value of the additive offset
indicated by the PLC or by the additive handwheel is not included in this value.


It returns the value of the zero offset generated by the additive handwheel in the selected axis.


Returns the value of the active incremental zero offset corresponding to the axis selected at the time.
It is read-only variable that can be read from the CNC, PLC and DNC.


Returns the active absolute zero offset. The values returned by the variable are identical for both
possible expressions of absolute zero offsets.

This read-only variable interrupts block preparation and may be read from the CNC, from the PLC
and from DNC.

The values of the EXTORG variables that correspond to the absolute zero offsets are:

EXTORG Active zero offset EXTORG Active zero offset

0 G53 (there is no zero offset) 11 G159N11

1 G54 or G159N1 12 G159N12

2 G55 or G159N2 13 G159N13

3 G56 or G159N3 14 G159N14

4 G57 or G159N4 15 G159N15

5 G159N5 16 G159N16

6 G159N6 17 G159N17

7 G159N7 18 G159N18

8 G159N8 19 G159N19 CNC 8055

9 G159N9 20 G159N20 CNC 8055i
10 G159N10

Considerations: SOFT: V02.2X

• When programming only an incremental zero offset (G58 or G59), the value of the EXTORG
variable will be 0.
• When programming an absolute and an incremental zero offset, the EXTORG variable will keep
the value of the absolute zero offset.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Example: If G54 + G58, EXTORG = 1 has been programmed.

Read-and-write variables


This variable allows the value of the selected axis to be read or modified in the table corresponding
to the indicated zero offset (n).

13. CNCRD (ORGX 55, R100, M102)

Loads register R100 with the X value of G55 in the zero offset table.
Variables associated with zero offsets.

CNCWR (R101, ORGY1, M101)

Assigns the value indicated in R101 to the Y value of G54 in the zero offset table.


This variable allows the value of the selected axis to be read or modified in the table of additive offsets
indicated by the PLC.

Accessing any of the PLCOF(X-C) variables interrupts block preparation and the CNC waits for that
command to be executed before resuming block preparation.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.3 Variables associated with function G49

With function G49, it is possible to define a coordinate transformation or, in other words, the inclined
plane resulting from that transformation.

The values are given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

Read-only variables associated with the definition of function G49

Variables associated with function G49


X coordinate of the new part zero with respect to home.

Y coordinate of the new part zero with respect to home.

Z coordinate of the new part zero with respect to home.


Value assigned to parameter A.

Value assigned to parameter B.

Value assigned to parameter C.

Value assigned to parameter I.

Value assigned to parameter J.

Value assigned to parameter K.

Value assigned to parameter Q.

Value assigned to parameter R.

Value assigned to parameter S.

Type of G49 programmed.

0 = no G49 has been defined. 3 = Type G49 T X Y Z S

1 = Type G49 X Y Z A B C 4 = Type G49 X Y Z I J K R S

2 = Type G49 X Y Z Q R S

Every time G49 is programmed, the CNC updates the values of the parameters that have been

For example when programming G49 XYZ ABC, the CNC updates the variables.
The rest of variables keep their previous values. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Read-write variables updated by the CNC once function G49 is


Accessing the variables TOOROF or TOOROS interrupts block preparation and the CNC waits for
that command to be executed before resuming block preparation.

When having a swivel or angular spindle, general machine parameter XFORM (P93) with a value
of 2 or 3, the CNC shows the following data:


It indicates the position to be occupied by the spindle's main rotary axis in order to orient the spindle
perpendicular to the indicated inclined plane.
Variables associated with function G49


It indicates the position to be occupied by the spindle's secondary rotary axis in order to orient the
spindle perpendicular to the indicated inclined plane.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.4 Variables associated with machine parameters

These variables associated with machine parameters are read-only variables.

Refer to the installation and start-up manual to know the format of the values returned. The values
of 1/0 correspond to the parameters that are set as YES/NO, +/- or ON/OFF.

Values regarding position and feedrate values will be given in the units set by general parameter
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

Variables associated with machine parameters

OEM programs or subroutines.

These variables may be read and written when executed inside an OEM program or subroutine.

In order to be able to modify these parameters via PLC, an OEM subroutine containing the relevant
variables must be executed using the CNCEX command.

For the CNC to assume the new values, operate according to the indicators associated with the
machine parameters.

Character Type of update

// It is necessary to press the keystroke sequence: [SHIFT] + [RESET] or turn the CNC off
and back on.

/ [RESET] must be pressed.

The rest of the parameters (those unmarked) will be updated automatically, only by
changing them.

Read-only variables


Returns the value assigned to general machine parameter (n).

CNCRD (MPG 8, R100, M102)

Loads register R100 with the value of general machine parameter INCHES (P8), If mm, R100 = 0;
and if inch, R100 =1.


Returns the value assigned to the machine parameter (n) of the indicated axis (X-C).

CNCRD (MPY 1, R100, M102)

Assigns the value of Y axis machine parameter DFORMAT (P1) to register R100.


Returns the value assigned to the indicated machine parameter (n) of the main spindle.


Returns the value assigned to the indicated machine parameter (n) of the second spindle.
CNC 8055
MPASn CNC 8055i
Returns the value of the indicated machine parameter (n) of the auxiliary spindle.

SOFT: V02.2X
Returns the value assigned to the indicated machine parameter (n) of the PLC.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.5 Variables associated with work zones

The values of the limits are given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

The status of the work zones are defined according to the following code:

13. 0 = Disabled.
1 = Enabled as no-entry zone.
2 = Enabled as no-exit zone.
Variables associated with work zones

Read-and-write variables


It returns the status of work zone 1.


Lower limit of zone 1 along the selected axis (X-C).


Upper limit of zone 1 along the selected axis (X-C).

The following example shows how it is possible to define as forbidden zone for the X axis the area between
coordinates 0 and 100mm (1000000 tenths of microns).

<condition> = MOV 0 R1 = CNCWR(R1, FZLOX, M1)

= MOV 1000000 R1 = CNCWR(R1, FZUPX, M1)

= MOV 1 R1 = CNCWR(R1, FZONE, M1)


Status of work zone 2.


Lower limit of zone 2 along the selected axis (X-C).


Upper limit of zone 2 along the selected axis (X-C).


Status of work zone 3.


Lower limit of zone 3 along the selected axis (X-C).

CNC 8055 TZUP(X-C)

CNC 8055i Upper limit of zone 3 along the selected axis (X-C).


Status of work zone 4.

SOFT: V02.2X

Lower limit of zone 4 along the selected axis (X-C).

Installation manual


Upper limit of zone 4 along the selected axis (X-C).


Status of work zone 5.


Lower limit of zone 5 along the selected axis (X-C).

FIZUP(X-C) 13.
Upper limit of zone 5 along the selected axis (X-C).

Variables associated with work zones


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.6 Variables associated with feedrates

Read-only variables associated with the real (actual) feedrate


It returns the CNC's real feedrate. It takes into account the feedrate override and the acc/dec of the
13. In 0.0001 mm/min. or 0.00001 inch/min units.
Variables associated with feedrates

On Laser cutting machines, it is recommended to use this variable to make the power of the Laser
proportional to the actual feedrate at all times.


It returns the actual (real) CNC feedrate of the selected axis.

In 0.0001 mm/min. or 0.00001 inch/min units.


It returns the theoretical CNC feedrate of the selected axis.

In 0.0001 mm/min. or 0.00001 inch/min units.

Read-only variables associated with function G94


It returns the feedrate selected at the CNC by function G94. In mm/minute or inches/minute.

This feedrate may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one of them, the
one indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has the lowest


It returns the feedrate, in mm/minute or inches/minute selected by DNC. If it has a value of 0 it means
that it is not selected.


It returns the feedrate, in mm/minute or inches/minute selected by program. If it has a value of 0 it

means that it is not selected.

Read-write variables associated with function G94


It returns the feedrate, in mm/minute or inches/minute selected by PLC. If it has a value of 0 it means
that it is not selected.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Read-only variables associated with function G95


It returns the feedrate selected at the CNC by function G95. In mm/turn or inches/turn.

This feedrate may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one of them, the
one indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has the lowest


It returns the feedrate, in mm/turn or inches/turn selected by DNC. If it has a value of 0 it means

Variables associated with feedrates

that it is not selected.


It returns the feedrate, in mm/turn or inches/turn selected by program. If it has a value of 0 it means
that it is not selected.

Read-write variables associated with function G95


It returns the feedrate, in mm/turn or inches/turn selected by PLC. If it has a value of 0 it means that
it is not selected.

Read-only variables associated with function G32


It returns the feedrate selected by program, in 1/min.

Likewise, the CNC variable FEED, associated with G94, indicates the resulting feedrate in mm/min
or inches/min.

Read-only variables associated with the override


It returns the feedrate override (%) currently selected at the CNC. It is given in integer values between
0 and "MAXFOVR" (maximum 255).

This feedrate percentage may be indicated by program, by PLC, by DNC or from the front panel;
the CNC selects one of them, where the priority (from the highest to the lowest) is: by program, by
DNC, by PLC and from the switch.


It returns the feedrate override % currently selected by the DNC. If it has a value of 0 it means that
it is not selected.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
It returns the feedrate override % currently selected by the switch.


This variable may be used to read or modify the feedrate override percentage currently selected SOFT: V02.2X
by program. It is given in integer values between 0 and "MAXFOVR" (maximum 255). If it has a value
of 0 it means that it is not selected.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Read-write variables associated with the override


It returns the feedrate override % currently selected by the PLC. If it has a value of 0 it means that
it is not selected.


It returns the feedrate percentage currently selected by the PLC's execution channel. It is only set
13. from the PLC, using an integer between 0 and 255.
Variables associated with feedrates

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.7 Variables associated with coordinates

The values are given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If, INCHES = 0, in ten-thousandths of a millimeter (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in hundred-thousandths of an inch (±393700787).
If rotary axis, in ten-thousandths of a degree (±999999999).

Read-only variables

Variables associated with coordinates

Accessing any of the variables POS(X-C), TPOS(X-C), APOS(X-C), ATPOS(X-C), DPOS(X-C),
FLWE(X-C), DEFLEX, DEFLEY or DEFLEZ interrupts block preparation and the CNC waits for that
command to be executed before resuming block preparation.


It returns the real tool base position value referred to machine reference zero (home).

On limit-less rotary axes, this variable takes into account the value of the active zero offset. The
values of the variable are between the active zero offset and ±360º (ORG* ± 360º).
If ORG* = 20º it displays between 20º and 380º / displays between -340º and 20º.
If ORG* = -60º it displays between -60º and 300º / displays between -420 and -60º

At the lathe model CNC, the coordinates of each axis are given as follows:
• When read from the CNC, they are given in radius or diameter, depending on the active units
system. Check the DIAM variable to know the active units system.
• When read from the PLC, they are always given in radius.


It returns the theoretical position value (real coordinate + following error) of the tool base referred
to machine reference zero (home).

On limit-less rotary axes, this variable takes into account the value of the active zero offset. The
values of the variable are between the active zero offset and ±360º (ORG* ± 360º).
If ORG* = 20º it displays between 20º and 380º / displays between -340º and 20º.
If ORG* = -60º it displays between -60º and 300º / displays between -420 and -60º

At the lathe model CNC, the coordinates of each axis are given as follows:
• When read from the CNC, they are given in radius or diameter, depending on the active units
system. Check the DIAM variable to know the active units system.
• When read from the PLC, they are always given in radius.


It returns the real tool base position value, referred to part zero, of the selected axis.

At the lathe model CNC, the coordinates of each axis are given as follows:
• When read from the CNC, they are given in radius or diameter, depending on the active units
system. Check the DIAM variable to know the active units system.
• When read from the PLC, they are always given in radius.

CNC 8055
It returns the theoretical position value (real coordinate + following error) of the tool base referred CNC 8055i
to part zero.
At the lathe model CNC, the coordinates of each axis are given as follows:
• When read from the CNC, they are given in radius or diameter, depending on the active units
system. Check the DIAM variable to know the active units system. SOFT: V02.2X

• When read from the PLC, they are always given in radius.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


The CNC updates this variable whenever probing operations G75, G76 and probing cycles PROBE
and DIGIT are carried out.

When the digital probe communicates with the CNC via infrared beams, there could be some delay
(milliseconds) from the time the probe touches the part to the instant the CNC receives the probe

Variables associated with coordinates

Although the probe keeps moving until the CNC receives the probing signal, the CNC takes into
account the value assigned to general machine parameter PRODEL and provides the following
information in the variables TPOS(X-C) and DPOS(X-C).
TPOS(X-C) Actual position of the probe when the CNC receives the probe signal.
DPOS(X-C) Theoretical position of the probe when the probe touched the part.


It returns the following error of the selected axis.


These variables can only be used at the mill model. They return the amount of deflection obtained
at the time by the Renishaw probe SP2 on each axis X, Y, Z.


It returns the position value (coordinate) shown on the screen for the selected axis.


It returns the position indicated by the Sercos drive of the selected axis (variable PV51 or PV53 of
the drive).

Read-and-write variables


These variables may be used to read or modify the distance traveled by the selected axis. This value
is accumulative and is very useful when it is required to perform an operation which depends on
the distance traveled by the axes, their lubrication for example.

Accessing any of the DIST(X-C) variables interrupts block preparation and the CNC waits for that
command to be executed before resuming block preparation.

CNC 8055
With these variables, it is possible to set a second travel limit for each axis: LIMPL for the upper limit
CNC 8055i and LIMMI for the lower one.

The PLC activates and deactivates these second limits through general logic input ACTLIM2
SOFT: V02.2X The second travel limit will be taken into account if the first one has been set using axis machine
parameters LIMIT+ (P5) and LIMIT- (P6).

Installation manual

13.8 Variables associated with electronic handwheels

Read-only variables


They return the pulses of the first (HANPF), second (HANPS), third (HANPT) or fourth (HANPFO)
handwheel received since the CNC was turned on. It is irrelevant to have the handwheel connected
to the feedback inputs or to the PLC inputs.

Variables associated with electronic handwheels

For handwheels with axis selector button, it indicates whether that button has been pressed or not.
A value of ·0· means that it has not been pressed.

Read-and-write variables


It returns the multiplying factor set by PLC for each handwheel.

It must be used when using several electronic handwheels or when using a single handwheel but
different multiplying factors (x1, x10, x100) are to be applied to each axis.


c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a lsb

Once the switch has been turned to one of the handwheel positions, the CNC checks this variable
and, depending on the values assigned to each axis bit (c, b, a) it applies the multiplying factor
selected for each one of them.
c b a

0 0 0 The value indicated at the front panel or keyboard switch.

0 0 1 x1 factor

0 1 0 x10 factor

1 0 0 x100 factor

If there are more than one bit set to "1" for an axis, the least significant bit will be considered. Thus:
c b a

1 1 1 x1 factor

1 1 0 x10 factor

i The screen always shows the value selected at the switch.


It must be used when having a Fagor HBE handwheel.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
It indicates whether the HBE handwheel is enabled or not, the axis to be jogged and the multiplying
factor to be applied (x1, x10, x100).

SOFT: V02.2X
* ^ c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a c b a lsb

(*) Indicates whether the HBE handwheel pulses will be taken into account or not in jog mode.
0 = They are ignored.
1 = They are taken into account.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

(^) When the machine has a general handwheel and individual handwheels (associated with an
axis), it indicates which handwheel has priority when both are turned at the same time.
0 = The individual handwheel has priority. The relevant axis ignores the pulses from the general
handwheel, the rest of the axes don’t.
1 = The general handwheel has priority. It ignored the pulses from the individual handwheel.

(a, b, c) Indicate the axis to be moved and the selected multiplying factor.
c b a

0 0 0 The value indicated at the front panel or keyboard switch.

13. 0 0 1 x1 factor

0 1 0 x10 factor
Variables associated with electronic handwheels

1 0 0 x100 factor

If several axes are selected, the following order of priority is applied: X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B, C.

If there are more than one bit set to "1" for an axis, the least significant bit will be considered. Thus:
c b a

1 1 1 x1 factor

1 1 0 x10 factor

The HBE handwheel has priority. That is, regardless of the mode selected at the CNC switch
(continuous or incremental JOG, handwheel), HBEVAR is set to other than "0", the CNC goes into
handwheel mode.

It shows the selected axis in reverse video and the multiplying factor selected by the PLC. When
the HBEVAR variable is set to "0", it shows the mode selected by the switch again.

See "7.15 Fagor handwheels: HBA, HBE and LGB" on page 376.


It must be used when the path-handwheel or the path-jog is selected.

Indicates the angle of the linear path.


They must be used when the path-handwheel or the path-jog is selected.

On circular paths (arcs), they indicate the center

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.9 Variables associated with feedback


"A" signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the X-C axis.


"B" signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the X-C axis.


"A" signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the spindle.


Variables associated with feedback


"B" signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the spindle.


"A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second spindle.


"B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second spindle.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.10 Variables associated with the main spindle

Variables associated with the real speed


It returns the actual (real) turning speed of the main spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 rpm units.


It returns the theoretical turning speed of the main spindle.

Variables associated with the main spindle

Variables associated with spindle speed

PLCS is a read-write variable; the rest are read-only.


It returns the turning speed of the main spindle currently selected at the CNC. Its value is given in
0.0001 rpm units.

This turning speed may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one of them,
the one indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has the lowest

It returns the spindle speed limit selected via DNC. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the spindle speed limit selected via PLC. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the spindle speed limit selected by programa. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not

Variables associated with constant cutting speed (lathe model)

PLCCSS is a read-write variable, the rest are read-only.


It returns the constant surface speed selected at the CNC.

This constant surface speed may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one
of them, the one indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has
the lowest priority.

The values are given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If INCHES = 0, in m/min (±999999999).
CNC 8055 If INCHES = 1, in ft/min (±393700787).
CNC 8055i

It returns the constant surface speed selected via DNC. Its value is given in m/min or ft/min and it
is 0 it means that it is not currently selected.
SOFT: V02.2X

It returns the constant surface speed selected by PLC. Its value is given in m/min or ft/min.

Installation manual


It returns the constant surface speed selected by program. Its value is given in m/min or ft/min.

Variables associated with the spindle override

The variable PLCSSO is a read-write variable, the rest are read-only.


It returns the turning speed override (%) of the main spindle currently selected at the CNC. It is given
in integer values between 0 and "MAXFOVR" (maximum 255).

Variables associated with the main spindle

This turning speed percentage of the main spindle may be indicated by program, by PLC, by DNC
or by the front panel; the CNC selects one of them and the priority (from the highest to the lowest)
is: by program, by DNC, by PLC and from the panel frontal.


This variable may be used to read or modify the speed override percentage of the main spindle
currently selected by program. It is given in integer values between 0 and "MAXFOVR" (maximum
255). If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the turning speed override % of the main spindle currently selected via DNC. If it has a
value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the turning speed override % of the main spindle currently selected by PLC. If it has a value
of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the turning speed override % of the main spindle currently selected from the front panel.

Speed limit related variables

PLCSL and MDISL are read-write variables, the rest are read-only.


It returns the value set in rpm at the CNC for the turning speed limit of the main spindle.

This limit may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one of them, the one
indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has the lowest priority.


It returns the speed limit of the main spindle in rpm currently selected via DNC. If it has a value of
0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the speed limit of the main spindle in rpm currently selected by PLC. If it has a value of
0 it means that it is not selected. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

It returns the speed limit of the main spindle in rpm currently selected by program.


Maximum machining spindle speed. This variable is also updated (refreshed) when programming
function G92 via MDI.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Position related variables


Indicates the spindle travel considering the ±214748.3647 limit of the variable. Once the maximum
is exceeded, it starts adding from the minimum.


It returns the real position of the main spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 degree units (between
13. -360º and 360º).

Variables associated with the main spindle

It returns the theoretical position of the main spindle (real position + lag). Its value is given in 0.0001
degree units within ±999999999º.


It returns the theoretical position of the main spindle (real position + lag) in 360º module. Its value
is given in 0.0001 degree units within 0 and 360º.


Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the main spindle.

Position programmed in M19 via program for the main spindle. This variable may be read from the
CNC, from the PLC and from DNC.

Read-only variables associated with the following error (axis lag)


Following error (lag) of the main spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 degree units within


Amount of lag of the second spindle following the main spindle when they are both synchronized.
Its value is given in 0.0001 degree units within ±999999999º.

If the error is smaller than the maximum allowed by spindle parameter SYNPOSOF (P53) for the
main spindle and the general output SYNCPOSI (M5559) is set to "1".

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.11 Variables associated with the second spindle

Variables associated with the real speed


It returns the actual (real) turning speed of the second spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 rpm units.


It returns the theoretical turning speed of the second spindle.



Variables associated with the second spindle
Variables associated with spindle speed

The variable SPLCS is a read-write variable, the rest are read-only.


It returns the turning speed of the second spindle currently selected at the CNC. Its value is given
in 0.0001 rpm units.

This turning speed may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one of them,
the one indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has the lowest

It returns the spindle speed selected via DNC. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the spindle speed limit selected via PLC. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the spindle speed limit selected by programa. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not

Variables associated with constant cutting speed (lathe model)

The variable SPLCCSS is a read-write variable, the rest are read-only.


It returns the constant surface speed selected at the CNC.

This constant surface speed may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one
of them, the one indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has
the lowest priority.

The values are given in the units set by general parameter INCHES.
If INCHES = 0, in m/min (±999999999).
If INCHES = 1, in ft/min (±393700787). CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

It returns the constant surface speed selected via DNC. Its value is given in m/min or ft/min and it
is 0 it means that it is not currently selected.
SOFT: V02.2X

It returns the constant surface speed selected by PLC. Its value is given in m/min or ft/min and it
is 0 it means that it is not currently selected.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It returns the constant surface speed selected by program. Its value is given in m/min or ft/min and
it is 0 it means that it is not currently selected.

Variables associated with the spindle override

The variable SPLCSSO is a read-write variable, the rest are read-only.

13. SSSO

It returns the turning speed override (%) of the second spindle currently selected at the CNC. It is
Variables associated with the second spindle

given in integer values between 0 and "MAXFOVR" (maximum 255).

This turning speed percentage of the second spindle may be indicated by program, by PLC, by DNC
or by the front panel; the CNC selects one of them and the priority (from the highest to the lowest)
is: by program, by DNC, by PLC and from the panel frontal.


This variable may be used to read or modify the speed override percentage of the second spindle
currently selected by program. If it has a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the turning speed override % of the second spindle currently selected via DNC. If it has
a value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the turning speed override % of the second spindle currently selected by PLC. If it has a
value of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the turning speed override % of the second spindle currently selected from the front panel.

Speed limit related variables

The variable PLCSL is a read-write variable, the rest are read-only.


It returns the value set in rpm at the CNC for the turning speed limit of the second spindle.

This limit may be indicated by program, by PLC or by DNC; the CNC selects one of them, the one
indicated by DNC has the highest priority and the one indicated by program has the lowest priority.


It returns the speed limit of the second spindle in rpm currently selected via DNC. If it has a value
of 0 it means that it is not selected.


It returns the speed limit of the second spindle in rpm currently selected by PLC. If it has a value
CNC 8055 of 0 it means that it is not selected.
CNC 8055i

It returns the speed limit of the second spindle in rpm currently selected by program.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Position related read-only variables


It returns the real position of the second spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 degree units within


It returns the real position of the second spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 degree units (between
-360º and 360º).


Variables associated with the second spindle
It returns the theoretical position of the second spindle (real position + lag). Its value is given in 0.0001
degree units within ±999999999º.


It returns the theoretical position of the second spindle (real position + lag). Its value is given in 0.0001
degree units within 0 and 360º.


Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the second spindle.

Position programmed in M19 via program for the second spindle. This variable may be read from
the CNC, from the PLC and from DNC.

Read-only variables associated with the following error (axis lag)


Following error (lag) of the second spindle. Its value is given in 0.0001 degree units within

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.12 Variables associated with the live tool

Read-only variables


It must be used inside the subroutine associated with function M45.

13. Returns the revolutions per minute programmed in M45 S. If programmed only in M45, the value
0 will be used.
Variables associated with the live tool

The ASPROG variable is updated just before executing the M45 function so it is already updated
when executing its associated subroutine.


It must be used when operating in TC mode.

It returns the rpm selected by the user for the live tool when in TC mode.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.13 Variables associated with local and global parameters

The CNC has two types of general purpose variables. These two variables may be used to read
and write the following arithmetic parameters:
• Local parameters (P0-P25).
• Global parameters (P100-P299).
• User parameters (P1000 - P1255).
• OEM parameters (P2000-P2255).

It is possible to assign local parameters to more than one subroutine. Up to 6 nesting levels of the
local parameters are possible within the 15 nesting levels for the subroutines. Therefore, each time
a local parameter must be referred to, it is necessary to indicate its current nesting level.


Variables associated with local and global parameters
Local and global parameters may be assigned a value within ±2147483647.

Reading these parameters using functions GUP and LUP gives an integer number ignoring its
decimals. Likewise, if the parameter value is greater than ±2147483647, the obtained value will be
the maximum allowed, i.e. either 2147483647 or -2147483647.

Read-and-write variables


It may be used to read or modify the indicated (n) global parameter (P100-P299), user parameter
(P1000-P1255) (n) or OEM parameter (P2000-P2255) (n).

