A Simplified Method For Computing Oil Recovery by Gas or Water Drive
A Simplified Method For Computing Oil Recovery by Gas or Water Drive
A Simplified Method For Computing Oil Recovery by Gas or Water Drive
Gas The value of df / dS, hereinafter denoted by j', for any given
injection --.... saturation, S, must be obtained by plotting f as calculated
from Equation (1) and taking slopes from the plot (see
Fig. 2).
____ Production Equation (4) gives the distance traveled by the various gas
of gas and oil saturations in any given time, L,t. The distance traveled, L,x,
is proportional to the j' function, the constant of proportional.
ity being vL,t. Thus, a plot of S against j', such as the one in
Fig. 2, gives also the gas saturation as a function of distance.
GAS DRIVF It is necessary only to multiply the j' scale by the value of vL,t
corresponding to the time at which the saturation distribution
is desired. Thus the curve describing saturation as a function
of position in a core or reservoir at any time during the
exploitation remains always similar except for horizontal
Production "stretching," or multiplying of all abscissae by a constant
~ out factor.
In a system which is being held at constant pressure the oil
recovery can be directly related to the change in volume of
free gas, i.e., to the average gas saturation. In general, in order
Water ..--'" to find the average gas saturation from any plot of S vs x, it
injection has in the past been necessary to integrate in some manner
the area under the plot. The operation of plotting and inte·
grating must be performed as often as recovery evaluations
WATER DRIVE are desired. It is well realized by anyone who has had to carry
through the entire process of evaluation that it is a tedious
FIG. 1
and time·consuming job.
In the event the velocity of the front of farthest gas pene·
tration and the gas saturation at break-through are desired,
Leverett 1 cited above. The result for the case of gas drive, the j' curve must be cut off as indicated in Fig. 2, in such a
derived in completely analogous manner, may be written: manner that the areas lying beneath and to the left of the
original and the amended curves are equal in accordance with
c K L, D. sin (J koil the suggestion made by Buckley and Leverett.' This construc-
f=--- --. (1) *
c +h /LG Vo C +h tion was recently shown to be mathematically valid by von
Neumann* and, somewhat later, by Brinkman.' It is equiva-
The term comprising the capillary pressure gradient has been lent to making equal in size the two areas shown shaded in
dropped from Equation (1). This procedure is usual practice Fig. 2.
in reservoir calculations, and justification will be given later
in this paper. Equation (1) may equally well be expressed in
*Private consultation. John von Neumann also orginated the more
terms of fOil which is 1- f to give: convenient method for determining the point at which the f' curve must
be cut off that is presented in the next paragraphs.
h kOil
fOil = - - + H - - (1a)
c+h c+h
The second basic relation required appears as Equation (1)
on page 109 of the reference by Buckley and Leverett' cited
above. It expresses a material balance over a thin section of
the reservoir. In terms of gas drive it may be written in the
of oS
v-+-=O. (2)
ox ot r---~--~~---------4----------T-------.-~4f"
ORIGINAL (1933) length of the system considered increases, the distance corre-
GAS-OIL CONTACT sponding to the abscissa length from zero to I'max incrttases.
That is, a distance scale laid off along the I' axis must be
compressed more and more. When this is done, the saturation
gradient or slope of the 5 vs x curve proportionately decreases
as the system length encompassed in the distance from zero
to I'm.x increases. The capillary pressure depends solely on the
saturation,' so the capillary pressure gradient also will become
of smaller importance as longer systems are considered. Test
calculations have been made in which the capillary term was
retained in Equation (1) for the purpose of c('mparing its
magnitude with the size of the other terms. These calculations
showed that the term frequently could not be dropped if the
systems were only a few inches long, as in the case of cores
intended for core analysis; but that it became negligible in
since denotes dl/dS, it is possible to integrate Equation (6)
by parts,
2 2
So/'o - (' l'dS J' d/
- - .11 ' 1 12 - 1
Say = -------
= S2---,-
= S2---,-
or SOY - S, = (fon), Q, (7) \.L
Equation (7) readily gives the difference between the average o
V ----..,
and terminal gas saturation, so that only one saturation, the ,....: ~
one near the outlet of the sand, need be evaluated for the pur-
pose of calculating oil recovery by gas cycling or gas cap
drive at constant gas pressure,
It should be particularly noted that the product (fOil)' Q,
always gives the saturation increment between the average gas
.L t---~-·---f'1
To illustrate the use of the average gas saturation, recovery Fig. 3. The average dip is 17.5°, the average permeability was
calculations made for the Mile Six Pool in Peru' were selected, taken to be 300 md, and the average hydrocarbon occupied
because the results of the calculations can be compared di- porosity* was 0.1625. The viscosity of the reservoir oil and gas
rectly with the actual known behavior of this pool over most were estimated to be 1.32 and 0.0134 cp, respectively, and
of its producing life. A contour map of this field is shown in their densities were taken at 0.78 and 0.08 g/ cu cm, respec-
The relative permeability functions used are shown in Fig. 4.
