Algal Bioethanol Production Technology A
Algal Bioethanol Production Technology A
Algal Bioethanol Production Technology A
Keywords: Fuel security, economics and climate change issues are creating a requirement for alternative renewable fuels.
Bioethanol Bioethanol produced by algal biomass is becoming increasingly popular all over the world due to the
Biofuel sustainability of feed stock and environmentally friendly nature. This review paper describes the bioethanol
Algae production technology from algae using various cultivation, harvesting, extraction and commercialization
techniques and its environmental perspectives. The economic sustainability of algae-derived bioethanol biofuel
depends on the cost of production that could be minimized by producing valuable secondary by-products, which
is the aim of current algal biofuel research. Future technologies with sufficient potential for maximum extraction
capacity and minimal downstream processing using low cost feedstock will address the cost-effectiveness of
renewable bioethanol biofuel.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Khalid).
Received 25 November 2015; Received in revised form 13 December 2016; Accepted 26 December 2016
Available online 30 December 2016
1364-0321/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Bibi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
Fig. 1. Different cultivation systems for algal cultivation A) Open ponds B) Tubular PBRs C) Flat PBRs D) Biofilm based PBRs E) Fermentor cultivation F) algal biomass cultivation
using waste water.
such as corn, soybeans, wheat, barley and sugar cane [14]. So there are 2. Feedstock for bioethanol production
many conflicts and debates about their sustainability [15]. To alleviate
these problems, algae are gaining more attention as an alternative Readily available and cheap raw materials are crucial to the
renewable source of biomass for the production of bioethanol [16]. The economy of ethanol production and the viability of fermentation
idea of using algae as a raw material for energy production dates back technology. Currently, extensive research is being carried out on the
to the late 1950s, but now it is taken seriously [17]. Algae are huge various processes that can be used to produce ethanol from hetero-
group consisting of many thousands of different species that endure the geneous raw materials [24,25]. Terrestrial plants are used as a
option of wanted species according to the working environment. They plausible substitute to produce bioethanol and have gained attention
are found mainly in freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecologies. Most all over the world. Yet owing to competition between food and fuel and
algae species do not primarily require fresh water and can also grow land use, the use of plants for biofuel has become controversial and has
under extreme conditions, such as warm or cold deserts, brackish raised disputes over its sustainability [26,27]. In addition, the plant-
habitats, acid waters having large quantities of heavy metals, sea deep based-lignocellulosic raw material is a defiant that requires intensive
waters and hydrothermal outlets [18–22]. Certain green algae like labor and a high capital cost for processing [28]. Competitive supply of
Trentepohliales are completely land-dwelling and never found in feedstock to a commercial plant is a difficult task, as is improving the
marine surroundings [23]. This implies that algae had the ability to performance of the conversion process to reduce costs [29]. Therefore,
grow in a diverse environment. Therefore, the use of algae as a these procedures are currently not economically feasible. As a renew-
renewable energy source for biofuel production will ensure self- able alternative for the production of bioethanol, algae have reached
sufficiency and energy security. This review will increase understanding greater consideration which is recognized as third-generation biofuels
on state-of-art current algal biomass technologies for bioethanol [30].
production and how these green technologies would address issues of
environmental and energy sustainability in the future.
3. Algae as a feedstock for bioethanol production
R. Bibi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
for biofuel production and also address sustainability issues that are cultures of algae can be observed for long period of time in a year
primarily associated with food production from both crop and resource because there is neither winter nor cold seasons.
allocation [31,32]. Biomass production of algae is 5–10-times greater
than for land-based plants due to more photosynthetic efficiencies [33]. 3.1.3. Photo bioreactor systems (PBRs)
The algae do not contain lignin, which is a physical obstacle to Many efforts have been carried out to make less expensive photo
enzymatic hydrolysis and cannot be removed by pretreatment. This bioreactors for the cultivation of algae for bioethanol production. There
character of algae is beneficial in the pretreatment and enzymatic are three major types of photo bioreactors (PBRs), such as closed photo
hydrolysis of the ethanol production process [34]. In an artificial bioreactors, tubular photo bioreactors and flat-plate photo bioreactors.