CNCRD (GUP 155, R100, M102)

Loads register R100 with the value of global parameter P155.
CNCWR (R101, GUP 155, M102)
It assigns the value of global parameter P155 to register R100.

LUP a b

It permits reading or modifying the indicated local parameter (P0-P25) (b) of the indicated nesting
level (a).

CNCRD (LUP 3 15, R100, M102)

It assigns the value of local parameter P15 of nesting level 3 to register R100.
CNCWR (R101, GUP 2 15, M102)
It assigns the value of local parameter P15 of nesting level 2 to register R101.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.14 Sercos variables

They are used in the data exchange via Sercos between the CNC and the drives.

Write variables


13. The drive may have up to 8 gear ratios (0 through 7). Sercos identifier 218, GearRatioPreselection.

I t m ay a l s o h ave u p t o 8 p a r a m e t e r s e t s ( 0 t h r o u g h 7 ) . S e r c o s i d e n t i f i e r 2 1 7 ,
Sercos variables


With these variables the work range or gear ratio and the parameter set of each drive may be
SETGE(X-C) ... for the axes.
SETGES ... for the main spindle.
SSETGS ... for the second spindle

The 4 least significant bits of these variables indicate the gear ratio and the other 4 the parameter
set to be selected.

Since it takes the drive some time to change the parameter set and the gear ratios, mark SERPLCAC
(M5562) will remain active from when the change is requested until the drive assumes the new
values. While this mark is on, no other change may be requested because the command would be

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

13.15 Software & hardware configuration variables

Read-only variables


It indicates, with bits, the CNC's hardware configuration. The bit will be "1" when the relevant
configuration is available.

CNC8055 model:

Software & hardware configuration variables

Bit Meaning

4,3,2,1 0000 8055 FL model.

0010 8055 Power model.

5 Sercos integrated into CPU board.

6 Sercos module on manager board.

7 Axes module.

10,9,8 001 One I/O module.

010 Two I/O modules.
011 Three I/O modules.
100 Four I/O modules.

14 It has analog video.

15 It has CAN integrated into the CPU board.

18,17,16 Keyboard type (technical service department).

20.19 CPU type (technical service department).

23,22,21 1xx CPU PPC5200.

26,25,24 000 Color LCD Monitor.

001 Monochrome LCD monitor.

30 Ethernet connector integrated in the CPU.

31 Compact flash memory (KeyCF).

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

CNC8055i model:

Bit Meaning

4, 3, 2, 1 0100 8055i FL model.

0110 8055i Power model.

5 Sercos (digital model).

6 Reserved.

13. 9, 8, 7 000
Expansion board missing.
"Feedback + I/O" expansion board.
Feedback-only expansion board.
011 I/O-only expansion board.
Software & hardware configuration variables

101 "Axes 2" board for expansion of "feedback + I/O".

110 "Axes 2" board for expansion of feedback only.
111 "Axes 2" board for expansion of I/O only.

10 Axis board with 12-bit (=0) or 16-bit (=1) Digital/Analog converter.

12, 11 Reserved.

14, 13 Reserved.

15 It has CAN (digital module).

18,17,16 Keyboard type (technical service department).

20.19 CPU type (technical service department).

23,22,21 1xx CPU PPC5200.

26,25,24 000 Color LCD Monitor.

001 Monochrome LCD monitor.

30 Ethernet..

31 Compact flash memory (KeyCF).


It indicates, with bits, the CNC's hardware configuration. The bit will be "1" when the relevant
configuration is available.

CNC8055 model:

Bit Meaning

0 Axis module 2.

1 It has a connector for compact flash.

10 The axis board is "Axis module SB"

Note: Bit 0 of HARCOA must be set to 0.

Bit ·1· only indicates whether the hardware has a connector for the compact flash or not, it does not
indicate whether the compact flash is inserted or not.

CNC8055i model:

Bit Meaning
CNC 8055
0 "Axes 2" board.
CNC 8055i
1 It has a connector for compact flash.

10 The axis board is "Axis module SB"

Note: Bit 0 of HARCOA must be set to 0.
SOFT: V02.2X
Bit ·1· only indicates whether the hardware has a connector for the compact flash or not, it does not
indicate whether the compact flash is inserted or not.

Installation manual


They return, in BCD code, the hardware identification number corresponding to the KeyCF. It is the
number appearing on the software diagnosis screen.

Since the identification number has 12 digits, the IDHARL variable shows the 8 least significant bits
and the IDHARH the 4 most significant bits.



Software & hardware configuration variables


They return the software version numbers for the CNC and the hard disk.

Bits 15-0 return the CNC software version (4 digits)

Bits 31-16 return the software version of the hard disk (HD) (4 digits)

... 31 30 29 ... 18 17 16 15 14 13 ... 2 1 0


HD Software CNC Software

For example, SOFCON 01010311 indicates:

Hard disk (HD) software version 0101

CNC software version 0311


Hard disk size (in megabytes).


Keyboard code, according to the auto-identification system.


0 --- Keyboard without auto-identification.

130 254 Mill model keyboard.

131 254 Lathe model keyboard.

132 254 Conversational mill model keyboard.

133 254 Conversational lathe model keyboard.

134 254 Educational model keyboard.


It identifies the CNC model, mill or lather. CNC 8055

Value Meaning CNC 8055i
0 Mill model

1 Lathe model
SOFT: V02.2X
This variable may be read from the CNC, from the PLC and from DNC.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.16 Variables associated with telediagnosis

Read-only variables


They return, in 4 bits, the central unit configuration, a value of "1" if it is present and "0" if not. Logic
address (device select) set on each board with the dip-switches (see installation manual).
Variables associated with telediagnosis

Bits Board Bits Board

31 - 28 Large sercos 31 - 28
27 - 24 I/O 4 27 - 24

23 - 20 I/O 3 23 - 20 Type of CAN at COM1.

19 - 16 I/O 2 19 - 16 Type of CAN at COM2.

15 - 12 I/O 1 15 - 12 0 CAN board missing.

1 CAN board in COM1.
11- 8 Axes
2 CAN board in COM2.
7 -4 3 Board in both COM.
3 - 0 (LSB) CPU 11- 8 Small sercos

7 -4
3 - 0 (LSB) HD

The CPU board must be present in all the configurations and set to "0". In the rest of cases, it returns
a "0" if the board is missing.

There could be a large Sercos card (that takes up the whole module) or the small board that is
installed in the CPU module.

There may be two types of CAN boards (value of ·0001· if it is an SJ1000 type and value of ·0010·
if it is an OKI9225 type).


It returns the result of the hardware test. The data comes at the least significant bits with a "1" if it
failed and with a "0" if OK or if the relevant board is missing.


14 24V test of IO4 module

13 Inside temperature

12 I/O 3 (Board voltage)

11 I/O 2 (Board voltage)

10 I/O 1 (Board voltage)

8 Axes (Board voltage)

7 +3.3 V (Power supply)

6 11 (Power supply)

5 GNDA (Power supply)

CNC 8055
4 - 15 V (Power supply)
CNC 8055i
3 + 15 V (Power supply)

2 Battery (Power supply)

1 -5V (Power supply)
SOFT: V02.2X
0 (LSB) +5V (Power supply)

Installation manual


It returns the result of the memory test. Each data uses 4 bits. The text is successful if the least
significant bit of each data is set to 1. There is an error if the least significant bit of any data is other
than 1.

Bits Test Bits Test

30 Test status 15 - 12 Sdram

... ... 11- 8 HD


19 - 16

7 -4

3 - 0 (LSB)


Variables associated with telediagnosis

Bit 30 stays at "1" during the test.


It returns the number of the node used to configure the CNC in the Sercos ring.


It returns the checksum of the code for the software version installed. It is the value appearing on
the code test.


It returns in 16 bits the position of the "ADDRESS" switch of the CAN of the I/O. If it is not connected,
it returns the value 0xFFFF.


They may be used to read the number of local digital I/O available.

Bit Meaning

0 - 15 Number of inputs.

16 - 31 Number of outputs.


They may be used to read the number of remote digital I/O available.

Bit Meaning

0 - 15 Number of inputs.

16 - 31 Number of outputs.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.17 Operating-mode related variables

Read-only variables related to the standard mode


It returns the code corresponding to the selected operating mode.

13. 0 = Main menu.

10 = Automatic execution.
Operating-mode related variables

11 = Single block execution.

13 = Tool inspection.
14 = Repositioning.
15 = Block search executing G.
16 = Block search executing G, M, S, T.

20 = Theoretical path simulation.

21 = G function simulation.
22 = G, M, S and T function simulation.
23 = Simulation with movement in the main plane.
24 = Simulation with rapid movement.
25 = Rapid simulation with S=0.

30 = Normal editing.
31 = User editing.
32 = TEACH-IN editing.
33 = Interactive editor.
34 = Profile editor.

40 = Movement in continuous JOG.

41 = Movement in incremental JOG.
42 = Movement with electronic handwheel.
43 = HOME search in JOG.
44 = Position preset in JOG.
45 = Tool calibration.
46 = MDI in JOG.
47 = User JOG operation.

50 = Zero offset table.

51 = Tool offset table.

CNC 8055 52 = Tool table.

CNC 8055i 53 = Tool magazine table.

54 = Global parameter table.
55 = Local parameter table.
56 = User parameter table.
SOFT: V02.2X
57 = OEM parameter table.

60 = Utilities.
63 = Change of protections.

Installation manual

70 = DNC status.
71 = CNC status.

80 = PLC file editing.

81 = PLC program compilation.
82 = PLC monitoring.
83 = Active PLC messages.
84 = Active PLC pages.
85 = Save PLC program.
86 = Restore PLC program.

Operating-mode related variables

87 = PLC usage maps.
88 = PLC statistics.

90 = Customizing.

100 = General machine parameter table.

101 = Axis machine parameter tables.
102 = Spindle machine parameter table.
103 = Serial port machine parameter tables.
104 = PLC machine parameter table.
105 = M function table.
106 = Leadscrew error compensation tables and cross compensation tables.
107 = Machine parameter table for Ethernet.

110 = Diagnosis: configuration

111 = Diagnosis: hardware test.
112 = Diagnosis: RAM memory test.
113 = Diagnosis: Flash memory test.
114 = User diagnosis.
115 = Hard disk diagnosis (HD).
116 = Circle geometry test.
117 = Oscilloscope.

120 = DERGAIN auto-adjustment.

130 = Change of dates.

131 = Change of passwords.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Read-only variables related to the conversational mode (MC, TC,

MCO, TCO) and configurable mode M, T ([SHIFT]-[ESC])

In these work modes, it is recommended to use variables OPMODA, OPMODB and OPMODC. The
OPMODE variable is generic and contains different values to those of the standard mode.


It returns the code corresponding to the selected operating mode.

13. 0 = CNC starting up.

10 = In execution mode.
Operating-mode related variables

In execution or waiting for the [CYCLE START] key (drawing of the [CYCLE START] on top).
12 = Indicates one of the following situations:
- In MDI mode, when pressing the ISO key from the jog mode or tool inspection mode.
- One of the following fields of the main screen that admits the START key has been selected:
Axes, T, F or S.
21 = In graphic simulation mode.
30 = Cycle editing.
40 = In Jog mode (standard screen).
43 = Doing a home search.
45 = In tool calibration mode.
60 = Managing parts. PPROG mode.


Indicates the operating mode currently selected when working with the main channel.

Use the OPMODE variable to know at any time the selected operating mode (main channel, user
channel, PLC channel).

This information is given at the least significant bits with a "1" when active and with a "0" when not
active or when it is not available in the current version.
Bit 0 Program in execution.
Bit 1 Program in simulation.
Bit 2 Block in execution via MDI, JOG.
Bit 3 Repositioning in progress.
Bit 4 Program interrupted by CYCLE STOP.
Bit 5 MDI, JOG block interrupted.
Bit6 Repositioning interrupted.
Bit 7 In tool inspection.
Bit 8 Block in execution via CNCEX1.
Bit 9 CNCEX1 block interrupted.
Bit 10 CNC ready to accept JOG movements: manual, handwheel, teaching, inspection.
Bit 11 CNC ready to accept running order (START): execution, simulation with
movement and MDI modes.
Bit 12 The CNC is not ready to execute anything involving axis or spindle movement.

CNC 8055 Bit 13 It identifies the block search.

CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Indicates the type of simulation currently selected. This information is given at the least significant
bits indicating with a "1" the one currently selected.
Bit 0 Theoretical path.
Bit 1 G functions.
Bit 2 G M S T functions.
Bit 3 Main plane.
Bit 4
Bit 5
Rapid (S=0).

Operating-mode related variables


Indicates the axes selected by handwheel. This information is given at the least significant bits
indicating with a "1" the one currently selected.
Bit 0 Axis 1.
Bit 1 Axis 2.
Bit 2 Axis 3.
Bit 3 Axis 4.
Bit 4 Axis 5.
Bit 5 Axis 6.
Bit 6 Axis 7.
Bit 7
Bit 8

The axis name corresponds to the number according to the programming order for them.

Example: If the CNC controls axes X, Y, Z, U, B, C, axis 1=X, axis2=Y, axis3=Z, axis4=U, axis5=B,

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

13.18 Other variables

Read-only variables


Indicates the tool number being managed. This variable can only be used within the tool change
13. Example: There is a manual tool changer. Tool T1 is currently selected and the operator requests
tool T5.
Other variables

The subroutine associated with the tools may contain the following instructions:
(P103 = NBTOOL)

Instruction (P103 = NBTOOL) assigns the number of the tool currently being managed to parameter
P103. Therefore, P103=5.

The message displayed by the CNC will be ""SELECT T5 AND PRESS CYCLE START".
Note: The NBTOOL variable is refreshed in all simulations including those where T functions are
not executed, meaning this may not be the case for the active tool (TOOL).


Returns the program number being executed. If none is selected, a value of -1 is returned.


It returns the label number of the last executed block.


It returns the status of functions G00 through G24. The status of each one of the functions will be
given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not active
or when not available in the current software version.

G24 G23 G22 G21 G20 ... G04 G03 G02 G01 G00

CNCRD (GGSA, R110, M10)

Loads register R110 with the status of functions G00 through G24.


It returns the status of functions G25 through G49. The status of each one of the functions will be
given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not active
or when not available in the current software version.

G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 ... G29 G28 G27 G26 G25


It returns the status of functions G50 through G24. The status of each one of the functions will be
given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not active
or when not available in the current software version.

CNC 8055 G74 G73 G72 G71 G70 ... G54 G53 G52 G51 G50

CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


It returns the status of functions G5 through G99. The status of each one of the functions will be
given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not active
or when not available in the current software version.

G99 G98 G97 G96 G95 ... G79 G78 G77 G76 G75


It returns the status of functions G100 through G124. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version. 13.

Other variables
G124 G123 G122 G121 G120 ... G104 G103 G102 G101 G100


It returns the status of functions G125 through G149. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G149 G148 G147 G146 G145 ... G129 G128 G127 G126 G125


It returns the status of functions G150 through G174. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G174 G173 G172 G171 G170 ... G154 G153 G152 G151 G150


It returns the status of functions G175 through G199. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G199 G198 G197 G196 G195 ... G179 G178 G177 G176 G175


It returns the status of functions G200 through G224. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G224 G223 G222 G221 G220 ... G204 G203 G202 G201 G200


It returns the status of functions G225 through G249. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G249 G248 G247 G246 G245 ... G229 G228 G227 G226 G225


It returns the status of functions G250 through G274. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
G274 G273 G272 G271 G270 ... G254 G253 G252 G251 G250

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


It returns the status of functions G75 through G299. The status of each one of the functions will be
given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not active
or when not available in the current software version.

G299 G298 G297 G296 G295 ... G279 G278 G277 G276 G275


It returns the status of functions G300 through G324. The status of each one of the functions will

13. be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.
Other variables

G324 G323 G322 G321 G320 ... G304 G303 G302 G301 G300


It returns the status of functions G325 through G349. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G349 G348 G347 G346 G345 … G329 G328 G327 G326 G325


It returns the status of functions GG350 through G374. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G374 G373 G372 G371 G370 … G354 G353 G352 G351 G350


It returns the status of functions G375 through G399. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G399 G398 G397 G396 G395 … G379 G378 G377 G376 G375


It returns the status of functions G400 through G424. The status of each one of the functions will
be given in the 25 least significant bits and it will be indicated by a 1 when active and a 0 when not
active or when not available in the current software version.

G424 G423 G422 G421 G420 … G404 G403 G402 G401 G400


Returns data on the abscissa axis (bits 4 to 7) and the ordinate axis (bits 0 to 3) of the active plane
in 32 bits and in binary.

... ... ... ... ... ... 7654 3210 lsb

Abscissa axis Ordinate axis

The axes are coded in 4 bits and indicate the axis number according to the programming order.
CNC 8055
Example: If the CNC controls the X,Y,Z,U,B,C axes and the ZX plane (G18) is selected.
CNC 8055i
(CNCRD PLANE, R100, M33) assigns the hexadecimal value $31 to register R100.

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 0001 LSB

SOFT: V02.2X
Abscissa axis = 3 (0011) => Z axis
Ordinate axis = 1 (0001) => X axis

Installation manual


This variable can only be used at the mill model. It returns the number according to the programming
order corresponding to the longitudinal axis. This will be the one selected with the G15 function and
by default the axis perpendicular to the active plane, if this is XY, ZX or YZ.


If the CNC controls the X, Y, Z, U, B, C axes and the U axis is selected.

(CNCRD LONGAX, R22, M34) assigns the value of 4 to register R22.


Returns in the least significant bits of the 32-bit group, the status of the mirror image of each axis,

Other variables
1 in the case of being active and 0 if not.

Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 LSB

Axis 7 Axis 6 Axis 5 Axis 4 Axis 3 Axis 2 Axis 1

The axis name corresponds to the number according to the programming order for them.

Example: If the CNC controls axes X, Y, Z, U, B, C, axis 1=X, axis2=Y, axis3=Z, axis4=U, axis5=B,


It returns the general scaling factor being applied. It will be multiplied by 10000.


Returns the specific scaling factor of the indicated axis (X-C). It will be multiplied by 10000.


This variable can only be used at the mill model. It returns the rotation angle of the coordinate system
currently selected with G73. Its value in 0.0001 degree units.


Returns probe status.

0 = the probe is not touching the part.
1 = the probe is touching the part.

Returns the time in seconds indicated by the system clock. Possible values 0..4294967295.


Returns the time in hours-minutes-seconds format.

(CNCRD TIME, R100, M102) ; assigns the time to register R100. For example, if the time is 18h
22m 34s, R100 will show 182234.


Returns the date in year-month-day format.

(CNCRD DATE, R101, M102) ; assigns the date to register R101. For example: if the date is April
25th 1992, R101 = 920425.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
It returns the amount of time (in hundredths of a second) elapsed executing the part. It ignores the
time the execution has been interrupted. Possible values 0..4294967295.

The CNC will consider the execution of the program finished after executing its last block or after
executing a block containing an M02 or M30 miscellaneous function. SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Indicates whether it is the first time that a program has been run or not. It returns a value of 1 if it
is the first time and 0 if not.

A first-time execution is considered as being one which is done:

• After turning on the CNC.
• After pressing [SHIFT]+[RESET].
• Every time a new program is selected.

13. ANAIn

It returns the status of the indicated analog input (n). The value is given in tenth-thousandths of a volt.
Other variables

• At the –Axes– module, it is possible to select one of the 8 analog inputs (1··8) available. The
values returned will be within the ±5 V range.
• At the –Vpp Axes– module, it is possible to select one of the 4 analog inputs (1··4) available.
The returned values will be either within the ±5 V or ±10 V range depending on how PLC
parameter IANA5V (P130) has been set.
• In the case of analog CAN I/O, the value assigned will be expressed in 0.0001 volt units and
within ±10 V. It is possible to select one of the 16 analog inputs (1··16) available. See chapter
"4 Remote modules (bus CAN with CanOPEN protocol)".

Returns the Error code active at the CNC. If none, it returns "0".


Returns the Error code generated via DNC. If none, it returns "0".


It returns in the 3 least significant bits the axis pairs switched with function G28.

Pair 3 Pair 2 Pair 1

Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 1 LSB

The axes are coded in 4 bits and indicate the axis number (1 to 7) according to their programming

If the CNC controls the X, Y, Z, B, C axes and G28BC has been programmed, the AXICOM variable
will show:

Pair 3 Pair 2 Pair 1


0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 0100 LSB


Variable associated with the tangential control function, G45. It indicates the programmed angular


Output of the PI of the tandem master axis in rpm.

CNC 8055
DNC transmission status, even when not having this option.
CNC 8055i
There is on bit for each DNC that will be set to ·1· when a transmission is in progress.

Bit Meaning

SOFT: V02.2X 1 Transmission in progress through DNC1.

8 Transmission in progress through DNC2.

Installation manual


It shows the timing status of the timer programmed with G4 K in the CNC channel. This variable,
returns the time remaining to end the timing block in hundredths of a second.


It indicates the PROBE cycle being executed at the CNC.

If PROBE1 is running, the TPPRB variable takes the value of 1, if PROBE2 is running, it takes the
value of 2, etc. if PROBE12 is running, it takes the value of 12.

WINDRAW55 application. Number of the screen created by the user or the manufacturer and is

Other variables
being consulted.


WINDRAW55 application. Number of the element (item) being consulted.


Linear theoretical feedrate resulting from the next loop (in mm/min).

The calculation of the resulting feedrate ignores the rotary axes, slave axes (gantry, coupled and
synchronized) as well as DRO axes.

It returns the temperature in tenths of a degree detected by the PT100. It is possible to select one
of the 4 temperature inputs (1··4) available.


Variable that can be read from the CNC, PLC and DNC for monitoring the difference between the
position value of the first and second feedbacks on the oscilloscope with Fagor digital servo system.

If the feedback difference exceeds the value set in axis parameter FBACKDIF (P100) the CNC will
issue the corresponding error message.

This monitoring depends on the value of axis parameter FBACKAL (P11).

Monitoring of the difference between the first and second feedbacks is not possible on CAN axes.
If both feedbacks are connected to the drive, the CNC does not show the difference between them,
but is issues the corresponding error message.


Variable that can be read from CNC, PLC and DNC and indicates (on the conversational model)
the tab number that is being displayed at all times, beginning from 0, when navigating (browsing)
through the cycles. It takes the value of -1 when not navigating (browsing) through the cycles.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Variable that may be read from CNC, PLC and DNC that indicates (on the conversational model)
the cycle or screen number according to the following list:


Standard screen 100

Auxiliary screen 101

13. Cycle (milling model ·MC·) CYCEDI Cycle (lathe model ·TC·) CYCEDI
Other variables

Multiple positioning in several locations 1 Rounding cycle 1 1

Multiple positioning in a straight line 2 Rounding cycle 2 2

Multiple positioning in an arc 1 3 Turning cycle 1 3

Multiple positioning in a rectangular pattern 4 Facing cycle 1 4

Multiple positioning in a grid pattern 5 Taper cycle 1 5

Multiple positioning in an arc 2 6 Taper cycle 2 6

Surface milling cycle 7 Threading cycle 1 7

Rectangular boss cycle 8 Threading cycle 2 8

Circular boss cycle 9 Threading cycle 3 9

Profile milling cycle 1 10 Profiling cycle 1 10

Profile milling cycle 2 11 Profiling cycle 2 11

Circular pocket cycle 1 12 Grooving cycle 1 12

Positioning cycle 1 13 Positioning cycle 1 13

Drilling cycle 1 14 Drilling cycle 14

Drilling cycle 2 15 Tapping cycle 15

Simple pocket cycle 16 Grooving cycle 2 16

Positioning cycle 2 17 Positioning cycle 2 17

Pocket cycle with a 2D profile 18 Grooving cycle 3 18

Pocket cycle with a 3D profile 19 Grooving cycle 4 19

Center punching cycle 20 Multiple drilling cycle 20

Threading cycle 21 Multiple threading cycle 21

Reaming cycle 22 Multiple slot milling cycle 22

Boring cycle 1 23 Thread repair cycle 23

ISO block editing cycle 24 ISO block editing cycle 24

Rectangular pocket cycle 25 ZC profiling cycle 25

Circular pocket cycle 2 26 XC profiling cycle 26

Drilling cycle 3 27 Taper cycle 3 27

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i Grooving cycle 28 Turning cycle 2 28

Boring cycle 2 29 Cut-off cycle 29

Probe 1 cycle 30 Multiple-entry (multi-start) threading cycle 30

SOFT: V02.2X Cycle of zero offsets and presets 31 Facing cycle 2 31

Cycle of work sets 32 Probe 1 cycle 32

Cycle of labels and jumps 33 Probe 2 cycle 33

Mirror image cycle 34 Zero offset cycle 34

Installation manual

Cycle (milling model ·MC·) CYCEDI Cycle (lathe model ·TC·) CYCEDI

Scaling factor cycle 35 Cycle of work sets 35

Coordinate system rotation cycle 36 Cycle of labels and jumps 36

Part centering cycle 37 Mirror image cycle 37

Plane change cycle 38 Scaling factor cycle 38

Probe calibration cycle 39 ZC / YZ rectangular pocket cycle 39

Thread milling cycle

Bore milling cycle


ZC / YZ circular pocket cycle

XC / XY rectangular pocket cycle



Other variables
Tool measuring cycle -301 XC / XY circular pocket cycle 42

Manual part centering cycle -302 ZC / YZ profile pocket cycle 43

XC / XY profile pocket cycle 44

Tool measuring cycle -301


Variable that indicates the value of thetotal distance programmed in blocks with look-ahead. This
variable is read-only from the CNC and PLC and DNC and may be viewed at the oscilloscope.


