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Zsoka PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Environmental education is assumed to have a significant influence on the environmental awareness,
Received 11 March 2011 everyday lifestyles and consumer behavior of students. Several higher education institutions have
Received in revised form recently recognized the importance of integrating sustainability issues into education to make this
25 October 2012
impact focused and explicit. This paper explores the relationship strength between environmental
Accepted 21 November 2012
education and environmental knowledge, attitudes and reported actual behavior of university and high
Available online 12 December 2012
school students, providing a comparative questionnaire survey analysis which is unique in the literature.
The results show a strong correlation between the intensity of environmental education and the envi-
Environmental education
ronmental knowledge of students. This is partly due to the environmental education itself and partly due
Sustainable consumption to the higher intrinsic motivation of committed students who voluntarily participate in environmental
Environmental awareness education, primarily at university level. The focus of the environmental education appears to be
Consumer behavior important in shaping attitudes about sustainable consumption. Addressing the issue of consumerism in
Multidimensional scaling environmental education clearly increases awareness of the need for consumption-related lifestyle
University students changes. Based on Multidimensional Scaling methodology, the interdependence of several influencing
High school students variables is explored and illustrated graphically. Respondents are classified into five clusters e hedonist,
techno-optimist, active environmentalist, familiar and careless e according to their environmental
knowledge, attitudes, consumer behavior and everyday environmental awareness. Consistencies and
inconsistencies in behavior are then identified in order to promote the creation of more effective
educational instruments for supporting sustainable consumption and lifestyles.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ36 1 482 5063. The two surveys were executed in Autumn 2009 and Spring
E-mail address: agnes.zsoka@uni-corvinus.hu (Á. Zsóka). 2010 and were designed to elicit and allow comparison of the
0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138 127
opinions of university and high school students (here the term In addition to internal factors which are reflected in knowledge,
‘university students’ covers both university and college students attitudes and values, several external factors are also known to
of 18e24 years of age, while ‘high school students’ refers to 14e18 influence pro-environmental behavior. According to Fliegenschnee
year old students from various types of high schools1). and Schelakovsky (1998), these account for 80% of an individual’s
The main assumption behind the research was that the inten- environmental awareness. Important among these are norms,
sity of involvement in environmental education is a significant pressures and traditions transmitted by the social environment
factor in the formation of students’ opinions and behavior (Ajzen, 1985; Widegren, 1998). The behavior of students proves to
regarding environmental issues (see Álvarez Suárez and Vega be most strongly shaped by stimuli arising from the immediate
Marcote, 2010; Wright, 2007, Svanström et al., 2008; Lukman environment (Lukman et al., 2013; Asunta, 2004), including family,
et al., 2013; Lozano, 2006 as well as Zilahy and Huisingh, 2009). friends, neighbors and education. Another key set of external
Hence, the interrelationships between environmental education factors are related to the environmental behavior in question,
and environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior were namely the availability of options and infrastructure, as well as the
examined in the paper. degree of sacrifice entailed (Hines et al., 1986; Stern, 2000;
Arbuthnott, 2009). Kagawa (2007) found that students were most
likely to undertake ‘light green’ activities (like recycling, saving
energy and water, using public transportation and buying organic,
2. Literature about the environmental awareness of students
fair trade and healthy products) which required minor changes in
and its relation to environmental education
lifestyle. Boyes et al. (2008) compared the perceived utility of
specific activities undertaken to mitigate climate change with
2.1. Determinants of students’ environmental awareness
Australian secondary students’ willingness to carry out these
actions. They found that willingness to engage in certain behaviors
Generally, the most important dimensions of an individual’s
often exceeded the perceived climate benefits of those behaviors.
environmental awareness appear to be environmental knowledge,
Typical activities which required little effort and inconvenience
values, attitudes, willingness to act and actual behaviors (Ajzen,
(such as switching off unused electrical appliances and recycling)
1985; Nemcsicsné Zsóka, 2008; Luthans, 2006) which are influ-
were most frequently undertaken. However, students were gener-
enced by several factors including intentional and situational
ally unwilling to give up traveling by car, although this was seen as
elements. Based on a profound value system, knowledge and atti-
being highly influential at preventing climate change. Respondents
tudes are crucial because of their potential impact on behavior
also expressed a reluctance to vote for political solutions such as
(although Csutora (2012) states that even positive, pro-
increased environmental taxation and stricter environmental
environmental behavior does not guarantee a low environmental
regulations, despite the perceived effectiveness of such changes. In
their conclusion, Boyes et al. (2008) state that environmental
‘Environmental knowledge’ is a term used to mean knowledge
education has the highest potential for fostering behavioral change
and awareness about environmental problems and possible solu-
with activities (such as eating less meat or paying more for
tions to those problems. An increase in knowledge about environ-
renewable electricity) where students have an (originally low)
mental problems may raise peoples’ concern and awareness
willingness to engage, but where willingness steeply increases
however, it does not necessarily result in behavioral changes,
along with the perceived utility of the action.
