MA Urdu, Islamic ST, Arabic, PGD & MSC Gender & Women ST
MA Urdu, Islamic ST, Arabic, PGD & MSC Gender & Women ST
MA Urdu, Islamic ST, Arabic, PGD & MSC Gender & Women ST
M.Sc. Gender and Women Studies
PGD Gender and Women Studies
MA Islamic Studies
MA Arabic
MA Urdu
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
Dear Student,
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the world and it
occupies a unique position in the education sector of Pakistan. Because of its affordability and
high quality distance and online academic programs. AIOU has now turned into the most
favorite university of the country with high international of repute. The university made a
landmark progress by ensuring access to quality education rural areas under-privileged
students for the people of all ages particularly the females can now select and join the
programs of their choice while sitting at their residence and along with continuing their jobs.
After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is now going to
offer a ranges programs for the students in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain,
Oman, USA and many other countries currently. More than 1.3 million students are getting
benefits from the high quality educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than fifty
regional offices of the university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and Post Graduate programs at rural and
remote areas providing an unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and deprived sections of the society at an affordable
cost. The university has recently digitalized all its student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis.
This digitization of the system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU students to get all kinds of educational using their
Learning Management system (LMS) portal support online.
Note: Contact concerned Regional office for exact schedule of activities. Continuing
Students are sent information for all activities by post. Simultaneously information is
placed on website (, students can download if not received by post.
It is to inform that the students of all Postgraduate programs are required to upload their assignments
(in typed form) on AAGHI LMS PORTAL from Spring 2020 Semester onward. Hand written
assignments shall not be accepted in any case.
All fresh and continue students can submit their admission forms using any one option of the following options:
i. Apply on hard form ((printed form)
ii. Apply using online admission system
Follow these instructions to apply:
1. Visit website:
2. Press link “Admission form for Fresh students”. (MSc Administrative Sciences)
3. After filling the admission form, print out your “Admission Form” and “Challan Form”.
4. Using printed challan form submit your fee in any branch of FWBL, ABL, MCB or UBL. You need to use only challan
form for submission of fee and follow instructions below to deliver your admission and fee submitted challan form to
university (How to deliver your admission form to University).
1. Visit website:
2. Press link “Admission/Enrollment Form for Continue students”;
3. Enter your “Roll Number” in Roll Number field.
4. Select courses and print challan form.
5. Using printed challan form submit your fee in any branch of FWBL, UBL, MCB or ABL. Keep save copy of your challan
form after submission of fee. You need not to send challan to the University but University can ask for copy of challan
form any time if required.
After submission of fee you need to deliver your admission form to university using following way:
1. Separate the address label attached with bottom of the first page of admission form.
2. Attach original copy of fee submitted challan (university copy) with your admission form.
3. Now pack this form in an envelope.
4. Now paste address label (already separated from form) on envelope.
5. Visit any nearest branch of Post Office and post it as registered parcel and get the receipt. (Keep the receipt safely).
Note: Keep in mind that you don’t have to pay any amount to Post Office to post your admission. University has paid your
postage charges to Post Office in advance.
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was The university has established study centres across the
established in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The country where distance education students are
Main Campus of the University is situated in Sector H-8, provided necessary guidance by their respective tutors.
Islamabad. It was the second open university of the The university has established full-time study centres
world and the first of its kind in Asia and Africa. The and is offering four years’ under-graduate degrees.
aim of establishing AIOU was to provide affordable and
accessible education through distance learning at the Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities
door-steps to those people who could not continue their during the academic year, the AIOU and its regional
education journey through formal system of education. centres actively participate in the co-curricular activities
The University (AIOU) operates on semester system and by arranging educational and literary seminars,
admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters. Under workshops and conferences at national and international
graduate admissions are offered in both the semesters level, attended not only by the students and faculties of
where-as postgraduates are offered once a year. The the university but also by the renowned dignitaries and
enrolled students are given course books specially scholars. For the science students and the research
prepared by the university on self-instructional scholars, a science complex has been built where they use
principles. However, at post graduate level reprints of the latest equipment of international standard for
foreign books alongwith allied material and university experiments and research. To meet the present day
prepared study guides help students to polish their skills. challenges, internet facility is also available in the student
hostels and the Central Library where computers have
At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from been provided to enable students to access latest
matric to PhD level in diverse disciplines comprised of information available through open source databases.
four faculties.
FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND from all over the country, enroll, each year, in these bachelor’s
level programmes.
The Faculty has expanded vitally and its programmes have gained
First established in 1981 with five departments, the Faculty of Social a high popularity as is clear from rapidly rising trend of enrolment
Sciences and Humanities has, over the years, flourished to become, during the past decade. During the period under report, the Faculty
by far, the largest Faculty of the University. It, today, consists of 14 accorded high priority towards quality improvements and to
departments offering masters programmes in major areas of Social modify its programmes in accordance with the current challenges
Sciences and Humanities like, Business Administration, Economics, of 21st century.
Mass Communication, Sociology, Urdu, Library & Information
Sciences, History, Pakistan Studies and Teaching of English as a The Faculty proposed to launch Post-Graduate programmes in the
foreign Language (TEFL). Additionally, efforts are afoot to plan and disciplines of Political Science and International Relations,
launch post-graduate programmes in Pakistani Languages and Law. Psychology, Public Administration and Social Work.
The Commonwealth-collaborated master’s programmes in the areas
of Business and Public Administration, which are specially tailored
for the modern day busy executives, were launched in Spring 2002 DEPARTMENT OF
In tune with the government’s policy of promoting and Introduction:
strengthening a culture of higher education and research in the The Department of Gender and Women Studies was established in
country, the AIOU’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities 1997. The interdisciplinary programme acts as a catalyst to
has shown a lot of dynamism over the past few years. It has highlight women’s role in all aspects of life in the national
launched MPhil/PhD programmes in Iqbaliat, Urdu and Mass development. The aim of the programme is to encourage women’s
Communication and History while preparations are being made to role in the academic disciplines that have been historically male
launch MPhil Business Administration, Applied Linguistics. dominated. Gender and Women Studies expands definition and
perception of gender, which is a social construction of male and
The Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities also offers several female roles in the society. The discipline encourages critical
bachelors’ level programmes in such professional areas like analysis of the interplay of gender, class, and race in society.
Bachelors in Library & Information Sciences (BLIS), BS-Business
Administration, BS-Commerce and Mass communication. Tens of Furthermore, it offers the holistic approach to knowledge by
thousands of students comprising all demographic groups and, infusing it with a new perspective to shape a better future for all
the people. Thus the courses are designed to encourage further MSc Gender and Women Studies
research and analysis on women’s status in Pakistani society.
Programme Code: 2 1 0 1
The specialization in this subject is equally in demand, in public and This is two years’ programme (four semesters). Upon completion
private sector. It will prove beneficial in many careers, especially in- of 60 credit hours, the students will be awarded the MSc degree.
service people such as, journalists, educationists, community workers,
administrators and human resource managers etc. Successful completers of Post Graduate Diploma in Gender and
Women Studies can also continue their studies leading to MSc (by
Objectives: taking course offered in the third and fourth semester).
Introduction to Gender and Women Studies as an academic
discipline through distance learning system. Basic Eligibility Criteria for Admission
Development of courses and programmes in the discipline of A candidate having BA/BSc degree in second division from a
Gender and Women Studies. recognized university is eligible for admission in PGD and MSc.
Conducting researches, which are related to contemporary
The eligible candidate is required to attach attested photocopies of
gender issues.
Creating awareness and sensitization of gender issues at certificates/degrees and mark sheet with the admission form
community level through seminars/conferences and workshops. alongwith the requisite fee and submit it in any bank branch of
ABL, FWBL or MCB as per prescribed procedure of the
Programmes Offered: university.
The Department of Gender and Women Studies offers two
academic programmes: Note: Admission can also be applied online. For details see
PGD Gender and Women Studies
Programme Code: 2 1 0 2 Medium of Instruction
Medium of instruction and examination is preferably English but
This is one year programme (minimum two semesters). Those Urdu is also acceptable
students who would successfully complete 30 credit hours of the
courses will be awarded Post Graduate Diploma in Gender and
Women Studies.