Variable that indicates the axis position with the combined feedback. This variable may be read from
the CNC, PLC and DNC and may be viewed at the oscilloscope.


Variable that indicates the real error considering the second feedback. This variable may be used
to control the INPOS(X..C) signals, but the position loop is not closed with it when feedback
combination is active.

When feedback combination is not active, the value of the FLWAC(X..C) variable is the same as
that of the FLWE(X..C) variable.

This variable may be read from the CNC, PLC and DNC and may be viewed at the oscilloscope.

Variable that indicates the programmed radius value when executing a G15 R. This variable can
only be read from the CNC.


Variable that indicates reception status of an open communication. It has 7 bits that are counted
from right (LSB) to left (MSB). This variable may be read from the CNC, from the PLC and from DNC.

The following table shows the meaning of each bit:

Bit Meaning

0 Not used.

1 (Value) End of reception Buffer full.

2 (Value 1) Timer RCVENDTI (P12) time exceeded, if this mode has been chosen for CNC 8055
receiving messages.
CNC 8055i
3 ... 5 Not used.

6 (Value 1) End of reception with error.

7 (Value 1) End of message reception if the PLC has sent a disable with bit 7 of variable

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Read-and-write variables


This variable allows reading or modifying the time, in seconds, indicated by the clock enabled by
the PLC. Possible values 0..4294967295.

The CNC will set this value to 0 when changing the software version or when a checksum error


The CNC has a part counter whose count increases, in all modes except simulation, every time M30
Other variables

or M02 is executed and this variable allows its value to be read or modified. This value will be between
0 and 4294967295

The CNC will set this value to 0 when changing the software version or when a checksum error


It allows reading the last accepted keystroke or simulating the CNC keyboard assigning the desired
key code to it.

CNCRD (KEY, R110, M10)

Loads register R110 with the value of the last key accepted.

To simulate the CNC keyboard from the PLC, follow these steps:
R111=1 R110=0
Indicates to the CNC that only keystrokes coming from the PLC must be processed (CNC keyboard
CNCWR (R101, KEY, M10)
It indicates to the CNC that a key has been pressed whose code is indicated in register R101.
Process only keystrokes coming from the CNC.


This variable allows reading or modifying the source of keystrokes, possible values being:
0 = Keyboard.
1 = PLC.
2 = DNC.

The CNC only allows modification of this variable if it is set to "0" or "1".

Once the keystroke simulation is finished, it is advisable to re-enable the CNC keyboard in order
to be able to access the various operating modes of the CNC.

The CNC will assign a value of 0 to this variable on power-up and after pressing [SHIFT]+[RESET].


This variable allows the required analog output (n) to be read or modified. The value assigned will
be expressed in 0.0001 volt units and within ±10 V.

The analog outputs which are free among the sixteen (1 through 16) available at the CNC may be
CNC 8055 modified, the corresponding error being displayed if an attempt is made to write in one which is
CNC 8055i
When setting an axis as a DRO axis from the PLC, the analog output becomes free so it can be
written from the CNC or from the PLC.

In the case of analog CAN I/O: See chapter "4 Remote modules (bus CAN with CanOPEN
SOFT: V02.2X protocol)".

Installation manual


When having two probe inputs, it allows selecting the active input.

On power-up, it assumes the value of ·1· thus selecting the first probe input. To select the second
probe input, set it to a value of ·2·.

Accessing this variable from the CNC interrupts block preparation.


In the lathe model, it changes the programming mode for X axis coordinates between radius and
diameter. When changing the value of this variable, the CNC assumes the new way to program the
following blocks.

Other variables
When the variable is set to ·1·, the programmed coordinates are assumed in diameter; when is set
to ·0·, the programmed coordinates are assumed in radius.

This variable affects the display of the real value of the X axis in the coordinate system of the part
and the reading of variables PPOSX, TPOSX and POSX.

On power-up, after executing an M02 or M30 and after an emergency or a reset, the variable is
initialized according to the value of the DFORMAT parameter of the X axis. If this parameter has
a value equal to or greater than 4, the variable takes a value of 1; otherwise, it takes the value of ·0·.


It indicates whether a probing error is to issued or not in the following cases, even if general machine
parameter PROBERR (P119) =YES.
• When a G75 probing move finishes before the probe has touched part.
• When a G76 probing move finishes but the probe is still touching the part.

The PRBMOD variable takes the following values.

PRBMOD=0 It issues an error message (default value).
PRBMOD=1 It does not issue the error message.

The PRBMOD variable can be read and written from the CNC and the PLC an read from the DNC.


It indicates that the retraction in drilling, or the mill type threading or lathe type threading cycle has

This variable is set to ·1· at the end of the retraction and is set to ·0· when pressing [START].

In lathe, it indicates that the CNC has carried out a withdrawal from the thread. This variable takes
the value of ·1· when the withdrawal distances are reached and stays at ·1· until pressing [START]
or executing an M30 or a RESET. After executing one of these functions, it will take the value of ·0·.


It indicates the offset in mm/inches between the projection of the following error of the spindle onto
the longitudinal axis and the following error of the longitudinal axis. This variable may be displayed
on the oscilloscope and on the screen for following error.

The screen for following error only displays the offset value during rigid tapping while tapping is in
progress. Once the tapping is completed, the data will disappear.

To make the taping smoother and easier on the tool, the value of the "RIGIER" variable must be
as close to zero as possible. That will require retouching the following errors of the longitudinal axis
and of the spindle. Since adjusting the spindle in closed loop is usually harder than adjusting an
axis, we recommend to first adjust the spindle as best as possible and then adjust the following error CNC 8055
of the longitudinal axis so the displayed value of the "RIGIER" variable is as small as possible. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Variable used to control reception. It has 7 bits that are counted from right (LSB) to left (MSB). This
variable may be read and written from the CNC, from the PLC and from DNC.

The following table shows the meaning of each bit:

Bit Meaning

0, 1 Not used.

2 (Value 0) End reception if RCVENDTI (P12) is exceeded.

13. (Value 1) Ignore the timer.

This bit checks this bit every time the = READ instruction is executed.
Other variables

3 ... 6 Not used.

7 (Valor 0) Message reception enabled.

(Valor 1) Message reception disabled.
It is tested at the beginning of the PLC cycle.


This variable may read and written from the PLC and it may be used to change the value of the
auxiliary spindle speed. The sign indicates the turning direction.


This variable is used to disable some actions or modes by setting the corresponding bit value to
1. This variable may be written from the PLC and read from the PLC, DNC and CNC.

The following table shows the meaning of each bit:

Bit Meaning

0 If 1, the PLC program cannot be displayed. The PLC in ladder (contacts) diagram cannot
be displayed either.

1 If 1, the date cannot be changed, although it displays the access softkey. It is valid for
the explorer and for "UTILITIES".

2 If 1, the passwords cannot be changed. The passwords cannot be seen or changed

although it displays the access softkey. It is valid for the explorer and for "UTILITIES".


This variable defines the chordal error of the canned cycles. It may be read and written from the

The CYCCHORDERR variable lets modify the chordal error of the cycles so the user can increase
or decrease it for the parts as needed.

Using this variable is necessary, for example, on parts with curved areas using the 3D pocket cycle.
On these parts, if the radius is very large, the segments are noticeable. The parts get better by
decreasing the chordal error.

Using this variable, the user can decrease the chordal error on the part as needed. Decreasing the
chordal error can increase machining time.

Once the value of this variable has been changed, it remains active until the CNC is turned off.

Default value of the CYCCHORDERR variable (250 tenths of a micron).

CNC 8055 Programming example:

CNC 8055i
(PCALL 9986, P200=0)
SOFT: V02.2X

It is recommended to use a CYCCHORDERR value of 25 tenths of a micron. This value improves

part finish and it does not increase machining time too much.

Installation manual


Returns the program number being executed. If none is selected, a value of -1 is returned.

With the programs with letters, it returns a number calculated by the CNC for each program.


New variable that indicates the EXEC level that is in execution at the time.
• If the value is 0, it indicates that it is not inside an EXEC.
• If the value is 1, it indicates that it is inside an EXEC.
• If the value is 2, it indicates that it is inside two calls. 13.
This variable is used on machines with automatic shutdown with M30. This way, it distinguishes

Other variables
whether it is the last M30 or it is the M30 of an EXEC and the execution continues.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Other variables

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


The PLC offers actions CNCEX and CNCEX1 to send commands to the CNC.
CNCEXsends commands to the CNC so it executes movements on one or several axes.
CNCEX1sends commands to the CNC so it executes any kind of block.

The CNCEX action is executed through the execution channel of the PLC.

The CNCEX1 action is executed via main channel of the CNC and as long as the JOG keyboard
is enabled. Its execution can be interrupted by pressing [CYCLE STOP] or even canceled by
pressing [RESET].

If a CNCEX1 action is received when the JOG keyboard is disabled, the CNC ignores this command.

The programming format for these actions is:

CNCEX (ASCII block, Mark)
CNCEX1 (ASCII block, Mark)

By means of these actions, the PLC sends to the CNC the command indicated in the "ASCII Block"
to be executed.

If the "ASCII Block" has been accepted by the CNC, the PLC will set the indicated mark to "0" or
to "1" if otherwise. The CNC only indicates that the "ASCII Block" has been accepted. It is up to the
operator to verify whether the command has actually been executed by the CNC or not.

CNCEX (G1 U125 V300 F500, M200)

Sends to the CNC the command "G1 U125 V300 F500" so it executes a linear interpolation of the
U and V axes at a feedrate of F500 being the end point: U125 V300.
CNCEX1 (T5, M200)
Selects the tool T5 in the tool changer.

Example of how to use action CNCEX1 when using a tool changer controlled by the PLC.
1. The T executed last at the CNC is T1. Therefore, it is the active T.
2. A new tool is selected, for example T5.
If carried out by means of action CNCEX1, the change is made by the CNC and it assumes T5
as the new active tool.
If not carried out by means of action CNCEX1, the change is made by the PLC and T1 remains
as the active tool.
3. Then, an operation programmed with T1 is carried out.
If the change was made with action CNCEX1, the CNC detects the tool change (from T5 to T1)
and carries out the change.
If the change was not made with action CNCEX1, the CNC does not detect the tool change (T1),
it does not make the change and carries out the operation with the selected tool T5 with the
problems this may cause. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

14.1 PLC execution channel

The CNC offers a parallel execution channel to execute commands received from the PLC. This
channel will have its own history and it permits the execution of blocks programmed from the PLC
regardless of the operating mode being selected at the CNC at the time.

When the CNC receives a command from the PLC and it is executing another command received
earlier, it will store the new one in an internal buffer. This new command will be executed after
finishing the one being executed.

14. The internal buffer can store up to 3 commands received from the PLC besides the one currently
in execution.
PLC execution channel

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

14.1.1 Considerations

Graphic editor

The axis parameter AXISTYPE of each axis of the machine must be set properly indicating whether
that axis is controlled by the CNC or from the PLC.

The axes of the PLC channel can only be governed from the PLC.

They may be edited and part-programs may be generated with axes of the PLC channel. This permits
generating part-programs or subroutines associated with the PLC channel.


PLC execution channel
It issues an error message when trying to execute, from the CNC channel, a program block that
includes a PLC axis.

When all the axes of the machine are set to be governed from the CNC, with the CNCEX action
only blocks programmed in high level language may be executed through the PLC execution

Axis control

To govern axes managed by PLC, use the following marks associated with "Feed-hold" and "Transfer

/FEEDHOP (M5004) Similar to the /FEEDHOL signal

FHOUTP (M5504) Similar to the /FHOUT signal

/XFERINP (M5005) Similar to the /XFERINH signal

Auxiliary M functions

To control the M functions managed by the PLC, the following marks and registers are generated:
MBCDP1 through MBCDP7 (R565 through R571)
similar to signals MBCD1 through MBCD7.
Similar to the AUXEND signal.
Similar to the MSTROBE signal.

Data transfer

If when executing at the PLC the action "CNCEX (ASCII Block, Mark)", the CNC detects that the
contents of the ASCII block being received is erroneous, it will set the indicated Mark to "1". The
PLC program will keep executing while it is up to the programmer to check whether the function was
executed correctly or not.

The CNC considers the contents of the ASCII block incorrect in the following instances:
• When the syntax is incorrect.
CNC 8055
• When programming a not-permitted preparatory function (G code).
CNC 8055i
• When programming an auxiliary function M, S, T or tool offset D.
• When programming a high level language block.
• When the axis to be moved cannot be controlled from the PLC. SOFT: V02.2X

• When the internal buffer for PLC command storage is full.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Errors during execution

When the CNC detects an execution error in one of the two execution channels (for example, travel
limit overrun), it will show the corresponding error code.

If it must also stop the movement of the axes and the spindle rotation, the CNC will stop the
movement of all the axes regardless of whether they are controlled from the CNC or the PLC.

Also, if the detected error stops the program execution, the CNC will stop the execution of both
channels and each one of them will act as follows:

14. CNC channel.

PLC execution channel

Once the cause of the error has been removed, select again the execution or simulation mode and
continue with the program execution.

PLC channel.

The PLC program does not stop and continues running.

The commands sent by means of action "CNCEX" will not be executed until removing the cause
of the error.

Once the cause of the error removed, the CNC will execute all the new commands sent by the PLC.

To know from the PLC program whether any CNC error is active, this information can be requested
by accessing the internal CNC variable "CNCERR". This variable indicates the error number being
active at the CNC and if none is active, it returns a 0 value.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

14.1.2 Blocks which can be executed from the PLC

It is possible to execute blocks that contain G codes, axis position values, feedrates, M functions
and high level language programming.

Auxiliary functions S, T and D cannot be programmed.

The ASCII block to be sent to the CNC by means of the action CNCEX to be executed in the PLC
execution channel must be written in the CNC's own programming format.

Preparatory functions 14.


PLC execution channel
The preparatory functions which can be used in the PLC execution channel are the following:

G00 Rapid travers

G01 Linear interpolation

G02 Clockwise circular (helical) interpolation

G03 Counterclockwise circular (helical) interpolation

G04 Interrupt block preparation of the PLC channel.

G04 K Dwell

G05 Round corner

G06 Circle center in absolute coordinates

G07 Square corner

G09 Arc defined by three points

G16 Main plane selection by two addresses and longitudinal axis

G32 Feedrate "F" as an inverted function of time.

G50 Controlled corner rounding

G52 Movement until making contact

G53 Programming with respect to machine zero

G70 Programming in inches

G71 Metric programming

G74 Home search

G75 Probing move until touching

G76 Probing move while touching

G90 Absolute programming:

G91 Incremental programming

G92 Coordinate preset

G93 Polar origin preset

G94 Feedrate in millimeters (inches) per minute

G95 Feedrate in millimeters (inches) per revolution.

All these functions must be programmed as described in the programming manual.

CNC 8055
Move the axes
CNC 8055i

Only those axes set by means of axis parameter AXISTYPE (P0) for each axis as to be controlled
by the PLC can be mentioned.
SOFT: V02.2X
The position values of these axes, which can be either linear or rotary, can be programmed in either
Cartesian or polar coordinates.

These coordinates can also be defined via parametric programming using any global arithmetic
parameters (P100 thru P299)

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

When using parametric programming, it is recommended to previously assign a value to the

corresponding global parameter by means of the instruction: CNCWR.

... = MOV 150 R1

Assigns the value of 150 to register R1.
... = CNCWR (R1, GUP200, M100)
Assigns the value of R1 to parameter P200, (P200=150).
... = CNCEX (G90 G1 U P200, M100)
Requests the CNC to execute the command: G90 G1 U150. The U axis will go to position 150.

14. To govern axes managed by PLC, use the following marks associated with "Feed-hold" and "Transfer
PLC execution channel

/FEEDHOP (M5004) Similar to the /FEEDHOL signal

FHOUTP (M5504) Similar to the /FHOUT signal

/XFERINP (M5005) Similar to the /XFERINH signal

Feedrate of the axes

The programming format for the axis feedrate (F5.5) depends on the function (G94 or G95) and on
the work units selected for this execution channel.
• If G94, in mm/min. or inches/min.
• If G95, in mm/rev or inches/rev.

It must be borne in mind that this feedrate depends on the actual spindle rpm which is in the main
execution channel.

If the moving axis is rotary, the CNC interprets that the programmed feedrate is in degrees/minute.

Modify the feedrate (override)

The PLCCFR variable sets, from the PLC, the % of feedrate selected by the execution channel of
the PLC.

General parameter MAXFOVR (P18) limits the value of the percentage applied to both execution
channels (main and PLC).

The OVRCAN (M5020) mark sets the feedrate override of the main channel to 100%. It does not
affect the feedrate override of the PLC channel

Same as with the main channel, the following movements have a special treatment:
• When searching home, the value of PLCCFR is ignored.
• In G0, it considers the value of general parameter RAPIDOVR (P17)
If "P17=NO" always 100%, except if PLCCFR=0. In that case, the movement stops.
If "P17=YES" considers PLCCFR, but it limits its value to 100%.
• In G1, G2, G3 it is always applied except when operating at maximum feedrate (F0), it is limited
to 100%.
• In G75, G76, it is only applied when the axis parameter FOVRG75 (P126) = YES.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Blocks programmed in high-level language

The high-level instructions that can be used in the PLC execution channel are:
(IF condition <action1> ELSE <action2>)
(CALL (expression))

CNCEX ((CALL 100), M1000)

Sends the (CALL 100) command to the CNC so it executes (calls) subroutine 100
CNCEX ((P100=P100+2), M1000)
Sends the (P100=P100+2) command to the CNC to increment the value of parameter P100 in 2 units. 14.


PLC execution channel
Programming high-level blocks has the following restrictions:
• The programmed blocks can only work with global parameters.
• Up to 5 nesting levels of standard subroutines are allowed (neither parametric nor global).

Example in mm:
Move the W axis to the coordinate indicated by register R101.
When the PLC works with integers (32 bits), the value of register R2 is given in tenths of microns (0.0001
CNCWR (R101, GUP 155, M101)
Assigns the value indicated in R101 to global parameter P155.
CNCEX ((P155=P155/10000), M101)
Converts the value of P155 into mm.
CNCEX (G1 WP155 F2000, M101)
Movement of the W axis

Interrupt block preparation

Same as in the CNC channel, blocks are also prepared in advance in the PLC channel.

CNCEX (G1 W100, M101)

Movement of the W axis.
CNCEX (IF P100=0 <action1>)
P100 is analyzed during block preparation.

The value of P100 may be different before, during and after the movement of the W axis. If it is to
be analyzed after moving the axis, function G4 must be programmed.

CNCEX (G1 W100, M101)

Movement of the W axis
CNCEX (G4, M102)
Interrupts block preparation.
CNCEX (IF P100=0 <action1>)
P100 is analyzed after moving the axis.

Likewise, every time a PLC resource is accessed (I, O, M, R), block preparation is interrupted.

CNCEX (G1 W100, M101)

Movement of the W axis.
CNCEX (IF PLCI8=1 <action2>)
I8 is checked after moving the axis. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Auxiliary M functions

The M functions programmed in the PLC channel may be defined in the M function table.

In the PLC channel, the following functions cannot be programmed: M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6,
M19, M30, M41, M42, M43, M44 and M45.

The following marks and registers are generated for managing the M functions, :

MBCDP1 through MBCDP7 (R565 through R571)

14. similar to signals MBCD1 through MBCD7.

Similar to the AUXEND signal.
PLC execution channel

Similar to the MSTROBE signal.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

14.1.3 Control of the PLC program from the CNC

The section of the PLC program regarding the "axes controlled from the PLC" can be controlled from
the CNC itself.

To do this, the inputs, outputs, marks, registers, timers or counters of the PLC itself are used.

The CNC has the following PLC related variables to read or change the status of the selected
PLCI To read or modify up to 32 PLC inputs.
To read or modify up to 32 PLC outputs.
To read or modify up to 32 PLC marks (internal relays).


PLC execution channel
PLCR To read or modify the status of a register.
PLCT To read or modify the count of a timer.
PLCC To read or modify the count of a counter.

With these variables, the desired values will be assigned, in the part-program of the CNC, to the
PLC resources used in the communication. The setting of these values will be carried out whenever
an axis or axes are to be controlled from the PLC.

In turn, the PLC program must check the status of such resources and when detecting that one of
them is activated, it must execute the corresponding section of the PLC program.

It is also possible to transfer data from the CNC to the PLC via global and local arithmetic parameters.
The PLC has the following variables related to those CNC parameters:
GUP To read or modify a global parameter of the CNC.
LUP To read or modify a local parameter of the CNC.

The "U" axis is controlled by the PLC and we want to command it from any part-program of the CNC
in such way that we could select the type of move (G00 or G01), the positioning coordinate and the
feedrate for that move.

In order to command it from any part-program, it is convenient to have in a subroutine the section
of the CNC program allowing the data transfer with the PLC.

This example uses subroutine SUB1 and, for data exchange, it uses global CNC parameters.
P100 Type of move. If P100 = 0, then G00; If P100 = 1, then G01.
P101 "U" axis positioning coordinate.
P102 Feedrate. It only makes sense when moving in G01.

To indicate to the PLC that it must execute this move, it activates the following PLC resource:
M1000 Command to begin movement.

Any part-program of the CNC may contain a block of the type:

(PCALL 1, G1, U100, F1000)

This block calls subroutine SUB1 and it transfers the local parameters G, U and F with the following
G Type of move.
U "U" axis positioning coordinate.
F Feedrate for the movement.
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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Subroutine SUB1 can be programmed as follows:

(SUB 1)
(P100 = G, P101 = U, P102 = F)
Data transfer to global parameters.
(PLCM1000 = PLCM1000 OR 1)
Execution command for the PLC.

14. The PLC program, in turn, will have to contain the following instructions:
M1000 = CNCEX (G90 GP100 UP101 FP102, M111)
;When mark M1000 is active, it sends the indicated block to the CNC.
PLC execution channel

NOT M111 = RES M1000

If the CNC accepts this block, it resets mark M1000.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

14.2 Action CNCEX1

The CNCEX1 action is executed via main channel of the CNC and as long as the JOG keyboard
is enabled. Its execution can be interrupted by pressing [CYCLE STOP] or even canceled by
pressing [RESET].

If a CNCEX1 action is received when the JOG keyboard is disabled, the CNC ignores this command.

The block to be executed must be written in the programming format of the CNC itself.

Any type of block can be sent which is edited in ISO or high level language. It admits preparatory
functions, auxiliary functions, calls to subroutines, etc.


Action CNCEX1

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CNC 8055i

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

14.3 Synchronize a PLC axis with a CNC axis

The synchronization is carried out from the PLC. Previously, to synchronize an axis of the PLC
channel with another one of the CNC channel (main channel), set axis parameter SYNCHRO (P3)
of the PLC axis indicating which axis it must synchronize with.

Axis synchronization is carried out from the PLC by activating the general signal SYNCHRO of the
axis to be coupled as slave (PLC axis). To end synchronization, cancel the general signal SYNCHRO
of the PLC axis.

14. If an error occurs canceling the ENABLE logic outputs of all the axes, it also cancels the
Synchronize a PLC axis with a CNC axis

How to carry out and end the synchronization

Both axes must be stopped in order to couple them. To ensure this condition, it is recommended
to execute an M function at the CNC commanding the PLC to execute another M function in the PLC
channel that actives the SYNCHRO signal. The M function of the main channel must not end until
the PLC's M function execution is completed and the ENABLE signal of the slave axis is set high.

To assure that the PLC axis recovers its position after the synchronization, it is recommended to
follow the same procedure as for coupling using other 2 special M functions, one at the CNC and
another one at the PLC.

Considerations for the synchronization

Once both axes are synchronized, it won't be possible to program movements of the PLC axis.

During synchronization, it does not check whether the PLC axis gets in position or not.
• The logic output ENABLE of the PLC axis is activated (allowing motion).
• The logic output INPOS of the PLC axis is deactivated (the axis is NOT in position).
• General input INHIBIT of the PLC axis is ignored, thus not being possible to prevent it from
• The execution of the movement of the synchronized slave axis cannot be aborted even by
activating the general input PLCABORT.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


The machine manufacturer may customize some of the CNC screens to:

(1) display more information.

(2) display the same information but in a different way.

(3) display a completely different screen in contents and looks.

All of them use OEM screens that have been created on a PC using the Fagor WINDRAW55
application software and have been sent out to the CNC using the Fagor WinDNC application
software. CNC 8055
• In (1) the OEM screen (consumption led bar graph) is superimposed on the standard CNC CNC 8055i
• In (2) the upper area corresponds to the standard screen and the lower area shows the part of
the machine manufacturer (OEM).
• In (3) the OEM screen replaces completely the standard CNC screen. SOFT: V02.2X

Use the configuration file at the CNC to define how the screens are to be laid out and which values
must be displayed on the OEM screen.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Managing "PNG" and "JPG" graphic elements

From V02.0x and following versions, PNG and JPG/JPEG type graphic elements can be handled.
These graphic elements may be used on standard screens of the CNC such as icons or customized
using version V3 of the WINDRAW55 program.

i Version V3 of WINDRAW55 can handle a 32-color palette, making it possible to create new screens and
adapt old screens or cycles to the current look.