(Kollmuss and Agyeman, 2002; Bamberg and Möser, 2007). ‘Atti-
Obviously, environmental education may impact students’ pro-
tudes’ (being related to concrete situations and objects, positively or
environmental behavior in several ways, including the transfer of
negatively, with special intensity and relevance (Rokeach, 1968))
knowledge and values, as well as providing examples and shaping
were assessed in relation to environmental education,
the school as a social setting. The cited research findings also show
environmentally-aware lifestyles, consumption habits and
that interest in environmental topics and commitment to them is
different solutions to environmental problems. Changes in atti-
crucial in determining the relationship between environmental
tudes and values are necessary drivers for action, but are insuffi-
knowledge and pro-environmental behavior. This suggests that the
cient to alter behavior in a predictable way (Arbuthnott, 2009;
new challenge for environmental education is to effectively go
Marjainé et al., 2011).
beyond the role of simply transferring knowledge (see Section 2.3).
Environmental knowledge and pro-environmental attitudes are
highly interconnected; according to Bamberg (2003) they
2.2. Perceived role of technological development and modest
strengthen each other, especially in information-seeking about
consumer behavior in tackling environmental problems
environmental issues. Regarding the environmental knowledge of
students, Asunta (2004) observed in her survey of 13e15 year old
A crucial issue today is whether society can rely solely on
Finnish and German students that the number of sources students
technological progress and increasing eco-efficiency to achieve
use to gather information about the environment increases with
environmental sustainability (see Jänicke, 2008 for a discussion of
the students’ class grade. Michalos et al. (2009) compared pro-
the ecological modernization paradigm), or whether structural
environmental and sustainable behaviors across a sample of
solutions involving a reduction in personal consumption and
Canadian adults and students aged 10e18. For adults, having
economic growth are inevitable (Rees, 2010; Sneddon et al., 2006;
a favorable attitude towards the environment and sustainable
Waas et al., 2011). Based on mind maps drawn up for Danish
development was a far more important determinant of behavior
students (aged 12e19 years) to represent present and future
than knowledge about these issues (Kagawa, 2007 also found the
consumption, Benn (2004) found that students widely believed
same for university students), but for high school students the
that technological development would be adequate to deal with
importance of knowledge and attitudes as behavioral drivers was
environmental problems in the future and consumption would
about equal.
only be restricted by financial limitations. In contrast, less than 20%
of Australian senior secondary school students, surveyed by
As the terms ‘high school’ and ‘secondary’ students may refer to different age
Worsley and Skrzypiec (1998) held similarly optimistic views about
categories in school systems around the world, in the literature review we use the technology, but this does not mean that they were correspondingly
original categories intended by the authors of cited papers. willing to reduce their consumption. Boyes et al. (2008) found that
128 Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138
not only is the willingness of teenagers to reduce personal development of these competencies is more important than the
consumption limited, but their awareness about the utility of such acquisition of knowledge. Competencies e unlike knowledge e can
sacrifices is also low. In Kagawa’s research (2007), university only be learned, not taught, so the learning setting for sustainability
students tended to agree with radical statements about environ- has to be designed in a way which provides students with the
mental issues but refused to make radical changes in their personal autonomy required to direct the learning process, as well as
lives or at community and societal levels. The need to maintain offering opportunities for collaboration. Self directed learning and
economic growth as a goal was not questioned. the importance of practical experience are also emphasized by
The failure to make the connection between consumerism and Dieleman and Huisingh (2006), Steiner and Posch (2006) and
environmental problems is often attributed to the weakness and Svanström et al. (2008). According to Sibbel (2009) “the curriculum
inadequacy of environmental education (Benn, 2004; Kagawa, should include experiences which lead to a greater awareness of
2007; Boyes et al., 2008), indicating the need to change the focus social and moral responsibilities. In particular, greater self-
of environmental education in order to create more effective awareness of personal value systems and a willingness to revise
solutions to environmental issues of concern. them is required to prepare graduates for works towards sustain-
ability” (p. 79). Providing students with all the skills necessary to
2.3. The challenge for environmental education become change agents is a fairly challenging task for environmental
education programs and curricula; reality indicates only partial
As a consequence of the aforementioned discussion of cognitive/ success so far. The main goal of environmental education should
behavioral issues, the biggest challenge for environmental educa- thus be to engage students with a complex toolset e containing
tion seems to be how to encourage sustainable lifestyles and cognitive, affective and conative elements e which fosters behav-
discourage the unsustainable lifestyles of students by providing ioral change.