Scheme of Studies 4 Pakistani Perspectives of Gender
4654 3
1st Semester: 5 Sociological Theory – II 4687 3
6 Changing Role of Urban Women 876 3
Sr# Course Code CrHrs
Total Credit: 18
1 Psychology of Gender 4641 3
4th Semester:
2 Lifespan Development of Women: Sr# Course Code CrHrs
4642 3
A Psychosocial Context 1 Women & Media 874 3
3 Pakistani Khawateen Ka Sheiri Adab 2 Women & Health 877 3
4643 3
Main Kirdar 3 Women & Environment 878 3
4 Pakistani Khawateen Ka Nasri Adab 4 Perspectives of Women Rights in Islam 880 3
4644 3
Mein Kirdar
Total Credit: 12 Thesis 900 12
2 Semester:
Sr# Course Code CrHrs Assessment System
1 Research Methods in Gender Studies 4645 3 Under Continuous Assessment (Assignments) system, the students
2 Applied Statistics in Gender Studies 4646 3 have to submit two assignments for each 3-credit hours course.
Feminist Debates on Gender Final examination will be at the end of the semester for each
3 4647 3
Inequalities course. Viva Voce is required after the completion of Thesis/
4 Feminism in Islam 4648 3 Research Work. The summary of assessment system is given
Sociology of Gender Issues: below:
5 4685 3
Theoretical Background
6 Sociological Theory – I 4682 3 Total Passing
Assessment Component Weightage
Total Credit: 18 Marks Marks
Assignment – 1 100 40
3rd Semester: Assignment – 2 100 40
Sr# Course Code CrHrs Final examination 100 40 70%
1 Gender & Development 4651 3
Aggregate Marks 100
2 Women & Development 4652 3
Aggregate Passing Marks 40
3 Perspectives of Gender Studies 4653 3
Assistant Professor / Incharge
Note: Once in a semester, one to two weeks workshop is a Phone: 051-9250079, 051-9057856
compulsory component. The students are required to attend it in
Islamabad or in selected regions through video conferencing. 2. Mrs. Maria Mustafa
However, the lodging is not the responsibility of the university. Assistant Professor
Phone: 051-9057248
Fee Tariff:
3. Mrs. Aqleem Fatima
Registration Fee:
(once at the time of 1st admission in University) Rs.200/-
Phone: 051-9057842
Admission Fee:
(once at the time of admission in Programme) Rs.700/-
4. Ms. Mahreen Qaisar
Technology Fee: Rs.135/- Lecturer
Per 3 Credit Hours course fee: Rs.2090 × 4 = Rs.8360/- Phone: 051-9057247
Total fee for 1st Semester Rs.9395/-
1. Staff
Phone: 051-9057848
GENERAL INFORMATION viii. Study material shall be mailed to the students at their
given addresses.
i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to ix. After receipt of the study package, students are usually
any other recognized Board/University. intimated about the part time tutors for each course for
tutorial guidance within fifteen days. If you do not get
ii. A candidate is required to send complete admission information about tutors, you are required to send your
form along with attested copies of all educational and assignment by registered post to the concerned Regional
experience certificates to Department as mentioned in Director, Assistant Regional Director without delay; you
the prospectus before or on the closing date. are also required to retain a photocopy of all your
iii. If an applicant of post-graduate/research level
programme does not receive any information x. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed
regarding admission within three months from from time to time by the authorities, bodies of the
submission of application, he/she should presume university will be effective as deemed necessary. The
non-selected. student will have to abide by all such rules and
regulations from the date of their implementation.
iv. A course taken by any student cannot be change during
the semester. However, in real hardship cases, the xi. A student who fails in continuous assessment
change in courses will be allowed within fifteen days component is not eligible to reappear but will be
after receipt of books and deposit of prescribed fee. allowed to re-register for the same course at its next
offering semester by the university.
v. The address of a student will not be changed during
the semester. xii. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in touch
with the department regarding the selected programme.
vi. Fee cannot be refunded once paid for admission nor
can it be adjusted for any other programme. xiii. A student already admitted to a programme or a
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to
vii. On payment of the registration fee, each student will transfer or to get admission to another programme
be issued a registration number. This number must be unless he/she formally postpones it till the completion
quoted in all the future correspondence along with the of the new programme or withdraws from the
roll number, course(s), code numbers and semester. previous programme.
xiv. After completion of a programme successfully, a name on the Matric certificate of the student will be
student has to apply to Controller of Examinations for considered as correct name. The Examination
issuance of certificate/degree. Department shall also issue certificate/ degree on the
said name.
xv. The university reserves the right to change the
contents of this prospectus without any prior notice as xxi. In case provision of forged documents for admission,
per university policy. not only the admission will be refused to the applicant
xvi. The student must inform the Admission Department but the fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited.