15. This type of graphic elements cannot be handled directly with the CNC screen customizing tools

on its graphic editor, nor can they be displayed on the CNC customized screen because only ".SIM"
and ".PAN" items can be displayed.

There is now an option to define the customized screen (page) zero with PNG/JPEG type images.
When having several images, the order of priorities will be the following:
1. 000.jpg, 000.jpeg, 000.JPG, 000.JPEG
2. 000.png, 000.PNG
3. 000.pan
4. Fagor standard start-up (home) screen.

The modular CNC8055 does not display PNG and JPG type graphic elements.

For the management of PNG and JPG graphical elements, WinDNC Version 6.02 must be used. This
process is not possible with previous WinDNC versions.
A 32-color graphic file cannot be opened in CNC versions prior to V02.00. When trying to open a
".WGD" an error message will be issued indicating incompatibility between versions. When trying to
open a ".PAN" or ".SIM" file, the 32-color graphic elements will not be displayed.
The ".PAN" and ".SIM" created with a 32-color WINDRAW55 cannot be displayed
or changed from the graphic editor of the CNC8055.

Loading graphic elements:

PNG and JPG type graphic elements of the WINDRAW55 are loaded into the CNC via FTP or using
a pendrive through the USB port. When using a pendrive, it will do a general BACKUP / RESTORE
and when selecting the "pages and symbols" option, it will automatically include the PNG/JPG files

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

15.1 Configuration file

It is a program which describes the operating characteristics of the graphic elements of the screen.

Set general parameter "CFGFILE (127)" with the number of the program for the configuration file:

The configuration file is a CNC program edited in high level language (configuration language) which
is described later on. It may be edited both at the CNC and at a PC.

It may be in the user RAM and in the hard disk (KeyCF). If it is in both places, the one located in
user RAM will be used. It is recommended to store it only in the hard disk (KeyCF) once it has been
fully debugged.

The configuration file must contain all the information regarding all the screens being customized.

Configuration file
When editing a screen, the CNC overlaps the OEM screen over the standard CNC screen. The
DISABLE instruction of the configuration file serves to indicate which of the standard screen areas
are eliminated.

Example: Standard screen + OEM screen + Disable 1

Standard screen OEM screen

Both screens are overlapped; but "Disable 1" indicates that the area 1 of the standard screen is not
displayed. Therefore:

Next, all the screens that may be customized will be shown and the nomenclature to be used in the
configuration file. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 indicate the areas each screen is divided into.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
[JOG] [JOGAFL] JOG mode - Actual and Following error
JOG mode - Actual

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

15. [JOGFLW] JOG mode - Following error

Configuration file

Execution mode - Standard Execution mode - Position

[FLW] Execution mode - Following error

Execution mode - Program Execution mode - Subroutines

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Conversational mode - Standard Conversational mode - Auxiliary for execution

Installation manual

15.2 Configuration language

The general characteristics of the configuration language are:

• All instructions are preceded by ";" and enclosed in parenthesis.
• The comments must be alone and preceded by ";;"
• The configuration file must begin with the line ;(PRGSCRIPT 1)
• It indicates that it is a configuration file corresponding to the version being used (in this case "1")
• The configuration file should end with the line ;(END)
• While debugging the program, the ;(DEBUG) instruction should be used
• If an error occurs while checking the configuration file, the CNC will inform about it in program

Configuration language

The configuration language consists of:

• A series of key words or tokens.
• The names of the internal CNC variables.
• Numbers that may be associated with the previous two items.
• Various punctuation signs.

Example of a configuration file:

;; Screen in JOG mode - Actual
;(WGDWIN 201)
;;--------------------- X axis, coordinate, error and consumption
;;-------------------- Z axis, position, error and consumption
;;-------------------- Feedrate, F, %
;;-------------------- Spindle, S, Smax, %
;;-------------------- Tool and offset (T, D)

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

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15.3 Key words


Header of the configuration file and version used to edit it. It must always be defined.
;(PRGSCRIPT 1) Version 1.
;(PRGSCRIPT 2) Version 2. Includes arithmetic operations and conditional expressions.

15. Version 1 of the configuration language does not offer arithmetic operations or conditional
expressions. In this case, the error file (999500) will show an error. The error file will only be
generated if the configuration file shows the instruction ;(DEBUG).
Key words

i In programs identified as ";(PRGSCRIPT 1)", the CPU handling has been optimized, so if conditional
instructions or arithmetic operations are not used, we recommend to use version 1.


Screen to be customized and condition. The screens that may be customized are:
[JOG] JOG mode - Actual
[JOGFLW] JOG mode - Following error
[JOGAFL] JOG mode - Actual and Following error
[STD] Execution mode - Standard
[FLW] Execution mode - Following error
[POS] Execution mode - Position
[PRG] Execution mode - Program
[SUB] Execution mode - Subroutines
[STDCONV] Conversational mode - Standard
[AUXCONV] Conversational mode - Auxiliary for execution

The screens may be active at all times or only when the set condition is met, Thus: Thus:

;[JOG] Is always active

;[PRG],PLCM1000 Active with M1000=1.

If M1000=0, standard screen


End of the screen definition.

The configuration file must contain all the screens to be customized. Each screen starts with the
[xxx] instruction and ends with the (END) instruction .


It is optional. It indicates on which line program 999500 starts giving out information of the errors
that have come up when debugging the configuration file.

The configuration file only debugs the portion of the selected screen. It starts with the [xxx]
instruction and end with the (END) instruction.

CNC 8055 It is recommended to program a (DEBUG) in the definition of each screen.

CNC 8055i ;(DISABLE x)

Indicates the area of the standard screen to be eliminated.

When editing a screen, the CNC overlaps the OEM screen over the standard CNC screen. The
SOFT: V02.2X DISABLE instruction serves to indicate which areas of the standard display are to be eliminated (not
(DISABLE 1) Eliminates area 1 of the standard display.
(DISABLE 2) Eliminates area 2 of the standard display.

Installation manual

It is possible to define as many DISABLE instructions as screen areas are to be eliminated.

To eliminate the whole standard screen, program (DISABLE 0). In this case, only the OEM screen
will be displayed.



Key words
Standard screen OEM screen

Without "Disable"

Both screens overlap.

There are areas with information overlapped.
In this case, area 1.

With (DISABLE 1)

Area 1 of the standard screen is not displayed.

With (DISABLE 1) and (DISABLE 3)

Areas 1 and 3 of the standard display are not


With (DISABLE 0)

All areas of the standard screen are turned off

Only the OEM screen is displayed.

CNC 8055
;(WGDWIN 201) CNC 8055i
It must ALWAYS be defined. It indicates the number of the OEM screen to be overlapped, edited
with the Fagor WINDRAW55 application software.
SOFT: V02.2X

Associates the value of a global parameter with the (W) data.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


Associates the value of a variable with the (W) data.


Associates the value of a PLC resource with the (W) data.

A register ;(W6=PLCR127)

A mark ;(W6=PLCM1000,1) first and how many

15. A group of inputs ;(W6=PLCI8,4) first and how many

Key words

A group of outputs ;(W6=PLCO10,3) first and how many

Associate only resources that are defined in the PLC program.

For marks, inputs and outputs, one must indicate how many of them, if none is indicated, 32 are
;(W6=PLCO11,4) Assigns the value of O11, O12, O13, O14
;(W6=PLCO11) Assigns the value of O11, O12 ... O41, O42

If a field (W) has a parameter, variable or resource associated with it, it acts as follows:

It assumes the value that its associate has when accessing the page.
• To continuously update the field value, use the (AUTOREFRESH) instruction as described later
• If its associate is a read-only type, the user will not be able to change the field value.
• It its associate is read/write type, the user may change the field value.
• When changing the value of the field (W), the value of its associate is also changed.
• On the other hand, when using the (AUTOREFRESH) instruction and the CNC or PLC changes
the value of the associate, the value of the field is also changed.


If (W2=FLWEX), it assigns the value of the X axis following error to the graphic element W2. This
instruction updates that value periodically.


It indicates that the associated item must not pick up the editing focus.

It is programmed as a prefix of the instructions.

Associates the value of a global parameter, variable or resource of the PLC with the (W1)
data. The W1 item of the screen pick ups the editing focus.
It refreshes (updates) the value of the graphic element W6 and it assigns the editing focus
to it.

The resulting new instructions are:

Associates the value of a global parameter, variable or resource of the PLC with the (W1)
data. The W1 item of the screen pick ups the editing focus.
CNC 8055i It refreshes (updates) the value of the graphic element (item) W6, but it does not assign the
editing focus to it.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


It must be used with Ledbar type (W) data that have a decimal variable associated with them. (For
example: X axis following error).

The values assigned, at the PLC, to the end and intermediate values of a LEDBAR element must
be integer values and must be related to the variable associated at the CNC.

When the associated variable has a decimal format the following instruction must be used:

This instruction is used to convert coordinate values (decimal) to integer values by multiplying them
by 10000 15.

Key words
To represent the % of axis feedrate, the FRO variable is used. The FRO values are integers (between
0 and 120) and, therefore, do not require LEDBARDEC.

On the other hand, to represent the amount of following error on the X axis, the FLWEX variable
is used. The values of FLWEX are not integers and, therefore, require LEDBARDEC (multiplying
it by 10000) in order to make them integers.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

15.4 Arithmetic operations

Math operations are only available in version 2 of the configuration language. With math operations
(arithmetic, trigonometric, logic, etc.) it is possible to assign to a "widget" element the result of several
operations taking CNC variables, PLC resources, constants, etc. as operands.

i A numeric value must be assigned through an internal CNC variable (GUP100 - GUP255, GUP1000 -
GUP1255, GUP2000 - GUP2255). A constant (a number) cannot be assigned directly to a widget.

Arithmetic operations

An operator is a symbol that indicates the mathematical or logic operations to carry out. The CNC
has arithmetic, relational, logic, binary, trigonometric operators and special operators.

Arithmetic operators:

+ add. GUP100=3 + 4 GUP100=7

- subtraction, also a negative value. GUP101=5 - 2 GUP101=3

GUP100= -(2 * 3) GUP103=-6

* multiplication. GUP104=2 * 3 GUP104=6

/ division. GUP105=9 / 2 GUP105=4.5

MOD Module or remainder of the division. GUP106=7 MOD 4 GUP106=3

EXP exponential. GUP107=2 EXP 3 GUP107=8

Relational operators:

EQ equal. (GUP100 EQ GUP200)

NE different. (GUP101 NE 2.5)

GT greater than. (GUP102 EQ 0)

GE greater than or equal to. (GUP103 GE 1)

LT Less than. (GUP104 LT GUP100)

LE Less than or equal to. (GUP105 LE 66)

Logic and binary operators:

NOT, OR, AND, XOR: The act as logic operators between conditions and as binary operators
between variables and constants.
GUP1005 = (GUP100 AND (NOT(GUP200 OR GUP299)))

Trigonometric functions:

SIN sine. GUP101=SIN(30) GUP101=0.5

COS cosine. GUP102=COS(30) GUP102=0.8660

CNC 8055
TAN tangent. GUP103=TAN(30) GUP103=0.5773
CNC 8055i
ASIN arcsine (degrees). GUP104=ASIN(1) GUP104=90º

ACOS arccosine (degrees). GUP105=ACOS(1) GUP105=0º

SOFT: V02.2X ATAN arctangent (degrees). GUP106=ATAN(1) GUP106=45º

ARG ARG(x,y) arctangent y/x (degrees). GUP107=ARG(-1 ,-2) GUP107=243.4349º

There are two functions for calculating the arc tangent ATAN which returns the result between ±90°
and ARG given between 0 and 360°.

Installation manual

Other functions:

ABS absolute value. GUP101=ABS(-8) GUP101=8

LOG decimal logarithm. GUP102=LOG(100) GUP102=2

SQRT square root. GUP103=SQRT(16) GUP103=4

ROUND rounding up an integer number. GUP104=ROUND(5.83) GUP104=6

FLOOR It rounds down. GUP105=FLOOR(5.423) GUP105=5

CEIL It rounds up. GUP106=CEIL(5.423) GUP106=6


Arithmetic operations
Display the value of the X coordinate affected by the active zero offset. To do that, use the
following control variables as an intermediate step: GUP100...GUP255, GUP1000...GUP1255
and GUP2000...GUP2255.
It is possible to write equations like:
;(GUP100 = (PPOSX - ORGX) * 25.4 / 2)
;(W1= GUP100)
To assign a value to a widget, that value must first be assigned to a GUP parameter of the CNC
and, then, assign the value of this parameter to the widget. Otherwise, an error will be issued.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

15.5 Conditional instructions.

Conditional instructions are only available in version 2 of the configuration language. These
instructions may be used to have (IF...ELSE…) type structures that depending on particular
conditions (PLC resources, etc.) it will be possible to do the following:
• Overlay one screen or another one or change screens.
• Assign several variables to the same "Widget" item.
• Cancel part of a screen temporarily.

15. Flow control instructions

Conditional instructions.

This instruction analyzes the given condition that must be a relational expression. If the condition
is true (result = 1), action 1 will be executed. Otherwise (result = 0), action 2 will be executed.
;(IF (condition))

IF conditions cannot be nested; i.e. an IF instruction cannot be programmed inside another one.
On the other hand, the ELSE part can be missing in the instruction; i.e., it is possible to program
IF condition <action1>.

Example 1:

In this example, if P8 is other than 12.8, it executes the instruction WGDWIN 201. Otherwise, if P8
is equal to 12.8, it executes the instruction WGDWIN 202.
;(IF (GUP1000 NE 12.8))
;(WGDWIN 201)
;(WGDWIN 202)

Example 2:
Example of an IF conditional instruction without the ELSE part.
;(IF (GUP100 EQ 12.8))
;(WGDWIN 201)

Example 3:

The following program could be used to set a parameter to ·0· where the user has entered a value
that is out of the permitted range. This may be particularly interesting in the MCO/TCO mode where
the configuration file is only refreshed (updated) on start-up or after pressing the [ENTER] key.
;(IF (GUP100 GT 1000))
CNC 8055 ;(W1=GUP100)
CNC 8055i In this case, when entering the parameter value and pressing [ENTER], the configuration file is
refreshed and if the parameter value is higher than ·1000·, the parameter takes the value of ·0·.

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

15.6 Example of a configuration file

;; Screen (201) in JOG mode - Actual


Example of a configuration file
To show the "JOG mode - Actual" screen when mark M1125=1
Starting at this line, program 999500 keeps a log of the errors originated
when debugging the configuration file.
The OEM screen will replace the standard CNC screen.
;(WGDWIN 201)
The OEM screen is 201

;;--------------------- X axis, coordinate, error and consumption

The graphic element W1 will always show the X axis position.
The graphic element W2 will always show the X axis following error.
The graphic element W3 (ledbar) will always show the X axis consumption
(input ANAI1)

;;-------------------- Z axis, position, error and consumption

The graphic element W4 will always show the Z axis position.
The graphic element W5 will always show the Z axis following error.
The graphic element W6 (ledbar) will always show the Z axis consumption
(input ANAI2)

;;-------------------- Feedrate, F, %
The graphic element W7 will always show the feedrate of the axes
The graphic element W8 will always show the selected % of feedrate override
for the axes. CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
;;-------------------- Spindle, S, Smax, %
The graphic element W9 will always show the spindle speed.

The graphic element W10 will always show the maximum spindle speed


I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The graphic element W11 will always show the selected % of spindle speed

;;-------------------- Tool and offset (T, D)

The graphic element W12 will always show the number of the selected tool.
The graphic element W10 will always show the number of the selected tool

15. ;(END)
Example of a configuration file

End of debug and end of the section corresponding to the screen

;; Screen (202) in MC/TC/CO mode
We wish to customize the "Standard screen of the conversational mode"
when mark M1125=1
Starting at this line, program 999500 keeps a log of the errors originated
when debugging the configuration file.
The OEM screen will replace the standard CNC screen.
;(WGDWIN 202)
The OEM screen is 202
;;--------------------- Coordinates of the Z and X axes
The graphic element W1 will always show the Z axis position (coordinates)
The graphic element W2 will always show the X axis position (coordinates)
;;-------------------- Machine cursors
The graphic element W3 (ledbar) will always show the Z axis position.
The graphic element W4 (ledbar) will always show the X axis position.
;;--------------------- Axes feedrate (F)
The graphic element W5 will always show the feedrate of the axes.
End of debug, end of the portion of the configuration file corresponding to
the screen and end of the configuration file.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

15.7 Error log file (P999500)

Every time a customized screen is accessed, the CNC checks the section of that screen in the
configuration file.

If it has errors, it displays the standard screen instead of the customized one.

If the error has been detected in a section defined after the DEBUG instruction, it generates, in
program P999500 several lines indicating the detected error or errors.

The error log file (P999500) contains all the errors detected since the CNC was turned on. When
the CNC is turned off, this error log file (P999500) is deleted.

Examples of detected errors:


Error log file (P999500)
Error due to a nonexistent variable. It must be FLWEX
; Syntax error ...
; Unknown CNC variable name
; Error on line: 12
; Error on character: LF
Error caused for referring to a nonexistent graphic element (W33).
; Warning...
; Programmed Widget does not exist.
; Warning in line: 15

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Error log file (P999500)

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CNC 8055i

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The CNC offers a work mode that may be configured by the machine manufacturer. The basic screen
provided by Fagor permits controlling the axes, the tool and the spindle.

In the configurable work mode, the manufacturer (OEM) can:

• Configure, partly or completely, the basic screen provided by Fagor.
• Create diagnosis screens.
• Create screens to consult and/or modify internal variables of the CNC, PLC or drive.
• Create screens for the operator to set zero offsets, etc.

Since all the OEM screens have a subroutine associated, they can also create OEM cycles to:
• Consult inputs and outputs.
• Adjust the machine axes.
• Manage tool magazines.
• Manage external devices.
• etc.

The OEM machining canned cycles may even be used to machine parts. A machining operation
may be repeated as often as you wish, but it cannot be stored in memory.

With the keystroke sequence [SHIFT] [ESC] , it is possible to switch from M/T mode to configurable
mode and vice versa.

Depending on the model, when accessing the configurable work mode, the CNC shows the following

M model T model

The way to operate with either model is very similar. If any of the features described here is not
common to both models, it will clearly indicate which model it corresponds to.

These screens may be customized entirely or by areas. See "15.1 Configuration file" on page 593.
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CNC 8055i

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

The screen provided by Fagor contains the following information:


1. Clock.
2. This window may show the following data:
SBK When "single block" execution mode is selected.
DNC When the DNC mode is active.
P... Number of the program currently selected.
Message; «In position» - «Execution» - «Interrupted» - «RESET».
PLC messages.
3. This window shows the CNC messages.
4. The window provided by Fagor shows the position of the axes (those of the auxiliary axes
highlighted) and the real spindle rpm (S).
5. The window provided by Fagor shows the axis feedrate (F) currently selected and the % of F
being applied.
6. The window provided by Fagor shows the tool number (T) and the tool offset (D). If the tool
number and offset number are the same, the CNC will not show the "D" value.
The T model also shows the graphic representation for the location code (shape) associated
with the tool.
7. The window provided by Fagor shows the associated spindle speed (S), the % being applied,
the selected turning direction and the active spindle gear.
The T model also shows the maximum rpm and the "CSS" value when working at Constant
Surface Speed.
8. This window shows the help texts associated with the OEM screens. Refer to the WINDRAW55
9. Reserved.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

16.1 Axis control

When accessing the customizable mode, the CNC assumes the work units "mm or inches", "radius
or diameters", "mm/min. or mm/rev", etc. selected by machine parameter.

Coordinate preset
It must be done on one axis at a time and proceeding as follows:

o o Value

The CNC requests confirmation of the command.



Axis control
Axis feedrate (F)
To set the axis feedrate, key in:


Jog movement
Besides the continuous, incremental or handwheel jog, it is also possible to move the axes to a
programmed position.

It is done on one axis at a time. With the feedrate «F» and % currently selected. To do that, press:

o o Value

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

16.2 Tool control

To select another tool, press:


The CNC will manage the tool change and the T model updates its graphic representation.

Another offset may be assigned to the tool temporarily without modifying the one associated with it.

16. To access the "D" field, press:

Tool offset number

Tool control

The CNC temporarily assumes the new offset for the current tool. The internal table is not modified,
the tool’s associated offset is still the one assigned to it when it was calibrated.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

16.3 Spindle control

The CNC displays the following information:


Spindle control
1. Real spindle speed in rpm.
2. Theoretical spindle speed in rpm or m/min (ft/min) when working at Constant Surface Speed
To select another speed, press:


The CNC assumes this value and if the spindle is turning, it updates the real spindle speed (in
3. Spindle status and % of spindle speed being applied.
4. Maximum spindle rpm (T model).
To select another speed, press:

The CNC highlights the current value.

Value The CNC assumes this value and does not allow the spindle to exceed these rpm.

5. Spindle gear currently selected.

This value cannot be changed when using an automatic gear change.
To change gears, press

and until the new value is highlighted.

Gear number o

Note: When the machine does not use spindle gears, this message makes no sense. That is why
the CNC does not show this message when text 28 of program 999997 has not been defined.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

16.4 MDI

To use the MDI option in this work mode, send the key code "$F01E (61470)" from the PLC to the

In the next example, there is an external push button connected to input I13 and the MDI mode is
activated every time this button is pressed or when pressing a free key of the front panel.
( ) = MOV 0 R100 = MOV 1 R101 = MOV $F01E R102

16. DFU I13 OR DFU B?? R???

Every time one of the keys is pressed...


... it indicates to the CNC that the keys come from the PLC.
= CNCWR(R102, KEY, M1)
... a code is sent out to activate the MDI mode.
... and it indicates to the CNC that the keys come from the CNC.

In MDI mode, the CNC shows a window at the bottom of the screen.

In this window, a block may be edited and later executed.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

16.5 Screens, subroutines and cycles

User Fagor’s WINDRAW55 (PC based) application to define the screens

Screens 201 through 255 must be used to customize the screens already stored at the CNC.

Screens 001 through 200 may be used to create new screens for diagnosis, variable consultation,
setup, adjustments, device control, OEM canned cycles, etc.

Regardless of how they are used, screens 001 through 200 the have associated with them.
• The configuration file P999xxx (P999001 through P999200) that must be defined by the OEM.
• The subroutine that contains the executable 9xxx (9001 through 9200) that must be defined by
the OEM.


Screens, subroutines and cycles
• Program P999995 that contains the texts used by all the screens. Refer to the WINDRAW55
• Program P999994 that contains the help texts used by all the screens. Refer to the WINDRAW55

Thus, the configuration file P999004 and subroutine 9004 are associated with screen 4.

When pressing [HELP] , the CNC shows all the screens defined by the OEM with the WINDRAW55

To delete any of them, position the cursor on it and press [CLEAR].

The CNC requests confirmation and the access code for customizing, if the OEM has previously
defined it.

To access one of the screens 001 through 2000, position the cursor on it and press [ENTER].

Screens 201 through 255 cannot be accessed from this mode. Select the CNC screen associated
with it.

In the WINDRAW55 application, the text for to the screen title should be defined with the same number
as the screen.
This way, when pressing, the key [HELP], CNC will show the number and title (text of program P999995
with the same number) of the available screens.

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SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

16.6 Associated keys

Screens 001 through 200 are grouped in 20 groups. Keys F1 through F7 allow direct access to the
first 7 groups; the rest of the grops are accessed by sending a key code from the PLC.

Each group has 10 different levels or screens. Once a group has been selected, send the code
"$F01C (61468)" for the [LEVEL CYCLE] key from the PLC to see the next level.

Now, let us see how the screens are grouped and how to access them.

16. Key or code

F1 key 1 21 41 61

81 101 121 141 161

F2 key 2 22 42 62 82 102 122 142 162

Associated keys

F3 key 3 23 43 63 83 103 123 143 163

F4 key 4 24 44 64 84 104 124 144 164

F5 key 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165

F6 key 6 26 46 66 86 106 126 146 166

F7 key 7 27 47 67 87 107 127 147 167

$F108 (61704) 8 28 48 68 88 108 128 148 168

$F109 (61705) 9 29 49 69 89 109 129 149 169

$F10A (61706) 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

$F10B (61707) 11 31 51 71 91 111 131 151 171

$F10C (61708) 12 32 52 72 92 112 132 152 172

$F10D (61709) 13 33 53 73 93 113 133 153 173

$F10E (61710) 14 34 54 74 94 114 134 154 174

$F10F (61711) 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 155 175

$F110 (61712) 16 36 56 76 96 116 136 156 176

$F111 (61713) 17 37 57 77 97 117 137 157 177

$F112 (61714) 18 38 58 78 98 118 138 158 178

$F113 (61715) 19 39 59 79 99 119 139 159 179

$F114 (61716) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

When accessing a group, the CNC will show the last screen (level) used in that group.