It should be remembered that the relative permeabilities as
measured on laboratory core samples should be corrected for
the effects of stratification hefore being used in field calcula-
tions, This factor was considered in arriving at the curves given
in Fig. 4. An alternate procedure that can be used whenever
adequate core analysis information is available is to make
separate reservoir behavior calculations for each layer.
Since the calculation of reservoir behavior can be applied
only to flow in one direction, as illustrated in Fig. 1, some
0 .• geometric adjustment is needed to produce even an approxi-
mate answer in a problem of this type. Essentially the actual
0.7 irregularly shaped field is replaced by an assumed parallele-
piped in which the dimensions are chosen to give the closest
representation possible. The plan view of the idealized field is
\ X shown in Fig. 5. The overall length of 2,110 ft shown is ob-
'";; 0.5 \ X
tained from Fig. 3 and is the estimated average distance
(parallel to the formation) from the original gas-oil contact
'" ,\G to the oil-water contact. The length of 1,540 ft, also scaled
X from Fig. 3, represents the distance along the dip from the
per year. Division of this withdrawal rate by the average cross- 0_6 r-----------------------,
"ectional area yields a pore velocity v of 116.8 ft per year
(1.13 x 10-< cm/sec)_
In Table I are shown the calculations carried out in accord-
ance with the relations developed above. It will be observed 0.4
that the terminal gas saturation is treated as the independent
variable in constructing the table. Next the function h is
evaluated for each saturation chosen, and entered in column s
(2). This function is then used in calculating the values
appearing in columns (3) and (5), the sum of which gives
the value for fOil which appears in column (6)_ The quantity
jUi I is plotted against S as in Fig. 6, which is a copy of Fig. 2
from which the portion of the construction has been deleted
that is not needed in the usual reservoir evaluation. The slope 00~------~0~.2~----~0~.4~--f----~0.~6-------r0~.8.-------~I.O
of the f (or fOil) curve in Fig. 6 (with reference to the Saxis)
is measured with a straight edge for each value of S taken
originally, and entered in column (7).
It will be observed in Table I that the oil recoveries are in MilE SIX POOl, PERU.
reasonable agreement with the field data. The differences ob-
served are in part due to the fact that the exploitation veloci-
ties were somewhat lower than the average assumed in the
calculations for the first eight years of the gas injection pro-
gram, and somewhat higher for the next four years. The cal- the calculation time for the above example was about a man-
culated gas/oil ratios differ more widely from the field data. day; this time is contrasted with an estimated man-week if
It has been observed, in general, that the flowing gas/oil the conventional integration technique is used.
ratio i, a more sensitive function of the assumed conditions, It is unnecessary to plot a curve showing the saturatioll
sllch as gas velocity, permeability, or geometical complexities, distribution with distance in the reservoir (such as the f' vs S
than is the oil recovery. It may be of interest to mention that curve), since the average gas saturation suffices to determine
k Oi 1 CI~
), t=
1,540 ft
5 av -5, Actual
x 88.6
h Hkoli Actual
Outlet ka k Oi I (foid, = 116.8 ft/yr = fOi I QI 5av = Field x 5.61 Field
52 (Fig. 4) c+h (Fig. 4) c+h (3)+(5) Qi XQi = (6) --7-- (7) (J) + (9) Data +400 Data
the latter must be calculated by a process which uses the
O.80'!---"!i!-o_--'2:;:.o_---;':3o'----!!=4o'----::;5o~~60~_..:;70~_'1.0"----'.r_0_..:.;100;::--'-1"0 formation volume factors in a precisely inverse manner to that
described above.