environment, microalgae are intensively cultivated either in open pond Closed photo bioreactors can be plates, tubes, or bags that are made of
or in closed tubes called photobioreactors (Fig. 1). They are also grown glass, plastics, or other clear materials, in which the algae are grown
in nutrient and CO2 rich growth medium. The biomass of cultivated with nutrients, light, and carbon dioxide [47]. The closed photo
algae is processed in the same way as other lipid-based feed stocks to bioreactor could be a technology that removes some of the main issues
produce biofuel. Carbohydrates in the cells can also be fermented to related with the open pond production systems. However, currently
produce bioethanol. about 100 tons per year, which is 10% of microalgal biomass, is derived
from closed photobioreactors, while the major fraction is cultivated in
3.1. Cultivation of algae open ponds [48]. One major advantage of closed reactors is the higher
yield compared with open systems [49]. It minimizes the chances of
Algal cultivation using man-made and natural open-ponds is simple external pollution and contamination threats [50]. These systems are
and cost effective. Both laboratory and open pond systems are adopted more appropriate for classified algal strains as the closed shape makes
for cultivation of algal biomass. Different cultivation and harvesting control of probable pollution easier. The more cell mass yield reduces
methods used previously for algal bioethanol productions are summar- the cutting costs considerably. Only a few of these bioreactors can be
ized in Table 1. practically used for large cultivation of algae because of high equipment
and substrate cost [44]). Although, contamination issue is lesser than
3.1.1. Laboratory cultivation open ponds but complete control has not been observed.
Early research on bioethanol production from algae shows that they Tubular photo bioreactor is one of the most desirable types for
can be cultivated under laboratory using different growth media and outdoor algal mass cultures as they expose large surface area to the sun
controlled conditions [35–39]. Algae are generally grown in beakers, radiations [51]. Mostly outdoor tubular photo bioreactors are made of
plastic pots and tubs. Various factors including artificial light duration glass or plastic tube and equipped with airlift system or air-pump. The
and intensity, aeration, carbon dioxide concentration, temperature, pH mixing and aeration of the cultures in such bioreactors is done by airlift
of the growth medium and nutrient supply affect the algal biomass systems or air-pump for higher productivity of the system. These
production under laboratory conditions. These factors are controlled to bioreactors can be in the form of, perpendicular, conical and inclined
ensure optimal biomass production. For instance, in a study it was photo bioreactor [50,52–54]. They are relatively cheap and have good
observed that variation in temperature and pH affected the bioethanol biomass productivities [51]. The main limitation of tubular photo
production, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFST-072011 produced the bioreactors is poor mass transfer, and the temperature control of algal
highest yield of ethanol at pH between 5.0 and 6.0 at 30 °C [40]. Both culture. Moreover, long photo bioreactors may face a problem of
artificial synthetic nutrient medium and low cost sources of nutrients gradients of pH, dissolved oxygen and CO2 along the tubes [55].
are supplied to growing algae for higher growth and biomass produc- Increase in pH of the cultures also leads to common re-carbonation of
tion. For nutrients, NPK salts or household wastewater, textile waste- the cultures. Some degree of wall growth has also been observed in
water, food industry wastewater and municipal wastewater can be used tubular photo bioreactors.