To exit the screen:

• Press the key again or send the group code.
it shows the basic screen
• Press the key or send the code of another group.
shows the screen of the new group.
• Press [ESC] twice.
it shows the basic screen.

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CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Example. It has screens 1, 21, 41, 2 and 22.

Press F1.
it shows screen 1.
It sends the level key code.
it shows screen 21.
It sends the level key code.
it shows screen 41.
Press F2.
it shows screen 2.
It sends the level key code.

Associated keys
it shows screen 22.
Press F2.
it exits the screen and shows the basic screen.
Press F1.
it shows screen 41 (last one used in the group).
It sends the level key code.
it shows screen 1 (there are only 1, 21, 41).
Press F2.
it shows screen 22 (last one used in the group).
It sends the level key code.
it shows screen 2 (there are only 2, 22).
Press [ESC] twice.
it shows the basic screen.

The next example shows an external push button connected to input I27 that selects and unselects
the group of screens 13, 33, 53, etc.
( ) = MOV 0 R100 = MOV 1 R101 = MOV $F10D R102
Every time the external key is pressed...
... it indicates to the CNC that the keys come from the PLC.
= CNCWR(R102, KEY, M1)
... it sends the key code for the group 13, 33, 53, etc.
... and it indicates to the CNC that the keys come from the CNC.

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16.7 OEM text in several languages.

By default, the texts defined by the OEM are in a single language and stored in several programs:
PLCMSG Texts for PLC messages.
PLCERR Texts for PLC errors.
P999995 Texts and titles used by all the OEM screens.
P999994 Help texts of the OEM screens or cycles.

16. To have texts and messages in several languages, they must be grouped in a single program and
set general parameter MSGFILE (P131) with that program number.

The MSGFILE program may be in user memory or in the hard disk (KeyCF). If it is in several places,
OEM text in several languages.

it takes the one in user memory.

If any of these texts is in Russian or mainland Chinese, the file format must be converted from
Unicode to a special Unicode customized for the Fagor CNC. Use WinDNC to do this conversion.

i Converting standard Unicode files into Fagor Unicode format requires WinDNC version 5.1. This
conversion is not possible with previous WinDNC versions.

To display these messages, besides doing this conversion, the CNC must be set in one of the
following languages:
 English.
 Chinese.
 Russian.
Note: Russian or Chinese comments cannot be displayed in a program even if that program has
been converted using WinDNC.

MSGFILE program structure

On each line, a text is defined preceded by ";" the "text number", a blank space and the "$" sign.
;116 $Axis feedrate (F)
;117 $Tool (T)

The texts must be grouped by subjects and languages.

The labels identify a group with a mnemonic in brackets and preceded by ";"
;[PLCMSG] Texts for PLC messages (up to 256).
;[PLCERR] Texts for PLC errors (up to 265).
;[CO999995] Texts and titles used by all the OEM screens (up to 256).
;[CO999994] Help texts of the OEM screens or cycles (up to 256).
;[OEMMSG] Other texts used in OEM programs (up to 768).

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

The language number is indicated after the label and separated by a comma "," the same number
used by general parameter LANGUAGE (P122):

(0) English ;[PLCMSG],0 (1) Spanish ;[PLCMSG],1

(2) French ;[PLCMSG],2 (3) Italian ;[PLCMSG],3

(4) German ;[PLCMSG],4 (5) Dutch ;[PLCMSG],5

(6) Portuguese ;[PLCMSG],6 (7) Czech ;[PLCMSG],7

(8) Polish ;[PLCMSG],8 (9) Mainland Chinese ;[PLCMSG],9

(10) Basque

(12) Turkish

(11) Russian ;[PLCMSG],11


OEM text in several languages.
The text groups may be defined in the desired order, grouping them by subjects, languages, etc.

Programming example using MSGFILE (P131) = 12345

P12345 Texts for PLC messages in English

;1 $Text 1
;2 $Text 2
;[PLCERR],0 Texts for PLC error messages in English
;1 $Text 1
;2 $Text 2
;[CO999994],0 Help texts of the OEM screens or cycles in English.
;1 $Text 1
;2 $Text 2
;[CO999995],0 Texts and titles used by all the OEM screens in English.
;1 $Text 1
;2 $Text 2
;[OEMMSG],0 Other texts used in OEM programs in English.
;1 $Text 1
;2 $Text 2

The texts of the [OEMMSG] are directed to:

• Texts of the user channel used with the program control instructions MSG, ERR, IB, SK that
depend on the selected work language.
(MSG "HELLO") shows the text HELLO on the screen.
(MSG 200) displays the text 200 of the [OEMMSG] group in the currently selected CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
(MSG $C8) is similar to the previous one. It is the text 200 in hexadecimal format.
(MSG P100) shows the text of the [OEMMSG] group whose number is the same as the
value of parameter 100.
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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

• Texts associated with screens and symbols generated with program Draw55.
Key in the text and press ENTER.
Assign to it the number of one of the internal CNC texts.
Assign to it the number of one of the OEM texts defined in the [OEMMSG] group. New option
that is selected with the F2 softkey (OEM TEXT).
Note: This type of texts can only be displayed properly at the CNC. The Draw55 application
shows OEMtxtnn where "nn" means the number of the associated text; for example OEMtxt25.
The OEM screens or cycles are created with the WINDRAW55 application.

16. The texts used by the application are created in the WINDRAW55.txt program and must be copied
to the CNC as program P999995 or as part of the MSGFILE program within the [CO999995] group.
OEM text in several languages.

Use the Draw55 application to generate symbols or drawings used by those screens. If the texts
of the symbols depend on the language, define them as part of the MSGFILE within the [OEMMSG]


On power-up or after a Shift-Reset, the CNC runs the following checkl to find the work texts of each
group or text type:
• It takes the group of the MSGFILE program if it has been defined in the selected language.
• If it is not defined, it takes the texts of the first group defined (another language).
• If there is none, it takes the texts of program PLCMSG, PLCERR, P999995 or P999994

It then looks for texts in those groups.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

16.8 Associated programs

Programs P900000 through P999999 are reserved for the CNC itself; in other words, the user cannot
use them as part-programs.

Some have a special meaning and must be used by the machine manufacturer (OEM).

P999001 Configuration files for OEM screens.

P999200 P999001 corresponds to screen 1, P999002 to screen 2 and so on up to P999200 that
corresponds to screen 200.


Program that logs (stores) the errors occurred when interpreting a configuration file.

Help texts of the OEM screens or cycles. Refer to the WINDRAW55 manual.


Associated programs
P999995 Texts and titles used by all the OEM screens. Refer to the WINDRAW55 manual.

P999999 Reserved for storing all the OEM subroutines It is empty.

The rest of the reserved programs are used internally by the CNC and cannot be erased.

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16.9 Associated subroutines

Subroutines 0000 through 8999 are free to use and subroutines 9000 through 9999 are reserved
for customizing the CNC.

It is recommended to define all the OEM subroutines in a program with a high number to prevent
the user from modifying them. Program P999999 is free and may be used for this purpose.

When executing a cycle (screen), its associated subroutine is called upon indicating in local
parameters A - Z (P0 - P25) the value used to define each field.

16. (PCALL 9001, A=11, B=22, C=33, D=44, E=0, F=1234, G=9999, H=1, I=1, J=12.34)

Parameter A (P0) indicates the value of the first editable field, B (P1) that of the second field and
Associated subroutines

so on up to Z (P25) that indicates the value of the 26 field. The order is set when designing the screen
with the WINDRAW55 application.

All the screens (cycles) have an associated subroutine, 9000 + "screen number" Subroutine 9001
corresponds to screen (cycle) 001, 9002 to 002 and so on up to 9200 that corresponds to screen
(cycle) 200.

All these subroutines must be defined by the OEM and must contain all the necessary instructions
to run the canned cycle.


(SUB 9005) ; Definition of subroutine 9005.

; Program blocks defined by the OEM.
(RET) ; End of subroutine.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

16.10 Configuration file

The configuration file is a CNC file written in high-level language (configuration language) that
describes the operating characteristics of the various screen elements.

There is a configuration file for each screen. P999001 corresponds to screen 001, P999002 to 002
and so on up to P999200 that corresponds to screen 200.

The general characteristics of the configuration language are:

• All instructions are preceded by ";" and enclosed in parenthesis.
• The comments must be alone and preceded by ";;"
• The configuration file must begin with the line ";(PRGSCRIPT 1)"

Configuration file
It indicates that it is a configuration file corresponding to the version being used (in this case "1").
• The configuration file should end with the line ";(END)"
• It is recommended to use the ";(DEBUG)" instruction for the CNC to check the configuration file.
If an error occurs, it will log it in program 999500.

The configuration language has the following key words:


Header of the configuration file and version used to edit it (in this case "1"). It must always be defined.

It is optional. It indicates on which line program 999500 starts giving out information of the errors
that have come up when debugging the configuration file.

The debugging of the configuration file begins on the first line ;(PRGSCRIPT 1) and ends on the
;(END) line.


It indicates that the blue frame at the top right must not be displayed; it shows the current status
of the machine (coordinates and machining conditions).


It indicates that the "CYCLE START" icon must not be displayed when pressing [ESC].

To exit the screen, press [ESC] twice. The first time, it displays the "CYCLE START" icon at the top
right of the screen offering the chance to either execute or simulate the associated program.

Some screens are merely informative and no associated program must be executed.

In these cases, it is recommended to program ;(DISABLE20) to exit the screen when press [ESC].


It indicates that the spindle is not to be stopped at the end of the cycle.

By default, if ;(DISABLE21) is not programmed, the CNC adds the M5 instruction at the end of the
associated program to stop the spindle at the end of the cycle.

;(HOTKEY W4,88)

It permits associating a key to the (W) data.

In this case, pressing the X key (ASCII value 88) selects the W4 data.
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Permits assigning the value of a CNC variable to the data.

In this case, While the W5 data is selected, when pressing the Recall key, W5 will show the variable
of POSX (X axis position). If Enter is then pressed, the cycle assumes this value.


The value is shown in the work units (mm / inches) set by general parameter INCHES (P8).

16. ;(PROFILE W12)

Permits associating a profile with the (W) field. The field must be an unsigned 3-digit integer.
Configuration file

Select the (W) field, enter the number of the profile to be edited, press Recall and it will access the
profile editor.

The edited profile is stored as program P994xxx.

P994001 corresponds to profile 001, P994002 to 002 and so on up to P994999 that corresponds
to profile 999.


Permits assigning the value of the (W) data to a global parameter only when calling a subroutine.

When executing a cycle, the CNC calls the associated subroutine indicating with local parameters
which values have been defined in each field. For example:
(PCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5, D8)

When using global parameters, the CNC uses another PCALL instruction to transfer the global
parameters. For example:
(PCALL 9301, P100=22, P101=32, P102=48)
(PCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5, ... Y8, Z100)

The subroutine associated with the cycle is 9000 + cycle number

The auxiliary subroutine associated with the cycle is 9300 + cycle number

When using a (P100=W13) type instruction, the auxiliary subroutine must also be defined even if
it only contains the SUB and RET instructions.


Associates the value of a global parameter with the (W) data.


Associates the value of a variable with the (W) data.


Associates the value of a PLC resource with the (W) data.

A register ;(W6=PLCR127)

A mark ;(W6=PLCM1000,1) first and how many

A group of inputs ;(W6=PLCI8,4) first and how many

A group of outputs ;(W6=PLCO10,3) first and how many

CNC 8055 Associate only resources that are defined in the PLC program.
CNC 8055i For marks, inputs and outputs, one must indicate how many of them, if none is indicated, 32 are
;(W6=PLCO11,4) Assigns the value of O11, O12, O13, O14
;(W6=PLCO11) Assigns the value of O11, O12 ... O41, O42.
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Installation manual

If a field (W) has a parameter, variable or resource associated with it, it acts as follows:
• It assumes the value that its associate has when accessing the page.
To continuously update the field value, use the (AUTOREFRESH) instruction as described later
• If its associate is a read-only type, the user will not be able to change the field value.
• It its associate is read/write type, the user may change the field value.
When changing the value of the field (W), the value of its associate is also changed.
On the other hand, when using the (AUTOREFRESH) instruction and the CNC or PLC changes
the value of the associate, the value of the field is also changed.
• If an error occurs because the variable does not exist (PLC register) or the communication fails
(drive variable), the field is momentarily disabled and it displays a gray window. The field is

Configuration file
enabled again after 10 seconds.


Refreshes (updates periodically) the value of graphic element W6 assigning it the X axis following
error value.


It is programmed as a prefix of the instructions

Associates the value of a global parameter, variable or resource of the PLC with the (W) data.
Refreshes the value of graphic element W6.

The resulting new instructions are:


When recalling a cycle stored in memory [PPROG] , the CNC analyzes the type of instruction that
each graphic element has associated with it and acts as follows:
• If it is of the ;(W1=GUP170) type, it assigns the current value of arithmetic parameter P170 to W1.
• If it is of the ;(SAVEINSUB W1=GUP170) , it restores the value that the arithmetic parameter
had when the program was edited (when it was saved into memory) and it assigns that value
to the graphic element W1 and to the arithmetic parameter P170.

Recommendations to use SAVEINSUB:

• Restrict its usage to when it is absolutely necessary because every time a stored cycle is saved
or recalled, the value of the variable associated with the element changes.
• Use it only with global parameters and variables that may be read and written from the CNC See
"Summary of internal CNC variables." on page 659.


It indicates that the associated item must not pick up the editing focus.

It is programmed as a prefix of the instructions.

Associates the value of a global parameter, variable or resource of the PLC with the (W1)
data. The W1 item of the screen pick ups the editing focus.
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CNC 8055i
It refreshes (updates) the value of the graphic element W6 and it assigns the editing focus
to it.

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The resulting new instructions are:

Associates the value of a global parameter, variable or resource of the PLC with the (W1)
data. The W1 item of the screen pick ups the editing focus.
It refreshes (updates) the value of the graphic element (item) W6, but it does not assign the
editing focus to it.

16. It must be used with Ledbar type (W) data that have a decimal variable associated with them. (For
example: X axis following error).
Configuration file

The values assigned, at the PLC, to the end and intermediate values of a LEDBAR element must
be integer values and must be related to the variable associated at the CNC.

When the associated variable has a decimal format the following instruction must be used:

This instruction is used to convert coordinate values (decimal) to integer values by multiplying them
by 10000.

To represent the % of axis feedrate, the FRO variable is used. The FRO values are integers
(between 0 and 120) and, therefore, do not require LEDBARDEC.
On the other hand, to represent the amount of following error on the X axis, the FLWEX variable
is used. The values of FLWEX are not integers and, therefore, require LEDBARDEC (multiplying
it by 10000) in order to make them integers.


It indicates that cycle is modal. See programming manual.

The subroutine call is of the (MCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5,....) type

If after executing the cycle, several movements are carried out, the cycle will be executed again after
each movement calling the (MCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5,...) subroutine again.

When using global parameters, the CNC only transfers the global parameters the first time.
First time:
(PCALL 9301, P100=22, P101=32, P102=48)
(MCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5, ... Y8, Z100)
The rest of the times:
(MCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5, ... Y8, Z100)

To cancel this mode, execute the (MDOFF) instruction.


It indicates that it has finished debugging the configuration file.

It ignores the instructions programmed next.

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CNC 8055i

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Installation manual

16.11 Error log file (P999500)

There is a configuration file for each screen. P999001 corresponds to screen 001, P999002 to 002
and so on up to P999200 that corresponds to screen 200.

The CNC checks these programs when accessing each screen for the first time. When detecting
an error, it displays a message window.

In all of them, if the error has been detected in a section defined after the DEBUG instruction, they
generate, in program P999500, several lines indicating the detected error or errors.
The error log file (P999500) contains all the errors detected since the CNC was turned on. When
the CNC is turned off, this error log file (P999500) is deleted.


Error log file (P999500)
Examples of detected errors:

Error due to a nonexistent variable. It must be FLWEX.

; Syntax error ...
; Unknown CNC variable name.
; Error on line: 12.
; Error on character: LF.
Error caused for referring to a nonexistent graphic element (W33).
; Warning ...
; Programmed Widget does not exist.
; Warning in line: 15.

After modifying the configuration file, reset the CNC to debug it again when accessing its associated

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16.12 Cycle data entry

Once the cycle has been selected, the CNC shows the relevant screen. It may have a blue frame
at the top right indicating the current status of the machine. Coordinates and machining conditions:

Cycle data entry

One of the data that define the cycle will be highlighted indicating that it is selected.

Use the keys to select another data

Select a numeric data

The numeric data is used for coordinates, feedrate, spindle speed, tool number, etc. (value in

Key in the desired value and press

If the Teachin instruction is associated with it, the value of an

internal variable (coordinate, tool number, etc.) may be
assigned to this field. In those cases, press

If this [Recall] key is not available, send the key code $F006 (61446) from the PLC to the CNC.

The following example shows how to use an external push button connected to input I25 so as to
act like the [Recall] key.

( ) = MOV 0 R100 = MOV 1 R101 = MOV $F006 R102

Every time the external key is pressed...
... it indicates to the CNC that the keys come from the PLC.
= CNCWR(R102, KEY, M1)
... the code for the Recall key is sent out.
... and it indicates to the CNC that the keys come from the CNC.

Select an option among the ones available

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i It is used to select a button in a group of WINDRAW55 buttons.

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Use the keys

Installation manual

Select one of the representations in an icon

It is used to select an icon in a multiple representation of WINDRAW55.

Press the key or send the key code $F01D (61469) from the PLC to the CNC until the
desired icon or text appears.

When pressing [ESC], the top of the screen shows a CYCLE START icon. It is then possible to:
• press [ESC] again to exit the cycle.
• Press the [Start] key. It calls the associated subroutine (9001) to execute the cycle.


Cycle data entry

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16.13 Example. Consult inputs and outputs

It uses the 005 screen. The data shown by this screen have the following identifier (W).

Inputs I1 through I30 W1 through W30

Outputs O1 through O30 W31 through W60

X, Y, Z axis (spindle) output W61, W62, W63

Example. Consult inputs and outputs

This screen has the P999005 configuration file associated with it which is defined as follows:


Header and version.

The debugging of the configuration file begins.


Starting at this line, program 999500 keeps a log of the errors originated when debugging the
configuration file.


The blue frame at the top right of the screen is not to be displayed.


Refreshes (updates periodically) the value of graphic element W1 assigning the value of input I1
to it. Repeat this instruction for all the inputs.


Refreshes (updates periodically) the value of graphic element W31 assigning the value of output
O1 to it. Repeat this instruction for all the outputs.



Refreshes (updates periodically) the value of the W61 ledbar assigning the value of analog output
CNC 8055 1 (X axis analog voltage) to it. Repeat this instruction for all three axes.
CNC 8055i ;(END)

End of the debugging of the configuration file and end of program.

Since this screen does not belong to a cycle, its associated subroutine (9005) needs not be defined.
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Installation manual

16.14 Example. Machining canned cycle

It uses the 001 screen. The data shown by this screen have the following identifier (W).

The data that the user may edit in this cycle have the W identifier, the number associated with each
one indicates the order in which they are selected (W1, W2, etc.). W11, W12).



Example. Machining canned cycle
This screen has the P999001 configuration file associated with it. Some of its fields are defined as


;(HOTKEY W1,88)


The W1 field has the X hotkey (88) and the X axis coordinate associated with it. In other words:

Pressing the X key selects this field.

While this field is selected, if the Recall key is pressed, it will show the X axis position. If Enter is
then pressed, the cycle assumes that value.

Repeat these instructions for the fields: W2, W3 and W4.

;(HOTKEY W6,83)

;(HOTKEY W7,83)

The W6 and W7 fields have the S (83) hotkey associated with them. In other words:
Pressing the S key selects the W6 field and pressing it again selects the W7 field.
Associate the F key with the W10 field and the T key with the W11 field.


End of the debugging of the configuration file and end of program.

Pressing [ESC] displays a cycle-start icon at the top right of the screen and if the [CYCLE START]
is pressed again, it calls the associated subroutine (9001) to execute the cycle.

The 9001 subroutine must be defined by the OEM and must contain all the necessary instructions
to run the canned cycle. CNC 8055
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Example. Machining canned cycle

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It is a three-axes machine (X, Y, Z) having a spindle with two speed ranges.

The PLC, besides controlling the 3 axes and the spindle, is in charge of lubricating the axes as well
as turning the coolant on and off.

CNC configuration
The PLC has 512 inputs and 512 outputs. Some of them, depending on the CNC configuration,
communicate with external devices.

Input I1 is the emergency input of the CNC and it must be supplied with 24 V, regardless of how it is
managed by the PLC program, as this signal is processed at all times by the CNC.
Output O1 is normally at 24V, high logic level, and it is set low, 0V, whenever an ALARM or an ERROR
occurs at the PLC output O1.

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I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

17.1 Definition of symbols (mnemonics)

It is a possible to associate a symbol (name) to any PLC resource. It may have up to 8 characters
so long as the name does not coincide with any of the reserved instructions. It may not contain the
following characters: blank-space " ", equal sign "=", parenthesis "(" or ")", comma "," or semi-colon

These symbols or names must always be defined at the beginning of the program. Duplicate
symbols cannot be defined; but several symbols may be assigned to the same resource.

17. For better clarification, the symbols used in this program are grouped by subjects.

Used in: Basic and necessary programming.

Definition of symbols (mnemonics)

DEF I-EMERG I1 External emergency input.

DEF I-CONDI I70 Conditional mode. The CNC interrupts part-program execution when
executing auxiliary function M01

DEF SERVO-OK I71 The servo drives are O.K.

DEF O-EMERG O1 Emergency output. It must be normally high.

Used in: Treatment of the axis travel limit switches.

DEF I-LIMTX1 I72 X axis positive overtravel limit switch

DEF I-LIMTX2 I73 X axis negative overtravel limit switch

DEF I-LIMTY1 I74 Y axis positive overtravel limit switch

DEF I-LIMTY2 I75 Y axis negative overtravel limit switch

DEF I-LIMTZ1 I76 Z axis positive overtravel limit switch

DEF I-LIMTZ2 I77 Z axis negative overtravel limit switch

Used in: Treatment of the machine reference (home) switches.

DEF I-REF0X I78 X axis home switch

DEF I-REF0Y I79 Y axis home switch

DEF I-REF0Z I80 Z axis home switch

Used in: Treatment of M, S, T functions.

DEF M-03 M1003 Auxiliary mark. Indicates that M03 must be executed

DEF M-04 M1004 Auxiliary mark. Indicates that M04 must be executed

DEF M-08 M1008 Auxiliary mark. Indicates that M08 must be executed

DEF M-41 M1041 Auxiliary mark. Indicates that M41 must be executed

DEF M-42 M1042 Auxiliary mark. Indicates that M42 must be executed

CNC 8055 Used in: Machine way lubrication.

CNC 8055i DEF I-LUBING I81 Operator request to lubricate the ways of the machine

DEF O-LUBING O2 Ways lubrication output

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Installation manual

Used in: Coolant treatment.

DEF I-COOLMA I82 The operator control the coolant. Jog mode.

DEF I-COOLAU I83 The CNC controls the coolant. Automatic mode.

DEF O-COOL O3 Coolant output

Used in: Spindle turning control.

DEF O-S-ENAB O4 Spindle enable output



Definition of symbols (mnemonics)
Used in: Treatment of the spindle gear change.

DEF O-GEAR1 O5 Move gears to select range 1 (gear 1)

DEF O-GEAR2 O6 Move gears to select range 2 (gear 1)

DEF I-GEAR1 I84 Indicates that Gear 1 is selected

DEF I-GEAR2 I85 Indicates that Gear 2 is selected

Used in: Keyboard simulation.

DEF I-SIMULA I86 The operator requests the simulation of program P12

DEF SENDKEY M1100 Indicates that the code of a key is to be sent out to the CNC

DEF KEYCODE R55 Indicates the code of the key to be simulated

DEF LASTKEY R56 Indicates which is the last key accepted by the CNC

DEF SENTOK M1101 Indicates that the key code has been sent correctly

DEF KEYBOARD R57 Used to indicate to the CNC the source of the keys

DEF CNCKEY 0 Used to indicate that the keys come from the CNC keyboard

DEF PLCKEY 1 Used to indicate that the keys come from the PLC

DEF MAINMENU $FFF4 Code of the "MAIN MENU" key

DEF SIMULATE $FC01 Code of the "SIMULATE" key (F2)

DEF KEY1 $31 Code of the "1" key

DEF KEY2 $32 Code of the "2" key

DEF ENTER $0D Code of the "ENTER" key


DEF START $FFF1 Code of the "START" key

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17.2 First cycle module.


( ) = ERA O1 512 = ERA C1 256 = ERA T1 256 = ERA R1 256 = ERA M1 2000

( ) = ERA M4000 4127 = ERA M4500 4563 = ERA M4700 4955

Initializes all PLC resources to low logic level "0".

17. ( ) = TG1 2 120000

Initializes the timer which controls the lubrication of the machine ways on power-up. This operation
First cycle module.

will be performed for 2 minutes.

( ) = TG2 4 3600000

Initializes the timer which controls the amount of time the axes are moving before they are lubricated.
This lubrication lasts 5 minutes and it takes place after the axes have been moving for 1 hour.