in writing within the period of 15 days after receipt of The university may proceed further in the matter.
study material parcel, if found any wrong/short of
material/ books which is not according to the PROCEDURE FOR DEPOSITING FEE
admission form/ check list or mistake in name and Eligible candidates for (Open Merit Programmes) are
address. No request for any change will be entertained required to deposit fee in any branch of the following banks:
after the stipulated period. (1) Allied Bank Limited (ABL)
(2) First Women Bank (FWB)
xvii. Check the books and tally with the course codes (3) Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
mentioned on the address label pasted on the (4) United Bank Limited (UBL)
registered packet. If there is any discrepancy, write
immediately to Admission Department for Admission Form (Original) to be sent to Directorate of
correction/supply of requisite books. Admissions and Mailing through Post Office or any other
courier service.
xviii. Admission forms incomplete in any respect will not
be entertained and will be returned after close of Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person
semester to the students indicating the deficiency in or private institute to collect payment/forms. All the
clear terms with advise to request for refund of fee. students are instructed to deposit fee by themselves in
designated bank branches. In case of any discrepancy in
xix. Admission form received without prescribed fee less fee admission fee/admission form the University will not be
or fee deposited after due date will not be considered. responsible and the student will have to face the
xx. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/
Father’s name of the student or difference in name
mentioned in his/her other educational certificates, the
REGULATIONS FOR REFUND OF v) The amount deposited by the candidates/ student in
ADMISSION FEE excess (more than the prescribed fee) will be refunded/
Admission fee once deposited by the candidates/ students adjusted within a year.
in the university account will neither be refunded nor
converted/adjusted as a matter of right. However, fee vi) Cases of refund of admission fee will be processed after
paid by the candidates/students will be settled in the finalization/ completion of admission of the semester
following cases: and only on the production of original Bank
i) The candidates/ students who deposit the fee for a Challan/Receipt No. 3 & 4.
programme and later on change their mind to apply in
another programme and communicate their decision in vii) If candidates/ students deceive the university and get
black and white to the admission section before dispatch admission in two different programmes simultaneously
of study material in such cases, fee will be refunded to in a semester admission will be cancelled in both the
them after deduction of 10% of the total amount deposited. programmes and the fee deposited for both the
programmes will be forfeited.
ii) The candidates/ students who discontinue the
programme/ courses(s) after dispatch of books, neither IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS
their admission will be cancelled nor fee will be
refunded to them. Telephone
Sr.# Name
iii) The candidates/ students who are not allowed admission
1. Director Admissions 051-9250043
to a programme offered by the university due to less 051-9250162
enrolment/ non formation of viable group/ non offering (Fax)
of courses, full fee will be refunded to them. 2. Assistant Registrar (Mailing) 051-9250185
iv) The candidates/ students who know that they are 3. Controller of Examinations 051-9250012
ineligible for admission to a programme, and even then
they deposit the fee, in such cases, the fee will be 4. Director Students Affairs 051-9250174
refunded after the deduction of 25% as services charges 5. Assistant Registrar (Postgraduate) 051-9057403
from the total amount.
1. Regional Director,
Regional Campus,
Allama Iqbal Open University,
Block No.27, (Services Block)
Ph: (051)9250171(051)9057608)
2. Assistant Regional Director, 3. Regional Director, 4. Assistant Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Campus, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Street No.5, Major TahirSadiq Chak No. 12-A/BC, Near Airport Opposite Allied Park, Near Food
Road, HasilpurBy Pass Road, Godam Railway, By Pass Road,
Dar-ul-Salam Colony, BAHAWALPUR. CHAKWAL.Ph: (0543)553566
ATTOCK. Ph: 0304-9983138-9 E. mail:
Ph: (057)2610610,9316418 E.mail:
5. Regional Director, 6. Regional Director, 7. Regional Director,
Regional Campus, Regional Campus, Regional Campus,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Railway Road, Near Veterinary F-Block, Near STN Tower, Millat 10-X Block, Peoples Colony,
Hospital, Town, GUJRANWALA.