because such waters are a rich source of nutrients. Flat-plate photo bioreactors are composed of transparent flat plates
for maximum solar energy capture, and a very thin layer of dense algal
3.1.2. Open ponds culture flows across the plate [56,57]. This arrangement allows solar
Algal cultivation in open ponds either natural (lakes, lagoons, radiation absorbance in the first few millimeters thickness and better
ponds) or artificial for bioethanol production has been widely investi- photosynthetic rate is achieved [58]. Such photobioreactors are sui-
gated and is the most common system of algae cultivation worldwide table for outdoor mass cultures of algae with high biomass productiv-
[41,42]. In recent years, many companies are focusing on this growth ities due to low accumulation of dissolved oxygen, easy to sterilize,
model for biofuel production. Open pond systems use shallow (typically density of photoautotrophic cells ( > 80 g L−1) and the high photosyn-
one-foot deep) ponds, from about one acre to several acres in size, in thetic efficiency achieved compared to tubular versions. The problems
which algae are exposed to natural solar radiation. The most used open with this system include difficult temperature control, some degree of
pond systems include tanks, shallow big ponds, circular ponds and wall growth and small degree of hydrodynamic stress. Fouling has also
raceway ponds [43]. These are mostly made up of a closed loop oval been noticed [51].
shaped recirculation channels, generally between 0.2 and 0.5 m deep,
with blending and spreading which is needed to stabilize algae growth 3.1.4. Biofilm based systems (BBSs)
and productivity. The open pond cultures are economically more Algal biofilms can play a main role in minimizing the main
favorable, but raise the issues of land use cost, water availability, low limitations of other systems to produce and harvest of algae. The
productivity and appropriate climatic conditions. wastewater generating industries have already been using this biofilm
According to a study, issues related to scale-up algal biomass based system for wastewater treatment [59]. If enough surface area is
technology are low cell density and high condensation cost [44]. provided, algal biofilm growth can be much more effective and more
Further, there is a problem of contamination by fungi, bacteria and biomass can be obtainted. An ascendible algal biofilm system can be
protozoa and competition by other microalgae [45,46]. Moreover, incorporated into the treatment process, thereby gaining the double
ineffective agitating mechanisms and light limitations are key problems advantages of cheap nutrient supply and treated water. Algal biofilms
in this system. In spite of the fact that in developed countries attached to surface can give the same more culture density and lesser
commercial cultivation of algae is done, there are weather changes in land and water needs of matrix-immobilized cultures [61] without the
temperatures and sun light energy throughout the year in most of the related costs of the matrix [60]. An algal biofilm system can better
regions. Therefore, it is hard to accomplish outdoor mass cultivation of incorporate production, cutting and dewatering operations, probably
algae year around. However, in tropical developing countries, open following a more streamlined process with decreased downstream
Table 1
Cultivation and harvesting technologies for algal bioethanol biofuel production.
R. Bibi et al.
Lab cultivation using modified NORO medium amended with 1 M NaCl Dunaliella sp. Increased [35]
lipid contents
71 (% dry cell
Photobioreactor with cylindrical glass (30 cm length, 7 cm diameter) white fluorescent lights. With varying CO2 sparging conditions Nannochloropsis Increased [120]
oculata NCTU−3 lipid 50 (%
dry cell
Bioreactor (3.5 L working vlolume) with culture medium BG11 under continuous illumination at an incident irradiance level of 550 µE m−2s−1 and a controlled pH of 6 under carbon Chlorella Increased [39]
dioxide supplemented conditions zofingiensis lipid contents
55 (% dry cell
Cylindrical glass photobioreactor (30 cm length, 8 cm diameter, light intensity of 70 μmol m−2 s−1) with 1 L of working volume at 26 ± 1 °C was used under nitrogen starvation and Nannochloropsis Increased [121]
high light intensity sp. lipid contents
60 (% dry cell
Raceway open ponds each having a capacity of 2000-L was used for algal cultivation in seawater as growth medium, which contained 32 g L−1 salinity, 0.07 g L−1 NaNO3, 0.005 g L−1 Nannochloropsis Increased [48]
NaH2PO4 and traces of FeCl3 sp. lipid contents
52 (% dry cell
Algal cultivation was done using paddle wheel-driven open raceway ponds and in a tubular closed photobioreactor (Biocoil) at a salinity of 7% NaCl (w/v) Tetraselmis sp. Increased [122]
MUR−233 lipid contents
55 (% dry cell
Open solar salt pans using sea water at a temperature of 45 ± 3 °C A saline tolerant improved the [123]
isolate Chlorella energy output
variabilis to input ratio
the energy
input of
33.12 MJ/kg
affecting its
lipid profile
Small scale vertical flat-plate photobioreactor (PBR) supplemented with municipal wastewater Chlorella vulgaris Showed [124]
and Scenedesmus optimal
obliquus specific
growth rates
(lopt) of 1.39
and 1.41
and the TN
and TP were
removed ( >
99%) from the
within 8 days.