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Installation manual

17.3 Main module.



---- Basic and necessary programming ----

( ) = /STOP 17.
Permission to execute the part-program


Main module.
( ) = /FEEDHOL

Permission to move the axes

( ) = /XFERINH

Permission to execute the next block

I-EMERG AND (rest of conditions) = /EMERGEN

If the external emergency input is activated or any other emergency occurs, the general logic input
/EMERGEN of the CNC. When there is no emergency, this signal must remain high.


The emergency output, O1, of the PLC (O-EMERG) must be normally high

If an alarm or emergency is detected at the CNC (/ALARM) or a problem was detected when
powering the CNC up (CNCREADY), the emergency output O-EMERG must be brought low.


When the operator selects the conditional mode (I-CONDI), the CNC general logic input M01STOP
must be activated. It interrupts the program when executing M01.

START AND (rest of conditions) = CYSTART

When the cycle START key is pressed, the CNC activates the general logic output START.

The PLC must check that the rest of the conditions (hydraulic, safety devices, etc.) are met before
setting the general input CYSTART high in order to start executing the program


If the servo drives are OK and the CNC does not detect any errors in the positioning loop of the axes
(LOPEN), the positioning loop must be closed on all axes. Axis logic inputs of the CNC: SERVO1ON,

----- Treatment of the axis overtravel limit switches -----




CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

----- Treatment of the machine reference (home) switches -----




17. ----- Message treatment -----

The PLC allows displaying the corresponding PLC message at the CNC screen by activating marks
MSG1 through MSG255. This text must be previously edited at the PLC message table.
Main module.

The following example shows how to generate a message to remind the operator to home the axes
after powering the machine up.


The message (MSG5) appears in the JOG, MDI or Automatic modes and only when the axes of
the machine have not been referenced (homed). The CNC logic outputs "REFPOIN" indicate that
the axes have been homed. ----- Error treatment -----

----- Error message treatment -----

The PLC permits displaying the corresponding error message on the CNC screen by activating
marks ERR1 through ERR128 as well as interrupting the CNC program execution stopping the axes
and the spindle. The activation of any of these marks does not activate the external CNC Emergency

Because the PLC program is not interrupted by these marks, it is advised to make it possible to
change their status via accessible external inputs; otherwise, the CNC will keep receiving the same
error at every PLC scan (cycle) thus preventing access to any PLC mode.

The text associated to the error message must be previously edited at the PLC error table.

The next example shows how to generate the X axis overtravel limit overrun error when one of the
overtravel limit switches is pressed.


----- Treatment of M, S, T functions -----

The CNC activates the general logic output MSTROBE to "tell" the PLC to execute the M functions
indicated at the variables MBCD1 through MBCD7.

It also activates: the SSTROBE output when the S function indicated at variable SBCD must be
executed, the TSTROBE output when the T function indicated at variable TBCD must be executed
and the T2STROBE output when the T function indicated at variable T2BCD must be executed.

Whenever the CNC activates one of these signals, it is convenient to deactivate the general CNC
input AUXEND in order to interrupt the execution of the CNC. When the PLC concludes the
processing of the required function, this AUXEND signal must be activated back so that the CNC
resumes the execution of the interrupted program.
CNC 8055 This example deactivates the AUXEND signal for 100 milliseconds using the timer T1.
CNC 8055i

The activation of the STROBE signals activates timer T1 in the mono-stable mode for 100
SOFT: V02.2X
Whenever timer T1 is active, the PLC must set the AUXEND signal low as described in: "Treatment
of the general CNC input AUXEND".

When the CNC activates the MSTROBE signal, the contents of variables MBCD1 through MBCD7
must be analyzed in order to know which auxiliary functions are to be executed. All MBCD variables
may be analyzed at the same time by using "MBCD*".

Installation manual

This example SETs the auxiliary marks so they can be analyzed later. Once analyzed, they must
be RESet so that the PLC does not analyze them again on the next cycle (scan).



Functions M00 and M02 cancel the coolant (M08).




Main module.
Functions M03 and M04 are incompatible with each other and M05 cancels both.




Functions M09 and M30 cancel the coolant (M08)



Functions M41 and M42 are incompatible with each other.

----- Spindle turning control -----

The spindle enable output O-S-ENAB will be activated when selecting function M03 or M04.

M-03 OR M-04 = O-S-ENAB

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

----- Treatment of spindle gear change -----

The spindle in this example has two gears (high and low). To perform a gear change, proceed as
• Deactivate the general CNC input AUXEND.
• Remove the control of the spindle back to the CNC Controlled by PLC.
• Output an oscillating velocity command to change gears.
• Move the gears.
• Verify that the gear change has been completed.
17. • Remove the oscillating velocity command.
• Return the control of the spindle back to the CNC.
Main module.

• Activate the general CNC input AUXEND.

Deactivate the general CNC input AUXEND

While changing gears (ranges), general CNC input AUXEND should be canceled in order
to interrupt the execution of the CNC. "Treatment of the general CNC input AUXEND".

Remove the control of the spindle back to the CNC Controlled by PLC.

Output an oscillating velocity command to change gears.

DFU M-41 OR DFU M-42

When a range (gear) change is requested...


A 0.610V analog command for the spindle is prepared and...


the PLC grabs the control of the spindle loop.


While the PLC has the spindle control...


...the spindle turning direction is changed every 400 milliseconds.

Move the gears.

The corresponding gear output (O-GEAR) is kept active until the range selection is completed



Verify that the gear change has been completed.

Remove the oscillating velocity command.

Return the control of the spindle back to the CNC.

(M-41 AND I-GEAR1) OR (M-42 AND I-GEAR2)

Once the gear change has concluded, the following must be done:
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i = RES M-41 = RES M-42

... remove the request for a gear change (M-41, M-42), ....

SOFT: V02.2X
...remove the spindle velocity command,...


...Return the control of the spindle to the CNC.

Installation manual



The corresponding CNC logic input (GEAR1, GEAR2) must be activated to confirm the gear change.

----- Lubrication of the machine ways -----

In this example, the machine axes are lubricated in the following instances:
• On machine power-up. For 2 minutes.
• When requesting a manual lubrication. For 5 minutes.


Main module.
• After the axes have been moving for 1 hour. For 5 minutes.
• After an axis has travelled a specific distance since last lubricated. For 4 minutes.


( ) = TG1 2 120000

Lubrication on machine power-up.

This operation will be performed for 2 minutes.
Whenever the machine is powered up, the PLC program starts running. Therefore, the first cycle
module CY1 must activate timer T2 in the mono-stable mode for 2 minutes (120000

( ) = TG2 4 3600000

Lubrication every hour of axis motion.

This operation takes place when the axes of the machine have been moving for an accumulated
time period of 1 hour. They will be lubricated for 5 minutes.
Timer T4 is used to keep track of the axis accumulated moving time and T5 to time the 5 minute
lubrication period.
The first cycle module CY1 must activate timer T4 in the delayed activation mode with a time
constant of 1 hour (3600000 milliseconds).



DFU I-ENGRAS = TG1 3 300000

Manual lubrication.
This operation will last 5 minutes and it will be performed at operator's request.
Whenever the operator requests the lubricating (lubing) operation, T3 must be activated in the
mono-stable mode for 5 minutes (300000 milliseconds).


T4 only times when any of the axis is moving.

T4 = TG1 5 300000

After having timed 1 hour, T5 must be activated in the mono-stable mode for 5 minutes. (300000

NOT T5 = TG2 4 3600000 CNC 8055

CNC 8055i
Resets the axis-motion timer T4 to zero.

Lubrication when an axis has traveled a specific distance since the last time it was lubricated

PLC machine parameters USER12 (P14), "USER13 (P15) and USER14 (P16) are used to indicate
SOFT: V02.2X
the distance each axis must travel before it gets lubricated.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

( ) = CNCRD(MPLC12,R31,M302) = CNCRD(MPLC13,R32,M302) =

Assigns to registers R31, R32 and R33 the values of PLC parameters USER12 (P14), "USER13
(P15) and USER14 (P16).

( ) = CNCRD(DISTX,R41,M302) = CNCRD(DISTY,R42,M302) = CNCRD(DISTZ,R43,M302)

Assigns to registers R41, R42 and R43 the distance each axis has travelled.

CPS R41 GT R31 OR CPS R42 GT R32 OR CPS R43 GT R33

17. If the distance traveled by any axis exceeds the one set by machine parameter,......
Main module.

= TG1 6 240000

...timer T6 must be activated in the mono-stable mode for 4 minutes (240000 milliseconds) and ......

= MOV 0 R39


...reset to "0" the count of the distance traveled by each axis.

Activate the lubricating (lubing) operation.


If any of these conditions is met, the lubing output will be activated.


Once the lubricating operation has concluded, All timers must be reset to "0".

---- Coolant treatment ----

The CNC executes function M08 to turn the coolant on and function M09 to turn it off.

Also, in this case, the operator has a switch to select whether the coolant is activated manually by
the operator or automatically by the CNC.
I-REFMAN The operator control the coolant. Jog mode.
I-REFAUT The operator control the coolant. Automatic mode.
O-REFRIG Coolant on/off output.


Coolant ON.


The coolant will be turned off when the CNC is reset to initial conditions (RESETOUT) or when
executing functions M00, M02, M09 and M30.

This instruction does not contemplate functions M00, M02, M09 and M30 since the treatment of M,
S, T functions turns mark M-08 off when activating any of them.

CNC 8055 ----- Treatment of the general CNC input AUXEND -----
CNC 8055i It is advisable to have one single instruction to control each one of the logic CNC inputs, thus
preventing undesired functioning.

When having several instructions which can activate or deactivate an input, the PLC will always
assign the result of analyzing the last one of those instructions.
SOFT: V02.2X
This example shows how to group in a single instruction all the conditions that activate or deactivate
one logic CNC input.

Installation manual


Input AUXEND will remain low while:

• The "Treatment of the MSTROBE, TSTROBE, STROBE signals" is in progress (timer T1 active)
• A spindle gear change is being performed (M-41, M-42)

----- Keyboard simulation -----

With this example it is possible to simulate the theoretical path of part-program P12 whenever the
operator requests it. 17.
To do this, follow these steps:


Main module.
• Indicate to the CNC that from now on the keys will come from the PLC.
• Simulate all the necessary steps sending the code of each one of the keys.
• Indicate to the CNC that from now on the keys will be coming from the CNC keyboard, not from
the PLC.

In order to make sending the keys easier, a subroutine is used which utilizes the following
ENVIATEC (Send Key) Calling parameter that must be activated whenever a key is to be sent.
CODTECLA (Code of the key) Calling parameter that must contain the code corresponding
to the key being simulated.
ENVIOK (Sent OK) Outgoing parameter indicating that the key code has been sent

DFU I-SIMULA = SET M120 = ERA M121 126

Whenever the operator requests the simulation (I-SIMULA), marks M120 through M126 must be


...indicate to the CNC that, from now on, the keys will be coming from the PLC (PLCKEY)


...and send the code for the "MAIN MENU" key.


If the previous key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M120 and SENTOK will be turned
off, the flag for the next stage (M121) is activated ....


and the code for the SIMULATE key (F2) is sent out.


If the previous key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M121 and SENTOK will be turned
off, the flag for the next stage (M122) is activated ....


...and the code for the "1" key is sent out.

CNC 8055i
If the previous key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M122 and SENTOK will be turned
off, the flag for the next stage (M123) is activated ....


SOFT: V02.2X
...and the code for the "2" key is sent out.


If the previous key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M123 and SENTOK will be turned
off, the flag for the next stage (M124) is activated ....

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


...and the code for the "ENTER" key is sent out.


If the previous key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M124 and SENTOK will be turned
off, the flag for the next stage (M125) is activated ....


17. ...and the code for the "THEORETICAL PATH" (F1) is sent out.


Main module.

If the previous key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M125 and SENTOK will be turned
off, the flag for the next stage (M126) is activated ....


...and the code for the START key is sent out.


If the last key was sent out successfully (SENTOK), flags M126 and SENTOK will be turned off....


...and the CNC is "told" that from now on the keys will be coming from CNC keyboard (CNCKEY),
not from the PLC.

--- Subroutine used to send a key ---


To send a key (SENDKEY), set to "1" internal marks M100 through M102 and reset the SENDKEY
flag to "0".


Sends to the CNC the code of the key to be simulated (KEYCODE). If this command is not executed
correctly (M100=1), the PLC will try again on the next cycle scan.


If the previous command was executed correctly, (M100=0), it reads the last key accepted by the


If the previous command was executed correctly (M101=0) and the CNC accepted the key sent to
it (LASTKEY = KEYCODE), .....


...the flag is turned off (M102=0) and the key is considered to be sent out successfully

= NOT M101
CNC 8055 ...But if the CNC did not accept the key sent to it, it waits until it does (M101=1).
CNC 8055i
End of subroutine.


End of the program.

Installation manual


A. Technical characteristics of the 8055iCNC ............................................. 645

B. Central unit of the 8055 CNC .................................................................. 649
C. 11" LCD Monitor..................................................................................... 653
D. Probe connection at the 8055i.................................................................. 655
E. Probe connection at the 8055 CNC.......................................................... 657
F. Summary of internal CNC variables........................................................ 659
G. Summary of PLC commands ................................................................... 667
H. Summary of PLC inputs and outputs ....................................................... 671
I. 2-digit BCD code output conversion table............................................... 677
J. Key code .................................................................................................. 679
K. Logic outputs of key status ...................................................................... 689
L. Key inhibiting codes ................................................................................ 699
M. Machine parameter setting chart.............................................................. 709
N. M functions setting chart ......................................................................... 721
O. Leadscrew error compensation table ....................................................... 723
P. Cross compensation tables....................................................................... 725
Q. Maintenance............................................................................................. 727

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


The machine manufacturer must comply with the EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1) standard in terms of
protection against electrical shock due to faulty contacts with external power supply.
This unit MUST NOT be opened by unauthorized personnel.
To avoid overheating the internal circuitry, do not block the ventilation grooves and install a ventilation

system that removes the hot air from the enclosure.

General characteristics

Technical characteristics of the 8055iCNC

4 feedback inputs for the axes.
4 analog outputs to control the axes (±10 V).
1 feedback input for the spindle encoder.
1 analog output to control the spindle (±10 V).
2 feedback inputs for the electronic handwheels.
2 inputs for digital probes (TTL or 24 V DC).
Digital servo or CAN.

0.0001mm or 0.00001 inch resolution.

Multiplying factor up to x 25 with sinewave input.
Feedrate from 0.0001 to 99999.9999 mm/min (0.00001 - 3937 inches/min).
Maximum travel: ±99999.9999 mm (±3937 inches).

1 RS232C communication line.

56 optocoupled digital inputs
32 optocoupled digital outputs
Remote modules for digital I/O expansion.

32-bit processor
Math coprocessor
Graphics coprocessor.
1Mb CNC program memory.
3.5 ms block processing time , FL model.
0.9 ms block processing time, POWER model.
Sampling time configurable by the machine manufacturer; 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ms.

Approximate weight 7.5 Kg.

Maximum consumption of 60 W in normal operation.

Color monitor
Technology: Color TFT LCD.
Diagonal display area dimension: 10,4”.
Resolution: VGA 3 x 640 x 480 pixels.
Number of colors: 262144 Colors (6 bit for each subpixel RGB).
Backlit with 2 cold-cathode fluorescent lamps.

Due to the current state of the COLOR TFT LCD technology, all manufacturers accept the fact the LCD
screens have a certain number of defective pixels.


Rated voltage: 20 V minimum and 30 V maximum.

Ripple: 4 V. CNC 8055
Nominal current: 2 A. CNC 8055i
Current peak on power-up: 8 A.
The figure shows the shape of the supply current on power-up

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Memory: 135 kb.
Programming in mnemonics.
1 millisecond time unit.
512 inputs.
512 outputs.
3999 user marks.
499 32-bit registers.
256 32-bit counters.
512 32-bit timers.

A. 5V probe input.
Technical characteristics of the 8055iCNC

Typical value 0,25 mA.  Vin = 5V.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: A partir de +2,4 Vcc.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: Below +0.9 Vdc
Maximum nominal voltage Vimax = +15 Vcc.

24V probe input.

Typical value 0,30 mA.  Vin = 24V.
High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: A partir de +12,5 Vcc.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: Below +4 Vdc.
Maximum nominal voltage Vimax = +35 Vcc.

Digital inputs
Nominal voltage + 24 Vdc.
Maximum nominal voltage + 30 Vdc.
Minimum nominal voltage + 18 Vdc.
High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: A partir de +18 Vcc.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: Under +5 Vdc or not connected.
Typical consumption of each input 5 mA.
Maximum consumption of each input 7 mA.
Protection by means of galvanic isolation by optocouplers.
Protection against reverse connection up to -30 Vdc.

Digital outputs
Nominal supply voltage + 24 Vdc.
Maximum nominal voltage + 30 Vdc.
Minimum nominal voltage + 18 Vdc.
Output voltage Vout = Supply voltage (Vdc) -3 V
Maximum output current 100 mA
Protection by means of galvanic isolation by optocouplers.
Shortcircuit protection. Place external recovery diodes.

Analog outputs for axes and spindle

Command voltage within ±10 V, 16-bit solution
Minimum impedance of the connected connector 10 k.
Shielded cable should be used.

Ambient conditions
Relative humidity: 30-95 % without condensation.
Operating temperature: between +5 ºC (41 ºF) and +40 ºC (104 ºF) with an average under +35 ºC (95 ºF).
Storage temperature: between -25 ºC (-4 ºF) and +70 ºC (158 ºF)
Maximum work altitude: IEC 1131-2 compliant.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i
Meets EN 60068-2-32 standard.

When running 10-50 Hz amplitude 0.2 mm (1g).
SOFT: V02.2X
While being shipped 10-50 Hz amplitude 1 mm (5g).
Free fall of packaged unit under Fagor ruling 1m.

Electromagnetic compatibility and safety

Refer to the section on safety conditions in the introduction of this manual.

Installation manual

Protection degree
Central unit: IP54 for the front panel and IP2X for the rear panel.
Accessible parts inside: IP1X.
Operator panel: IP54.

3.5 V lithium battery
Estimated life: 3 years
As from error indication (low battery) the information contained in the memory will be kept for 10 days maximum,
with the CNC off. It must be replaced.

Neither attempt to recharge the battery nor expose it to temperatures over 100 ºC (212 ºF).

Technical characteristics of the 8055iCNC

Do not short-circuit the terminals for risk of explosion or combustion.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Technical characteristics of the 8055iCNC

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


The machine manufacturer must comply with the EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1) standard in terms of
protection against electrical shock due to faulty contacts with external power supply.
This unit MUST NOT be opened by unauthorized personnel.
To avoid overheating the internal circuitry, do not block the ventilation grooves and install a ventilation
system that removes the hot air from the enclosure.

General characteristics B.
It has 8 feedback inputs up to 7 axes + spindle encoder or electronic handwheel.

Central unit of the 8055 CNC

It has 8 analog inputs for supervision and control of external devices.
It has 8 analog outputs of ±10V (one per axis + spindle).
Approximate weight 7 Kg. (that of 3 modules) and 10 kg. (that of 6 modules).
Maximum consumption of 80 W in normal operation.

High performance switching power supply.
Universal power supply with any input between 84 Vac and 264 Vac.
Mains frequency of 50 - 60 Hz ±1% and ±2% during very short periods.
Power outages. Meets EN 61000-4-11 standard. It can withstand microsurges of up to 10 milliseconds at 50
Hz starting at 0º and 180º (two polarities, positive and negative).
Harmonic distortion. Less than 10% of the total rms voltage between conductors under power (sum of the 2nd
and 5th harmonics).

Meets EN 60068-2-32 standard.

Ambient conditions
Relative humidity: 30-95% without condensation.
Operating temperature: between +5 ºC (41 ºF) and +40 ºC (104 ºF) with an average under +35 ºC (95 ºF).
Storage temperature: between -25 ºC (-4 ºF) and +70 ºC (158 ºF)
Maximum work altitude: Meets the IEC 1131-2 standard

In duty cycle 10-50 Hz amplitude 0.2 mm.
While being shipped 10-50 Hz amplitude 1 mm, 50-300 Hz 5g acceleration.
Free fall of packaged unit under Fagor ruling 1m.

Electromagnetic compatibility and safety

Refer to the section on safety conditions in the introduction of this manual.

Protection degree
Central unit: IP2X.
Operator panel: IP54.
Accessible parts inside: IP1X.

3.5 V lithium battery
Estimated life: 3 years
As from error indication (low battery) the information contained in the memory will be kept for 10 more days,
with the CNC off. It must be replaced. CNC 8055
Precaution, due to the risk of explosion or combustion.
CNC 8055i
Neither recharge the battery nor expose it to temperatures over 100 ºC (212 ºF). Do not short-circuit
the terminals.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Memory: 135 kb.
Programming in mnemonics.
1 millisecond time unit.
512 inputs.
512 outputs.
3999 user marks.
499 32-bit registers.
256 32-bit counters.
512 32-bit timers.

Central unit of the 8055 CNC

– CPU – Module

32-bit processor
Math coprocessor
Graphics coprocessor.
1Mb CNC program memory.
3.5 ms block processing time , FL model.
0.9 ms block processing time, POWER model.
Sampling time configurable by the machine manufacturer; 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ms.
It has 1 RS232C communication line.

– Vpp axes – module

It has 8 feedback inputs for up to 7 axes + spindle encoder or electronic handwheel. Four of these inputs admit
differential TTL and 1 Vpp sinusoidal signals; the other four admit differential TTL and non-differential TTL
Feedrates between 0.0001 mm/min and 99999.9999 mm/min (0.00001 inches/min and 3937 inches/min).
Maximum travel: ±99999.9999 mm (±3937 inches).
Up to 2 digital probes (±5 V or ±10 V) may be connected .
It has 40 opto-coupled digital inputs.
It has 24 opto-coupled digital outputs.
It has 4 differential analog inputs of ±5 V or ±10 V (that may be selected by machine parameter) for monitoring
external devices. Resolution 46.8 mV.
It has 8 analog outputs of ±10V (one per axis + spindle).

– Vpp SB axes – Module

It has 4 feedback inputs for up to 3 axes + spindle encoder or electronic handwheel. Two of these inputs admit
differential TTL and 1 Vpp sinusoidal signals; the other two admit differential TTL and non-differential TTL signals.
Feedrates between 0.0001 mm/min and 99999.9999 mm/min (0.00001 inches/min and 3937 inches/min).
Maximum travel: ±99999.9999 mm (±3937 inches).
Up to 2 digital probes (±5 V or ±10 V) may be connected .
It has 40 opto-coupled digital inputs.
It has 24 opto-coupled digital outputs.
It has 4 differential analog inputs of ±5 V or ±10 V (that may be selected by machine parameter) for monitoring
external devices. Resolution 46.8 mV.
It has 8 analog outputs of ±10V (one per axis + spindle).

CNC 8055
–I/Os – (Inputs - Outputs) module
CNC 8055i
It has 64 opto-coupled digital inputs.
It has 32 opto-coupled digital outputs.
SOFT: V02.2X

Digital inputs

Rated voltage +24 V DC.

Installation manual

Maximum rated voltage +30 Vdc.

Minimum rated voltage +18 Vdc.
High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: From +18 V DC on.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: Under +5 Vdc or not connected.
Typical consumption of each input 5 mA.
Maximum consumption of each input 7 mA.
Protection by means of galvanic isolation by optocouplers.
Protection against reverse connection up to -30 Vdc.

Digital outputs

Central unit of the 8055 CNC

Rated supply voltage +24 Vdc
Maximum rated voltage +30 Vdc.
Minimum rated voltage +18 Vdc.
Output voltage Vout = Supply voltage (Vdc) - 3 V
Maximum output current 100 mA
Protection by means of galvanic isolation by optocouplers.
Protection through an external 3 A fuse against reverse connection up to -30 Vdc and against over-voltage of
the external power supply greater than 33 Vdc.

Analog inputs

At the –Vpp axes– and –Vpp SB axes– modules, voltage within the ±5 V or ±10 V range (may be selected by
machine parameter).
Resolution 46.8 mV.
Shielded cable should be used.

Analog outputs

Command voltage within ±10 V.

Minimum impedance of the connected connector 10 k.
Shielded cable should be used.

5V probe input

Typical value 0,25 mA.  Vin = 5 V.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: From +2.4 V DC on.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: Below +0.9 V DC.
Rated voltage Vimax = +15 V DC.

24 V probe input

Typical value 0,30 mA.  Vin = 24 V.

High threshold (logic level "1") VIH: From +12.5 V DC on.
Low threshold (logic level "0") VIL: Below +4 V DC.
Rated voltage Vimax = +35 V DC.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Central unit of the 8055 CNC

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


The machine manufacturer must comply with the EN 60204-1 (IEC-204-1) standard in terms of
protection against electrical shock due to faulty contacts with external power supply.
This unit MUST NOT be opened by unauthorized personnel.
To avoid overheating the internal circuitry, do not block the ventilation grooves and install a ventilation
system that removes the hot air from the enclosure.

Monitor C.
Technology: Color TFT LCD.

11" LCD Monitor

Diagonal display area dimension: 10,4”.
Resolution: VGA 3 x 640 x 480 pixels.
Number of colors: 262144 Colors (6 bit for each subpixel RGB).
Backlit with 2 cold-cathode fluorescent lamps.