Ph: (064) 9260386-7 Ph: (041) 9330790-3 Email:
Email: Email:
8. Regional Director, 9. Assistant Regional Director, 10. Regional Director,
Regional Campus, Regional Centre, Regional Campus,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Toba Road,Opposite Officers Main Sadar,Dewan Road, 346 - Raza Block,
Colony, JHANG. Zulfiqar Town, Allama Iqbal Town,
Ph: (047) 7630953,7631166 KASUR CITY. LAHORE
Email: Ph: 049-2723723 Ph: (042)99260023-9
Email: Email:
11. Assistant Regional Director, 12. Regional Director, 13. Regional Director, Regional Campus,
Model Study Center, Regional Campus, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, CF-7, Shah Rukn-e-Alam Colony,
Near Sat SiraChowk, Marala Road, Near Under Pass, Near Thana Stop,
Ph: (0546)571171 Ph: (0459) 920024-6 9220202-03
Email: Email: Email:
14. Assistant Regional Director, 15. Deputy Regional Director, 16. Regional Director, Regional Campus,
Regional Centre, Regional Campus, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, House No.CB/190-A, Lane No.4,
Al Huda Street, Amin Colony, Hidayat Campus, Street No.1, Near Maryam Memorial
Near Govt. High School, Near Sheikh Zaid Air Port, Hospital, Peshawar Road,
Ph:(0542)413122, 412122 Ph: (068)9239046, 9239166 Ph: 051-9334264-5
Email: Email: E-mail:
17. Deputy Regional Director, 18. Deputy Regional Director, 19. Deputy Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Centre, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
House No.88, House No. 145, Muradabad Mohallah Mumtaz Pura, Haji Pura,
Main Road Bilal Colony, Colony, Near Daewoo Terminal, Daska Road,
SAHIWAL University Road, SIALKOT.
Ph: (040) 9200457-8 SARGODHACANTT.. Ph: (052)3241300, 3241400
Email: Ph: (048)3211217-8 Email:
20. Regional Director, 21. Deputy Regional Director, 22. Assistant Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Centre, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
House No. P-06, MohallahFaiz House No. 166, Faisal Town, 46-A, Block “Z”, Main Road,
Colony, Qasmia Road, Opposite Govt. Boys Post Model Town,
Ph: (046)9201020, 9201021 Ph: (067)3360636-7 Ph: (063)9330012
Email: Email: Email:
23. Assistant Regional Director, 24. Assistant Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Street No. 01, Jamil Town, Mujahid Abad, Near Jada,
Lahore Road, Near Superior College Main G. T. Road,
Ph: (056)3545041 Ph: (0544)273378-9
Email: Email:
25. Deputy Regional Director, 26. Regional Director, 27. Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Campus, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Bungalow No.46, B1-8, Unit No.02, ST-6, D-I, Block No.14, Bungalow No.A-05, Garden City,
Railway Employee Housing Society, Federal ‘B’ Area, Dadu Road, MORO.
Autobahn Road Latifabad, KARACHI. Ph: 0321-3139843
Near Lal Qila Resurant, Ph: (021) 99246099-101 Email:
HYDERABAD.Ph: (022)9330052-3 Email:
28. Assistant Regional Director, 29. Incharge, 30. Incharge,
Regional Centre, Regional Centre, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Sachal Colony, Banglow No.67, Post Graduate Block, Govt. Boys Banglow/H. No. 74,
Near City Hospital (Bakhtiawar Degree College, Main GhulamullahRaod, Near City
Park), MITHI, School Makli Society,
LARKANA CITY. Ph: (0232)261289, 261631 THATTA. Ph: (0298)920717-8
Ph: (074)9239044 Email: Email:
31. Deputy Regional Director, 32. Incharge, 33. Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Noor Model Study Centre, Model Study Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Plot No. 31, Block-A,Jaffria Co- Old Girls College Hostel, House No.61, Shaheed Zulfiqar
operative Housing Society, Opp: DCO Office, Colony, NearDaro Road, DADU
Shikarpur Road,SUKKUR. UMER KOT. Ph: (025)9239072
Ph: (071)5807213 Email: Email:
Email Ph:(0238) 920010-16
34. Assistant Regional Director,
Model Study Centre Malir,
Allama Iqbal Open University,
First Floor, Plot No. 16, ROW A,
Block II Survey NC 90 DehKhanto,
Sindhi Jamat Cooperative Housing
Society, Bin Qasim Town, District
Ph: 0343-5007948
35. Deputy Regional Director, 36. Assistant Regional Director, 37. Assistant Regional Director,
Regional Campus, Regional Centre, Regional Campus,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Murree Road, Adjacent B.I.S.E, Governor Cottage Road Goldoor, Neli Kothi, Behind District
ABBOTTABAD. Chitral Town, District Lower, Auditorium, District Courts,
Ph: (0992)390925-390927 CHITRAL. DERA ISMAIL KHAN
Email: Ph: (0943) 413811-412138 Ph: (0966) 9280168-9280178
Email: Email:
38. Regional Director, 39. Deputy Regional Director, 40. Deputy Regional Director,
Regional Campus, Regional Centre, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Plot No.14, Sector A-3, Haji Sharzaman Khan Plaza Bunglow No. 237, Sector-E, Sadberg
Phase V, Hayatabad Opposite Govt. Primary School, Road, Sheikh Maltoon Township,
PESHAWAR G.T Road, Post Office MARDAN.