07 A calculation made as outlined above for the case including
a period of primary production with pressure decline will be
subject to some error, for the reason that the distribution of
(\lpper Q i Scale)
gas in the reservoir arising from dissolved gas drive will not
be identical with the distribution caused by gas injection at
constant pressure. The accuracy to be expected from this type
of calculation has, however, been tested for the case just dis-
cussed. The test consisted of a comparison between results
obtained by the method described in this paper and by a much
more comprehensive treatment in which most of the simpli-
fying assumptions with regard to reservoir linearity. constancy
of pressure, etc., were removed. The latter exhaustive compu-
tation gave a result for oil recovery after 30 years' gas cycling
of 31.5 per cent; the former simple treatment, 29.8 per cent.
The reasonably good agreement between these two figures
suggests that the accuracy obtainable by the approximate
method will be satisfactory for engineering purposes, particu-
FIG. 7 - RESULTS OF A GAS DRIVE EXPERIMENT ON A CORE OF larly if gas throughputs in excess of about one pore volume
The work described in this paper represents part of a con-
tinuing program relating to mathematical and physical aids
for carrying out pool studies and the associated reservoir
engineering. The method of calculation described above has
been used by a number of reservoir engineers in a semi-routine
the recovery, while the terminal saturation near the outflow manner and has given results upon which economic evaluatio:.s
face (the independent variable first assumed in column I) have been based.
fixes f, and hence the flowing gas/oil ratio at any desired time
during the exploitation. It will also be noted that the maximum
value of S for which relative permeabilities are needed is the
value (column I) corresponding to the greatest exploitation
time (column 8) in which one is interested. CALCULATION OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY
It is realized that the geometric and other approximations
required in the illustrative example used are more severe than The above relations are also useful when it is desired to
they would be in many other cases. Frequently the field geom- make a calculation of relative permeability ratio from labora-
etry and the disposition of the wells are more amenable to tory displacement data. The information required consists of
simulation by a linear reservoir. (I) cumulative gas injection volumes at average core pressure
and (2) the corresponding average gas saturations in the core.
If the core is initially completely liquid-saturated, the average
gas saturation at any time will be equal to the cumulative
liquid discharged, expressed in pore volumes. For purpose
of illustration, a typical set of such data is shown plotted in
Fig. 6. The data were obtained by displacing n·decane from a
core of Bartlesville sandstone by nitrogen gas, using a pres·
sure drop sufficiently high so that the end effect, or abnormal
capillary retention of liquid near the downstream core face,
was restricted to negligible importance in comparison with .J
the total amount of liquid in the core.
A typical calculation of liquid-gas relative permeability ratio "-I- 10.0
from the data in Fig. 7 and using the relations developed pre-
viously, is given in Table II. Here columns (1) and (2) rep-
resent the starting experimental data plotted in Fig. 7. The
loss of oil with reference to total input (or outflow) will be
equal to IOil and is given by the slope of the curve in Fig. 7;
it is entered in column (3). The k,,/ko;] ratio obtained is
shown plotted in Fig. 8.
If independent information on one or the other relative
permeability, kG or k0110 is available, the other may obviously
be obtained from the ratio. For example, it has been previ-
ously shown 5 that kOll may be estimated by computation from
the nature of the capillary pressure vs saturation curve'" ob-
tained on a porous material. The separate relative permeabili-
ties may thus be measured, if desired, through the use of two
relatively inexpensive and routine laboratory procedures: (1) 0.10 L.----..J.
a simple gas-oil displacement experiment, and (2) a capillary I0:------------.-:l3i:-0-----------f::------------::!.7'="'0
pressure experiment.'