Harvesting methods/Conditions Harvesting efficiency
Dissolved air flotation Chlorella and 83.7% [125]
Electro-coagulation Chlorella vulgaris 95 [126]
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
R. Bibi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
for growth of microalgae [62]. Microbes colonizing a surface then
release extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) consisted of polysac-
3.1.5. Algal cultivation using wastewater
Chlorella vulgaris
Chlorella vulgaris
Chlorella vulgaris
algae for better growth. The nutrient supply has been considered one of
and Scenedesmus
3.2.1. Flocculation
Flocculation is the major phase in bulk harvesting of algae that
adheres the algal cells to obtain actual particle size. It is a preliminary
step followed by other harvesting techniques like flotation, filtration or
Magnetically induced membrane vibration (MMV) system
R. Bibi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
Fig. 2. Flow chart showing various steps for production of biofuel from algae.
Table 2
International business and commercial production of bioethanol.
Lanza Tech 2008 Roselle, IL, USA $150 million 100,000 gallons of bioethanol
Algenol 2006 Florida USA $195 M 8000 gallons per acre per year
Sapphire Energy, Inc 2007 California, US Greaterthan $100 million 100,000 gallons/year of fuel-grade ethanol
Joule Unlimited 2007 Bedford, Massachuses, US $110million−$70million
BFS Biopetroleo 2006 Alicante, Spain approx.50 M€ 42 U.S. gallons
Aurora Algae, Pty 2006 Hayward, California, US 2MA$ 90 million gallons
BioFields 2006 Mexico City, Mexico 850 million dollars 946 million litres
Solazyme, Inc 2003 South San Francisco, USA More than $160 million 100 million gallons
Aquatic Energy LLC 2007 Lake Charles, LA, USA $32 million 1.5 Million gallon
Abengoa 1941 Seville, SEV, Spain 92 M€, 782 Million gallons
POET LLC 1986 Sioux Falls, SD, USA $8 million 1.7 billion gallons
tages, together with ecological compatible, adaptability, effectiveness to Electrolytic flocculation, electro-coagulation-flocculation and ultra-
use energy, security, choosiness and cheap [70]. The results of a batch sonic flocculation have been shown to flocculate algae, but there are
system to remove algae electrolytically showed that by increasing the disadvantages with each method and yet have not been used on a
electric power, the amount of chlorophyll removal is amplified and the commercial scale.
electrolysis time is reduced [71].
Electrocoagulation mechanisms implicate three succeeding phases: 3.2.4. Flotation
(1) to generate coagulants by electrolytic oxidation of the sacrificial The flotation methods are centered on the tricking of algal cells by
electrode, (2) to disrupt particulate suspension and violate suspension, detached micro air bubbles and do not need to add any chemicals [66].
and (3) accumulation of the disrupted segments to form flocs. In a Some algal strains glide at the surface of the water as algal lipid content
study the elimination of microalgae from industrial waste water by increases [75], and flotation could be encouraged by adding air bubbles
constant stream electrocoagulation was observed [72]. Electrolytic [76]. The flotation procedures are categorized conferring to the system
flocculation does not need the use of sacrificial electrodes. of bubble making: electrolytic flotation dissolved air flotation and
Electrolytic flocculation mechanism is built on the mobility of algae dispersed air flotation [77].