Ph: (091)9217603-6 Rahimabad,SWAT. Ph: (0937)841020, 841030
Email: Ph: (0946)9240205-6 Email:
41. Assistant Regional Director, 42. Deputy Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
House No.43, Sector A/2, Blambat Road,
KOHAT. Ph: 0945-9250070
Ph: 0922-513882 Email:
43. Assistant Regional Director, 44. Assistant Regional Director, 45. Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Centre, Regional Campus,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Bus Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University
Stand Road, Near Ghazali Public Near B & R Rest House, Eastern By Pass Takhtani Road,
School, GolaChowk, KALAT QUETTA
DERA MURAD JAMALI Ph: (0844)210569 Ph: (081)2674429-2674398
Ph: (0838)710375 Email: Email:
46. Deputy Regional Director, 47. Assistant Regional Director, 48. Incharge,
Regional Campus, Regional Centre, Model Study Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University Allama Iqbal Open University,
Pishkan Road, Near Bahria House No.G/176, KhawajaKhail Near Wapda Office,
Collage,GWADAR. House, KhawajaKhailMohallah, KHARAN
Ph: (0864)410300 ZHOB.Ph: 0822-413018 Ph: 0332-8099850
Email: Email: Email:
49. Regional Director, 50. Assistant Regional Director, 51. Regional Director,
Regional Centre, Regional Campus, Model Study Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
Shahra-i-Quaid-i- Azam, Near Elementary College Sundus, Village Thole, Tehsil
Near Army Public School & SKARDU. Sikandarabad, District NAGAR.
College,Khumer Cantt. Ph:(05815)960258, 960915 Ph:0346-9548079
GILGIT. Email:
Ph:(05811) 960378, 960603
52. Deputy Regional Director, 53. Assistant Regional Director, 54. Incharge,
Regional Campus, Regional Campus, Regional Centre,
Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University, Allama Iqbal Open University,
House No.1-A, Sector, F-1, Zero Point, Jalalabad, Officer Colony Near New Rawalakot,
Kotli Road, MUZAFFARABAD (AJK) International Hotel CMH/Bagh Road,
MIRPUR (A.K) Ph: (05822)960839 Supply Bazar,
Ph:05827-960028,960029 Fax: (05822)960840 RAWALAKOT (POONCH) A.K.
Email: Ph: (05824)960241
Fee Rates for
Sr.# Programme
Ordinary Urgent Duplicate
Course Certificate of SSC/HSSC/Bachelor programme/
1. Rs.400/- Rs.800/- Rs.1600/-
Elementary Arabic/Non Credit
2. SSC(Matric)/HSSC(Intermediate)/PTC/CT/ATTC Rs.500/- Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/-
BA/B.Com/BBA(old)/BLIS/BCS/Associate Degree (2 years)/
3. Rs.800/- Rs.1600/- Rs.3200/-
Undergraduate Diploma/Certificate
4. BS / BBA (4 years) Associate Degree (4 years) etc. Rs.1200/- Rs.2400/- Rs.4800/-
5. B. Ed. (old programme) Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/- Rs.4000/-
6. B.Ed. (1.5 years / 2.5 years / 4 years) Rs.1200/- Rs.2400/- Rs.4800/-
7. MA/M.Sc/M.Ed/MBA/M.Com/MBA & MPA Executive Rs.1200/- Rs.2400/- Rs.4800/-
8. Postgraduate Diploma / Certificate Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/- Rs.4000/-
9. M.Phil/MS/LLM/M.Sc (Honors) Rs.2000/- Rs.4000/- Rs.8000/-
10. Ph.D Rs.3000/- Rs.6000/- Rs.12000/