them with tools which are effective enough to make a broader
societal impact (Fien, 2002; Sibbel, 2009). Littledyke (2006) 3. Survey design and methodology
stresses the need for strategically connecting the cognitive and
affective domains of environmental education. This is also sup- 3.1. Research objective and assumptions
ported by Álvarez Suárez and Vega Marcote (2010) who tested an
experimental didactic model on secondary school students, The objective of the research was to uncover how strong is the
concluding that attitude-focused teaching methods can be more relationship between environmental education and the knowledge,
successful in evoking behavior changes in students than the use of attitudes and actual behaviors of high school and university
purely knowledge-oriented tools. students in Hungary. The ultimate goal of the research was to
In accordance with Leeming and Porter (1997, see above), formulate recommendations for environmental education in
Kagawa (2007) states that in a “rapidly changing and uncertain Hungary in order to effectively foster more sustainable student
world faced by sustainability-oriented challenges, higher education behaviors at both high school and university level. The research is
needs to play an increasingly significant role in helping students exploratory in nature, although based on some preliminary expe-
become active, responsible citizens” (Kagawa, 2007, p. 335). For rience in this area (see Marjainé et al., 2010).
environmental education to be successful, strengthening respon- The main assumptions of the research were the following:
sibility is definitely key, both in high school and at university where
innovative approaches are required to effectively prepare students a) Levels of environmental knowledge would strongly correlate to
to deal with environmental and sustainability issues. the intensity of students’ environmental education (see Asunta,
In recent years, higher education for sustainable development 2004; Michalos et al., 2009; Marjainé et al., 2010).
(HESD) has emerged as being a field of enquiry which seeks to b) Environmental knowledge, pro-environmental attitudes,
understand how sustainability may be advanced in the curriculums consumer behavior and the everyday lifestyles of students are
and operational activities of higher education institutions (Lozano, strongly interrelated factors which are not consistently corre-
2010; Waas et al., 2010). One of the main objectives of HESD is to lated (see Bamberg, 2003; Kagawa, 2007; Boyes et al., 2008 and
play the traditional role of transforming societies and serving the Michalos et al., 2009).
greater public good (Fien, 2002; Wright, 2007, Waas et al., 2010; c) University students would be more aware of environmental
Stephens et al., 2008). According to Zilahy and Huisingh (2009, p. issues than high school students, due to the extent and focus of
1058) “universities are increasingly moving beyond the old science environmental education, as well as their ages (see Asunta,
driven model and realize that their roles in society are broader than 2004).
was the norm earlier”. Higher education institutions also have d) The role of technological development would be more opti-
a tendency to be conservative and resist change, which makes this mistically evaluated in the younger cohort (the high school
transformation process rather difficult (Ferrer-Balas et al., 2010). sample) while the need for consumption-related behavioral
Lozano (2006) states that universities typically focus on the topic of changes would be more clearly stressed by university students
resource depletion, while incorporation of the much broader issue due to the different focus of environmental education at
of sustainability requires radical innovation which is usually different levels (see Benn, 2004 and Boyes et al., 2008).
accompanied by resistance and conflict. e) Regarding environmental awareness and consumer behavior,
In order to foster behavioral change through education, some typical clusters e hedonist, modest, uninterested and
Svanström et al. (2008) points out the importance of systemic and mixed groups e will be identifiable (see Marjainé et al., 2010).