Universal AC Power supply 84-264 Vac
Mains frequency: 50 - 60 Hz ±1.
Consumption: 20 W in normal operation and 3W in low consumption.

Monitor supply: Bipolar connection base + ground connection, according to IEC-320 and EEC-22 standards.
Video signals: 25 pin SUB-D connector (male).
Keyboard connection: 25 pin SUB-D connector (female).

Meets EN 60068-2-32 standard.

Ambient conditions
Relative humidity: 20% ÷ 80%.
Operating temperature: between +5 ºC (41 ºF) and +40 ºC (104 ºF) with an average under +35 ºC (95 ºF).
Storage temperature: between -25 ºC (-4 ºF) and +70 ºC (158 ºF)
Maximum work altitude: IEC 1131-2 compliant.

Electromagnetic compatibility and Safety

Refer to the section on safety conditions in the introduction of this manual.

Protection degree
Front panel: IP54.
Rear panel: IP2X.
Accessible parts inside: IP1X.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

11" LCD Monitor

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


The CNC has two probe inputs (of 5Vdc and 24Vdc) at connector X3.

Depending on the type of connection applied the general parameter "PRBPULSE" (P39) must be
set, indicating whether it operates with the leading edge or trailing edge of the signal which the probe

Probe with "normally open contact" output.

Acts with an up-flank.


Probe connection at the 8055i

Probe with "normally closed contact" output.

Acts with an up-flank.

Interface with an open-collector output. Connection to +5 V.

Acts with a down flank.

Interface with an open-collector output. Connection to +24 V.

Acts with a down flank.

Interface with a PUSH-PULL output

The active flank depends on the

interface used

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Probe connection at the 8055i

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


-Vpp axes and –Vpp SB Axes– module

The CNC has two probe inputs (of 5Vdc and 24Vdc) at connector X7 of the –Vpp Axes– module
and the -Vpp SB- module.

Depending on the type of connection applied the general parameter "PRBPULSE" (P39) must be
set, indicating whether it operates with the leading edge or trailing edge of the signal which the probe

Probe connection at the 8055 CNC


Probe with "normally open contact" output.

Acts with an up-flank.

Probe with "normally closed contact" output

Acts with an up-flank.

Interface with an open-collector output. Connection to +5 V

Acts with a down flank.

Interface with an open-collector output. Connection to +24 V

Acts with a down flank.

Interface with a PUSH-PULL output

The active flank depends on the

interface used
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Probe connection at the 8055 CNC

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


• The R symbol indicates that the variable can be read.

• The W symbol indicates that the variable can be modified.

Variables associated with tools.

Number of the active tool.
Number of active tool offset.
( section 13.1 )

Summary of internal CNC variables.

NXTOOL R R R Number of the next requested tool waiting for M06.
NXTOD R R R Number of the next tool’s offset.
TMZPn R R - (n) tool’s position in the tool magazine.
TLFDn R/W R/W - (n) tool’s offset number.
TLFFn R/W R/W - (n) tool’s family code.
TLFNn R/W R/W - Nominal life assigned to tool (n).
TLFRn R/W R/W - Real life value of tool (n).
TMZTn R/W R/W - Contents of tool magazine position (n).
HTOR R/W R R Tool radius being used by the CNC to do the calculations.

Tool related variables (specific of the mill model).

TORn R/W R/W - Tool radius value of offset (n).
TOLn R/W R/W - Tool length value of offset (n).
TOIn R/W R/W - Tool radius wear of offset (n).
TOKn R/W R/W - Tool length wear of offset (n).

Tool related variables (specific of the lathe model).

TOXn R/W R/W - Tool length offset (n) along X axis.
TOZn R/W R/W - Tool length offset (n) along Z axis.
TOFn R/W R/W - Location code of offset (n).
TORn R/W R/W - Tool radius value of offset (n).
TOIn R/W R/W - Tool length wear of offset (n) along X axis.
TOKn R/W R/W - Tool length wear of offset (n) along Z axis.
NOSEAn: R/W R/W - Cutter angle of indicated tool.
NOSEWn R/W R/W - Cutter width of indicated tool.
CUTAn R/W R/W - Cutting angle of indicated tool.

Variables associated with zero offsets.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.2 )
ORG(X-C) R R - Active zero offset on the selected axis. The value of the additive offset
indicated by the PLC is not included.
PORGF R - R Abscissa coordinate value of polar origin.
PORGS R - R Ordinate coordinate value of polar origin.
ORG(X-C)n R/W R/W R Zero offset (n) value of the selected axis.
PLCOF(X-C) R/W R/W R Value of the additive zero offset activated via PLC.
ADIOF(X-C) R R R Value for the selected axis of the zero offset with additive handwheel.
ADDORG (X-C) R R R Value of the active incremental zero offset corresponding to the selected
axis. CNC 8055
EXTORG R R R Value of the active absolute zero offset. CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Variables associated with function G49

Variables associated with the definition of function G49.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.3 )

ORGROX R R R X coordinate of the new part zero with respect to home.
ORGROY R R R Y coordinate of the new part zero with respect to home.
ORGROZ R R R Z coordinate of the new part zero with respect to home.
ORGROA R R R Value assigned to parameter A.
ORGROB R R R Value assigned to parameter B.

Value assigned to parameter C.
Value assigned to parameter I.
Summary of internal CNC variables.

ORGROJ R R R Value assigned to parameter J.

ORGROK R R R Value assigned to parameter K.
ORGROQ R R R Value assigned to parameter Q.
ORGROR R R R Value assigned to parameter R.
ORGROS R R R Value assigned to parameter S.
GTRATY R R R Type of G49 programmed.

Variables updated by the CNC once function G49 is executed.

TOOROF R/W R/W R/W Position to be occupied by the spindle's main rotary axis.
TOOROS R/W R/W R/W Position to be occupied by the spindle's 2nd rotary axis.

Variables associated with machine parameters.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.4 )
MPGn R R - Value assigned to general machine parameter (n).
MP(X-C)n R R - Value assigned to (X-C) axis machine parameter (n).
MPSn R R - Value assigned to machine parameter (n) of the main spindle.
MPSSn R R - Value assigned to machine parameter (n) of the second spindle.
MPASn R R - Value assigned to machine parameter (n) of the auxiliary spindle.
MPLCn R R - Value assigned to machine parameter (n) of the PLC.

Work zone related variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.5 )
FZONE R R/W R Status of work zone 1.
FZLO(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 1. Lower limit along the selected axis (X/C).
FZUP(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 1. Upper limit along the selected axis (X-C).
SZONE R R/W R Status of work zone 2.
SZLO(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 2. Lower limit along the selected axis (X/C).
SZUP(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 2. Upper limit along the selected axis (X-C).
TZONE R R/W R Status of work zone 3.
TZLO(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 3. Lower limit along the selected axis (X/C).
TZUP(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 3. Upper limit along the selected axis (X-C).
FOZONE R R/W R Status of work zone 4.
FOZLO(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 4. Lower limit along the selected axis (X/C).
FOZUP(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 4. Upper limit along the selected axis (X-C).
FIZONE R R/W R Status of work zone 5.
FIZLO(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 5. Lower limit along the selected axis (X/C).
CNC 8055 FIZUP(X-C) R R/W R Work zone 5. Upper limit along the selected axis (X-C).

CNC 8055i
Feedrate related variables.
Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.6 )
FREAL R R R Real feedrate of the CNC in mm/min or inch/min.
SOFT: V02.2X
FREAL(X-C) R R R Actual (real) CNC feedrate of the selected axis.
FTEO/X-C) R R R Theoretical CNC feedrate of the selected axis.

Installation manual

Variables associated with function G94.

FEED R R R Active feedrate at the CNC in mm/min or inch/min.
DNCF R R R/W Feedrate selected via DNC.
PLCF R R/W R Feedrate selected via PLC.
PRGF R R R Feedrate selected by program.

Variables associated with function G94.

FPREV R R R Active feedrate at CNC, in m/rev or inch/rev.
Feedrate selected via DNC.
Feedrate selected via PLC.
Feedrate selected by program.

Summary of internal CNC variables.

Variables associated with function G94.
PRGFIN R R R Feedrate selected by program, in 1/min.

Variables associated with feedrate override (%)

FRO R R R Feedrate Override (%) active at the CNC.
PRGFRO R/W R R Override (%) selected by program.
DNCFRO R R R/W Override (%) selected via DNC.
PLCFRO R R/W R Override (%) selected via PLC.
CNCFRO R R R Override (%) selected from the front panel knob.
PLCCFR R R/W R Override (%) of the PLC execution channel.

Coordinate related variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.7 )
PPOS(X-C) R - - Programmed theoretical position value (coordinate).
POS(X-C) R R R Machine coordinates. Real coordinates of the tool base.
TPOS(X-C) R R R Machine coordinates. Theoretical coordinates of the tool base.
APOS(X-C) R R R Part coordinates. Real coordinates of the tool base.
ATPOS(X-C) R R R Part coordinates. Theoretical coordinates of the tool base.
DPOS(X-C) R R R Theoretical position of the probe when the probe touched the part.
FLWE(X-C) R R R Following error of the indicated axis.
DEFLEX R R R Probe deflection along X axis.
DEFLEY R R R Probe deflection along Y axis.
DEFLEZ R R R Probe deflection along Z axis.
DIST(X-C) R/W R/W R Distance traveled by the indicated axis.
LIMPL(X-C) R/W R/W R Second upper travel limit.
LIMMI(X-C) R/W R/W R Second lower travel limit.
DPLY(X-C) R R R Coordinate of the selected axis displayed on the screen.
DRPO(X-C) R R R Position indicated by the Sercos drive of the selected axis.
GPOS(X-C)n p R - - Coordinate of the selected axis, programmed in the (n) block of the program

Variables associated with electronic handwheels.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.8 )
HANPF R R - Pulses received from 1st handwheel since the CNC was turned on.
HANPS R R - Pulses received from 2nd handwheel since the CNC was turned on.
HANPT R R - Pulses received from 3rd handwheel since the CNC was turned on.
CNC 8055
HANPFO R R - Pulses received from 4th handwheel since the CNC was turned on.
CNC 8055i
HANDSE R R For handwheels with a selector button, it indicates whether that button has
been pressed or not.
HANFCT R R/W R Multiplying factor different for each handwheel (when having several).
HBEVAR R R/W R HBE handwheel. Reading enabled, axis being jogged and multiplying factor
(x1, x10, x100). SOFT: V02.2X

MASLAN R/W R/W R/W Linear path angle for "Path handwheel" or "Path Jog" mode.
MASCFI R/W R/W R/W Arc center coordinates for "Path handwheel mode" or "Path jog".
MASCSE R/W R/W R/W Arc center coordinates for "Path handwheel mode" or "Path jog".

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Feedback related variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.9 )
ASIN(X-C) R R R A signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the selected axis.
BSIN(X-C) R R R B signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the selected axis.
ASINS R R R "A" signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the spindle.
BSINS R R R "B" signal of the CNC's sinusoidal feedback for the spindle.
SASINS R R R "A" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second spindle.
SBSINS R R R "B" signal of the CNC sinusoidal feedback for the second spindle.

F. Variables associated with the main spindle.

Summary of internal CNC variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.10 )

SREAL R R R Real spindle speed.
FTEOS R R R Theoretical spindle speed.

Variables associated with spindle speed.

SPEED R R R Active spindle speed at the CNC.
DNCS R R R/W Spindle speed selected via DNC.
PLCS R R/W R Spindle speed selected via PLC.
PRGS R R R Spindle speed selected by program.

Variables associated with constant cutting speed (lathe model).

CSS R R R Constant surface speed active at the CNC.
DNCCSS R R R/W Constant surface speed selected via DNC.
PLCCSS R R/W R Constant surface speed selected via PLC.
PRGCSS R R R Constant surface speed selected by program.

Variables associated with the spindle override.

SSO R R R Spindle Speed Override (%) active at the CNC.
PRGSSO R/W R R Override (%) selected by program.
DNCSSO R R R/W Override (%) selected via DNC.
PLCSSO R R/W R Override (%) selected via PLC.
CNCSSO R R R Spindle Speed Override (%) selected from front panel.

Speed limit related variables.

SLIMIT R R R Spindle speed limit active at the CNC.
DNCSL R R R/W Spindle speed limit selected via DNC.
PLCSL R R/W R Spindle speed limit selected via PLC.
PRGSL R R R Spindle speed limit selected by program.
MDISL R R/W R Maximum machining spindle speed.

Position related variables.

POSS R R R Real spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (within ±999999999)
and from the CNC in degrees (within ±99999.9999).
RPOSS R R R Real spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (between -3600000
and 3600000) and from the CNC in degrees (between -360 and 360).
TPOSS R R R Theoretical spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (within ±999999999)
CNC 8055 and from the CNC in degrees (within ±99999.9999).
CNC 8055i RTPOSS R R R Theoretical spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (between 0 and
3600000) and from the CNC in degrees (between 0 and 360).
DRPOS R R R Position indicated by the Sercos drive.
SOFT: V02.2X PRGSP R R R Position programmed in M19 via program for the main spindle.

Variables related to the following error.

FLWES R R R Spindle following error.
SYNCER R R R Error of second spindle (synchronized) following the main spindle.

Installation manual

Variables associated with the second spindle.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.11 )
SSREAL R R R Real spindle speed.
SFTEOS R R R Theoretical spindle speed.

Variables associated with spindle speed.

SSPEED R R R Active spindle speed at the CNC.
SDNCS R R R/W Spindle speed selected via DNC.
Spindle speed selected via PLC.
Spindle speed selected by program. F.

Summary of internal CNC variables.

Variables associated with constant cutting speed (lathe model).
SCSS R R R Constant surface speed active at the CNC.
SDNCCS R R R/W Constant surface speed selected via DNC.
SPLCCS R R/W R Constant surface speed selected via PLC.
SPRGCS R R R Constant surface speed selected by program.

Variables associated with the spindle override.

SSSO R R R Spindle Speed Override (%) active at the CNC.
SPRGSO R/W R R Override (%) selected by program.
SDNCSO R R R/W Override (%) selected via DNC.
SPLCSO R R/W R Override (%) selected via PLC.
SCNCSO R R R Spindle Speed Override (%) selected from front panel.

Speed limit related variables.

SSLIMI R R R Spindle speed limit active at the CNC.
SDNCSL R R R/W Spindle speed limit selected via DNC.
SPLCSL R R/W R Spindle speed limit selected via PLC.
SPRGSL R R R Spindle speed limit selected by program.

Position related variables.

SPOSS R R R Real spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (within ±999999999)
and from the CNC in degrees (within ±99999.9999).
SRPOSS R R R Real spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (between -3600000
and 3600000) and from the CNC in degrees (between -360 and 360).
STPOSS R R R Theoretical spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (within ±999999999)
and from the CNC in degrees (within ±99999.9999).
SRTPOS R R R Theoretical spindle position.
Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths of a degree (between 0 and
3600000) and from the CNC in degrees (between 0 and 360).
SDRPOS R R R Position indicated by the Sercos drive.
SPRGSP R R R Position programmed in M19 via program for the second spindle.

Variables related to the following error.

SFLWES R R R Spindle following error.

Variables associated with the live tool.

CNC 8055
Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.12 )
CNC 8055i
ASPROG R R - Speed programmed in M45 S (within the associated subroutine).
LIVRPM R R - Speed of the live tool in TC mode.

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

PLC related variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC
PLCMSG R - R Number of the active PLC message with the highest priority.
PLCIn R/W - - 32 PLC inputs starting from (n).
PLCOn R/W - - 32 PLC outputs starting from (n).
PLCMn R/W - - 32 PLC marks starting from (n).
PLCRn R/W - - (n) Register.
PLCTn R/W - - Indicated (n) Timer’s count.

Indicated (n) Counter’s count.
Modifies the (n) mark of the PLC.
Summary of internal CNC variables.

Variables associated with local and global parameters.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.13 )
GUP n - R/W - Global parameter (P100-P299) (n), user parameter (P1000-P1255) (n),
OEM parameter (P2000-P2255) (n).
LUP (a,b) - R/W - Indicated local (P0-P25) parameter (b) of the nesting level (a).
CALLP R - - Indicates which local parameters have been defined by means of a PCALL
or MCALL instruction (calling a subroutine).

Sercos variables.
Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.14 )
SETGE(X-C) W W - Gear ratio and parameter set of the (X-C) axis drive
SETGES W W - Gear ratio and parameter set of the main spindle
SSETGS W W - Gear ratio and parameter set of the second spindle
SVAR(X-C) id R/W - - Sercos variable sercos for the (X-C) axis "id"
SVARS id R/W - - Sercos variable sercos for the main spindle "id"
SSVARS id R/W - - Sercos variable sercos for the second spindle "id"
TSVAR(X-C) id R - - Third attribute of the sercos variable for the (X-C) axis "id"
TSVARS id R - - Third attribute of the sercos variable for the main spindle "id"
TSSVAR id R - - Third attribute of the sercos variable for the second spindle "id"

Software & hardware configuration variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.15 )
HARCON R R R It indicates, with bits, the CNC's hardware configuration.
HARCOA R R R It indicates, with bits, the CNC's hardware configuration.
IDHARH R - R Hardware identifier (8 least significant bits).
IDHARL R R R Hardware identifier (4 most significant bits).
SOFCON R R R Software version of the CNC (bits 15-0) and HD (bits 31-16)
HDMEGA R R R Hard disk size (in megabytes).
KEYIDE R R R Keyboard code, according to the auto-identification system.
MODEL R R R It identifies the CNC model, mill or lather.

Variables associated with telediagnosis.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.16 )
HARSWA R R R Hardware configuration.
HARSWB R R R Hardware configuration.
CNC 8055 HARTST R R R Hardware test.
CNC 8055i MEMTST R R R Memory test.
NODE R R R Node number in the Sercos ring.
VCHECK R R R Software version checksum.
IONODE R R R Position of the "ADDRESS" switch of the I/O CAN bus.
SOFT: V02.2X IOSLOC R R R Number of local I/O available.
IOSREM R R R Number of remote I/O available.

Installation manual

Operating-mode related variables.

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.17 )
OPMODE R R R Operation mode.
OPMODA R R R Operating mode when working in the main channel.
OPMODB R R R Type of simulation.
OPMODC R R R Axes selected by handwheel.

Other variables.
R Number of the tool being managed..
( section 13.18 )

Summary of internal CNC variables.

PRGN R R R Number of the program in execution.
BLKN R R R Label number of the last executed block.
GSn R - - Status of the indicated G function (n).
GGSA - R R Status of functions G00 thru G24.
GGSB - R R Status of functions G25 thru G49.
GGSC - R R Status of functions G50 thru G74.
GGSD - R R Status of functions G75 thru G99.
GGSE - R R Status of functions G100 thru G124.
GGSF - R R Status of functions G125 thru G149.
GGSG - R R Status of functions G150 thru G174.
GGSH - R R Status of functions G175 thru G199.
GGSI - R R Status of functions G200 thru G224.
GGSJ - R R Status of functions G225 thru G249.
GGSK - R R Status of functions G250 thru G274.
GGSL - R R Status of functions G275 thru G299.
GGSM - R R Status of functions G300 through G324.
GGSN - R R Status of functions G325 thru G349.
GGSO - R R Status of functions G350 thru G374.
GGSP - R R Status of functions G375 thru G399.
GGSQ - R R Status of functions G400 thru G424.
MSn R - - Status of the indicated M function (n)
GMS - - R Status of M functions: M (0..6, 8, 9, 19, 30, 41..44).
PLANE R R R Abscissa and ordinate axes of the active plane.
LONGAX R R R Axis affected by the tool length compensation (G15).
MIRROR R R R Active mirror images.
SCALE R R R General scaling factor applied. Reading from the PLC in ten-thousandths.
SCALE(X-C) R R R Scaling Factor applied only to the indicated axis. Reading from the PLC in
ORGROT R R R Rotation angle (G73) of the coordinate system.
ROTPF R - - Abscissa of rotation center.
ROTPS R - - Ordinate of rotation center.
PRBST R R R Returns probe status.
CLOCK R R R System clock in seconds.
TIME R R R/W Time in hours-minutes-seconds format.
DATE R R R/W Date in year-month-day format.
TIMER R/W R/W R/W Clock activated by PLC, in seconds.
CYTIME R R R Time to execute a part in hundredths of a second.
PARTC R/W R/W R/W Parts counter of the CNC. CNC 8055
FIRST R R R First time a program is executed. CNC 8055i
KEY R/W R/W R/W keystroke code.
KEYSRC R/W R/W R/W Source of the keys.
ANAIn R R R Voltage (in volts) of the indicated analog input (n).
ANAOn R/W R/W R/W Voltage (in volts) to apply to the indicated output (n). SOFT: V02.2X
CNCERR - R R Active CNC error number.
PLCERR - - R Active PLC error number.
DNCERR - R - Number of the error generated during DNC communications.
AXICOM R R R Pairs of axes switched with function G28.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Variable CNC PLC DNC ( section 13.18 )

TANGAN R R R Angular position with respect to the path (G45).
TPIOUT(X-C) R R R Output of the PI of the tandem master axis in rpm.
DNCSTA - R - DNC transmission status.
TIMEG R R R Remaining time to finish the dwell block (in hundredths of a second)..
SELPRO R/W R/W R When having two probe inputs, it selects the active input.
DIAM R/W R/W R It changes the programming mode for X axis coordinates between radius
and diameter.

Indicates whether a probing error must be displayed or not.
It indicates that the drilling, mill or lathe type withdrawal iscompleted.
Linear theoretical feedrate resulting from the next loop (in mm/min).
Summary of internal CNC variables.

TEMPIn R R R It returns the temperature in tenths of a degree detected by the PT100.

TIPPRB R R R PROBE cycle being executed.
PANEDI R R R WINDRAW55 application. Number of screen being executed.
DATEDI R R R WINDRAW55 application. Number of element (item) being executed.
RIGIER R R R Offset between the projection of the following error of the spindle onto the
longitudinal axis and the following error of the longitudinal axis.
FBDIF(X-C) R R R For monitoring the difference between the coordinates (position values) of
the first and second feedback on the oscilloscope.
CYCLEV R R R It indicates on the conversational model, the tab number being displayed
at a particular moment.
CYCEDI R R R It indicates on the conversational model, the cycle or screen number being
displayed at a particular moment.
DISBLO R R R It indicates the value of the total programmed distance in blocks with look-
MIXPO(X..C) R R R Variable that indicates the axis position with the combined feedback.
FLWAC(X..C) R R R Variable that indicates the real error considering the second feedback.
RADIOC R - - It indicates the programmed radius value when executing a G15 R.
DISABMOD R R/W R Disables some actions or modes.
CYCCHORDERR R/W - - Defines the chordal error of the canned cycles.
PRGN R R R Returns the program number being executed.
EXECLEV R R R Indicates the EXEC level that is in execution at the time.

The "KEY" variable can be "written" at the CNC only via the user channel.
The "NBTOOL" variable can only be used within the tool change subroutine.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


PLC Resources
Inputs: I 1/512

Outputs: O 1/512

User marks: M 1/2000 and 2049/3999

Arithmetic flag marks:

Clock marks:
M 2003

M 2009/2024

Summary of PLC commands

Fixed status marks: M 2046/2047

Marks associated with messages: M 4000/4254

Marks associated with errors: M 4500/4627

Screen marks: M 4700/4955

CNC communication marks: M 5000/5957

Timers: T 1/512

Counters: C 1/256

User registers: R 1/499

Registers for communication with the CNC: R 500/559

The value stored in each register will be considered by the PLC as an integer number with sign and
it may be referred to in one of the following formats:

Decimal Integer within ±2147483647.

Hexadecimal Number preceded by the $ sign and between 0 and FFFFFFFF.

Binary Number preceded by the letter B and made up of up to 32 bits (1 or 0).

Directing instructions
PRG Main module.

CY1 First cycle module.

PE t Periodic module. It will be executed every t time (in milliseconds).

END End of module.

L 1/2000 Label.

DEF Symbol definition.

REA The consultations are done with real values.

IMA The consultations are done with image values.

IRD Updates the "I" resources with the values of the physical inputs.

MRD Updates resources M5000/5957 and R500/559 with the values of the logic CNC outputs.

OWR Updates the physical outputs with the real values of the "O" resources.

MWR Updates the logic CNC inputs (internal variables) with the values of resources
M5000/5957 and R500/599

TRACE Captures data for the Logic Analyzer while executing the PLC cycle.
CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Simple consulting instructions

I 1/512 Inputs

O 1/512 Outputs

M 1/5957 Marks
T 1/512 Timers

C 1/256 Counters

B 0/31 R 1/499 Register bit

G. Flank detecting consulting instructions

Summary of PLC commands

DFU (Up flank detection) I 1/512

DFD (Down flank detection) O 1/512
M 1/5957

Comparison consulting instructions

CPS T 1/256 GT T 1/256
C 1/256 GE C 1/256
R 1/559 EQ R 1/559
# NE #

NOT Inverts the result of the consulting instruction it precedes.

AND Performs the logic function "AND" between consulting instructions.

OR Performs the logic function "OR" between consulting instructions.