to the anode in order to deactivate the supported charge and then form Dissolved air flotation is a method in which small bubbles are
masses [73]. produced, with a mean size of 40 µm and fluctuating from 10 to
100 µm [78]. Dissolved air flotation is authentic to harvest algae
3.2.3. Ultrasound grown-up on pig slurry, but a great dose of alum (0.3 g l−1) is
Ultrasound also has very strong impact on flocculation of algae but prerequisite. Dissolved air flotation is an effective flotation choice,
application aspects are lesser than other approaches with extreme but is energy exhaustive as the high pressure is mandatory [79].
growth in concentration of twenty times the food quantities [73]. Electro-flotation is effective at a bench scale on a range of algae, but is
Moderate and acoustic clumps are also used to cultivate algal biomass. not the greatest choice to recover micro algae at larger scale [65]. It
The key benefits of ultrasonic harvesting are that this could be worked could be more valuable in salt rather than fresh water [80], but there is
endlessly without making shear tension on the biomass, which can slight self-sufficient published material on energy use.
abolish possibly valued metabolites and is a non-offensive practice Micro-bubble production by fluidic swinging is a technique to
[73]. Efficacious uses in the health area [74] offers base for more generate minor bubbles by means of smaller amount of energy than
studies on possible bids in algal biomass harvesting. customary means, established at University of Sheffield [81]. Micro-
R. Bibi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
bubbles created by fluidic alternation are revealed to be operative to is drained and reduced to fluid form that is used as a supplement or
recover algal biomass from growing medium [79]. Significantly further substitute for petrol in cars [45]. A step-wise flow chart of the biodiesel
inquiry is essential; to start an energy-efficient extensive fluidic production from the algal biomass has been presented in Fig. 2.
oscillation micro-bubble method for micro-algae harvesting is practic- There are different methods for extraction of biofuels from the algae
able. Flotation can be highly investee and operative charges and great based biomass. One of the possible ways for extraction of algae based
energy usage, particularly if size of bubbles is small for need and there biofuels is the supercritical water extraction from the wet biomass of
is little evidence of the technical or economic feasibility of flotation algae [87,88]. Such extraction is even suitable for algae having 80%
[51]. moisture content and may result into removal of extensive dewatering
and drying requirements [88]. Sometimes, the extraction has also been
3.2.5. Filtration reported to be done using organic solvent such as hexane [89].
Extensive variety of filter strategies is in use like membrane filters
are only categorized by the aperture or sheath size; micro-filtration 5. Commercialization and profitability constraints
0.1–10 µm, macro filtration 10 µm, reverse osmosis 0.001 µm and
ultrafiltration 0.02–0.2. The force to push liquid from side to side of a The global market for algal bioethanol is poised for explosive
membrane so the operative vigor necessary mostly rises with dropping growth in the next decade. The use of algal biomass for biofuel
membrane aperture size [51]. To recover smaller cells of algae production is attracting an increased interest as well as investment
( < 30 mm), membrane microfiltration and ultra-filtration (a type of from the biofuels, petroleum, and agribusiness industries. It has been
membrane filtration that uses hydrostatic force) are precisely feasible noted that world leading biofuel producing countries including US and
substitutes for conformist separation, but is not mostly used for Europe cannot grow enough corn, soy, or rapeseed to meet their
microalgae [82]. It fits best for delicate algal cells that need little biofuels targets (Table 2). However, they have the potential to produce
trans-membrane force and little cross-flow speed settings [83]. Costs to algal biomass for biofuel production on sustainable basis. So, a long-
operate and maintain are very high [82]. To process small broth sizes term demand for biofuels in the US, EU and Asia will create new
( < 2 m3 per day), membrane filtration is most economical and opportunities for algae and other non food- feedstocks to meet
operative when compared to flotation. Due to the cost to replace ambitious targets for bioethanol.