holistic thinking, the integration of different perspectives, the
promotion of skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking,
creative thinking, self-learning, communication and teamwork and 3.2. Sampling, methodology and limitations
becoming an effective change agent. “Transformative learning” is
essential (see Wals et al., 2006) to make students able to integrate, In order to test these assumptions, a survey was prepared for
connect, confront and reconcile multiple ways of thinking and university (age 18e24) and high school (age 14e18) cohorts. Univer-
handle uncertainty. Burandt and Barth (2010) adopt a similar view, sity students from 23 of the country’s 70 universities and colleges were
stressing that, when dealing with sustainability issues, the surveyed on-line during October and November 2009. 2998
Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138 129
respondents were ultimately included in the sample (502 respondents while 29% of university students reported that they had not heard
were excluded due to incomplete responses). University students about the environment during their course of studies (envedu0). Of
came from several fields of study (economics, medicine, law, engi- course, university students have most probably already heard
neering, the humanities). The representativeness of the sample could about environmental issues during their high school education. The
not be verified as the composition of the total population is unknown; proportion of high school students who could name three or more
however, sample size allows us to draw some general conclusions. The subjects in which the environment was mentioned (enveduþ) was
high school questionnaire was completed at three institutions e two about the same as that of university students who had taken
from Budapest, and one from a village. It was completed individually specific environment-related courses (35%). 14% of the university
by students during class time, supervised (but not moderated) by sample were specializing in environmental issues at the time of
a teacher. The sample is not representative but its size (770 respon- sampling; this proportion was 0% for the high school sample
dents) makes statistical analysis possible and reasonable. (enveduþþ).
In addition to lacking representativeness, further limitations of No difference was found between high school and university
the research should be mentioned. The sample sizes do not corre- students regarding how well they reported being informed about
spond to the proportion of university and high school students in environmental issues: the vast majority of respondents (74%) re-
Hungary (the university sample is proportionately far larger). In the ported to being ‘fairly well informed’ (inf_good); about 9% ‘very well
case of university students a self-selection bias can be anticipated informed’ (infþþ); about 16% ‘fairly badly informed’ and about 1%
as surveying took place online, while at the high schools every ‘very badly informed’ (the latter two are combined in inf_low).
student from the selected classes was asked to respond. Moreover, However, students at different levels of education seem to have
university students have the option of specializing in environ- different drivers and information sources for their environmental
mental issues while this option does not exist at the high school knowledge (see Fig. 1). University students tended to be indepen-
level in Hungary (thus more non-committed students in the high dently motivated to acquire knowledge, followed by education and
school sample may be predicted than for the university sample). the media as information sources. Friends and acquaintances were
Finally, questions were not in every case formulated in exactly the at the bottom of the list (parents, siblings and individual teachers
same way which was necessary because of the differences in age were not included on the list in the university survey). High school
and assumed knowledge of terminology of the two cohorts. The students ranked the media first, and then own interest, with
analysis described herein focused on comparable questions; any education following last (some way below). The importance of the
differences in the questionnaire structure are highlighted. Internet as a source of information was relatively high for high
In addition to basic statistical analyses (frequencies and cross- school students. Parents, siblings, friends, acquaintances and
tabs), multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis were certain teachers also appeared as sources of information).
performed on the data. MDS is a powerful, complex methodological Results indicate that university students are far more purposeful
tool which can provide a comprehensive graphical view of the most and their interests as well as their information-seeking behaviors
important patterns in a sample and indicate the relationships are shaped more by internal than external factors. This stems partly
between variables and respondents. Multidimensional scaling can be from the fact that university students voluntarily take part in their
used for mapping the location of variables or cases based on simi- own environmental education, which is not the case for high school
larities or differences between them. Through an iterative process, students.
MDS adjusts the positions of variables/cases so that the distance Actual knowledge about the environment was appraised based
between any pair of variables/cases is equal to the dissimilarity of on how many environmental problems students could list (probl0
their corresponding survey answers. Answers to questions (i.e. the to probl4þ). The average number of problems named by high school
values of variables) which often occur together in responses are students was far fewer (2.0) than for the university sample (3.5).
located near each other; responses to questions which only very The difference is largely due to the fact that 18.8% of high school
rarely occur together are spaced far apart. The process simulta- students were not able to name any problems, while this was true
neously adjusts all the positions so that the resulting figure repre- for only 2.3% of the university sample. The most important prob-
sents a best fit for the data (for more on MDS and its limits see lems mentioned for both samples were water pollution, climate
Steyvers, 2002; Buja et al., 2008). Results are graphically illustrated change, air pollution, biodiversity loss and the growing amounts of
in a two-dimensional space (for further description of the utility of waste and man-made catastrophes.
the MDS methodology see Holloway, 1990).
Survey results are presented following the logic of the literature
review and research outline described above. An issue-specific
interpretation of results is followed by a description of the
outcome of the MDS analysis. Variables to be included in the MDS
analysis are indicated in italics (in brackets) during the issue-
specific interpretation for reasons of clarity.
4. Empirical results
Fig. 2. Do you agree with the statement that to solve environmental problems, it Fig. 4. Average frequency of buying consumer goods (on a scale of 1: more than once
would also be necessary to reduce consumption? a week to 7: less than once a year).
Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138 131
Table 1
Variables included in the multidimensional scaling analysis and characteristics of clusters created by cluster analysis (data may be understood as being percentages).
Table 1 (continued )
are much less important and a dislike for shopping is uncommon Attitudes about transport were examined by asking respondents
(Fig. 6). whether they would use a certain mode of transport (bike, tram
Respondents from the two samples seem to differ in their and car were the variables used for the MDS analysis) more
standards of living: while three quarters of the high school students frequently under improved circumstances (such as better storage
considered their standard of living to be above the average of their facilities for bikes, more frequent public transport, cheaper gasoline
peers, this proportion was 59.5% for university students. These for cars). Given more favorable circumstances, bikes would be
results can be compared with the actual sums reportedly spent by significantly more preferred by university than by high school
the respondents on various products. High school students spend students, while cars would be the preferred mode of transport of
significantly more money on consumer goods (HUF 11273 on high school students in much higher proportions. Responses about
average) than university students (HUF 7740 on average) and this the use of public transport are greatly distorted by those who
finding also holds true for leisure activities (HUF 11500 vs. 8912). already travel using this method of transportation, but correcting
High school students in the sample obviously had much more for these answers it is possible to say that 69% of the remaining high
money to spend than university students as the former tend to school and 60% of the remaining university students would switch
completely rely on their parents for financing while the latter have to public transport if conditions improved.
(at least partly) to earn their spending money themselves as well as Interestingly, the desire of high school students to switch to
finance their housing arrangements. using a car was independent from the distance they had to travel,
and this was also true of public transport. Only in the case of
4.3. Pro-environmental behavior bicycles did we find the expected inversely proportionate rela-
tionship to distance. In both samples, the desired mode of transport
The ‘pro-environmental behavior’ of students was characterized was related to the current mode: those who walked or traveled by
through analysis of transport habits and everyday lifestyle choices. public transport at the time of surveying reported that they were
Transport habits are partly determined by the distance of the school more willing to switch to bikes than car-users. Public transport
from home as well as by the modes of transport available. High would be most preferred by those who currently use it in combi-
school students surveyed live, on average, further from their nation with driving, probably because they were obliged to use
schools than university students. This characteristic is independent P þ R solutions due to the inadequacy of public transport. In the
of environmental attitude but has a great influence on choice of high school sample, those who used bikes would not choose to
transport. A far bigger proportion of university students (32%) walk travel by car even if they could.
to their place of study than high school students (10%), while the Regarding everyday behavior, the vast majority (93.5%) of
latter use public transport much more often (74% vs. 45%). It is university students consider themselves to be more environmen-
understandably more common for university students to use their tally conscious than their peers, while this proportion is ‘only’ 65%
own cars, while ‘park and ride’ transportation is more commonly for high school students. Their self-reported consumption habits
used by high school students (and their parents), probably also due certainly justify this claim in favor of the university group but it
to the greater distances. Traveling by bike was more common for should be noted that a self-reporting bias is present for this sample
the university sample. In both groups about 13e15% of the students group. How the survey question about everyday activities was
use a car everyday in some way. formulated may also influence responses in a positive direction for
Fig. 5. Characteristics of shopping behavior (on a scale of 1: not at all typical of me to Fig. 6. How much do the following factors hold you back from shopping more? (on
6: very typical of me). a scale of 1: does not hold me back at all to 6: holds me back strongly).
Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138 133
the university sample (due to the fact that someone might perform
a certain activity only on an occasional basis but this would be
counted as a positive response), but the differences are much larger
than expected for almost every pro-environmental activity (see
Fig. 7).
University students reportedly engaged (at least occasionally) in
almost all the listed forms of pro-environmental behavior. The
three most common environmental activities are compressing
plastic bottles before discarding them (regularly done by 81%);
collecting hazardous waste separately (68%) and choosing envi-
ronmentally friendly modes of transport (67%). Interestingly, 21% of
them never collect their waste selectively. Three other activities are
done infrequently: 39% never consider the manufacturers’ reputa-
tion when buying something, 34% never buy products with an
environmental label and 26% never try to use fewer chemicals
when cleaning the house. This experience clearly reflects the focus
of promoted activities in social communication (similar results
were found using a representative survey of 1000 Hungarian adult
respondents, see Zsóka, 2011).