XOR Performs the logic function "EXCLUSIVE OR" between consulting instructions.

Assignment Binary Action Instructions

=I 1/512 Inputs.

=O 1/512 Outputs.
=M 1/5957 Marks.

= TEN 1/256 Timer enable.

= TRS 1/256 Timer reset.

= TGn 1/256 n/R Timer trigger input.

= CUP 1/256 Counter count up.

= CDW 1/256 Counter count down.

= CEN 1/256 Counter enable.

= CPR 1/256 n/R Counter preset.

=B 0/31 R 1/499 Register Bits.

Conditioned binary actions instructions

= SET If the logic expression is "1", this action assigns a "1" to the resource.
CNC 8055
= RES If the logic expression is "1", this action assigns a "0" to the resource.
CNC 8055i
= CPL If the logic expression is "1", this action complements the logic state of the resource.

= SET I 1/512
= RES O 1/512
SOFT: V02.2X = CPL M 1/5957
B 0/31 R 1/559

Installation manual

Sequence breaking action instructions

= JMP L 1/256 Unconditional jump.

= RET Return or end of subroutine.

= CAL L 1/256 Call to subroutine.

Arithmetic action instructions

= MOV Transfers the logic states of the indicated source to the indicated destination.


Complements all register bits.

Changes the sign of the Register contents.


Summary of PLC commands

= ADS Adds the contents of a two registers or a number and a register content.

= SBS Subtracts between the contents of two registers or between a number and a register

= MLS Multiplies the contents of two registers or a number and a register content.

= DVS Divides the contents of two registers or a number and a register content.

= MDS Module between registers contents or between a number and a register content.

Origin Target Source code Destination Number of bits to

code transmit

MOV I 1/512 I 1/512 0 (Bin) 0 (Bin) 32

O 1/512 O 1/512 1 (BCD) 1 (BCD) 28
M 1/5957 M 1/5957 24
T 1/256 R 1/559 20
C 1/256 16
R 1/559 12
# 8

ADS R1/559 R1/559 R1/559

SBS # #

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Logic action instructions

= AND Logic AND operation between register contents or between a number and a register

= OR Logic OR operation between register contents or between a number and a register content.

= XOR Logic XOR operation between register contents or between a number and a register

= RR 1/2 Right register rotation.

= RR 1/2 Left register rotation.

G. AND R1/559 R1/559 R1/559

OR # #
Summary of PLC commands


Origin Number of repetitions Target

RR1 R1/559 R1/559 R1/559

RR2 0/31

Specific action instructions

= ERA Block erase

= CNCRD CNCRD (Variable, R1/559, M1/5957)

Reading of internal CNC variables.
= CNCWR CNCWR (R1/559, Variable, M1/5957)
Writing of internal CNC variables.

= PAR PAR R1/559 M1/5957

Parity of a register

ERA I 1/512 1/512

O 1/512 1/512
M 1/5957 1/5957
T 1/256 1/256
C 1/256 1/256
R 1/559 1/559

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


General logic inputs.

/EMERGEN M5000 Stops the axes and the spindle. Displays the error.

/STOP M5001 Stops execution of the part program, maintaining spindle rotation.

/FEEDHOL M5002 Stops axis feed momentarily, maintaining spindle rotation. H.

/XFERINH M5003 Prevents the next block from being executed, but finishes the one being executed.

Summary of PLC inputs and outputs

CYSTART M5007 Starts program execution..
SBLOCK M5008 The CNC changes to single block execution mode.

MANRAPID M5009 Selects rapid travel for all the movements that are executed in JOG mode.

OVRCAN M5010 Selects feedrate override at 100%.

LATCHM M5011 The axes will move from the moment the corresponding JOG key is pressed until the
STOP key is pressed.

MACHMOVE M5012 With coordinate transformation, moves coincide with machine axes.

ACTGAIN2 M5013 Indicates that the CNC assumes the 2nd set of gains.
RESETIN M5015 Initial machining conditions selected by machine parameter.

AUXEND M5016 Indicates that the execution of the M, S and T functions has completed.

TIMERON M5017 Enables the timer:

TREJECT M5018 Rejection of tool in use.

PANELOFF M5019 Deactivation of keyboard.

TOOLMOVE M5021 With coordinate transformation, moves coincide with tool axes.

PLCABORT M5022 Possibility to abort the PLC channel

PLCREADY M5023 PLC without errors.

INT1 M5024 Executes the interruption subroutine indicated in general parameter P35
INT2 M5025 Executes the interruption subroutine indicated in general parameter P36

INT3 M5026 Executes the interruption subroutine indicated in general parameter P37

INT4 M5027 Executes the interruption subroutine indicated in general parameter P38
BLKSKIP1 M5028 The "/ and /1" block skip condition is met.

BLKSKIP2 M5029 The "/2" block skip condition is met.

BLKSKIP3 M5030 The "/3" block skip condition is met.

M01STOP M5031 Stops execution of the part program when the auxiliary M01 function is executed.

TOOLINSP M5050 Tool inspection available in MC, MCO, TC, TCO modes

RETRACE M5051 It activates the Retrace function.

ACTLM2 M5052 Activates the second travel limits.

HNLINARC M5053 Type of path with "Path Handwheel" or "Path jog".

MASTRHND M5054 It activates the "Path Handwheel" or "Path jog" mode.

CAXSEROK M5055 Drive ready to work as "C" axis. When it is shared with the spindle. Lathe.

EXRAPID M5057 Selects rapid travel for all the movements that are executed in execution mode. CNC 8055
FLIMITAC M5058 Limit the feedrate of each axis to the value set in its machine parameter FLIMIT (P75).
CNC 8055i
SLIMITAC M5059 Limit the spindle speed to the value set in its machine parameter SLIMIT (P66).

BLOABOR M5060 Finish the movement in progress and start executing the next block.
SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

ACTGAINT M5063 Indicates that the CNC assumes the 3rd set of gains.

SKIPCYCL M5064 Go to the next hole after drilling or mill type threading withdrawal.

RETRACYC M5065 It indicates tha the Z axis has stopped before starting the withdrawal.

SETTMEM M5066 It can activate an error during a tool change.

RESTMEM M5067 It cancels the error state of the CNC.

H. Axis logic inputs.

Axis 1 Axis 3 Axis 5 Axis 7
Summary of PLC inputs and outputs

Axis 2 Axis 4 Axis 6

LIMIT+ M5100 M5200 M5300 M5400 Travel limit overrun. Stops the axes and the
M5150 M5250 M5350 spindle. Displays the error.

LIMIT -* M5101 M5201 M5301 M5401 Travel limit overrun. Stops the axes and the
M5151 M5251 M5351 spindle. Displays the error.

DECEL* M5102 M5202 M5302 M5402 Home switch pressed.

M5152 M5252 M5352

INHIBIT* M5103 M5203 M5303 M5403 Inhibits axis movement.

M5153 M5253 M5353

MIRROR* M5104 M5204 M5304 M5404 Applies mirror image.

M5154 M5254 M5354

SWITCH* M5105 M5205 M5305 M5405 Swaps commands (axes with 1 drive)
M5155 M5255 M5355

DRO* M5106 M5206 M5306 M5406 DRO axis. (DRO*=1 and SERVOON*=0).
M5156 M5256 M5356

SERVO*ON M5107 M5207 M5307 M5407 Servo signal. (=1) closes the position loop
M5157 M5257 M5357

AXIS+* M5108 M5208 M5308 M5408 Moves the axis in JOG mode. Similar to JOG
M5158 M5258 M5358 keys.

AXIS -* M5109 M5209 M5309 M5409 Moves the axis in JOG mode. Similar to JOG
M5159 M5259 M5359 keys.

SPENA* M5110 M5210 M5310 M5410 With Sercos. Speed enable signal of the drive.
M5160 M5260 M5360

DRENA* M5111 M5211 M5311 M5411 With Sercos. Drive enable signal of the drive.
M5161 M5261 M5361

SYNCHRO* M5112 M5212 M5312 M5412 Couples the axis with the one indicated by
M5162 M5262 M5362 SYNCHRO*.

ELIMINA* M5113 M5213 M5313 M5413 It does not display the axis and cancels the
M5163 M5263 M5363 feedback alarms.

SMOTOF* M5114 M5214 M5314 M5414 Cancels the SMOTIME filter, axis parameter
M5164 M5264 M5364 SMOTIME (P58).

LIM*OFF M5115 M5215 M5315 M5415 It ignores the software limits.

M5165 M5265 M5365

MANINT* M5116 M5216 M5316 M5416 Activate the additive handwheel in each axis.
M5166 M5266 M5366

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Spindle logic inputs.

Main Second

LIMIT+S M5450 LIMIT+S2 M5475 Travel limit overrun. Stops the axes and the spindle.
Displays the error.

LIMIT -S M5451 LIMIT -S2 M5476 Travel limit overrun. Stops the axes and the spindle.
Displays the error.

DECELS M5452 DECELS2 M5477 Home switch pressed.





Outputs a zero command for the spindle.

Reverses the spindle turning direction. H.

SMOTOFS M5455 SMOTOFS2 M5480 Cancels the SMOTIME filter, spindle parameter

Summary of PLC inputs and outputs


SERVOSON M5457 SERVOSO2 M5482 Servo signal. (=1) to move the spindle in closed loop

GEAR1 M5458 GEAR12 M5483 Spindle gear 1 selected.

GEAR2 M5459 GEAR22 M5484 Spindle gear 2 selected.

GEAR3 M5460 GEAR32 M5485 Spindle gear 3 selected.

GEAR4 M5461 GEAR42 M5486 Spindle gear 4 selected.

SPENAS M5462 SPENAS2 M5487 With Sercos. Speed enable signal of the drive.

DRENAS M5463 DRENAS2 M5488 With Sercos. Drive enable signal of the drive.

PLCFM19 M5464 PLCFM192 M5489 Rapid synchronization feedrate, in M19.

M19FEED R505 M19FEED2 R507 Rapid synchronization feedrate, in M19.

PLCCNTL M5465 PLCCNTL2 M5490 Spindle controlled directly by the PLC.

SANALOG R504 SANALOG2 R506 Spindle velocity command. Only for spindle
controlled by PLC.

ELIMIS M5456 ELIMIS2 M5481 The CNC does not display the spindle although it
keeps controlling it.

Logic inputs of the auxiliary spindle

SPENAAS M5449 With Sercos. Speed enable signal of the drive.

DRENAAS M5448 With Sercos. Drive enable signal of the drive.

PLCCNTAS M5056 The auxiliary spindle is controlled directly by the PLC.

SANALOAS R509 Velocity command for the auxiliary spindle. Only for spindle controlled by PLC.
ELIMIAS M5062 The CNC does not display the spindle although it keeps controlling it.

Key inhibiting logic inputs.

KEYDIS1 R500 Inhibit the operation of the panel keys.



CNC 8055
Logic inputs of the PLC channel CNC 8055i

/FEEDHOP M5004 Stops the PLC axes momentarily, maintaining spindle rotation.

/XFERINP M5005 Prevents the next block from being executed in the PLC channel, but finishes the one SOFT: V02.2X
being executed.

AUXENDP M5006 Indicates that the execution of the M, S and T functions has completed.

BLOABORP M5061 Possibility to abort the PLC channel

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

General logic outputs.

CNCREADY M5500 CNC without errors.

START M5501 The CYCLE START key of the front panel has been pressed.

FHOUT M5502 Indicates that program execution has been interrupted.

RESETOUT M5503 Indicates that the CNC is set to initial conditions.

LOPEN M5506 Indicates that the positioning loop for the axes is open.

An alarm or emergency condition was detected.
The manual operation (JOG) mode has been selected.
Summary of PLC inputs and outputs

AUTOMAT M5509 The automatic operation mode has been selected.

MDI M5510 The MDI mode has been selected.

SBOUT M5511 The single block execution mode has been selected.

CUSTOM M5512 Selected work mode (=0) M or T; (=1) MC, MCO, TC or TCO

INCYCLE M5515 The part program is being executed.

RAPID M5516 A rapid traverse is being executed (G00).

TAPPING M5517 A tapping cycle is being executed (G84).

THREAD M5518 A threading block is being executed (G33).

PROBE M5519 A probing movement is being executed (G75/G76).

ZERO M5520 A machine reference search is being executed (G74).

RIGID M5521 A rigid tapping block in execution. Milling model.

RETRAEND M5522 Retrace function. All possible blocks have been retraced.
CSS M5523 The G96 function is selected.

SELECT0 M5524 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT1 M5525 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT2 M5526 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT3 M5527 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT4 M5528 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT5 M5529 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT6 M5530 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECT7 M5531 Position selected at the front panel switch.

SELECTOR R564 Position selected at the front panel switch.

MSTROBE M5532 Indicates that the auxiliary M functions which are indicated in registers R550 to R556
must be executed.

SSTROBE M5533 Indicates that the auxiliary S function of register R557 must be executed.

TSTROBE M5534 Indicates that the auxiliary T function of register R558 must be executed.

T2STROBE M5535 Indicates that the auxiliary T function of register R559 must be executed.

S2MAIN M5536 Indicates which spindle is controlled by the CNC.

ADVINPOS M5537 For punch presses, it indicates that punching may begin.

INTEREND M5538 It indicates that the interpolation is finished.

CNC 8055 INPOS M5539 The axes are in position.
CNC 8055i DM00 M5547 Program interrupted after executing the auxiliary function M00.

DM01 M5546 Program interrupted after executing the auxiliary function M01.
DM02 M5545 The execution of the program has stopped after executing the auxiliary M02 function.

SOFT: V02.2X DM03 M5544 The spindle is turning clockwise (M03).

DM04 M5543 The spindle is turning counterclockwise (M04).

DM05 M5542 The spindle is stopped (M05).

DM06 M5541 The auxiliary M06 function has been executed.

Installation manual

DM08 M5540 The coolant output has been activated (M08).

DM09 M5555 The coolant output has been canceled (M09).

DM19 M5554 A block with spindle stop has been executed (M19).

DM30 M5553 The program concluded after executing the auxiliary M30 function.

DM41 M5552 First spindle speed gear (range) selected (M41).

DM42 M5551 Second spindle speed gear (range) selected (M42).

Third spindle speed gear (range) selected (M43).
Fourth spindle speed gear (range) selected (M44).

Summary of PLC inputs and outputs

DM45 M5548 Auxiliary spindle or live tool selected (M45).

TANGACT M5558 G45 active

SYNCPOSI M5559 Spindles synchronized in position.

SYNSPEED M5560 Spindles synchronized in speed.

SYNCHRON M5561 G77S function selected (spindle synchronization).

SERPLCAC M5562 Requested change of parameter set and gear ratio in progress.

RETRACT M5567 It indicates that the drilling or mill type threading operation or the lathe type threading
withdrawal has stopped.

TMINEM M5569 It indicates tha the CNC has detected an error during tool change.

Axis logic outputs.

Axis 1 Axis 3 Axis 5 Axis 7
Axis 2 Axis 4 Axis 6

ENABLE* M5600 M5700 M5800 M5900 Enables axis movement.

M5650 M5750 M5850

DIR* M5601 M5701 M5801 M5901 Indicate axis moving direction.

M5651 M5751 M5851

REFPOIN* M5602 M5702 M5802 M5902 Home search done.

M5652 M5752 M5852

DRSTAF* M5603 M5703 M5803 M5903 With Sercos. They indicate servo drive status.
M5653 M5753 M5853

DRSTAS* M5604 M5704 M5804 M5904 With Sercos. They indicate servo drive status.
M5654 M5754 M5854

ANT* M5606 M5706 M5806 M5906 If distance < MINMOVE (P54), ANT*=1
M5656 M5756 M5856

INPOS* M5607 M5707 M5807 M5907 Axis in position.

M5657 M5757 M5857

Spindle logic outputs.

Main Second

ENABLES M5950 ENABLES2 M5975 Enables spindle movement.

DIRS M5951 DIRS2 M5976 Spindle turning direction

REFPOINS M5952 REFPOIS2 M5977 The spindle has been already referenced (homed).
CNC 8055
DRSTAFS M5953 DRSTAFS2 M5978 With Sercos. They indicate servo drive status.
CNC 8055i
DRSTASS M5954 DRSTASS2 M5979 With Sercos. They indicate servo drive status.

CAXIS M5955 CAXIS2 M5980 "C" axis active.

REVOK M5956 REVOK2 M5981 Spindle rpm correspond to programmed speed.

SOFT: V02.2X
INPOSS M5957 INPOSS2 M5982 Spindle in position.

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Logic outputs of the auxiliary spindle

DRSTAFAS M5557 With Sercos. They indicate servo drive status.


Auxiliary M, S, T function transfer.

Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.
Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.
Summary of PLC inputs and outputs

MBCD3 R552 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.

MBCD4 R553 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.

MBCD5 R554 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.

MBCD6 R555 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.

MBCD7 R556 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the main channel.

MBCDP1 R565 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

MBCDP2 R566 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

MBCDP3 R567 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

MBCDP4 R568 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

MBCDP5 R569 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

MBCDP6 R570 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

MBCDP7 R571 Auxiliary M function to be executed in the PLC channel.

SBCD R557 Spindle speed in BCD (2 or 8 digits).

TBCD R558 Indicates the magazine position of the tool to be placed in the spindle.

T2BCD R559 Magazine position (pocket) for the tool.

Logic outputs of key status.

KEYBD1 R560 Indicate whether a key of the operator panel is pressed.




CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Programmed BCD Programmed BCD Programmed BCD

0 00 50-55 54 800-899 78







2-digit BCD code output conversion table

3 29 71-79 57 1120-1249 81

4 32 80-89 58 1250-1399 82

5 34 90-99 59 1400-1599 83

6 35 100-111 60 1600-1799 84

7 36 112-124 61 1800-1999 85

8 38 125-139 62 2000-2239 86

9 39 140-159 63 2240-2499 87

10-11 40 160-179 64 2500-2799 88

12 41 180-199 65 2800-3149 89

13 42 200-223 66 3150-3549 90

14-15 43 224-249 67 3550-3999 91

16-17 44 250-279 68 4000-4499 92

18-19 45 280-314 69 4500-4999 93

20-22 46 315-354 70 5000-5599 94

23-24 47 355-399 71 5600-6299 95

25-27 48 400-449 72 6300-7099 96

28-31 49 450-499 73 7100-7999 97

32-35 50 500-559 74 8000-8999 98

36-39 51 560-629 75 9000-9999 99

40-44 52 630-709 76

45-49 53 710-799 77

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

2-digit BCD code output conversion table

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Alphanumeric keyboard and monitor (M-T models)


Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Alphanumeric operator panel (M-T models)

Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

MC operator panel


Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

TC operator panel


Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

MCO/TCO operator panel


Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Alphanumeric keyboard

Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

11" LCD Monitor


Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Key code

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Alphanumeric keyboard and monitor (M-T models)


Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Alphanumeric operator panel (M-T models)

Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

MC operator panel


Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

TC operator panel


Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

MCO/TCO operator panel


Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Alphanumeric keyboard

Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

11" LCD Monitor


Logic outputs of key status

B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30
R563 R563 R563 R563 R563 R563 R563

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Logic outputs of key status

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Alphanumeric keyboard and monitor (M-T models)


Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Alphanumeric operator panel (M-T models)

Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

MC operator panel


Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

TC operator panel


Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

MCO/TCO operator panel


Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Alphanumeric keyboard

Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

11" LCD Monitor


Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Key inhibiting codes

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


General machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P5 P55 P105 P155

Machine parameter setting chart

P6 P56 P106 P156
P7 P57 P107 P157
P8 P58 P108 P158
P9 P59 P109 P159
P10 P60 P110 P160
P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197 CNC 8055
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

M. P7
Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160

P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160
P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

M. P7
Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160

P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160
P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

M. P7
Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160

P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160
P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

_______ axis machine parameters

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

M. P7
Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160

P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Machine parameters for the main spindle

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160
P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Machine parameters for the second spindle

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

M. P7
Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160

P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual

Machine parameters for auxiliary spindle

P0 P50 P100 P150

P1 P51 P101 P151
P2 P52 P102 P152
P3 P53 P103 P153
P4 P54 P104 P154
P5 P55 P105 P155
P6 P56 P106 P156

Machine parameter setting chart

P10 P60 P110 P160
P11 P61 P111 P161
P12 P62 P112 P162
P13 P63 P113 P163
P14 P64 P114 P164
P15 P65 P115 P165
P16 P66 P116 P166
P17 P67 P117 P167
P18 P68 P118 P168
P19 P69 P119 P169
P20 P70 P120 P170
P21 P71 P121 P171
P22 P72 P122 P172
P23 P73 P123 P173
P24 P74 P124 P174
P25 P75 P125 P175
P26 P76 P126 P176
P27 P77 P127 P177
P28 P78 P128 P178
P29 P79 P129 P179
P30 P80 P130 P180
P31 P81 P131 P181
P32 P82 P132 P182
P33 P83 P133 P183
P34 P84 P134 P184
P35 P85 P135 P185
P36 P86 P136 P186
P37 P87 P137 P187
P38 P88 P138 P188
P39 P89 P139 P189
P40 P90 P140 P190
P41 P91 P141 P191
P42 P92 P142 P192
P43 P93 P143 P193
P44 P94 P144 P194
P45 P95 P145 P195
P46 P96 P146 P196
P47 P97 P147 P197
P48 P98 P148 P198
P49 P99 P149 P199

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Machine parameters for serial line

P0 P8 P16 P24
P1 P9 P17 P25
P2 P10 P18 P26
P3 P11 P19 P27
P4 P12 P20 P28
P5 P13 P21 P29
P6 P14 P22 P30

M. P7 P15 P23 P31

Ethernet machine parameters

Machine parameter setting chart

P0 P8 P16 P24
P1 P9 P17 P25
P2 P10 P18 P26
P3 P11 P19 P27
P4 P12 P20 P28
P5 P13 P21 P29
P6 P14 P22 P30
P7 P15 P23 P31

PLC machine parameters

P0 P22 P44 P66

P1 P23 P45 P67
P2 P24 P46 P68
P3 P25 P47 P69
P4 P26 P48 P70
P5 P27 P49 P71
P6 P28 P50 P72
P7 P29 P51 P73
P8 P30 P52 P74
P9 P31 P53 P75
P10 P32 P54 P76
P11 P33 P55 P77
P12 P34 P56 P78
P13 P35 P57 P79
P14 P36 P58 P80
P15 P37 P59 P81
P16 P38 P60 P82
P17 P39 P61 P83
P18 P40 P62 P84
P19 P41 P63 P85
P20 P42 P64 P86
P21 P43 P65 P87

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Associated Setting bits Associated Setting bits

M function M function
subroutine subroutine
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0






M functions setting chart








CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

M functions setting chart

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Axis _______ Axis _______

Point Position Error Error (-) Point Position Error Error (-)

E O.

Leadscrew error compensation table





Axis _______ Axis _______

Point Position Error Error (-) Point Position Error Error (-)







P E E P E E CNC 8055
P E E P E E CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Axis _______ Axis _______

Point Position Error Error (-) Point Position Error Error (-)



O. P
Leadscrew error compensation table







Axis _______ Axis _______

Point Position Error Error (-) Point Position Error Error (-)








CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


Moving axis _____ (P32) Axis to be compensated _____ (P33)

Point Position Error Point Position Error

E P.

Cross compensation tables





Moving axis _____ (P55) Axis to be compensated _____ (P56)

Point Position Error Point Position Error







P E P E CNC 8055
P E P E CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l

Moving axis _____ (P58) Axis to be compensated _____ (P59)

Point Position Error Point Position Error


P. P
Cross compensation tables


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


The accumulated dirt inside the unit may act as a screen preventing the proper dissipation of the
heat generated by the internal circuitry which could result in a harmful overheating of the CNC and,
consequently, possible malfunctions.

On the other hand, accumulated dirt can sometimes act as an electrical conductor and short-circuit
the internal circuitry, especially under high humidity conditions. Q.
To clean the operator panel and the monitor, a smooth cloth should be used which has been dipped

into de-ionized water and /or non abrasive dish-washer soap (liquid, never powder) or 75º alcohol.

Never use air compressed at high pressure to clean the unit because it could cause the accumulation
of electrostatic charges that could result in electrostatic shocks.

The plastics used on the front panel are resistant to :

• Grease and mineral oils.
• Bases and bleach.
• Dissolved detergents.
• Alcohol.

Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any material or physical damage derived from the
violation of these basic safety requirements.
To check the fuses, first unplug the unit from mains If the CNC does not turn on when flipping the power
switch, check that the fuses are the right ones and they are in good condition.
Avoid solvents. The action of solvents such as chlorine hydrocarbons, benzole, esters and ether may
damage the plastics used to make the front panel of the unit.
Do not manipulate the inside of the unit. Only personnel authorized by Fagor Automation may access
the interior of this unit.
Do not handle the connectors with the unit connected to AC power. Before handling these connectors
(I/O, feedback, etc.), make sure that the unit is not connected to main AC power.

CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

Installation manual


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X

I n st a l l a t io n ma n u a l


CNC 8055
CNC 8055i

SOFT: V02.2X


Fagor Automation S. Coop.

Bº San Andrés, 19 - Apdo. 144
E-20500 Arrasate-Mondragón, Spain
Tel: +34 943 719 200
+34 943 039 800
Fax: +34 943 791 712

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