membrane and propelling on large scale ( > 20 m3 per day), other In order to be commercialized on a greater extent, a number of
harvesting techniques are more profitable [65]. barriers in production of algae based fuels must be overcome. For
example, one of the major barriers to commercialization of algal
4. Bioethanol production from algal biomass bioethanol is the huge capital cost of facilities. This huge capital cost
is necessary not only to maximize the productivity but also to minimize
The harvested algal biomass is processed for the production of the susceptibility of microalgae to contaminations. Similarly, some
bioethanol using dehydration and extraction procedures which are other characteristics such as high lipid content, minimum susceptibility
described below. to contamination and tolerance to fluctuations in temperature as well
as salinity are also desired for productive and cost-effective use of
4.1. Dehydration of algal biomass microalgae for efficient biofuel production.
Algal bioethanol also have several other constraints in its economic
The harvested algae have almost 90% water content. Therefore, commercialization to public market. One of such constraints is the cost
drying algae to 50% water content is essential for production of a solid of production which subsequently depicts the biofuel price. Capital
material which can be handled easily. In this regard, the harvested costs for photobioreactors are much higher than for open ponds
untreated biomass of algae (usually 5–15% dry dense mass) is quickly systems. However, photobioreactors may be relocated, minimizing
passed through a suitable dehydration procedure to lessen the amount the risk of this capital expense. In open pond systems, liners have a
of water before extraction of oil. Often dehydration is done by using a large impact on costs with estimates ranging from 24–75% of capital
suitable drying method. Different types of drying approaches which are expenses [90–92]. To minimize the costs of processing, the capacity of
used to dry the algal biomass consist of low-pressure shelf drying (sun capital equipment should be designed so that it is not idle for long
drying, sprig drying, freeze drying and fluidized bed drying [83–85]). periods [93]. Freshwater, CO2 and nutrient source also influence the
Different types of drying methods have their own advantages and profitability as they can account for up to 30% of production costs for
drawbacks. For example, sun drying of the algal biomass might serve as algal biofuels [44,94,95]. Costs of nutrient inputs can be reduced by
an inexpensive desiccation way; however, it has the major drawbacks using CO2 enriched waste streams from nearby industry or power
including elongated drying times, large drying area requirements and plants which contain an ample quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus.
the loss of material [86]. Sprig drying is normally required to extract So, use of waste water as a nutrient source may decrease costs of algal
great worth products, but it is quite costly and causes substantial biofuel which is the subject of feasibility analysis [96]. Furthermore,
decline in pigments of algae [84]. Similarly, freeze drying might also be waste water treatment credits might be redeemed if waste water are
an efficient way of dehydration because it facilities abstraction of oils. used, potentially leading up to 20% energy saving from other sources
However, it is also overpriced and difficult to be applied to operate on a [97].
large scale. For maximizing profitability, efficiency in algal biofuel supply chain
is very important. According to a study, doubling the biomass
4.2. Extraction of bioethanol productivity could reduce the cost to produce algal biofuel by 26–
32% or 40–42%, respectively [98,99]. The strain selection also
Normally fermentation is employed to produce bioethanol from influences profitability with different productivities depending on lipid
algal biomass. Fermentation is used to convert the sugars, starch or contents and potential to produce co-products. Harvesting and extrac-
cellulose in biomass into ethanol [84]. For this purpose, the biomass is tion is one of the major part contributing the biofuel price [100]. Hydro
crushed and the starch is transformed to sugars that is then mixed with treating at a central conventional refinery would obviate the need for
yeast and water, and retained warm in large containers called hydro treater, hydrogen plant, and import of natural gas [101]. Off-take
fermenters [76]. Yeast break the sugar and transforms it to bioethanol agreements would also be expected to affect price and profitability of
[84]. A cleansing procedure called distillation is used to eliminate the algal bioethanol [102,103]. The production of bioethanol from a single
water and other filths in the thinned alcohol product (10–15% source can improve economics of algal biorefineries [104]. However,
ethanol). The concerted bioethanol (95% volume for one purification) most co-products of algae bioenergy are food and feed; thus, at
R. Bibi et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 976–985
commercial scale, market saturation could lead to reduced profitability. such as methyl tertiary butyl ether [119]. Development and use of
Moreover, subsidies and the price of carbon will help determine future biofuels as substitute to fossil fuels, still needs a further innovative
profitability of algal biofuels. One must conclude that even if the technical expansion to proliferate their practicability by increasing the
technical barriers can be overcome, the practical barriers such as energy equilibrium and decreasing the discharges and manufacture
location, land use, etc. will take many years to overcome and that this charge, are true substitutes that complete the biofuels forthcoming
will be an evolutionary commercialization, not revolutionary. scheme.