High school students undertake their pro-environmental
activities mainly in accordance with the behavior of their fami-
lies. Just as with the university sample, the majority travel in an Fig. 8. What are the main factors preventing you from living in a more environmen-
environmentally friendly way, compress bottles before discarding tally conscious way? (%, up to three answers could be chosen).
and collect hazardous waste separately. However, pro-
environmental shopping-related activity is rare: 74% never buy
products with an environmental label, 71% do not pay attention to University students are very clear about two barriers: a lack of
buying local products and 62% do not make efforts to reduce the use money and a lack of the necessary structural conditions for living in
of disposable products. These findings support our previous an environmentally friendly way. These items were cited by many
observation that high school students fail to make a connection university respondents (in significantly higher proportions than for
between shopping habits and the state of the environment. the high school sample). For the high school sample, a lack of
However, around half of them nevertheless do engage in several information and the shortcomings of their own knowledge about
types of pro-environmental behaviors, offering an entry point for environmental issues also appear to be problems. Interestingly, the
further environmental education. share of respondents who reported that ‘reasons of convenience’
Here, aggregation was employed in the MDS analysis (from act0 were a barrier was similarly high in both groups e an issue that can
meaning a low level of activity, to actþþ meaning a high level of and should be improved through environmental education. About
pro-environmental activity). a fifth of respondents from both samples report that they already
An environmentally-conscious lifestyle is often restricted by live in an environmentally friendly way. The share of those who
perceived barriers (see Fig. 8). doubt the severity of environmental problems or believe that one
person’s actions do not make a difference are very low in the
university sample but slightly higher in the high school group.
These results clearly show that an increase in knowledge and the
creation of better framework conditions could have a positive effect
on the behavior of students.
We also asked respondents about their willingness to pay slightly
more for environmentally friendly products. In the MDS analysis
the variables range from paymore (meaning strong disagree-
ment) to paymoreþþ (indicating strong agreement).
Fig. 9. Distance of the variables in a two-dimensional space: knowledge and value oriented edition of the multidimensional scaling output (see legend in Table 1).
approximate the distances between pairs of objects. Each variable is other. Variables which (visually) appear close (i.e. are similar) to
represented by a point in a two-dimensional space. The points are each other may be considered as being parts of distinct clusters.
arranged in this space so that the distances between pairs of points Obviously, age appears to be related to environmental
have the strongest possible relation to the similarities between the consciousness. Beyond years of education, age itself can play a role
pairs of variables (that is; two similar variables are represented by in this phenomenon, as people usually become more conscious and
two points that are close together, and two dissimilar variables are responsible while growing up. Here, further research would be
represented by two points that are far apart (see Chapter 7 in necessary to distinguish the impact of education from that of age.
Young, 1985)). Calculations were carried out using SPSS (PASW Fig. 10 adds further detail to the overall picture. A high level of
Statistics 18). The ALSCAL (alternating least squares approach to information (infþþ, see Fig. 9) occurs together with the willingness
scaling) algorithm was used which optimizes the fit of squared to paymore for environmentally friendly products (paymoreþþ)
Euclidean distances to the dissimilarities. Data distances were and with a pessimistic attitude towards technological development
created using the Lance-Williams binary distance method. Young’s as a solution to environmental problems (techpessþþ). The char-
S-Stress formula is .37127 which is acceptable as 58 variables were acteristics of consumer behavior are also close to each other,
used (constructed from 14 different questionnaire items).2 meaning that modest, less hedonistic consumer behavior (con-
Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 illustrate the distances between the analyzed sum0) and a low frequency of buying consumer goods and services
variables. Two graphs were prepared for the sake of transparency (buy0 and buy1) are in the same region, together with strong
but they are both the output of the same MDS procedure, reflecting agreement about the necessity of reducing consumption for the
the same space and dimensions for all variables (see the ‘edugood’ purpose of promoting sustainability (lowCþþ) and with a strong
variables included in both graphs for illustration). belief in the effectiveness of environmental education in positively
Based on the content of the variables (see Table 1), clear state- changing behavior (edugoodþþ). Again, the same is true for those
ments can be made about the relationships between variables and variables which represent ‘negative’ attitudes or behaviors (con-
the consistency of environmental awareness in the total sample. sum3, buy4, techoptþþ, lowC, edugood), which are close to
Obviously, a high level of environmental knowledge (reflected in each other in the display.
information (infþþ) and the high number of environmental prob-
lems mentioned (prbl 4þ) are close to a high level of environmental 5.2. Clustering respondents using MDS analysis
education (enveduþþ), in line with a positive opinion about the
effects of environmental education on behavior shaping To organize information about sample respondents, cluster
(edugoodþþ). A pro-environmental lifestyle is reflected in a high analysis (K-means cluster analysis using SPSS) was used at first. The
level of action (actþþ) which is very much in accordance with the aim was to reveal groups which are highly homogenous internally
willingness to use environmentally friendly modes of transport (i.e. members are similar to one another) but highly heterogeneous
(e.g. bike or tram) under better conditions and with the perception externally. In order to do this: (1) five initial cluster centers were
of there being no barriers to living a more environmentally computed using a random sample of 400 cases; (2) these cluster
conscious life because the respondent is already conscious enough centers were used as initial clusters, then a second random sample
(barrgoodenough). The opposite is true for the negative responses. of 800 cases was developed and these cluster centers were updated
Environmentally ‘careless’ behavior is also displayed consistently as iteratively; (3) the whole sample (N ¼ 3726) was classified around
the ‘don’t know’ types of answers (i.e. variables) are close to each the five cluster centers gained by the previous steps. For detailed
information about our final clusters see Table 1. In each case the
cluster name represents the most characteristic feature of the
variables behind the clustering.
According to Sturrock and Rocha (2000) the S-Stress threshold for a two-
To visualize the relationships between the clusters multidi-
dimensional 58-variable MDS analysis is .375. According to this, there is a less mensional scaling was again used. Several random samples of 100
than 1% chance that the variables analyzed are without any structure. respondents were first developed (the maximum capacity of the
Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138 135
Fig. 10. Distance of the variables in a two-dimensional space: consumer behavior oriented edition of the multidimensional scaling output (see legend in Table 1).
MDS-algorithm in SPSS is limited to 100 cases). Second, the iden- environmental problems, consume modestly and are aware of the
tified cluster memberships of these random cases were identified benefits of sustainable consumption. They are mainly university
in a two-dimensional space for every sample. As a proxy and students with a very positive attitude about the effectiveness of
summary of cluster positions Fig. 11 was produced as a map of environmental education. 18% specialize in environmental issues.
clusters. This indicates that MDS is somewhat superior to pure The Familiar cluster includes 1079 respondents who are obvi-
cluster analysis as it shows overall distances between clusters more ously familiar with environmental issues and display rather similar
graphically. Neighboring or overlapping clusters (e.g. “Familiar” and features to the Active group except that they are younger, demon-
“Active”) have more in common than distant clusters (e.g. “Active” strate less everyday pro-environmental behavior and are less
and “Hedonist”). What is more, this two-dimensional space of cases committed to opting for environmentally sound modes of trans-
is highly similar to the two-dimensional space of variables shown port.
above: typical variables for a specific cluster and the cluster itself The Techno-optimist cluster (Technopt) contains 802
are usually in roughly the same place on their own map (see for members, 80% of whom believe in the potential of technological
example the position of the cluster of “Hedonists” on the map in progress to solve environmental problems. Members can be found
Fig. 11 at bottom right and the position of the variable “strongly both among the younger university cohort and in the high school
disagree with lowering consumption”/lowC/on the map in student sample. The level of their environmental engagement is
Fig. 10). considerably lower than that of the Active and the Familiar clusters.
The 819 members of the Active cluster appear to be rather Almost half of them would opt to travel by car more often.
consistent in their environmental consciousness. They are very The Hedonist cluster with 533 members can be characterized
active in everyday pro-environmental activities, know much about by its highly hedonistic consumer behavior, high purchasing
Fig. 11. Positioning of clusters of respondents in the two-dimensional space of the multidimensional scaling analysis (see legend in Table 1).
136 Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138
frequency, convenience-orientation (83% of respondents would As ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘sustainable lifestyles’ are
prefer to use the car more often), negative attitude towards continually given increasing importance in the literature and policy
reducing consumption and a very low frequency of everyday making, the contribution of environmental education to the
environmental activities. Most members of this cluster (79%) are awareness-raising process and to promoting desirable behavioral
high school students. changes is of crucial importance. According to the results of our
Finally, the 493 members of the Careless cluster are those who research, participation in environmental education and the belief
have not participated in environmental education yet, do not that environmental education is able to foster behavioral change
believe in the positive effects of environmental education, do not are closely related. This is either because committed students
practice pro-environmental activities and often responded to specialize in environmental issues and expect environmental
questions by selecting the “I don’t know” option. Their ages are education to achieve its goal of awareness-raising, or (and) because
variable. they perceive the positive impacts of environmental education on
The clusters clearly represent differences in behavior and their own lives. The exact causal relationship is difficult to identify.