Environmental problems encounter human resourcefulness and
capability to project maintainable resolutions to defend the life of all 6. Conclusions
living organisms including human beings on earth. There are the
requirements to protect fresh water and farming lands for manufactur- Advanced industrialization and motorization of the world has led to
ing diet, to struggle the greenhouse effect and to produce energy from a gradual rise for energy demand and excessive use of fossil fuels lead
non-fossil sources [105,106]. Fossil hydrocarbons have become scarce to many environmental problems. Pulling up the present situation of
and pricey; procedures to change biomass to cheap liquid biofuels are the global warming and decline of fossil fuels, no doubt biofuels like
more and more striking. During the recent years, a substantial bioethanol are golden choice. Algal biomass as raw material for
development in production of biofuels at global level might serve as bioethanol production is a sustainable and eco-friendly source for
an initiative to overcome the ecological impacts due to fossil fuels. renewable biofuel production. Cultivation of algae in wastewater can
Production of biofuels from renewable supplies is extensively known to largely put up to the management of water ecosystems by offering a
be the most defensible substitutes of petroleum obtained fuels and cheap, environmentally sound or alternative to conventional energy
feasible resources for eco-friendly and economic sustainability [107]. intense wastewater treatment systems. For the development of sustain-
Renewable biofuels play a central part to deal with energy safety, able modern society, problems like energy crisis and environmental
eco-friendliness and the worldwide and nationwide issues of climate pollution is to be solved.
change [108]. To produce biofuel from algae is well-thought-out as a Commercial algal cultivation is a well build industry. Mostly
novel notion that can be assessed in relation to sustainability and cultivation methods which are used today are in use open air and
ecological preservation. The use of algae for biofuel production might relatively simple. On the other hand, over the last 50 years great
serve as a potential bioresource because algae have an ability of betterments have been made in our considerate of the biology of the
massive consumption of CO2 resulting into production of biomass. In algae and in the engineering needs of large-scale algae culture systems.
addition to reduction in CO2 level, such renewable biofuels have the This has led to the improvement of several types of closed photo
potential to offer energy facilities with zero or almost zero emissions of bioreactors which will facilitate the commercialization of new algae and
both air contaminants and greenhouse gases [109]. algal goods in the next decade. Because biofuels have environmental
Algal cells use nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous from a costs, policies promoting them need to include considerable guidance
diverse range of waste water sources (e.g. farming run-off, rigorous to encourage best practices in feedstock production and refining
animal food processes, and manufacturing and community waste- practices. Biofuels will only be beneficial if they are cultivated under
water), and hence, provide bearable bioremediation of these waste- sustainable, biodiversity-friendly practices. The future development of
water for ecological and financial assistances [110]. Growing algae for biofuels thus seems bright, but it will be important to develop and
biofuels on waste water preserves fresh water resources [111] resulting apply biofuels sustainability criteria as soon as possible and in a
into conservation of natural water resources, facilitative bioremedia- consistent way worldwide.
tion of wastewaters, reduction into emissions and contribution in
financial advantages as well as energy security.. Biofuels are ‘oxygenate’ Acknowledgment
so familiarize larger oxygen to petroleum blend, refining the efficacy of
ignition. Authors acknowledge financial support from Higher Education
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