environmental awareness. It is obvious that levels of environmental As seen in the literature review, several researchers (see
knowledge, attitudes towards a pro-environmental lifestyle, Bamberg, 2003; Littledyke, 2006; Kagawa, 2007; Michalos et al.,
consumption, environmental education and actual everyday 2009; Álvarez Suárez and Vega Marcote, 2010) have stressed the
behaviors are significantly related and result in more or less importance of attitude shaping in environmental education which
consistent patterns of behavior. means going beyond the goal of simply providing knowledge to
students. Our results support the findings of the quoted studies in
6. Discussion the sense that participation in environmental education and
specialization in this area were very strongly correlated to pro-
Our research was designed to provide a comprehensive over- environmental attitudes and higher affective awareness, in addi-
view of the relationship between environmental education and tion to a higher level of knowledge.
elements of the pro-environmental behavior (knowledge, attitudes However, the limitations of the research must be noted when
and reported actual behavior) of students. The comparative analysis formulating conclusions and implications. The main limitation of
of students at different levels of education and specialization is the survey is that representativeness was not ensured, which
unique in the literature, as surveys usually focus on either level. In prevents us from generalizing conclusions for the total population
spite of its complicated nature, we deliberately chose to undertake of students in Hungary. The university sample, with its high
a comparative analysis to highlight the differences in the pro- number of respondents, provides a more reliable basis for general
environmental behavior of students which result from their statements, but the high school sample would definitely benefit
education. from supplementary research (e.g. increasing the sample size),
Regarding coherent pro-environmental behavior, our survey even if different types of schools were involved in the survey.
results definitely support the arguments of Kollmuss and Agyeman
(2002), Bamberg and Möser (2007), and Arbuthnott (2009) by 7. Conclusions
indicating that environmental knowledge and attitudes are not
fully reflected in everyday activities. However, the level of envi- The causalities between environmental education and pro-
ronmental knowledge, commitment, and environmentally environmental behaviors are difficult to measure in a reliable
conscious action are found to be strongly interrelated and they way. The range of aspects which influences the behavior of high
significantly correlate with the intensity of environmental educa- school and university students is very wide and the interrelation-
tion (as graphically shown in the output of the MDS analysis). ship of those aspects is rather complex. It is difficult therefore to
Further research would clearly be necessary to establish causal separate the effects of environmental education from the many
links between the investigated variables. other factors (e.g. the role of age in personal responsibility, the
The university sample demonstrated a significantly higher level impacts of various information sources, habits and norms). Recent
of environmental knowledge than the high school cohort. This is surveys carried out on university and/or high school students have
partly due to their higher level of education and their age, but also mainly focused on knowledge, attitudes and behavior patterns and
because of the fact that the university students were surveyed on- have analyzed relationships rather than causalities. The impact of
line on a fully voluntary basis, while high school students environmental education has not been directly measured in those
completed the questionnaire in the classroom, not really having the pieces of research and a clear delineation can be identified between
option to not respond. Self-reporting bias can be observed in both research which focuses on interrelated behavior patterns and
samples. policy papers which address the challenges of and strategies for
Opinions about the perceived environmental benefits of tech- environmental education. Consequently, a lesson derived from
nological development were similar for the two samples (and were both a literature review and our survey is that there is a need to
basically in line with results of Benn, 2004). Techno-optimism was define and utilize research methods which are better able to assess
found to be in an inverse relationship to environmental awareness. the effectiveness of environmental education in shaping the
Regarding consumption, university students perceived the impor- behavior of students.
tance of changing consumption patterns more clearly, which may When comparing the two samples, environmental awareness
derive from the different focus of environmental education at the proved to be considerably higher in the university sample, not only
high school and university levels, as well as from age. The according to respondents’ self-assessment, but also with consumer
consumption patterns of students were in line with those beliefs, behavior and the practice of pro-environmental activities. In both
and we came to the unexpected conclusion that university students sample groups, ‘light green’ activities were most preferred, but
(at least in the sample analyzed) were significantly less hedonistic university students proved to be much more aware of the inter-
in their consumption activities than their high school counterparts. connection between consumption and environmental issues.
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purposeful and their interests and information-seeking behaviors main findings, while illustrating the distance of variables from each
were shaped more by internal than external factors, in contrast other (multidimensional scaling) and the distance of respondents
with high school students (for comparison, see Asunta, 2004). based on those variables (cluster analysis) in a transparent and
Á. Zsóka et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 48 (2013) 126e138 137
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